                (Effective as of January 1, 2005)


1.1   Name  of  Plan - The name of this plan shall be  the  MOLEX

1.2   Purpose - The purpose of the PLAN is to extend  to  outside
directors  of  MOLEX  INCORPORATED (hereinafter  referred  to  as
"MOLEX") a vehicle under which they may elect in advance to defer
and  invest  future  earnings in order to  provide  a  settlement
source of funds at retirement.

1.3   Effective Date - The effective date of the PLAN is  January
1, 2005.

1.4  Plan Year - The PLAN YEAR shall be a year commencing July  1
and  ending the following June 30 until December 31, 2004.  After
December  31,  2004, the PLAN YEAR shall be a year commencing  on
January1 and ending the following December 31.

1.5   Eligibility  - The outside directors of MOLEX  (hereinafter
"PARTICIPANTS") are eligible to participate in the PLAN.


2.1   Establishment of Account - A separate deferred compensation
account   (hereinafter  "ACCOUNT")  will   be   established   and
maintained for each PARTICIPANT.

2.2   Aggregate  Value  of Account - The  AGGREGATE  VALUE  of  a
PARTICIPANT'S  ACCOUNT  will  be  determined  by  the  amount  of
compensation  that  the PARTICIPANT elects  to  defer  ("DEFERRED
COMP") plus the value added (or subtracted) from interest on cash
equivalents,   dividends   and  stock   appreciation   on   stock
equivalents  depending on the growth pattern as  more  fully  set
forth in ARTICLE IV hereof.

2.3  Allocation of Deferred Compensation - DEFERRED COMP will  be
credited  to  the  PARTICIPANT'S ACCOUNT  as  of  the  date  such
compensation would otherwise have been payable.


3.1  Type of Income - For each PLAN YEAR, a PARTICIPANT may defer
any portion of his or her directors' fees.

3.2  Minimum Deferral - Any DEFERRED COMP for each PLAN YEAR must
be at least $1,000.00 on an annual basis.


4.1   Mutual Exclusivity for Each Annual Deferral - For each PLAN
YEAR,  a  PARTICIPANT may choose to allow his ACCOUNT  to  accrue
earnings  (or  losses)  in accordance  with  one  of  the  growth
patterns  set  forth  in  this ARTICLE.  Once  DEFERRED  COMP  is
credited  to  an  established ACCOUNT, the  PARTICIPANT  may  not
switch  prior DEFERRED COMP in that ACCOUNT for that year  to  an
alternate growth pattern.  The PARTICIPANT will be able to select
an  alternate growth pattern for future deferrals in  other  PLAN

4.2  Interest Bearing Account - If an Interest Bearing Account is
elected,  the  DEFERRED COMP for a particular PLAN YEAR  will  be
treated  as  a  cash ACCOUNT with interest compounded  quarterly.
The  rate of interest shall change quarterly on the first day  of
July,  October,  January and April and be equal to  the  interest
quoted  for six-month treasury bills then in effect as determined
by a brokerage firm or commercial bank.

4.3   Stock Account - If a stock account is elected, the DEFERRED
COMP  for  a  particular PLAN YEAR will be converted  into  stock
units  ("UNITS"), each UNIT corresponding to one share  of  MOLEX
INCORPORATED Common Stock, $.05 par value ("STOCK").  The  amount
of UNITS shall be equal to the DEFERRED COMP dividend by the fair
market  value  of  the STOCK on the date the  compensation  would
otherwise have been payable.  The resulting number of UNITS shall
be  credited to the PARTICIPANT and said UNITS shall be increased
by  imputing  dividends (either cash or stock) on  each  UNIT  or
fraction  thereof which is credited to the PARTICIPANT under  the
PLAN on each dividend payable date.  Such dividend UNITS will  be
converted  into  additional UNITS on the basis of current  market
value  of the STOCK on the applicable payable date.  At the  time
of  payment  of  any portion of the ACCOUNT, the  UNITS  will  be
converted into cash by multiplying the number of UNITS to be paid
at the payment date by the current fair market value of the STOCK
as of the payment date.


5.1   Time  of  Distribution - The distribution of the  AGGREGATE
VALUE to a PARTICIPANT shall commence within thirty (30) days  of
the earliest of one of the following events:

     1.   termination of service with MOLEX after age 59 1/2; or

     2.   age 59 1/2 if termination with Molex occurs before age 59 1/2; or

     3.   disability; or

     4.   death; or

     5.   an unforeseeable emergency.

