
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

(Mark One)

 /X/ Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange 
     Act of 1934
     For the fiscal year ended DECEMBER 31, 1998

 / / Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities 
     Exchange Act of 1934

     For the transition period from            to 
                                    ----------     ----------

     Commission file number 1-3548

                              MINNESOTA POWER, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                Minnesota                            41-0418150
    (State or other jurisdiction of     (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
     incorporation or organization)

                30 West Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55802
           (Address of principal executive offices including zip code)

                                 (218) 722-2641
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                              Name of Each Stock Exchange
           Title of Each Class                    on Which Registered
           -------------------                ---------------------------

     Common Stock, without par value             New York Stock Exchange

  5% Cumulative Preferred Stock, par value
             $100 per share                      American Stock Exchange

8.05% Cumulative Quarterly Income Preferred 
Securities of MP&L Capital I, a subsidiary 
          of Minnesota Power, Inc.               New York Stock Exchange

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                       Preferred Stock, without par value

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes  /X/    No  / /

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. /X/

The aggregate  market value of voting stock held by nonaffiliates on January 29,
1999 was $1,483,868,013.

As of January 29, 1999 there were  36,184,158  shares of Minnesota  Power,  Inc.
Common Stock, without par value, outstanding.


Portions of the Proxy Statement for the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders are 
incorporated by reference in Part III.



PART I                                                                    PAGE
Item 1.    Business                                                         1
           Electric Operations                                              1
             Electric Sales                                                 2
             Purchased Power and Capacity Sales                             4
             Fuel                                                           4
             Regulatory Issues                                              5
             Competition                                                    6
             Franchises                                                     7
             Environmental Matters                                          7
           Water Services                                                  10
             Regulatory Issues                                             10
             Competition                                                   11
             Franchises                                                    11
             Environmental Matters                                         11
           Automotive Services                                             12
             Competition                                                   12
             Environmental Matters                                         12
           Investments                                                     13
             Environmental Matters                                         13
           Executive Officers of the Registrant                            14
Item 2.    Properties                                                      16
Item 3.    Legal Proceedings                                               18
Item 4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders             18

Item 5.    Market for the Registrant's Common Equity and 
             Related Stockholder Matters                                   18
Item 6.    Selected Financial Data                                         19
Item 7.    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial 
             Condition and Results of Operations                           21
               Consolidated Overview                                       21
               1998 Compared to 1997                                       23
               1997 Compared to 1996                                       24
               Outlook                                                     25
               Liquidity and Capital Resources                             26
               Capital Requirements                                        27
               Market Risk                                                 27
               New Accounting Standards                                    28
               Year 2000                                                   28
Item 7A.   Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk      29
Item 8.    Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                     29
Item 9.    Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting 
             and Financial Disclosure                                      29

Item 10.   Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant              30
Item 11.   Executive Compensation                                          30
Item 12.   Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
             and Management                                                30
Item 13.   Certain Relationships and Related Transactions                  30

Item 14.   Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and 
             Reports on Form 8-K                                           30

SIGNATURES                                                                 34

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                          35

minnesota power, inc.


The following abbreviations or acronyms are used in the text.

Abbreviation or Acronym          Term
- -----------------------          -----------------------------------------------
ADESA                            ADESA Corporation
AFC                              Automotive Finance Corporation
Americas' Water                  Americas' Water Services Corporation
BNI Coal                         BNI Coal, Ltd.
Boswell                          Boswell Energy Center
Capital Re                       Capital Re Corporation
CIP                              Conservation Improvement Program(s)
Common Stock                     Minnesota Power, Inc. Common Stock
Company                          Minnesota Power, Inc. and its Subsidiaries
Duluth                           City of Duluth, Minnesota
EPA                              Environmental Protection Agency
FERC                             Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Florida Water                    Florida Water Services Corporation
FPSC                             Florida Public Service Commission
Great Rigs                       Great Rigs Incorporated
Heater                           Heater Utilities, Inc.
Hibbard                          M.L. Hibbard Station
ISI                              Instrumentation Services, Inc.
kWh                              Kilowatthour(s)
Laskin                           Laskin Energy Center
Lehigh                           Lehigh Acquisition Corporation
MAPP                             Mid-Continent Area Power Pool
MBtu                             Million British thermal units
Minnesota Power                  Minnesota Power, Inc. and its Subsidiaries
Minnkota Power                   Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc.
MP Telecom                       Minnesota Power Telecom, Inc.
MP Water Resources               MP Water Resources Group, Inc.
MPCA                             Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
MPUC                             Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
MW                               Megawatt(s)
MWh                              Megawatthour(s)
NCUC                             North Carolina Utilities Commission
Note___                          Note___ to the consolidated financial 
                                   statements in Item 14 of this Form 10-K
NPDES                            National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Palm Coast                       Palm Coast Holdings, Inc.
PAR                              PAR, Inc.
PCUC                             Palm Coast Utilities Corporation
PSCW                             Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
Square Butte                     Square Butte Electric Cooperative
SWL&P                            Superior Water, Light and Power Company
U.S. Maintenance and Management  U.S. Maintenance and Management Services 
VCS                              Vibration Correction Services, Inc.
WPPI                             Wisconsin Public Power, Inc.

                                                           minnesota power, inc.


In  connection  with  the  safe  harbor  provisions  of the  Private  Securities
Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995  (Reform  Act),  the  Company  is hereby  filing
cautionary  statements  identifying  important  factors  that  could  cause  the
Company's   actual  results  to  differ   materially  from  those  projected  in
forward-looking  statements  (as such term is defined in the Reform Act) made by
or  on  behalf  of  the  Company  in  this  Annual   Report  on  Form  10-K,  in
presentations,  in response to  questions  or  otherwise.  Any  statements  that
express, or involve discussions as to expectations,  beliefs, plans, objectives,
assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always,  through the
use  of  words  or  phrases  such  as  "anticipates",  "believes",  "estimates",
"expects",  "intends",  "plans",  "predicts",  "projects", "will likely result",
"will continue",  or similar expressions) are not statements of historical facts
and may be forward-looking.

Forward-looking statements involve estimates,  assumptions and uncertainties and
are  qualified in their  entirety by reference to, and are  accompanied  by, the
following   important   factors,   which  are  difficult  to  predict,   contain
uncertainties,  are  beyond  the  control of the  Company  and may cause  actual
results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements:

    - prevailing  governmental policies and regulatory actions,  including those
      of the FERC, the MPUC,  the FPSC,  the NCUC and the PSCW,  with respect to
      allowed  rates of return,  industry and rate  structure,  acquisition  and
      disposal of assets and  facilities,  operation and  construction  of plant
      facilities,  recovery  of  purchased  power,  and  present or  prospective
      wholesale  and retail  competition  (including  but not  limited to retail
      wheeling and transmission costs);

    - economic and geographic factors including political and economic risks;

    - changes in and compliance with environmental and safety laws and policies;

    - weather conditions;

    - population growth rates and demographic patterns;

    - competition for retail and wholesale customers;

    - Year 2000 issues;

      - delays or changes in costs of Year 2000 compliance;

      - failure of major  suppliers,  customers or others with whom the Company
        does business to resolve their own Year 2000 issues on a timely basis;

    - pricing and transportation of commodities;

    - market demand, including structural market changes;

    - changes in tax rates or policies or in rates of inflation;

    - changes in project costs;

    - unanticipated changes in operating expenses and capital expenditures;

    - capital market conditions;

    - competition for new energy development opportunities; and

    - legal and  administrative  proceedings  (whether  civil or  criminal)  and
      settlements that influence the business and profitability of the Company.

Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement
is made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any  forward-looking
statement  to  reflect  events or  circumstances  after  the date on which  such
statement is made or to reflect the  occurrence  of  unanticipated  events.  New
factors  emerge  from  time to time and it is not  possible  for  management  to
predict all of such factors,  nor can it assess the impact of any such factor on
the business or the extent to which any factor,  or combination of factors,  may
cause results to differ  materially from those contained in any  forward-looking

minnesota power, inc.



Minnesota Power, Inc., a broadly diversified service company  incorporated under
the laws of the State of  Minnesota in 1906,  has  operations  in four  business
segments: (1) Electric Operations, which include electric and gas services, coal
mining and  telecommunications;  (2) Water  Services,  which  include  water and
wastewater services; (3) Automotive Services, which include a network of vehicle
auctions, a finance company, an auto transport company and a vehicle remarketing
company; and (4) Investments, which include a securities portfolio, a 21% equity
investment in a financial guaranty  reinsurance and specialty insurance company,
intermediate-term  investments  and real estate  operations.  Corporate  Charges
represent  general  corporate  expenses,  including  interest,  not specifically
related to any one business segment. As of December 31, 1998 the Company and its
subsidiaries had  approximately  7,000  employees,  2,000 of which were not full

Since the  inception  of the 1996  corporate  strategic  plan,  the  Company has
pursued a course of expanding its existing business segments.  Acquisitions have
been and will  continue to be a primary  means of  expansion.  In 1998  Electric
Operations  opened  an  MPEX  office  in  Minneapolis,  at  the  site  of a  new
electricity futures and options market, and MP Telecom completed a 300-plus mile
fiber optic network that provides  high volume  telecommunication  links to four
northern Minnesota  communities.  Also in 1998 Water Services acquired Vibration
Correction Services,  Inc., a predictive and corrective maintenance company, and
Automotive  Services  acquired  three auction  facilities  and added 30 new loan
production offices. In January 1999 Water Services acquired Palm Coast Utilities

 Year Ended December 31                                   1998    1997     1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Consolidated Operating Revenue - Millions           $1,039.7   $953.6  $846.9

   Percentage of Consolidated Operating Revenue
     Electric Operations
           Taconite Producers                               16%      17%     20%
           Paper and Pulp Mills                              6        7       7
           Pipelines and Other Industries                    3        4       4
                                                           ---      ---     ---
             Total Industrial                               25       28      31
         Residential                                         6        7       7
         Commercial                                          6        6       7
       Sales to Other Power Suppliers and Marketers          8        7       8
       Other Revenue                                         9        9       9
                                                           ---      ---     ---
             Total Electric Operations                      54       57      62
     Water Services                                          9       10      10
     Automotive Services (a)                                32       27      22
     Investments                                             5        6       6
                                                           ---      ---     ---
                                                           100%     100%    100%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a) The Company  purchased  80% of ADESA,  including AFC and Great Rigs, on
    July 1, 1995, another 3% in January 1996 and the remaining 17% in
    August 1996.

For a detailed  discussion  of  results of  operations  and  trends,  see Item 7
Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations. For business segment information, see Notes 1 and 2.


Electric Operations generate,  transmit,  distribute and market electricity.  In
addition  Electric  Operations  include  coal  mining,   telecommunications  and
economic  development  projects  within the  Company's  service  area.  Electric
Operations intend to seek cost-saving alternatives and efficiencies,  and expand
non-regulated services.

      MINNESOTA  POWER  provides  electricity  in a 26,000  square mile electric
      service  territory located in northeastern  Minnesota.  As of December 31,
      1998  Minnesota  Power was supplying  retail  electric  service to 124,000
      customers in 153 cities, towns and communities,  and outlying rural areas.
      The largest city served is Duluth with a population of 85,000 based on the
      1990  census.  Wholesale  electric  service  for resale is  supplied to 15
      municipal distribution systems, one private utility and SWL&P.

      MPEX, a division of  Minnesota  Power,  is an  expansion of the  Company's
      inter-utility  marketing  group  which  has  been a buyer  and  seller  of
      capacity and energy for over 25 years in the wholesale  power market.  The
      customers of MPEX are other power  suppliers  and marketers in the Midwest
      and Canada.  MPEX also  contracts  with its  customers  to provide  hourly
      energy scheduling and power trading services.

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      SUPERIOR WATER, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY sells electricity and natural gas,
      and provides water service in northwestern  Wisconsin.  As of December 31,
      1998 SWL&P served 14,000 electric customers,  11,000 natural gas customers
      and 10,000 water customers.

      BNI COAL owns and  operates a lignite mine in North  Dakota.  Two electric
      generating  cooperatives,  Minnkota  Power  and  Square  Butte,  presently
      consume  virtually  all of BNI Coal's  production  of  lignite  coal under
      cost-plus  coal supply  agreements  extending to 2027.  Under an agreement
      with Square Butte,  Minnesota  Power  purchases  approximately  71% of the
      output from the Square Butte unit which is capable of generating up to 455
      MW.  Minnkota  Power has an option to extend its coal supply  agreement to
      2042. (See Fuel and Note 11.)

      ELECTRIC  OUTLET,  INC. is a retail  store and catalog  merchandiser  that
      sells   lifestyle-changing   electric   products.   In  1998  the  Company
      established  alliances with three other  utilities to market products with
      the  Electric  Outlet  through  either a  catalog  and/or  a new  Internet

      MINNESOTA POWER TELECOM,  INC. provides high volume fiber optic and 
      microwave communications to businesses and communities across northern 

      UPPER  MINNESOTA  PROPERTIES,  INC.  has  invested in  affordable  housing
      projects located in Electric Operations service territory.  This is one of
      a variety of economic  development projects which the Company participates
      in  throughout  the  Electric  Operations  service  territory by providing
      resources and expertise.


The two major industries in Minnesota  Power's  electric  service  territory are
taconite  production,  and paper and pulp mills. As deregulation of the electric
utility  industry  approaches,  the Company  believes the percentage of electric
revenue  from sales to other power  suppliers  and  marketers  will  continue to
increase.  The percentage of consolidated  revenue from taconite producers,  and
paper and pulp mills is expected to decrease as other strategic  initiatives add
to consolidated operating revenue. (See table on page 1 that presents percentage
of consolidated operating revenue.)

Approximately  80% of the ore consumed by  integrated  steel  facilities  in the
Great Lakes region originates from plants within the Company's  electric service
territory.  Taconite,  an iron-bearing rock of relatively low iron content which
is abundantly  available in Minnesota,  is an important  domestic  source of raw
material for the steel industry. Taconite processing plants use large quantities
of electric power to grind the  ore-bearing  rock, and agglomerate and pelletize
the  iron  particles  into  taconite  pellets.  Annual  taconite  production  in
Minnesota  was 46 million tons in 1998 (47 million tons in 1997; 46 million tons
in 1996). Based on the Company's  research of the taconite  industry,  Minnesota
taconite production for 1999 is anticipated to remain at or near the 1998 level.
While  taconite  production  is expected to continue at annual levels of over 40
million tons, the long-term future of this cyclical industry is less certain.

The record level of steel imports into the United States is adversely  affecting
the domestic steel industry.  If imports  continue at 1998 levels,  lower demand
for steel  produced in the United States is likely to have an adverse  affect on
the  taconite  producers  and the  economy  as a whole  in  northern  Minnesota.
Representatives  of the United  States steel  industry  have  asserted  that the
imports are unfair and illegal, and have filed anti-dumping trade suits with the
U.S.  Department  of  Commerce.  The Company is unable to predict  the  eventual
impact of this issue on the Company's Electric Operations.

LARGE POWER CUSTOMER  CONTRACTS.  The Company has Large Power Customer contracts
with five  taconite  producers,  four  paper and pulp  mills,  and two  pipeline
companies  (Large  Power  Customers),  each of which  requires  10 MW or more of
generating capacity.  Large Power Customer contracts require the Company to have
a certain  amount of generating  capacity  available at all times.  In turn each
Large Power  Customer is required to pay a minimum  monthly  demand  charge that
covers the fixed costs  associated with having  capacity  available to serve the
customer, including a return on common equity. Most contracts allow customers to
establish the level of MW subject to a demand charge on a periodic (pool season)
basis and require that a portion of their MW needs be committed on a take-or-pay
basis for the entire term of the  agreement.  In addition to the demand  charge,
each Large Power Customer is billed an energy charge for each  kilowatthour used
that recovers the variable costs incurred in generating electricity.  Six of the
Large Power  Customers have  interruptible  service for a portion of their needs
which  includes a  discounted  demand  rate and energy  priced at the  Company's
incremental  cost after  serving all firm power  obligations.  The Company  also
provides  incremental  production  service for customer  demand levels above the
contract  take-or-pay  levels.  There is no demand  charge for this  service and
energy  is  priced  at  an  increment  above  the  Company's  cost.  Incremental
production service is interruptible.

Each contract continues past the contract  termination date unless the required
four-year advance notice of cancellation has been given. Such contracts minimize
the impact on earnings that otherwise would result from  significant  reductions
in kilowatthour  sales to such customers.  Large Power Customers are required to
purchase their entire  electric  service  requirements  from the Company for the
duration of their contracts. The rates and corresponding revenue associated with
capacity and energy provided under these contracts are subject to change through
the same  regulatory  process governing all 

2  minnesota power, inc.

retail electric rates. Minnesota Power's key account management process provides
customized  energy  management  and  electric  service to large  commercial  and
industrial  customers.  The process allows  continuing  negotiations  with these
customers to explore options to respond to their needs.  (See Regulatory  Issues
- - Electric Rates.)

Six of the seven  taconite  producers in Minnesota  have  collective  bargaining
agreements with the United Steel Workers of America.  These agreements expire in
August 1999. The Company is unable to predict  whether or not any labor disputes
will arise in the course of negotiations and, if such disputes occur, the impact
any dispute would have on the Company's Electric Operations.

      Minimum Revenue and Demand Under Contract
      As of February 1, 1999

                                   Minimum                  Monthly
                               Annual Revenue              Megawatts
                               --------------              ---------
              1999              $85.0 million                 563
              2000              $71.2 million                 485
              2001              $67.8 million                 467
              2002              $57.4 million                 399
              2003              $48.9 million                 338
      Based on past  experience  and  projected  operating  levels,  the Company
      believes  revenue  from Large Power  Customers  will be  substantially  in
      excess of the minimum contract amounts.

      Contract Status for Minnesota Power Large Power Customers
      As of February 1, 1999

      Customer                          Location                    Ownership                       Termination Date
      -----------------                 -----------------------     ---------------------------     ------------------
      Eveleth Mines LLC                 Eveleth, MN                 45% Rouge Steel Co.             October 31, 2008
                                                                    40% AK Steel Co.
                                                                    15% Stelco Inc.

      Hibbing Taconite Co.              Hibbing, MN                 70.3% Bethlehem Steel Corp.     December 31, 2008
                                                                    15% Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. 
                                                                    14.7% Stelco Inc.

      Ispat Inland Mining               Virginia, MN                Ispat Inland Steel Company      December 31, 2007

      USX Corporation                   Mt. Iron, MN                USX Corporation                 December 31, 2007

      National Steel Pellet Co.         Keewatin, MN                National Steel Corp.            October 31, 2004

      Blandin Paper Co.                 Grand Rapids, MN            UPM-Kymmene Corporation         April 30, 2004

      Boise Cascade Corp.               International Falls, MN     Boise Cascade Corp.             December 31, 2002

      Lake Superior Paper               Duluth, MN                  Consolidated Papers, Inc.       July 31, 2008
       Industries and Superior 
       Recycled Fiber Industries

      Potlatch Corp.                    Cloquet, MN                 Potlatch Corp.                  December 31, 2002
                                        Brainerd, MN

      Lakehead Pipe Line                Deer River, MN              Lakehead Pipe Line              May 31, 2001
        Co. L.P.                        Floodwood, MN               Partners, L.P.

      Minnesota Pipeline                Staples, MN                 60% Koch Pipeline Co. L.P.      September 30, 2002
        Company                         Little Falls, MN            40% Marathon Ashland
                                        Park Rapids, MN             Petroleum LLC

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The Company  currently does not buy or sell power on the speculation that prices
will rise or fall. A purchase or sale is generally made to balance the supply or
demand,  thereby  capping  the cost of power or fixing a margin.  The  Company's
contract provisions,  operational flexibility,  credit policy and procedures for
purchasing  power  to cap cost or fix  margins  are  designed  to  minimize  the
Company's risk and exposure in a market with volatile prices.

PURCHASED POWER.  Minnesota Power has contracts to purchase  capacity and energy
from various  entities.  In addition to the contracts  listed below, the Company
has entered into various  smaller  purchased power contracts for the purposes of
meeting its capacity needs or marketing power.

      Status of Minnesota Power Purchased Power Contracts

      Entity                  Contract MW   Contract Period
      ------                  -----------   ---------------

      Participation Power
        Purchases (a)
        Square Butte (b)         322       May 29, 1998 to January 1, 2027
        LTV Steel                210       May 1, 1995 through April 30, 2000
        Silver Bay Power          78       November 1, 1995 through 
                                             October 31, 2000
      (a) Participation power purchase  contracts require the Company to pay the
          demand  charges for generating  capacity  under contract and an energy
          charge for each MWh purchased.  The  selling  entity is  obligated  to
          provide energy as scheduled by the Company  from the  generating  unit
          specified in the contract as energy is available from that unit.
      (b) Under an agreement  extending  to 2027 with  Square  Butte,  Minnesota
          Power is currently  entitled to  approximately  71% of the output of a
          455-megawatt coal-fired  generating  unit located  near Center,  North
          Dakota. (See Note 11.)

CAPACITY SALES.  Minnesota Power has contracts to sell capacity to nonaffiliated
utility  companies.  In addition to the contracts  listed below, the Company has
entered  into  various  smaller  capacity  sales  contracts  for the purposes of
selling surplus capacity or marketing power.

      Status of Minnesota Power Capacity Sales Contracts
      Utility                     Contract MW   Contract Period
      -------                     -----------   ---------------

      Participation Power 
       Sales (a)
       Interstate Power Company,
          a subsidiary of Alliant
          Energy Corporation         55         May 1 through October 31 of each
                                                 year from 1994 through 2000
                                     35         November 1, 1998 through 
                                                 April 30, 1999
                                     50         November 1, 1999 through 
                                                 April 30, 2000
      Firm Power Sales (b)
       Wisconsin Power and Light 
        Company, a subsidiary of 
        Alliant Energy  
        Corporation                  75         January 1, 1998 through
                                                 December  31,  2007 
       Northern States Power 
        Company                     150         May 1 through October 31 of each
                                                 year from 1997 through 2000
      (a) Participation power sales contracts require the purchasing  utility to
          pay the demand charges for MW under  contract and an energy charge for
          each MWh  purchased. The  Company is  obligated  to provide  energy as
          scheduled by the purchasing utility from the generating unit specified
          in the contract as energy is available from that unit.
      (b) Firm power sales  contracts require the purchasing  utility to pay the
          demand charges for MW under contract and an energy charge for each MWh
          purchased. The Company is obligated to provide  energy as scheduled by
          the purchasing utility.


The Company  purchases  low-sulfur,  sub-bituminous  coal from the Powder  River
Basin coal field located in Montana and Wyoming.  Coal  consumption for electric
generation at the Company's Minnesota coal-fired generating stations in 1998 was
about 4.2 million tons. As of December 31, 1998 the Company had a coal inventory
of about  437,000  tons.  The Company has three coal supply  agreements in place
with  Montana  suppliers.  Under  these  agreements  the Company has the tonnage
flexibility to procure 70% to 100% of its total coal  requirements.  The Company
will obtain coal in 1999 under these agreements and the spot market. This mix of
coal  supply  options  allows  the  Company  to reduce  market  risk and to take
advantage of favorable spot market prices.  The Company is exploring future coal
supply options and believes that adequate supplies of low-sulfur, sub-bituminous
coal will continue to be available.

4  minnesota power, inc.

Burlington  Northern  Santa Fe Railroad  transports  the coal by unit train from
Montana  or  Wyoming to the  Company's  generating  stations.  The  Company  and
Burlington  Northern  Santa Fe Railroad  have two  long-term  coal  freight-rate
contracts.  One contract  provides for coal deliveries  through 2003 to Boswell.
The other  contract  provides for coal  deliveries  through 2002 to Laskin via a
Duluth Missabe & Iron Range Railway interchange.

      Coal Delivered to Minnesota Power
      Year Ended December 31                    1998        1997         1996
        Average Price Per Ton                  $20.37      $20.26       $19.30
        Average Price Per MBtu                  $1.12       $1.11        $1.06

The Square Butte  generating  unit operated by Minnkota Power burns North Dakota
lignite supplied by BNI Coal, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, pursuant
to the terms of a contract  expiring  in 2027.  Square  Butte's  cost of lignite
burned in 1998 was approximately 72 cents per MBtu. The lignite acreage that has
been dedicated to Square Butte by BNI Coal is located on lands  essentially  all
of which  are under  private  control  and  presently  leased by BNI Coal.  This
lignite supply is sufficient to provide the fuel for the anticipated useful life
of the generating unit. Under an agreement,  the Company is obligated to pay its
pro rata share of Square Butte's costs. These costs include the price of lignite
purchased  under a cost-plus  contract from BNI Coal. (See Item 2 Properties and
Note 11.) BNI Coal has  experienced  no  difficulty  in supplying  all of Square
Butte's lignite requirements.


The Company and its  subsidiaries  are exempt from  regulation  under the Public
Utility Holding Company Act of 1935,  except as to Section 9(a)(2) which relates
to acquisition of securities of public utility operations.

The Company and its  subsidiaries  are  subject to the  jurisdiction  of various
regulatory  authorities.   The  MPUC  has  regulatory  authority  over  Electric
Operations service area in Minnesota, retail rates, retail services, issuance of
securities and other matters.  The FERC has  jurisdiction  over the licensing of
hydroelectric  projects,  the establishment of rates and charges for the sale of
electricity for resale and  transmission of electricity in interstate  commerce,
and certain  accounting  and record keeping  practices.  The PSCW has regulatory
authority  over the retail  sales of  electricity,  water and gas by SWL&P.  The
MPUC, FERC and PSCW had regulatory  authority over 36%, 4% and 4%, respectively,
of the Company's 1998 consolidated operating revenue.

ELECTRIC RATES. The Company has historically designed its electric service rates
based on cost of service studies under which allocations are made to the various
classes of customers. Nearly all retail sales include billing adjustment clauses
which  adjust  electric  service  rates  for  changes  in the  cost of fuel  and
purchased energy, and recovery of current and deferred CIP expenditures.

The demand  charge  component  of the  Company's  large power rate  schedules is
designed  to  recover  the fixed  costs of  providing  capacity  to Large  Power
Customers, including a return on common equity. A Large Power Customer's monthly
demand charge  obligation in any particular  month is determined  based upon the
firm demand amount. The rates and corresponding revenue associated with capacity
and energy  provided  under these  contracts  are subject to change  through the
regulatory  process  governing all retail electric rates.  Contracts with ten of
the eleven  Large Power  Customers  provide  for  deferral  without  interest of
one-half of demand charge obligations  incurred during the first three months of
a strike or illegal walkout at a customer's facilities,  with repayment required
over  the  12-month  period  following  resolution  of the work  stoppage.  (See
Electric Sales - Large Power Customer Contracts.)

The Company also has contracts with large  industrial  and commercial  customers
who have  monthly  demands  of more than  2 MW but less  than 10 MW of  capacity
(Large Light and Power  Customers).  The terms of these contracts vary depending
upon the  customer's  demand for power and the cost of extending  the  Company's
facilities to provide electric service. Generally, the contracts for less than 3
MW have one-year  terms and the  contracts  ranging from 3 to 10 MW have initial
five-year terms. The Company's rate schedule for Large Light and Power Customers
is  designed to minimize  fluctuations  in revenue and to recover a  significant
portion of the fixed costs of providing service to such customers.

The Company  requires that all large  industrial and commercial  customers under
contract  specify  the date when power is first  required,  and  thereafter  the
customer  is billed for at least the  minimum  power for which they  contracted.
These conditions are part of all contracts  covering power to be supplied to new
large  industrial  and  commercial  customers and to current  customers as their
contracts expire or are amended. All contracts provide that new rates which have
been  approved  by  appropriate   regulatory  authorities  will  be  substituted
immediately  for obsolete  rates,  without  regard to any unexpired  term of the
existing  contract.  All rate  schedules are subject to approval by  appropriate
regulatory authorities.

FEDERAL  ENERGY  REGULATORY  COMMISSION.  The  FERC  has  jurisdiction  over the
Company's  wholesale electric service resale customers and transmission  service
(wheeling) customers.

The Company has long-term contracts with 15 Minnesota  municipalities  receiving
resale service.  Two contracts are for service through 2002 and 2004,  while the
other 13 are for  service  through  at least  2007.  The  contracts  limit  rate

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  5

(including  fuel costs) to about 2% per year on a cumulative  basis. In 1998 the
15 municipal customers purchased 642,960 MWh from the Company.

A contract between  Minnesota Power and SWL&P provides for SWL&P to purchase its
power  from  the  Company  through  at  least  2010 and  limits  rate  increases
(including  fuel  costs)  to  about  2% per year on a  cumulative  basis.  SWL&P
purchased 568,471 MWh from the Company in 1998.

The Company also has a contract  through 2004 to supply  electricity to Dahlberg
Light and Power Company (Dahlberg), a private utility. Dahlberg purchased 87,870
MWh from the Company in 1998.

The Company's  hydroelectric  facilities,  which are located in  Minnesota,  are
licensed by the FERC. (See Environmental Matters - Water.)

