Exhibit 10(j)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                        Dated as of November 28, 1994


                     ASSET HOLDINGS III, L.P., as Lessor


                       A.D.E. of Knoxville, Inc., as Lessee

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


PRELIMINARY STATEMENT........................................................1

         DEFINITIONS; INTERPRETATION.........................................2

ARTICLE II...................................................................2
                  SECTION 2.1   Lease of Land................................2
                  SECTION 2.2   Lease of Improvement.........................2
                  SECTION 2.3   Other Property...............................3

                  SECTION 3.1   Construction Fund............................3
                  SECTION 3.2   Commencement of Construction.................3
                  SECTION 3.3   Completion of Construction...................3
                  SECTION 3.4   Permits; Approvals; Storage..................3
                  SECTION 3.5   Inspection...................................4

                  SECTION 4.1   Basic Rent...................................4
                  SECTION 4.2   Additional Rent..............................4
                  SECTION 4.3   Supplemental Rent............................4
                  SECTION 4.4   Payments Under Unconditional Guaranty........5
                  SECTION 4.5   Method of Payment............................5
                  SECTION 4.6   Late Payment.................................6
                  SECTION 4.7   Net Lease; No Setoff, Etc....................6

         CONDITION AND USE OF LEASED PROPERTY................................7

         LIENS; EASEMENTS; PARTIAL CONVEYANCES...............................8

         ALTERATIONS, MODIFICATIONS AND ADDITIONS............................9
                  SECTION 7.1   Maintenance and Repair; Compliance With Law..9


                  SECTION 7.2   Alterations..................................10



         ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASING...........................................11

         LOSS, DESTRUCTION, CONDEMNATION OR DAMAGE...........................12
                  SECTION 11.1  Available Proceeds...........................12
                  SECTION 11.2  Repairs and Restoration......................12
                  SECTION 11.3  Complete Taking..............................13
                  SECTION 11.4  Application of Available Proceeds............13
                  SECTION 11.5  Prosecution of Awards........................14
                  SECTION 11.6  Application of Certain Payments Not Relating to
                                an Event of Complete Taking..................14
                  SECTION 11.7  Other Dispositions...........................15
                  SECTION 11.8  No Rent Abatement............................15
                  SECTION 11.9  Purchase Option and Remarketing Option.......15

         INTEREST CONVEYED TO LESSEE.........................................16

         EVENTS OF DEFAULT...................................................16

ARTICLE XIV ENFORCEMENT......................................................18
                  SECTION 14.1  Remedies.....................................18
                  SECTION 14.2  Remedies Cumulative; No Waiver; Consents.....19

         RIGHT TO PERFORM FOR LESSEE.........................................20

                  SECTION 16.1  Tax Indemnification..........................20
                  SECTION 16.2  Exceptions...................................21
                  SECTION 16.3  Procedures...................................23


                  SECTION 16.4  Credits and Refunds..........................24
                  SECTION 16.5  Payments.....................................24
                  SECTION 16.6  Reports, Returns and Statements..............25

                  SECTION 17.1  Reports......................................25
                  SECTION 17.2  Binding Effect; Successors and Assigns; 
                  SECTION 17.3  Quiet Enjoyment..............................25
                  SECTION 17.4  Notices......................................26
                  SECTION 17.5  Severability.................................26
                  SECTION 17.6  Amendment; Complete Agreements...............26
                  SECTION 17.7  Construction.................................26
                  SECTION 17.8  Headings.....................................26
                  SECTION 17.9  Counterparts.................................26
                  SECTION 17.10 GOVERNING LAW................................27
                  SECTION 17.11 Discharge of Lessee's Obligations by its 
                  SECTION 17.12 Liability of Lessor Limited..................27
                  SECTION 17.13 Estoppel Certificates........................27
                  SECTION 17.14 No Joint Venture.............................28
                  SECTION 17.15 No Accord and Satisfaction...................28
                  SECTION 17.16 No Merger....................................28
                  SECTION 17.17 Survival.....................................28
                  SECTION 17.18 Prior Mortgages..............................28
                  SECTION 17.19 Time of Essence..............................28
                  SECTION 17.20 Recordation of Lease.........................29



         THIS LEASE AND DEVELOPMENT  AGREEMENT  ("Lease"),  dated as of November
28, 1994,  is between  Asset  Holdings  III,  L.P.  ("Lessor"),  an Ohio limited
partnership,  as Lessor, and A.D.E, of Knoxville,  Inc.,  ("Lessee") a Tennessee
corporation, as Lessee.

         ADESA Corporation ("ADESA"), an Indiana corporation, has guaranteed the
payment and  performance of certain  obligations  under this Lease pursuant to a
Guaranty and Purchase Option  Agreement  dated as of the date hereof  ("Guaranty
Agreement")  and  ADESA  is  acknowledging  this  Agreement.  The  Lessee  is  a
wholly-owned subsidiary of ADESA.

                              PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

               In accordance with the terms and provisions of this Lease, the
Note  Purchase   Agreement  dated  as  of  November  22,  1994  ("Note  Purchase
Agreement") by and among the Lessor,  ADESA and Principal  Mutual Life Insurance
Company ("Note Purchaser"),  the Collateral Trust Indenture dated as of November
22, 1994  ("Indenture") by and between the Lessor and PNC Bank,  Kentucky,  Inc.
("Trustee")  and the  Mortgage  with  respect  to the  Property  (as  defined in
ss.17.18 hereof):

                 (i)     the Lessor will acquire the real property  described in
                         Schedule 1 hereto,  excluding  any  buildings  or other
                         improvements   now  or  hereafter   contained   thereon
                         ("Land") for a purchase price of $796,000.00,  upon the
                         terms and  subject to the  conditions  of the  Purchase
                         Agreement  dated as of November 22, 1994 by and between
                         Lessor  and  A.D.E.  of  Knoxville,   Inc.   ("Purchase

                (ii)     the  Lessor  will  lease  the Land and the  Improvement
                         (collectively,  the  "Leased  Property")  to the Lessee
                         pursuant to this Lease;

               (iii)     the Lessee shall make certain improvements or additions
                         to the Improvement as provided for herein;

                (iv)     the Lessor will fund the payment of 97% of the purchase
                         price for the Land (the "Land Funded  Purchase  Price")
                         out of the  proceeds  of Notes  issued  pursuant to the
                         Note Purchase  Agreement,  and the Lessor will fund the
                         payment of 3% of the purchase price for the Land out of
                         its contributed equity capital;

                 (v)     the Lessor will fund 97% of the  Construction  Fund and
                         payment   of  97%  of  the   purchase   price  for  the
                         Improvement (the  "Improvement  Funded Purchase Price")
                         out of the  proceeds  of Notes  issued  pursuant to the
                         Note Purchase Agreement, and the Lessor will fund 3% of
                         the  Construction  Fund  and the  payment  of 3% of the
                         purchase   price  for  the   Improvement   out  of  its
                         contributed equity capital;

                (vi)     the First Mortgage Notes due April 1, 2000 to be issued
                         pursuant to the Note Purchase  Agreement  ("Notes") and
                         other obligations under the Note Purchase Agreement are
                         secured pursuant to the Mortgage;

               (vii)     the Lessor shall  advance to ADESA and Lessee an amount
                         equal  to  $3,500,000.00  ("Construction  Fund")  to be
                         applied   by   the    Lessee   to   the    construction
                         ("Construction")  of certain  improvements  on the Land
                         ("Improvement"),   as  provided   for   herein,   which
                         Construction  Fund  shall  be  funded  3%  out  of  the
                         contributed equity capital of the Lessor and 97% out of
                         the  proceeds of the Notes  issued with  respect to the
                         purchase price for the Improvement; and

              (viii)     the  Mortgage,  the Lease and certain  other rights and
                         property  of  the  Lessor  related  thereto  have  been
                         assigned to the Trustee  pursuant to the  Indenture  as
                         security for the Notes and other  obligations under the
                         Note Purchase Agreement.

         NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual agreements contained in
this  Lease  and  other  good  and  valuable  consideration,   the  receipt  and
sufficiency  of which are  hereby  acknowledged,  the  parties  hereto  agree as

                                  ARTICLE I
                          DEFINITIONS; INTERPRETATION

         Unless the context shall otherwise require,  capitalized terms used and
not defined  herein shall have the meanings  assigned  thereto in the Indenture.
The Note  Purchase  Agreement,  the  Indenture,  the Guaranty  Agreement and the
Financing  Documents (as defined in the Indenture) are referred to herein as the
"Operative Documents."

                                  ARTICLE II
                          LEASE OF LEASED PROPERTY

         SECTION 2.1 Lease of Land.  Lessor hereby  demises and leases  Lessor's
interest  in the Land to Lessee,  and Lessee  hereby  rents and leases  Lessor's
interest in the Land from Lessor,  for a term  commencing on the date hereof and
continuing through and including April 1, 2000, ("Lease Term").

         SECTION  2.2 Lease of  Improvement.  Lessor  hereby  demises and leases
Lessor's  interest  in the  Improvement  (whether  or not the  Construction  (as
defined  herein) has been  completed)  to Lessee,  and Lessee  hereby  rents and
leases Lessor's interest in the Improvement (whether or not the Construction (as
defined herein) has been completed) from Lessor,  for the Lease Term. The demise
and  lease  of the  Improvement  pursuant  to this  Section  shall  include  any
additional right, title


or interest in the Improvement which may at any time be acquired by Lessor,  the
intent  being  that all  right,  title  and  interest  of  Lessor  in and to the
Improvement shall at all times be demised and leased hereunder.

         SECTION  2.3 Other  Property.  Lessee may from time to time own or hold
under  lease from  Persons  other than  Lessor  furniture,  trade  fixtures  and
equipment  located on or about the Leased  Property  that is not subject to this

                                 ARTICLE III

         SECTION  3.1   Construction   Fund.   The  Lessor  shall   advance  the
Construction  Fund to ADESA and  Lessee  upon  delivery  by ADESA and  Lessee to
Lessor a detailed cost breakdown of the proposed Construction expenditures. Upon
completion  of the  Construction,  ADESA and  Lessee  shall  furnish to Lessor a
detailed  accounting of all  expenditures in connection  with the  Construction,
including all  disbursements of the Construction  Fund.  Nothing in this Section
shall be construed to required ADESA or Lessee to deposit the Construction  Fund
in any  designated  or segregated  account or not to commingle the  Construction
Fund  with  other  corporate  funds.   Lessee  and  ADESA  shall  apply  to  the
Construction  Fund  exclusively  to the  payment  of all  costs  related  to the
Construction. Lessee's obligations under this Section shall not be diminished or
affected  by any  insufficiency  of the  Construction  Fund or by the  costs  of
Construction exceeding amounts received from the Construction Fund. In the event
that the costs of Construction  exceed the Construction  Fund, such excess shall
be paid by Lessee and ADESA from their own funds.

