Report of Management
The management of MDU Resources Group, Inc. is responsible for the
preparation, integrity and objectivity of the financial information
contained in the consolidated financial statements and elsewhere in
this Annual Report.  The financial statements have been prepared in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles as applied to
the company's regulated and nonregulated businesses and necessarily
include some amounts that are based on informed judgments and estimates
of management.

To meet its responsibilities with respect to financial information,
management maintains and enforces a system of internal accounting
controls designed to provide assurance, on a cost-effective basis, that
transactions are carried out in accordance with management's
authorizations and that assets are safeguarded against loss from
unauthorized use or disposition.  The system includes an organizational
structure which provides an appropriate segregation of
responsibilities, effective selection and training of personnel,
written policies and procedures and periodic reviews by the Internal
Auditing Department.  In addition, the company has a policy which
requires all employees to acknowledge their responsibility for ethical
conduct.  Management believes that these measures provide for a system
that is effective and reasonably assures that all transactions are
properly recorded for the preparation of financial statements.
Management modifies and improves its system of internal accounting
controls in response to changes in business conditions.  The company's
Internal Auditing Department is charged with the responsibility for
determining compliance with company procedures.

The Board of Directors, through its audit committee which is comprised
entirely of outside directors, oversees management's responsibilities
for financial reporting.  The audit committee meets regularly with
management, the internal auditors and Arthur Andersen LLP, independent
public accountants, to discuss auditing and financial matters and to
assure that each is carrying out its responsibilities.  The internal
auditors and Arthur Andersen LLP have full and free access to the audit
committee, without management present, to discuss auditing, internal
accounting control and financial reporting matters.

Arthur Andersen LLP is engaged to express an opinion on the financial
statements.  Their audit is conducted in accordance with auditing
standards generally accepted in the United States and includes
examining, on a test basis, supporting evidence, assessing the
company's accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation
to the extent necessary to allow them to report on the fairness, in all
material respects, of the financial condition and operating results of
the company.

Martin A. White                          Warren L. Robinson
Chairman of the Board,                   Executive Vice President,
President and Chief                      Treasurer and Chief
Executive Officer                        Financial Officer

Report of Independent Public Accountants

To MDU Resources Group, Inc.
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of MDU
Resources Group, Inc. (a Delaware corporation) and Subsidiaries as of
December 31, 2000 and 1999, and the related consolidated statements of
income, common stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of the
three years in the period ended December 31, 2000.  These financial
statements are the responsibility of the company's management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements
based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States.  Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts
and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made
by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement
presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of MDU
Resources Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2000 and
1999, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each
of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2000, in conformity
with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.

                                         ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Minneapolis, Minnesota
January 25, 2001

                       MDU RESOURCES GROUP, INC.

Years ended December 31,                 2000        1999       1998
(In thousands, except per share amounts)

Operating revenues                 $1,873,671  $1,279,809   $896,627

Operating expenses:
  Fuel and purchased power             54,114      51,802     49,829
  Purchased natural gas sold          634,277     349,215    158,908
  Operation and maintenance           821,528     608,104    448,290
  Depreciation, depletion and
    amortization                      110,888      81,818     77,786
  Taxes, other than income             35,877      29,119     24,871
  Write-downs of natural gas and
    oil properties (Note 1)               ---         ---     66,000
                                    1,656,684   1,120,058    825,684

Operating income                      216,987     159,751     70,943

Other income -- net                    11,724       9,645     10,922

Interest expense                       48,033      36,006     30,273

Income before income taxes            180,678     133,390     51,592

Income taxes                           69,650      49,310     17,485
Net income                            111,028      84,080     34,107

Dividends on preferred stocks             766         772        777
Earnings on common stock           $  110,262  $   83,308   $ 33,330
Earnings per common share --
  basic                            $     1.80  $     1.53   $    .66
Earnings per common share --
  diluted                          $     1.80  $     1.52   $    .66
Dividends per common share         $      .86  $      .82   $  .7834
Weighted average common shares
  outstanding -- basic                 61,090      54,615     50,536
Weighted average common shares
  outstanding -- diluted               61,390      54,870     50,837

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated
                       MDU RESOURCES GROUP, INC.

December 31,                                         2000       1999
(In thousands, except shares and per share amount)

Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                    $   36,512 $   77,504
  Receivables                                     342,354    169,560
  Inventories                                      64,017     64,608
  Deferred income taxes                             8,048     15,600
  Prepayments and other current assets             29,355     24,424
                                                  480,286    351,696
Investments                                        41,380     43,128
Property, plant and equipment                   2,496,123  2,042,281
  Less accumulated depreciation,
    depletion and amortization                    895,109    794,105
                                                1,601,014  1,248,176
Deferred charges and other assets                 190,279    123,303

                                               $2,312,959 $1,766,303

Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings (Note 4)               $    8,000 $   14,693
  Long-term debt and preferred
    stock due within one year                      19,695      4,428
  Accounts payable                                171,929     81,262
  Taxes payable                                    10,437      6,842
  Dividends payable                                14,423     12,171
  Other accrued liabilities,
    including reserved revenues                    59,989     67,931
                                                  284,473    187,327
Long-term debt (Note 5)                           728,166    563,545
Deferred credits and other liabilities:
  Deferred income taxes                           281,000    213,771
  Other liabilities                               121,860    115,627
                                                  402,860    329,398
Preferred stock subject to mandatory
  redemption (Note 6)                               1,400      1,500
Commitments and contingencies (Notes 11, 13 and 14)
Stockholders' equity:
  Preferred stocks (Note 6)                         15,000     15,000
  Common stockholders' equity:
    Common stock (Note 7)
      Authorized -- 150,000,000 shares,
                    $1.00 par value
      Issued -- 65,267,567 shares in 2000 and
                57,277,915 shares in 1999          65,268     57,278
    Other paid-in capital                         518,771    372,312
    Retained earnings                             300,647    243,569
    Treasury stock at cost - 239,521 shares        (3,626)    (3,626)
      Total common stockholders' equity           881,060    669,533
  Total stockholders' equity                      896,060    684,533

                                               $2,312,959 $1,766,303

     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated

                                 MDU RESOURCES GROUP, INC.

Years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

                             Common Stock     Paid-in   Retained     Treasury Stock
                           Shares    Amount   Capital   Earnings    Shares   Amount      Total
                                             (In thousands, except shares)
Balance at
December 31, 1997      29,143,332  $ 97,047  $ 76,526  $ 212,723       ---  $   ---   $386,296
  Net income                  ---       ---       ---     34,107       ---      ---     34,107
  Dividends on
    preferred stocks          ---       ---       ---       (777)      ---      ---       (777)
  Dividends on
    common stock              ---       ---       ---    (40,470)      ---      ---    (40,470)
  Issuance of
    common stock
    (pre-split)         5,842,697    19,456   139,253        ---       ---      ---    158,709
  Treasury stock
    acquired                  ---       ---       ---        ---  (159,681)  (3,626)    (3,626)
    common stock
    split (Note 7)     17,493,014    58,252   (58,252)       ---   (79,840)     ---        ---
  Issuance of
    common stock
    (post-split)          793,908     2,644    13,959        ---       ---      ---     16,603

Balance at
December 31, 1998      53,272,951   177,399   171,486    205,583  (239,521)  (3,626)   550,842
  Net income                  ---       ---       ---     84,080       ---      ---     84,080
  Dividends on
    preferred stocks          ---       ---       ---       (772)      ---      ---       (772)
  Dividends on
    common stock              ---       ---       ---    (45,322)      ---      ---    (45,322)
  Reduction in par
    value of common
    stock                     ---  (124,126)  124,126        ---       ---      ---        ---
  Issuance of
    common stock        4,004,964     4,005    76,700        ---       ---      ---     80,705

Balance at
December 31, 1999      57,277,915    57,278   372,312    243,569  (239,521)  (3,626)   669,533
  Net income                  ---       ---       ---    111,028       ---      ---    111,028
  Dividends on
    preferred stocks          ---       ---       ---       (766)      ---      ---       (766)
  Dividends on
    common stock              ---       ---       ---    (53,184)      ---      ---    (53,184)
  Issuance of
    common stock        7,989,652     7,990   146,459        ---       ---      ---    154,449

Balance at
December 31, 2000      65,267,567  $ 65,268  $518,771   $300,647  (239,521) $(3,626)  $881,060
     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.

                         MDU RESOURCES GROUP, INC.

Years ended December 31,                 2000        1999       1998
(In thousands)

Operating activities:
  Net income                         $111,028   $  84,080   $ 34,107
  Adjustments to reconcile net income
    to net cash provided by operating
      Depreciation, depletion and
        amortization                  110,888      81,818     77,786
      Deferred income taxes and
        investment tax credit          36,530      15,704    (17,256)
      Write-downs of natural gas and oil
        properties (Note 1)               ---         ---     66,000
      Changes in current assets and
        liabilities, net of acquisitions:
        Receivables                  (117,449)    (12,310)   (10,464)
        Inventories                     9,578     (13,460)     1,718
        Other current assets           (3,514)     (4,190)      (547)
        Accounts payable               61,021      12,492     14,094
        Other current liabilities      (3,821)     (8,972)   (19,805)
      Other noncurrent changes          2,701        (289)    (7,187)
  Net cash provided by operating
    activities                        206,962     154,873    138,446

Investing activities:
  Capital expenditures including
    acquisitions of businesses       (408,826)   (170,510)  (191,154)
  Net proceeds from sale or
    disposition of property            11,000      16,660      4,275
  Net capital expenditures           (397,826)   (153,850)  (186,879)
  Sale of natural gas available
    under repurchase commitment           ---       1,330      7,727
  Investments                           2,102         (99)   (22,945)
  Additions to notes receivable        (5,000)    (35,907)       ---
  Proceeds from notes receivable        4,000         ---        ---
  Net cash used in investing
    activities                       (396,724)   (188,526)  (202,097)

Financing activities:
  Net change in short-term borrowings  (7,242)     (6,585)     3,933
  Issuance of long-term debt          192,162     154,546    209,890
  Repayment of long-term debt         (29,349)    (18,714)  (113,600)
  Retirement of preferred stock          (100)       (100)      (100)
  Issuance of common stock             47,249       3,184     32,922
  Retirement of natural gas
    repurchase commitment                 ---     (14,296)   (17,105)
  Dividends paid                      (53,950)    (46,094)   (41,247)
  Net cash provided by
    financing activities              148,770      71,941     74,693

Increase (decrease) in cash
  and cash equivalents                (40,992)     38,288     11,042
Cash and cash equivalents --
  beginning of year                    77,504      39,216     28,174
Cash and cash equivalents --
  end of year                        $ 36,512   $  77,504   $ 39,216

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated




Basis of presentation

The consolidated financial statements of MDU Resources Group, Inc. and

its subsidiaries (company) include the accounts of the following

segments:  electric, natural gas distribution, utility services,

pipeline and energy services, natural gas and oil production, and

construction materials and mining.  The electric and natural gas

distribution segments and a portion of the pipeline and energy services

segment are regulated.  The company's nonregulated operations include

the utility services, natural gas and oil production, and construction

materials and mining segments, and a portion of the pipeline and energy

services segment.  For further descriptions of the company's business

segments see Note 9.  The statements also include the ownership

interests in the assets, liabilities and expenses of two jointly owned

electric generation stations.

