Form 10-Q
                           Washington, D.C.  20549
                   OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1995
                   OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                for the transition period from            to
                  For Quarter Ended  Commission File Number
                        March 31, 1995   0-1052
                                   Millipore Corporation
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

(State or other jurisdiction of                      04-2170233
incorporation or organization)        (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

80 Ashby Road
Bedford, Massachusetts                                01730
(Address of principal executive                   (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, include area code    (617) 275-9200

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities and Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that
the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject
to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

       Yes    X     No

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of March 31, 1995:  22,581,983

                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION

                                                  Page No.
Part I.   Financial Information:

Item 1.   Condensed Financial Statements

          Consolidated Balance Sheets --
             March 31, 1995 and December 31, 1994     2

          Consolidated Statements of
             Income -- Three Months Ended
              March 31, 1995 and 1994                 3

          Consolidated Statements of
             Cash Flows -- Three Months Ended
             March 31, 1995 and 1994                  4

          Notes to Consolidated Condensed
             Financial Statements                     5

Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis
             of Financial Condition and Results
             of Operations                          6-7

Part II.  Other Information                           8

          Signatures                                  9

                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION
                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                      (In thousands except share data)
                                        March 31,      December 31,
                                            1995           1994
     ASSETS                             (Unaudited)

Current assets                                                 
  Cash                                 $ 2,240          $ 2,898
  Short-term investments                23,855           27,338
  Accounts receivable, net             147,471          136,944
     Raw materials                      23,254           19,895
     Work in process                     8,965            8,992
     Finished goods                     44,379           42,322
                                        76,598           71,209
  Other current assets                   7,622            5,351
  Receivables arising from sale of      10,206           15,064
Total current assets                   267,992          258,804
  Property, plant and equipment, net                           
   of accumulated depreciation of                                
   $174,139 in 1995 and $165,036 
   in 1994                             195,081          187,525
  Intangible assets                      5,090            5,177
  Deferred income taxes                 57,580           58,123
  Other assets                          29,732           27,351
Total assets                          $555,475         $536,980
Current liabilities                                            
  Notes payable and current portion of                         
    long-term debt                                          
                                       $93,316          $56,289
  Accounts payable                      32,154           30,510
  Accrued expenses                      34,474           33,350
  Accrued divestiture costs              4,102           16,470
  Dividends payable                      3,467            3,500
  Accrued retirement plan                3,180            5,987
  Accrued and deferred income taxes      8,179           12,049
Total current liabilities              178,872          158,155
Long-term debt                         117,956          109,558
Other liabilities                       20,576           18,990
Accrued divestiture costs               27,000           29,000
Shareholders' equity                                           
Common stock                            28,494           28,494
Additional paid-in capital              23,603           23,603
Retained earnings                      473,133          458,579
Translation adjustments                  9,698            5,147
                                       534,928          515,823
Less:  Treasury stock, at cost, 5,912                          
  shares in 1995 and 5,361 in 1994    (323,857)        (294,546)
Total shareholders' equity             211,071          221,277
Total liabilities and shareholders'                         
equity                                $555,475         $536,980

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated condensed
                            financial statements.
                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION
                    (In thousands except per share data)

                                    Three Months Ended
                                        March 31,

                                     1995              1994

Net sales                         $141,427          $118,959
Cost of sales                       58,509            51,265
Gross profit                        82,918            67,694
Selling, general & administrative   45,795            38,109
Research & development expenses      8,513             8,558
Operating income                    28,610            21,027
Interest income                        386               565
Interest expense                    (2,318)           (1,858)
Income before income taxes          26,678            19,734
Provision for income taxes           6,003             4,440
Net income                         $20,675           $15,294
Net income per common share        $ 0.90            $  0.54
Cash dividends declared                                   
 per common share                  $ 0.15            $  0.14
Weighted average common shares     22,980             28,123


  The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated condensed
                            financial statements.

