A Real Estate Investment Trust
    Juniper Business Plaza, 3499 Route 9 North, Suite 3-C
                Freehold, New Jersey  07728


      Notice  is  hereby  given that the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  of Monmouth Real Estate Investment  Corporation
(the  Company) will be held on Thursday, April 26,  2001,  at
4:00  p.m. at the offices of the Company at Juniper  Business
Plaza,  3499 Route 9 North, Suite 3-C,  Freehold, New Jersey,
for the following purposes:

    1. To  elect  nine Directors, the names of whom are set
       forth in the  accompanying  proxy statement,to serve
       for the ensuing year; and

    2. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as independent
       auditors  for the Company for the fiscal year ending
       September 30, 2001; and

    3. To transact such other business as may properly come
       before the meeting and any adjournments thereof.

      The  books  containing the minutes of the  last  Annual
Meeting  of Shareholders, and the minutes of all meetings  of
the  Directors since the last Annual Meeting of Shareholders,
will  be presented at the meeting for the inspection  of  the
shareholders.    Only shareholders of record at the close  of
business  on March 14, 2001 will be entitled to vote  at  the
meeting and at any adjournments thereof.


                           BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                   /s/ Eugene W. Landy

                                   EUGENE W. LANDY
                                   President and Director

March 21, 2001

     Juniper Business Plaza, 3499 Route 9 North, Suite 3-C
                  Freehold, New Jersey 07728

                           PROXY STATEMENT
                  Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                          April 26, 2001

     This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the
solicitation  by  the  Board of Directors  of  Monmouth  Real
Estate Investment Corporation (the Company) of proxies to  be
voted at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to
be  held  on April 26, 2001, and at any adjournments  thereof
(Annual  Meeting), for the purposes listed in  the  preceding
Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders.   This   Proxy
Statement   and  the  accompanying  proxy  card   are   being
distributed  on  or about March 21, 2001 to  shareholders  of
record March 14, 2001.

      A  copy  of  the  Annual  Report,  including  financial
statements,  was mailed to all shareholders of record  on  or
about February 16 , 2001.

      Any  shareholder giving the accompanying proxy has  the
power to revoke it at any time before it is exercised at  the
Annual Meeting by filing with the Secretary of the Company an
instrument  revoking it, by delivering a duly executed  proxy
card bearing a later date, or by appearing at the meeting and
voting  in  person.  Shares represented by properly  executed
proxies   will   be  voted  as  specified  thereon   by   the
shareholder.   Unless  the shareholder  specifies  otherwise,
such proxies will be voted FOR the proposals set forth in the
Notice of Annual Meeting.

     The cost of preparing, assembling and mailing this Proxy
Statement  and  form  of proxy, and the  cost  of  soliciting
proxies related to the meeting, will be borne by the Company.
The Company does not intend to solicit proxies otherwise than
by  the  use  of the mail, but certain Officers  and  regular
employees  of  the Company, without additional  compensation,
may use their personal efforts, by telephone or otherwise, to
obtain proxies.

                          VOTING RIGHTS

      Only  holders  of the Company's $.01 par  value  common
stock (Common Stock) of record as of the close of business on
March 14, 2001, are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders.  As of the record date, there were  issued  and
outstanding  9,409,478  shares of Common  Stock,  each  share
being  entitled to one vote on any matter which may  properly
come   before  the  meeting.   Said  voting  right  is   non-
cumulative.   The  holders of a majority of  the  outstanding
shares  of  Common  Stock  shall  constitute  a  quorum.   An
affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast  by  holders
of  the Common Stock is required for approval of Proposals  1
and 2.


                           PROPOSAL 1

                      ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      It is proposed to elect a Board of nine Directors.  The
proxy  will  be  voted for the election of the nine  nominees
named herein, seven of whom are members of the present Board,
to  serve  for  a  one-year term for  which  they  have  been
nominated,  unless authority is withheld by the  shareholder.
The  nominees have agreed to serve, if elected, for  the  new
term.      At  the Annual Meeting of Shareholders held  April
27,  2000, the shareholders elected eight Directors to  serve
for  a  one-year  period.   Subsequent  to  the  2000  Annual
Meeting,  the Board of Directors appointed Matthew I.  Hirsch
as Director.

     Robert  G.  Sampson, who has served as a Director  since
1968,  is  retiring from the Board of Directors effective  on
the date of the Annual Meeting and therefore will not seek re-
election.   The Board of Directors is saddened by the  recent
death  of  Boniface DeBlasio, who also served as  a  Director
since  1968.   The Board of Directors has nominated  John  R.
Sampson  and Peter J. Weidhorn to serve as Directors for  the
ensuing year.