The company's regulated businesses are subject to various state and

federal agency regulation.  The accounting policies followed by these

businesses are generally subject to the Uniform System of Accounts of

the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  These accounting

policies differ in some respects from those used by the company's

nonregulated businesses.

The company's regulated businesses account for certain income and

expense items under the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting

Standards No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of Regulation" (SFAS No.

71).  SFAS No. 71 requires these businesses to defer as regulatory

assets or liabilities certain items that would have otherwise been

reflected as expense or income, respectively, based on the expected

regulatory treatment in future rates.  The expected recovery or

flowback of these deferred items are generally based on specific

ratemaking decisions or precedent for each item.  Regulatory assets and

liabilities are being amortized consistently with the regulatory

treatment established by the FERC and the applicable state public

service commissions.  See Note 2 for more information regarding the

nature and amounts of these regulatory deferrals.

In accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 71, intercompany coal

sales, which are made at prices approximately the same as those charged

to others, and the related utility fuel purchases are not eliminated.

All other significant intercompany balances and transactions have been

eliminated in consolidation.

Property, plant and equipment

Additions to property, plant and equipment are recorded at cost when

first placed in service.  When regulated assets are retired, or

otherwise disposed of in the ordinary course of business, the original

cost and cost of removal, less salvage, is charged to accumulated

depreciation.  With respect to the retirement or disposal of all other

assets, except for natural gas and oil production properties as

described below, the resulting gains or losses are recognized as a

component of income.  The company is permitted to capitalize an

allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) on regulated

construction projects and to include such amounts in rate base when the

related facilities are placed in service.  In addition, the company

capitalizes interest, when applicable, on certain construction projects

associated with its other operations.  The amount of AFUDC and interest

capitalized was $5.2 million, $1.7 million and $1.4 million in 2000,

1999 and 1998, respectively.  Property, plant and equipment are

depreciated on a straight-line basis over the average useful lives of

the assets, except for natural gas and oil production properties as

described below.

Goodwill and other intangible assets

The excess of the cost over the fair value of net assets of purchased

businesses is recorded as goodwill and is amortized on a straight-line

basis over estimated useful lives.  Goodwill was $91.4 million, net of

accumulated amortization of $12.0 million as of December 31, 2000 and

was $46.7 million, net of accumulated amortization of $5.1 million as

of December 31, 1999.  Goodwill amortization expense was $7.0 million,

$2.0 million and $1.4 million for 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

The weighted average amortization period for goodwill as of

December 31, 2000 was 25 years.

Impairment of long-lived assets and intangibles

The company reviews the carrying values of its long-lived assets,

including goodwill and identifiable intangibles, whenever events or

changes in circumstances indicate that such carrying values may not be

recoverable.  The determination of whether an impairment has occurred

is based on an estimate of undiscounted future cash flows attributable

to the assets, compared to the carrying value of the assets.  If an

impairment has occurred, the amount of the impairment recognized is

determined by estimating the fair value of the assets and recording a

loss if the carrying value is greater than the fair value.  In 2000,

the company experienced significant changes in market conditions at one

of its energy marketing operations, which negatively affected the fair

value of the assets at that operation.  Due to the significance of the

decline, the company recorded an impairment charge against goodwill of

$3.9 million after tax in the fourth quarter of 2000.  The amount

related to this impairment is included in "Depreciation, depletion and

amortization" in the company's Consolidated Statements of Income.

Excluding this impairment and the write-downs of natural gas and oil

properties as discussed herein, no other long-lived assets or

intangibles have been impaired and accordingly no other impairment

losses have been recorded in 2000, 1999 and 1998.  Unforeseen events

and changes in circumstances could require the recognition of other

impairment losses at some future date.

Natural gas and oil

The company uses the full-cost method of accounting for its natural gas

and oil production activities.  Under this method, all costs incurred

in the acquisition, exploration and development of natural gas and oil

properties are capitalized and amortized on the units of production

method based on total proved reserves.  Any conveyances of properties,

including gains or losses on abandonments of properties, are treated as

adjustments to the cost of the properties with no gain or loss

recognized.  Capitalized costs are subject to a "ceiling test" that

limits such costs to the aggregate of the present value of future net

revenues of proved reserves and the lower of cost or fair value of

unproved properties.  Future net revenue is estimated based on end-of-

quarter prices adjusted for contracted price changes.  If capitalized

costs exceed the full-cost ceiling at the end of any quarter, a

permanent noncash write-down is required to be charged to earnings in

that quarter.

Due to low natural gas and oil prices, the company's capitalized costs

under the full-cost method of accounting exceeded the full-cost ceiling

at June 30, 1998 and December 31, 1998.  Accordingly, the company was

required to write down its natural gas and oil producing properties.

These noncash write-downs amounted to $66.0 million ($39.9 million

after tax).

Natural gas in underground storage

Natural gas in underground storage for the company's regulated

operations is carried at cost using the last-in, first-out method.  The

portion of the cost of natural gas in underground storage expected to

be used within one year is included in inventories and amounted to

$11.0 million and $26.1 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999,

respectively.  The remainder of natural gas in underground storage is

included in property, plant and equipment and was $43.6 million and

$46.8 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.


Inventories, other than natural gas in underground storage for the

company's regulated operations, consist primarily of materials and

supplies of $20.4 million and $15.9 million, aggregates held for resale

of $22.7 million and $15.6 million and other inventories of $9.9

million and $7.0 million as of December 31, 2000 and 1999,

respectively.  These inventories are stated at the lower of average

cost or market.

Revenue recognition

The company recognizes utility revenue each month based on the services

provided to all utility customers during the month.  For its

construction businesses, the company recognizes construction contract

revenue on the percentage of completion method.  The company recognizes

revenue from natural gas and oil production activities only on that

portion of production sold and allocable to the company's ownership

interest in the related well.  The company generally recognizes all

other revenues when services are rendered or goods are delivered.


The company expenses advertising costs as incurred and the amount of

advertising expense for the years 2000, 1999 and 1998, was $2.0

million, $1.3 million and $1.0 million, respectively.

Natural gas costs recoverable through rate adjustments

Under the terms of certain orders of the applicable state public

service commissions, the company is deferring natural gas commodity,

transportation and storage costs which are greater or less than amounts

presently being recovered through its existing rate schedules.  Such

orders generally provide that these amounts are recoverable or

refundable through rate adjustments within a period ranging from 24

months to 28 months from the time such costs are paid.

Income taxes

The company provides deferred federal and state income taxes on all

temporary differences.  Excess deferred income tax balances associated

with the company's rate-regulated activities resulting from the

company's adoption of SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes," have

been recorded as a regulatory liability and are included in "Other

liabilities" in the company's Consolidated Balance Sheets.  These

regulatory liabilities are expected to be reflected as a reduction in

future rates charged customers in accordance with applicable regulatory


The company uses the deferral method of accounting for investment tax

credits and amortizes the credits on electric and natural gas

distribution plant over various periods which conform to the ratemaking

treatment prescribed by the applicable state public service


Earnings per common share

Basic earnings per common share were computed by dividing earnings on

common stock by the weighted average number of shares of common stock

outstanding during the year.  Diluted earnings per common share were

computed by dividing earnings on common stock by the total of the

weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding during

the year, plus the effect of outstanding stock options and restricted

stock grants.  Common stock outstanding includes issued shares less

shares held in treasury.

Comprehensive income

For the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, comprehensive

income equaled net income as reported.

Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally

accepted accounting principles in the United States requires the

company to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported

amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets

and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the

reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.

Estimates are used for such items as property depreciable lives, tax

provisions, uncollectible accounts, environmental and other loss

contingencies, accumulated provision for revenues subject to refund,

costs on long-term construction contracts, unbilled revenues and

actuarially determined benefit costs.  As better information becomes

available, or actual amounts are determinable, the recorded estimates

are revised.  Consequently, operating results can be affected by

revisions to prior accounting estimates.

Cash flow information

Cash expenditures for interest and income taxes were as follows:

Years ended December 31,                    2000       1999       1998
(In thousands)

Interest, net of amount capitalized      $41,912    $30,772    $26,394
Income taxes                             $30,930    $32,723    $34,498

The company considers all highly liquid investments purchased with an

original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

New accounting pronouncements

In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for

Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (SFAS No. 133), amended

by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 137, "Accounting for

Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Deferral of the

Effective Date of FASB Statement No. 133" and Statement of Financial

Accounting Standards No. 138, "Accounting for Certain Derivative

Instruments and Certain Hedging Activities" (all such statements

hereinafter referred to as SFAS No. 133).  SFAS No. 133 establishes

accounting and reporting standards requiring that every derivative

instrument (including certain derivative instruments embedded in other

contracts) be recorded in the balance sheet as either an asset or

liability measured at its fair value.  SFAS No. 133 requires that

changes in the derivative's fair value be recognized currently in

earnings unless specific hedge accounting criteria are met.  Special

accounting for qualifying hedges allows derivative gains and losses to

offset the related results on the hedged item in the income statement,

and requires that a company must formally document, designate and

assess the effectiveness of transactions that receive hedge accounting


The company plans to utilize certain derivative financial instruments

to manage a portion of the market risk associated with fluctuations in

the price of natural gas and oil.  The company intends to designate

these contracts as hedges of the underlying purchases or sales and will

record derivative assets and liabilities on its balance sheet based on

the fair value of the contracts.  Such amounts are expected to be

substantially offset by an amount that will be recorded in "Accumulated

other comprehensive income" on the company's Consolidated Balance

Sheets.  The fair values of derivative instruments will fluctuate over

time due to changes in the underlying commodity prices.

