Exhibit 10(n)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            FOURTH AMENDED AND
                         RESTATED CREDIT AGREEMENT

                               BY AND AMONG

                            ADESA CORPORATION,
                        ADESA FUNDING CORPORATION,

                         THE BANKS PARTIES HERETO,


                       BANK ONE, INDIANAPOLIS, N.A.
                                 AS AGENT

                               JULY 28, 1995

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 INDEX TO
                             CREDIT AGREEMENT

Section 1.    ACCOUNTING TERMS -- DEFINITIONS.................................1

Section 2.    THE LOANS......................................................13

2.a.     ADESA Revolver......................................................13
                  (i)     The ADESA Revolver Commitment......................13
                  (ii)    Method of Borrowing................................14
                  (iii)   Interest on the ADESA Revolver.....................15
                  (iv)    Extensions of Maturity Date........................15
                  (v)     Closing Fee and Unused Commitment Fee..............16
                  (vi)    Sublimit for Canadian Dollar Loans.................16

         2.b.     The Line of Credit.........................................18
                  (i)      The Commitment -- Use of Proceeds.................18
                  (ii)     Method of Borrowing...............................19
                  (iii)    Interest on the Line of Credit....................20
                  (iv)     Extensions of Maturity Date.......................20
                  (v)      Standby Letters of Credit.........................20
                  (vi)     Mandatory Monthly Paydown.........................21

         2.c.     Procedures for Electing LIBOR-based Rates -- 
                   Certain Effects of Election...............................22

         2.d.     Provisions Applicable to All of the Loans..................23
                  (i)      Calculation of Interest...........................23
                  (ii)     Manner of Payment - Application...................23
                  (iii)    Disbursement of Advances and Agent Reliance on 
                            Bank Funding.....................................24
                  (iv)     Agent Fee.........................................25

Section 3.    THE LETTER OF CREDIT...........................................25

         3.a.     Reimbursement..............................................25
         3.b.     Risk Participations........................................26
         3.c.     Commission and Transaction Fees............................27
         3.d.     Additional Amounts Payable.................................28
         3.e.     Place and Application of Payments -- Calculation of 
         3.f.     Presentment and Collection.................................29
         3.g.     Proceeds of the Floating Rate Notes........................29
         3.h.     Cancellation Fee...........................................29


Section 4.    REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.................................30

         4.a.     Organization of ADESA and Funding..........................30
         4.b.     Authorization: No Conflict.................................30
         4.c.     Validity and Binding Nature................................30
         4.d.     Financial Statements.......................................31
         4.e.     Litigation and Contingent Liabilities......................31
         4.f.     Liens......................................................31
         4.g.     Employee Benefit Plans.....................................31
         4.h.     Payment of Taxes...........................................31
         4.i.     Investment Company Act.....................................32
         4.j.     Regulation U...............................................32
         4.k.     Hazardous Substances.......................................32
         4.l.     Other Representations......................................32
         4.m.     The Subsidiaries...........................................33
         4.n.     Corporate Names............................................33

Section 5.    COLLATERAL FOR THE OBLIGATIONS.................................33

         5.a.     The ADESA Security Agreement...............................33
         5.b.     Guaranties.................................................34
         5.c.     The Mortgages..............................................34
         5.d.     Subsidiary Security Agreements -- Subsidiary Pledge 
         5.e.     Pledged Notes..............................................36
         5.f.     Sinking Fund Reserve.......................................37
         5.g.     Pledge of Investment Account B.............................38
         5.h.     Pledge of Stock of Funding and the Subsidiaries............38
         5.i.     Pledge of Inter-Company Notes, Inter-Company Security 
                   Agreements and Inter-Company Mortgages....................39
         5.j.     Agent as Collateral Agent for Banks........................40
         5.k.     Adjustments to Collateral..................................40

Section 6.    AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS..........................................41

         6.a.     Corporate Existence........................................41
         6.b.     Reports, Certificates and Other Information................41

                  (i)      Annual Statements.................................41
                  (ii)     Monthly Statements of ADESA.......................42
                  (iii)    Certificates......................................42
                  (iv)     Orders............................................42
                  (v)      Notice of Default or Litigation...................43
                  (vi)     Other Information.................................43
                  (vii)    Budget............................................43


         6.c.     Books, Records and Inspections.............................43
         6.d.     Insurance..................................................43
         6.e.     Taxes and Liabilities......................................43
         6.f.     Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements..........43
         6.g.     Financial Covenants........................................44

                  (i)      Tangible Capital Base.............................44
                  (ii)     Leverage..........................................44
                  (iii)    Coverage..........................................44
                  (iv)     Funded Debt.......................................44

         6.h.     Primary Banking Relationship...............................45
         6.i.     Investment Agency Account..................................45
         6.j.     Employee Benefit Plans.....................................45
         6.k.     Hazardous Substances.......................................45
         6.l.     Sinking Fund Reserve Payments..............................46
         6.m.     Obligations Under the Floating Rate Note Documents.........46

Section 7.    NEGATIVE COVENANTS OF ADESA....................................46

         7.a.     Restricted Payments........................................47
         7.b.     Liens......................................................47
         7.c.     Restriction on Granting Negative Pledges...................48
         7.d.     Guarantees, Loans or Advances..............................48
         7.e.     Mergers, Consolidations, Sales, Acquisition or Formation
                   of Subsidiaries...........................................49
         7.f.     Margin Stock...............................................50
         7.g.     Other Agreements...........................................50
         7.h.     Judgments..................................................50
         7.i.     Principal Office...........................................50
         7.j.     Hazardous Substances.......................................50
         7.k.     Debt.......................................................50
         7.l.     Limitation on Activities of Funding........................51

Section 8.    CONDITIONS OF LENDING..........................................51

         8.a.     No Default.................................................51
         8.b.     Documents to be Furnished at Closing.......................51
         8.c.     Documents to be Furnished at Time of Each Advance under the
                   ADESA Revolver and the Line of Credit.....................53

Section 9.    EVENTS OF DEFAULT..............................................53

         9.a.     Nonpayment of the Loans....................................53
         9.b.     Nonpayment of Monetary Obligations.........................53


         9.c.     Nonpayment of Other Indebtedness for Borrowed Money........53
         9.d.     Other Material Obligations.................................53
         9.e.     Bankruptcy, Insolvency, etc................................54
         9.f.     Warranties and Representations.............................54
         9.g.     Violations of Affirmative and Negative Covenants and
                   Floating Rate Note Document Obligations...................54
         9.h.     Failure to Make Sinking Fund Reserve Payments..............54
         9.i.     Failure to Make Mandatory Loan Reductions..................54
         9.j.     Noncompliance With Other Provisions of this Agreement......54
         9.k.     Noncompliance with the AFC Agreement and the AHC Loan 

Section 10.   EFFECT OF EVENT OF DEFAULT.....................................55

         10.a.    Acceleration of the Loans..................................55
         10.b.    Refusal to Reinstate an Interest Drawing...................55
         10.c.    Floating Rate Note Document Remedies.......................55
         10.d.    Deposit to Secure Payment of the Reimbursement Obligation..55
         10.e.    Other Remedies.............................................56

Section 11.   CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES........................................56

         11.a.    Change in Law..............................................56
         11.b.    Unavailability of Deposits or Inability to Ascertain, or 
                   Inadequacy Of, LIBOR or Interbank Rate.....................57
         11.c.    Increased Cost and Reduced Return..........................57
         11.d.    Lending Offices............................................58
         11.e.    Discretion of Bank as to Manner of Funding.................58

Section 12.   THE AGENT......................................................59

         12.a.    Appointment................................................59
         12.b.    Agent and its Affiliates...................................59
         12.c.    Action by Agent............................................59
         12.d.    Consultation with Experts..................................60
         12.e.    Liability of Agent: Credit Decision........................60
         12.f.    Costs and Expenses.........................................61
         12.g.    Indemnity..................................................61
         12.h.    Resignation of Agent and Successor Agent...................61
         12.i.    Reliance by ADESA..........................................62

Section 13.   MISCELLANEOUS..................................................62

         13.a.    Waiver.....................................................62
         13.b.    Payments Free of Withholding...............................62


         13.c.    Notices....................................................63
         13.d.    Costs, Expenses and Taxes..................................63
         13.e.    Non-Business Day...........................................64
         13.f.    Survival of Representations................................64
         13.g.    Successors and Assigns.....................................64
         13.h.    Participants and Note Assignees............................65
         13.i.    Assignment of Commitments by Banks.........................65
         13.j.    Amendments.................................................65
         13.k.    Set-Off....................................................66
         13.l.    Counterparts...............................................66
         13.m.    Severability...............................................66
         13.n.    Captions...................................................66
         13.o.    Governing Law - Jurisdiction...............................67
         13.p.    Prior Agreements, Etc......................................67

Signature Pages..............................................................67
Exhibit List.................................................................69
Schedule A...................................................................70
Schedule 4e..................................................................71
Schedule 4 m.................................................................72


                       (Incorporating a Pledge Agreement)

         ADESA CORPORATION, an Indiana corporation ("ADESA"), ADESA FUNDING
CORPORATION,  an Indiana corporation  ("Funding"),  and BANK ONE,  INDIANAPOLIS,
National  Association,  a national banking association with its principal office
in  Indianapolis,  Indiana,  as Agent  (the  "Agent"),  and the Banks  listed on
Schedule  A  attached  hereto  (each a  "Bank",  and  collectively  referred  to
hereafter  as the  "Banks")  agree that the Third  Amended and  Restated  Credit
Agreement  (Incorporating a Pledge Agreement) among ADESA,  Funding,  Automotive
Finance Corporation  ("AFC") and Bank One,  Indianapolis,  National  Association
("Bank One"),  dated June 30, 1994 and effective July 1, 1994, is hereby amended
and restated in its entirety so that hereafter it will read as follows:

         Section  1.  ACCOUNTING  TERMS  --  DEFINITIONS.   All  accounting  and
financial  terms used in this  Agreement  are used with the meanings  such terms
would be given in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
except  as may  be  otherwise  specifically  provided  in  this  Agreement.  The
following terms have the meanings indicated when used in this Agreement with the
initial letter capitalized:

a.      ADESA. "ADESA" is used as defined in the preamble.

b.      ADESA Revolver. "ADESA Revolver" is used as defined in Section 2.a.

c.      ADESA  Revolver  Commitment.   "ADESA  Revolver  Commitment"  means  the
        agreement  of the Banks to  extend  the ADESA  Revolver  in the  maximum
        principal amount set forth in Section 2.a.

d.      ADESA Revolving  Notes.  "ADESA  Revolving  Notes" is used as defined in
        Section 2.a(ii).

e.      ADESA Security Agreement.  "ADESA Security Agreement" is used as defined
        in Section 5.a.

f.      Advance.  "Advance"  means  a  disbursement  of  proceeds  of the  ADESA
        Revolver or the Line of Credit, as the context requires.

g.      AFC. "AFC" means  Automotive  Finance  Corporation and its  wholly-owned
        subsidiary, AFC Funding Corporation.

h.      AFC  Agreement.  "AFC  Agreement"  means that certain  Credit  Agreement
        between AFC and certain  Banks  parties  thereto,  dated April 25, 1995,
        under which ADESA has agreed to guarantee certain  obligations of AFC as
        more fully described therein.

i.      Agent.  "Agent"  means Bank One,  Indianapolis,  N.A. in its capacity as
        agent  for the Banks and not in its  individual  capacity  as one of the
        Banks, its successors and assigns as Agent hereunder.

j.      Aggregate Commitment.  "Aggregate Commitment" means the agreement of the
        Banks to extend the ADESA Revolver, the Letter of Credit and the Line of
        Credit to ADESA  until the  applicable  Maturity  Dates.  As the context
        requires,  the term may also refer to the individual  maximum  principal
        amount which may be outstanding  under each of the respective  Loans and
        the Maximum Available Credit.

k.      Agreement.  "Agreement"  means this Fourth  Amended and Restated  Credit
        Agreement among ADESA,  Funding, the Agent and the Banks, as it may from
        time to time be amended.

l.      AHC.  "AHC" means Asset  Holding  Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation,
        which holds 100% of the limited partnership  interests of Asset Holdings
        III, L.P.

m.      AHC  Lease  Transaction.  "AHC  Lease  Transaction"  means  the lease of
        auction  facilities  located in  Framingham,  Massachusetts,  Charlotte,
        North Carolina and Knoxville,  Tennessee by ADESA or a Subsidiary,  from
        AHC or its limited partnerships.

n.      AHC Loan  Agreement.  "AHC  Loan  Agreement"  means  that  certain  Note
        Purchase Agreement between Asset Holdings III, L.P. as Seller, Principal
        Mutual Life  Insurance  Company,  as Purchaser,  and ADESA as Guarantor,
        dated  November 22, 1994 together with a Collateral  Trust  Indenture of
        the same  date,  between  the  Seller and PNC Bank,  Kentucky,  Inc.  as
        Security  Trustee,  and  pursuant  to  which  ADESA  or  its  applicable
        Subsidiaries entered into AHC Lease Transactions.

o.      Applicable Letter of Credit and L/C Commission Rate.  "Applicable Letter
        of Credit and L/C Commission Rate" means the per annum rate at which the
        commissions  due to the Banks on  account of the Letter of Credit or any
        L/C on each  Commission Due Date will be calculated,  determined on each
        Commission  Due Date by reference to the ratio of ADESA's Funded Debt as
        of the end of the immediately  prior  Determinative  Quarter End, to its
        EBITDAL, for the four quarters ending on such Determinative Quarter End,
        in accordance with the following table:

           Ratio of Funded Debt                   Applicable
           to EBITDAL                             Letter of Credit and L/C
                                                  Commission Rate

           4.0:1.0 or Greater                          1.875%
           3.0 through 3.99:1.0                        1.625%
           2.0 through 2.99:1.0                        1.375%
           0.0 through 1.99:1.0                        1.125%

Initially,  the Applicable  Commission  Rate shall be determined  based upon the
ratio of Funded Debt to EBITDAL as of June 30, 1995. Thereafter,  the Applicable


Rate shall be determined and adjusted in the same manner as the determination of
"Applicable Spread" as that term is defined in Section 1(n).

p.      Applicable Spreads. "Applicable Spreads" mean the Prime-based Applicable
        Spread,  the  LIBOR-based   Applicable  Spread  or  the  Interbank-based
        Applicable Spread, as the context requires,  and shall be that number of
        percentage  points to be taken into account in determining the per annum
        rate at which interest will accrue on each of the ADESA Revolver, or the
        Line of Credit,  determined by reference to the ratio of ADESA's  Funded
        Debt, as of the end of the immediately prior Determinative  Quarter End,
        to its  EBITDAL  for the  four  quarters  ending  on such  Determinative
        Quarter End, in accordance with the following tables for each Loan:

        A.   ADESA Revolver

             Ratio of Funded Debt      Prime-based            LIBOR-based
             to EBITDAL                Applicable Spread      or Interbank-based
                                                              Applicable Spread

             4.0:1.0 or Greater            .75%                    2.50%
             3.0 through 3.99:1.0          .50%                    2.25%
             2.0 through 2.99:1.0           0%                     1.75%
             0.0 through 1.99:1.0           0%                     1.50%

        B.   Line of Credit

             Ratio of Funded                    Prime-based
             Debt to EBITDAL                    Applicable Spread
             4.0:1.0 or Greater                     .50%
             3.0 through 3.99:1.0                   .25%
             0.0 through 2.99:1.0                    0%

        Initially,  the  Applicable  Spreads shall be determined  based upon the
        ratio of Funded  Debt to EBITDAL as of June 30,  1995.  Thereafter,  the
        Applicable  Spreads  shall be  determined  on the basis of the financial
        statements  of ADESA  for each  fiscal  quarter  furnished  to the Agent
        pursuant to the requirements of Section 6.b(ii) with prospective  effect
        for the following fiscal quarter. Interest will accrue and be payable in
        any  fiscal  quarter  on the basis of the  Applicable  Spreads in effect
        during the preceding fiscal quarter until ADESA's  financial  statements
        for the  preceding  fiscal  quarter are  delivered to the Agent.  On the
        first  interest  payment date which follows  delivery of such  financial
        statements in any fiscal  quarter,  an appropriate  adjustment  shall be
        made for interest  accrued and paid on prior  interest  payment dates in
        that  quarter,  any  overpayment  being  credited  against the  interest
        payment  then due and  payable by ADESA to the Banks and any  deficiency
        being then due and payable by ADESA to the Banks. It is noted that the


        above tables  provide  Applicable  Spreads for a ratio of Funded Debt to
        EBITDAL  greater than that which will be permissible  under the terms of
        Section  6.g(v) prior to the Maturity Date of the ADESA Revolver and the
        Letter of Credit.  For the avoidance of doubt it is noted that it is the
        intent of the  parties  that the  Banks  shall be free to  exercise  all
        remedies  otherwise  provided  in this  Agreement  in the  event  of the
        violation   by  ADESA  of  the  covenant   stated  in  Section   6.g(v),
        notwithstanding the accrual of interest on the Loans at rates determined
        in accordance with this definition.

q.      Application  for  Loan  Advance.   "Application  for  Loan  Advance"  or
        "Application"  means, as the context requires,  a written application of
        ADESA for a  disbursement  of proceeds of the ADESA Revolver or the Line
        of Credit, substantially in the form of Exhibit "A" attached hereto.

r.      Authorized Officer.  "Authorized Officer" means the President, the Chief
        Financial Officer or the Chief Accounting Officer of ADESA or such other
        officer  whose  authority  to perform  acts to be  performed  only by an
        Authorized Officer under the terms of this Agreement is evidenced to the
        Agent by a certified copy of an  appropriate  resolution of the Board of
        Directors of ADESA.

s.      Bank One. "Bank One" is used as defined in the preamble.

t.      Banks. "Banks" is used as defined in the preamble.

u.      Banking Day.  "Banking Day" means a day on which the principal office of
        the Agent in the City of Indianapolis,  Indiana, is open for the purpose
        of conducting substantially all of the Agent's business activities;  and
        if the  applicable  Banking Day relates to the borrowing or payment of a
        LIBOR-based Rate Advance or an  Interbank-based  Rate Advance,  a day on
        which banks are dealing in United States Dollars in the interbank market
        in London, England, Grand Cayman, British West Indies, the United States
        and Canada.

v.      Blocked Account. "Blocked Account" is used as defined in Section 3.a.

w.      Business  Day.  "Business  Day"  means any day which is not a  Saturday,
        Sunday, a day on which the New York Stock Exchange is closed, or a legal
        holiday on which  either  the  Agent's  principal  office in the City of
        Indianapolis,  Indiana,  or the  principal  office of the Trustee in the
        City of Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, is authorized to remain closed; and
        if the applicable  Business Day relates to the borrowing or payment of a
        LIBOR-based Rate Advance or an  Interbank-based  Rate Advance,  a day on
        which banks are dealing in United States Dollars in the interbank market
        in London, England, Grand Cayman, British West Indies, the United States
        and Canada.

x.      Code. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

y.      Commission Due Date. "Commission Due Date" is used as defined in Section


z.      Commitment.  "Commitment"  means for each Bank,  its  commitment to make
        Loans in the amount set forth on Schedule A,  together  with each Bank's
        share of the Maximum Available Credit exposure for the Letter of Credit.

aa.     Coverage.  "Coverage"  means the ratio computed on a consolidated  basis
        (exclusive  of AFC)  for each  period  of four  (4)  consecutive  fiscal
        quarters  of ADESA equal to the sum of ADESA's  consolidated  net income
        plus depreciating  amortization expense,  excluding amortization related
        to any  environmental  liabilities,  and  interest  expense,  plus lease
        expenses  related to any AHC Lease  Transaction,  plus or minus gains or
        losses from the sale of assets or other extraordinary gain or loss items
        (net of any related tax benefits),  plus or minus any change in deferred
        income  taxes,  over the sum of  principal  payments  on  unsubordinated
        long-term debt plus interest expense,  capital  expenditures,  and lease
        expenses  related to any AHC Lease  Transaction.  For  purposes  of this
        definition,  capital  expenditures  shall mean all capital  expenditures
        except those expressly related to the acquisition or start-up of an auto
        auction, or which are funded with purchase money financing.

bb.     Credit Document. The term "Credit Document" includes this Agreement, the
        Notes, the Mortgages, the Security Agreements,  the Guaranty Agreements,
        the Pledge Agreement,  the ECIDA Lease, any Reimbursement  Agreement and
        any  other  instrument  or  document  which  evidences  or  secures  the
        Obligations  or any of them or which  expresses an agreement as to terms
        applicable to the Obligations or any of them.

cc.     Determinative Quarter End.  "Determinative Quarter End" means, as of any
        date the  Applicable  Letter of Credit  Commission  Rate,  an Applicable
        Spread, or the Unused Commitment Fee is to be determined, the end of the
        most recent  fiscal  quarter of ADESA for which  consolidated  financial
        statements  are  then  required  to have  been  furnished  to the  Agent
        pursuant to the  requirements of Section 6.b,  provided that the initial
        Determinative Quarter End for this Agreement shall be June 30, 1995.

dd.     Drawing.  "Drawing" means an Interest Drawing,  a Principal Drawing or a
        Remarketing Drawing as the context requires, and when used in the plural
        form, refers to all or any combination of them.

ee.     EBITDAL.  "EBITDAL"  means  ADESA's  net income plus  interest  expense,
        income  taxes,   depreciation,   and  amortization  expense,   excluding
        amortization  related  to  any  environmental  liabilities,  plus  lease
        expenses  under AHC Lease  Transactions,  determined  on a  consolidated
        basis, exclusive of AFC.

ff.     ERISA.  "ERISA"  means the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of
        1974, as amended.

gg.     Event of Default.  "Event of Default" means any of the events  described
        in Section 9.

hh.     Floating Rate Note Documents.  "Floating Rate Note Documents"  means the
        Floating  Rate  Notes,  the Trust  Indenture  and any other  document or
        agreement executed by ADESA or Funding as an incident to the issuance of
        the Floating Rate Notes other than the Credit Documents.

ii.     Floating  Rate Notes.  "Floating  Rate Notes" means the  $35,000,000  in
        aggregate  principal amount of ADESA Funding  Corporation  Floating Rate
        Notes issued by Funding pursuant to the Trust Indenture.

jj.     Funded  Debt.  "Funded  Debt"  means  all  liabilities  of ADESA and its
        Subsidiaries  (excluding  liabilities  of AFC) for  borrowed  money plus
        indebtedness  incurred  under AHC Lease  Transactions  plus  capitalized
        leases plus the amount of ADESA's  guaranty to  repurchase  AFC's dealer
        receivables under the AFC Agreement less the balance in the Sinking Fund
        Reserve, and less the restricted cash equivalents of AHC.

kk.     Funding. "Funding" is used as defined in the preamble.

ll.     Guaranty Agreements. "Guaranty Agreements" means all or any combination,
        as the context requires, of the guaranty agreements described in Section
        5.b,  and when used in the  singular  form,  refers to  whichever of the
        Guaranty Agreements the context requires.

mm.     Hazardous Substance.  "Hazardous Substance" means any hazardous or toxic
        substance regulated by any federal, state, Canadian, Canadian provincial
        or  local  statute  or  regulation  including  but  not  limited  to the
        Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation and Liability Act,
        the  Resource  Conservation  and  Recovery  Act and the Toxic  Substance
        Control Act, or by any federal, state, Canadian,  Canadian provincial or
        local governmental  agencies having jurisdiction over the control of any
        such   substance   including  but  not  limited  to  the  United  States
        Environmental Protection Agency.

nn.     Interbank-based Applicable Spread.  "Interbank-based  Applicable Spread"
        means that  Applicable  Spread added to the Interbank  Rate to equal the
        Interbank-based  Rate in accordance  with the tables set forth under the
        definition of Applicable Spreads.

oo.     Interbank-based Rate.  "Interbank-based  Rate" means that per annum rate
        of interest  which is equal to the  Interbank  Rate plus the  Applicable

pp.     Interbank  Rate.  "Interbank  Rate" means for each  Interest  Period for
        which ADESA has requested to borrow funds in Canadian  dollars under the
        ADESA  Revolver,  the per annum rate of  interest  at which  deposits in
        Canadian  dollars for a period equal to such  Interest  Period and in an
        amount  equal to the relevant  Advance,  would be offered by the Agent's
        Grand Cayman Branch,  Grand Cayman,  British West Indies, to major banks
        in  the  offshore  interbank  market  upon  request  of  such  banks  at
        approximately 10:00 A.M. New York time two (2) Banking Days prior to the
        commencement of such Interest Period.


qq.     Inter-Company Notes. "Inter-Company Notes" means all or any combination,
        as the context  requires,  of the promissory  notes described as such in
        Section 5.i, and when used in the singular form,  means whichever of the
        Inter-Company Notes the context requires.

rr.     Inter-Company Security Agreements.  "Inter-Company  Security Agreements"
        means all or any combination,  as the context requires,  of the Security
        Agreements  described  as such in  Section  5.i,  and  when  used in the
        singular form, means whichever of the Inter-Company  Security Agreements
        the context requires.

ss.     Interest Drawing. "Interest Drawing" is used as defined in the Letter of

tt.     Interest Payment Date.  "Interest Payment Date" means any Banking Day on
        which accrued interest becomes due and payable on any of the Loans.

uu.     Interest Period. "Interest Period" means with respect to Canadian dollar
        loans,  a period of three  months or six months  selected by ADESA,  and
        with respect to  LIBOR-based  Rate  Advances a period of one month,  two
        months, three months, four months, five months or six months selected by

vv.     Investment  Account  A.  "Investment  Account  A" is used as  defined in
        Section 5.f.

ww.     Investment  Account  B.  "Investment  Account  B" is used as  defined in
        Section 6.i.

xx.     L/C. "L/C" is used as defined in Section 2.b.

yy.     Letter of Credit. "Letter of Credit" is used as defined in Section 3.

zz.     Leverage.   "Leverage"   means  the  ratio  of  ADESA's   Unsubordinated
        Liabilities to its Tangible  Capital Base,  determined on a consolidated
        basis exclusive of AFC.

