March 21, 2005


Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549-0305
Attention:  Mr. Daniel Gordon, Branch Chief
Mail Stop 0306

     Re: Molex Incorporated (File No. 0-07491)
         Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2004
           Filed September 10, 2004
         Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2004
         Form 8-K's dated November 11 and December 1, 2004)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     On  behalf of our client Molex Incorporated (the "Company"),
this letter sets forth the Company's responses to comments on the
above-referenced filings provided by the Staff of the  Securities
and Exchange Commission by letter dated March 17, 2005.

     The  Staff's comments are restated below in bold, italicized
type, and are followed by the Company's responses thereto.

     Response letter dated February 17, 2005

1.   We note your response to comment 20, including your
     statement that you have provided the three acknowledgements in
     the form previously requested "based on [the] understanding" that
     the acknowledgement as to our comments "does not relate to the
     Company's responses to those comments."  Please note that you may
     not qualify or condition the requested representations in this
     manner.  Accordingly, please provide all three acknowledgements
     in the form previously requested and confirm to us in writing, if
     true, that those acknowledgements are not being provided based on
     the "understanding" reflected in your response to our prior

     Form 10-Q for the Quarterly Period Ended September 30, 2004

     On behalf of the Company, the three referenced
acknowledgements in the form previously requested by the Staff
are included in this letter.  The Company is not providing these
acknowledgements based on the understanding reflected in its
response to your prior comment.

     Item 4.  Controls and Procedures - Page 13
2.   We note your response to prior comment 14.  We see the
     revised language proposed in Appendix A.  We note your statement
     that "there are inherent limitations to the effectiveness of any
     system of disclosure controls and procedures, including the
     possibility of human error.  Accordingly, even effective
     disclosure controls and procedures can only provide reasonable
     assurance of achieving their control objectives."  Please revise
     to state clearly, if true, that your disclosure controls and
     procedures are designed to provide reasonable assurance of
     achieving their objectives and that your principal executive
     officer and principal financial officer concluded that your
     disclosure controls and procedures are effective at that
     reasonable assurance level.  In the alternative, remove the
     reference to the level of assurance of your disclosure controls
     and procedures.  Please refer to Section II.F.4 of Management's
     Reports on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and
     Certification of Disclosure in Exchange Act Periodic Reports, SEC
     Release No. 33-8238, available on our website at

     The Form 10-Q/A being filed concurrently with this response
letter contains statements to clearly indicate that the Company's
disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide
reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives and that its
principal executive officer and principal financial officer
concluded that the disclosure controls and procedures are
effective at that reasonable assurance level.

                        *    *    *    *

     In  connection with this response, the Company  acknowledges
the following:

     *    The Company is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of
          the disclosure in the filings;

     *    Staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to Staff
          comments in the filings reviewed by the Staff do not foreclose
          the commission from taking any action with respect to the filing;

     *    The Company may not assert Staff comments as a defense in
          any proceedings initiated by the Commission or any person under
          the federal securities laws of the United States.

     We  trust  that  you will find the foregoing  responses  and
acknowledgements  responsive to the comments  set  forth  in  the
Staff's  letter  dated  March  17,  2005.   If  you  would   like
additional information or

would  like to discuss the Company's responses to your  comments,
please contact the undersigned at (312) 876-8222.

                              Very truly yours,

                         SONNENSCHEIN NATH & ROSENTHAL LLP

                         By:  /s/  Michael M. Froy

cc Douglas A. Carnahan (Audit Committee):

   Michael J. Birck (Audit Committee)
   Robert J. Potter (Audit Committee)
   Frederick Krehbiel (Molex
   Robert Mahoney (Molex Incorporated)
   Louis Hecht (Molex Incorporated)
   James Doyle (Ernst & Young LLP)