CODE OF REGULATIONS OF

                             THE MIDLAND COMPANY

                                  ARTICLE I

Section 1 - Principal Office:
The principal office of the corporation shall be at 7000 Midland Blvd., 
Amelia, Ohio, until such time as otherwise designated by the Board of Directors.

Section 2 - Other Offices:
The corporation shall also have offices at such other places without, as well 
as within the State of Ohio, as the Board of Directors may from time to time  

                                  ARTICLE II

Section 1 - Annual Meeting:
The Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the corporation for the purpose of 
electing directors and transacting such other business as may come before the 
meeting shall be held at 10 a.m. on the second Thursday in April of each year, 
if not a legal holiday, but if a legal holiday, then on the next business day 

Section 2 - Special Meetings:
Special Meetings of the shareholders may be called at any time by the President
or Vice President, or by a majority of the Board of Directors acting with or
without a meeting, or by the holder or holders of one-fourth of all shares
outstanding and entitled to vote thereat.

Section 3 - Place of Meetings:
Meetings of shareholders shall be held at the office of the corporation in 
Cincinnati, Ohio, or at such other place within or without the State of Ohio 
as shall be determined by the Board of Directors and set forth in the notice 

Section 4 - Notice of Meetings:
Unless waived, written, printed or typewritten notice of each annual or 
special meeting stating the time, place and purpose thereof shall be served 
upon or mailed to each shareholder of record entitled to vote or entitled to 
notice, not more than 30 days nor less than ten days before any such meeting.  
If mailed, it shall be directed to shareholders at their address as the same 
appears upon records of the corporation.

Section 5 - Waiver of Notice:
Any shareholder either before or after any meeting may waive any notice 
required to be given by law or these regulations, and whenever all of the 
shareholders entitled to vote shall consent to holding a meeting, it shall be 
valid for all purposes without call or notice, and at such meeting any action 
may be taken as though notice of such proposed action had been given.

Section 6 - Quorum:
At any meeting of the Shareholders, the holders of shares entitling them to 
exercise a majority of the voting power of the corporation, present in person 
or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum of the shareholders, for all purposes, 
unless the presence of a larger number shall be required by law.

Section 7 - Action without Meeting:
Any action which may be taken at any meeting of shareholders may be taken 
without a meeting if authorized by a writing signed by all of the holders of 
shares who would be entitled to notice of a meeting for such purpose.

                                  ARTICLE III


Section 1 - Number of Directors:
The business of the corporation shall be managed and conducted by a Board of 
Directors consisting of not less than nine (9) or more than eighteen (18) 
members, one of whom shall be designated Chairman and none of whom need be 
shareholders of the corporation.  Without amendment of this Code of 
Regulations, the number of Directors may be fixed or changed by resolution at 
any annual meeting or at any special meeting of shareholders called for that 
purpose or the purpose of electing Directors, adopted by the vote of the 
holders of shares, present in person or by proxy, entitling them, to exercise 
a majority of the voting power represented at such meeting or by a resolution 
of the Directors adopted at any meeting of the Board of Directors by a 
majority vote.  Where action is taken by the Board of Directors the Directors 
in office may fill any Directors' office that is created by an increase in the 
number of Directors.  No reduction of the number of Directors shall have the 
effect of removing any Director prior to the expiration of his term of office.

Section 2 - Tenure and Election of Directors:
Directors shall be divided into three classes each of which shall consist of 
not less than three (3) Directors.  Such three classes shall be known 
initially as three-year, two-year, and one-year classes.  The term of office 
of the one-year Directors shall expire at the first annual meeting of the 
corporation; the term of office of the two-year Directors shall expire at the 
second annual meeting and the term of office of the three-year Directors shall 
expire at the third annual meeting.  Upon expiration of the terms of office of 
the Directors as set forth above, their successors shall be elected for a term 
of three years or until their successors are elected and qualified.  Election 
of Directors shall be at the annual meeting of shareholders and may be 
conducted in such manner as may be approved at such meeting.

Section 3 - Meeting of the Board:
An organization meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held immediately 
following the adjournment of each shareholders' annual meeting and notice of 
such annual meeting of Directors need not be given.

At such annual organizational meeting of the Board, the Directors may choose 
one of their number as Chairman of the Board.

