Exhibit 10


                              RETIREMENT AGREEMENT

          THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of August 28, 2001, between
ALLETE,  INC.  (f/k/a/  Minnesota  Power,  Inc.), a Minnesota  corporation  (the
"Company"), and EDWIN L. RUSSELL ("Russell").


          A. Russell  has  been   employed  as  Chairman,  President  and  Chief
Executive  Officer of the Company and,  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,
resigns from these and all other  positions  with the  Company,  effective as of
August 28, 2001,  and as an employee of the Company,  effective as of August 31,

          B. This  Agreement  sets  forth  the  complete  understanding  between
Russell and the Company regarding the commitments and obligations arising out of
the termination of their employment relationship.

          NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual obligations  incurred
and benefits  obtained  hereunder,  the  sufficiency of which are admitted,  the
Company and Russell agree as follows:


          1. RESIGNATION.  Effective as of August 28, 2001, Russell resigns from
(a) his  positions as Chairman,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the
Company, (b) his membership on the Company's Board of Directors, (c) any and all
other positions held by Russell with the Company,  except as an employee, or any
of its subsidiaries or affiliates or any of the Boards of Directors thereof, and
(d) any positions as fiduciary or trustee of any Company benefit plan. Effective
as of midnight on August 31, 2001 ("Separation Date"),  Russell resigns his sole
remaining  position  as an  employee of the  Company.  Russell  has, on the date
hereof,  confirmed his resignation from such positions by submitting a letter of
resignation  to the Company  substantially  in the form attached as EXHIBIT A to
this  Agreement.  Notwithstanding  Russell's  continued  status  as an  employee
through midnight August 31, 2001,  Russell shall not take or perform any actions
in such  capacity and shall remain an employee  solely for purposes of receiving
through such date his base compensation, vacation accrual, and continued benefit
plan accruals.

          2. BENEFITS.  In  consideration  for the  release of  claims set forth
below and other obligations under this Agreement, the Company has made or agrees
to make or provide the following benefits to Russell:

             (a) SALARY.  On or before  September  7, 2001,  the  Company  shall
          deliver to Russell $215,333,  which amount is equal to the base salary
          he would have earned from September 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001 if he
          would have  continued  in the employ of the Company.  In addition,  on
          January 2, 2002, the Company shall deliver to Russell $509,066,  which
          amount  represents  8/12ths  of the bonus  payment  made to Russell in
          2000.  Russell  shall not be  entitled  to any  other  salary or bonus
          payment with respect to 2001 or any portion thereof or any prior or
          subsequent period.

             (b) STOCK OPTION TERMS. The parties  acknowledge that Russell holds
          the following  unexercised  non-qualified  stock options granted under
          the Company's Executive Long-Term Incentive Plan:

             DATE OF GRANT             OPTIONS OUTSTANDING AS OF 8/28/2001
             -------------             -----------------------------------
             January 2, 1998                       20,304
             December 31, 1998                     19,696
             January 4, 1999                       40,000
             June 1, 1999                          15,890
             July 1, 1999                          19,297 (replacement options)
             July 1, 1999                          19,054 (replacement options)
             January 3, 2000                       87,466
             January 2, 2001                       55,064
                                  Total            276,771

          Contingent upon Russell's  execution of this  Agreement,  the Company,
          through the  Compensation  Committee  of its Board of  Directors,  has
          approved (1) the amendment of those  Company stock options  previously
          granted to Russell,  as described  above,  to provide that the term of
          each  shall  expire on August  31,  2004,  the  third  anniversary  of
          Russell's resignation, (2) the amendment of the January 3, 2000 option
          to  accelerate  the vesting of 43,733  unvested  options to August 31,
          2001,  and  (3)  the  amendment  of the  January  2,  2001  option  to
          accelerate the vesting of 27,532 unvested  options to August 31, 2001,
          and that as a result of these actions an aggregate of 249,239  options
          shall be vested  and  exercisable  through  the close of  business  on
          August 31, 2004.