     If  for any reason any of the nine nominees shall become
unavailable  for election, the proxy will be  voted  for  any
substitute  nominee  who  may be selected  by  the  Board  of
Directors prior to or at the meeting, or, if no substitute is
selected  by the Board of Directors, for a motion  to  reduce
the  membership of the Board to the number of  the  following
nominees  who are available.  In the event the membership  of
the  Board  is reduced, it is anticipated that  it  would  be
restored  to the original number at the next annual  meeting.
In the event a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors after
the Annual Meeting, the by-laws provide that any such vacancy
shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote  of
the  remaining Directors.  The Company has no knowledge  that
any  of  the  nine  nominees  shall  become  unavailable  for

      The  proxies  solicited cannot be voted for  a  greater
number of persons than the nominees named.

      Some  of  the  nominees for Director are also  Officers
and/or  Directors  of  other  companies,  including  Monmouth
Capital  Corporation  and  United Mobile  Homes,  Inc.,  both
publicly-owned  companies.   In addition,  the  Officers  and
Directors   of  the  Company  may  engage  in   real   estate
transactions  for  their own account, which transactions  may
also   be   suitable  for  Monmouth  Real  Estate  Investment
Corporation.   In  most  respects,  the  activities  of   the
Company,  United  Mobile  Homes, Inc.  and  Monmouth  Capital
Corporation  are not in conflict, but rather complement  each
other.  However, the activities of the Officers and Directors
on  behalf of the other companies, or for their own  account,
may  on  occasion  conflict with those  of  the  Company  and
deprive  the Company of favorable opportunities.  It  is  the
opinion  of  the Officers and Directors of the  Company  that
there  have  been  no  conflicting  transactions  since   the
beginning of the last fiscal year.


 Committees of the Board of Directors and Meeting Attendance

     The Board of Directors had four meetings during the last
fiscal  year.   No Director attended fewer than  75%  of  the

      The  Company  has a standing Audit Committee,  a  Stock
Option  Committee and  a Compensation Committee of the  Board
of Directors.

      The  Audit Committee, which recommends to the Directors
the  independent  public accountants to  be  engaged  by  the
Company  and  reviews with management the Company's  internal
accounting  procedures  and  controls,  had  seven  meetings,
including  telephone meetings, during the last  fiscal  year.
Charles  P.  Kaempffer,  Daniel D. Cronheim  and  Matthew  I.
Hirsch, all of whom are outside Directors, serve on the Audit

      The  Stock  Option  Committee,  which  administers  the
Company's Stock Option Plan, had one meeting during the  last
fiscal year.  Daniel D. Cronheim and Matthew I. Hirsch  serve
on the Stock Option Committee.

      The Compensation Committee, which makes recommendations
to  the  Directors concerning compensation, had  one  meeting
during  the last fiscal year.  Daniel D. Cronheim and Matthew
I. Hirsch serve on the Compensation Committee.


                        NOMINEES FOR DIRECTOR

                      Present Position with the
                     Company; Business Experience
                        During Past Five Years;      Director
Nominee; Age              Other Directorships         Since

Ernest V.         Treasurer  (1968 to  present)  and   1968
Bencivenga        Director.    Financial  Consultant
(83)              (1976  to present); Treasurer  and
                  Director  (1961  to  present)  and
                  Secretary  (1967  to  present)  of
                  Monmouth    Capital   Corporation;
                  Director  (1969  to  present)  and
                  Secretary/Treasurer    (1984    to
                  present)  of United Mobile  Homes,

Anna T. Chew      Controller  (1991 to present)  and   1993
(42)              Director.     Certified     Public
                  Accountant;  Controller  (1991  to
                  present)  and  Director  (1994  to
                  present)   of   Monmouth   Capital
                  Corporation;  Vice  President  and
                  Chief  Financial Officer (1995  to
                  present)   and Director  (1994  to
                  present)  of United Mobile  Homes,

Daniel D.         Director.   Attorney at Law  (1982   1989
Cronheim          to    present);   Executive   Vice
(46)              President  (1989 to  present)  and
                  General  Counsel (1983 to present)
                  of David Cronheim Company.

Matthew I. Hirsch Director.   Attorney at Law  (1985   2000
(41)              to  present);   Adjunct  Professor
                  of  Law (1993 to present), Widener
                  University School of Law.