aaa.    LIBOR-based  Applicable  Spread.  "LIBOR-based  Applicable Spread" means
        that  Applicable  Spread added to the London  Interbank  Offered Rate to
        equal the  LIBOR-based  Rate,  in  accordance  with the tables set forth
        under the definitions of Applicable Spreads.

bbb.    LIBOR-based Rate and London Interbank Offered Rate.  "LIBOR-based  Rate"
        means  that per  annum  rate of  interest  which is equal to the  London
        Interbank  Offered Rate plus the Applicable  Spread.  "London  Interbank
        Offered Rate" means the per annum rate of interest, as determined by the
        Agent,  at which  dollar  deposits in  immediately  available  funds are
        offered to the principal banks in the London  interbank  market by other
        principal   banks  in  that  market  two  Banking   Days  prior  to  the
        commencement  of an Interest Period for which ADESA shall have requested
        a quotation  of the rate in amounts  equal to the amount for which ADESA
        shall have  requested a quotation  of the rate,  increased  by an amount
        equal to any increase, as reasonably determined by any Bank, in


        the cost to such Bank of  obtaining  such  deposits  resulting  from the
        imposition of any additional reserves or from any increase in the amount
        of  reserves   presently  required  by  any  United  States  or  foreign
        governmental  authority  including,  but not limited to, any marginal or
        extraordinary  reserves imposed to give effect to monetary  policy.  Any
        determination  by any Bank of increased  costs of  maintaining  deposits
        made  pursuant to the  provisions  of the  preceding  sentence  shall be
        final, absent manifest error; provided,  however, that the determination
        of the amount  necessary to compensate any Bank for any increased  costs
        shall be made in a manner which is  consistent  with the manner in which
        such Bank generally applies similar provisions to comparable borrowers.

ccc.    Line of Credit. "Line of Credit" is used as defined in Section 2.b.

ddd.    Line of  Credit  Commitment.  "Line  of  Credit  Commitment"  means  the
        agreement  of the  Banks to  extend  the Line of  Credit to ADESA in the
        maximum principal amount set forth in Section 2.b(i).

eee.    Line of Credit  Notes.  "Line of Credit  Notes"  is used as  defined  in
        Section 2.b(ii).

fff.    Loan.  "Loan" means any of the ADESA Revolver,  or the Line of Credit as
        the context  requires,  and when used in the plural form, refers to both
        of such Loans.

ggg.    Maturity  Date.  "Maturity  Date" means June 30,  1998,  as to the ADESA
        Revolver;  June 30, 1996, as to the Line of Credit; and June 30, 1998 as
        to the Letter of Credit; and hereafter any  subsequent date to which any
        of the  Commitments may be extended by the Bank pursuant to the terms of
        Sections 2.a. and 2.b. and 3.

hhh.    Maximum  Available Credit.  "Maximum  Available Credit" means, as of the
        date of this Agreement,  the sum of $22,847,762.50,  and hereafter shall
        mean the maximum  amount  available to be drawn by the Trustee under the
        Letter of Credit  for  principal  and  interest  due on  account  of the
        Floating  Rate Notes upon (i) mandatory or optional  redemption  of the
        Floating Rate Notes,  (ii) mandatory or optional  tender of the Floating
        Rate Notes,  or (iii) on account of  acceleration  of the Floating  Rate
        Notes following the occurrence of an Event of Default.

iii.    Mortgages.  "Mortgages" as used in this Agreement refers collectively to
        all of the  mortgages  and  deeds  of  trust,  including  the  leasehold
        mortgage,  referred  to in Section  5.c.  The term may also refer to any
        combination  of such  mortgages  and  deeds  of  trust  required  by the
        context,  and when used in the singular form, refers to whichever of the
        Mortgages the context requires.

jjj.    Notes.  "Notes"  means any of the  ADESA  Revolving  Notes,  the Line of
        Credit Notes or the Canadian  dollar Notes,  payable to the order of the
        respective Banks and  substantially in the form of Exhibits "B", "C" and
        "D" to this Agreement.


kkk.    Obligations.  "Obligations"  means all  obligations of ADESA in favor of
        the  Agent  and the  Banks of  every  type and  description,  direct  or
        indirect,  absolute or contingent, due or to become due, now existing or
        hereafter  arising,  including  but  not  limited  to:  (i)  all of such
        obligations  on  account of the ADESA  Revolver  and the Line of Credit,
        including any Advances made pursuant to any extension of the Commitments
        beyond their initial  Maturity Dates, or pursuant to any other amendment
        of this Agreement, (ii) ADESA's duty to reimburse Bank One with interest
        as  provided  in this  Agreement  for all  amounts  paid by Bank  One on
        account of the Letter of Credit,  (iii)  ADESA's  duty  pursuant  to the
        terms of  Section  10.d of this  Agreement  to pay to the Agent upon the
        occurrence of an Event of Default,  at the Required Banks' election,  an
        amount  equal to the  Maximum  Available  Credit,  (iv)  all of  ADESA's
        obligations  under  each  Reimbursement  Agreement,  and (v)  all  other
        obligations  of ADESA arising under any Credit  Document as amended from
        time to time.

lll.    Officer's  Certificate.  "Officer's  Certificate" means a certificate in
        the form included as a part of Exhibit "A" attached  hereto signed by an
        Authorized Officer of ADESA,  confirming that all of the representations
        and  warranties  contained in Section 4 of this  Agreement  are true and
        correct as of the date of such certificate  except as specified therein,
        and with the further  exceptions  that the  representation  contained in
        Section 4.d.  shall be construed so as to refer to the latest  financial
        statements  which have been furnished to the Banks as of the date of any
        Officer's  Certificate and that the representation  contained in Section
        4.m.  shall be deemed to be  amended  to reflect  the  existence  of any
        Subsidiary  hereafter formed or acquired by ADESA. The Certificate shall
        further  confirm that no Event of Default or Unmatured  Event of Default
        shall have occurred and be continuing as of the date of the  Certificate
        or shall  describe any such event which shall have  occurred and be then
        continuing and the steps being taken by ADESA to correct it.

mmm.    Original  Agreement.  "Original  Agreement"  means the Credit  Agreement
        among ADESA,  Funding and Bank One dated March 26, 1992, as amended by a
        "First  Amendment  to Credit  Agreement"  dated April 22,  1992;  and as
        amended and restated by the Amended and Restated Credit  Agreement dated
        November 5, 1992, as amended by an Amendment dated January 30, 1993, and
        as further  amended by a Second  Amendment  dated June 30, 1993;  and as
        amended and restated by a Second Amended and Restated  Credit  Agreement
        dated August 16, 1993, as amended by a First  Amendment dated January 6,
        1994, and as amended and restated by a Third Amended and Restated Credit
        Agreement dated June 30, 1994 and effective July 1, 1994 as amended by a
        Letter of Amendment dated April 19, 1995.

nnn.    Person. "Person" means any individual,  corporation,  estate, general or
        limited   partnership,   limited  liability   company,   joint  venture,
        association,  joint stock  company,  trust  (including  any  beneficiary
        thereof),  unincorporated  organization  or  government or any agency or
        political subdivision thereof.


ooo.    Plan. "Plan" means an employee pension benefit plan as defined in ERISA.

ppp.    Pledge Agreement. "Pledge Agreement" is used as defined in Section 5.h.

qqq.    Pledged Notes. "Pledged Notes" is used as defined in Section 5.e.

rrr.    Prepayment  Premium.  "Prepayment  Premium" means the excess, if any, as
        determined  by the  Agent  of:  (i) the  present  value  at the  time of
        prepayment  of the  interest  payments  which would have been payable on
        account of the amount prepaid from the date of prepayment  until the end
        of  the  period  during  which   interest  would  have  accrued  at  the
        LIBOR-based  Rate or the  Interbank-based  Rate but for prepayment  over
        (ii) the present value at the time of  prepayment  of interest  payments
        calculated at the rate (the "Reinvestment Rate") which each of the Banks
        then  reasonably   estimates  it  would  receive  upon  reinvesting  the
        principal  amount of the  prepayment in an obligation  which  presents a
        credit risk substantially  similar (as determined in accordance with the
        commercial credit rating system then used by the Banks) to that which is
        then presented by the ADESA Revolver for a period approximately equal to
        the balance of the period  during  which  interest  would  accrue on the
        portion  of the  ADESA  Revolver  prepaid  at the  LIBOR-based  Rate  or
        Interbank-based Rate, but for prepayment. The discount rate used by each
        Bank  in   determining   such  present   values  shall  be  such  Bank's
        Reinvestment Rate.

sss.    Prime-based Applicable Spread.  "Prime-based  Applicable Spread" is that
        Applicable Spread added to the Prime Rate to equal the Prime-based Rate,
        in  accordance  with the  tables  set  forth  under  the  definition  of
        Applicable Spreads.

ttt.    Prime-based  Rate.  "Prime-based  Rate"  means  that per  annum  rate of
        interest which is equal to the Prime Rate plus the Applicable Spread.

uuu.    Prime Rate.  "Prime Rate" means a variable per annum interest rate equal
        at all times to the rate of interest established and quoted by the Agent
        as its  Prime  Rate,  such rate to  change  contemporaneously  with each
        change  in  such  established  and  quoted  rate,  provided  that  it is
        understood that the Prime Rate shall not  necessarily be  representative
        of the rate of  interest  actually  charged  by the Agent on any loan or
        class of loans.

vvv.    Principal Drawing.  "Principal Drawing" is used as defined in the Letter
        of Credit.

www.    Qualified Investments. "Qualified Investments" means cash, United States
        Government and United States  Government Agency  securities,  commercial
        paper  rated  A-1+ by  Standard & Poor's  Corporation  or P-1 by Moody's
        Investors  Service,  Inc.,  certificates of deposit of commercial  banks
        whose  certificates of deposit are rated AA/A-1+ or higher by Standard &
        Poor's  Corporation or enjoy the equivalent  rating by Moody's Investors
        Service,  Inc. or shares of investment  companies or units of investment
        in common  trust  funds the  assets of which,  in either  case,  consist
        entirely of cash and high quality, money


        market securities,  provided that no specific security or certificate of
        deposit  shall be a qualified  investment if it has a maturity more than
        thirteen (13) months from the date of purchase.

xxx.    Reimbursement Agreement. "Reimbursement Agreement" is used as defined in
        Section 2.b(v).

yyy.    Remarketing Agent.  "Remarketing  Agent" is used as defined in the Trust

zzz.    Remarketing  Drawing.  "Remarketing  Drawing"  is used as defined in the
        Letter of Credit.

aaaa.   Required Banks.  "Required Banks" means Banks in the aggregate having at
        least  66-2/3%  of the  Commitments  or,  if the  Commitments  have been
        terminated,  Banks in the  aggregate  holding  at least  66-2/3%  of the
        aggregate unpaid  principal  amount of the outstanding  Advances and the
        Maximum Available Credit under the Letter of Credit.

bbbb.   Security Agreements. "Security Agreements" means all or any combination,
        as the context  requires,  of those  Security  Agreements  described  in
        Sections 5.a. and 5.d.,  and when used in the singular  form,  refers to
        whichever of the Security Agreements the context requires. 

cccc.   Sinking Fund Reserve. "Sinking Fund Reserve" is used as defined in
        Section 5.f.

dddd.   Subordinated Debt.  "Subordinated  Debt" means the indebtedness owed by
        ADESA  to  Minnesota  Power  &  Light  Co.  ("MPL")  or  a  wholly-owned
        subsidiary thereof, in a principal amount not to exceed $20,000,000, and
        any  indebtedness of ADESA or a Subsidiary  which is subordinated to all
        of the  Obligations  on such  terms  that such  indebtedness  is, in the
        judgment of the Required  Banks,  reasonably  exercised and confirmed in
        writing by the Agent to ADESA,  the  functional  equivalent of equity in
        relation to the Obligations.

eeee.   Subordination  Agreement.  "Subordination  Agreement" means that certain
        agreement among ADESA, MPL, or a wholly-owned  subsidiary  thereof,  and
        the Agent  regarding  the  subordination  of  advances  from  MPL,  or a
        wholly-owned subsidiary thereof to ADESA to the Obligations.

ffff.   Subsidiary.  "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation,  general  or  limited
        partnership,  limited liability company, joint venture or other business
        entity other than Funding over which ADESA exercises  control,  provided
        that it shall be conclusively presumed that ADESA exercises control over
        any such entity 51% or more of the equity  interest in which is owned by
        ADESA,  directly or  indirectly.  When used in the plural form, the term
        refers  collectively to all of such  Subsidiaries or such combination of
        them as the context requires.


gggg.   Subsidiary Pledge Agreements. The term "Subsidiary Pledge Agreements" is
        used as defined in Section 5.d. and when used in the singular  form, the
        term refers to whichever of the Subsidiary Pledge Agreements the context

hhhh.   Subsidiary   Security   Agreements.   The  term   "Subsidiary   Security
        Agreements" means all or any combination,  as the context  requires,  of
        the security  agreements  described in Section 5.d, and when used in the
        singular form, refers to whichever of the Subsidiary Security Agreements
        the context requires.

iiii.   Tangible  Capital  Base.  "Tangible  Capital  Base",   determined  on  a
        consolidated   basis   exclusive   of  AFC,   means   the   consolidated
        shareholders'  equity of ADESA plus Subordinated Debt less any allowance
        for  goodwill,  patents,  trademarks,  trade  secrets,   non-competition
        agreements,  loans or advances to unrelated  Persons (not constituting a
        loan or advance  made by ADESA in the ordinary  course of business)  and
        any other assets which would be classified  as  intangible  assets under
        generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  and less any related party
        receivables.  As used in this  definition,  the  phrase  "related  party
        receivables"  means all  accounts,  notes and other amounts due from any
        party which,  directly or indirectly,  controls,  is controlled by or is
        under common control with ADESA, to the extent that such receivables are
        not otherwise  eliminated from the consolidated  shareholders' equity of
        ADESA in the process of  consolidation,  provided that the term "related
        party  receivables" shall not include any accounts arising on account of
        services  rendered  or  goods  sold by ADESA  or any  Subsidiary  in the
        ordinary  course of the  business of ADESA and its  Subsidiaries  as now

jjjj.   Tender Date. "Tender Date" is used as defined in the Trust Indenture.

kkkk.   Trust Indenture.  "Trust  Indenture"  means the Trust Indenture  between
        Funding and the Trustee dated as of April 1, 1992, pursuant to which the
        Floating Rate Notes were issued.

llll.   Trustee.  "Trustee"  means  CoreStates  Bank,  N.A.  in its  capacity as
        Trustee under the Trust Indenture and any successor Trustee.

mmmm.   Unmatured Event of Default. "Unmatured Event of Default" means any event
        specified in Section 9, which is not initially an Event of Default,  but
        which would,  if uncured,  become an Event of Default with the giving of
        notice or the passage of time or both.

nnnn.   Unsubordinated  Liabilities.  "Unsubordinated  Liabilities" means all of
        ADESA's  consolidated  total liabilities and the outstanding  balance of
        all  indebtedness  of  AHC  (excluding  liabilities  of  AFC)  less  the
        Subordinated Debt less the balance in the Sinking Fund Reserve, and less
        the restricted cash equivalents of AHC.

oooo.   Unused Commitment Fee. "Unused  Commitment Fee" means a per annum fee to
        be paid to the Banks,  calculated and paid quarterly in arrears,  on the
        difference between the ADESA Revolver  Commitment,  as reduced from time
        to time for principal payments


        required  to be made by  ADESA,  and the  amount  of the  average  daily
        outstanding  principal  balance under the ADESA Revolver,  determined by
        reference  to the ratio of  ADESA's  Funded  Debt,  as of the end of the
        immediately  prior  Determinative  Quarter End, to its EBITDAL,  for the
        four quarters  ending on such  Determinative  Quarter End, in accordance
        with the following table:

          Ratio of Funded Debt                        Per Annum
          to EBITDAL                                  Unused Fee

          4.0:1.0 or Greater                           .375%
          3.0 through 3.99:1.0                         .25%
          2.0 through 2.99:1.0                         .1875%
          0.0 through 1.99:1.0                         .125%

        Section 2. THE LOANS. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, the Banks severally agree to make the loans described in this Section

a.      ADESA Revolver. The Banks severally will make a revolving loan available
        to ADESA on the following terms and conditions:

           (i)    The ADESA Revolver Commitment. From the date hereof, and until
                  the Banking Day next  preceding the Maturity  Date,  the Banks
                  will make  Advances  from time to time to ADESA of amounts not
                  exceeding, in the aggregate at any time outstanding, Fifty-Two
                  Million and No/100  Dollars  ($52,000,000)  as  increased  and
                  decreased  from time to time as  hereinafter  set forth.  All
                  Advances hereunder are collectively  referred to as the "ADESA
                  Revolver"  and  the  maximum  principal  amount  that  may  be
                  outstanding  under  the  ADESA  Revolver  as of any date  such
                  amount  is to be  determined  is  referred  to as  the  "ADESA
                  Revolver  Commitment".  The ADESA Revolver Commitment shall be
                  made  available to ADESA as follows:  Advances under Tranche A
                  shall  be  available  up to an  initial  principal  amount  of
                  $12,000,000  from the date  hereof  until  October 1, 1995 and
                  increasing to  $25,000,000  from October 1, 1995 until January
                  1, 1996, and  increasing to  $32,000,000  from January 1, 1996
                  until the Maturity  Date.  Advances  under  Tranche B shall be
                  available  up to an initial  principal  amount of  $20,000,000
                  from the date hereof  until  October 1, 1995 on which date and
                  on each  subsequent  January 1, April 1, July 1 and  October 1
                  thereafter  until the Maturity Date, the amount  available for
                  Advances  under Tranche B shall  decrease by $715,000.  In the
                  event that  Advances  outstanding  under  Tranche B exceed the
                  amount  available  on each  January  1,  April  1,  July 1 and
                  October 1 after giving  effect to the required  reduction  set
                  forth  above,  ADESA shall on such dates and  without  demand,
                  immediately repay such excess to the Agent for the


                  ratable  benefit  of the Banks  entitled  thereto.  All of the
                  Conditions   of  Lending   set  forth  in  Section  8  hereof,
                  applicable  to the  ADESA  Revolver  must  have  been and must
                  continue to be met at the time of each Advance,  and provided,
                  further,  that no Bank  shall make  Advances  in excess of its
                  Commitment  as set forth in  Schedule A attached  hereto.  All
                  Advances  under the ADESA Revolver shall first be funded under
                  Tranche B, except for Advances  requested in Canadian dollars,
                  pursuant  to  Section  2.a.(vi)  hereof.  All  prepayments  of
                  principal shall first be applied to the outstanding  principal
                  balance  of Tranche A and no  prepayment  of Tranche B will be
                  permitted until the outstanding principal balance of Tranche A
                  is -0-.  Proceeds  of the ADESA  Revolver  may only be used to
                  restate and extend the  outstanding  indebtedness  of ADESA to
                  Bank One under the Original Agreement,  to finance acquisition
                  and/or  development of auction  locations owned or to be owned
                  by ADESA  or a  Subsidiary,  and for  expenditures  for  fixed

           (ii)   Method  of  Borrowing.  The  obligation  of ADESA to repay the
                  ADESA Revolver shall be evidenced by the promissory notes (The
                  "Revolving  Notes") of ADESA payable to each of the respective
                  Banks  in the  form of  Exhibit  "B".  So long as no  Event of
                  Default or Unmatured  Event of Default shall have occurred and
                  be continuing  and until the applicable  Maturity Date,  ADESA
                  may borrow,  repay or reborrow under the ADESA Revolver on any
                  Banking Day,  provided  that no borrowing  may cause the total
                  amount outstanding to exceed the ADESA Revolver  Commitment as
                  in effect from time to time as set forth in Section 2.a(i), or
                  may  result in an Event of Default  or an  Unmatured  Event of
                  Default.  Each  Advance  under  the  ADESA  Revolver  shall be
                  conditioned  upon receipt by the Agent of an  Application  for
                  Advance and an Officer's Certificate,  provided that the Agent
                  may,  at its  discretion,  make a  disbursement  upon the oral
                  request  of ADESA  made by an  Authorized  Officer,  or upon a
                  request  transmitted  to  the  Agent  by  telephone  facsimile
                  ("fax")  machine,  or by any other form of written  electronic
                  communication  (all such requests for Advances being hereafter
                  referred to as "informal  requests").  In so doing,  the Agent
                  may  rely  on any  informal  request  which  shall  have  been
                  received by it in good faith from a person resonably  believed
                  to be an Authorized  Officer.  Each informal  request shall be
                  promptly   confirmed  by  a  duly  executed   Application  and
                  Officer's  Certificate  if the Agent so requires  and shall in
                  and of itself  constitute the  representation of ADESA that no
                  Event of Default or  Unmatured  Event of Default has  occurred
                  and is  continuing  or would  result  from the  making  of the
                  rquested Advance and that the making of the requested  Advance
                  shall not cause the principal balance of the ADESA Revolver to
                  exceed  the ADESA  Revolver  Commitment.  All  borrowings  and
                  reborrowings  and all  repayments  shall be in  amounts of not
                  less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars


                  ($250,000),  except  for  repayment  of the  entire  principal
                  balance  of the ADESA  Revolver.  The  principal  of the ADESA
                  Revolver may be prepaid at any time, subject to the payment of
                  the Prepayment  Premium,  if  applicable,  pursuant to Section
                  2.c(iii).  Upon  receipt and approval of an  Application,  the
                  Agent  shall  make  an  Advance  in  the  amount  approved  in
                  accordance with the  instructions in the Application and shall
                  be  made  ratably  from  the  Banks  in  proportion  to  their
                  respective Commitments in accordance with Section 2.d. hereof.
                  The Agent  shall give  prompt  telephonic,  telex or  telecopy
                  notice to each of the Banks of any  Advance  request  received
                  from ADESA and,  if such notice  requests  the Banks to make a
                  LIBOR-based Rate Advance or an  Interbank-based  Rate Advance,
                  the Agent  shall give notice to ADESA and each of the Banks by
                  any such means of the interest rate  applicable  thereto (but,
                  if such notice is given by telephone,  the Agent shall confirm
                  such rate in writing)  promptly  after the Agent has made such
                  determination  of the  applicable  rate.  All  Advances by the
                  Banks and  payments by ADESA shall be recorded by the Banks on
                  their books and records,  and the principal amount outstanding
                  from time to time,  plus interest  payable  thereon,  shall be
                  determined by reference to the books and records of the Banks.
                  The Banks' and  Agent's  books and  records  shall be presumed
                  prima facie to be correct as to such matters.

           (iii)  Interest on the ADESA  Revolver.  The principal  amount of the
                  ADESA  Revolver  outstanding  from  time  to time  shall  bear
                  interest  until  maturity of the ADESA  Revolver at a rate per
                  annum  equal to the  Prime-based  Rate,  except that ADESA may
                  elect  to  have  interest  accrue  at a  LIBOR-based  Rate  in
                  accordance with Section 2.c. hereof.  After maturity,  whether
                  on the Maturity  Date or on account of  acceleration  upon the
                  occurrence of an Event of Default, and until paid in full, the
                  ADESA  Revolver  shall bear interest at a per annum rate equal
                  to the Prime-based Rate plus two percent (2%),  except that as
                  to any portion of the ADESA  Revolver for which ADESA may have
                  elected a LIBOR-based Rate for an Interest Period that has not
                  expired  at  maturity,   or  after  such   determination,   as
                  applicable,  such portion shall,  during the remainder of such
                  Interest   Period,   bear  interest  at  the  greater  of  the
                  Prime-based  Rate  plus two  percent  (2%) per annum or at the
                  LIBOR-based  Rate,  plus two percent  (2%) per annum.  Accrued
                  interest  shall  be due and  payable  quarterly  on the  first
                  Banking Day of each  October,  January,  April and July and at
                  maturity,  except that interest accruing at a LIBOR-based Rate
                  shall be payable as set forth in Section 2.c (ii) and interest
                  accruing  at an  Interbank-based  Rate shall be payable as set
                  forth in Section  2.a(vi).  After maturity,  interest shall be
                  payable as accrued and without demand.

           (iv)   Extensions of Maturity  Date.  The Banks may, upon the request
                  of  ADESA,  but at the  Banks'  sole  discretion,  extend  the
                  Maturity Date of the


                  ADESA  Revolver from time to time to such date or dates as the
                  Banks may elect by notice in  writing  to ADESA,  and upon any
                  such extension and upon execution and delivery by ADESA of new
                  ADESA Revolving Notes  reflecting the extended  maturity date,
                  the  date to  which  the  ADESA  Revolver  Commitment  is then
                  extended will become the "Maturity  Date" for purposes of this

           (v)    Closing  Fee and  Unused  Commitment  Fee.  ADESA  shall pay a
                  closing  fee equal to .125%  per annum on the total  amount of
                  the  ADESA  Revolver  Commitment  ($52,000,000).  ADESA  shall
                  further  pay to the  Agent,  for the pro rata  benefit  of the
                  Banks,  the  Unused  Commitment  Fee  on  the  ADESA  Revolver
                  Commitment  as in  effect  from  time to time as set  forth in
                  Section 2.a(i),  payable  quarterly in arrears on each July 1,
                  October  1,  January 1 and April 1,  while the ADESA  Revolver
                  Commitment is  outstanding,  commencing  October 1, 1995. Such
                  fees may be debited by the Agent on or after  thirty (30) days
                  of the date when  due,  if not  earlier  paid,  to any  demand
                  deposit  account  of  ADESA  carried  with the  Agent  without
                  further authority.  After any such debit, the Agent shall give
                  ADESA  prompt  notice  of the  debit  and a  statement  of the
                  calculation  of such fees, but any failure to give such notice
                  shall not affect the validity or enforceability thereof.

           (vi)   Sublimit for Canadian Dollar Loans. Up to U.S. Ten Million and
                  No/100  Dollars (U.S.  $10,000,000)  of Tranche A of the ADESA
                  Revolver may be funded in equivalent Canadian dollars, only in
                  accordance  with this  Section  2.a(vi) and  provided  that No
                  Event of Default or  Unmatured  Event of Default has  occurred
                  and is continuing or may result therefrom.

