Exhibit 10(b)



                         (As Amended and Restated
                          Effective August 1, 1994)

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


SECTION 1.            ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSE..............................1

        1.1           Establishment of Plan..................................1
        1.2           Purpose of the Plan....................................2

SECTION 2.            DEFINITIONS............................................3

        2.1           Definitions............................................3
        2.2           Gender and Number......................................4

SECTION 3.            ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION..........................4

        3.1           Eligibility............................................4
        3.2           Participation..........................................5

SECTION 4.            BENEFITS...............................................5

        4.1           Amount of Deferred Compensation........................5
        4.2           Allocation of Deferred Compensation...................10
        4.3           Elections for Payment Options.........................10
        4.4           Normal Form of Payment of Benefits....................12
        4.5           Maintenance of Accounts...............................12
        4.6           Payment of Amount Credited
                      Under Section 4.1(b)..................................14
        4.7           Payment of Unpaid Benefits
                      Upon Participant's Death..............................14
        4.8           Distribution Upon Termination
                      Other Than Retirement, Death or Disability............14
        4.9           Distribution Upon Disability..........................15

SECTION 5.            ADMINISTRATION........................................15

        5.1           Committee.............................................15
        5.2           Uniform Rules.........................................16
        5.3           Notice of Address.....................................16
        5.4           Records...............................................16
        5.5           Claims Procedure......................................16
        5.6           Change of Law.........................................17
        5.7           Generation-Skipping Tax...............................17


SECTION 6.            GENERAL PROVISIONS....................................18

        6.1           Nonassignability......................................18
        6.2           Incompetency..........................................18
        6.3           Employment Rights.....................................18
        6.4           No Individual Liability...............................19
        6.5           Illegality of Particular Provision....................19
        6.6           Contractual Obligations...............................19

SECTION 7.            AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION.............................19

        7.1           Amendment and Termination.............................19
        7.2           Reorganization of the Company.........................19

SECTION 8.            APPLICABLE LAWS.......................................20

        8.1           Applicable Laws ......................................20


                            (As Amended and Restated
                            Effective August 1, 1994)


         1.1  Establishment  of  Plan.  MINNESOTA  POWER  & LIGHT  COMPANY  (the
"Company" and also sometimes  "Minnesota  Power")  established,  effective as of
July 1, 1980, a  Supplemental  Retirement  Plan for eligible  executives  of the
Company,  such Plan to be known as the  SUPPLEMENTAL  EXECUTIVE  RETIREMENT PLAN
(THE "PLAN").  The Plan was established in order to provide supplemental current
or retirement  benefits  payable as provided  hereafter  solely from the general
assets of the Company. The Plan is intended to be exempt from the participation,
vesting,  funding,  and  fiduciary  requirements  of  Title  1 of  the  Employee
Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974.  Effective as of January 1, 1981,  the
Plan was amended to include compensation attributable to the Company's Incentive
Compensation  Plan in  determining  benefits  under this Plan.  Effective  as of
January 1, 1982,  the plan was  amended to change the manner in which  Incentive
Awards are accounted for when  determining  benefits payable at retirement under
Section  4.1.  Effective  December  1, 1982,  the Plan was amended to change the
deferral and cash payment  options of the Plan.  The Plan was amended  including
revisions through and including May 10, 1983, and restated in its entirety as of
January 1, 1983. The revisions included a provision to provide benefits that are
above the limitations under section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Effective
January 1, 1984,  the Plan was amended to provide for a  predetermined  interest
rate of 10.5% to be used in  determining  the value of  certain  benefits  under
Subsection 4.1(b) (1). Effective January 1, 1987 the Plan was amended to provide
for two additional  investment choices for monies deferred under the Plan and to
make other minor  changes to the Plan.  Effective  August 1, 1987,  the Plan has
been  amended to provide for a fixed rate of return of 8% under  Section  4.4(a)
for  deferral  elections  made after that date  rather than a return that is the
greater of 10.5% or the Company's actual overall  percentage  return on capital,
and to make a minor change in


