DATED MARCH 31, 1994








	This is an agreement dated the 31st day of March, 1994, 
among Waters Holding Inc., a Delaware corporation (the 
"Purchaser"), Millipore Corporation, a Massachusetts corporation 
("Millipore"), Millipore Investment Holdings, Ltd., a Delaware 
corporation ("MIHL"), and Millipore, S.A., a French corporation 
("Millipore France"), each of which are wholly-owned subsidiaries 
of Millipore.

	WHEREAS Millipore conducts, as one of its businesses on a 
worldwide basis, a Business (as defined below) under the name 
"Waters Chromatography Division" (herein referred to as the 
"Waters Division"); and

	WHEREAS the Waters Division's conduct of the Business 
outside of the United States has heretofore been integrated with 
Millipore's other businesses, so that (i) in certain foreign 
countries the sales, service and customer support operations of 
the Waters Division (along with Millipore's other businesses) are 
conducted through wholly-owned foreign subsidiary corporations 
organized under the laws of such countries and identified on 
Annex A hereto and (ii) in certain other foreign countries the 
sales, service and customer support applications of the Waters 
Division (separate from Millipore's other businesses) are 
conducted through foreign branches of U.S. subsidiaries and 
identified on Annex B hereto and (iii) in certain other foreign 
countries the sales, service and customer support operations of 
the Waters Division (along with Millipore's other businesses) are 
conducted through independent third party distributors; and

	WHEREAS, MIHL prior to the date hereof transferred to Waters 
Investments Limited ("WIL"), a Delaware corporation and wholly-
owned subsidiary of MIHL, the patents, trade secrets and other 
intellectual property rights previously owned by Millipore and 
used by the Waters Division in the design, development, 
manufacturing, assembly, sale or distribution of products sold by 
the Waters Division; and

	WHEREAS, Millipore has caused (i) Millipore France to form a 
subsidiary, Waters, S.A., a corporation organized under the laws 
of France ("Waters France"), to which Millipore France will 
contribute all tangible and intangible assets of the Waters 
Division located within France and its possessions, other than 
assets held by WIL, subject to all liabilities and obligations 
(which will be assumed by Waters France) incurred in the conduct 
of the Business in France; and (ii) WIL to form two subsidiaries, 
Nihon Waters Limited ("Nihon Waters") and Waters Asia Limited 
("Waters Asia"), each a Delaware corporation, to which Millipore 
has caused or intends to cause (a) Nihon Millipore Ltd., a

Japanese corporation ("Nihon Millipore"), to contribute all 
tangible and intangible assets of the Waters Division located in 
Japan and its possessions subject to all liabilities and 
obligations (which shall be assumed by Nihon Waters) incurred in 
connection with the conduct of the Business in Japan and (b) 
Millipore Asia Ltd., a Delaware corporation ("Millipore Asia"), 
to contribute all of the tangible and intangible assets of the 
Waters Division located in those jurisdictions in which Millipore 
Asia conducts the Waters Division through branches subject to all 
liabilities and obligations (which shall be assumed by Waters 
Asia) incurred in the conduct of the Business in such 
jurisdictions.  The dates on which the contributions by Millipore 
France to Waters France, Nihon Millipore to Nihon Waters and 
Millipore Asia to Waters Asia, respectively shall have taken 
place are herein referred to as the "Contribution Dates."

	WHEREAS, the tangible assets, real estate and certain 
intangible assets used by the Waters Division in the conduct of 
the Business are owned directly or indirectly by Millipore and 
its Foreign Affiliates (as defined herein) and WIL; and

	WHEREAS, Millipore wishes to sell to Purchaser and to cause 
each Foreign Affiliate to sell to Purchaser and Purchaser wishes 
to purchase from Millipore and each such Foreign Affiliate the 
assets of the Waters Division used in the conduct of the Business 
by Millipore and each such Foreign Affiliate in consideration of 
the payment of the Purchase Price and the assumption by the 
Purchaser of the Assumed Liabilities (as defined herein) 
associated with such assets, subject to the terms and conditions 
hereinafter set forth; and

	WHEREAS Millipore France and MIHL wish to sell to the 
Purchaser and the Purchaser wishes to purchase from Millipore 
France and MIHL all of the outstanding capital stock of Waters 
France and all of the outstanding capital stock of WIL, 
respectively, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set 

	NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the 
mutual covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree 
as follows:


1.	Definitions.  For the purposes of this Agreement, the 
following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them below 
whenever they are used in this Agreement (other terms defined 
elsewhere in this Purchase and Sale Agreement shall have the 
meanings ascribed to them at the location of their definition). 
Except where the context otherwise requires, words imparting the 
singular number shall include the plural number and vice versa,

words denoting any gender shall include all genders and words 
denoting persons shall include bodies corporate and vice versa:

	1.1.  "Agreement" shall mean this Purchase and Sale 
Agreement, as originally executed and as amended, modified, 
supplemented or restated from time to time, as the context 

	1.2.	 "Balance Sheet" shall mean the balance sheet of the 
Waters Division as of December 31, 1993 included in the Waters 
Division Financial Statements.

	1.3.  "Business" shall mean all of the businesses of the 
Waters Division, including, without limitation, the liquid 
chromatography business, operations and activities conducted by 
Millipore and its subsidiaries and affiliates on a worldwide 
basis.  The liquid chromatography business, operations and 
activities shall include, without limitation, the design, 
manufacture, sale or distribution both directly and through 
independent distributors of:  (i) high performance liquid 
chromatography instruments and components, (ii) mass 
spectrometers, including "Time of Flight" mass spectrometers (but 
excluding the business relating to those Time of Flight mass 
spectrometers currently the subject of the TOF License (other 
than intellectual property rights therein)), (iii) 
chromatographic components and consumables including, without 
limitation, solvent delivery systems, automatic samplers and 
injectors, chromatographic columns and consumables, detectors and 
data processing equipment and (iv) all products and services 
related to any of the foregoing.

	1.4.  "Closing Date" shall mean the date upon which the 
closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement takes 
place as determined in accordance with Section 3.

	1.5.  "ConSep License" shall mean a license agreement 
substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto.

	1.6.  "Documents" shall mean this Agreement and all 
Schedules and Exhibits attached hereto and other agreements 
contemplated hereby.

	1.7.  "Foreign Affiliates" shall mean those foreign direct 
and indirect subsidiary corporations of Millipore which, as of 
the date hereof, own accounts receivable, inventory, assembly 
equipment, Waters Intellectual Property and/or other assets used 
in or relating to the Business or conducted any portion of the 
Business but excluding those subsidiaries identified on Annexes B 
and C hereof.

	1.8.  "GAAP" shall mean United States generally accepted 
accounting principles.

	1.9.	"Millipore GAAP" shall mean GAAP, applied on a basis 
consistent with the preparation of the Balance Sheet.

	1.10.  "Millipore Contributed Assets" shall mean those 
rights and assets (tangible and intangible) which are not 
included in the Balance Sheet, but which are necessary for stand 
alone functionality for the conduct of the Business as conducted 
on December 31, 1993; provided, that with respect to the asset 
categories described on Exhibit B hereto, Millipore Contributed 
Assets shall mean those assets described opposite such categories 
on Exhibit B.

	1.11.  "Purchased Assets" shall mean, collectively, the 
Foreign Assets and the Domestic Assets (each as defined in 
Section 2.2 hereof).

	1.12.  "Sellers" shall mean, collectively, Millipore, MIHL, 
Millipore France and each of their respective subsidiaries and 

	1.13.  "Tax" means any federal, state, local, or foreign 
income, gross receipts, franchise, excise, customs duties, 
payroll, employment, withholding, social security, unemployment, 
disability, real property, personal property, capital, net worth, 
transactions, sales, use, transfer, value added, alternative or 
add-on minimum, estimated, or other tax, assessment or 
governmental charge imposed by law of any kind whatsoever, 
including any interest, penalty, or addition thereto, whether 
disputed or not.

	1.14.  "TOF License" shall mean a license agreement 
substantially in the form of Exhibit C hereto.

	1.15.  "Transition Services Agreement" shall mean a 
Transition Support and Service Agreement between Millipore and 
Purchaser substantially in the form of Exhibit D hereto.

	1.16.  "Waters Division Financial Statements" shall mean the 
audited balance sheets of the Waters Division as of December 31, 
1993 and 1992, the related statements of income before corporate 
allocations and income taxes and cash flows for each of the three 
years in the period ended December 31, 1993, attached as 
Schedule 4.6 hereto.

	1.17.  "Waters Intellectual Property" shall mean 
collectively all intellectual property assets and rights owned by 
or under license from a third party to WIL, Millipore or any 
other Seller or any of their respective affiliates;

	(A)  used exclusively in or relating exclusively to the 
Business from a third party, including without limitation the 

		(i)  all right, title and interest in and to all 
patents, copyright registrations and applications therefor, mask 
work registrations and applications therefor, patent 
applications, trademark licenses, copyright licenses and mask 
work licenses, patent licenses and copyrights used, acquired, 
developed or currently under development for use exclusively in 
the Business including but not limited to those set forth on 
Schedule 4.13 hereto;

		(ii)  all right, title and interest in and to all 
technologies, designs, methods, formulations, software, trade 
secrets, know-how and processes and licenses (with respect to the 
foregoing), used exclusively in, acquired or developed or 
currently under development for use exclusively in the Business;

		(iii)  all right, title and interest in and to the 
trademark "Waters" in the U.S. and all foreign jurisdictions, and 
all good will associated therewith and all U.S. and foreign 
trademark registrations and applications obtained or filed with 
respect to such trademark, including but not limited to those set 
forth on Schedule 4.13 hereto; 

		(iv)  the other trade names, trademarks and trademark 
registrations and applications used or useful exclusively by the 
Business and all good will associated therewith, including, but 
not limited to, those set forth on Schedule 4.13; and

	(B)  used in or relating to the subject matter of the TOF 
License and the ConSep License ("TOF and ConSep Technology"), 
including, without limitation, those patents, patent applications 
and licenses, copyright registrations and applications listed on 
Schedule 4.13.

2.Acquisition of Purchased Assets, WIL and Waters France by 

	2.1.  Sale of Waters France and WIL Stock.  Millipore, MIHL 
and Millipore France agree to sell and transfer to Purchaser (or, 
at the option of Purchaser, to one or more direct or indirect 
wholly-owned subsidiaries of Purchaser designated by Purchaser 
(its "designee(s)")), and Purchaser agrees to purchase (or cause 
its designee(s) to purchase) from Millipore, MIHL and Millipore 
France at the Closing (as defined in Section 3), all of the 
outstanding capital stock of Waters France (the "Waters France 
Stock") and all of the outstanding capital stock of WIL (the "WIL 
Stock"), respectively.

	2.2.  Sale of Purchased Assets.

		(1)  Sale of Foreign Assets.  Subject to the terms and 
conditions set forth herein, on the Closing Date (as defined in 
Section 3.1), Purchaser (or its designee(s) shall purchase from 
each Foreign Affiliate and Millipore shall cause each Foreign 
Affiliate to convey, set over, assign, sell and deliver to 
Purchaser (or its designee(s)), free and clear of all liens, 
claims or other encumbrances (except as may be otherwise 
expressly permitted by this Agreement) all right, title and 
interest in each of the assets enumerated below used exclusively 
in or relating exclusively to the Business conducted by such 
Foreign Affiliate (collectively, the "Foreign Assets"), including 
without limitation,

	(a)	all unfilled purchase orders, sales orders and 
service contracts relating to the Business in the territory 
in which such Foreign Affiliate has conducted the Business; 

	(b)	all customer lists, mailing lists, and other 
records and data relating to the Business; 

	(c)	copies of all files, records, books and other data 
relating to the Business;

	(d)	to the extent transferable, all licenses, permits 
or governmental approvals applied for, issued or given to 
such Foreign Affiliate and relating to the Business;

	(e)	all accounts receivable of such Foreign Affiliate 
relating to the Business;

	(f)	all machinery, equipment, inventories, raw 
materials, supplies, spare parts, work-in-process, finished 
goods and other tangible assets used in or relating to the 
Business of such Foreign Affiliate; 

	(g)  all of such Foreign Affiliate's right, title and 
interest in and to the Waters Intellectual Property used in 
or constituting a part of the Business and all income, 
royalties, damages and payments due at Closing or thereafter 
with respect to any of the foregoing and all other rights 
with respect thereto (including, without limitation, rights 
to damages and payments for past, present or future 
infringements or misappropriations thereof) in all 

	(h)	all right, title and interest in and to all 
contracts, commitments or other agreements (whether written 
or oral) of such Foreign Affiliate relating to the Business; 

	(i)  such of the Millipore Contributed Assets as are 
held by such Foreign Affiliate.

		(2)	Sale of Domestic Assets.  Subject to the terms and 
conditions set forth herein, on the Closing Date, Purchaser (or 
its designee(s)) shall purchase from Millipore and/or MIHL and 
Millipore or MIHL, as the case may be, shall convey, set over, 
assign, sell and deliver to Purchaser (or its designee(s)), free 
and clear of all liens, claims or other encumbrances (except as 
may be otherwise expressly permitted by this Agreement) all 
right, title and interest of Millipore in and to all of the 
properties, assets and rights used exclusively in or relating 
exclusively to the Business as well as the TOF and ConSep 
Technology) (the "Domestic Assets"), including, without 

	(a)	all real property, leaseholds and subleaseholds 
therein, improvements, fixtures, and fittings thereon, and 
easements, rights-of-way and other appurtenants thereto 
(such as appurtenant rights in and to public streets), owned 
or leased by Millipore and used in or related to the 

	(b)	all accounts receivable of Millipore attributable 
to the Business;

	(c)	all machinery, equipment, inventories, raw 
materials, supplies, spare parts, work-in-process, finished 
goods and other items of personal property of Millipore used 
in or related to the Business;

	(d)	all right, title and interest in and to all 
contracts, commitments, or other agreement (whether written 
or oral) of Millipore relating to the Business;

	(e)	all prepaid expenses, advances and deposits of 
Millipore attributable to the Business;

	(f)	all causes of action, demands, judgments, claims 
(including insurance claims), indemnity rights or other 
rights relating to the Domestic Assets or the Business or 
arising under express or implied warranties from suppliers 
with respect to the Domestic Assets;

	(g)	all of Millipore's or MIHL's, as the case may be, 
right, title and interest in and to the Waters Intellectual 
Property used in or forming a part of the Business and all 
income, royalties, damages and payments due at Closing or 
thereafter with respect to any of the foregoing and all 
other rights with respect thereto (including without 
limitation rights to damages and payments for past, present

or future infringements or misappropriations thereof) in all 

	(h)	all governmental permits and consents relating to 
the Business, to the extent such permits and consents are 

	(i)	all right, title and interest of Millipore in and 
to the Business as a going concern;

	(j)	copies of all books and records of Millipore 
relating to the ownership and operation of the Business, 
including but not limited to correspondence, employment 
records, production records, accounting records, property 
records, mailing lists, customer and vendor lists, 
intellectual property prosecution files, and regulatory 
files (including master files); 

	(k)	all other assets and properties of Millipore 
relating to the Business, whether tangible or intangible, 
real, personal or mixed; and

	(l)  such of the Millipore Contributed Assets as are 
held by Millipore or MIHL.

	2.3.	Assumption of Certain Obligations.  Subject to the 
terms and conditions set forth herein, Purchaser (or its 
designee(s)) shall assume and agree to discharge and perform when 
due the liabilities and obligations (other than the Excluded 
Liabilities) of Millipore and each Foreign Affiliate, each with 
respect to the Business and which are (i) reflected on the 
Balance Sheet or incurred subsequent to the date thereof in the 
ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and 
(ii) those liabilities and obligations as are enumerated below 
(collectively, the "Assumed Liabilities"):

	(a)	liabilities and obligations of Millipore and such 
Foreign Affiliates under any purchase order, sales order, 
lease, agreement or commitment of any kind by which 
Millipore and such Foreign Affiliate is bound on the Closing 
Date which was made in the ordinary course of business in 
accordance with past custom and practice and which is 
assigned to Purchaser (or its designee(s)) pursuant to 
Section 2.2(i) of this Agreement, and to the extent such 
liabilities and obligations relate to performance after the 
Closing Date;

	(b)	liabilities and obligations of Millipore and such 
Foreign Affiliates under permits, licenses, governmental 
orders, directives and agreements which were issued to 
Millipore and such Foreign Affiliates in the ordinary course 
of business in accordance with past custom and practice

prior to the Closing Date and are assigned to Purchaser (or 
its designee) pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.2 
hereof, to the extent such liabilities and obligations have 
been disclosed to Purchaser herein and relate to performance 
after the Closing Date;

	(c)	liabilities and obligations to repair or replace 
products manufactured or sold by the Waters Division prior 
to the Closing Date in accordance with the Waters Division's 
limited product warranty; and

	(d)	the remainder of the liabilities and obligations 
as of the Closing of the 1993 restructuring liabilities 
reflected in the $3.7 million accrual on the Balance Sheet 
(the "Remaining Restructuring Accrual").

	2.4.  Excluded Liabilities.  Notwithstanding anything to the 
contrary contained in this Agreement, Purchaser will not assume 
or in any way become liable for, and Sellers will retain and 
remain responsible for, any of Sellers' debts, liabilities or 
obligations of any nature whatsoever (other than the Assumed 
Liabilities) (the "Excluded Liabilities"), whether accrued, 
absolute or contingent, whether known or unknown, whether due or 
to become due, including without limitation the following:

	(a)	liabilities or obligations of Sellers to third 
parties which may arise by reason of or with respect to this 
Agreement or any of the transactions contemplated hereunder 
(including, without limitation, legal, accounting, 
brokerage, investment banking or finders' fees);

	(b)	liabilities or obligations for Taxes (i) incurred 
with respect to the Business for periods (or portions 
thereof) on or prior to the Closing Date or (ii) not 
incurred with respect to the Business;

	(c)	liabilities arising from or relating to facts, 
events or conditions existing on or prior to the Closing 
Date and arising under the Comprehensive Environmental 
Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), 
as amended, or any analogous federal, state, local or 
foreign Environmental Laws;

	(d)	liabilities arising from or relating to the soil 
and groundwater contamination in the underground chemical 
and waste storage tank area located at Millipore's Taunton, 
Massachusetts facility; and

	(e)	liabilities arising from or relating to the letter 
dated February 1, 1994 from the United States Environmental 
Protection Agency to Millipore relating to Millipore's

Milford, Massachusetts facility attached as Exhibit D 

	2.5.  Purchase Price.

	(a)  Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 2.6, 
in consideration of (i) the assignment, transfer, conveyance 
and delivery by Millipore France of the Waters France Stock 
and by MIHL of the WIL Stock to Purchaser (or its 
designee(s)), (ii) the sale of the Purchased Assets by 
Millipore and each Foreign Affiliate to the Purchaser (or 
its designee(s)) and (iii) the other agreements of Millipore 
and MIHL stated herein, Purchaser (or its designee(s)) will 
pay and Millipore will receive $360,000,000 (the "Purchase 
Price") and the Purchaser (or its designee(s)) shall assume 
the Assumed Liabilities.  

