We hereby consent to the reference to our report dated
January 15, 1999, appearing in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.

     We also consent to the incorporation by reference in the
Registration Statements on Form S-3, No. 333-06127, and No. 333-
48647, and on Form S-8, No. 33-54486, No. 333-06103, No. 333-
06105, No. 333-27879, No. 333-27877 and No. 333-72595 of MDU
Resources Group, Inc. and in the related Prospectuses of the
reference to such report appearing in this Annual Report on Form

                              /s/ RALPH E. DAVIS ASSOCIATES, INC.
                              RALPH E. DAVIS ASSOCIATES, INC.

Houston, Texas
March 4, 1999