Exhibit 10(q)

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         This  agreement is made  between  Robert D.  Edwards  ("Employee")  and
Minnesota  Power,  a  Minnesota  corporation,   located  in  Duluth,  Minnesota,
effective May 1, 1995.

         WHEREAS, Employee and Minnesota Power desire to enter into an agreement
with respect to certain aspects of the employment relationship existing between
them; and

         WHEREAS, Employee enters into this agreement voluntarily and of his own
free will and deed;

         NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the promises and mutual covenants
herein  contained,  and other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency  of which is hereby  acknowledged,  it is  mutually  covenanted  and
agreed by and between the parties as follows:

1.       Employment.  Minnesota  Power  hereby  agrees  to  continue  to  employ
         Employee and Employee hereby agrees to continue his employment upon the
         terms and conditions contained herein.

2.       Election to Office. At its Annual Directors'  Meeting to be held May 9,
         1995,  Minnesota  Power  agrees  to elect  Employee  to the  office  of
         Executive Vice President to serve in this capacity until a successor is
         elected, qualified, or until his earlier resignation or removal.

3.       Duties. As requested by Minnesota Power, Employee agrees to devote full
         working time and best  efforts to the service of  Minnesota  Power from
         the date hereof through May 31, 1998 in such senior executive capacity,
         consistent with Employee's  experience and abilities,  as the Chairman,
         President,  or Chief Executive Officer of Minnesota Power may from time
         to  time  reasonably  assign.   Employee  shall  at  all  times  during
         employment  hereunder  conduct himself in a manner  consistent with his

Employment Agreement

         position at  Minnesota  Power and shall not  knowingly  perform any act
         contrary to the best interest of Minnesota Power.

4.       Compensation.
         (a)  Employee's  base  salary  shall be  $215,000  per year, payable in
              biweekly  installments or in accordance with the general  practice
              of Minnesota  Power from time to time,  subject to any increase by
              the Board of  Directors  which shall  review the salary  annually.
              Employee  shall  participate  in benefit plans of Minnesota  Power
              consistent with the terms of such plans, including the eligibility
              requirements of such plans. Employee shall be entitled to vacation
              each year in accordance with vacation policies then in effect.
         (b)  Minnesota Power shall continue to pay Employee's base salary under
              this  Agreement  through May 31, 1998 unless:  (i)  Employment  is
              earlier  terminated  pursuant to section 5 of this  Agreement,  in
              which case Minnesota Power's  obligation to pay any further salary
              under this  agreement  shall cease,  or (ii)  Minnesota  Power has
              released   Employee  from  his  obligation  to  provide  full-time
              services to Minnesota  Power as provided  under  Section 3 of this
              Agreement and Employee has found other  employment,  in which case
              the  amount  paid by  Minnesota  Power as  stated  above  shall be
              reduced by any amounts  earned by the Employee in connection  with
              his other employment.

5.       Death or Disability.
         This Agreement and Employee's  employment  with Minnesota  Power may be
         terminated  immediately upon the occurrence of any one of the following
         (a)  Death of the Employee, or 
         (b)  Physical or mental  disability of the Employee  which prevents the
              Employee  from  performing  duties  under  this  Agreement  for  a
              consecutive  period  of at least 120 days or for at least 150 days
              in a period of 200 days.


Employment Agreement

6.       Term of Agreement.  This Agreement  shall  terminate upon the last date
         that payment by Minnesota Power is due hereunder. If Employee continues
         in active,  full-time  service of Minnesota Power through May 31, 1998,
         then  Employee may continue his  employment  thereafter,  as an at-will
         employee,  for so long as the Employee and Minnesota Power may mutually

7.       No Pledge or  Assignment.  This  Agreement  is  personal to each of the
         parties  hereto and neither  party may assign nor  delegate  any of the
         rights or  obligations  hereunder  without  first  obtaining  a written
         consent of the other party.

8.       Governing Law.  Minnesota  Power and Employee agree that this Agreement
         shall be governed by the laws of the state of Minnesota.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Minnesota  Power has caused this  Agreement to be
executed by its duly  authorized  officer and the  Employee has hereunto set his
signature as of the day and year first written above.

Chairman of the Board                   Employee

Arend J. Sandbulte                      R.D. Edwards
- ----------------------------------      ---------------------------------------
Signature                               Signature

5-23-95                                 5-23-95
- ----------------------------------      ---------------------------------------
Date                                    Date