         SECTION 3.2 Commencement of  Construction.  Lessee and ADESA shall, for
the benefit of lessor,  cause the  Construction  to be commenced,  performed and
completed in accordance with plans and specifications  delivered by ADESA to the
Lessor prior to the scheduled  commencement of the construction,  subject to any
amendments thereto consistent with the original scope of the project.  Until the
Construction is completed,  the portions of the Improvement  under  construction
shall, and upon completion of Construction the completed Improvement shall, be a
part of the Leased Property.

         SECTION 3.3 Completion of Construction. Lessee and ADESA shall endeavor
to cause the completion of Construction to occur prior to September 30, 1995.

         SECTION  3.4  Permits;  Approvals;  Storage.  Lessee and ADESA shall be
responsible for obtaining all zoning, wetlands, subdivision,  building and other
permits for the  Construction,  and shall also be responsible  for obtaining all
other approvals from authorities  having  jurisdiction  over the Construction or
the  Leased  Property.  ADESA  or  Lessee  shall  monitor  the  progress  of the
Construction.  Lessee shall arrange for the delivery and storage, protection and
security of materials  systems and equipment which are to be  incorporated  into
the Improvement until such items are incorporated into the Improvement.


         SECTION 3.5 Inspection. At any time during the Construction, upon three
(3)  Business  Days prior notice to Lessee and ADESA,  Lessor or its  authorized
representatives  may  inspect the Leased  Property  and the books and records of
Lessee relating to the Leased Property and make copies and abstracts  therefrom.
All reasonable and documented  out-of-pocket costs of such inspections  incurred
by Lessor shall be paid by Lessee promptly after written request.  No inspection
shall unreasonably  interfere with Lessee's  operations or the operations of any
other occupant of the Leased Property. None of the inspecting parties shall have
any duty to make any  such  inspection  or  inquiry  and none of the  inspecting
parties shall incur any liability or obligation by reason of not making any such
inspection or inquiry.  None of the inspecting parties shall incur any liability
or obligation by reason of making any such  inspection or inquiry  unless and to
the extent such  inspecting  party causes damage to the Property or any property
of Lessee or any other Person during the course of such inspection.

                                  ARTICLE IV

         SECTION 4.1 Basic Rent.  Beginning on August 1, 1995,  Lessee shall pay
to Lessor in  installments  payable  in  arrears  on the first day of each month
during the Lease Term ("Rental  Payment Date"),  "Basic Rent" in an amount equal
to  $34,077.12  per month,  or, if such amount is less, an amount equal to 9.82%
per annum of the Funded Purchase Price Balance.

         As used  herein,  the term "Funded  Purchase  Price  Balance"  means an
amount equal to the combined  amount of the Land Funded  Purchase  Price and the
Improvement  Funded Purchase Price,  reduced by (i) the cumulative amount of all
Guaranty Credits, if any, applied to the Land and the Improvement, respectively,
as provided  for in Section 4.4 hereof,  and (ii) the  cumulative  amount of all
Casualty  and  Condemnation  Credits  applied  to the Land and the  Improvement,
respectively, as provided for in Article XI hereof.

         SECTION 4.2 Additional Rent.  Beginning on August 1, 1995, Lessee shall
pay to the Lessor in installments payable in arrears on each Rental Payment Date
during the lease term,  "Additional  Rent" in an amount equal to  $2,039.18  per
month with respect to such Rental Payment Date.

         SECTION  4.3  Supplemental  Rent.  Lessee  shall pay to  Lessor,  or to
whomever shall be entitled thereto as expressly  provided herein or in any other
Operative  Document,  any and all  Supplemental  Rent promptly as the same shall
become due and payable. In the event of any failure on the part of Lessee to pay
any  Supplemental  Rent,  Lessor  shall have all  rights,  powers  and  remedies
provided  for  herein  or by law or in  equity  or  otherwise  in  the  case  of
nonpayment of Basic Rent or Additional Rent.

         As used herein, the term "Supplemental Rent" means any and all amounts,
liabilities and obligations  other than Basic Rent and Additional Rent which the
Lessee or ADESA  assumes or agrees or is  otherwise  obligated  to pay under the
Lease or any other Operative Document (whether 


or not designated as Supplemental  Rent) to the Lessor, the Trustee or any other
party,  including,  without  limitation,  the Make Whole  Amount (as defined and
provided for in the Note Purchase  Agreement) and payments and  indemnities  and
damages for breach of any covenants, representations, warranties or agreements.

         SECTION 4.4 Payments Under Unconditional Guaranty.  Notwithstanding any
other  provision  of this  Lease,  payments  made by ADESA  under  the  guaranty
provided for in Section 5 of the Note Purchase Agreement shall be deemed to have
been paid and applied, as follows;  provided,  however,  that in all such events
all such amounts  shall be allocated and applied by the Lessor among amounts due
under this  Lease and other  Leases  referred  to in the  Indenture  as it shall
determine in the sole exercise of its discretion.

                 (i)     Any such  payment  made with respect to interest on the
                         Notes  shall be  deemed  to have been paid on behalf of
                         the Lessee to the Lessor as  payment or  prepayment  of
                         Basic Rent allocated between Basic Rent with respect to
                         the Land and the Improvement, respectively, pro rata in
                         proportion  to the Funded  Purchase  Price Balance with
                         respect to the Land and the Improvement, respectively;

                (ii)     Any such  payment  made with  respect to the Make Whole
                         Amount  shall be deemed to have been paid to the Lessor
                         as Supplemental Rent;

               (iii)     Any such  payment  made with  respect to the  principal
                         amount  of the  Notes  shall not be deemed to have been
                         paid  by  the  Lessee  to the  Lessor  as  Basic  Rent,
                         Additional  Rent or Supplemental  Rent, but shall,  for
                         the purposes of this Lease and the Guaranty  Agreement,
                         be applied as a "Guaranty Credit"; and

                (iv)     Any  such  payment  made  with  respect  to  any of the
                         Guaranteed Obligations (as defined in the Note Purchase
                         Agreement),  other than  payments  made with respect to
                         the  principal  amount of and  interest  and Make Whole
                         Amount,  if any,  on the Notes  shall be deemed to have
                         been paid by the Lessee to the  Lessor as  Supplemental

         SECTION 4.5 Method of Payment.  Basic Rent and Supplemental  Rent shall
be paid by the Lessee directly to the Trustee as provided for in the Assignments
of Lease and the  Indenture.  So long as no event of default has occurred and is
continuing  under the  Mortgage,  Additional  Rent  shall be paid by the  Lessee
directly to the Lessor or to such Person or Persons as the Lessor shall  specify
in writing to Lessee,  and at such place or places as the Lessor or such  Person
or Persons as the Lessor shall specify in writing to Lessee.


         All  payments  of Basic Rent,  Additional  Rent and  Supplemental  Rent
(collectively,  "Rent")  shall be made by Lessee prior to 10:00 a.m.,  Columbus,
Ohio time, at the place of payment in funds consisting of lawful currency of the
United States of America which shall be  immediately  available on the scheduled
date when such payment shall be due,  unless such  scheduled date shall not be a
Business  Day, in which case such payment  shall be made on the next  succeeding
Business Day.

         SECTION 4.6 Late Payment.  If any Basic Rent or  Additional  Rent shall
not be paid when due, Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as Supplemental Rent, interest
(to the  maximum  extent  permitted  by law) on such  overdue  amount  from  and
including  the due date  thereof to but  excluding  the  Business Day of payment
thereof at a rate equal to 11.82% per annum  compounded  monthly and computed on
the basis of the actual number of days elapsed over a year  consisting of twelve
(12) months or thirty (30) days each.

         SECTION 4.7 Net Lease;  No Setoff,  Etc. This Lease is a net lease and,
notwithstanding  any other  provision of this Lease,  Lessee shall pay all Basic
Rent,  Additional Rent and  Supplemental  Rent, and all costs,  charges,  taxes,
assessments and other expenses  (foreseen or unforeseen) for which Lessee or any
indemnitee is or shall become liable by reason of Lessee's or such  Indemnitee's
estate,  right, title or interest in the Leased Property,  or that are connected
with or arise out of the acquisition,  installation, possession, use, occupancy,
maintenance,  ownership, leasing, repairs and rebuilding of, or addition to, the
Leased  Property or any portion  thereof,  including,  without  limitation,  the
Construction or the financing of the  Construction and any other amounts payable
hereunder  without  counterclaim,  setoff,  deduction  or  defense  and  without
abatement,   suspension,   deferment,  diminution  or  reduction,  and  Lessee's
obligation  to pay all such  amounts  throughout  the Lease Term is absolute and
unconditional.  The obligations and liabilities of Lessee  hereunder shall in no
way be  released,  discharged  or otherwise  affected for any reason,  including
without  limitation  (i) any defect in the condition,  merchantability,  design,
quality or fitness for use of the Leased  Property or any part  thereof,  or the
failure of the Leased Property to comply with any applicable law,  including any
inability to occupy or use the Leased Property by reason of such  noncompliance,
(ii) any damage to, removal,  abandonment,  salvage,  loss,  contamination of or
release from,  scrapping or destruction  of or any  requisition or taking of the
Leased  Property  or any part  thereof,  (iii) any  restriction,  prevention  or
curtailment of or  interference  with any use of the Leased Property or any part
thereof including eviction,  (iv) any defect in title to or rights to the Leased
Property or any Lien on such title or rights or on the Leased property,  (v) any
change, waiver,  extension,  indulgence or other action or omission or breach in
respect of any obligation or liability of or by Lessor or the Trustee,  (vi) any
bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization,  composition,  adjustment, dissolution,
liquidation or other like proceedings relating to Lessee, Lessor, the Trustee or
any other Person,  or any action taken with respect to this Lease by any trustee
or receiver of Lessee, Lessor, the Trustee or any other Person, or by any court,
in any such  proceeding,  (vii) any claim that Lessee has or might have  against
any Person,  including  without  limitation  Lessor,  any vendor,  manufacturer,
contractor of or for the  Improvement or the Trustee,  (viii) any failure on the
part of Lessor to perform  or comply  with any of the terms of this  Lease,  any
other Operative  Document or of any other agreement  (provided,  nothing in this
clause (viii) shall limit any available  defense or setoff that the Lessee might
have with respect to its obligation to pay Additional Rent


based upon any  failure by Lessor to perform or comply  with any of the terms of
this  Lease  or  any  other   Operative   Document,   (ix)  any   invalidity  or
unenforceability  or  illegality  or  disaffirmance  of this Lease against or by
Lessee or any provision  hereof or any of the other  Operative  Documents or any
provision of any thereof whether or not related to the Operative Documents,  (x)
the  impossibility or illegality of performance by Lessee,  Lessor or both, (xi)
any action by any court,  administrative agency or other governmental authority,
(xii) any  restriction,  prevention or curtailment of or  interference  with the
Construction or any use of the Leased Property or any part thereof or (xiii) any
other  occurrence  whatsoever,  whether  similar or dissimilar to the foregoing,
whether or not Lessee shall have notice or knowledge of any of the foregoing.