Charles P.        Director.    Investor;    Director   1974
Kaempffer         (1970   to  present)  of  Monmouth
(63)              Capital    Corporation;   Director
                  (1969   to   present)  of   United
                  Mobile  Homes, Inc.; Vice Chairman
                  and Director (1996 to present)  of
                  Community Bank of New Jersey.


                  NOMINEES FOR DIRECTOR (continued)

                      Present Position with the
                     Company; Business Experience
                        During Past Five Years;     Director
Nominee; Age             Other Directorships          Since

Eugene W. Landy   President  (1968 to  present)  and   1968
(67)              Director.    Attorney   at    Law;
                  President  and Director  (1961  to
                  present)   of   Monmouth   Capital
                  Corporation;   Chairman   of   the
                  Board     (1995    to    present),
                  President   (1969  to  1995)   and
                  Director  (1969  to  present)   of
                  United Mobile Homes, Inc.

Samuel A. Landy   Director.   Attorney at Law  (1987   1989
(40)              to  present); President  (1995  to
                  present), Vice President (1991  to
                  1995)   and  Director   (1992   to
                  present)  of United Mobile  Homes,
                  Inc.;  Director (1994 to  present)
                  of Monmouth Capital Corporation.

John R. Sampson   Senior  Portfolio Manager  at  Fox    New
(47)              Asset  Management, Inc.  (1998  to  Nominee
                  present);   Principal  at   Pharos
                  Management and Principia  Partners
                  LLC  (1995  to  1998) specializing
                  in  fixed  income  consulting  and
                  research    for   the   securities

Peter J. Weidhorn Director    of    Real     Estate     New
(54)              Management/    Acquisitions    at   Nominee
                  Kushner   Companies   (2000    to
                  present); Director (1994 to 1997)
                  of  Monmouth Capital Corporation;
                  President (1981 to 1998)  of  WNY
                  Management Corp.; Chairman of the
                  Board,   President  and  Director
                  (1998  to  2000)  of  WNY  Group,
                  Inc.; Trustee and former Chairman
                  of   the   Board  of  CentraState
                  Healthcare System; Treasurer  and
                  Trustee  of the Union of American
                  Hebrew Congregations.



                           PROPOSAL 2


     It is proposed to approve the appointment of KPMG LLP as
Independent  Auditors  for the Company  for  the  purpose  of
making  the  annual  audit of the books  of  account  of  the
Company   for  the  year  ending  September  30,   2001   and
shareholder approval of said appointment is requested.   KPMG
LLP  has served as Independent Auditors of the Company  since
1994.  There are no affiliations between the Company and KPMG
LLP,  its  partners, associates or employees, other than  its
employment as Independent Auditors for the Company.  KPMG LLP
informed  the  Company  that it has  no  direct  or  indirect
financial interest in the Company.  The Company does expect a
representative  of  KPMG  LLP to be  present  at  the  Annual
Meeting  either  to  make  a  statement  or  to  respond   to
appropriate questions.

      The  approval  of  the appointment of  the  Independent
Auditors must be by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
votes  cast  at the Annual Meeting.  In the event  KPMG   LLP
does  not receive an affirmative vote of the majority of  the
votes  cast  by the holders of shares entitled to vote,  then
another  firm  will be appointed as Independent Auditors  and
the  shareholders will be asked to ratify the appointment  at
the next annual meeting.


                     PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

      As  of March 1, 2001, no person owned of record, or was
known  by  the  Company to own beneficially, more  than  five
percent (5%) of the shares of the Company.



      As  of  March  1,  2001,  the Directors  and  Officers,
individually and as a group, beneficially owned Common  Stock
as follows:

   Name of                  Shares Owned        Percent of
Beneficial Owner           Beneficially (1)       Class

Ernest V. Bencivenga          12,014   (2)        0.13%
Anna T. Chew                  21,689   (3)        0.23%
Daniel D. Cronheim            24,028   (4)        0.26%
Matthew I. Hirsch                871   (5)        0.01%
Charles P. Kaempffer          37,633   (6)        0.40%
Eugene W. Landy              445,633   (7)(10)    4.74%
Samuel A. Landy              152,764   (8)        1.62%
John R. Sampson               14,107   (9)        0.15%
Peter J. Weidhorn              1,000              0.01%

Directors & Officers
  as a Group                 709,739  (10)        7.55%

(1)  Beneficial  ownership, as defined herein, includes  Common
     Stock  as  to  which a person has or shares voting  and/or
     investment power.