                      (A) Upon three (3) Banking  Days prior  written  notice to
                      the  Agent,  ADESA may  request  an  advance  in  Canadian
                      dollars in a minimum  principal  amount of equivalent U.S.
                      Two  Million   Five   Hundred   Thousand   Dollars   (U.S.
                      $2,500,000)  and  integral  multiples   thereof,   for  an
                      applicable   Interest   Period.   Each  Advance  shall  be
                      evidenced  by a Canadian  dollar Note (the  "Note") in the
                      form of Exhibit "D" attached hereto.  ADESA may not select
                      an Interest  Period which ends after the Maturity Date for
                      the ADESA Revolver.  Interest on such Advance shall accrue
                      at the  Interbank-based  Rate per annum, from the date the
                      Advance is made, and shall be payable in Canadian  dollars
                      on the date occurring every three months while the Advance
                      is  outstanding  and on  the  last  day of the  respective
                      Interest  Period.  The  principal  of each Advance must be
                      repaid in Canadian dollars on the last Banking Day of each
                      Interest  Period.  Any prepayment of the principal of each
                      Advance shall be subject to the Prepayment Premium.  After


                      last  day  of  each  Interest  Period,  or on  account  of
                      acceleration  upon the  occurrence of an Event of Default,
                      each Advance  shall bear  interest at the  Interbank-based
                      Rate plus two  percent  (2%) per annum until paid in full,
                      and shall be payable as accrued  and without  demand.  The
                      Banks shall fund each  Advance  under this  Section to the
                      Agent in Canadian dollars.

                      (B) At  any  time  when  any  Advance  is  denominated  in
                      offshore  Canadian  dollars,   ADESA  shall  reimburse  or
                      compensate the Banks upon demand for all costs incurred or
                      losses  suffered  by the Banks  which are  applied  by the
                      Banks to such  Advance by reason of any and all present or
                      future  reserve,  exchange  controls,  special  deposit or
                      similar  requirements against assets or liabilities of the
                      Banks,  or  restrictions  on funding  offshore assets with
                      onshore  liabilities  (including  any  requirements  under
                      Regulation  D of the  Board of  Governors  of the  Federal
                      Reserve System).

                      (C) In the event of any failure by ADESA to pay any amount
                      in offshore  Canadian  dollars when due, the Banks may, at
                      their option,  purchase for the account of ADESA,  as soon
                      as practicable  after such failure,  an amount in Canadian
                      dollars with interest  accrued  thereon on the spot market
                      with U.S.  dollars in which case ADESA shall become liable
                      to the Banks for the amount in U.S.  dollars  so  expended
                      with  interest  thereon  at  two  percent  (2%)  over  the
                      Interbank-based  Rate.  The Banks through the Agent,  will
                      give the Borrower notice of any such exchange.

                      (D) If prior to the  commencement of any Interest  Period,
                      any Bank  determines that offshore  Canadian  dollars will
                      not be available in the offshore interbank markets,  or if
                      any   applicable   law,   order  or   regulation   or  any
                      interpretation  thereof by any  governmental  agency shall
                      make it unlawful or  impracticable  for such Bank to make,
                      maintain or fund,  the relevant  Advance,  such Bank shall
                      promptly  give  notice  thereof to ADESA and such  Advance
                      shall  be  treated  as an  Advance  under  Section  2.a(i)

                      (E) ADESA  agrees to pay or cause to be paid  directly  to
                      the appropriate  governmental  authority,  or to reimburse
                      the Banks,  for the cost of any and all present and future
                      taxes,  duties,  fees  and  other  charges  of any  nature
                      whatsoever   (including  any  additional  taxes  or  other
                      charges  due  as  a   consequence   of  such   payment  or
                      reimbursement)  levied  or  imposed  by  any  governmental
                      authority   on  or  with  regard  to  any  aspect  of  the
                      transactions contemplated


                      herein, except such taxes as are imposed on or measured by
                      each  Bank's  net  income  by  the   jurisdiction  or  any
                      political   subdivision   thereof  in  which  such  Bank's
                      principal office is located.

                      (F) Whenever the  equivalent  amount in one currency  (the
                      "First  Currency")  must be determined  with respect to an
                      amount in another currency (the "Second  Currency"),  such
                      determination  shall be  based  on the  spot  rate for the
                      purchase, on the relevant date, of the First Currency with
                      the Second  Currency  quoted by the Agent's  Grand  Cayman
                      Branch, at 10:00 A.M. Grand Cayman time two (2) days prior
                      to the  relevant  date  on  which  such  foreign  exchange
                      transactions are conducted by the foreign exchange market.

b.      The Line of Credit.  The Banks  severally agree to make a revolving line
        of credit ("Line of Credit")  available to ADESA on the following  terms
        and subject to the following conditions:

           (i)    The  Commitment  -- Use of Proceeds.  From this date and until
                  the  Maturity   Date,   the  Banks  agree  to  make   Advances
                  (collectively,  the  "Line  of  Credit  Commitment")  under  a
                  revolving line of credit from time to time to ADESA of amounts
                  not   exceeding    Eighteen   Million   and   No/100   Dollars
                  ($18,000,000)  in  the  aggregate  at  any  time  outstanding,
                  provided  that all of the  Conditions  of  Lending  stated  in
                  Section 8 of this Agreement as being applicable to the Line of
                  Credit  have been  fulfilled  at the time of each  Advance and
                  provided,  further,  that no Bank will make Advances in excess
                  of its Commitment as set forth on Schedule A attached  hereto.
                  Proceeds of the line of Credit  shall be used by ADESA only to
                  fund its  working  capital  requirements  and to make  working
                  capital loans to the Subsidiaries named in the following table
                  in maximum  aggregate  amounts  outstanding  at any time as to
                  each such  Subsidiary  not to exceed the amounts  shown in the
                  table  opposite the names of the respective  Subsidiaries  and
                  for no other purpose:

                  Subsidiary                                       Maximum
                  ----------                                    Amount of Loans
                  Greater Buffalo Auto Auction, Inc.                $ 7,000,000
                  ADESA-Ohio, Inc.                                   10,000,000
                  Auto Dealers Exchange of Memphis, Inc.              7,000,000
                  A.D.E. of Birmingham, Inc.                          7,000,000
                  A.D.E. of Lexington, Inc.                           5,000,000


                  A.D.E. Management Company                           7,000,000
                  A.D.E. of Jacksonville, Inc.                       10,000,000
                  ADESA Indianapolis, Inc.                           20,000,000
                  Auto Dealers Exchange of Concord, Inc.             15,000,000
                  A.D.E. of Knoxville, Inc.                           5,000,000
                  ADESA Canada, Inc.                                 20,000,000
                  ADESA-Charlotte, Inc.                               7,000,000
                  ADESA Austin, Inc.                                  5,000,000
                  ADESA Auto Transport, Inc.                          6,000,000
                  ADESA-South Florida, LLC                            7,000,000
                  ADESA New Jersey, Inc.                             20,000,000
                  Auto Banc Corporation                               3,000,000

                  Proceeds of an  Advance  under the Line of Credit  may not be 
                  used to make principal reductions on the ADESA Revolver.

           (ii)   Method of Borrowing. The obligation of ADESA to repay the Line
                  of Credit  shall be  evidenced  by the  promissory  notes (the
                  "Line  of  Credit  Notes")  of  ADESA  payable  to each of the
                  respective  Banks in the form of  Exhibit  "C".  So long as no
                  Event of Default  or  Unmatured  Event of  Default  shall have
                  occurred and be continuing and until the Maturity Date.  ADESA
                  may borrow, repay and reborrow under the Line of Credit on any
                  Banking Day,  provided  that no borrowing  may cause the total
                  principal  outstanding to exceed the Line of Credit Commitment
                  or may result in an Event of Default or an Unmatured  Event of
                  Default.  Each  Advance  under  the  Line of  Credit  shall be
                  conditioned  upon  receipt  by  the  Agent  from  ADESA  of an
                  Application  for Loan  Advance and an  Officer's  Certificate,
                  provided  that  the  Agent  may,  at  its  discretion,  make a
                  disbursement  upon  the  oral  request  of  ADESA  made  by an
                  Authorized Officer, or upon a request transmitted to the Agent
                  by telephone  facsimile ("fax") machine,  or by any other form
                  of written  electronic  communication  (all such  requests for
                  Advances being hereafter referred to as "informal  requests").
                  In so doing,  the Agent may rely on any informal request which
                  shall  have been  received  by it in good  faith from a person
                  reasonably believed to be an Authorized Officer. Each informal
                  request  shall  be  promptly  confirmed  by  a  duly  executed
                  Application and Officer's Certificate if the Agent so requires
                  and shall in and of itself  constitute the  representation  of
                  ADESA that no Event of Default or  Unmatured  Event of Default
                  has occurred and is continuing or would result from the making
                  of the requested  Advance and that the making of the requested
                  Advance shall not cause the  principal  balance of the Line of
                  Credit to exceed the


                  Line of Credit Commitment. All borrowings and reborrowings and
                  all  repayments  shall  be in  amounts  of not  less  than Two
                  Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars  ($250,000),  except
                  for repayment of the entire  principal  balance of the Line of
                  Credit.   Notwithstanding   any   other   provision   of  this
                  subsection,  the Banks shall not be required to make more than
                  two Advances in any week. Upon receipt of an  Application,  or
                  at the Agent's  discretion upon receipt of an informal request
                  for an Advance and upon compliance  with any other  Conditions
                  of Lending stated in Section 8 of this Agreement applicable to
                  the Line of Credit, the Agent shall disburse the amount of the
                  requested Advance to ADESA, and shall be made ratably from the
                  Banks  in  proportion  to  their  respective   Commitments  in
                  accordance  with  Section  2.d.  hereof.  The Agent shall give
                  prompt  telephonic,  telex or  telecopy  notice to each of the
                  Banks of any Advance  request  received.  All  Advances by the
                  Banks and  payments by ADESA shall be recorded by the Banks on
                  their books and records,  and the principal amount outstanding
                  from time to time,  plus interest  payable  thereon,  shall be
                  determined by reference to the books and records of the Banks.
                  The Banks' and  Agent's  books and  records  shall be presumed
                  prima facie to be correct as to such matters.

           (iii)  Interest on the Line of Credit.  The  principal  amount of the
                  Line of  Credit  outstanding  from  time to  time  shall  bear
                  interest until maturity of the Notes at a rate per annum equal
                  to the Prime-based  Rate. After maturity,  whether on the Line
                  of Credit Maturity Date or on account of acceleration upon the
                  occurrence of an Event of Default, and until paid in full, the
                  Line of Credit  shall bear  interest at a per annum rate equal
                  to  the  Prime-based  Rate  plus  two  percent  (2%).  Accrued
                  interest shall be due and payable monthly on the first Banking
                  Day of each month and at maturity.  After  maturity,  interest
                  shall be payable as accrued and without demand.

           (iv)   Extensions of Maturity  Date.  The Banks may, upon the request
                  of ADESA, but at the Banks' sole  discretion,  extend the Line
                  of  Credit  Maturity  Date  from time to time to such date or
                  dates as the Banks may  elect by notice in  writing  to ADESA,
                  and upon any such extension and upon execution and delivery by
                  ADESA of Line of Credit Notes reflecting the extended maturity
                  date, the date to which the Line of Credit  Commitment is then
                  extended  will become the Line of Credit  "Maturity  Date" for
                  purposes of this Agreement.

           (v)    Standby Letters of Credit.  At any time that ADESA is entitled
                  to an Advance under the Line of Credit,  the Agent shall, upon
                  the  application  of ADESA,  issue for the account of ADESA, a
                  standby  letter of credit  (any  such  letter of credit  being
                  referred to in this Agreement as an "L/C") in an amount not in
                  excess of the maximum Advance that ADESA would then


                  be entitled to obtain under the Line of Credit,  provided that
                  (i) the total  amount of L/C's  which are  outstanding  at any
                  time shall not exceed $2,000,000, (ii) the issuance of any L/C
                  with a  maturity  date  beyond  the  Maturity  Date  shall  be
                  entirely at the discretion of the Banks,  (iii) the purpose of
                  each  L/C  shall  be to  secure  to a  customer  of ADESA or a
                  Subsidiary, payment for or return of vehicles and certificates
                  of title or  certificates  of origin to vehicles  delivered to
                  ADESA or a  Subsidiary  for sale at  auction  in the  ordinary
                  course of  business  of ADESA and its  Subsidiaries,  (iv) the
                  form of the requested L/C shall be  satisfactory  to the Agent
                  in the reasonable exercise of the Agent's discretion,  and (v)
                  ADESA shall have  executed an  application  and  reimbursement
                  agreement  for the L/C (a  "Reimbursement  Agreement")  in the
                  Agent's  standard form, a copy of the current version of which
                  is attached as Exhibit  "E".  Each Bank shall  purchase a risk
                  participation in each L/C issued equal to its pro rata portion
                  of the  face  amount  of the L/C and  agrees  to  remit to the
                  Agent,  in funds  available  for immediate use by the Agent in
                  Indianapolis,  Indiana,  its pro rata  portion of each payment
                  made by the Agent on an L/C,  promptly  upon receipt of notice
                  from the Agent of such payment. The Agent shall promptly remit
                  to each Bank it pro rata  portion of all  applicable  fees and
                  reimbursements  received by the Agent from  ADESA.  ADESA will
                  pay the  Agent a  commission  for  each  standby  L/C  issued,
                  calculated  at the L/C  Commission  Rate then in effect on the
                  maximum  amount  available  to be drawn under the standby L/C,
                  which  commission shall be shared pro rata with the Banks less
                  a .125%  Agent  fee.  ADESA  shall  pay the  Agent's  standard
                  transaction fees with respect to any transactions occurring in
                  respect of any L/C's.  Transaction fees shall belong solely to
                  the Agent. Commissions shall be payable when the related L/C's
                  are  issued  and  transaction   fees  shall  be  payable  upon
                  completion  of the  transaction  as to which they are charged.
                  All such  commissions  and fees may be debited by the Agent to
                  any deposit  account of ADESA  carried with the Agent  without
                  further  authority,  and in any event,  shall be paid by ADESA
                  within ten (10) days following billing.

           (vi)   Mandatory Monthly Paydown. Notwithstanding any other provision
                  of this  Section  2.b.,  ADESA  shall  make such  payments  on
                  account of the principal  balance of the Line of Credit as may
                  be necessary so that on not less than two (2)  non-consecutive
                  Banking Days in each calendar month the outstanding  principal
                  balance of the Line of Credit  does not exceed  Seven  Million
                  Two Hundred  Thousand  and No/100  Dollars  ($7,200,000).  For
                  purposes  of this  subsection,  any  Banking  Days  which  are
                  separated  only by days  which are not  Banking  Days shall be
                  considered to be consecutive.


c.      Procedures  for  Electing   LIBOR-based  Rates  --  Certain  Effects  of
        Election.  A LIBOR-based Rate may be elected by ADESA only in accordance
        with  the  following  procedures,  shall  be  subject  to the  following
        conditions  and the  election  of a  LIBOR-based  Rate  shall  have  the
        following consequences in addition to other consequences stated in this

           (i)    No  LIBOR-based  Rate may be  elected  at any time an Event of
                  Default or an Unmatured  Event of Default  shall have occurred
                  and  is  continuing.  Further,  no  LIBOR-based  Rate  may  be
                  selected for an Interest  Period  beyond the Maturity Date for
                  the ADESA Revolver.

           (ii)   A LIBOR-based Rate may only be elected on the entire principal
                  balance of the ADESA Revolver or as to any portion  thereof as
                  to which no  previous  LIBOR-based  Rate  election  remains in
                  effect, or new Advance thereunder,  in a minimum amount of One
                  Million and No/100 Dollars  ($1,000,000) or integral  multiple
                  thereof, for an applicable Interest Period.  Interest accruing
                  at a  LIBOR-based  Rate shall be  payable in arrears  (a) with
                  respect to Interest  Periods of three  months or less,  on the
                  last  day of the  Interest  Period  and (b)  with  respect  to
                  Interest  Periods  longer  than three  months,  on the date(s)
                  occurring  every  three  months  and  on the  last  day of the
                  Interest Period.

           (iii)  Voluntary prepayment prior to scheduled maturity of all or any
                  portion of the ADESA Revolver on which interest is accruing at
                  a LIBOR-based Rate shall be subject to contemporaneous payment
                  of the Prepayment  Premium if, at the time of prepayment,  the
                  Reinvestment  Rate is less than the LIBOR-based  Rate at which
                  interest accrues on the ADESA Revolver.  A Prepayment  Premium
                  shall  also be due and  payable  on  prepayment  of all or any
                  portion  of the ADESA  Revolver  prior to  scheduled  maturity
                  because of acceleration of maturity on account of an Event of
                  Default  if,  at the time of  acceleration  of  maturity,  the
                  Reinvestment  Rate is less than the LIBOR-based  Rate at which
                  interest is accruing on the ADESA Revolver.  If at the time of
                  any  voluntary or mandatory  prepayment  of any portion of the
                  principal of the ADESA  Revolver,  interest  accrues at both a
                  LIBOR-based  Rate and at a Prime-based Rate on portions of the
                  ADESA  Revolver,  then any  prepayment  of  principal  will be
                  applied  first to the  portion of the ADESA  Revolver on which
                  interest  accrues  at the  Prime-based  Rate  and  next to the
                  portion or portions at which interest accrues at a LIBOR-based
                  Rate or Rates,  and if interest  accrues on the ADESA Revolver
                  at more than one  LIBOR-based  Rate,  first to that portion or
                  those  portions on which  interest  accrues at a Rate or Rates
                  which  results  in  no   Prepayment   Premium  or  the  lowest
                  Prepayment Premium or Premiums.


           (iv)   Upon  three (3)  Banking  Days  notice,  ADESA may  request an
                  Advance  at a  LIBOR-based  Rate for an  appropriate  Interest
                  Period, from the Agent. As soon as possible,  and in any event
                  before the close of  business  on the next  following  Banking
                  Day, the Agent shall determine such LIBOR-based Rate and shall
                  immediately   notify  the  Banks  of  the   request   and  the
                  LIBOR-based Rate determined.  A request for a LIBOR-based Rate
                  by ADESA is  irrevocable  once made.  The Interest  Period for
                  which any  LIBOR-based  Rate is  effective  shall begin on the
                  third  Banking Day following the day on which the quotation is

           (v)    An  election of a  LIBOR-based  Rate and  applicable  Interest
                  Period  may be  communicated  to the  Agent on behalf of ADESA
                  only  by  an   Authorized   Officer.   Such  election  may  be
                  communicated  by telephone,  or by telephone  facsimile  (fax)
                  machine or any other form of written electronic communication,
                  or by a writing  delivered to the Agent. At the request of the
                  Agent,  ADESA shall  confirm any  election in writing and such
                  written confirmation shall be signed by an Authorized Officer.
                  The  Agent  shall be  entitled  to rely on an oral or  written
                  electronic  communication of an election of a LIBOR-based Rate
                  and Interest Period which is received by an appropriate  Agent
                  employee from anyone reasonably believed in good faith by such
                  employee to be an Authorized Officer.

           (vi)   Notwithstanding  any other  provision of this  Agreement,  the
                  Agent may elect not to quote a LIBOR-based  Rate on any day on
                  which the Agent has  determined  that it is not  practical  to
                  quote such rate because of the  unavailability  of  sufficient
                  funds   to  the   Banks   for   appropriate   terms  at  rates
                  approximating  the relevant London  Interbank  Offered Rate or
                  because  of  legal  or   regulatory   changes  which  make  it
                  impractical  or  burdensome  for the Banks to lend  money at a
                  LIBOR-based Rate.

d.      Provisions  Applicable to All of the Loans. The following provisions are
        applicable to all of the Loans:

           (i)    Calculation  of  Interest.  Interest  on the  Loans  shall  be
                  calculated  on the basis  that an entire  year's  interest  is
                  earned in 360 days,  comprised of twelve (12) thirty  (30)-day

           (ii)   Manner of Payment - Application. All payments of principal and
                  interest  on the Loans  shall be payable at such office as the
                  Agent shall specify or at the principal office of the Agent in
                  Indianapolis, Indiana, in funds


                  available  for the Agent's  immediate  use in that city and no
                  payment will be considered to have been made until received in
                  such funds, except for payments in Canadian  dollars  required
                  under Section  2.a(vi)(A).  The Agent may debit any depository
                  account of ADESA for the payment of principal,  interest,  and
                  fees when due and payable. All payments received on account of
                  any of the Loans will be applied first to the  satisfaction of
                  any interest  which is then due and payable,  and to principal
                  only  after all  interest  which is due and  payable  has been
                  satisfied.  The Agent shall promptly disburse to the Banks all
                  payments received from ADESA.

           (iii)  Disbursement  of Advances and Agent  Reliance on Bank Funding.
                  Not later  than 1:00 p.m.  (Indianapolis  time) on the date of
                  any Advance  under the Loans,  each Bank shall make  available
                  its pro rata  portion of the  Advance in  accordance  with its
                  Commitment  in funds  immediately  available in  Indianapolis,
                  Indiana at the principal office of the Agent, or at such other
                  office as the Agent shall  specify,  except to the extent such
                  Advance  is a  reborrowing,  in  whole  or  in  part,  of  the
                  principal  amount of a  maturing  Advance,  in which case each
                  Bank  shall  record the  Advance  made by it as a part of such
                  reborrowing  on its books and  records or on a schedule to its
                  respective Notes, and shall effect the repayment,  in whole or
                  in part, as appropriate,  of its maturing  Advance through the
                  proceeds  of such  new  Advance.  The  Agent  shall  make  the
                  proceeds of each new Advance available to ADESA at the Agent's
                  principal  office in Indianapolis,  Indiana,  or at such other
                  office as the Agent shall  specify not later than the close of
                  business  on such  date.  Unless  the  Agent  shall  have been
                  notified  by a Bank prior to (or, in the case of an Advance at
                  a Prime-based Rate, by 11:00 a.m.,  Indianapolis time, on) the
                  date on which such Bank is  scheduled  to make  payment to the
                  Agent of the  proceeds of an Advance  (which  notice  shall be
                  effective upon receipt) that such Bank does not intend to make
                  such  payment,  the Agent may  assume  that such Bank has made
                  such payment when due and the Agent may in reliance  upon such
                  assumption  (but shall not be required  to) make  available to
                  ADESA the proceeds of the requested Advance to be made by such
                  Bank and, if any Bank has not in fact made such payment to the
                  Agent, such Bank shall, on demand, pay to the Agent the amount
                  made available to ADESA attributable  to such Bank together 
                  with interest  thereon in respect to each day during the
                  period  commencing  on the date such amount was made available
                  to ADESA and ending on (but excluding)  the date,  such Bank
                  pays such amount to the Agent at a rate per annum  equal to 
                  the  Prime-based  Rate.  If such amount is not received from 
                  such Bank by the Agent immediately upon  demand,  ADESA will,
                  on demand,  repay to the Agent the proceeds  of  the  Advance
                  attributable  to  such  Bank  with interest  thereon  at a
                  rate per annum  equal to the  interest rate  applicable  to
                  the  relevant  Advance,  but without such payment being 
                  considered a


                  prepayment  so  that  ADESA  will  have no  liability  for any
                  Prepayment  Premium with respect to such payment.  Neither the
                  Agent or any other Bank shall have any liability or obligation
                  to fund any other Bank's pro-rata portion of any Advance.

           (iv)   Agent Fee. In  addition  to all other fees or charges  payable
                  hereunder,  an agent fee shall be due and  payable by ADESA to
                  the Agent on the date of this Agreement in the amount of .075%
                  of  $93,000,000.  Such  agent fee shall  belong  solely to the
                  Agent as compensation for its services as Agent for the Banks.

