                            Effective January 1, 2005

         WHEREAS, ALLETE, Inc. (the "Company")  maintains  the  ALLETE  Director
Compensation Deferral Plan (the "Plan"); and

         WHEREAS, the American Jobs  Creation Act of  2004 added  a new  section
409A to the Internal Revenue Code  establishing new rules regarding the taxation
of non-qualified  deferred  compensation  plans,  effective for amounts deferred
after December 31, 2004 (the "New Law"); and

         WHEREAS, under the  new law, amounts  deferred on and  after January 1,
2005 under the Plan would be immediately taxable to participants; and

         WHEREAS, the Executive Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors
of the Company has instructed  management to prepare a new deferred compensation
plan (a "New  Plan")  that will  comply  with the New Law to be  adopted  by the
Company no later than December 31, 2005; and

         WHEREAS,  recent  guidance  issued  by  the  Internal  Revenue  Service
specifies that amounts earned by Plan  participants  in 2004 that become payable
in 2005 will, if subject to a deferral election,  be treated as amounts deferred
after December 31, 2004 for purposes of the New Law; and

         WHEREAS, such recent guidance  also allows deferred  compensation plans
to be amended to give  participants  the  opportunity to revoke,  in whole or in
part, certain outstanding elections to defer compensation; and

         WHEREAS, such  recent  guidance also  allows  participants to  elect to
defer certain performance-based  compensation based on services performed over a
period  of at least 12  months  no later  than 6 months  before  the end of that
period; and

         WHEREAS, it is  desirable to  preserve  the deferral of  taxes on  2004
compensation  (which is  payable  in 2005),  and 2005  compensation  subject  to
deferral  elections for Plan  participants  who do not revoke their elections to
defer such compensation; and

         WHEREAS, it is therefore desirable to amend the Plan (1) to reflect the
cessation  of further  deferrals  thereunder  after  2004;  (2) to provide  Plan
participants  with the opportunity to revoke their deferral  elections for their
2004 compensation  (which is payable in 2005) and 2005 compensation and make new
deferral elections for their 2005  compensation;  and (3) to the extent that any
such  deferral  elections  are not so revoked,  to redirect the deferral of 2004
deferred  compensation (which is payable in 2005) and 2005 deferred compensation
to a New Plan.

         NOW, THEREFORE, effective as of  January 1, 2005, the  Plan  is  hereby
amended as follows:

1.       Section 3 of the Plan is  hereby amended by adding  the  following  new
sections 3.4 and 3.5 to the end thereof:

         3.4      CESSATION OF DEFERRALS.

         Notwithstanding any other Plan provision to  the contrary, no amount of
         compensation  as a Director  which is  payable  by the  Company in cash
         earned for services  performed in Plan years  beginning  after December
         31, 2004 shall be deferred under this Plan.  Accordingly,  any election
         to make any deferral under this plan shall  terminate as to future cash
         compensation as of December 31, 2004 and shall no longer have any force
         or effect  under this Plan as to future cash  compensation.  Subject to
         Section 3.5 hereof,  cash compensation that was earned in 2004 but paid
         in 2005 and cash  compensation  that was earned in 2005,  in each case,
         that are  subject to  deferral  elections  made under the terms of this
         Plan shall not be credited under this Plan, but shall be credited under
         a new plan to be adopted in 2005 (a "New Plan") in accordance  with the
         terms of the New Plan and shall be subject to the terms and  conditions
         of such New  Plan,  including,  without  limitation,  its  distribution
         provisions.  No new deferral elections shall be made under this Article
         3 with respect to amounts  earned after  December 31, 2004.  Investment
         earnings  (and  losses)  shall  continue to be credited (or debited) to
         each Director's account as provided in this Article 3.


         Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein to the  contrary,  (i) any
         Director who elected to defer 2004 cash  compensation  which is payable
         in 2005  may  revoke  his or her  election  in its  entirety;  (ii) any
         Director who elected a 2005  deferral may revoke his or her election in
         part or in its  entirety;  and (iii) any  Director  who  elected a 2005
         deferral  may file a new  deferral  election  with respect to such 2005
         deferral, in each case as provided in this Section 3.5. Such revocation
         election  with respect to a 2004  deferral  and/or 2005 deferral or new
         deferral election with respect to 2005 deferral must be in writing on a
         form  provided  by  the  administrator  and  must  be  filed  with  the
         administrator  on or before  January 28, 2005. Any Director who revokes
         his or her 2004 deferral election as provided herein shall receive such
         compensation in cash at or about the same time that such amount is paid
         to other Directors of the Company.  Any Director who revokes his or her
         2005 deferral  election  will be paid in accordance  with the Company's
         standard Director compensation practices.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ALLETE, Inc. has  caused this  instrument to be executed  by
its duly authorized officers.

                                      ALLETE, Inc.

                                      /s/ Donald J. Shippar
                                      Donald J. Shippar
                                      President and Chief Executive Officer


/s/ Deborah A. Amberg
- -------------------------------
Deborah A. Amberg
Vice President, General Counsel
and Secretary