The company adopted SFAS No. 133 on January 1, 2001.  SFAS No. 133 will

likely impact the company's financial position and could increase

volatility in earnings and accumulated other comprehensive income.

Based on the contracts outstanding as of January 1, 2001, pretax

unrealized gains on derivatives of $2.2 million and pretax unrealized

losses on derivatives of $12.3 million would be recognized as assets

and liabilities, respectively, on the balance sheet with the offsetting

amounts being recorded as a component of accumulated other

comprehensive income.

In December 1999, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued Staff

Accounting Bulletin No. 101, "Revenue Recognition" (SAB No. 101), which

provides guidance on the recognition, presentation and disclosure of

revenue in financial statements.  The company adopted SAB No. 101 in

the fourth quarter of 2000.  The adoption of SAB No. 101 did not have a

material effect on the company's financial position or results of




The following table summarizes the individual components of unamortized

regulatory assets and liabilities included in the accompanying

Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31:

                                                     2000        1999
(In thousands)

Regulatory assets:
  Long-term debt refinancing costs               $  8,125    $  9,514
  Plant costs                                       2,668       2,835
  Natural gas contract settlement and
    restructuring costs                             1,562       3,000
  Postretirement benefit costs                        833       1,742
  Deferred income taxes                               263       7,274
  Other                                             5,490       6,789
Total regulatory assets                            18,941      31,154
Regulatory liabilities:
  Taxes refundable to customers                    11,656      11,504
  Natural gas costs refundable
    through rate adjustments                        8,772       2,579
  Plant decommissioning costs                       7,601       6,989
  Reserves for regulatory matters                   6,087      24,231
  Deferred income taxes                             3,554       6,785
  Other                                             1,193         710
Total regulatory liabilities                       38,863      52,798
Net regulatory position                          $(19,922)   $(21,644)

As of December 31, 2000, substantially all of the company's regulatory

assets, other than certain deferred income taxes, are being reflected

in rates charged to customers and are being recovered over the next 1

to 16 years.

If, for any reason, the company's regulated businesses cease to meet

the criteria for application of SFAS No. 71 for all or part of their

operations, the regulatory assets and liabilities relating to those

portions ceasing to meet such criteria would be removed from the

balance sheet and included in the statement of income as an

extraordinary item in the period in which the discontinuance of SFAS

No. 71 occurs.




The company utilizes derivative financial instruments, including price

swap and collar agreements, to manage a portion of the market risk

associated with fluctuations in the price of natural gas and oil.  The

company's policy prohibits the use of derivative instruments for

speculating to take advantage of market trends and conditions and the

company has procedures in place to monitor compliance with its

policies.  The company is exposed to credit-related losses in relation

to financial instruments in the event of nonperformance by

counterparties, but does not expect any counterparties to fail to meet

their obligations given their existing credit ratings.

The swap and collar agreements call for the company to receive monthly

payments from or make payments to counterparties based upon the

difference between a fixed and a variable price as specified by the

agreements.  The variable price is either a quoted natural gas price on

the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), Colorado Interstate Gas Index

or other various indexes or an oil price quoted on the NYMEX.  The

company believes that there is a high degree of correlation because the

timing of purchases and production and the swap and collar agreements

are closely matched, and hedge prices are established in the areas of

operations.  For the years ending December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998,

gains or losses on the swap and collar agreements were matched and

reported in operating revenues on the Consolidated Statements of Income

as a component of the related commodity transaction at the time of

settlement with the counterparty.

The following table summarizes hedge agreements entered into by certain

wholly owned subsidiaries of the company, as of December 31, 2000.

These agreements call for the subsidiaries to receive fixed prices and

pay variable prices.

(Notional amount and fair value in thousands)

                               Average           Notional
                             Fixed Price          Amount          Fair
                             (Per MMBtu)       (In MMBtu's)      Value

Natural gas swap
 agreements maturing            $ 4.45            5,461       $(12,311)
 in 2001

                               Average           Notional
                             Fixed Price          Amount          Fair
                             (Per barrel)      (In barrels)      Value

Oil swap agreements
 maturing in 2001               $28.80              593      $   2,261

The fair value of these derivative financial instruments reflects the

estimated amounts that the company would receive or pay to terminate

the contracts at the reporting date, thereby taking into account the

current favorable or unfavorable position on open contracts.  The

favorable or unfavorable position is not recorded on the company's

Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2000 and 1999.

Favorable and unfavorable positions related to commodity hedge

agreements are expected to be generally offset by corresponding

increases and decreases in the value of the underlying commodity


In the event a derivative financial instrument does not qualify for

hedge accounting or when the underlying commodity transaction matures,

is sold, is extinguished, or is terminated, the current favorable or

unfavorable position on the open contract would be included in results

of operations.  The company's policy requires approval to terminate a

hedge agreement prior to its original maturity.  In the event a hedge

agreement is terminated, the realized gain or loss at the time of

termination would be deferred until the underlying commodity

transaction is sold or matures and is expected to generally offset the

corresponding increases or decreases in the value of the underlying

commodity transaction.

Energy marketing

The company has energy marketing operations that are exposed to risks,

including risks relating to changes in natural gas prices and

counterparty performance (credit risk), associated with natural gas

forward purchase and sale commitments.  These commitments involve the

purchase and sale of natural gas and related delivery of such

commodity. The energy marketing operations seek to match natural gas

purchases and sales on specific contracts so that a margin is obtained

on the transportation of such commodity as distinguished from earning a

margin on changes in market prices.  In addition, the energy marketing

contracts are generally entered into on a seasonal basis with contracts

of a duration generally not exceeding 12 months.  Contracts related to

these activities are valued at fair value and changes in fair value are

recorded as assets or liabilities on the company's Consolidated Balance

Sheets.  The net change in fair value representing unrealized gains and

losses resulting from changes in market prices on these contracts is

reflected in earnings on the company's Consolidated Statements of

Income.  Net unrealized gains and losses on these contracts were not

material in 2000, 1999 or 1998.  In general, market risk is the risk of

fluctuations in the market price of the commodity being marketed and is

influenced primarily by supply and demand.  The company monitors and

manages its exposure to market risk through a variety of risk

management techniques.  Such procedures include monitoring commitments

and positions, evaluating sensitivity to changes in market prices and

market volatility, and reporting to senior management. Credit risk is

the risk of loss from nonperformance by counterparties of their

contractual obligations.  The company maintains credit procedures,

which management believes significantly minimize overall credit risk.

The company seeks to mitigate credit risk by applying specific

eligibility criteria to prospective counterparties and may require

letters of credit or similar security to secure payment on such sales

contracts.  However, despite mitigation efforts, defaults by

counterparties may occur.  To date, no such defaults have had a

material effect on the company's financial position or results of


Fair value of other financial instruments

The estimated fair value of the company's long-term debt and preferred

stock subject to mandatory redemption is based on quoted market prices

of the same or similar issues.  The estimated fair value of the

company's long-term debt and preferred stock subject to mandatory

redemption at December 31 is as follows:

                                  2000                    1999
                       Carrying          Fair    Carrying        Fair
                         Amount         Value      Amount       Value
(In thousands)

Long-term debt         $747,761      $772,127    $567,873    $555,730
Preferred stock
 subject to mandatory
 redemption            $  1,500      $    927    $  1,600    $  1,418

The fair value of other financial instruments for which estimated fair

value has not been presented is not materially different than the

related carrying amount.



The company and its subsidiaries had unsecured short-term lines of

credit from a number of banks totaling $75 million at December 31,

2000.  These line of credit agreements provide for bank borrowings

against the lines and/or support for commercial paper issues.  The

agreements provide for commitment fees at varying rates.  Amounts

outstanding on the short-term lines of credit were $8 million at

December 31, 2000, and $14.7 million at December 31, 1999.  The

weighted average interest rate for borrowings outstanding at

December 31, 2000 and 1999, was 6.60 percent and 6.97 percent,

respectively.  The unused portions of the lines of credit are subject

to withdrawal based on the occurrence of certain events.



Long-term debt outstanding at December 31 is as follows:

                                                      2000      1999
(In thousands)

First mortgage bonds and notes:
  Pollution Control Refunding Revenue
    Bonds, Series 1992,
    6.65%, due June 1, 2022                      $  20,850  $ 20,850
  Secured Medium-Term Notes,
    Series A at a weighted
    average rate of 7.59%, due on
    dates ranging from October 1, 2004
    to April 1, 2012                               110,000   110,000
Total first mortgage bonds and notes               130,850   130,850
Senior notes at a weighted
  average rate of 7.65%, due on
  dates ranging from January 2, 2001
  to October 30, 2018                              294,300   151,400
Commercial paper at a weighted average
  rate of 6.93%, supported by a revolving
  credit agreement due on September 29, 2003       261,350   223,169
Revolving lines of credit at a
  weighted average rate of 9.36%,
  due on dates ranging from
  November 1, 2001 through December 31, 2002        46,302    45,900
Term credit agreements at a weighted
  average rate of 7.65%, due on dates
  ranging from March 15, 2001
  through July 1, 2016                              12,731    13,970
Pollution control note obligation,
  6.20%, due March 1, 2004                           2,800     3,100
Other                                                 (572)     (516)
Total long-term debt                               747,761   567,873
Less current maturities                             19,595     4,328
Net long-term debt                               $ 728,166  $563,545

Centennial Energy Holdings, Inc., (Centennial) a direct wholly owned

subsidiary of the company, has a revolving credit agreement with

various banks on behalf of its subsidiaries that supports $315 million

of Centennial's $325 million commercial paper program.  Under the

Centennial commercial paper program, $261.4 million and $223.2 million

were outstanding at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.  The

commercial paper borrowings are classified as long term as Centennial

intends to refinance these borrowings on a long-term basis through

continued commercial paper borrowings supported by the revolving credit

agreement due September 29, 2003.  Centennial intends to renew this

existing credit agreement on an annual basis.

