Exhibit 10(r)


         EXECUTIVE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT made this 23rd day of February, 1995 by
and between ADESA CORPORATION ("ADESA") and D. Michael Hockett ("Executive").

         WHEREAS,  Minnesota Power & Light Company ("MPL"), ADESA, Executive and
others have entered into a letter  agreement  dated  January 5, 1995 ("Letter of
Intent") which  contemplates,  among other things, that a subsidiary of MPL will
be  merged  with and into  ADESA  (the  "Merger")  pursuant  to the  terms of an
Agreement and Plan of Merger of even date among ADESA, Executive and others (the
"Merger  Agreement"),  that  ADESA  will  survive  the  Merger,  and that (i) in
connection with the Merger,  Executive will sell a portion,  but not all, of his
shares  of common  stock of ADESA  and his  unexercised  stock  options  will be
canceled; and

         WHEREAS,  the Letter of Intent  contemplates that immediately after the
Merger,  MPL will own 80% of the issued and  outstanding  capital stock of ADESA
and  certain   executives  of  ADESA  ("Management   Shareholders"),   including
Executive, will own the remaining 20% of the capital stock of ADESA, in order to
provide the Management Shareholders,  including Executive,  with an incentive to
continue their employment with ADESA; and

         WHEREAS,  MPL will not  undertake  the Merger unless it is assured that
after the Merger,  ADESA will  continue to have  available to it the services of
Executive; and

         WHEREAS, to induce MPL to enter into the Merger Agreement  contemplated
by the Letter of Intent, and thereafter to consummate the Merger,  Executive and
ADESA desire to enter into this Executive Employment  Agreement,  upon the terms
and  conditions  hereof  including  those  providing  for   noncompetition   and
nondisclosure covenants on the part of Executive.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and the  covenants
hereinafter set forth the parties agree as follows:

         1. Employment. ADESA hereby agrees to continue to employ the Executive,
and the Executive hereby accepts such engagement and agrees to continue to serve
ADESA, on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

         2. Term.  The  employment  of the  Executive  by ADESA as  provided  in
Section 1 will  commence at the  Effective  Time, as that term is defined in the
Merger  Agreement,  and end on April 30, 1999, unless further extended or sooner
terminated as hereinafter provided.

         3.  Position  and Duties.  The  Executive  shall serve as an officer of
ADESA and shall have such responsibilities,  duties and authority as he may have
as of the date hereof (or any  position  to which he may be  promoted  after the
date  hereof)  and any other  office as may from time to time be assigned to the
Executive by ADESA's board of directors (the "Board") that are  consistent  with
such  responsibilities,   duties  and  authority.  The  Executive  shall  devote
substantially  all his working  time and efforts to the  business and affairs of
ADESA.  Attached  hereto as Schedule A is a list of all  businesses,  other than
ADESA  and its  subsidiaries,  to which  the  Executive  currently  devotes  any
material amount of working time.

         4. Compensation and Related Matters.

            4.1  Salary.  During  the  period  of  the  Executive's   employment
         hereunder  ADESA will pay to the  Executive  an annual  base  salary of
         $300,000.00.  This salary may be increased, but not decreased, annually
         by the board of directors in its sole discretion, commencing on January
         1,  1996.  Salary  shall be paid in monthly  or other  installments  in
         accordance with the general practice of ADESA from time to time.

            4.2  Performance  Bonus.  ADESA may pay the  Executive a performance
         bonus  ("Performance  Bonus")  if the  board of  directors  in its sole
         discretion so determines.

            4.3 Fringe Benefits.  The Executive shall be entitled to participate
         in and to receive  benefits,  without  duplication,  under such  401(k)
         profit sharing,  pension,  life insurance,  accident insurance,  health
         insurance,  hospitalization  and all other "Employee Benefit Plans", as
         said term is defined in Section 3(3) of the Employee  Retirement Income
         Security Act of 1974,  as amended,  as ADESA may establish and maintain
         from  time to time  during  the term  hereof  and for  which  Executive
         continues to qualify  subject,  however,  to ADESA's  right to amend or
         terminate any such plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Executive shall
         be  entitled  to  participate  in  the  incentive   compensation   plan
         contemplated  by Section 7.6 of and  Exhibit B to the Merger  Agreement
         ("Incentive Compensation Plan") only to the extent determined from time
         to time by the board of directors in its sole discretion.