On  December  21,  1998 the  Company  filed a  complaint  with the FERC  against
Northern States Power Company (NSP) claiming that (i) when NSP recently  refused
to support an Independent System Operator (ISO) and regional transmission tariff
proposal  advanced by members of the Mid-Continent  Area Power Pool (MAPP),  NSP
breached an agreement with Minnesota Power to work cooperatively for the purpose
of forming a regional  ISO and (ii) a separate  NSP  transmission  tariff is not
just and reasonable for further  development  of a competitive  regional  energy
market in the  Midwest.  Instead of the MAPP ISO,  NSP favors  spinning  off its
transmission  assets  to  its  shareholders,  to be  owned  and  operated  as an
independent  transmission  company  (ITC)  which  would file its own tariffs and
would  also  lease  and  operate  the  transmission  assets  of  Alliant  Energy
Corporation,  a Wisconsin  based utility.  Minnesota Power has asked the FERC to
require NSP to honor its agreement  with Minnesota  Power,  to order NSP to join
the existing  regional  Midwest ISO and  participate in a regional  transmission
tariff.  NSP's  Answer (in which it denies  Minnesota  Power's  allegations  and
requests  dismissal)  and  intervention  motions by other entities were filed by
January 20,  1999. A single,  integrated  regional  tariff coupled with regional
planning and  operation of the  transmission  system would allow the Company and
others to phase into payment of a single  tariff and would  provide for regional
management of constraints on the bulk transmission  system,  thus broadening the
markets in which the Company could profitably operate.  The Company is unable to
predict how or when the FERC will act on the complaint.

The MAPP ISO was  voted  down by MAPP  membership.  It would  have  served as an
independent  entity to oversee  the  movement  of bulk  power over the  regional
transmission  line  grid and to  maintain  fair  access  to and  reliability  of
electric  service to users under a single regional  tariff.  MAPP is considering
its options which include remaining unchanged,  making another effort to form an
ISO, or joining with another organization. (See Competition - Wholesale.)

MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The Company's retail rates are based on a
1994 MPUC retail rate order which  allows for an 11.6%  return on common  equity
dedicated to utility plant.

Minnesota  requires investor owned electric utilities to spend a minimum of 1.5%
of gross annual retail  electric  revenue on conservation  improvement  programs
(CIP) each year. The MPUC approved the Company's minimum spending requirement of
$5.5  million  for 1998 ($5.1  million  for each of 1997 and 1996).  In 1998 the
Company spent $10.3 million on CIP ($5.8 million in 1997; $14.4 million in 1996)
and  expects  to spend a total of $5.6  million  during  1999.  The MPUC  allows
utilities to accumulate,  in a deferred account for future  recovery,  those CIP
expenditures  in excess of amounts  recovered  through  current  rates.  Through
billing  adjustment  and retail  base rates  approved  by the MPUC,  the Company
collected $15.2 million in 1998 ($13.7 million in 1997;  $10.8 million  in 1996)
for the recovery of current and deferred CIP expenditures,  for carrying charges
on deferred  expenditures,  and for the lost margins associated with power saved
as a result of CIP  programs.  With  respect to the lost  margin  portion of CIP
expenditure  recovery,  the MPUC has  initiated  a  proceeding  to  analyze  the
recommendation   made  by  the  Minnesota   Department  of  Public  Service  to
discontinue  the  recovery of lost margins for CIP  investments.  If lost margin
recovery is discontinued  the Company would realize an annual revenue  reduction
of approximately  $3.8 million per year. The MPUC intends to determine by May 1,
1999  whether  recovery of lost  margins  will be  discontinued.  The Company is
unable to predict the outcome of this matter.


The electric utility  industry  continues to become more competitive at both the
wholesale  and retail  levels,  particularly  in the wholesale  markets.  Retail
deregulation  of the industry is being  considered at both the federal and state
levels,  and affects the way the Company  strategically  views the future.  With
electric  rates  among  the  lowest  in the  United  States  and with  long-term
wholesale and Large Power Customer  retail  contracts in place,  Minnesota Power
believes  Electric   Operations  are  well  positioned  to  address  competitive

WHOLESALE.  Minnesota  Power's MPEX division  conducts an active wholesale power
marketing business,  including  participation in power and energy markets within
MAPP and other power  pools.  Minnesota  Power  signed a  three-year  agreement,
effective  January 1, 1998,  whereby MPEX provides Manitoba Hydro with exclusive
hourly  power  trading  and energy  scheduling  services  in the United  States.
Manitoba  Hydro and Minnesota  Power also signed a memorandum  of  understanding
that establishes an alliance whereby the two utilities market electric energy in
the Midwest, including but not limited to Wisconsin,  Michigan and Illinois. The
memorandum  strengthens  this  international  relationship  beyond the wholesale
power trading  agreement.  Manitoba Hydro is the fourth largest electric utility
in  Canada.  More than a third of  Manitoba  Hydro's  electric  sales  represent
exports  of  renewable  hydroelectricity  to the United  States and  neighboring
provinces  in Canada.
6  minnesota power, inc.

MPEX is  reviewing  new  strategic  opportunities  for its  wholesale  marketing
operations in light of the Open Access Transmission Rules enacted by the FERC in
1996.  The  Company  also has  wholesale  contracts  with a number of  municipal
customers. (See Regulatory Issues - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.)

In 1996 the Company completed functional unbundling of its operations under FERC
Order No. 888,  "Open Access  Transmission  Rules." This order  requires  public
utilities  to take  transmission  service for their own  wholesale  transactions
under the same terms and conditions on which transmission service is provided to
third  parties.  Also in 1996 the Company filed its "Code of Conduct" under FERC
Order No.  889,  "Open  Access Same Time  Information  System and  Standards  of
Conduct,"  which  formalized  the  functional   separation  of  generation  from
transmission  within the  organization.  The transmission  component of Electric
Operations  is  organized  for  and  conducting  business  under  these  federal
regulatory requirements.

Minnesota Power is a member of MAPP. MAPP recently proposed to form an ISO which
would have been responsible for planning and  administering  transactions on the
regional  transmission  system.  Since the proposal failed to gain the requisite
vote of approval by MAPP members,  MAPP has initiated a survey of its members to
determine the desired  future  direction of MAPP.  Options may include a revised
ISO  proposal,   joining  another   regional   transmission   organization,   or
continuation of its role as a reserve sharing pool, regional transmission group,
power and energy market, and providing  coordination between member systems with
the new security center.  Any member who elects to withdraw from MAPP must first
provide a 3-year  notice  of their  intent  to do so,  under  the MAPP  Restated
Agreement.  (See Federal Energy  Regulatory  Commission and Item 2 Properties -
Electric Operations.)

RETAIL.  In 1995  the  MPUC  initiated  an  investigation  into  structural  and
regulatory  issues  in the  electric  utility  industry.  To make  certain  that
delivery  of  electric   service   continues  to  be  efficient   following  any
restructuring,  the MPUC adopted 15 principles to guide a deliberate and orderly
approach to developing  reasonable  restructuring  alternatives  that ensure the
fairness of a  competitive  market and protect the public  interest.  In January
1996  the  MPUC  established  a  competition  working  group  in  which  company
representatives  have participated in addressing issues related to wholesale and
retail competition.  The working group issued a Wholesale  Competition Report in
October  1996 and a Retail  Competition  Report in November  1997.  The MPUC has
begun identifying the steps necessary to successfully implement restructuring at
such time as any state restructuring legislation may be enacted.

LEGISLATION.  During 1999  Congress is  expected to continue  debating  proposed
legislation  which,  if  enacted,  would  promote  customer  choice  and a  more
competitive  electric  market.  The  Company is  actively  participating  in the
dialogue and debate on these issues in various  forums,  principally to advocate
fairness  and  parity for all power and energy  competitors  in any  deregulated
markets that may be created by new  legislation.  While Congress is not expected
to pass  legislation in 1999, the Company cannot predict the timing or substance
of any future  legislation  which  might  ultimately  be enacted.  However,  the
Company will take the necessary steps to maintain its competitive  position as a
low-cost supplier to large industrial customers.

Legislative  debate  continues in both  Minnesota  and  Wisconsin  regarding the
future of the  electric  industry.  An electric  Energy Task Force  comprised of
representatives of both houses of the Minnesota legislature continues to study a
variety of issues related to industry restructuring.  In Minnesota,  legislation
will likely be introduced  to allow  customers to choose their  electric  energy
supplier but the Company does not anticipate that any such  legislation  will be
passed in 1999. Minnesota's newly elected Governor has not yet made his position
known on this  issue  and the  legislative  leadership  has not  indicated  that
electric  industry  restructuring  will become a priority issue.  The Company is
also promoting property tax reform before the Minnesota  legislature in order to
eliminate the taxation of personal  property that results in an inequitable  tax
burden on investor-owned  electric utilities.  The Wisconsin legislature is also
likely to pursue electric utility industry restructuring, but reliability issues
are expected to receive more legislative attention in 1999.


Minnesota  Power  holds   franchises  to  construct  and  maintain  an  electric
distribution and  transmission  system in 83 cities and towns located within its
electric service territory. SWL&P holds franchises in 15 cities and towns within
its service  territory.  The remaining  cities and towns served do not require a
franchise to operate within their boundaries.


Certain  businesses  included in the Company's  Electric  Operations segment are
subject to  regulation  by various  federal,  state and local  authorities  with
respect to air quality,  water  quality,  solid  wastes and other  environmental
matters. The Company considers these businesses to be in substantial  compliance
with those environmental  regulations currently applicable to its operations and
believes all necessary  permits to conduct such  operations  have been obtained.
The Company does not currently  anticipate that potential  capital  expenditures
for environmental matters will be material.  However, because environmental laws
and regulations are constantly evolving, the character, scope and ultimate costs
of environmental compliance cannot be estimated.

AIR. CLEAN AIR ACT. The federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Clean Air Act)
require  that  specified  fossil-fueled  generating  plants  obtain air emission
permits from the EPA (or, when delegated,  from  individual  state and pollution
control  agencies),  and meet new sulfur  dioxide and  nitrogen  oxide  emission
standards  beginning January 1, 1995 (Phase I) and that virtually all generating
plants meet more strict emission standards beginning January 1, 2000 (Phase II).
None of  Minnesota 

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  7

Power's  generating  facilities are covered by the Phase I  requirements  of the
Clean Air Act for sulfur dioxide.  However,  Phase II requirements  apply to the
Company's Boswell, Laskin and Hibbard plants, as well as Square Butte.

The Clean Air Act  creates  emission  allowances  for  sulfur  dioxide  based on
formulas relating to the permitted 1985 emissions rate and a baseline of average
fossil fuel  consumed in the years 1985,  1986 and 1987.  Each  allowance  is an
authorization  to emit one ton of sulfur  dioxide,  and each  utility  must have
sufficient   allowances  to  cover  its  annual  emissions.   Minnesota  Power's
generating  facilities  in  Minnesota  burn mainly  low-sulfur  western coal and
Square  Butte,  located  in  North  Dakota,  burns  lignite  coal.  All of these
facilities  are equipped with  pollution  control  equipment  such as scrubbers,
baghouses  or  electrostatic  precipitators.  Phase II sulfur  dioxide  emission
requirements  are  currently  being met by all of Minnesota  Power's  generating
facilities.  Some  moderate  reductions in emissions may be necessary for Square
Butte to meet the Phase II sulfur dioxide  emission  requirements.  Square Butte
anticipates  meeting its sulfur dioxide  requirements  through  increased use of
existing scrubbers or by purchasing additional  allowances.  The estimated cost,
at current prices,  to meet sulfur dioxide  requirements at Square Butte is $0.8
million to $1.1 million per year.

Pursuant  to  the  Clean  Air  Act,  the  EPA  has  established  nitrogen  oxide
limitations  for Phase II  generating  units.  To meet Phase II  nitrogen  oxide
limitations,  the Company has spent  approximately  $2.0 million on advanced low
emission  burner  technology  and  associated  control  equipment to operate the
Boswell  and  Laskin  facilities  at or below the  compliance  emission  limits.
Nitrogen oxide limitations at Square Butte will be met by combustion tuning. The
EPA decided not to promulgate nitrogen oxide limitations for the type of boilers
at Hibbard.

The Company has obtained all necessary  Title V air  operating  permits from the
MPCA for applicable facilities to conduct its electric operations.

      Air Quality Emission Permits

      Facility                 Effective Date               Expiration Date
      --------                 --------------               ---------------

      Boswell                  March 24, 1997               March 24, 2002
      Laskin                   May 12, 1997                 May 12, 2002
      Hibbard                  July 14, 1997                July 14, 2002

CLIMATE CHALLENGE.  The Company is participating in a voluntary program (Climate
Challenge)  with the United States  Department of Energy to identify  activities
that the  Company  has  taken  and  additional  measures  that the  Company  may
undertake on a voluntary  basis that will result in  limitations,  reductions or
sequestrations  of greenhouse  gas  emissions by the year 2000.  The Company has
agreed to participate in this voluntary program provided that such participation
is consistent with the Company's integrated resource planning process,  does not
have a  material  adverse  effect on the  Company's  competitive  position  with
respect to rates and costs,  and  continues to be  acceptable  to the  Company's
regulators.  The costs to Minnesota  Power  associated  with  Climate  Challenge
participation are minor, reflecting program facilitation and voluntary reporting
of costs.

KYOTO PROTOCOL.  On December 11, 1997 the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate  Change  (FCCC),  Third  Conference of Parties (COP) agreed upon a draft
international treaty, the Kyoto Protocol (Protocol),  which, if ratified,  would
call for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The United States' target is to
achieve a 7% reduction below 1990 emission levels during the period 2008 through
2012.  The Protocol must be ratified by the United States Senate;  however,  the
Protocol  does not  currently  satisfy  the  guidance  provided in a 1997 Senate
resolution.  The  fourth  meeting of the COP  signatory  to the FCCC was held in
Buenos  Aires in  November  1998,  at which time a schedule  targeting  2000 for
completion  of key treaty  detail  negotiations  was  established.  The  Company
currently  cannot  predict when or if the  Protocol  will be ratified nor can it
determine the impact such ratification would have on the Company.

WATER.  The Federal Water Pollution  Control Act of 1972 (FWPCA),  as amended by
the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the Water Quality Act of 1987,  established  the
National  Pollutant  Discharge  Elimination  System (NPDES) permit program.  The
FWPCA  requires  NPDES permits to be obtained from the EPA (or, when  delegated,
from individual state pollution control agencies) for any wastewater  discharged
into  navigable  waters.  The Company has obtained all necessary  NPDES permits,
including  NPDES storm water permits for applicable  facilities,  to conduct its
electric operations.

8  minnesota power, inc.

      National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits

      Facility                     Effective Date          Expiration Date
      --------                     --------------          ---------------
      Boswell                      February 4, 1993        December 31, 1997 (a)
      Laskin                       December 22, 1993       October 31, 1998 (b)
      Hibbard                      September 29, 1994      June 30, 1999 (c)
      Arrowhead DC Terminal        June 17, 1996           March 31, 2001
      General Office Building/
       Lake Superior Plaza         January 6, 1998         December 31, 2002
      Square Butte                 July 1, 1995            June 30, 2000
      (a) On June 27, 1997 a renewal application  for this permit was  submitted
          to the MPCA. A new permit is expected to be issued in the first
          quarter of 1999.  Permits  are  extended  by the  timely  filing  of a
          renewal application which stays the expiration of the previously 
          issued permit.
      (b) A renewal  application for this  permit was  submitted  to the MPCA on
          March  30,  1998.  The permit  is  expected  to be issued in the first
          quarter of 1999. The new permit is expected  to contain a  requirement
          for  construction of a new ash disposal pond by December 30, 2000. The
          Company expects to spend approximately $3.3 million in 1999 and 
          another $3.3 million in 2000 to construct the Laskin ash disposal
      (c) A renewal application  for this permit was  submitted  to the MPCA on
          December 16, 1998.

The Company holds FERC licenses authorizing the ownership and operation of seven
hydroelectric  generating projects with a total generating capacity of about 118

      FERC Licenses for Hydroelectric Projects
                         Name Plate
      Facility             Rating       Effective Date     Expiration Date
      --------           ----------     --------------     ---------------
      Blanchard             18.0        December 1, 1987   August 24, 2003 (a)
      Winton                 4.0        March 1, 1981      October 31, 2003 (b)
      Little Falls           4.7        January 1, 1994    December 31, 2023
      Prairie River          1.1        January 1, 1994    December 31, 2023
      Sylvan                 1.8        January 1, 1994    December 31, 2023
      Pillager               1.5        April 1, 1998      April 1, 2028
      St. Louis River       87.6        July 1, 1995       June 30, 2035 (c)
      (a) The Company filed  notice of its intent to file an  application  for a
          new license with the FERC in August  1998.  In November  1998 the FERC
          approved the  Company's  September  1998  request  to use  alternative
          procedures (i.e.,   collaborative   process)  in  filing  the  license
      (b) The Company filed  notice of its intent to file an  application  for a
          new  license with  the  FERC in  October  1998.  In May  1998 the FERC
          approved the Company's March 1998 request to use alternative 
          procedures (i.e., collaborative process) in filing the license 
      (c) In June 1996 the Company  filed in the U.S.  Court of Appeals  for the
          District  of Columbia Circuit a petition  for review of the license as
          issued by the FERC.  Separate petitions  for review were also filed in
          June 1996 in the same court by the U.S. Department of the Interior and
          the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (Fond du Lac Band), two
          intervenors  in the  licensing proceedings.  The issues to be resolved
          concern the terms and  conditions of the license which will govern the
          Company's  operation  and  maintenance of the  project.  The court has
          consolidated the three petitions for review and suspended the briefing
          schedule  while the  Company  and the Fond du Lac Band  negotiate  the
          reasonable fee for use of tribal lands as mandated by the new license.
          Both  parties have  informed  the court  that these  negotiations  may
          resolve other disputed issues, and they are obligated to report to the
          court periodically the status of these discussions. Beginning in 1996,
          and most recently in January 1999, the Company filed requests with the
          FERC for  extensions of time to comply with certain  plans and studies
          required  by the license  which  might  conflict  with the  settlement

SOLID AND HAZARDOUS  WASTE.  The Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976
regulates  the  management  and  disposal of solid  wastes.  As a result of this
legislation,  the EPA has promulgated various hazardous waste rules. The Company
is required to notify the EPA of hazardous waste activity and routinely  submits
the necessary annual reports to the EPA.

In  response to EPA Region V's request for  utilities  to  participate  in their
Great  Lakes  Initiative  by  voluntarily  removing  remaining   polychlorinated
biphenyl   (PCB)   inventories,   the  Company  has  scheduled   replacement  of
PCB-contaminated  oil from  substation  equipment by 2000 and the removal of PCB
capacitors by 2006. The total cost is expected to be between $1.5 million and $2
million, of which $500,000 was spent through December 31, 1998.

MINING CONTROL AND RECLAMATION. BNI Coal's mining operations are governed by the
Federal Surface Mining Control and  Reclamation Act of 1977. This Act,  together
with the rules and  regulations  adopted  thereunder  by the  Department  of the
Interior,  Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement  (OSM),  governs
the approval or disapproval  of all mining  permits on federally  owned land and
the actions of the OSM in approving or disapproving  state  regulatory  programs
regulating mining activities.  The North Dakota Reclamation of Strip Mined Lands
Act and  rules and  regulations  enacted  thereunder  in 1969,  as  subsequently
amended by the North Dakota Mining and Reclamation Act and rules and regulations
enacted  thereunder in 1977,  govern the  reclamation of surface mined lands and
are  generally  as  stringent  or more  stringent  than the  federal  rules  and
regulations.  Compliance  is  monitored  by  the  North  Dakota  Public  Service
Commission.  The federal and state 

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  9

laws  and  regulations  require  a wide  range  of  procedures  including  water
management,  topsoil and subsoil segregation,  stockpiling and revegetation, and
the posting of performance bonds to assure compliance. In general these laws and
regulations require the reclaiming of mined lands to a level of usefulness equal
to or greater than that available  before active mining.  The Company  considers
BNI Coal to be in substantial  compliance with those  environmental  regulations
currently  applicable to its  operations  and believes all necessary  permits to
conduct such operations have been obtained.


Water  Services  are  comprised  of  regulated  and  non-regulated  wholly owned
subsidiaries of the Company.  Water Services have been laying the groundwork for
future  growth  in  several  new  areas  of the  water  business.  Non-regulated
subsidiaries  have initiated  marketing the Company's  water  expertise  outside
traditional utility boundaries.

      REGULATED  SUBSIDIARIES.  FLORIDA WATER,  the largest investor owned water
      supplier in Florida,  owns and  operates  water and  wastewater  treatment
      facilities within that state. As of December 31, 1998 Florida Water served
      121,000 water  customers and 54,000  wastewater  treatment  customers.  In
      January 1999 Florida Water purchased Palm Coast Utility Corporation (PCUC)
      from a subsidiary of ITT Industries,  Inc. (ITT). PCUC provides service to
      approximately  15,000  water and 14,000  wastewater  customers  in Flagler
      County,  Florida.  Rates for PCUC are  regulated by Flagler  County.  (See
      Note 4.)

      Heater provides water and wastewater treatment services in North Carolina.
      As of December 31, 1998 Heater  served  28,000 water  customers  and 2,000
      wastewater  treatment  customers.   In  1998  the  Company  completed  its
      strategic  exit  from  South  Carolina  with  the sale of  Upstate  Heater

      incorporated  in 1997.  Headquartered  near Chicago,  Illinois,  Americas'
      Water offers contract management,  operations and maintenance services for
      water and wastewater treatment facilities to governments and industries.

      provide predictive  maintenance  and  instrumentation consulting services
      to water and wastewater  utilities,  and other  industrial  operations  
      throughout  the southeastern  part of the United States as well as Texas
      and Minnesota.  VCS was acquired in July 1998.

      in 1997 to complement ISI's operations.  U.S. Maintenance  and  Management
      provides  maintenance  services  to water  and  wastewater  utilities  and
      other  industrial operations primarily in Florida.


FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE  COMMISSION.  1995 RATE CASE.  Florida Water requested an
$18.1  million  annual rate  increase in June 1995 for all water and  wastewater
customers  of Florida  Water  regulated  by the FPSC.  In October  1996 the FPSC
issued its final order approving an $11.1 million annual increase. The new rates
were  implemented  in September  1996. In November 1996 Florida Water filed with
the Florida First  District Court of Appeals (Court of Appeals) an appeal of the
FPSC's final order seeking  judicial  review of issues relating to the amount of
investment in utility  facilities  recoverable in rates from current  customers.
Other parties to the rate case also filed appeals.  In the course of the appeals
process,  the FPSC  reconsidered  an issue in its initial  decision and, in June
1997, allowed Florida Water to resume collecting approximately $1 million, on an
annual basis,  in new customer fees. On June 10, 1998 the Court of Appeals ruled
in Florida  Water's favor on all material  issues  appealed by Florida Water and
remanded  the matter  back to the FPSC for action  consistent  with the  Court's
order. The Court of Appeals also overturned its decision in Florida Water's 1991
Rate Case which had required a "functional  relationship"  between service areas
as a precondition to  implementation  of uniform rates. On December 15, 1998 the
FPSC  granted   Florida  Water  an  additional   annual   revenue   increase  of
approximately  $1.2  million  related to several of the issues  reversed  by the
Court of Appeals,  and  permitted  collection of  approximately  $2.4 million in
surcharges to reimburse  Florida Water for revenue  (plus  interest)  wrongfully
denied in the FPSC's October 1996 order.  Florida Water began collecting the new
rates in January 1999 and expects to begin collecting the surcharges  during the
first quarter of 1999.  The FPSC reopened the record on two remaining  issues on
remand from the Court of Appeals  regarding  the amount of investment in utility
facilities  recoverable  in rates from  current  customers.  A  decision  in the
Company's  favor would result in additional  revenue and  surcharges.  A hearing
with respect to the two remaining issues has not been scheduled by the FPSC. The
Company is unable to predict the timing or outcome of these proceedings.

1991 RATE CASE REFUNDS.  In 1995 the Court of Appeals reversed a 1993 FPSC order
establishing  uniform  rates for most of Florida  Water's  service  areas.  With
"uniform  rates" all  customers in each uniform rate area pay the same rates for
water and wastewater  services.  In response to the Court of Appeals'  order, in
August 1996 the FPSC ordered  Florida Water to issue refunds to those  customers
who paid more since  October 1993 under  uniform rates than they would have paid
under  stand-alone  rates.  This order did not permit a balancing  surcharge  to
customers who paid less under uniform  rates.  Florida Water  appealed,  and the
Court of  Appeals  ruled in June  1997 that the FPSC  could  not  order  refunds
without balancing  surcharges.  In response to the Court of Appeals' ruling, the
FPSC issued an order on January 26, 1998 that did not require  refunds.  Florida
Water's  potential refund liability at that time was about $12.5 million,  which
included interest, to customers who paid more under uniform rates.

10  minnesota power, inc.

In the same January 26, 1998 order,  the FPSC  required  Florida Water to refund
$2.5 million,  the amount paid by customers in the Spring Hill service area from
January  1996 through June 1997 under  uniform  rates which  exceeded the amount
these customers would have paid under a modified stand-alone rate structure.  No
balancing  surcharge was permitted.  The FPSC ordered this refund because Spring
Hill customers continued to pay uniform rates after other customers began paying
modified stand-alone rates effective January 1996 pursuant to the FPSC's interim
rate order in Florida Water's 1995 Rate Case (see 1995 Rate Case).  The FPSC did
not include Spring Hill in this interim rate order because  Hernando  County had
assumed  jurisdiction  over Spring  Hill's  rates.  In June 1997  Florida  Water
reached an agreement with Hernando County to revert prospectively to stand-alone
rates for Spring Hill customers.

Customer  groups which paid more under  uniform  rates have  appealed the FPSC's
January 26, 1998 order,  arguing that they are entitled to a refund  because the
FPSC had no authority to order uniform rates.  The Company has appealed the $2.5
million refund order.  Initial briefs were filed by all parties on May 22, 1998.
Upon  issuance of the June 10, 1998 opinion of the Court of Appeals with respect
to  Florida  Water's  1995 Rate  Case  (see  1995 Rate  Case) in which the court
reversed  its  previous  ruling  that the FPSC was  without  authority  to order
uniform rates,  customer groups supporting the FPSC's January 1998 order filed a
motion  with the Court of Appeals  seeking  dismissal  of the appeal by customer
groups  seeking  refunds.  Customers  seeking  refunds filed  amended  briefs on
September 14, 1998. No provision  for refund has been  recorded.  The Company is
unable to predict the timing or outcome of the appeals process.


Water Services  provide water and wastewater  services at regulated rates within
exclusive   service   territories   granted  by  regulators.   With  respect  to
non-regulated  businesses within Water Services,  significant competition exists
for the provision of the types of services provided by Americas' Water. Although
a few private  contractors control a large percentage of the market for contract
management,  operations and maintenance services,  the Company believes that the
current and anticipated  growth in that market will allow for emerging companies
like Americas' Water to succeed.


Florida Water provides water and  wastewater  treatment  services in 22 counties
regulated by the FPSC and holds  franchises in four counties which have retained
authority to regulate such operations.  (See Regulatory Issues - Florida Public
Service  Commission.) Water and wastewater services provided by Heater are under
the  jurisdiction of the NCUC. The NCUC grants  franchises for Heater's  service
territory when the rates are authorized.


The Company's Water Services are subject to regulation by various federal, state
and local  authorities  with  respect to water  quality,  solid wastes and other
environmental matters. The Company considers these businesses to generally be in
compliance  with those  environmental  regulations  currently  applicable to its
operations  and have the  permits  necessary  to conduct  such  operations.  The
Company does not currently  anticipate that potential  capital  expenditures for
environmental matters will be material.  However, because environmental laws and
regulations are constantly evolving, the character,  scope and ultimate costs of
environmental compliance cannot be estimated.
                                                       minnesota power, inc.  11


Automotive  Services  include  wholly owned  subsidiaries  operating as integral
parts of the vehicle  auction  business:  ADESA, a network of vehicle  auctions;
AFC, a finance  company;  Great  Rigs,  an auto  transport  company;  and PAR, a
vehicle remarketing  company.  The Company acquired 80% of ADESA,  including AFC
and Great Rigs, on July 1, 1995. The Company increased its ownership interest to
100% in 1996.  Automotive  Services  plans to grow  through  increased  sales at
existing businesses, selective acquisitions and expanding services.

      ADESA is one of the three largest vehicle  auction  networks in the United
      States. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, ADESA owns and operates 28
      vehicle  auction  facilities in the United States and Canada through which
      used cars and other vehicles are sold to franchised automobile dealers and
      licensed used car dealers.  Sellers at ADESA's  auctions  include domestic
      and  foreign  auto  manufacturers,  car  dealers,  automotive  fleet/lease
      companies, banks and finance companies.
      During 1998 ADESA acquired three new auction facilities. (See Note 4.)

      AUTOMOTIVE FINANCE CORPORATION  provides inventory financing for wholesale
      and retail  automobile  dealers who purchase vehicles from ADESA auctions,
      independent auctions,  other auction chains and other outside sources. AFC
      is  headquartered  in  Indianapolis,  Indiana,  and has 84 loan production
      offices  which are located at most ADESA  auctions,  as well as at or near
      other auto auctions.  These offices  provide  qualified  dealers credit to
      purchase  vehicles at any of the 400 plus auctions approved by AFC. During
      1998 AFC added 30 loan production offices.

      GREAT  RIGS  is one of the  nation's  largest  used  automobile  transport
      carriers with 145 automotive  carriers.  Headquartered in Moody,  Alabama,
      Great Rigs offers  customers pick up and delivery through 13 strategically
      located  transportation  hubs.  Customers  of  Great  Rigs  include  ADESA
      auctions,  car  dealerships,  vehicle  manufacturers,  leasing  companies,
      finance  companies and other auctions.  Major customers include Ford Motor
      Credit, GE Capital, General Motors Acceptance Corp. and Nissan.

      PAR provides  customized  remarketing  services to various businesses with
      fleet  operations.  In  1998  PAR  began  expanding  into  the  "lease-end
      services" market.  PAR assists leasing agents and lenders in transporting,
      remarketing or otherwise  liquidating  off-lease  vehicles by choosing the
      most cost-effective end-of-lease option.