                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION
                         CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF
                                 CASH FLOWS
                               (In thousands)

                                                Three Months Ended
                                                    March 31,
                                              1995              1994
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:

Net income                                 $ 20,675         $ 15,294
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net                          
 cash provided:                                    
     Depreciation and amortization            6,508            6,047
     Deferred income tax provision              543            (500)
     Change in operating assets and                                 
   (Increase) in accounts receivable         (2,816)         (2,143)
   (Increase) in inventories                 (1,854)         (5,205)
   (Increase) in other current assets        (1,958)         (3,087)
   (Increase) decrease in other assets       (2,690)          2,255
   Increase in accounts payable and accrued     216              91
   (Decrease) in accrued retirement plan     (2,868)         (4,122)
   (Decrease) increase in accrued income     (5,251)          1,173
   Other                                      2,021          (2,693)
 Net cash provided by continuing operating   12,526           7,110
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:                               
Additions to property, plant, and equipment  (8,171)         (4,158)
Net cash generated by (spent by)             (7,946)          5,437
discontinued operations                           
Net cash used in investing activities       (16,117)          1,279
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:                               
Treasury stock acquired                     (36,397)          (463)
Issuance of treasury stock under stock        4,432          9,767
Cash paid to extinguish long-term debt            -         (5,088)
Cash paid to close out foreign currency      (3,546)       (10,287)
Net change in short-term debt                37,908        (17,846)
Net change in long-term debt                    (43)           797
Dividends Paid                               (3,500)        (3,921)
Net cash used for financing activities       (1,146)       (27,041)
Effect of foreign exchange rates on cash                            
and                                             596          1,754
 short-term investments
Net decrease in cash and short-term          (4,141)       (16,898)
Cash and short-term investments on January 1 30,236         40,642
Cash and short-term investments on March 31 $26,095         $23,744
Interest Paid                                $3,678          $3,480
Taxes Paid                                  $10,823          $3,716

       The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated
                       condensed financial statements.

                            MILLIPORE CORPORATION
                               (in thousands)

1.The  accompanying  unaudited  consolidated condensed  financial  statements
  have  been  prepared in accordance with the instructions to Form 10-Q  and,
  accordingly,  these  footnotes  condense or omit  certain  information  and
  disclosures  normally  included in financial statements.   These  financial
  statements,  which  in  the opinion of management reflect  all  adjustments
  necessary for a fair presentation, should be read in conjunction  with  the
  financial  statements  and notes thereto included in the  Company's  Annual
  Report   on  Form  10-K  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1994.    The
  accompanying unaudited consolidated condensed financial statements are  not
  necessarily  indicative  of future trends or the Company's  operations  for
  the entire year.

2.As  discussed  in  footnote F to the December 31, 1994 annual  report,  the
  cumulative  unrealized loss on the Company's foreign currency  Yen  and  DM
  swaps  of $9,327 at December 31, 1994 was recorded as a reduction in  other
  assets in the Company's December 31, 1994 consolidated balance sheet.

  The  Company's DM swap expired on March 31, 1995.  The Company paid  $3,546
  in  cash  to  close  out  the  swap.   The  cash  payment  represented  the
  cumulative effect of the foreign currency rate fluctuations over  the  life
  of the swap.

  The  cumulative  unrealized  loss on the Company's  Yen  currency  swap  of
  $17,768  at  March 31, 1995 is recorded in long-term debt in the  Company's
  unaudited  March  31,  1995 consolidated balance sheet.   Accordingly,  the
  cumulative  unrealized loss of $9,327 at December 31,  1994,  as  discussed
  above,  has  been reclassified to long-term debt in the December  31,  1994
  consolidated balance sheet to conform to the 1995 presentation.

