Exhibit 10


TO:       Jack Johansen
FROM:     John Gilmartin
SUBJECT:  Proposal Initialed By Us On 11-11-93
DATE:     November 22, 1993

The  proposal initialed by us on November 11, 1993 concerning the  conditions
of  your future employment with Millipore (severance, commission on the  sale
of  the  bioscience businesses, etc.) is amended by replacing Section B  with
the revised Section B set forth below. Its last paragraph is also amended  to
reflect the agreed upon definition of the "Business" also as set forth below.

Please  initial  this  memorandum  to  confirm  your  agreement  with   these

B.   Commission on Sale of the Business:

Millipore  will  pay a 10% commission on the net cash proceeds  to  Millipore
from  the sale or other disposition of the "Business" (see definition below).
"Net  cash  proceeds" shall mean the proceeds received by Millipore,  in  the
form  of  cash or immediately marketable securities, from the sale  or  other
disposition  of  the "Business", reduced by the amount of  cash  advanced  by
Millipore to the "Business" between December 1, 1993 and the closing date  of
such  sale  or other disposition, further reduced by transactional costs.  In
the  event that the "Business" is included as part of a transaction involving
the sale of the Waters Chromatography Division, then "Net cash proceeds" will
be  construed to equal $20,000,000 for purposes of calculating the commission
payment,  or  a reasonable amount less than $20,000,000 if some but  not  all
assets assigned to the "Business" are included in such a transaction.

It  is  agreed that commission payments will be distributed according to  the
table below, in part to you personally and in part to a pool (the "pool") for
the  benefit  of other employees of the "Business". You will determine,  with
the  prior  approval of Geoffrey Nunes, the list of your colleagues  who  are
employed in the "Business" who will participate in the pool.

                                             To JTJ   To Pool
 On the first $20,000,000 of net cash proceeds  5.0%   5.0%
 On the next $10,000,000 of net cash proceeds   0.0%   10.0%
 On net cash proceeds in excess of $30,000,000  5.0%   5.0%

Commission  payments to you will be made on or within thirty  days  following
the closing date of the sale or other disposition of the "Business".

Payments from the pool to participating employees will be offset against  any
retention  bonuses  agreed  to by Millipore in  their  cases.  If,  when  all
retention  bonuses for pool participants have been funded from pool proceeds,
there  are  excess  proceeds remaining in the pool ("excess proceeds"),  then
such  excess proceeds will be distributed to participants within thirty  days
following the final accounting thereof. Should you and Geoffrey Nunes  decide
to  include one or more individuals as participants in the pool who  are  not
entitled to retention bonuses, an amount of money ("non-bonus credits")  will
be  included  for  their  benefit  along with other  participants'  retention
bonuses in determining the divisor used to calculate individual participant's
percentage  shares  of  excess  proceeds. Each participant's  share  will  be
determined  as  follows: participant's retention bonus or  non-bonus  credits
divided by the sum of retention bonuses and non-bonus credits for all partici
pants, expressed as a percent and multiplied by the total of excess proceeds.

Only  Millipore employees in good standing the closing date will be  eligible
to share in these commission payments.

Last Paragraph

As  used  above,  "Business" shall mean that entity to  be  called  Biosearch
comprised  of  the existing biosynthesis business, the existing ConSep/MemSep
business,  and the proposed Time of Flight business, and any other businesses
which John Gilmartin agrees to add.

/s/Jack T. Johansen
Proposal - Jack T. Johansen                           11-11-93

A.   Severance:

Should  your  employment  by  Millipore cease  for  whatever  reason  (except
termination  for cause) at any time during the period from the date  of  this
agreement until two years thereafter, you will be entitled to:

1.   An amount equal to two times your then current annual salary, paid in  a
lump  sum  on the effective date of termination (the "Termination Date"),  if
your  separation from Millipore is in conjunction with your assuming a  full-
time  position in a Business (as defined below) that has been spun off  from,
or  disposed of by, Millipore. Otherwise, you will be engaged as a consultant
to  Millipore, at your then current salary for a period of 24 months from and
after  the  Termination  Date  (the  "Consulting  Period").  The  amount   of
consultation  required  of  you  will  not  interfere  with  your  full  time
engagement  in  pursuit  of other business activities  generally  or  in  the
conduct of a full scale job search.

2.    During  the  Consulting Period we will provide you  with  all  of  your
existing  medical  and insurance benefits (excluding short-term  disability).
Although  you will not be eligible to participate in Millipore's Cash  Profit
Sharing  Plan (or its replacement) during the Consulting Period, you will  be
eligible  to  participate in contributions allocated under the  Participation
Plan  for  such  period. You will also be provided with the  services  of  an
outplacement firm at Millipore's sole expense.