Within  the  automobile   auction   industry,   ADESA's   competition   includes
independently  owned  auctions  as well as major  chains and  associations  with
auctions in  geographic  proximity.  ADESA  competes  with other  auctions for a
supply of vehicles to be sold on consignment for automobile  dealers,  financial
institutions  and other  sellers.  ADESA  also  competes  for a supply of rental
repurchase vehicles from automobile  manufacturers for auction at factory sales.
Automobile  manufacturers often choose between auctions across multi-state areas
in distributing rental repurchase  vehicles.  ADESA competes for these customers
by attempting to attract a large number of dealers to purchase  vehicles,  which
ensures competitive prices and supports the volume of vehicles auctioned.  ADESA
also  competes by providing a full range of services  through its  subsidiaries,
including  dealer  inventory  financing,  reconditioning  services which prepare
vehicles for auction,  transporting  vehicles and the prompt processing of sales
transactions.  Another factor affecting the industry, the impact of which is yet
to be  determined,  is  the  entrance  of  large  used  car  dealerships  called
"superstores" that have emerged in densely populated markets.

AFC is the  largest  provider  of  dealer  floorplan  financing  to  independent
automobile dealers in North America.  AFC's competition includes other specialty
lenders,  banks and other financial  institutions.  AFC has distinguished itself
from its competitors by convenience of payment,  quality of service and scope of
services  offered.  During the fourth  quarter of 1998,  AFC unveiled its Retail
Alliance  Program (RAP).  The RAP is an alliance between AFC and retail lenders.
This program will  facilitate  the retail  financing of vehicles sold by dealers
who have a relationship with AFC. Dealers participating in the program will have
the opportunity to buy vehicles,  transport them to their location, sell them to
retail  customers,  finance them through  either prime or sub-prime  lenders and
provide warranty protection without any cash investment in the vehicles.


Certain businesses in the Company's  Automotive  Services segment are subject to
regulation by various federal,  state and local  authorities with respect to air
quality,  water  quality,  solid  wastes and other  environmental  matters.  The
Company  considers these  businesses to be in substantial  compliance with those
environmental  regulations  currently  applicable to its operations and believes
all necessary permits to conduct such operations have been obtained. The Company
does  not  currently   anticipate  that  potential   capital   expenditures  for
environmental matters will be material.  However, because environmental laws and
regulations are constantly evolving, the character,  scope and ultimate costs of
environmental compliance cannot be estimated.

12  minnesota power, inc.


The Investments segment is comprised of an actively traded securities portfolio,
an   investment   in   a   specialty   insurance   and   reinsurance    company,
intermediate-term investments and real estate operations.

      SECURITIES  PORTFOLIO.  The Company's  securities  portfolio is managed by
      selected outside managers as well as internal managers.  It is intended to
      provide  stable  earnings  and  liquidity.  Proceeds  from the  securities
      portfolio  are available for  investment in existing  businesses,  to fund
      strategic  initiatives  and for other  corporate  purposes.  The Company's
      objective is to maintain  corporate  liquidity between 7% and 10% of total
      assets ($160 million to  $230 million).  The  Company's  investment in the
      securities  portfolio at December 31, 1998 was $227 million  ($184 million
      at December 31, 1997).

      REINSURANCE.  Minnesota Power owns 21% of Capital Re, a financial guaranty
      reinsurance and specialty  insurance company,  and is Capital Re's largest
      shareholder.  Capital  Re's  product  lines  currently  include  financial
      guaranty,  mortgage,  title, financial,  credit and specialty reinsurance.
      Capital Re trades on the New York  Stock  Exchange  under the symbol  KRE.
      Minnesota  Power's equity investment was $133 million at December 31, 1998
      ($119 million  at  December  31,  1997).  The  Company  accounts  for  its
      investment  in  Capital  Re under  the  equity  method.  (See Note 9.) The
      Company intends to maintain its Capital Re holdings as a core component of
      the Company's Investments segment.

      INTERMEDIATE-TERM  INVESTMENTS.  Since 1985 the Company has invested about
      $11 million as a shareholder in Utech Venture Capital Corporation (Utech).
      Utech manages a group of venture capital funds that seek long-term capital
      appreciation  by  making  investments  in  companies  developing  advanced
      technologies to be used by the utility industry.  The Company accounts for
      the  majority  of these  funds  under the equity  method.  The  Company is
      committed  to invest an  additional  $16 million over the next nine years.
      Minnesota  Power has  recognized  dividends and return of capital from the
      funds in the year they are paid.  As  successful  companies "go public" or
      are sold, investors, like Minnesota Power, may realize income as the stock
      is sold and the cash distributed.

      In 1997  Minnesota  Power loaned $4 million to Car Canada  Corporation,  a
      start-up retail car "superstore"  business with stores in Ottawa,  Toronto
      and  Winnipeg.  The  Company  holds a 10% note due 2002 for the  principal
      amount of the loan. The Company also holds detachable warrants that can be
      exercised for approximately 25% of the outstanding shares of Car Canada in
      exchange  for   approximately   $18,000.   The  warrants  are  exercisable
      automatically  in an initial  public  offering,  or sale, or merger of the
      firm and any other time at the sole option of Minnesota Power.

      REAL ESTATE  OPERATIONS.  Through a  subsidiary,  the Company  owns 80% of
      Lehigh, a Florida company which through its subsidiaries  owns property in
      three  different  locations:  (1) Lehigh  Acres  adjacent  to Fort  Myers,
      Florida; (2) Sugarmill Woods in Citrus County, Florida; and (3) Palm Coast
      located  between St.  Augustine and Daytona  Beach,  Florida.  (See Item 2
      Properties.)  The real estate  strategy  is to  continue to acquire  large
      community  properties at low cost, add value and sell them at going market


Certain businesses included in the Company's  Investments segment are subject to
regulation by various federal,  state and local  authorities with respect to air
quality,  water  quality,  solid  wastes and other  environmental  matters.  The
Company  considers these  businesses to be in substantial  compliance with those
environmental  regulations  currently  applicable to its operations and believes
all necessary permits to conduct such operations have been obtained. The Company
does  not  currently   anticipate  that  potential   capital   expenditures  for
environmental matters will be material.  However, because environmental laws and
regulations are constantly evolving, the character,  scope and ultimate costs of
environmental compliance cannot be estimated.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  13


Executive Officers                                             Effective Date
- ------------------------------------------------------         --------------

John Cirello, Age 55
  Executive Vice President and President and
    Chief Executive Officer - MP Water Resources 
    Group, Inc.                                                July 24, 1995

Donnie R. Crandell, Age 55
  Executive Vice President and President - MP Real 
    Estate Holdings, Inc.                                      January 15, 1999
  Senior Vice President and President - MP Real 
    Estate Holdings, Inc.                                      January 1, 1996
  Senior Vice President - Corporate Development                December 1, 1994
  Retired                                                      February 28, 1994
  Vice President - Corporate Development                       March 1, 1993

Robert D. Edwards, Age 54
  Executive Vice President and President - MP Electric         July 26, 1995
  Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer         March 1, 1993

Brenda J. Flayton, Age 43
  Vice President - Human Resources                             July 22, 1998

John E. Fuller, Age 55
  Executive Vice President and President and 
    Chief Executive Officer - AFC                              January 15, 1999
  Senior Vice President and President 
    and Chief Executive Officer - AFC                          April 23, 1997 
  President and Chief Executive Officer - AFC                  January 1, 1994

Laurence H. Fuller, Age 50
  Vice President - Corporate Development                       February 10, 1997

David G. Gartzke, Age 55
  Senior Vice President - Finance and 
    Chief Financial Officer                                    December 1, 1994
  Vice President - Finance and Chief 
    Financial Officer                                          March 1, 1993

James P. Hallett, Age 45
  Executive Vice President and President and 
    Chief Executive Officer - ADESA                            April 23, 1997
  President and Chief Executive Officer - ADESA                August 21, 1996
  President - ADESA Canada, Inc.                               May 26, 1994

Philip R. Halverson, Age 50
  Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary                January 1, 1996
  General Counsel and Corporate Secretary                      March 1, 1993

David P. Jeronimus, Age 56
  Vice President - Environmental Services                      February 1, 1999

James A. Roberts, Age 48
  Vice President - Corporate Relations                         January 1, 1996

Edwin L. Russell, Age 53
  Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer              May 14, 1996
  President and Chief Executive Officer                        January 22, 1996
  President                                                    May 9, 1995

Mark A. Schober, Age 43
  Controller                                                   March 1, 1993

James K. Vizanko, Age 45
  Treasurer                                                    March 1, 1993

Claudia Scott Welty, Age 46
  Vice President - Information Technology                      February 1, 1999
  Vice President - Support Services                            July 1, 1995

14  minnesota power, inc.

All of the executive  officers above,  except Mr. Cirello,  Mr. Laurence Fuller,
Mr. Hallet and Mr. Russell, have been employed by the Company for more than five
years in executive or management positions.

      Mr.  Cirello  was  president  of  Metcalf  & Eddy  Services,  Inc.  
      from  1992 to  1995, responsible for $64 million in water/wastewater 
      operation services.

      Mr. Laurence Fuller was previously senior vice president, new business  
      development and strategic  planning,  for Diners Club International, 
      a subsidiary of Citicorp, Inc.

      Mr. Hallett was previously president of Ottawa Auto Dealers Exchange,  
      a Canadian vehicle auction  business  purchased by ADESA.

      Mr. Russell was previously group vice president of J.M. Huber  
      Corporation,  a $1.5 billion  diversified  manufacturing and
      natural resources company.

In the five years prior to election to the positions shown above,  Ms.  Flayton,
Mr.  Jeronimus, Mr. Roberts and Ms. Welty held other positions with the Company.

      Ms. Flayton was director of human resources and manager of 
      human resources.

      Mr. Jeronimus was director of environmental resources.

      Mr. Roberts was director of corporate relations.

      Ms. Welty was director of technical support services and co-leader 
      of organizational development.

There are no family relationships between any executive officers of the Company.
All officers and directors are elected or appointed annually.

The present term of office of the above executive  officers extends to the first
meeting of the  Company's  Board of Directors  after the next annual  meeting of
shareholders. Both meetings are scheduled for May 11, 1999. 

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  15


ELECTRIC  OPERATIONS.  The Company had an annual net peak load of 1,385 MW on 
January 12,  1998.  Information  with respect to existing power supply sources 
is shown below.

                                Unit       Year     Net Winter   Net Electric
Power Supply                     No.    Installed   Capability   Requirements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        MW      MWh         %
   Boswell Energy Center
     near Grand Rapids, MN       1        1958          69
                                 2        1960          69
                                 3        1973         350
                                 4        1980         428
                                                       916    5,693,472   46.6%
   Laskin Energy Center
     Hoyt Lakes, MN              1        1953          55
                                 2        1953          55
                                                       110      571,673    4.7
  Purchased Steam
    M.L. Hibbard
      Duluth, MN               3 & 4   1949, 1951       55       17,339    0.1

                                                     -----   ----------  -----
         Total Steam                                 1,081    6,282,484   51.4
                                                     -----   ----------  -----
    Group consisting of  
      ten stations in MN                 Various       118      569,977    4.7
                                                     -----   ----------  -----

  Purchased Power
    Square Butte burns                               
      lignite in Center, ND                            322    2,105,231   17.2
    All other - net                                      -    3,270,160   26.7
                                                     -----   ----------  -----
                 Total Purchased Power                 322    5,375,391   43.9
                                                     -----   ----------  -----
  For the Year Ended December 31, 1998               1,521   12,227,852  100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company has electric  transmission and  distribution  lines of 500 kilovolts
(kV) (8 miles),  230 kV (606 miles), 161 kV (43 miles), 138 kV (6 miles), 115 kV
(1,260 miles) and less than 115 kV (6,176 miles).  The Company owns and operates
176  substations  with a total  capacity of 8,533  megavoltamperes.  Some of the
transmission and distribution lines interconnect with other utilities.

The  Company  owns and has a  substantial  investment  in  offices  and  service
buildings, an energy control center, repair shops, motor vehicles,  construction
equipment and tools,  office  furniture and  equipment,  and leases  offices and
storerooms in various localities within the Company's service territory. It also
owns  miscellaneous  parcels  of real  estate  not  presently  used in  Electric

Substantially all of the electric plant of the Company is subject to the lien of
its Mortgage and Deed of Trust which secures first  mortgage bonds issued by the
Company.  The Company's properties are held by it in fee and are free from other
encumbrances, subject to minor exceptions, none of which are of such a nature as
to substantially impair the usefulness to the Company of such properties.  Other
property,  including certain offices and equipment, is utilized under leases. In
general,  some of the  electric  lines are located on land not owned in fee, but
are covered by  necessary  consents of various  governmental  authorities  or by
appropriate rights obtained from owners of private property.  These consents and
rights are deemed  adequate for the purposes for which the  properties are being
used.  In  September  1990 the Company sold a portion of Boswell Unit 4 to WPPI.
WPPI  has the  right  to use  the  Company's  transmission  line  facilities  to
transport its share of generation.

Substantially  all of the plant of SWL&P is subject to the lien of its  Mortgage
and Deed of Trust which secures first mortgage bonds issued by SWL&P.

A large dragline,  shop complex, and certain other less significant property and
equipment  items at BNI Coal are leased under a leveraged  lease  agreement that
expires in 2002. Certain computer and other equipment are leased under operating
lease agreements that expire in 2000 and 2008, respectively.  All other property
and equipment is owned by BNI Coal.

The Company is a member of the MAPP.  MAPP enhances  regional  electric  service
reliability, provides the opportunity for members to enter into various economic
wholesale  power  transactions  and  coordinates  the planning and  operation of
existing  as  well  as the  installation  of  new  generation  and  transmission
facilities. MAPP membership consists of various electric power 

16  minnesota power, inc.

suppliers  located in North Dakota,  South Dakota,  eastern  Montana,  Nebraska,
Iowa,  Minnesota,  Wisconsin,  upper Michigan,  Kansas,  Missouri,  Manitoba and
Saskatchewan,  and marketers and brokers located  throughout North America.  The
electric  power  suppliers are investor owned  utilities  including the Company,
rural electric generation and transmission cooperatives, public power districts,
municipal electric systems,  municipal  organizations and the Western Area Power
Administration - Billings, Montana. MAPP operates pursuant to an agreement that
was approved by MAPP members on March 15, 1996,  accepted by the FERC and became
effective on November 1, 1996.

WATER  SERVICES.  Florida Water is the largest  investor owned provider of water
and wastewater services in Florida serving  approximately  200,000 customers and
maintaining 151 water and wastewater facilities throughout the state with plants
ranging in size from 6 connections to greater than 25,000  connections.  Florida
Water  provides  its  customers  with over 16 billion  gallons of water per year
primarily  from  Florida's  underground  aquifer.  Substantially  all of Florida
Water's properties used in its water and wastewater operations are encumbered by
a mortgage.

Heater has water and  wastewater  systems  located in  subdivisions  surrounding
Raleigh,  North  Carolina  and  Fayetteville,  North  Carolina.  Water supply is
primarily from ground water deep wells.  Community  ground water systems vary in
size from 25  connections  to 6,000  connections.  Some  systems are supplied by
purchased water.  Heater has  approximately 167  interconnected  and stand alone
systems and 431 wells  serving  28,000  customers.  Heater also has 9 wastewater
treatment  plants,  ranging in size from 35,000 gallons per day (gpd) to 250,000
gpd, and 12 lift stations located in its wastewater  collection  systems.  These
systems  serve  approximately  2,000  customers.  Substantially  all of Heater's
properties  used in its water and  wastewater  operations  are  encumbered  by a

AUTOMOTIVE  SERVICES.  The  following  table  sets  forth the  vehicle  auctions
currently owned or leased by ADESA. Each auction has a multi-lane, drive-through
auction  facility,   as  well  as  additional   buildings  for   reconditioning,
registration,  maintenance,  body work, and other  ancillary and  administrative
services. Each auction also has secure parking areas in which it stores vehicles
for auction.  All vehicle  auction  property  owned by ADESA is subject to liens
securing various notes payable.

                                                                                         Year                No.
                                                                                      Operations           Auction
ADESA Auctions                                 Location                               Commenced             Lanes
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        United States
          ADESA Birmingham                     Moody, Alabama                            1987                10
          ADESA Sacramento                     Sacramento, California                    1997                 5
          ADESA Jacksonville                   Jacksonville, Florida                     1996                 6
          ADESA South Florida <F1><F2>         Opa-Locka, Florida (near Miami)           1994                 7
          ADESA Southern Indiana <F1><F3>      Columbus, Indiana                         1997                 3
          ADESA Indianapolis                   Plainfield, Indiana                       1983                10
          ADESA Lexington                      Lexington, Kentucky                       1982                 6
          ADESA Ark-La-Tex                     Shreveport, Louisiana                     1979                 5
          ADESA Boston <F1>                    Framingham, Massachusetts                 1995                11
          ADESA Lansing                        Dimondale, Michigan                       1976                 6
          ADESA St. Louis                      Barnhart, Missouri                        1987                 3
          ADESA New Jersey                     Manville, New Jersey                      1996                 8
          ADESA Buffalo                        Akron, New York                           1992                10
          ADESA Charlotte <F1>                 Charlotte, North Carolina                 1994                 8
          ADESA Cincinnati/Dayton              Franklin, Ohio                            1986                 8
          ADESA Cleveland <F1>                 Northfield, Ohio                          1994                 8
          ADESA Pittsburgh                     Mercer, Pennsylvania                      1971                 7
          ADESA Knoxville <F1>                 Lenoir City, Tennessee                    1984                 6
          ADESA Memphis                        Memphis, Tennessee                        1990                 6
          ADESA Austin <F1>                    Austin, Texas                             1990                 6
          ADESA Dallas                         Mesquite, Texas                           1990                 6
          ADESA Houston                        Houston, Texas                            1995                 8
          ADESA San Antonio                    San Antonio, Texas                        1989                 5
          ADESA Wisconsin                      Portage, Wisconsin                        1984                 5
          ADESA Moncton <F1>                   Moncton, New Brunswick                    1996                 2
          ADESA Halifax                        Halifax, Nova Scotia                      1993                 3
          ADESA Ottawa                         Vars, Ontario                             1990                 5
          ADESA Montreal                       St. Eustache, Quebec                      1974                 8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<F1> Leased auction facilities. (See Note 13.)
<F2> ADESA owns 51% of this auction business.
<F3> ADESA owns 80% of this auction business.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  17

AFC has loan  production  offices in 84  locations  across North  America.  Many
offices are within auction facilities  operated by ADESA,  independent  auctions
and other auction chains.

Great Rigs has a fleet of 145  automobile  carriers.  Seven of these  automotive
carriers  are owned by the  Company,  while the  remaining  138 are leased under
operating leases.

INVESTMENTS.  Through a  subsidiary,  the Company owns 80% of Lehigh,  a Florida
company  which  through  its  subsidiaries  owns  property  in  three  different
locations:  (1) Lehigh Acres with 1,600 acres of land and approximately 500 home
sites adjacent to Fort Myers,  Florida;  (2) Sugarmill Woods with 850 home sites
in Citrus County,  Florida;  and (3) Palm Coast with 2,400 home sites and 11,200
acres of  residential,  commercial and industrial  land at Palm Coast,  Florida.
Palm Coast is a planned community between St. Augustine and Daytona Beach.


Material legal and regulatory  proceedings are included in the discussion of the
Company's  business in Item 1 and are  incorporated by reference herein.


No  matters  were  submitted  to a vote of  security  holders  during the fourth
quarter of 1998.



The Company has paid dividends  without  interruption  on its Common Stock since
1948.  On January 18, 1999 the Company  announced a 5% dividend  increase  and a
two-for-one stock split. A quarterly  dividend of $0.535 per share on the Common
Stock  will be paid on March 1, 1999 to the  holders of record on  February  16,
1999. Assuming timely regulatory approval, the effective date of the stock split
will be March  2,  1999 to  shareholders  of  record  at the  close of  business
February 16, 1999.  The  Company's  Common Stock is listed on the New York Stock
Exchange.  Dividends  paid  per  share,  and the  high  and low  prices  for the
Company's Common Stock for the periods  indicated as reported by The Wall Street
Journal, Midwest Edition, were as follows on a pre-split basis:

                             Price Range                    Paid Per Share
                         -------------------             ----------------------
    Quarter              High            Low             Quarterly       Annual
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 1998   - First         $43 7/16       $39 1/8             $0.51
        - Second         42 15/16       38 1/16             0.51
        - Third          45             39 1/16             0.51
        - Fourth         46 1/4         40 3/4              0.51          $2.04

 1997   - First         $29            $27 1/4             $0.51
        - Second         30 5/8         27                  0.51
        - Third          36 5/16        30 1/4              0.51
        - Fourth         44             35 3/16             0.51          $2.04
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The amount and timing of  dividends  payable on the  Company's  Common Stock are
within the sole  discretion  of the Company's  Board of  Directors.  In 1998 the
Company paid out 76% of its per share earnings in dividends.  The Company's goal
is to maintain a dividend payout of 75% to 80% of per share earnings.

The Company's Articles of Incorporation,  and Mortgage and Deed of Trust contain
provisions  which under  certain  circumstances  would  restrict  the payment of
Common  Stock  dividends.  As of December  31, 1998 no  retained  earnings  were
restricted  as a result of these  provisions.  At  January  29,  1999 there were
approximately 38,000 Common Stock shareholders of record.

18  minnesota power, inc.


Financial information presented in the table below may not be comparable between
periods due to: (1) the  Company's  purchase of 80% of ADESA,  including AFC and
Great Rigs, on July 1, 1995, another 3% in January 1996 and the remaining 17% in
August 1996;  and (2) the  Company's  sale of its interest in the paper and pulp
business to Consolidated Papers, Inc. on June 30, 1995.

Balance Sheet                             1998           1997           1996          1995           1994           1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Electric Operations                    $  771.5      $  783.5       $  796.0      $  800.5       $  789.8       $  780.2
  Water Services                            329.4         322.2          323.9         323.2          295.4          303.7
  Automotive Services                       186.2         167.1          167.3         123.6              -              -
  Investments                               263.5         252.9          236.5         201.4          355.3          317.7
                                         --------      --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
    Total Plant and Other Assets          1,550.6       1,525.7        1,523.7       1,448.7        1,440.5        1,401.6
  Current Assets                            487.5         385.3          334.8         251.9          266.1          272.0
  Other Assets                              279.0         277.9          290.2         247.0          101.2           86.9
                                         --------      --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
                                         $2,317.1      $2,188.9       $2,148.7      $1,947.6       $1,807.8       $1,760.5
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capitalization and Liabilities
  Common Equity                          $  785.6      $  650.0       $  610.8      $  584.1       $  561.7       $  562.6
  Preferred Stock                            11.5          11.5           11.5          28.5           28.5           28.5
  Redeemable Preferred Stock                 20.0          20.0           20.0          20.0           20.0           20.0
  Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred
    Securities of MP&L Capital I             75.0          75.0           75.0             -              -              -
  Long-Term Debt                            672.2         685.4          694.4         639.5          601.3          611.2
                                         --------      --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
                                          1,564.3       1,441.9        1,411.7       1,272.1        1,211.5        1,222.3
  Current Liabilities                       346.0         342.6          339.7         256.8          182.8          130.3
  Other Liabilities                         406.8         404.4          397.3         418.7          413.5          407.9
                                         --------      --------       --------      --------       --------       --------
                                         $2,317.1      $2,188.9       $2,148.7      $1,947.6       $1,807.8       $1,760.5
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Income Statement                          1998           1997           1996          1995           1994           1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenue
  Electric Operations                    $  559.9        $541.9         $529.2        $503.5         $458.4         $457.7
  Water Services                             95.6          95.5           85.2          66.1           87.5           65.5
  Automotive Services                       328.4         255.5          183.9          61.6              -              -
  Investments                                55.8          60.7           48.6          41.7           36.3           59.3
                                         --------        ------         ------        ------         ------         ------
                                          1,039.7         953.6          846.9         672.9          582.2          582.5
  Fuel and Purchased Power                  205.7         194.1          190.9         177.0          157.7          170.3
  Operations                                635.4         579.9          512.2         389.1          300.6          283.8
  Interest Expense                           64.9          64.2           62.1          48.0           46.7           41.5
                                         --------        ------         ------        ------         ------         ------
                                            906.0         838.2          765.2         614.1          505.0          495.6
Income from Equity Investments               14.8          14.8           11.8           4.2            2.9            5.8
                                         --------        ------         ------        ------         ------         ------
Operating Income                            148.5         130.2           93.5          63.0           80.1           92.7
Distributions on Redeemable
  Preferred Securities of Subsidiary          6.0           6.0            4.7             -              -              -
Income Tax Expense                           54.0          46.6           19.6           1.1           20.6           28.3
                                         --------        ------         ------        ------         ------         ------
Income from Continuing Operations            88.5          77.6           69.2          61.9           59.5           64.4
Income (Loss) from
  Discontinued Operations                       -             -              -           2.8            1.8           (1.8)
                                         --------        ------         ------        ------         ------         ------
Net Income                                   88.5          77.6           69.2          64.7 <F1>      61.3 <F2>      62.6
Preferred Dividends                           2.0           2.0            2.4           3.2            3.2            3.3
                                         --------        ------         ------        ------         ------         ------
Earnings Available for Common Stock          86.5          75.6           66.8          61.5           58.1           59.3
Common Stock Dividends                       65.0          62.5           59.6          57.9           56.7           53.3
                                         --------        ------         ------        ------         ------         ------
Retained in the Business                 $   21.5        $ 13.1         $  7.2        $  3.6         $  1.4         $  6.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<F1> Included $14.7 million from the recognition of tax benefits associated with
     real estate operations and a $3.8 million reduction associated with exiting
     an equipment manufacturing business.
<F2> Included  $11.8  million gain from the sale of certain  water plant assets,
     $3.6 million gain from the recognition of escrow funds associated with real
     estate  operations,  a  $5.9  million  decrease  from  the write-off  of an
     investment and a $3 million loss from an equipment manufacturing business.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  19

                                            1998           1997           1996          1995           1994           1993
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shares Outstanding - Millions
  Year-End                                   36.2          33.6           32.8          31.5           31.2           31.2
  Average <F1>                               32.0          30.6           29.3          28.5           28.2           27.0
Basic Earnings Per Share
  Continuing Operations                     $2.70         $2.47          $2.28         $2.06          $1.99          $2.27
  Discontinued Operations                       -             -              -           .10            .07           (.07)
                                            -----         -----          -----         -----          -----          -----
                                            $2.70         $2.47          $2.28         $2.16          $2.06          $2.20
Diluted Earnings Per Share                  $2.69         $2.47          $2.28         $2.16          $2.06          $2.20
Return on Average Common Equity             12.4%         12.1%          11.3%         10.7%          10.5%          11.5%
Common Equity Ratio                         49.9%         44.9%          43.1%         45.6%          45.9%          45.8%
Dividends Paid Per Share                    $2.04         $2.04          $2.04         $2.04          $2.02          $1.98
Dividend Payout                               76%           83%            89%           94%            98%            90%
Book Value Per Share at Year-End           $21.72        $19.37         $18.65        $18.56         $17.98         $18.06
Market Price Per Share
  High                                     46 1/4            44         29 3/4        29 1/4             33         36 1/2
  Low                                     38 1/16            27             26        24 1/4         24 3/4             30
  Close                                        44       43 9/16         27 1/2        28 3/8         25 1/4         32 3/4
Market/Book at Year-End                      2.03          2.25           1.48          1.53           1.40           1.81
Price Earnings Ratio at Year-End             16.3          17.6           12.1          13.1           12.3           14.9
Dividend Yield at Year-End                   4.6%          4.7%           7.4%          7.2%           8.0%           6.0%
Employees                                   7,003         6,817          6,537         5,649          2,552          2,772
Net Income
  Electric Operations                       $47.4         $43.1          $39.4         $41.0          $40.6          $42.1
  Water Services                              7.5           8.2            5.4          (1.0)          13.7            1.8
  Automotive Services                        25.5          14.0            3.7             -              -              -
  Investments                                29.6          32.1           38.1          41.3           23.4           32.4
  Corporate Charges                         (21.5)        (19.8)         (17.4)        (19.4)         (18.2)         (11.9)
                                            -----         -----          -----         -----          -----          -----
                                             88.5          77.6           69.2          61.9           59.5           64.4
  Discontinued Operations                       -             -              -           2.8            1.8           (1.8)
                                            -----         -----          -----         -----          -----          -----
                                            $88.5         $77.6          $69.2         $64.7          $61.3          $62.6
Customers - Thousands
  Electric                                  138.1         135.8          135.1         135.8          132.8          133.4
  Water and Wastewater                      205.1         201.0          197.2         198.4          176.0          185.0
Electric Sales - Millions of MWh             12.0          12.4           13.2          11.5           10.2            9.8
Power Supply - Millions of MWh
  Steam Generation                            6.3           6.1            6.4           6.0            5.5            5.7
  Hydro Generation                            0.6           0.6            0.7           0.7            0.7            0.7
  Long-Term Purchase - Square Butte           2.1           2.3            2.4           1.9            2.3            2.1
  Purchased Power                             3.2           3.8            4.4           3.6            2.1            1.9
                                             ----          ----           ----          ----           ----           ----
                                             12.2          12.8           13.9          12.2           10.6           10.4
Coal Sold - Thousands of Tons                 4.2           4.2            4.5           4.0            4.4            4.2
Water Sold - Billions of Gallons             18.1          16.5           16.0          14.7           14.8           16.1
Vehicles Consigned - Millions                 1.5           1.4            1.1           0.5              -              -
Capital Expenditures - Millions
  Electric Operations                       $36.1         $34.6          $37.5         $39.4          $50.0          $58.2
  Water Services                             21.8          22.2           22.2          32.7           27.2           19.1
  Automotive Services                        22.0          11.2           41.7          42.7              -              -
  Investments                                 0.1           0.2            0.1             -            0.6              -
  Corporate                                   0.8           4.0              -             -              -              -
  Discontinued Operations                       -             -              -           0.7            3.2           43.4
                                            -----         -----         ------        ------          -----         ------
                                            $80.8         $72.2         $101.5        $115.5          $81.0         $120.7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<F1> Excludes unallocated ESOP shares.

