Exhibit 10(x)

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         STOCK  PURCHASE  AGREEMENT,  made  and  entered  into as of this 23rd
day of February, 1995, by and among ADESA CORPORATION, an Indiana corporation 
(the "ADESA"), and LARRY W. WECHTER ("Shareholder").

         WHEREAS,  Minnesota Power & Light Company ("MPL"),  ADESA,  Shareholder
and others have entered into a letter  agreement  dated January 5, 1995 ("Letter
of Intent")  which  contemplates,  among other things,  that a subsidiary of MPL
will be merged  with and into ADESA (the  "Merger")  pursuant to the terms of an
Agreement and Plan of Merger of even date ("Merger Agreement"),  that ADESA will
survive the Merger and that, in connection  with the Merger,  Shareholder  will,
after the Merger, continue to own 68,388 shares of ADESA; and

         WHEREAS,  the Letter of Intent  contemplates  that the Shareholder will
agree  to sell  his  ADESA  shares  to  ADESA  upon  his  death,  disability  or
termination of employment; and

         WHEREAS,  MPL will not  undertake  the Merger unless it is assured that
after the Merger the  Shareholder  will be obligated to sell his ADESA shares to
ADESA in said circumstances; and

         WHEREAS, to induce MPL to enter into the Merger Agreement  contemplated
by the Letter of Intent,  and thereafter to consummate  the Merger,  Shareholder
and ADESA desire to enter into this Stock Purchase Agreement, upon the terms and
conditions hereof.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the foregoing and of the mutual
covenants and  agreements  hereinafter  set forth,  the parties  hereby agree as

         1. Definitions.  The following terms shall have the following  meanings

            1.1  "Shares"  shall mean all the  shares of capital  stock of ADESA
         owned by the Shareholder at the time of any Triggering Event.

            1.2   "Disability"   shall   mean  (a)  that  as  a  result  of  the
         Shareholder's  incapacity due to physical or mental illness,  including
         without limitation chemical dependency, the Shareholder shall have been
         absent from his full time  duties with ADESA for six months  during any
         12-month period or (b) while employed by ADESA, Shareholder is found to
         be  permanently  disabled by (i) any  insurer of ADESA  pursuant to the
         terms of any disability  insurance contract covering  Shareholder which
         is then in effect, (ii) the Social Security Administration for purposes
         of Social  Security  disability  payments,  or (iii) by any tribunal or

            1.3 "EBITDA"  shall mean the product of (a) six and (b) the trailing
         12-month after-tax earnings of ADESA and its consolidated  subsidiaries
         (calculated as if ADESA at all times owned 100% of ADESA Canada),  plus
         any  of  the   following   incurred  by  ADESA  and  its   consolidated
         subsidiaries  during said period (i) all interest expense  exclusive of
         interest expenses of Automotive  Finance  Corporation and of any dealer
         floor planning  business,  consumer  finance  business or other similar
         finance  business  conducted  by  ADESA  or  any  of  its  consolidated
         subsidiaries, (ii) all taxes on or measured by revenue or income, (iii)
         all rental payments made under  incentive  leases of the type set forth
         on  Exhibit  A to  this  Agreement,  exclusive  of  operating  expenses
         associated  therewith,  (iv)  all  charges  resulting  from  push  down
         accounting,  and (v) depreciation and amortization expense.  Except for
         treating ADESA Canada as 100% owned, EBITDA and its components shall be
         calculated  by  reference  to the  books and  records  of ADESA and its
         consolidated   subsidiaries   prepared  in  accordance  with  generally
         accepted accounting principles prepared on a basis consistent with
         prior periods.

            1.4  "Effective  Date" shall mean the Effective Time as that term is
         defined in the Merger Agreement.

            1.5  "Triggering  Event" shall mean the (a) death of the Shareholder
         at any time during or after his  employment  by ADESA,  (b)  Disability
         occurring during  Shareholder's  employment with ADESA, (c) termination
         by Shareholder  of the  Shareholder's  employment  with ADESA for "Good
         Reason"  as  defined  in  Section  5.5(a) of the  Executive  Employment
         Agreement  between ADESA and the  Shareholder,  or (d)  termination  by
         ADESA  without  "Cause" as such term is defined in Section  5.3 of said
         Executive Employment Agreement.

            1.6 "Transfer"  shall mean any sale,  assignment,  trade,  transfer,
         encumbrance,  pledge,  hypothecation,  gift or any other disposition of
         Shares  whether  voluntary or  involuntary  or by operation of law, and
         whether  testamentary or inter vivos, other than a sale of Shares under
         this  Agreement  or under that certain Put and Call  Agreement  between
         ADESA and the Shareholder of even date herewith.