          Russell's exercise of all or any portion of the 249,239 vested options
          shall be governed exclusively by the respective stock option agreement
          and the Executive Long-Term  Incentive  Compensation Plan, except that
          there shall be no reload  feature  with respect to any of such 249,239
          options whenever  exercised,  including any options exercised prior to
          termination  of  employment  status on August 31,  2001.  All unvested
          options are forfeited  and, in the event Russell has not exercised the
          249,239 vested  options by August 31, 2004,  such vested options shall
          also be forfeited.  Russell  acknowledges  that all vested options are
          non-qualified  stock  options  so that,  upon  exercise  of his  stock
          options,  he will recognize (and be taxed as) ordinary  income for the
          excess  of the then  fair  market  value of the  stock  acquired  upon
          exercise of the option over the purchase price for the stock acquired.

             (c) PERFORMANCE  SHARES. On account of the 1,813 performance shares
          awarded   to  Russell   under  the   Executive   Long-Term   Incentive
          Compensation  Plan for the  performance  period  from  January 1, 1998
          through  December  31, 1999,  Russell  shall be entitled to receive an
          amount in cash equal to the remaining  25% of the award  (representing
          1,813 shares) based upon the Company's  actual results  against target
          over the full performance period,  payable on January 2, 2002. Russell
          shall not be entitled to any  performance  shares with  respect to the
          2000-01  performance  period or any portion  thereof or any subsequent


             (d) SERP.  Russell  shall  receive a lump sum  distribution  of his
          account  balance  in the  Minnesota  Power  and  Affiliated  Companies
          Supplemental   Executive   Retirement  Plan,  which  amount  shall  be
          determined  as of the close of  business  on the  Separation  Date and
          payable to Russell  within  thirty (30) days  thereafter.  The parties
          acknowledge   that  a  portion  of  such  account   balance  shall  be
          distributed to Russell in shares of the Company's common stock,  which
          shares  have  been  reserved  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of the
          Company's Executive Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan. Russell may
          elect  to  satisfy  the  withholding   requirements   related  to  the
          distribution of such shares, by requesting in writing that the Company
          withhold a portion of those  shares  having a fair market value on the
          date of issuance equal to his withholding obligations.

             (e) ESOP.  Russell  is a  participant  in the  Minnesota  Power and
          Affiliated  Companies  Employee Stock  Ownership Plan and Trust ("ESOP
          Plan").  Russell  acknowledges that no further  contributions  will be
          made to the ESOP Plan by the Company after the date of this Agreement.
          Russell  will be entitled to begin  receiving  benefits  from his ESOP
          Plan  account or to  roll-over  the amount in his account at the times
          and under the terms and conditions set forth in the ESOP Plan.

             (f)  DEFINED  RETIREMENT  BENEFIT.  The  parties  acknowledge  that
          Russell has a vested benefit under the Minnesota  Power and Affiliated
          Companies  Employees  Retirement Plan A ("Defined  Retirement  Plan").
          Upon  attaining  the age of 65,  Russell  shall be  entitled  to begin
          receiving a monthly benefit based on his years of credited  service to
          the date of this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions
          set forth in the Defined Retirement Plan.

             (g) SUPPLEMENTAL  RETIREMENT PLAN.  Russell is a participant in the
          Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies Supplemental  Retirement Plan
          ("SRP Plan").  Russell acknowledges that no further contributions will
          be made to the SRP Plan by the  Company  after  the  Separation  Date.
          Russell will be entitled to begin receiving benefits from his SRP Plan
          account or to  roll-over  the  amount in his  account at the times and
          under the terms and conditions set forth in the SRP Plan.

             (h) MEDICAL  REIMBURSEMENT  ACCOUNT.  The parties  acknowledge that
          Russell has made a $4,000 medical reimbursement  election for calendar
          year 2001 under the  Company's  Medical  Reimbursement  Plan.  Russell
          shall be entitled to receive reimbursement of up to $4,000 for medical
          claims and  expenses  incurred  prior to  January 1, 2002,  subject to
          Russell's  submission of appropriate  documentation on or prior to the
          close of business on April 30, 2002.