	(b)  The parties agree that the Purchase Price and the 
Assumed Liabilities shall be allocated (i) between and among 
the Purchased Assets, the WIL Stock, the Waters France 
Stock, the Transition Services Agreement in accordance with 
the rules of Section 1060 of the Internal Revenue Code and 
the regulations promulgated thereunder, and (ii) between and 
among the assets held directly or indirectly by WIL and its 
subsidiaries in accordance with Section 8.1.5(iii). 
Purchaser shall, on or prior to the ninetieth (90th) day 
following the Closing Date, prepare and deliver to Millipore 
a schedule for allocating the Purchase Price to the 
Purchased Assets, the WIL Stock, the Waters France Stock and 
the Transition Services Agreement which schedule shall be 
reasonably satisfactory to Millipore.  The allocations 
agreed to in the previous sentence shall be used by all 
parties to this agreement (and their affiliates) for all 
purposes (including financial, accounting and tax purposes).

	2.6.	Adjustment to Purchase Price.  (a)(i) Promptly after 
the Closing Date, Purchaser shall prepare an unaudited balance 
sheet as of the close of business on the day immediately 
preceding the Closing for the Business (the "Closing Balance 
Sheet") for purposes of determining the Closing Net Asset Value 
of the Business on the Closing Date.  For purposes of this 
Section 2.6, "Closing Net Asset Value" shall mean the value of 
the Purchased Assets, minus the Business' liabilities (other than 
the Excluded Liabilities and the Remaining Restructuring 
Accrual); provided, that (x) the Millipore Contributed Assets 
shall be excluded from all calculations made pursuant to this 
Section 2.6(a), and (y) all calculations and determinations made 
pursuant to this Section 2.6 shall be in accordance with 
Millipore GAAP.  On or prior to the forty-fifth (45th) day 
following the Closing Date, Purchaser shall deliver to Millipore 
the Closing Balance Sheet together with the Purchaser's 
determination of the Closing Net Asset Value.

		(ii)  If the Closing Net Asset Value exceeds 
$152,795,000 (the "Target Value"), then Purchaser shall pay to 
Millipore an amount equal to such excess within 10 days after the 
Closing Net Asset Value has been finally determined pursuant to 
this Section 2.6.

		(iii)  If the Target Value exceeds the Closing Net 
Asset Value, Millipore shall pay to Purchaser an amount equal to 
such excess within 10 days after the Closing Net Asset Value is 
finally determined pursuant to this Section 2.6.

		(b)(i)  If the Closing occurs before July 2, 1994, 
there shall be a further adjustment to the Purchase Price 
pursuant to this Section 2.6(b).  In such event, Purchaser shall, 
promptly after the Closing Date, prepare (a) an unaudited income 
statement for the fiscal quarter ending July 2, 1994 (the 
"Quarterly Income Statement") for purposes of determining Quarter 
Income (Loss) and (b) an unaudited income statement for the 
portion of such fiscal quarter ending on the day preceding the 
Closing Date (the "Quarter Stub Income Statement") for purposes 
of determining Quarter Stub Income (Loss).  For purposes of this 
Section 2.6(b), "Quarter Income (Loss)" and "Quarter Stub Income 
(Loss)" shall mean the income before corporate allocations and 
income taxes (as such terms are used in the Waters Division 
Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 1993) of the 
Business for each such period; provided, that all calculations 
and determinations pursuant to this Section 2.6(b) shall be in 
accordance with Millipore GAAP (assuming, for purposes of 
determining Quarter Income, that the Closing did not occur).  For 
purposes of this Section 2.6, "Pro Rata Income (Loss)" shall mean 
Quarter Income (Loss), divided by the number of days in the 
fiscal quarter ended July 2, 1994, multiplied by the number of 
days during such quarter prior to the Closing Date.  On or prior 
to the forty-fifth (45th) day following the Closing Date, 
Purchaser shall deliver to Millipore Purchaser's determination of 
Quarter Income (Loss), Pro Rata Income (Loss) and Quarter Stub 

		(ii)  If Pro Rata Income exceeds Quarter Stub Income, 
Purchaser shall pay to Millipore an amount equal to Pro Rata 
Income, minus Quarter Stub Income (or, plus an amount equal to 
Quarter Stub Loss), multiplied by .83.

		(iii)  If Quarter Stub Income exceeds Pro Rata Income, 
Millipore shall pay to Purchaser an amount equal to Quarter Stub 
Income, minus Pro Rata Income.

		(c)(i)  If the Closing occurs after July 2, 1994, there 
shall be a further adjustment to the Purchase Price pursuant to 
this Section 2.6(c).  In such event, Purchaser shall, promptly 
after the Closing Date, prepare an unaudited balance sheet as of

July 2, 1994 and an income statement for the period beginning on 
the first day of the next fiscal quarter and ending on the day 
preceding the Closing Date (the "July Stub Statement") for 
purposes of determining July Stub Income (Loss) determined in 
accordance with the same method for determining Closing Net Asset 
Value pursuant to Section 2.6(a) above.  For purposes of this 
Section 2.6, "July Stub Income (Loss)" shall mean the income 
before corporate allocations and income taxes (as such terms are 
used in the Waters Division Financial Statements for the year 
ended December 31, 1993) of the Business for such period; 
provided, that all calculations and determinations pursuant to 
this Section 2.6(b) shall be in accordance with Millipore GAAP. 
On or prior to the forty-fifth (45th) day following the Closing 
Date, Purchaser shall deliver to Millipore Purchaser's 
determination of July Stub Income (Loss).

		(ii)  Within ten (10) days after July Stub Income 
(Loss) has been finally determined pursuant to this Section 2.6, 
Purchaser shall pay Millipore an amount equal to the sum of

	(A)  July Stub Loss, if any, multiplied by .83, plus

	(B)  the product of (x) 8% multiplied by .83 multiplied by 
$360,000,000, divided by 365, and (y) the number of days that 
have elapsed since the end of the last fiscal quarter of the 
Business through the day preceding the Closing Date, minus 

	(C)  July Stub Income, if any, multiplied by .83.

		(d)  If the Closing occurs on July 2, 1994, there shall 
be no further adjustment to the Purchase Price pursuant to this 
Section 2.6 other than as required by 2.6(a) hereof.

		(e)  All payments required by this Section 2.6 shall be 
made in cash to the party entitled thereto, with interest from 
and including the Closing Date to but excluding the date of 
payment at the prime rate from time to time announced by The 
First National Bank of Boston.

		(f)  If Millipore disagrees with any Purchaser 
determination pursuant to this Section 2.6, Millipore shall 
notify Purchaser in writing of such disagreement within thirty 
(30) days after delivery of Purchaser's determination (such 
notice setting forth the basis for such disagreement in 
reasonable detail), and Purchaser and Millipore thereafter shall 
negotiate in good faith to resolve any such disagreements.  If 
Purchaser and Millipore are unable to resolve any such 
disagreements within thirty (30) days after Millipore delivers 
such notice to Purchaser, Purchaser and Millipore shall submit 
the dispute to an independent auditor (which shall be a 
nationally recognized accounting firm) (the "Independent 
Auditor") for resolution, which Independent Auditor shall be

selected in the same manner as arbitrators are selected pursuant 
to Section 12.10(c) hereof.

		(g)  Purchaser and Millipore shall use their best 
efforts to cause the Independent Auditor to resolve all 
disagreements pursuant to this Section 2.6, but in any event 
within sixty (60) days after submission of the disputes to the 
Independent Auditor, the resolution of such disagreements shall 
be final and binding on Purchaser and Millipore.  The Independent 
Auditors shall comply with the definitions used herein, shall 
follow the procedures set forth in this Agreement and shall 
comply with all other applicable terms of this Agreement.

		(h)  The Independent Auditor will determine the 
allocation of the costs and expenses of its determination 
pursuant to this Section 2.6 based upon the percentage which the 
portion of the contested amount not awarded to each party bears 
to the amount actually contested by such party.  For example, if 
Millipore claims the Closing Net Asset Value is $1,000 greater 
than the amount determined by Purchaser, and Purchaser contests 
only $500 of the amount claimed by Millipore, and if the 
Independent Auditor ultimately resolves the dispute by awarding 
Millipore $300 of the $500 contested, then the costs and expenses 
of arbitration will be allocated 60% (i.e., 300/500) to 
Purchaser and 40% (i.e., 200/500) to Millipore.

		(i)  Any adjustments to the Purchase Price shall be 
allocated among the assets purchased in the same manner as 
described in Section 2.5(b). 

3.	Closing.

	3.1.  Closing.  The closing ("Closing") of the transactions 
contemplated by this Agreement shall be held, upon five (5) 
business days notice from the Purchaser to Millipore, at 10:00 
A.M. on the first day upon which all of the conditions set forth 
in Section 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 have been satisfied or waived (the 
"Closing Date"), in New York City, New York or at such other 
location and time or on such other date (subject to Section 13 
below) as the parties may agree.

	At the Closing:

		3.1.1.  Delivery of Waters France Stock by Millipore 
France and of WIL Stock by MIHL.  Millipore France and MIHL, 
respectively, will deliver to Purchaser (or its designee) 
certificates representing the Waters France Stock and the WIL 
Stock, duly endorsed or accompanied by separate stock powers, in 
each case in proper form for transfer.

		3.1.2.  Payment to Millipore and MIHL.  Purchaser (or 
its designee) will deliver to Millipore and MIHL, respectively,

certified or official bank check or wire transfer of immediately 
available funds in the amount of their respective portions of the 
Purchase Price.

		3.1.3.  Delivery of Separate Deeds, Bills of Sale and 
Assignments with respect to the Purchased Assets.  Millipore 
shall deliver to Purchaser (or its designee(s)) separate deeds, 
bills of sale and assignments or such other instruments of 
transfer which are necessary or desirable to effect the sale and 
transfer to the Purchaser of the Purchased Assets, including any 
such instruments which may be required under the laws of the 
jurisdiction of each Seller for the Purchased Assets to be 
acquired by the Purchaser (or its designee(s)) pursuant to this 

		3.1.4.  Instruments of Assumption of Liabilities. 
Purchaser shall deliver to Millipore instruments of assumption or 
such other instruments which are necessary to effect the 
assumption of the Assumed Liabilities by Purchaser, including any 
such instruments which may be required under the laws of the 
jurisdiction of each Seller duly executed by the Purchaser (or 
its designee(s)) with respect to the Assumed Liabilities.

		3.1.5.  Certificates, Opinions, etc.  Each party will 
deliver to the other such certificates, opinions and other 
documents as are contemplated hereby or as may reasonably be 
requested by the other party to evidence compliance with the 
terms hereof.

		3.1.6.  Transfer Taxes.  Millipore shall pay or cause 
to be paid all transfer, sales, use, stamp and recording and 
other Taxes imposed by reason of the transactions contemplated in 
this Agreement.  

4.	Representations and Warranties of Millipore and MIHL.  For 
purposes of this Section 4, except as the context otherwise 
indicates, references to "Millipore" include Millipore and its 
subsidiaries, including MIHL, the Foreign Affiliates and 
Millipore France, and references to "WIL" include WIL and its 
Subsidiaries.  Without limiting the foregoing, where a 
representation is made covering a period of time in which the 
Business was operated initially by Millipore and later by WIL, 
the representation shall be deemed to be made by Millipore 
relative to the period prior to the transfer of the assets and 
Business to WIL, including the transfer of the assets and the 
Business by Millipore France to Waters France, Nihon Millipore to 
Nihon Waters and by Millipore Asia to Waters Asia after the 
respective Contribution Dates, and by WIL relative to the period 
after such transfer up to the Closing.

	Except as set forth or disclosed on the Schedules to this 
Agreement, Millipore and MIHL, joint and severally, represent and

warrant to and agree with the Purchaser that (it being understood 
that no Purchaser Indemnified Party (as defined in Section 12.1 
below) shall be entitled to make any claim for indemnification 
pursuant to Section 12.1(a) if the Damages (as defined in Section 
12.7) the Purchaser Indemnified Parties may suffer, sustain or 
become subject to, as a result of a particular breach of any 
representation or warranty contained in this Section 4 are less 
than $100,000; provided, that (A) if the Damages related to such 
claim equals or exceeds $100,000, any Purchaser Indemnified Party 
shall be entitled to make a claim for indemnification under 
Section 12.1(a) with respect to such particular breach for the 
entire amount of the Damages related thereto, and (B) for 
purposes of this provision, any claim or series of claims arising 
out of or relating to the same or related facts, circumstances, 
occurrences, transactions or conditions shall constitute one 
claim with respect to any particular breach):

	4.1.  Corporate Status.  Each of Millipore and WIL is a 
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing 
under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation and has all 
necessary corporate power and authority to own and operate its 
properties and carry on its business as now conducted.  Each of 
Millipore and WIL is duly qualified to do business and in good 
standing as a foreign corporation in each of the jurisdictions 
specified in Schedule 4.1, which includes each jurisdiction in 
which the nature of its business or the property owned or leased 
by the Waters Division makes such qualification necessary, except 
where the failure to be so qualified does not have a material 
adverse effect on the assets, liabilities, business or financial 
condition of the Business (a "Material Adverse Effect"). 
Millipore has delivered to Purchaser a complete and correct copy 
of the charter and by-laws, as amended to date, of WIL, and will 
at least 10 business days prior to the Closing Date deliver to 
Purchaser complete and correct copies (in English) of the charter 
and by-laws of Waters France.  WIL and Waters France are not in 
default under or in violation of any provision of their 
respective charter and by-laws.

	4.2.  Capitalization and Ownership of Shares.  The 
authorized capital stock of WIL consists of 10,000 shares of 
common stock, $1.00 par value.  MIHL owns, of record and 
beneficially all of the WIL Stock, which consists of 1,000 shares 
of common stock and represents all of the issued and outstanding 
shares of capital stock of WIL, free and clear of all liens, 
claims, charges, encumbrances and restrictions.  The authorized 
capital stock of Waters France consists of 2,500 shares of common 
stock, 100 French Francs par value.  Millipore France owns, of 
record or beneficially, all of the Waters France Stock, free and 
clear of all liens, claims, charges, encumbrances and 
restrictions.  No other person or entity has or shares any direct 
or indirect interest or right with respect to the Waters France 
Stock or the WIL Stock.  The Waters France Stock and the WIL

Stock have been duly authorized and validly issued and are fully 
paid and nonassessable.  There are no preemptive rights or rights 
of first refusal or similar rights on the part of any holder of 
any class of securities of Waters France or WIL or any other 
person.  There are no options, warrants, conversion or other 
rights, agreements or commitments of any kind obligating Waters 
France or WIL, contingently or otherwise, to issue or sell any 
shares of its capital stock of any class or any securities 
convertible into or exchangeable for any such shares, and no 
authorization therefor has been given.  Millipore and MIHL have, 
respectively, full right, power and authority to transfer the 
Waters France Stock and the WIL Stock to Purchaser or its 
designee, free and clear of any liens, claims, encumbrances, 
charges or restrictions, and such transfer will not constitute a 
breach or violation of, or a default under, any agreement or 
instrument by which Millipore or MIHL is bound.

	4.3.  Subsidiaries.  Schedule 4.3 sets forth the name, 
country and/or jurisdiction and corporate form of each subsidiary 
of WIL, (each a "Subsidiary" and collectively "Subsidiaries"). 
Except as set forth on Schedule 4.3, WIL owns beneficially and of 
record all of the outstanding capital stock of each Subsidiary, 
free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances, charges or 
restrictions.  Each Subsidiary is duly organized and validly 
existing under the laws of the country or jurisdiction in which 
it is located and has all necessary corporate power and authority 
to carry out that portion of the Business conducted by it or to 
be conducted by it after the Contribution Dates.  Millipore has 
heretofore delivered or will within 15 days of the date hereof 
deliver to Purchaser a complete and correct copy of the 
organization and governing documents, each as amended to date, of 
each Subsidiary.  Waters France has no subsidiaries and, except 
as set forth on Schedule 4.3, neither WIL nor Waters France has 
any other obligation to contribute to the capital of any other 

	4.4.  Authority.  Millipore, Millipore France and MIHL have 
all requisite power and authority to execute, deliver and perform 
this Agreement and all other Documents, and have taken all 
necessary corporate action to authorize the execution, delivery 
and performance of this Agreement and the other Documents and to 
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and 
the other Documents in accordance with the provisions hereof and 
thereof.  This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by 
Millipore, Millipore France and MIHL, and each other Document or 
instrument executed or to be executed by Millipore, Millipore 
France and MIHL pursuant hereto and upon execution and delivery 
will have been duly executed and delivered, and this Agreement 
constitutes, and each other Document and instrument will 
constitute, when executed, the legal, valid and binding 
obligation of each of Millipore, Millipore France and MIHL, 
enforceable in accordance with its terms, subject to

(i) bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and 
similar laws affecting the rights and remedies of creditors 
generally and (ii) general principles of equity regardless of 
whether enforcement is sought in proceedings in equity or at law 
(the "Remedies Exception").

	4.5.  No Conflict.  The execution and delivery of this 
Agreement and the other Documents, the consummation of the 
transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, and the compliance 
with the terms and conditions hereof and thereof (i) will not 
conflict with, or result in a breach of, (1) any relevant 
statute, law, ordinance, rule, regulation, order, injunction or 
decree applicable to Millipore, each Foreign Affiliate, WIL or 
its Subsidiaries, Waters France, or the Business, or (2) the 
terms, conditions or provisions of the Articles of Organization, 
Certificate of Incorporation or the By-laws of Millipore, Waters 
France or WIL or any charter documents or by-laws of any 
Subsidiary or (3) any material mortgage, lease, agreement, or 
other instrument or any judgment, order or decree to which 
Millipore, Waters France or WIL is a party or by which it or its 
properties are bound or which otherwise relates to the Business, 
(ii) will not result in the termination of, or require any 
consent under (other than consents listed in Schedule 4.10 
hereof), any of the items listed in clause (i)(3) of this 
Section 4.5, (iii) will not constitute, with or without the 
giving of notice or the passage of time or both, a default under 
any of  the foregoing, and (iv) will not accelerate or 
constitute, with or without the giving of notice or the passage 
of time or both, grounds for acceleration of any obligation under 
any of the items listed in clause (i)(3) of this Section 4.5, or 
(v) modify or result in the creation of any lien, security 
interest, charge or encumbrance upon any of the assets or 
properties used in or relating to the Business (including, 
without limitation, the Waters France Stock and WIL Stock), the 
maturity of any indebtedness relating to the Business.