         Except as  specifically  set forth in  Article XI of this  Lease,  this
Lease shall be noncancellable by Lessee for any reason whatsoever and Lessee, to
the extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,  waives all rights now or  hereafter
conferred by statute or otherwise to quit, terminate or surrender this Lease, or
to any diminution,  abatement or reduction of Rent payable by Lessee  hereunder.
Each  payment of Rent made by Lessee  hereunder  shall be final and Lessee shall
not  seek or have any  right to  recover  all or any part of such  payment  from
Lessor,  the  Trustee or any party to any  agreements  related  thereto  for any
reason  whatsoever.  Lessee assumes the sole  responsibility  for the condition,
use,  operation,  maintenance,  and management of the Leased Property and Lessor
shall have no  responsibility in respect thereof and shall have no liability for
damage to the  property  of  either  Lessee  or any  subtenant  of Lessee on any
account or for any reason  whatsoever  other than by reason of Lessor's  willful
misconduct or gross negligence or breach of any of its express obligations under
any Operative Document.

                                    ARTICLE V

         During the Lease Term, Lessor's interest in the Improvement (whether or
not  completed) and the Land is demised and let by Lessor "AS IS" subject to (i)
the rights of any  parties in  possession  thereof,  (ii) the state of the title
thereto  existing  at the  time  Lessor  acquired  its  interest  in the  Leased
Property,  (iii)  any  state  of facts  which an  accurate  survey  or  physical
inspection might show (including the survey delivered on the Closing Date), (iv)
all applicable law and (v) any violations of applicable law which may exist upon
or subsequent to the commencement of the Lease Term. LESSEE  ACKNOWLEDGES  THAT,


Lessee has been afforded full opportunity to inspect the Land, is satisfied with
the  results  of its  inspections  of the Land and is  entering  into this Lease
solely on the basis of the results of its own inspections and all risks incident
to the matters  discussed in the two preceding  sentences,  as between Lessor or
the  Trustee,  on the one hand,  and  Lessee,  on the other,  are to be borne by
Lessee.  The provisions of this Article have been  negotiated and, except to the
extent otherwise expressly stated, the foregoing provisions are intended to be a
complete  exclusion and negation of any  representations or warranties by Lessor
or the Trustee, express or implied, with respect to the Leased Property that may
arise pursuant to any law now or hereafter in effect or otherwise.

                                   ARTICLE VI

         Commencing on the date that  Construction  in completed and thereafter,
Lessee  shall not  directly or  indirectly  create,  incur or assume,  any lien,
encumbrance or security interest on or with respect to the Leased Property,  the
Construction,  title thereto,  or any interest  therein  ("Lien")  including any
Liens which arise out of the possession, use, occupancy, construction, repair or
rebuilding of the Leased  Property or by reason of labor or materials  furnished
or claimed to have been furnished to Lessee, or any of its contractors or agents
or by reason of the financing of any personalty or equipment purchased or leased
by Lessee or Alterations  constructed by Lessee,  except in all cases  Permitted

         Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  paragraph,  at the  request of Lessee,
Lessor  shall,  from  time to time  during  the Lease  Term and upon  reasonable
advance written notice from Lessee and receipt of the materials specified in the
next  succeeding  sentence,  consent to and join in any (i) grant of  easements,
licenses, rights of way and other rights in the nature of easements,  including,
without limitation,  utility easements to facilitate  Lessee's use,  development
and  construction  of the  Leased  Property,  (ii)  release  or  termination  of
easements,  licenses,  rights of way or other  rights in the nature of easements
which are for the benefit of the Land or the Improvement or any portion thereof,
(iii)  dedication  or  transfer of portions  of the Land,  not  improved  with a
building,  for  road,  highway  or other  public  purposes,  (iv)  execution  of
agreements   for  ingress  and  egress  and  amendments  to  any  covenants  and
restrictions  affecting the Land or the  Improvement or any portion  thereof and
(v)  request to any  governmental  authority  for  platting  or  subdivision  or
replotting  or  resubdivision  approval  with respect to the Land or any portion
thereof or any parcel of land of which the Land or any portion  thereof  forms a
part  or  a  request  for  any  variance  from  zoning  or  other   governmental
requirements.  Lessor's  obligations pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be
subject to the requirements that:

                 (i)     any such  action  shall be at the sole cost and expense
                         of  Lessee  and  Lessee  shall pay all  reasonable  and
                         documented out-of-pocket costs


                         of Lessor  in  connection therewith (including, without
                         limitation,  the  reasonable  and  documented  fees  of
                         attorneys, architects,  engineers, planners, appraisers
                         and other  professionals  reasonably retained by Lessor
                         in connection with any such action);

                (ii)     Lessee shall have  delivered to Lessor a certificate of
                         the Chief Financial  Officer of Lessee stating that (1)
                         such action will not cause the Land or the  Improvement
                         or any portion thereof to fail to comply in any respect
                         with the provisions of the Lease or any other Operative
                         Documents or in any respect with applicable law and (2)
                         such action will not materially  reduce the fair market
                         sales value,  utility or useful life of the Land or the
                         Improvement nor Lessor's interest therein;

               (iii)     any consideration  received in connection with any such
                         action shall be paid as provided for in the  Indenture;

                (iv)    in the case of any release or conveyance,  if Lessor so
                         requests,  Lessee will cause to be issued and delivered
                         to Lessor by the Title Insurance Company an endorsement
                         to  the  Title  Policy  pursuant  to  which  the  Title
                         Insurance  Company  agrees that its  liability  for the
                         payment  of any loss or  damage  under  the  terms  and
                         provisions  of the Title Policy will not be affected by
                         reason of the fact that a portion of the real  property
                         referred to in Schedule A of the Title  Policy has been
                         released or conveyed by Lessor.

                                     ARTICLE VII
                                MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR;

         SECTION 7.1 Maintenance and Repair; Compliance With Law. Lessee, at its
own expense,  shall at all times (i) maintain the Leased Property in good repair
and condition  (subject to ordinary wear and tear),  in accordance  with prudent
industry  standards  and,  in any  event,  in no less a manner as other  similar
automobile auction facilities owned or leased by ADESA,  Lessee or ADESA's other
subsidiaries,  (ii)  make all  alterations  in  accordance  with,  and  maintain
(whether  or  not  such  maintenance   requires   structural   modifications  or
alterations)  and operate and otherwise  keep the Leased  Property in compliance
with, all applicable laws and (iii) make all material repairs,  replacements and
renewals  of the Leased  Property or any part  thereof  which may be required to
keep the Leased Property in the condition  required by the preceding clauses (i)
and (ii). Lessee shall perform the foregoing maintenance  obligations regardless
of whether the Leased  Property is occupied  or  unoccupied.  Lessee  waives any
right  that it may now  have or  hereafter  acquire  to (i)  require  Lessor  to
maintain,  repair,  replace,  alter,  remove or  rebuild  all or any part of the
Leased  Property or (ii) make  repairs at the expense of Lessor  pursuant to any
applicable law or other  agreements or otherwise.  Lessor shall not be liable to
Lessee or to any contractors, subcontractors, laborers,


materialmen, suppliers or vendors for services performed or material provided on
or in connection with the Leased Property or any part thereof.  Lessor shall not
be required to maintain,  alter, repair,  rebuild or replace the Leased Property
in any way.

         SECTION 7.2 Alterations.  Lessee may, without the consent of Lessor, at
Lessee's own cost and expense, make alterations which, in the reasonable opinion
of the chief  executive  officer of  Lessee,  do not  diminish  the value of the
Leased Property.

                                 ARTICLE VIII

         Lessee  shall use the Leased  Property or any part thereof only for the
purpose of used automobile  auction  business capable of operating not less than
the  number  of  simultaneous   auction  lines  anticipated  in  the  Plans  and
Specifications, together with related or ancillary businesses including, without
limitation, automobile storage, repair and preparation,  transportation,  direct
sales or other businesses related to used automobile auctions.

                                   ARTICLE IX

             (a) During the  Construction  and at any time during which any part
of the Improvement or any Alteration is under construction and as to any part of
the Improvement or any Alteration under construction,  Lessee shall maintain, at
its sole cost and expense, as a part of its blanket policies or otherwise,  "all
risks"  nonreporting  completed  value form of builder's risk  insurance,  which
insurance and policies  shall,  in each case, be in the amounts and otherwise be
consistent  with any  applicable  requirements  set  forth in the Note  Purchase
Agreement, Indenture or Mortgage.

             (b) Following the Completion of the  Construction  and at all times
thereafter  during the Lease Term,  Lessee shall maintain,  at its sole cost and
expense, as a part of its blanket policies or otherwise,  insurance against loss
or damage to the  Improvement by fire and other risks,  including  comprehensive
boiler and machinery  coverage,  on terms and in amounts no less  favorable than
insurance  covering other similar properties owned by the Lessee and that are in
accordance with normal industry practice, but in no event less than the coverage
in place on the date hereof,  which  insurance and policies shall, in each case,
be in the amounts and otherwise be consistent  with any applicable  requirements
set forth in the Note Purchase Agreement, Indenture or Mortgage.

             (c) During the Lease Term, Lessee shall maintain,  at its sole cost
and expense,  commercial general liability insurance,  as is ordinarily procured
by Persons  who own or operate  similar  properties  in the same  market,  which
insurance and policies  shall,  in each case, be in the amounts and otherwise be
consistent  with any  applicable  requirements  set  forth in the Note  Purchase
Agreement,  Indenture  or  Mortgage.  Such  insurance  shall be on terms  and in
amounts that are no less


favorable than insurance maintained by Lessee with respect to similar properties
that it owns and that are in accordance with normal industry practice, but in no
event less than the coverage  (including types and amounts) in place on the date
hereof. Such insurance policies shall also provide that Lessee's insurance shall
be considered primary  insurance.  Nothing in this Article shall prohibit Lessor
from  carrying  at its own expense  other  insurance  on or with  respect to the
Leased Property;  provided,  however, that any insurance carried by Lessor shall
not prevent Lessee from carrying the insurance required hereby.

             (d) Each  policy of  insurance  maintained  by Lessee  pursuant  to
clauses (a) and (b) of this Article shall provide that all Casualty Proceeds (as
defined and provided for in the  Indenture)  shall be payable to the Trustee for
deposit and disbursement as provided for in Section 6.3 of the Indenture.

             (e) Within thirty (30) days after the date hereof and within thirty
(30) days after the date upon which the Construction is completed,  Lessee shall
furnish Lessor and the Trustee with certificates  showing the insurance required
under  this  Article  to be in effect  and  naming  Lessor  and the  Trustee  as
additional insureds. Such certificates shall include a provision for thirty (30)
days'  advance  written  notice by the  insurer to Lessor and the Trustee in the
event of  cancellation  or  expiration  or nonpayment of premium with respect to
such insurance, and shall include a customary breach of warranty clause.