             (i) MEDICAL,  DENTAL,  LIFE INSURANCE  BENEFITS.  The Company shall
          maintain,  at its expense,  family coverage under the medical,  dental
          and life insurance  plans in which Russell was a participant as of the
          Separation  Date and will pay the COBRA premiums for those benefits to
          be continued until the expiration of the 18-month period following the
          Separation  Date,  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that to the  extent  that  the
          Company may modify or terminate the medical,  dental or life insurance
          coverage  provided to its  executive-level  employees  generally,  the
          Company may  likewise  modify or terminate  the  coverage  provided to
          Russell.  Following the expiration of the 18-month period, Russell may
          procure  and  maintain,  at  his  expense,  private  family  insurance
          coverage for similar benefits and the


          Company will reimburse Russell up to a maximum of $12,000 per year for
          the  cost  of  such  coverage.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  all
          insurance  benefits  to be  provided  under  this  Section  2(i) shall
          terminate  when Russell  becomes a  participant  under  another  group
          insurance  plan through a new  employer or Russell  reaches the age of
          65, whichever occurs first.  Russell agrees to notify the Company when
          he begins participation in another group plan.

             (j)  VACATION  PAY.  Within  ten (10)  days  after the date of this
          Agreement,  the Company shall deliver to Russell a lump-sum payment in
          respect of Russell's  accrued,  unused  vacation days as of August 31,

             (k) SPLIT DOLLAR INSURANCE. The parties acknowledge and agree that,
          effective as of the date hereof, the Split Dollar Insurance Agreement,
          the related Compensation  Agreement and the transactions  contemplated
          thereby are terminated  without any further  liability by one party to
          the other. Effective the date of this Agreement,  the Company shall be
          the  sole and  exclusive  owner of such  split-dollar  life  insurance
          policy,  including all rights to continue the insurance or receive any
          cash values.  Russell  represents that he has not and will not modify,
          alter or take any  action to  receive  any  benefits  under such Split
          Dollar Insurance, including receiving or using any cash value or other
          policy  right to reduce the amount to be  received by the Company as a
          result of its payment of the premiums on such policy.  Russell  agrees
          to execute, or cause to be executed, appropriate assignments to effect
          the  transfer  to  the  Company  of  all  policy   rights  under  such
          split-dollar  life  insurance  policy,  including  the  cash  value of

             (l) TRANSFER  OF  AUTOMOBILE.  The  Company  agrees  to transfer to
          Russell by September 17, 2001 the ownership of the Cadillac automobile
          that Russell has used.  Russell shall be responsible for all insurance
          and  maintenance   costs  associated  with  the  automobile.   Russell
          acknowledges  that the transfer of ownership  of the  automobile  will
          constitute income to him and that he is responsible for the payment of
          any federal income tax and any other taxes due upon transfer.

             (m) OUTPLACEMENT.  The  Company  agrees  to pay  up to  Twenty-Five
          Thousand Dollars  ($25,000) for  outplacement  and other  professional
          services provided to Russell, subject to the submission of appropriate
          documentation from the service provider(s).

             (n) BUSINESS EXPENSES.  The Company shall reimburse Russell for all
          business  expenses  incurred in the ordinary of business by Russell on
          or before the date hereof, but not submitted for reimbursement at such
          date, to the extent  reimbursable  under the Company's  normal expense
          reimbursement  policies and procedures and submitted for payment on or
          before October 1, 2001.

             (o) TAX  GROSS-UP.  The Company  agrees to pay Russell  that amount
          which is  necessary to  reimburse  him on an  after-tax  basis for any
          imputed income  associated  with the use of the Company's  aircraft on
          the basis consistent with past practice.

             (p) OFFICE SPACE. The Company shall, upon submission of appropriate
          documentation,  pay up to $2,000 monthly to maintain  office space and
          part-time executive


          secretarial  support for Russell  through May 31, 2002,  at a location
          selected by Russell that is acceptable to the Company.

