Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

(Mark One)

/X/   Annual Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of

For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996


/_/   Transition Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
      of 1934

For the transition period from                to 
                                -----------        -------------

                           Commission File No. 1-3548

                    Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies
                          Supplemental Retirement Plan
                            (Full Title of the Plan)


                         Minnesota Power & Light Company
                             30 West Superior Street
                             Duluth, Minnesota 55802

                          (Name of issuer of securities
                          held pursuant to the Plan and
                          the address of its principal
                                executive office)


                            3100 Multifoods Tower       Telephone 612 332 7000
                            33 South Sixth Street       Facsimile 612 332 6711
                            Minneapolis, MN  55402-3795
Price Waterhouse LLP                                        [LOGO]

                        Report of Independent Accountants

To the Participants and Administrator
of the Minnesota Power and Affiliated
Companies Supplemental Retirement Plan

In our opinion,  the  accompanying  statements of net assets  available for plan
benefits and the related  statements of changes in net assets available for plan
benefits present fairly, in all material respects,  the net assets available for
plan  benefits of the  Minnesota  Power and  Affiliated  Companies  Supplemental
Retirement  Plan at December  31,  1996 and 1995,  and the changes in net assets
available  for plan  benefits  for the years  then  ended,  in  conformity  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles.  These financial  statements are the
responsibility  of the Plan's  management;  our  responsibility is to express an
opinion on these  financial  statements  based on our audits.  We conducted  our
audits of these  statements  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain  reasonable
assurance   about  whether  the  financial   statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial  statements,   assessing  the
accounting  principles  used and significant  estimates made by management,  and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic  financial
statements taken as a whole. The additional  information included in Schedules I
and II is presented  for purposes of  additional  analysis and is not a required
part of the basic financial statements but is additional information required by
the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974. Such information has been
subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial
statements  and, in our opinion,  is fairly  stated in all material  respects in
relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.


Price Waterhouse LLP
Minneapolis, Minnesota
June 6, 1997


                                 Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies
                                      Supplemental Retirement Plan
                           Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                                                                                     December 31,
                                                                          1996                         1995
                                                                          ----                         ----

     Investments, at fair/contract value

         Guaranteed investment contracts
              (cost of $17,287,380 and
              $15,277,799, respectively)                              $ 17,287,380                 $ 15,277,799

         Minnesota Power & Light  Company  common  stock
              (411,926  and  415,451 shares at cost of 
              $10,871,470 and $11,251,800, respectively)                11,248,406                   11,788,422

         Mutual fund securities (cost of
              $27,852,756 and $19,118,520,
              respectively)                                             30,496,581                   22,729,345

         Money market securities                                           109,684                    1,641,532

         Loans receivable from participants                              1,548,170                    1,512,920
                                                                      ------------                 ------------

              Total investments                                         60,690,221                   52,950,018

     Cash                                                                        -                       36,479
                                                                      ------------                 ------------

Net assets available for plan benefits                                $ 60,690,221                 $ 52,986,497
                                                                      ============                 ============

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                                Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies
                                     Supplemental Retirement Plan
                      Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                                                                                 Year Ended December 31,
                                                                           1996                         1995
                                                                           ----                         ----
Sources of net assets

     Contributions                                                   $  5,453,494                  $  4,912,365

     Interest income                                                    1,132,496                     1,262,849

     Dividend income                                                    3,829,390                     1,877,680

     Net unrealized appreciation
         (depreciation) in aggregate
         fair value of securities                                         (65,380)                    4,787,572

     Participants' loan interest income                                   127,275                       118,066

     Net realized gain (loss) on sale of securities                       (95,332)                      587,935
                                                                     ------------                  ------------

                                                                       10,381,943                    13,546,467
Application of net assets

     Transfers to retirement plan                                        (184,617)                   (3,165,992)

     Benefit distributions                                             (2,484,890)                   (2,123,209)

     Administrative expenses                                               (8,712)                            -
                                                                     ------------                  ------------

Increase in net assets                                                  7,703,724                     8,257,266

Net assets available for plan benefits

     Beginning of year                                                 52,986,497                    44,729,231
                                                                     ------------                  ------------

     End of year                                                     $ 60,690,221                  $ 52,986,497
                                                                     ============                  ============

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


                    Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies
                          Supplemental Retirement Plan
                          Notes to Financial Statements

Note 1 - Description of the Plan

         The Minnesota Power and Affiliated  Companies  Supplemental  Retirement
Plan (the SRP)  provides  benefits for eligible  employees of Minnesota  Power &
Light Company (Minnesota Power); Superior Water, Light and Power Company; and MP
Water Resources Group, Inc. formerly Topeka Group  Incorporated,  (collectively,
the Companies).  The SRP is a defined  contribution  plan that is subject to the
provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).