        Section 3. THE LETTER OF CREDIT. On April 22, 1992, Bank One issued its
Letter of Credit No. S-4269-G (the "Letter of Credit") in the original amount of
$35,787,500.00  in favor of the  Trustee  and for the  account  of ADESA with an
original  expiration  date of May 6,  1995.  A copy of the  Letter  of Credit is
attached as part of Exhibit "F". Bank One hereby agree to extend the  expiration
date of the Letter of Credit to June 30, 1998,  in  accordance  with a Letter of
Extension  in the form  attached  as part of Exhibit  "F".  The Letter of Credit
secures  payment of the  Floating  Rate Notes and is subject to the terms stated
therein.  The Letter of Credit was issued  pursuant to the terms of the Original
Agreement and after the date of this Agreement shall be subject to the following
terms and  conditions,  and all other  terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement
concerning ADESA's Obligations with respect to the Letter of Credit:

a.      Reimbursement.  So long as the  Letter of Credit is  outstanding,  ADESA
        will  maintain  a demand  deposit  account  with Bank One (the  "Blocked
        Account")  through which the  transactions  described in this subsection
        will regularly be accomplished.  All amounts  deposited into the Blocked
        Account  shall  be held by Bank  One as cash  collateral  for all of the
        Obligations.  The  Blocked  Account  shall be used by ADESA only for the
        purposes  provided for in this  Agreement,  and the terms of the Blocked
        Account  shall be such  that it shall be a  "blocked"  account,  so that
        transfers of funds from the Blocked Account may be made only by Bank One
        or by ADESA with the  concurrence of the Required Banks. On the Business
        Day of each  calendar  month that is two (2) Business Days prior to each
        Floating  Rate Note Interest  Payment Date,  ADESA will deposit into the
        Blocked Account such amount as may be necessary,  after giving effect to
        the  transfer  to the Blocked  Account  from the  Sinking  Fund  Reserve
        scheduled  to occur on the same date under the terms of Section  5.f, to
        cause  the  balance  of the  Blocked  Account  to be not  less  than the
        anticipated amount of principal and interest that will be due on account
        of the  Floating  Rate  Notes at the next  Floating  Rate Note  Interest
        Payment Date,  plus the amount of the  transaction  fee (provided for in
        Section  3.b) which will be due upon Bank One's  Payment of the  related
        Drawing or  Drawings  under the  Letter of Credit.  After and only after
        honoring  a  Drawing  for the  anticipated  payment,  Bank One  shall be
        entitled, without further authorization from ADESA, to charge the amount
        of such Drawing and the related  transaction  fee to the Blocked Account
        or any other deposit  account  maintained by ADESA with Bank One. Should
        ADESA's deposit balances with Bank One be insufficient to reimburse Bank
        One for any Drawing under the Letter of Credit,


        together  with the related  transaction fee, then ADESA shall pay to the
        Agent  immediately and  unconditionally  upon demand, an amount equal to
        the  unreimbursed  portion of such  Drawing and the related  transaction
        fee,  together with interest on such amount at the Prime Rate plus three
        and one-half percent (3-1/2%) per annum from the date of payment of such
        Drawing until the amount  thereof is reimbursed to Bank One. In the case
        of any Remarketing Drawing,  ADESA shall unconditionally pay to Bank One
        on the  ninetieth  (90th)  day  following  payment  by Bank  One of such
        drawing,  or if such  ninetieth  day is not a Business  Day, then on the
        next  following  Business Day, any balance of the amount of such Drawing
        which shall not then have been  reimbursed to Bank One by the payment of
        remarketing proceeds to Bank One or otherwise, together with interest on
        such  portions of such  Remarketing  Drawing as shall not,  from time to
        time, have been reimbursed to Bank One,  accrued at the Prime-based Rate
        for Line of Credit Advances,  and with interest after such 90 day period
        accrued at the  Prime-based  Rate for Line of Credit  Advances  plus two
        percent (2%) per annum.  Upon being  reimbursed in full with interest as
        provided in this Agreement for any Remarketing  Drawing,  Bank One shall
        deliver any Pledged  Notes that were  purchased  by the Trustee with the
        proceeds  of  such  Remarketing   Drawing,  and  which  shall  not  have
        previously  been  delivered  by Bank  One upon  sale by the  Remarketing
        Agent,  to the  Trustee  for  cancellation  pursuant to the terms of the
        Trust  Indenture.  As used  in this  paragraph,  the  term  "remarketing
        proceeds"  means  proceeds  from  the  resale  of  Pledged  Notes by the
        Remarketing  Agent,  which  Pledged  Notes  shall have been  tendered or
        deemed  tendered to the Trustee for repurchase  pursuant to the terms of
        the Trust Indenture. The term "Floating Rate Note Interest Payment Date"
        is used in this  subsection  as the  term  "Interest  Payment  Date"  is
        defined in the Letter of Credit. For the avoidance of doubt, it is noted
        that  notwithstanding  any other provision of this Agreement  including,
        without  limitation,  any provision  requiring  ADESA to give collateral
        security for ADESA'S  obligation to reimburse  Bank One for amounts paid
        on  account  of the  Letter of  Credit in  advance  of any  payment,  no
        reimbursement  obligation  on the part of ADESA shall exist with respect
        to any payment by Bank One on account of the Letter of Credit until such
        payment  shall  have been  made.  Regardless  of whether or not any cash
        collateral  is  voluntarily  pledged by ADESA or any of its  affiliates,
        Bank One shall not use any of such cash  collateral to honor draws under
        the Letter of Credit.

b.      Risk  Participation.  Each  Bank  shall  purchase  from  Bank One a risk
        participation  in the Letter of Credit  equal to its pro rata portion of
        the Maximum Available  Credit,  as set forth in Schedule A hereto.  Each
        Bank agrees to remit to Bank One, in funds  available  for immediate use
        by Bank  One in  Indianapolis,  Indiana,  its pro rata  portion  of each
        payment  made by Bank One for a  drawing  under the  Letter  of  Credit,
        promptly upon receipt of notice from Bank One of such payment.  Bank One
        agrees to  promptly  remit to each  Bank,  its pro rata  portion  of all
        applicable  fees  and  reimbursements  received  by Bank One from and on
        behalf of ADESA,  but only when and if  received  by Bank One.  Bank One
        shall be entitled to exercise its absolute  discretion in  administering
        the Letter of Credit and in  enforcing,  refraining  from  enforcing and
        determining  the manner in which it may enforce any of its rights  under
        the Letter of Credit, the Trust Indenture, the


        other  Floating Rate  Documents and this Agreement and in any collateral
        furnished pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Bank One shall not be
        required to consult with the Banks as to any such matters or to take any
        direction from any of the Banks with regard thereto.  Bank One shall not
        incur any  liability  to the Banks with  respect to any action  taken or
        omitted by bank One,  including any action taken or omitted  pursuant to
        the terms of the Trust Indenture, provided only that Bank One shall have
        acted in good  faith and with  reasonable  care.  Without  limiting  the
        generality of the foregoing,  Bank One shall be entitled to rely and act
        upon any document or communication which Bank One in good faith believes
        to be genuine and to have been  authorized by the person on whose behalf
        it is  presented  or given and which  (in the case of any  document)  is
        regular on its face.  The Banks  specifically  excuse  Bank One from any
        duty Bank One might  otherwise  have to make  further  inquiry  into the
        genuineness or due authorization of any such document or notice.

c.      Commission  and  Transaction  Fees. On October 1, 1995, and on the first
        Banking Day of each calendar  quarter  thereafter (each of which days is
        hereafter  referred to as a "Commission  Due Date").  ADESA shall pay to
        Bank One for the  benefit  of the Banks a  commission  for  issuing  and
        maintaining the Letter of Credit for the calendar  quarter in which such
        Commission  Due Date  occurs,  computed at a per annum rate equal to the
        Applicable  Letter  of  Credit  Commission  Rate  then in  effect on the
        Maximum  Available Credit which commission shall be shared pro rata with
        the Banks less a .125%  Agent fee,  and ADESA shall also pay to Bank One
        solely an administration  fee in the amount of one-eighth percent (1/8%)
        per annum of the Maximum  Available  Credit, in each case as the Maximum
        Available Credit is scheduled to increase and decrease during the period
        beginning on the  Commission  Due Date and ending on the last day of the
        calendar  quarter in which the  Commission  Due Date occurs by reason of
        anticipated  draws for  scheduled  payments of principal and interest on
        the  Floating  Rate  Notes,  and  assuming  the   reinstatement  of  the
        availability of all Interest  Drawings to the extent provided for in the
        Letter  of  Credit;   provided  that  for  purposes  of  computing  each
        commission  and  administration  fee, the amount of an Interest  Drawing
        which is subject to automatic  reinstatement  will be  considered  to be
        reinstated as of the date of such  Drawing.  There shall be no reduction
        in the amount of commission or administration fee due and payable on any
        Commission   Due  Date,   nor  shall  any   refund  of   commission   or
        administration fee be due ADESA on account of full or partial prepayment
        of the Floating Rate Notes or because of the cancellation of the Pledged
        Notes  purchased  with the proceeds of a Remarketing  Drawing during the
        quarter following the Commission Due Date as of which the amount of such
        commission or  administration  fee is  established  or on account of the
        election of Bank One not to restore  the  availability  of any  Interest
        Drawing.  The amount of the  commission and  administration  fee due and
        payable as of any  Commission  Due Date shall not be reduced,  nor shall
        any refund of the  commission  or  administration  fee be due because of
        cancellation or termination of the Letter of Credit for whatever reason,
        with the exception only that if the Letter of Credit is replaced with an
        "Alternate  Letter of Credit" (as provided  for in the Trust  Indenture)
        within six (6) months  following an increase of twenty  percent (20%) or
        more in the amount of the Letter of Credit


        commission,  which  increase  is  imposed  by Bank One  pursuant  to the
        provisions of Section 3.d, then Bank One shall make a pro rata refund to
        ADESA of any Letter of Credit  commission which shall have been paid for
        a period  which shall not have  expired on the date the Letter of Credit
        is replaced. A transaction fee shall be payable by ADESA to Bank One for
        each Drawing  under the Letter of Credit in the amount of  one-eighth of
        one  percent  (1/8%)  of the  amount  of the  Drawing  or Sixty  Dollars
        ($60.00),  whichever is greater. Transaction fees on account of Drawings
        shall  be due on the day  when  the  Drawing  is paid by Bank  One.  All
        commissions  and fees payable  under the terms of this Section 3.c shall
        be payable with  interest at the Prime Rate plus two and  three-quarters
        percent  (2-3/4%) per annum from the date due until paid.  If the Letter
        of Credit is  transferred  to a new  beneficiary  pursuant  to the terms
        thereof, then ADESA promises to pay to Bank One promptly upon its demand
        a transfer fee in the amount then  customarily  assessed by Bank One for
        transfers of letters of credit of the same type and amount as the Letter
        of Credit. The administration fee, transaction fees and transfer fee are
        payable solely to Bank One and will not be shared with the Banks.

        d.  Additional  Amounts  Payable.  If any  change  in or the  enactment,
        adoption  or  judicial  or  administrative  interpretation  of any  law,
        regulation,   treaty,   guideline  or  directive   (including,   without
        limitation,  Regulation  D of the  Board  of  Governors  of the  Federal
        Reserve  System)  either  (i)  subjects  Bank  One or the  Banks  to any
        additional tax, duty,  charge,  deduction or withholding with respect to
        the  Letter  of  Credit  or any  amount  paid by Bank  One or the  Banks
        thereunder  or received  by Bank One or the Banks  under this  Agreement
        (other  than a tax  measured  by the net or gross  income or revenues of
        Bank One or the  Banks),  or (ii)  imposes  or  increases  any  reserve,
        special  deposit,  or  similar  requirement  on account of the Letter of
        Credit, or (iii) imposes increased minimum capital  requirements on Bank
        One or the Banks on account  of their  issuing or sharing in the risk of
        the  Letter of Credit,  and if any of the  foregoing  (w)  results in an
        increase to Bank One or the Banks in the cost of maintaining  the Letter
        of Credit or making any payment on account of the Letter of Credit,  (x)
        reduces  the amount of any payment  receivable  by Bank One or the Banks
        under this  Agreement,  (y)  requires  Bank One or the Banks to make any
        payment  calculated by reference to the gross amount of any sum received
        or paid by Bank One or the  Banks  pursuant  to the  Letter of Credit or
        this  Agreement  (other than a tax  measured by Bank One's or the Banks'
        gross or net income or  revenues)  or (z)  reduces the rate of return on
        Bank One or the  Banks'  capital,  ADESA  shall  pay to Bank One and the
        Banks, as additional commission for the Letter of Credit, such amount as
        will compensate Bank One and the Banks for such increased cost,  payment
        or  reduction.  Any such payment shall be made to Bank One and the Banks
        within 15 days of demand  and  presentation  of a  certificate  to ADESA
        containing a statement of the cause of such increased  cost,  payment or
        reduction and a calculation of the amount  thereof,  which statement and
        calculation shall be deemed prima facie to be correct. For the avoidance
        of doubt, it is noted that any additional  commission  payable under the
        terms of this subsection shall be computed on the basis of the quarterly
        commission  payable on account of the Letter of Credit,  notwithstanding
        the sale of


        participations  in the risk and  funding  requirements  of the Letter of
        Credit permissible under the terms of this Agreement.

e.      Place and  Application  of  Payments --  Calculation  of  Interest.  All
        payments  required to be made under this Section 3 shall be made to Bank
        One at its principal office in Indianapolis, Indiana, in funds available
        for Bank One's  immediate  use at that city and no such  payment will be
        considered to have been made until received in such funds.  All interest
        due under any  provision  of this Section 3 shall be  calculated  on the
        basis of a year of 360 days, and on the actual number of days elapsed.

f.      Presentment and  Collection.  The Trustee and its successors as users of
        the Letter of Credit shall be deemed for  purposes of this  Agreement to
        be the  agents  of ADESA  and ADESA  assumes  all  risks of their  acts,
        omissions or misrepresentations.  Neither the Agent, the Banks, Bank One
        nor any of their affiliates or  correspondents  shall be responsible for
        the validity,  sufficiency,  truthfulness or genuineness of any document
        required to draw under the Letter of Credit even if such document should
        in  fact  prove  to be in  any or all  respects  invalid,  insufficient,
        fraudulent  or forged,  provided  only that the document  appears on its
        face to be in accordance with the terms of the Letter of Credit,  or for
        failure of any draft to bear  reference  or  adequate  reference  to the
        Letter of  Credit or  failure  of any  person to note the  amount of any
        draft on the Letter of Credit or to  surrender  or take up the Letter of
        Credit,  each of which  provisions  may be waived  by Bank  One,  or for
        errors, omissions,  interruptions, or delays in transmission or delivery
        of any messages or  documents.  Without  limiting the  generality of the
        foregoing,  any action taken by the Agent, the Banks, Bank One or any of
        their  correspondents  under or in connection with the Letter of Credit,
        if taken in good faith and with reasonable  care,  shall be binding upon
        ADESA and  shall  not put the  Agent,  the  Banks,  Bank One or any such
        correspondent  under any  resulting  liability  to ADESA and ADESA makes
        like agreement as to any omission  unless in breach of good faith.  Bank
        One is expressly  authorized  to honor any request for payment  which is
        made  under and in  compliance  with the  terms of the  Letter of Credit
        without  regard to and without any duty on its part to inquire  into the
        existence  of any  disputes  or  controversies  between  ADESA  and  the
        beneficiaries  of the  Letter of Credit  or any  other  person,  firm or
        corporation or into the respective rights,  duties or liabilities of any
        of them or whether any facts or  occurrences  represented  in any of the
        documents presented under the Letter of Credit are true and correct.

g.      Proceeds of the Floating Rate Notes. The entire proceeds of the Floating
        Rate Notes were advanced by Funding to ADESA and, ADESA represents, have
        been used by ADESA as  provided  in the  Original  Agreement  and for no
        other purposes.

h.      Cancellation  Fee.  ADESA  shall pay to the Banks a fee in the amount of
        one-half percent (1/2%) of the Maximum  Available Credit if the Floating
        Rate Notes are  prepaid by ADESA  prior to  expiration  of the Letter of
        Credit or if ADESA  replaces  the  Letter of Credit  with an  "Alternate
        Letter of Credit" as provided for in the Trust Indenture, provided that,
        in either  case,  such  cancellation  fee shall be  payable  only if the
        rating of


        Bank One's  long-term  debt by  Standard & Poor's  Corporation  is A- or
        higher at the time the Floating  Rate Notes are prepaid or the Letter of
        Credit  is  replaced.   Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this
        subsection,  no fee will be  payable on  account  of  prepayment  of the
        Floating Rate Notes or on account of replacement of the Letter of Credit
        with an Alternate  Letter of Credit if such event occurs  within six (6)
        months  following  an  increase of twenty  percent  (20%) or more in the
        amount of the Letter of Credit commission,  which increase is imposed by
        the Banks pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.d

        Section 4.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.  To induce the Banks to make
the Loans, as provided for in this Agreement,  ADESA, and Funding  represent and
warrant to the Banks that:

a.      Organization  of ADESA and Funding.  ADESA and Funding are  corporations
        organized  and in  existence  under  the laws of the  State of  Indiana.
        Funding is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of ADESA. Each of the Subsidiaries
        is a  corporation  organized  and in  existence  under  the  laws of the
        respective  states or  province of  incorporation  set forth in Schedule
        4.m.  Funding  has  no  Subsidiaries.   ADESA  has  no  class  of  stock
        outstanding other than its common stock.

b.      Authorization: No Conflict. The execution and delivery of this Agreement
        by ADESA and Funding,  the execution and delivery by ADESA,  Funding and
        each  Subsidiary of each of the other Credit  Documents and the Floating
        Rate Note  Documents  to which they are  respectively  parties,  and the
        performance by ADESA,  Funding and each  Subsidiary of their  respective
        obligations  under this Agreement and all of the other Credit  Documents
        and the  Floating  Rate Note  Documents  to which they are  respectively
        parties are within ADESA's,  Funding's and the  Subsidiaries'  corporate
        powers,  have been duly  authorized by all necessary  corporate  action,
        have received any required  governmental or regulatory  agency approvals
        and do not and will not contravene or conflict with any provision of law
        or of the articles of incorporation  or bylaws of any of ADESA,  Funding
        or the respective  Subsidiaries or of any agreement  binding upon any of
        ADESA,  Funding or their properties or upon the respective  Subsidiaries
        or their properties.

c.      Validity and Binding Nature.  This Agreement and all of the other Credit
        Documents and the Floating Rate Note  Documents to which ADESA,  Funding
        and the  respective  Subsidiaries  are parties are the legal,  valid and
        binding obligations of ADESA,  Funding and the respective  Subsidiaries,
        enforceable  against them in  accordance  with their  respective  terms,
        except  to  the  extent  that  enforcement  thereof  may be  limited  by
        bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,   moratorium  and  other  laws
        enacted  for the  relief of debtors  generally  and other  similar  laws
        affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally or by equitable
        principles which may affect the availability of specific performance and
        other equitable remedies.


d.      Financial  Statements.  ADESA has  delivered  to the  Agent its  audited
        financial  statement as of December 31, 1994, and its unaudited  interim
        financial statements as of June 30, 1995, and for the fiscal quarter and
        partial fiscal year then ended.  Such  statements  have been prepared in
        accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles  consistently
        applied except,  as to the June 30, 1995 statements,  for the absence of
        footnotes  and  adjustments  normally  made at year  end  which  are not
        material  in  amount.  Such  statements  present  fairly  the  financial
        position  of  ADESA  as of the  dates  thereof  and the  results  of its
        operations and cash flows for the periods  covered and since the date of
        such  statements  there  has  been no  material  adverse  change  in the
        financial  position  of ADESA or in the  results  of its  operations  or
        operating  cash flows. 

e.      Litigation  and  Contingent  Liabilities.  No  litigation,   arbitration
        proceedings or governmental  proceedings are pending or, to ADESA's best
        knowledge,   are  threatened  against  ADESA,  Funding  or  any  of  the
        Subsidiaries  which  would,  if  adversely  determined,  materially  and
        adversely  affect the  financial  position or  continued  operations  of
        ADESA,  Funding or any of the Subsidiaries.  None of ADESA,  Funding nor
        any Subsidiary has any material contingent  liabilities not provided for
        or disclosed in the financial  statements  referred to in Section 4.d or
        in the "Schedule of Exceptions" attached as Schedule 4.e.

f.      Liens.  None of the  assets  of ADESA,  Funding  or any  Subsidiary  are
        subject to any mortgage,  pledge,  title  retention  lien or other lien,
        encumbrance or security interest except for liens and security interests
        described in the exceptions enumerated in Section 7.b

g.      Employee  Benefit Plans.  Each Plan maintained by ADESA or by any of the
        Subsidiaries  is in material  compliance  with ERISA,  the Code, and all
        applicable  rules and  regulations  adopted  by  regulatory  authorities
        pursuant  thereto,  and ADESA and all of the Subsidiaries have filed all
        reports  and returns  required  to be filed by ERISA,  the Code and such
        rules and  regulations,  except for such omissions,  the consequences of
        which would be inconsequential. No Plan maintained by ADESA or by any of
        the  Subsidiaries  and no trust created under any such Plan has incurred
        any "accumulated funding deficiency" as defined in Section 302 of ERISA,
        and the present  value of all  benefits  vested  under each Plan did not
        exceed, as of the last annual valuation date, the value of the assets of
        the respective Plans allocable to such vested benefits. Neither ADESA
        nor any Subsidiary has any knowledge that any "reportable  event" as
        defined in ERISA has occurred with respect to any Plan.

h.      Payment of Taxes. ADESA,  Funding and all of the Subsidiaries have filed
        all federal,  state and local tax returns and tax related  reports which
        any of them is  required to file by any  statute or  regulation  and all
        taxes and any tax related  interest  payments and penalties that are due
        and payable have been paid,  except for taxes which are being  contested
        in good  faith and by  appropriate  proceedings  and for the  payment of
        which appropriate  reserves have been provided.  Adequate  provision has
        been made for the  payment  when due of all tax  liabilities  which have
        been incurred, but are not as yet due and payable.


i.      Investment Company Act. None of ADESA,  Funding nor any Subsidiary is an
        "investment  company"  or  a  company  "controlled"  by  an  "investment
        company"  within the meaning of the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as

j.      Regulation  U. None of ADESA,  Funding  nor any  Subsidiary  is  engaged
        principally,  or as one of its important activities,  in the business of
        extending  credit for the purpose of purchasing or carrying margin stock
        within the  meaning of  Regulation  U of the Board of  Governors  of the
        Federal Reserve System.  Not more than twenty-five  percent (25%) of the
        consolidated  assets of  ADESA,  Funding  or of any of the  Subsidiaries
        consists of margin stock.

k.      Hazardous   Substances.   Except  as  disclosed  on  the   "Schedule  of
        Exceptions"  attached as Schedule  4.e, to the best  knowledge  of ADESA
        after due inquiry and  investigation,  there are no underground  storage
        tanks of any kind on any premises owned or occupied by or under lease to
        ADESA  or  any  Subsidiary  and  there  are no  tanks,  drums  or  other
        containers  of any kind on premises  owned or occupied by or under lease
        to ADESA or any  Subsidiary,  the contents of which are unknown to ADESA
        or the Subsidiaries. Except as disclosed on the "Schedule of Exceptions"
        attached  as Schedule  4.e.,  to the best  knowledge  of ADESA after due
        inquiry and  investigation,  no  premises  owned or occupied by or under
        lease to ADESA or any Subsidiary have ever been used, and as of the date
        of this  Agreement,  no such premises are being used for any  activities
        involving the use,  treatment,  transportation,  generation,  storage or
        disposal of any Hazardous  Substances in  reportable  quantities  and no
        Hazardous Substances in reportable  quantities have been released on any
        such  premises  nor is there any  threat  of  release  of any  Hazardous
        Substances in reportable quantities on any such premises.

l.      Other  Representations.  ADESA, Funding and each Subsidiary is qualified
        to do business  in every  jurisdiction  in which:  (i) the nature of the
        business  conducted or the character or location of properties  owned or
        leased by ADESA and  Subsidiaries,  or the  residences  or activities of
        employees  of  ADESA  and  the  Subsidiaries  make  such   qualification
        necessary,   and  (ii)  failure  so  to  qualify  could   reasonably  be
        anticipated  to impair the title of ADESA and  Subsidiaries  to material
        properties or the right of ADESA or any  Subsidiary to enforce  material
        contracts or result in exposure of ADESA and  Subsidiaries  to liability
        for material  penalties in such  jurisdiction.  No jurisdiction in which
        ADESA or any  Subsidiary  is not  qualified  to do business has asserted
        that ADESA or any  Subsidiary is required to be qualified  therein.  The
        principal   office  of  ADESA  is  located  at  1919  South  Post  Road,
        Indianapolis, Indiana. ADESA does not conduct any material operations or
        keep any material amounts of property at any other location. Funding was
        incorporated  on February 6, 1992,  and since its  incorporation  it has
        conducted no operations  and has engaged in no  transactions  other than
        those  necessarily  involved in the issuance of the Floating Rate Notes.
        The  principal  office of  Funding  is  located at 1919 South Post Road,
        Indianapolis,  Indiana. Funding does not conduct any material operations
        or keep any material amounts of property at any other location.


m.      The  Subsidiaries.  Except as disclosed on the "Schedule of  Exceptions"
        attached as Schedule 4.e.,  Schedule 4.m.  attached  hereto lists all of
        the  direct and  indirect  Subsidiaries  of ADESA.  Such  Schedule  4.m.
        indicates the date of acquisition or formation, the state or province of
        incorporation  and the  total  number  of  shares  outstanding  for each

n.      Corporate Names.  ADESA does not now, nor has ADESA during the past five
        years done business under any other name except "Auto Service  Exchange,
        Inc." Funding does not now, nor has Funding ever done business under any
        name other than "ADESA Funding  Corporation".  None of the  Subsidiaries
        has done  business  under  any name  other  than the name  indicated  in
        Schedule  4.m.  during the past five (5) years,  except  that ADESA Auto
        Transport,  Inc. was named "A.D.E.  Auctioneers  and  Appraisers,  Inc."
        prior to August 17, 1992; A.D.E. of Knoxville,  Inc. was formed in June,
        1993,  and  acquired  the assets of  Knoxville  Auto  Auction,  Inc. and
        H.H.H.,  Inc. d/b/a Lenoir City Auto Auction,  Inc.  ADESA Canada,  Inc.
        (formerly known as ADESA, (Montreal), Inc.) was formed July 20, 1993, to
        acquire  the  assets  and  rights  of  Montreal  Auto   Auction;   ADESA
        Indianapolis,  Inc. was formed in 1993 and is the surviving  corporation
        in a merger with Indianapolis Auto Auction,  Inc., and ADESA-Ohio,  Inc.
        was formerly known as Auto Dealers Exchange of  Cincinnati-Dayton,  Inc,
        and  ADESA-Ottawa,  Inc.  was  formerly  known as  Ottawa  Auto  Dealers
        Exchange, Inc.