          3. WITHHOLDING.  All amounts  payable by  the Company to Russell under
Section 2 above shall be reduced for any applicable withholding taxes

          4. OTHER  BENEFITS.  Except as expressly  provided in this  Agreement,
Russell will not be eligible to  participate  in any of the  Company's  employee
benefit plans after the date of this Agreement.  Russell  acknowledges  that the
designation of this agreement as a Retirement  Agreement  shall not be deemed to
constitute a  "retirement"  for  purposes of any plan,  policy or benefit of the
Company since Russell has not attained the requisite  number of years of service
or age to qualify for retirement benefits.

          5. FULL  COMPENSATION.  Russell  acknowledges  and  agrees   that  the
payments  that will be made to Russell or for his benefit and the  extension  of
the time within which to exercise his vested  stock  options  provided for under
this Agreement will  compensate him for and extinguish any and all of his claims
arising  out of his  employment  and other  positions  with the  Company and the
termination of his employment  and other  positions with the Company,  including
but not limited to all of his claims for any type of legal or  equitable  relief
under  any  agreement,  policy,  plan,  handbook  or  procedure  of the  Company
applicable to Russell in any capacity.  Nothing in this  Agreement  shall affect
Russell's right to unpaid salary or benefits under the applicable  plans through
the August 31 Separation Date.

          6. MUTUAL  GENERAL  RELEASES.  Except  with  respect  to the  parties'
respective rights and obligations under this Agreement,  each of Russell and the
Company, and their respective representatives, successors and assigns, agrees to
release and forever  discharge  one  another  and their  respective  affiliates,
subsidiaries,  predecessors,  successors,  related  entities,  insurers  and the
current and former  officers,  directors,  shareholders,  employees,  attorneys,
agents  and  trustees  or  administrators  of any  benefit  plan  of each of the
foregoing (any and all of which are referred to as  "Releasees")  generally from
any and  all  charges,  complaints,  claims,  promises,  agreements,  causes  of
actions,  damages,  and  debts  of  any  nature  whatsoever,  known  or  unknown
(collectively  "Claims"),  which either party have,  claim to have, ever had, or
ever  claimed to have had against  Releasees up through the date of execution of
this Agreement,  including but not limited to any Claims under the common law or
any statute.


             (a)  NO  PENDING  CLAIMS.  Russell  hereby  represents,   with  the
          knowledge   and  intent   that  the   Company   will  rely  upon  such
          representations in entering into this Agreement, that he has not filed
          any action,  complaint,  charge,  grievance or arbitration against the
          Company or any of its successors,  assigns, subsidiaries,  affiliates,
          directors,  officers,  employees,  attorneys,  agents and  trustees or
          administrators of any Company plan.

             (b) COVENANT NOT TO SUE. Russell covenants that neither he, nor any
          of his respective heirs, representatives,  successors or assigns, will
          commence, prosecute or cause to be commenced or prosecuted against the
          Company or any of its successors,  assigns, subsidiaries,  affiliates,
          directors,  officers,  employees,  attorneys,  agents and  trustees or
          administrators  of any  Company  plan any  action or other  proceeding


          upon any claims,  demands, causes of action,  obligations,  damages or
          liabilities  which  are to be  released  by this  Agreement,  nor will
          Russell seek to challenge the validity of this Agreement,  except that
          this  covenant  not to sue does not affect  Russell's  future right to
          enforce  in a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  the  terms  of this

             (c) RECORDS,  DOCUMENTS,  PROPERTY.  Upon  his  execution  of  this
          Agreement,  Russell  will  promptly  return to the Company (i) all its
          records,  correspondence,  computer tapes and disks,  and documents in
          his  possession  at the time he  signs  this  Agreement,  and (ii) all
          property of the Company, including corporate credit cards and keys, in
          his  possession at the time he signs this  Agreement.  Russell  hereby
          represents that he has returned, or, within 15 calendar days after the
          date of this Agreement, will return to the Company all of its property
          in his possession or under his control, including, without limitation,
          keys, badges,  computer disks, financial  information,  reports, other
          documents  and  copies  of  same.   Russell   understands  that  these
          representations  are  material,  and the  Company  is relying on these
          representations in entering into this Agreement.