	4.6.  Financial Statements; Assets and Business.  (a) 
Millipore and WIL maintain (and Millipore has caused the Foreign 
Affiliates to maintain) accurate and complete records and books 
of account which include accounts related to the Waters Division 
in which appropriate entries are made of all dealings and 
transactions relating to the Business in conformity with GAAP, 
consistently applied.  The transactions entered therein represent 
bona-fide transactions and such accounts fairly reflect the 
Waters Division's income, expenses, assets (except such assets as 
constitute Millipore Contributed Assets) and liabilities. 
Attached hereto as Schedule 4.6 are copies of the Waters Division 
Financial Statements, accompanied by a report from Coopers & 
Lybrand, Millipore's independent public accountants, to the 
effect that they have performed an audit of the Waters Division 
Financial Statements and the Waters Division Financial Statements 
present fairly, in all material respects, the combined financial

position of the Waters Division and the combined results of 
operations and cash flows as of and for the periods then ended as 
specified in the Waters Division Financial Statements in 
conformity with GAAP.

	The Waters Division Financial Statements are in accordance 
with the books and records of Millipore, accurately reflect the 
transactions, assets and liabilities of the Waters Division and 
the Business, and fairly present the financial condition and 
results of operations of the Waters Division as of the dates and 
for the periods indicated as specified in the Waters Division 
Financial Statements in accordance with GAAP, consistently 
applied.  The sales figures set forth in the income statements 
contained in the Waters Division Financial Statements do not 
reflect sales of any products or services (other than in 
immaterial amounts) that Purchaser would be prohibited or 
restricted from selling after the Closing pursuant to any 
covenant or provision of this Agreement or any Document.

		(b)  The Purchased Assets, the Waters Intellectual 
Property, the WIL Stock, the Waters France Stock and the 
Millipore Contributed Assets comprise all of the assets and 
rights necessary for the conduct of the Business as such business 
was conducted at December 31, 1993, subject to such support and 
incidental services performed by employees of Millipore on the 
date hereof and to be performed by Millipore pursuant to the 
Transition Services Agreement.

	4.7.  No Undisclosed Liabilities, etc.  Neither Millipore 
nor WIL has, with respect to the Business, any liabilities, 
obligations or commitments accrued, absolute, contingent or 
otherwise, of a nature required by GAAP to be reflected or 
reserved against in a balance sheet or disclosed in the notes 
thereto, except (a) liabilities and obligations fully reflected 
or reserved against in the Balance Sheet or disclosed in the 
notes thereto, (b) liabilities and obligations incurred in the 
ordinary course in accordance with past custom and practice of 
the Business and not in violation of this Agreement since 
December 31, 1993, and (c) liabilities and obligations disclosed 
in Schedule 4.7 hereof and the other Schedules to this Agreement. 
Millipore is not aware of any event or state of facts which will 
give rise to future liabilities except for liabilities which 
arise in the conduct of the Business in the ordinary course in 
accordance with past custom and practice.

	4.8.  Inventories; Accounts Receivable.  The items reflected 
in or covered by the designation "Inventories" (including without 
limitation raw materials, work in process, purchased components, 
supplies and finished goods) on the Balance Sheet, consist of 
items of good quality and condition saleable at customary prices 
and usable in the normal course of the Business subject to the 
reserves for inventory write down of obsolete and slow moving

inventories shown on the Balance Sheet.  The accounts receivable 
of the Business shown on the Balance Sheet are genuine, valid, 
binding and subsisting, arose out of bona fide sales and 
deliveries of goods or the performance of services in the 
ordinary course of the Business in accordance with past custom 
and practice and are collectible, subject to no defenses, 
counterclaims or set-offs, in the ordinary course of the 
Business, subject to the reserve for doubtful accounts shown on 
the Balance Sheet.  Such reserves for doubtful accounts, returns 
and allowances and for obsolete and slow moving inventories are 
reasonable and appropriate on the basis of the Waters Division's 
prior experience, and are in accordance with GAAP, consistently 

	4.9.  Compliance with Laws.

	(i)  Except as otherwise disclosed in Schedule 4.9, to the 
best of Millipore's and WIL's knowledge, each of Millipore, WIL 
and Waters France has complied with and is in compliance in all 
material respects with all applicable United States federal, 
state and local and foreign laws, regulations, ordinances, 
judgments, orders, decrees, licenses, permits or authorizations, 
which affect the Waters Division or the Business, including, 
without limitation, those relating to health, safety, civil 
rights, labor matters, or contributions, expenditures, gifts or 
other payments to or from federal, state, local or foreign 
governmental officials or others and those administered by the 
United States Food and Drug Administration ("FDA").  Neither 
Millipore, WIL nor Waters France has received any notice of, and 
no requests or claims have been filed, made or asserted with 
respect to any alleged past or present non-compliance with any of 
the foregoing.  The facilities owned or operated by the Business 
which are subject to FDA regulations are in compliance with 
Current Good Manufacturing Practices.  All material permits, 
concessions, grants, certificates of occupancy, franchises, 
licenses, registrations and other governmental authorizations and 
approvals necessary to own the Purchased Assets and conduct the 
Business, have been duly obtained and are in full force and 
effect, and there are no proceedings pending or, to the best of 
Millipore's or WIL's knowledge, threatened, which may result in 
the revocation, cancellation or suspension of any thereof, or any 
adverse modification thereof.  The consummation of the 
transactions contemplated hereby will not result in any 
violation, revocation, cancellation, suspension or modification 
of any of the foregoing.

	(ii)	 Without limiting the foregoing, and except as 
described in Schedule 4.9, Millipore, WIL and its Subsidiaries 
and, to the best of Millipore's knowledge, each of the Foreign 
Affiliates and their respective assets, personnel and operations 
are not in violation of any decree, order or arbitration award, 
any law, statute or regulation or any agreement, or any license,

authorization or permit from, any federal, state, local or 
foreign governmental authority or court relating to occupational 
health and safety or the environment (including, without 
limitation, federal, state, local and foreign laws, statutes, 
rules and regulations relating to environmental matters and 
contamination of any type, including: (i) treatment, storage, 
disposal, generation and transportation of industrial, toxic or 
hazardous substances or solid or hazardous waste, (ii) air, water 
and noise pollution; (iii) ground water contamination; (iv) the 
release or threatened release into the environment of industrial, 
toxic or hazardous substances, or solid or hazardous waste, 
including without limitation emissions, discharges, injections, 
spills, escapes, or dumping of pollutants, contaminants or 
chemicals; (v) the protection of wildlife, marine sanctuaries and 
wetlands; (vi) underground or other storage tanks or vessels, 
abandoned or discarded barrels, containers and other closed 
receptacles; (vii) health and safety of employees and other 
persons; or (viii) otherwise relating to the manufacture, 
processing, use, distribution, treatment, storage, disposal, 
transportation, or handling of pollutants, contaminants, 
chemicals or industrial, toxic or hazardous substances or solid 
or hazardous waste (collectively, "Environmental Laws")) 
Schedule 4.9 sets forth a complete list of all above-ground and 
underground storage tanks, vessels and containers owned by 
Millipore and/or WIL and its Subsidiaries and, with respect to 
each Foreign Affiliate, known to Millipore and WIL, that are 
subject to federal, state, local or foreign laws, statutes, rules 
or regulations, and their current contents, and what program of 
remediation, if any, is contemplated with respect thereto. 
Neither Millipore, WIL nor any Foreign Affiliate have been 
assessed for, or otherwise required to pay or agreed or consented 
to pay in connection with the Waters Division or the Business any 
costs, damages, liabilities or penalties in excess of $250,000 
associated with any violation of any Environmental Law, except as 
disclosed on Schedule 4.9.

	4.10.  Consents.  Except as stated on Schedule 4.10, no 
consent, approval, order or authorization of, registration, 
declaration or filing with, or notice to, any governmental 
authority or any other person is required in connection with the 
execution and delivery of this Agreement or any of the Documents 
by Millipore, Millipore France or MIHL or the consummation of the 
transactions contemplated hereby or was required in connection 
with the transfer of intellectual property rights or licenses to 
WIL and has not yet been obtained.

	4.11.  Taxes.  Millipore and WIL have filed all foreign, 
federal, state and local Tax returns and other returns that are 
required to have been filed in respect of the Waters Division and 
the Business with respect to all periods ending on or prior to 
the Closing Date and all such Tax Returns are correct and 
complete to the best of Millipore's knowledge.  Millipore and WIL

have paid all Taxes with respect to all periods (or portions 
thereof) ending on or prior to the Closing Date (whether or not 
shown on any Tax return or other return) in respect of the Waters 
Division and the Business, or have adequately reserved for the 
payment of such Taxes on the face of the Balance Sheet.  Except 
as provided in Schedule 4.11, neither Millipore nor WIL have 
received any notice of deficiency or assessment of additional 
Taxes relating to the Waters Division and the Business and they 
are not parties to any action or proceeding by any governmental 
authority for assessment or collection of Taxes in respect of the 
Waters Division and the Business.  There are no liens (other than 
liens for Taxes not yet due and payable) on the WIL Stock, the 
Waters France Stock, or any of the assets of the Waters Division 
and the Business that arose in connection with any failure or 
alleged failure to pay any Tax.  No written claim has ever been 
made by any jurisdiction in which Millipore or WIL do not file 
Tax returns to the effect that they are or may be subject to any 
Tax imposed by that jurisdiction with respect to the Waters 
Division and the Business.

	4.12.  Property.  Schedule 4.12 contains a complete and 
correct list as of the date hereof of all real properties and 
interests therein owned ("Owned Real Properties") or leased 
("Leased Real Properties") as of the date hereof by Millipore and 
WIL used in or relating to the Business.

		4.12.1.  Title; Encumbrances.  Except as stated in 
Schedule 4.12, Millipore and WIL have good and marketable fee 
simple title to all Owned Real Properties and valid and binding 
leasehold interests in all Leased Real Properties and good and 
marketable title to all material tangible personal property 
reflected in the Balance Sheet or acquired after such date 
(except to the extent of property disposed of in the ordinary 
course of business in accordance with past custom and practice 
since such date), in each case free and clear of all mortgages, 
liens, charges, encumbrances, easements, security interests or 
title imperfections except (a) liens for current taxes not due 
and payable or being contested in good faith by appropriate 
proceedings by Millipore or WIL, and with respect to which all 
reserves required by GAAP, consistently applied, have been 
established; (b) liens securing indebtedness reflected on the 
Balance Sheet which liens are listed on Schedule 4.12, 
(c) purchase money security interests and liens securing rental 
payments under leases incurred in the ordinary course of business 
in accordance with past custom and practice which security 
interests are listed on Schedule 4.12, (d) liens arising by 
operation of law in favor of mechanics, materialmen and similar 
parties for amounts which are not delinquent and which are not, 
individually or in the aggregate, material to the Business or are 
being contested in good faith by Millipore or WIL, (e) other 
liens or encumbrances listed on Schedule 4.12 and (f) other 
encumbrances on Owned Real Properties, such as easements and

other rights of record affecting title, that do not materially 
interfere with the existing use of the Owned Real Properties or 
materially detract from the value of the Owned Real Properties
for purposes for which it is used in connection with the Business 
(the exceptions described in the foregoing clauses (a), (b), (c), 
(d), (e) and (f) being referred to herein as "Permitted 
Encumbrances").  With respect to the Owned Real Properties, no 
person or entity other than Millipore or WIL has the right to use 
or occupy any portion of the Owned Real Properties and no person 
or entity other than Millipore or WIL is in possession thereof, 
and there are no outstanding options or other rights to purchase 
any portion of the Owned Real Properties.  Upon the written 
request of Purchaser's principal lending institutions, Millipore 
shall provide to such lender institutions such representations 
with respect to title to all of the real property included in the 
Purchased Assets as such lending institutions may reasonably 

		4.12.2.  Leases.  Each of Millipore and WIL enjoys 
peaceful and undisturbed possession under all leases of Leased 
Real Properties ("Land Leases") and personal property to which it 
is a party and which, in the case of personal property leases, 
require annual rental payments in excess of $25,000 ("Equipment 
Leases"); to the best knowledge of Millipore, all such Land and 
Equipment Leases are valid and subsisting; each of Millipore and 
WIL has paid all rent due and payable under all such Land and 
Equipment Leases, and there exists no material default thereunder 
on the part of Millipore or WIL, or, to the best knowledge of 
Millipore and WIL, the lessors, thereunder; Millipore or WIL has 
provided to Purchaser true and correct copies of all Land and 
Equipment Leases and none of the Land or Equipment Leases has 
been modified in any respect, except to the extent that such 
modifications are in writing and have been delivered or made 
available to Purchaser.  

		4.12.3.  Condition.  Except as set forth in 
Schedule 4.12, all structures and other improvements located on 
the real property owned or leased by either of Millipore or WIL 
and all tangible personal property owned or leased by either of 
Millipore or WIL, which in each case are necessary for the 
conduct of the Business, are in good operating condition in all 
material respects for property of its type and age, subject to 
ordinary wear and tear.

	4.13.  Patents, Technologies, etc.  Schedule 4.13 hereto 
contains a complete list of the patents, patent applications, 
registered copyrights, copyright registration applications, mask 
work registrations, mask work registration applications, patent 
licenses, copyright licenses, software licenses which are 
material to the Business, trademark licenses, trademark 
registrations and trademark applications described in Section 
1.17, as well as all licenses (a) by Millipore to the extent such

license relates to Waters Intellectual Property (b) from WIL or 
its Subsidiaries to Millipore, MIHL and their respective 
affiliates, (c) between WIL and its Subsidiaries and (d) by WIL 
to third parties.  The Waters Intellectual Property constitutes 
all patents, patent applications, technologies, trade secrets, 
trademarks, trade names, registrations and applications for 
trademarks, copyrights, registrations and applications for 
copyrights, mask works, registrations and applications for mask 
works, software and other intellectual property and rights 
therein necessary for the Business as currently conducted, and 
all intellectual property and rights therein used in whole or in 
part in the Business, or developed or acquired or under 
development for use in whole or in part in the Business.  Except 
as disclosed in Schedule 4.13, no licenses, rights or interests 
in or to any of the Waters Intellectual Property have been 
granted by Millipore or WIL or any of its Subsidiaries to any 
third party or by WIL or its Subsidiaries to any of Millipore, 
MIHL or any of their respective affiliates.  To the best of 
Millipore's and MIHL's knowledge, the conduct of the Business 
does not conflict with or infringe and has not conflicted with or 
infringed any right of any third party, including, without 
limitation, any patent, trademark, trade name, trade secret, 
copyright, mask work or contract right.  Except as disclosed in 
Schedule 4.13, there are and have been no claims alleging any 
such conflict or infringement or challenging the validity, 
enforceability or ownership of any Waters Intellectual Property, 
nor, to the best of Millipore's and MIHL's knowledge, does any 
basis for any such claim exist.  Except as disclosed in 
Schedule 4.13, Millipore and MIHL have no knowledge, and have not 
been informed by their counsel, that there exists any adversely 
held patent, trademark, copyright, mask work, trade name, trade 
secret, contract right or other intellectual property right.  To 
the best of Millipore's and MIHL's knowledge, no person, firm or 
corporation is engaging or has engaged in any activity which 
conflicts with or constitutes an infringement of any Waters 
Intellectual Property.  Except pursuant to confidentiality and 
nondisclosure agreements which are on customary and commercially 
reasonable terms and conditions and which Millipore reasonably 
believes to be adequate and enforceable, neither Millipore, MIHL 
nor WIL has disclosed to any third party any trade secret, 
technology, design, process, method, know-how, or formula or 
other Intellectual Property that is secret, confidential or 
otherwise not a matter of public knowledge.  Except as disclosed 
in Schedule 4.13, WIL and its Subsidiaries own and possess all 
right, record, legal and beneficial title and interest in and to, 
or has a valid and enforceable license from a third party to use 
the Waters Intellectual Property.  All of the Waters Intellectual 
Property is or will be owned by, or properly assigned or (in the 
case of licenses) licensed from a third party to, WIL and its 
Subsidiaries at the time of the Closing.  The transactions 
contemplated by this Agreement will have no Material Adverse 
Effect on the right, title and interest in and to the Waters

Intellectual Property.  The loss or expiration of any Waters 
Intellectual Property right or related group of intellectual 
property rights would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the 
Business, and no such loss or expiration has occurred within the 
past two (2) years or is threatened or pending.

	4.14.  Absence of Certain Changes.  Except to the extent set 
forth in Schedule 4.14 hereto, since December 31, 1993:

	(a)  there has been no material adverse change in the 
Business, condition (financial or otherwise), operations, 
manner of conduct of business or operations, prospects or 
liabilities of the Waters Division;

	(b)  no liability of any nature in excess of $100,000 
has been incurred, except in the ordinary course of the 
Business in accordance with past custom and practice, and 
neither Millipore nor WIL has increased, or made or 
experienced any significant change in any assumptions 
underlying or methods of calculating, any bad debt, 
contingency or other reserves of the Business from such 
assumptions or methods used in the preparation of the 
Balance Sheet, nor has Millipore or WIL changed its cash 
management practices, including with respect to the 
collection of accounts receivable, payment of accounts 
payable, or maintenance of inventory controls;

	(c)  no liability or obligation in excess of $50,000 to 
the Business has been paid or discharged other than in the 
ordinary course of business in accordance with past custom 
and practice;

	(d)  Neither Millipore nor WIL has made any capital 
expenditure or commitment for additions to property, plant 
or equipment in respect of the Business, except for 
expenditures in the ordinary course of business in 
accordance with past custom and practice no one of which 
exceeds $300,000 and which in the aggregate have not 
exceeded $1,250,000;

	(e)	Neither Millipore nor WIL have disposed of, 
assigned, licensed or permitted to lapse any material 
licenses or permits or any material patent, trademark, trade 
name, patent or trademark application or copyright, or other 
intangible assets or any license to any of the foregoing in 
respect of the Business or disposed of, licensed, assigned, 
permitted to lapse or (except pursuant to non-disclosure 
agreements listed in Schedule 4.18 hereto) disclosed to any 
person any trade secret, design, method, formula, process or 
know-how, or right thereto, material to the Business not 
theretofore a matter of public knowledge;

	(f)	Except as set forth on Schedule 4.14, neither 
Millipore nor WIL have granted any increase in the 
compensation of employees employed in the Business or any 
increase in the compensation of any employee whose salary 
exceeds $100,000, whether now or hereafter payable, 
including any such increase pursuant to any bonus, 
commission, pension, profit sharing or other plan or 
commitment; nor has Millipore or WIL made any promotions of 
employees employed in the Business except promotions made in 
the ordinary course of business in accordance with past 
custom and practice; nor have they granted any severance or 
termination pay except in the ordinary course of business in 
accordance with past custom and practice nor entered into 
any employment agreement with any person;

	(g)  Neither Millipore nor WIL has made any change in 
any method of accounting or accounting practice with respect 
to the Business;

	(h)  Neither Millipore nor WIL has suffered any damage, 
destruction or loss in excess of $150,000 (whether or not 
covered by insurance) to any of the properties, good will, 
business or operations of the Business;

	(i)  Neither Millipore nor WIL has suffered any strike 
or other labor trouble or become aware that any strike or 
other labor trouble is threatened;

	(j)	Except as disclosed in Schedule 4.15 and except as 
permitted by Section 4.15, neither Millipore nor WIL has 
terminated or amended or suffered the termination or 
amendment of any material contract, agreement, employee 
benefit plan or license relating to the Business;

	(k)  Neither Millipore nor WIL has failed to perform in 
any material respect their respective obligations or 
suffered or permitted any material default to exist under 
any material contact, lease or other agreement to which any 
of them is a party or by which any of them may be bound 
relating to the Business;

	(l)  Neither Millipore nor WIL in the conduct of the 
business of the Waters Division has made any loans or 
advances to, or guarantees for the benefit of, or entered 
into any transaction with any employee, officer or director, 
except for advances consistent with past custom and practice 
made to employers, officers and directors for expenses 
incurred in the ordinary course of business.