        Section 5.  COLLATERAL  FOR THE  OBLIGATIONS.  The  Obligations  will be
secured as provided in this Section.

a.      The ADESA Security  Agreement.  The Obligations are and will continue to
        be secured by a security interest in all equipment,  inventory, accounts
        receivable  and  general  intangibles  of ADESA now  owned or  hereafter
        acquired  and in the  proceeds  thereof,  which  security  interest  was
        created and will  continue to exist by virtue of the Security  Agreement
        dated April 22, 1992,  executed by ADESA in favor of the Agent  pursuant
        to the  requirements  of the  Original  Agreement  (the "ADESA  Security
        Agreement").  ADESA shall execute the Amendment to Collateral  Documents
        in the form of Exhibit  "G"  attached  hereto to add all of the Banks as
        secured  parties  under  the  ADESA  Security  Agreement.  The  Security
        Agreement  provides  a security  interest  in the  collateral  described
        therein  subject only to liens and security  interests  described in the
        exceptions  enumerated in Section 7.b. The Agent acknowledges that as an
        incident to the execution of the Original  Agreement,  ADESA provided to
        the Agent appraisal reports with respect to the forced liquidation value
        of  substantially  all of the  equipment  then  owned by  ADESA  and the
        Subsidiaries.  ADESA  shall  provide  to the  Banks at  ADESA's  expense
        appraisal  reports,  addressed to the Banks,  of the forced  liquidation
        value of any equipment  subsequently  or hereafter  acquired by ADESA or
        any of  the  Subsidiaries,  which  acquisitions  individually  or in the
        aggregate  are  material to the  consolidated  financial  statements  of
        ADESA.  Upon the Banks'  request,  ADESA  shall  furnish to the Banks at
        ADESA's expense  currently  dated appraisal  reports with respect to the
        forced   liquidation  value  of  all  of  the  equipment  shown  in  the
        consolidated  financial  statements  of ADESA  from  time to time as the
        Banks  may  reasonably  require,  but not more  than once in any two (2)
        consecutive fiscal years of ADESA.


b.      Guaranties.  The Obligations  will further be supported by unconditional
        guaranties of prompt  payment of Funding,  and each of the  Subsidiaries
        excluding AFC, which guaranties are evidenced by the Guaranty Agreements
        executed by Funding and such  Subsidiaries  pursuant to the requirements
        of the Original Agreement. Funding and each Subsidiary shall execute the
        Amendment to Collateral Documents, in the form of Exhibit "G" to add the
        Banks as guaranty holders. In the case of any other subsidiary hereafter
        formed or  acquired  by ADESA,  including  but not  limited to ADESA New
        Jersey, Inc., Auto Banc Corporation and ADESA Remarketing Service, Inc.,
        such guaranty shall be evidenced by a Subsidiary  Guaranty  Agreement in
        the form of Exhibit "H", or equivalent document under Canadian law.

c.      The Mortgages.  The Guaranties of the respective  Subsidiaries  named in
        the  following  table are and will  continue  to be secured by  mortgage
        liens  and  security  interests  created,  in  the  case  of  each  such
        Subsidiary,  by a mortgage,  leasehold mortgage,  deed of trust or trust
        deed executed and delivered pursuant to the requirements of the Original
        Agreement.   Each  of  the  respective  Subsidiaries  shall  execute  an
        Amendment to their mortgage, leasehold mortgage, deed of trust, or trust
        deed to add the Banks as  parties  thereto.  The  common  address of the
        property or properties of the respective  Subsidiaries which are subject
        to the  mortgage,  leasehold  mortgage,  deed of  trust  or  trust  deed
        executed and delivered by each of such  Subsidiaries  follow the name of
        the Subsidiaries in the table:

          A.D.E. of Birmingham, Inc.              Auto Dealers Exchange
          804 Sollie Drive                         of Memphis, Inc.
          Moody, Alabama                          5400 Getwell at Holmes Road
                                                  Memphis, Tennessee; and
          ADESA-Ohio, Inc. (formerly              2650 Mt. Moriah Road
           known as "Auto Dealers Exchange        Memphis, Tennessee
          Cincinnati-Dayton, Inc.")
          4400 William C. Good Blvd.
          Franklin, Ohio
                                                  ADESA Indianapolis, Inc.
          A.D.E. of Lexington, Inc.               4000 Office Plaza Blvd.,
          672 Blue Sky Parkway                    4040 Office Plaza Blvd.,
          Lexington, Kentucky                     5050 West 38th Street, and
                                                  3905 Gemco Lane,
          Auto Dealers Exchange                   Indianapolis, Indiana
           of Concord
          77 Hosmer Street
          Acton, Massachusetts


           Greater Buffalo Auto
            Auction, Inc.                         3095-0539 Quebec, Inc.
           12220 Main Street                      300 Albert-Mondou Boulevard
           Newstead, New York                     Saint-Eustache, Quebec, Canada

        ADESA  agrees  that upon  purchase of a new  facility  in  Indianapolis,
        Indiana,  ADESA or its applicable Subsidiary shall grant a mortgage lien
        on  such  property  to the  Agent,  for the  benefit  of the  Banks,  as
        collateral  security  for all of the  Obligations.  The Banks agree that
        upon sale by ADESA Indianapolis, Inc. of its present auction location in
        Indianapolis, the Banks shall release the mortgage lien on such property
        provided that the new Mortgage in favor of the Banks on the new facility
        has been  executed,  that the net proceeds  from the sale of the present
        property  exceed  $4,500,000,  that  such  proceeds  are  applied to the
        Obligations  and provided that no Event of Default or Unmatured Event of
        Default exists.

d.      Subsidiary  Security  Agreements -- Subsidiary  Pledge  Agreements.  The
        obligations  of Funding,  and each of the  Subsidiaries,  excluding AFC,
        under  their  respective  Guaranty  Agreements  shall  be  secured  by a
        security  interest  in  all  of  the  equipment,   inventory,   accounts
        receivable   and  general   intangibles  of  Funding  and  each  of  the
        Subsidiaries, now owned or hereafter acquired, and the proceeds thereof,
        which security interests were created and will continue by virtue of the
        Security Agreements  executed by Funding and such Subsidiaries  pursuant
        to the requirements of the Original Agreement (the "Subsidiary  Security
        Agreements"). Funding and each Subsidiary shall execute the Amendment to
        Collateral  Documents  in the form of  Exhibit  "G" to add the  Banks as
        Secured Parties. In the case of any other subsidiary hereafter formed or
        acquired by ADESA,  including but no limited to ADESA New Jersey,  Inc.,
        Auto  Banc  Corporations  and ADESA  Remarketing  Services,  Inc.,  such
        security interest will be created by a Security Agreement  substantially
        in the form of Exhibit  "I". The  Subsidiary  Security  Agreements  will
        provide a security interest in the collateral described therein, subject
        only  to  liens  and  security  interests  described  in the  exceptions
        enumerated in Section 7.b. The obligations of A.D.E.  Management Company
        under its Guaranty  Agreement are and shall  continue to be secured by a
        pledge of 100 shares of the common stock of A.D.E. of Jacksonville, Inc.
        The Obligations of ADESA Indianapolis, Inc. under its Guaranty Agreement
        are and shall continue to be secured by pledge of 5 shares of the common
        stock of ADESA Auto Transport, Inc. Such pledges are evidenced by Pledge
        Agreements (the  "Subsidiary  Pledge  Agreements")  each dated April 22,
        1992,  which  Subsidiary  Pledge  Agreements were executed and delivered
        pursuant  to  the   requirements   of  the  Original   Agreement.   Such
        Subsidiaries  shall  execute  the  Amendment  to  Collateral   Agreement
        attached  as  Exhibit  "G" to add the  Banks  as  parties  thereto.  The
        obligations of ADESA Canada,  Inc.,  under its Guaranty shall be secured
        by a pledge of all shares of the common stock of 3095-0539 Quebec, Inc.,
        101 shares of common stock of Greater  Halifax Auto  Exchange,  Inc. and
        5544  shares of Class A common  stock and 4456  shares of Class B common
        stock  of  ADESA-Ottawa,  Inc.  which  pledge  was  created  by a Pledge
        Agreement  dated August 16, 1993,  as amended and restated by an Amended
        and Restated


        Pledge  Agreement dated June 30, 1994.  ADESA-Ottawa,  Inc. shall secure
        its  Guaranty by a pledge of all of the shares of common  stock of ADESA
        Remarketing Services, Inc. pursuant to a Pledge Agreement in the form of
        Exhibit "O" attached hereto.

e.      Pledged Notes. In addition to all other  collateral for the Obligations,
        the Obligation are and shall continue to be further  secured by a pledge
        of and a security interest in any Floating Rate Notes purchased with the
        proceeds of any Remarketing Drawing (the "Pledged Notes"),  which pledge
        and security  interest  Funding  hereby grants to the Banks.  As soon as
        possible following any Remarketing  Drawing, and in any event within ten
        (10) days of the date of such Drawing, Funding will cause the Trustee to
        deliver the Pledged Notes related to that Drawing to the Agent,  for the
        benefit of the Banks,  which  Pledged  Notes shall be  registered in the
        name of the  Agent,  for the  benefit  of the  Banks,  or in the name of
        Funding and  accompanied  by  appropriate  endorsements  or  assignments
        executed on behalf of Funding in blank, with the signatures  guaranteed.
        If any of the Pledged Notes are in the custody of or are registered to a
        Clearing  Corporation  or  other  Financial   Intermediary,   then  this
        Agreement  will  in and  of  itself  constitute  an  Instruction  to the
        Clearing  Corporation or other  Financial  Intermediary  to transfer the
        Pledged Notes from the account of Funding to the account of the Agent on
        the books of the Clearing  Corporation or other Financial  Intermediary.
        During the period in which any  Floating  Rate Notes are Pledged  Notes,
        the Banks  shall be  entitled  to receive  and retain  all  payments  of
        principal and interest on account of the Pledged Notes and such payments
        shall be  applied by the Banks to  satisfaction  of  Obligations  in the
        order provided below. If Funding should receive any payment of principal
        or interest on account of any Pledged Notes,  Funding shall receive such
        amounts  in trust for the  Banks  and  subject  to the  Banks'  security
        interest,  and shall immediately  forward any such payment to the Agent,
        for the  benefit of the Banks in the form in which  received by Funding,
        adding only such  assignments  or  endorsements  as may be  necessary to
        perfect the Agent's title thereto.  Funding appoints and constitutes the
        Agent  as  its  agent  and  any  officer  of  the  Agent  as   Funding's
        attorney-in-fact   for  purposes  of:  (i)  executing   instruments   of
        assignment  or  endorsement  of any  Pledged  Notes;  (ii)  issuing  any
        Instruction  or taking any other  action  necessary to cause any Pledged
        Notes to be  transferred  on the books of any  Clearing  Corporation  or
        other Financial  Intermediary from the account of Funding to the Agent's
        account or to cause the Pledged  Notes to be  registered  in the Agent's
        name on the books and records of any  Registrar  for the  Floating  Rate
        Notes,  and (iii) taking any other action  necessary to cause the Banks'
        security  interest to be perfected or to facilitate  any transfer of the
        Pledged Notes deemed necessary or desirable by the Required Banks.  Such
        appointment  and such  power are  irrevocable  so long as the  Letter of
        Credit is outstanding or any Obligations remain unsatisfied.  Should any
        Pledged Notes be sold by the Remarketing  Agent pursuant to the terms of
        the Trust Indenture,  the Agent will deliver such Pledged Notes together
        with appropriate  instruments of assignment to or in accordance with the
        instructions of the Remarketing Agent against payment of the proceeds of
        such  sale,  which  proceeds  shall  then be applied by the Agent to the
        satisfaction  of  Obligations in the order  provided  below.  Should any
        Pledged  Notes not be sold by the  Remarketing  Agent on or  before  the
        ninetieth day following the related


        Remarketing  Drawing, or on or before the next following Business Day if
        such  ninetieth  day is not a Business Day, then the Agent shall deliver
        the  Pledged  Notes to the  Trustee for  cancellation.  Any  payments of
        principal  or interest on account of Pledged  Notes and any  proceeds of
        Pledged Notes sold by the Remarketing  Agent received by the Agent shall
        be  applied  by  the  Agent  first  to  satisfy  ADESA's   reimbursement
        obligation with respect to the Remarketing Drawing the proceeds of which
        were used to purchase the related Pledged Notes, next to the transaction
        fee related to such Remarketing  Drawing,  and then to such other of the
        Obligations as may then be  outstanding,  as the Required Banks in their
        discretion shall choose.  If no Obligations are then due and payable and
        if no Event of Default or Unmatured Event of Default has occurred and is
        continuing,  the Agent shall pay any remaining  portion of such funds to
        ADESA.  ADESA may use such funds for any purpose  permissible  under the
        terms of this Agreement. As used in this paragraph,  the terms "Clearing
        Corporation,"  "Instruction"  and "Financial  Intermediary"  are used as
        defined in the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted in Indiana.

f.      Sinking  Fund  Reserve.   In  addition  to  the  Investment   Account  B
        established  by ADESA with the Trust Group of the Agent  pursuant to the
        requirements of Section 6.i, ADESA has established  with the Trust Group
        of the Agent,  an investment  agency  account  ("Investment  Account A")
        under  the  Agent's  usual  and  customary  form of  agreement  for such
        accounts.  ADESA shall pay the Agent's usual and  customary  charges for
        services  rendered by the Agent's  Trust Group in  connection  with such
        account for the Agent's sole  benefit.  All of the assets of  Investment
        Account A are and shall  continue  to be  pledged to the Banks to secure
        the  Obligations on the terms  expressed in the pledge  agreement  dated
        April 22, 1992, (the "Pledge  Agreement")  executed by ADESA in favor of
        the Agent  pursuant to the terms of the  Original  Agreement,  and shall
        constitute a fund (the "Sinking Fund Reserve") in order to assure timely
        reimbursement to the Agent of all principal drawings under the Letter of
        Credit.  ADESA shall execute  Amendment to  Collateral  Documents in the
        form of Exhibit "G" to add the Banks as secured parties under the Pledge
        Agreement.  Investments  of  Investment  Account A shall be  limited  to
        Qualified Investments, provided that no certificate of deposit purchased
        as an asset of  Investment  Account A shall have a maturity  date beyond
        the  nearer  of the  first  Business  Day of  March  or  September  next
        following and no specific  security  purchased as an asset of Investment
        Account A shall  have a maturity  more than six months  from the date of
        purchase.  So long as any of the  Floating  Rate Notes are  outstanding,
        ADESA shall make such  deposits to the  Sinking  Fund  Reserve as may be
        necessary  to cause the balance of the Sinking Fund Reserve on the first
        Business Day of each May, June, July,  August and September of each year
        to be not less than 1/6,  1/3,  1/2, 2/3 and 5/6,  respectively,  of the
        amount of the mandatory  Sinking Fund  redemption of Floating Rate Notes
        required  to be made on the  following  October  1 under  the  terms  of
        Section 3.02 of the Trust Indenture. So long as any of the Floating Rate
        Notes are  outstanding,  ADESA  shall make such  deposits to the Sinking
        Fund  Reserve as may be  necessary  to cause the  balance of the Sinking
        Fund  Reserve  on the first  Business  Day of each  November,  December,
        January,  February and March of each year to be not less than 1/6,  1/3,
        1/2, 2/3 and 5/6,  respectively,  of the amount of the mandatory Sinking
        Fund redemption of Floating Rate


        Notes  required to be made on the  following  April 1 under the terms of
        Section  3.02 of the Trust  Indenture.  The Agent shall give  continuing
        instructions  to its Trust Group to transfer  the entire net  realizable
        cash value of the  Account of the  Sinking  Fund  Reserve to the Blocked
        Account  on the  Business  Day which is two  Business  Days prior to the
        first Business Day of each March and September. As used in the preceding
        sentence,  the phrase "net  realizable  cash value of the Account" means
        the amount of the  Account  which then  consists of or can be reduced to
        cash,  less charges of the Agent's Trust Group due and payable under the
        terms of Investment  Account A. Such instructions shall remain in effect
        until an Event of Default  shall have  occurred  and is  continuing,  at
        which time the Banks may deal with the Sinking  Fund Reserve as with any
        other collateral for the Obligations.

g.      Pledge of Investment  Account B. The  Obligations are and shall continue
        to be further  secured by a pledge of and a security  interest in all of
        the  cash and  securities  held in  Investment  Account  B  (established
        pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 6.i) and the proceeds  thereof
        which pledge and security  interest  shall be on the terms  expressed in
        the Pledge Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the pledge of Investment Account
        B, ADESA shall be free to withdraw assets from Investment  Account B and
        use them for any proper corporate purpose consistent with the provisions
        of this Agreement until such time as an Event of Default or an Unmatured
        Event of Default has occurred and is continuing and the Required  Banks,
        during the  continuance  of such Event of Default or Unmatured  Event of
        Default, shall have notified the Agent's Trust Group that (i) no further
        withdrawal of assets from Investment Account B nor changes in the assets
        held in  Investment  Account B may be made  without  the  consent of the
        Required Banks and (ii) the Agent shall  thereafter  otherwise  exercise
        control over Investment  Account B as provided in the Pledge  Agreement.
        After the  Required  Banks  through the Agent shall have given notice to
        the Agent's Trust Group as provided in the preceding sentence, the Agent
        shall continue to exercise control over Investment Account B for so long
        as the  Required  Banks in their  discretion  deems it prudent to do so,
        notwithstanding the fact that all Events of Default and Unmatured Events
        of  Default  which  existed  at the time such  notice was given or which
        occurred thereafter shall have been cured. Investment Account B shall be
        a  segregated  account,  separate  from the  investment  agency  account
        established  by ADESA with the Trust Group of the Agent  pursuant to the
        requirements of Section 5.f.

h.      Pledge of Stock of Funding and the Subsidiaries. The Obligations are and
        shall  continue to be further  secured by a pledge,  evidenced by and on
        the terms and conditions  expressed in the Pledge  Agreement,  of all of
        the shares of each class of equity securities of Funding and each of the
        Subsidiaries  owned by ADESA.  ADESA  shall  execute  the  Amendment  to
        Collateral  Documents  in the form of  Exhibit  "G" to add the  Banks as
        parties thereto.  ADESA shall further execute and deliver to the Agent a
        new Schedule to Pledge Agreement in the form of Exhibit "J", listing all
        Subsidiaries  owned by ADESA  as of the  date of this  Agreement.  ADESA
        shall  deliver or shall  have  delivered  to the Agent the  certificates
        representing all of the shares of, or ownership interest in, any


        Subsidiary  created  or  acquired  after  the  date of  this  Agreement,
        together with an amendment to the Schedule to Pledge Agreement.

i.      Pledge of Inter-Company  Notes,  Inter-Company  Security  Agreements and
        Inter-Company  Mortgages. The obligations of each of the Subsidiaries to
        ADESA on account of any loans or  advances  made at any time by ADESA to
        the Subsidiary  shall be evidenced by a promissory  note executed by the
        Subsidiary  in  favor  of ADESA  in the  form of  Exhibit  "K"  (each an
        "Inter-Company  Note").  All of the  obligations  of each  Subsidiary to
        ADESA  represented  by an  Inter-Company  Note  executed by a Subsidiary
        which is the owner of one of the Parcels  subject to a Mortgage (each of
        which  Subsidiary  is  hereafter  referred  to in this  Subsection  as a
        "Mortgagor  Subsidiary") shall be secured by mortgage liens and security
        interests  created by mortgages or deeds of trust (each a "Inter-Company
        Mortgage" and collectively,  the "Inter-Company Mortgages"). In the case
        of the  Parcels  owned  by  each  of the  Mortgagor  Subsidiaries,  such
        mortgage liens and security interests were created and shall continue to
        exist by virtue of the  mortgages  and  deeds of trust  executed  by the
        Mortgagor  Subsidiaries  pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Original
        Agreement. Each of the Inter-Company Mortgages was collaterally assigned
        by ADESA to the  Agent,  for the  benefit  of the  Banks,  to secure the
        Obligations  by  Collateral   Assignments   executed   pursuant  to  the
        requirements of the Original  Agreement.  ADESA shall execute amendments
        to the Collateral  Assignments to add the Banks as parties thereto.  All
        of the  obligations  of  each  Subsidiary  to  ADESA  represented  by an
        Inter-Company  Note shall be further  secured by a security  interest in
        all  of  the  equipment,  inventory,  accounts  receivable  and  general
        intangibles of the Subsidiary,  now owned or hereafter acquired, and the
        proceeds thereof, which security interest shall be created by a security
        agreement (each an "Inter-Company Security Agreement" and, collectively,
        the  "Inter-Company  Security  Agreements").  In the case of each of the
        Subsidiaries, such security interests were created and shall continue to
        exist by virtue of the Inter-Company  Security  Agreements,  executed by
        the respective Subsidiaries pursuant to the requirements of the Original
        Agreement.  In the case of any  other  Subsidiary  hereafter  formed  or
        acquired by ADESA,  including but not limited to ADESA New Jersey, Inc.,
        Auto  Banc  Corporation  and  ADESA  Remarketing  Services,  Inc.,  such
        security interest shall be created by a security agreement substantially
        in the Form of Exhibit "L". The Inter-Company  Security  Agreements will
        provide a security interest in the collateral described therein which is
        second and inferior to the security  interests created by the Subsidiary
        Security  Agreements,  but otherwise,  subject only to those other liens
        and security interests described in the exceptions enumerated in Section
        7.b. All of the Obligations are and shall continue to be further secured
        by a pledge and collateral assignment of each of the Inter-Company Notes
        and each of the  Inter-Company  Security  Agreements,  which  pledge and
        collateral  assignment  shall be  evidenced by and shall be on the terms
        and conditions  expressed in the Pledge  Agreement.  The  obligations of
        A.D.E.  Management Company  ("Management")  under its Inter-Company Note
        are and shall  continue to be further  secured by a pledge of 100 shares
        of the common stock of A.D.E. of Jacksonville,  Inc., which pledge shall
        provide a security  interest in such stock which is second and  inferior
        to the security interest of the Banks created by the


        Subsidiary Pledge Agreement executed by Management.  The pledge in favor
        of ADESA to secure Management's Inter-Company Note is and shall continue
        to be  evidenced by the  Inter-Company  Security  Agreement  executed by
        Management  and is and shall  continue  to be  perfected  by the Agent's
        holding  the  Note  as  collateral   agent  for  ADESA  as  provided  in
        Management's  Subsidiary  Pledge  Agreement.  The  obligations  of ADESA
        Indianapolis, Inc. under its Inter-Company Note is and shall continue to
        be further  secured by a pledge of 5 shares of the common stock of ADESA
        Auto Transport,  Inc., which pledge shall provide a security interest in
        such stock which is second and inferior to the security  interest of the
        Banks  created by the  Subsidiary  Pledge  Agreement  executed  by ADESA
        Indianapolis,  Inc.  The  pledge  in  favor of  ADESA  to  secure  ADESA
        Indianapolis,  Inc.'s  Inter-Company  Note is and shall  continue  to be
        evidenced  by the  Inter-Company  Security  Agreement  executed by ADESA
        Indianapolis,  Inc.  and is and shall  continue to be  perfected  by the
        Agent's  holding the Note as  collateral  agent for ADESA as provided in
        ADESA Indianapolis, Inc.'s Subsidiary Pledge Agreement. The Subsidiaries
        shall  execute the  Amendment  to  Collateral  Documents  in the form of
        Exhibit "G" to add the Banks as parties thereto.

j.      Agent as Collateral  Agent for Banks.  All collateral  from time to time
        securing  the  Obligations  shall exist for the  ratable  benefit of the
        Banks.  The  interest of each Bank in the  collateral  from time to time
        existing  shall  be pro  rata  according  to  the  proportion  that  its
        Commitment  bears to all  Commitments of the Banks,  but the interest of
        each Bank in the  collateral  shall rank  equally in  priority  with the
        interest of each other Bank.  Notwithstanding  the time, order or method
        of  attachment  or  perfection  of any  security  interest or lien,  and
        notwithstanding  anything  contained in any filing or agreement to which
        any of the Banks is a party,  any lien or security  interest in favor of
        any of the  Banks  in any of  the  collateral  described  in the  Credit
        Documents which arises out of any prior or subsequent  transaction shall
        be  subordinate to the security  interest or lien in such  collateral in
        favor of the Banks under the Credit Documents. The Banks acknowledge and
        agree  that the Agent  shall  serve as  collateral  agent for all of the
        Banks  and  that  any  filing,  mortgage,  security  agreement  or other
        instrument  perfecting or evidencing a lien or security  interest in the
        collateral  in the  name of the  Agent  shall  be  deemed  to be for the
        benefit of all of the Banks in accordance with this  Agreement.  Subject
        to the further  provisions of this Agreement,  and subject to the advice
        of its  counsel,  the Agent  shall act with  respect  to the  collateral
        securing the Obligations under the Credit Documents as instructed by the
        Required  Banks.  No Bank will take any action to enforce  its  rights,
        pursue any remedy or foreclose any liens against  ADESA,  Funding or any
        Subsidiary (other than by way of set-off), except through the Agent.

k.      Adjustments to Collateral. If any Bank (a "Benefited Bank") shall at any
        time  receive  any  payment  of  all  or any  part  of  the  Obligations
        hereunder,  or interest  thereon,  or receive any  collateral in respect
        thereof  (whether by set-off or otherwise) in a greater  proportion than
        its ratable  portion,  such  Benefited Bank shall purchase for cash from
        the other Banks such portion of the other Banks' Notes, or shall provide
        such  other  Banks  with the  benefits  of any such  collateral,  or the
        proceeds thereof, as shall be necessary to


        cause the Benefited Bank to share the excess payment or benefits of such
        collateral or proceeds ratably with the other Banks; provided,  however,
        that if all or any  portion  of  such  excess  payment  or  benefits  is
        thereafter  recovered  from the Benefited  Bank,  such purchase shall be
        rescinded, and the purchase price and benefits returned to the extent of
        such recovery,  but without interest.  ADESA and Funding agree that each
        Bank so  purchasing  a portion of another  Bank's Notes may exercise all
        rights of payment  (including,  without  limitation,  rights of set-off)
        with  respect  to such  portion as fully as if such Bank were the direct
        holder of such  portion.  If during any period of an Unmatured  Event of
        Default or Event of Default,  a Benefited Bank receives payment or other
        proceeds in connection  with any other credit facility with ADESA or any
        Subsidiary,  excluding  AFC,  such payment or proceeds  shall be applied
        exclusively for the pro rata benefit of the Banks in connection with the
        Obligations  hereunder  prior to any  application  to such other  credit

        Section 6.  AFFIRMATIVE  COVENANTS.  Until all  Obligations  of ADESA or
Funding  terminate  or are  paid  and  satisfied  in  full,  and so  long as any
Commitment or the Letter of Credit is outstanding,  ADESA and Funding agree that
each will strictly observe each of the following covenants applicable to it, and
ADESA  agrees  that it will  cause  Funding  to  observe  each of the  following
covenants  applicable  to Funding,  unless at any time the Required  Banks shall
otherwise expressly consent in writing,  which consent shall not be unreasonably
withheld or delayed:

a.      Corporate  Existence.  ADESA and Funding shall preserve their respective
        corporate existences and ADESA shall preserve the corporate existence of
        each Subsidiary.

b.      Reports, Certificates and Other Information.  ADESA shall furnish to the
        Agent copies of the following  financial  statements,  certificates  and
        other information:

           (i)    Annual  Statements.  As soon  as  available  and in any  event
                  within one hundred  twenty  (120) days after the close of each
                  fiscal year,  audited  consolidated  financial  statements and
                  supplemental  consolidating  information  of  ADESA  for  such
                  fiscal year, which financial  statements shall be prepared and
                  presented in accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
                  principles,  in each case setting  forth in  comparative  form
                  corresponding  figures for the preceding fiscal year, together
                  with the audit  report,  unqualified  as to scope,  of Ernst &
                  Young.  Each  such  set  of  financial   statements  shall  be
                  accompanied  by  the  written   representation  of  the  chief
                  financial officer of ADESA that such financial statements have
                  been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
                  principles  and  that  the   consolidated   and   supplemental
                  consolidating  information present fairly the consolidated and
                  consolidating  financial  position of ADESA and the results of
                  its  operations as of the date thereof and for the fiscal year
                  then ended.