20  minnesota power, inc.



Improved operating results in 1998 contributed to the 14% increase in net income
and a 9% increase  in basic  earnings  per share.  Basic  earnings  per share of
Common Stock was $2.70 in 1998 ($2.47 in 1997; $2.28 in 1996). Operating revenue
exceeded $1 billion in 1998, setting a new milestone for the Company.  Financial
results for all of the Company's business segments reflected ongoing operational
improvements and the successful  implementation of the Company's strategic plan.
As in 1997 the most  significant  growth in 1998 came from  Automotive  Services
where more  auction and  financing  activity,  and business  expansion  projects
increased net income.

Simultaneous  with  releasing  1998  financial  results  in  January  1999,  the
Company's Board of Directors  approved a 5% dividend  increase and a two-for-one
stock split on the Common Stock.  A quarterly  dividend of $0.535 per share will
be paid on March 1, 1999 to the holders of record on February 16, 1999. Assuming
timely regulatory approval,  the effective date of the stock split will be March
2, 1999 to  shareholders  of record at the close of business  February 16, 1999.
All share and earnings per share information is presented on a pre-split basis.

The Company measures performance of its operations through careful budgeting and
monitoring of  contributions  by business  segment to  consolidated  net income.
Corporate Charges represent general corporate expenses,  including interest, not
specifically related to any one business segment.

                                    1998              1997             1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenue
  Electric Operations            $  559.9            $541.9           $529.2
  Water Services                     95.6              95.5             85.2
  Automotive Services               328.4             255.5            183.9
  Investments                        56.1              60.9             49.9
  Corporate Charges                  (0.3)             (0.2)            (1.3)
                                 --------            ------           ------
                                 $1,039.7            $953.6           $846.9
                                 --------            ------           ------
Operating Income
  Electric Operations              $ 79.3            $ 71.7            $63.6
  Water Services                     12.5              12.7              8.1
  Automotive Services (a)            46.9              28.4              7.7
  Investments                        48.4              50.8             40.5
  Corporate Charges                 (38.6)            (33.4)           (26.4)
                                   ------            ------            -----
                                   $148.5            $130.2            $93.5
                                   ------            ------            -----
Net Income
  Electric Operations               $47.4             $43.1            $39.4
  Water Services                      7.5               8.2              5.4
  Automotive Services (a)            25.5              14.0              3.7
  Investments                        29.6              32.1             38.1
  Corporate Charges                 (21.5)            (19.8)           (17.4)
                                   ------             -----            -----
                                    $88.5             $77.6            $69.2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic Earnings Per Share of
  Common Stock                      $2.70             $2.47            $2.28

Return on Common Equity             12.4%             12.1%            11.3%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) The Company purchased 80% of ADESA, including AFC and Great Rigs, on
    July 1, 1995, another 3% in January 1996 and the remaining 17% in 
    August 1996.

The following summarizes  significant events which impacted earnings for each of
the Company's business segments for the past three years.

ELECTRIC  OPERATIONS  contributed  net income of $47.4  million  in 1998  ($43.1
million in 1997;  $39.4  million in 1996).  Since the  establishment  of MPEX in
1996,  the Company  has  reported  strong  sales to other  power  suppliers  and
marketers.  Higher profit margins on these sales  improved  income from Electric
Operations, while unusually mild weather negatively impacted net income in 1998.
In 1997 Electric  Operations  reflected  continued strong demand for electricity
from  industrial  customers  and higher  profit  margins on sales to other power
suppliers and  marketers.  Net income in 1997 also included the sale of property
along the St. Louis River to the State of  Minnesota to ensure the  preservation
of  wilderness  lands  and the  sale  of  rights  to  microwave  frequencies  in
accordance  with a federal  mandate.  Gains from these two sales were  offset by
start-up costs  associated with strategic  initiatives and payment to management
of  incentive   compensation   awards  related  to  total   shareholder   return

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  21

Total kWh sales were 12.0 billion in 1998 (12.4 billion in 1997; 13.2 billion in
1996,  the  record  high).  Kilowatthour  sales to  other  power  suppliers  and
marketers  were lower in 1998 due to milder weather during the winter months and
fewer days of extreme  hot  weather  during the summer  months in the  Company's
geographic region. In addition,  lower precipitation  levels in 1998 reduced the
amount of hydro power  available from other power  suppliers for resale.  Retail
sales were 4% lower in 1998 because of the mild winter  weather in Minnesota and
northern  Wisconsin,  reduced demand for paper and crude oil, and some operating
problems  experienced by taconite producers in northern Minnesota.  In 1997 less
power was  available  for sale by MPEX  because  of  reduction  in  transmission
capability  damaged by severe spring storms in the Midwest,  various  generating
unit  outages  at  Company  and other  plants  in the  Midwest,  and less  hydro
generation in Canada.

WATER SERVICES  contributed  net income of $7.5 million in 1998 ($8.2 million in
1997; $5.4 million in 1996).  Financial  performance  for 1998 reflected  higher
rates,   customer  growth,   increased   consumption  and  continued   operating
efficiencies.  A  December  1998  ruling by the FPSC  granted  Florida  Water an
additional  annual revenue  increase of  approximately  $1.2 million  related to
several  issues  Florida Water  appealed in its 1995 rate case.  The ruling also
permits  collection  of  approximately  $2.4 million in  surcharges to reimburse
Florida Water for revenue (plus  interest)  wrongfully  denied by the FPSC. (See
Item 1. Business - Water Services - Regulatory Issues.) In 1997 Water Services
included a gain from the sale of certain water and  wastewater  assets to Orange
County, Florida. Financial results for 1997 also reflected a full year of higher
rates  allowed  by the  FPSC in its  initial  decision  in the 1995  Rate  Case,
improved operating efficiencies,  one-time charges and start-up costs associated
with non-regulated  initiatives.  In 1996 Water Services included gains from the
strategic sale of two water systems in South Carolina.

AUTOMOTIVE  SERVICES  contributed  net income of $25.5  million  in 1998  ($14.0
million in 1997; $3.7 million in 1996).  Since 1996 the significant  increase in
net income was driven by improved  operating  efficiencies,  the  acquisition of
additional  auction  facilities,  higher  auction volume and fees, and the rapid
expansion of AFC, the floorplan  financing  business.  In 1998 ADESA added three
new auction  facilities (two in 1997; eight in 1996) and received on consignment
1.5 million  vehicles  (1.4  million in 1997;  1.1 million  in 1996).  Consigned
vehicles are vehicles offered for sale at ADESA auctions.  AFC added 30 new loan
production  offices  in 1998 (25 in  1997;  13 in  1996).  The  growth  of AFC's
dealer/customer  base to  11,500  in 1998  (10,000  in 1997;  4,000 in 1996) has
enabled AFC to finance  approximately 500,000 vehicles in 1998 (300,000 in 1997;
140,000  in 1996).  In 1998  AFC's  expansion  was  largely  attributable  to an
agreement with ADT Automotive,  Inc. (ADT) which allows AFC to provide floorplan
financing  services  at 26 ADT  auctions.  A  more  conservative  allowance  for
uncollectible accounts offset a gain from the sale of excess land in 1997.

INVESTMENTS  contributed  net income of $29.6 million in 1998 ($32.1  million in
1997; $38.1 million in 1996).  Financial performance for 1998 reflected dividend
income  received from a venture  capital  investment.  The Company's  securities
portfolio  reported a lower after-tax return due to under performance of certain
investments.  Together,  the  Company's  securities  portfolio  and  its  equity
investment in Capital Re earned an annualized  after-tax  return of 6.6% in 1998
(8.6% in  1997;  8.8% in  1996).  The  Company's  investment  in the  securities
portfolio at December 31, 1998 was  approximately  $227 million ($184 million at
December 31,  1997).  The market  value of the  Company's  $133  million  equity
investment  in Capital Re was $131 million at December 31, 1998 ($203 million at
December  31,  1997) based on a Capital Re share price of $20 1/16 ($31 1/32
at December 31, 1997).

The market value of the Company's investment in Capital Re dropped significantly
in the  second  half of 1998 due in part to the  volatile  financial  markets in
August 1998 which  negatively  impacted  the price of equity  securities  in the
financial   services   sector.   Secondly,   Capital  Re  is  the  reinsurer  of
approximately  $156 million in principal  amount of three issues of asset-backed
securities issued by Commercial  Financial  Services Inc. (CFS). At December 31,
1998  approximately  $150  million  principal  amount  of  the  securities  were
outstanding.   CFS  is  under  investigation  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,   and  the  Oklahoma   Securities   Commission  for  allegations  of
irregularities  relating to certain  securities  issued by CFS. Although CFS has
not yet missed any bond payments and the assets backing the securities reinsured
by  Capital  Re  are  currently  performing   according  to  expectations,   the
irregularities  make it difficult to estimate  collection  expectations  for all
securities  issued by CFS,  including those reinsured by Capital Re. On December
11, 1998 CFS filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Capital Re is evaluating the CFS reinsurance contingency and is presently unable
to determine the  likelihood  or amount of possible  loss, if any. The financial
information of Capital Re presented in Note 9 and the Company's  recorded equity
in  Capital  Re's 1998  earnings  excluded  any loss that may  result  from this
contingency.  Capital  Re has  engaged  outside  consultants  to review the loss
exposure and expects to complete its evaluation of the  contingency in the first
quarter of 1999.  The Company will record  during the first  quarter of 1999 its
share of any  adjustment  to  Capital  Re's 1998  earnings  resulting  from this
contingency.  (See Note 9.) Changes  made late in 1998 in the firm's  management
and  adjustments to its growth strategy should put Capital Re on course with the
Company's expectations.

In 1996 net income from Real Estate  Operations  included the recognition of tax
benefits (see Note 14) and the sale of a joint venture.

CORPORATE  CHARGES  were $21.5  million in 1998  ($19.8  million in 1997;  $17.4
million in 1996). Corporate Charges in 1998 included lower interest expenses due
to the  availability  of cash  from the sale of  Common  Stock  offset by higher
expenses associated with benefit incentives, a change in accounting for start-up
costs, and technological  and communication  improvements made to corporate-wide
systems.  In 1997 Corporate  Charges  reflected  increased debt service costs to
finance   investments  in   non-regulated   operations  and  various   strategic
initiatives,  while 1996 included nine months of  distributions  with respect to
Cumulative Quarterly Income Preferred Securities issued in March 1996.

22  minnesota power, inc.

1998 COMPARED TO 1997


ELECTRIC  OPERATIONS  operating  revenue was $18.0 million higher in 1998,  even
though  kilowatthour  sales  remained  at  similar  levels.  This  increase  was
primarily  attributable  to a higher  average sales price for bulk power sold to
other  power  suppliers  and  marketers,  and  more  revenue  from  fuel  clause
adjustments.  Bulk sale prices were higher  because of storms and hot weather in
the Midwest.  Revenue related to the fuel clause adjustment increased in 1998 to
recover the cost of replacement  power needed during scheduled outages at Square
Butte and Boswell in 1998, and also for the reduction in hydro generation due to
dry spring  conditions.  Demand revenue from large power  customers was lower in
1998 as a result of successful  renegotiation  of contracts  which  extended the
term of the  all-requirements  contracts,  but in turn reduced the demand charge
component.  Revenue from residential and gas customers was lower in 1998 because
of the unusually mild winter and warm spring. Operating revenue in 1997 included
$4.4 million in pre-tax  gains from the sale of rights to microwave  frequencies
and the sale of property along the St. Louis River.

              Electric Operating Revenue
              Change from 1997
                Retail Electric Sales                      $(2.9)
                Sales to Other Power Suppliers              10.8
                Transmission Revenue                         0.3
                Conservation Improvement Programs            1.5
                Fuel Clause Adjustments                     10.1
                Coal Revenue                                 0.3
                Gas Sales                                   (2.3)
                Other                                        0.2

WATER  SERVICES  operating  revenue was $0.1  million  higher in 1998 because of
increased  rates  approved  by the FPSC in  1998,  higher  consumption  and more
revenue from non-regulated water subsidiaries.  Consumption, which was up 10% in
1998, reflected the September 1997 acquisition of LaGrange, a water utility near
Fayetteville, North Carolina and drier than normal weather. Operating revenue in
1997 included a $7.3 million  pre-tax gain from the sale of water and wastewater
assets to Orange County, Florida.

AUTOMOTIVE  SERVICES operating revenue was $72.9 million higher in 1998 due to a
7% increase in vehicles consigned for sale at auctions, higher auction fees, the
rapid  expansion and maturing of AFC and growth at Great Rigs. In 1997 operating
revenue included pre-tax gains totaling $5.7 million from the sale of an auction
facility and excess land.

PORTFOLIO AND REINSURANCE operating revenue was $0.6 million higher in 1998. The
increase  reflected  $4.3  million of dividend  income  received  from a venture
capital  investment,  which was offset by  reduced  income  from the  securities
portfolio due to under performance of certain investments.

REAL  ESTATE  OPERATIONS  operating  revenue  was  $5.4  million  lower  in 1998
primarily due to large bulk sales at Palm Coast in 1997.


ELECTRIC  OPERATIONS  fuel expense was $3.4 million higher because of more steam
generation  and slightly  higher coal prices.  Purchased  power expense was $8.2
million higher because of replacement  power needed during scheduled outages and
the average price paid per megawatthour (excluding Square Butte) increased 23%.


ELECTRIC  OPERATIONS  expenses were $2.1 million lower in 1998.  Increased costs
for scheduled  outages at Boswell,  consulting  services and the amortization of
deferred charges related to conservation  improvement  programs were offset by a
reduction in employee pension and early retirement expenses,  and lower property
taxes due to the legislative reform of the Minnesota property tax system.

WATER  SERVICES  expenses  were $1.0  million  higher in 1998  primarily  due to
increased   consumption.   Additional   costs   related  to  the   expansion  of
non-regulated   water   subsidiaries   were   offset  by   increased   operating

AUTOMOTIVE  SERVICES  expenses were up $54.6 million due to expenses  associated
with the increase in vehicles  consigned  for sale at auctions,  the addition of
three new auction facilities and the rapid expansion of AFC.

REAL ESTATE OPERATIONS  expenses  (excluding minority interest) from real estate
operations  were $2.4 million lower in 1998 because in 1997 there was more sales
activity at Palm Coast.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  23


PORTFOLIO  AND  REINSURANCE  included  $15.1  million  of income in 1998  ($14.8
million in 1997) from the Company's investment in Capital Re.

1997 COMPARED TO 1996


ELECTRIC  OPERATIONS  operating revenue was up $12.7 million in 1997. The demand
for electricity by all customer classes was strong in 1997, as was the marketing
of sales to other power  suppliers.  Revenue from sales to other power suppliers
was 4% lower in 1997 because less power was available.  Less power was available
for sale because of higher prices for purchased power, reduction in transmission
capability  damaged by severe spring storms in the Midwest,  various  generating
unit  outages  at  Company  and other  plants  in the  Midwest,  and less  hydro
generation in Canada.  While total  revenue from sales to other power  suppliers
and  marketers was lower in 1997,  higher profit  margins were realized on those
sales. Operating revenue in 1997 included $4.4 million in pre-tax gains from the
sale of rights to microwave  frequencies  and the sale of property along the St.
Louis River.

              Electric Operating Revenue
              Change from 1996
                Retail Electric Sales                          $ 1.1
                Sales to Other Power Suppliers                  (3.0)
                Transmission Revenue                             2.9
                Conservation Improvement Programs                2.9
                Fuel Clause Adjustments                          2.9
                Coal Revenue                                     0.5
                Gas Sales                                        0.4
                Other                                            5.0

WATER  SERVICES  operating  revenue was $10.3 million  higher in 1997 because of
increased  rates approved by the FPSC in 1996 for Florida Water  customers and a
$7.3 million pre-tax gain from the sale of water and wastewater assets to Orange
County,  Florida,  in December 1997.  These assets served about 4,000 customers.
Also in 1997, Heater acquired LaGrange, a water utility near Fayetteville, North
Carolina,  for $3.4 million.  The  acquisition  added 5,300 water  customers and
contributed  $0.9 million  in revenue.  The  increase  in revenue was  partially
offset  by lower  revenue  following  the  sale of two  water  systems  in South
Carolina  in 1996.  Together  the two sales  resulted  in pre-tax  gains of $1.7
million  during  1996.  Sales were up 3% in 1997,  despite  heavy  rainfall  and
continued  water  conservation   efforts  by  customers.   Non-regulated   water
subsidiaries contributed $1.2 million more to revenue in 1997.

AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES operating revenue was $71.6 million higher in 1997 primarily
due to more auction fees as a result of a 27% increase in vehicles consigned for
sale  at  auctions   and  more  revenue  from   ancillary   services,   such  as
reconditioning  and  transportation,   at  ADESA  auction  facilities.   Auction
facilities  added in 1996  contributed to the increase in vehicles  consigned in
1997.  Operating  revenue from AFC in 1997 reflected the growth of the floorplan
financing business through expansion of existing loan production offices and the
addition of 25 new office  locations.  Pre-tax gains  totaling $5.7 million from
the sale of an auction  facility  and  excess  land were also  included  in 1997
operating revenue.

PORTFOLIO  AND  REINSURANCE  operating  revenue from the  securities  portfolio 
was $1.4 million  higher in 1997 because the Company's average portfolio balance
was larger.

REAL  ESTATE  OPERATIONS  operating  revenue  was $9.6  million  higher  in 1997
primarily due to increased sales from Palm Coast  operations.  Financial results
for Real Estate  Operations  reflected twelve months of Palm Coast operations in
1997  compared  to less than  nine  months in 1996.  In 1996  operating  revenue
included $3.7 million from the sale of Lehigh's  joint  venture  investment in a
resort and golf course.


ELECTRIC OPERATIONS  purchased power expense was $3.0 million higher because the
average price paid per megawatthour (excluding Square Butte) increased 20%.

24  minnesota power, inc.


ELECTRIC   OPERATIONS   operating  expenses  increased  $2.6  million  in  1997.
Depreciation  expense  increased  $3.0  million,  while reform of the  Minnesota
property tax system  reduced  property  taxes by $2.8 million in 1997.  Start-up
costs associated with strategic initiatives and incentive compensation awards to
management  related to total shareholder  return performance also contributed to
higher operating expenses in 1997.

WATER SERVICES operating expenses were $7.2 million higher in 1997 primarily due
to  start-up   costs   associated   with  the  Company's   non-regulated   water
subsidiaries.  Approximately  $2 million of  one-time  charges  relating  to the
amount of  investment  in utility  facilities  were also  included in  operating
expenses in 1997.  These higher  operating  expenses  were  tempered by improved
operating efficiencies at Florida Water.

AUTOMOTIVE  SERVICES  operating  expenses  were  $52.7  million  higher in 1997.
Operating  expenses  associated  with the auction  facilities  reflected the 27%
increase in vehicles consigned and increased ancillary services. These operating
expenses  were  tempered by improved  efficiencies  and cost controls at auction
facilities. The expansion of AFC's floorplan financing business also contributed
to higher operating expenses in 1997.

REAL ESTATE OPERATIONS  expenses (excluding minority interest) were $6.1 million
higher  in  1997.  The  increase  was  attributed  to more  sales  activity  and
additional expenses as a result of Palm Coast operations.


PORTFOLIO  AND  REINSURANCE  included  $14.8  million  of income in 1997  ($11.8
million in 1996) from the Company's investment in Capital Re.


PORTFOLIO  AND  REINSURANCE  income tax expense was $5.7 million  higher in 1997
because of  increased  operating  income,  while 1996  reflected a one-time  tax
benefit for an IRS audit adjustment.

REAL ESTATE OPERATIONS  included the recognition of $8.2 million of tax benefits
at Lehigh in 1996.  The  Company's  portion  of the 1996 tax  benefits  was $6.6
million. (See Note 14.)


ELECTRIC  OPERATIONS.  The contribution from Electric  Operations is expected to
remain  stable as the industry  continues to  restructure.  Electric  Operations
intends to seek additional cost saving alternatives and efficiencies, and expand
non-regulated services to maintain its contribution to net income. The Company's
subsidiary,  MP Telecom,  which  provides  high volume fiber optic and microwave
communications to businesses and communities across northern Minnesota,  intends
to  connect  other  northern  Minnesota   communities  as  well  as  extend  the
communication network to the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area.

Annual taconite  production in Minnesota was 46 million tons in 1998 (47 million
tons in 1997; 46 million tons in 1996).  Based on the Company's  research of the
taconite  industry,  Minnesota  taconite  production  for 1999 is anticipated to
remain at or near the 1998  level.  While  taconite  production  is  expected to
continue at annual levels of over 40 million tons, the long-term  future of this
cyclical industry is less certain.

The record level of steel imports into the United States is adversely  affecting
the domestic steel industry.  If imports  continue at 1998 levels,  lower demand
for steel  produced in the United States is likely to have an adverse  affect on
the  taconite  producers  and the  economy  as a whole  in  northern  Minnesota.
Representatives  of the United  States steel  industry  have  asserted  that the
imports are unfair and illegal, and have filed anti-dumping trade suits with the
U.S.  Department  of  Commerce.  The Company is unable to predict  the  eventual
impact of this issue on the Company's Electric Operations.

Six of the seven  taconite  producers in Minnesota  have  collective  bargaining
agreements with the United Steel Workers of America.  These agreements expire in
August 1999. The Company is unable to predict  whether or not any labor disputes
will arise in the course of negotiations and, if such disputes occur, the impact
any dispute  would have on the Company's  Electric  Operations.  Contracts  with
these Large Power Customers provide for deferral without interest of one-half of
demand charge obligations  incurred during the first three months of a strike or
illegal  walkout at a customer's  facilities,  with repayment  required over the
12-month period following resolution of the work stoppage.

WATER  SERVICES.  Florida Water will continue to position  itself by selectively
acquiring  targeted water systems.  In January 1999 Florida Water purchased Palm
Coast Utility  Corporation which provides service to approximately  15,000 water
and 14,000 wastewater  customers in Flagler County,  Florida.  (See Note 4.) The
strategic emphasis at Heater is growth in North Carolina. Both Florida Water and
Heater  operate  in states  that are  currently  experiencing  rapid  population
growth,  which should  contribute to customer  growth.  Water  Services has been
laying  the  groundwork  for  future  growth in  several  new areas of the water
business.  These  non-regulated  subsidiaries  have been marketing the Company's
maintenance  and water and  wastewater  management  expertise to industrial  and
governmental customers promoting privatization of these services.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  25

AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES.  Auto auction sales are expected to rise at a rate of 6% to
8% annually.  With the increased  popularity of leasing and the high cost of new
vehicles,  the same  vehicles  may come to auction  more than  once.  Automotive
Services  expects to  participate in the  industry's  growth  through  selective
acquisitions and expanded services. ADESA and AFC continue to focus on growth in
the volume of vehicles consigned and financed, increased ancillary services, and
operating and  technological  efficiencies.  Great Rigs plans to  participate in
growth of auction volume and work to enhance market share.

INVESTMENTS.  PORTFOLIO AND REINSURANCE.  The Company's objective is to maintain
corporate  liquidity  between 7% and 10% of total assets ($160 to $230 million).
The Company  plans to  continue  to  concentrate  in  market-neutral  investment
strategies designed to provide stable and acceptable returns without sacrificing
needed liquidity.  The portfolio is hedged against market downturns and aimed at
an  after-tax  return  between 7% and 9%.  While  these  returns may seem modest
compared  to broader  market  indices  over the past three  years,  the  Company
believes its hedge strategy is a wise course in a volatile economic environment.
Actual  returns will be partially  dependent on general market  conditions.  The
Company  intends to maintain its Capital Re holdings as a core  component of the
Company's  Investments  segment.  REAL ESTATE OPERATIONS.  The Company may, from
time to time,  acquire large residential  community  properties at low cost, add
value and sell them at current  market  prices in order to continue a consistent
earnings contribution from this business.


A primary goal of the  strategic  plan is to improve cash flow from  operations.
Since 1996 cash from operating activities has increased 84% (up 10% from 1997 to
1998;  up 66% from 1996 to 1997).  This has been  accomplished  due to operating
results, better management of working capital throughout the Company and capital
expenditure  discipline.  The Company's  strategy  includes growing the business
both with expanded  facilities and operations  (see Capital  Requirements),  and
through acquisitions and planned divestitures.

In May 1998 the Company filed a shelf registration statement with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  (SEC) pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act of
1933 with  respect to 3.0 million  original  issue  shares of Common  Stock.  In
September  1998  2,093,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock were sold in a
public  offering at $43.75 per share.  Total net proceeds of  approximately  $89
million  were used to repay  outstanding  commercial  paper,  to fund  strategic
initiatives and for capital expenditures.  Net proceeds not immediately used for
the above  purposes  were invested in the Company's  securities  portfolio.  The
Company may sell the  remaining  shares  registered  in May 1998 if warranted by
market conditions and the Company's capital requirements.  The offer and sale of
such shares  shall be made only by means of a  prospectus.  The  increase in the
number of shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  as of  December  31, 1998 had an
immaterial dilutive impact on earnings per share for the 1998 periods.

Working  capital,  if and when  needed,  generally  is  provided  by the sale of
commercial  paper.  In addition,  securities  investments  can be  liquidated to
provide funds for  reinvestment  in existing  businesses or  acquisition  of new
businesses,  and  approximately 4 million  original issue shares of Common Stock
are available for issuance through the DRIP.  Minnesota Power's $60 million bank
line of credit provides  liquidity for the Company's  commercial  paper program.
The amount and timing of future sales of the  Company's  securities  will depend
upon market  conditions and the specific  needs of the Company.  The Company may
from time to time sell securities to meet capital  requirements,  to provide for
the  retirement or early  redemption  of issues of long-term  debt and preferred
stock, to reduce short-term debt and for other corporate purposes.

A substantial  amount of ADESA's  working  capital is generated  internally from
payments made by vehicle purchasers. However, ADESA uses commercial paper issued
by the Company to meet short-term working capital  requirements arising from the
timing of payment  obligations to vehicle sellers and the  availability of funds
from vehicle purchasers. During the sales process, ADESA does not typically take
title to vehicles.

AFC also uses  commercial  paper  issued by the Company to meet its  operational
requirements.  AFC offers  short-term  on-site financing for dealers to purchase
vehicles at auctions in exchange for a security interest in those vehicles.  The
financing  is  provided  through  the  earlier of the date the dealer  sells the
vehicle or a general  borrowing  term of 30 to 45 days. In May 1998 AFC executed
an Administration Agreement with ADT Automotive,  Inc. (ADT) which has led to an
arrangement  whereby AFC is  providing  floorplan  financing  services at 26 ADT
auctions. In total AFC has 84 loan production offices (54 at December 31, 1997).
AFC continues to sell eligible finance  receivables on a revolving basis through
a private securitization structure which expires at the end of 2001. Third party
purchasers  have agreed to purchase up to $225  million of finance  receivables,
subject to certain eligibility  criteria. At December 31, 1998 $202.9 million of
finance  receivables  had been  sold  under  the  structure  ($145.0 million  at
December 31, 1997), and AFC's securitization residual interest was $20.1 million
($12.3 million at December 31,  1997). Proceeds from the sale of the receivables
were  used to repay  borrowings  from the  Company  and fund  vehicle  inventory
purchases for AFC's customers.

ADESA acquired the assets of Greater  Lansing Auto Auction in Lansing,  Michigan
and I-55 Auto Auction in St. Louis,  Missouri on April 30, 1998,  and Ark-La-Tex
Auto Auction in  Shreveport,  Louisiana on May 27, 1998 for a combined  purchase
price of $23.8  million.  The  Company  initially  acquired  these  assets  with
internally generated funds and issued commercial paper which was later repaid by
the issuance of Common Stock.

26  minnesota power, inc.

Minnesota  Power's electric  utility first mortgage bonds and secured  pollution
control bonds are  currently  rated Baa1 by Moody's  Investors  Service and A by
Standard  and  Poor's.  The  disclosure  of these  securities  ratings  is not a
recommendation to buy, sell or hold the Company's securities.

On  January  18,  1999  the  Company  announced  a 5%  dividend  increase  and a
two-for-one stock split on its Common Stock. A quarterly  dividend of $0.535 per
share on the Common Stock will be paid on March 1, 1999 to the holders of record
on February 16, 1999. Assuming timely regulatory approval, the effective date of
the stock split will be March 2, 1999 to  shareholders of record at the close of
business  February 16, 1999. In 1998 the Company paid out 76% (83% in 1997;  89%
in 1996) of its per share  earnings in dividends.  Minnesota  Power's goal is to
maintain a dividend payout of 75% to 80% of per share earnings.


Consolidated  capital  expenditures  totaled $81 million in 1998 ($72 million in
1997;  $101  million in 1996).  Expenditures  in 1998  included  $36 million for
Electric Operations,  $22 million for Water Services, $22 million for Automotive
Services and $1 million for corporate purposes.  Internally  generated funds and
funds from original issue equity  securities were the primary sources of funding
these capital expenditures.

Capital expenditures are expected to be $98 million in 1999 and total about $400
million for 2000 through 2003. The 1999 amount includes $47 million for electric
system  component  replacement  and upgrades,  telecommunication  fiber and coal
handling  equipment;  $26  million  to  expand  water and  wastewater  treatment
facilities to accommodate  customer growth, to meet environmental  standards and
for water conservation initiatives; and $25 million for on-going improvements at
existing vehicle auction facilities and associated computer systems. The Company
expects to use internally  generated funds and original issue equity  securities
to fund these capital expenditures.


