Millipore Corporation
                                   Exhibit 11
                        Computation of Earnings Per Share
                      (In Thousands Except Per Share Data)
                                         Years Ended December 31,
Calculation of shares:        1995         1994          1993
Weighted average of shares                               
outstanding during the year   44,985 (b)   54,726 (b)    55,902 (b)
Shares outstanding from                                  
 assumed exercise of stock    2,995        4,056         1,940
(Treasury Method)             (1,737)          (2,856)     (1,746)

(NQ tax benefit)              (465)        (438)                (22)

Weighted average shares and                              
 common stock equivalents                                
 outstanding during the year  45,778 (a)   55,488 (a)    56,074 (a)
 Additional shares assumed                               
 exercised with full                 0            0             0
Weighted average of shares
 used in calculation of
 diluted earnings per share    45,778(a)   55,488(a)     56,074(a)
Net Income                    $ 85,354     $ 56,209      $34,603
Earnings per common share as                             
 reported in  the                                        
 Financial Statements         $    1.90    $    1.03     $    0.62
Primary earnings per common   $    1.86    $    1.01     $    0.62(a)
share                         (a)          (a)
Net fully diluted earnings                               
per common share              $    1.86    $    1.01     $    0.62
                              (a)          (a)           (a)
(a)These calculations are submitted in accordance
with Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Release N.
9083 although not required by APB No. 15 because
they result in dilutions of less than 3%.
(b)Represents weighted average of shares
outstanding used in the earnings per share
calculations.  Common stock equivalents for 1995,
1994, and 1993 were not included in the weighted
average share computation as they were less than
3% dilutive.