Centennial has an uncommitted long-term master shelf agreement on

behalf of its subsidiaries that allows for borrowings of up to $200

million.  Under the master shelf agreement, $150 million was

outstanding at December 31, 2000 and none was outstanding at December

31, 1999.   The amount outstanding is presented in senior notes in the

preceding table.

Under the revolving lines of credit, the company and certain

subsidiaries have $48.2 million available as of December 31, 2000.

Amounts outstanding under the revolving lines of credit were

$46.3 million and $45.9 million at December 31, 2000 and 1999,


The amounts of scheduled long-term debt maturities for the five years

following December 31, 2000 aggregate $19.6 million in 2001;

$50.4 million in 2002; $282.7 million in 2003; $21.6 million in 2004

and $69.9 million in 2005.

Substantially all of the company's electric and natural gas

distribution properties, with certain exceptions, are subject to the

lien of its Indenture of Mortgage.  Under the terms and conditions of

the Indenture, the company could have issued approximately $295 million

of additional first mortgage bonds at December 31, 2000.  Certain other

debt instruments of the company and its subsidiaries contain

restrictive covenants, all of which the company and its subsidiaries

are in compliance with at December 31, 2000.



Preferred stocks at December 31 are as follows:

                                                     2000        1999
(Dollars in thousands)

  Preferred --
    500,000 shares, cumulative,
      par value $100, issuable in series
  Preferred stock A --
    1,000,000 shares, cumulative, without par
      value, issuable in series (none outstanding)
  Preference --
    500,000 shares, cumulative, without par
      value, issuable in series (none outstanding)
  Subject to mandatory redemption --
    Preferred --
      5.10% Series -- 15,000 shares in 2000
        and 16,000 shares in 1999                 $ 1,500     $ 1,600
  Other preferred stock --
      4.50% Series -- 100,000 shares               10,000      10,000
      4.70% Series -- 50,000 shares                 5,000       5,000
                                                   15,000      15,000
Total preferred stocks                             16,500      16,600
Less sinking fund requirements                        100         100
Net preferred stocks                              $16,400     $16,500

The preferred stocks outstanding are subject to redemption, in whole or

in part, at the option of the company with certain limitations on 30

days notice on any quarterly dividend date on certain series of

preferred stock.

The company is obligated to make annual sinking fund contributions to

retire the 5.10% Series preferred stock.  The redemption prices and

sinking fund requirements, where applicable, are summarized below:

                               Redemption             Sinking Fund
Series                          Price (a)         Shares    Price (a)
Preferred stocks:
  4.50%                          $105 (b)            ---          ---
  4.70%                          $102 (b)            ---          ---
  5.10%                          $102              1,000 (c)     $100

(a) Plus accrued dividends.
(b) These series are redeemable at the sole discretion of the company.
(c) Annually on December 1, if tendered.

In the event of a voluntary or involuntary liquidation, all preferred

stock series holders are entitled to $100 per share, plus accrued


The aggregate annual sinking fund amount applicable to preferred stock

subject to mandatory redemption for each of the five years following

December 31, 2000, is $100,000.



At the Annual Meeting of Stockholders held in April 1999, the company's

common stockholders approved an amendment to the Certificate of

Incorporation increasing the authorized number of common shares from 75

million shares to 150 million shares and reducing the par value of the

common stock from $3.33 per share to $1.00 per share.

In May 1998, the company's Board of Directors approved a three-for-two

common stock split effected in the form of a 50 percent common stock

dividend.  The additional shares of common stock were distributed on

July 13, 1998, to common stockholders of record on July 3, 1998.

Common stock information appearing in the accompanying Consolidated

Statements of Income and Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

give retroactive effect to stock split.

The company's Automatic Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan

(Stock Purchase Plan) provides participants the opportunity to invest

all or a portion of their cash dividends in shares of the company's

common stock and to make optional cash payments of up to $5,000 per

month for the same purpose.  Holders of all classes of the company's

capital stock, legal residents in any of the 50 states, and beneficial

owners, whose shares are held by brokers or other nominees through

participation by their brokers or nominees, are eligible to participate

in the Stock Purchase Plan.  The company's Tax Deferred Compensation

Savings Plan(s) (K-Plan(s)), which were merged effective January 1,

1999, pursuant to Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code are

funded with the company's common stock.  Since January 1, 1989, the

Stock Purchase Plan and K-Plan(s) have been funded primarily by the

purchase of shares of common stock on the open market, except for a

portion of 1997 where shares of authorized but unissued common stock

were used to fund the Stock Purchase Plan and K-Plan(s) and from

October 1, 1998 through March 31, 1999, when shares of authorized but

unissued common stock were used to fund the Stock Purchase Plan.  At

December 31, 2000, there were 8.1 million shares of common stock

reserved for original issuance under the Stock Purchase Plan and K-


In November 1998, the company's Board of Directors declared, pursuant

to a stockholders' rights plan, a dividend of one preference share

purchase right (right) for each outstanding share of the company's

common stock.  Each right becomes exercisable, upon the occurrence of

certain events, for one one-thousandth of a share of Series B

Preference Stock of the company, without par value, at an exercise

price of $125 per one one-thousandth, subject to certain adjustments.

The rights are currently not exercisable and will be exercisable only

if a person or group (acquiring person) either acquires ownership of 15

percent or more of the company's common stock or commences a tender or

exchange offer that would result in ownership of 15 percent or more.

In the event the company is acquired in a merger or other business

combination transaction or 50 percent or more of its consolidated

assets or earnings power are sold, each right entitles the holder to

receive, upon the exercise thereof at the then current exercise price

of the right multiplied by the number of one one-thousandth of a Series

B Preference Stock for which a right is then exercisable, in accordance

with the terms of the rights agreement, such number of shares of common

stock of the acquiring person having a market value of twice the then

current exercise price of the right.  The rights, which expire on

December 31, 2008, are redeemable in whole, but not in part, for a

price of $.01 per right, at the company's option at any time until any

acquiring person has acquired 15 percent or more of the company's

common stock.

The company has stock option plans for directors, key employees and

employees, which grant options to purchase shares of the company's

stock.  The company accounts for these option plans in accordance with

APB Opinion No. 25 under which no compensation expense has been

recognized.  The option exercise price is the market value of the stock

on the date of grant.  Options granted to the key employees

automatically vest after nine years, but the plan provides for

accelerated vesting based on the attainment of certain performance

goals or upon a change in control of the company.  Options granted to

directors and employees vest at date of grant and three years after

date of grant, respectively, and expire ten years after the date of

grant.  In addition, the company has granted restricted stock awards

under a long-term incentive plan, deferred compensation agreement and a

restricted stock agreement totaling 348,021 shares, 105,250 shares and

21,135 shares in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The restricted

stock awards granted vest to the participants at various times ranging

from three years to nine years from date of issuance but certain grants

may vest early based upon the attainment of certain performance goals

or upon a change in control of the company.  The weighted average grant

date fair value of the restricted stock grants was $20.81, $22.91 and

$23.24 in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  Compensation expense

recognized for restricted stock grants was $1.6 million, $722,000 and

$123,000 in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  Under the stock option

plans and long-term incentive plan, the company is authorized to grant

options and restricted stock for up to 4.3 million shares of common

stock and has granted options and restricted stock on 2.1 million

shares through December 31, 2000.

Had the company recorded compensation expense for the fair value of

options granted consistent with SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-

Based Compensation," net income would have been reduced on a pro forma

basis by $529,000 in 2000, $498,000 in 1999, and $820,000 in 1998.  On

a pro forma basis, there would have been no effect on basic earnings

per share for 2000, and diluted earnings per share would have been

reduced by $.01.  On a pro forma basis, basic and diluted earnings per

share for 1999 and 1998 would have been reduced by $.01 and $.02,


A summary of the status of the stock option plans at December 31, 2000,

1999 and 1998, and changes during the years then ended are as follows:

                             2000                1999               1998
                               Weighted            Weighted           Weighted
                                Average             Average            Average
                               Exercise            Exercise           Exercise
                        Shares    Price     Shares    Price    Shares    Price
Balance at
  beginning of year  1,427,262   $19.46  1,516,808   $19.17   594,180   $12.07
Granted                 74,000    20.54     22,500    23.31 1,225,920    21.12
Forfeited              (84,135)   21.18    (57,966)   20.38   (37,875)   21.05
Exercised             (192,168)   11.84    (54,080)   11.95  (265,417)   11.98
Balance at end
  of year            1,224,959    20.61  1,427,262    19.46 1,516,808    19.17
Exercisable at
  end of year          129,763   $18.11    301,681   $13.89   333,261   $12.94

Exercise prices on options outstanding at December 31, 2000, range from

$10.50 to $23.84 with a weighted average remaining contractual life of

approximately 7 years.