The Company's  securities portfolio has exposure to both price and interest rate
risk.  Investments held principally for near-term sale are classified as trading
securities and recorded at fair value.  Trading  securities consist primarily of
the common stock of publicly traded companies,  with utilities being the largest
industry  sector.  Investments  held  for  an  indefinite  period  of  time  are
classified as available-for-sale securities and also recorded at fair value. The
available-for-sale  securities  portfolio  consists  primarily of the  preferred
stock of  utilities  and  financial  institutions  with  investment  grade  debt

In strategies  designed to reduce  market risks,  the Company sells common stock
short and enters into short sales of treasury futures contracts.  Selling common
stock short is intended to reduce price risks  associated with securities in the
Company's trading securities portfolio.  The stock sold short consists primarily
of the stock of companies in similar industries.  Treasury futures are used as a
hedge to reduce  interest  rate risks  associated  with holding  fixed  dividend
preferred  stocks  included  in  the  Company's  available-for-sale   portfolio.
Generally, treasury future contracts mature in 90 days.

         December 31, 1998                                 Fair Value
           Trading Securities Portfolio                    $169.9 (a)
           Available-For-Sale Securities Portfolio          $73.5 (b)

         (a) Net of $3.8 million in  unrealized  losses on common stock
             sold short. The notional fair value of  outstanding  short
             sales of  common  stock was  approximately 85% of the fair
             value of the trading securities portfolio.
         (b) Net of $4.1 million in realized losses on treasury futures
             contracts  sold  short.   The   notional   fair  value  of
             outstanding sales of treasury futures  contracts was $24.5
             million  which  represents  192  contracts with a notional
             basis of $25.0 million.

The Company is also subject to interest rate risk through  outstanding debt. The
majority  of  the  Company's  long-term  debt  is  fixed-rate.  (See  Note  12.)
Short-term debt consists primarily of commercial paper. (See Note 7.)

In December  1998  Florida  Water  entered  into a ten-year  interest  rate swap
agreement on a notional  amount of $35  million.  Under the  agreement,  Florida
Water makes quarterly  payments at a variable  interest rate based upon The Bond
Market  Association  Municipal Swap Index weekly floating  average plus 58 basis
points (3.4% at December 31, 1998) and receives  payments  based on a fixed rate
of 4.79%.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  27


In  June  1998  the  FASB  issued  SFAS  No.  133,  "Accounting  for  Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities,"  effective for fiscal years beginning after
June 15, 1999. SFAS 133 establishes accounting and reporting standards requiring
that every  derivative  instrument be recorded on the balance sheet as either an
asset or liability measured at fair value. SFAS 133 requires that changes in the
derivative's  fair value be  recognized  currently in earnings  unless  specific
hedge  accounting  criteria are met.  Special  accounting for qualifying  hedges
allows a  derivative's  gains and  losses to offset the  related  results on the
hedged  item.  The  adoption  of SFAS 133 is expected  to be  immaterial  to the
Company's financial position and results of operations.

In November  1998 the  Emerging  Issues  Task Force of the FASB  reached a final
consensus on EITF 98-10,  "Accounting  for Contracts  Involved in Energy Trading
and Risk  Management  Activities,"  which is effective for years beginning after
December 15,  1998. The EITF requires that energy trading contracts be marked to
market with gains and losses included in earnings. The adoption of EITF 98-10 is
expected to be  immaterial to the  Company's  financial  position and results of

YEAR 2000

The Year 2000 issue  relates to computer  systems that  recognize  the year in a
date field using only the last two digits.  Unless corrected,  the Year 2000 may
be  interpreted as 1900,  causing errors or shutdowns in computer  systems which
may, in turn, disrupt operations.

STATE OF READINESS. The Company has been addressing the Year 2000 issue for five
years. In the ordinary course of business, it has replaced, or is in the process
of replacing, many of its major computer systems with new systems that have been
designed  to be Year 2000  compliant.  These  updated  systems  handle  critical
aspects of the Company's operations,  including energy management and generation
control  for  Electric  Operations,   and  customer  information  and  financial
management Company-wide.

Each of the  business  segments  has its own  Year  2000  plan,  which  has been
reviewed and is being monitored by a  corporate-level  Year 2000 Risk Assessment
Team.  The  Company's  plan  for  Year  2000  readiness  involves  four  phases:
inventory,  evaluation,  remediation  and  contingency  planning.  Testing is an
ongoing  and  integral  part  of the  evaluation,  remediation  and  contingency
planning phases.

      INVENTORY.  Each business segment has performed an extensive  inventory of
      its  information  technology  systems and other  systems that use embedded
      microprocessors   (collectively,   "Systems").   The  business   processes
      supported  by each  System  have been  prioritized  based on the degree of
      impact business operations would encounter if the System were disrupted.

      The inventory phase also includes  identifying third parties with whom the
      Company  has  material  relationships.  The degree to which each  business
      segment depends on third party support varies. Water Services,  Automotive
      Services and Real Estate  Operations have identified  minimal risk in most
      areas. Where a third party is critical to a business process, efforts have
      been initiated to obtain Year 2000 compliance  information to identify the
      degree of risk exposure the Company may encounter.  Electric Operations is
      working with its large power customers to share Year 2000  information and
      determine their  readiness.  In addition,  Electric  Operations is working
      with its fuel and transportation providers in an effort to ensure adequate
      supplies of fuel.

      The electric  industry is unique in its  reliance on the  integrity of the
      power pool grid to support and maintain  reliable,  efficient  operations.
      Preparation for the Year 2000 by Electric Operations is linked to the Year
      2000  compliance  efforts  of other  utilities  as well as to those of its
      major  customers whose loads support the integrity of the power pool grid.
      Electric  Operations is coordinating  its Year 2000 efforts with the plans
      established by the North American Electric  Reliability  Council under the
      direction  of the U.S.  Department  of Energy and is also working with the
      MAPP Year 2000 Task Force and a utility industry  consortium to obtain and
      share utility-specific Year 2000 compliance information.

      The internal  inventory  phase was  substantially  completed in June 1998.
      Regular  contact  with third  parties  with whom the Company has  material
      relationships will continue throughout 1999.

      EVALUATION.  This phase involves computer program code review and testing,
      vendor contacts,  System testing and fully-integrated System testing where
      practical.  The  objective  of this  phase is to  develop  and  update the
      remediation  plan.  Some Systems,  upon  inspection,  are determined to be
      non-compliant and are immediately placed on the remediation schedule. Some
      Systems require testing to determine  compliance status. As of February 9,
      1999 the evaluation phase was substantially complete.

      REMEDIATION.  In this  phase  each  System is either  fixed,  replaced  or
      removed.  Critical Systems fixed or replaced will be tested again for Year
      2000 compliance.  Remediation is expected to be substantially  complete by
      June 30,  1999.  The  Company  estimates  that as of  February 9, 1999 the
      remediation phase is approximately 17% complete.

28  minnesota power, inc.

      CONTINGENCY  PLANNING.  Each  business  segment  is  currently  developing
      contingency plans designed to continue critical processes in the event the
      Company experiences Year 2000 disruptions despite remediation and testing.
      Plans under development include  establishment of internal  communications
      and securing adequate on-site supplies of critical materials.  Contingency
      plans also will be tested.  Contingency plans are expected to be developed
      by June 30, 1999.  The Company  estimates  that as of February 9, 1999 the
      contingency planning phase is approximately 20% complete.

COSTS. In the ordinary course of business over the last five years,  the Company
has replaced major business and operating computer systems. These systems should
require  minimal  remediation  efforts  because of their recent  implementation.
Formal Year 2000  readiness  plans were  established  in March 1998.  Since that
time,  the Company has  incurred  $1.2 million in expenses  primarily  for labor
associated  with  inventory,  evaluation and  remediation  efforts.  The Company
estimates its remaining costs to prepare for the Year 2000 will be $5 million to
$9 million,  the majority of which are  non-labor  costs and will be incurred in
1999.  Funds to address Year 2000 issues have been provided for in the Company's
existing  budgets.  These costs include the assignment of existing  personnel to
Year  2000  projects,   maintenance   and  repair   expenses,   and  capitalized
improvements.  To date no critical  projects have been deferred  because of Year
2000 issues. The Company does not anticipate that its costs associated with Year
2000 readiness will materially impact the Company's earnings in any year.

RISKS.  Based upon  information to date, the Company  believes that, in the most
reasonably likely worst-case scenario, Year 2000 issues could result in abnormal
operating   conditions,   such  as  short-term   interruption   of   generation,
transmission and distribution  functions within Electric Operations,  as well as
Company-wide loss of system monitoring and control functions,  and loss of voice
communications.  These  conditions,  along with power  outages  due to  possible
instability  of  the  regional  electric  transmission  grid,  could  result  in
temporary interruption of service to customers. The Company does not believe the
overall  impact of this  scenario  will have a material  impact on its financial
condition  or  operations   due  to  the   anticipated   short-term   nature  of


Readers are cautioned that forward-looking  statements including those contained
above,  should be read in conjunction with the Company's  disclosures  under the
ACT OF 1995" located in the preface of this Form 10-K.


See Item 7  Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Results of Operations  and
Financial  Condition - Market Risk for information  related to quantitative and
qualitative disclosure about market risk.


See the Company's  consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 1998 and
1997 and for each of the three years in the period ended  December 31, 1998, and
supplementary data, herein, which are indexed in Item 14(a).


Not applicable.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  29



The information  required for this Item is incorporated by reference  herein and
will be set forth under the  "Election of  Directors"  section in the  Company's
Proxy  Statement  for the  1999  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders,  except  for
information  with  respect to  executive  officers  which is set forth in Part I
hereof.  The 1999 Proxy Statement will be filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission within 120 days after the end of the Company's 1998 fiscal year.


The information  required for this Item is incorporated by reference herein from
the  "Compensation  of  Executive  Officers"  section  in  the  Company's  Proxy
Statement for the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.


The information  required for this Item is incorporated by reference herein from
the "Security  Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management" section in
the Company's Proxy Statement for the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.


The information  required for this Item is incorporated by reference herein from
the "Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation" section in the
Company's Proxy Statement for the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.



(a) Certain Documents Filed as Part of this Form 10-K.
    (1) Financial Statements
            Minnesota Power
            Report of Independent Accountants                              36
            Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31, 1998 and 1997       37
            For the Three Years Ended December 31, 1998
                Consolidated Statement of Income                           38
                Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                       39
                Consolidated Statement of Common Stock Equity              40
            Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                    41-57

    (2) Financial Statement Schedules
            Report of Independent Accountants on Financial 
              Statement Schedule                                           58
            Schedule II - Minnesota Power Valuation and Qualifying
              Accounts and Reserves                                        59

All other  schedules  have been omitted  either  because the  information is not
required to be reported by the Company or because the information is included in
the consolidated financial statements or the notes thereto.

    (3) Exhibits including those incorporated by reference

30  minnesota power, inc.


     *2 -  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger  by and  among  the  Company,  AC
           Acquisition Sub, Inc., ADESA Corporation and Certain ADESA Management
           Shareholders  dated February 23, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 2 to Form 8-K
           dated March 3, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *3(a)1 -  Articles of  Incorporation,  amended and  restated as of May 27, 1998
           (filed as Exhibit 4(a) to Form 8-K dated June 3, 1998, File 
           No. 1-3548).

 *3(a)2 -  Certificate Fixing Terms of Serial Preferred Stock A, $7.125 Series 
           (filed as Exhibit 3(a)2, File No. 33-50143).

 *3(a)3 -  Certificate Fixing Terms of Serial Preferred Stock A, $6.70 Series
           (filed as Exhibit 3(a)3, File No. 33-50143).

  *3(b) -  Bylaws, as amended effective May 27, 1998 (filed as Exhibit 4(b), to 
           Form 8-K dated June 3, 1998, File No. 1-3548).

 *4(a)1 -  Mortgage and Deed of Trust,  dated as of September 1, 1945, between
           the Company and Irving  Trust  Company (now The Bank of New York) and
           Richard  H. West (W.T.  Cunningham,  successor),  Trustees  (filed as
           Exhibit 7(c), File No. 2-5865).

 *4(a)2 -  Supplemental Indentures to Mortgage and Deed of Trust:

           Number          Dated as of         Reference File            Exhibit
           -----------     -----------------   -----------------------   -------

           First           March 1, 1949       2-7826                    7(b)
           Second          July 1, 1951        2-9036                    7(c)
           Third           March 1, 1957       2-13075                   2(c)
           Fourth          January 1, 1968     2-27794                   2(c)
           Fifth           April 1, 1971       2-39537                   2(c)
           Sixth           August 1, 1975      2-54116                   2(c)
           Seventh         September 1, 1976   2-57014                   2(c)
           Eighth          September 1, 1977   2-59690                   2(c)
           Ninth           April 1, 1978       2-60866                   2(c)
           Tenth           August 1, 1978      2-62852                   2(d)2
           Eleventh        December 1, 1982    2-56649                   4(a)3
           Twelfth         April 1, 1987       33-30224                  4(a)3
           Thirteenth      March 1, 1992       33-47438                  4(b)
           Fourteenth      June 1, 1992        33-55240                  4(b)
           Fifteenth       July 1, 1992        33-55240                  4(c)
           Sixteenth       July 1, 1992        33-55240                  4(d)
           Seventeenth     February 1, 1993    33-50143                  4(b)
           Eighteenth      July 1, 1993        33-50143                  4(c)
           Nineteenth      February 1, 1997    1-3548 (1996 Form 10-K)   4(c)
           Twentieth       November 1, 1997    1-3548 (1997 Form 10-K)   4(a)3

  *4(b) -  Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of March 1, 1943,  between 
           Superior  Water,  Light and Power  Company and Chemical  Bank & Trust
           Company and Howard B. Smith,  as  Trustees,  both  succeeded by First
           Bank N.A., as Trustee (filed as Exhibit 7(c),  File No.  2-8668),  as
           supplemented  and modified by First  Supplemental  Indenture  thereto
           dated  as of  March 1,  1951  (filed  as  Exhibit  2(d)(1),  File No.
           2-59690),  Second Supplemental Indenture thereto dated as of March 1,
           1962 (filed as Exhibit 2(d)1, File No. 2-27794),  Third  Supplemental
           Indenture  thereto dated July 1, 1976 (filed as Exhibit  2(e)1,  File
           No. 2-57478), Fourth Supplemental Indenture thereto dated as of March
           1, 1985 (filed as Exhibit 4(b), File No. 2-78641), Fifth Supplemental
           Indenture  thereto  dated as of  December  1, 1992  (filed as Exhibit
           4(b)1 to Form 10-K for the year ended  December  31,  1992,  File No.
           1-3548),  Sixth  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of March 24, 1994
           (filed as Exhibit 4(b)1 to Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
           1996, File No. 1-3548),  Seventh Supplemental Indenture,  dated as of
           November  1, 1994  (filed as Exhibit  4(b)2 to Form 10-K for the year
           ended  December 31, 1996,  File No.  1-3548) and Eighth  Supplemental
           Indenture,  dated as of  January 1, 1997  (filed as Exhibit  4(b)3 to
           Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  31


  *4(c) - Indenture,  dated as of March 1,  1993,  between  Southern  States
          Utilities,   Inc.  (now  Florida  Water  Services   Corporation)  and
          Nationsbank  of Georgia,  National  Association  (now SunTrust  Bank,
          Central  Florida,  N.A.),  as Trustee  (filed as Exhibit 4(d) to Form
          10-K for the year ended  December  31,  1992,  File No.  1-3548),  as
          supplemented and modified by First Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as
          of March 1, 1993  (filed as  Exhibit  4(c)1 to Form 10-K for the year
          ended  December  31,  1996,  File No.  1-3548),  Second  Supplemental
          Indenture,  dated as of March 31,  1997  (filed as  Exhibit 4 to Form
          10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1997, File No. 1-3548) and Third
          Supplemental Indenture,  dated as of May 28, 1997 (filed as Exhibit 4
          to Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1997, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(d) - Amended and Restated  Trust  Agreement,  dated as of March 1, 1996,
          relating  to MP&L  Capital  I's  8.05%  Cumulative  Quarterly  Income
          Preferred Securities, between the Company, as Depositor, and The Bank
          of New York, The Bank of New York  (Delaware),  Philip R.  Halverson,
          David G. Gartzke and James K. Vizanko,  as Trustees (filed as Exhibit
          4(a) to Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended  March 31,  1996,  File No.

  *4(e) - Amendment  No. 1, dated  April 11,  1996,  to Amended and  Restated
          Trust Agreement,  dated as of March 1, 1996, relating to MP&L Capital
          I's 8.05% Cumulative  Quarterly Income Preferred Securities (filed as
          Exhibit 4(b) to Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1996,  File
          No. 1-3548).

  *4(f) - Indenture,  dated as of March 1, 1996,  relating to the  Company's
          8.05% Junior Subordinated Debentures, Series A, Due 2015, between the
          Company and The Bank of New York,  as Trustee  (filed as Exhibit 4(c)
          to Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(g) - Guarantee  Agreement,  dated as of March 1, 1996,  relating to MP&L
          Capital I's 8.05% Cumulative  Quarterly Income Preferred  Securities,
          between  the  Company,  as  Guarantor,  and The Bank of New York,  as
          Trustee  (filed as Exhibit  4(d) to Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended
          March 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(h) - Agreement  as to Expenses  and  Liabilities,  dated as of March 20,
          1996, relating to MP&L Capital I's 8.05% Cumulative  Quarterly Income
          Preferred  Securities,  between the Company and MP&L Capital I (filed
          as Exhibit  4(e) to Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended March 31,  1996,
          File No. 1-3548).

  *4(i) - Officer's Certificate, dated March 20, 1996, establishing the terms
          of the  8.05%  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures,  Series  A, Due 2015
          issued in  connection  with the  8.05%  Cumulative  Quarterly  Income
          Preferred Securities of MP&L Capital I (filed as Exhibit 4(i) to Form
          10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(j) - Rights Agreement dated as of July 24, 1996, between the Company and
          the  Corporate  Secretary of the  Company,  as Rights Agent (filed as
          Exhibit 4 to Form 8-K dated August 2, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(k) - Indenture,  dated  as of May  15,  1996,  relating  to  the  ADESA
          Corporation's  7.70% Senior Notes,  Series A, Due 2006, between ADESA
          Corporation  and The Bank of New York,  as Trustee  (filed as Exhibit
          4(k) to Form 10-K for the year  ended  December  31,  1996,  File No.

  *4(l) - Guarantee of the Company, dated as of May 30, 1996, relating to the
          ADESA  Corporation's 7.70% Senior Notes, Series A, Due 2006 (filed as
          Exhibit 4(l) to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996,  File
          No. 1-3548).

  *4(m) - ADESA Corporation  Officer's Certificate 1-D-1, dated May 30, 1996,
          relating to the ADESA Corporation's 7.70% Senior Notes, Series A, Due
          2006 (filed as Exhibit 4(m) to Form 10-K for the year ended  December
          31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(a) - Asset Holdings III, L.P. Note Purchase Agreement, dated as of 
          November 22, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10(i) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(b) - Lease and  Development  Agreement,  dated as of  November  28, 1994
          between Asset Holdings III, L.P., as Lessor and A.D.E.  of Knoxville,
          Inc.,  as Lessee  (filed as  Exhibit  10(j) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(c) - Lease and  Development  Agreement,  dated as of  November  28, 1994
          between  Asset  Holdings III,  L.P.,  as Lessor and  ADESA-Charlotte,
          Inc.,  as Lessee  (filed as  Exhibit  10(k) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(d) - Lease and  Development  Agreement,  dated as of  December  21, 1994
          between Asset Holdings III, L.P., as Lessor and Auto Dealers Exchange
          of Concord,  Inc., as Lessee (filed as Exhibit 10(l) to Form 10-K for
          the year ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(e) - Guaranty and Purchase Option Agreement  between Asset Holdings III,
          L.P. and ADESA  Corporation,  dated as of November 28, 1994 (filed as
          Exhibit 10(m) to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995, File
          No. 1-3548).

32  minnesota power, inc.


 *10(f) - Receivables Purchase Agreement dated as of December 31, 1996, among
          AFC Funding Corporation,  as Seller,  Automotive Finance Corporation,
          as Servicer,  Pooled  Accounts  Receivable  Capital  Corporation,  as
          Purchaser,  and Nesbitt  Burns  Securities  Inc.,  as Agent (filed as
          Exhibit 10(f) to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996, File
          No. 1-3548).

 *10(g) - First  Amendment to  Receivables  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of
          February  28,  1997,  among  AFC  Funding  Corporation,   as  Seller,
          Automotive  Finance   Corporation,   as  Servicer,   Pooled  Accounts
          Receivable  Capital  Corporation,  as  Purchaser,  and Nesbitt  Burns
          Securities  Inc.,  as Agent (filed as Exhibit  10(g) to Form 10-K for
          the year ended December 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(h) - Second  Amendment to Receivables  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of
          August 15, 1997, among AFC Funding Corporation, as Seller, Automotive
          Finance Corporation,  as Servicer, Pooled Accounts Receivable Capital
          Corporation,  as  Purchaser,  and Nesbitt Burns  Securities  Inc., as
          Agent  (filed  as  Exhibit  10 to Form  10-Q  for the  quarter  ended
          September 30, 1997, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(i) - Purchase and Sale Agreement dated as of December 31, 1996,  between
          AFC Funding  Corporation and Automotive Finance Corporation (filed as
          Exhibit 10(h) to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996, File
          No. 1-3548).

 *10(j) - Power  Purchase and Sale  Agreement  between the Company and Square
          Butte  Electric  Cooperative,  dated as of  May 29,  1998  (filed  as
          Exhibit 10 to Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998, File No.

+*10(k) - Minnesota Power Executive  Annual  Incentive  Plan,  effective  
          January 1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit 10(a) to Form 10-K for the
          year ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(l) - Minnesota  Power and Affiliated  Companies  Supplemental  Executive
          Retirement  Plan, as amended and restated,  effective  August 1, 1994
          (filed as Exhibit 10(b) to Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
          1995, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(m) - Executive  Investment  Plan-I,  as amended and restated,  effective
          November  1, 1988  (filed as Exhibit  10(c) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1988, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(n) - Executive  Investment Plan-II, as amended and restated,  effective
          November 1, 1988 (filed as Exhibit 10(d) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1988, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(o) - Deferred  Compensation Trust Agreement,  as amended and restated,  
          effective January 1, 1989 (filed as Exhibit 10(f) to Form 10-K for the
          year ended December 31, 1988, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(p) - Executive Long-Term Incentive Plan, as amended and restated, effective
          January 1, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10(e) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1994, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(q) - Minnesota Power Executive Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan, 
          effective January 1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit 10(a) to Form 10-Q for the
          quarter ended June 30, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(r) - Directors'  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan, as amended and restated,  
          effective  January 1, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10(f) to Form 10-K for 
          the year ended December 31, 1994, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(s) - Minnesota Power Director Stock Plan, effective January 1, 1995 (filed 
          as Exhibit 10 to Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended March 31, 1995, 
          File No. 1-3548).

+*10(t) - Minnesota Power Director Long-Term Stock Incentive Plan,  effective 
          January 1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit 10(b) to Form 10-Q for the quarter 
          ended June 30, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

     12 - Computation  of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and  Supplemental
          Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges.

    *21 - Subsidiaries  of the Registrant  (reference is made to the Company's 
          Form U-3A-2 for the year ended December 31, 1998,  File No. 69-78).

  23(a) - Consent of Independent Accountants.

  23(b) - Consent of General Counsel.

     27 - Financial Data Schedules.

- --------------------------------------------------
  * Incorporated herein by reference as indicated.
  + Management  contract or  compensatory  plan or arrangement  required to be 
    filed as an exhibit to this report pursuant to Item 14(c) of Form 10-K.

(b) Reports on Form 8-K.


                                                       minnesota power, inc.  33


Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                              MINNESOTA POWER, INC.

Dated: February 9, 1999                       By       Edwin L. Russell
                                                       Edwin L. Russell
                                                   Chairman, President and 
                                                    Chief Executive Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

                 Signature             Title                         Date

     Edwin L. Russell            Chairman, President,          February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------  Executive Officer and Director 
     Edwin L. Russell        

     David G. Gartzke        Senior Vice President - Finance   February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------   and Chief Financial Officer
     David G. Gartzke         

      Mark A. Schober               Controller                 February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
      Mark A. Schober

    Kathleen A. Brekken              Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
    Kathleen A. Brekken

     Merrill K. Cragun               Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
     Merrill K. Cragun

      Dennis E. Evans                Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
      Dennis E. Evans

     Peter J. Johnson                Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
     Peter J. Johnson

      George L. Mayer                Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
      George L. Mayer

      Jack I. Rajala                 Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
      Jack I. Rajala

      Arend J. Sandbulte             Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
      Arend J. Sandbulte

        Nick Smith                   Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
        Nick Smith

       Bruce W. Stender              Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
       Bruce W. Stender

      Donald C. Wegmiller            Director                  February 9, 1999
- ---------------------------
      Donald C. Wegmiller

34  minnesota power, inc.

                              Minnesota Power, Inc.

                        Consolidated Financial Statements

              For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996


                        Report of Independent Accountants


                              Report of Management


INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS                                                 [Logo]

To the Shareholders and
Board of Directors of Minnesota Power

In our opinion,  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheet and the related
consolidated  statements  of income,  of cash flows and of common  stock  equity
present fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial  position of Minnesota
Power and its  subsidiaries  at December  31, 1998 and 1997,  and the results of
their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended  December 31, 1998,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles.  These financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management;  our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements  based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards which require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion  expressed

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Minneapolis, Minnesota
January 14, 1999


The  consolidated  financial  statements and other  financial  information  were
prepared  by  management,   which  is  responsible   for  their   integrity  and
objectivity.  The financial  statements  have been  prepared in conformity  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles and necessarily  include some amounts
that are based on informed  judgments  and best  estimates  and  assumptions  of

To meet its responsibilities with respect to financial  information,  management
maintains  and  enforces a system of internal  accounting  controls  designed to
provide assurance,  on a cost effective basis, that transactions are carried out
in accordance with management's  authorizations  and that assets are safeguarded
against  loss from  unauthorized  use or  disposition.  The system  includes  an
organizational   structure   which  provides  an   appropriate   segregation  of
responsibilities,  careful selection and training of personnel, written policies
and  procedures,  and periodic  reviews by the  internal  audit  department.  In
addition,  the Company has a personnel  policy which  requires all  employees to
maintain a high standard of ethical conduct.  Management  believes the system is
effective and provides  reasonable  assurance that all transactions are properly
recorded and have been executed in accordance with  management's  authorization.
Management  modifies and improves its system of internal  accounting controls in
response to changes in business  conditions.  The Company's internal audit staff
is charged  with the  responsibility  for  determining  compliance  with Company

Three  directors of the Company,  not members of management,  serve as the Audit
Committee.  The  Board of  Directors,  through  its  Audit  Committee,  oversees
management's responsibilities for financial reporting. The Audit Committee meets
regularly with management, the internal auditors and the independent accountants
to discuss  auditing and  financial  matters and to assure that each is carrying
out its responsibilities.  The internal auditors and the independent accountants
have full and free access to the Audit Committee without management present.

PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, independent accountants,  are engaged to express an
opinion on the financial statements. Their audit is conducted in accordance with
generally accepted auditing standards and includes a review of internal controls
and tests of transactions to the extent necessary to allow them to report on the
fairness of the operating results and financial condition of the Company.

Edwin L. Russell                                      David G. Gartzke

Edwin L. Russell                                      David G. Gartzke
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer       Chief Financial Officer

36  minnesota power, inc.



