Exhibit 3(c)
                     ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC.
                       AS OF JULY 6, 1998

     Section 1. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the
Corporation for the election of directors and such other business
as shall properly come before such meeting shall be held in May
of each year on a date and at a time and place to be fixed by the
Board of Directors of the Company at least thirty (30) days
before the date of such meeting so fixed.
     Section 2. Special meetings of the stockholders may be held
at the registered office of the Corporation in the City of New
Orleans, Louisiana, or at such other place or places as the Board
of Directors may from time to time determine.
     Section 3. Special meetings of the stockholders of the
Corporation may be held upon the order of the chief executive
officer (whether the Chairman of the Board or the President), the
Board of Directors, the Executive Committee or of stockholders of
record holding one-fourth of the outstanding stock entitled to
vote at such meetings.
     Section 4. Notice of every meeting of the stockholders shall
be given in the manner provided by law to each stockholder
entitled thereto unless waived by such stockholder.
     Section 5. The holders of a majority of the outstanding
stock of the Corporation entitled to vote upon any matter to be
acted upon present in person or by proxy shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of
stockholders but less than a quorum shall have power to adjourn.
     Section 6. Certificates of stock shall be signed by the
President or a Vice President and the Treasurer or an Assistant
Treasurer or the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and sealed
with the seal of the Corporation. If certificates of stock of
this Corporation are countersigned by a transfer agent or by a
registrar, other than the Corporation itself, the signatures
thereon of the Corporation's officers may be facsimiles. In case
any officer or officers who shall have signed, or whose facsimile
signature or signatures shall have been used on any such
certificate or certificates, shall cease to be such officer or
officers of this Corporation, whether because of death,
resignation or otherwise, before such certificate or certificates
shall have been delivered by this Corporation, such certificate
or certificates may, nevertheless, be adopted by the Board of
Directors of this Corporation and be issued and delivered as
though the person or persons who signed such certificate or
certificates or whose facsimile signature or signatures shall
have been used thereon had not ceased to be such officer or
officers of this Corporation. Any stock certificates bearing
facsimile signatures of officers of this Corporation, as above
provided, may also bear a facsimile of the seal of this
     Section 7. The stock of the Corporation shall be
transferable or assignable only on the books of the Corporation
by the holders in person or by attorney on the surrender of the
certificates therefor duly endorsed for transfer.
     Section 8. Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held
within or without the State of Louisiana, at the times fixed by
resolution of the Board or upon the order of the Chairman of the
Board or the President or a Vice President or any two directors.
Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held by means of
telephone conference calls, in which connection (a) the directors
may participate in and hold such a meeting by means of conference
telephone or similar communications equipment provided that all
persons participating in the meeting can hear and communicate
with each other, and (b) participation in such a meeting shall
constitute presence in person at such meeting except where such
participation is for the express purpose of objecting to the
transaction of any business on the ground that the meeting is not
lawfully called or convened. The Secretary or other officer
performing his duties shall give at least two days' notice of all
meetings of directors, provided, however, that a meeting may be
held immediately after the annual election of directors without
notice, and that a meeting may be held at any other time without
notice if all the directors are present or those not present
waive notice either before, at or after the meeting. Notice by
mail or telegraph to the usual business or residence address of
the director at least two days before the meeting shall be
     The Board of Directors shall designate one of its members as
Chairman of the Board.  The position of Chairman of the Board  is
not  an  officer position; therefore, the Chairman of  the  Board
need not be an officer of the Corporation.
     Section 9. The Board of Directors shall elect individuals to
occupy at least three executive offices: President, Secretary and
Treasurer.  In its discretion, the Board of Directors  may  elect
individuals  to  occupy other executive offices, including  Chief
Executive  Officer, Vice Chairman, Chief Operating Officer,  Vice
President  and  such other executive offices as the  Board  shall
designate.  Officers  shall be elected annually  and  shall  hold
office  until  their respective successors shall have  been  duly
elected  and qualified, or until such officer shall have died  or
resigned or shall have been removed by majority vote of the whole
Board.  To  the  extent permitted by the laws  of  the  State  of
Louisiana, individuals may occupy more than one office.
     President.   The President shall perform duties incident  to
the  office of a president of a corporation and such other duties
as  from  time  to time may be assigned to him by  the  Board  of
Directors,  by  the  Executive Committee or,  if  the  Board  has
elected  a  Chief  Executive Officer and if the  Chief  Executive
Officer is not the President, by the Chief Executive Officer.