         2. Purchase and Sale of Stock Upon Triggering Event.

            2.1  Agreement to Purchase and Sell.  After the  Effective  Date and
         upon the  occurrence  of a Triggering  Event ADESA shall  purchase from
         Shareholder, and the Shareholder shall sell to ADESA, all of the Shares
         at the purchase price specified in Section 2.2 hereof.

            2.2 Purchase Price. The purchase price per Share for sales occurring
         under this Section 2 shall be: (a) if the Triggering Event occurs on or
         before April 30, 1999, the


         greater of (i) $17.00,  or (ii) EBITDA  divided by the  weighted  daily
         average number of shares of ADESA's  capital stock  outstanding  during
         the 365-day period ending on the date of the Triggering  Event, and (b)
         if the Triggering Event occurs after April 30, 1999, the greater of (i)
         EBITDA  divided  by the  weighted  daily  average  number  of shares of
         ADESA's capital stock  outstanding  during the 365-day period ending on
         the date of the Triggering  Event or (ii) the fair value of the Shares,
         without  discount for  minority  interest or lack of  marketability  as
         determined  by agreement by the parties or, if the parties do not reach
         agreement within thirty days after the Triggering Event, the fair value
         of the Shares as determined by arbitration in Indianapolis, Indiana or,
         if the parties shall agree in writing, by mediation. In determining the
         weighted  daily  average  number  of  Shares  of  ADESA  capital  stock
         outstanding,  the  outstanding  shares of ADESA  capital stock shall be
         deemed  increased by the number of shares of ADESA which James  Hallett
         and/or Helene Hallett would own if their then owned ADESA Canada shares
         were  converted  into ADESA shares at a  conversion  ratio of 9.8 ADESA
         shares for each  share of ADESA  Canada  and such  increased  number of
         shares  shall be deemed  to have been  outstanding  during  the  entire
         365-day  period  ending  on  the  date  of  the  Triggering  Event.  If
         arbitration  is  used,  the  arbitration  shall be  conducted  by three
         arbitrators; one arbitrator shall be selected by each party and the two
         arbitrators shall chose an impartial third arbitrator who shall preside
         at the  arbitration.  If either  party fails to appoint its  arbitrator
         within 10 days after being  requested to do so by the other party,  the
         latter,  after 10 days'  notice of its  intention to do so, may appoint
         the second arbitrator.  If the two arbitrators are unable to agree upon
         the third arbitrator within 10 days after their appointment,  the third
         arbitrator  shall be  selected  from a list of six  individuals  (three
         named by each  arbitrator)  by a judge of the  federal  district  court
         having jurisdiction over the geographical area in which the arbitration
         is to take place,  or if the federal  court  declines to act, the state
         court  having  general   jurisdiction  in  such  area.  Promptly  after
         appointment  of all  arbitrators,  the panel  shall meet and  determine
         timely  periods for briefs,  discovery  procedures  and  schedules  for
         hearings.  The decision of any two  arbitrators  or the  mediator  when
         rendered in writing  shall be final and binding and  judgment  upon the
         award of the arbitrators or mediator may be entered in any court having
         jurisdiction  thereof.  All costs of the arbitration or mediation shall
         be allocated by the panel or the mediator.  If arbitration is used, the
         arbitration  shall, in all other  respects,  be conducted in accordance
         with the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association.

            2.3 Closing. The closing of any purchase and sale under this Section
         2 shall occur at the offices of ADESA.  The closing  shall occur on the
         later of the 30th day after (a) the


         Triggering  Event (or if such date is not a business  day,  on the next
         business day  thereafter),  or (b) not more than 10 business  days from
         the date the  mediator  or  arbitrators  render a decision in the event
         that  the  parties  fail  to  reach  agreement  as to fair  value  in a
         circumstance governed by Section 2.2(b).

         3.  Prohibition of Certain  Voluntary  Transfers.  From the date hereof
through and  including  April 30,  1999 the  Shareholder  shall not  voluntarily
Transfer any Shares to any person or entity without the prior written consent of
ADESA which consent may be withheld by ADESA in its sole discretion.

         4. Right of First Refusal in Favor of Corporation.

            4.1 Voluntary  Transfers After April 30, 1999. After April 30, 1999,
         the Shareholder shall not voluntarily Transfer any Shares to any person
         or entity  without  first giving ADESA 60 days'  written  notice of his
         intent to transfer  Shares  during which time  Shareholder  will, if so
         requested by ADESA,  enter into good faith negotiations with ADESA with
         respect  to  the  purchase  of  the  Shares  by  ADESA.  If  ADESA  and
         Shareholder  are unable,  within said  60-day  period,  to agree on the
         price and  terms  for the  purchase  of the  Shares  by  ADESA,  and if
         Shareholder is not then in default hereunder,  the Shareholder shall be
         entitled,  for a period of 90 days  following  the  expiration  of said
         60-day period, to transfer the Shares to a Transferee.  If the Transfer
         of  the  Shares  has  not  closed  within  said  90-day   period,   the
         Shareholder's  right to transfer the Shares free of the restriction set
         forth in this  Section  4.1  shall  expire  and the  Shares  shall  not
         thereafter be Transferred without again complying with this Section 4.1