	(m)  Except as disclosed in Schedule 4.18, neither 
Millipore nor WIL has entered into any material transaction 
or contract or agreement relating to the Business, other

than in the ordinary course of business in accordance with 
past custom and practice;

	(n)  Neither Millipore nor WIL has sold, leased, 
disposed of, mortgaged, pledged or subjected to any material 
lien or encumbrance, or waived any substantial rights, 
assets or properties relating to, the Business (including, 
without limitation, any of the Purchased Assets), except for 
sales or leases of, products of the Business in the ordinary 
course of business in accordance with past custom and 
practice and Permitted Encumbrances;

	(o)  Neither Millipore nor WIL has entered into any 
Land Lease or any Equipment Lease of the Business requiring 
annual payments in excess of $50,000;

	(p)  Neither Millipore nor WIL has taken or permitted 
to occur any action or condition that would constitute a 
violation of clause (i), (ii) or (v) of Section 7.1 hereof 
had it occurred or existed between the date hereof and the 
Closing Date; or

	4.15.  ERISA Plans.

		4.15.1.  Definition.  For purposes of this Section 
4.15, the term "Plan" means any employee benefit plan (as defined 
in Section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 
1974, as amended ("ERISA")), and each other material retirement, 
profit sharing, deferred compensation, incentive compensation, 
bonus, stock option, stock purchase, severance pay, vacation pay, 
post-retirement medical, accident, disability, salary 
continuation, health, life or other insurance, fringe benefit, or 
other employee benefit plan, program, agreement, or arrangement 
or material fringe benefit plan or program, currently maintained 
by Millipore or WIL for the benefit of the employees of the 
Waters Division.  The plans which are maintained by WIL or 
Millipore for the benefit of U.S. based employees of the Waters 
Division shall be referred to herein collectively as the "Plans", 
and those which are maintained by WIL or Millipore for employees 
located outside of the U.S. shall be referred to herein 
collectively as the "Foreign Plans."  Schedule 4.15 also includes 
a list of each material written employment, severance, 
termination or similar-type agreement between any of Millipore, 
WIL or their affiliates and any employee of the Waters Division 
(the "Employment Agreements").  Except as otherwise disclosed on 
Schedule 4.15, the execution and delivery of this Agreement by 
the Sellers and the performance of the Agreement by each of the 
Sellers will not directly result now or at any time in the future 
in the payment to any Transferred Employee of any severance, 
termination, "parachute payment" (as such term is defined in 
Section 280G of the Code) or similar-type payments or benefits. 
For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Transferred Employee"

means all individuals who are employed by any Seller immediately 
prior to the Closing and who become employees of the Purchaser 
(or any subsidiary of the Purchaser) as of the Closing Date or at 
any time thereafter during the term of the Transition Services 
Agreement.  The term "Foreign Transferred Employee" shall mean 
each Transferred Employee which is located outside of the United 
States, and the term "US Transferred Employee" shall mean each 
Transferred Employee who is located within the United States.

		4.15.2.  Schedule of Employee Benefit Plans.  Schedule 
4.15 includes a true and complete list, as of the date of this 
Agreement, of all Plans and Foreign Plans.  True, current and 
complete copies of all of the Plans, all amendments and written 
interpretations with respect thereto, if any, and, to the extent 
applicable, copies of the most recent of the following have been 
furnished to Purchaser with respect to each Plan:  (i) the most 
recent determination letter of the Internal Revenue Service 
("IRS") and any outstanding request for a determination letter; 
(ii) Form 5500 and required attachments with respect to the last 
two plan years for each Plan; and (iii) summary annual reports.

		4.15.3.  Compliance with Terms of Plans.  There has 
been no material violation of any term of any Plan. 

		4.15.4.  Compliance with Applicable Law.  Each Plan and 
each funding vehicle related to such Plan is currently in 
compliance in all material respects with, and has been 
administered and operated in all material respects in compliance 
with all applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations 
except as disclosed on Schedule 4.15.  The requirements of Part 6 
of Subtitle B of Title I of ERISA and of Code Section 4980B have 
been met in all material respects with respect to each Plan which 
provides medical coverage to employees.  Each Plan which is 
intended to be a "qualified plan" as described in Section 
401(a)of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the 
"Code") has received a favorable determination letter from the 
IRS and Millipore does not know of any fact or facts since the 
date of such determination letter which might adversely affect 
such qualification.

		4.15.5.  Multiemployer Plan.  Neither Millipore nor WIL 
contributes to or has ever contributed to a multiemployer plan as 
defined in Section 4001(a)(3) of ERISA.

		4.15.6.  VEBAs.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.15, 
no Plan is funded by, associated with or related to a "voluntary 
employees' beneficiary association" within the meaning of Code 
Section 501(c)(9).

		4.15.7.  Contributions.  Each Seller has made or will 
make prior to the Closing Date all payments and contributions 
(including insurance premiums) due and payable as of the Closing

Date to each Plan as required to be made under the terms of such 

		4.15.8.  Prohibited Transactions.  With respect to all 
Plans and related trusts, Millipore knows of no "prohibited 
transaction," as that term is defined in Section 406 of ERISA, 
that has occurred which is likely to subject any Plan, related 
trust or party dealing with any such Plan or related trust to any 
material tax or penalty on prohibited transactions imposed by 
Section 502(i) of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code.

		4.15.9.  No Claims against the Plans.  There are no 
actions, suits, arbitrations or claims (other than routine claims 
for benefits by employees, beneficiaries or dependents arising in 
the normal course of operations of a Plan) pending, or to the 
best knowledge of Millipore, threatened, with respect to any Plan 
or any fiduciary or sponsor of the Plan with respect to their 
duties under such Plan or the assets of any trust under any such 

		4.15.10.  Transfer of Assets to Plan.   (i) Effective 
as of the Closing Date, Purchaser will establish a defined 
benefit plan ("Replacement Defined Benefit Plan") and a defined 
contribution plan ("Replacement Defined Contribution Plan") 
(collectively the "Replacement Plans") and Millipore shall 
transfer from the Retirement Plan for Employees of Millipore 
Corporation ("Retirement Plan") and the Millipore Corporation 
Employees' Participation and Savings Plan ("Participation Plan") 
(collectively the "Millipore Retirement Plans") to the respective 
Replacement Plans the assets (in accordance with clauses (iv) or 
(v) below, as the case may be) and liabilities which are 
attributable to the Transferred Employees who are participants in 
the Millipore Retirement Plans.  The Transferred Employees shall 
be given credit in such Replacement Plans for all service with 
and compensation from Millipore through the Closing Date to the 
extent taken into account under the Millipore Retirement Plans as 
if it were service with and compensation from the Purchaser for 
purposes of determining eligibility for benefits and the amount 
of any benefits or benefit accruals under the Replacement Plans. 
The Transferred Employees shall be fully vested in all benefits 
or benefit accruals under the Millipore Retirement Plans and 
under the Replacement Plans to the extent of the benefits 
transferred from the Millipore Retirement Plans.

 	(ii)  Within 30 days after the Closing Date, Millipore shall 
file Forms 5310-A in respect to the transfers contemplated by 
this Section 4.15.10.  The transfers shall be made as soon as 
practicable following the valuation or determination of amounts 
as described below, but in no event prior to the thirtieth day 
following the filing of such Forms 5310-A with the Internal 
Revenue Service (or, in the event the Internal Revenue Service 
raises any objections to the transfer, the date as of which the

Internal Revenue Service withdraws such objections or is 
satisfied that the terms of the transfer have been modified to 
the extent necessary to meet such objections). 

	(iii)  At the time specified in the prior paragraph, 
Millipore shall cause assets to be transferred from the 
Retirement Plan to the Replacement Defined Benefit Plan in 
accordance with the requirements of Section 414(l) of the Code 
and the specifications described below, together with interest at 
the annual rate of 7% for the period from the Closing Date to the 
date of the actual transfer of assets.

	(iv)  The amount of assets transferred from the Retirement 
Plan shall be equal to the Projected Benefit Obligation ("PBO"), 
whether or not vested, as determined in accordance with the 
Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement 87 ("FAS 87") and 
which is attributable to the Transferred Employees who are 
participants in the Retirement Plan as of the Closing Date.  For 
purposes of the preceding sentence, determination of the PBO 
shall be calculated in accordance with the actuarial assumptions 
set forth in the January 1, 1994 determination of pension expense 
actuarial valuation report prepared by the Wyatt Company and an 
annual interest rate of 7%.  The above-described calculation of 
the amount to be transferred from the Retirement Plan to the 
Replacement Defined Benefit Plan shall be made by The Wyatt 
Company and, at the Purchaser's option, reviewed by Towers 
Perrin.  In the event these two actuarial firms cannot agree on 
an amount to be transferred hereunder, a third, independent, 
actuarial firm acceptable to both Millipore and Purchaser will be 
engaged and the decision of such firm shall be binding. 
Millipore and Purchaser will equally share the cost incurred for 
the third actuary.

	(v)  The accounts in the Participation Plan which are 
attributable to Transferred Employees shall be transferred as 
soon as practicable after the Closing Date in accordance with the 
requirements of Section 414(1) of the Code and the specifications 
described below.  The value of such accounts shall include 
earnings through the date the assets are transferred to the 
Replacement Defined Contribution Plan.  Millipore shall make a 
contribution to the Participation Plan on behalf of each 
Transferred Employee who was a participant in said plan as of the 
Closing.  The contribution shall be made to the Participation 
Plan at the same time Millipore makes its contribution on behalf 
of the other participants.  The amount of the contribution shall 
be determined by applying the rate of contribution declared for 
the plan year by Millipore to the compensation the Transferred 
Employee received for the period ending on the date such 
Transferred Employee becomes an employee of the Purchaser.  For 
this purpose, the Social Security Wage Base used in the 
computation of the contribution shall be proportionately reduced 
to reflect the number of months of compensation considered.  The

contribution shall be made assuming the Transferred Employee 
satisfied all the requirements set forth in the plan to receive a 
contribution.  The contribution (along with any earnings 
associated with such amount) shall be transferred to the 
Replacement Defined Contribution Plan as soon as practicable 
after the contributions have been made.

	(vi)  All assets transferred under this Section 4.15.10 
shall be made in cash or, if requested by Purchaser, in kind (or, 
where appropriate, participants' promissory notes).  Pending 
completion of the transfers contemplated by this Section 4.15.10, 
any benefits that are payable to Transferred Employees under the 
Replacement Plans shall be paid or continue to be paid out of the 
Millipore Retirement Plans, and the amounts to be transferred to 
the Replacement Plans shall be reduced by the amount of such 
payments.  Pending the completion of such transfers, Millipore 
will cooperate with Purchaser with respect to plan 
administration, disbursement of benefits and other pertinent 

	(vii)  The Replacement Plans shall be liable for benefits 
with respect to Transferred Employees accrued under the Millipore 
Retirement Plans prior to the Closing Date to the extent of the 
assets transferred in accordance with this Section 4.15.10.  The 
Purchaser agrees that neither Millipore nor the Millipore 
Retirement Plans shall have any further responsibility with 
respect to the assets and liabilities so transferred, including 
without limitation, obligations following such transfers with 
respect to the accrued benefits and accounts of Transferred 
Employees in the Millipore Retirement Plans.

	(viii)  Purchaser shall be free to modify, amend or 
terminate the Replacement Plans after the Closing Date, provided, 
however, in the event the Replacement Defined Benefit Plan is 
terminated within 3 years of the Closing Date, Purchaser shall 
remit to Millipore the amount of assets received by Purchaser 
upon a termination of the Replacement Defined Benefit Plan, after 
taxes actually paid on such amount, but in no event exceeding the 
Excess Amount.  For purposes of this Section 4.15.10(viii), the 
Excess Amount is equal to the assets that were transferred to the 
Replacement Defined Benefit Plan pursuant to Section 4.15.10(iv), 
minus the assets which would be required to be paid as of the 
termination date based on the benefits which were accrued as of 
the Closing Date, reduced further by the amount of taxes actually 
paid that are attributable to the Excess Amount.  

		4.15.11.  Controlled Group Liability.  Neither 
Millipore nor WIL incurred or has any reason to expect that it 
will incur, any Liability to the PBGC (other than PBGC premium 
payments) or otherwise under Title IV of ERISA (including any 
withdrawal Liability) or under the Code with respect to any 
employee pension benefit plan that Millipore or any member of its

Controlled Group (within the meaning of Code Section 414(b) and 
(c) maintains or ever has maintained or to which any of them 
contributes, ever has contributed, or ever has been required to 

		4.15.12.  Foreign Plans.  Except as set forth on 
Schedule 4.15.12, with respect to each Foreign Plan:

		(i)	 Each such plan has been administered in all 
material respects in accordance with its terms and all 
applicable laws;

		(ii)	 All contributions, premiums, accruals, 
payments or reimbursements required by applicable law 
or the terms of the applicable plan for all periods 
ending prior to or as of the Closing Date have been 
made or will be accrued; and

		(iii)  The current value of the assets and 
reserves set aside for each such plan exceed the 
liabilities under such plans as of the Closing Date.

		4.15.13.  Replacement Foreign Plans.  To the extent 
permitted by local law, as of the Closing Date, the benefit plans 
and programs maintained by each Foreign Affiliate shall be 
duplicated and continued by Purchaser on behalf of the Foreign 
Transferred Employees who participated in such plans immediately 
prior to the Closing Date.  The Foreign Transferred Employees 
shall be given credit in such plans for all service with and 
compensation from the Foreign Affiliate through the Closing Date 
to the extent taken into account under the foreign plans.  As a 
general rule, the allocation of assets and liabilities between 
Millipore and Purchaser under each plan will be consistent with 
the allocation of employees to each party.  Unless otherwise 
required by local law, the following rules shall apply with 
respect to each plan which is a pension or retirement-type plan, 
or termination indemnity plan.

	(i)  If the plan is funded, assets shall be 
transferred to Purchaser, or to a plan established by 
Purchaser, equal to Purchaser's proportionate share of 
the PBO associated with the liabilities assumed under 
such plan.

	(ii)  If the plan is unfunded, a reserve shall be 
accrued on the Closing Balance Sheet equal to the 
greater of the obligations accrued as of the Closing 
Date under such plan and the proportionate share of the 
reserve recorded by the Foreign Affiliate with respect 
to such plan.  The determination of the obligation 
accrued will be made on the basis that the person had

terminated on the Closing Date and was eligible for 
such benefit under the plan.

	(iii)  If the plan is funded by insurance, the 
insurance contract shall be equitably separated and the 
portion of the contract attributable to the employees 
assumed by Purchaser will be assumed and continued by 

Some of the foreign benefit plans are financed by 
Millipore under a multinational pooling arrangement. 
Purchaser shall be permitted to remain under such 
pooling arrangement with Millipore for at least the 
remainder of the 1994 calendar year and shall share in 
any dividend issued under the pooling arrangement 
(based on the period of Purchaser's joint 

	4.16.  Labor.  Neither Millipore nor WIL has or has had any 
collective bargaining agreements with employees, or except as set 
forth on Schedule 4.16 hereof has any employment contracts or any 
other binding agreements relating to the employment of any of the 
employees of the Business.  There is not pending or threatened, 
and there has not occurred, any grievance actions,  strikes, 
unfair labor practices claims, employment discrimination claims, 
labor disputes, slowdowns, walkouts or work stoppages involving 
employees of the Waters Division, and, to Millipore's and WIL's 
knowledge, no union representation question exists and no union 
organizing activities are taking place or have taken place with 
respect to such employees.  Except as disclosed to Purchaser in 
writing prior to the date hereof, neither Millipore nor WIL has 
received any notice that any employee of the Waters Division 
intends to terminate his employment for any reason related to any 
transaction contemplated by the Documents, and no such 
termination has occurred.

	4.17.  Insurance.  Millipore and WIL have maintained and now 
maintain, as the case may be, (i) insurance on the Business 
covering property damage and loss of income by fire and other 
casualty to the limits and with the deductibles shown on 
Schedule 4.17, and (ii) insurance protection against such 
liabilities, claims, and risks, including product liability, and 
in such amounts, as is shown on said Schedule.  All such policies 
shall be maintained in full force and effect until the Closing 
Date.  Copies of all such policies, and Millipore's and WIL's 
files with respect to the Waters Division's claims experience 
under such policies, have been made available to the Purchaser 
for its inspection.

	4.18.  Contracts.  Attached hereto as Schedule 4.18 is a 
complete and accurate list as of the date hereof of the following 
agreements, contracts and commitments relating to the Business:

(i) mortgages, indentures, security agreements, guarantees and 
other agreements and instruments relating to the extension of 
credit or borrowing of money; (ii) consulting, employment, non-
competition, non-disclosure and non-disclosure agreements; (iii) 
bonus, profit sharing, compensation, pension, retirement, 
deferred compensation, stock-based incentive, insurance, health, 
welfare and other similar plans, agreements, trusts, funds or 
arrangements for the benefit of employees; (iv) sales agency, 
manufacturer's representative, distributorship or consignment 
agreements; (v) agreements, orders or commitments for the 
purchase of raw materials, supplies or finished goods in excess 
of $300,000 for any one agreement, order or commitment; (vi) 
agreements, orders or commitments for the sale of products of the 
Business other than in the ordinary course of business; (vii) 
agreements or commitments for capital expenditures in excess of 
$300,000 for any single project; (viii) brokerage or finder's 
agreements; (ix) agreements or instruments relating to the 
extension of credit not in the ordinary course of business in 
accordance with past custom and practice; and (x) other 
agreements, contracts or commitments which are material to the 
Business or which individually involve total payments or receipts 
of more than $500,000, or assets, rights or liabilities otherwise 
valued at more than $500,000.  Millipore and WIL have made 
available to the Purchaser complete and accurate copies of all 
such written agreements, contracts and commitments (together with 
all amendments thereto) and Schedule 4.18 sets forth complete and 
accurate descriptions of all oral agreements so listed.  All such 
agreements, contracts and commitments are valid and binding and 
are enforceable by Millipore or WIL in accordance with their 
respective terms.  There has not occurred any default by 
Millipore or WIL to the best knowledge of Millipore and WIL, by 
any other party under any such agreements, contract or 
commitment, nor any event which, with the giving of notice and/or 
passage of time, would constitute a default, and no party has 
waived any rights with respect thereto.

	4.19.  Employees.  Schedule 4.19 hereto contains an
accurate and complete list of all employees employed in the 
Business whose present compensation is in excess of $100,000 per 
year, setting forth the rate, character and amount of such 
compensation paid to each such employee during the twelve months 
ended December 31, 1993, and the rate, character and amount 
currently payable.