(2)  Excludes  15,000  shares issuable upon exercise  of  stock

(3)  Includes  (a) 14,843 shares owned jointly with Ms.  Chew's
     husband;  and  (b) 6,846 shares held in Ms. Chew's  401(k)
     Plan.   Excludes 15,000 shares issuable upon  exercise  of
     stock option.

(4)  Excludes  15,000  shares issuable upon exercise  of  stock

(5)  Excludes  5,000  shares issuable upon  exercise  of  stock

(6)  Includes (a) 14,655 shares owned by Mr. Kaempffer's  wife;
     (b)  1,080  shares in joint name with Mrs. Kaempffer;  and
     (c)  2,425 shares held in the Charles P. Kaempffer Defined
     Benefit  Pension  Plan of which Mr. Kaempffer  is  Trustee
     with  power to vote.  Excludes 15,000 shares issuable upon
     exercise of stock option.

(7)  Includes (a) 93,018 shares owned by Mr. Landy's wife;  (b)
     153,523  shares  held in the Landy & Landy Profit  Sharing
     Plan  of which Mr. Landy is a Trustee with power to  vote;
     and  (c)  120,688 shares held in the Landy & Landy Pension
     Plan  of which Mr. Landy is a Trustee with power to  vote.
     Excludes    37,582  shares  held  by  Mr.  Landy's   adult
     children  in  which he disclaims any beneficial  interest;
     and   excludes  215,000 shares issuable upon  exercise  of
     stock option.

(8)  Includes  (a) 4,040 shares owned by Mr. Landy's wife;  (b)
     49,493  shares held in custodial accounts for Mr.  Landy's
     minor  children under the NJ Uniform Transfers  to  Minors
     Act  in which he disclaims any beneficial interest but has
     power  to  vote;  (c)  1,000 shares in  the  Samuel  Landy
     Family  Limited Partnership; and (d) 19,879   shares  held
     in  Mr.  Landy's  401(k)  Plan.   Excludes  15,000  shares
     issuable upon exercise of stock option.

(9)  Includes 2,000 shares held in custodial accounts  for  Mr.
     Sampson's  minor  children under the NJ Uniform  Gifts  to
     Minors  Act in which he disclaims any beneficial  interest
     but has power to vote.

(10) Excludes  376,980  shares  (4%)  owned  by  United  Mobile
     Homes,   Inc.    Eugene   W.   Landy   owns   beneficially
   approximately  12% of  the shares of United Mobile  Homes,


                     EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table.

       The   following  Summary  Compensation   Table   shows
compensation  paid  or accrued by the Company  to  its  Chief
Executive  Officer  for services rendered during  the  fiscal
years  ended September 30, 2000, 1999 and 1998.   Because  no
other  executive  officers received total annual  salary  and
bonus  exceeding $100,000, only the compensation paid to  the
Chief  Executive  Officer  is  to  be  disclosed  under   the
Securities and Exchange Commission disclosure requirements.

Name and                 Annual Compensation
Principal Position    Year     Salary     Bonus       Other

Eugene W. Landy       2000    $130,000   $80,000   $ 72,000(1)
Chief Executive       1999    $110,000     None    $ 79,700
Officer               1998    $ 27,500   $55,000   $165,700

(1)   Represents Director's fees of $5,500 paid to Mr. Landy,
legal fees of $32,500 paid to the firm of Landy & Landy,  and
$34,000  accrual for pension and other benefits in accordance
with Mr. Landy's employment contract.

Compensation of Directors

      The  Directors  received a fee of $800 for  each  Board
meeting  attended.   Effective April 1, 2000,  this  fee  was
increased  to $1,000 for each Board Meeting attended  and  an
additional  fixed  annual  fee of $3,800  payable  quarterly.
Directors  appointed to house committees  received  $150  for
each   meeting  attended.   Those  specific  committees   are
Compensation  Committee,  Audit Committee  and  Stock  Option

Stock Option Plan

      On  April  24,  1997,  the  shareholders  approved  and
ratified the Company's 1997 Stock Option Plan authorizing the
grant  to  officers, directors and key employees  options  to
purchase  up to 750,000 shares of common stock.  Options  may
be granted any time up to December 31, 2006.  No option shall
be  available for exercise beyond ten years.  All options are
exercisable  after  one year from the  date  of  grant.   The
option price shall not be below the fair market value at date
of  grant.  Canceled or expired options are added back to the
"pool" of shares available under the Plan.


