By-Laws of J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated
As amended through April 10, 1996

The  undersigned,  Secretary of J.P. Morgan &  Co.  Incorporated,
hereby certifies that attached hereto is a true and complete copy
of the By-Laws of the Corporation as amended to date.



(a Delaware corporation)

Article I

Section  1.1   The  annual  meeting of the  stockholders  of  the
Corporation shall be held on such date and at such time and place
within  or without the state of Delaware as may be fixed  by  the
Board  of Directors, for the election of Directors and such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.  Notice of  the
time,  place  and  purpose or purposes of such meeting  shall  be
given  not less than 10 nor more than 60 days before said meeting
by  mailing postage prepaid or delivering personally such notice,
signed  by  the  Chairman of the Board or the  President  or  the
Secretary  or  an  Assistant Secretary, to  each  stockholder  of
record  entitled  to vote at such meeting at his  address  as  it
appears  on the stock ledger of the Corporation, unless he  shall
have  filed  with  the Secretary a written request  that  notices
intended  for him be mailed to some other address, in which  case
it  shall  be  mailed to the address designated in such  request.
Notice  shall not be required to be given to any stockholder  who
shall  waive  such  notice in writing or who  shall  attend  such
meeting  in person or by proxy unless such attendance is for  the
express purpose of objecting, at the beginning of the meeting, to
the  transaction  of  any business because  the  meeting  is  not
lawfully called or convened.

Section 1.2  Special meetings of the stockholders may be called  by
the  Chairman  of the Board, the President, the Chairman  of  the
Executive Committee, a Vice Chairman of the Board or the Board of
Directors.  It shall be the duty of the Chairman of the Board  or
the  President  or the Chairman of the Executive Committee  or  a
Vice  Chairman  of  the Board to call a special  meeting  of  the
stockholders  whenever  requested  in  writing  to   do   so   by
stockholders  owning  a  majority of the  capital  stock  of  the
Corporation.   Notice of any special meeting, stating  the  time,
place and purpose or purposes thereof, shall be given by mail  to
the  stockholders in the manner provided in Section 1.1  for  the
calling of annual meetings of stockholders.

Section  1.3  At  any  meeting  of stockholders,  unless  otherwise
provided by law, stockholders entitled to cast a majority of  the
votes  thereat,  present  either in person  or  by  proxy,  shall
constitute a quorum and any question brought before such  meeting
shall  be  decided by the stockholders owning a majority  of  the
capital  stock  represented  at such meeting,  voting  either  in
person  or  by  proxy.  Less than a quorum shall  have  power  to
adjourn any meeting.

Section  1.4  The  Chairman of the Board, or  in  his  absence  the
President,  or  in  his  absence the Chairman  of  the  Executive
Committee, or in his absence a Vice Chairman of the Board,  shall
preside  at all meetings of stockholders, and the order in  which
the  business thereof shall be disposed of, in the absence  of  a
contrary  vote  by  stockholders,  shall  be  determined  by  the
presiding officer.

Section  1.5  The Board of Directors may at any time appoint  two
or  more  persons to act as inspectors of election at any meeting
of  stockholders.  If any inspector so appointed shall be  absent
or shall refuse to act, or if his office become vacant and be not
filled by the Board of Directors, if a majority of the inspectors
be present, they may act; otherwise, the presiding officer of the
meeting  may appoint one or more inspectors of election for  such
meeting.   Each  inspector  shall be  entitled  to  a  reasonable
compensation for his services to be paid by the Corporation.

Article II
Board of Directors

Section 2.1  The business of the Corporation shall be managed
and  its corporate powers exercised by a Board of Directors.  The
Board  shall from time to time by vote of a majority of Directors
then in office fix the number of Directors.

Section  2.2 At each annual meeting of stockholders each  of  the
Directors shall be elected to serve until the next annual meeting
of  stockholders and until his successor shall have been  elected
and shall have qualified.