3.   If your separation from Millipore is in conjunction with your assuming a
full-time position in a Business that has been spun off from, or disposed  of
by,  Millipore, Millipore Management will recommend to the Board of Directors
that the vesting schedule for all stock options held by you be accelerated to
the  effective date of such spin off or disposition and that all restrictions
on  restricted shares be waived as of that date. You will then be allowed  12
months from that date to exercise any or all stock options.

If  your separation from Millipore does not involve your assuming a full-time
position in a Business spun off from, or disposed of by, Millipore, then  the
vesting of your stock options and maturing of restrictions on your restricted
stock will continue during the Consulting Period, and you will be allowed  to
exercise any or all vested options during that time.

You  will  continue to participate in Millipore's stock option  distributions
during the period prior to your separation in a business as usual fashion.

B.   Commission on Sale of Businesses:

Millipore  will  pay a commission on the net cash proceeds to Millipore  from
the  sale  or  other disposition of Bioscience assets under your  management.
"Net  cash  proceeds" shall mean the proceeds received by Millipore,  in  the
form  of  cash  or immediately marketable securities, of a sale(s)  or  other
disposition,  reduced  by the amount of cash advanced  by  Millipore  to  the
Business(es) in question between December 1, 1993 and the closing date(s)  of
such  sale or other disposition (each, a "Closing Date") and further  reduced
by  transactional costs. In the event that the Bioscience assets  under  your
management  are included as part of a transaction involving the sale  of  the
Waters Chromatography Division, then "Net cash proceeds" will be construed to
equal  $20,000,000 for purposes of calculating the commission payment,  or  a
reasonable amount less than $20,000,000 if some but not all Bioscience assets
under your management are included in such a transaction.

The  following commission schedule will apply. The commission will be payable
on  the respective Closing Date. It is understood that 50% of such commission
amounts will be distributed to you personally while the remaining 50% will be
distributed  to a group of your senior colleagues employed in  the  business.
Such  payments to your senior colleagues will be offset against any retention
bonuses  that  may  be  agreed  to by Millipore  in  their  cases.  You  will
determine, with the prior approval of John Gilmartin, the list of such senior
colleagues. Only Millipore employees in good standing on a Closing Date  will
be eligible to share in these commission payments.

On the first $10,000,000 of net cash proceeds     10.0%
On the second $10,000,000 of net cash proceeds    7.5%
On the third $10,000,000 of net cash proceeds     5.0%
On net cash proceeds in excess of $30,000,000     2.5%

C.   Additional Consideration:

For  your  part,  and  as  additional consideration for  the  incentives  and
benefits set forth above, if the Board of Directors determines to pursue  the
courses of action contemplated herein, you agree as follows:

1) As of a date to be agreed among you, John Gilmartin, and Geoff Woodard, to
assume executive and operating responsibility for the "Business";

2) To structure the "Business" for divestiture;

3) To develop with Millipore's investment bankers, its other independent
advisors,  and its Deal Coordinator, appropriate sell book(s)  or  other
offering documents;

4)  To coordinate all selling activities with, and cooperate in whatever
support activities may reasonably be required by, Millipore's investment
bankers,  its  other independent advisors, and its Deal Coordinator,  in
satisfying the information needs of prospective investors; and

5)  To  use  your good faith efforts to operate the Business  until  the
Termination Date (or until the earlier sale or other disposition of  the
Business)  in  a  manner  so as to ensure that  the  Business  sold,  or
otherwise  disposed of on a Closing Date, is structured, resourced,  and
performing as represented during negotiations, except that you will  not
be  responsible for any representations made by the Deal Coordinator  or
other  representative  of  Millipore  to  third  parties  without   your
knowledge and consent thereof.

As  used  above, "Business" shall mean, individually and collectively,  those
portions  of Millipore's Bioscience businesses as agreed to by you and  Geoff
Woodard with John Gilmartin's approval.

/s/Jack T. Johansen
November 5, 1993

Mr. Douglas A. Berthiaume
Waters Chromatography Division of
Millipore Corporation
34 Maple Street
Milford, MA 01757

Dear Mr. Berthiaume:

As you know, Millipore Corporation is contemplating the sale or other
disposition of The Waters Chromatography Division. Respecting that this
course creates an uncertain future for individual members of the WCD
management team and challenges them as a group to extraordinarily high levels
of professionalism and exertion during the period leading up to the
completion of a transaction, the incentive compensation arrangements and
other considerations described below will be effective immediately upon
Millipore's Board of Director's final approval of Management's proposal to
divest The Waters Chromatography Division.

Incentive Compensation:

As a participating WCD management team member, you will share in the proceeds
of the incentive pools described below.  You must be a Millipore employee at
the closing date or have been terminated other than for cause to be eligible
to participate and share in the incentive pools.

Successful Transaction Incentive:

Subject only upon (B) below.