            The following table sets forth, for the executive
officer  named in the Summary Compensation Table, information
regarding the granting of a stock option made during the year
ended September 30, 2000:

                                                         Potential Realized
                                                          Value at Assumed
                          % of Total   Price              Annual Rates for
                 Option   Granted to    Per   Expiration    Option Term
Name             Granted   Employees   Share     Date       5%       10%

Eugene W. Landy  65,000      100%      $5.50    4/12/05  $ 52,000  $159,250

      The  following  table  sets forth,  for  the  executive
officer  named in the Summary Compensation Table, information
regarding stock options outstanding at September 30, 2000:

                                                                   Value of
                                       Number of Unexercised      at Year-End
                   Shares     Value     Options at  Year-End      Exercisable/
Name              Exercised  Realized  Exercisable/Unexercisable Unexercisable

Eugene  W.  Landy    -0-       N/A       150,000   /   65,000     $-0- / $-0-

Employment Agreement

      On  December 9, 1994, the Company and Eugene  W.  Landy
entered  into an Employment Agreement under which  Mr.  Landy
receives  an  annual  base compensation (management  fee)  of
$130,000  (as  amended)  plus bonuses  and  customary  fringe
benefits,   including  health  insurance  and   five   weeks'
vacation.  Additionally, there will be bonuses voted  by  the
Board  of  Directors.  The Employment Agreement is terminable
by  either  party  at  any  time subject  to  certain  notice

      On  severance of employment for any reason,  Mr.  Landy
will  receive  severance  of  $300,000  payable  $100,000  on
severance  and $100,000 on the first and second anniversaries
of severance.

      In  the  event of disability, Mr. Landy's  compensation
shall continue for a period of three years, payable monthly.

      On  retirement, Mr. Landy shall receive  a  pension  of
$40,000   a   year   for  ten  years,  payable   in   monthly


       In   the   event  of  death,  Mr.  Landy's  designated
beneficiary  shall  receive $300,000,  $150,000  thirty  days
after death and the balance one year after death.

      The  Employment Agreement terminated December 31, 2000,
and  was  automatically renewed and extended for  a  one-year
period.   Thereafter,  the term of the  Employment  Agreement
shall  be  automatically renewed and extended for  successive
one-year periods.

Other Information

      Except  for  specific agreements, the  Company  has  no
retirement   plan  in  effect  for  Officers,  Directors   or
employees  and,  at present, has no intention of  instituting
such a plan.

       Cronheim  Management  Services  received  the  sum  of
$199,432  in 2000 for management fees.  Effective  August  1,
1998, the Company entered into a new management contract with
Cronheim  Management Services.  Under this contract, Cronheim
Management  Services receives 3% of gross  rental  income  on
certain  properties for management fees.  Cronheim Management
Services  provides sub-agents as regional  managers  for  the
Company's  properties  and  compensates  them  out  of   this
management fee.  Management believes that the aforesaid  fees
are  no  more than what the Company would pay for  comparable
services  elsewhere.   The  David Cronheim  Company  received
$14,347 in lease brokerage commissions in 2000.

   Report of Compensation Committee on Executive Compensation

     Overview and Philosophy

      The Company has a Compensation Committee consisting  of
two   independent  outside  Directors.   This  Committee   is
responsible  for  making  recommendations  to  the  Board  of
Directors    concerning   compensation.    The   Compensation
Committee  takes  into consideration three major  factors  in
setting compensation.

      The  first consideration is the overall performance  of
the Company.  The Board believes that the financial interests
of  the executive officers should be aligned with the success
of   the   Company  and  the  financial  interests   of   its
shareholders.   Increases  in  funds  from  operations,   the
enhancement  of  the  Company's  equity  portfolio,  and  the
success of the Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase  Plan
all   contribute  to  increases  in  stock  prices,   thereby
maximizing shareholders' return.

      The second consideration is the individual achievements
made  by  each officer.  The Company is a small  real  estate
investment trust (REIT).  The Board of Directors is aware  of
the   contributions  made  by  each  officer  and  makes   an
evaluation  of  individual performance  based  on  their  own
familiarity with the officer.


     The final criteria in setting compensation is comparable
wages  in  the  industry.  In this regard, the REIT  industry
maintains excellent statistics.


       The  Company's  funds  from  operations  continue   to
increase.   The Committee reviewed the growth of the  Company
and  progress  made  by  Eugene  W.  Landy,  Chief  Executive
Officer.  Mr. Landy is under an employment agreement with the
Company.    His  base  compensation under  his  contract  was
increased in 2000 to $130,000 per year.  In fiscal 2000,  Mr.
Landy  was  also  paid  a  total bonus  of  $80,000  for  his
performance for the past two years.