         Contributions to the SRP consist of the following:

1.       A flexible dollar  contribution for the non-union  participants up to 3
         percent   of  each   participant's   compensation,   up  to  a  maximum
         compensation  of  $150,000  in 1996,  which  has been  elected  by each
         participant to be contributed to the SRP.

2.       A before-tax  contribution for the union and non-union  participants up
         to 12  percent,  not to exceed  $9,500 in 1996,  of each  participant's
         compensation as permitted under Section 401(k) of the Internal  Revenue
         Code of 1986 (Code).  The  contribution  is equal to an amount by which
         the participant has elected to reduce his or her compensation  pursuant
         to a salary reduction agreement.

3.       Each   participant  is  also  allowed  to  make   voluntary   after-tax
         contributions  to  the  SRP  through  payroll  deductions  or  lump-sum
         contributions.  Total voluntary contributions made by a participant for
         all fiscal years since July 1, 1980 shall not exceed 8.5 percent of the
         aggregate   compensation  received  for  all  years  since  becoming  a
         participant less the amount of voluntary  contributions  made to either
         the Minnesota Power and Affiliated  Companies Retirement Plan A or Plan

4.       Contributions by participants may also be made through rollovers from
         other qualified plans.

5.       Core  contributions  were made to the SRP prior to  January 1, 1989 and
         were based on each participant's compensation.  Core contributions have
         not been made to the SRP since December 31, 1988.


         All   contributions   plus  actual   earnings   are  fully  vested  and

Loan Program

         The SRP allows participants to borrow money from their SRP accounts.  A
participant  may  borrow up to $50,000  or 50  percent  of their  total  account
balances, whichever is less, for up to 5 years for a general purpose loan and 10
years for the acquisition of a primary  residence.  A fixed interest rate of the
prime  rate plus 1  percent,  but not less than the  Minnesota  Power  Employees
Credit Union share secured  rate, is charged until the loan is repaid.  As loans
are  repaid,   principal  and  interest   amounts  are   redeposited   into  the
participant's SRP accounts.


Participant Accounts

         Each   participant's   account  is  credited  with  the   participant's
contribution  and their share of the Companies'  contributions.  Income from the
SRP's  investment  funds is allocated to each  participant's  account based upon
their ownership interest in each fund.

         Every December  participants are required to make an election as to the
flexible dollar,  if applicable,  before-tax and after-tax  contributions to the
SRP for the  subsequent  year.  Contributions  may be invested in the  Minnesota
Power Common Stock Fund,  Heartland Value Fund, Fidelity Magellan Fund, Vanguard
Index 500 Fund, Vanguard Short Term Federal Portfolio, IAI Emerging Growth Fund,
IAI International Developed Market Fund, Templeton International Emerging Market
Fund,  Fidelity  Balanced Fund and the Fixed Income Fund.  Contributions  to the
Fixed Income Fund are invested in guaranteed  investment  contracts  (GICs) with
insurance companies.  Funds may be transferred between investment options once a
month  with at  least 10 days  written  notice  to the  Employee  Benefit  Plans
Committee (the Committee).

         While  participants are active employees,  they may withdraw money as a
loan from their core, flexible dollar or before-tax accounts.  After age 59 1/2,
participants may withdraw the full amount of their flexible  dollar,  before-tax
account,  and  their  core  account.  After-tax  accounts  may be  withdrawn  at
specified times during the year by  participants  of any age. When  participants
terminate  employment,  become disabled or die, they or their  beneficiaries may
elect to receive the vested  amount of all their SRP accounts.  Upon  retirement
participants  may elect to  transfer  the  vested  amount  of their SRP  account
balances to the Minnesota  Power and Affiliated  Companies  Retirement Plan A or
Plan B.

         Minnesota  Power  maintains  the  participants'  records  and  issues a
quarterly report to each participant showing the status of individual  accounts.
At December 31, 1996 there were 1,639 participants in the SRP.