(A)  Millipore will pay you as your share of a Successful Transaction
Incentive Pool 27% of a total pool of $5 million if you remain in the employ
of the business for a period of six months subsequent to the closing date or
earlier when and if terminated by the new owner.

(B)  If in the judgment of Douglas Berthiaume, it proves necessary to expand
participation in the Successful Transaction Pool beyond the currently
contemplated nine (9) participants, then the amount payable in (A) can be
reduced as follows.

1.   The first expanded participation beyond the current nine (9)
participants (Berthiaume, Feller, Taymor, Payne, Caputo, Nelson, Russo, Mazar
and Petyt) will require Douglas Berthiaume's Successful Transaction Incentive
to be reduced by up to $350,000.00.  If further expanded participation is
required, then all participants with the exception of Gerard Petyt and
Douglas Berthiaume will have their incentive reduced equally to fund the
increased participation. Douglas Berthiaume's incentive will be reduced a
further $2.00 for each $1.00 reduction by the other participants.  In no
event will this condition operate to reduce the Successful Transaction
Incentive to Feller, Caputo, Taymor, Nelson, Mazar, Russo and Payne below

Price-Based Incentive Pool 1:

Subject only to (B) below.

(A)  Millipore will pay you as your share of a "Price-Based Incentive" Pool,
no later than thirty (30) days following the closing date, 28% of a total
pool calculated by subtracting $325 million from the actual sales price of
Waters Chromatography Division or $375 million, whichever is lower, and
multiplying the difference by 10%.

(B)  If in the judgment of Douglas Berthiaume, it proves necessary to expand
participation in the Price Based Incentive beyond the currently contemplated
nine (9) participants, then the amount payable in (A) can be reduced as

1.   The first expanded participation beyond the current nine participants
(Berthiaume, Feller, Taymor, Payne, Caputo, Nelson, Russo, Mazar and Petyt)
will require Douglas Berthiaume's Price Based Incentive to be reduced by up
to 25%.  If further expanded participation is required, then all participants
with the exception of Gerard Petyt and Douglas Berthiaume will have their
incentive reduced equally to fund the increased participation. Douglas
Berthiaume's incentive will be reduced a further $2.00 for each $1.00
reduction by the other participants.  In no event will this condition operate
to reduce the Price Based Incentive to Feller, Caputo, Taymor, Nelson, Russo
and Payne by more than 20% should they otherwise qualify under (A).

Price-Based Incentive Pool 2:

Millipore will pay into a separate pool (Price-Based Incentive Pool #2), no
later than 30 days following the closing date one-tenth (10%) of the amount
by which the actual selling price or $425,000,000, whichever is lower,
exceeds $375,000,000.   This pool will be distributed to participating WCD
Management Team Members based solely on the judgment of Douglas Berthiaume.

Stock Options and Restricted Shares:

As a WCD management team member employed in good standing on the closing
date, Millipore Management will recommend to the Board of Directors that the
vesting schedule for all stock options held by you be accelerated to the
closing date and that all restrictions on restricted shares be waived as of
that date.  You will be allowed twelve months from the closing date to
exercise any or all stock options.  WCD managers and key employees will
participate in Millipore's stock option and restricted stock distributions
for 1993 in a business as usual fashion.

Severance Benefits:

As a WCD management team member, if you are involuntarily separated from the
company prior to the close, you will be afforded severance benefits (or not,
should they be terminated for cause) according to the customary policies and
practice of Millipore Corporation.  WCD management team members whose
services are required by the new owner following the closing date will not be
eligible for severance benefits from Millipore Corporation.  However,
Millipore Management will use its best efforts to ensure that the new owner
will provide reasonable severance provision should employment be terminated
after the closing date.

Change in Scope of the Transaction:

If, prior to the closing date, the Board of Directors decides to pursue a
transaction materially different from that contemplated here, this agreement
will be voided and WCD management team members covered by this agreement will
receive retention and other transaction-related rewards no less lucrative
than those
afforded other Millipore managers and key employees involved in that

Possible Longer Time to Transition:

In weighing the relative merits of alternative offers to acquire the
business to be divested, Millipore Management will take into account the
financial (and other) advantages of a divestiture which provides for
continued sharing of space, organizations and other assets, subsequent to a

For your part and as additional consideration for the incentive compensation
set forth above, you agree to apply your best efforts to:

1.   Structure the business for sale as a stand-alone concern.

2.   Develop with the investment bankers a sell book that attractively and
fairly describes the business we are selling.

3.   Coordinate all selling efforts with and cooperate in whatever support
activities may be required by Millipore's investment bankers.

4.   Operate the WCD business for the period 4Q93 through the closing date
in a manner so as to ensure that the business actually delivered to the new
owner is structured, resourced, and performing as represented during

/s/Douglas A. Berthiaume
/s/John A. Gilmartin