Form 10-Q/A
                                Amendment #1
                           Washington, D.C.  20549
                   OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
              For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1994
                   OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                for the transition period from            to
                  For Quarter Ended  Commission File Number
                        September 30, 1994   0-1052
                                   Millipore Corporation
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

(State or other jurisdiction of
incorporation or organization)

80 Ashby Road
Bedford, Massachusetts
(Address of principal executive

(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
              (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, include area code    (617) 275-9200

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities and Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that
the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject
to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

       Yes    X     No

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of  September 30, 1994:  24,703,283

                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION

                                                  Page No.
Part I.   Financial Information:

Item 1.   Condensed Financial Statements

          Consolidated Balance Sheets --
             September 30, 1994 and December 31, 1993 2

          Consolidated Statements of
             Income -- Three Months and Nine Months
             Ended September 30, 1994 and 1993        3

          Consolidated Statements of
             Cash Flows -- Nine Months Ended
             September 30, 1994 and 1993              4

          Notes to Consolidated Condensed
             Financial Statements                   5-6

Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis    Previously
             of Financial Condition and Results   Submitted
             of Operations

Part II.  Other Information                       Previously

          Signatures                                  9

                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION
                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                      (In thousands except share data)

                                       September 30,  December 31,
                                          1994            1993
     ASSETS                            (Unaudited)

Current assets
  Cash                              $     3,323     $    2,140
  Short-term investments                 81,024         38,502
  Accounts receivable, trade            139,787        113,795
     Raw materials                       20,908         18,782
     Work in process                      8,750          7,852
     Finished goods                      46,204         38,553
                                         75,862         65,187
  Other current assets                    7,474         12,790
  Receivables arising from sale of
       businesses                        24,240              -
  Net current assets of discontinued
       operations                             -        138,687
Total current assets                    331,710        371,101
Property, plant and equipment, net of
  accumulated depreciation of $174,490
  in 1994 and $163,071 in 1993          198,881        194,895
Intangible assets                         5,318          2,769
Other assets                             64,878         52,141
Net long-term assets of discontinued
    operations                                -         99,647

Total assets                           $600,787       $720,553


Current liabilities
  Notes payable and current portion of
     long-term debt                   $  23,261        $65,560
  Accounts payable and accrued expenses  66,271         57,505
  Accrued divestiture costs              40,000              -
  Dividends payable                       3,705          3,921
  Accrued retirement plan contributions   4,818          6,356
  Accrued and deferred income taxes 
     payable                             11,532          4,894
Total current liabilities               149,587        138,236

Long-term debt                          100,295        102,047
Other liabilities                        19,166         19,116
Accrued divestiture costs                29,000              -
Shareholders' equity
  Common stock                           28,494         28,344
  Additional paid-in capital             23,603         16,803
  Retained earnings                     458,804        434,988
  Translation adjustments                 8,778        (7,624)
                                        519,679        472,511
  Less:Treasury stock, at cost, 3,791
  shares in 1994 and 341 in 1993       (216,940)      (11,357)
Total shareholders' equity              302,739       461,154

Total liabilities and
    shareholders' equity               $600,787      $720,553

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated condensed
                            financial statements.

                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION
                    (In thousands except per share data)

                           Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
                             September 30,      September 30,

                               1994   1993      1994    1993

Net sales                  $123,551 $111,854  $367,200 $331,656
Cost of sales                53,114   49,587   157,289  143,998

  Gross profit               70,437   62,267   209,911  187,658

Selling, general &
 administrative expenses     40,181   36,424   117,746  109,925
Research & development
 expenses                     8,367    8,652    25,371   26,249

  Operating income           21,889   17,191    66,794   51,484

Interest income               1,976    1,047     3,254    3,184
Interest expense             (1,714)  (3,015)   (5,489)  (9,452)
Income from continuing operations before
  income taxes               22,151   15,223    64,559   45,216

Provision for income taxes    4,984    3,425    14,526   10,173

Income from continuing
    operations               17,167   11,798    50,033   35,043

Discontinued operations

  Loss from discontinued
      operations                  -  (1,189)         -  (10,851)
  Net loss on disposal of 
     discontinued operations (3,400)       -    (3,400)       -

Net income                  $13,767 $10,609    $46,633  $24,192

Net income per common share
  From continuing operations$  0.61 $  0.42    $  1.77  $  1.25
  Net income                $  0.49 $  0.38    $  1.65  $  0.87
Cash dividends declared
 per common share           $  0.15 $  0.14    $  0.44  $  0.41

Weighted average common
 shares                      28,155  27,921     28,250   27,950

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated condensed
                            financial statements.