The fair value of each option is estimated on the date of grant using

the Black-Scholes option pricing model.  The weighted average fair

value of the options granted and the assumptions used to estimate the

fair value of options are as follows:

                                          2000        1999     1998

Fair value of options at grant date    $  5.07     $  4.82   $  2.40
Weighted average risk-free
  interest rate                           6.76%       5.98%     4.78%
Weighted average expected
  price volatility                       23.55%      22.03%    16.27%
Weighted average expected
  dividend yield                          3.84%       4.22%     5.13%
Expected life in years                       7           7         7



Income tax expense is summarized as follows:

Years ended December 31,                  2000        1999     1998
(In thousands)

  Federal                              $27,865     $29,574   $28,256
  State                                  5,188       3,874     5,880
  Foreign                                   67         158       605
                                        33,120      33,606    34,741
  Income taxes --
    Federal                             29,323      12,902   (14,214)
    State                                8,060       3,690    (2,067)
  Investment tax credit                   (853)       (888)     (975)
                                        36,530      15,704   (17,256)
Total income tax expense               $69,650     $49,310   $17,485

Components of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

recognized in the company's Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31

are as follows:

                                                      2000      1999
(In thousands)

Deferred tax assets:
  Accrued pension costs                          $  10,325 $  10,898
  Regulatory matters                                 7,650    14,562
  Accrued land reclamation                           1,941     2,803
  Deferred investment tax credit                     1,697     2,028
  Other                                             18,213    16,892
Total deferred tax assets                           39,826    47,183
Deferred tax liabilities:
  Depreciation and basis differences
    on property, plant and equipment               264,635   218,355
  Basis differences on natural gas
    and oil producing properties                    36,763    17,163
  Regulatory matters                                 3,554     6,785
  Other                                              7,826     3,051
Total deferred tax liabilities                     312,778   245,354
Net deferred income tax liability                $(272,952)$(198,171)

The following table reconciles the change in the net deferred income

tax liability from December 31, 1999, to December 31, 2000, to the

deferred income tax expense included in the Consolidated Statements of


(In thousands)

Net change in deferred income tax
  liability from the preceding table                        $ 74,781
Change in tax effects of income tax-related
  regulatory assets and liabilities                             (150)
Deferred taxes associated with acquisitions                  (38,101)
Deferred income tax expense for the period                  $ 36,530

Total income tax expense differs from the amount computed by applying

the statutory federal income tax rate to income before taxes.  The

reasons for this difference are as follows:

Years ended December 31,       2000             1999            1998
                          Amount     %     Amount    %     Amount    %
(Dollars in thousands)

Computed tax at federal
  statutory rate         $63,237    35.0  $46,686   35.0  $18,057   35.0
Increases (reductions)
  resulting from:
  State income taxes,
   net of federal
   income tax benefit      8,044     4.4    5,921    4.4    2,312    4.5
  Investment tax credit
    amortization            (853)    (.5)    (888)   (.6)    (975)  (1.9)
  Depletion allowance     (1,631)    (.9)  (1,300)  (1.0)  (1,571)  (3.0)
  Other items                853      .5   (1,109)   (.8)    (338)   (.7)
Total income tax expense $69,650    38.5  $49,310   37.0  $17,485   33.9



The company's reportable segments are those that are based on the

company's method of internal reporting, which generally segregates the

strategic business units due to differences in products, services and


The company's operations are conducted through six business segments.

Substantially all of the company's operations are located within the

United States.  The electric business generates, transmits and

distributes electricity and the natural gas distribution business

distributes natural gas.  These operations also supply related

value-added products and services in the Northern Great Plains.  The

utility services business consists of a diversified infrastructure

construction company specializing in electric, natural gas and

telecommunication utility construction as well as interior industrial

electrical, exterior lighting and traffic signalization.  Utility

services has engineering, design and build capability and provides

related specialty equipment sales and rental services throughout most

of the United States.  The pipeline and energy services business

provides natural gas transportation, underground storage and gathering

services through regulated and nonregulated pipeline systems and

provides energy-related marketing and management services.  The natural

gas and oil production business is engaged in natural gas and oil

acquisition, exploration and production activities primarily in the

Rocky Mountain region of the United States and in the Gulf of Mexico.

The construction materials and mining business mines and markets

aggregates and related value-added construction materials products and

services in the western United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, and

it also operates lignite coal mines in Montana and North Dakota.

On September 28, 2000, the company announced an agreement to sell its

coal operations to Westmoreland Coal Company for $28.8 million cash,

excluding final settlement cost adjustments.  The agreement is subject

to various closing conditions and therefore will not be finalized

unless and until the parties are satisfied that those conditions are


Segment information follows the same accounting policies as described

in the Summary of Significant Accounting Policies.  Segment information

included in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

December 31 and included in the Consolidated Statements of Income for

the years then ended is as follows:

                                           2000         1999        1998
(In thousands)

External operating revenues:
  Electric                           $  161,621   $  154,869   $ 147,221
  Natural gas distribution              233,051      157,692     154,147
  Utility services                      169,382       99,917      64,232
  Pipeline and energy services          579,207      334,188     132,826
  Natural gas and oil production         99,014       63,238      51,750
  Construction materials and mining     617,564      455,939     331,988
Total external operating revenues    $1,859,839   $1,265,843   $ 882,164

Intersegment operating revenues:
  Electric                           $      ---   $      ---   $     ---
  Natural gas distribution                  ---          ---         ---
  Utility services                          ---          ---         ---
  Pipeline and energy services           57,641       49,344      47,906
  Natural gas and oil production         39,302       15,156      10,092
  Construction materials and mining(a)   13,832       13,966      14,463
  Intersegment eliminations             (96,943)     (64,500)    (57,998)
Total intersegment
  operating revenues(a)              $   13,832   $   13,966   $  14,463

Depreciation, depletion and
  Electric                           $   19,115   $   18,375   $  18,129
  Natural gas distribution                8,399        7,348       7,150
  Utility services                        4,912        2,591       1,669
  Pipeline and energy services           15,301        8,248       6,972
  Natural gas and oil production         27,008       19,248      23,304
  Construction materials and mining      36,153       26,008      20,562
Total depreciation, depletion
  and amortization                   $  110,888   $   81,818   $  77,786

Interest expense:
  Electric                           $   10,007   $    9,692   $   9,979
  Natural gas distribution                4,142        3,614       3,728
  Utility services                        2,492          812         325
  Pipeline and energy services           10,029        7,281       5,800
  Natural gas and oil production          5,160        3,405       3,039
  Construction materials and mining      16,415       11,202       7,402
  Intersegment eliminations                (212)         ---         ---
Total interest expense               $   48,033   $   36,006   $  30,273

Income taxes:
  Electric                           $   10,048   $    8,678   $   7,767
  Natural gas distribution                3,544        1,443       2,681
  Utility services                        6,027        4,323       2,437
  Pipeline and energy services            9,214       13,356      12,579
  Natural gas and oil production         23,906       10,032     (23,134)
  Construction materials and mining      16,911       11,478      15,155
Total income taxes                   $   69,650   $   49,310   $  17,485

Earnings on common stock:
  Electric                           $   17,733   $   15,973   $  13,908
  Natural gas distribution                4,741        3,192       3,501
  Utility services                        8,607        6,505       3,272
  Pipeline and energy services           10,494       20,972      18,651
  Natural gas and oil production         38,574       16,207     (30,501)(b)
  Construction materials and mining      30,113       20,459      24,499
Total earnings on common stock       $  110,262   $   83,308   $  33,330

Capital expenditures:
  Electric                           $   15,788   $   18,218   $  13,035
  Natural gas distribution               21,336        9,246       8,256
  Utility services                       42,633       16,052      18,343
  Pipeline and energy services           69,006       35,123      17,603
  Natural gas and oil production        173,441       64,294     100,572
  Construction materials and mining     218,716      105,098     172,108
  Net proceeds from sale or
   disposition of property              (11,000)     (16,660)     (4,275)
Total net capital expenditures       $  529,920   $  231,371   $ 325,642

Identifiable assets:
  Electric(c)                        $  305,099   $  307,417
  Natural gas distribution(c)           192,854      131,294
  Utility services                      123,451       67,755
  Pipeline and energy services          362,592      302,587
  Natural gas and oil production        410,207      255,416
  Construction materials and mining     874,299      655,499
  Corporate assets(d)                    44,457       46,335
Total identifiable assets            $2,312,959   $1,766,303

Property, plant and equipment:
  Electric                           $  589,700   $  581,090
  Natural gas distribution              227,742      185,797
  Utility services                       39,865       21,876
  Pipeline and energy services          369,834      308,409
  Natural gas and oil production        513,419      343,157
  Construction materials and mining     755,563      601,952
  Less accumulated depreciation,
   depletion and amortization           895,109      794,105
Net property, plant and equipment    $1,601,014   $1,248,176

(a)  In accordance with the provision of SFAS No. 71,
     intercompany coal sales are not eliminated.
(b)  Reflects $39.9 million in noncash after-tax write-
     downs of natural gas and oil properties.
(c)  Includes, in the case of electric and natural gas distribution
     property, allocations of common utility property.
(d)  Corporate assets consist of assets not directly assignable to a
     business segment (i.e., cash and cash equivalents, certain accounts
     receivable and other miscellaneous current and deferred assets).
- -------------------------------------------------------------

Capital expenditures for 2000, 1999 and 1998, related to acquisitions,

in the preceding table include the following noncash transactions:

issuance of the company's equity securities and the conversion of a

note receivable to purchase consideration of $132.1 million in 2000;

the issuance of the company's equity securities of $77.5 million in

1999; and the issuance of the company's equity securities, less

treasury stock acquired, in 1998 of $138.8 million.



In 2000, the company acquired a number of businesses, none of which was

individually material, including construction materials and mining

businesses with operations in Alaska, California, Montana and Oregon; a

coal bed natural gas development operation based in Colorado with

related oil and gas leases and properties in Montana and Wyoming;

utility services businesses based in California, Colorado, Montana and

Ohio; a natural gas distribution business serving southeastern North

Dakota and western Minnesota; and an energy services company based in

Texas.  The total purchase consideration for these businesses,

consisting of the company's common stock, cash and the conversion of a

note receivable to purchase consideration was $286.0 million.

On April 1, 2000, WBI Production, Inc., an indirect wholly owned

subsidiary of the company, purchased substantially all of the assets of

Preston Reynolds & Co., Inc. (Preston), a coal bed natural gas

development operation, as previously discussed.  Pursuant to the asset

purchase and sale agreement, Preston may, but is not obligated to

purchase, acquire and own an undivided 25 percent working interest

(Seller's Option Interest) in oil and gas leases or properties acquired

and/or generated by Redstone Gas Partners, LLC, a limited liability

company controlled by the company.  The Seller's Option Interest

commences April 1, 2002 and terminates six months thereafter and

requires Preston to pay WBI Production 25 percent of its capital

investment, during the two year period subsequent to April 1, 2000, in

the oil and gas leases or properties.  WBI Production has the right,

but not the obligation, to purchase Seller's Option Interest from

Preston for an amount as specified in the agreement.

In 1999, the company acquired a number of businesses, none of which was

individually material, including construction materials and mining

companies with operations in California, Montana, Oregon and Wyoming;

and utility services companies based in Montana and Oregon.  The total

purchase consideration for these businesses, consisting of the

company's common stock and cash, was $81.9 million.

In March 1998, the company acquired Morse Bros., Inc. and S2 - F Corp.,

privately held construction materials companies located in Oregon's

Willamette Valley.  The purchase consideration for such companies

consisted of $98.2 million of the company's common stock and cash.