the Plan name. Effective May 1, 1988 the Plan was amended so that benefits under
Subsection 4.1(c) and (d) are available only to active participants who were age
60 or older as of said  date.  Effective  November  1,  1988,  the Plan has been
amended to make revisions in certain discretions available to the Company and to
eligible  participants.  Effective January 1, 1990, the Plan has been amended to
remove  participant choice with respect to the payment of benefits under section
4.1(b).  The Plan has also been amended to eliminate  the make-up of the 2% CORE
benefits,  which  were  eliminated  under the  Supplemental  Retirement  Plan to
account for the Employee Stock  Ownership  Plan, and to provide for a make-up of
the Employee Stock Ownership Plan Partnership  account allocation  contribution.
Effective  August 1, 1992,  the Plan was  amended to change the date  retirement
benefits  are due and payable from the last day of the month to the first day of
the month.  Effective  March 1, 1994,  the Plan was  amended  to  calculate  the
monthly  benefit  provided under Section  4.1(b) using a final average  earnings
calculation   which  combines  Results  Sharing  with  Incentive   Compensation.
Effective  August 1, 1994,  the Plan was  amended at Section 3.1  eliminate  the
eligibility  option of annual  compensation  in  excess  of  $100,000,  to allow
voluntary deferrals up to 15% of annual salary less deferrals allowable pursuant
to the Supplemental  Retirement Plan, to provide for a present value calculation
at Section 4.1(d) using the interest  assumption used for funding purposes under
the Minnesota  Power and Affiliated  Companies  Employees  Retirement Plan A, to
change options for measuring indexes for monies deferred under the Plan provided
in Section 4.5, and to make other minor administrative changes.

         1.2  Purpose  of the Plan.  It is the  purpose  of this Plan to provide
eligible  executives  with benefits that will  compensate  them for  limitations
which  apply  to the  Minnesota  Power  and  Affiliated  Companies  Supplemental
Retirement Plan (sometimes  hereinafter the "Supplemental  Retirement Plan") and
the Minnesota Power and Affiliated  Companies  Employee Stock Ownership Plan and
Trust (sometimes hereinafter the "Employee Stock Ownership Plan") and to provide
for the  inclusion  of  compensation  attributable  to the  Minnesota  Power and
Affiliated  Companies  Incentive  Compensation  Plan (sometimes  hereinafter the
"Incentive  Compensation  Plan"),  effective  January  1, 1981,  in  determining
benefits under this plan.


                             SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS

         2.1  Definitions.  Whenever used in the Plan, the following terms shall
have the  respective  meanings  set  forth  below,  unless  otherwise  expressly
provided  herein,  and  when  the  defined  meaning  is  intended,  the  term is

         (a)  "Committee"  means the committee  with authority to administer the
              Plan as provided under Subsection 5.1.

         (b)  "Company" means  Minnesota  Power & Light Company,  also sometimes
              referred to as  Minnesota  Power,  and its  affiliated  companies,
              Superior Water, Light and Power Company and Topeka Group, Inc.

         (c)  "Compensation"  means the annual  compensation of the employee for
              the Plan year (excluding expense reimbursements and payment of any
              Incentive Award previously deferred in a prior Plan year under the
              Incentive  Compensation  Plan) as stated in the payroll records of
              the Company and reportable on Treasury Form W-2 (or any comparable
              successor form), including any amounts paid as bonuses or as other
              special pay which the  Company  pays to the  employee  during such
              year,  plus any amount of annual  compensation  pay  converted  to
              employee  benefit  contributions or contributions to the Company's
              Executive  Investment Plan I or Executive Investment Plan II, plus
              any Incentive Award eligible for payment but first deferred during
              such year,  but  excluding  any  amounts  paid under this Plan and
              imputed  income  (whether such imputed  income is from  automobile
              use, life insurance premiums or any other source).  In the case of
              an  employee  who  is  employed  jointly  by  the  Company  and an
              affiliated  company (as defined under the Supplemental  Retirement
              Plan)  Compensation  as defined in this  subsection  shall include
              amounts received from all such companies.  Compensation  shall not
              include  amounts  which an  employee  elects to receive in cash or
              defers under this Plan, under the Supplemental  Retirement Plan or
              under  the  Flexible  Compensation  Plan  for  Nonunion  Employees
              (sometimes  referred to hereinafter  as the Flexible  Compensation


         (d)  "Pay" means the annual salary as of October 1 of the year prior to
              the year for which an  allocation  is made under this Plan. In the
              case of a participant  who is employed  jointly by the Company and
              an affiliated  company (as defined in the Supplemental  Retirement
              Plan),  Pay as defined in this  subsection  shall include  amounts
              received from all such companies.

         (e)  "Retire" and  "Retirement"  mean a  participant's  termination  of
              employment  after attaining  "Early  Retirement Age" as defined in
              the Supplemental Retirement Plan.

         (f)  "Incentive Award" means the annual award received by a participant
              under  the  Company's  Incentive  Compensation  Plan,  and/or  the
              Company's Strategic Goals Incentive Compensation Program.

         (g)  "Supplemental  Salary  Reduction  Agreement"  means  an  agreement
              entered  into by a  participant  and the  Company in December of a
              Fiscal  year under  which the  participant  irrevocably  agrees to
              forego up to 15% of  compensation  that would otherwise be paid to
              the participant during the next Fiscal Year less amounts allowable
              to be  contributed  on  behalf  of  the  participant  pursuant  to
              Subsection 3.2(b) of the Supplemental Retirement Plan.