                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION
                         CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF
                                 CASH FLOWS
                               (In thousands)
                                         Nine Months Ended
                                           September 30,
                                              1994      1993
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
Net income                                 $ 46,633   $ 24,192
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
 cash provided:
 Net loss from discontinued operations            -     10,851
 Net loss on disposal of discontinued 
    operations                                3,400          -
 Depreciation and amortization               20,781     17,827
 Deferred income tax provision               (1,000)     3,000
 Change in operating assets and liabilities:
   (Increase) in accounts receivable        (14,495)    (9,871)
   (Increase) decrease in inventories        (5,591)     4,151
   (Increase) in other current assets          (602)    (3,407)
   (Increase) in other assets               (11,103)    (1,915)
   Increase in accounts payable and accrued
    expenses                                  4,706      2,805
   (Decrease) in accrued retirement plan 
       contributions                         (1,437)      (846)
   Increase in accrued income taxes           5,153         58
   Income tax refund received                14,035          -
   Other                                     (3,262)    (2,301)
 Net cash provided by continuing operations  57,218     44,544
 Net cash provided by discontinued operations     -      2,053
 Net cash provided by operating activities   57,218     46,597

Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Net proceeds from sales of businesses       281,138          -
Additions to property, plant and equipment,
    net                                     (14,436)   (18,696)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing 
    activities                              266,702    (18,696)

Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
Treasury stock acquired                    (245,828)    (3,034)
Issuance of treasury stock under stock
      plans                                  28,915      1,426
Cash paid to extinguish long-term debt       (5,088)         -
Common stock issued                           7,350          -
Cash paid to close out foreign currency swap(10,287)         -
Net change in short-term debt               (44,628)   (38,119)
Net change in long-term debt                 (1,752)      (229)
Dividends Paid                              (12,097)   (11,194)
Net cash used for financing activities     (283,415)   (51,150)
Effect of foreign exchange rates on cash and
 short-term investments                       3,200     (1,485)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and short-term investments
                                             43,705    (24,734)
Cash and short-term investments on January 1 40,642     70,451
Cash and short-term investments on 
    September 30                           $ 84,347  $  45,717
Interest Paid                              $ 10,255  $  10,479
Taxes Paid                                 $ 20,952  $  11,455
       The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated
                       condensed financial statements.
                           MILLIPORE CORPORATION
                                  (in thousands)

1.The  accompanying  unaudited  consolidated condensed  financial  statements
  have  been  prepared in accordance with the instructions to Form 10-Q  and,
  accordingly,  these  footnotes  condense or omit  certain  information  and
  disclosures  normally  included in financial statements.   These  financial
  statements,  which  in  the opinion of management reflect  all  adjustments
  necessary for a fair presentation, should be read in conjunction  with  the
  financial  statements  and notes thereto included in the  Company's  Annual
  Report   on  Form  10-K  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1993.    The
  accompanying unaudited consolidated condensed financial statements are  not
  necessarily  indicative  of future trends or the Company's  operations  for
  the entire year.

2.As  discussed in Note B to the December 31, 1993 Annual Report, on November
  11,  1993,  the  Company's Board of Director's approved a  plan  to  divest
  operations  of  the  Company's  Instrumentation  Divisions,  which   served
  primarily   chromatography  and  bioscience  markets.    Accordingly,   the
  operating  results  of  these businesses through  November  11,  1993  were
  reclassified  as  discontinued operations in the Company's  1993  financial
  statements.    On   August   18,  1994,  the  Company   sold   its   Waters
  Chromatography Division to Waters Holdings, Inc. for $330,000 in  cash  and
  $10,000  of stock.  On August 23, 1994, the Company sold certain assets  of
  its  non-membrane bioscience business (Biosearch) to PerSeptive BioSystems,
  Inc.  for  $10,000  in  cash and four thousand shares  of  preferred  stock
  redeemable  in  four  equal  annual installments  of  $10,000.   The  stock
  proceeds received from each sale have been recorded at their fair value  at
  the  date  of  receipt.  Both sales were recorded in the third  quarter  of
  1994  and  resulted in a combined pre-tax loss of $5,667 ($3,400  or  $0.13
  per  share  net  of  income taxes) which included  estimated  costs  to  be
  incurred  in connection with the divestitures as well as pre-tax  operating
  losses  of $4,189 generated by the Instrumentation Divisions from  November
  11, 1993 through the completion of the divestitures.