           (ii)   Monthly  Statements of ADESA.  As soon as available and in any
                  event within forty-five (45) days after the end of each month,
                  a copy of the interim  financial  statements  of ADESA and the
                  Subsidiaries, consisting at a minimum of:

                  A.  the consolidated and  consolidating  balance sheets of
                      ADESA and the Subsidiaries as of the end of the month,

                  B.  consolidated and consolidating statements of income of
                      ADESA and the  Subsidiaries  for the month and for the
                      partial or full fiscal year ended as of the end of the
                      month, and

                  Such  statements as of each month end which is also the end of
                  a fiscal quarter of ADESA shall be accompanied by consolidated
                  statements of cash flows for the year to date as of the end of
                  such fiscal quarter.  All of the statements required under the
                  terms of this  subsection  shall be  presented  in  reasonable
                  detail,  setting forth corresponding figures for the preceding
                  fiscal year, and accompanied by the written  representation of
                  the chief  financial  officer  of ADESA  that  such  financial
                  statements  have been  prepared in accordance  with  generally
                  accepted  accounting  principles  (except  that  they need not
                  include  footnotes and need not reflect  adjustments  normally
                  made at year end,  if such  adjustments  are not  material  in
                  amount),  consistently  applied,  (except for changes in which
                  the  independent  accountants  of ADESA  concur)  and  present
                  fairly the  financial  position of ADESA and the  Subsidiaries
                  and the results of their respective operations as of the dates
                  of such statements and for the fiscal periods then ended.  The
                  interim statements required under the terms of this subsection
                  shall include a comparison  of results to the budget  required
                  under the terms of Section 6.b(viii) and income statement line
                  items shall be broken down to provide such detail as the Agent
                  may  reasonably  require.  Such detail shall be presented  for
                  ADESA and each Subsidiary, and on a consolidated basis.

           (iii)  Certificates.  Contemporaneously  with the  furnishing of each
                  set of financial  statements  provided for in Sections  6.b(i)
                  and  6.b(ii),  an  Officer's  Certificate,  together  with the
                  supplemental certificate of the chief financial officer or the
                  treasurer of ADESA demonstrating,  in such detail as the Agent
                  may reasonably  require,  compliance with the covenants stated
                  at Section 6.g.

           (iv)   Orders.   Prompt   notice  of  any  orders  in  any   material
                  proceedings  to which ADESA,  Funding or any  Subsidiary  is a
                  party,  issued by any court or regulatory  agency,  federal or
                  state,  and if any Bank should so request,  a copy of any such


           (v)    Notice of Default or Litigation.  Immediately upon learning of
                  the occurrence of an Event of Default or an Unmatured Event of
                  Default, or the institution of or any adverse determination in
                  any   litigation,   arbitration   proceeding  or  governmental
                  proceeding  which  is  material  to  ADESA,   Funding  or  any
                  significant  Subsidiary,  or the occurrence of any event which
                  could have a material  adverse  effect upon ADESA,  Funding or
                  any significant Subsidiary,  written notice thereof describing
                  the same and the steps being taken with  respect  thereto.  As
                  used in this  subsection,  the term  "significant  Subsidiary"
                  means  any   Subsidiary   whose  earnings   before   interest,
                  depreciation,  amortization  and  income tax  expense  for the
                  fiscal  year ended  immediately  prior to the date as of which
                  its status as a significant Subsidiary is to be determined was
                  greater than $2,500,000.

           (vi)   Other  Information.  From time to time such other  information
                  concerning  ADESA,  Funding or any  Subsidiary as any Bank may
                  reasonably request.

           (vii)  Budget.  At least ten (10) days prior to the beginning of each
                  fiscal year of ADESA,  a  quarter-by-quarter  budget of income
                  and  expenses  for that  year,  and a  projected  consolidated
                  balance sheet on a quarterly basis, prepared in such detail as
                  the Agent shall reasonably require.

c.      Books,  Records and  Inspections.  ADESA and Funding shall  maintain and
        ADESA shall cause each  Subsidiary  to maintain  complete  and  accurate
        books and records and permit access thereto by the Banks for purposes of
        inspection,  copying and audit,  and ADESA and Funding  shall permit the
        Banks to  inspect  their  properties  and  operations  and  those of the
        Subsidiaries at all reasonable times.

d.      Insurance.  In  addition  to any  insurance  required  by  the  Security
        Agreements,  ADESA and Funding shall maintain and ADESA shall cause each
        Subsidiary to maintain such insurance as may be required by law and such
        other   insurance,   to  such  extend  and  against   such  hazards  and
        liabilities,   as  is  customarily  maintained  by  companies  similarly
        situated. All insurance polices providing coverage for loss of or damage
        to fixed  assets  shall be  endorsed so as to provide  replacement  cost
        coverage. ADESA and Funding agree to name and ADESA agrees to cause each
        Subsidiary  to name the Agent,  for the benefit of the Banks,  as a loss
        payee  on any such  insurance  policy  under a  standard  lender's  loss
        payable clause and to provide a copy of each such policy to the Agent.

e.      Taxes and Liabilities. ADESA and Funding shall pay and ADESA shall cause
        each Subsidiary to pay when due all taxes, license fees, assessments and
        other  liabilities  except such as are being contested in good faith and
        by appropriate  proceedings and for which appropriate reserves have been

f.      Compliance  with Legal and  Regulatory  Requirements.  ADESA and Funding
        shall  maintain  and ADESA  shall  cause  each  Subsidiary  to  maintain
        material compliance with


        the  applicable  provisions of all federal,  state,  Canadian,  Canadian
        provincial and local statues,  ordinances and  regulations and any court
        orders or orders of regulatory authorities issued thereunder.

g.      Financial  Covenants.   ADESA  shall  observe  the  following  financial
        covenants on a consolidated basis excluding AFC:

           (i)    Tangible  Capital  Base.  ADESA shall  maintain  its  Tangible
                  Capital  Base at  levels  not  less  than  those  shown in the
                  following table for the periods indicated:

                            Period                        Tangible Capital Base
                            ------                        ---------------------

                  from the date of this Agreement
                      until fiscal year end 1995               $50,000,000
                  at fiscal year end 1995 and until
                      fiscal year end 1996                     $55,000,000
                  at fiscal year end 1996 and until
                      fiscal year end 1997                     $60,000,000
                  at fiscal year end 1997 and at all
                      times thereafter                         $65,000,000

           (ii)   Leverage.  ADESA shall  maintain  its  Leverage at not greater
                  than 3.50 to 1.00 until  December  30, 1996 and at not greater
                  than  3.0  to 1.0  on  December  31,  1996  and  at all  times

           (iii)  Coverage. For each period of four consecutive fiscal quarters,
                  ADESA shall maintain Coverage of not less than 1.20 to 1.0.

           (iv)   Funded  Debt.  For  each  period  of four  consecutive  fiscal
                  quarters  ending during the periods  designated  below,  ADESA
                  shall  maintain  its ratio of Funded Debt to EBITDAL at levels
                  not greater than those shown in the following table:

                            Period                         Funded Debt/EBITDAL
                            ------                         -------------------

                  From the date of this Agreement
                      through March 30, 1996                   4.5 to 1.0

                  At March 31, 1996 through September
                      29, 1996                                 4.25 to 1.0

                  At September 30, 1996 through
                      December 30, 1996                        4.0 to 1.0

                  At December 31, 1996 and at all
                       times thereafter                        3.75 to 1.0


h.      Primary Banking Relationship.  Except for the deposit relationships with
        First Tennessee Bank National  Association,  PNC Bank,  Kentucky,  Inc.,
        Society  National Bank,  Indiana,  Harris Trust and Savings Bank and The
        First National Bank of Boston,  presently maintained or opened hereafter
        by ADESA, and the deposit relationship  maintained by ADESA Canada, Inc.
        with Bank of Montreal and  Canadian  Imperial  Bank of  Commerce,  ADESA
        shall maintain its primary demand deposit accounts with the Agent.

i.      Investment Agency Account.  ADESA shall maintain all cash in excess of a
        reasonable reserve for immediate operating needs, and other than amounts
        required to be maintained  in the Sinking Fund  Reserve,  in a custodial
        agency account  ("Investment Account B") carried with the Trust Group of
        the Agent,  which account shall be  established  under the Agent's usual
        and  customary  form of  agreement  for such  accounts.  The reserve for
        immediate  operating needs referred to in the preceding  sentence shall,
        except for payroll accounts, be maintained in demand deposit accounts at
        the  Agent,  First  Tennessee  Bank  National  Association,   PNC  Bank,
        Kentucky,  Inc.,  The First  National Bank of Boston,  Society  National
        Bank, Indiana,  Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Canadian Imperial Bank of
        Commerce and Bank of  Montreal,  provided  that  deposits in each of the
        latter seven banks shall not exceed $5,000,000.00 in each bank. Further,
        the deposits  maintained in Bank of Montreal and Canadian  Imperial Bank
        of Commerce  shall not exceed in the  aggregate  U.S.  $5,000,000 on and
        after July 1, 1995.  ADESA  shall pay the  Agent's  usual and  customary
        charges for services  rendered by the Agent's  Trust Group in connection
        with such account.  Investments of Investment Account B shall be limited
        to debt securities of a quality not less than that commonly  referred to
        as  "investment  grade" or shares of  investment  companies  or units of
        investment  in common  trust funds the assets of which,  in either case,
        consist  entirely of cash and investment grade  securities.  No specific
        security  or  certificate  of deposit  purchased  as an  investment  for
        Investment  Account B shall  have a  maturity  more than  thirteen  (13)
        months from the date purchased.

j.      Employee Benefit Plans. ADESA and Funding shall maintain and ADESA shall
        cause each  Subsidiary to maintain any Plan in material  compliance with
        ERISA, the Code, and all rules and regulations of regulatory authorities
        issued pursuant thereto and ADESA and Funding shall file and ADESA shall
        cause each Subsidiary to file all reports  required to be field pursuant
        to ERISA, the Code, and such rules and regulations.

k.      Hazardous  Substances.  If  ADESA,  Funding  or  any  Subsidiary  should
        commence  the use,  treatment,  transportation,  generation,  storage or
        disposal of any  Hazardous  Substance in  reportable  quantities  in its
        operations  in addition to those noted in the  "Schedule of  Exceptions"
        attached as Schedule 4.e., ADESA shall  immediately  notify the Agent of
        the  commencement  of such activity with respect to each such  Hazardous
        Substance.  ADESA shall cause any Hazardous  Substances which are now or
        may hereafter be used or generated in the  operations of ADESA,  Funding
        or any  Subsidiary  in  reportable  quantities  to be accounted  for and
        disposed of in compliance with all applicable federal,


        state,  Canadian,  Canadian  provincial and local laws and  regulations.
        ADESA shall notify the Agent immediately upon obtaining knowledge that:

           (i)    any premises which have at any time been owned and occupied by
                  or have been under lease to ADESA,  Funding or any  Subsidiary
                  are  the  subject  of an  environmental  investigation  by any
                  federal,   state,  Canadian,   Canadian  provincial  or  local
                  governmental agency having jurisdiction over the regulation of
                  any Hazardous  Substances,  the purpose of which investigation
                  is to quantify the levels of the Hazardous  Substances located
                  on such premises, or

           (ii)   ADESA,  Funding  or  any  Subsidiary  has  been  named  or  is
                  threatened to be named as a party responsible for the possible
                  contamination  of any  real  property  or  ground  water  with
                  Hazardous  Substances,  including,  but  not  limited  to  the
                  contamination of past and present waste disposal sites.

        If ADESA,  Funding or any Subsidiary is notified of any event  described
        at items (i) or (ii) above, ADESA shall immediately engage or cause such
        Subsidiary  to  engage  a firm or firms of  engineers  or  environmental
        consultants appropriately qualified to determine as quickly as practical
        the extent of  contamination  and the potential  financial  liability of
        ADESA,  Funding or any Subsidiary  with respect  thereto,  and the Agent
        shall be provided with a copy of any report  prepared by such firm or by
        any  governmental  agency as to such  matters as soon as any such report
        becomes   available  to  ADESA.   The  selection  of  any  engineers  or
        environmental  consultants  engaged pursuant to the requirements of this
        Section  shall be subject to the approval of the Agent,  which  approval
        shall not be unreasonably withheld.  Notwithstanding any other provision
        of this subsection,  if ADESA,  Funding or any Subsidiary is notified of
        any event described at items (i) or (ii) above,  and if ADESA determines
        that the course of action  outlined above should not be required in view
        of the  manifest  magnitude  of the  problem,  or would not be a prudent
        course of action  for ADESA to pursue in view of all the  circumstances,
        ADESA  shall  immediately  notify  the  Agent  of that  fact  and of the
        alternate  course of  action  which  ADESA  proposes  to pursue  and the
        Required  Banks shall not  unreasonably  withhold their approval of such
        alternate course of action.

l.      Sinking Fund Reserve Payments.  ADESA shall make deposits to the Sinking
        Fund Reserve in a timely  manner as required  under the terms of Section

m.      Obligations  Under the Floating Rate Note  Documents.  ADESA and Funding
        will  pay  and  perform  in a  timely  manner  all of  their  respective
        obligations  under those  Floating Rate Note Documents to which they are
        respectively parties.

        Section 7. NEGATIVE  COVENANTS OF ADESA.  Until all Obligations of ADESA
or Funding  terminate or are paid and  satisfied in full,  and so long as either
the Commitment or the Letter of Credit is  outstanding,  ADESA and Funding agree
that each will strictly observe each of


the  following  covenants  applicable to it, and ADESA agrees that it will cause
Funding to observe each of the following covenants applicable to Funding, unless
at any time the Required Banks shall otherwise expressly consent in writing,
which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed:

a.      Restricted  Payments.  ADESA shall not  purchase or redeem any shares of
        the  capital  stock of ADESA or  declare  or pay any  dividends  thereon
        except for dividends payable entirely in capital stock.

b.      Liens.  ADESA and Funding shall not create or permit to exist, and ADESA
        shall  not  allow  any  Subsidiary  to  create  or  permit  to exist any
        mortgage,  pledge,  title  retention lien or other lien,  encumbrance or
        security  interest  (all of  which  are  hereafter  referred  to in this
        subsection  as a "lien" or  "liens")  with  respect to any  property  or
        assets now owned or hereafter acquired except:

           (i)    liens in favor of the Banks or in favor of ADESA and  assigned
                  to the Banks,  which liens shall have been created pursuant to
                  the requirements of this Agreement or otherwise;

           (ii)   liens by AFC pursuant to the AFC Agreement;

           (iii)  any lien or deposit with any  governmental  agency required or
                  permitted to qualify ADESA, Funding or a Subsidiary to conduct
                  business or exercise any privilege,  franchise or license,  or
                  to  maintain  self-insurance  or to obtain the  benefits of or
                  secure  obligations  under  any law  pertaining  to  workmen's
                  compensation, unemployment insurance, old age pensions, social
                  security  or  similar  matters,  or  to  obtain  any  stay  or
                  discharge in any legal or administrative  proceedings,  or any
                  similar  lien or  deposit  arising in the  ordinary  course of

           (iv)   any    mechanic's,    workmen's,    repairmen's,    carrier's,
                  warehousemen's  or other  like liens  arising in the  ordinary
                  course of business for amounts not yet due and for the payment
                  of which adequate reserves have been established,  or deposits
                  made to obtain the release of such liens;

           (v)    easements,  licenses,  minor  irregularities in title or minor
                  encumbrances on or over any real property which do not, in the
                  judgment of the Agent,  materially  detract  from the value of
                  such property or its  marketability  or its  usefulness in the
                  business of ADESA, Funding or any Subsidiary;

           (vi)   liens for taxes and governmental charges which are not yet due
                  or which are being  contested in good faith and by appropriate
                  proceedings  and for  which  appropriate  reserves  have  been


           (vii)  liens  created by or resulting  from any  litigation  or legal
                  proceeding  which  is being  contested  in good  faith  and by
                  appropriate  proceedings  and for which  appropriate  reserves
                  have been established.

           (viii) liens securing the unpaid portion of the purchase price of, or
                  purchase  money   financing  for  any  fixed  asset  hereafter
                  acquired,  provided  that  the  acquisition  of such  asset is
                  permissible  under the limitation on indebtedness  incurred to
                  persons other than the Banks expressed in Section 7.k;

           (ix)   those specific  liens now existing  described on the "Schedule
                  of Exceptions" attached as Schedule 4.e.

c.      Restriction on Granting Negative  Pledges.  ADESA and Funding shall not,
        and ADESA shall not allow any  Subsidiary,  excluding AFC, to enter into
        any  agreement  with any Person  (other than the Banks  pursuant to this
        Agreement) which restricts the right of ADESA, Funding or any Subsidiary
        to create,  assume or suffer any liens (as defined in Section 7.b above)
        on any property or assets now owned or hereafter acquired.

d.      Guaranties,  Loans or Advances. ADESA shall not be a guarantor or surety
        of, or  otherwise  be  responsible  in any  manner  with  respect to any
        undertaking of any other person or entity, whether by guaranty agreement
        or by agreement to purchase any  obligations,  stock,  assets,  goods or
        services,  or to supply or advance any funds, assets, goods or services,
        or otherwise,  other than with respect to (i) a Subsidiary which is
        wholly owned  directly or indirectly by ADESA,  excluding  AFC, (ii)
        ADESA Canada,  Inc.; (iii) ADESA's obligations  pursuant to the AFC
        Agreement to repurchase,  or contribute equity to AFC in an amount equal
        to AFC's dealer receivables which are determined to be uncollectible (as
        defined in the AFC  Agreement),  provided that the  repurchase or equity
        obligation will not exceed $1,500,000 annually; (iv) ADESA's obligations
        pursuant to the AFC  Agreement  to guarantee  AFC's  dealer  receivables
        resulting from the purchase of vehicles at float-sale auctions, provided
        that  such  guarantee  does not  exceed  $15,000,000  at any  time  and,
        provided further, that ADESA shall establish and maintain reserves equal
        to three (3) times  the  trailing  twelve  (12)  month bad debt  expense
        resulting from these receivables with a minimum reserve of $600,000; and
        (v) ADESA's  obligation to guarantee AFC's  indemnification  obligations
        under the AFC Agreement. Funding shall not be and ADESA shall not permit
        any  Subsidiary,  excluding  AFC,  to be a  guarantor  or surety  of, or
        otherwise be responsible  in any manner with respect to any  undertaking
        of any other  person or entity,  whether  by  guaranty  agreement  or by
        agreement to purchase any obligations, stock, assets, goods or services,
        or to  supply  or  advance  any  funds,  assets,  good or  services,  or
        otherwise,  except for the guaranty  obligations  taken  pursuant to the
        Guaranty Agreements. ADESA and Funding shall not make or permit to exist
        and ADESA  shall not permit any  Subsidiary,  excluding  AFC, to make or
        permit to exist any loans or  advances  to any other  person or  entity,
        except for (i) the specific existing items listed in the "Schedule of


        Exceptions"  attached as Schedule  4.e.,  (ii)  extensions  of credit or
        credit  accommodations  to  customers  or vendors  made in the  ordinary
        course  of  its  business  as now  conducted,  (iii)  reasonable  salary
        advances to  employees,  and other  advances to agents and employees for
        anticipated  expenses to be incurred on behalf of ADESA,  Funding or any
        Subsidiary in the course of  discharging  their  assigned  duties,  (iv)
        loans and advances made by ADESA to Subsidiaries  which are wholly owned
        directly or indirectly by ADESA or ADESA Canada,  Inc.,  excluding  AFC,
        (v) advances of accrued  bonuses to  employees  in an  aggregate  amount
        outstanding  not  exceeding  $500,000.00,   less  the  amount  of  loans
        described at item (vi) immediately  following which are outstanding from
        time to time,  (vi)  loans to any other  persons  which do not exceed in
        aggregate amount  outstanding at any time $5,000,000  including loans to
        AFC, and (vii) the advance to ADESA of the proceeds of the Floating Rate
        Notes by Funding and the advance to ADESA of the proceeds of the sale of
        any Pledged Notes released by the Agent to Funding.

e.      Mergers,   Consolidations,    Sales,   Acquisition   or   Formation   of
        Subsidiaries.  Neither  ADESA nor  Funding  shall be a party,  and ADESA
        shall not permit any Subsidiary to be a party to any consolidation or to
        any merger,  excluding  ADESA's  merger with a  subsidiary  of Minnesota
        Power & Light Co.,  provided that ADESA is the surviving  entity in such
        merger.  Neither ADESA nor Funding shall  purchase,  and ADESA shall not
        permit any  Subsidiary  to purchase  the capital  stock of or  otherwise
        acquire any equity interest in any other business entity.  Neither ADESA
        nor Funding shall acquire,  and ADESA shall not permit any Subsidiary to
        acquire any  material  part of the assets of any other  business  entity
        other than in the ordinary course of business. Neither ADESA nor Funding
        shall sell,  transfer,  convey or lease,  and ADESA shall not permit any
        Subsidiary to sell,  transfer,  convey or lease all or any material part
        of its assets,  except inventory in the ordinary course of business,  or
        sell or assign with or without recourse any receivables. ADESA shall not
        cause to be created or otherwise  acquire any  additional  Subsidiaries,
        except for the creation of Subsidiaries for purposes of reorganizing the
        business being conducted by ADESA and the Subsidiaries prior to the time
        such new Subsidiary is created.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of
        this Section,  ADESA may, without the prior written consent of any Bank,
        effect  a  start-up  or  acquire   directly  or  indirectly   through  a
        Subsidiary,  all of the  capital  stock or other  equity  interest  in a
        corporation or other business  entity,  or acquire all or  substantially
        all of the business assets of any such entity,  either by purchase or by
        merger,  provided  that either  ADESA or a Subsidiary  is the  surviving
        corporation in the case of any merger,  and provided further that in the
        case of any such acquisition or start-up all of the following conditions
        are fulfilled: (i) the cost to ADESA, considered on a consolidated basis
        (excluding  AFC), of any one start-up or  acquisition  consummated  in a
        fiscal year does not exceed Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) (excluding
        costs of the  Jacksonville,  Florida and Manville,  New Jersey  auctions
        presently  being  developed),  (ii) the cost to ADESA,  considered  on a
        consolidated   basis   (excluding   AFC),  of  all  such  start-ups  and
        acquisitions  consummated  in any  fiscal  year does not  exceed  Twelve
        Million Dollars  ($12,000,000.00)  (excluding costs of the Jacksonville,
        Florida and Manville, New Jersey auctions presently being


        developed);  and (iii) no Event of Default or Unmatured Event of Default
        exists at the time of any such  start-up or  acquisition  or occurs as a
        result  thereof.  The cost of any  acquisition or start-up shall include
        the present value of future lease  payments.  As used in this paragraph,
        the term  "start-up"  means the acquisition of assets and the payment of
        other  initial  expenses  necessary  to  commence  operation  of an auto
        auction at a location  other than a location at which such an  operation
        is conducted by ADESA or any Subsidiary prior to such acquisition.

f.      Margin  Stock.  Neither  ADESA nor  Funding  shall use,  nor shall ADESA
        permit  any  Subsidiary  to use or cause or permit the  proceeds  of the
        Loans  or the  Floating  Rate  Notes  to be  used,  either  directly  or
        indirectly, for the purpose, whether immediate,  incidental or ultimate,
        of  purchasing  or  carrying  any margin  stock  within  the  meaning of
        Regulation U of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, as
        amended from time to time.  ADESA shall not permit more than twenty-five
        percent  (25%) of its  consolidated  assets  to  consist  at any time of
        margin stock,  within the contemplation of Regulation U, as amended form
        time to time.

g.      Other  Agreements.  Neither  ADESA  nor  Funding  shall  enter  into any
        agreement, and ADESA shall not permit any Subsidiary,  excluding AFC, to
        enter  into  any  agreement  containing  any  provision  which  would be
        violated or breached in  material  respect by the  performance  of their
        respective  Obligations  under this Agreement or under any instrument or
        document  delivered or to be  delivered by ADESA,  Funding or any of the
        Subsidiaries under this Agreement or in connection herewith.

h.      Judgments.  Neither ADESA nor Funding shall permit,  and ADESA shall not
        permit any  Subsidiary  to permit any  uninsured  judgment  or  monetary
        penalty rendered against it in any judicial or administrative proceeding
        to remain  unsatisfied  for  period in  excess of  forty-five  (45) days
        unless  such  judgment  or penalty is being  contested  in good faith by
        appropriate  proceedings  and  execution  upon  such  judgment  has been
        stayed,  and unless an  appropriate  reserve has been  established  with
        respect thereto.

i.      Principal  Office.  Neither ADESA nor Funding  shall  change,  and ADESA
        shall not permit any  Subsidiary to change the location of its principal
        office unless it gives not less than ten (10) days prior written  notice
        of such a change to the Agent.

j.      Hazardous Substances. Neither ADESA nor Funding shall allow or permit to
        continue,  and ADESA shall not permit any  Subsidiary to allow permit to
        continue the release or threatened  release of any Hazardous  Substances
        in reportable  quantities on any premises  owned or occupied by or under
        lease to ADESA, Funding or any Subsidiary.

k.      Debt.  Neither  ADESA nor Funding  shall  incur or permit to exist,  and
        ADESA  shall not  permit  any  Subsidiary  (excluding  AFC) to incur nor
        permit  to  exist  any   indebtedness  for  borrowed  money  except  (i)
        indebtedness to the Banks, (ii) the indebtedness of Funding with respect
        to the Floating Rate Notes, (iii) subordinated indebtedness of up to


        $20,000,000  to  ADESA  from  Minnesota   Power  &  Light  Co.,  or  its
        wholly-owned  subsidiary  provided that the  Subordination  Agreement is
        entered into among the Agent,  ADESA and Minnesota Power & Light Co., or
        its wholly-owned  subsidiary;  (iv) those existing obligations disclosed
        on the "Schedule of Exceptions" attached as Schedule 4.e., and (v) other
        indebtedness  which does not exceed  $10,000,000 in aggregate  principal
        amount outstanding at any time for ADESA,  Funding, and the Subsidiaries
        on a consolidated  basis,  excluding AFC. For purposes of this covenant,
        the phrase  "indebtedness  for  borrowed  money,"  shall be construed to
        include equipment lease obligations under capital and operating leases.

l.      Limitation  on  Activities  of Funding.  Funding shall not engage in any
        business  other than lending the proceeds of the Floating  Rate Notes to
        ADESA on such terms that timely  payment by ADESA of the  principal  and
        interest on such loan from  Funding  shall  provide  Funding  with funds
        required to make all payments due on account of the Floating  Rate Notes
        in a timely  manner.  Funding  shall not incur any material  obligations
        other than the  obligation  represented  by the Floating  Rate Notes nor
        shall  it  acquire  any  material  amount  of  assets,  other  than  the
        indebtedness  of ADESA to Funding arising by reason of the loan to ADESA
        of the proceeds of the Floating Rate Notes.