             (a) DEFINITION. Russell recognizes that by virtue of his employment
          with the Company,  Russell has acquired certain non-public information
          with  respect to the Company  and its  operations  (the  "Confidential
          Information").   Russell   recognizes   and   acknowledges   that  the
          Confidential  Information  constitutes  valuable,  special  and unique
          assets of the Company, access to and knowledge of which were essential
          to the performance of Russell's duties during his employment.

             (b) NON-DISCLOSURE.  Russell   agrees  to  hold  the   Confidential
          Information  in  trust  and  confidence.  Russell  agrees  not  to (i)
          directly or indirectly make use of the Confidential Information,  (ii)
          reveal  any  Confidential  Information  to any other  party,  or (iii)
          divulge or use any Confidential Information for any purpose other than
          for the benefit of the Company,  except and to the extent  Russell may
          be  required  to  disclose  by lawful  order or process of a court (in
          which event  Russell will provide  reasonable  advance  notice of such
          disclosure  to the  Company  and will  cooperate  with  the  Company's
          efforts to obtain protective treatment for such information).

          9.  NON-DISPARAGEMENT.   Except  to  enforce  the  parties  rights  in
accordance with Section 12 of this Agreement,  each party further agrees that it
or he will not, and the Company agrees that its officers and directors shall not
disparage,  criticize,  or make negative  comments about the other or its or his
officers, directors,  employees, suppliers or customers and will not do anything
to harm the  other  or its or his  business  or to  interfere  with the  other's
relations with its or his employees, suppliers or customers. Notwithstanding the
foregoing,  the parties agree that any statements  made that are consistent with
the press  release  issued by the Company on the date  hereof  shall not violate
their respective  obligations  under this Section 9 of the Agreement.  A copy of
the press release is attached as Exhibit B to this Agreement.

consideration  of the  consideration  provided to Russell under Section 2 above,
Russell  agrees that,  at anytime  hereafter,  he will make  himself  reasonably
available to the Company  (consistent  with any obligations  Russell may have to
any future employer or business in which he engages) for consultation (including


appearance as a witness for the Company) regarding the Company's past operations
or any pending or future lawsuits  involving or by the Company or its affiliates
where Russell has or may have knowledge of the underlying  facts.  Russell shall
be  reimbursed  by the  Company  for  reasonable  travel  expenses  incurred  in
providing  such  assistance.  In  addition,  Russell will not  voluntarily  aid,
assist,  or cooperate  with any actual or potential  claimants or  plaintiffs or
their  attorneys  or agents in any claims or lawsuits  proposed to be  asserted,
pending or commenced on the date hereof or in the future  against the Company or
its  affiliates;  PROVIDED, HOWEVER,  that  nothing in this  Agreement  will  be
construed to prevent Russell from  testifying at an  administrative  hearing,  a
deposition,  or in court in response to a lawful  subpoena in any  litigation or
proceeding involving the Company.

          11. INDEMNIFICATION. Russell will be entitled, as a former employee or
officer or director of the Company, to the same rights as are afforded to senior
executive  officers  or  directors  of the  Company  now or in  the  future,  to
indemnification and advancement of expenses provided in the charter documents of
the Company,  or under applicable law, and to coverage and a legal defense under
any applicable  general  liability  and/or  directors'  and officers'  liability
insurance policies maintained by the Company.

          12. ARBITRATION.

              (a) NOTICE AND SELECTION OF ARBITRATOR. The parties agree that any
          dispute arising under this  Agreement,  other than an action at law or
          in equity by the  Company to seek  damages  for or to seek  injunctive
          relief against  Russell for a violation of any provision of Sections 7
          and 8,  shall be  submitted  to  arbitration  before  a  disinterested
          arbitrator.  Arbitration  shall be  commenced  by service on the other
          party to the dispute by a written request for arbitration,  containing
          a brief description of the matter at issue and the names and addresses
          of three  arbitrators  acceptable to the  petitioner.  The other party
          shall within thirty (30) days following  receipt of such notice either
          select  one of the  proposed  arbitrators  or  provide  the  names and
          addresses  of three  other  arbitrators  acceptable  to the  proposing
          party.  If the  parties  are  unable to agree to the  selection  of an
          arbitrator, the arbitrator shall be chosen impartially by the American
          Arbitration   Association.   The  arbitration   shall  take  place  in
          Minneapolis,  Minnesota  if  initiated by Russell and, if initiated by
          the Company in Chicago, Illinois.