            4.4 Vacation.  The  Executive  shall be entitled to vacation in each
         fiscal year,  determined in accordance with ADESA's  vacation policy in
         effect on the date hereof and from time to time during the term hereof.
         The Executive  shall also be entitled to all paid holidays and personal
         days given by ADESA to its executives.

            4.5 Expenses.  ADESA will reimburse the Executive for all reasonable
         business  expenses incurred in performing  services  hereunder upon the
         Executive's  presentation  to  ADESA  


         from  time to  time  of  itemized accounts  describing such 
         expenditures,  all in accordance with ADESA's policy in effect from 
         time to time with respect to the reimbursement of business expenses.

            4.6 Withholding.  All compensation  paid to the Executive under this
         Section 4 shall be subject to  required  withholding  for  federal  and
         state income taxes, FICA contributions and other required deductions.

         5. Termination.

            5.1 Death. The Executive's employment hereunder shall terminate upon
         his death.

            5.2 By ADESA for Disability. ADESA shall have the right to terminate
         the Executive's employment hereunder if the Executive becomes Disabled,
         upon  delivery of a Notice of  Termination  to the  Executive.  For the
         purposes hereof the Executive  shall be deemed  "Disabled" if: (i) as a
         result of the Executive's incapacity due to physical or mental illness,
         including  chemical  dependency,  the Executive  shall have been absent
         from his full time duties with ADESA for six months during any 12 month
         period;  or (ii) the Executive is found to be  permanently  disabled by
         (A) any  insurer  of ADESA  pursuant  to the  terms  of any  disability
         insurance  contract covering Executive which is then in effect, (B) the
         Social  Security   Administration   for  purposes  of  Social  Security
         disability payments, or (C) by any tribunal or court.

            5.3  By  ADESA  for  Cause.  ADESA  may  terminate  the  Executive's
         employment  hereunder for Cause. For purposes of this Agreement,  ADESA
         shall have "Cause" to terminate the  Executive's  employment  hereunder
         upon (a) the failure by the  Executive to perform his  material  duties
         hereunder  after written  demand for  performance is delivered by ADESA
         that  specifically  identifies  the manner in which ADESA  believes the
         Executive has not performed his duties,  or (b) the willful engaging by
         the  Executive in conduct  which is contrary to the interests of ADESA,
         monetarily or otherwise.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Executive
         shall  not be  deemed to have been  terminated  for Cause  without  (1)
         reasonable  notice  to the  Executive  setting  forth the  reasons  for
         ADESA's  intention to terminate for Cause,  (2) an opportunity  for the
         Executive, together with his counsel, to be heard before the Board, and
         (3) delivery to the Executive of a Notice of Termination from the Board
         finding that in the good faith  opinion of the Board the  Executive was
         guilty of  conduct  set forth  above in clause (a) or (b)  hereof,  and
         specifying the particulars thereof in detail.


            5.4 By ADESA Without  Cause.  ADESA may  terminate  the  Executive's
         employment  hereunder without Cause upon delivery to the Executive of a
         Notice of Termination.

            5.5 By Executive.  Prior to the expiration of the Term the Executive
         may  terminate  the  Executive's  employment  with ADESA for any of the
         reasons set forth below.