                                    Compensation Committee:
                                    Daniel D. Cronheim
                                    Robert G. Sampson

                    Report of Audit Committee

      The  Company has an Audit Committee consisting of three
"independent" Directors, as defined by the listing  standards
of  the  National  Association of Securities Dealers  (NASD).
The  Audit Committee's role is to act on behalf of the  Board
of  Directors in the oversight of all material aspects of the
Company's reporting, internal control and audit functions.  A
full   description   of   the   Audit   Committee's   primary
responsibilities  is  attached to  this  proxy  statement  as
Appendix A.

      We  have  reviewed  and discussed with  management  the
Company's audited financial statements as of and for the year
ended September 30, 2000.

      We  have  discussed with the independent  auditors  the
matters  required  to be discussed by Statement  on  Auditing
Standards No. 61, Communication with Audit Committees.

      We  have  received and reviewed the written disclosures
and  the  letter  from the independent auditors  required  by
Independence  Standard No. 1, Independence  Discussions  with
Audit  Committees  and have discussed with the  auditors  the
auditors' independence.

      During  the year ended September 30, 2000, the  Company
paid  the  independent auditors, KPMG LLP, $33,400 for  audit
services  and  $13,300 for non-audit services, primarily  tax
return preparation.


      Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above,
we  recommend  to the Board of Directors that  the  financial
statements  referred to above be included  in  the  Company's
Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September  30,

                                        Audit Committee:
                                        Charles P. Kaempffer
                                        Daniel D. Cronheim
                                        Matthew I. Hirsch


      The  following line graph compares the total return  of
the Company's common stock for the last five fiscal years  to
the  NAREIT  All  REIT Total Return Index, published  by  the
National   Association  of  Real  Estate  Investment   Trusts
(NAREIT),  and  the S&P 500 Index for the same  period.   The
total  return reflects stock price appreciation and  dividend
reinvestment   for  all  three  comparative   indices.    The
information herein has been obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but neither its accuracy nor its completeness is

                   Real Estate
           Year    Corporation     NAREIT    S&P 500

           1995        100          100        100
           1996        114          120        120
           1997        146          167        169
           1998        149          143        184
           1999        142          130        236
           2000        146          156        267



     The Board of Directors of the Company has granted Eugene
W.  Landy, President, a loan of $100,000 at an interest  rate
of  10% due May 23, 2001.  Principal and accrued interest are
payable at maturity.

      There  is  no family relationship between  any  of  the
Directors  or Executive Officers of the Company, except  that
Samuel  A.  Landy, Director, is the son of Eugene  W.  Landy,
President  and Director of the Company.  Daniel D.  Cronheim,
Director, is the son of  Robert Cronheim, President of  David
Cronheim Company, the Real Estate Advisor to the Company.

      Eugene W. Landy and Samuel A. Landy are partners in the
law  firm  of  Landy & Landy, which firm, or its  predecessor
firms,  have  been retained by the Company as  legal  counsel
since  the  formation  of the Company,  and  which  firm  the
Company  proposes to retain as legal counsel for the  current
fiscal year.

      The  New  Jersey  Supreme  Court  has  ruled  that  the
relationship of directors also serving as outside counsel  is
not  per  se improper, but the attorney should fully  discuss
the  issue of conflict with the other directors and  disclose
it  as  part of the proxy statement so that shareholders  can
consider  the conflict issue when voting for or  against  the
attorney/director nominee.


      The  Board of Directors knows of no other matters other
than  those stated in this Proxy Statement which  are  to  be
presented  for action at the Annual Meeting.   If  any  other
matters should properly come before the Annual Meeting, it is
intended that proxies in the accompanying form will be  voted
on  any  such matter in accordance with the judgment  of  the
persons voting such proxies.  Discretionary authority to vote
on such matters is conferred by such proxies upon the persons
voting them.

     The Company will provide, without charge, to each person
being  solicited  by  this Proxy Statement,  on  the  written
request  of any such person, a copy of the Annual  Report  of
the  Company  on Form 10-K for the year ended  September  30,
2000  (as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission),
including  the  financial statements and  schedules  thereto.
All  such requests should be directed to Monmouth Real Estate
Investment  Corporation,  Attention:  Shareholder  Relations,
Juniper  Business  Plaza,  3499 Route  9  North,  Suite  3-C,
Freehold, NJ  07728.



