Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of    
                             1934 (Amendment No.  )

Filed by the Registrant [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
    (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[x] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or 
    Section 240-14a-12

                            THE MONARCH CEMENT COMPANY                         
                     (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[x] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11.     (Set forth the amount on which the  
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5) Total fee paid:
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing  for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     1) Amount Previously Paid:
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:

                NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS                       
                            (April 14, 1999)

        The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Monarch Cement Company,
a Kansas corporation will be held Wednesday, April 14, 1999, at 2:00 in the
afternoon of that day, at the Company's corporate offices, Humboldt, Kansas,
to consider and act upon the following:

        1.     The election of three directors to serve until the
               annual meeting of the stockholders of the Company
               in 2002;

        2.     Any other business which may properly come before
               the meeting;

        3.     Adjourning the meeting from time to time.

        The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on February 19,
1999 as the record date for the determination of the stockholders entitled to
notice of and to vote at the meeting.  Only stockholders of record at that
time will be entitled to vote at the meeting, or any adjournment thereof.

        The Board of Directors of the Company solicits you to sign, date and
return the enclosed proxy.  Your proxy may be revoked at any time before it
is exercised.

                                        THE MONARCH CEMENT COMPANY

                                        Lyndell G. Mosley, CPA
                                        Assistant Secretary

Humboldt, Kansas
March 12, 1999

                                P R O X Y


    The undersigned hereby appoints Walter H. Wulf, Walter H. Wulf, Jr.,
Robert M. Kissick and Byron K. Radcliff as Proxies, each with the power to
appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes them to represent and to vote
all of the shares of Capital Stock and Class B Capital Stock of The Monarch
Cement Company held of record by the undersigned on February 19, 1999 at the
annual meeting of stockholders to be held on April 14, 1999, or any
adjournment or adjournments thereof, as fully and with the same effect as the
undersigned might or could do if personally present, with respect to the
following business proposed by the Company to be conducted at the meeting:


     FOR all nominees listed              WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to
     below (except as marked              vote for all
     to the contrary below)  [ ]          nominees listed below  [ ]

                    NOMINEE'S NAME IN THE LIST BELOW.)

    David L. Deffner        Gayle C. McMillen        Richard N. Nixon     
2.   In their discretion, the Proxies are authorized to vote upon
     such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

     A majority of said Proxies, or their substitutes, present and acting at
said meeting, or any adjournment thereof (or if only one be present and act,
that one) shall have and may exercise all of the powers of all of said
Proxies.  This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner
directed herein by the undersigned stockholder.  IF NO DIRECTION IS MADE,
ratifies and confirms all that said Proxies, or any of them or their
substitutes, may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof and
acknowledges receipt of the notice of said meeting and the Proxy Statement
accompanying it.

When shares are held by joint
tenants, both should sign.  When
signing as attorney, as executor,
administrator, trustee or guardian,
please give full title as such.  If
a corporation, please sign in full
corporate name by president or
other authorized officer.  If a
partnership, please sign in
partnership name by authorized

Dated_________________, 1999.      _____________________________
                                   Signature if held jointly

Please mark, sign, date and return this proxy promptly using the enclosed

                        THE MONARCH CEMENT COMPANY
                               P.O. Box 1000
                        Humboldt, Kansas 66748-1000


                        (2:00 p.m., April 14, 1999)

                            GENERAL INFORMATION

     The enclosed proxy is being solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors
of The Monarch Cement Company and all expenses of the solicitation will be
borne by the Company.  In addition to solicitation by mail, a number of
regular employees may solicit proxies in person or by telephone.  The Company
does not expect to pay any compensation for the solicitation of proxies.  The
proxy may be revoked at any time before it is exercised by giving written
notice to the Secretary of the Company.  The enclosed proxy and this Proxy
Statement were first sent or given to the holders of Monarch stock on or about
March 12, 1999.

     The record date with respect to this solicitation is February 19, 1999
and only holders of Capital Stock and/or Class B Capital Stock of the Company
as of the close of business on that date are entitled to vote, either in
person or by proxy, at the meeting.  At the close of business on that date
2,290,724 shares of Capital Stock and 1,886,672 shares of Class B Capital
Stock were issued and outstanding.  Holders of Capital Stock are entitled to
one vote per share standing in their names on the record date.  Holders of
Class B Capital Stock are entitled to ten votes per share standing in their
names on the record date.  