         2.2  Gender and Number. Except when otherwise indicated by the context,
any masculine  terminology used herein shall also include the feminine,  and the
use of any term herein in the singular may also include the plural.


         3.1  Eligibility.  Any employee of the Company who is a participant  in
the Minnesota Power and Affiliated  Companies  Supplemental  Retirement Plan, in
the Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies Incentive Compensation Plan, in the
Minnesota  Power and Affiliated  Companies  Retirement  Plan A, in the Minnesota
Power and Affiliated Companies Flexible Compensation Plan for Nonunion Employees
and in


the Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies Employee Stock Ownership Plan shall
be eligible to  participate  In this Plan beginning with the first calendar year
in which such employee  becomes  eligible to receive  Incentive Awards under the
Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies Incentive Compensation Plan.

         3.2  Participation.   Each  employee  who  meets  the  requirements  of
Subsection  3.1 shall  become a  participant  on the day upon which the employee
receives an Incentive Award under the Minnesota  Power and Affiliated  Companies
Incentive Compensation Plan.

An employee who becomes a participant  shall remain  eligible to have an account
in the Plan as a participant  hereunder,  without regard to Compensation  and/or
Incentive Awards received in subsequent  years,  until the first to occur of (i)
the employee's Retirement, or (ii) the date upon which the employee's employment
terminates for any reason.

An employee who was a  participant,  but is not currently  eligible for benefits
will not receive account additions described in Section 4.

                               SECTION 4. BENEFITS

         4.1  Amount of Deferred Compensation.

         (a)  For each calendar  year ending on or after  December 31, 1980,
              and  except  as  hereinafter  specifically  provided  in  this
              Section 4, the  Company  shall  credit  each  participant  who

              (1)    An  amount,  if  greater  than  zero,  equal to seven
                     percent of  Compensation  (excluding  imputed  income
                     reported  on  Treasury  Form W-2) in excess of Social
                     Security  Wage  Base for such  year less the total of
                     (i) the Employee Stock Ownership  Plan's  Partnership
                     allocation  percent of such plan year, and (ii) three
                     percent of the participant's Pay plus Incentive Award
                     for such year (provided,  however,  that this section
                     4.1(a) (1) shall only  apply to


                     those  employees  who are in  Management Salary Grade
                     IV and above before July 1, 1980.

              (2)    An amount equal to three  percent of (i) the total of
                     the participant's Incentive Award for such year, plus
                     (ii) the amount of the  participant's  annual  salary
                     for the prior year that has been deferred pursuant to
                     the  terms  of the  Minnesota  Power  and  Affiliated
                     Companies   Executive   Investment  Plan  I  and  the
                     Minnesota  Power and Affiliated  Companies  Executive
                     Investment   Plan  II,   plus  any   amount   of  the
                     participant's   annual   salary   not   included   in
                     calculating  benefits  under the  Company's  Flexible
                     Compensation  Program for nonunion employees for such
                     year due to limitations under Code Section 404(I).

              (3)    An amount equal to a  percentage  of the total of the
                     participant's  Incentive Award for such year plus the
                     amount of the  participant's  annual  salary  for the
                     prior  year that has been  deferred  pursuant  to the
                     terms of the Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies
                     Executive  Investment  Plan I and the Minnesota Power
                     and Affiliated  Companies  Executive  Investment Plan
                     II,  plus  any  amount  of the  participant's  annual
                     salary not included in calculating benefits under the
                     Company's Flexible  Compensation Program for nonunion
                     employees for such year due to limitations under Code
                     Section   404(I),   such   percentage  to  equal  the
                     percentage  attributable to the participant under the
                     Company's Flexible  Compensation Program for nonunion
                     employees for such year for life insurance coverage.

              (4)    An amount equal to the greater of:
                     (a)   two percent, or

                     (b)   the  applicable  percent  being  contributed under  
                           Subsection 4.1(g)  of  the Company's Employee Stock 
                           Ownership Plan of the following:


                           (i)   the total of the participant's 
                                            Incentive Award for such year, plus

                           (ii)  the  amount of the participant's annual salary
                                 for the  prior  year  that  has  been  deferred
                                 pursuant  to the terms of the  Minnesota  Power
                                 and Affiliated  Companies Executive  Investment
                                 Plan  I  and  II,   plus  any   amount  of  the
                                 participant's  annual  salary not  included  in
                                 calculating   benefits   under  the   Company's
                                 Flexible   Compensation  Program  for  nonunion
                                 employees  for  such  year  due to  limitations
                                 under Code Section 404(I).

              (5)    An amount,  if greater than zero,  equal to (i) minus
                     (ii)  provided  the  actual  Company  contribution  for the
                     participant  to the  Supplemental  Retirement  Plan and the
                     Employee Stock  Ownership Plan for the calendar year is the
                     maximum amount  permitted under Section 415 of the Internal
                     Revenue Code.