Section 2.3  The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings for
business, of which meetings no notice shall be required, on  such
date  and at such time and place as may be fixed by the Board  of

Section  2.4  Special meetings of the Board of Directors  may  be
called  by the Chairman of the Board, the President, the Chairman
of  the Executive Committee, or a Vice Chairman of the Board, and
any of them shall call a special meeting whenever requested to do
so  by any two members of the Board of Directors.  Notice of such
meeting shall be mailed to each Director addressed to him at  his
usual residence or place of business at least two days before the
day  on which such meeting is to be held, or shall be sent to him
at such address by facsimile, electronic mail, telegram, radio or
cable or given personally or by telephone not later than the  day
before such meeting is to be held.

Section 2.5  Any one or more members of the Board of Directors or
any  committee thereof may participate in a meeting of the  Board
of  Directors  or  a  committee thereof by  means  of  conference
telephone or similar communications equipment by means  of  which
all  persons  participating in the meeting can hear  each  other.
Participation  in  a  meeting  by  such  means  shall  constitute
presence in person at such meeting.

Section  2.6   Except as otherwise required by law, one-third  of
the  number  of  Directors, as fixed from  time  to  time,  shall
constitute a quorum.

Section 2.7  Directors and members of the Executive Committee and
the  members of any other committee shall be entitled to  receive
such  compensation or such fees for attendance as  the  Board  of
Directors  shall fix from time to time.  Nothing herein contained
shall  be construed to preclude any Director from serving in  any
other capacity and receiving compensation therefor.

Article III

Section 3.1  The Board of Directors shall, at the meeting at
which these By-Laws are adopted and at the first meeting  after
each   annual  meeting  of  stockholders,  appoint  an  Executive
Committee of such number of Directors, including the Chairman  of
the   Board,  the  President,  the  Chairman  of  the   Executive
Committee, the Vice Chairman, or if there be more than  one,  the
Vice  Chairmen  of  the  Board, as the  Board  of  Directors  may
determine,  which  may  exercise  the  powers  of  the  Board  of
Directors in the intervals between the meetings of the  Board  of
Directors.   The  minutes  of  each  meeting  of  the   Executive
Committee shall be submitted to the first regular meeting of  the
Board  of  Directors  following  the  meeting  of  the  Executive
Committee.   The Executive Committee may adopt its own  rules  of
procedure  and  shall hold meetings upon request  of  any  member
thereof.   No  notice of any meetings of the Executive  Committee
shall  be  required.   Three members of the  Executive  Committee
shall constitute a quorum.

Section  3.2   The  Board of Directors may  elect  by  resolution
passed by a majority of the whole Board of Directors, from  among
its  membership  or  otherwise, such other committees  with  such
powers  as  it shall determine.  Such committees shall  determine
their own quorum and adopt their own rules of  procedure.

Section  3.3  Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors,
in the absence or disqualification of any member of any committee
of  the Board of Directors, the member or members thereof present
at  any  meeting and not disqualified from voting may unanimously
appoint  another member of the Board of Directors to act  at  the
meeting in the place of any such absent or disqualified member.

Section 3.4  The Board of Directors may fill any vacancy  in  any

Article IV
Officers and Employees

Section 4.1  The Board of Directors, at the meeting at which
these  By-Laws  are adopted and at the first meeting  after  each
annual  meeting of stockholders, shall elect from their number  a
Chairman  of  the  Board  and  may  elect  from  their  number  a
President, a Chairman of the Executive Committee and one or  more
Vice  Chairmen of the Board.  Each such officer shall hold office
until  the  next  annual  election  of  officers  and  until  his
successor  is  elected  and shall have  qualified.   Any  vacancy
occurring  in  the  office of Chairman of the  Board,  President,
Chairman of the Executive Committee or Vice Chairman of the Board
may  be filled at any regular or special meeting of the Board  of

The  Board  of  Directors  shall also elect  a  Secretary  and  a
Treasurer and may elect one or more Managing Directors and one or
more  Vice  Presidents (any one or more of whom may be designated
Executive   Vice   Presidents  or  Senior  Vice  Presidents),   a
Controller,  an Auditor and such other officers as the  Board  of
Directors  may  deem  appropriate or  desirable.   The  Board  of
Directors may provide for the election or appointment of officers
who  are not members of the Board of Directors in such manner  as
the  Board of Directors may determine or delegate.  All  officers
elected or appointed pursuant to this paragraph shall hold office
at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

The  compensation of officers shall be fixed either by the  Board
of  Directors  or  as  the Board of Directors  may  determine  or

Section  4.2   All other agents and employees of the  Corporation
shall   be   appointed,   their  duties  prescribed   and   their
compensation  fixed,  by  the  Chairman  of  the  Board  or   the
President, or any officer authorized to do so by either of them.