     Directors are elected by a plurality (a number greater than those cast
for any other candidates) of the votes cast, in person or by proxy, by the
stockholders entitled to vote at the annual meeting for that purpose.  The
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the votes of the Company's
stock entitled to vote at the annual meeting is required for the approval of
such other matters as properly may come before the annual meeting or any
adjournment thereof.

     A stockholder entitled to vote in the election of directors can withhold
authority to vote for all nominees for director or can withhold authority to
vote for certain nominees for director.  Broker non-votes are treated as
shares of the Company's stock as to which voting power has been withheld by
the respective beneficial holders and, therefore, as shares not entitled to
vote on the proposal as to which there is the broker non-vote.

     To the knowledge of the Company, there are no special arrangements or
understandings between any of the directors and officers other than each of
them acting solely in their capacity as such.


     The Board of Directors is divided into three classes.  Class I is
comprised of three directors and Classes II and III are each comprised of four
directors.  At each annual meeting of stockholders, one class of directors is
elected for a three-year term.

     The three directors to be elected at the forthcoming annual meeting of
stockholders will serve as directors in Class I of the Board of Directors. 
Their term of office will commence upon election and will continue until the
2002 annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors are elected and

     The Board of Directors has selected the nominees for directors.  Shares
represented by a proxy given pursuant to this solicitation will be voted in
favor of the nominees listed below. David L. Deffner and Richard N. Nixon are
at present a member of Class I of the Board of Directors.  If any of such
nominees should unexpectedly become unavailable for election, the shares
represented by the proxy will be voted for such substituted nominee or
nominees as the Board of Directors may name.  Each of the nominees hereinafter
named has indicated his willingness to serve if elected and it is not
anticipated that any of them will become unavailable for election.  The names
of the nominees are as follows:

         David L. Deffner         Gayle C. McMillen         Richard N. Nixon
     The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR the election of each
of the three nominees named above as directors in Class I of the Board of

Information Concerning Nominees for Election to Board of Directors
and Directors Continuing in Office

                                                                                               Family relationship
                              Present position    Principal occupation     Director  Term      between
Name                  Age     with Company        last five years          since     expires   Directors and Officers
C L A S S I:
David L. Deffner      48      Director            Professor of Music,      1997      2002     None 
                                                  American River College,                      
                                                  Sacramento, California
                                                  and Director of Music,
                                                  Davis Community Church
                                                  Davis, California, since
                                                  August 1996; Music
                                                  Director, St. John's
                                                  Lutheran Church,
                                                  Sacramento, California
                                                  (1/1/94 to 12/31/95)

Gayle C. McMillen     49      Director            Instrumental Music       1999      2002     None
                                                  Teacher, USD 305,
                                                  Salina, Kansas                                                       

Richard N. Nixon      57      Director            Shareholder in law       1990      2002     None
                                                  firm of Stinson, Mag &
                                                  Fizzell, P.C.,
                                                  Kansas City, MO

Byron J. Radcliff     42      Director            Rancher                  1976      2000     Son of Byron K. Radcliff,
                                                                                              Director and Treasurer

Michael R. Wachter    38      Director            Civil Engineer and       1994      2000     None
                                                  Director of Operations,
                                                  Concrete Technology Corp.
                                                  (a precast/prestressed 
                                                  concrete producer)
                                                  Tacoma, Washington 

Walter H. Wulf        99      Chairman of         Position with Company    1923      2000     Father of Walter H. Wulf,
                              the Board                                                       Jr., Vice Chairman of the
                              and Director                                                    Board, President and Director

Walter H. Wulf, Jr.   54      Vice Chairman       Position with Company    1971      2000     Son of Walter H. Wulf,
                              of the Board,                                                   Chairman of the Board and
                              President and                                                   Director

Information Concerning Nominees for Election to Board of Directors
and Directors Continuing in Office (continued)

                                                                                               Family relationship
                              Present position    Principal occupation     Director  Term      between
Name                  Age     with Company        last five years          since     expires   Directors and Officers
Jack R. Callahan      67      Director            President, The Monarch   1980      2001      None
                                                  Cement Company, until
                                                  retirement on 10-31-97

Ronald E. Callaway    63      Director            Transport truck driver,  1990      2001      None
                                                  Agricultural Carriers,                       
                                                  Inc., Wichita, Kansas 
                                                  until retirement on

Robert M. Kissick     62      Vice President      Chairman, Hydraulic      1972      2001      None
                              and Director        Power Systems, Inc.
                                                  (manufacturer of
                                                  construction equipment)
                                                  N. Kansas City, Missouri

Byron K. Radcliff     61      Treasurer           Owner/Manager,           1960      2001      Father of Byron J.
                              and Director        Radcliff Ranch                               Radcliff, Director
                                                  Dexter, Kansas


There is no arrangement or understanding between any director and any other person pursuant to which such director was
selected as a director.