         The SRP is administered by the Committee.  The address of the Committee
is 30 West Superior Street,  Duluth,  Minnesota 55802. The responsibility of the
Committee  includes the  determination of compliance with the SRP's  eligibility
requirements  as well as the  administration  and payment of  benefits  all in a
manner  consistent  with the terms of the SRP and applicable  law. The Committee
has the authority to designate  persons to carry out fiduciary  responsibilities
(other than trustee responsibilities) under the SRP. The Committee has the power
to appoint an investment manager or managers.  Administration  fees and expenses
of agents, outside experts,  consultants, and managers are paid by the Companies
or the SRP. The  Committee  may from time to time  establish,  modify and repeal
rules for the  administration  of the SRP as may be  necessary  to carry out the
purpose of the SRP.  Members of the Committee  receive no compensation for their
services with respect to the SRP.


         As of June 1, 1997 the  members  of the  Committee,  all  employees  of
Minnesota Power, and their respective titles are as follows:

         Name                             Title
         ----                             -----
   Robert D. Edwards         Executive Vice President
                             President - Minnesota Power Electric (1)
   David G. Gartzke          Senior Vice President - Finance
                             Chief Financial Officer
   Roger P. Engle            Vice President Minnesota Power Electric
                             President and Chief Operating Officer - Superior
                                Water, Light and Power Company
   Philip R. Halverson       Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
   Donald J. Shippar         Vice President Minnesota Power Electric - 
                                Transmission and Distribution
   Claudia S. Welty          Vice President Minnesota Power Electric - Support
   Mark A. Schober           Controller
   Lori A. Collard           Director - Minnesota Power Services Group, Inc.
   Brenda J. Flayton         Director - Minnesota Power Electric - Human
   Jeweleon W. Tuominen      Manager Employee Benefits

- ----------------------
(1) Committee Chairman

         North Shore Bank of Commerce is retained as Trustee  (Trustee)  for the
SRP. The Trustee's main office is located at 131 West Superior  Street,  Duluth,
Minnesota  55802.  The Trustee  carries  blanket bond insurance in the amount of

Plan Termination

         The  Companies  reserve the right to reduce,  suspend,  or  discontinue
their  contributions  at  any  time  or to  terminate  the  SRP  subject  to the
provisions  of ERISA and the Code. In the event of SRP  termination,  all of the
account  balances of the participants  will be fully vested and  nonforfeitable,
and distribution will be made in accordance with the terms of the SRP.

Note 2 - Summary of Accounting Policies

         The SRP uses the accrual basis of accounting and  accordingly  reflects
income in the year earned and expenses when incurred.

         Mutual funds,  money market securities and Minnesota Power common stock
are  reported  at fair value  based on quoted  market  prices.  GIC  amounts are
reported at contract  value which  represents the purchase price of the contract
plus  accrued  interest.   Participants'   loans  are  reported  at  cost  which
approximates fair value.

Note 3 - Federal Income Tax Status

         A favorable  determination  letter dated December 12, 1995 was obtained
from the Internal  Revenue Service stating that the SRP, as amended and restated
effective  January 1, 1992,  qualifies as a profit  sharing  plan under  Section
401(a) of the Code.


Note 4 - Changes in SRP Assets for Participant Directed Accounts

         The table  below is a  breakdown  of the changes in SRP assets for each
investment fund for the year ended December 31, 1996.

                                               Fund                          Mutual Fund Securities
                                              ------        ------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Heartland                                 Short Term
                                                                Value       Fidelity      Vanguard       Federal
                                               GICs             Fund        Magellan      Index 500     Portfolio

Sources of net assets

   Contributions                          $   885,926      $  652,733   $   883,827    $   664,728     $ 191,010

   Interest income                          1,131,587

   Dividend income                                            166,581     1,696,862        170,803        51,295

   Net unrealized appreciation
     (depreciation) in aggregate
     fair value of securities                                 159,257      (360,613)       646,843        (9,154)

   Participants' loan repayments,
     including interest                       271,685          17,597        89,965         49,243        17,441

   Net gain (loss) on sale of securities                       13,671      (174,775)        85,896        (2,013)
                                          -----------      ----------   -----------    -----------     ---------
                                            2,289,198       1,009,839     2,135,266      1,617,513       248,579

Application of net assets

   Transfers to retirement plans             (184,617)

   Benefit distributions                   (1,228,318)        (42,311)     (318,325)       (92,571)       (8,293)