             (f) Each policy of insurance  maintained by Lessee pursuant to this
Article shall (i) contain the waiver of any right of  subrogation of the insurer
against Lessor and the Trustee and (ii) provide that in respect of the interests
of Lessor and the Trustee,  such policies  shall not be invalidated by any fraud
or misrepresentation of Lessee or any other Person acting on behalf of

             (g) On and after January 1, 1996, all insurance policies carried in
accordance  with this Article  shall be maintained  with  insurers  rated at the
inception of such policies at least "A" by A.M. Best & Company, and in all cases
the insurer shall be qualified to insure risks in the State of Tennessee.

                                  ARTICLE X
                          ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASING

         Lessee may not assign any of its  right,  title or  interest  in, to or
under this Lease. Lessee may sublease all or any portion of the Leased Property;
provided,  however,  that (i) all  obligations  of Lessee shall continue in full
effect as obligations of a principal and not of a guarantor or surety, as though
no sublease had been made,  (ii) such  sublease  shall be expressly  subject and
subordinate to this Lease,  the Indenture,  the Mortgage and the other Operative
Documents and (iii) each such sublease shall terminate on or before the last day
of the Lease Term. Except as provided for in the Indenture, this Lease shall not
be mortgaged or pledged by Lessee, nor shall Lessee mortgage or


pledge any  interest in the Leased  Property or any  portion  thereof.  Any such
mortgage or pledge shall be void.

                                   ARTICLE XI

         SECTION 11.1 Available Proceeds. All Casualty Proceeds and Condemnation
Awards (both as defined in the Indenture,  and which are collectively defined in
the Indenture as "Available Proceeds") shall be remitted and paid to the Trustee
by the Lessee,  the Lessor or ADESA, as applicable,  for deposit in the Casualty
Account (as defined and established under the Indenture) for  disbursement,  all
as provided for in Section 6.3 of the Indenture.  Until such time as the Lessee,
the Lessor,  ADESA or any of their  respective  agents or  representatives  have
remitted and paid any Available Proceeds to the Trustee,  such Person shall hold
such proceeds in trust for the benefit of the Trustee.  In the event that at any
time during the Lease Term, the Indenture has been terminated, the Lessor shall,
for purposes of this Article,  be treated as the Trustee,  and shall deposit and
disburse any  Available  Proceeds in  substantially  the manner  provided for in
Section 6.3 of the Indenture as if it were the Trustee.

         SECTION 11.2 Repairs and Restoration. In the event of any Total Loss or
Partial Loss (collectively,  "Loss"), other than a Total Loss which, in the good
faith judgment of the chief  executive  officer of Lessee renders the repair and
restoration  of the  Leased  Property  impractical  or  uneconomical  including,
without  limitation,  any  condemnation of the Leased Property  resulting in the
taking of all or  substantially  all of the  Leased  Property  (collectively,  a
"Complete Taking"), then:

                 (i)     the  Lessee and ADESA  shall  repair  and  restore  the
                         Leased  Property  such that the Leased  Property  as so
                         repaired and restored is, in the good faith judgment of
                         the chief  executive  officer  of Lessee  adequate  and
                         appropriate  for the conduct of an  automobile  auction
                         and  ancillary  business  of at least  the  same  type,
                         quality  and scale as that  conducted  by the Lessee on
                         the Leased Property immediately prior to such Loss;

                (ii)     the  Available  Proceeds,  if any, with respect to such
                         Loss,  if any,  shall be  disbursed  by the  Trustee as
                         provided for in Section 6.3 of the Indenture;

               (iii)     the  inadequacy of the  Available  Proceeds to fund the
                         cost of any  such  repairs  or  restoration  shall  not
                         diminish the obligation of the Lessee and ADESA to make
                         such  repairs  or  restoration,   which  obligation  is
                         unconditional and absolute; and

                (iv)     upon  completion of such repairs and restoration and at
                         all  times  during  the  conduct  of such  repairs  and
                         restoration,  the Lessor and its  representatives  may,
                         upon three (3) business days' notice to Lessee,


                         inspect the Leased Property and the progress of the 
                         restoration  and rebuilding of the  Improvement and the
                         Land. All reasonable and documented out-of-pocket costs
                         of such  inspections  incurred by Lessor and the Lender
                         will be paid by Lessee promptly after written  request.
                         No such inspection  shall  unreasonably  interfere with
                         Lessee's  operations  or the  operations  of any  other
                         occupant of the Leased Property. None of the inspecting
                         parties shall have any duty to make any such inspection
                         or inquiry  and none of the  inspecting  parties  shall
                         incur  any  liability  or  obligation  by reason of not
                         making  any such  inspection  or  inquiry.  None of the
                         inspecting   parties   shall  incur  any  liability  or
                         obligation  by reason of making any such  inspection or
                         inquiry unless and to the extent such inspecting  party
                         causes damage to the Leased Property or any property of
                         Lessee or any other  Person  during  the course of such

         SECTION 11.3 Complete Taking. In the event of any Complete Taking with 
respect to the Leased Property.

                 (i)     the Lessee shall provide to the Lessor a  certification
                         stating that the chief executive  officer of Lessee has
                         determined  in good faith that such Loss  constitutes a
                         Complete  Taking with respect to the Leased Property as
                         defined in this Lease;

                (ii)     the Lessee and ADESA shall not be obligated or required
                         to make any  repairs  to or  restoration  of the Leased
                         Property, other than those repairs, if any, required by
                         applicable  law or necessary to  adequately  secure the
                         Leased Property or comply with the  requirements of any
                         applicable  insurance policy or any applicable  safety,
                         health or environmental regulations;

               (iii)     any Available  Proceeds with respect to such Loss shall
                         be disbursed as provided for in Section  6.3(b)(iii) of
                         the Indenture; and

                (iv)     except  as  otherwise  provided  for  in  Section  11.9
                         hereof,  this  Lease  shall  remain  in full  force and

         SECTION 11.4  Application  of Available  Proceeds.  In the event of any
Partial  Loss or Total Loss  (whether  or not such Loss  constitutes  a Complete
Taking),  Available  Proceeds,  if any,  with  respect  to such  Loss  shall  be
disbursed only as provided for in Section 6.3(b) of the Indenture; and:

                 (i)     Any  Available  Proceeds  disbursed  as provided for in
                         Section  6.3(b)(iii) of the Indenture to the holders of
                         Outstanding Notes with


                         respect  to  the  prepayment  of the  principal  amount
                         thereof or  disbursed  to the Lessor as provided for in
                         Section  6.3(b) of the Indenture  shall be deemed to be
                         and  shall be  treated  as  Casualty  and  Condemnation
                         Credits  for  purposes  of this Lease and the  Guaranty

                (ii)     Any  Available   Proceeds  disbursed  as  provided  for
                         Section  6.3(b)(iii) of the Indenture to the holders of
                         Outstanding  Notes  with  respect  to  the  payment  of
                         accrued  but  unpaid  interest  shall be deemed to have
                         been paid to the Lessor as Basic Rent; and

               (iii)     Any  Available   Proceeds  disbursed  as  provided  for
                         Section  6.3(b)(iii) of the Indenture to the holders of
                         Outstanding  Notes with  respect to the payment of Make
                         Whole  Amount (as  defined in the  Indenture)  shall be
                         deemed to have been paid to the Lessor as  Supplemental

         SECTION 11.5 Prosecution of Awards.

             (a) With  respect to any  condemnation  with  respect to any Leased
Property,  Lessee shall control the negotiations with the relevant  governmental
authority;  provided,  however,  that if an Event of Default shall have occurred
and be continuing Lessor or its assigns shall control such negotiations.  Lessee
hereby  irrevocably  assigns,  transfers  and sets over to Lessor  all rights of
Lessee to any award  made  during  the  continuance  of an Event of  Default  on
account of any  condemnation  and, if there will not be  separate  awards to the
Lessor and the Lessee on account of such  condemnation,  irrevocably  authorizes
and empowers  Lessor during the  continuance  of an Event of Default,  with full
power of substitution  in the name of Lessee or otherwise (but without  limiting
the obligations of Lessee under this Article),  to file and prosecute what would
otherwise  be Lessee's  claim for any such Award and, in the case of Lessor,  to
collect,  receipt for and retain the same in accordance  with Section 6.3 of the
Indenture;  provided,  however,  that in any event Lessor may participate in any
such  negotiations,  and no  settlement  will be  made  without  Lessor's  prior
consent, not to be unreasonably withheld.

             (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee may prosecute, and Lessor
shall have no interest in, any claim with respect to Lessee's  personal property
and equipment and Lessee's relocation expenses.

         SECTION 11.6  Application of Certain  Payments Not Relating to an Event
of Complete  Taking.  In case of a  requisition  for  temporary  use of all or a
portion of the Leased  Property which is not an event of Complete  Taking,  this
Lease shall remain in full force and effect,  without any abatement or reduction
of Basic Rent or Additional  Rent, and the Awards for the Leased Property shall,
unless an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, be paid to Lessee.


         SECTION  11.7  Other   Dispositions.   Notwithstanding   the  foregoing
provisions of this  Article,  so long as an Event of Default shall have occurred
and be  continuing,  any amount  that would  otherwise  be payable to or for the
account of, or that would  otherwise  be retained  by,  Lessee  pursuant to this
Article shall be paid to Lessor as security for the  obligations of Lessee under
this  Lease  and,  at such  time  thereafter  as no  Event of  Default  shall be
continuing,  such  amount  shall be paid  promptly  to Lessee to the  extent not
previously  applied by Lessor in accordance  with the terms of this Lease or the
other Operative Documents.

         SECTION  11.8  No Rent  Abatement.  Basic  Rent,  Additional  Rent  and
Supplement Rent shall not abate  hereunder by reason of any Loss  (regardless of
whether such Loss constitutes a Total Loss, a Partial Loss or a Complete Taking)
with respect to the Leased  Property,  and Lessee shall  continue to perform and
fulfill  all  of  Lessee's  obligations,   covenants  and  agreements  hereunder
notwithstanding such Loss until the end of the Lease Term.

         SECTION 11.9  Purchase Option and Remarketing Option.