     Vice  Presidents. Each Vice President shall have such powers
and  shall  perform  such duties as from  time  to  time  may  be
conferred  upon or assigned to him by the Board of  Directors  or
the  Executive Committee, or as may be delegated to  him  by  the
President or the Chief Executive Officer.
     Secretary.  The  Secretary shall keep  the  minutes  of  all
meetings  of  the stockholders and of the Board of  Directors  in
books  provided for the purpose; shall see that all  notices  are
duly  given  in accordance with the provisions of law  and  these
bylaws;  shall  be custodian of the records and of the  corporate
seal  of  the Corporation; shall see that the corporate  seal  is
affixed to all documents the execution of which under the seal is
duly  authorized, and when the seal is so affixed he  may  attest
the  same;  may  sign, with the Chairman of  the  Board,  a  Vice
Chairman,  the  President  or a Vice President,  certificates  of
stock  of  the  Corporation; and, in general, shall  perform  all
duties  incident to the office of a secretary of  a  corporation,
and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to the
Secretary  by  the Chief Executive Officer, the Chairman  of  the
Board, a Vice Chairman, the President, the Board of Directors  or
the Executive Committee.
     The  Secretary shall also keep, or cause to be kept, a stock
book,  containing  the  name,  alphabetically  arranged,  of  all
persons  who  are stockholders of the Corporation, showing  their
places   of  residence,  the  number  of  shares  held  by   them
respectively,  and  the  time when they respectively  became  the
owners thereof.
     Treasurer.  The  Treasurer  shall  have  charge  of  and  be
responsible for all funds, securities, receipts and disbursements
of  the Corporation, and shall deposit, or cause to be deposited,
in  the  name  of  the Corporation, all moneys or other  valuable
effects  in such banks, trust companies or other depositories  as
shall,  from time to time, be selected by the Board of Directors.
The  Treasurer  may  endorse  for collection  on  behalf  of  the
Corporation,  checks,  notes  and  other  obligations;  may  sign
receipts and vouchers for payments made to the Corporation singly
or  jointly  with  another person as the Board of  Directors  may
authorize;  may sign checks of the Corporation and  pay  out  and
dispose  of the proceeds under the direction of the Board;  shall
render or cause to be rendered to the Chairman of the Board,  the
President  and  the  Board of Directors, whenever  requested,  an
account of the financial condition of the Corporation; may  sign,
with the Chairman of the Board, a Vice Chairman, the President or
a  Vice President, certificates of stock of the Corporation; and,
in  general, shall perform all the duties incident to the  office
of  a  treasurer of a corporation, and such other duties as  from
time to time may be assigned to him by the Chairman of the Board,
a  Vice  Chairman, the President, the Board of Directors  or  the
Executive Committee.
     Subordinate  Officers.  The Board of Directors  may  appoint
such   assistant  secretaries,  assistant  treasurers  and  other
officers  as it may deem desirable. Each such officer shall  hold
office  for  such  period, have such authority and  perform  such
duties  as  the Board of Directors may prescribe.  The  Board  of
Directors  may,  from  time  to time, authorize  any  officer  to
appoint and remove such officers and to prescribe the powers  and
duties thereof.
     Vacancies; Absences. Any vacancy in any of the above offices
may  be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the Board
of  Directors at any regular or special meeting.  Except when the
law  requires  the  act  of a particular officer,  the  Board  of
Directors or the Executive Committee, whenever necessary, may, in
the  absence  of  any  officer, designate any  other  officer  or
properly  qualified employee, to perform the duties  of  the  one
absent  for  the  time  being,  and such  designated  officer  or
employee shall have, when so acting, all the powers herein  given
to such absent officer.
     Resignations. Any officer may resign at any time  by  giving
written notice of such resignation to the Board of Directors, the
Chairman  of  the  Board, a Vice Chairman, the President  or  the
Secretary.  Unless otherwise specified therein, such  resignation
shall  take effect upon written receipt thereof by the  Board  of
Directors or by such officer.
     Section 10. The officers of the Corporation shall have such
duties as usually pertain to their offices, except as modified by
the Board of Directors, and shall also have such powers and
duties as may from time to time be conferred upon them by the
Board of Directors.
     Section 11. No person shall be eligible to be or shall be
elected or appointed or re-elected or re-appointed as a director
of the Corporation after such person shall have attained the age
of seventy (70) years.
     Section 12. The Board of Directors may alter or amend these
By-Laws at any meeting duly held as herein provided.