   Loans to participants                     (741,567)

   Administrative expenses                     (8,712)
                                          -----------      ----------   -----------    -----------     ---------    
Increase (decrease) in net assets             125,984         967,528     1,816,941      1,524,942       240,286

Net transfers                                 235,027         858,296    (1,335,252)       629,222       (40,036)

Net assets available for plan benefits

   Beginning of year <F1>                  16,955,530         967,487    10,317,288      3,445,351       782,601
                                          -----------      ----------   -----------    -----------     ---------

   End of year <F2>                       $17,316,541      $2,793,311   $10,798,977    $ 5,599,515     $ 982,851
                                          ===========      ==========   ===========    ===========     =========


                                                  Mutual Fund Securities (Continued)
                                             IAI       IAI Int'l.                Inter-        Minnesota     Loans
                                           Emerging    Developed     Fidelity    national        Power     Receivable
                                            Growth      Market       Balanced    Emerging       Common       from           Total
                                             Fund        Fund          Fund     Market Fund      Stock     Participants    Changes

Sources of net assets                         
   Contributions                          $  706,017  $  287,208   $  450,498   $  314,713   $   416,834                $ 5,453,494
   Interest income                                                                                   909                  1,132,496
   Dividend income                           583,540     157,218      107,411       48,662       847,018                  3,829,390
   Net unrealized appreciation         
     (depreciation) in aggregate       
     fair value of securities               (432,871)    (57,098)      99,209      206,458      (317,411)                   (65,380)
   Participants' loan repayments,      
     including interest                       41,588      15,061       26,359       22,993       211,947   $ (636,604)      127,275
   Net gain (loss) on sale of securities       7,057       7,541       (2,671)      19,085       (49,123)                   (95,332)
                                          ----------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------   ----------   -----------
                                             905,331     409,930      680,806      611,911     1,110,174     (636,604)   10,381,943
Application of net assets              
   Transfers to retirement plans                                                                                           (184,617)
   Benefit distributions                     (99,902)    (64,527)     (27,160)     (76,400)     (457,370)     (69,713)   (2,484,890)
   Loans to participants                                                                                      741,567             0
   Administrative expenses                                                                                                   (8,712)
                                          ----------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------   ----------   -----------
Increase (decrease) in net assets            805,429     345,403      653,646      535,511       652,804       35,250     7,703,724
Net transfers                                726,286      24,909     (183,741)     198,121    (1,112,832)                         0
Net assets available for plan benefits 
   Beginning of year <F1>                  2,678,226   1,164,968    2,046,401    1,327,120    11,788,605    1,512,920    52,986,497
                                          ----------  ----------   ----------   ----------   -----------   ----------   -----------
   End of year <F2>                       $4,209,941  $1,535,280   $2,516,306   $2,060,752   $11,328,577   $1,548,170   $60,690,221
                                          ==========  ==========   ==========   ==========   ===========   ==========   ===========
- -----------------
<F1>  These  beginning of year  balances  include  $1,641,532 of short term
      money market securities of which  $1,000,000 was being held to be invested
      in  anew  GIC  on  January  3,  1996  and  the  balance  for  participant

<F2>  These end of year  balances  include  $109,684  of short term money market
      securities of which  $79,559  was being held to be invested  in  Minnesota
      Power Common Stock and the balance for participant distributions.


Note 4 - Changes in SRP Assets for Participant Directed Accounts

         The table  below is a  breakdown  of the changes in SRP assets for each
investment fund for the year ended December 31, 1995.

                                               Fund                          Mutual Fund Securities
                                              ------          ----------------------------------------------------
                                                               Heartland                                Short Term
                                                                 Value        Fidelity      Vanguard      Federal
                                               GICs              Fund         Magellan      Index 500    Portfolio

Sources of net assets

   Contributions                          $  1,148,916        $ 406,265    $    661,052  $   409,795   $ 140,310

   Interest income                           1,257,630

   Dividend income                                               42,218         594,504       73,563      41,522

   Net unrealized appreciation
     (depreciation) in aggregate
     fair value of securities                                    30,247       2,039,135      709,033      31,720

   Participants' loan repayments,
     including  interest                       314,990            4,518          81,907       31,012      11,491

   Net gain (loss) on sale of securities                          2,890         326,575       57,396       6,285
                                          ------------        ---------    ------------  -----------   ---------
                                             2,721,536          486,138       3,703,173    1,280,799     231,328