Section  4.3   Any  or all of the officers or  employees  of  the
Corporation  may be required to give such bonds as the  Board  of
Directors may determine.

Section  4.4   The  Chairman  of the  Board  shall  have  general
supervision of the policies and operations of the Corporation  on
behalf of the Board of Directors and shall be the chief executive
officer of the Corporation.  He shall preside at meetings of  the
stockholders and at meetings of the Board of Directors,  and,  in
the  absence  of  the  Chairman of the  Executive  Committee,  at
meetings of the Executive Committee.  He shall have the power  to
sign  checks, orders, contracts, leases, notes, drafts and  other
documents and instruments in connection with the business of  the
Corporation,  and  together with the Secretary  or  an  Assistant
Secretary conveyances of real estate.

Section  4.5   The President of the Corporation shall participate
in  the  supervision of the policies of the Corporation on behalf
of  the  Board  of Directors and shall manage and administer  the
Corporation's  operations.  He shall perform all duties  incident
to the office of President, and, except as the Board of Directors
or  Executive Committee shall otherwise direct, in the  event  of
the  absence or disability of the Chairman of the Board shall act
in his place and assume his duties.  He shall have the same power
to sign for the Corporation as is prescribed in these By-Laws for
the Chairman of the Board.  In the absence of the President, such
officer  as the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee  or
the Chairman of the Board may designate shall act in his stead.

Section  4.6   The  Chairman  of the  Executive  Committee  shall
preside  at  meetings  of  the  Executive  Committee  and   shall
participate in the supervision of the policies and operations  of
the  Corporation  on behalf of the Board of Directors  and  shall
have  such other duties as shall be assigned to him by the  Board
of  Directors, the Executive Committee and Chairman of the Board.
He  shall have the same power to sign for the Corporation  as  is
prescribed in these By-Laws for the Chairman of the Board.

Section 4.7  The Vice Chairman of the Board, or if there be  more
than one, then each of them, shall participate in the supervision
of  the  policies and operations of the Corporation on behalf  of
the  Board of Directors, and shall have such duties as  shall  be
assigned  to  them  by  the  Board of  Directors,  the  Executive
Committee  and  the  Chairman of the Board.  Each  Vice  Chairman
shall  have  the  same power to sign for the  Corporation  as  is
prescribed in these By-Laws for the Chairman of the Board.

Section 4.8  Each Managing Director and each Vice President shall
have  the duties and authority usually pertaining to such  office
and in addition such other duties as shall be assigned to him  by
the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman  of
the Board, the President, the Chairman of the Executive Committee
and  a  Vice Chairman of the Board.  Unless otherwise ordered  by
the  Board of Directors or the Executive Committee, each Managing
Director  and  each Vice President shall have the same  power  to
sign  for  the Corporation as is prescribed in these By-Laws  for
the Chairman of the Board.

Section 4.9  The Treasurer shall have the supervision and care of
all  the funds and securities of the Corporation.  He shall  keep
permanent  records of the evidences of property  or  indebtedness
and  of  all  fiscal transactions of the Corporation.   He  shall
perform all acts incident to the office of Treasurer.

Section  4.10  The Controller shall exercise general  supervision
over,  and  be  responsible  for, the operation  of  all  matters
pertaining  to the accounting and bookkeeping of the  Corporation
and  shall have such further duties as the Chairman of the  Board
or  the  President shall assign to him.  He shall render  to  the
Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of  the
Board, the President, the Chairman of the Executive Committee and
the  Vice Chairman of the Board condensed monthly balance  sheets
and  statements of operating results and shall prepare such  cost
control  reports  and such other statements and  reports  as  the
Chairman  of  the  Board,  the President,  the  Chairman  of  the
Executive Committee or a Vice Chairman of the Board may request.