	4.20.  Litigation.  Except as referred to in Schedule 4.20 
hereto, there currently is no action, suit, claim, arbitration, 
governmental investigation, or other legal or administrative 
proceeding, investigations, actions or orders pending, or to the 
knowledge of Millipore or WIL threatened against or involving or 
affecting the Business before any federal, state, municipal, or 
foreign court, governmental agency or instrumentality or 
arbitration tribunal, nor any request for response or remedial

action with respect to any environmental, hazardous or toxic 
waste or substance, waste water treatment or discharge, or 
similar matter, nor has there been during the past three years 
any of the foregoing that has had a Material Adverse Effect. 
Except as stated in Schedule 4.20 hereto, neither Millipore nor 
WIL is in default with respect to any request, order, writ, 
judgment, injunction or decree of any federal, state, municipal 
or foreign court, governmental agency or instrumentality or 
arbitration tribunal relating to the Business, nor is Millipore, 
Millipore France, WIL or any Foreign Affiliate subject to any of 
the foregoing that has or can be expected to have a material 
effect on the Business.

	4.21.  Products Liability.  Except as set forth in 
Schedule 4.21 hereto, neither Millipore nor WIL has knowledge of 
any state of facts or occurrence of any event that would form the 
basis for any claims for liability on account of negligence or 
express or implied warranty or strict liability in law, in 
connection with the manufacture or sale of goods, or providing of 
services by the Waters Division or the Business.

	4.22.  Suppliers and Customers.  Set forth on Schedule 4.22 
is a list of all suppliers and customers of the Waters Division 
that accounted for over 5% each of the total sales and purchases, 
respectively, of the Waters Division during the twelve-month 
period ended December 31, 1993, together with the amount paid to 
each such supplier or sold to each such customer.

	Except as set forth in Schedule 4.22, neither Millipore nor 
WIL believes, nor has either of them received any notice which 
should lead it to believe, that there is a substantial 
probability that any of the suppliers or customers listed on 
Schedule 4.22 will terminate or materially reduce its business 
with Millipore or WIL.

	4.23.  Prohibited Foreign Trade Practices Act; Sensitive 
Payments.  To the best of their knowledge, Millipore and WIL are 
in compliance with the Prohibited Foreign Trade Practices Act 
with respect to the Business, and have had no "sensitive" 
receipts or disbursements, which are defined to mean the 
following types of transactions:  (i) illegal receipts from or 
payments to governmental officials or employees; (ii) commercial 
bribes or kickbacks; (iii) amounts disbursed or received with an 
understanding that rebates or refunds will be made in 
contravention of the laws of any nation or other jurisdiction; 
(iv) illegal political contributions; or (v) payments of 
commitments, regardless of form, made with the knowledge or under 
circumstances that would indicate that all or part thereof is to 
be paid ultimately to or for the benefit of governmental 
officials or employees or as an influence payment or kickback.

	4.24.  Burdensome Agreements.  To the best knowledge of 
Millipore and WIL, no agreement or instrument to which Millipore 
or WIL is a party with respect to the Business or by which it may 
be bound or to which any of their respective properties or assets 
may be subject contains any unusual or burdensome provisions 
which can reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse 
Effect, or impair the ownership or operation of, their respective 
properties or assets or the conduct of the Business.

	4.25.  Disclosure.  No representation or warranty by 
Millipore, Millipore France or MIHL hereunder and no list, 
certificate, Exhibit or Schedule furnished or to be furnished 
pursuant hereto or in connection with the transactions 
contemplated hereby contains or will contain any untrue statement 
of a material fact, or omits or will omit to state a material 
fact necessary to make the statements contained therein not 
misleading.  To the best knowledge of Millipore, there is no 
material fact which has not been disclosed to Purchaser which has 
or could be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on the 
Business or the Purchased Assets.

	4.26.  Closing Date.  All of the representations and 
warranties of Millipore and WIL contained in this Section 4 and 
elsewhere in this Agreement and all information delivered in any 
certificate delivered by Millipore and WIL to Purchaser are true 
and correct in all material respects on the date of this 
Agreement and will be true and correct in all material respects 
on the Closing Date.

5.	Pre-Acquisition Notifications.  The parties hereto recognize 
that the transaction contemplated hereby may be subject to 
(i) the premerger notification requirements of the Hart-Scott-
Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 (the "HSR Act") and/or 
(ii) such laws of foreign application as may govern the 
transactions contemplated hereby, and, in conjunction therewith, 
each hereby covenants and agrees to cooperate and use their best 
efforts to prepare and make all necessary filings and 
notifications under the HSR Act and/or such foreign laws as may 
be applicable to the transactions contemplated hereby, and to 
obtain and maintain in effect all waivers, consents, approvals 
and clearances thereunder (including the request for early 
termination of the waiting period under the HSR Act) to permit 
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby as soon as 

6.	Representations and Warranties of Purchaser.

	The Purchaser represents and warrants to and agrees with 
Millipore that:

	6.1.  Corporate Existence.  The Purchaser is a corporation 
duly organized and validly existing and in good standing under

the laws of the state of its organization and has the corporate 
power and authority to purchase the Waters France Stock and the 
WIL Stock, and operate the Business as contemplated by this 
Agreement.  The Purchaser has heretofore delivered to Millipore 
copies of the Purchaser's charter documents and by-laws 
(certified by the appropriate corporate officer) as amended and 
in effect on the date of this Agreement.

	6.2.  Corporate Authority.  The Purchaser has all requisite 
corporate power and authority to execute, deliver and perform 
this Agreement and all other Documents and has taken all 
necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and 
performance of this Agreement and the other Documents and to 
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and 
thereof in accordance with the provisions hereof and thereof. 
This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered, and each 
other Document or instrument executed or to be executed by the 
Purchaser pursuant hereto upon execution and delivery will have 
been duly executed and delivered, and this Agreement constitutes 
and each other Document and instrument will constitute, when 
executed, the legal, valid and binding obligation of the 
Purchaser, enforceable in accordance with its terms subject to 
the Remedies Exception.

	6.3.  No Conflict.  The execution and delivery of this 
Agreement and the other Documents and the consummation of the 
transactions contemplated hereby,

	(a)  will not conflict with, or result in the breach of 
(1) any relevant statute, law, ordinance, rule or regulation 
applicable to the Purchaser, or (2) the terms, conditions or 
provisions of the charter or the by-laws of the Purchaser or 
(3) any material mortgage, lease, agreement (including loan 
agreements) or other instrument or judgment, order, or 
decree to which the Purchaser is a party or by which it is 

	(b)  will not constitute, with or without the giving of 
notice or the passage of time, a default under any of the 
foregoing, and

	(c)  will not accelerate the maturity of any material 
obligation of the Purchaser under any of the foregoing.

	6.4.  No Consents.  Except as shown on Schedule 4.10 or 
provided for in Section 5, the Purchaser knows of no consent, 
approval, order or authorization of, or registration, declaration 
or filing with, any governmental authority or any other person 
that is required in connection with the execution and delivery of 
this Agreement or any of the Documents by the Purchaser or the 
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

7.  Covenants of Millipore and WIL.  For purposes of this 
Section 7, except as the context otherwise indicates, references 
to "Millipore" include Millipore and its subsidiaries, including 
MIHL and the Foreign Affiliates, and references to "WIL" include 
WIL and its Subsidiaries.

	Millipore and WIL covenant and agree with the Purchaser 

	7.1.  Continuance of Business.  From the date hereof and 
through the Closing Date, unless otherwise required by the terms 
of this Agreement or agreed by Purchaser, Millipore and WIL will:

	(a)  carry on the Business (including with respect to 
its cash management practices, the collection of 
receivables, inventory control and payment of payables) in, 
and only in, the usual, regular and ordinary course in 
substantially the same manner as heretofore conducted and 
exercise reasonable business efforts to preserve intact its 
present business organization, to keep available the 
services of the present employees (including, without 
limitation, all of the individuals identified on Schedule 3 
to the Transition Services Agreement) of the Business, and 
to preserve the good will and relationships of the Business 
with employees, customers, suppliers and others having 
business dealings with it to the end that the Business shall 
be conducted substantially on the same basis at the Closing 
Date as at the date hereof;

	(b)  maintain all the material structures, equipment 
and other tangible real and personal property of the 
Business (including the Purchased Assets) in good repair 
order and condition, except for ordinary wear and tear;

	(c)  keep in full force and effect insurance equivalent 
in amount and scope of coverage to insurance now carried 
with respect to the Business and to the Purchased Assets;

	(d)  perform and comply with in all material respects 
all of its obligations under agreements, contracts and 
instruments relating to or affecting properties and assets 
of the Business;

	(e)  maintain books of account and records of the 
Business in accordance with Millipore GAAP;

	(f)  comply in all material respects with all statutes, 
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to the 
Waters Division, the Purchased Assets and to the conduct of 
the Business;

	(g)  not, without the written approval of the Purchaser 
(which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), enter 
into or assume any agreement, contract or commitment of the 
character described in, and required to be listed in clauses 
Schedule 4.18;

	(h)  not, without the written approval of the Purchaser 
(which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), take or 
permit to be taken any action which is represented and 
warranted in clauses (b), (c), (e) through (h), (j), (k), 
(l), (n) and (p) of Section 4.14 not to have been taken 
since December 31, 1993;

	(i)  maintain in full force and effect the existence of 
all Waters Intellectual Property;

	(j)  not, without the written approval of the Purchaser 
(which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), make 
any capital expenditure or commitment for additions to 
property, plant or equipment in respect of the Business, 
except for expenditures in the ordinary course of business 
no one of which exceeds $300,000 and which in the aggregate 
do not exceed $1,250,000; 

	(k)  promptly advise the Purchaser in writing of any 
material adverse change in the Business, condition 
(financial or otherwise), operations, assets, liabilities or 
prospects of the Business.

	7.2.  Access to Information.  From the date hereof until the 
Closing Date, Millipore shall, and shall cause WIL to, give the 
Purchaser and its representatives full access during normal 
business hours to the properties, personnel books, records, 
contracts, documents and commitments of the Business and will 
furnish all such information and documents relating to their 
properties and business as the Purchaser may reasonably request, 
provided that the furnishing of such documents and information 
may be subject to such restrictions as Millipore may reasonably 
impose regarding the release of otherwise nonpublic information 
and to protect proprietary information of Millipore and WIL in 
respect of the Business.  Such access shall include, without 
limitation, the right to observe and analyze inventory and 
accounts receivable.  In the event this Agreement is terminated, 
the Purchaser will keep confidential and not use any information 
(unless readily ascertainable from public information or 
otherwise required by law to be disclosed) obtained from 
Millipore and WIL in connection with the transactions 
contemplated hereby and will promptly return to Millipore and 
WIL, as the case may be, all documents and other written 
materials so obtained.

	7.3.  Conditions to Closing by the Parties; Possible 
Deferral of Closing with Respect to Certain Foreign 
Jurisdictions.  The obligations of Millipore, Millipore France, 
MIHL and the Purchaser to consummate the transactions 
contemplated hereby are, at the option of each party hereto, 
subject to the fulfillment of the condition that on the Closing 
Date (i) there shall not be any injunction, writ, preliminary 
restraining order or order of any nature issued by any court or 
governmental agency directing that the transactions contemplated 
by this Agreement not be consummated, (ii) there shall not be any 
pending or threatened action, proceeding or investigation before 
any such court or governmental agency seeking any such 
injunction, writ, preliminary restraining order or other order; 
(iii) the waiting period referred to in Section 5 (or any 
extension thereof) shall have expired or have been terminated; 
and (iv) all necessary domestic and foreign governmental 
approvals, consents and other actions with respect to the 
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby shall have 
been obtained.  The parties agree to use their best efforts to 
obtain the approvals, consents and other actions referred to in 
clause (iv) of the preceding sentence so as to permit the 
effective consummation of all transactions contemplated hereby on 
the Closing Date; provided, that in the event, and only in such 
event, that such approvals, consents and actions cannot be 
obtained with respect to any of the Foreign Affiliates, thereby 
rendering the transfer of any portion of the Business relating to 
such Foreign Affiliates contemplated hereby impossible on the 
Closing Date, such transfer shall be deferred until all such 
approvals, consents and other actions have been obtained, and in 
such event the parties will use their best efforts to cause all 
of the foregoing to be obtained as soon as practicable after the 
Closing Date; provided, further, that no such deferrals shall be 
permitted if either (i) the portion of the assets and the 
Business prevented from being transferred by Sellers pursuant to 
clause (iv) of the preceding sentence consist of the assets and 
the Business of any of the following Foreign Affiliates: 
Millipore, S.A. (or Waters France), Millipore GmbH, Millipore 
S.p.A., Millipore Iberica S.A., Millipore (UK) or Nihon Millipore 
(or Nihon Waters), or (ii) the aggregate amount as of the Closing 
Date of net assets or net sales (annualized) attributable to any 
single Foreign Affiliate or group of Foreign Affiliates the 
transfer of the assets of which may be deferred in accordance 
with this Section 7.3 exceeds 5% of net assets or net sales of 
the Waters Division as reflected on the Waters Division Financial 
Statements as at and for the period ending December 31, 1993.  

	Millipore agrees that in the event that a transfer is 
deferred as contemplated by this Section 7.3, it shall operate 
that portion of the Business not transferred at the Closing in 
the manner reasonably requested by the Purchaser and for the 
benefit of Purchaser and shall, if requested by Purchaser, 
execute such documents and instruments as Purchaser may

reasonably request to evidence Purchaser's rights to the economic 
benefits accruing from such assets (including, without 
limitation, the cash flow benefits of any non-cash charges 
associated with such assets) and portion of the Business until 
such approvals, consents and other actions referred to in clause 
(iv) of the first sentence of this Section 7.3 have been 

	In the event of a closing of a transfer of a Foreign 
Affiliate subsequent to the Closing Date, all of the 
representations and warranties of Millipore and WIL (if 
applicable) shall be true and correct in all material respects as 
of such date and all conditions set forth in Section 7.4 shall 
have been satisfied or waived.

	7.4.  Conditions to Closing by the Purchaser.  The 
obligations of the Purchaser to consummate the transactions 
contemplated hereby are, at the option of the Purchaser, subject 
to the fulfillment of each of the conditions that, on or before 
the Closing Date:

		7.4.1.  Representations and Warranties True; 
Obligations Performed.

	(a)  The representations and warranties of Millipore 
and MIHL contained in Section 4 hereof shall be true and 
correct in all material respects at and as of the Closing 
Date, with the same force and effect as if made at and as of 
the Closing Date;

	(b)  Millipore and MIHL shall have performed or 
complied in all material respects with all of their 
covenants contained in Section 7 hereof to the extent such 
performance or compliance is required prior to and on the 
Closing Date;

	(c)  Millipore, Millipore France and MIHL shall have 
delivered to the Purchaser certificates, dated the Closing 
Date and signed by the President and/or Vice President of 
Millipore, Millipore France and MIHL, respectively, to the 
foregoing effects; and

	(d)  Millipore shall have executed and delivered the 
Transition Services Agreement.

	(e)  The Board of Directors of Millipore shall have 
approved the accelerated vesting of options granted to 
employees of Millipore that are employees of the Waters 
Division and will become employees of Purchaser as of the 
Closing Date.

	(f)  Millipore shall have fulfilled such of its 
obligations as may have become due under the Executive 
Incentive (Retention) Agreements between Millipore and 
certain key executives of the Waters Division.

		7.4.2.  Opinion of Millipore's and MIHL's Counsel.  The 
Purchaser shall have received from Messrs. Ropes & Gray, counsel 
to Millipore and MIHL, an opinion dated the Closing Date, in form 
and substance reasonably satisfactory to counsel for the 
Purchaser to the effect that:

	(a)  Each of Millipore, Millipore France, MIHL, WIL and 
its Subsidiaries is a corporation duly organized and validly 
existing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its 
incorporation.  Each of Millipore, Millipore France and MIHL 
has the corporate power to execute, deliver and perform the 
Documents.  Each of Waters France, WIL and its Subsidiaries 
has the corporate power to own the Business and to operate 
and carry on the Business as now conducted;

	(b)  Each of Waters France, WIL and its Subsidiaries is 
duly qualified and in good standing as a foreign corporation 
in each jurisdiction indicated in Schedules 4.1 and 4.3 
hereto.  Each of Waters France, WIL and its Subsidiaries is 
duly qualified to do business and is in good standing as a 
foreign corporation in each jurisdiction in which it owns or 
leases real property; and

	(c)  the execution and delivery of the Documents, and 
the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby, 
have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary 
corporate action on the part of Millipore, Millipore France 
and MIHL;

	(d)  each Document has been duly executed and delivered 
by Millipore or MIHL or both, or Millipore France, as 
appropriate, and constitutes the legal, valid and binding 
obligation of such party or parties, as the case may be, 
enforceable in accordance with its terms except as 
enforcement thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, 
insolvency, moratorium, or other laws affecting creditors' 
rights generally and the enforceability of the obligations 
being subject to the general principles of equity; and

	(e)  the execution and delivery of the Documents, the 
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and 
thereby, and the compliance with the terms and conditions 
hereof and thereof (i) will not conflict with, or result in 
a breach of (1) any relevant statute, law, ordinance, rule, 
regulation, order, injunction or decree applicable to either 
of Millipore or WIL or the Business, or (2) the terms, 
conditions or provisions of the Articles of Organization,

Certificate of Incorporation or the By-laws of Millipore or 
the charter documents or by-laws of Waters France, MIHL, WIL 
or any of its Subsidiaries or (3) any material mortgage, 
lease, agreement, or other instrument or any judgment, order 
or decree to which Millipore or WIL is a party or by which 
it or its properties are bound or which otherwise relates to 
the Business, (ii) will not result in the termination of, or 
require any consent under (other than consents listed in 
Schedule 4.10 hereof), any of the items listed in clause 
(i)(3) above, (iii) will not constitute, with or without the 
giving of notice or the passage of time or both, a default 
under any of the foregoing, and (iv) will not accelerate or 
constitute, with or without the giving of notice or the 
passage of time or both, grounds for acceleration of any 
obligation under any of the items listed in clause (3) 
above, or (v) modify or result in the creation of any lien, 
security interest, charge or encumbrance upon any of the 
assets or properties necessary for the conduct of the 

	(f)  The Documents, including, without limitation, the 
instruments of transfer described in Section 3.1.3., are 
sufficient to vest in Purchaser the right, title and 
interest of Sellers in and to the Purchased Assets, the WIL 
Stock and the Waters France Stock (including, without 
limitation, the Waters Intellectual Property);

and an opinion of Geoffrey Nunes, Esq., Senior Vice President and 
General Counsel of Millipore, to the effect that:

	(a)  To the best of his knowledge, each of Millipore, 
Millipore France, MIHL, WIL and each of its Subsidiaries 
have complied in all material respects with all applicable 
United States federal, state and local and foreign laws, 
regulations, ordinances, licenses, permits and 
authorizations affecting the Business; and

	(b)  Except as referred to in Schedule 4.20 hereto, 
there currently is, and has been during the past three 
years, no action, suit, claim, arbitration, governmental 
investigation, or other legal or administrative proceeding 
pending, or to the best of his knowledge, threatened against 
or involving or affecting the Business before any federal, 
state, municipal, or foreign court, governmental agency or 
instrumentality or arbitration tribunal, nor any request for 
response or remedial action with respect to any 
environmental, hazardous or toxic waste or substance, waste 
water discharge, or similar matter.  To the best of his 
knowledge, except as stated in Schedule 4.20 hereto, neither 
Millipore, WIL nor Millipore France is in default with 
respect to any request, order, writ, judgment, injunction or 
decree of any federal, state, municipal or foreign court,

governmental agency or instrumentality or arbitration 
tribunal relating to the Business, nor is subject to any of 
the foregoing that has or can be expected to have a material 
affect on the Business.   