                     (i)  The maximum Company  contribution that could
                          be made to the  Supplemental  Retirement  Plan and the
                          Employee Stock Ownership Plan for the calendar year if
                          the limitations on annual  additions under Section 415
                          of the Internal Revenue Code did not exist.

                     (ii) The actual Company  contribution made to the
                          Supplemental  Retirement  Plan and the Employee  Stock
                          Ownership Plan for the calendar year.

         (b)  An amount,  equal to the amount  for which a  participant  has
              elected  to  reduce  his  or  her  annual  salary  pursuant  to  a
              Supplemental Salary Reduction Agreement for the prior year, not to
              exceed  15% of the  participant's  annual  salary  less the amount
              allowable to be deferred under the Supplemental Retirement Plan.


         (c)  At the Retirement of a participant,  the Company shall credit each
              participant  who  qualifies  under  Subsection  3.2 with  deferred
              compensation equal to the present worth,  actuarially  determined,
              of (1) minus (2) provided the difference is greater than zero.

              (1)   The  monthly  retirement  benefit  that would be provided by
                    Retirement  Plan A if (i) the largest sum of four  Incentive
                    Awards plus Results  Sharing (if any) during any consecutive
                    48-month  period in the most recent  15-year period had been
                    added to the total of the Final Average Earning  computation
                    in Subsection 2.1(g) of Retirement Plan A (calculated by not
                    including  Results  Sharing  Awards) (the  periods  covering
                    Final Average  Earnings and the four  consecutive  Incentive
                    Awards plus Results Sharing need not cover the same 48-month
                    period, but Incentive Awards and Results Sharing Awards must
                    have been awarded  during the same year),  plus any deferral
                    of annual salary  (during the period for which Final Average
                    Earnings are computed)  pursuant to the Minnesota  Power and
                    Affiliated  Companies  Executive  Investment  Plan I and the
                    Minnesota   Power   and   Affiliated   Companies   Executive
                    Investment  Plan II, plus any annual  salary not included in
                    calculating   benefits  under   Retirement  Plan  A  due  to
                    limitation   under  code  Section   404(I),   and  (ii)  the
                    limitation  on annual  benefits  contained in Section 415 of
                    the Internal Revenue Code did not exist.

              (2)   The actual monthly retirement benefit provided by Retirement
                    Plan A.

              In determining  present worth,  both the dollar  limitation  under
              Section 415 of the Internal  Revenue  Code and the Consumer  Price
              Index  used to  calculate  the  cost-of-living  adjustments  under
              Subsection 4.8 of Retirement  Plan A, shall be assumed to increase
              after the participant's Retirement at the same average annual rate
              as the  increase  in the  Consumer  Price  Index for the five year
              period  ending on the later of the June 30th or the December 31st
              immediately preceding Retirement. The


              present  worth  calculation  also  shall  be  subject  to the
              continuation  of a  portion  of  the  retirement  benefit  to  the
              surviving spouse following the death of the retired participant in
              a manner similar to Subsection 4.1(c) or 4.2(c) of Retirement Plan
              A. The interest rate to be used in determining present worth shall
              be an annual percentage rate of 8%.

         (d)  At the death of a participant who has attained age 50 and 10 years
              of service,  and who qualifies under Subsection 3.2 and for whom a
              survivor  income  benefit  is  payable  under  Subsection  4.10 of
              Retirement Plan A, the Company shall credit the  participant  with
              deferred  compensation  equal to the  present  worth,  actuarially
              determined,  of (1) minus (2) provided the  difference  is greater
              than zero.

              (1)   The monthly  survivor  income benefit that would be provided
                    under  Subsection  4.10(b) (2) of  Retirement  Plan A if any
                    amount of base salary  deferred  pursuant  to the  Company's
                    Executive  Investment  Plans I and II had been  included  in
                    calculating the participant's  "monthly rate of compensation
                    from the Employer."

              (2)   The actual monthly  survivor  income benefit  provided under
                    Subsection 4.10(b)(2) of Retirement Plan A.

              In determining  present worth under (c) above,  the Consumer Price
              Index  used to  calculate  the  cost-of-living  adjustments  under
              Subsection  4.8 of Retirement  Plan A shall be assumed to increase
              after the  participant's  death at the same average annual rate as
              the increase in the Consumer  Price Index for the five year period
              ending  on the  later  of the  June  30th  or  the  December  31st
              immediately  preceding  death.  The  interest  rate  to be used in
              determining  present worth shall be an annual percentage rate used
              for purposes of calculating  funding necessary for Retirement Plan
              A. The probability of remarriage by the surviving  spouse shall be
              taken into account in determining present worth.