               (a) At any time for Good Reason.  For purposes of this  Agreement
            the term "Good  Reason"  means (i) a failure by ADESA to comply with
            any material  provision of this  Agreement  which has not been cured
            within 10 days after written notice of such  noncompliance  has been
            given  by  the  Executive  to  ADESA,  (ii)  a  substantial  adverse
            alteration   in  the   nature   or   status   of   the   Executive's
            responsibilities,  (iii) that ADESA has required in writing that the
            Executive move his principal  office location to a new location that
            is not the same as ADESA's then principal  place of business or (iv)
            any purported termination of the Executive's employment which is not
            consistent with Sections 5.2, 5.3 or 5.4 hereof; or

               (b) If ADESA imposes  material  restrictions  or  limitations  on
            ADESA's  existing  personnel  or ethics  policies  (except  for such
            changes as are, at any time,  required by law) which are not removed
            within 30 days after written notice of such imposition by Executive.

            5.6  Notice  of  Termination.  Any  termination  of the  Executive's
         employment  by  ADESA  or by  the  Executive  (other  than  termination
         pursuant to  subsection  5.1 hereof) shall be  communicated  by written
         Notice of Termination to the other party hereto. For purposes of this
         Agreement,  a "Notice of  Termination"  shall mean a notice which shall
         indicate the specific  termination  provision in this Agreement  relied
         upon and shall, in the case of a termination  under Section 5.3 or 5.5,
         set forth in reasonable detail the facts and  circumstances  claimed to
         provide a basis for termination of the Executive's employment under the
         provision so indicated.

            5.7 Date of Termination.  "Date of  Termination"  shall mean: (a) if
         the Executive's  employment is terminated by his death, the date of his
         death;  and (b) if the  Executive's  employment is  terminated  for any
         other reason, the date specified in the Notice of Termination.

         6. Compensation Upon Termination or During Disability.

            6.1.  During  Disability  and Upon  Termination  Due to  Disability.
         During  any  period  that the  Executive  fails to  perform  his duties
         hereunder as a result of incapacity  due to 


         physical or mental illness ("disability  period"),  the Executive shall
         continue to receive his full base salary at the rate then in effect for
         such period (offset by any payments to the Executive  received pursuant
         to disability benefit plans maintained by ADESA or disability  benefits
         from governmental entities) until his employment is terminated pursuant
         to Section 5.2 hereof,  and upon such termination,  the Executive shall
         be entitled to all amounts to which the Executive is entitled  pursuant
         to applicable law and Employee  Benefit Plans,  all in accordance  with
         the terms  thereof  as  amended  from  time to time.  In  addition,  if
         Executive is terminated under Section 5.2, ADESA will pay to Executive,
         on the date the same would have been payable  under Section 4.2 and the
         Incentive  Compensation Plan if Executive had not been terminated,  any
         Performance  Bonus and any  Incentive  Compensation  Plan payments that
         would  have been  payable  to the  Executive  for the year in which the
         Disability occurred, pro-rated to the Date of Termination.

            6.2.  Death.  If the  Executive's  employment  is  terminated by his
         death, ADESA shall within 10 days following the date of the Executive's
         death pay to the Executive's  estate his full unpaid base salary at the
         rate then in effect, through the Date of Termination, together with any
         other amounts to which the Executive is entitled pursuant to applicable
         law and ADESA Employee  Benefit Plans, all in accordance with the terms
         thereof as  amended  from time to time.  In  addition,  if  Executive's
         employment  is  terminated  under  Section  5.1,  ADESA will pay to the
         Executive's  estate, on the date the same would have been payable under
         Section 4.2 and the  Incentive  Compensation  Plan if Executive had not
         died,  any  Performance  Bonus  and  any  Incentive  Compensation  Plan
         payments  that would have been payable to the Executive for the year in
         which his death occurred, pro-rated to the Date of Termination.

            6.3. By ADESA For Cause or By  Executive  In Breach  Hereof.  If the
         Executive's  employment is  terminated by ADESA for Cause,  ADESA shall
         pay the Executive at the regular time salary payments are due hereunder
         his full base salary through the Date of Termination.  If the Executive
         terminates his employment in breach hereof,  ADESA shall pay Executive,
         at the rate in effect at the time of such termination, through the date
         on which the Executive  terminates  his  employment.  In either of such
         events, except as aforesaid, ADESA shall have no further obligations to
         the Executive  under this  Agreement  and,  except for any claims which
         ADESA may have against Executive (i) for breach of contract, (ii) based
         upon,  related to or arising out of the event or events which  resulted
         in the  termination  of Executive for Cause and (iii) under Sections 7,
         8, 9 and 10 hereof,  Executive  shall have no  further  obligations  to
         ADESA under this Agreement.