            4.2 Involuntary  Transfers.  In the case of any involuntary Transfer
         of any of the Shares  (other  than a  Transfer  upon  death)  after the
         Effective Date as a consequence of an order in a divorce  proceeding or
         due to any other  consequences,  ADESA shall have the right to purchase
         such Shares in the manner set forth in this  Section  4.2.  Immediately
         upon  becoming  aware of an  involuntary  Transfer  of his  Shares  the
         Shareholder  shall  furnish  written  notice  to  ADESA.  For a  period
         expiring on the later of the 60th day after the Shareholder's notice or
         the first day on which ADESA becomes aware of an involuntary  Transfer,
         ADESA shall have the right to elect to purchase the Shares  acquired by
         the Transferee at the price specified in Section 2.2(a) if the Transfer
         occurs on or before April 30, 1999,  or the price  specified in Section
         2.2(b) if the Transfer occurs after April 30, 1999.  ADESA shall inform
         the  Shareholder  and the Transferee of its election by written notice.
         If ADESA  fails  to give  written  notice  to the  Shareholder  and the
         Transferee  within the  60-day  period,  ADESA  shall be deemed to have
         elected not to purchase the Shares, and the involuntary


         transferee shall become the owner thereof, free of the restrictions set
         forth herein.

            4.3 Closing.  The closing of any purchase under this Section 4 shall
         occur at the offices of ADESA.  A closing under Section 4.1 shall occur
         on the date agreed upon by ADESA and the  Shareholder.  A closing under
         Section  4.2 shall  occur on a date  specified  by ADESA but in no case
         later  than the 61st day  after  the  later of the date on which  ADESA
         receives notice from the Shareholder of the involuntary Transfer or the
         date on which ADESA otherwise learns of the involuntary Transfer.

         5. Representations.  The Shareholder represents that (a) at the time of
closing,  all Shares sold by him hereunder  will be free and clear of all liens,
claims  and  encumbrances  of any  sort  and (b)  the  execution,  delivery  and
performance of this Agreement does not and will not breach,  violate or conflict
with any agreement  order,  judgment,  decree or law to which he is or becomes a
party or by which his property is or becomes bound.

         6. Offset of Shareholder Indebtedness.  If, at the time of the purchase
of the Shares hereunder,  the Shareholder is indebted to ADESA, ADESA shall have
the right to offset any such indebtedness,  including interest thereon,  against
the purchase price due for the Shares.

         7. Legend on Shares Certificates.

            7.1 Legend on Currently Outstanding Certificates. In addition to any
         other legends required to be placed on such certificates, ADESA and the
         Shareholder  agree that the  following  legend  shall be  conspicuously
         endorsed  on  each   certificate   evidencing   Shares   owned  by  the

            "The  transfer  of the shares  represented  by this  certificate  is
            restricted  by, and subject to, the  provisions  of a certain  Stock
            Purchase  Agreement,  dated  as  of  February  ,  1995  between  the
            registered  holder  hereof  and  ADESA  Corporation.  A copy  of the
            Agreement is on file with the secretary of the Company."

         The  Secretary of ADESA shall keep a copy of this  Agreement on file in
         ADESA's principal office.

            7.2 Legend on Certificates  Issued Subsequent Hereto. A copy of this
         Agreement  shall be filed with the Secretary of ADESA.  During the term
         of this  Agreement,  a legend  reading as above shall be  conspicuously
         endorsed on each  certificate  representing  Shares hereafter issued by
         ADESA to the Shareholder.


         8. Right to Specific Performance.  The parties agree that the remedy at
law for  failure  of any  party to  perform  would be  inadequate,  and that the
injured  party or  parties,  at his  option,  shall have the right to compel the
specific  performance  of this  Agreement in a court of competent  jurisdiction.
This  right  shall  be in  addition  to and  not in lieu  of any  additional  or
alternative right or remedy which may be available to a party at law or in

         9. Miscellaneous Provisions.

            9.1 Notices.  All notices,  requests,  and other communications from
         any of the  parties  to  another  shall  be in  writing  and  shall  be
         considered to have been duly given or served if  personally  delivered,
         telecopied,  sent by national  overnight  delivery service,  or sent by
         first class,  certified or registered mail,  return receipt  requested,
         postage prepaid,  to the party at his or its address as provided below,
         or to such  other  address  as such party may  hereafter  designate  by
         written notice to the other parties: (a) if to ADESA, to the address of
         its then principal office, Attention:  Chairman of the Board; (b) if to
         MPL, to the address of MPL noted below;  and (c) if to the Shareholder,
         to the address last shown for the  Shareholder in the records of ADESA.
         Copies of all notices shall be sent to MPL at 30 West Superior  Street,
         Duluth,  Minnesota 55822, Attention:  Chairman of the Board. Any notice
         shall be deemed to be received when delivered if delivered  personally,
         the next business day after receipt of electronic sent confirmation (or
         other confirmation of receipt) if telecopied,  the next business day if
         sent by a national overnight  delivery service,  or three business days
         after the date mailed if sent by certified or registered mail. Whenever
         the  giving of notice is  required,  the  giving of such  notice may be
         waived in writing by the party entitled to receive such notice.