December 31                                               1998            1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Plant and Investments
   Electric Operations                                 $  771.5        $  783.5
   Water Services                                         329.4           322.2
   Automotive Services                                    186.2           167.1
   Investments                                            263.5           252.9
                                                       --------        --------
      Total Plant and Investments                       1,550.6         1,525.7
                                                       --------        --------
Current Assets
   Cash and Cash Equivalents                               89.4            57.9
   Trading Securities                                     169.9           123.5
   Accounts Receivable - Net                              156.1           146.4
   Fuel, Material and Supplies                             24.0            25.0
   Prepayments and Other                                   48.1            32.5
                                                       --------        --------
      Total Current Assets                                487.5           385.3
                                                       --------        --------
Other Assets
   Goodwill                                               169.8           158.9
   Deferred Regulatory Charges                             56.1            64.4
   Other                                                   53.1            54.6
                                                       --------        --------
      Total Other Assets                                  279.0           277.9
                                                       --------        --------
Total Assets                                           $2,317.1        $2,188.9

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capitalization and Liabilities
   Common Stock Without Par Value, 130.0 
      Shares Authorized 36.2 and 33.6 
      Shares Outstanding                               $  529.0        $  416.0
   Unearned ESOP Shares                                   (62.5)          (65.9)
   Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income                   1.5             3.8
   Retained Earnings                                      317.6           296.1
                                                       --------        --------
      Total Common Stock Equity                           785.6           650.0
   Cumulative Preferred Stock                              11.5            11.5
   Redeemable Serial Preferred Stock                       20.0            20.0
   Company Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable 
      Preferred Securities of Subsidiary MP&L 
      Capital I Which Holds Solely Company Junior
      Subordinated Debentures                              75.0            75.0
   Long-Term Debt                                         672.2           685.4
                                                       --------        --------
      Total Capitalization                              1,564.3         1,441.9
                                                       --------        --------
Current Liabilities
   Accounts Payable                                       123.3            97.0
   Accrued Taxes, Interest and Dividends                   62.9            66.5
   Notes Payable and Long-Term Debt Due 
     Within One Year                                       90.0           133.8
   Other                                                   69.8            45.3
                                                       --------        --------
      Total Current Liabilities                           346.0           342.6
                                                       --------        --------
Other Liabilities
   Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes                      153.4           151.3
   Contributions in Aid of Construction                   108.2           102.6
   Deferred Regulatory Credits                             55.2            60.7
   Other                                                   90.0            89.8
                                                       --------        --------
      Total Other Liabilities                             406.8           404.4
                                                       --------        --------
Commitments and Contingencies
                                                       --------        --------
Total Capitalization and Liabilities                   $2,317.1        $2,188.9

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  37


For the Year Ended December 31                 1998         1997          1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Millions except per share amounts

Operating Revenue
   Electric Operations                      $  559.9       $541.9        $529.2
   Water Services                               95.6         95.5          85.2
   Automotive Services                         328.4        255.5         183.9
   Investments                                  55.8         60.7          48.6
                                            --------       ------        ------
      Total Operating Revenue                1,039.7        953.6         846.9
                                            --------       ------        ------

Operating Expenses
   Fuel and Purchased Power                    205.7        194.1         190.9
   Operations                                  635.4        579.9         512.2
   Interest Expense                             64.9         64.2          62.1
                                            --------       ------        ------
      Total Operating Expenses                 906.0        838.2         765.2
                                            --------       ------        ------

Income from Equity Investments                  14.8         14.8          11.8
                                            --------       ------        ------

Operating Income                               148.5        130.2          93.5

Distributions on Redeemable Preferred
 Securities of Subsidiary                        6.0          6.0           4.7

Income Tax Expense                              54.0         46.6          19.6
                                            --------       ------        ------

Net Income                                      88.5         77.6          69.2

Dividends on Preferred Stock                     2.0          2.0           2.4
                                            --------       ------        ------

Earnings Available for Common Stock         $   86.5       $ 75.6        $ 66.8
                                            --------       ------        ------

Average Shares of Common Stock
   Basic                                        32.0         30.6          29.3
   Diluted                                      32.1         30.6          29.3

Earnings Per Share of Common Stock
   Basic                                       $2.70        $2.47         $2.28
   Diluted                                     $2.69        $2.47         $2.28

Dividends Per Share of Common Stock            $2.04        $2.04         $2.04
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

38  minnesota power, inc.


For the Year Ended December 31                   1998        1997         1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Activities
   Net Income                                   $ 88.5      $ 77.6       $ 69.2
   Income From Equity Investments - Net of 
     Dividends Received                          (13.7)      (13.9)       (11.0)
   Depreciation and Amortization                  75.0        70.8         65.1
   Deferred Income Taxes                           1.1         2.0        (11.8)
   Pre-Tax Gain on Sale of Plant                  (0.6)      (14.0)        (1.6)
   Changes In Operating Assets and
     Liabilities - Net of the Effects
      of Subsidiary Acquisitions
         Trading Securities                      (46.4)      (36.7)       (46.8)
         Accounts Receivable                      (9.7)       20.0        (17.5)
         Fuel, Material and Supplies               1.0        (1.8)         3.2
         Accounts Payable                         26.4        20.9         (0.1)
         Other Current Assets and Liabilities      5.1        (5.0)        15.2
   Other - Net                                    19.6        12.5         15.7
                                                ------      ------       ------
         Cash From Operating Activities          146.3       132.4         79.6
                                                ------      ------       ------

Investing Activities
   Proceeds From Sale of Investments 
     in Securities                                35.2        47.7         43.1
   Proceeds From Sale of Plant                     1.4        19.4          8.8
   Additions to Investments                      (33.1)      (42.5)       (76.7)
   Additions to Plant                            (80.8)      (72.2)      (101.5)
   Acquisition of Subsidiaries - Net of 
     Cash Acquired                               (23.8)       (2.4)       (66.9)
   Other - Net                                     2.3        17.5          6.5
                                                ------      ------       ------
         Cash For Investing Activities           (98.8)      (32.5)      (186.7)
                                                ------      ------       ------

Financing Activities
   Issuance of Long-Term Debt                      2.0       176.7        205.5
   Issuance of Company Obligated Mandatorily 
      Redeemable Preferred Securities of  
      Subsidiary MP&L Capital I - Net                -           -         72.3
   Issuance of Common Stock                      111.0        19.7         19.0
   Changes in Notes Payable - Net                (48.1)      (27.2)        56.3
   Reductions of Long-Term Debt                  (10.0)     (187.8)      (155.3)
   Redemption of Preferred Stock                     -           -        (17.6)
   Dividends on Preferred and Common Stock       (67.0)      (64.5)       (62.0)
                                                ------      ------       ------
         Cash From (For) Financing Activities    (12.1)      (83.1)       118.2
                                                ------      ------       ------

Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash           (3.9)       (1.7)         0.1
                                                ------      ------       ------

Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents               31.5        15.1         11.2

Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning 
  of Period                                       57.9        42.8         31.6
                                                ------      ------       ------

Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period      $ 89.4      $ 57.9       $ 42.8
                                                ------      ------       ------

Supplemental Cash Flow Information
   Cash Paid During the Period For
      Interest - Net of Capitalized              $63.0       $66.2        $54.4
      Income Taxes                               $54.4       $31.3        $25.5

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  39


                                                          Total                       Other                     Unearned
                                                         Common       Retained    Comprehensive     Common        ESOP
                                                      Stock Equity    Earnings       Income          Stock       Shares
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1995                              $584.1        $276.2         $3.1         $377.7       $(72.9)

Comprehensive Income
   Net Income                                               69.2          69.2
   Other Comprehensive Income - Net of Tax
      Unrealized Losses on Securities - Net                 (0.5)                      (0.5)
      Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments               0.1                        0.1
         Total Comprehensive Income                         68.8

Common Stock Issued - Net                                   16.5                                      16.5

Dividends Declared                                         (62.0)        (62.0)

Redemption of Preferred Stock                               (0.4)         (0.4)

ESOP Shares Earned                                           3.8                                                    3.8
                                                          ------        ------         ----         ------       ------

Balance at December 31, 1996                               610.8         283.0          2.7          394.2        (69.1)

Comprehensive Income
   Net Income                                               77.6          77.6
   Other Comprehensive Income - Net of Tax
      Unrealized Gains on Securities - Net                   2.8                        2.8
      Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments              (1.7)                      (1.7)
         Total Comprehensive Income                         78.7

Common Stock Issued - Net                                   21.8                                      21.8

Dividends Declared                                         (64.5)        (64.5)

ESOP Shares Earned                                           3.2                                                    3.2
                                                          ------        ------         ----         ------       ------

Balance at December 31, 1997                               650.0         296.1          3.8          416.0        (65.9)

Comprehensive Income
   Net Income                                               88.5          88.5
   Other Comprehensive Income - Net of Tax
      Unrealized Gains on Securities - Net                   1.6                        1.6
      Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments              (3.9)                      (3.9)
         Total Comprehensive Income                         86.2

Common Stock Issued - Net                                  113.0                                     113.0

Dividends Declared                                         (67.0)        (67.0)

ESOP Shares Earned                                           3.4                                                    3.4
                                                          ------        ------         ----         ------       ------

Balance at December 31, 1998                              $785.6        $317.6         $1.5         $529.0       $(62.5)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

40 minnesota power, inc.



                                                       Electric      Water   Automotive    Portfolio &   Real     Corporate
For the Year Ended December 31        Consolidated    Operations   Services  Services<F1>  Reinsurance   Estate    Charges
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenue                       $1,039.7        $559.9       $95.6     $328.4<F2>    $22.7       $33.4      $ (0.3)
Operation and Other Expense                766.1         411.3        61.0      256.1          3.3        19.2<F4>    15.2
Depreciation and Amortization               75.0          47.1        11.8       15.7            -         0.1         0.3
Interest Expense                            64.9          22.1        10.3        9.7            -           -        22.8
Income from Equity Investments              14.8          (0.1)          -          -         14.9           -           -
                                        --------        ------       -----     ------        -----       -----      ------
Operating Income (Loss)                    148.5          79.3        12.5       46.9         34.3        14.1       (38.6)
Distributions on Redeemable
  Preferred Securities of Subsidiary         6.0           1.7           -          -            -           -         4.3
Income Tax Expense (Benefit)                54.0          30.2         5.0       21.4         12.7         6.1       (21.4)
                                        --------        ------       -----     ------        -----       -----      ------
Net Income (Loss)                       $   88.5        $ 47.4       $ 7.5     $ 25.5        $21.6       $ 8.0      $(21.5)
                                        --------        ------       -----     ------        -----       -----      ------

Total Assets                            $2,317.1        $999.9      $376.0     $529.3<F3>   $334.9       $76.7        $0.3
Accumulated Depreciation
  and Amortization                        $775.6        $596.1      $135.2      $42.7            -        $1.6           -
Construction Work in Progress              $17.2          $5.7       $10.7       $0.8            -           -           -
Capital Expenditures                       $80.8         $36.1       $21.8      $22.0            -        $0.1        $0.8
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenue                         $953.6        $541.9       $95.5     $255.5<F2>    $22.1       $38.8      $ (0.2)
Operation and Other Expense                703.2         403.7        60.6      203.2          2.1        21.9<F4>    11.7
Depreciation and Amortization               70.8          45.2        11.2       14.0            -         0.1         0.3
Interest Expense                            64.2          21.3        11.0        9.9            -         0.8        21.2
Income from Equity Investments              14.8             -           -          -         14.8           -           -
                                          ------        ------       -----     ------        -----       -----      ------
Operating Income (Loss)                    130.2          71.7        12.7       28.4         34.8        16.0       (33.4)
Distributions on Redeemable
  Preferred Securities of Subsidiary         6.0           1.6           -          -            -           -         4.4
Income Tax Expense (Benefit)                46.6          27.0         4.5       14.4         12.1         6.6       (18.0)
                                          ------        ------       -----     ------        -----       -----      ------
Net Income (Loss)                         $ 77.6        $ 43.1       $ 8.2     $ 14.0        $22.7       $ 9.4      $(19.8)
                                          ------        ------       -----     ------        -----       -----      ------

Total Assets                            $2,188.9        $973.9      $384.7     $474.7<F3>   $288.2       $66.7        $0.7
Accumulated Depreciation
  and Amortization                        $713.2        $562.1      $122.9      $26.9            -        $1.3           -
Construction Work in Progress              $26.2         $11.2        $9.6       $5.4            -           -           -
Capital Expenditures                       $72.2         $34.6       $22.2      $11.2            -        $0.2        $4.0
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenue                         $846.9        $529.2       $85.2     $183.9<F2>    $20.7       $29.2      $ (1.3)
Operation and Other Expense                638.0         400.9        53.6      152.8          2.7        17.1<F4>    10.9
Depreciation and Amortization               65.1          42.2        11.0       11.7            -         0.2           -
Interest Expense                            62.1          22.5        12.5       11.7            -         1.2        14.2
Income from Equity Investments              11.8             -           -          -         11.8           -           -
                                          ------        ------       -----     ------        -----       -----      ------
Operating Income (Loss)                     93.5          63.6         8.1        7.7         29.8        10.7       (26.4)
Distributions on Redeemable
  Preferred Securities of Subsidiary         4.7           1.3           -          -            -           -         3.4
Income Tax Expense (Benefit)                19.6          22.9         2.7        4.0          6.4        (4.0)<F5>  (12.4)
                                          ------        ------       -----      -----        -----       -----      ------
Net Income (Loss)                         $ 69.2        $ 39.4       $ 5.4      $ 3.7        $23.4       $14.7      $(17.4)
                                          ------        ------       -----      -----        -----       -----      ------

Total Assets                            $2,148.7        $995.8      $371.2     $459.5<F3>   $255.7       $64.7        $1.8
Accumulated Depreciation
  and Amortization                        $662.4        $533.5      $113.8      $14.1            -        $1.0           -
Construction Work in Progress              $22.7          $4.0        $7.1      $11.6            -           -           -
Capital Expenditures                      $101.5         $37.5       $22.2      $41.7            -        $0.1           -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<F1> Purchased 80% of ADESA,  including AFC and Great Rigs, on July 1, 1995,  
     another 3% in January 1996 and the remaining 17% in August 1996.
<F2> Included $30.6 million of Canadian operating revenue in 1998 ($22.4 million
     in 1997;  $18.4 million in 1996).  
<F3> Included $24.9 million of Canadian assets in 1998  ($19.8  million in 1997; 
     $21.2  million in 1996).  
<F4> Included  $2.0 million of minority  interest in 1998 ($2.3 million in 1997;
     $3.7  million in 1996). 
<F5> Included $8.2 million of tax benefits in 1996. (See Note 14.)

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  41


FINANCIAL  STATEMENT   PREPARATION.   Minnesota  Power  prepares  its  financial
statements in conformity with generally accepted  accounting  principles.  These
principles  require  management to make informed  judgments,  best estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and
expenses. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION.  The consolidated  financial statements include the
accounts of the Company and all of its majority owned subsidiary companies.  All
material   intercompany  balances  and  transactions  have  been  eliminated  in
consolidation.  Information  for prior periods has been  reclassified to present
comparable information for all periods.

diversified  service  company that has  operations  in four  principal  business
segments.  The  Electric  Operations,  Water  Services and  Automotive  Services
segments  were  determined  based  on  products  and  services   provided.   The
Investments segment was determined based on short-term corporate liquidity needs
and the need to provide financial flexibility to pursue strategic initiatives in
the other business segments.  The Company measures performance of its operations
through careful budgeting and monitoring of contributions by business segment to
consolidated net income.  Corporate  Charges consist of expenses incurred by the
Company's  corporate  headquarters  and interest and preferred stock expense not
specifically  identifiable to a business segment.  Management's policy is to not
allocate these expenses to business segments.

ELECTRIC  OPERATIONS.  Electric Operations  generate,  transmit,  distribute and
market  electricity.  Electric  service  is  provided  to 138,000  customers  in
northeastern Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin.  Large Power Customers, which
include five  taconite  producers,  four paper and pulp mills,  and two pipeline
companies,  purchase  about half of the  electricity  the  Company  sells  under
all-requirements contracts with expiration dates extending from May 2001 through
December 2008.  (See Item 1 - Electric  Operations - Large Power  Customers in
this Form 10-K.) BNI Coal, a wholly owned  subsidiary,  mines and sells  lignite
coal to two North Dakota  mine-mouth  generating  units,  one of which is Square
Butte.  Square  Butte  supplies  approximately  71%  (322 MW)  of its  output to
Minnesota Power under a long-term contract. (See Note 11.)

Electric  rates  are  under  the  jurisdiction  of  various  state  and  federal
regulatory  authorities.  Billings  are  rendered on a cycle  basis.  Revenue is
accrued for service provided but not billed.  Electric rates include  adjustment
clauses which bill or credit customers for fuel and purchased energy costs above
or below the base levels in rate  schedules  and bill retail  customers  for the
recovery of CIP expenditures not collected in base rates.

WATER SERVICES.  Water Services include several wholly owned subsidiaries of the
Company.  Florida  Water is the  largest  investor  owned  supplier of water and
wastewater  utility  services in Florida.  Heater  provides water and wastewater
services  primarily  in North  Carolina.  In total,  164,000  water  and  70,000
wastewater  treatment customers are served. Water and wastewater rates are under
the jurisdiction of various state and county  regulatory  authorities.  Billings
are rendered on a cycle basis.  Revenue is accrued for services provided but not
billed.  Instrumentation  Services,  Inc., U.S. Maintenance and Management,  and
Vibration   Correction   Services,   Inc.  provide   predictive  and  preventive
maintenance services to water utility companies and other industrial  operations
in the United States. Americas' Water offers contract management, operations and
maintenance services to governments and industries.

AUTOMOTIVE  SERVICES.  Automotive  Services  include  wholly owned  subsidiaries
operating as integral parts of the vehicle auction business: ADESA, a network of
vehicle auctions; AFC, a finance company; Great Rigs, an auto transport company;
and PAR,  a  vehicle  remarketing  company.  ADESA is one of the  three  largest
vehicle  auction  networks  in the United  States.  ADESA owns and  operates  28
vehicle  auctions in the United  States and Canada  through  which used cars and
other  vehicles are  purchased  and sold by  franchised  automobile  dealers and
licensed  used car dealers.  Sellers at ADESA's  auctions  include  domestic and
foreign auto manufacturers, car dealers, automotive fleet/lease companies, banks
and finance companies.  PAR provides customized remarketing services,  including
transporting  and liquidating  off-lease  vehicles,  to various  businesses with
fleet  operations.  AFC provides  inventory  financing  for wholesale and retail
automobile dealers who purchase vehicles at ADESA auctions, independent auctions
and other auction chains.  AFC has 84 loan production offices located across the
United States and Canada.  These offices  provide  qualified  dealers  credit to
purchase vehicles at any of the 400 plus auctions approved by AFC. Great Rigs is
one of the  nation's  largest  used  automobile  transport  companies  with  145
automotive carriers. It offers customers pick up and delivery service through 13
strategically located  transportation hubs in the United States. ADESA and Great
Rigs recognize revenue when services are performed.  AFC revenue is comprised of
gains on sales of  receivables,  and interest,  fee and servicer  income.  As is
customary  for finance  companies,  AFC's  revenue is  reported  net of interest
expense of $1.8 million in 1998 ($1.5 million in 1997; $2.2 million in 1996).

INVESTMENTS.  The Company's  securities  portfolio is intended to provide stable
earnings and liquidity. Proceeds from the securities portfolio are available for
reinvestment in existing businesses, to fund strategic initiatives and for other
corporate  purposes.  The Company has a 21% ownership in Capital Re, a financial
guaranty  reinsurance and specialty  insurance company,  accounted for using the
equity method. Investments also include intermediate-term investments in venture
capital  funds  that  invest  in  developing  utility  technologies,  and an 80%
ownership in Lehigh, a Florida company which through its subsidiaries  owns real
estate in Florida. Real estate revenue is recognized on the accrual basis.

42  minnesota power, inc.

PLANT  DEPRECIATION.  Plant is recorded at original cost, and is reported on the
balance sheet net of accumulated  depreciation.  Expenditures  for additions and
significant  replacements  and  improvements  are  capitalized;  maintenance and
repair  costs are  expensed  as  incurred.  When  utility  plant is  retired  or
otherwise  disposed  of,  the cost less net  proceeds  is  normally  charged  to
accumulated depreciation and no gain or loss is recognized. Contributions in aid
of  construction  relate to water utility  assets,  and are  amortized  over the
estimated life of the associated asset. This amortization  reduces  depreciation

Depreciation is computed using the estimated useful lives of the various classes
of  plant.  In 1998  average  depreciation  rates  for the  electric,  water and
automotive segments were 3.5%, 2.6% and 4.1%, respectively (3.4%, 2.7% and 4.1%,
respectively, in 1997; 3.2%, 2.6% and 3.5%, respectively, in 1996).

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. Accounts receivable is reported on the balance sheet net of
reserves and includes finance  receivables from the floorplan financing business
and real estate operations. The reserves for uncollectible accounts are based on
management's  evaluation of the receivable  portfolio under current  conditions,
the  size of the  portfolio,  overall  portfolio  quality,  review  of  specific
problems  and  such  other  factors  which  in  management's   judgment  deserve
recognition in estimating losses.

AFC sells eligible  finance  receivables on a revolving  basis through a private
securitization  structure  which  expires  at  the  end  of  2001.  Third  party
purchasers  have agreed to purchase up to $225  million of finance  receivables,
subject to certain eligibility  criteria. At December 31, 1998 $202.9 million of
finance  receivables  had been  sold  under the  structure  ($145.0  million  at
December 31, 1997), and AFC's securitization residual interest was $20.1 million
($12.3  million at December  31,  1997).  The  residual  interest is recorded in
prepayments and other assets at estimated fair value,  with unrealized gains and
losses recognized in earnings. Fair value is based upon estimates of future cash
flows,  using  assumptions  that  market  participants  would use to value  such
instruments,  including  estimates of anticipated credit losses over the life of
the receivables  sold. A discount rate was not used due to the short-term nature
of the receivables sold.

Accounts Receivable
December 31                                         1998             1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Trade Accounts Receivable                        $116.0           $106.2
    Less Reserve for Doubtful Accounts                6.0              5.1
                                                   ------           ------
                                                    110.0            101.1
                                                   ------           ------

  Finance Receivables                               252.6            193.1
    Less Amount Sold                                202.9            145.0
         Reserve for Doubtful Accounts                3.6              2.8
                                                   ------           ------
                                                     46.1             45.3
                                                   ------           ------

  Total Accounts Receivable                        $156.1           $146.4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FUEL,  MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES.  Fuel, material and supplies are stated at the 
lower of cost or market. Cost is determined by the average cost method.

GOODWILL.  Goodwill  primarily  relates to the Automotive  Services  segment and
represents  the  excess  of  cost  over  net  assets  of  businesses   acquired.
Amortization is computed on a straight-line basis over a 40 year period.

DEFERRED  REGULATORY  CHARGES AND CREDITS.  The Company's utility operations are
subject to the  provisions  of SFAS 71,  "Accounting  for the Effects of Certain
Types of Regulation."  The Company  capitalizes as deferred  regulatory  charges
incurred costs which are probable of recovery in future utility rates.  Deferred
regulatory  credits  represent  amounts  expected to be credited to customers in
rates. (See Note 3.)

on debt are deferred and amortized over the lives of the related issues.

CASH AND CASH  EQUIVALENTS.  The Company  considers  all  investments  purchased
with  maturities  of three  months or less to be cash equivalents.

FOREIGN  CURRENCY  TRANSLATION.  Results of operations for Automotive  Services'
Canadian  subsidiaries  are  translated  into United  States  dollars  using the
average exchange rates during the period.  Assets and liabilities are translated
into United  States  dollars  using the exchange rate on the balance sheet date,
except for  intangibles  and fixed  assets,  which are  translated at historical

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  43


The  Company  files  for  periodic  rate  revisions  with the  Minnesota  Public
Utilities  Commission (MPUC),  the Federal Energy Regulatory  Commission (FERC),
the  Florida  Public  Service  Commission  (FPSC)  and other  state  and  county
regulatory authorities. The MPUC had regulatory authority over approximately 67%
in 1998 (68% in 1997;  69% in 1996) of the Company's  total  electric  operating
revenue.  Interim rates in Minnesota and Florida are placed into effect, subject
to refund with interest, pending a final decision by the appropriate commission.

ELECTRIC RATES. Retail deregulation of the electric industry is being considered
at both the federal and state level. With electric rates among the lowest in the
United  States and with  long-term  wholesale  and large power  customer  retail
contracts  in place,  Minnesota  Power  believes  Electric  Operations  are well
positioned to address competitive  pressures.  While Congress is not expected to
pass  legislation in 1999, the Company cannot predict the timing or substance of
any future legislation which might ultimately be enacted.  However,  the Company
will take the necessary steps to maintain its competitive position as a low-cost
and long-term supplier to large industrial customers.

WATER AND WASTEWATER  RATES.  1995 RATE CASE.  Florida Water  requested an $18.1
million annual rate increase in June 1995 for all water and wastewater customers
of Florida  Water  regulated  by the FPSC.  In October  1996 the FPSC issued its
final order  approving  an $11.1  million  annual  increase.  The new rates were
implemented  in September  1996.  In November  1996 Florida Water filed with the
Florida  First  District  Court of Appeals  (Court of  Appeals) an appeal of the
FPSC's final order seeking  judicial  review of issues relating to the amount of
investment in utility  facilities  recoverable in rates from current  customers.
Other parties to the rate case also filed appeals.  In the course of the appeals
process,  the FPSC  reconsidered  an issue in its initial  decision and, in June
1997, allowed Florida Water to resume collecting approximately $1 million, on an
annual basis,  in new customer fees. On June 10, 1998 the Court of Appeals ruled
in Florida  Water's favor on all material  issues  appealed by Florida Water and
remanded  the matter  back to the FPSC for action  consistent  with the  Court's
order. The Court of Appeals also overturned its decision in Florida Water's 1991
Rate Case which had required a "functional  relationship"  between service areas
as a precondition to  implementation  of uniform rates. On December 15, 1998 the
FPSC  granted   Florida  Water  an  additional   annual   revenue   increase  of
approximately  $1.2  million  related to several of the issues  reversed  by the
Court of Appeals,  and  permitted  collection of  approximately  $2.4 million in
surcharges to reimburse  Florida Water for revenue  (plus  interest)  wrongfully
denied in the FPSC's October 1996 order.  Florida Water began collecting the new
rates in January 1999 and expects to begin collecting the surcharges  during the
first quarter of 1999.  The FPSC reopened the record on two remaining  issues on
remand from the Court of Appeals  regarding  the amount of investment in utility
facilities  recoverable  in rates from  current  customers.  A  decision  in the
Company's  favor would result in additional  revenue and  surcharges.  A hearing
with respect to the two remaining issues has not been scheduled by the FPSC. The
Company is unable to predict the timing or outcome of these proceedings.

1991 RATE CASE REFUNDS.  In 1995 the Court of Appeals reversed a 1993 FPSC order
establishing  uniform  rates for most of Florida  Water's  service  areas.  With
"uniform  rates" all  customers in each uniform rate area pay the same rates for
water and wastewater  services.  In response to the Court of Appeals'  order, in
August 1996 the FPSC ordered  Florida Water to issue refunds to those  customers
who paid more since  October 1993 under  uniform rates than they would have paid
under  stand-alone  rates.  This order did not permit a balancing  surcharge  to
customers who paid less under uniform  rates.  Florida Water  appealed,  and the
Court of  Appeals  ruled in June  1997 that the FPSC  could  not  order  refunds
without balancing  surcharges.  In response to the Court of Appeals' ruling, the
FPSC issued an order on January 26, 1998 that did not require  refunds.  Florida
Water's  potential refund liability at that time was about $12.5 million,  which
included interest, to customers who paid more under uniform rates.

In the same January 26, 1998 order,  the FPSC  required  Florida Water to refund
$2.5 million,  the amount paid by customers in the Spring Hill service area from
January  1996 through June 1997 under  uniform  rates which  exceeded the amount
these customers would have paid under a modified stand-alone rate structure.  No
balancing  surcharge was permitted.  The FPSC ordered this refund because Spring
Hill customers continued to pay uniform rates after other customers began paying
modified stand-alone rates effective January 1996 pursuant to the FPSC's interim
rate order in Florida Water's 1995 Rate Case (see 1995 Rate Case).  The FPSC did
not include Spring Hill in this interim rate order because  Hernando  County had
assumed  jurisdiction  over Spring  Hill's  rates.  In June 1997  Florida  Water
reached an agreement with Hernando County to revert prospectively to stand-alone
rates for Spring Hill customers.

Customer  groups which paid more under  uniform  rates have  appealed the FPSC's
January 26, 1998 order,  arguing that they are entitled to a refund  because the
FPSC had no authority to order uniform rates.  The Company has appealed the $2.5
million refund order.  Initial briefs were filed by all parties on May 22, 1998.
Upon  issuance of the June 10, 1998 opinion of the Court of Appeals with respect
to  Florida  Water's  1995 Rate  Case  (see  1995 Rate  Case) in which the court
reversed  its  previous  ruling  that the FPSC was  without  authority  to order
uniform rates,  customer groups supporting the FPSC's January 1998 order filed a
motion  with the Court of Appeals  seeking  dismissal  of the appeal by customer
groups  seeking  refunds.  Customers  seeking  refunds filed  amended  briefs on
September 14, 1998. No provision  for refund has been  recorded.  The Company is
unable to predict the timing or outcome of the appeals process.

DEFERRED  REGULATORY  CHARGES AND CREDITS.  Based on current rate treatment, 
the Company believes all deferred  regulatory charges are probable of recovery.

44  minnesota power, inc.

Deferred Regulatory Charges and Credits
December 31                                            1998              1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Deferred Charges
     Income Taxes                                      $17.9             $21.5
     Conservation Improvement Programs                  18.8              17.7
     Early Retirement Plan                                 -               2.8
     Postretirement Benefits                             2.8               5.4
     Premium on Reacquired Debt                          6.2               6.9
     Other                                              10.4              10.1
                                                       -----             -----
                                                        56.1              64.4
   Deferred Credits
     Income Taxes                                       55.2              60.7
                                                       -----             -----

   Net Deferred Regulatory Charges                     $ 0.9             $ 3.7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


ACQUISITION  OF  LAGRANGE.  In 1997 the NCUC  approved  the transfer of LaGrange
Waterworks  Corporation,  a water utility near Fayetteville,  North Carolina, to
Heater. The Company exchanged 96,000 shares of common stock, with a market value
of approximately  $3.4 million,  for all the outstanding  shares of LaGrange and
accounted for the transaction as a pooling of interests.  The acquisition  added
5,300 water  customers.  Financial  results  prior to the  acquisition  were not

ACQUISITION  OF PALM COAST.  In April 1996 Palm Coast  Holdings,  Inc., a wholly
owned subsidiary of Lehigh Acquisition Corporation,  acquired real estate assets
(Palm Coast) from ITT Community  Development  Corp. and other  affiliates of ITT
Industries,  Inc.  (ITT)  for  $34  million.  These  assets  included  developed
residential lots, a real estate contract receivables portfolio and approximately
13,000 acres of  commercial  and other land.  Palm Coast is a planned  community
located  between  St. Augustine  and Daytona  Beach,  Florida.  In January  1999
Florida Water purchased Palm Coast Utility Corporation (PCUC) from ITT for $16.5
million plus $1,000 per water  connection for eight years.  The transaction will
be  accounted  for by the  purchase  method in 1999.  PCUC  provides  service to
approximately  15,000 water and 14,000  wastewater  customers in Flagler County,

ACQUISITION  OF  ISI.  In  April  1996  MP  Water  Resources  acquired  all  the
outstanding  common  stock  of  Instrumentation  Services,  Inc.,  a  predictive
maintenance  service business,  in exchange for 96,526 shares of Minnesota Power
common  stock.  The  acquisition  was  accounted  for as a pooling of interests.
Financial results prior to the acquisition were not material.