            6.4 Without  Cause or by  Executive  For Good  Reason.  If (a) ADESA
         terminates the Executive's  employment without Cause under Section 5.4,
         or (b) the  Executive  terminates  his  employment  for Good  Reason as
         defined in Section  5.5(a),  then ADESA shall pay the  Executive at the
         regular  time salary  payments are due  hereunder  his full base salary
         through  April 30,  1999 at the rate in  effect  at the time  Notice of
         Termination is given. In addition,  ADESA will pay to Executive, on the
         date the  same  would  have  been  payable  under  Section  4.2 and the
         Incentive  Compensation  Plan, any Performance  Bonus and any Incentive
         Compensation  Plan  payments  that  would  have  been  payable  to  the
         Executive under Section 4.2 and the Incentive Compensation Plan for the
         year in which such termination occurred.

            6.5  Termination  by Executive  Under Section  5.5(b).  If Executive
         terminates his employment with ADESA under Section  5.5(b),  then ADESA
         shall  pay  Executive  at the  regular  time  salary  payments  are due
         hereunder his full base salary for one full year or, if earlier,  until
         April 30, 1999. In addition,  ADESA will pay to Executive,  on the date
         the same would have been payable  under  Section 4.2 and the  Incentive
         Compensation Plan, any Performance Bonus and any Incentive Compensation
         Plan  payments  that would have been  payable  to the  Executive  under
         Section 4.2 and the Incentive  Compensation  Plan for the year in which
         such termination  occurred pro-rated to the date on which the Executive
         terminated his employment.

            6.6. Certain Benefit Plans.  Except as otherwise  provided by law or
         any  applicable   Employee  Benefit  Plan,   unless  the  Executive  is
         terminated for Cause or the Executive  terminates  his employment  with
         ADESA in breach of this  Agreement,  the Executive shall be entitled to
         continue to participate,  after  termination,  in all Employee  Benefit
         Plans, to the extent  permitted under the terms thereof as amended from
         time to time,  but ADESA shall have no  obligation  to make any further
         payments with respect thereto on behalf of Executive.

                  7. Non-Disclosure. Executive acknowledges that he has received
and will continue to receive and  contribute to the  production of  Confidential
Information.  Except as required by his duties  hereunder,  Executive  will not,
either during his  employment by ADESA (or until April 30, 1999, if longer,  and
if Executive is receiving  payments under Section 6.4 hereof) or for three years
thereafter, use any Confidential Information for his own benefit or disclose any
Confidential  Information to any third person.  The Executive  agrees to refrain
from any acts or  omissions  that  would  reduce  the value of the  Confidential
Information.  Upon termination of Executive's  employment with ADESA,  Executive
shall leave with or return to ADESA all records,  correspondence,  compositions,
articles,  writing,  programs, codes, devices,  equipment,  prototypes and other
papers  which  incorporate,  embody or  disclose  any  


Confidential  Information  (whether  written,  prepared or made by  Executive or
others),  including all copies and memorializations thereof. The obligations set
forth in this  Section 7 shall not apply to any  information  or  knowledge  the
entirety of which is now publicly known or subsequently  becomes publicly known,
other than as a direct or indirect result of the breach of this Agreement by the
Executive  or the breach of a  confidentiality  obligation  owed to ADESA by any
third party. For the purposes hereof:

