SUBSIDIARIES OF REGISTRANT                        Exhibit 21

                                                  of Voting
                                                    Owned by

Canadian-Montana Gas Company Limited
   An Alberta Corporation                            100

Canadian-Montana Pipe Line Company
   An Alberta Corporation                            100

Glacier Gas Company
   A Montana Corporation                             100

Colstrip Community Services Company
   A Montana Corporation                             100

Continental Energy Services, Inc.
   A Montana Corporation                             100

   EMPECO, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation
     (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental
      Energy Services, Inc.)                         100

   EMPECO II, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation
     (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental
      Energy Services, Inc.)                         100

     A Montana Corporation
     (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental
      Energy Services, Inc.)                         100

   EMPECO IV, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation
     (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental
      Energy Services, Inc.)                         100

   EMPECO V, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation
     (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental
      Energy Services, Inc.)                         100

   EMPECO VI - TE, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation
     (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental
      Energy Services, Inc.)                         100

SUBSIDIARIES OF REGISTRANT                        Exhibit 21

                                                  of Voting
                                                    Owned by

   North American Energy Services Company
     A Washington Corporation
     (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental    
       Energy Services, Inc.)                        100

     Engineering Design & Associates
       A Washington Corporation 
       (A wholly-owned subsidiary of
        North American Energy Services Company)      100

     North American Contract Employee Services
       A Washington Corporation
       (A wholly-owned subsidiary of North 
        American Energy Services Company)            100 
   ECI Holdings, Ltd.
     Investment in English Partnership in a 
     Gas-fired Cogeneration Project
     (A 47.5% owned subsidiary of Continental
       Energy Services, Inc.)                         50  
   Entech, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation                           100

     Western Energy Company
       A Montana Corporation                         100

     Western Syncoal Company
       A Montana Corporation
       (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Western
        Energy Company)                              100

     Montana Participacoes, Ltda.
       A Brazilian Corporation
       (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Western
        Energy Company)                              100

       Financiera Ulkea Sociedad Anonima (SA)
         A Uruguayan Corporation
         (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Montana
          Participacoes, Ltda.)                      100

SUBSIDIARIES OF REGISTRANT                        Exhibit 21

                                                  of Voting
                                                    Owned by

  Northwestern Resources Co.
     A Montana Corporation                           100

  Altana Exploration Company
     A Montana Corporation                           100

     Altana Exploration (UK) Limited
        A United Kingdom Corporation
        (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Altana
         Exploration Company)                        100

     Intercontinental Energy Corporation
        A Texas Corporation
        (A wholly-owned subsidiary of Altana
         Exploration Company)                        100

  Entech Altamont, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation                           100

  Roan Resources, Ltd.
     An Alberta Corporation                          100

  North American Resources Company
     A Montana Corporation                           100

  Nortech Energy Corp.
     A Texas Corporation                              50

  Tetragenics Company
     A Montana Corporation                           100

  TRI Touch America, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation                           100

  Basin Resources, Inc.
     A Colorado Corporation                          100

  Horizon Coal Services, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation                           100

SUBSIDIARIES OF REGISTRANT                        Exhibit 21

                                                  of Voting
                                                    Owned by

  North Central Energy Company
     A Colorado Corporation                          100

  Trinidad Railway, Inc.
     A Montana Corporation                           100

Note:  The above listed companies are included in the             
       Consolidated Financial Statements of the registrant.