ACQUISITION  OF  ADESA.  The  Company  acquired  80% of ADESA  on July 1,  1995,
increased  its  ownership  interest  to 83% in  January  1996 and  acquired  the
remaining  17%  interest  in  August  1996.  The total  purchase  price was $227
million.  The step  acquisitions  were  accounted  for by the  purchase  method.
Accordingly,  ADESA  earnings have been  included in the Company's  consolidated
financial  statements  based on the  ownership  interest  as of the date of each
acquisition.  Acquired  goodwill and other intangible assets are being amortized
using the straight line method.

ACQUISITION OF AUCTION FACILITIES.  ADESA acquired the assets of Greater Lansing
Auto Auction in Lansing,  Michigan and I-55 Auto Auction in St. Louis,  Missouri
in April 1998, and Ark-La-Tex Auto Auction in Shreveport,  Louisiana in May 1998
for a combined purchase price of $23.8 million.  The acquisitions were accounted
for  using  the  purchase   method  and  resulted  in  additional   goodwill  of
$16.3 million.  Financial results for these three auctions have been included in
the Company's  consolidated financial statements since the dates of acquisition.
Financial results prior to the acquisition were not material.

In September 1996 Minnesota Power  exchanged  473,006 shares of its common stock
for all the outstanding common stock of Alamo Auto Auction,  Inc. and Alamo Auto
Auction  Houston,  Inc.  These  acquisitions  were  accounted  for as pooling of
interests. Financial results prior to the acquisitions were not material.

SALE OF WATER  PLANT  ASSETS.  In  December  1997  Florida  Water sold water and
wastewater assets to Orange County in Florida for $13.1 million.  The facilities
served  about  4,000  customers.  The  transaction  resulted  in a $4.7  million
after-tax gain which was included in the Company's 1997 earnings.

In March 1996 Heater of Seabrook,  Inc., a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Heater,
sold all of its  water and  wastewater  utility  assets to the Town of  Seabrook
Island,   South  Carolina  for  $5.9  million.   This  sale  was  negotiated  in
anticipation of an eminent domain action by the Town of Seabrook  Island,  South
Carolina.  In December 1996 Heater sold its Columbia,  South Carolina area water
systems to South  Carolina  Water and Sewer,  L.L.C.  The  Seabrook and Columbia
systems served a total of 6,500  customers.  The  transactions  resulted in a $1
million after-tax gain which was included in the Company's 1996 earnings.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  45


The Company owns 80% of the 535 megawatt  Boswell  Energy Center Unit 4 (Boswell
Unit 4). While the Company operates the plant, certain decisions with respect to
the  operations of Boswell Unit 4 are subject to the oversight of a committee on
which the Company and Wisconsin  Public  Power,  Inc.  (WPPI),  the owner of the
other 20% of Boswell Unit 4, have equal  representation and voting rights.  Each
owner must provide its own financing and is obligated to pay its ownership share
of operating costs. The Company's share of direct operating  expenses of Boswell
Unit 4 is included in operating expense on the consolidated statement of income.
The  Company's  80% share of the  original  cost  included in electric  plant at
December 31, 1998 was  $304 million  ($305  million at December 31,  1997).  The
corresponding  provision  for  accumulated  depreciation  was $143 million ($136
million at December 31, 1997).


SECURITIES  INVESTMENTS.  Securities investments are managed by selected outside
managers  as  well  as  internal  managers.  Investments  held  principally  for
near-term  sale are  classified  as trading  securities  and included in current
assets at fair  value.  Changes  in the fair  value of  trading  securities  are
recognized in earnings. Trading securities consist primarily of the common stock
of publicly traded companies,  with utilities being the largest industry sector.
Investments   held  for  an  indefinite   period  of  time  are   classified  as
available-for-sale  securities and included in plant and  investments,  or other
current assets at fair value.  Unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale
securities are included in accumulated other  comprehensive  income, net of tax.
Unrealized losses on available-for-sale securities that are other than temporary
are  recognized  in  earnings.  Realized  gains and losses are  computed on each
specific investment sold. Available-for-sale securities consist primarily of the
preferred stock of utilities and financial  institutions  with investment  grade
debt ratings.

Available-For-Sale Securities
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              At December 31                     Year Ended December 31
       -----------------------------   -----------------------------------------
                                                                  Net Unrealized
                                                                    Gain (Loss)
             Gross Unrealized                    Gross Realized       in Other
             ----------------  Fair     Sales    --------------   Comprehensive
        Cost  Gain    (Loss)   Value   Proceeds  Gain    (Loss)       Income
       -----  ----    ------   -----   --------  ----    ------   --------------
 1998  $70.9  $7.7    $(5.1)   $73.5    $35.7    $1.7    $(2.3)       $1.3
 1997  $60.5  $4.3    $(3.5)   $61.3    $47.7    $0.7    $(1.4)       $0.2
 1996  $68.0  $1.9    $(2.1)   $67.8    $43.1    $0.9    $(1.4)       $1.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capital   Re   had   unrealized    gains   from    securities    classified   as
available-for-sale,  and the Company's  share,  net of tax, was  $5.5 million at
December 31, 1998 ($5.0 million at December 31, 1997). The unrealized gains from
Capital Re are recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income.

The net  unrealized  loss included in earnings for trading  securities in 1998 
was $0.7 million ($2 million gain in 1997;  $0.9 million gain in 1996).

designed to reduce market risks, the Company sells common stock securities short
and enters into short sales of treasury futures contracts.  Selling common stock
securities  short is  intended to reduce  market  price  risks  associated  with
securities  in  the  Company's  trading  securities   portfolio.   Realized  and
unrealized  gains and losses from short  sales of common  stock  securities  are
included in investment  income.  Treasury  futures are used as a hedge to reduce
interest rate risks  associated  with holding fixed  dividend  preferred  stocks
included in the Company's available-for-sale portfolio. Changes in market values
of treasury  futures are  recognized as an adjustment to the carrying  amount of
the underlying  hedged item.  Gains and losses on treasury  futures are deferred
and recognized in investment  income  concurrently with gains and losses arising
from the underlying hedged item.  Generally,  treasury futures contracts entered
into have a maturity date of 90 days.

In December 1998 Florida  Water entered into a new interest rate swap  agreement
with a notional  amount of $35.1 million to hedge its fixed rate long-term debt.
Under the new ten-year  agreement,  Florida Water makes quarterly  payments at a
variable rate based upon The Bond Market Association Municipal Swap Index weekly
floating  average  plus 58 basis points (3.4% at December 31, 1998) and receives
payments  based on a fixed rate of 4.79%.  This  agreement  is subject to market
risk due to interest rate fluctuation.

46  minnesota power, inc.

The notional amounts summarized below do not represent amounts exchanged and are
not a measure of the Company's  financial  exposure.  The amounts  exchanged are
calculated on the basis of these  notional  amounts and other terms which relate
to the change in interest rates or securities  prices.  The Company  continually
evaluates the credit standing of counterparties and market conditions,  and does
not expect any material  adverse  impact to its  financial  position  from these
financial instruments.

Off-Balance-Sheet Financial Instruments
December 31                               1998                    1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            Fair Value              Fair Value
                                  Notional    Benefit     Notional    Benefit
                                   Amount  (Obligation)    Amount  (Obligation)
                                  -------- ------------   -------- ------------

 Short Stock Sales Outstanding     $74.4      $(3.8)       $54.0      $(2.7)
 Treasury Futures                  $25.0      $ 0.5        $27.1      $(0.4)
 Interest Rate Swap                $35.1      $(0.4)       $30.0      $(0.2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FAIR VALUE OF  FINANCIAL  INSTRUMENTS.  With the  exception  of the items listed
below,  the estimated fair values of all financial  instruments  approximate the
carrying amount. The fair values for the items below were based on quoted market
prices for the same or similar instruments.

Financial Instruments
December 31                                     1998                1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         Carrying   Fair      Carrying   Fair
                                          Amount    Value      Amount    Value
                                         --------  ------     --------  ------

 Long-Term Debt                           $672.2   $717.3      $685.4   $707.4
 Redeemable Serial Preferred Stock         $20.0    $21.3       $20.0    $21.5
 Quarterly Income Preferred Securities     $75.0    $76.1       $75.0    $76.9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CONCENTRATION OF CREDIT RISK. Financial  instruments that subject the Company to
concentrations  of credit risk  consist  primarily of accounts  receivable.  The
Company  sells  electricity  to  about  15  customers  in  northern  Minnesota's
taconite, pipeline, paper and wood products industries. At December 31, 1998 and
1997 receivables  from these customers  totaled  approximately  $9 million.  The
Company does not obtain collateral to support utility receivables,  but monitors
the credit standing of major customers.


The Company has bank lines of credit,  which make  financing  available  through
short-term bank loans and provide support for commercial  paper. At December 31,
1998 the Company had bank lines of credit  aggregating  $74 million ($84 million
at December 31,  1997).  At the end of 1998,  $34 million was  available for use
($84 million at December 31, 1997).  At December 31, 1998 the Company had issued
commercial  paper with a face value of $41 million ($130 million in 1997),  with
liquidity  provided  by  bank  lines  of  credit  and the  Company's  securities

Certain lines of credit  require a commitment  fee of 0.085%.  Interest rates on
commercial  paper and  borrowings  under the lines of credit ranged from 5.7% to
7.75% at December  31, 1998 (6.1% to 8.5% at December  31,  1997).  The weighted
average  interest  rate on  short-term  borrowings at December 31, 1998 was 5.8%
(6.3% at  December  31,  1997).  The total  amount of  compensating  balances at
December 31, 1998 and 1997, was immaterial.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  47


The Articles of Incorporation,  mortgage and preferred stock purchase agreements
of the Company  contain  provisions  that,  under certain  circumstances,  would
restrict  the payment of common  stock  dividends.  As of  December  31, 1998 no
retained earnings were restricted as a result of these provisions.

Summary of Common Stock                                    Shares      Equity
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Balance at December 31, 1995                             31.5       $377.7
   1996  Employee Stock Purchase Plan                          -          0.7
         Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan       0.7         18.5
         Other                                               0.6         (2.7)
                                                            ----       ------
   Balance at December 31, 1996                             32.8        394.2
   1997  Employee Stock Purchase Plan                          -          0.9
         Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan       0.6         18.6
         Other                                               0.2          2.3
                                                            ----       ------
   Balance at December 31, 1997                             33.6        416.0
   1998  Public Offering                                     2.1         89.9
         Employee Stock Purchase Plan                          -          0.9
         Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan       0.4         17.1
         Other                                               0.1          5.1
                                                            ----       ------
   Balance December 31, 1998                                36.2       $529.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

COMMON  STOCK  SPLIT.  On January  15,  1999 the Board of  Directors  approved a
two-for-one Common Stock split.  Subject to regulatory  approval,  the effective
date of the  stock  split  will be March 2,  1999 to  stockholders  of record on
February 16,  1999.  Pro forma basic  earnings  per share on a post-split  basis
would have been $1.35 in 1998 ($1.24 in 1997; $1.14 in 1996).

COMMON STOCK  ISSUANCE.  In September  1998 2.1 million  shares of the Company's
Common  Stock were sold in a public  offering  at $43.75  per  share.  Total net
proceeds of approximately $89 million were used to repay outstanding  commercial
paper, to fund strategic initiatives and for capital expenditures.  Net proceeds
not  immediately  used for the above  purposes  were  invested in the  Company's
securities portfolio.

SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN. In 1996 the Board of Directors of the Company adopted a
rights plan (Rights Plan) pursuant to which it declared a dividend  distribution
of one preferred  share  purchase  right (Right) for each  outstanding  share of
common stock to shareholders of record at the close of business on July 24, 1996
(the Record Date) and  authorized the issuance of one Right with respect to each
share of common stock that becomes  outstanding between the Record Date and July
23, 2006, or such earlier time as the Rights are redeemed.

Each Right will be  exercisable  to  purchase  one  one-hundredth  of a share of
Junior Serial Preferred Stock A, without par value, at an exercise price of $90,
subject to adjustment,  following a distribution date which shall be the earlier
to occur of (i) 10 days following a public  announcement  that a person or group
(Acquiring  Person) has acquired,  or obtained the right to acquire,  beneficial
ownership  of 15% or more of the  outstanding  shares  of  common  stock  (Stock
Acquisition  Date)  or (ii) 15  business  days  (or  such  later  date as may be
determined by the Board of Directors  prior to the time that any person  becomes
an Acquiring Person) following the commencement of, or a public  announcement of
an intention to make, a tender or exchange offer if, upon consummation  thereof,
such person would meet the 15% threshold.

Subject to certain exempt  transactions,  in the event that the 15% threshold is
met,  each holder of a Right (other than the Acquiring  Person) will  thereafter
have the right to receive,  upon exercise at the then current  exercise price of
the Right, common stock (or, in certain  circumstances,  cash, property or other
securities of the Company)  having a value equal to two times the exercise price
of the Right. If, at any time following the Stock  Acquisition Date, the Company
is acquired in a merger or other business combination transaction or 50% or more
of the Company's  assets or earning power are sold,  each Right will entitle the
holder (other than the Acquiring  Person) to receive,  upon exercise at the then
current exercise price of the Right,  common stock of the acquiring or surviving
company  having a value  equal to two times  the  exercise  price of the  Right.
Certain stock acquisitions will also trigger a provision permitting the Board of
Directors to exchange each Right for one share of common stock.

The Rights are  nonvoting  and expire on July 23, 2006,  unless  redeemed by the
Company  at a price  of $.01 per  Right  at any time  prior to the time a person
becomes  an  Acquiring  Person.  The  Board  of  Directors  has  authorized  the
reservation  of one  million  shares  of  Junior  Serial  Preferred  Stock A for
issuance under the Rights Plan in the event of exercise of the Rights.

The exercise price and the number of shares of Junior Serial  Preferred  Stock A
issuable  upon  exercise  of the Rights will be  adjusted  proportionately  upon
completion of the pending two-for-one Common Stock split.

48  minnesota power, inc.

EARNINGS PER SHARE. The difference  between basic and diluted earnings per share
arises from outstanding stock options and performance share awards granted under
the Company's  Executive and Director Long-Term  Incentive  Compensation  Plans.
(See Note 17.)
  Reconciliation of Basic and Diluted   Basic    Stock   Performance   Diluted
  Earnings Per Share                     EPS    Options  Share Awards    EPS

   Earnings Available for Common
     Stock - Millions                   $86.5      -          -         $86.5
   Common Shares - Millions              32.0      -         0.1         32.1
   Per Share                            $2.70      -          -         $2.69

Stock options  granted in January 1998 (0.2 million) were  antidilutive  and not
included in  determining  1998 diluted  earnings per share  because the exercise
price exceeded the average  market price of the Company's  Common Stock in 1998.
There was no difference between basic and diluted earnings per share in 1997 and
1996. (See Note 17 for stock options granted in January 1999.)


The Company has a 21% equity investment in Capital Re, a New York Stock Exchange
listed  company  engaged  in  financial   guaranty   reinsurance  and  specialty
insurance.  The Company uses the equity  method to account for this  investment.
Capital Re has not yet  publicly  released  financial  information  for the year
ended  December 31, 1998. As a result,  financial  information of Capital Re for
the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1998 is  included  in the table  below.
Minnesota  Power's  recorded  equity  income was based on an estimate of Capital
Re's earnings for the entire year.

                                     Nine Months Ended  Year Ended December 31
                                        September 30    ----------------------
  Capital Re Financial Information         1998            1997       1996
     Capital Re
     Investment Portfolio                $1,132.3        $1,008.0    $901.1
     Other Assets                          $338.3          $337.6    $255.3
     Liabilities                           $369.8          $327.5    $255.0
     Deferred Revenue                      $393.7          $402.1    $337.1
     Net Revenue                           $181.8          $201.7    $144.9
     Net Income                             $54.5           $70.1     $56.5

  Year Ended December 31                    1998            1997      1996

     Minnesota Power's Interest
     Equity in Earnings                     $15.1           $14.8     $11.8
     Accumulated Equity in Undistributed 
       Earnings                             $81.4           $67.5     $53.7
     Equity Investment                     $133.4          $118.8    $102.3
     Fair Value of Investment              $131.0          $202.6    $152.3
     Equity Ownership                        21%             21%       21%

Capital Re is the reinsurer of approximately $156 million in principal amount of
three issues of asset-backed  securities issued by Commercial Financial Services
Inc. (CFS). At December 31, 1998  approximately $150 million principal amount of
the securities were  outstanding.  CFS is under  investigation by the Securities
and Exchange Commission,  and the Oklahoma Securities Commission for allegations
of irregularities relating to certain securities issued by CFS. Although CFS has
not missed any bond payments and the assets backing the securities  reinsured by
Capital  Re  are   currently   performing   according   to   expectations,   the
irregularities  make it difficult to estimate  collection  expectations  for all
securities  issued by CFS,  including those reinsured by Capital Re. On December
11, 1998 CFS filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Capital Re is evaluating the CFS reinsurance contingency and is presently unable
to determine the  likelihood  or amount of possible  loss, if any. The financial
information of Capital Re presented  above and the Company's  recorded equity in
Capital  Re's  1998  earnings  excludes  any loss  that  may  result  from  this
contingency.  Capital  Re has  engaged  outside  consultants  to review the loss
exposure and expects to complete its evaluation of the  contingency in the first
quarter of 1999.  The Company will record  during the first  quarter of 1999 its
share of any  adjustment  to  Capital  Re's 1998  earnings  resulting  from this

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  49


  Preferred Stock
  December 31                                                                           1998              1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Cumulative Preferred Stock
     Preferred Stock, $100 Par Value, 116,000 Shares Authorized;

       5% Series - 113,358 Shares Outstanding, Callable at $102.50 Per Share            $11.5            $11.5
                                                                                        -----            -----

     Redeemable Serial Preferred Stock
     Serial Preferred Stock A, Without Par Value, 2,500,000 Shares Authorized;

       $6.70 Series  - 100,000 Shares Outstanding,
         Mandatory Redemption 2002, Callable in 2000 at $100 Per Share                  $10.0            $10.0

       $7.125 Series - 100,000 Shares Outstanding,
         Mandatory Redemption 2002, Callable in 2000 at $100 Per Share                   10.0             10.0
                                                                                        -----            -----

     Total Redeemable Serial Preferred Stock                                            $20.0            $20.0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Company has had a power  purchase  agreement with Square Butte since 1977 to
provide a long-term  supply of low-cost  energy to  customers  in the  Company's
service territory and to meet power pool reserve  requirements.  Square Butte, a
North Dakota cooperative corporation,  owns a 455-megawatt coal-fired generating
unit (Unit) near Center, North Dakota. The Unit is adjacent to a generating unit
owned by Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc. (Minnkota), a North Dakota cooperative
corporation  whose Class A members are also  members of Square  Butte.  Minnkota
serves as the operator of the Unit and also purchases power from Square Butte.

In May 1998 the  Company  and Square  Butte  entered  into a new power  purchase
agreement (1998 Agreement),  replacing the 1977 agreement.  The Company extended
by 20  years,  to  January  1,  2027,  its  access to  Square  Butte's  low-cost
electricity  and  eliminated  its  unconditional  obligation  for all of  Square
Butte's  costs if not paid by Square  Butte  when due.  The 1998  Agreement  was
reached in conjunction with the termination of Square Butte's previous leveraged
lease financing arrangement and refinancing of associated debt.

Similar  to the  previous  agreement,  the  Company  is  initially  entitled  to
approximately 71% of the Unit's output under the 1998 Agreement.  After 2005 and
upon compliance  with a two-year  advance notice  requirement,  Minnkota has the
option to reduce the Company's entitlement by 5% annually, to a minimum of 50%.

Under the 1998 Agreement,  the Company is obligated to pay its pro rata share of
Square  Butte's costs based on the  Company's  entitlement  to Unit output.  The
Company's  payment  obligation is suspended if Square Butte fails to deliver any
power,  whether produced or purchased,  for a period of one year. Under the 1977
agreement the Company was unconditionally obligated to pay all of Square Butte's
costs,  if not paid by Square Butte when due. Square Butte's fixed costs consist
primarily  of debt  service.  At December  31, 1998 Square  Butte had total debt
outstanding  of $351.4  million.  Total  annual debt service for Square Butte is
expected to be approximately  $36 million in each of the years 1999 through 2002
and $23  million in 2003.  Variable  operating  costs  include the price of coal
purchased  from BNI Coal, a subsidiary  of  Minnesota  Power,  under a long-term

The Company's  cost of power  purchased  from Square Butte during 1998 was $58.2
million  ($56.9  million in 1997;  $58.2  million in 1996).  This  reflects  the
Company's  pro rata share of total  Square  Butte  costs based on the 71% output
entitlement  in 1998,  1997 and 1996.  Included in this amount was the Company's
pro rata share of  interest  expense of $14.6  million  ($12.4  million in 1997;
$13.2 million in 1996).  The Company's  payments to Square Butte are approved as
purchased power expense for ratemaking purposes by both the MPUC and FERC.

50  minnesota power, inc.


  Long-Term Debt
  December 31                                                   1998      1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Minnesota Power
       First Mortgage Bonds
         6 1/4% Series Due 2003                                $ 25.0   $ 25.0
         6.68% Series Due 2007                                   20.0     20.0
         7% Series Due 2007                                      60.0     60.0
         7 1/2% Series Due 2007                                  35.0     35.0
         7 3/4% Series Due 2007                                55.0     55.0
         7% Series Due 2008                                      50.0     50.0
         6% Pollution Control Series E Due 2022                 111.0    111.0
       Variable Demand Revenue Refunding Bonds
         Series 1997 A, B, C and D, Due 2007-2020                39.0     39.0
       Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 6.875%, Due 2002          4.8      4.8
       Leveraged ESOP Loan, 9.125%, Due 1999-2004                10.2     11.3
       Other Long-Term Debt, Variable, Due 2001-2013              7.4      7.3

     Subsidiary Companies
       First Mortgage Bonds, 8.46%, Due 2013                     54.8     54.9
       Senior Notes, Series A, 7.70%, Due 2006                   90.0     90.0
       Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 6.50%, Due 2025     35.1     35.1
       First Mortgage Bonds, 8.01%, Due 2017                     28.0     28.0
       Other Long-Term Debt, 6.1-8 7/8%, Due 1999-2026           55.9     63.7

     Less Due Within One Year                                    (9.0)    (4.7)
                                                               ------   ------
     Total Long-Term Debt                                      $672.2   $685.4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  aggregate  amount of long-term  debt  maturing  during 1999 is $9.0 million
($9.0 million in 2000;  $13.6 million in 2001;  $13.9 million in 2002; and $36.1
million in 2003).  Substantially all Company electric and water plant is subject
to the lien of the mortgages securing various first mortgage bonds.

At December 31, 1998  subsidiaries  of the Company had  long-term  bank lines of
credit  aggregating  $13.8 million ($20.0  million at December 31, 1997).  Drawn
portions  on these  lines of credit  aggregate  $0 at  December  31,  1998 ($4.5
million at December  31, 1997) and are included in  subsidiary  companies  other
long-term debt.


ADESA leases three auction facilities which have five year lease terms ending in
2000 with no renewal options. Beginning the fifth year of the lease ADESA has an
option to purchase the facilities at an aggregate price of $26.5 million. In the
event the purchase option is not exercised,  ADESA has guaranteed any deficiency
in sales  proceeds the lessor  realizes in  disposing  of the leased  properties
should the  selling  price fall below  $25.7  million.  ADESA is entitled to any
excess sales  proceeds  over the option  price.  ADESA has also  guaranteed  the
payment of principal and interest on the lessor's indebtedness which consists of
$25.7 million of 9.82% mortgage notes, due April 1, 2000.

The Company  leases other  properties  and equipment in addition to those listed
above  pursuant to operating and capital lease  agreements  with terms  expiring
through 2009. The aggregate  amount of future minimum lease payments for capital
and operating  leases during 1999 is $17.9 million ($11.2 million in 2000;  $7.6
million in 2001;  $5.5 million in 2002;  and $2.9  million in 2003).  Total rent
expense was $15.6 million in 1998 ($10 million in 1997; $7.4 million in 1996).

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  51


   Income Tax Expense
   Year Ended December 31                          1998        1997       1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Current Tax Expense
        Federal                                   $38.5       $31.9      $23.6
        Foreign                                     4.9         3.2        2.8
        State                                       9.8        10.0        6.1
                                                  -----      ------     ------
                                                   53.2        45.1       32.5
                                                  -----      ------     ------
      Deferred Tax Expense (Benefit)
        Federal                                     0.9         4.8        0.3
        Foreign                                    (0.4)       (0.1)      (1.1)
        State                                      (0.4)       (1.5)      (1.9)
                                                  -----      ------     ------
                                                    0.1         3.2       (2.7)
                                                  -----      ------     ------
      Change in Valuation Allowance                 2.3        (0.4)      (8.2)
                                                  -----      ------     ------
      Deferred Tax Credits                         (1.6)       (1.3)      (2.0)
                                                  -----      ------     ------
      Total Income Tax Expense                    $54.0       $46.6      $19.6
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Reconciliation of Taxes from Federal 
   Statutory Rate to Total Income
   Tax Expense
   Year Ended December 31                          1998        1997       1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Tax Computed at Federal Statutory Rate      $49.8       $43.5      $31.1
      Increase (Decrease) in Tax
        State Income Taxes -
          Net of Federal Income Tax Benefit         6.6         5.6        2.9
        Change in Valuation Allowance               2.3        (0.4)      (8.2)
        Dividend Received Deduction                (2.7)       (2.0)      (1.9)
        Tax Credits                                (2.4)       (2.2)      (1.9)
        Other                                       0.4         2.1       (2.4)
                                                  -----      ------     ------
      Total Income Tax Expense                    $54.0       $46.6      $19.6
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities
   December 31                                                 1998       1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Deferred Tax Assets
        Contributions in Aid of Construction                 $ 20.3     $ 19.8
        Lehigh Basis Difference                                 9.7       15.3
        Deferred Compensation Plans                            18.9       15.6
        Depreciation                                           13.0       12.9
        Investment Tax Credits                                 20.8       22.2
        Postemployment Benefits                                 7.8        6.4
        Other                                                  42.3       35.0
                                                             ------     ------
          Gross Deferred Tax Assets                           132.8      127.2
      Deferred Tax Asset Valuation Allowance                   (2.6)      (0.3)
                                                             ------     ------
          Total Deferred Tax Assets                           130.2      126.9
                                                             ------     ------
      Deferred Tax Liabilities
        Depreciation                                          198.9      200.3
        Allowance for Funds Used 
          During Construction                                  15.0       18.2
        Income from Equity Investments                         10.1        7.7
        Investment Tax Credits                                 29.6       31.3
        Other                                                  30.0       20.7
                                                             ------     ------
          Total Deferred Tax Liabilities                      283.6      278.2
                                                             ------     ------
      Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes                      $153.4     $151.3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

52  minnesota power, inc.

TAX BENEFITS.  When SFAS 109  "Accounting for Income Taxes" was adopted in 1993,
the tax basis of assets  owned by Lehigh  Corporation  exceeded  the book basis.
Based upon management's best judgment at the time, the tax assets related to the
basis  difference  were  reduced by a  valuation  reserve due to tax rules which
potentially  limited the tax benefits  available to the Company.  Following  the
Palm  Coast  real  estate  acquisition  in  1996,  management  anticipated  that
sufficient taxable income would exist to realize the Lehigh tax benefits despite
the  restrictive  tax rules.  In 1996 the  remaining  valuation  reserve of $8.2
million related to the Lehigh tax assets was reversed.

UNDISTRIBUTED EARNINGS. No provision has been made for taxes on $19.1 million of
pre-1993 undistributed earnings of Capital Re, an investment accounted for under
the equity  method.  Those earnings have been and are expected to continue to be
reinvested.  The Company  estimates that $7.9 million of tax would be payable on
the pre-1993 undistributed earnings of Capital Re if the Company should sell its
investment.  The Company has recognized  the income tax impact on  undistributed
earnings of Capital Re earned since January 1, 1993.

Undistributed  earnings of the Company's foreign subsidiaries were approximately
$9.7 million at December 31, 1998  ($6.6 million at December 31, 1997).  Foreign
undistributed  earnings  are  considered  to be  indefinitely  reinvested,  and,
accordingly,  no provision for United States  federal and state income taxes has
been provided thereon.  Upon distribution of foreign  undistributed  earnings in
the form of dividends or otherwise,  the Company would be subject to both United
States  income tax  (subject to an  adjustment,  for foreign  tax  credits)  and
withholding taxes payable to Canada. Determination of the amount of unrecognized
deferred  United  States  income  tax  liability  is  not  practical  due to the
complexities   associated   with   its   hypothetical   calculations;   however,
unrecognized  foreign tax credit carryforwards would be available to reduce some
portion of the United States liability.  Withholding taxes of approximately $0.5
million would be payable upon remittance of all previously  unremitted  earnings
at December 31, 1998 ($0.3 million at December 31, 1997).