        Section 8. CONDITIONS OF LENDING.  The several  obligations of the Banks
to make the Loans and any Advance, to maintain the Letter of Credit and to issue
any L/C shall be  subject to  fulfillment  of each of the  following  conditions

a.      No Default. No Event of Default or Unmatured Event of Default shall have
        occurred and be continuing,  and the  representations  and warranties of
        ADESA and  Funding  contained  in Section 4 shall be true and correct in
        all  material  respects as of the date of this  Agreement  and as of the
        date of each Advance,  except that after the date of this  Agreement (i)
        the representations  contained in Section 4.d will be construed so as to
        refer to the latest financial statements furnished to the Banks by ADESA
        pursuant to the requirements of this Agreement,  (ii) the representation
        contained  in  Section  4.a  will  be  construed  so as to  include  any
        Subsidiary which may hereafter be formed or acquired by ADESA, and (iii)
        other representations  contained in Section 4 shall be construed to have
        been  modified in  accordance  with any change of which ADESA shall have
        notified the Banks in writing.

b.      Documents  to be Furnished  at Closing.  The Agent shall have  received,
        contemporaneously  with the execution of this  Agreement and in any case
        prior to the making of any Advance under the ADESA  Revolver or the Line
        of Credit the following, each duly executed, currently dated and in form
        and substance  satisfactory  to the Agent and in sufficient  numbers for
        each Bank.

           (i)    The ADESA Revolving Notes, and the Line of Credit Notes,  each
                  made payable to the respective Banks.


           (ii)   A  Subordination  Agreement  among  Minnesota  Power  &  Light
                  Company or a wholly-owned  subsidiary  thereof,  ADESA and the
                  Agent in the form of "Exhibit "N" to this Agreement.

           (iii)  Subsidiary    Security    Agreements,    Subsidiary   Guaranty
                  Agreements,   Inter-company  Demand  Notes  and  Inter-company
                  Security  Agreements from each of ADESA New Jersey,  Auto Banc
                  Corporation and ADESA  Remarketing  Services,  Inc.,  together
                  with UCC-1s and equivalent Canadian filings.

           (iv)   Certified copies of Resolutions of the respective Boards of
                  Directors of ADESA, Funding, ADESA New Jersey, Inc., Auto Banc
                  Corporation and ADESA Remarketing Services,  Inc., authorizing
                  the  execution,   delivery  and   performance  of  the  Credit
                  Documents  to  which  such  corporations  are,   respectively,

           (v)    Certificates of the respective  Secretaries of ADESA, Funding,
                  ADESA  New  Jersey,  Inc.,  Auto  Banc  Corporation  and ADESA
                  Remarketing  Services,  Inc.,  certifying  the  names  of  the
                  officer or officers authorized to sign the Credit Documents to
                  which each such corporation is a party, together with a sample
                  of the true signature of each such officer.

           (vi)   Solvency Certificates from each Subsidiary.

           (vii)  The opinion of counsel for ADESA and Funding  addressed to the
                  Bank substantially in the form of Exhibit "M."

           (viii) A supplemental  "Schedule to Pledge Agreement" identifying all
                  Subsidiaries  of  ADESA  and  delivery  of  all   certificates
                  representing  all  shares  of  capital  stock of or  ownership
                  interest  in such  subsidiaries  as "Pledged  Securities"  for
                  purposes of the Pledge Agreement and appropriate  stock powers
                  for each certificate delivered herewith.

           (ix)   Amendment to Collateral  Documents executed by ADESA,  Funding
                  and all  Subsidiaries  (excluding  AFC) in the form of Exhibit

           (x)    Amendments to all Mortgages, Deeds of Trust or Trust Deeds and
                  Collateral Assignments of such documents.

           (xi)   Amended  UCC-1s  and  equivalent  Canadian  filings to add the
                  Banks as secured parties.

           (xii)  Such other  documents as the Agent or any Bank may  reasonably


c.      Documents  to be  Furnished  at Time of Each  Advance  under  the  ADESA
        Revolver  and the Line of  Credit.  The Agent  shall have  received  the
        following prior to making any Advance,  each duly executed and currently
        dated,  unless waived at the Required  Banks'  discretion as provided in
        Section 2.a. or b.;

           (i)    An Application for the Advance.

           (ii)   An Officer's Certificate.

           (iii)  Such other  documents as the Agent or any Bank may  reasonably

        Section 9. EVENTS OF DEFAULT.  Each of the following shall constitute an
Event of Default under this Agreement:

a.      Nonpayment of the Loans.  Default in the payment within five (5) days of
        the date when due of any  amount  payable  under the terms of any of the
        Notes or under any Reimbursement Agreement.

b.      Nonpayment of Monetary Obligations.  Failure by ADESA to pay to Bank One
        within  five (5) days of the date when due any amount due to Bank One on
        account of the  obligation of ADESA to reimburse  Bank One on account of
        Drawings under the Letter of Credit pursuant to the terms of Section 3.a
        of this  Agreement,  or on account of any  transaction fee or commission
        payable  under the terms of Sections  3.a or 3.c or any amounts  payable
        under Section 3.d.

c.      Nonpayment of Other  Indebtedness for Borrowed Money.  Default by ADESA,
        Funding,  AFC or any  Subsidiary  in the  payment  when due,  whether by
        acceleration or otherwise,  of any other indebtedness for borrowed money
        in an aggregate  amount of $1,000,000,  or default in the performance or
        observance of any obligation or condition with respect to any such other
        indebtedness if the effect of such default is to accelerate the maturity
        of such other  indebtedness or to permit the holder or holders  thereof,
        or any trustee or agent for such holders,  to cause such indebtedness to
        become  due and  payable  prior to its  scheduled  maturity,  unless the
        defaulting  party is  contesting  the  existence of such default in good
        faith and by appropriate  proceedings and that appropriate reserves have
        been established with respect thereto.

d.      Other Material Obligations.  Subject to the expiration of any applicable
        grace period, default by ADESA, Funding or any Subsidiary in the payment
        when due, or in the  performance  or observance of any obligation of, or
        condition agreed to by ADESA,  Funding or any Subsidiary with respect to
        any purchase or lease of real property goods,  securities or services in
        an  aggregate  amount of  $500,000  except  only to the extent  that the
        existence  of any such  default is being  contested in good faith and by
        appropriate   proceedings  and  that  appropriate   reserves  have  been
        established with respect thereto.


e.      Bankruptcy,  Insolvency, etc. ADESA, Funding or any Subsidiary admitting
        in writing its  inability  to pay its debts as they mature or a judicial
        order or  determination  of  insolvency  being  entered  against  ADESA,
        Funding or any  Subsidiary;  or an  administrative  order of dissolution
        being entered against ADESA,  Funding or a "Significant  Subsidiary" (as
        defined in Section 6.b(v).) or ADESA, Funding or any Subsidiary applying
        for,  consenting to, or  acquiescing in the  appointment of a trustee or
        receiver for ADESA,  Funding or any Subsidiary or any property  thereof,
        or ADESA,  Funding or any Subsidiary making a general assignment for the
        benefit of creditors; or, in the absence of such application, consent or
        acquiescence,  a trustee or receiver being appointed for ADESA,  Funding
        or any  Subsidiary  or for a  substantial  part of its  property and not
        being   discharged   within   sixty  (60)  days;   or  any   bankruptcy,
        reorganization,   debt  arrangement,   or  other  proceeding  under  any
        bankruptcy  or  insolvency   law,  or  any  dissolution  or  liquidation
        proceeding  being  instituted  by  or  against  ADESA,  Funding  or  any
        Subsidiary  and, if  involuntary,  being  consented or  acquiesced in by
        ADESA,  Funding  or any  Subsidiary  or  remaining  for sixty  (60) days

f.      Warranties and  Representations.  Any warranty or representation made by
        ADESA  or  Funding  in this  Agreement  proving  to have  been  false or
        misleading  in  any  material   respect  when  made,  or  any  schedule,
        certificate,  financial  statement,  report,  notice,  or other  writing
        furnished by ADESA,  Funding or any  Subsidiary  to the Banks proving to
        have been  false or  misleading  in any  material  respect  when made or

g.      Violations of Affirmative and Negative  Covenants and Floating Rate Note
        Document  Obligations.  Failure by ADESA or  Funding  to comply  with or
        perform any covenant applicable to it that is stated in Sections 6.c, or
        6.g or Section 7 of this Agreement.

h.      Failure to Make Sinking Fund Reserve Payments.  Failure by ADESA to make
        any payment into the Sinking  Fund  Reserve  within five (5) days of the
        date when due as required under the terms of Section 6.1.

i.      Failure to Make Mandatory Loan Reductions.  Failure by ADESA to make any
        payment  required  under the terms of Sections 2.a(i) or 2.b.(vi) within
        five (5) days after demand.

j.      Noncompliance With Other Provisions of this Agreement. Failure of ADESA,
        Funding  or any of the  Subsidiaries  to  comply  with  or  perform  any
        covenant or other  provision of this  Agreement  applicable to it, or to
        perform any other Obligation (which failure does not constitute an Event
        of Default under any of the preceding  provisions of this Section 9) and
        continuance of such failure for thirty (30) days after notice thereof to
        ADESA from the Agent.

k.      Noncompliance with the AFC Agreement and the AHC Loan Agreement. Failure
        of  ADESA  or AFC to  comply  with or  perform  any  covenant  or  other
        provision  of the AFC  Agreement,  applicable  to it, or the  failure of
        ADESA or AFC to comply with or perform any  covenant or other  provision
        of the AHC Loan Agreement (which failure does not


        constitute an Event of Default under any of the preceding  provisions of
        this  Section 9) and  continuance  of such  failure for thirty (30) days
        after notice thereof to ADESA from the Agent.

        Section 10.  EFFECT OF EVENT OF DEFAULT.  When any Event of Default has
occurred and is continuing,  the Required Banks,  acting on behalf of all of the
Banks, may take any or all of the following actions:

a.      Acceleration of the Loans. If any Event of Default  described in Section
        9.e  shall  occur,  the  maturity  of the  Loans  shall  immediately  be
        accelerated and the Notes and the Loans evidenced thereby, and all other
        indebtedness  and  any  other  payment  Obligations  of  ADESA  and  all
        obligations  of Funding and the  Subsidiaries  to the Banks shall become
        immediately  due and  payable,  and the  Commitments  shall  immediately
        terminate,  all  without  notice  of any kind.  When any other  Event of
        Default has occurred and is continuing,  the Agent,  at the direction of
        the Required Banks may  accelerate  payment of the Loans and declare the
        Notes and all  other  payment  Obligations  due and  payable,  whereupon
        maturity of the Loans shall be  accelerated  and the Notes and the Loans
        evidenced  thereby,  and all  other  payment  Obligations  shall  become
        immediately  due and  payable  and  the  Commitments  shall  immediately
        terminate,  all without  notice of any kind.  The Agent on behalf of the
        Banks shall promptly advise ADESA of any such  declaration,  but failure
        to do so shall not impair the effect of such declaration.

b.      Refusal to Reinstate an Interest Drawing.  The Required Banks may direct
        Bank One to refuse to reinstate any Interest Drawing under the Letter of
        Credit by giving  notice to the  Trustee  of such  refusal in the manner
        provided in Section  8.02(m) of the Trust  Indenture and in the form and
        within the time provided under the terms of the Letter of Credit and the
        Required  Banks may direct Bank One to direct the Trustee to  accelerate
        the maturity of the Floating  Rate Notes as provided  under the terms of
        the Trust Indenture.

c.      Floating Rate Note Document Remedies. The Required Banks may direct Bank
        One to notify the  Trustee of the Event of Default  with the result that
        the  Trustee  will,  as  required  by the Trust  Indenture,  declare the
        principal  of all the  Floating  Rate  Notes  and the  interest  accrued
        thereon to be  immediately  due and payable and the  Required  Banks may
        direct Bank One to exercise any other remedy available to Bank One under
        any of the Floating Rate Note Documents.

d.      Deposit to Secure Payment of the Reimbursement Obligation.  The Required
        Banks may demand that ADESA immediately pay to the Agent for the benefit
        of the Banks,  an amount  equal to the Maximum  Available  Credit.  Such
        amount  shall be due and  payable  to the Agent for the  benefit  of the
        Banks immediately upon demand. ADESA grants to the Banks a pledge of and
        security  interest in any and all funds  (hereafter  referred to in this
        subsection as a "Special Collateral Account") paid by ADESA to the Agent
        or in transit to any deposit account or fund,  pursuant to the demand of
        the Banks made  pursuant to this  subsection.  Such pledge and  security
        interest shall secure to the Banks


        all  of  the  Obligations  relating  to  the  Letter  of  Credit.  ADESA
        acknowledges that the Banks would not have an adequate remedy at law for
        failure of ADESA to honor any demand made  pursuant  to this  subsection
        and, therefore, the Required Banks shall have the right to require ADESA
        specifically to perform such undertaking  whether or not any amounts are
        then  due  and  payable  by  ADESA  to  the  Banks  on  account  of  its
        reimbursement  obligation with respect to Drawings made under the Letter
        of  Credit.  In the  event  the Agent  makes a demand  pursuant  to this
        Section  10.d and ADESA  pays the funds  demanded,  the Agent  will hold
        funds in a Special  Collateral  Account  without  liability for interest
        thereon, provided that the Agent will, at the direction of ADESA and for
        the  account  and  risk  of  ADESA,  invest  the  funds  in the  Special
        Collateral  Account  in U.  S.  Treasury  Bills  with  30  days  or less
        remaining until maturity.  Any earnings from such investment may, at the
        discretion of the Required Banks, be released to ADESA. After the Letter
        of Credit has expired and all of the  Obligations  have been  satisfied,
        the Required Banks shall direct the Agent to return to ADESA any balance
        remaining in the Special Collateral Account established  pursuant to the
        requirements of this subsection.

e.      Other  Remedies.  The Agent at the  direction of the Required  Banks may
        pursue any other remedies available to them under any Credit Document or
        any  Floating  Note  Document.  The  Required  Banks may bring any other
        action  available at law or in equity to enforce payment and performance
        or otherwise to collect the Obligations.

The remedies enumerated in this Section 10 are not intended to be exclusive, but
shall be in addition to any other statutory,  equitable or contractual  remedies
available to the Banks.

        Section 11. CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES.

a.      Change in Law. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement or
        any Note, if at any time any change in  applicable  law or regulation or
        in the interpretation  thereof makes it unlawful for any Bank to make or
        continue to maintain  LIBOR-based Rate Advances or Interbank-based  Rate
        Advances or to give effect to its obligations are  contemplated  hereby,
        such Bank shall promptly give notice  thereof to ADESA,  and such Bank's
        obligations   to  make  or  maintain   LIBOR-based   Rate   Advances  or
        Interbank-based Rate Advances under this Agreement shall terminate until
        it is no longer  unlawful for such bank to make or maintain  LIBOR-based
        Rate Advances or  Interbank-based  Rate Advances.  ADESA shall prepay on
        demand the outstanding principal amount of any such affected LIBOR-based
        Rate  Advances  or  Interbank-based  Rate  Advances,  together  with all
        interest  accrued  thereon and all other amounts then due and payable to
        such Bank under this Agreement; provided, however, subject to all of the
        terms and conditions of this  Agreement,  ADESA may then elect to borrow
        the  principal  amount of the  affected  LIBOR-based  Rate  Advances  or
        Interbank-based  Rate  Advances  from such Bank by means of  Prime-based
        Rate Advances from such Bank that shall not be made ratably by the Banks
        but only from such affected Bank.


b.      Unavailability of Deposits or Inability to Ascertain,  or Inadequacy Of,
        LIBOR or Interbank Rate. If on or prior to the first day of any Interest
        Period for any Advance of LIBOR-based  Rate Advances or  Interbank-based
        Rate  Advances (i) the Agent  determines  that deposits in United States
        Dollars  (in the  applicable  amounts)  are  not  being  offered  in the
        relevant  market for such Interest  Period,  or (ii) the Required  Banks
        advise the Agent that LIBOR or the  Interbank  Rate, as  applicable,  as
        determined by the Agent will not  adequately and fairly reflect the cost
        to  such  Banks  of  funding   their   LIBOR-based   Rate   Advances  or
        Interbank-based Rate Advances, as applicable,  for such Interest Period,
        then the Agent  shall  forthwith  give  notice  thereof to ADESA and the
        Banks,  whereupon until the Agent notifies ADESA that the  circumstances
        giving rise to such  suspension no longer exist,  the obligations of the
        Banks  to  make  LIBOR-based  Rate  Advances  or  Interbank-based   Rate
        Advances, as applicable, shall be suspended.

c.      Increased Cost and Reduced Return.  (i) If, on or after the date hereof,
        the adoption of any applicable  law, rule or  regulation,  or any change
        therein,  or any change in the interpretation or administration  thereof
        by any governmental authority, central bank or comparable agency charged
        with the interpretation or administration  thereof, or compliance by any
        Bank (or its Lending Office as defined in Section 11.d) with any request
        or  directive  (whether  or not  having  the  force  of law) of any such
        authority, central bank or comparable agency:

              (a) shall  subject  any Bank (or its  Lending  Office) to any tax,
           duty or other charge with respect to its LIBOR-based Rate Advances or
           Interbank-based  Rate Advances,  its Notes, or its obligation to make
           LIBOR-based Rate Advances or Interbank-based Rate Advances,  or shall
           change the basis of  taxation of payments to any Bank (or its Lending
           Office) of the  principal  of or  interest  on its  LIBOR-based  Rate
           Advances or  Interbank-based  Rate  Advances or any other amounts due
           under this Agreement in respect of its  LIBOR-based  Rate Advances or
           Interbank-based  Rate Advances (except for changes in the rate of tax
           on the overall net income of such Bank or its Lending  Office imposed
           by the jurisdiction in which such Bank's  principal  executive office
           or Lending Office is located); or

              (b) shall impose,  modify or deem applicable any reserve,  special
           deposit or similar requirement  (including,  without limitation,  any
           such  requirement  imposed by the Board of  Governors  of the Federal
           Reserve  System)  against assets of, deposits with or for the account
           of, or credit extended by, any Bank (or its Lending Office) or on the
           interbank  market or any other  condition  affecting its  LIBOR-based
           Rate Advances or  Interbank-based  Rate Advances,  its Notes,  or its
           obligation to make LIBOR-based Rate Advances or Interbank-based  Rate
           Advances;  and the result of any of the  foregoing is to increase the
           cost to such Bank (or its  Lending  Office) of making or  maintaining
           any LIBOR-based Rate Advances or Interbank-based  Rate Advances or to
           reduce the amount of any sum received or  receivable by such Bank (or
           its  Lending  Office)  under this  Agreement  or under its Notes with
           respect thereto, by an amount deemed by such


           Bank to be material,  then,  within fifteen (15) days after demand by
           such Bank (with a copy to the Agent), ADESA shall be obligated to pay
           to such Bank such  additional  amount or amounts  as will  compensate
           such Bank for such increased cost or reduction.

                  (ii) If, any the date hereof, any Bank or the Agent shall have
        determined  that the adoption of any applicable  law, rule or regulation
        regarding capital adequacy,  or any change therein  (including,  without
        limitation,  any revision in the Final Risk-Based  Capital Guidelines of
        the Board of Governors of the Federal  Reserve  System (12 CFR Part 208,
        Appendix  A;  12 CFR  Part  225,  Appendix  A) or of the  Office  of the
        Comptroller of the Currency (12 CFR Part 3, Appendix A), or in any other
        applicable   capital  rules   heretofore   adopted  and  issued  by  any
        governmental  authority),   or  any  change  in  the  interpretation  or
        administration  thereof by any governmental  authority,  central bank or
        comparable  agency  charged with the  interpretation  or  administration
        thereof,  or  compliance  by any Bank (or its Lending  Office)  with any
        request or directive  regarding  capital adequacy (whether or not having
        the  force of law) of any such  authority,  central  bank or  comparable
        agency,  has or would have the effect of reducing  the rate of return on
        such Bank's capital,  or on the capital of any  corporation  controlling
        such Bank,  as a  consequence  of its  obligations  hereunder to a level
        below that which such Bank could have  achieved  but for such  adoption,
        change or compliance  (taking into  consideration  such Bank's  policies
        with respect to capital adequacy) by an amount deemed by such Bank to be
        material,  then from time to time, within fifteen (15) days after demand
        by such Bank  (with a copy to the  Agent)  ADESA  shall pay to such Bank
        such additional  amount or amounts as will compensate such Bank for such

                  (iii) Each Bank that  determines  to seek  compensation  under
        this Section 11.c. shall notify ADESA and the Agent of the circumstances
        that  entitle  such Bank to such  compensation  pursuant to this Section
        11.c. A certificate of any Bank claiming compensation under this Section
        11.c. and setting forth the  additional  amount or amounts to be paid to
        it  hereunder   shall  be   conclusive  in  the  absence  of  errors  in
        calculation.   In  determining  such  amount,  such  Bank  may  use  any
        reasonable averaging and attribution methods.

d.      Lending  Offices.  Each  Bank  may,  at its  option,  elect  to make its
        Advances  hereunder  at the branch,  office or  affiliate  specified  on
        Schedule  A hereof  (each a "Lending  Office")  for each type of Advance
        available  hereunder  or at  such  other  of its  branches,  offices  or
        affiliates  as it may from time to time elect and designate in a written
        notice to ADESA and the Agent.

e.      Discretion  of Bank as to Manner of Funding.  Notwithstanding  any other
        provision  of this  Agreement,  each Bank shall be  entitled to fund and
        maintain its funding of all or any part of its  Commitment in any manner
        it sees fit, it being understood, however, that for the purposes of this
        Agreement all determinations hereunder shall be made as if each Bank had
        actually  funded  and  maintained  each   LIBOR-based  Rate  Advance  or


        based Rate Advance  through the  purchase of deposits in the  eurodollar
        interbank  market  having a  maturity  corresponding  to such  Advance's
        Interest  Period and bearing an interest rate equal to LIBOR-based  Rate
        or Interbank-based Rate, as applicable, for such Interest Period.