Application of net assets

   Transfers to retirement plans            (3,165,992)

   Benefit distributions                      (953,755)          (6,083)       (254,359)     (95,030)    (33,112)

   Loans to participants                      (756,812)
                                          ------------        ---------    ------------  -----------   ---------
Increase (decrease) in net assets           (2,155,023)         480,055       3,448,814    1,185,769     198,216

Net transfers                                2,096,925          487,432      (1,112,187)     132,303     (18,996)

Net assets available for plan benefits

   Beginning of year <F1>                   17,013,628                0       7,980,661    2,127,279     603,381
                                          ------------        ---------    ------------  -----------   ---------

   End of year <F2>                       $ 16,955,530        $ 967,487    $ 10,317,288  $ 3,445,351   $ 782,601
                                          ============        =========    ============  ===========   =========


                                                   Mutual Fund Securities (Continued)
                                             IAI       IAI Int'l.                Inter-       Minnesota      Loans
                                           Emerging    Developed     Fidelity   national       Power       Receivable
                                            Growth      Market       Balanced   Emerging       Common        from          Total
                                            Fund         Fund          Fund     Market Fund     Stock     Participants    Changes

Sources of net assets                   
   Contributions                          $  450,546   $  357,800   $  488,611  $  426,920  $   422,150                $  4,912,365
   Interest income                                                                                5,219                   1,262,849
   Dividend income                            48,959       92,615       85,574      34,409      864,316                   1,877,680
   Net unrealized appreciation          
     (depreciation) in aggregate        
     fair value of securities                689,610       (2,008)     154,044     (32,233)   1,168,024                   4,787,572
   Participants' loan repayments,       
     including  interest                      27,134       14,222       19,799      14,336      239,086   $ (640,429)       118,066
   Net gain (loss) on sale of securities      38,927        4,777       32,094        (683)     119,674                     587,935
                                          ----------   ----------   ----------  ----------  -----------   ----------   ------------
                                           1,255,176      467,406      780,122     442,749    2,818,469     (640,429)    13,546,467
Application of net assets               
   Transfers to retirement plans                                                                                         (3,165,992)
   Benefit distributions                     (80,116)     (44,057)     (91,732)    (21,130)    (530,355)     (13,480)    (2,123,209)
   Loans to participants                                                                                     756,812              0
                                          ----------   ----------   ----------  ----------  -----------   ----------   ------------
Increase (decrease) in net assets          1,175,060      423,349      688,390     421,619    2,288,114      102,903      8,257,266
Net transfers                                156,019     (162,997)    (320,170)   (186,189)  (1,072,140)                          0
Net assets available for plan benefits  
   Beginning of year <F1>                  1,347,147      904,616    1,678,181   1,091,690   10,572,631    1,410,017     44,729,231
                                          ----------   ----------   ----------  ----------  -----------   ----------   ------------
   End of year <F2>                       $2,678,226   $1,164,968   $2,046,401  $1,327,120  $11,788,605   $1,512,920   $ 52,986,497
                                          ==========   ==========   ==========  ==========  ===========   ==========   ============
- --------------

<F1>  These  beginning of year  balances  include $2,565,949 of short term money
      market securities of which $1,811,767 was being held to be reinvested into
      other SRP funds and the balance for participant distributions.

<F2>  These end of year  balances include  $1,641,532 of short term money market
      securities of which $1,000,000  was being held to be invested in a new GIC
      on January 3, 1996 and the balance for participant distributions.


                                                                                                       Schedule I 
                                    Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies
                                         Supplemental Retirement Plan
                                         Schedule of Investments Held
                                              December 31, 1996

                  Description                                                      Cost                 Value
Guaranteed Investment Contracts
     Metropolitan Life Insurance Company                                                      
         8.65% due 1997                                                      $     2,418,762      $    2,418,762
     Protective Life Insurance Company
         6.99% due 1997                                                            1,575,572           1,575,572
     Provident Life and Accident Insurance Company
         7.06% due 1998                                                            2,895,632           2,895,632
     Allstate Life Insurance Company
         7.14% due 1998                                                            2,307,503           2,307,503
     Aetna Life Insurance Company
         6.06% due 1999                                                            2,388,884           2,388,884
     Provident Mutual Insurance Company
         5.80% due 1999                                                            1,903,227           1,903,227
     SunAmerica Life Insurance Company
         6.00% due 2000                                                            1,913,438           1,913,438
     Commonwealth Life Insurance Company
         6.67% due 2001                                                            1,884,362           1,884,362
                                                                             ---------------      --------------
              Total guaranteed investment contracts                               17,287,380          17,287,380
                                                                             ---------------      --------------