5.2   Form and Manner of Distribution - If PARTICIPANT'S  service
is terminated, he/she will receive payment of the AGGREGATE VALUE
in  accordance  with PARTICIPANT'S written election  or,  in  the
event  of  an  unforeseeable emergency, in a  manner  within  the
discretion of the ADMINISTRATOR as set forth in paragraph 7.2.

5.3   Definitions  Under  This Article -  For  purposes  of  this
Article, the following definitions shall apply:

     1.   Disability shall mean that a PARTICIPANT is disabled by
       reason  of  any medically determinable physical or  mental
       impairment that can be expected to result in death or can be
       expected to last at least 12 continuous months and he or she is:

       *   Unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity or

       *   Receiving income replacement benefits for a period of not
           less than 3 months under an employer disability plan.

     2.Unforeseeable Emergency shall mean:

       *    Severe financial hardship resulting from a sudden and
          unexpected illness or accident of PARTICIPANT, spouse or

       *    Loss of property due to casualty, or

       *    Other similar extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances
          arising from events beyond the PARTICIPANT'S control.


6.1   Number  of Elections - There may be only one  election  for
each  PLAN  YEAR, except for the PLAN YEAR commencing January  1,
2005  there  shall be a first election that may  have  been  made
prior  to July 1, 2004 for the twelve month period starting  July
1,  2004 and ending June 30, 2005 and a second election prior  to
January  1, 2005 for the six month period starting July  1,  2005
and ending December 31, 2005.

6.2   Revocability  of  Election - Once an election  is  made  in
writing for a particular PLAN YEAR, a PARTICIPANT may not  change
or revoke his/her election.

6.3   Time of Election - The election to defer for each PLAN YEAR
shall be made before the January 1 for each PLAN YEAR.

6.4   Manner  of  Election - A PARTICIPANT  may  elect  to  defer
compensation by giving written notice to the Corporate  Secretary
or  other  designated person on a form provided  by  MOLEX.   The
PARTICIPANT   will   be   required  to  provide   the   following

     1. amount to be deferred and growth pattern desired;

     2. the date of the first installment payment, if any; and

     3. the  manner  of distribution of the PARTICIPANT'S  ACCOUNT
        after  the  occurrence  of  one of  the  events  requiring
        distribution under paragraph 5.1.


7.1   Administration - The Executive Committee of  the  Board  of
Directors   of  MOLEX,  or  its  designee,  shall  act   as   the
administrator of the PLAN (the "ADMINISTRATOR").

7.2   Powers of the Administrator - The ADMINISTRATOR shall  have
the authority to adopt rules and regulations for carrying out the
PLAN  and  interpret, construe and implement  provisions  of  the
PLAN.   In  addition, the ADMINISTRATOR shall have sole authority
to  authorize  payment of all or any portion  of  an  ACCOUNT  to
PARTICIPANTS in case of an unforeseeable emergency as defined  in
paragraph 5.3.

7.3   Maintenance  of Account - The maintenance of  each  ACCOUNT
will  be  the responsibility of the Corporate Finance Department.
A  statement will be sent to each PARTICIPANT advising him/her of
the  AGGREGATE  VALUE of his/her ACCOUNT within sixty  (60)  days
after the end of each PLAN YEAR.

7.4   Amendment  of Plan - The PLAN may at any time  be  amended,
modified  or terminated by the members of the Executive Committee
who  are  not  eligible  to  participate  under  this  PLAN.   No
amendment, modification or termination shall, without the consent
of  the  PARTICIPANT, adversely affect the PARTICIPANT'S accruals
in his ACCOUNT.


8.1  Assignability - To the extent permitted by law, no right  to
receive  payments  under  the  PLAN  shall  be  transferable   or
assignable  by  a PARTICIPANT except by will or by  the  laws  of
decent and distribution.

8.2   Participant's Interest in Undistributed Aggregate  Value  -
The right of any PARTICIPANT to receive future installments under
the provisions of the PLAN will be an unsecured claim against the
general  assets of MOLEX.  MOLEX'S promise to pay  the  AGGREGATE
VALUE  will  be  a  contractual  obligation  that  shall  not  be
evidenced by notes or secured in any way.