Section  4.11   The  Auditor shall exercise  general  supervision
over,  and  be  responsible  for, the operation  of  all  matters
pertaining to the auditing of the Corporation and shall have such
further  duties  as the Chairman of the Board  or  the  President
shall  assign to him.  He shall render to the Board of Directors,
the  Executive Committee, any committee of the Board of Directors
appointed to examine the affairs of the Corporation, the Chairman
of  the  Board,  the  President, the Chairman  of  the  Executive
Committee  and the Vice Chairman of the Board such regular  audit
statements and reports as may be requested of him and such  other
reports  as  in his judgment are necessary in the performance  of
his duties.

Section  4.12   The  Secretary shall  keep  the  minutes  of  all
meetings  of  the Board of Directors and of all meetings  of  the
stockholders; he shall attend to the giving and receiving of  all
notices  of  and  to  the Corporation; he may  sign,  with  other
authorized  officers, all contracts, instruments or documents  in
the  name of the Corporation and may affix or cause to be affixed
thereto  the  seal of the Corporation, of which he shall  be  the
custodian;  and  he  shall  in general  perform  all  the  duties
incident to the office of Secretary.

Section  4.13  Any Assistant Treasurer shall perform such  duties
as  may  be designated by the President with the approval of  the
Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of  the
Board, the Chairman of the Executive Committee or a Vice Chairman
of  the  Board.  In the absence or inability of the Treasurer  to
act,  any Assistant Treasurer may perform all the duties and  may
exercise all the powers of the Treasurer.

Section  4.14  Any Assistant Secretary shall perform such  duties
as  may  be designated by the President with the approval of  the
Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of  the
Board, the Chairman of the Executive Committee or a Vice Chairman
of the Board.  Any Assistant Secretary may perform all the duties
and may exercise any of the powers of the Secretary.

Section 4.15  All other officers of the Corporation shall perform
such duties as may be designated by the Chairman of the Board  or
any officer authorized to do so by him.

Section  4.16  All checks, orders, contracts, advices  and  other
instruments  and  documents  shall  be  signed  by  the  officers
authorized in these By-Laws to do so or by such other officers or
by  such employees and agents other than officers as the Board of
Directors or the Executive Committee shall authorize, and subject
to  such  restrictions as the Board of Directors or the Executive
Committee  shall prescribe.  The Board of Directors or  Executive
Committee may delegate to one or more officers of the Corporation
all or part of the authority to grant signing powers contained in
this Section 4.16.

Article V

Section 5.1  The Corporation shall have a seal which shall be
in such form as the Board of Directors shall approve.

Article VI
Capital Stock

Section 6.1  All certificates of stock shall be signed by the
Chairman  of  the  Board,  the President,  the  Chairman  of  the
Executive  Committee, a Vice Chairman of  the  Board  or  a  Vice
President,  and  the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer  or  the
Secretary  or  an  Assistant Secretary.  The  signatures  may  be
facsimile, engraved or printed, to the extent permitted by law.

Section  6.2   No transfer of stock of the Corporation  shall  be
permitted   except   upon  the  surrender  of   the   outstanding
certificate  of stock.  No new certificate shall be issued  until
the  former certificate is canceled, except that in the  case  of
loss  or destruction of a certificate, a new certificate  may  be
issued upon such terms as the Board of Directors may prescribe.

Section  6.3   In  order that the Corporation may  determine  the
stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at any meeting, or
any  adjournment thereof, or entitled to express consent  to  any
corporate  action in writing without a meeting,  or  entitled  to
receive  payment  of  any  dividend  or  other  distribution   or
allotment  of any rights, or entitled to exercise any  rights  in
respect of any change, conversion or exchange of stock or for the
purpose  of  any other lawful action, the Board of Directors  may
fix,  in advance, a record date, which shall not be more than  60
nor  less than 10 days before such meeting, nor more than 60 days
prior to any other action.

Article VII
Voting of stock of
other corporations

Section 7.1  Shares of the capital stock of other corporations
eld by the Corporation shall be voted in such manner as may
be determined by the Board of Directors.

Article VIII

Section 8.1  Except as may be otherwise provided by law,
these By- Laws may be altered or repealed at any meeting of
the  Board of Directors, whether or not such alteration or repeal
shall  or  may affect any By-Law which does or may be  deemed  to
limit  the  powers  of  the Directors, provided  notice  of  such
meeting setting forth the substance of the proposed alteration or
repeal  shall  have  been given to each Director  prior  to  such