Minnesota Power & Light Company
     Common Stock * (411,926 shares)                                              10,871,470          11,248,406
                                                                             ---------------      --------------

Mutual Fund Securities
     Heartland Value Fund (88,256 shares)                                          2,607,392           2,793,294
     Fidelity Magellan Fund (133,897 shares)                                       9,319,844          10,798,773
     Vanguard Index 500 (81,317 shares)                                            4,986,322           5,599,499
     Vanguard Short Term Federal Portfolio (97,215 shares)                           986,222             982,845
     IAI Emerging Growth Fund (210,918 shares)                                     3,995,140           4,209,927
     IAI International Developed Market Fund (124,314 shares)                      1,635,285           1,535,268
     Fidelity Balanced Fund (178,713 shares)                                       2,352,758           2,516,276
     Templeton International Emerging Market Fund (165,518 shares)                 1,969,793           2,060,699
                                                                             ---------------      --------------
              Total mutual funds                                                  27,852,756          30,496,581
                                                                             ---------------      --------------

Money Market Securities
     Dreyfus Institutional Government Securities Fund,
         floating interest rate with no maturity date                                109,684             109,684
                                                                             ---------------      --------------

Loans Receivable from Participants - 7% to 10%                                     1,548,170           1,548,170
                                                                             ---------------      --------------

Total Investments                                                            $    57,669,460      $   60,690,221
                                                                             ===============      ==============

- -----------------
* Party-in-interest

The above data was prepared from information  certified as complete and accurate
by North Shore Bank of Commerce, the plan Trustee.


                                                                                                    Schedule II

                              Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies
                                    Supplemental Retirement Plan
                               Schedule of Transactions in Excess of
                                  5% of Fair Value of Plan Assets
                                For the Year Ended December 31, 1996


                                                                       Aggregate Purchase
                                                                         Price and Fair
                                                                            Value on                  Number of
             Description                                                Transaction Dates           Transactions
Dreyfus Institutional Government Series                                  $   8,172,542                   265

Fidelity Magellan Fund                                                   $   1,230,801                    34

Minnesota Power & Light Company Common Stock                             $   1,614,717                    25

SunAmerica Life Insurance Company                                        $   3,988,058                    25

Vanguard Index 500                                                       $   9,879,204                    46

                                                     Cost of                            Gain/         Number of
             Description                              Asset          Sale Price        (Loss)       Transactions
Dreyfus Institutional Government Series           $   9,807,884     $   9,807,884              0        182

Fidelity Magellan Fund                            $   2,085,360     $   1,910,585    $  (174,775)        31

Minnesota Power & Light Company
    Common Stock                                  $   1,649,438     $   1,600,315    $   (49,123)        35

SunAmerica Life Insurance Company                 $   2,161,690     $   2,161,690              0         20

Vanguard Index 500                                $   8,542,687     $   8,628,583    $    85,896         22

- -----------------
The above data was prepared from information  certified as complete and accurate
by North Shore Bank of Commerce, the plan Trustee.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the Employee  Benefit  Plans  Committee has duly caused this annual report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                        Minnesota Power and Affiliated Companies
                                              Supplemental Retirement Plan
                                                     (Name of Plan)

June 24, 1997                    By                    R.D. Edwards
                                                       R.D. Edwards
                                             Employee Benefit Plans Committee


                                Index to Exhibits

Exhibit Page

a - Consent of Independent Accountants

                                                                       Exhibit a

                       Consent of Independent Accountants

We  hereby  consent  to the  incorporation  by  reference  in  the  Registration
Statement on Form S-8 (No.  333-26755)  of the  Minnesota  Power and  Affiliated
Companies  Supplemental  Retirement  Plan of our  report  dated  June  6,  1997
appearing on page 1 of this Annual Report of the Minnesota  Power and Affiliated
Companies Supplemental  Retirement Plan on Form 11-K for the year ended December
31, 1996.


Price Waterhouse LLP
Minneapolis, Minnesota
June 23, 1997