     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,  requires the Company's Officers and Directors,  and
persons who own more than 10% of the Company's Common  Stock,
to  file  reports of ownership and changes in ownership  with
the  Securities and Exchange Commission.  Officers, Directors
and  greater than 10% shareholders are required by Securities
and  Exchange Commission regulations to furnish  the  Company
with  copies  of  all Section 16(a) forms they  file.   Based
solely on review of the copies of such forms furnished to the
Company,  the Company believes that, during the fiscal  year,
all  Section  16(a)  filing requirements  applicable  to  its
Officers,  Directors and greater than 10%  beneficial  owners
were met.

                      SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

      In  order for Shareholder Proposals for the 2002 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to be eligible for inclusion  in  the
Company's 2002 Proxy Statement, they must be received by  the
Company at its principal office at 3499 Route 9 North,  Suite
3-C,  Freehold, New Jersey 07728 not later than  October  30,

                         BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                 /S/ Eugene W. Landy
                                   EUGENE W. LANDY
                                President and Director

Dated:   March 21, 2001

IMPORTANT:    Shareholders can help the Directors  avoid  the
necessity and expense of sending follow-up letters to  insure
a quorum by promptly returning the enclosed proxy.  The proxy
is revocable and will not affect your right to vote in person
in  the  event  you  attend the meeting.  You  are  earnestly
requested to sign and return the enclosed proxy in order that
the  necessary  quorum may be present at  the  meeting.   The
enclosed  addressed envelope requires no postage and  is  for
your convenience.


                           APPENDIX A

                     AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER


The Audit Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors to
assist    the    Board    in   fulfilling    its    oversight
responsibilities.  The Audit Committee's primary  duties  and
responsibilities are to:

 .  Monitor the integrity of the Company's financial reporting
   process and systems of internal controls regarding finance,
   accounting, and legal compliance.

 .  Monitor  the independence and performance of the Company's
   independent auditors.

 .  Provide  an  avenue of communication among the independent
   auditors, management, and the Board of Directors.

      The  Audit  Committee has the authority to conduct  any
investigation  appropriate to fulfilling its responsibilities
and  it has direct access to the independent auditors as well
as  anyone in the organization. The Audit Committee  has  the
ability  to retain, at the Company's expense, special  legal,
accounting,  or  other  consultants  or  experts   it   deems
necessary in the performance of its duties.


Audit  Committee members shall meet the requirements  of  the
National   Association  of  Securities  Dealers.  The   Audit
Committee shall be comprised of three directors as determined
by  the Board, each of whom shall be independent nonexecutive
directors,  free  from any relationship that would  interfere
with  the  exercise of his or her independent judgment.   All
members of the Committee shall have a basic understanding  of
finance  and  accounting and be able to read  and  understand
fundamental financial statements, and at least one member  of
the  Committee  shall  have accounting or  related  financial
management expertise.

Audit  Committee members shall be appointed by the  Board  of
Directors  upon recommendation by the Chairman. If  an  audit
committee Chair is not designated or present, the members  of
the  Committee may designate a Chair by majority vote of  the
Committee membership.


The Committee shall meet at least two times annually, or more
frequently  as  circumstances dictate.  The  Audit  Committee
Chair  shall prepare and/or approve an agenda in  advance  of
each  meeting.   The  Committee  should  meet  privately   in
executive session at least annually with management  and  the
independent  auditors  and  as a  committee  to  discuss  any
matters  that  the Committee or each of these groups  believe
should  be  discussed.  The  Committee  may  ask  members  of
management or others to attend meetings and provide pertinent
information as necessary.  The Committee or its Chair  should
communicate  with  management and  the  independent  auditors
quarterly  to  review the Company's financial statements  and
significant  findings based upon the auditors limited  review
procedures, as considered necessary.


Review Procedures

1.   Review  and  reassess the adequacy of  this  Charter  at
     least  annually.   Submit the charter to  the  Board  of
     Directors  for approval and have the document  published
     at  least  every  three  years in  accordance  with  SEC

2.   Review the Company's annual audited financial statements
     prior  to filing or distribution.  Review should include
     discussion  with management and independent auditors  of
     significant  issues  regarding   accounting  principles,
     practices and judgments.

3.   In  consultation  with management  and  the  independent
     auditors,   consider  the  integrity  of  the  Company's
     financial  reporting  processes  and  controls.  Discuss
     significant  financial  risk  exposures  and  the  steps
     management has taken to monitor, control and report such
     exposures.  Review significant findings prepared by  the
     independent    auditors   together   with   management's

4.   Review  with  financial management and  the  independent
     auditors,  the  company's  quarterly  financial  results
     prior to the  release  of  earnings and/or the company's
     quarterly  financial  statements  prior   to  filing  or
     distribution,  as  considered  necessary.   Discuss  any
     significant   changes   to   the   Company's  accounting
     principles  and  any  items  required to be communicated
     by the independent auditors  in accordance  with  SAS 61
     (see item 9).   The Chair of the Committee may represent
     the entire Audit Committee for purposes of this review.