              (b) RULES  OF  PROCEEDING.   Arbitration   proceedings  shall   be
          conducted  under the commercial  rules then prevailing of the American
          Arbitration  Association.  The  arbitrator  shall  not be bound to any
          formal rules of evidence or  procedure,  and may consider such matters
          as  a   reasonable   business   person  would  take  into  account  in

              (c) DECISION  FINAL AND BINDING.  The decision of the  arbitrator
          shall be final and  binding on the  parties,  and may be  entered  and
          enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.

              (d) EXPENSES. The expenses of the arbitrator and other arbitration
          expenses  shall be paid by the party who does not  prevail in whole or
          significant part (the "prevailing party"). Attorney fees, witness fees
          and other expenses  incurred by the prevailing  party in preparing for
          or presenting that party's case in the  arbitration  are  "arbitration
          expenses"  for  purposes of this  Section  12(d).  The decision of the


          shall include a determination  as to the party which is the prevailing
          party and the  arbitration  expenses to be paid by the  non-prevailing

          13. ADVICE TO  CONSULT  WITH  AN  ATTORNEY.  Russell  understands  and
acknowledges that he is being advised by the Company to consult with an attorney
prior to signing this Agreement.  Russell  represents that he has consulted with
an attorney to the extent that he thinks appropriate.  Russell has not relied on
any  explanations,  statements  or promises made by the Company or its agents or
attorneys other than as set forth in this Agreement.

          14. CONFIDENTIALITY.

              (a) TERMS OF AGREEMENT. Russell and the Company agree that neither
          of them shall reveal or publicize the  existence of this  Agreement or
          its terms,  except under  compulsion of law and as required  under the
          rules  and  regulations  of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
          ("SEC").  Russell  acknowledges  that a copy of this Agreement will be
          filed as an exhibit to a filing made by the  Company  with the SEC and
          that a  description  of  compensation  paid or to be paid to him under
          this  Agreement  will be included in the  Company's  proxy  statement.
          Notwithstanding  the provisions of this Section 14(a), the parties may
          discuss  the  existence  and  terms  of  this   Agreement  with  their
          respective attorneys, accountants and financial advisors to the extent
          necessary  to obtain  counsel and advice  therefrom.  Russell may also
          discuss the existence and terms of this Agreement with his spouse.

              (b)  EMPLOYMENT  REFERENCES.  In the event a prospective  employer
          contacts  the  Company for an  employment  reference  with  respect to
          Russell,  the Company  shall not provide any  information  relating to
          Russell or his  employment  history or  performance  with the  Company
          except through such persons as Russell may from time to time designate
          in writing to the Company.

          15. COSTS.  Except as  provided  in  Sections  2(m) and  12(d) of this
Agreement,  each  party  shall  bear its own  costs  and  expenses  incurred  in
connection  with the  negotiation of this Agreement and the  preparation of this

          16. NO ADMISSION.  Russell  agrees that neither this Agreement nor the
furnishing of the  consideration for this Agreement shall be deemed or construed
at any time for any purpose as an admission  by the Company of any  liability or
unlawful conduct of any kind.

          17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
and  understanding   between  the  Company  and  Russell  concerning   Russell's
separation  from the  Company,  and  supersedes  and  replaces any and all prior
agreements and understandings concerning Russell's relationship with the Company
and his compensation by the Company.

          18. SEVERABILITY.  In the event any one or more of the  provisions of
this Agreement  becomes or is declared by a court or other tribunal of competent
jurisdiction to be illegal, unenforceable or void, this Agreement shall continue
in full force and effect without said provision.