         4.2  Allocation  of Deferred  Compensation.  The deferred  compensation
              amounts  specified in the preceding  subsection shall be allocated
              to the account of a  participant  at the end of the Plan year only
              if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

         (a)  The  participant  is in the  employment of the Company on the last
              day of the calendar year;

         (b)  The  participant  died while  employed by the Company  during such
              calendar year;

         (c)  The participant Retired during such calendar year;

         (d)  The  participant  terminates  his or her  employment on account of
              disability (as defined in the Supplemental Retirement Plan) during
              such calendar year; or

         (e)  The  participant  was on leave  of  absence  at the  close of such
              calendar year and received  Compensation  from the Company  during
              such year.

         4.3  Elections for Payment Options.

         (a)  Subject to the  provisions  of  Subsections  4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9
              hereof, each participant shall have the right to elect to have all
              or  any  portion  of  the  benefit   amounts   allocated  to  said
              participant  under  Subsection  4.2 for a calendar year paid under
              one of the following options:

              (1)   In cash (either partially or totally);

              (2)   deferred to a date  specified by the  participant  (at which
                    time such benefit  amounts shall be paid in cash),  with the
                    latest  deferral  date to be the  earlier  of (i) the  first
                    April 1st to occur after the participant  attains age 70 1/2
                    or (ii) such date  selected  by the  participant  up to five
                    years after the date of the participant's Retirement; or


              (3)   deferred to the earlier to occur of the following events:

                    (i)   The Retirement of the participant  or, if elected,  up
                          to five years after  Retirement  but in no event later
                          than  the  first   April   1st  to  occur   after  the
                          participant  attains  age 70 1/2 (in  which  case  the
                          participant    may   also   elect   to   receive   the
                          participant's   benefit   amount   in  equal   monthly
                          installments  commencing on the first day of the month
                          following the date of the participant's Retirement) or
                          the first day of the month after such later date as is
                          elected by the participant as hereinabove  provided in
                          this   Subsection   4.3(a)  (3)  (i),  and  continuing
                          thereafter  for a period of fifteen (15),  ten (10) or
                          five (5) years, as is elected by the participant.

                    (ii)  the death of the participant.

                    (iii) the disability of the participant.

                    (iv)  the termination of the participant's  employment other
                          than at Retirement.

                    Elections  under this Subsection 4.3 must be made in writing
                    to the  committee  prior  to the  end of the  calendar  year
                    preceding  the year in which  benefits are  allocated  under
                    Subsection 4.2. Such election shall be irrevocable.

         (b)  Within a reasonable  time after the end of each calendar year, but
              after  the  participant's   allocation  for  such  year  has  been
              determined, the Company shall pay to the electing participant,  by
              check,  the  amount  of the  participant's  allocation  which  the
              participant has elected to take in cash for the preceding calendar

         (c)  If an  election  is not in effect  on the first day of a  calendar
              year,  that  portion of the  participant's  deferred  compensation
              amount for such calendar year shall be irrevocably  entered on the
              books of the Company as an account


              in the name of the participant to be deferred,  adjusted, and paid
              in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.4.

         (d)  If payments to a participant are to be made in installments,  then
              the Committee shall calculate the size of each monthly installment
              under  procedures  consistent  with those used under the Company's
              Executive  Investment Plan I and Executive  Investment Plan II. If
              payments to a participant are to be made in installments, then the
              supplemental  account  of the  participant  shall  continue  to be
              adjusted as of the last day of each  calendar  year as provided in
              paragraph (a) of Subsection 4.5.

         4.4  Normal Form of Payment of Benefits.

         (a)  Unless  a  participant   elects   otherwise  in  accordance   with
              Subsection 4.3, the Company shall pay each participant the balance
              credited to the participant's supplemental account in a single sum
              during  the  calendar  year   following  the  year  in  which  the
              participant   Retires,   dies,   becomes  disabled  or  terminates
              employment.  Payment  shall  be  made  within  30 days  after  the
              calculation  of amounts  deferred under this plan is actually made
              for the  year.  Amounts  paid  shall  be  reduced  by any  amounts
              required to be withheld by state or federal law.

         4.5  Maintenance of Accounts.

         (a)  The Company  shall  establish  and  maintain,  in the name of each
              participant,   an   individual   account,   to  be  known  as  the
              supplemental  account,  which  shall be  credited  each  year with
              earnings or losses on the balance outstanding as of the end of the
              preceding year and with the amount of the annual  allocation which
              the participant does not elect to receive in cash.

              For each calendar year the Committee shall adjust the balance,  if
              any, of the participant's  supplemental account as of the last day
              of the preceding calendar year ("Accounting Date"), by multiplying
              such amount (including any deferred  compensation amounts credited
              as of such date on  account


              of the preceding year) by one of the  multipliers  approved by the
              Employee  Benefits   Committee,   with  participant  to  choose  a
              multiplier or multipliers  annually in advance to be effective for
              the succeeding year.