	In rendering their opinions, counsel for Millipore and MIHL 
shall be entitled to rely, as to matters governed by the laws of 
jurisdictions other than Massachusetts, on opinions of counsel 
admitted to practice in such jurisdictions, and as to matters of 
fact on certificates of officers of Millipore and public 

		7.4.3.  Certain Legal Matters.  All actions, 
proceedings, instruments and documents required to carry out this 
Agreement, or incidental thereto, and all other related legal 
matters, shall be reasonably satisfactory to counsel for 
Purchaser and such counsel shall have received all documents, 
instruments or copies thereof, certified if requested, as may be 
reasonably requested;

		7.4.4.  Other Instruments and Actions.  Millipore, 
Millipore France and MIHL, shall have executed and delivered to 
the Purchaser such other instruments and taken such other action 
as the Purchaser may reasonably have requested with respect to 
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

		7.4.5.  Consents.  Millipore, Millipore France and MIHL 
shall have obtained all other necessary consents and approvals of 
third parties to, and all material permits, concessions, grants, 
certificates of occupancy, franchises, licenses, registrations 
and other governmental authorizations and approvals necessary for 
the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, except 
such as may be required to be obtained by Purchaser including 
those listed in Schedule 4.10 or required by Section 5 and such 
as may be deferred pursuant to Section 7.3.

		7.4.6.  Absence of Adverse Changes.  There shall have 
occurred no material adverse change in the Business, condition 
(financial or otherwise), operations, assets properties, 
liabilities or prospects of the Waters Division, except for any 
such change of which Millipore has notified the Purchaser 
pursuant to Section 7.1, and with respect to which the Purchaser 
has waived in writing the application of this condition.

		7.4.7.  Waters France Transfer; Other Proceedings.  The 
contribution and transfer of all assets and possessions of 
Millipore France to Waters France and the establishment of the 
branches of Nihon Waters Limited and Waters Asia Limited, as 
indicated on Annex B, shall have been effected to the reasonable 
satisfaction of Purchaser.

		7.4.8.  Financing.  Purchaser will have obtained 
financing on terms and conditions at least as favorable to 
Purchaser as the terms and conditions set forth in the letters 
attached as Exhibit E hereto in an amount sufficient to 
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and to 
provide for adequate working capital for the operation of the 

	7.5.  Conditions to Closing by Millipore.  The obligations 
of Millipore to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby 
are, at the option of Millipore, subject to the fulfillment of 
each of the conditions that, on or before the Closing date:

		7.5.1.  Representations and Warranties True; 
Obligations Performed.

	(a)  The representations and warranties of the 
Purchaser contained in Section 6 hereof shall be true and 
correct at and as of the Closing Date, except for changes 
contemplated by this Agreement or specifically consented to 
or approved by Millipore and MIHL, with the same force and 
effect as if made at and as of the Closing Date; and

	(b)  The Purchaser shall have delivered to Millipore 
and MIHL certificates, dated the Closing Date and signed by 
the President or a Vice President and the Secretary of the 
Purchaser, to the foregoing effects.

		7.5.2.  Opinion of Counsel for the Purchaser. 
Millipore and MIHL shall have received from counsel for the 
Purchaser, an opinion dated the Closing Date, in form and 
substance reasonably satisfactory to counsel for Millipore and 
MIHL, to the effect that:

	(a)  The Purchaser is a corporation duly organized, 
validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its 
state of organization, has the corporate power to execute, 
deliver and perform the Documents, and has the corporate 
power and authority to own the Business as contemplated by 
this Agreement and to operate and carry on the Business as 
now conducted;

	(b) the execution and delivery of the Documents, and 
the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby, 
have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary 
corporate action on the part of the Purchaser;

	(c)  each of the Documents has been duly executed and 
delivered by the Purchaser and constitutes its valid and 
legally binding obligation, enforceable in accordance with 
its terms except as enforcement thereof may be limited by 
bankruptcy, moratorium, insolvency or other laws affecting

creditors' rights generally and the enforceability of the 
obligations of such Purchaser being subject to the general 
principles of equity.

		7.5.3.  Certain Legal Matters.  All actions, 
proceedings, instruments and documents required to carry out this 
Agreement, or incidental thereto, and all other related legal 
matters, shall be reasonably satisfactory to counsel for 
Millipore and MIHL and such counsel shall have received all 
documents, instruments or copies thereof, certified if requested, 
as may be reasonably requested.

		7.5.4.  Compliance.  The Purchaser shall have performed 
and complied with all agreements, covenants and conditions 
required by this Agreement to have been performed or complied 
with prior to or at the Closing Date and Millipore and MIHL shall 
have received certificates signed by the President or a Vice 
President of the Purchaser to such effect.

		7.5.5.  Financing.  Any securities offered and sold by 
Purchaser in connection with the financing of the transactions 
contemplated hereby shall have been issued in compliance with all 
applicable laws, including without limitation the Securities Act 
of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations of the 
Securities Exchange Commission thereunder and any applicable 
state securities or "blue sky" laws.

		7.5.6.  ConSep and TOF License Agreements.  Purchaser 
shall have executed and delivered to Millipore or its designee(s) 
the ConSep License and the TOF License.

8.  Post Closing Covenants.  For the purposes of this Section 8, 
except as the context otherwise indicates, references to 
"Millipore" include Millipore and its subsidiaries, including 
MIHL and the Foreign Affiliates and Millipore France.

	8.1.  Tax Matters.  It is the intention of Purchaser, 
Millipore and MIHL that Purchaser receive a cost basis with 
respect to (i) the Purchased Assets, (ii) all assets directly or 
indirectly owned by WIL, and (iii) all assets directly or 
indirectly owned by Waters France.  Further, it is the intention 
of Purchaser, Millipore, and MIHL that Millipore be responsible 
for and pay any and all Taxes, including any and all Taxes that 
result from the Elections (as defined in Section 8.1.5), assessed 
against WIL, Waters France, the Waters Division and the Business 
for all periods (or portions thereof) on or prior to Closing 
Date.  For this purpose, any Taxes other than those based on 
income, gross receipts, sales or similar measures, shall be 
allocated pro rata on the basis of the number of days occurring 
before and after the Closing Date.

		8.1.1.  Returns and Payments.  (i) Millipore and, if 
appropriate, MIHL or the relevant Seller shall prepare, file, and 
pay all Taxes with respect to all Tax returns of WIL and Waters 
France with respect to all taxable periods ending on or before 
the Closing Date (the "Millipore Returns"); (ii)  Purchaser shall 
prepare and file all Tax returns of WIL and Waters France with 
respect to taxable periods beginning before and ending after the 
Closing Date (the "Purchaser Returns").  At least 15 days prior 
to the filing of any such return, Purchaser shall submit a copy 
of such return to Millipore.  Within the later of five days after 
Purchaser's request therefor or five days prior to the date on 
which the Tax with respect to any Purchaser Return is required to 
be paid, Millipore will pay to Purchaser the portion of such Tax 
relating to the period ending on the Closing Date; (iii)  The 
parties to this Agreement and their respective affiliates agree 
to cooperate with one another as necessary in the preparation of 
the Millipore Returns and the Purchaser Returns.

		8.1.2.  Indemnification.  Millipore and, if 
appropriate, MIHL or the relevant Seller will jointly and 
severally indemnify the Purchaser, WIL, Waters France and their 
affiliates, successors and assigns in respect of, and save and 
hold each of them harmless against any and all liability for (i) 
Taxes assessed against WIL or Waters France with respect to any 
taxable periods ending on or prior to the Closing Date, (ii) 
Taxes assessed against WIL or Waters France with respect to any 
taxable period beginning before and ending after the Closing Date 
to the extent such Taxes relate to the portion of such period 
ending on the Closing Date, (iii) Taxes resulting from the 
Elections (as defined in Section 8.1.5), (iv) Taxes assessed 
against any of them with respect to activities or operations of 
the Waters Division and the Business on or prior to the Closing, 
and (v) Taxes of Millipore or any of its affiliates assessed 
against any of them by reason of any of them being severally 
liable for such Tax pursuant to treasury regulations 1.1502-6 or 
any analogous provision of state, local or foreign law.  In the 
case of any such liability attributable to the timing for an item 
of income, deduction, credit, or other similar item (a "Timing 
Item"), such indemnity shall be net of any Tax benefit obtained 
by the indemnified party with respect to such Timing Item.

		8.1.3.  Tax Contests.  

		(i)  Purchaser shall promptly and in writing notify 
Millipore upon receipt by Purchaser or any of its affiliates of 
written notice of any federal, state, local or foreign Tax audits 
or Tax assessments that relate to Taxes for which any Seller is 
liable under Section 8 (a "Tax Claim").

		(ii)  Upon Millipore's written acknowledgment to 
Purchaser that Millipore and, if appropriate, MIHL or the 
relevant Foreign Affiliate would be liable for the Tax asserted

in a Tax Claim if such Tax were successfully imposed, Millipore 
shall conduct and control (at its own expense) the defense of 
such Tax Claim (a "Tax Contest").  Purchaser shall have the 
right, at its own expense, to participate in such Tax Contest. 
If Purchaser does not so participate, Millipore shall keep 
Purchaser informed as to the conduct and progress of the Tax 

		(iii)  If Millipore chooses not to conduct and control 
a Tax Contest with respect to any Tax asserted in a Tax Claim for 
which Millipore and, if appropriate, MIHL or the relevant Foreign 
Affiliate would be liable if such Tax were successfully imposed, 
Purchaser shall have the right to conduct and control such Tax 
Contest.  Millipore shall be liable for all reasonable costs 
(including attorneys fees) incurred by Purchaser with respect to 
such Tax Contest.  Purchaser shall keep Millipore fully informed 
as to the conduct and progress of the Tax Contest.  Purchaser 
shall not settle the Tax Contest without Millipore's prior 
written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

		(iv)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in 
clauses (ii) and (iii) above, in the event that any taxing 
authority commences a Tax audit or makes a Tax assessment 
involving both (a) Taxes for which any Seller is liable under 
Section 8.1.2 (or a possible adjustment which would result in a 
Tax detriment to Millipore) and (b) Taxes for which Purchaser or 
its affiliates would be liable (or a possible adjustment which 
would result in a Tax detriment to Purchaser or its affiliates), 
Millipore and Purchaser shall (each at their own cost) jointly 
conduct and control the resulting Tax Contest and neither shall 
have the right to settle such Tax Contest without the consent of 
the other.

		8.1.4.  Cooperation.  After the Closing Date, the 
parties to this Agreement and their respective affiliates shall 
make available to one another, as reasonably requested, all 
information, records or documents relating to Taxes or potential 
Tax liabilities of WIL, Waters France, the Waters Division and 
the Business for all periods prior to and including the Closing 
Date and shall preserve all such information, records and 
documents until the expiration of any applicable statutes of 
limitations or extensions thereof.

		8.1.5.  Elections.  

		(i)  With respect to WIL and its Subsidiaries and 
Waters France (a) Purchaser and Millipore (and/or Millipore's 
relevant Foreign Affiliate) shall jointly make an election under 
Section 338(h)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code and the 
regulations promulgated thereunder, and any analogous provision 
of state, local or foreign law and (b) with respect to any state, 
local, or foreign jurisdiction that does not recognize an

election under (a), Purchaser shall make an election under 
Section 338(g) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations 
promulgated thereunder, and any applicable analogous provision of 
state, local or foreign law (the Elections in (a) and (b) 
immediately above are referred to collectively as the 

		(ii)  Except as otherwise dictated by Section 8.1.1, 
Purchaser shall be responsible for the preparation and timely 
filing of all returns, documents, statements and other forms to 
be filed with any federal, state, local or foreign taxing 
authority in connection with the Elections.  Millipore, MIHL and 
the Foreign Affiliates shall cooperate with Purchaser to enable 
Purchaser to prepare and file the Elections and shall execute and 
deliver to Purchaser such documents and forms as are required by 
the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations promulgated 
thereunder, or any analogous provision of state, local or foreign 
law, to properly complete the Elections.  Purchaser shall be 
solely responsible for any requirements related to qualification 
for the Elections.

		(iii)  The portion of the Purchase Price allocated to 
WIL and Waters France, the liabilities of WIL and its 
Subsidiaries and Waters France, and other relevant items shall be 
allocated between and among the assets held directly or 
indirectly by WIL and its Subsidiaries and Waters France in 
accordance with the rules of Section 338 of the Internal Revenue 
Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder.  Purchaser 
shall, on or prior to the ninetieth (90th) day following the 
Closing Date, prepare and deliver to Millipore a schedule setting 
forth such allocations which schedule shall be reasonably 
satisfactory to Millipore.  The allocations as agreed to in the 
previous sentence shall be used by all parties to this agreement 
(and their affiliates) for financial, accounting and tax 
reporting purposes.

		8.1.6.  Tax Sharing.  Other than pursuant to this 
Agreement, as of the Closing Date, WIL, Waters France, the Waters 
Division and the Business shall have no further rights or 
obligations under or arising out of any tax sharing agreements 
amongst any of them and Millipore, MIHL, the Foreign Affiliates 
and/or any of their affiliates.

	8.2.  Non-Assignable Assets.  Notwithstanding anything 
contained in this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement shall 
not constitute an agreement or an attempted agreement to 
transfer, sublease or assign any contract, lease, agreement or 
commitment, or any claim, right or benefit arising thereunder or 
resulting therefrom if any such attempted transfer, sublease or 
assignment without the consent of any other party thereto would 
constitute a breach thereof or would in any way adversely affect 
the rights of Purchaser thereunder.  If requested by Purchaser,

each Seller shall, after the Closing Date, use its best efforts 
to obtain the consent of any party or parties to any such 
contracts or other agreements to the transfer, sublease or 
assignment thereof by each Seller to Purchaser or its designee(s) 
hereunder in all cases in which such consent is required. 
Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Section 8.2, 
nothing herein shall be deemed to waive or excuse any Seller from 
any obligation on the part of any such Seller, or any condition 
for the benefit of Purchaser, to obtain any necessary consents of 
any person or entity to the assignment to Purchaser of any of the 
Purchased Assets or any contract, lease, agreement or commitment 
required to be assigned hereunder.

	8.3.  Further Assurances.  From time to time after the 
Closing, each Seller, without further consideration, will (i) 
execute and deliver, or cause its affiliates to execute and 
deliver, to Purchaser (or its designee(s)) such instruments of 
sale, transfer, conveyance, assignment and delivery, and such 
consents, assurances, powers of attorney and other instruments as 
may be requested by Purchaser or its counsel in order to vest in 
Purchaser or WIL all right, title and interest of Millipore and 
each Foreign Affiliate in and to the Purchased Assets (including, 
without limitation, the Waters Intellectual Property and the 
Millipore Contributed Assets) and otherwise in order to carry out 
the purpose and intent of this Agreement and (ii) take such 
actions as may be reasonably necessary or desirable to transfer 
to Purchaser the Millipore Contributed Assets and (y) enable 
Purchaser to obtain all governmental permits and consents which 
are necessary or desirable in connection with the operation of 
the Business.  In addition, Millipore shall (i) use its 
reasonable efforts to provide to Purchaser by April 30, 1994, and 
in any event will provide no later than May 7, 1994, financial 
statements relating to the operation of the Waters Division for 
each of the three fiscal years ending on or about December 31, 
1993, 1992 and 1991 and the fiscal quarter ending on or about 
March 31, 1994 and (ii) provide to Purchaser, on or prior to the 
thirtieth (30th) day following the Closing Date, financial 
statements relating to the operation of the Waters Division for 
each fiscal quarter (or portion thereof) beginning on or after 
March 31, 1994 and ending on the Closing Date, each of which 
statements shall satisfy the requirements of Regulation S-X of 
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

	8.4.  Power of Attorney.  Effective upon the Closing Date, 
each Seller hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints Purchaser 
and its successors, assigns and designees as its true and lawful 
attorney-in-fact, with full power of substitution, in the name of 
Purchaser or such Seller, on behalf of and for the benefit of 
Purchaser, to collect all accounts receivable and other items 
being transferred, conveyed and assigned to Purchaser as provided 
herein; to endorse, without recourse, checks, notes and other 
instruments relating to the Purchased Assets in the name of such

Seller; to institute and prosecute, in the name of such Seller, 
all proceedings which Purchaser may deem proper in order to 
collect, assert or enforce any claim, right or title of any kind 
in or to the Purchased Assets; to defend and compromise any and 
all actions, suits or proceedings in respect of any of the 
Purchased Assets; and to do all such acts and things in relation 
to the Purchased Assets as Purchaser may deem advisable.  Each 
Seller agrees that the foregoing powers are coupled with an 
interest and shall be irrevocable by such Seller.  Each Seller 
further agrees that Purchaser shall retain for its own account 
any amounts collected pursuant to the foregoing powers.  If any 
Seller receives any payments on account of the Purchased Assets 
to which Purchaser is entitled hereunder, such Seller shall 
promptly notify Purchaser thereof, hold such amounts to which 
Purchaser is entitled in trust for Purchaser and promptly 
transfer and deliver to Purchaser any cash or other property 
received by such Seller, directly or indirectly, at any time 
after the Closing Date in respect of any accounts receivable or 
otherwise relating to the assets, properties, rights or 
businesses transferred, conveyed and assigned to Purchaser as 
provided herein.

	8.5.  Confidentiality.  Millipore will not, and will not 
permit any of its other affiliates to, disclose or furnish to any 
person, firm or corporation, without the prior written consent of 
Purchaser, the name of any customer or employees of the Waters 
Division, or any other confidential or proprietary information 
concerning the Business, including all confidential and 
proprietary information included in the Waters Intellectual 
Property, unless required to do so by applicable law or the 
information is at the time otherwise readily available from 
public sources, through no fault of Millipore or any of its other 
affiliates.  Purchaser acknowledges that customers of the Waters 
Division may also be customers of Millipore's other businesses.

	8.6.  Employees and Employee Benefits Plans.

		(i)  Allocation of Responsibilities.  With respect to 
the Transferred Employees, Millipore shall be responsible for (a) 
all liabilities, obligations and commitments relating to all 
wages, salaries, bonuses and other forms of compensation and 
related expenses, including without limitation obligations for 
vacation and all applicable payroll taxes, attributable to the 
period ending at the time of Closing and (b) all claims incurred 
or benefits accrued prior to the time of Closing under the 
employee benefit plans, programs and arrangements maintained by 
Millipore (or any subsidiary or related company); except for, in 
each case, such liabilities constituting Assumed Liabilities.