               (a) The term "Confidential  Information" means all information or
            material  proprietary  to  ADESA  or  any  of  its  subsidiaries  or
            designated  as  Confidential  Information  by  ADESA  or  any of its
            subsidiaries  and not  generally  known other than by  personnel  of
            ADESA  or  its  subsidiaries,  of  or  to  which  Executive  obtains
            knowledge  or  access   through  or  as  a  result  of   Executive's
            relationship  (whether  prior or subsequent to the date hereof) with
            ADESA (including  information conceived,  originated,  discovered or
            developed   in  whole  or  in  part  by   Executive).   Confidential
            Information includes,  but is not limited to, the following types of
            information  and other  information of a similar nature  (whether or
            not reduced to  writing),  discoveries,  inventions  (whether or not
            patentable),   ideas,  concepts,   software  in  various  stages  of
            development, designs, drawings, specifications,  techniques, models,
            data, devices, source codes, object codes, documentation,  formulae,
            patterns,   computations,   diagrams,   flow  charts,  research  and
            development data, programs, processes,  procedures,  know-how, Trade
            Secrets,   marketing   techniques  and   materials,   marketing  and
            development plans,  customer names and other information  related to
            customers,  price lists, pricing policies and financial information.
            Confidential  Information  also includes any  information  described
            above which ADESA or any of its  subsidiaries  obtains  from another
            party  and  which  ADESA  or  any  of  its  subsidiaries  treats  as
            proprietary or designates as  Confidential  Information,  whether or
            not owned by or developed by ADESA or any of its subsidiaries.

               (b) The term  "Trade  Secrets"  means  information,  including  a
            formula pattern,  compilation,  program device, method, technique or
            process,   that  derives  independent   economic  value,  actual  or
            potential,  from not being generally known to, and not being readily
            ascertainable  by proper  means by,  other  persons  who can  obtain
            economic  value from its  disclosure  or use,  and is the subject of
            efforts that are reasonable under the  circumstances to maintain its


         8. Covenant Not to Compete.

            8.1  Agreement  Not To Compete.  The  Executive  agrees that,  for a
         period  of  three  (3)  years  commencing  on  the  later  of  (i)  his
         termination  of employment or (ii) the date the last payment is made to
         Executive under Section 6.4 or Section 6.5 hereof, he will not within a
         territory  consisting  of the  continental  United  States and  Canada,
         engage or be  interested  in (x) the  vehicle  redistribution  business
         (except that  Executive  may engage in the retail or wholesale  sale of
         vehicles,  other than as an owner of,  employee of or  consultant  to a
         vehicle  auction),  (y) the vehicle auction  business or (z) the dealer
         floorplan  financing  business.  The  Executive  shall be  deemed to be
         interested  in a business if the  Executive is engaged or interested in
         that  business  as  a   shareholder,   director,   officer,   employee,
         independent   contractor,   agent,  partner,   individual   proprietor,
         consultant or otherwise,  but not if such interest is limited solely to
         passive investments  existing on the date hereof or the ownership of 5%
         or fewer of the equity or debt  securities  of any entity  whose shares
         are listed for trading on a national  securities  exchange or traded in
         the over the counter market.

            8.2 Indirect Competition.  The Executive agrees that during the term
         of his employment (or until April 30, 1999, if longer, and if Executive
         is  receiving  payments  under  Section  6.4 hereof) by ADESA and for a
         period of three years  thereafter,  the Executive will not, directly or
         indirectly,  assist or  encourage  any other  person in  carrying  out,
         directly or  indirectly,  any activity  that would be prohibited by the
         provisions  of Section  8.1 if such  activity  were  carried out by the
         Executive  either directly or indirectly.  In particular,  but not as a
         limitation,  the  Executive  agrees  that  he  will  not,  directly  or
         indirectly,  induce any employee of ADESA or any of its subsidiaries to
         carry out, directly or indirectly, any such activity.

            8.3 Necessary and Reasonable;  Ancillary to Purchase.  The Executive
         agrees that the  covenants  provided for in Sections 8.1 and 8.2 hereof
         are  ancillary  to the  purchase  of  stock  of  ADESA  by MPL  and are
         necessary and  reasonable in order to protect ADESA,  its  subsidiaries
         and MPL in the conduct of their  respective  businesses  and to protect
         ADESA,  its  subsidiaries  and MPL in the  utilization  of the  assets,
         tangible and intangible,  including the goodwill of ADESA, purchased by
         MPL pursuant to the Merger Agreement.