Morse Bros., Inc. sells aggregate, ready-mixed concrete, asphalt,

prestressed concrete and construction services in the Willamette Valley

from Portland to Eugene.  S2 - F Corp. sells aggregate and construction


The company also acquired a number of other businesses in 1998, none of

which was individually material, including construction materials and

mining businesses in Oregon, utility services construction and

engineering businesses in California and Montana and a natural gas

marketing business in Kentucky.  The total purchase consideration,

consisting of the company's common stock and cash, for these businesses

was $62.7 million.

The above acquisitions were accounted for under the purchase method of

accounting and accordingly, the acquired assets and liabilities assumed

have been preliminarily recorded at their respective fair values as of

the date of acquisition.  Final fair market values are pending the

completion of the review of the relevant assets, liabilities and issues

identified as of the acquisition date on certain of the above

acquisitions.   The results of operations of the acquired businesses

are included in the financial statements since the date of each

acquisition.  Pro forma financial amounts reflecting the effects of the

above acquisitions are not presented as such acquisitions were not

material to the company's financial position or results of operations.



The company has noncontributory defined benefit pension plans and other

postretirement benefit plans.  There were no additional minimum pension

liabilities required to be recognized as of December 31, 2000 and 1999.

Changes in benefit obligation and plan assets for the years ended

December 31 are as follows:

                                            Pension        Postretirement
                                            Benefits          Benefits
                                        2000      1999     2000      1999
(In thousands)

Change in benefit obligation:
  Benefit obligation at
   beginning of year                $180,997  $187,665  $65,939  $ 70,338
  Service cost                         4,561     4,894    1,307     1,451
  Interest cost                       14,174    12,573    4,946     4,720
  Plan participants' contributions       ---       ---      677       617
  Amendments                           7,111     3,612      ---     3,691
  Actuarial (gain) loss                9,535   (17,134)     928   (11,047)
  Benefits paid                      (15,498)  (10,613)  (4,330)   (3,831)
Benefit obligation at
   end of year                       200,880   180,997   69,467    65,939

Change in plan assets:
  Fair value of plan assets at
   beginning of year                 276,459   251,194   47,147    39,543
  Actual return on plan assets           875    35,874   (1,078)    5,223
  Employer contribution                   28         4    4,630     5,595
  Plan participants' contributions       ---       ---      677       617
  Benefits paid                      (15,498)  (10,613)  (4,330)   (3,831)
Fair value of plan assets at end
   of year                           261,864   276,459   47,046    47,147

  Funded status                       60,984    95,462  (22,421)  (18,792)
  Unrecognized actuarial gain        (76,417) (108,593) (15,228)  (21,299)
  Unrecognized prior service cost     16,271    10,206      ---       ---
  Unrecognized net transition
   obligation (asset)                 (3,387)   (4,402)  28,532    30,910
Accrued benefit cost                $ (2,549) $ (7,327) $(9,117) $ (9,181)

Weighted average assumptions for the company's pension and other

postretirement benefit plans as of December 31 are as follows:

                                            Pension        Postretirement
                                            Benefits          Benefits
                                        2000      1999     2000      1999
Discount rate                           7.50%     7.75%    7.50%     7.75%
Expected return on plan assets          8.50%     8.50%    7.50%     7.50%
Rate of compensation increase           5.00%     5.00%    5.00%     5.00%

Health care rate assumptions for the company's other postretirement

benefit plans as of December 31 are as follows:

                                                      2000         1999
Health care trend rate                          6.00%-7.50%  6.00%-8.00%
Health care cost trend rate - ultimate          5.00%-6.00%  5.00%-6.00%
Year in which ultimate trend rate achieved       1999-2004    1999-2004

Components of net periodic benefit cost for the company's pension and

other postretirement benefit plans are as follows:

                                     Pension               Postretirement
                                     Benefits                  Benefits
Years ended December 31,       2000     1999     1998    2000    1999    1998
(In thousands)

Components of net periodic
 benefit cost:
  Service cost             $  4,561  $ 4,894  $ 4,509  $1,307  $1,451  $1,502
  Interest cost              14,174   12,573   12,248   4,946   4,720   4,848
  Expected return on assets (19,927) (17,489) (15,892) (3,267) (2,807) (2,395)
  Amortization of prior
   service cost               1,047      842      848     ---     ---     ---
  Recognized net actuarial
   gain                      (2,907)    (995)    (621)   (799)   (200)   (169)
  Settlement gain              (700)     ---      ---     ---     ---     ---
  Amortization of net
   transition obligation
   (asset)                     (997)    (997)    (994)  2,378   2,377   2,458
Net periodic benefit cost
  (income)                   (4,749)  (1,172)      98   4,565   5,541   6,244
Less amount capitalized        (397)     (87)      79     369     463     628
Net periodic benefit
  expense (income)         $ (4,352) $(1,085) $    19  $4,196  $5,078  $5,616

The company has other postretirement benefit plans including health

care and life insurance.  The plans underlying these benefits may

require contributions by the employee depending on such employee's age

and years of service at retirement or the date of retirement.  The

accounting for the health care plan anticipates future cost-sharing

changes that are consistent with the company's expressed intent to

generally increase retiree contributions each year by the excess of the

expected health care cost trend rate over 6 percent.

Assumed health care cost trend rates may have a significant effect on

the amounts reported for the health care plans.  A one percentage point

change in the assumed health care cost trend rates would have the

following effects at December 31, 2000:

                                       1 Percentage      1 Percentage
                                      Point Increase    Point Decrease
(In thousands)

Effect on total of service
  and interest cost components             $   216            $  (196)
Effect on postretirement benefit
  obligation                               $ 2,716            $(2,627)

In addition to company-sponsored plans, certain union employees of

Hawaiian Cement, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the company,

are covered under a multi-employer defined benefit plan administered by

a union.  Amounts contributed to the multi-employer plan were $947,000,

$818,000 and $755,000 in 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

The company has an unfunded, nonqualified benefit plan for executive

officers and certain key management employees that provides for defined

benefit payments upon the employee's retirement or to their

beneficiaries upon death for a 15-year period.  Investments consist of

life insurance carried on plan participants which is payable to the

company upon the employee's death.  The cost of these benefits was

$3.5 million, $3.3 million and $2.7 million in 2000, 1999 and 1998,


The company sponsors various defined contribution plans for eligible

employees.  Costs incurred by the company under these plans were

$6.1 million in 2000, $4.4 million in 1999 and $3.1 million in 1998.

The costs incurred in each year reflect additional participants as a

result of business acquisitions.



The consolidated financial statements include the company's 22.7

percent and 25.0 percent ownership interests in the assets, liabilities

and expenses of the Big Stone Station and the Coyote Station,

respectively.  Each owner of the Big Stone and Coyote stations is

responsible for financing its investment in the jointly owned


The company's share of the Big Stone Station and Coyote Station

operating expenses is reflected in the appropriate categories of

operating expenses in the Consolidated Statements of Income.

At December 31, the company's share of the cost of utility plant in

service and related accumulated depreciation for the stations was as


                                                     2000        1999
(In thousands)

Big Stone Station:
  Utility plant in service                       $ 50,029    $ 49,889
  Less accumulated depreciation                    31,381      29,611
                                                 $ 18,648    $ 20,278
Coyote Station:
  Utility plant in service                       $122,111    $121,919
  Less accumulated depreciation                    63,741      60,350
                                                 $ 58,370    $ 61,569



In June 1995, Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company (Williston

Basin), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the company, filed a

general rate increase application with the Federal Energy Regulatory

Commission (FERC).  As a result of FERC orders issued after Williston

Basin's application was filed, Williston Basin filed revised base rates

in December 1995 with the FERC.  Williston Basin began collecting such

increase effective January 1, 1996, subject to refund.  In July 1998,

the FERC issued an order which addressed various issues including

storage cost allocations, return on equity and throughput.  In August

1998, Williston Basin requested rehearing of such order.  In June 1999,

the FERC issued an order approving and denying various issues addressed

in Williston Basin's rehearing request, and also remanding the return

on equity issue to an Administrative Law Judge for further proceedings.

In July 1999, Williston Basin requested rehearing of certain issues

which were contained in the June 1999 FERC order.  In September 1999,

the FERC granted Williston Basin's request for rehearing with respect

to the return on equity issue but also ordered Williston Basin to issue

interim refunds prior to the final determination in this proceeding.

As a result, in October 1999, Williston Basin issued refunds to its

customers totaling $11.3 million, all from amounts which had previously

been reserved.  In December 1999, a hearing was held before the FERC

regarding the return on equity issue.  On April 27, 2000, the

Administrative Law Judge issued an Initial Decision regarding the

remanded return on equity issue.  On August 15, 2000, Williston Basin

filed a stipulation and agreement for the purpose of resolving the rate

and refund matters at issue with the FERC.  On November 21, 2000, the

FERC issued its order accepting the August 15, 2000 stipulation and

agreement.  As a result, on December 28, 2000, Williston Basin issued

refunds to its customers totaling $13.0 million, all from amounts which

had previously been reserved.

In December 1999, Williston Basin filed a general natural gas rate

change application with the FERC.  Williston Basin began collecting

such rates effective June 1, 2000, subject to refund.

Reserves have been provided for a portion of the revenues that have

been collected subject to refund with respect to pending regulatory

proceedings and to reflect future resolution of certain issues with the

FERC.  Based on the November 21, 2000 FERC order referenced above,

Williston Basin, in the fourth quarter of 2000, determined that

reserves it had previously established exceeded its expected refund

obligation and, accordingly, reversed reserves and recognized in income

$6.7 million after tax.  Williston Basin, in the second quarter of

1999, determined that reserves it had previously established in

relation to a 1992 general natural gas rate change application and the

1995 general rate increase application exceeded its expected refund

obligation and, accordingly, reversed reserves and recognized in income

$4.4 million after tax.  Williston Basin believes that its remaining

reserves are adequate based on its assessment of the ultimate outcome

of the application filed in December 1999.




In March 1997, 11 natural gas producers filed suit in North Dakota

Northwest Judicial District Court (North Dakota District Court) against

Williston Basin and the company.  The natural gas producers had

processing agreements with Koch Hydrocarbon Company (Koch).  Williston

Basin and the company had natural gas purchase contracts with Koch.