		(ii)  Severance.  Purchaser shall not assume any 
liability or obligation to provide severance benefits to any 
person, including but not limited to, any amounts payable under

foreign law ("Severance Obligations") which arises from events 
occurring on or prior to the time of Closing.  Except as 
otherwise provided in Section 8.7, Purchaser hereby agrees to 
indemnify and hold harmless Millipore and any of its affiliates 
with respect to any Severance Obligation which arises from events 
occurring after the time of Closing.

		(iii)  COBRA.  Millipore shall be responsible for 
satisfying the "continuation coverage" requirements for "group 
health plans" under Section 4980B of the Code or Part 6 of 
Title I of ERISA ("COBRA") for all of Millipore's employees who 
do not become Transferred Employees or who are receiving such 
continuation coverage as of the Closing Date.

		(iv)  Disability, Workers Compensation and Unemployment 
Compensation.  Millipore shall be responsible for any and all 
liabilities arising in connection with any person receiving 
workers compensation, long-term disability and unemployment 
compensation as of the Closing Date, and for any person who 
becomes entitled to long-term disability benefits after the 
Closing Date but who was disabled and in the disability waiting 
period as of the Closing Date.

		(v)  Retiree Benefits.  Millipore shall remain liable 
for all welfare benefits, including retiree insurance benefits 
and medical benefits, and pension benefits being provided as of 
the Closing Date to all persons who retired from the Waters 
Business on or prior to the Closing Date and to their eligible 

		(vi)  Section 125 Plan.  As of the Closing Date, 
Millipore shall cause the credits and debits of the accounts of 
the Transferred Employees as of the Closing Date under the 
Section 125 health care spending account and the Section 125 
cafeteria plan (the "Section 125 Plans") to be segregated into 
identical separate plans to be assumed and maintained by 
Purchaser after the Closing.  The Section 125 Plans shall give 
full effect to, and continue in effect, salary reduction 
elections made under Millipore's plan.

		(vii)  Supplemental Nonqualified Plans.  If any 
Transferred Employee is a participant in a nonqualified deferred 
compensation plan, Millipore shall transfer to Purchaser any and 
all obligations under such plan along with assets equal to such 

		(viii)  Extrel Corporation Employees' Tax Shelter 
Savings Plan.  Purchaser shall assume, as of the Closing Date, 
sponsorship of the Extrel Corporation Employees' Tax Shelter 
Savings Plan.

		(ix)  Puerto Rico Savings Plan.  Certain Transferred 
Employees may participate under a savings plan established and 
maintained in Puerto Rico.  If Purchaser so requests within a 
reasonable period after the Closing Date, Millipore shall 
transfer to a successor plan established by Purchaser the value 
of the account balances maintained under said plan for the 
Transferred Employees participating thereunder.

	8.7.  Puerto Rico.  Millipore will indemnify Purchaser and 
hold it harmless against any loss, liability, damage or expense 
relating to or arising in connection with, the relocation of 
Waters Division's Puerto Rico operations, including without 
limitation severance and other costs.

9.	Survival of Representations and Warranties.  Except as 
otherwise specifically provided herein, all representations, 
warranties of Millipore and MIHL and the Purchaser contained 
herein or in any document, certificate or other instrument 
required to be delivered hereunder in connection with the 
transactions contemplated hereby shall survive for a period of 
three (3) years following the Closing; provided, that (i) 
representations and warranties made in Section 4.2 shall survive 
indefinitely, (ii) representations and warranties made in Section 
4.11 shall survive until the expiration of the applicable statute 
of limitations or, if later, thirty (30) days after receiving 
notice of the assessment of additional Taxes from the relevant 
taxing authority, and (iii) representations and warranties made 
in Section 4.9(ii) shall survive for a period of five years; 
provided further, that in the event that any Purchaser Claim or 
Millipore Claim, as the case may be, for a breach of any 
representation or warranty has been asserted, in accordance with 
Section 12.4, prior to the last day such representation or 
warranty would otherwise survive pursuant to this Section 9.1, 
such representation and warranty shall survive until final 
disposition of such claim.

10.  Disclosures of Information by Former Millipore Employees. 
Effective as of the Closing Date, Millipore hereby waives all 
rights under any employee agreements regarding confidentiality, 
non-disclosure or non-use of information only to the extent 
necessary to permit former Millipore employees who become 
employed by WIL or any Subsidiary or by the Purchaser to disclose 
confidential information concerning the Business to the Purchaser 
and its affiliates.

11.  Finders and Brokers.  The Purchaser and Millipore will, 
except as set forth below, indemnify and hold harmless each other 
against and in respect of any claims for brokerage or other 
commission relative to this Agreement or the transactions 
contemplated hereby, based in any way on agreements, 
arrangements, or understandings claimed to have been made by such 
party with any third party.  The Purchaser and Millipore each

represent and warrant to the other that they have not dealt with 
any broker or finder in connection with the transactions 
contemplated by this Agreement, and do not know of any person, 
firm or corporation asserting a brokerage, finder's or similar 
claim in connection with the making or negotiation of this 
Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, except that 
Millipore has retained CS First Boston to assist it in the 
transaction contemplated by this Agreement and Millipore will be 
solely responsible for all fees and commissions due to that firm 
relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated 

12.	Indemnification.

	12.1.  Indemnity by Millipore.  Millipore hereby agrees to 
indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Purchaser and its 
directors, officers and affiliates against and in respect of any 
Damages (as defined in Section 12.7 hereof) resulting from (a) 
any breach of any of the representations or warranties made by 
Millipore, Waters France, or MIHL contained in this Agreement, 
any exhibit or Schedule hereto or any other agreement, document 
or instrument delivered by Millipore, Millipore France or MIHL in 
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, (b) any 
breach of the covenants and agreements made by Millipore, 
Millipore France or MIHL in this Agreement or any other 
agreement, document or instrument delivered by Millipore or MIHL 
in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby 
(including, without limitation, the Transition Services 
Agreement), or (c) the Excluded Liabilities, including 
Liabilities associated with broker's and finder's fees and 
similar compensation based on arrangements to which Purchaser or 
any Affiliate thereof is not a party, and notwithstanding any 
other remedy that may be available to Purchaser with respect to 
the Excluded Liabilities, and any and all actions, suits and 
proceedings resulting from any of the foregoing (hereinafter 
called a "Purchaser Claim" or "Purchaser Claims").  Following the 
Closing Date, in no event shall Waters France or WIL and its 
Subsidiaries have any liability whatsoever for any breaches of 
the representations and warranties of Waters France or WIL and 
its Subsidiaries, and Sellers shall in no event seek contribution 
from Waters France or WIL and its Subsidiaries for any such 
breaches or in respect of any other payments required to be made 
by Sellers pursuant to this Agreement.

	12.2.  Limitation of Liability.  Except with respect to 
Purchaser Claims based upon fraud on the part of Millipore or 
MIHL ("Excluded Claims"), and subject to the limitations set 
forth in the second paragraph of Section 4 above, Millipore shall 
be liable, pursuant to Section 12.1(a) for breaches of 
representations or warranties set forth in Section 4 hereof, only 
if the aggregate of all Damages in respect of Purchaser Claims 
exceeds $500,000 in which event Millipore shall be liable only to

the extent that Damages in respect of such Purchaser Claims 
exceed in the aggregate $500,000.

	Except with respect to Purchaser Claims based upon fraud on 
the part of Millipore or MIHL, Millipore's aggregate liability 
shall not exceed an amount equal to the Purchase Price.

	12.3.  Purchaser Indemnity.  Purchaser hereby agrees to 
indemnify and hold harmless Millipore and its directors, officers 
and affiliates against and in respect of any Damages (as defined 
in Section 12.7 hereof) resulting from (a) the inaccuracy of any 
representation or warranty made by the Purchaser or (b) any 
misrepresentation, breach of warranty or non-fulfillment of any 
agreement or covenant of the Purchaser contained herein or in any 
agreement or instrument required to be entered into in connection 
herewith and specifically identified herein or (c) any 
misrepresentation in or omission from any certificate required to 
be furnished by the Purchaser hereunder and specifically 
identified herein, or (d) in respect of any claim arising in 
respect of the operation of the Business subsequent to the 
Closing, or (e) the imposition or attempted imposition on 
Millipore or any of its affiliates of any liability or obligation 
assumed by WIL, Waters France or a Subsidiary as described 
herein; and any and all actions, suits and proceedings resulting 
from any of the foregoing (hereinafter called a "Millipore Claim" 
or "Millipore Claims").  

	12.4.  Certification of Claims.  If the Purchaser of 
Millipore is of the Opinion that any Purchaser Claim or a 
Millipore Claim, as the case may be, has occurred or will or may 
occur, Purchaser or Millipore, as the case may be, shall so 
notify the other, and each such notice shall be in writing and 
shall specify the circumstances of such asserted Purchaser Claim 
or Millipore Claim.

	12.5.  Termination of Rights Hereunder.  Notwithstanding any 
other provision hereof, no Purchaser Claim or Millipore Claim may 
be made or lawsuit instituted under the provisions of this 
Section 12 (except for Reserved Claims) more than three years 
after the Closing Date except for claims for breaches of certain 
representations and warranties referred to in Section 12.1(a). 
The obligation to provide indemnity for the breaches of 
representations and warranties referred to in Section 12.1(a) 
shall be as follows:  (i) with respect to claims made pursuant to 
Section 4.2, there shall be no time limit on claims for 
indemnification, (ii) with respect to claims made pursuant to 
Section 4.11 claims must be made within the applicable statute of 
limitations or, if later, within 30 days of receiving notice of 
the assessment of additional Taxes from the relevant taxing 
authority, and (iii) with respect to claims made pursuant to 
Section 4.9(ii), claims must be made on or prior to the fifth 
anniversary of the Closing Date.  "Reserved Claim" shall mean any

Purchaser Claims or Millipore Claims which have been asserted, in 
accordance with Section 12.4, prior to the applicable date 
described in this Section 12.5.

	12.6.  Third Party Actions.

	(1)	In the event any claim is made, suit is brought or 
other proceeding is instituted against the Purchaser, or any 
of its respective directors, officers or affiliates which 
involves or appears reasonably likely to involve a Purchaser 
Claim for which indemnification may be sought against 
Millipore hereunder, Purchaser will, promptly (and in any 
event within thirty (30) days) after receipt of notice of 
any such claim, suit or proceeding, notify Millipore of the 
commencement thereof.  The failure to so notify Millipore of 
the commencement of any such claim, suit or proceeding will 
relieve Millipore from liability only to the extent that 
such failure adversely affects the ability of Millipore to 
defend its interests in such claim, action or proceeding. 
Millipore (at its expense) shall have the right and shall be 
given the opportunity to assume and control the defense of 
such claim, suit or proceeding, provided that Millipore must 
conduct the defense of the claim actively and diligently 
thereafter in order to preserve its rights in this regard; 
and provided further that Purchaser and its counsel (at 
Purchaser's expense) may participate in (but not control the 
conduct of) all matters pertaining to the defense or 
settlement of such claim, suit or proceeding.  Whether or 
not Millipore elects to assume such defense, Purchaser shall 
not, except at its own cost, make any settlement with 
respect to any such claim, suit or proceeding without the 
prior consent of Millipore.  In the event that Purchaser 
determines to settle any such claim, suit or proceeding 
without the prior consent of Millipore, Millipore shall have 
no further indemnification obligations with respect to such 
claim, suit or proceeding.  Purchaser's consent to the 
settlement of any such claim, suit or proceeding by 
Millipore shall be required and shall not be unreasonably 
withheld, but such consent shall not be required if (or to 
the extent that) such settlement only requires the payment 
of a monetary amount.  In the event that Purchaser withholds 
its consent to any settlement for any reason and thereafter 
a final judgment is entered against Millipore and/or the 
Purchaser pursuant to which damages exceed the amount of the 
proposed settlement, Millipore shall have no obligation to 
indemnify the Purchaser against and in respect of the amount 
by which the damages resulting from such final judgment 
exceeds the amount of the proposed settlement.

	(2)	In the event Millipore does not assume and conduct 
the defense of the claim in accordance with Section 12.6(a) 
above, (i) Purchaser may defend against, and consent to the

entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement with 
respect to the claim in any manner Purchaser may deem 
appropriate (and Purchaser need not consult with, or obtain 
any consent from Millipore in connection therewith) and (ii) 
Millipore will remain responsible for any adverse 
consequences Purchaser may suffer resulting from, arising 
out of, relating to, in the nature of or caused by the claim 
to the fullest extent provided in this Section 12.

	(3)	In the event any claim is made, suit is brought or 
other proceeding is instituted against Millipore which 
involves or appears reasonably likely to involve a Millipore 
Claim for which indemnification may be sought against 
Purchaser hereunder, Millipore will, promptly (and in any 
event within thirty (30) days) after receipt of notice of 
any such claim, suit or proceeding, notify the Purchaser of 
the commencement thereof.  The failure to so notify the 
Purchaser of the commencement of any such claim, suit or 
proceeding will relieve the Purchaser from liability only to 
the extent that such failure adversely affects the ability 
of the Purchaser to defend its interest in such claim, 
action or proceeding.  The Purchaser (at its expense) shall 
have the right and shall be given the opportunity to assume 
and control the defense of such claim, suit or proceeding, 
provided that Millipore and its counsel may participate in 
(but not control the conduct of) all matters pertaining to 
the defense or settlement of such claim, suit or proceeding. 
Whether or not Purchaser elects to assume such defense, 
Millipore shall not, except at its own cost, make any 
settlement with respect to any such claim, suit or 
proceeding without the prior consent of the Purchaser.  In 
the event that Millipore determines to settle any such 
claim, suit or proceeding without the prior consent of the 
Purchaser, the Purchaser shall have no further 
indemnification obligations with respect to such claim, suit 
or proceeding.  Millipore's consent to the settlement of any 
such claim, suit or proceeding by Purchaser shall be 
required and shall not be unreasonably withheld, but such 
consent shall not be required if (or to the extent that) 
such settlement only requires the payment of a monetary 
amount.  In the event that Millipore withholds its consent 
to any settlement for any reason and thereafter a final 
judgment is entered against the Purchaser and/or Millipore 
pursuant to which damages exceed the amount of the proposed 
settlement, Purchaser shall have no obligation to indemnify 
Millipore against and in respect of the amount by which the 
damages resulting from such final judgment exceeds the 
amount of the proposed settlement.

	12.7.  Definition of Damages.	For purposes of this 
Section 12, the term "Damages" shall mean the amount of any loss, 
claim, demand, damage, deficiency, assessment, judgment,

remediation, cost or expense (including reasonable attorneys', 
consultants' and experts' fees and expenses) actually incurred, 
less any amount recovered under an insurance policy carried by 
the party or parties seeking indemnification pertaining to such 
loss, claim, demand, damage, deficiency, cost or expense. 
Additionally, the indemnified party will pay to the indemnifying 
party, as and when received, any Tax benefit obtained by the 
indemnified party with respect to the Damages under any federal, 
state, local or foreign Tax laws.  In the event that an 
indemnified party hereunder pays a claim covered by the 
indemnified party's insurance for which it is entitled to 
indemnification by the other party hereunder, such indemnified 
party shall pay such claim and the indemnifying party shall 
reimburse the indemnified party the full amount of such claim 
(less the amount of any insurance proceeds previously recovered 
by the indemnified party with respect to such claim, plus the 
aggregate amount by which such indemnified party's premiums with 
respect to such insurance is increased as the sole result of the 
payment of such claim).  If the indemnified party subsequently 
receives insurance proceeds with respect to such claim, the 
indemnified party shall pay the indemnifying party such insurance 
proceeds up to the amount actually paid by the indemnifying 
party.  The indemnified party shall be required to use its best 
efforts to seek and obtain such insurance proceeds as quickly as 

	12.8.  Duty to Mitigate.

	(a)	Purchaser agrees at all times to use its reasonable 
efforts to minimize, and to cause its designee(s), Waters France, 
WIL and its Subsidiaries to minimize, the cost to Millipore of 
the obligation to indemnify the Purchaser (and the other persons 
and entities identified in Section 12.1) for any damages in 
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Section 12.

	(b)	Millipore agrees at all times to use its reasonable 
efforts to minimize the cost to the Purchaser of the obligation 
to indemnify Millipore (and the other persons and entities 
identified in Section 12.3) for any damages in accordance with 
the terms and conditions of this Section 12.

	12.9.  Exclusive Remedy; Waiver of CERCLA Rights.

	(a)	Except with respect to Purchaser Claims based upon 
fraud, and the application of the provisions of Section 14.9, the 
rights of the Purchaser under this Section 12 shall be the 
exclusive remedy of the Purchaser with respect to any breach or 
alleged breach of the representations, warranties and covenants 
of Millipore set forth herein.

	(b)	Except with respect to Millipore Claims based upon 
fraud, the rights of Millipore under this Section 12 shall be the

exclusive remedy of Millipore with respect to any breach or 
alleged breach of the representations, warranties and covenants 
of the Purchaser as set forth herein.

	12.10.  Arbitration Procedures.

	(a)  Millipore, Millipore France and MIHL, on the one hand, 
and Purchaser, on the other hand (the "Parties") agree that the 
arbitration procedure set forth below shall be the sole and 
exclusive method for resolving and remedying claims (i) for 
Damages arising out of the provisions of Section 7(b) above (the 
"Disputes") and (ii) the enforcement of Section 14.9 below. 
Nothing in this Section 12.10 shall prohibit a Party from 
instituting litigation to enforce any Final Determination (as 
defined in clause (v) below) or availing itself of the other 
remedies set forth in Section 14.9 below.  The Parties hereby 
agree and acknowledge that, except as otherwise provided in this 
Section 12.10 or in the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the 
American Arbitration Association as in effect from time to time, 
the arbitration procedures and any Final Determination hereunder 
shall be governed by, and shall be enforced pursuant to, the 
Uniform Arbitration Act.