              If the participant  has made an election to transfer  supplemental
              account balances among the  aforementioned  multipliers during the
              calendar year,  such applicable  multipliers  shall be prorated to
              reflect  that  portion of the year that the  supplemental  account
              balances were invested in each  investment  fund. The  participant
              may elect to  transfer  supplemental  account  balances  among the
              aforementioned  investment  fund  multipliers  effective  for  any
              month. The  aforementioned  investment fund  multipliers  shall be
              used  only  as  a  performance  reference  for  the  participant's
              supplemental  account,  and such supplemental  account need not be
              invested in such investment funds by the Committee.

              The Committee shall then add to such supplemental account balance,
              as adjusted for earnings or losses during the year. the allocation
              of deferred compensation amounts, If any, that the participant has
              not elected to receive in cash for the calendar year.

         (b)  The supplemental  account of each participant  shall be entered on
              the books of the Company and shall represent a liability,  payable
              when  due  under  this  Plan,  out of the  general  assets  of the
              Company.  Prior to benefits  becoming due  hereunder,  the Company
              shall  expense  the  liability  for  payment of such  accounts  in
              accordance with policies  determined  appropriate by the Company's

         (c)  In years when deferred  compensation  elections are made available
              under the  Company's  Executive  Investment  Plans I and II,  each
              participant  shall be entitled to transfer  his or her  individual
              account as a Rollover Amount to the Minnesota Power and Affiliated
              Companies  Executive  Investment Plan I or the Minnesota Power and
              Affiliated  Companies Executive Investment Plan II, all subject to
              the specific terms and  restrictions in said Plans,  provided that
              the transfer of an individual  account as a Rollover


              Amount shall not result in a deferral or  acceleration of the date
              or dates on which such  Rollover  Amount would have been  received
              under the terms of this Plan had no transfer occurred.

         4.6  Payment of Amount Credited Under Section 4.1(c) Notwithstanding
the  provisions  of Section  4.3,  the amount  credited  to a  participant  upon
Retirement  under  Section  4.1(c) shall be paid in equal  monthly  installments
commencing on the last day of the month following the date of the  Participant's
Retirement and continuing for a period of 15 years.  Monthly  installments shall
be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.3.

         4.7  Payment  of  Unpaid  Benefits  Upon  Participant's   Death.  If  a
participant dies while employed by the Company or if a Retired  participant dies
before  receiving  all payments  which such  participant  is entitled to receive
pursuant  to  Subsections  4.4,  4.6  or  pursuant  to an  election  made  under
Subsection  4.3  hereof,  the  amount  then  standing  to  the  credit  of  such
participant on his or her  supplemental  account shall be paid in the subsequent
calendar year following the date of the participant's death to the participant's
beneficiary.  A subsequent  payment shall be made in a single sum within 30 days
after  allocation  of amounts  payable  under this plan is actually made for the
year in which the participant's date of death occurs.

Each  participant  may designate,  by letter to the Committee,  a beneficiary to
receive any payment to be made hereunder after the death of the participant. The
designation  shall take effect upon  receipt of the letter by the  Committee.  A
participant may change his or her designated  beneficiary or beneficiaries  from
time to time and each such  letter of  designation  shall  revoke  any  previous
designation.  If no  beneficiary  has  been  designated,  or if  all  designated
beneficiaries  have  predeceased  the  participant,  the deceased  participant's
estate shall be the participant's beneficiary. If a designated beneficiary shall
survive the  participant  but all  designated  beneficiaries  shall die prior to
complete  distribution of the benefit  payable with respect to the  participant,
the deceased participant's beneficiary shall be the estate of the last surviving
designated beneficiary.


         4.8  Distribution  Upon  Termination  Other Than  Retirement,  Death or
Disability.  If a participant's  employment with the Company  terminates for any
reason other than Retirement,  death or disability, the balance to the credit of
the  participant's  supplemental  account as of the Accounting Date  immediately
preceding  or  coincident  with the  date of the  participant's  termination  of
employment,  shall be paid to the  participant  in a single sum upon the date of
the participant's  separation from service,  or within 30 days thereafter.  If a
participant  entitled to a benefit  under this  section  dies prior to receiving
payment, then such payment shall be made to the participant's beneficiary.

         4.9  Distribution Upon Disability. In the event a participant 
terminates  his or her  employment on account of  disability  (as defined in the
Supplemental Retirement Plan) prior to Retirement,  the balance to the credit of
the  participant's  supplemental  account shall be paid to the  participant in a
single sum in the year after such  termination  of employment  occurs.  Payments
shall be made within 30 days after the calculation of amounts payable under this
plan is  actually  made for the year in which  the  participant  separated  from
service on account of disability.  If a participant  entitled to a benefit under
this section dies prior to receiving payment, then such payment shall be made to
his or her beneficiary. 