        Section 12. THE AGENT.

a.      Appointment.  Each Bank hereby appoints Bank One, Indianapolis,  N.A. as
        the Agent under the Credit Documents, and hereby authorizes the Agent to
        act as the agent on its behalf and to  exercise  such  powers  under the
        Credit  Documents as are  delegated  to the Agent by the terms  thereof,
        together with such powers as are reasonably incidental thereto.

b.      Agent and its  Affiliates.  The Agent  shall  have the same  rights  and
        powers under this Agreement and the other Credit  Documents as any other
        Bank and may exercise or refrain from  exercising  the same as though it
        were not the Agent, and the Agent and its affiliates may (without having
        to account  therefor to any Bank) accept  deposits from,  lend money to,
        and  generally  engage in any kind of banking,  trust or other  business
        with ADESA or any  Subsidiary of ADESA as if it were not the Agent under
        the Credit  Documents and may accept fees and other  consideration  from
        ADESA for  services  in  connection  with this  Agreement  or  otherwise
        without  having to account for the same to the Banks except as specified
        herein.  The term  "Bank" or  "Banks"  as used  herein  and in all other
        Credit  Documents,   unless  the  context  otherwise  clearly  requires,
        includes the Agent in its individual capacity as a Bank.

c.      Action by Agent.  In the event  that the  Agent  receives  from  ADESA a
        written  notice of an Event of Default,  the Agent shall  promptly  give
        each of the Banks written notice  thereof.  The obligations of the Agent
        under the Credit  Documents are only those  expressly set forth therein.
        Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Agent shall not be
        required  to take any action  hereunder  with  respect to any  Unmatured
        Event of Default or Event of Default,  except as  expressly  provided in
        Section 10. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,  the Agent shall
        take such action  with  respect to the  enforcement  of its liens on the
        collateral and the  preservation  and protection  thereof as it shall be
        directed  to take by the  Required  Banks,  but  unless  and  until  the
        Required Banks have given such direction the Agent shall take or refrain
        from  taking  such  actions  as it  deems  appropriate  and in the  best
        interest  of all the  Banks.  In no event,  however,  shall the Agent be
        required to take any action in  violation  of  applicable  law or of any
        provision  of any Credit  Document,  and the Agent shall in all cases be
        fully  justified  in failing or refusing to act  hereunder  or under any
        other  Credit  Document  unless  it shall be  first  indemnified  to its
        reasonable satisfaction by the Banks against any and all costs, expense,
        and  liability  which  may be  incurred  by it by  reason  of  taking or
        continuing  to take any such  action.  The Agent  shall be  entitled  to
        assume  that no  Unmatured  Event of Default or Event of Default  exists
        unless  notified to the  contrary by a Bank or ADESA or unless the Agent
        has actual knowledge. In all cases in which this Agreement and the other


        Credit Documents do not require the Agent to take certain  actions,  the
        Agent shall be fully  justified  in using its  discretion  in failing to
        take or in taking any action hereunder and thereunder.

d.      Consultation  with  Experts.  The Agent may consult with legal  counsel,
        independent  public  accountants  and other  experts  selected by it and
        shall not be liable for any action taken or omitted to be taken by it in
        good faith in accordance with the advice of such counsel, accountants or

e.      Liability of Agent;  Credit  Decision.  Neither the Agent nor any of its
        directors, officers, agents, or employees shall be liable for any action
        taken or not taken by it in  connection  with the Credit  Documents  (i)
        with the consent or at the request of the Required  Banks or (ii) in the
        absence  of its own gross  negligence  or  willful  misconduct,  and any
        action taken or failure to act pursuant  thereto shall be binding on all
        of the  Banks.  Neither  the Agent nor any of its  directors,  officers,
        agents  or  employees  shall  be  responsible  for or have  any  duty to
        ascertain,  inquire  into or  verify  (i)  any  statement,  warranty  or
        representation  made in  connection  with  this  Agreement  or any other
        Credit  Document,  (ii)  the  performance  or  observance  of any of the
        covenants or agreements of ADESA, Funding or the Subsidiaries  contained
        herein or in any other Credit  Document;  (iii) the  satisfaction of any
        condition specified in Section 8 hereof except receipt of items required
        to be  delivered  to the  Agent;  or (iv) the  validity,  effectiveness,
        genuineness, enforceability,  perfection, value, worth or collectibility
        hereof or of any other Credit  Document or of the liens  provided for by
        Section 5 hereof or of any other  documents  or  writings  furnished  in
        connection with any Credit Document or of the collateral;  and the Agent
        makes no  representation  of any kind or  character  with respect to any
        such matter mentioned in this sentence. The Agent may execute any of its
        duties  under  any of the  Credit  Documents  by or  through  employees,
        agents, and  attorneys-in-fact and shall not be answerable to the Banks,
        ADESA or any other  Person  for the  default or  misconduct  of any such
        agents or  attorneys-in-fact  selected with reasonable care,  except for
        willful  misconduct or gross  negligence.  The Agent shall not incur any
        liability by acting in reliance upon any notice,  consent,  certificate,
        other document or statement  (whether written or oral) believed by it to
        be genuine or to be sent by the proper party or parties.  In  particular
        and  without  limiting  any of the  foregoing,  the Agent  shall have no
        responsibility  for confirming the existence or worth of any collateral,
        compliance  certificate or other  document or instrument  received by it
        under the Credit Documents. The Agent may treat the owner of any Note as
        the holder  thereof  until  written  notice of transfer  shall have been
        filed with the Agent  signed by such owner in form  satisfactory  to the
        Agent.  Each Bank  acknowledges  that it has  independently  and without
        reliance  on  the  Agent  or  any  other  Bank,   and  based  upon  such
        information,  investigations and inquiries as it deems appropriate, made
        its own credit analysis and decision to extend credit to ADESA,  Funding
        and the Subsidiaries in the manner set forth in the Credit Documents. It
        shall be the  responsibility  of each Bank to keep itself informed as to
        the  creditworthiness  of ADESA,  Funding and the  Subsidiaries  and the
        Agent shall have no  liability  to any Bank with  respect  thereto.  The
        Agent shall not be required to keep itself informed as to the


        performance  or  observance  by ADESA of this  Agreement  or the  Credit
        Documents,  or to inspect  the  properties  or books of ADESA  unless an
        inspection  of the  properties  or books is  requested in writing by the
        Required  Banks,  or to access or keep  under  review on its  behalf the
        financial condition,  creditworthiness,  condition,  affairs,  status or
        nature of ADESA.  Each Bank  acknowledges  that a copy of this Agreement
        and a copy of Exhibits  hereto have been made available to it and to its
        individual legal counsel for review and each Bank  acknowledges  that it
        is  satisfied  with the form and  substance  of this  Agreement  and the
        Exhibits hereto.

f.      Costs and  Expenses.  Each Bank  agrees to  reimburse  the Agent for all
        out-of-pocket  expenses  (including  allocated costs of Agent's in-house
        counsel)  suffered  or incurred  by the Agent in  performing  its duties
        hereunder and under the other Credit Documents or in the exercise of any
        right or power  imposed or  conferred  upon the Agent  hereby or thereby
        (except to the  extent  that such  costs and  expenses  arise out of the
        Agent's gross negligence or willful misconduct),  to the extent that the
        Agent is not promptly  reimbursed  for the same by ADESA,  or out of the
        collateral, all such costs and expenses to be borne by the Banks ratably
        in accordance with their  respective  shares of the aggregate  amount of
        the Commitments hereunder.

g.      Indemnity.  Each Bank shall ratably, in accordance with their respective
        shares of the aggregate amount of the Commitments  hereunder,  indemnify
        and hold the Agent, and its directors,  officers,  employees, agents and
        representatives  harmless  from and  against  any  liabilities,  losses,
        damages,  penalties,   actions,  judgments,  suits,  costs  or  expenses
        suffered or incurred  by it under any Credit  Document or in  connection
        with the transactions contemplated thereby,  regardless of when asserted
        or arising,  except to the extent they are promptly  reimbursed  for the
        same by ADESA or out of the proceeds of the collateral and except to the
        extent  that  any  event  giving  rise  to a  claim  was  caused  by the
        negligence or willful misconduct of the party seeking to be indemnified.
        The  obligations of the Banks under this Section 12.g. and under Section
        12.f. above shall survive termination of this Agreement.

h.      Resignation  of Agent and Successor  Agent.  The Agent may resign at any
        time by giving written  notice thereof to the Banks and ADESA.  Upon any
        such  resignation of the Agent,  the Required Banks shall have the right
        to appoint a successor  Agent.  If no successor Agent shall have been so
        appointed  by  the  Required   Banks  and  shall  have   accepted   such
        appointment,  within thirty (30) days after the retiring  Agent's giving
        of notice of resignation,  then the retiring Agent may, on behalf of the
        Banks,  appoint a successor Agent,  which shall be any Bank hereunder or
        any  commercial  bank  organized  under the laws of the United States of
        America  or of any state  thereof  and  having a  combined  capital  and
        surplus of at least $100,000,000. Upon the acceptance of its appointment
        as the Agent hereunder,  such successor Agent shall thereupon succeed to
        and become  vested with all the rights and duties of the retiring  Agent
        under the Credit  Documents,  and the retiring Agent shall be discharged
        from its duties and obligations  thereunder.  After any retiring Agent's
        resignation hereunder as Agent, the provisions of


        this Section 12 and all  protective  provisions of the Credit  Agreement
        shall  inure to its  benefit  as to any  actions  taken or omitted to be
        taken by it while it was Agent.

i.      Reliance by ADESA. ADESA shall have the right to rely upon the authority
        of the Agent to act  hereunder  unless it has received  actual notice of
        the  resignation  of  the  Agent.  In the  event  of  any  conflicts  or
        inconsistencies between any notices or similar action taken by the Agent
        compared to that of the Banks or the Required Banks, as the case may be,
        ADESA shall be entitled to rely upon the notice or information  provided
        by the Agent until ADESA has received  actual notice of the  resignation
        of the Agent,  in which  event  ADESA  shall be entitled to act upon the
        most recent  documents  provided by the Agent until such  documents  are
        rescinded by the Banks, or the Required Banks, as the case may be, or by
        the successor Agent.

        Section 13. MISCELLANEOUS

a.      Waiver.  No delay on the part of the Agent or the Banks or any holder of
        the Notes in the exercise of any right, power or remedy shall operate as
        a waiver thereof,  nor as an acquiescence in any default,  nor shall any
        single or partial exercise by any of them of any right,  power or remedy
        preclude any other or further exercise  thereof,  or the exercise of any
        other right,  power or remedy,  and the rights and remedies hereunder of
        the Agent,  the Banks and the holder of any Note are  cumulative to, and
        not  exclusive  of any  rights  or  remedies  which  any of  them  would
        otherwise have.

b.      Payments Free of Withholding.  Except as otherwise required by law, each
        payment by ADESA  under this  Agreement  or the other  Credit  Documents
        shall be made with  withholding  for or on  account  of any  present  or
        future taxes (other than overall net income taxes measured or based upon
        the  overall  net  income of the  recipient)  imposed  by or within  the
        jurisdiction in which ADESA is domiciled,  any  jurisdiction  from which
        ADESA makes any payment or (in each case) any political  subdivision  or
        taxing  authority  thereof or therein by reason of the  participation by
        the Banks in the  transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement.  If any
        such withholding is so required,  ADESA shall make the withholding,  pay
        the amount withheld to the  appropriate  governmental  authority  before
        penalties  attach thereto or interest  accrues thereon and forthwith pay
        such additional amount as may be necessary to ensure that the net amount
        actually  received  by each  Bank and the  Agent  free and clear of such
        taxes  (including such taxes on such additional  amount) is equal to the
        amount  which  that Bank or the  Agent  (as the case may be) would  have
        received had such  withholding  not been made.  If the Agent or any Bank
        pays any amount in  respect of any such  withheld  taxes,  penalties  or
        interest,  ADESA shall reimburse the Agent or that Bank for that payment
        on demand in the currency in which such payment was made.  If ADESA pays
        any such taxes,  penalties or interest,  it shall  deliver  official tax
        receipts  evidencing  that  payment or certified  copies  thereof to the
        Banks or Agent on whose account such  withholding  was made (with a copy
        to the Agent if not the  recipient  of the  original)  on or before  the
        thirtieth day after payment.  If any Bank or the Agent determines it has
        received or been granted a credit


        against or relief or remission  for, or repayment  of, any taxes paid or
        payable by it because of any taxes,  penalties or interest paid by ADESA
        and  evidenced by such a tax receipt,  such Bank or Agent shall,  to the
        extent it can do so without  prejudice to the retention of the amount of
        such credit, relief, remission or repayment, pay to ADESA such amount as
        such Bank or Agent  determines  is  attributable  to such  deduction  or
        withholding and which will leave such Bank or Agent (after such payment)
        in no better or worse  position  than it would have been in if ADESA had
        not been required to make such deduction or withholding. Nothing in this
        Agreement  shall  interfere with the right of each Bank and the Agent to
        arrange its tax affairs in whatever  manner it thinks fit nor oblige any
        Bank or the  Agent  to  disclose  any  information  relating  to its tax
        affairs or any computations in connection with such taxes.

c.      Notices. Any notice given under or with respect to this Agreement or any
        other Credit Document to ADESA,  Funding,  any Subsidiary,  the Agent or
        the Banks shall be in writing and, if delivered by hand, shall be deemed
        to have been given when  delivered  and,  if mailed,  shall be deemed to
        have been given five (5) days after the date when sent by  registered or
        certified mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to ADESA,  Funding,  such
        Subsidiary,  the Agent or the  Banks at its  address  shown  below or on
        Schedule A hereto,  or at such other  address as any such party may,  by
        written notice to the other parties to this  Agreement,  have designated
        as its  address  for such  purpose.  The  addresses  referred  to are as

        As to ADESA, Funding                 ADESA CORPORATION
        and all Subsidiaries:                1919 S. Post Road
                                             Indianapolis, Indiana 46239
                                             Attention: Chief Financial Officer,
                                             ADESA Corporation

        As to the Agent:                     Bank One, Indianapolis, NA
                                             Bank One Center/Tower - Suite 1911
                                             111 Monument Circle
                                             P.O. Box 7700
                                             Indianapolis, Indiana 46277-0119
                                             Attention: Manager, Metropolitan
                                             Department B

        As to the Banks:                     The Addresses set forth on 
                                             Schedule A hereto.

d.      Costs,  Expenses and Taxes.  ADESA shall pay or reimburse  the Agent and
        the  Banks  on  demand  for  all  losses,  claims,  damages,  penalties,
        judgments,   liabilities  and  expenses  of  the  Agent  and  the  Banks
        (including,  without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys' fees and legal
        expenses)  incurred  by them in  connection  with or arising  out of the
        enforcement of this Agreement,  the Letter of Credit or any other Credit
        Document or any of the transactions  contemplated  thereby. In the event
        that ADESA, Funding, or a Subsidiary


        shall be the prevailing  party in any action to enforce its rights under
        this  Agreement  against the Agent or any Bank,  then ADESA,  Funding or
        such Subsidiary  shall be entitled to recover its reasonable  attorneys'
        fees and legal expenses in such action or  proceeding.  ADESA shall also
        reimburse the Agent and the Banks for expenses incurred by the Agent and
        the banks in  connection  with any audit of the  books  and  records  or
        physical assets of ADESA and each of the Subsidiaries conducted pursuant
        to any right  granted to the Banks under the terms of this  Agreement or
        any other Credit Document.  Such  reimbursement  shall include,  without
        limitation,  reimbursement of the Agent and the Banks for their overhead
        expenses reasonably  allocated to such audits. In addition,  ADESA shall
        pay or reimburse  the Agent and the Banks for all  expenses  incurred by
        the  Agent  and the  Banks  in  connection  with the  perfection  of any
        security interests granted to the Agent and the Banks by ADESA, Funding,
        and each of the Subsidiaries and for any stamp or similar documentary or
        transaction  taxes which may be payable in connection with the execution
        or  delivery  of this  Agreement  or any  other  Credit  Document  or in
        connection with any other  instruments or documents  provided for herein
        or  delivered  or required in  connection  herewith  including,  without
        limitation,  expenses  incident  to any  lien or title  search  or title
        insurance  commitment or policy.  All  obligations  provided for in this
        Section shall survive termination of this Agreement.  In addition to all
        other fees payable under the terms of this Agreement, ADESA shall pay to
        the Agent  contemporaneously  with the  execution  of this  Agreement or
        immediately upon demand therefor,  all legal fees and expenses  incurred
        by the Agent for the  preparation or execution of the Credit  Documents,
        and any amendments, waiver or consent related hereto, whether or not the
        transactions contemplated herein are consummated.

e.      Non-Business Day. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, if any
        payment  of  principal  of or  interest  on any  Loan  or of  any  other
        Obligation shall fall due on a day which is not a Business Day, interest
        or fees  (as  applicable)  at the  rate,  if  any,  such  Loan or  other
        Obligation  bears for the period  prior to  maturity  shall  continue to
        accrue  on such  Obligation  from the  stated  due date  thereof  to and
        including the next  succeeding  Business Day, on which the same shall be

f.      Survival of  Representations.  All  representations  and warranties made
        herein or in  certificates  given  pursuant  hereto  shall  survive  the
        execution and delivery of this Agreement and the other Credit Documents,
        and shall  continue in full force and effect with respect to the date as
        of which they were made as long as any  Obligations  are due and payable
        or any credit is in use or available hereunder.

g.      Successors and Assigns.  This  Agreement and the other Credit  Documents
        shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of ADESA,  Funding,
        the Agent and the Banks and their  respective  successors  and  assigns,
        provided that the rights of ADESA and Funding under this Agreement shall
        not be assignable without the prior written consent of the Agent and the
        Banks and the Agent and the Banks may not assign  their  rights  without
        ADESA's consent.


h.      Participants  and Note Assignees.  Each Bank shall have the right,  with
        the  prior  written   consent  of  ADESA,  at  its  own  cost  to  grant
        participations   (to  be  evidenced  by  one  or  more   agreements   or
        certificates of participation) in the Loans made and/or Commitments held
        by such Bank and its  participation  in the Letter of Credit and any L/C
        at any time and from time to time,  and to assign its rights  under such
        Loans, or the Notes  evidencing  such Loans,  and under the other Credit
        Documents,  to  one  or  more  other  Persons;  provided  that  no  such
        participation  or  assignment  shall  relieve  any  Bank  of  any of its
        obligations under this Agreement,  and,  provided,  further that no such
        assignee  or  participant  shall  have any rights  under this  Agreement
        except as provided in this  Section  13.h.,  and the Agent shall have no
        obligation  or  responsibility  to such  participant  or  assignee.  Any
        agreement  pursuant to which such  participation or assignment of a Note
        or the rights thereunder is granted shall provide that the granting Bank
        shall  retain  the  sole  right  and   responsibility   to  enforce  the
        obligations of ADESA under this Agreement and the other Credit Documents
        including,  without  limitation,  the right to  approve  any  amendment,
        modification  or waiver of any  provision of the Credit  Documents.  Any
        Bank  assigning any Note  hereunder  shall give prompt notice thereof to
        ADESA and the Agent,  who shall in each case only be  required  to treat
        such  assignee  of a Note as the holder  thereof  after  receipt of such
        notice.  ADESA,  Funding  and the  Subsidiaries  authorize  each Bank to
        disclose to any purchaser or prospective purchaser of an interest in its
        Loans or its Commitments under this Section 13.h. any financial or other
        information  pertaining to ADESA,  Funding and  Subsidiaries.  ADESA and
        Funding shall not be in privity with any  participant of any Bank and no
        such  participant  shall  have any right to  enforce  any of the  Credit
        Documents  against  ADESA and Funding  other than  through the  granting
        Bank.  In  addition,  no such  participant  shall be entitled to receive
        payment  hereunder of any amount greater than the amount that would have
        been payable had the applicable Bank not granted such participation.

i.      Assignment of Commitments by Banks.  Each Bank shall have the right,  at
        any time with the prior  written  consent of ADESA and  Funding  and the
        Agent which shall not be unreasonably withheld to sell, assign, transfer
        or  negotiate  all or any  part of its  Commitment  (including  the same
        percentage of its Note and outstanding  Loans and its  participation  in
        the  Letter of Credit and any  L/C's) to one or more  Persons,  provided
        that  such  assignment  shall be of a fixed  percentage  (and not by its
        terms a varying percentage) of the assigning Bank's Commitment. Any such
        assignee shall become a Bank for all purposes hereunder to the extent of
        the  Commitment it assumes and the assigning Bank shall be released from
        its  obligations,  and will have  released  its rights  under the Credit
        Documents  to the  extent of such  assignment.  ADESA,  Funding  and the
        Subsidiaries  authorize  each  Bank  and the  Agent to  disclose  to any
        purchaser  or  prospective  purchaser  of an  interest  in its  Loans or
        Commitment  under Section  13.h. or 13.i.  hereof any financial or other
        information pertaining to ADESA, Funding and the Subsidiaries.

j.      Amendments.  Any  provision  of the Credit  Documents  may be amended or
        waived if, but only if,  such  amendment  or waiver is in writing and is
        signed by (a) ADESA and


        Funding,  (b) the Required Banks, and (c) if the rights or duties of the
        Agent are affected  thereby,  the Agent;  provided  that no amendment or
        waiver pursuant to this Section shall (i) increase any Commitment of any
        Bank  without  the consent of such Bank,  (ii)  increase  the  aggregate
        amount of all  Commitments,  (iii)  reduce the amount of or postpone any
        fixed date for payment of any principal of or interest on any Loan or of
        any fee payable hereunder without the consent of each Bank, (iv) release
        the security  interests or liens on any collateral,  (v) permit ADESA or
        Funding to assign its rights  hereunder,  (vi) change the  provisions of
        this Section, (vii) change the definition of Required Banks or otherwise
        change the percentage of Banks required to take any action  hereunder or
        under  any of  the  other  Credit  Documents,  or  (viii)  decrease  the
        Commitments  other than on a ratable basis, in each case, except for (i)
        above, without the consent of all the Banks.

k.      Set-Off.  In  addition  to any rights  now or  hereafter  granted  under
        applicable law and not by way of limitation of any such rights, upon the
        occurrence of any Event of Default, each Bank and each subsequent holder
        of any Note,  subject to Section 5.k.  hereof,  is hereby  authorized by
        ADESA and  Funding at any time or from time to time,  without  notice to
        ADESA or Funding or to any other  Person,  any such notice  being hereby
        expressly waived, to set off and to appropriate and to apply any and all
        deposits   (general   or  special,   including,   but  not  limited  to,
        indebtedness  evidenced by certificates  of deposit,  whether matured or
        unmatured,  but not including trust accounts,  and in whatever  currency
        denominated) and any other indebtedness at any time held or owing by 
        that Bank or that  subsequent  holder to or for the credit or the 
        account of ADESA or Funding,  whether or not matured, against and on
        account of the obligations  and  liabilities  of ADESA or  Funding to
        that Bank or that subsequent holder under the Credit Documents,
        including, but not limited to, all claims of any nature or description 
        arising out of or connected with the Credit Documents,  irrespective of
        whether or not (i) that Bank or that subsequent  holder shall have made
        any demand  hereunder or (ii) the principal of or the interest on the
        Loans or Notes and other amounts due hereunder  shall have become due
        and payable  pursuant to Section 10 hereof and although said 
        obligations and  liabilities,  or any of them, may be contingent or

l.      Counterparts.   This   Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
        counterparts,  and by the different  parties on different  counterparts,
        each of which when  executed  shall be deemed an  original  but all such
        counterparts   taken  together   shall   constitute  one  and  the  same

m.      Severability.  If any  provision  of this  Agreement or any other Credit
        Document is determined to be illegal or  unenforceable,  such  provision
        shall be deemed to be severable  from the balance of the  provisions  of
        this  Agreement  or such Credit  Document and the  remaining  provisions
        shall be enforceable in accordance with their terms.

n.      Captions.  Section  captions used in this Agreement are for  convenience
        only and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement.


o.      Governing  Law -  Jurisdiction.  This  Agreement  and the  other  Credit
        Documents  are made  under  and  will be  governed  in all  cases by the
        substantive laws of the State of Indiana,  notwithstanding the fact that
        Indiana  conflicts of law rules might otherwise  require the substantive
        rules of law of another  jurisdiction to apply. ADESA,  Funding and each
        Subsidiary  consents to the  jurisdiction  of any state or federal court
        located  within Marion  County,  Indiana.  All service of process may be
        made by messenger,  by certified mail, return receipt  requested,  or by
        registered  mail  directed to ADESA or Funding at the address  stated in
        Section 13.c.  ADESA and Funding each waives any objection  which it may
        have to any  proceeding  commenced  in a federal or state court  located
        within Marion  County,  Indiana,  based upon improper venue or forum non
        conveniens.  Nothing contained in this Section shall affect the right of
        the Agent,  for the benefit of the Banks,  to serve legal process in any
        other  manner  permitted  by law or to bring any  action  or  proceeding
        against ADESA or Funding or their  respective  property in the courts of
        any other jurisdiction.

p.      Prior Agreements, Etc. This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements
        and  commitments  made by the  Banks,  Bank One and  ADESA or any of the
        Subsidiaries  with  respect to the  Loans,  the Letter of Credit and all
        other subjects of this Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  any
        oral or written  proposals or commitments made or issued by the Banks or
        by Bank One.

        Executed and delivered at Indianapolis,  Indiana as of the 28th day of
        July, 1995.

                                        ADESA CORPORATION

                                        By:   Jerry Williams
                                              Jerry Williams,  Secretary
                                                 (Printed Name and Title)

                                        ADESA FUNDING CORPORATION

                                        By:    Jerry Williams
                                               Jerry Williams,  Secretary
                                                 (Printed Name and Title)

                                        BANK ONE, INDIANAPOLIS,
                                        National Association

                                        By:  Jeffrey D. Widholm
                                             Jeffrey D. Widholm, Vice President


                                        PNC BANK, KENTUCKY, INC.

                                        By:  Ralph A. Phillips
                                             Ralph A. Phillips, Vice President
                                                 (Printed Name and Title)

                                        FIRST TENNESSEE BANK NATIONAL

                                        By:  William J. Harter
                                             William J. Harter, Vice President
                                                  (Printed Name and Title)

                                        THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON

                                        By:  Richard D. Briggs, Jr.
                                             Richard D. Briggs, Jr., Director
                                                  (Printed Name and Title)

                                        HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK

                                        By:  Peter Krawchuk
                                             Peter Krawchuk
                                             Vice President
                                                  (Printed Name and Title)

                                         SOCIETY NATIONAL BANK, INDIANA

                                         By:  Joseph H. Rohs
                                              Joseph H. Rohs V.P.
                                                  (Printed Name and Title)



         A -      Application for Loan Advance and Officer's Certificate - ADESA

         B -      Revolving Loan Notes

         C -      Line of Credit Notes

         D -      Form of Canadian Dollar Note

         E -      Reimbursement Agreement

         F -      Copy of Letter of Credit No. S-4269-G and Extension Letter

         G -      Amendment to Collateral Documents

         H -      Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement

         I -      Subsidiary Security Agreement

         J -      Amended Schedule to Pledge Agreement

         K -      Inter-Company Note

         L -      Inter-Company Security Agreement

         M -      Opinion of Counsel for ADESA

         N -      Subordination agreement between ADESA,  Minnesota Power &
                  Light Co., or a wholly-owned subsidiary thereof and the

         O -      Subsidiary Pledge Agreement


         A -      List of Bank Parties Hereto

         4.e.     Schedule of Exceptions

         4.m.     Schedule of Subsidiaries

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    COMMITMENT AMOUNTS
                                                                      DIRECT PAY
                                           LINE OF      REVOLVING       LETTER
                                           CREDIT         LOAN         OF CREDIT
                                           -------      ---------     ----------


Bank One Indianapolis, NA               $ 6,000,000   $17,333,333    $ 7,615,922
111 Monument Circle, Suite 1921
Indianapolis, Indiana 46227-0119
Attn: Metropolitan Department B

PNC Bank, Kentucky, Inc.                  2,516,129     7,268,818    $ 3,193,773
500 West Jefferson
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Attn: Ralph A. Phillips

First Tennessee Bank National             3,387,097     9,784,946      4,299,310
165 Madison Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38103
Attn: William J. Harter

The First National Bank of Boston         3,000,000     8,666,667      3,807,960
100 Federal Street
Mail Stop 01-20-09
Boston, Massachusetts 02110
Attn: Rick Briggs, Jr 

Harris Trust and Savings Bank             1,548,387     4,473,118      1,965,399
111 West Monroe Street
P.O. Box 755
Chicago, Illinois 60690
Attn: Peter Krawcuk

Society National Bank, Indiana            1,548,387     4,473,118      1,965,399
800 Market Tower
10 West Market Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2962
Attn: Joe Rohs
                                        -----------   -----------    -----------
                           Total:       $18,000,000   $52,000,000    $22,847,763