             (a) In the event of any Complete  Taking with respect to the Leased
Property, the Lessee and ADESA mayl, in the exercise of their discretion,  elect
at any time within thirty (30) days after the date of the  determination  by the
board of  directors  of ADESA that such Loss  constituted  a Complete  Taking by
giving written notice to the Lessor and the Trustee to either:

                 (i)     exercise  the Purchase  Option  provided for in Section
                         2.1  of the  Guaranty  Agreement  upon  the  terms  and
                         subject to the conditions provided for therein,  except
                         that for  purposes  of this  Section  11.9  the  Option
                         Period  shall be deemed to be the sixty (60) day period
                         commencing  on the date of such  determination  and the
                         purchase shall be closed on the last day of such Option
                         Period; and, provided,  that the Purchase Price for the
                         Leased  Property  shall be increased by an amount equal
                         to the  applicable  Make  Whole  Amount,  if  any,  (as
                         defined in the  Indenture)  that will,  be  incurred in
                         connection  with the prepayment or Notes as a result of
                         such purchase as provided for in the Indenture; or

                (ii)     exercise  of the  Remarketing  Option  provided  for in
                         Section 2.8 of the  Guaranty  Agreement  upon the terms
                         and subject to the  conditions  provided  for  therein,
                         except that for  purposes  of this  Section  11.9,  the
                         Option  Period shall be deemed to be the sixty (60) day
                         period  commencing  on the  date of such  determination
                         period and the one year period for  remarketing  of the
                         Leased  Property  shall be deemed to commence  upon the
                         date of the notice or exercise  provided  for  herein.;
                         and,  provided,  that the Purchase Price for the Leased
                         Property  shall be  increased by an amount equal to the
                         applicable   Make  Whole  Amount  (as  defined  in  the
                         Indenture) that will, if any be incurred in


                         connection with the prepayment or Notes as a result of 
                         such purchase as provided for in the Indenture.

             (b) In the event of any Change in Control  resulting in  prepayment
of the Notes pursuant to Section 7.2 of the Indenture, the Lessee and ADESA may,
the in the exercise of their  discretion,  elect at any time within  thirty (30)
days after the Control  Prepayment  Date, to exercise either the Purchase Option
as provided in  subsection  (a)(i)  above or  Remarketing  Option as provided in
subsection (a)(ii) above.

             (c) In the event a holder of the Notes  exercises  the Optional Put
Right  resulting  in  prepayment  of the Notes  pursuant  to Section  7.6 of the
Indenture,  the Lessee and ADESA may in the exercise of their discretion,  elect
at any time within  thirty (30) days after the  Optional  Put Payment  Date,  to
exercise  either the Purchase  Option as provided in subsection  (a)(i) above or
the Remarketing Option as provided in subsection (a)(ii) above.

             (d) The proceeds of any sale of the Leased Property  resulting from
Lessee's or ADESA's exercise of the Purchase Option or Remarketing  Option under
this Section 11.9,  shall be remitted to the Trustee and applied as provided for
in the Indenture, and this Lease shall be terminated.

                                   ARTICLE XII
                          INTEREST CONVEYED TO LESSEE


                                   ARTICLE XIII
                                EVENTS OF DEFAULT

         The following  events shall  constitute  Events of Default (whether any
such event shall be  voluntary  or  involuntary  or come about or be effected by
operation of law or pursuant to or in compliance  with any  judgment,  decree or
order of any court or any order,  rule or  regulation of any  administrative  or
governmental body):

             (a)  Lessee  shall  fail to  make  any  payment  of  Basic  Rent or
Additional  Rent when due and such failure shall  continue for a period of three
(3) Business Days;

             (b) Lessee shall fail to make any payment of  Supplemental  Rent or
any other amount payable hereunder or under any of the other Operative Documents
(other than Basic Rent),  and such failure shall  continue for a period of three
(3) Business Days after Lessee's  receipt of written notice of such failure from

             (c) Lessee or ADESA shall fail to pay the Available Proceeds to the
Trustee when due pursuant to Sections 11.1 or 11.2;


             (d) ADESA shall fail to pay any amount due under the  Unconditional
Guaranty (as defined and provided for in the Note Purchase Agreement);

             (e) ADESA shall fail to make  payment of any  Guaranty  Payment (as
defined and provided for in the Guaranty Agreement) when due thereunder;

             (f) Lessee shall fail to maintain  insurance as required by Article
IX hereof,  and such failure shall  continue  until the earlier of 45 days after
written notice thereof from Lessor and the day immediately preceding the date on
which any applicable insurance coverage would otherwise lapse or terminate;

             (g) The occurrence of any Event of Default (as defined and provided
for in the Guaranty Agreement);

             (h) The occurrence of any Event of Default (as defined and provided
for in the Note Purchase  Agreement or Collateral Trust Agreement) other than an
event resulting exclusively from an act or failure to act by the Lessor;

             (i) the  filing  by  Lessee  of any  petition  for  dissolution  or
liquidation of Lessee,  or the  commencement by Lessee of a voluntary case under
any  applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency  or other similar law for the relief of
debtors,  foreign or domestic,  now or hereafter in effect, or Lessee shall have
consented to the entry of an order for relief in an  involuntary  case under any
such law, or the appointment of or taking possession by a receiver, custodian or
trustee (or other similar  official) for Lessee or any  substantial  part of its
property, or a general assignment by Lessee for the benefit of its creditors, or
Lessee  shall  have  taken any  corporate  action in  furtherance  of any of the
foregoing; or the filing against Lessee of an involuntary petition in bankruptcy
which results in an order for relief being entered or,  notwithstanding  that an
order for relief has not been entered,  the petition is not dismissed  within 60
days of the date of the  filing of the  petition,  or the  filing  under any law
relating to bankruptcy,  insolvency or relief of debtors of any petition against
Lessee which either (i) results in a finding or  adjudication  of  insolvency of
Lessee or (ii) is not dismissed within sixty (60) days of the date of the filing
of such petition;

             (j) Any  representation  or warranty by Lessee or ADESA in the Note
Purchase  Agreement  or Guaranty  Agreement  or in any  certificate  or document
delivered to Lessor pursuant to any Operative Document shall have been incorrect
in any material respect when made; and

             (k) Lessee shall fail in any material  respect to timely perform or
observe any covenant,  condition or agreement  (not included in any other clause
of this  Article) to be performed or observed by it hereunder or under the other
Operative  Documents  and such  failure  shall  continue for a period of 45 days
after Lessee's receipt of written notice thereof from Lessor.

                                  ARTICLE XIV



         SECTION 14.1  Remedies.  Upon the  occurrence  of any Event of Default,
Lessor  may, so long as such Event of Default is  continuing,  do one or more of
the following as Lessor in its sole discretion shall determine, without limiting
any other right or remedy Lessor may have on account of such Event of Default.

             (a) Lessor  may,  by notice to Lessee,  rescind or  terminate  this
Lease as of the date specified in such notice;  provided,  however,  that (i) no
reletting, reentry or taking of possession of the Leased Property by Lessor will
be  construed as an election on Lessor's  part to terminate  this Lease unless a
written notice of such intention is given to Lessee,  (ii)  notwithstanding  any
reletting,  reentry or taking of possession,  Lessor may at any time  thereafter
elect to terminate this Lease for a continuing Event of Default and (iii) no act
or thing done by Lessor or any of its agents,  representatives  or employees and
no agreement  accepting a surrender of the Leased Property shall be valid unless
the same be made in writing and executed by Lessor.

             (b) Lessor may (i) demand that  Lessee,  and Lessee  shall upon the
written demand of Lessor,  return the Leased Property  promptly to Lessor in the
manner and condition  required by, and  otherwise in accordance  with all of the
provisions  of, this Lease hereof as if the Leased  Property were being returned
at  the  end of the  Lease  Term,  and  Lessor  shall  not  be  liable  for  the
reimbursement  of  Lessee  for any  costs  and  expenses  incurred  by Lessee in
connection therewith and (ii) without prejudice to any other remedy which Lessor
may have for  possession  of the Leased  Property,  and to the extent and in the
manner  permitted by  Applicable  law,  enter upon the Leased  Property and take
immediate  possession of (to the exclusion of Lessee) the Leased Property or any
part  thereof  and  expel or  remove  Lessee  and any  other  Person  who may be
occupying the Leased Property, by summary proceedings or otherwise,  all without
liability  to Lessee  for or by reason  of such  entry or taking of  possession,
whether  for the  restoration  of damage to  property  caused by such  taking or
otherwise  and,  in  addition  to  Lessor's  other  damages,   Lessee  shall  be
responsible  for the reasonable and documented  costs and expenses of reletting,
including   brokers  fees  and  the  reasonable  and  documented  costs  of  any
alterations or repairs made by Lessor.

             (c)  Lessor  may  sell all or any part of the  Leased  Property  at
public or private sale, as Lessor may determine, free and clear of any rights of
Lessee and without any duty to account to Lessee with  respect to such action in
inaction or any proceeds with respect thereto in which event Lessee's obligation
to pay Basic Rent hereunder for periods  commencing  after the date of such sale
shall be terminated or proportionately reduced, as the case may be.

             (d) Lessor may, at its option,  elect not to  terminate  the Lease,
and continue to collect all Basic Rent,  Additional Rent,  Supplemental Rent and
all other amounts due Lessor (together with all costs of collection) and enforce
Lessee's obligations under this Lease as and when the same become due, or are to
be performed,  and at the option of Lessor,  upon any  abandonment of the Leased
Property by Lessee or  re-entry  of same by Lessee,  Lessor may, in its sole and
absolute  discretion,  elect  not to  terminate  this  Lease  and may make  such
reasonable alterations and necessary


repairs in order to relet the Leased Property,  and relet the Leased Property or
any part thereof for such term or terms (which may be for a long term  extending
beyond the term of this Lease) and at such rental or rentals and upon such other
terms and conditions as Lessor in its reasonable  discretion may deem advisable.
Upon each such  reletting  all  rentals  actually  received  by Lessor from such
reletting  shall be applied to  Lessee's  obligations  hereunder  in such order,
proportion  and  priority  as Lessor  may elect in  Lessor's  sole and  absolute
discretion,  it being agreed that under no  circumstances  shall Lessee  benefit
from its default from any increase in market rents and if such rentals  received
from  such  reletting  during  any Rent  Period be less than the Rent to be paid
during that Rent Period by Lessee hereunder,  Lessee shall pay any deficiency to
Lessor on the Rent Payment Date in such Rent Period.

             (e)  Lessor  may  exercise  any other  right or remedy  that may be
available to it under  applicable  law, or proceed by  appropriate  court action
(legal or equitable)  to enforce the terms hereof or to recover  damages for the
breach  hereof.  Separate  suits may be brought to collect any such damages with
respect  to any Rent  Payment  Date,  and such  suits  shall  not in any  manner
prejudice  Lessor's  right to collect any such damages for any  subsequent  Rent
Payment  Date,  or Lessor may defer any such suit until after the  expiration of
the Lease  Term,  in which  event such suit shall be deemed not to have  accrued
until the expiration of the Lease Term.

             (f) Lessor may retain and apply against  Lessor's  damages all sums
which Lessor  would,  absent such Event of Default,  be required to pay, or turn
over, to Lessee pursuant to the terms of this Lease.