The natural gas producers alleged they were entitled to damages for the

breach of Williston Basin's and the company's contracts with Koch

although no specific damages were stated.  A similar suit was filed by

Apache Corporation (Apache) and Snyder Oil Corporation (Snyder) in

North Dakota District Court in December 1993.  The North Dakota Supreme

Court in December 1999 affirmed the North Dakota District Court

decision dismissing Apache's and Snyder's claims against Williston

Basin and the company.  Based in part upon the decision of the North

Dakota Supreme Court affirming the dismissal of the claims brought by

Apache and Snyder, Williston Basin and the company filed motions for

summary judgment to dismiss the claims of the 11 natural gas producers.

The motions for summary judgment were granted by the North Dakota

District Court on July 3, 2000.  The company is awaiting entry of a

final judgment on the July 3, 2000 order granting the motions for

summary judgment.

In July 1996, Jack J. Grynberg (Grynberg) filed suit in United States

District Court for the District of Columbia (U.S. District Court)

against Williston Basin and over 70 other natural gas pipeline

companies.  Grynberg, acting on behalf of the United States under the

Federal False Claims Act, alleged improper measurement of the heating

content or volume of natural gas purchased by the defendants resulting

in the underpayment of royalties to the United States.  In March 1997,

the U.S. District Court dismissed the suit without prejudice and the

dismissal was affirmed by the D.C. Circuit Court in October 1998.  In

June 1997, Grynberg filed a similar Federal False Claims Act suit

against Williston Basin and Montana-Dakota and filed over 70 other

separate similar suits against natural gas transmission companies and

producers, gatherers, and processors of natural gas.  In April 1999,

the United States Department of Justice decided not to intervene in

these cases. In response to a motion filed by Grynberg, the Judicial

Panel on Multidistrict Litigation consolidated all of these cases in

the Federal District Court of Wyoming (Federal District Court).  Oral

argument on motions to dismiss was held before the Federal District

Court on March 17, 2000.  Williston Basin and Montana-Dakota are

awaiting a decision from the Federal District Court.

The Quinque Operating Company (Quinque), on behalf of itself and

subclasses of gas producers, royalty owners and state taxing

authorities, instituted a legal proceeding in State District Court for

Stevens County, Kansas, against over 200 natural gas transmission

companies and producers, gatherers, and processors of natural gas,

including Williston Basin and Montana-Dakota.  The complaint, which was

served on Williston Basin and Montana-Dakota in September 1999,

contains allegations of improper measurement of the heating content and

volume of all natural gas measured by the defendants other than natural

gas produced from federal lands.  In response to a motion filed by the

defendants in this suit, the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation

transferred the suit to the Federal District Court for inclusion in the

pretrial proceedings of the Grynberg suit.

Williston Basin and Montana-Dakota believe the claims of Grynberg and

Quinque are without merit and intend to vigorously contest these suits.

The company is also involved in other legal actions in the ordinary

course of its business.  Although the outcomes of any such legal

actions cannot be predicted, management believes that there is no

pending legal proceeding against or involving the company, except those

discussed above, for which the outcome is likely to have a material

adverse effect upon the company's financial position or results of


Environmental matters

In December 2000, Morse Bros., Inc. (MBI), an indirect wholly owned

subsidiary of the company, was named by the United States Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) as a Potentially Responsible Party in

connection with the cleanup of a commercial property site, now owned by

MBI, and part of the Portland, Oregon, Harbor Superfund Site.  Sixty-

eight other parties were also named in this administrative action. The

EPA wants responsible parties to share in the cleanup of sediment

contamination in the Willamette River.  Based upon a review of the

Portland Harbor sediment contamination evaluation by the Oregon State

Department of Environmental Quality and other information available,

MBI does not believe it is a Responsible Party. In addition, MBI

intends to seek indemnity for any and all liabilities incurred in

relation to the above matters from Georgia-Pacific West, Inc., the

seller of the commercial property site to MBI, pursuant to the terms of

their sale agreement.

Electric purchased power commitments

Through October 31, 2006, Montana-Dakota has contracted to purchase

66,400 kW of participation power annually from Basin Electric Power

Cooperative.  In addition, Montana-Dakota, under a power supply

contract through December 31, 2006, is purchasing up to 55,000 kW of

capacity annually from Black Hills Power and Light Company.



The following unaudited information shows selected items by quarter for

the years 2000 and 1999:

                                   First    Second     Third    Fourth
                                 Quarter   Quarter   Quarter   Quarter
(In thousands, except per share amounts)

Operating revenues              $371,989  $362,979  $530,834  $607,869
Operating expenses               342,559   321,900   454,811   537,414
Operating income                  29,430    41,079    76,023    70,455
Net income                        13,364    21,126    39,992    36,546
Earnings per common share:
  Basic                              .23       .35       .63       .57
  Diluted                            .23       .35       .63       .56
Weighted average common shares
  Basic                           57,051    59,987    62,975    64,289
  Diluted                         57,188    60,212    63,345    64,817

Operating revenues              $259,046  $290,267  $375,591  $354,905
Operating expenses               233,585   254,619   321,535   310,319
Operating income                  25,461    35,648    54,056    44,586
Net income                        12,721    17,796    29,098    24,465
Earnings per common share:
  Basic                              .24       .33       .53       .43
  Diluted                            .23       .33       .52       .42
Weighted average common shares
  Basic                           53,147    53,373    54,995    56,898
  Diluted                         53,420    53,603    55,278    57,127

Certain company operations are highly seasonal and revenues from and

certain expenses for such operations may fluctuate significantly among

quarterly periods.  Accordingly, quarterly financial information may

not be indicative of results for a full year.



Fidelity Exploration & Production Company (Fidelity), an indirect

wholly owned subsidiary of the company, is involved in the acquisition,

exploration, development and production of natural gas and oil

resources.  Fidelity's operations include the acquisition of producing

properties with potential development opportunities, exploratory

drilling and the operation of natural gas production properties.

Fidelity shares revenues and expenses from the development of specified

properties located primarily in the Rocky Mountain region of the United

States and in the Gulf of Mexico in proportion to its interests.

Fidelity owns in fee or holds natural gas leases for the properties it

operates in Colorado, Montana and North Dakota. These rights are in the

Bonny Field located in eastern Colorado, the Cedar Creek Anticline in

southeastern Montana and southwestern North Dakota, and in the Bowdoin

area located in north-central Montana.  In 2000, coal bed natural gas

reserves in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana were

acquired.  These acquisitions include over 210,000 net acres under


The information that follows includes the company's proportionate share

of all its natural gas and oil interests held by Fidelity.

The following table sets forth capitalized costs and accumulated

depreciation, depletion and amortization related to natural gas and oil

producing activities at December 31:

                                        2000        1999        1998
(In thousands)

Subject to amortization             $416,881    $319,448    $266,301
Not subject to amortization           94,856      23,464      22,153
Total capitalized costs              511,737     342,912     288,454
Less accumulated depreciation,
  depletion and amortization         155,198     129,211     111,472
Net capitalized costs               $356,539    $213,701    $176,982

NOTE: Net capitalized costs as of December 31, 1998, reflect noncash
write-downs of the company's natural gas and oil properties as
discussed in Note 1.

Capital expenditures, including those not subject to amortization,

related to natural gas and oil producing activities are as follows:

Years ended December 31,                2000        1999        1998
(In thousands)

Acquisitions                        $ 68,858    $ 30,842    $ 63,419
Exploration                           34,839      11,010      15,976
Development                           69,051      21,822      21,148
Total capital expenditures          $172,748    $ 63,674    $100,543

The following summary reflects income resulting from the company's

operations of natural gas and oil producing activities, excluding

corporate overhead and financing costs:

Years ended December 31,                2000        1999        1998
(In thousands)

Revenues                            $128,217    $ 75,327    $ 61,831
Production costs                      33,919      25,402      19,419
Depreciation, depletion and
  amortization                        26,739      19,136      23,050
Write-downs of natural gas and oil
  properties (Note 1)                    ---         ---      66,000
Pretax income (loss)                  67,559      30,789     (46,638)
Income tax expense (benefit)          25,835      11,815     (19,268)
Results of operations for
  producing activities              $ 41,724    $ 18,974    $(27,370)

The following table summarizes the company's estimated quantities of

proved natural gas and oil reserves at December 31, 2000, 1999 and

1998, and reconciles the changes between these dates.  Estimates of

economically recoverable natural gas and oil reserves and future net

revenues therefrom are based upon a number of variable factors and

assumptions.  For these reasons, estimates of economically recoverable

reserves and future net revenues may vary from actual results.

                               2000              1999              1998
                       Natural           Natural           Natural
                           Gas      Oil      Gas      Oil      Gas      Oil
(In thousands of Mcf/barrels)

Proved developed and
  undeveloped reserves:
  Balance at beginning
    of year            268,900   14,700  243,600   11,500  184,900   14,900
  Production           (29,200)  (1,900) (24,700)  (1,800) (20,700)  (1,900)
  Extensions and
    discoveries         51,300    1,600   21,800      800   21,300      200
  Purchases of proved
    reserves            23,200      100   38,200      700   56,600    2,000
  Sales of reserves
    in place               ---     (100)  (9,300)    (400)    (100)     ---
  Revisions to previous
    estimates due to
    improved secondary
    recovery techniques
    and/or changed
    economic conditions (4,400)     700     (700)   3,900    1,600   (3,700)
Balance at end
  of year              309,800   15,100  268,900   14,700  243,600   11,500

Proved developed reserves:
  January 1, 1998      163,800   14,500
  December 31, 1998    193,000   10,700
  December 31, 1999    213,400   13,300
  December 31, 2000    263,400   14,200

All of the company's interests in natural gas and oil reserves are

located in the United States and in the Gulf of Mexico.