	(b)  In the event that any Party asserts that there exists a 
Dispute, such Party shall deliver a written notice to each other 
Party involved therein specifying the nature of the asserted 
Dispute and requesting a meeting to attempt to resolve the same. 
If no such resolution is reached within ten (10) business days 
after such delivery of such notice, the Party delivering such 
notice of Dispute (the "Disputing Person") may, within forty-
five (45) business days after delivery of such notice, commence 
arbitration hereunder by delivering to each other Party involved 
therein a notice of arbitration (a "Notice of Arbitration"). 
Such Notice of Arbitration shall specify the matters as to which 
arbitration is sought, the nature of any Dispute, the claims of 
each Party to the arbitration and shall specify the amount and 
nature of any damages, if any,  sought to be recovered as a 
result of any alleged claim, and any other matters required to be 
included therein, if any, by the Commercial Arbitration Rules of 
the American Arbitration Association as in effect from time to 

	(c)  Each Party shall select one independent arbitrator 
expert in the subject matter of the Dispute (the arbitrators so 
selected shall be referred to herein as the "Purchaser 
Arbitrator" and the "Millipore Arbitrator", respectively).  In 
the event that either Party fails to select an independent 
arbitrator as set forth herein within twenty (20) days from 
delivery of a Notice of Arbitration, then the matter shall be 
resolved by the arbitrator selected by the other Party.  The 
Millipore Arbitrator and the Purchaser Arbitrator shall select a 
third independent arbitrator expert in the subject matter of the

dispute, and the three arbitrators so selected shall resolve the 
matter according to the procedures set forth in this Section 
12.10.  If the Millipore Arbitrator and the Purchaser Arbitrator 
are unable to agree on a third arbitrator within twenty (20) days 
after their selection, the Millipore Arbitrator and the Purchaser 
Arbitrator shall each prepare a list of three independent 
arbitrators.  The Millipore Arbitrator and the Purchaser 
Arbitrator shall each have the opportunity to designate as 
objectionable and eliminate one arbitrator from the other 
arbitrator's list within seven (7) days after submission thereof, 
and the third arbitrator shall then be selected by lot from the 
arbitrators remaining on the lists submitted by the Millipore 
Arbitrator and the Purchaser Arbitrator.

	(d)  The arbitrator(s) selected pursuant to subparagraph (c) 
above will determine the allocation of the costs and expenses of 
arbitration based upon the percentage which the portion of the 
contested amount not awarded to each Party bears to the amount 
actually contested by such Party.  For example, if Purchaser 
submits a claim for $1,000, and if Millipore, contests only $500 
of the amount claimed by Purchaser, and if the arbitrator(s) 
ultimately resolves the dispute by awarding Purchaser $300 of the 
$500 contested, then the costs and expenses of arbitration will 
be allocated 60% (i.e., 300/500) to Millipore and 40% (i.e., 
200/500) to Purchaser.

	(e)  The arbitration shall be conducted under the Commercial 
Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association as in 
effect from time to time, except as modified by the agreement of 
Purchaser and Millipore.  The arbitrator(s) shall so conduct the 
arbitration that a final result, determination, finding, judgment 
and/or award (the "Final Determination") is made or rendered as 
soon as practicable, but in no event later than ninety (90) 
business days after the delivery of the Notice of Arbitration nor 
later than ten (10) days following completion of the arbitration. 
The Final Determination must be agreed upon and signed by the 
sole arbitrator or by at least two of the three arbitrators (as 
the case may be).  The Final Determination shall be final and 
binding on all parties and there shall be no appeal from or 
reexamination of the Final Determination, except for fraud, 
perjury, evident partiality or misconduct by an arbitrator 
prejudicing the rights of any Party, and to correct manifest 
clerical errors.

	(f)  Any Party may enforce any Final Determination in the 
United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. 
For the purpose of any action or proceeding instituted with 
respect to any Final Determination, each Party hereby irrevocably 
submits to the jurisdiction of such courts, irrevocably consents 
to the service of process by registered mail or personal service 
and hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by 
law, any objection which it may have or hereafter have as to

personal jurisdiction, the laying of venue of any such action or 
proceeding brought in any such court and any claim that any such 
action or proceeding brought in such court has been brought in an 
inconvenient forum.

	(g)  If any Party shall fail to pay the amount of Damages 
assessed against it within ten (10) days of the delivery to such 
Party of such Final Determination, the unpaid amount shall bear 
interest from the date of such delivery at the rate described in 
Section 2.6 hereof.  Interest on any such unpaid amount shall be 
compounded semi-annually, computed on the basis of a 365-day year 
and shall be payable on demand.  In addition, such Party shall 
reimburse the other party for any and all costs or expenses of 
any nature or kind whatsoever (including but not limited to all 
attorneys' fees) incurred in seeking to collect such damages or 
to enforce any Final Determination.

13.  Termination.  Anything herein or elsewhere to the contrary 
notwithstanding, this Agreement may, at any time prior to the 
Closing Date, be terminated:  (a) by mutual agreement of 
Millipore and the Purchaser; (b) by Millipore or the Purchaser if 
the conditions set forth in Section 7.3 shall have not been 
fulfilled or waived by the Closing Date; (c) by the Purchaser if 
any of the conditions set forth in Section 7.4 shall not have 
been fulfilled or waived by the Closing Date; or (d) by Millipore 
if (i) by the close of business on July 31, 1994 or, such later 
date as the parties may mutually agree, the consummation of the 
transactions contemplated hereby have not taken place or (ii) any 
of the conditions set forth in Section 7.5 shall not have been 
fulfilled by the Closing Date.

	In the event of a termination pursuant to clause (a) or (b) 
hereof, neither Millipore nor the Purchaser shall have any 
further liability to the other.  Termination pursuant to clause 
(c) or (d) hereof shall be without prejudice to any party's 
rights with respect to a breach by any other party.

	Each party agrees that upon any termination it will not 
disclose, and will cause its directors, officers and 
representatives not to disclose, to any other person not a party 
to this agreement the event of termination or any of the reasons 
therefor except as may be required by applicable law or with the 
written consent of the other parties hereto.

14.  Preservation of Records.  For a period of three years 
following the Closing Date, the Purchaser shall preserve and 
maintain in reasonably available format all business records of 
the Waters Division which are transferred to the Purchaser's 
possession pursuant to this Agreement.  Thereafter Purchaser 
shall preserve and maintain or permit Millipore to preserve or 
maintain all business records relating to periods prior to the 
Closing and not more than seven years old, on a rolling basis.

Purchaser shall make such records available for all reasonable 
purposes on a reasonable basis to Millipore and its 

	14.1.  Expenses.  Whether or not the transactions 
contemplated hereby shall be consummated:

	(a)  The Purchaser shall pay all of the fees, expenses 
and disbursements of its counsel and accountants in 
connection with the subject matter of this Agreement and any 
amendments hereto and all other costs and expenses incurred 
by it in the performance of its obligations under this 
Agreement; and

	(b)  Millipore and MIHL shall pay all of the fees, 
expenses and disbursements of their counsel and accountants 
in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement and 
any amendments hereto and all other costs and expenses 
incurred by them in the performance by them of their 
obligations under this Agreement.

	14.2.  Notices.  Any notices or other communications 
required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be 
deemed to have been given:  if delivered by facsimile on the date 
delivered (provided a copy is subsequently received by the 
recipient of such facsimile), or if mailed, three (3) business 
days after being deposited in the United States mail, postage 
prepaid and registered or certified, to the address of such party 
stated below:

In the case of the Purchaser,
at the following address:

	Waters Holding Inc.
	34 Maple Street
	Milford, Massachusetts  01757
	ATTENTION:  Chief Executive Officer

	with a copy to the Legal
	Department at the same address.

	with copies to:

	AEA Investors Inc.
65 East 55th Street
New York, New York 10022
	ATTENTION: Charles F. Baird

	Bain Capital, Inc.
	2 Copley Place
	Boston, Massachusetts 02116
	ATTENTION: Joshua Bekenstein

	Kirkland & Ellis
	200 East Randolph Drive
	Chicago, Illinois 60601
	ATTENTION: Karl E. Lutz, P.C.

	Kirkland & Ellis
	153 East 53rd Street
	New York, New York 10027
	ATTENTION: Stephen M. Zide, Esq.

In the case of Millipore, at the
following address:

	Millipore Corporation
	80 Ashby Road
	Bedford, Massachusetts  01730
	ATTENTION:  Geoffrey Nunes, Senior Vice President and
			  General Counsel

With a copy to:

	John E. Beard, Esq.
	Ropes & Gray
	One International Place
	Boston, Massachusetts  02110

In the case of MIHL, at the 
following address:

	Millipore Investment Holdings, Ltd.
	1013 Centre Road, Suite 350
	Wilmington, Delaware  19805

With a copy to:

	John E. Beard, Esq.
	Ropes & Gray
	One International Place
	Boston, Massachusetts  02110

or to such other person or address as any party may designate for 
itself by notice to the other parties given in accordance with 
the provisions hereof.

	14.3.  Successors in Interest.  This Agreement shall be 
binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto 
and their respective successors, heirs, representatives and 
assigns.  The Purchaser shall have the right to assign its entire 
interests (or any portion thereof) in this Agreement to one or 
more other corporations or entities controlling, controlled by or 
under common control with Purchaser, prior to and after the

Closing, but no such assignment shall relieve the Purchaser of 
its ultimate responsibility for the Purchaser's obligations 
hereunder.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Purchaser may, at any 
time, assign its rights hereunder, for collateral purposes, to 
any person or entity providing financing to Purchaser.

	14.4.  Entire Agreement, etc.  This Agreement, together with 
the Transition Services Agreement and the other agreements and 
other documents executed in connection herewith on and after the 
date hereof, represents the entire understanding and agreement 
between the parties hereto with respect to the transactions 
contemplated herein, and supersedes all prior oral or written 
agreements, documents, understandings, negotiations and 
representations made by and between such parties, all of which 
are hereby terminated.  No amendment or modification of this 
Agreement will be effective unless reduced to writing and signed 
by all parties thereto.  The Schedules and Exhibits attached 
hereto shall constitute part of this Agreement.

	14.5.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two 
or more counterparts by the parties hereto, each of which when so 
executed will be an original, but all of which will together 
constitute one and the same instrument.

	14.6.  Waivers.  The failure of any party hereto at any time 
to require performance by any other party of any provision of 
this Agreement shall not affect the right of such party to 
require performance of that provision, and any waiver by any 
party of any breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not 
be construed as a waiver of any continuing or succeeding breach 
of such provision, a waiver of the provision itself, or a waiver 
of any right under this Agreement.

	14.7.  Applicable Law.  This Agreement shall take effect as 
a sealed contract and shall be governed by and the legal 
relationships of the parties determined and construed in 
accordance with the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
applicable to contracts made and performed wholly within said 

	14.8.  Severability.  In case any one or more of the 
provisions or parts of a provision contained in this Agreement 
shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or 
unenforceable in any respect in any jurisdiction, such 
invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any 
other provision or part of a provision of this Agreement or the 
validity or enforceability of such provision or portion thereof 
in any other jurisdiction, but this Agreement shall be reformed 
and construed in any such jurisdiction as if such invalid or 
illegal or unenforceable provision or part of a provision had 
never been contained herein and such provision or part shall be

reformed so that it would be valid, legal and enforceable to the 
maximum extent permitted in such jurisdiction.

	14.9.  Specific Performance.  Sellers acknowledge that the 
business of the Business is unique and recognize and affirm that 
in the event of a breach of this Agreement and/or the Transition 
Services Agreement by Sellers, money damages may be inadequate 
and Purchaser may have no adequate remedy at law.  Accordingly, 
Sellers agree that Purchaser shall have the right, in addition to 
any other rights and remedies existing in its favor, to enforce 
its rights and Sellers' obligations hereunder and/or the 
Transition Services Agreement not only by an action or actions 
for damages but also by an action or actions for specific 
performance, injunctive and/or other equitable relief.

	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have, by their duly 
authorized representatives, executed this Agreement under seal on 
the date first above written.


							   Geoffrey Nunes
							   Senior Vice President and
								General Counsel		 


							   Paul O'Connor

							MILLIPORE, S.A.

							By _________________________
							   Geoffrey Nunes




State of New York)	ss.:
County of New York

	On the 31st day of March in the year 1994 before me 
personally came Geoffrey Nunes to me known, who, being by me duly 
sworn did depose and say that he resides in Cambridge, 
Massachusetts, that he is the Senior Vice President and General 
Counsel of Millipore Corporation, the corporation described in 
and which executed the above instrument; and that he signed his 
name thereto by order of the Board of Directors of said 

						Notary Public
						My commission expires:

State of New York)	ss.:
County of New York

	On the 31st day of March in the year 1994 before me 
personally came Paul O'Connor to me known, who, being by me duly 
sworn did depose and say that he resides in Needham, 
Massachusetts, that he is the President of Millipore Investment 
Holdings, Ltd., the corporation described in and which executed 
the above instrument; and that he signed his name thereto by 
order of the Board of Directors of said corporation.

						Notary Public
						My commission expires:

State of New York)	ss.:
County of New York

	On the 31st day of March in the year 1994 before me 
personally came Geoffrey Nunes to me known, who, being by me duly 
sworn did depose and say that he resides in Cambridge, 
Massachusetts, that he is the Director of and Attorney-in-Fact 
for Millipore, S.A., the corporation described in and which 
executed the above instrument; and that he signed his name 
thereto by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation.

						Notary Public
						My commission expires:

State of New York)	ss.:
County of New York

	On the 31st day of March in the year 1994 before me 
personally came _________________________ to me known, who, being 
by me duly sworn did depose and say that he resides in 
______________________________, that he is the 
____________________ of Waters Holding Inc., the corporation 
described in and which executed the above instrument; and that he 
signed his name thereto by order of the Board of Directors of 
said corporation.

						Notary Public
						My commission expires:


	Subsidiaries of Millipore which conduct Waters Division 

                            		Country of Incorporation/
	Name	                                   Branch           

Millipore GesmbH                        		Austria
Millipore Australia Pty. Ltd.           		Australia
Millipore S.A./N.V.	                     	Belgium
Millipore Industria E. Comercio Ltda	    	Brazil
Millipore A/S	                           	Denmark
Millipore Oy	                            	Finland
Millipore S.A.	                          	France
Millipore GmbH                          		Germany
Millipore S.p.A.	                        	Italy
Millipore SA de CV	                      	Mexico
Millipore BV	                            	Netherlands
Millipore Iberica S.A.                  		Spain
Millipore AB	                            	Sweden
Millipore AG	                            	Switzerland
Millipore (UK) Limited		                  United Kingdom
Millipore (China) Limited	               	Hong Kong/China


	Subsidiaries of Waters Investments Limited which conduct 
Waters Division Business:

		State of Incorporation/
	Name	Location of Branch    

Nihon Waters Limited	Delaware/Japan
Waters Asia LimitedDelaware/Hong 
Kong, Malaysia, 


	Subsidiaries of Millipore (newly created), the stock of which 
will be purchased by Purchaser (or its designee(s)).

	Name						Country of Incorporation

	Waters S.A.				France

				TABLE OF CONTENTS                        Page

1.	     Definitions                           2

	1.1.   "Agreement"                           3
 1.2. 	 "Balance Sheet"                       3
	1.3.  "Business                              3
	1.4.  "Closing Date"                         3
 1.5.  "ConSep License"                       3
	1.6.  "Documents"                            3
	1.7.  "Foreign Affiliates"                   3
 1.8.  "GAAP"                                 3 
 1.9.	 "Millipore GAAP"                       4
 1.10.  "Millipore Contributed Assets"        4
 1.11.  "Purchased Assets"                    4
 1.12.  "Sellers"                             4
 1.13.  "Tax"                                 4
 1.14.  "TOF License"                         4
 1.15.  "Transition Services Agreement"       4
 1.16.  "Waters Division Financial Statements"4
 1.17.  "Waters Intellectual Property"        4

2.Acquisition of Purchased Assets, WIL and Waters France 
by Purchaser                                  5

2.1.  Sale of Waters France and WIL Stock     5
2.2.  Sale of Purchased Assets                6
2.3.  Assumption of Certain Obligations       8
2.4.  Excluded Liabilities                    9
2.5.  Purchase Price                         10
2.6.  Adjustment to Purchase Price           10

3.	Closing                                   13

3.1.  Closing                                13

4.	Representations and Warranties 
   of Millipore and MIHL.                    14

4.1.  Corporate Status                       15
4.2.  Capitalization and Ownership of Shares 15
4.3.  Subsidiaries                           16
4.4.  Authority                              16
4.5.  No Conflict                            17
4.6.  Financial Statements; Assets and 
      Business                               17
4.7.  No Undisclosed Liabilities, etc        18
4.8.  Inventories; Accounts Receivable       18
4.9.  Compliance with Laws                   19
4.10.  Consents                              20
4.11.  Taxes                                 20
4.12.  Property                              21
4.13.  Patents, Technologies, etc            22
4.14.  Absence of Certain Changes            24

4.15.  ERISA Plans                           26
4.16.  Labor                                 32
4.17.  Insurance                             32
4.18.  Contracts                             32
4.19.  Employees                             33
4.20.  Litigation                            33
4.21.  Products Liability                    34
4.22.  Suppliers and Customers               34
4.23.  Prohibited Foreign Trade 
       Practices Act: Sensitive Payments     34
4.24.  Burdensome Agreements                 35
4.25.  Disclosure                            35
4.26.  Closing Date                          35

5.	Pre-Acquisition Notifications             35

6.	Representations and Warranties of Purchaser 35

6.1.  Corporate Existence                    35
6.2.  Corporate Authority                    36
6.3.  No Conflict                            36
6.4.  No Consents                            36

7.  Covenants of Millipore and WIL.          37

7.1.  Continuance of Business                37
	7.2.  Access to Information                 38
	7.3.  Conditions to Closing by the Parties; Possible
		     Deferral of Closing with Respect to Certain
		     Foreign Jurisdictions                  39
	7.4.  Conditions to Closing by the Purchaser 40
	7.5.  Conditions to Closing by Millipore     44

8.  Post Closing Covenants                    45

8.1.  Tax Matters                             45
8.2.  Non-Assignable Assets                   48
8.3.  Further Assurances                      49
8.4.  Power of Attorney                       49
8.5.  Confidentiality                         50
8.6.  Employees and Employee Benefits Plans   50

9.	Survival of Representations and Warranties 52

10.  Disclosures of Information by Former Millipore  
     Employees                                52

11.  Finders and Brokers                      52

12.	Indemnification                           53

12.1.  Indemnity by Millipore                 53
12.2.  Limitation of Liability                53
12.3.  Purchaser Indemnity                    54

12.4.  Certification of Claims                54
12.5.  Termination of Rights Hereunder        54
12.6.  Third Party Actions                    55
12.7.  Definition of Damages                  56
12.8.  Duty to Mitigate                       57
12.9.  Exclusive Remedy; Waiver of CERCLA
       Rights                                 57
12.10.  Arbitration Procedures                58

13.  Termination                              60

14.  Preservation of Records                  60

	14.1.  Expenses                              61
	14.2.  Notices                               61
	14.3.  Successors in Interest                62
	14.4.  Entire Agreement, etc                 63
	14.5.  Counterparts                          63
	14.6.  Waivers                               63
	14.7.  Applicable Law                        63
	14.8.  Severability                          63
14.9.  Specific Performance                   64


Annex A -Subsidiaries of Millipore which conduct Waters Division 
Annex B -Subsidiaries of Waters Investment Limited which conduct 
Waters Division Business
Annex C -Subsidiaries of Millipore (newly created), the stock of 
which will be purchased by Purchaser (or its 


Exhibit A -Millipore Contributed Assets
Exhibit B -Transition Service Agreement
Exhibit C -Letter from the United States Environmental 
Protection Agency
Exhibit D -Commitment Letter re Financing