                                        INFORMATION    CONCERNING    EXECUTIVE    OFFICERS

                                                       Term of                            Family Relationship
                              Present Position         Office    Principal Occupation     between 
Name                  Age     with Company             Began     Last Five Years          Directors and Officers
Walter H. Wulf        99      Chairman of the Board    1969      Position with            Father of Walter H. Wulf, Jr.,
                              Director                 1923      Company                  Vice Chairman of the Board,
                                                                                          President and Director

Walter H. Wulf, Jr.   54      President                1997      Position with            Son of Walter H. Wulf,
                              Vice Chairman                      Company                  Chairman of the Board and
                              of the Board             1991                               Director
                              Director                 1971

Robert M. Kissick     62      *Vice President          1980      See page 4 of            None
                              Director                 1972      this Proxy

Karl Callaway         87      *Secretary               1990      Retired Farmer           Uncle of Ronald E. Callaway,
                              Director                 1947                               Director

Byron K. Radcliff     61      *Treasurer               1976      Owner/Manager,           Father of Byron J. Radcliff,
                              Director                 1960      Radcliff Ranch           Director
                                                                 Dexter, Kansas

Lyndell G. Mosley     68      Chief Financial          1972      Position with            None
                              Officer and Assistant              Company


* Not active in the daily affairs of the Company.

There is no arrangement or understanding between any executive officer and any other person pursuant to which any of
such executive officers have been selected to their respective positions.


     The following table sets forth those known to the Company to be
beneficial owners of more than five percent of any class of the Company's
securities as of February 19, 1999:

Name and Address of                            Amount and Nature of  Percent 
Beneficial Owner      Title of Class           Beneficial Ownership  of Class
Byron K. Radcliff     Capital Stock            209,960 shares (a)     9.166%
P.O. Box 100          Class B Capital Stock    211,960 shares (b)    11.234%
Dexter, KS 67038

Walter H. Wulf        Capital Stock            163,142 shares (c)     7.122%
P.O. Box 188          Class B Capital Stock    162,842 shares (d)     8.631%
Humboldt, KS 66748       

(a)  Includes 205,315 shares owned individually, 2,495 shares owned jointly
with wife and 2,150 shares owned by wife.  Mr. Radcliff disclaims beneficial
ownership of the 2,150 shares owned by wife.
(b)  Includes 207,715 shares owned individually, 2,495 shares owned jointly
with wife and 1,750 shares owned by wife.  Mr. Radcliff disclaims beneficial
ownership of the 1,750 shares owned by wife.
(c)  Includes 43,842 shares held individually, 40,300 shares held in Walter H.
Wulf Company, LLC for the benefit of Mr. Wulf, his children and grandchildren;
75,000 shares held by Mr. Wulf as co-trustee under three trusts for the
respective benefit of Mr. Wulf's children and as to which Mr. Wulf disclaims
beneficial ownership; and 4,000 shares held in the Walter H. Wulf Charitable
Foundation as to which Mr. Wulf disclaims beneficial ownership.
(d)  Includes 87,842 shares held individually and 75,000 shares held by Mr.
Wulf as co-trustee under three trusts for the respective benefit of Mr. Wulf's
children and as to which Mr. Wulf disclaims beneficial ownership.

     The security ownership of management as of February 19, 1999 is as

                       Amount and Nature of
                       Beneficial Ownership     
                                                    Percent of Ownership
                         Number of Shares                        Class B
                                       Class B       Capital     Capital
Beneficial Owner     Capital Stock  Capital Stock     Stock       Stock
Jack R. Callahan         -            1,000  (1)         -         .053%
Ronald E. Callaway     5,150          5,150            .225%       .273%
David L. Deffner      17,462         17,463            .762%       .926%
Robert M. Kissick     39,903  (2)    39,903  (2)      1.742%      2.115%
Gayle C. McMillen     11,220  (3)    11,220  (3)       .490%       .595%
Richard N. Nixon       1,000          1,000            .043%       .053%
Byron J. Radcliff      1,750  (4)     1,250  (4)       .076%       .066%
Byron K. Radcliff    209,960  (5)   211,960  (6)      9.166%     11.234%
Michael R. Wachter       250            250            .011%       .013%
Walter H. Wulf       163,142  (7)   162,842  (8)      7.122%      8.631%
Walter H. Wulf, Jr.   10,810  (9)    15,350  (10)      .472%       .814%
Lyndell G. Mosley     46,821  (11)   15,561           2.044%       .825%
All directors and
 officers as a group,
 12 persons          507,468        482,949          22.153%     25.598%