The standardized measure of the company's estimated discounted future

net cash flows of total proved reserves associated with its various

natural gas and oil interests at December 31 is as follows:

                                         2000       1999         1998
(In thousands)

Future net cash flows before
  income taxes                     $2,349,500   $492,000     $246,700
Future income tax expense             827,000    131,500       40,500
Future net cash flows               1,522,500    360,500      206,200
10% annual discount for estimated
  timing of cash flows                601,200    131,400       81,100
Discounted future net cash flows
  relating to proved natural gas
  and oil reserves                 $  921,300   $229,100     $125,100

The following are the sources of change in the standardized measure

of discounted future net cash flows by year:

                                         2000       1999         1998
(In thousands)

Beginning of year                    $229,100   $125,100     $139,000
Net revenues from production          (94,300)   (49,900)     (42,400)
Change in net realization             861,700    123,100      (70,500)
Extensions, discoveries and improved
  recovery, net of future
  production-related costs            288,700     33,500       18,200
Purchases of proved reserves           93,200     57,700       51,000
Sales of reserves in place             (1,500)   (14,700)        (100)
Changes in estimated future
  development costs, net of those
  incurred during the year              3,400    (9,800)      (16,600)
Accretion of discount                  31,200     16,700       18,600
Net change in income taxes           (412,300)   (59,800)      30,100
Revisions of previous quantity
  estimates                           (79,200)     7,400       (1,600)
Other                                   1,300       (200)        (600)
Net change                            692,200    104,000      (13,900)
End of year                          $921,300   $229,100     $125,100

The estimated discounted future cash inflows from estimated future

production of proved reserves were computed using year-end natural gas

prices and oil prices except in those instances where future natural

gas or oil sales are covered by physical or derivative contract terms

providing for higher or lower amounts. Future development and

production costs attributable to proved reserves were computed by

applying year-end costs to be incurred in producing and further

developing the proved reserves.  Future income tax expenses were

computed by applying statutory tax rates (adjusted for permanent

differences and tax credits) to estimated net future pretax cash flows.

The standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows does not

purport to represent the fair market value of natural gas and oil

properties.  There are significant uncertainties inherent in estimating

quantities of proved reserves and in projecting rates of production and

the timing and amount of future costs.  In addition, future realization

of natural gas and oil prices over the remaining reserve lives may vary

significantly from current prices.

                                                   OPERATING STATISTICS
                                                 MDU RESOURCES GROUP, INC.

                                               2000         1999         1998*        1997         1996         1995         1990
Selected Financial Data
Operating revenues (000's):
 Electric                                $  161,621   $  154,869   $  147,221   $  141,590   $  138,761   $  134,609   $  124,156
 Natural gas distribution                   233,051      157,692      154,147      157,005      155,012      150,532      127,844
 Utility services                           169,382       99,917       64,232       22,761          ---          ---          ---
 Pipeline and energy services               636,848      383,532      180,732       87,018       71,580       67,186      103,711
 Natural gas and oil production             138,316       78,394       61,842       77,916       75,350       53,505       35,038
 Construction materials and mining          631,396      469,905      346,451      174,147      132,222      113,066       38,276
 Intersegment eliminations                  (96,943)     (64,500)     (57,998)     (52,763)     (58,224)     (54,652)     (83,781)
                                         $1,873,671   $1,279,809   $  896,627   $  607,674   $  514,701   $  464,246   $  345,244
Operating income (000's):
 Electric                                $   38,743   $   35,727   $   32,167   $   31,307   $   29,476   $   29,898   $   32,221
 Natural gas distribution                     9,530        6,688        8,028       10,410       11,504        6,917        6,578
 Utility services                            16,606       11,518        5,932        1,782          ---          ---          ---
 Pipeline and energy services                28,782       40,627       33,651       25,822       27,697       24,043       17,464
 Natural gas and oil production              66,510       26,845      (50,444)      27,638       26,786       15,255       14,421
 Construction materials and mining           56,816       38,346       41,609       14,602       16,062       14,463        7,749
                                         $  216,987   $  159,751   $   70,943   $  111,561   $  111,525   $   90,576   $   78,433
Earnings on common stock (000's):
 Electric                                $   17,733   $   15,973   $   13,908   $   12,441   $   11,436   $   12,000   $   14,280
 Natural gas distribution                     4,741        3,192        3,501        4,514        4,892        1,604        2,704
 Utility services                             8,607        6,505        3,272          947          ---          ---          ---
 Pipeline and energy services                10,494       20,972       18,651        9,955        1,649        7,804       (8,737)**
 Natural gas and oil production              38,574       16,207      (30,501)      15,867       15,185        8,614        9,230
 Construction materials and mining           30,113       20,459       24,499       10,111       11,521       10,819        9,632
                                         $  110,262   $   83,308   $   33,330   $   53,835   $   44,683   $   40,841   $   27,109**
Earnings per common share -- diluted     $     1.80   $     1.52   $      .66   $     1.24   $     1.04   $      .95   $      .63**

Common Stock Statistics
Weighted average common shares
 outstanding -- diluted (000's)              61,390       54,870       50,837       43,478       42,824       42,789       42,715
Dividends per common share               $      .86   $      .82   $    .7834   $    .7534   $    .7333   $    .7188   $    .6311
Book value per common share              $    13.55   $    11.74   $    10.39   $     8.84   $     8.21   $     7.90   $     6.72
Market price per common share (year-end) $    32.50   $    20.00   $    26.31   $    21.08   $    15.33   $    13.25   $     9.11
Market price ratios:
 Dividend payout                                48%          54%         119%          61%          70%          76%          99%**
 Yield                                         2.7%         4.2%         3.0%         3.6%         4.8%         5.5%         6.9%
 Price/earnings ratio                         18.1x        13.2x        39.9x        17.0x        14.6x        13.9x        14.3x**
 Market value as a percent of book value     239.9%       170.4%       253.2%       238.5%       186.8%       167.7%       135.6%

Profitability Indicators
Return on average common equity               14.3%        13.9%         6.5%        14.6%        13.0%        12.3%         9.4%**
Return on average invested capital             9.5%         9.6%         5.5%        10.3%         9.5%         9.2%         7.8%**
Interest coverage                              8.3x         7.1x         6.1x         6.0x         5.4x         3.9x         2.7x**
Fixed charges coverage, including
 preferred dividends                           4.1x         4.3x         2.5x         3.4x         2.7x         3.0x         1.9x**

Total assets (000's)                     $2,312,959   $1,766,303   $1,452,775   $1,113,892   $1,089,173   $1,056,479   $  959,946
Net long-term debt (000's)               $  728,166   $  563,545   $  413,264     $298,561   $  280,666   $  237,352   $  229,786
Redeemable preferred stock (000's)       $    1,500   $    1,600   $    1,700   $    1,800   $    1,900   $    2,000   $    2,500
Capitalization ratios:
 Common equity                                  54%          54%          56%          55%          54%          57%          54%
 Preferred stocks                                1            1            2            2            3            3            3
 Long-term debt                                 45           45           42           43           43           40           43
                                               100%         100%         100%        100%          100%         100%         100%
 * Reflects $39.9 million or 78 cents per common share in noncash after-tax write-downs of natural gas and oil properties.
** Reflects a $6.8 million or 16 cent per common share after-tax effect of an absorption of certain natural gas contract litigation
   settlement costs.
NOTE:  Common stock share amounts reflect the company's three-for-two common stock splits effected in October 1995 and July 1998.

                                                   2000         1999         1998         1997         1996        1995        1990

Sales to ultimate consumers (thousand kWh)    2,161,280    2,075,446    2,053,862     2,041,191   2,067,926   1,993,693   1,820,150
Sales for resale (thousand kWh)                 930,318      943,520      586,540       361,954     374,535     408,011     285,564
Electric system generating and firm purchase
 capability  --  kW (Interconnected system)     500,420      492,800      489,100       487,500     481,800     472,400     451,600
Demand peak  --  kW (Interconnected system)     432,300      420,550      402,500       404,600     393,300     412,700     381,600
Electricity produced (thousand kWh)           2,331,188    2,350,769    2,103,199     1,826,770   1,829,669   1,718,077   1,674,648
Electricity purchased (thousand kWh)            948,700      860,508      730,949       769,679     809,261     867,524     573,099
Average cost of fuel and purchased
  power per kWh                                   $.016        $.016        $.017         $.018       $.017       $.016       $.016

Natural Gas Distribution
Sales (Mdk)                                      36,595       30,931       32,024        34,320      38,283      33,939      28,278
Transportation (Mdk)                             14,314       11,551       10,324        10,067       9,423      11,091      11,806
Weighted average degree days  --
 % of previous year's actual                       113%          95%          94%           85%        114%        105%         88%

Pipeline and Energy Services
 Sales for resale (Mdk)                             ---          ---          ---           ---         ---         ---      19,658
 Transportation (Mdk)                            86,787       78,061       88,974        85,464      82,169      68,015      50,809
 Gathering (Mdk)                                 41,717       19,799        9,093         9,550       8,983       9,651       1,324
Energy services:
 Natural gas volumes (Mdk)                      149,823      131,687        58,495       14,971       4,670       3,556       1,853

Natural Gas and Oil Production
 Natural gas (MMcf)                              29,222       24,652        20,699       20,407      20,391      17,574       3,846
 Oil (000's of barrels)                           1,882        1,758         1,912        2,088       2,149       1,973       1,374
Average realized prices:
 Natural gas (per Mcf)                           $ 2.90       $ 1.94        $ 1.81       $ 2.02      $ 1.79      $ 1.33      $ 1.76
 Oil (per barrel)                                $23.06       $15.34        $12.71       $17.50      $17.91      $15.07      $20.11
Net recoverable reserves:
 Natural gas (MMcf)                             309,800      268,900       243,600      184,900     200,200     179,000      16,100
 Oil (000's of barrels)                          15,100       14,700        11,500       14,900      16,100      14,200      12,400

Construction Materials and Mining
Construction materials (000's):
 Aggregates (tons sold)                          18,315       13,981        11,054        5,113       3,374       2,904         ---
 Asphalt (tons sold)                              3,310        2,993         1,790          758         694         373         ---
 Ready-mixed concrete (cubic yards sold)          1,696        1,186         1,021          516         340         307         ---
 Recoverable aggregate reserves (tons)          894,500      740,030       654,670      169,375     119,800      68,000         ---
Coal (000's):
 Sales (tons)                                     3,111        3,236         3,113        2,375       2,899       4,218       4,439
 Recoverable reserves (tons)                    145,643      182,761       190,152      226,560     228,900     231,900     261,500