      Other Comprehensive Income                                         Pre-Tax         Tax Expense       Net-of-Tax
      Year Ended December 31                                              Amount          (Benefit)          Amount
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Unrealized Loss on Securities                                    $(0.2)            $0.3             $(0.5)
         Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments                           0.1                -               0.1
                                                                          -----             ----             -----
         Other Comprehensive Loss                                         $(0.1)            $0.3             $(0.4)
                                                                          -----             ----             -----

         Unrealized Gain on Securities                                    $ 3.6             $0.8             $ 2.8
         Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments                          (1.7)               -              (1.7)
                                                                          -----             ----             -----
         Other Comprehensive Income                                       $ 1.9             $0.8             $ 1.1
                                                                          -----             ----             -----

         Unrealized Gain on Securities
           Arising During the Year                                        $ 1.9             $0.7             $ 1.2
           Less: Gain (Loss) Recognized in Net Income                      (0.6)            (0.2)             (0.4)
                                                                          -----             ----             -----
           Net Unrealized Gain                                              2.5              0.9               1.6
         Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments                          (3.9)               -              (3.9)
                                                                          -----             ----             -----
         Other Comprehensive Loss                                         $(1.4)            $0.9             $(2.3)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Accumulated  other  comprehensive  income at December 31, 1998 consisted of $7.1
million  ($5.5  million  at  December  31,  1997)  in net  unrealized  gains  on
securities and $(5.6) million  ($(1.7)  million at December 31, 1997) in foreign
currency translation adjustments.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  53


MP&L Capital I (Trust) was  established  as a wholly owned business trust of the
Company  for the  purpose of  issuing  common and  preferred  securities  (Trust
Securities).  In March  1996 the  Trust  publicly  issued  three  million  8.05%
Cumulative Quarterly Income Preferred Securities (QUIPS), representing preferred
beneficial interests in the assets held by the Trust. The proceeds from the sale
of the QUIPS,  and from common  securities  of the Trust  issued to the Company,
were used by the Trust to  purchase  from the  Company  $77.5  million  of 8.05%
Junior Subordinated  Debentures,  Series A, Due 2015 (Subordinated  Debentures),
resulting in net proceeds to the Company of $72.3 million.  Holders of the QUIPS
are entitled to receive  quarterly  distributions  at an annual rate of 8.05% of
the liquidation  preference value of $25 per security. The Company has the right
to defer interest payments on the Subordinated  Debentures which would result in
the similar deferral of  distributions on the QUIPS during extension  periods up
to 20  consecutive  quarters.  The Company is the owner of all the common  trust
securities,  which  constitute  approximately  3% of the  aggregate  liquidation
amount of all the Trust Securities.  The sole asset of the Trust is Subordinated
Debentures,  interest  on which is  deductible  by the  Company  for  income tax
purposes.  The Trust will use  interest  payments  received on the  Subordinated
Debentures it holds to make the quarterly cash distributions on the QUIPS.

The QUIPS are subject to mandatory redemption upon repayment of the Subordinated
Debentures at maturity or upon redemption.  The Company has the option to redeem
the  Subordinated  Debentures  upon the occurrence of certain events and, in any
event, may do so at any time on or after March 20, 2001.

The Company has  guaranteed,  on a  subordinated  basis,  payment of the Trust's


EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN. The Company sponsors an Employee Stock Ownership
Plan (ESOP) with two leveraged accounts.

A 1989  leveraged  ESOP  account  covers all  eligible  nonunion  Minnesota  and
Wisconsin  utility and  corporate  employees.  The ESOP used the proceeds from a
$16.5  million  loan (15 year term at 9.125%),  guaranteed  by the  Company,  to
purchase 600,000 shares of Company Common Stock on the open market. These shares
fund an annual benefit of not less than 2% of participants' salaries.

A 1990  leveraged  ESOP  account  covers  Minnesota  and  Wisconsin  utility and
corporate  employees who  participated in the  non-leveraged  ESOP plan prior to
August  1989.  In 1990 the ESOP issued a $75 million note (term not to exceed 25
years at 10.25%) to the Company as consideration for 2.8 million shares of newly
issued  Common Stock.  These shares are used to fund an annual  benefit at least
equal to the value of (a)  dividends on shares held in the 1990  leveraged  ESOP
which  are  used to make  loan  payments,  and (b) tax  benefits  obtained  from
deducting eligible dividends.

The loans will be repaid with  dividends  received by the ESOP and with employer
contributions.  ESOP shares  acquired with the loans were  initially  pledged as
collateral  for the loans.  The ESOP shares are  released  from  collateral  and
allocated to participants based on the portion of total debt service paid in the
year.  The ESOP  shares  that  collateralize  the loans are not  included in the
number of average shares used to calculate basic and diluted earnings per share.

  ESOP Compensation and Interest Expense
  Year Ended December 31                    1998          1997          1996
     Interest Expense                       $1.0          $1.1          $1.2
     Compensation Expense                    2.8           1.7           1.8
                                            ----          ----          ----
     Total                                  $3.8          $2.8          $3.0

  ESOP Shares
  December 31                                             1998          1997
     Allocated Shares                                      1.8           1.8
     Unreleased Shares                                     2.4           2.5
                                                           ---           ---
     Total ESOP Shares                                     4.2           4.3
     Fair Value of Unreleased Shares                    $104.0        $108.5

54  minnesota power, inc.

EMPLOYEE  STOCK  PURCHASE  PLAN. The Company has an Employee Stock Purchase Plan
that permits eligible  employees to buy up to $23,750 per year of Company Common
Stock at 95% of the market price. At December 31, 1998,  498,200 shares had been
issued  under the plan and  145,900  shares  were  held in  reserve  for  future

STOCK OPTION AND AWARD PLANS. The Company has an Executive  Long-Term  Incentive
Compensation Plan (Executive Plan) and a Director Long-Term Stock Incentive Plan
(Director  Plan),  both of which became effective in January 1996. The Executive
Plan  allows for the grant of up to 2.1  million  shares of Common  Stock to key
employees of the Company. The maximum number of shares of Common Stock available
for grant under the Executive Plan may be increased by the number of such shares
purchased on the open market. To date, these grants have taken the form of stock
options, performance share awards and restricted stock awards. The Director Plan
allows  for the grant of up to  150,000  shares of Common  Stock to  nonemployee
directors of the Company.  Each nonemployee director receives an annual grant of
725 stock options and a biennial grant of performance shares equal to $10,000 in
value of Common Stock at the date of grant.

Stock options are  exercisable  at the market price of common shares on the date
the options are granted,  and vest in equal annual  installments  over two years
with expiration ten years from the date of grant.  Performance shares are earned
over  multi-year  time periods and are contingent upon the attainment of certain
performance goals of the Company. Restricted stock vests once certain periods of
time have elapsed.

The Company has elected to account  for its  stock-based  compensation  plans in
accordance  with APB Opinion No. 25 "Accounting  for Stock Issued to Employees,"
and accordingly,  compensation expense has not been recognized for stock options
granted.  Compensation  expense  is  recognized  over the  vesting  periods  for
performance  and  restricted  share  awards  based  on the  market  value of the
Company's Common Stock, and was  approximately $3 million in 1998 ($4 million in
1997;  $1 million in 1996).  Pro forma net income and  earnings  per share under
SFAS No. 123 "Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation"  have not been presented
because such amounts are not materially  different from actual amounts reported.
This may not be  representative  of the pro forma  effects  for future  years if
additional awards are granted.

  Stock Option Activity                           1998                     1997                    1996
                                                       Average                   Average               Average
                                                       Exercise                  Exercise              Exercise
                                         Options        Price       Options       Price     Options     Price
                                        --------       --------     -------      --------   -------    --------
   Outstanding, Beginning of Year       333,700         $27.78      122,300       $28.63          -          -
   Granted                              209,900         $43.25      237,900       $27.38    126,800     $28.63
   Exercised                            (56,300)        $27.90       (2,100)      $28.63          -          -
   Canceled                              (3,300)        $33.46      (24,400)      $27.86     (4,500)    $28.63
                                        -------                     -------                 -------     
   Outstanding, End of Year             484,000         $34.41      333,700       $27.78    122,300     $28.63
                                        -------                     -------                 -------      
   Exercisable, End of Year             180,500         $27.97       54,600       $28.63          -          -
   Fair Value of Options Granted
     During the Year                     $10.29                       $6.54                   $6.76

At December 31, 1998 the 484,000 options  outstanding consist of 275,300 with an
exercise  price of $27.38 to  $28.63,  and  208,700  with an  exercise  price of
$43.25.  The options with an exercise  price of $27.38 to $28.63 have an average
remaining contractual life of 7.7 years with 180,500 exercisable on December 31,
1998 at an average price of $27.97. The options with an exercise price of $43.25
have an average  remaining  contractual life of 9 years with none exercisable at
year end.

 Performance Share Award Activity                      1998      1997     1996

    Number of Performance Share Awards Granted        93,000    33,700   96,900
    Fair Value at Date of Grant - Millions              $4.0      $0.9     $2.8

Performance share awards granted in 1996 and 1997 have been earned. A portion of
these  shares was issued in 1998 with the balance to be issued in 1999 and 2000.
Awards  granted in 1998 are  contingent  upon the  attainment of certain  future
Company performance goals.

A total of 4,000 shares of restricted  stock was granted in 1998 (9,000 in 1997;
24,000 in 1996).  In January 1999 the Company  granted stock options to purchase
approximately  350,000  shares of Common  Stock  (exercise  price of $43.88  per
share) and approximately 8,000 performance share awards.

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  55


The Company's  electric and corporate  operations have  noncontributory  defined
benefit  pension plans  covering  eligible  employees.  Benefits under a defined
benefit plan for Florida  Water  operations  were frozen as of December 31, 1996
and a  curtailment  expense of $0.8 million was accrued in 1998 for future costs
associated  with  termination  of the  plan.  This  curtailment  expense  is not
included in pension expense below. At December 31, 1998  approximately 9% of the
defined benefit  pension plan assets were invested in Company Common Stock.  The
Company has defined contribution pension plans covering eligible employees,  for
which the aggregate  annual cost was $3.9 million  ($3.2  million in 1997;  $2.0
million in 1996).  The Company  provides  certain health care and life insurance
benefits for retired employees in the electric,  corporate and water operations.
The deferred  regulatory charge for  postretirement  health and life benefits is
being amortized over five years ending in 1999.

                                          Pension              Health and Life
  Actuarial Assumptions               1998       1997         1998        1997

  Discount Rate                       6.75%       7.75%        6.75%       7.75%
  Expected Return on Plan Assets      10.0%        9.0%         9.0%        9.0%
  Rate of Compensation Increase    3.5-4.5%    4.0-8.0%     3.5-4.5%    4.0-8.0%
  Health Care Cost Trend Rate            -           -          8.6%        9.4%

The assumed health care cost trend rate declines  gradually to a rate of 5.0% by

  Plan Status                                Pension           Health and Life
  At September 30                        1998      1997       1998        1997
     Change in Benefit Obligation
     Obligation, Beginning of Year      $218.8    $205.5      $50.7     $ 53.3
     Service Cost                          4.1       3.6        2.3        2.6
     Interest Cost                        16.3      15.8        3.8        4.1
     Actuarial Loss (Gain)                19.8       8.3        3.6       (7.8)
     Participant Contributions               -         -        0.7        0.7
     Benefits Paid                       (14.4)    (14.4)      (2.5)      (2.2)
                                        ------    ------      -----     ------
     Obligation, End of Year             244.6     218.8       58.6       50.7
                                        ------    ------      -----     ------
     Change in Plan Assets
     Fair Value, Beginning of Year       270.8     233.0       20.4       10.9
     Actual Return on Assets               9.8      51.1        1.4        3.0
     Employer Contribution                   -         -        7.6        8.0
     Participant Contributions               -         -        0.7        0.7
     Benefits Paid                       (14.4)    (14.4)      (2.5)      (2.2)
     Other                                 1.3       1.1          -          -
                                        ------    ------      -----     ------
     Fair Value, End of Year             267.5     270.8       27.6       20.4
                                        ------    ------      -----     ------

     Funded Status                        22.9      52.0      (31.0)     (30.3)
     Unrecognized Amounts
       Net Gain                          (31.4)    (64.4)     (18.8)     (23.0)
       Prior Service Cost                  4.7       5.2       (3.8)      (4.1)
       Transition Obligation               1.2       1.4       37.3       40.0
       Other                                 -         -         -        (1.1)
                                        ------    ------      -----     ------
     Liability Recognized               $ (2.6)   $ (5.8)    $(16.3)    $(18.5)

56  minnesota power, inc.

 Benefit Expense
 Year Ended December 31                       1998        1997       1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Pension Benefits
    Service Cost                             $ 4.1        $ 3.6      $ 3.7
    Interest Cost                             16.3         15.8       15.1
    Expected Return on Assets                (23.2)       (19.5)     (18.5)
    Amortized Amounts
      Unrecognized Gain                       (1.1)        (0.8)      (0.3)
      Prior Service Cost                       0.5          0.6        0.7
      Transition Obligation                    0.2          0.2        0.2
                                             -----        -----      -----
                                              (3.2)        (0.1)       0.9
    Early Retirement Expense                   2.8          4.7        4.7
                                             -----        -----      -----
    Net Expense (Credit)                     $(0.4)       $ 4.6      $ 5.6
                                             -----        -----      -----

    Postretirement Health and Life Benefits
    Service Cost                             $ 2.3        $ 2.5      $ 2.7
    Interest Cost                              3.8          4.1        4.2
    Expected Return on Assets                 (1.7)        (1.3)      (1.0)
    Amortized Amounts
      Unrecognized Gain                       (1.3)        (0.6)         -
      Transition Obligation                    2.3          2.6        2.5
                                             -----        -----      -----
                                               5.4          7.3        8.4
    Amortization of Deferred Charge            2.7          2.7        2.7
                                             -----        -----      -----
    Net Expense                              $ 8.1        $10.0      $11.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For postretirement health and life benefits, a 1% increase in the assumed health
care cost trend rate would result in a $6.9 million and $0.8 million increase in
the benefit obligation and total service and interest costs, respectively;  a 1%
decrease would result in a $5.6 million and $0.8 million decrease in the benefit
obligation and total service and interest costs, respectively.


Information for any one quarterly  period is not  necessarily  indicative of the
results which may be expected for the year.

 Quarter Ended                            Mar. 31  Jun. 30  Sept. 30   Dec. 31
 Millions Except Earnings Per Share


    Operating Revenue                     $246.6    $269.2   $266.3    $257.6
    Operating Income                       $28.9     $43.1    $44.9     $31.6
    Net Income                             $18.5     $22.8    $25.8     $21.4
    Earnings Available for Common Stock    $18.0     $22.3    $25.3     $20.9
    Earnings Per Share of Common Stock
      Basic                                $0.58     $0.71    $0.79     $0.62
      Diluted                              $0.58     $0.71    $0.79     $0.61

    Operating Revenue                     $222.1    $230.4   $246.2    $254.9
    Operating Income                       $26.4     $32.8    $40.3     $30.7
    Net Income                             $16.1     $18.7    $23.2     $19.6
    Earnings Available for Common Stock    $15.6     $18.2    $22.7     $19.1
    Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share
     of Common Stock                       $0.52     $0.60    $0.73     $0.62
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  57

REPORT OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS                                     [LOGO]

To the Board of Directors
of Minnesota Power

Our audits of the consolidated  financial  statements  referred to in our report
dated  January 14, 1999  appearing on page 36 of this Form 10-K also included an
audit of the  Financial  Statement  Schedule  listed in Item  14(a) of this Form
10-K. In our opinion,  the Financial  Statement Schedule presents fairly, in all
material  respects,  the  information set forth therein when read in conjunction
with the related consolidated financial statements.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Minneapolis, Minnesota
January 14, 1999

58  minnesota power, inc.

MINNESOTA POWER                                                                                           SCHEDULE II

                                                          Balance at    ---------------------   Deductions      Balance at
                                                          Beginning      Charged       Other       From           End of
For the Year Ended December 31                             of Year      to Income     Changes   Reserves <F1>     Period
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Reserve Deducted From Related Assets
     Reserve For Uncollectible Accounts

       1998   Trade Accounts Receivable                     $5.1          $5.4            -        $4.5          $6.0
              Finance Receivables                            2.8           2.8            -         2.0           3.6

       1997   Trade Accounts Receivable                      4.2           5.7         $0.2         5.0           5.1
              Finance Receivables                            2.5           0.8            -         0.5           2.8

       1996   Trade Accounts Receivable                      2.3           2.1          1.4         1.6           4.2
              Finance Receivables                            2.2           1.4          0.2         1.3           2.5

     Deferred Asset Valuation Allowance

       1998   Deferred Tax Assets                            0.3           2.3            -           -           2.6

       1997   Deferred Tax Assets                            0.7          (0.4)           -           -           0.3

       1996   Deferred Tax Assets <F2>                       8.9          (8.2)           -           -           0.7
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<F1> Reserve for uncollectible accounts includes bad debts written off.
<F2> The deferred tax asset  valuation  allowance was reduced by $8.2 million in
     1996 based on anticipated  taxable income following the 1996 acquisition of
     Palm Coast real estate assets. (See Note 14.)

                                                       minnesota power, inc.  59



     *2 -  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Merger  by and  among  the  Company,  AC
           Acquisition Sub, Inc., ADESA Corporation and Certain ADESA Management
           Shareholders  dated February 23, 1995 (filed as Exhibit 2 to Form 8-K
           dated March 3, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *3(a)1 -  Articles of  Incorporation,  amended and  restated as of May 27, 1998
           (filed as Exhibit 4(a) to Form 8-K dated June 3, 1998, File 
           No. 1-3548).

 *3(a)2 -  Certificate Fixing Terms of Serial Preferred Stock A, $7.125 Series 
           (filed as Exhibit 3(a)2, File No. 33-50143).

 *3(a)3 -  Certificate Fixing Terms of Serial Preferred Stock A, $6.70 Series
           (filed as Exhibit 3(a)3, File No. 33-50143).

  *3(b) -  Bylaws, as amended effective May 27, 1998 (filed as Exhibit 4(b), to 
           Form 8-K dated June 3, 1998, File No. 1-3548).

 *4(a)1 -  Mortgage and Deed of Trust,  dated as of September 1, 1945, between
           the Company and Irving  Trust  Company (now The Bank of New York) and
           Richard  H. West (W.T.  Cunningham,  successor),  Trustees  (filed as
           Exhibit 7(c), File No. 2-5865).

 *4(a)2 -  Supplemental Indentures to Mortgage and Deed of Trust:

           Number          Dated as of         Reference File            Exhibit
           -----------     -----------------   -----------------------   -------

           First           March 1, 1949       2-7826                    7(b)
           Second          July 1, 1951        2-9036                    7(c)
           Third           March 1, 1957       2-13075                   2(c)
           Fourth          January 1, 1968     2-27794                   2(c)
           Fifth           April 1, 1971       2-39537                   2(c)
           Sixth           August 1, 1975      2-54116                   2(c)
           Seventh         September 1, 1976   2-57014                   2(c)
           Eighth          September 1, 1977   2-59690                   2(c)
           Ninth           April 1, 1978       2-60866                   2(c)
           Tenth           August 1, 1978      2-62852                   2(d)2
           Eleventh        December 1, 1982    2-56649                   4(a)3
           Twelfth         April 1, 1987       33-30224                  4(a)3
           Thirteenth      March 1, 1992       33-47438                  4(b)
           Fourteenth      June 1, 1992        33-55240                  4(b)
           Fifteenth       July 1, 1992        33-55240                  4(c)
           Sixteenth       July 1, 1992        33-55240                  4(d)
           Seventeenth     February 1, 1993    33-50143                  4(b)
           Eighteenth      July 1, 1993        33-50143                  4(c)
           Nineteenth      February 1, 1997    1-3548 (1996 Form 10-K)   4(c)
           Twentieth       November 1, 1997    1-3548 (1997 Form 10-K)   4(a)3

  *4(b) -  Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of March 1, 1943,  between 
           Superior  Water,  Light and Power  Company and Chemical  Bank & Trust
           Company and Howard B. Smith,  as  Trustees,  both  succeeded by First
           Bank N.A., as Trustee (filed as Exhibit 7(c),  File No.  2-8668),  as
           supplemented  and modified by First  Supplemental  Indenture  thereto
           dated  as of  March 1,  1951  (filed  as  Exhibit  2(d)(1),  File No.
           2-59690),  Second Supplemental Indenture thereto dated as of March 1,
           1962 (filed as Exhibit 2(d)1, File No. 2-27794),  Third  Supplemental
           Indenture  thereto dated July 1, 1976 (filed as Exhibit  2(e)1,  File
           No. 2-57478), Fourth Supplemental Indenture thereto dated as of March
           1, 1985 (filed as Exhibit 4(b), File No. 2-78641), Fifth Supplemental
           Indenture  thereto  dated as of  December  1, 1992  (filed as Exhibit
           4(b)1 to Form 10-K for the year ended  December  31,  1992,  File No.
           1-3548),  Sixth  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of March 24, 1994
           (filed as Exhibit 4(b)1 to Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
           1996, File No. 1-3548),  Seventh Supplemental Indenture,  dated as of
           November  1, 1994  (filed as Exhibit  4(b)2 to Form 10-K for the year
           ended  December 31, 1996,  File No.  1-3548) and Eighth  Supplemental
           Indenture,  dated as of  January 1, 1997  (filed as Exhibit  4(b)3 to
           Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).



  *4(c) - Indenture,  dated as of March 1,  1993,  between  Southern  States
          Utilities,   Inc.  (now  Florida  Water  Services   Corporation)  and
          Nationsbank  of Georgia,  National  Association  (now SunTrust  Bank,
          Central  Florida,  N.A.),  as Trustee  (filed as Exhibit 4(d) to Form
          10-K for the year ended  December  31,  1992,  File No.  1-3548),  as
          supplemented and modified by First Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as
          of March 1, 1993  (filed as  Exhibit  4(c)1 to Form 10-K for the year
          ended  December  31,  1996,  File No.  1-3548),  Second  Supplemental
          Indenture,  dated as of March 31,  1997  (filed as  Exhibit 4 to Form
          10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1997, File No. 1-3548) and Third
          Supplemental Indenture,  dated as of May 28, 1997 (filed as Exhibit 4
          to Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1997, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(d) - Amended and Restated  Trust  Agreement,  dated as of March 1, 1996,
          relating  to MP&L  Capital  I's  8.05%  Cumulative  Quarterly  Income
          Preferred Securities, between the Company, as Depositor, and The Bank
          of New York, The Bank of New York  (Delaware),  Philip R.  Halverson,
          David G. Gartzke and James K. Vizanko,  as Trustees (filed as Exhibit
          4(a) to Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended  March 31,  1996,  File No.

  *4(e) - Amendment  No. 1, dated  April 11,  1996,  to Amended and  Restated
          Trust Agreement,  dated as of March 1, 1996, relating to MP&L Capital
          I's 8.05% Cumulative  Quarterly Income Preferred Securities (filed as
          Exhibit 4(b) to Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1996,  File
          No. 1-3548).

  *4(f) - Indenture,  dated as of March 1, 1996,  relating to the  Company's
          8.05% Junior Subordinated Debentures, Series A, Due 2015, between the
          Company and The Bank of New York,  as Trustee  (filed as Exhibit 4(c)
          to Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(g) - Guarantee  Agreement,  dated as of March 1, 1996,  relating to MP&L
          Capital I's 8.05% Cumulative  Quarterly Income Preferred  Securities,
          between  the  Company,  as  Guarantor,  and The Bank of New York,  as
          Trustee  (filed as Exhibit  4(d) to Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended
          March 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(h) - Agreement  as to Expenses  and  Liabilities,  dated as of March 20,
          1996, relating to MP&L Capital I's 8.05% Cumulative  Quarterly Income
          Preferred  Securities,  between the Company and MP&L Capital I (filed
          as Exhibit  4(e) to Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended March 31,  1996,
          File No. 1-3548).

  *4(i) - Officer's Certificate, dated March 20, 1996, establishing the terms
          of the  8.05%  Junior  Subordinated  Debentures,  Series  A, Due 2015
          issued in  connection  with the  8.05%  Cumulative  Quarterly  Income
          Preferred Securities of MP&L Capital I (filed as Exhibit 4(i) to Form
          10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(j) - Rights Agreement dated as of July 24, 1996, between the Company and
          the  Corporate  Secretary of the  Company,  as Rights Agent (filed as
          Exhibit 4 to Form 8-K dated August 2, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

  *4(k) - Indenture,  dated  as of May  15,  1996,  relating  to  the  ADESA
          Corporation's  7.70% Senior Notes,  Series A, Due 2006, between ADESA
          Corporation  and The Bank of New York,  as Trustee  (filed as Exhibit
          4(k) to Form 10-K for the year  ended  December  31,  1996,  File No.

  *4(l) - Guarantee of the Company, dated as of May 30, 1996, relating to the
          ADESA  Corporation's 7.70% Senior Notes, Series A, Due 2006 (filed as
          Exhibit 4(l) to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996,  File
          No. 1-3548).

  *4(m) - ADESA Corporation  Officer's Certificate 1-D-1, dated May 30, 1996,
          relating to the ADESA Corporation's 7.70% Senior Notes, Series A, Due
          2006 (filed as Exhibit 4(m) to Form 10-K for the year ended  December
          31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(a) - Asset Holdings III, L.P. Note Purchase Agreement, dated as of 
          November 22, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10(i) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(b) - Lease and  Development  Agreement,  dated as of  November  28, 1994
          between Asset Holdings III, L.P., as Lessor and A.D.E.  of Knoxville,
          Inc.,  as Lessee  (filed as  Exhibit  10(j) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(c) - Lease and  Development  Agreement,  dated as of  November  28, 1994
          between  Asset  Holdings III,  L.P.,  as Lessor and  ADESA-Charlotte,
          Inc.,  as Lessee  (filed as  Exhibit  10(k) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(d) - Lease and  Development  Agreement,  dated as of  December  21, 1994
          between Asset Holdings III, L.P., as Lessor and Auto Dealers Exchange
          of Concord,  Inc., as Lessee (filed as Exhibit 10(l) to Form 10-K for
          the year ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(e) - Guaranty and Purchase Option Agreement  between Asset Holdings III,
          L.P. and ADESA  Corporation,  dated as of November 28, 1994 (filed as
          Exhibit 10(m) to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1995, File
          No. 1-3548).


 *10(f) - Receivables Purchase Agreement dated as of December 31, 1996, among
          AFC Funding Corporation,  as Seller,  Automotive Finance Corporation,
          as Servicer,  Pooled  Accounts  Receivable  Capital  Corporation,  as
          Purchaser,  and Nesbitt  Burns  Securities  Inc.,  as Agent (filed as
          Exhibit 10(f) to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996, File
          No. 1-3548).

 *10(g) - First  Amendment to  Receivables  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of
          February  28,  1997,  among  AFC  Funding  Corporation,   as  Seller,
          Automotive  Finance   Corporation,   as  Servicer,   Pooled  Accounts
          Receivable  Capital  Corporation,  as  Purchaser,  and Nesbitt  Burns
          Securities  Inc.,  as Agent (filed as Exhibit  10(g) to Form 10-K for
          the year ended December 31, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(h) - Second  Amendment to Receivables  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of
          August 15, 1997, among AFC Funding Corporation, as Seller, Automotive
          Finance Corporation,  as Servicer, Pooled Accounts Receivable Capital
          Corporation,  as  Purchaser,  and Nesbitt Burns  Securities  Inc., as
          Agent  (filed  as  Exhibit  10 to Form  10-Q  for the  quarter  ended
          September 30, 1997, File No. 1-3548).

 *10(i) - Purchase and Sale Agreement dated as of December 31, 1996,  between
          AFC Funding  Corporation and Automotive Finance Corporation (filed as
          Exhibit 10(h) to Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996, File
          No. 1-3548).

 *10(j) - Power  Purchase and Sale  Agreement  between the Company and Square
          Butte  Electric  Cooperative,  dated as of  May 29,  1998  (filed  as
          Exhibit 10 to Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998, File No.

+*10(k) - Minnesota Power Executive  Annual  Incentive  Plan,  effective 
          January 1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit 10(a) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1995, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(l) - Minnesota  Power and Affiliated  Companies  Supplemental  Executive
          Retirement  Plan, as amended and restated,  effective  August 1, 1994
          (filed as Exhibit 10(b) to Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
          1995, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(m) - Executive  Investment  Plan-I,  as amended and restated,  effective
          November  1, 1988  (filed as Exhibit  10(c) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1988, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(n) - Executive  Investment Plan-II, as amended and restated,  effective
          November 1, 1988 (filed as Exhibit 10(d) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1988, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(o) - Deferred  Compensation Trust Agreement,  as amended and restated,  
          effective January 1, 1989 (filed as Exhibit 10(f) to Form 10-K for the
          year ended December 31, 1988, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(p) - Executive Long-Term Incentive Plan, as amended and restated, effective
          January 1, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10(e) to Form 10-K for the year
          ended December 31, 1994, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(q) - Minnesota Power Executive Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan, 
          effective January 1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit 10(a) to Form 10-Q for the
          quarter ended June 30, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(r) - Directors'  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan, as amended and restated,  
          effective  January 1, 1994 (filed as Exhibit 10(f) to Form 10-K for 
          the year ended December 31, 1994, File No. 1-3548).

+*10(s) - Minnesota Power Director Stock Plan, effective January 1, 1995 (filed 
          as Exhibit 10 to Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended March 31, 1995, 
          File No. 1-3548).

+*10(t) - Minnesota Power Director Long-Term Stock Incentive Plan,  effective 
          January 1, 1996 (filed as Exhibit 10(b) to Form 10-Q for the quarter 
          ended June 30, 1996, File No. 1-3548).

     12 - Computation  of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges and  Supplemental
          Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges.

    *21 - Subsidiaries  of the Registrant  (reference is made to the Company's 
          Form U-3A-2 for the year ended December 31, 1998,  File No. 69-78).

  23(a) - Consent of Independent Accountants.

  23(b) - Consent of General Counsel.

     27 - Financial Data Schedules.

- ----------------------------------------
  * Incorporated herein by reference as indicated.
  + Management  contract or  compensatory  plan or arrangement  required to be 
    filed as an exhibit to this report pursuant to Item 14(c) of Form 10-K.