         SECTION 14.2 Remedies Cumulative;  No Waiver;  Consents.  To the extent
permitted by, and subject to the mandatory requirements of, applicable law, each
and  every  right  power  and  remedy  herein  specifically  given to  Lessor or
otherwise  in this Lease shall be  cumulative  and shall be in addition to every
other  right,  power and remedy  herein  specifically  given or now or hereafter
existing at law, in equity or by statute,  and each and every  right,  power and
remedy whether  specifically herein given or otherwise existing may be exercised
from time to time and as often and in such order as may be deemed  expedient  by
Lessor, and the exercise or the beginning of the exercise of any power or remedy
shall not be  construed to be a wavier of the right to exercise at the same time
or thereafter any right,  power or remedy. No delay or omission by Lessor in the
exercise  of any right,  power or remedy or in the  pursuit of any remedy  shall
impair any such  right,  power or remedy or be  construed  to be a waiver of any
default on the part of Lessee or to be an acquiescence therein. Lessor's consent
to any request made by Lessee shall not be deemed to  constitute or preclude the
necessity  for  obtaining  Lessor's  consent,  in the  future,  to  all  similar
requests.  No express or implied  waiver by Lessor of any Event of Default shall
in any way be,  or be  construed  to be, a wavier of any  future  or  subsequent
Potential  Event of Default or Event of  Default.  To the  extent  permitted  by
applicable  law,  Lessee hereby waives any rights now or hereafter  conferred by
statute or otherwise that may require Lessor to sell, lease or otherwise use the
Leased  Property or part  thereof in  mitigation  of Lessor's  damages  upon the
occurrence of an Event of Default or that may  otherwise  limit or modify any of
Lessor's rights or remedies under this Article.


                                   ARTICLE XV
                          RIGHT TO PERFORM FOR LESSEE

         If Lessee  shall fail to perform or comply  with any of its  agreements
contained  herein,  Lessor may, on thirty (30) days prior notice (or such lesser
period  afforded by  Applicable  laws or any third party) to Lessee,  perform or
comply  with such  agreement,  and  Lessor  shall not  thereby be deemed to have
waived any default  caused by such  failure,  and the amount of such payment and
the amount of the expenses of Lessor (including  reasonable  attorney's fees and
expenses)  incurred in  connection  with such payment or the  performance  of or
compliance with such agreement, as the case may be, shall be deemed Supplemental
Rent,  payable by Lessee to Lessor  within ten (10) days  after  written  demand

                                    ARTICLE XVI
                               GENERAL TAX INDEMNITY

         SECTION 16.1 Tax Indemnification.  Except as otherwise provided in this
Article XVI, the Lessee shall pay and on written demand shall indemnify and hold
each of the Lessor,  the  Trustee,  any trustee  under the  Mortgages  and their
respective  successors and assigns  (collectively,  the "Tax  Indemnitees,"  and
individually,  a "Tax Indemnitee")  harmless from and against,  any and all fees
(including,   without   limitation,   documentation,   recording,   license  and
registration  fees),  taxes  (including,   without  limitation,   income,  gross
receipts, sales, rental, use, turnover, value-added,  property, excise and stamp
taxes), levies,  imposts,  duties,  charges,  assessments or withholdings of any
nature  whatsoever,  together with any penalties,  fines or interest  thereon or
additions  thereto (any of the foregoing being referred to herein as "Taxes" and
individually  as a "Tax" (for the purposes of this  Section,  the  definition of
"Taxes"  includes  amounts imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against each Tax
Indemnitee as the result of any  prohibited  transaction,  within the meaning of
Section 406 or 407 of ERISA or Section  4975(c) of the Code,  arising out of the
transactions contemplated hereby or by any other Operative Document)) or imposed
on or with respect to any Tax Indemnitee, the Lessee, the Leased Property or any
portion  thereof or the Land, or any  sublessee or user  thereof,  by the United
States or by any state or local  government  or other  taxing  authority  in the
United  States in connection  with or in any state or local  government or other
taxing  authority in the United States in connection with or in any way relating
to  (i)  the  acquisition,  financing,  mortgaging,  construction,  preparation,
installation,   inspection,  delivery,  non-delivery,   acceptance,   rejection,
purchase, ownership,  possession, rental, lease, sublease, maintenance,  repair,
storage, transfer of title, redelivery, use, operation,  condition, sale, return
or other application or disposition of all or any part of the Leased property or
the imposition of any Lien (or incurrence of any liability to refund or pay over
any amount as a result of any Lien)  thereon,  (ii)  Basic Rent or  Supplemental
Rent or the receipts or earnings  arising  from or received  with respect to the
Leased Property or any part thereof, or any interest therein or any applications
or dispositions thereof,  (iii) any other amount paid or payable pursuant to the
Notes or any other Operative Document, (iv) the Leased Property, the Land or any
part thereof or any interest therein, (v) all or any of the Operative Documents,
any other  documents  contemplated  thereby and any amendments  and  supplements
thereto  and  (vi)  otherwise  with  respect  to  or  in  connection   with  the
transactions contemplated by the Operative Documents.


         SECTION 16.2 Exceptions. The indemnification provided for in Section 
16.1 shall not apply to:

                 (i)     Taxes on,  based on, or measured by or with respect to,
                         receipts  or  income  of the  Lessor  and  the  Trustee
                         (including,  without limitation, minimum Taxes, capital
                         gains  Taxes,  Taxes on or  measured  by  items  of tax
                         preference or alternative minimum Taxes) other than (A)
                         any such  Taxes  that  are,  or are in the  nature  of,
                         sales,  use,  license,  rental or property  Taxes,  (B)
                         withholding  Taxes  imposed by the United States or the
                         State of Tennessee  (1) on payments with respect to the
                         Note,  to the  extent  imposed by reason of a change in
                         Applicable law occurring  after the Closing Date or (2)
                         on Rent,  to the extent  the net  payment of Rent after
                         deduction of such withholding  Taxes would be less than
                         amounts  currently payable with respect to the Note and
                         (C) any  increase  in any  franchise  taxes based on or
                         otherwise measured by net income, estate,  inheritance,
                         transfer,  income tax or gross income or gross receipts
                         tax in lieu of net  income  over the term of the Lease,
                         net of any decrease in such taxes  realized by such Tax
                         Indemnitee,  to the extent  that such tax  increase  or
                         decrease would not have occurred if on the Closing Date
                         the Lessor had advanced funds to the Lessee in the form
                         of a loan  secured by the Leased  Property in an amount
                         equal to the  Loan,  with  debt  service  for such loan
                         equal to the Basic Rent  payable  on each Rent  Payment
                         Date and a  principal  balance at the  maturity of such
                         loan in an  amount  equal to the Loan at the end of the
                         Lease Term;

                (ii)     Taxes on, based on, or in the nature of or measured by,
                         Taxes on doing business,  business privilege,  capital,
                         capital  stock,  net worth,  or  mercantile  license or
                         similar taxes other than (A) any increase in such Taxes
                         imposed  on  such  Tax   Indemnitee  by  the  State  of
                         Tennessee,  net  of any  decrease  in  any  such  taxes
                         realized  by such Tax  Indemnitee,  to the extent  that
                         such tax increase or decrease  would not have  occurred
                         if on the Closing Date the Lessor had advanced funds to
                         the Lessee in the form of a loan  secured by the Leased
                         Property  in an  amount  equal to the  Loan,  with debt
                         service  for such loan equal to the Basic Rent  payable
                         on each Rent  Payment  Date and a principal  balance at
                         the  maturity  of such loan in an  amount  equal to the
                         Loan at the end of the Lease Term or (B) any Taxes that
                         are or are in the nature of sales, use, rental, license
                         or property Taxes;

               (iii)     Taxes that result from any act,  event or omission,  or
                         are  attributable  to any period of time,  that  occurs
                         after the earliest of (A) the  expiration  of the Lease
                         Term with respect to the Leased Property and,


                         if the Leased  Property  is  required to be returned to
                         the Lessor in  accordance  with the Lease,  such return
                         and  (B)  the   discharge   in  full  of  the  Lessee's
                         obligations  to pay the Funded  Purchase Price Balance,
                         or any amount  determined  by reference  thereto,  with
                         respect to the Leased  Property  and all other  amounts
                         due under the Lease,  unless such Taxes relate to acts,
                         events or matters  occurring  prior to the  earliest of
                         such  times or are  imposed  on or with  respect to any
                         payments due under the Operative  Documents  after such
                         expiration or discharge;

                (iv)     Taxes imposed on a Tax Indemnitee  that result from any
                         voluntary   sale,   assignment,   transfer   or   other
                         disposition  by such Tax  Indemnitee or any related Tax
                         Indemnitee  of any  interest in the Leased  Property or
                         any  part  thereof,  or  any  interest  therein  or any
                         interest  or  obligation  arising  under the  Operative
                         Documents  or from any sale,  assignment,  transfer  or
                         other   disposition   of  any   interest  in  such  Tax
                         Indemnitee  or any  related  Tax  Indemnitee,  it being
                         understood  that  each of the  following  shall  not be
                         considered  a  voluntary  sale:  (A) any  substitution,
                         replacement  or removal of any of the  property  by the
                         Lessee  shall not be treated as a  voluntary  action of
                         any Tax Indemnitee,  (B) any sale or transfer resulting
                         from the  exercise  by the  Lessee  of any  termination
                         option, any purchase option or sale option (C) any sale
                         or  transfer  while  an  Event of  Default  shall  have
                         occurred and be continuing  under the Lease and (D) any
                         sale or transfer  resulting from the Lessor's  exercise
                         of remedies under the Lease;

                 (v)     any Tax which is being  contested  in good faith by the
                         Lessee or ADESA during the pendency of such contest;

                (vi)     any Tax that is imposed on a Tax Indemnitee as a result
                         of such Tax  Indemnitee's  gross  negligence or willful
                         misconduct  (other  than  gross  negligence  or willful
                         misconduct  imputed to the Lessor or the Lender  solely
                         by reason of their  respective  interests in the Leased

               (vii)     any Tax that  results from a Tax  Indemnitee  engaging,
                         with respect to the Leased  Property,  in  transactions
                         other than those permitted by the Operative  Documents;

              (viii)     to the extent any  interest,  penalties or additions to
                         tax  result in whole or in part from the  failure  of a
                         Tax  Indemnitee to file a return that it is required to
                         file in a proper and timely manner, unless such failure
                         (A) results from the  transactions  contemplated by the
                         Operative  Documents in circumstances  where the Lessee
                         did not give timely


                         notice  to  Lessor  (and the  Lessor  otherwise  had no
                         actual knowledge) of such filing requirement that would
                         have  permitted  a proper  and  timely  filing  of such
                         return or (B) results from the failure of the Lessee to
                         supply information  necessary for the proper and timely
                         filing of such return that was not in the possession of
                         the Lessor.