The Chairman of the Board shall preside at all meetings, regular or special, 
of the Board.  In the event that no Chairman of the Board shall have been 
elected or, if a Chairman of the Board shall have been elected, in his absence 
from any meeting of the Board or from the affairs of the corporation as such 
Chairman of the Board, the President of the corporation, if the person then 
holding such office be a member of the Board, shall act as Chairman of the 
Board and (whether or not said President be a Director) as Chief Executive 
Officer of the corporation.

The Board of Directors may, by by-laws or resolutions, provide for other 
regular meetings of the Board in addition to the annual organizational 

Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time upon the 
call of the Chairman of the Board or the President of the corporation, or any 
two members of the Board.  Notice of any special meeting of the Board shall be 
given either personally or by telephone to each Director or mailed to each 
Director at least two days before the day on which the meeting is to be held, 
but this notice may be waived by any Director present in person at such 
special meeting.  Every notice must state the time and place of the meeting, 
but need not state the purpose thereof.

Any meeting of the Board (whether organization, regular or special) shall be a
legal meeting, even though no prior notice of any kind has been given, if a 
majority of the Directors (but not less than five) then qualified and acting 
shall actually be present thereat.  Any and all meetings of the Board, except 
the annual organizational meeting may be held at any place in the United 
States as may be specified in the notice thereof.

Section 4 - Quorum:
A majority of the Board of Directors (then qualified and acting) shall 
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business provided that "majority" 
(for this purpose) be not less than five.

Section 5 - Vacancies:
Vacancies in the Board of Directors may be filled by a majority vote of the 
remaining Directors until the next annual meeting.  Shareholders entitled to 
elect Directors shall have the right to fill any vacancy in the Board (whether 
the same has been temporarily filled by the remaining Directors or not) at any 
meeting of the shareholders and attended by a quorum thereof, held for any 
purpose during the interim, and any Directors elected at such meeting of the 
shareholders shall serve until the next annual election of Directors, and 
until their successors are elected and qualified.

Section 6 - Committees:
The Board of Directors may create an Executive Committee to consist of not 
less than three, and may delegate to such executive committee all of the 
authority of the Board of Directors, however conferred, other than that of 
filling vacancies among the Board of Directors or in any committee of the 
Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors may create any other committee of 
the Directors, to consist of not less than three (3) Directors, and may 
delegate to such committee any of the authority of the Directors, however 
conferred, other than that of filling vacancies among the Board of Directors 
or in any committee of the Board of Directors.

                                  ARTICLE IV


Section 1 - General Provisions:
The Board of Directors may elect a Chairman of the Board as set forth in 
Article III of this Code of Regulations and shall elect a President, an 
Executive Vice President, a Treasurer and Secretary.  The Board of Directors 
may from time to time create and fill such other and additional offices, 
including additional Vice Presidencies as it may determine.  The same person 
may hold more than one office, but he shall not execute, acknowledge or verify 
any instrument in more than one capacity.

Section 2 - Term of Office:
The officers of the corporation shall be elected in December for the next 
ensuing calendar year and shall hold office during the pleasure of the Board 
of Directors and unless sooner removed by the Board of Directors, until the 
end of such calendar year and until their successors are chosen and qualified.  
A vacancy in any office, however created may be filled by the Board of 

Section 3 - Chairman of the Board:
If one shall have been elected, the Chairman of the Board shall be the active 
and Chief Executive Officer of the corporation and may exercise either 
directly or through the officers, supervision over the business of the 
corporation, and, subject to the overall control of the Board of Directors, he 
may exercise control and supervision over all of  the other officers of the 
corporation.  He shall preside at all meetings of the shareholders and shall 
also preside at meetings of the Board of Directors.  He shall have authority 
to sign all certificates for shares and all deeds, mortgages, bonds, notes, 
contracts and other instruments, and unless specifically prohibited by 
statutory law, his signature alone shall be binding upon the corporation.

Section 4 - President:

The President, if a Chairman of the Board shall not have been elected or, if
such shall have been elected, in the absence of the Chairman of the Board, or 
at the request of the Chairman of the Board, shall be authorized to exercise 
all of the powers and assume all of the responsibilities herein devolved upon 
the Chairman of the Board (excepting only that he shall not preside at Board 
meetings unless he be also a member of the Board).  No person, firm or 
corporation dealing with the holder of such office, whether such person, firm 
or corporation be unrelated to this corporation as a shareholder, or officer, 
or otherwise, need inquire into the authority of the president to act for this 
corporation and any action taken by him shall be as binding upon this 
corporation as though it were in fact and at the time taken by the Chairman of 
the Board.