                          SECTION 5. ADMINISTRATION

         5.1  Committee.  This  Plan  shall  be  administered  by the  committee
appointed by the Board of  Directors of the Company and known as the  Employees'
Benefit Plans Committee (the "Committee").

The  interpretation  and  construction by the Committee of any provisions of the
Plan  shall be final  unless  otherwise  determined  by the Board of  Directors.
Subject to the Board,  the  Committee is  authorized  to interpret  the Plan, to
prescribe,  amend and rescind rules and regulations  relating to it, and to make
all other determinations necessary for its administration.


Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Committee shall have the
authority to calculate amounts allocable to participants, to maintain and adjust
supplemental  accounts,  and to calculate the  percentage  net return on account

         5.2  Uniform Rules. In administering the Plan, the Committee will apply
uniform rules to all participants similarly situated.

         5.3  Notice of Address. Any payment to a participant or beneficiary, at
the last known post office address on file with the Company,  shall constitute a
complete  acquittance  and  discharge to the Company and any director or officer
with respect thereto unless the Company shall have received prior written notice
of any change in the address,  condition, or status of the distributee.  Neither
the Company nor any  director or officer  shall have any duty or  obligation  to
search for or ascertain the whereabouts of any participant or his beneficiary.

         5.4  Records.  The records of the  Committee  with  respect to the Plan
shall be  conclusive  on all  participants.  all  beneficiaries,  and all  other
persons whomsoever.

         5.5  Claims  Procedure.  If any  claim for  benefits  under the Plan is
wholly or  partially  denied,  the  claimant  shall be given  notice in writing,
within a reasonable  period of time after  receipt of the claim by the plan,  by
registered or certified mail, of such denial,  written in a manner calculated to
be  understood  by the  claimant,  setting  forth the specific  reasons for such
denial,  specific  reference to pertinent Plan provisions on which the denial is
based, a description of any additional material or information necessary for the
claimant  to  perfect  the  claim and an  explanation  of why such  material  or
information  is  necessary,  and an  explanation  of  the  Plan's  claim  review
procedure.  The Claimant  also shall be advised  that he or his duly  authorized
representative may request a review by the Committee of the decision denying the
claim by filing  with the  Committee,  within 60 days after such notice has been
received  by the  claimant,  a written  request  for such  review,  and that the
Claimant  may review  pertinent  documents,  and submit  issues and  comments in
writing within the same 60-day period.  If such request is so filed, such review
shall be made by the Committee within 60 days after receipt of such request; and
the claimant shall be given written  notice of the decision  resulting from such
review, and shall include specific reasons for the decision, written in


a manner calculated  to be understood  by the  claimant, and specific references
to the pertinent Plan provisions on which the decision is based.

         5.6  Change of Law. The  Committee may make payments of any benefits or
deferred  amounts to be paid under the Plan, to any participant or participants,
or to the beneficiary of any participant or participants, in advance of the date
when  otherwise due, (i) if, based on a change in federal tax law or regulation,
published  rulings or similar  announcements  by the Internal  Revenue  Service,
decision by a court of competent  jurisdiction involving the Plan, a participant
or a beneficiary, or a closing agreement made under Section 7121 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 that involves the Plan, a participant or a beneficiary,  it
determines that a participant or beneficiary  will recognize  income for federal
income tax purposes  with respect to amounts that are otherwise not then payable
under the Plan;  or (ii) if it shall be  determined  that the Plan is subject to
the  requirements  of Parts 2 and 3 of  Subtitle  B of  Title I of the  Employee
Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974,  because  such Plan is not  maintained
primarily for the purpose of providing deferred  compensation for a select group
of management or highly compensated employees.

         5.7  Generation-Skipping  Tax.  Notwithstanding  any provisions in this
Plan to the  contrary,  the  Committee  may withhold  any benefits  payable to a
beneficiary  as a result  of the death of the  participant  (or the death of any
beneficiary  designated by the participant) until such time as (i) the Committee
is able to determine whether a  generation-skipping  transfer tax, as defined in
Chapter 13 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  or any  substitute  provision
therefor,  is payable by the Company;  and (ii) the Committee has determined the
amount  of  generation-skipping  transfer  tax that is due,  including  interest
thereon.  If any such tax is payable,  the  Committee  shall reduce the benefits
otherwise  payable  hereunder  to such  beneficiary  by the amount  necessary to
provide  said  beneficiary  with a benefit  equal to the amounts that would have
been payable if the  original  benefits  had been  calculated  on the basis of a
value for the participant's  supplemental  account reduced by an amount equal to
the generation-skipping transfer tax and any interest thereon that is payable as
a result  of the  death in  question.  The  Committee  may  also  withhold  from
distribution by further  reduction of the then net value of benefits  calculated
in  accordance  with the terms of the  previous  sentence  such  amounts  as the
Committee feels are reasonably necessary to pay


additional  generation-skipping  transfer tax and interest  thereon from amounts
initially  calculated to be due. Any amounts so withheld,  and not actually paid
as a generation-skipping transfer tax or interest thereon, shall be payable as 
soon as there is a final  determination of the applicable generation-skipping 
tax and interest thereon.