Footnotes to Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

( 1) Held jointly with wife.
( 2) Includes 6,428 shares in trusts of which Robert M. Kissick is sole
trustee and 33,475 shares owned by wife. Mr. Kissick disclaims beneficial
ownership of 33,475 shares owned by wife.
( 3) Includes 10,915 shares owned by wife as to which Mr. McMillen disclaims
beneficial ownership.
( 4) Includes 250 shares owned by minor son of which Byron J. Radcliff is
custodian and as to which Mr. Radcliff disclaims beneficial ownership.
( 5) See Footnote (a) to preceding Table.
( 6) See Footnote (b) to preceding Table.
( 7) See Footnote (c) to preceding Table.
( 8) See Footnote (d) to preceding Table.
( 9) Includes 8,910 shares held individually and 1,900 shares owned by wife. 
In addition, Walter H. Wulf, Jr. is co-trustee with Walter H. Wulf of 75,000
shares under three trusts for the respective benefit of Walter H. Wulf, Jr.
and his two sisters, and owns 100 shares of the Walter H. Wulf Company, LLC. 
Mr. Wulf disclaims beneficial ownership of 50,000 shares held by him as
co-trustee under two trusts for the respective benefit of Mr. Wulf's two
sisters and 1,900 shares owned by wife.
(10) Includes 12,950 shares held individually, 500 shares held jointly with
wife and 1,900 shares owned by wife.  In addition, Walter H. Wulf, Jr. is
co-trustee with Walter H. Wulf of 75,000 shares under three trusts for the
respective benefit of Walter H. Wulf, Jr. and his two sisters.  Mr. Wulf
disclaims beneficial ownership of 50,000 shares held by him as co-trustee
under two trusts for the respective benefit of Mr. Wulf's two sisters and
1,900 shares owned by wife. 
(11) Includes 15,561 shares held in a trust of which Lyndell G. Mosley is sole
trustee and 31,260 shares in wife's trust of which she is sole trustee.  Mr.
Mosley disclaims beneficial ownership of shares owned by wife.

                          EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

    The following table summarizes the total compensation of the Chief
Executive Officer and the Company's other executive officer whose total
compensation exceeded $100,000 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998, as
well as the total compensation paid to each such individual for the Company's
two previous fiscal years. 

                        SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

         Name and                       Annual Compensation
     Principal Position         Year         (Salary)
     Lyndell G. Mosley          1998         $132,435
      Chief Financial Officer   1997          126,300
      and Assistant             1996          120,300

     Walter H. Wulf, Jr.        1998         $130,815
      Vice Chairman of the      1997          121,650
      Board and President       1996          115,125

    The officers who are directors receive a monthly salary and do not receive
additional compensation for attending Board of Directors' meetings.  All other
directors receive $1,050 for attending each board meeting.  Also, all
directors are reimbursed for their actual travel expenses incurred in
attending board meetings.  However, if it is necessary to hold more than one
board meeting on the same date, or if the board meeting takes more than one
day, only $1,050 is paid. 

     The Board of Directors held three meetings during 1998.  Each director
attended at least 75% of the aggregate of the total number of meetings of the
Board of Directors and all committees of the Board on which he served during
1998, with the exception of Karl Callaway.  The Board of Directors does not
have a standing audit, compensation or nominating committee, or other
committee performing similar functions. 

     Richard N. Nixon, director, is an attorney and, during 1998, was a
shareholder in the law firm of Stinson, Mag and Fizzell, P.C., Kansas City,
Missouri.  During 1998, the total legal fees and expenses paid by the Company
to Stinson, Mag and Fizzell, P.C. did not exceed five percent of such law
firm's gross revenues for 1998.  