         9. No  Solicitation.  The Executive  agrees that during the term of his
employment  by ADESA (or until April 30,  1999,  if longer,  and if Executive is
receiving  payments  under  Section  6.4 hereof) and for a period of three years
thereafter he will not, directly or indirectly, on behalf of himself or another,


the  hiring  on  any  basis  of  any  person  employed  by  ADESA  or any of its

         10. Injunctive  Relief. The Executive agrees that it would be difficult
to compensate ADESA, its subsidiaries or MPL fully for damages for any violation
of the  provisions of Sections 7, 8, or 9 of this  Agreement.  Accordingly,  the
Executive  specifically  agrees that any of ADESA, its subsidiaries or MPL shall
be  entitled  to  temporary  and  permanent  injunctive  relief to  enforce  the
provisions  of this  Agreement,  that such  relief  may be granted  without  the
necessity of proving  actual  damages,  and that,  in  connection  with any such
proceeding the Executive shall waive the defense that ADESA, its subsidiaries or
MPL,  as the case may be, has an adequate  remedy at law.  This  provision  with
respect to injunctive  relief shall not,  however,  diminish the right of ADESA,
its  subsidiaries  or MPL to claim and recover damages in addition to injunctive

         11.  Arbitration  of all  Disputes.  Except for matters  arising  under
Sections  7, 8, 9 or 10  hereof,  any  controversy  or claim  arising  out of or
relating  to  this  Agreement,  or the  breach  thereof,  shall  be  settled  by
arbitration in the City of Indianapolis,  Indiana,  in accordance with the rules
of the American Arbitration Association then in effect, or, if the parties shall
agree in writing,  by  mediation,  and judgment  upon the award  rendered by the
arbitrators or mediator,  as the case may be, may be entered in any court having
jurisdiction thereof.

         12. Early  Termination of Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10. Sections 7, 8, 9 and
10 hereof shall apply only so long as (i) ADESA and its subsidiaries continue to
be engaged in the vehicle  auction  business as a principal line of business and
(ii) MPL and the Management  Shareholders  own more than 50% of the  outstanding
shares of common stock of ADESA.

         13. Miscellaneous.

            13.1  Recitals.  The recitals to this Agreement are true and correct
         and constitute substantive provisions of this Agreement.

            13.2  No  Assignment.  Neither  this  Agreement  nor any  rights  or
         obligations  hereunder may be assigned or delegated by any party hereto
         without the written consent of the other parties.

            13.3   Notices.   Any   notices,   requests,   demands   and   other
         communications  provided for by this Agreement  shall be in writing and
         shall be  considered  to have been duly  given or served if  personally
         delivered,  telecopied, sent by national overnight delivery service, or
         sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage
         prepaid,  to Executive  at the address last shown for the  Executive in
         the records of


         ADESA or the last  address he has filed in  writing  with ADESA or, in
         the  case  of  ADESA,  to its  principal  executive  office,  attention
         President.  All  notices  shall be  copied  to MPL at 30 West  Superior
         Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55822, Attention: Chairman of the Board. Such
         notice  shall be deemed to be  received  when  delivered  if  delivered
         personally,  the next  business day after  receipt of  electronic  sent
         confirmation (or other confirmation of receipt) if telecopied, the next
         business day if sent by a national overnight delivery service, or three
         business  days after the date mailed if sent by certified or registered
         mail.  Whenever  the giving of notice is  required,  the giving of such
         notice may be waived in writing by the party  entitled to receive  such

            13.4  Governing  Law.  The  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be
         construed and the rights and  obligations of the parties  determined in
         accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana,  notwithstanding  the
         choice of law rules of Indiana or any other jurisdiction.