                  9.2  Amendment.  This  Agreement may not be altered or amended
         without the prior  written  consent of MPL,  and then may be altered or
         amended  only by a  written  amendment  signed by the  Shareholder  and
         ADESA. No amendment which enlarges the  Shareholder's  rights hereunder
         shall be  effective  unless  James P.  Hallett  and all the  Management
         Shareholders (as that term is defined in the Merger Agreement), if they
         then own Shares or ADESA Canada stock,  shall have consented thereto in

            9.3 Governing Law. This  Agreement  shall be subject to and governed
         by the internal laws of the State of Indiana notwithstanding the choice
         of law rules of Indiana or any other jurisdiction.

            9.4 Parties in Interest.  This  Agreement  shall be binding upon the
         heirs, executors, administrators, successors


         and assigns of the Shareholder and of ADESA.  The Shareholder and ADESA
         do hereby  covenant  and  agree  that  they,  their  heirs,  executors,
         administrators, successors and assigns will take all action and execute
         any and all instruments,  releases, assignments, and consents which may
         reasonably be required of them in order to carry out the  provisions of
         this Agreement.  It is the intention of the parties that MPL be a third
         party beneficiary of this Agreement, entitled to enforce this Agreement
         for and on behalf of ADESA.

                  9.5 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number
         of counterparts  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all of
         which shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                  9.6  Severability.  To the extent that any  provision  of this
         Agreement  shall be  determined  to be  invalid or  unenforceable,  the
         invalid or  unenforceable  portion of such  provision  shall be deleted
         from  this  Agreement,  and  the  validity  and  enforceability  of the
         remainder of such provision and of this Agreement shall be unaffected.

                  9.7  Captions.  The  captions  at the head of a  section  or a
         paragraph of this  Agreement are designed for  convenience of reference
         only and are not to be resorted to for the purpose of interpreting  any
         provision of this Agreement.

                  9.8  Meaning  of  Pronouns;  Singular  and Plural  Words.  All
         pronouns  used in this  Agreement  shall  be  deemed  to  refer  to the
         masculine,  feminine,  neuter,  singular and plural, as the identity of
         the person to which or to whom  reference is made may  require.  Unless
         the context in which it is used shall clearly indicate to the contrary,
         words used in the singular shall include the plural,  and words used in
         the plural shall include the singular.

                  9.9 Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement  constitutes the entire
         agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof
         and supersedes all prior written and oral agreements and understandings
         with respect thereto.

            9.10  No  Assignment.  Neither  this  Agreement  nor any  rights  or
         obligations  hereunder may be assigned or delegated by any party hereto
         without the written consent of the other party.

                  9.11  Interpretation.   When  a  reference  is  made  in  this
         Agreement to Sections or Exhibits such reference  shall be to a Section
         or Exhibit to this Agreement unless otherwise  indicated.  Whenever the
         words "include," "includes," or "including" are used in this Agreement,
         they shall be deemed to be followed by the words "without limitation."


            9.12 Effective Date.  This Agreement  shall become  effective on the
         Effective Date.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the date first above written.

                                  ADESA Corporation

                                  By    D. Michael Hockett
                                     Its  President


                                  L.S. Wechter


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                INCENTIVE LEASES

- -        Lease and Development  Agreement by and between Auto Dealers  Exchange 
         of Concord,  Inc. and Asset Holdings III, L.P.,  dated December 21, 

- -        Lease and  Development  Agreement by and between A.D.E. of Knoxville,  
         Inc. and Asset Holdings III, L.P.,  dated November 28, 1994.

- -        Lease and Development Agreement by and between  ADESA-Charlotte,  Inc.
         and Asset Holdings III, L.P., dated November 28, 1994.

- -        Lease Agreement with Option to Purchase by and between D.E. Rhodes and
         ADESA Austin, Inc., executed on or about September 30, 1994.

- -        Lease of Commercial  Property with Option to Purchase by and between  
         Northfield  Auto Auction Corp.  and  ADESA-Ohio,  Inc., dated 
         February 28, 1994.

- -        Various  tractor  and  trailer  leases  pursuant  to  a  Master  Lease
         Agreement  by and  between  ADESA  Corporation  and  Banc  One  Leasing
         Corporation, dated November 11, 1993.