    The retirement plan available to salaried employees, including the persons
named in the Summary Compensation Table above, is a defined benefit plan which
provides for fixed benefits, after a specific number of years of service, for
the remainder of the employee's life.  The monthly retirement benefits are
computed by multiplying the employee's years of service by one and six-tenths
percent (1.6%) and multiplying this result by 1/60th of the employee's last
sixty calendar months of earnings or the employee's highest five consecutive
calendar years of earnings out of the last ten calendar years of service,
whichever is greater; however, the maximum retirement benefit is limited to
fifty percent (50%) of the average monthly earnings used in computing
retirement benefits.  Currently the maximum annual compensation for
determining retirement benefits is $150,000.  The normal retirement age at
which retirement plan benefits become payable is age 65.
    The following table sets forth the estimated annual aggregate retirement
benefits at normal retirement for various classifications of earnings and
years of service.

                            PENSION PLAN TABLE
    5 Years                  Years of Service
    Earnings    15        20        25        30        35
   $100,000  $24,000   $32,000   $40,000   $48,000   $50,000
    125,000   30,000    40,000    50,000    60,000    62,500
    150,000   36,000    48,000    60,000    72,000    75,000
    175,000   36,000    48,000    60,000    72,000    75,000
    200,000   36,000    48,000    60,000    72,000    75,000

     The earnings used for the purpose of determining the retirement plan
benefits consists of annual compensation (salary) of the type disclosed in the
Summary Compensation Table above.  Pension benefits under the retirement plan
are not subject to any deduction for social security benefits or other offset

     The persons named in the Summary Compensation Table above have the
following years of credited service for pension benefits under the retirement
plan:  Mr. Mosley, 40 years and Mr. Wulf, 27 years.

                            SEVERANCE PAY PLAN

     On July 18, 1985 the Board of Directors of the Company adopted a
Severance Pay Plan for Salaried Employees (the "Plan"). The Plan is designed
to recognize the past service of long-standing salaried employees and reduce
their concerns, if any, if a change in control of the Company should occur. 
The Plan provides that if employment of any "covered employee" is
terminated for any reason other than death or disability within 24 months
after a "change in control", such employee is entitled to receive severance
pay equal to the employee's monthly salary times the number of full years that
such employee has been employed by the Company.  The amount of the severance
pay is subject to certain reductions where the employee is entitled to
certain retirement benefits under the Company's pension plan or where the
severance pay is not fully deductible by the Company for federal income tax
purposes.  A "covered employee" is any full-time salaried employee who has
been employed for at least 10 years prior to the "change in control".  A
"change in control" is any merger, consolidation or disposition of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company or any acquisition by any
person or group of persons acting in concert who after such acquisition
would own more than 30% of the Company's outstanding voting stock. If there
had been a change in control and termination of employment on December 31,
1998, Messrs. Mosley and Wulf would have been entitled to receive severance
pay pursuant to the Plan equal to $228,882 and $299,970, respectively.  The
Plan also provides that any covered employee who, at the time of termination,
has been employed on a full-time basis for 20 years or more, is entitled to
receive the same life and health insurance generally made available by the
Company to retired employees.  The Plan may be amended or terminated by the
affirmative vote of a least two-thirds of the members of the full Board of
Directors of the Company except that no amendment or termination may adversely
affect any right of a covered employee who is employed by the Company at the
time the Board of Directors has knowledge of any change in control or a
proposal for any change in control.


     There currently is no compensation committee of the Board of Directors
(or committee performing equivalent functions).  Accordingly, the Board of
Directors itself is responsible for the establishment of the general
compensation policies of the Company and the specific compensation for
executive officers.  In carrying out this responsibility, however, the Board
of Directors requests and considers the recommendations of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Directors (consisting of Jack R. Callahan, Karl
Callaway, Robert M. Kissick, Byron K. Radcliff, Walter H. Wulf and Walter H.
Wulf, Jr.). 

Executive Compensation Policy

     The Board of Directors believes that the compensation of its executive
officers, including Mr. Wulf, the Company's President and Chief Executive
Officer (CEO), should be influenced by the Company's long-term profitability. 
However, the Board does not attempt to establish a direct correlation between
the Company's profitability and executive compensation.