3.Depreciation  on property, plant and equipment acquired before  January  1,
  1989  generally  is provided using accelerated methods over  the  estimated
  useful  lives  of  the  assets.   Assets acquired  after  January  1,  1989
  primarily  are  depreciated  using straight-line  methods.   The  estimated
  useful lives of the Company's depreciable assets are as follows:

              Leasehold Improvements   Life of the Lease
              Buildings and Improvements 10-30 Years
              Production and Other Equipment  3-15 Years



Consolidated  net  sales increased 19 percent in the first  quarter  of  1995
compared  to  the  first  quarter of 1994; led by a 53  percent  increase  in
worldwide  sales to customers in the electronics / industrial market.   Sales
to  biotechnology / pharmaceutical customers increased 8 percent in the first
quarter of 1995 compared to the first quarter of 1994.  Sales growth  in  the
first  quarter  was broadbased across all geographies, as summarized  in  the
following table:

                Sales growth rates          Sales growth rates
            measured in local currencies  measured in U.S. dollars

Americas               13%                        11%
Europe                  5%                        17%
Asia/Pacific           18%                        30%
  Consolidated         12%                        19%

Foreign  currency  rate fluctuations, specifically the strengthening  of  the
Yen, French Franc, and German Deutsch Mark against the U.S. dollar, increased
reported sales growth by 7 percent in the first quarter of 1995.

Gross margins increased in the first quarter of 1995 to 58.6 percent of sales
as  compared to 56.9 percent in the first quarter of 1994. The improvement in
gross  margins is primarily due to significantly increased production  volume
in  the  Company's electronics / industrial plants as well as continued  cost
control activities in all of the Company's manufacturing operations.

Selling,  general  and administrative expenses increased 20  percent  in  the
first  quarter  of  1995 compared to the first quarter of 1994,  an  increase
consistent with sales growth.  The Company continued to invest in  sales  and
marketing  programs to support future sales growth.  Research and development
expenses  in the first quarter of 1995 were essentially flat with  the  first
quarter  of  1994, as the Company continued to fund all major programs.   Net
interest  expense  in the first quarter was higher in 1995 compared  to  1994
primarily due to increased short-term borrowings during the first quarter  of
1995.   The  Company's effective income tax rate for 1995  is  22.5  percent,
consistent with the full year effective rate in 1994.

A  substantial portion of the Company's business is conducted outside of  the
United States through its foreign subsidiaries.  This exposes the Company  to
risks associated with foreign currency rate fluctuations which can impact the
Company's  revenue  and  net income.  To partially mitigate  this  risk,  the
Company  has  entered into foreign currency transactions,  primarily  forward
exchange  contracts to sell Yen, on a continuing basis in amounts and  timing
consistent with the underlying currency exposure so that the gain  or  losses
on  these transactions offset gains or losses on the underlying exposure.  In
the  first  quarter of 1995, a loss of $470K was realized  on  the  Company's
forward  exchange contracts and was recorded in cost of sales.   The  Company
does not engage in any speculative trading activity.

The Company generated $12.5 million of cash from continuing operations in the
first  quarter of 1995 compared to $7.1 million in the first quarter of 1994,
primarily  due to increased net income in the first quarter of 1995  compared
to  the first quarter of 1994.  Property, plant and equipment expenditures in
the first quarter of 1995 were significantly higher than in the first quarter
of  1994.  The Company expects future 1995 quarterly capital expenditures  to
be  in  line  with those of the first quarter.  During the first  quarter  of
1995,  the  Company spent $36.4 million to re-purchase shares of  its  common
stock.  Of this amount, $22 million was spent to close out the Company's $100
million  share  repurchase program announced in the fourth quarter  of  1994.
In  the  first  quarter  of 1995, the Company announced  plans  to  spend  an
additional  $50  million  on open market share repurchases  and  spent  $14.4
million  in  share repurchases.  The $36.4 million spent on share repurchases
in  the  first  quarter  of 1995 was funded by short-term  borrowings,  which
increased  by  $37.9 million in the first quarter.  The Company expects  that
further  1995  share  repurchases will be funded by cash generated  from  its

Cash spent on discontinued operations in the first quarter of 1995 was in
line with the Company's expectations.  The Company expects further quarterly
1995 cash expenditures related to its discontinued operations to be lower
than those of the first quarter.


                         PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

         b.   Reports on Form 8-K - There were no reports on Form 8-K filed
         for the quarter ended March 31, 1995.


Pursuant  to  the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act  of  1934,  the
registrant  has  duly caused this report to be signed on its  behalf  by  the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                              Millipore Corporation

                              /S/Michael P. Carroll
Date                          Michael P. Carroll
                              Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and