Independent Auditors

5.   The independent  auditors  are ultimately accountable to
     the  Audit  Committee  and  the Board of Directors.  The
     Audit  Committee  shall  review  the  independence,  and
     performance  of  the  auditors and annually recommend to
     the   Board   of   Directors  the   appointment  of  the
     independent  auditors   or   approve  any  discharge  of
     auditors when circumstances warrant.

6.   Approve  the  fees and other significant compensation to
     be paid to the independent auditors.

7.   On  an  annual  basis,  the  Committee should review and
     discuss  with  the  independent auditors all significant
     relationships  they  have  with  the  Company that could
     impair the  auditors' independence.

8.   Review the independent auditors audit plan-discuss scope,
     staffing,  locations,   reliance   upon  management  and
     general audit approach, as considered necessary.

9.   Discuss  certain  matters required to be communicated to
     audit committees in accordance with AICPA SAS 61.

10.  Consider  the independent auditors' judgments about  the
     quality  and appropriateness of the Company's accounting
     principles as applied in its financial reporting.

Legal Compliance

11.  On  at  least an annual basis, review with the Company's
     counsel, any legal matters that could have a significant
     impact  on  the organization's financial statements, the
     Company's   compliance   with    applicable   laws   and
     regulations,  inquiries  received   from  regulators  or
     governmental agencies.

Other Audit Committee Responsibilities

12.  Annually prepare a report to shareholders as required by
     the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.   The report
     should  be  included  in  the  Company's  annual   proxy

13.  Perform  any  other  activities   consistent  with  this
     Charter,  the  Company's By-laws and   governing law, as
     the   Committee   or   the   Board  deems  necessary  or

14.  Maintain  minutes of meetings and periodically report to
     the  Board  of  Directors  on significant results of the
     foregoing  activities.


PROXY                                                         PROXY
                    A Real Estate Investment Trust

   This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors


The  undersigned hereby appoints EUGENE W. LANDY,  SAMUEL  A.
LANDY  and  ERNEST V. BENCIVENGA, and each or  any  of  them,
proxies  of the undersigned, with full power of substitution,
to  vote  in  their  discretion  (subject  to  any  direction
indicated hereon) at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be
held  at  the Company Office at Juniper Business Plaza,  3499
Route  9 North, Suite 3-C, Freehold, New Jersey, on Thursday,
April  26, 2001, at 4:00 o'clock p.m., and at any adjournment
thereof,  with  all  the powers which the  undersigned  would
possess  if  personally present, and to vote  all  shares  of
stock  which the undersigned may be entitled to vote at  said

The  Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR items  (1)  and
(2),  and  all shares represented by this Proxy  will  be  so
voted unless otherwise indicated, in which case they will  be
voted as marked.

(1)  Election of Directors  -  Nominees  are:  Ernest  V.
     Bencivenga,  Anna  T.  Chew,   Daniel  D.  Cronheim,
     Matthew I. Hirsch, Charles  P.  Kaempffer, Eugene W.
     Landy, Samuel A. Landy, John R. Sampson and Peter J.

     (Instruction: To withhold authority to vote for any
      individual  Nominee,  write  that person's name on
      the line below)


     FOR all Nominees               WITHHOLD  AUTHORITY
     except as Indicated       to vote for listed Nominees

           /  /                         /  /

(2) Approval of the appointment of KPMG LLP as Independent
    Auditors for  the  Company  for the fiscal year ending
    September 30, 2001.

      FOR                   AGAINST              ABSTAIN

     /  /                  /  /                   /  /

(3)  Such  Other  Business  as  may  be brought before the
     meeting  or  any  adjournment  thereof.  The Board of
     Directors  at  present  knows  of  no other  business
     to  be  presented by or on behalf  of  the Company or
     its Board of Directors at the meeting.

Receipt of Notice of Meeting and Proxy Statement is hereby

Dated:_____________________________________, 2001.



Important:  Please date this Proxy; sign exactly as your name(s)
appears  hereon.   When signing as  joint  tenants,  all
parties  to  the joint tenancy should sign. When signing  the
Proxy  as  attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee   or
guardian, please give full title as such.