Executive Officer Compensation

     Each year, including 1998, the Executive Committee of the Board of
Directors makes its recommendations to the Board of Directors as to the
salaries for the Company's executive officers.  These recommendations are
based on a salary adjustment percentage which the committee establishes to
serve as a guideline in setting the compensation for all salaried employees
of the Company.  The determination of this salary adjustment is based on the
Executive Committee's assessment of the change in the cost of living and of
the Company's long-term profitability.  The application of the salary
adjustment percentage to the salaries of the Company's salaried employees
results generally in the Company's executive officers as a group, including
the CEO, receiving the same percentage increase as the other salaried
employees of the Company.  A subjective determination as to whether the
individual salaried employee is performing satisfactorily is also made.  In
April 1998, upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Board of
Directors approved an overall increase in compensation of five and one-half 
percent. These increases are reflective of, although not directly tied to, the
Company's continued improved performance in 1997.  

Chief Executive Officer Compensation

     The compensation of the Company's CEO is established by the Board of
Directors in the same way as compensation is established for the Company's
other executive officers.  As indicated in the above discussion, the increase
in the CEO's salary, and that of the other executive officers, largely is
determined by the application of the salary adjustment percentage selected by
the Executive Committee to the CEO's salary.  A subjective determination as to
whether the individual salaried employee is performing satisfactorily is also


          Jack R. Callahan         Karl Callaway
          Ronald E. Callaway       David L. Deffner
          Robert M. Kissick        Richard N. Nixon 
          Byron J. Radcliff        Byron K. Radcliff 
          Michael R. Wachter       Walter H. Wulf
          Walter H. Wulf, Jr.


     No officer who is not also a director, and no other person, participated
in deliberations of the Board of Directors concerning executive officer
compensation.  The members of the Board of Directors who are also executive
officers have no interlocking relationships with any other entity which are
required by the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission to be reported
in this Proxy Statement. 

                            COMPANY PERFORMANCE

     The following performance graph shows a five-year comparison of
cumulative total returns for the Company, the S&P 500 composite index and an
index of peer companies selected by the Company.

                        Comparison of Five Year Cumulative Total Return

               12/31/93  12/30/94  12/29/95  12/31/96  12/31/97  12/31/98
MONARCH CEMENT  100.00    137.30    156.56   224.25    331.83    345.17
Peer Group      100.00     82.10    101.30    120.30    197.40    222.00
S&P 500 Stocks  100.00    101.40    139.50    172.00    229.60    295.70

Source: Center for Research in Security Pricing and Media General Financial

     The cumulative total return on investment for each of the periods for the
Company, the S&P 500 and the peer group is based on the stock price or
composite index at January 1, 1994.  The performance graph assumes that the
value of an investment in the Company's capital stock and each index was $100
at January 1, 1994 and that all dividends were reinvested.  The information
presented in the performance graph is historical in nature and is not intended
to represent or guarantee future returns.

     The performance graph compares the performance of the Company with that
of the S&P 500 composite index and an index of peer companies in the Company's
industry in which the returns are weighted according to each company's market
capitalization. Companies in the peer group index are Lafarge Corporation,
Lone Star Industries, Southdown Inc. and Texas Industries.


     The Company has used the services of Arthur Andersen LLP, Kansas City,
Missouri as its Independent Certified Public Accountants for more than 60
years and plans to continue to use them in this capacity.  It is anticipated
that no representative of Arthur Andersen LLP will be present at the annual
meeting of the stockholders on April 14, 1999 and therefore they will not make
a statement or be available to answer questions which may arise.  The Board of
Directors does not have an audit committee. 


     No stockholder proposal will be included in the Company's proxy statement
and form of proxy relating to the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on
April 12, 2000 which is not received by the Company at P.O. Box 1000,
Humboldt, Kansas 66748-1000 on or before November 15 1999.

                           FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     The annual report of the Company containing financial statements for the
year ended December 31, 1998 is enclosed herewith.

                              OTHER BUSINESS

     The proxy solicited confers discretionary authority with respect to the
voting of the shares represented thereby on any other business that may
properly come before the meeting.  However, the Board of Directors has no
knowledge of any other business which will be presented at the meeting and
does not itself intend to present any such other business. 

                       SECTION 16(a) BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP
                             REPORTING COMPLIANCE

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act")
generally requires the Company's directors and executive officers, and persons
who own more than 10% of a class of the Company's equity securities, to file
with the Securities and Exchange Commission initial reports of ownership and
reports of changes in ownership in the Company's capital stock and other
equity securities.  Securities and Exchange Commission regulations require
directors, executive officers and greater than 10% shareholders to furnish the
Company with copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file.  To the Company's
knowledge, based solely on review of copies of such reports and written
representations that no other reports were required, during the year ended
December 31, 1998, all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its
directors, executive officers and greater than 10% shareholders were complied