  The  Company  netted approximately $281,000 in cash proceeds in  the  third
  quarter  of 1994.  In accordance with each respective sales agreement,  the
  Company  retained  and  will collect certain customer  accounts  receivable
  balances  generated from sales of Instrumentation Division  products  prior
  to  the  completion of the divestitures; such balances were applied against
  the  cash  proceeds specified in the sales agreements.  These amounts  have
  been  classified  in Receivables Arising from Sales of  Businesses  in  the
  accompanying consolidated balance sheets.

  Accruals associated with the divestitures consist primarily of costs to  be
  incurred  in  providing future general and administrative support  services
  for  the  divested  businesses as specified in the sales agreements,  costs
  associated with abandoning facilities operated under long-term leases,  and
  employee   termination   costs.   These  accruals  have   been   separately
  classified  in  both current and long-term liabilities in the  consolidated
  balance  sheets  based on management's estimates of when  such  liabilities
  will be settled.

3.On  August  24, 1994, the Company initiated a Dutch Auction Self-Tender  to
  repurchase  up  to 3,500 shares of common stock.  The tender offer  expired
  on  September  22, 1994, at which time the Company elected to increase  the
  number  of  shares  to  3,771.   All tendered shares  were  repurchased  on
  September  29,  1994  at  $57.25 per share and are classified  as  Treasury
  Stock in the accompanying consolidated balances sheets.

                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION
                                  (in thousands)
4.As discussed in Note I to the December 31, 1993 Annual Report,
  Eastern  Enterprises and its subsidiary, Ionpure  Technologies
  Corporation   filed  a  suit  against  the  Company   alleging
  misrepresentations made in conjunction with its 1989  purchase
  of the Company's Process Water Division.  The Company believes
  that  it  has adequate and complete defenses to this  lawsuit.
  Although  the Company is unable to predict with certainty  the
  outcome  of this litigation, its ultimate disposition  is  not
  expected  to  have a material adverse effect on the  Company's
  financial condition.

5.As discussed in Note F to the December 31, 1993 Annual Report,
  the Company entered into an agreement in the fourth quarter of
  1993 to retire its $100,000 notes payable bearing interest  at
  9.2  percent  before  their  call  date  of  March  30,  1995.
  Accordingly, the Company recorded an extraordinary  charge  of
  $5,906  ($3,544  net  of income taxes) in  December,  1993  to
  reflect the cost of extinguishing the notes.  In March,  1994,
  the  Company  retired  the  notes  and  simultaneously  issued
  $100,000 of 6.78 percent notes due in 2004.  Interest  on  the
  new  notes  is  payable semi-annually beginning in  September,

  At the same time as the issuance of the $100,000 notes bearing
  interest at 9.2 percent described above, the Company partially
  hedged its Japanese yen net asset exposure by entering into  a
  currency  swap  by exchanging $80,000 of dollar  debt  service
  obligations  for  9,936,000  of  yen  obligations.   The   yen
  obligations bore a 5.27 percent interest rate and  matured  in
  1995.    The   effects  of  foreign  currency  exchange   rate
  fluctuations  resulting  from this swap  were  reflected  each
  reporting  period  in translation adjustment  and  transaction
  gains/losses.  The unrealized loss on this swap of  $8,833  at
  December  31,  1993 was accounted for in other assets  in  the
  Company's balance sheet.

  In  January,  1994, the Company closed out its yen denominated
  currency  swap and simultaneously exchanged $80,000 of  dollar
  debt  service obligations for a yen denominated obligation  of
  8,760,000 yen, which bears interest at a rate of 4.49 percent.
  The swap matures in 2004.  The Company paid $10,287 in cash to
  close  out  the  old swap.  The cash payment  represented  the
  cumulative  effect  of the foreign currency rate  fluctuations
  over the life of the swap.

6.Certain reclassifications have been made to the 1993 financial
  statements to conform to the 1994 presentation.