            13.5 Entire  Agreement;  Amendment.  This  Agreement  sets forth the
         entire agreement of the parties hereto in respect of the subject matter
         contained  herein  and  supersedes  all  prior  agreements,   promises,
         covenants, arrangements, communications, representations or warranties,
         whether oral or written, by any officer,  employee or representative of
         any party  hereto;  and any prior  agreement  of the parties  hereto in
         respect of the subject matter contained  herein shall,  with respect to
         the Executive, be of no further force or effect. This Agreement may not
         be modified or amended  without the prior  written  consent of MPL, and
         then may only be modified or amended by an  instrument  in writing duly
         executed by Executive and ADESA.

            13.6 Meanings of Pronouns;  Singular and Plural Words.  All pronouns
         used in this  Agreement  shall be  deemed  to  refer to the  masculine,
         feminine, neuter, singular and plural, as the identity of the person to
         which or to whom  reference is made may require.  Unless the context in
         which it is used shall clearly indicate to the contrary,  words used in
         the  singular  shall  include the plural,  and words used in the plural
         shall include the singular.

            13.7  Interpretation.  When a reference is made in this Agreement to
         Sections or Exhibits such reference shall be to a Section or Exhibit to
         this  Agreement   unless  otherwise   indicated.   Whenever  the  words
         "include," "includes," or "including" are used in this Agreement,  they
         shall be deemed to be followed by the words "without limitation."

            13.8 Benefit.  This  Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of and be
         enforceable  by  Executive  or  by   Executive's   personal  and  legal
         representatives,   executors,   administrators,   heirs,  devisees  and
         legatees. In addition, it is the intention of 


         the parties that MPL be a third party  beneficiary  of this  Agreement,
         entitled to enforce this Agreement for and on behalf of ADESA.

            13.9  Severability.  To  the  extent  that  any  provision  of  this
         Agreement  shall be  determined  to be  invalid or  unenforceable,  the
         invalid or  unenforceable  portion of such  provision  shall be deleted
         from  this  Agreement,  and  the  validity  and  enforceability  of the
         remainder of such provision and of this Agreement  shall be unaffected.
         The Executive  acknowledges  the uncertainty of the law in this respect
         and expressly  stipulates  that this Agreement  shall be construed in a
         manner  which  renders  its  provisions  valid and  enforceable  to the
         maximum  extent  (not  exceeding  its  express  terms)  possible  under
         applicable law.

            13.10  Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in one or more
         counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all
         of which together will constitute one and the same instrument.

            13.11 Survival.  Except as provided in Section 12, the provisions of
         Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10 shall survive any termination of this Agreement
         and the termination of the Executive's employment hereunder.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  have  executed  and  delivered  this
Agreement on the day and year first written above, effective as aforesaid.

                                           ADESA CORPORATION

                                           By       D. Michael Hockett
                                               Its  President
                                                    D. Michael Hockett


                Mike Hockett business interests other than ADESA
                               February 20, 1995

                                   Percent of
          Company                   Ownership               Position
- ----------------------------       ----------        ------------------------

1  Good News Construction, Inc.           50%        Stockholder & Director

2  CIL, Inc.                             100%        Stockholder, Director and 

3  ADE of Panama City, Inc.            37.50%        Stockholder & Director

4  UC Investment, Inc.                    37%        Stockholder & Director

5  Classic Housing, Inc.               43.75%        Stockholder

6  F&H Company of Indiana, Inc.           50%        Stockholder & Director

7  Nineteenth Star, LLC                28.88%        Member

8  T/R Systems, Inc.                                 Preferred Stockholder

9  Eagle Investments, LLC        undetermined        Member and Manager

   Purpose of Company

1  Owns real estate and performs construction of real estate

2  Floor plan financing and real estate investments

3  Toyota and Mitsubishi Dealership

4  Owns UC-1, a compnay which owns used car dealerships (buy-here/pay here
   lots) and finances used car dealerships

5  Manufcatures mobile homes

6  Buys and sells primarily used printing and auction equipment and provides
   related financial services

7  Produces documentaries for TV

8  Develops computer programming

9  To be formed venture capital company

                                   Schedule A
                        Executive Employment Agreement