         SECTION  16.3  Procedures.  If any claim shall be made  against any Tax
Indemnitee or if any  proceeding  shall be commenced  against any Tax Indemnitee
(including a written  notice of such  proceeding)  for any Taxes as to which the
Lessee may have an indemnity  obligation pursuant to this Section, or if any Tax
Indemnitee  shall  determine  that any Taxes as to which the  Lessee may have an
indemnity  obligation  pursuant  to  this  Section  may  be  payable,  such  Tax
Indemnitee  shall promptly notify the Lessee.  The Lessee shall be entitled,  at
its expense,  to  participate  in and to the extent that the Lessee  desires to,
assume and control the defense thereof; provided, however, that the Lessee shall
have  acknowledged in writing if the contest is  unsuccessful  its obligation to
fully  indemnify  such  Tax  Indemnitee  in  respect  of  such  action,  suit or
proceeding;  and  provided,  further,  that the Lessee  shall not be entitled to
assume and control the defense of any such action,  suit or proceeding  (but the
Tax Indemnitee  shall then contest,  at the sole cost and expense of the Lessee,
on behalf of the Lessee) if and to the extent that (A) in the reasonable opinion
of such Tax Indemnitee,  such action, suit or proceeding involves any meaningful
risk of imposition of criminal  liability or any material risk of material civil
liability on such Tax  Indemnitee  or will involve a material  risk of the sale,
forfeiture or loss, or the creation,  of any Lien (other than a Permitted  Lien)
on the Leased Property or any part thereof unless the Lessee shall have posted a
bond or other security  satisfactory  to the relevant Tax Indemnities in respect
to such risk, (B) such proceeding  involves Claims not fully  indemnified by the
Lessee  which the Lessee and the Tax  Indemnitee  have been unable to sever from
the  indemnified  Claim(s),  (C)  an  Event  of  Default  has  occurred  and  is
continuing,  (D) such action,  suit or proceeding  involves matters which extend
beyond  or are  unrelated  to the  transactions  contemplated  by the  Operative
Documents and if determined  adversely  could be materially  detrimental  to the
interests of such Tax Indemnitee  notwithstanding  indemnification by the Lessee
or (E) such action,  suit or proceeding involves the federal or any state income
tax liability of the Tax Indemnitee.  With respect to any contests controlled by
a Tax Indemnitee, (i) if such contest relates to the federal or any state income
tax liability of such Tax Indemnitee,  such Tax Indemnitee  shall be required to
conduct  such  contest  only if the  Lessee  shall  have  provided  to such  Tax
Indemnitee an opinion of independent tax counsel  selected by the Tax Indemnitee
and reasonably satisfactory to the Lessee stating that a reasonable basis exists
to  contest  such  claim  or  (ii)  in  the  case  of an  appeal  of an  adverse
determination  of any contest  relating to any Taxes, an opinion of such counsel
to the  effect  that  such  appeal  is more  likely  than not to be  successful;
provided,  however,  such Tax Indemnitee shall in no event be required to appeal
an adverse  determination to the United States Supreme Court. The Tax Indemnitee
may  participate  in a  reasonable  manner at its own  expense  and with its own
counsel  in any  proceeding  conducted  by the  Lessee  in  accordance  with the
foregoing.  Each Tax Indemnitee  shall at the Lessee's expense supply the Lessee
with such  information,  documents  and  testimony  reasonably  requested by the
Lessee as are  necessary  or  advisable  for the  Lessee to  participate  in any
action,  suit or proceeding to the extent  permitted by this Section.  Unless an
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing,  no Tax Indemnitee shall
enter into any settlement or other compromise with


respect to any Claim  which is  entitled to be  indemnified  under this  Section
without the prior  written  consent of the Lessee,  which  consent  shall not be
unreasonably  withheld,  unless  such  Tax  Indemnitee  waives  its  right to be
indemnified  under this  Section  with  respect to such  Claim.  Notwithstanding
anything  contained  herein to the contrary,  (i) a Tax  Indemnitee  will not be
required to contest  (and the Lessee  shall not be permitted to contest) a claim
with respect to the imposition of any Tax if such Tax Indemnitee shall waive its
right to indemnification  under this Section with respect to such claim (and any
related  claim  with  respect  to other  taxable  years the  contest of which is
precluded  as a  result  of such  waiver)  and (ii) no Tax  Indemnitee  shall be
required  to  contest  any claim if the  subject  matter  thereof  shall be of a
continuing nature and shall have previously been decided adversely, unless there
has been a change in law which in the opinion of the  Lessee's  counsel  creates
substantial  authority for the success of such contest.  Each Tax Indemnitee and
the Lessee shall consult in good faith with each other  regarding the conduct of
such contest controlled by either.

         SECTION 16.4 Credits and Refunds.  If (i) a Tax Indemnitee shall obtain
a credit or refund of any Taxes paid by the Lessee  pursuant to this  Section or
(ii) by  reason  of the  incurrence  or  imposition  of any Tax for  which a Tax
Indemnitee is indemnified hereunder or any payment made to or for the account of
such Tax Indemnitee by the Lessee pursuant to this Section,  such Tax Indemnitee
at any time  realizes  a  reduction  in any Taxes  for  which the  Lessee is not
required  to  indemnify  such Tax  Indemnitee  pursuant to this  Section,  which
reduction in Taxes was not taken into  account in computing  such payment by the
Lessee to or for the account of such Tax  Indemnitee,  then such Tax  Indemnitee
shall  promptly pay to the Lessee the amount of such credit or refund,  together
with the amount of any interest  received by such Tax  Indemnitee  on account of
such credit or refund or an amount equal to such reduction in Taxes, as the case
may be;  provided,  however,  that no such  payment  shall be made so long as an
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing;  and provided,  further,
that the amount  payable to the Lessee by any Tax  Indemnitee  pursuant  to this
subsection  shall not at any time exceed the  aggregate  amount of all indemnity
payments  made by the Lessee under this Section to such Tax  Indemnitee  and all
related Tax Indemnities with respect to the Taxes which gave rise to a credit or
refund or with  respect to the Tax which gave rise to a reduction  in Taxes less
the amount of all prior  payments made to the Lessee by such Tax  Indemnitee and
related Tax Indemnities under this Section. Each Tax Indemnitee agrees to act in
good faith to claim such refunds and other available Tax benefits, and take such
other  actions as may be  reasonable to minimize any payment due from the Lessee
pursuant to this Section and to maximize the amount of any Tax savings available
to it. The disallowance or reduction of any credit,  refund or other tax savings
with  respect to which a Tax  Indemnitee  has made a payment to the Lessee under
this  subsection  shall be treated as a Tax for which the Lessee is obligated to
indemnify such Tax Indemnitee hereunder.

         SECTION 16.5 Payments.  Any Tax indemnifiable  under this Section shall
be paid directly when due to the applicable  taxing  authority if direct payment
is  practicable  and  permitted.  If direct  payment  to the  applicable  taxing
authority is not permitted or is otherwise not made, any amount payable to a Tax
Indemnitee  pursuant to this Section shall be paid within thirty (30) days after
receipt of a written demand  therefor from such Tax Indemnitee  accompanied by a
written statement describing in reasonable detail the amount so payable, but not
before the date that the relevant Taxes


are due. Any payments  made  pursuant to this Section  shall be made directly to
the Tax  Indemnitee  entitled  thereto  or the  Lessor,  as the case may be,  in
immediately  available funds at such bank or to such account as specified by the
payee in written  directions to the payor,  or, if no such direction  shall have
been given, by check of the payor payable to the order of the payee by certified
mail,  postage prepaid at its address as set forth in this  Agreement.  Upon the
request of any Tax Indemnitee  with respect to a Tax that the Lessee is required
to pay,  the Lessee  shall  furnish to such Tax  Indemnitee  the  original  or a
certified  copy of a receipt  for  Lessee's  payment  of such Tax or such  other
evidence of payment as is reasonably acceptable to such Tax Indemnitee.

         SECTION 16.6 Reports,  Returns and  Statements.  If the Lessee knows of
any report,  return or statement  required to be filed with respect to any Taxes
that are subject to indemnification under this Section, the Lessee shall, if the
Lessee is  permitted  by  Applicable  law,  timely file such  report,  return or
statement  (and, to the extent  permitted by law,  show  ownership of the Leased
Property in the Lessee); provided,  however, that if the Lessee is not permitted
by Applicable  law or does not have access to the  information  required to file
any such  report,  return or  statement  the Lessee will  promptly so notify the
appropriate Tax Indemnitee,  in which case Tax Indemnitee will file such report.
In any case in which the Tax  Indemnitee  will file any such  report,  return or
statement,  Lessee shall,  upon written request of such Tax Indemnitee,  provide
such Tax  Indemnitee  with such  information  as is reasonably  available to the

                                 ARTICLE XVII

         SECTION 17.1 Reports.  To the extent required under  applicable law and
to the  extent it is  reasonably  practical  for Lessee to do so,  Lessee  shall
prepare and file in timely fashion, or, where such filing is required to be made
by Lessor or it is otherwise  not  reasonably  practical for Lessee to make such
filing,  Lessee shall  prepare and deliver to Lessor (with a copy to the Lender)
within a reasonable time prior to the date for filing and Lessor shall file, any
material  reports  with  respect to the  condition  or  operation  of the Leased
Property that shall be required to be filed with any governmental authority.

         SECTION 17.2 Binding  Effect;  Successors  and Assigns;  Survival.  The
terms and provisions of this Lease,  and the respective  rights and  obligations
hereunder  of  Lessor  and  Lessee,  shall  be  binding  upon  their  respective
successors, legal representatives and assigns (including, in the case of Lessor,
any Person to whom  Lessor may  transfer  the Leased  Property  or any  interest
therein in accordance with the provisions of the Operative Documents), and inure
to the benefit of their  respective  permitted  successors and assigns,  and the
rights  hereunder of the Trustee shall inure (subject to such  conditions as are
contained  herein) to the  benefit of the  Trustee's  permitted  successors  and

         SECTION 17.3 Quiet  Enjoyment.  Lessor  covenants  that,  so long as no
Event of Default  has  occurred  and is  continuing,  it will not  interfere  in
Lessee's or any of its  sublessees'  quiet  enjoyment of the Leased  Property in
accordance with this Lease during the Lease Term. Such right


of quiet  enjoyment is  independent  of, and shall not affect,  Lessor's  rights
otherwise to initiate  legal action to enforce the  obligations  of Lessee under
this Lease.

         SECTION 17.4 Notices.  Unless otherwise  specified herein, all notices,
offers,   acceptances,   rejections,   consents,   requests,  demands  or  other
communications  to or upon the  respective  parties hereto shall be given in the
manner provided for in the Note Purchase Agreement.