Sales  for the third quarter of 1994 increased 11 percent compared  to  sales
for the third quarter of 1993.  For the first nine months of 1994, sales also
increased  11  percent over the same period in 1993.  For the quarter,  sales
were   up   15  percent  for  products  and  systems  used  in  manufacturing
applications,  led  by  sales to microelectronics customers.   Sales  to  the
laboratory/research  market  grew 7 percent in the  quarter.   By  geography,
sales  growth in the Asia/Pacific region was 20 percent in the third quarter,
with  continued  strong growth in Korea.  Sales growth in  Europe,  aided  in
large  part by a weaker dollar, grew 13 percent, while sales in the  Americas
region  grew  2  percent  in  the  quarter.   Foreign  currency  fluctuations
increased reported sales growth by 4 points for the quarter, and 1 point  for
the first nine months.  Sales growth by geography is summarized as follows:

                Sales growth rates         Sales growth rates
          measured in local currencies   measured in U.S. dollars
         3 months ended 9 months ended  3 months ended 9 months ended
              9/30/94      9/30/94         9/30/94         9/30/94

Americas            2%         7%            2%              7%
Europe              5%         6%           13%              6%
Asia/Pacific       16%        17%           20%             22%
                    7%        10%           11%             11%

Gross  margins increased during the third quarter of 1994 to 57.0 percent  as
compared to 55.7 percent in the third quarter of 1993.  Gross margins for the
first  nine months of 1994 have improved slightly over the first nine  months
of  1993.  The percentage increase in operating expenses in the third quarter
of  1994 was higher than the percentage increase in the first two quarters of
1994  as the Company continues to fund programs designed to fuel future sales
growth.   The  Company generated approximately $1.6 million of  non-recurring
interest  income  in  the  third quarter of 1994 by  investing  the  proceeds
received from the sale of its Waters Chromatography Division.  Excluding this
non-recurring item, net interest expense for the first nine months of 1994 is
lower  than the comparable period in 1993, primarily due to a lower  interest
rate on the Company's refinanced long-term $100 million notes payable as well
as  an overall lower level of short-term borrowings.  The Company's effective
income  tax rate on operations for 1994 is 22.5 percent, consistent with  the
full year effective rate in 1993.

The Company generated $57.2 million of cash from the operating activities of
continuing operations in the first nine months of 1994 compared to $44.5
million during the same period in 1993.  In addition to the increase in net
income from continuing operations of $15.0 million period over period, the
Company received a tax refund of $14.0 million in 1994.  These sources of
cash were partially offset by an increase in accounts receivable of $14.5
million in the first nine months of 1994 compared to an increase of $9.9
million in 1993.  In addition, inventories increased $5.6 million in 1994
compared to a decrease in inventories of $4.2 million in 1993.  Property,
plant and equipment expenditures in the first nine months of 1994 were lower
than those for the comparable period in 1993.  During the first nine months
of 1994, the Company paid a total of $15.4 million in non-recurring financing
related transactions; $5.1 million was used to pre-pay the Company's $100
million notes payable due in 1998, while $10.3 million was used to close out
the Company's yen currency swap.

In addition, the Company collected $281.0 million of net proceeds from the
sale of its Waters Chromatography and Bioscience Divisions in the third
quarter of 1994.  The Company spent approximately $216.0 million from the net
proceeds +to buy back shares of its common stock in a Dutch Auction Self-
Tender.  The Company intends to continue to make open market share
repurchases and has allocated $100 million for this program.
                         PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

      b. Reports on Form 8-K

      The Company filed a report on Form 8-K which reported the following

         On August 18th, 1994, the Company finalized the sale of the net
         assets of its Waters Chromatography division to Waters Holdings,

         On August 23, 1994, the Company announced that it had completed the
         sale of its Biosearch division to PerSeptive BioSystems, Inc.

         On August 24, 1994, the Company announced that it would repurchase
         up to 3,500,000 shares of common stock through a Dutch auction.

      The following financial statements were also filed with the Form 8-K:

         Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income of
         Millipore Corporation for the six months ended June 30, 1994 and
         the year ended December 31, 1993.

         Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet of
         Millipore Corporation as of June 30, 1994.


Pursuant  to  the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act  of  1934,  the
registrant  has  duly caused this report to be signed on its  behalf  by  the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                              Millipore Corporation

February   , 1995             /S/
Date                          Michael P. Carroll
                              Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and