Section 5 - Executive Vice President:
The Executive Vice President shall perform such duties as may from time to 
time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors, or the Chairman of the 
Board, or the President.  At the request of the President, or in his absence 
or disability, the Executive Vice President shall perform all of the duties of 
the President and when so acting shall have all of the powers of the 
President.  The authority of the Executive Vice President to sign in the name 
of the corporation, certificates of shares and authorize instruments of any 
and all character shall be, upon the attestation of the Secretary, coordinate 
with like authority of the Chairman of the Board and/or the President.

Section 6 - Secretary:
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all the proceedings of the shareholders 
and Board of Directors, and shall make proper record of the same, which shall 
be attested by him; sign all certificates for shares, and all deeds, 
mortgages, bonds, contracts, notes and other instruments executed by the 
corporation requiring his signature; give notice of meetings of shareholders 
and Directors; produce on request at each meeting of shareholders for the 
election of Directors, a certified list of shareholders arranged in 
alphabetical order; keep such books as may be required by the Board of 
Directors, and file all reports to states, to the federal government, and to 
foreign countries; and perform such other and further duties as may from time 
to time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors or by the President.

Section 7 - Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall have general supervision of all finances; he shall receive 
and have in charge all money, bills, notes, deeds, leases, mortgages and 
similar property belonging to the corporation and shall do with the same as 
may from time to time be required by the Board of Directors.  He shall cause 
to be kept adequate and correct accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, 
disbursements, gains, losses, stated capital, and shares, together with such 
other accounts as may be required, and, upon the expiration of his term of 
office shall turn over to his successor or to the Board of Directors all 
property, books, papers and money of the corporation in his hands; and he 
shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by 
the Board of Directors.

Section 8 - Assistant and Subordinate Officers:
The Board of Directors may appoint such assistant and subordinate officers as 
it may deem desirable.  Each such officer shall hold office during the 
pleasure of the Board of Directors, and perform such duties as the Board of 
Directors may prescribe.

The Board of Directors may, from time to time, authorize any officer to 
appoint and remove subordinate officers, to prescribe their authority and 
duties, and to fix their compensation.

Section 9 - Delegation:
In the absence of any officer of the corporation for any other reason the 
Board of Directors may deem sufficient, the Board of Directors may delegate, 
for the time being, the powers or duties, or any of them, of such officer to 
any other officer, or to any Director.

                                   ARTICLE V


The Board of Directors shall provide a suitable seal containing the name of 
the corporation.  If deemed advisable by the Board of Directors, duplicate 
seals may be provided and kept for the purposes of the corporation.

                                  ARTICLE VI


This Code of Regulations may be amended or repealed at any meeting of 
shareholders called for that purpose by the affirmative votes of the holders 
of record of shares entitling them to then exercise a majority of the voting 
power on such proposal.

                                  ARTICLE VII


The Company shall indemnify each Director and officer of the Company and of 
any of its subsidiaries, and each person who serves at the request of the 
company as a director, trustee, officer, employee, or agent of another 
corporation, domestic or foreign, non-profit or for profit, partnership, joint 
venture, trust or other enterprise, to the full extent permitted by Ohio law.  
Service as a director, trustee, officer, employee, or agent by any person with 
or for any subsidiary of the Company shall be deemed to be at the request of 
the company.  The term "officer" as used in this Article shall include the 
Chairman of the Board, the President, each Vice President, the Treasurer, each 
Assistant Treasurer, the Secretary, each Assistant Secretary, and any other 
person who is specifically designated as an "officer" within the operation of 
this Article by action of the Board of Directors of the Company or of the 
Board of Directors of any of its subsidiaries.  The Company may indemnify 
assistant officers, employees, and others by action of the Board of Directors 
to the extent permitted by Ohio law.

                                 ARTICLE VIII

                              STOCK CERTIFICATE

The certificates in and for the shares of the corporation of any class may be 
executed by any two of the following officers (either by actual or facsimile 
signing) - - Chairman of the Board, President, Executive Vice President, Vice 
President, Secretary, Treasurer.  The stock certificates of the corporation, 
within the limitations of the Articles of Incorporation of this corporation as 
amended, may be such as the Board of this corporation shall from time to time 
determine.  The Board of this Company is authorized to enter into arrangements 
with one or more transfer agents for the stock of the corporation and/or a 
registrar either in the City of Cincinnati, or City of New York, or elsewhere.