         SECTION 17.5  Severability.  Any  provision of this Lease that shall be
prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction  shall, as to such jurisdiction,
be ineffective to the extent of such  prohibition  or  unenforceability  without
invalidating  the  remaining  provisions  hereof  and any  such  prohibition  or
unenforceability   in  any   jurisdiction   shall  not   invalidate   or  render
unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction,  and Lessee shall remain
liable  to  perform  its  obligations  hereunder  except  to the  extent of such
unenforceability.  To the extent  permitted by  applicable  law,  Lessee  hereby
waives any  provision of law that renders any  provision  hereof  prohibited  or
unenforceable in any respect.

         SECTION 17.6 Amendment; Complete Agreements. Neither this Lease nor any
of the terms hereof may be terminated, amended, supplemented, waived or modified
orally,  except by an  instrument  in  writing  signed by Lessor  and Lessee and
approved  by ADESA and by the  Trustee as provided  for in the  Indenture.  This
Lease,  together with the other Operative Documents,  is intended by the parties
as a final  expression of their lease  agreement and as a complete and exclusive
statement  of  the  terms  thereof,   all   negotiations,   considerations   and
representations between the parties having been incorporated herein and therein.
No course of prior dealings  between the parties or their  officers,  employees,
agents or Affiliates shall be relevant or admissible to supplement,  explain, or
vary any of the terms of this Lease or any other Operative Document.  Acceptance
of, or acquiescence in, a course of performance rendered under this or any prior
agreement  between  the  parties or their  Affiliates  shall not be  relevant or
admissible  to  determine  the  meaning of any of the terms of this Lease or any
other Operative Document.  No  representations,  undertakings or agreements have
been  made or  relied  upon  in the  making  of  this  Lease  other  than  those
specifically set forth in the Operative Documents.

         SECTION  17.7  Construction.  This Lease  shall not be  construed  more
strictly  against any one party,  it being  recognized  that both of the Parties
hereto have  contributed  substantially  and materially to the  preparation  and
negotiation of this Lease.

         SECTION  17.8  Headings.  The Table of  Contents  and  headings  of the
various  Articles  and Sections of this Lease are for  convenience  of reference
only and shall  not  modify,  define  or limit  any of the  terms or  provisions

         SECTION  17.9  Counterparts.  This Lease may be executed by the parties
hereto in separate  counterparts,  each of which when so executed and  delivered
shall be an original,  but all such counterparts  shall together  constitute but
one and the same instrument.



         SECTION  17.11  Discharge  of  Lessee's Obligations  by its Affiliates.
Lessor agrees that performance of any of Lessee's  obligations  hereunder by one
or more of  Lessee's  Affiliates  or one or more of Lessee's  sublessees  of the
Leased  Property or any part thereof shall  constitute  performance by Lessee of
such  obligations  to the same extent and with the same effect  hereunder  as if
such obligations were performed by Lessee,  but no such performance shall excuse
Lessee  from any  obligation  not  performed  by it or on its  behalf  under the
Operative Documents.

         SECTION 17.12  Liability of Lessor Limited. Except as otherwise 
expressly provided below in this Section, it is expressly  understood and agreed
by and between Lessee,  Lessor and their respective  successors and assigns that
nothing herein  contained shall be construed as creating any liability of Lessor
or any of  its  Affiliates  or any  of  their  respective  officers,  directors,
employees or agents, individually or personally, to perform any covenant, either
express  or  implied,  contained  herein,  all  such  liability,  if any,  being
expressly  waived  by  Lessee  and by each and  every  Person  now or  hereafter
claiming by,  through or under  Lessee and that,  so far as Lessor or any of its
Affiliates or any of their respective officers, directors,  employees or agents,
individually  or personally,  is concerned,  Lessee and any Person  claiming by,
through or under  Lessee  shall look solely to the right,  title and interest of
Lessor in the Leased Property and any proceeds from Lessor's sale or encumbrance
thereof or the  Additional  Rent  (provided,  however,  that Lessee shall not be
entitled to any double  recovery) for the  performance of any  obligation  under
this  Lease  and under  the  Operative  Documents  and the  satisfaction  of any
liability arising therefrom.

         SECTION 17.13  Estoppel Certificates. Each party hereto agrees that any
time and from time to time during the Lease Term,  it will  promptly,  but in no
event  later than  thirty  (30) days after  request by the other  party  hereto,
execute,  acknowledge  and  deliver to such other  party or to the  Lender,  any
prospective  purchaser (if such prospective purchaser has signed a commitment or
letter of intent to purchase the Leased Property or any part thereof),  assignee
or  mortgagee  or third party  designated  by such other  party,  a  certificate
stating (i) that this Lease is  unmodified  and in force and effect (or if there
have been modifications, that this Lease is in force and effect as modified, and
identifying the modification agreements),  (ii) the date to which Basic Rent and
Additional  Rent has been  paid,  (iii)  whether  or not  there is any  existing
default by Lessee in the payment of Basic Rent and Additional  Rent or any other
sum of money  hereunder,  and whether or not there is any other existing default
by either  party with  respect to which a notice of default has been served and,
if there is any such default,  specifying  the nature and extent  thereof,  (iv)
whether  or  not,  to  the  knowledge  of  the  signer  after  due  inquiry  and
investigation, there are any setoffs, defenses or counterclaims


against  enforcement of the  obligations to be performed  hereunder  existing in
favor of the party  executing such  certificate  and (v) other items that may be
reasonably  requested;  provided,  however,  that  no  such  certificate  may be
requested unless the requesting party has a good faith reason for such request.

         SECTION 17.14  No Joint Venture. Any intention to create a joint
venture or  partnership   relation   between  Lessor  and  Lessee  is  hereby  
expressly disclaimed.

         SECTION  17.15  No Accord and Satisfaction. The acceptance by Lessor of
any sums from Lessee  (whether as Basic Rent or  otherwise) in amounts which are
less than the amounts due and payable by Lessee  hereunder is not intended,  nor
shall any such acceptance be construed, to constitute an accord and satisfaction
of any  dispute  between  Lessor and Lessee  regarding  sums due and  payable by
Lessee hereunder, unless Lessor specifically deems it as such in writing.

         SECTION  17.16  No Merger.  In no event  shall the leasehold  interest,
estates  or rights of Lessee  hereunder  merge  with any  interests,  estates or
rights of Lessor in or to the Leased  Property,  it being  understood  that such
leasehold  interests,  estates and rights of Lessee hereunder shall be deemed to
be separate and distinct  from Lessor's  interests,  estates and rights in or to
the Leased Property,  notwithstanding that any such interests, estates or rights
shall at any time or times be held by or vested in the same person,  corporation
or other entity.

         SECTION 17.17  Survival. The obligations of Lessee to be performed
under  this  Lease  prior  to the  Lease  Termination  Date  shall  survive  the
expiration or termination of this Lease. The extension of any applicable statute
of  limitations  by  Lessor,  Lessee or any  Indemnitee  shall not  affect  such

         SECTION  17.18  Prior Mortgages. This Lease is and shall be subject and
subordinate  to that certain Deed of Trust and Security  Agreement,  dated as of
November  22, 1994,  by Lessor in favor of John A. Gupton,  III, as trustee (the
"Local  Trustee"),  for the benefit of the Trustee  and  encumbering  the Leased
Property, and to all rights of the Local Trustee and the Trustee thereunder, and
to  all  renewals,   modifications,   consolidations,   amendments,   increases,
replacements and extensions thereof ("Mortgage").

         Lessee  agrees to  perform  all of the  obligations  of Lessor  (in its
capacity  as grantor)  set forth in the  Mortgage,  insofar as such  obligations
relate,  directly or  indirectly,  to the Leased  Property,  whether or not such
obligations  are more onerous than the  obligations  imposed upon Lessee by this

         Whenever any provision of this Lease requires any consent,  approval or
agreement  of the  Lessor,  such  requirement  shall be  deemed to  include  the
consent, approval or agreement of the Trustee, so long as the Mortgage shall not
have been discharged.

         SECTION 17.19  Time of Essence.  Time is of the essence of this Lease.


         SECTION 17.20  Recordation of Lease. Lessee will, at its expense, cause
a Memorandum  of this Lease and the Purchase Option to be recorded in the proper
office or offices in the State of Tennessee  and the  municipality  in which the
Land is located.

             [The remainder of this page intentionally left blank.]


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  caused this Lease and
Development  Agreement  to be  executed  by  their  respective  duly  authorized
officers as of the day and year first above written.

                                            ASSET HOLDINGS III, L.P.,
Witnessed:                                  as Lessor

                                            By:  Asset Holdings Corporation III
By:   Thomas F. O'Conner                         as General Partner
Name: Thomas F. O'Conner

By:   Ellen M. Grace                        By:   Lannhi Tran
   ----------------------------                -------------------------------- 
Name: Ellen M. Grace                           LANNHI TRAN, Vice President

                                            A.D.E. OF KNOXVILLE, INC.
Witnessed:                                  as Lessee

By:   Warren W. Byrd
Name: Warren W. Byrd

By:   Denise L. McAtee                      By:   Jerry Williams
   ----------------------------                --------------------------------
Name: Denise L. McAtee                      Title: Jerry Williams, Secretary

                        )    ss:

         The foregoing  instrument was  acknowledged  before me this 28th day of
November,  1994, by Lannhi Tran the Vice President of Asset Holdings Corporation
III,  as  general   partner  of  Asset  Holdings  III,  L.P.,  an  Ohio  limited
partnership, on behalf of the partnership, as such person's and its free act and

                                   Brenda Page
                                   Notary Public
                                   My Commission Expires: My Commission Exp. 
                                                          April 30, 1998

                       )    ss:

         The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 23th day of 
November,  1994, by Jerry  Williams,  Secretary of A.D.E.  of Knoxville,  Inc. a
Tenn. corporation, on behalf of the corporation, as such person's and its free
act and deed.

                                   Denise L. McAtee
                                   Notary Public   Denise L. McAtee
                                   My Commission Expires: April 9, 1997
                                                         DENISE L MCATEE
                                                 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF INDIANA
                                                          MARION COUNTY
                                                 MY COMMISSION EXP. APR. 9, 1997


         The undersigned,  ADESA Corporation  hereby  acknowledges the foregoing
Lease and  Development  Agreement  and hereby  agrees to perform and observe the
covenants  with  respect  to it set  forth  in  Article  III of  such  foregoing

                                          ADESA CORPORATION

Date   11/28/94                           By:   Warren W. Byrd
     -------------                           --------------------------------
                                             Warren W. Byrd, Assistant Secretary

                                 SCHEDULE I

I.       Land:

         All  that  certain   piece  or  parcel  of  land,   together  with  any
improvements  located  thereon,  situated  at   _______________________  in  the
________________, _________ containing _____ acres, more or less, and being more
particularly bounded and described as follows:

II.      Improvement:

         An office building containing  approximately __________ square feet, or
any and all other buildings, structures or improvements now or hereafter located
on the Land.