                          SECTION 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS

         6.1  Nonassignability.  Benefits  under  the  Plan  are  not in any way
subject to the debts of other  obligations of the persons  entitled  thereto and
may not voluntarily or involuntarily be sold, transferred, or assigned.

         6.2  Incompetency. Every person receiving or claiming benefits under 
the Plan shall be  conclusively  presumed  to be mentally  competent  and of age
until the Committee  receives written notice, in a form and manner acceptable to
it,  that  such  person  is  incompetent  or  a  minor,  and  that  a  guardian,
conservator,  statutory committee,  or other person legally vested with the care
of his or her estate has been  appointed.  In the event that the Committee finds
that any  person  to whom a  benefit  Is  payable  under  the PIan is  unable to
properly  care for his or her  affairs,  or is a minor,  then  any  payment  due
(unless a prior claim therefor  shall have been made by a duly  appointed  legal
representative)  may be paid to the spouse,  a child, a parent,  or a brother or
sister,  or to any person deemed by the  Committee to have incurred  expense for
such person otherwise entitled to payment.

In the event a guardian or conservator  or statutory  committee of the estate of
any person receiving or claiming benefits under the Plan shall be appointed by a
court of competent  jurisdiction,  payment  shall be made to either  guardian or
conservator or statutory  committee provided that proper proof of appointment is
furnished in a form and manner suitable to the Committee. Any payment made under
the  provisions  of this  subsection  shall be complete  discharge  of liability
therefor under the Plan.

         6.3  Employment  Rights.  The  establishment  of the Plan  shall not be
construed  as  conferring  any legal  rights upon any  participant  or any other
person for a continuation of employment,  nor shall it interfere with the rights
of the Company to discharge any person and/or treat such person  without  regard
to the effect which such treatment might have upon or her as a person covered by
this Plan.


         6.4  No Individual  Liability. It is declared to be the express purpose
and  intention  of the Plan that no  liability  whatever  shall  attach to or be
incurred by the  shareholders,  officers,  or directors  of the Company,  or any
representatives appointed hereunder by the Company, under or by reason of any of
the terms or conditions of the Plan.

         6.5  Illegality of Particular Provision. If any particular provision of
the Plan shall be found to be illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall not
affect the other  provisions  thereof,  but the Plan shall be  construed  in all
respects as if such invalid provision were omitted.

         6.6  Contractual Obligations. It is Intended that the Company is under 
a contractual obligation to make payments to participants from the general funds
and assets of the Company in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions  of the
Plan,  with such payments to reduce the amounts  allocated to the  participant's
account  hereunder.  A participant shall have no rights to such payments.  other
than as a general, unsecured creditor of the Company.


         7.1  Amendment  and  Termination.  The  Company  expects the Plan to be
permanent,   but  since  future  conditions  affecting  the  Company  cannot  be
anticipated or foreseen,  the Company must  necessarily  and does hereby reserve
the  fight to  amend,  modify,  or  terminate  the  Plan at any time by  written
resolution  of  its  Board  of  Directors.   Provided,  however,  no  amendment,
termination or other change in the Plan shall reduce the amount allocated to the
account of a participant  on the date of such  amendment,  termination  or other
change,  which  account  balance  shall be payable to such  participant  or such
participant's beneficiary as provided herein.

         7.2  Reorganization  of  the  Company.  In the  event  of a  merger  or
consolidation of the Company, or the transfer of substantially all of the assets
of the Company to another corporation, such continuing,  resulting or transferee
corporation shall have the right to continue and carry on the Plan and to assume
all liabilities of the 


Company   hereunder   without  obtaining  the  consent  of  any  participant  or
beneficiary.  If such  successor  shall  assume the  liabilities  of the Company
hereunder,  then the Company  shall be relieved  of all such  liability,  and no
participant or beneficiary  shall have the right to assert any claim against the
Company for benefits under or in connection with this Plan.

                           SECTION 8. APPLICABLE LAWS

         8.1  Applicable  Laws.  The Plan  shall be  governed  by and  construed
according to the laws of the State of Minnesota.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Minnesota Power & Light Company,  has caused this
instrument to be executed by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal
to be hereunto affixed.

                                           MINNESOTA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY

                                           By  R.D. Edwards

                                           Its  Executive Vice President


By  Philip R. Halverson

Its Secretary