          19. VOLUNTARY  EXECUTION  OF  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement is  executed
voluntarily  and without any duress or undue  influence on the part or behalf of
the parties  hereto,  with the full intent


of releasing all claims, except the rights of the Company and Russell under this
Agreement.  The  parties  represent  that they have  read this  Agreement,  they
understand the terms and  consequences  of this Agreement and of the releases it
contains,  and they are  fully  aware of the legal  and  binding  effect of this

          20. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement will be construed and interpreted in
accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota.

          21. BINDING  EFFECT.  This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the
benefit of the parties  hereto and their  respective  personal  representatives,
estates, heirs, successors or assigns.

          22. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two
or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which
together will constitute one and the same instrument.


          IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the respective  parties hereto have executed this
Agreement on the day and year written below their respective  signatures to this

                                         ALLETE, INC.

                                         By: /s/David G. Gartzke
                                              David G. Gartzke, President

                                         Dated as of August 28, 2001

                                         /s/Edwin L. Russell
                                         Edwin L. Russell

                                         Dated as of August 28, 2001


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

Board of Directors
30 West Superior Street
Duluth, MN  55802

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Pursuant to Section 1 of my  Retirement  Agreement  with ALLETE,  Inc. (the
"Company")  dated  August 28, 2001, I hereby  submit my  resignation,  effective
August 28, 2001,  from my position as Chairman,  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer of the Company,  from my membership on the Company's Board of Directors,
from any and all  other  positions  held by me with the  Company,  except  as an
employee,  or any  of its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates  and  any  positions  as
fiduciary or trustee of any Company benefit plan. I hereby submit my resignation
from my sole  remaining  position as an employee of the  Company,  effective  at
midnight on August 31, 2001.


                                   Edwin L. Russell

                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                                 PRESS RELEASE

                         ALLETE ANNOUNCES NEW LEADERSHIP
            David G. Gartzke to Succeed Edwin L. Russell as President

DULUTH, MINN - AUGUST XX, 2001 - ALLETE, Inc. (NYSE:ALE) today announced that
David G. Gartzke, the company's senior vice president of finance and chief
financial officer, has been named president and elected to ALLETE's board of
directors. Gartzke succeeds Edwin L. Russell, who is stepping down as ALLETE's
president, CEO and chairman. He has held those positions since 1996.

"It has been a great opportunity to bring ALLETE to this strong plateau," said
Russell. "I have been thinking about transition over the summer and with the
Company in excellent shape and with a talented management team in place, now is
a good time to do it. After six years it's Dave Gartzke's turn at bat and I wish
him every success in his new role and responsibilities. We have worked closely
together and I know his skills and insight will serve ALLETE well."

 "I am honored and excited to lead this company and eager to build on ALLETE's
record of strong growth, diversification and stability," Gartzke said. "Above
all, I am committed to finding new ways to maximize shareholder value by closely
evaluating the strategic value of the company's assets, including ways to
reposition those assets."

"We want to thank Ed for how the Company has been successfully transformed into
a multi-services business and welcome David in his new role," said Nick Smith,
chairman of the executive committee of ALLETE's board of directors. "We are
confident that David's intimate understanding and his proven strategic
creativity, vision and leadership, will help further build a company whose
assets are fully valued by Wall Street.

ALLETE will conduct a conference call at 9 a.m. eastern standard time August 2X,
2001.  To access the call...


ALLETE, Inc., is a multi-services company with corporate headquarters in Duluth,
Minnesota. ALLETE holdings include the second largest wholesale automobile
auction network in North America; the leading provider of independent auto
dealer inventory financing; the largest investor-owned water utilities in
Florida and North Carolina; significant real estate holdings in Florida and a
low-cost electric utility that serves some of the largest industrial customers
in the United States.


The statements contained in this release and statements that ALLETE may make
orally in connection with this release that are not historical facts are
forward-looking statements.

Actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking
statements. These forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainties and
investors are directed to the risk discussed in the documents filed by ALLETE
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
