October 5, 2000

National Fuel Exploration Corp.
1000, 550 - 6 th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 0S2

Attention:    Mr. D. Goruk, Chief Operating Officer

Reference:    National Fuel Exploration Corp.
              Update of Oil & Gas Reserves
              Constant Price Assumptions

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to your  request we have  prepared an Update of the crude oil,  natural
gas and natural gas  products  reserves  and the present  worth  values of these
reserves  for  the   petroleum  and  natural  gas  interests  of  National  Fuel
Exploration Corp.,  hereinafter  referred to as the "Company",  as of October 1,
2000. The future net revenues and present worth values  presented in this report
were calculated using "Constant Price"  assumptions  supplied by the Company and
were presented in Canadian dollars.  No allowance was made for income tax or the
Saskatchewan Corporation Capital Tax Surcharge however an allowance was made for
the Alberta Royalty Tax Credit.

For this update,  our previous  evaluation  entitled "Tri Link  Resources  Ltd.,
Evaluation of Oil & Gas Reserves,  Based on Escalating  Price  Assumptions as of
April 1,  2000"  dated  June 26,  2000,  was  advanced  to  October  1,  2000 by
subtracting  the estimated  production  for the six months from April 1, 2000 to
October 1, 2000. The Company's recent drilling  activity which consisted of some
28 oil wells was then included.  Operating  cost,  capital cost and  development
drilling  assumptions were all based on our previous report.  It should be noted
that  recent  production  data  was not  reviewed  for any  properties  with the
exception of the new wells. It should also be noted that it is our understanding
from the Company that due to frequent power  interruptions  the Company's recent
production has been below the levels forecast in our April report.

The properties  evaluated in this report were  indicated to include  essentially
all of the Company's conventional petroleum and natural gas interests in Canada.
The Company's  principal  crude oil  properties are located in the Hazelwood and
Corning  areas in the  province  of  Saskatchewan.  The  principal  natural  gas
property is located in the Meadow area in the province of Alberta.

National Fuel Exploration Corp.                                        Page 2
Constant Price Assumptions                                    October 5, 2000

The  Company's  share of proved  remaining  and probable  additional  crude oil,
natural  gas and  natural  gas  products  reserves as of October 1, 2000 and the
respective  present worth values  assigned to these  reserves  based on Tri Link
"Constant Price" assumptions were estimated to be as follows:


             Proved      Proved          Proved      Total    Probable
           Producing   Non-Producing  Undeveloped  Proved   Additional  Total
Crude Oil
  Gross (1) 40,249          85           7,703       48,037  17,934    65,971
  Net (2)   34,762          69           7,005       41,835  14,839    56,674

Natural Gas
  Gross (1)  2,952         995               -        3,947     400     4,346
  Net (2)    2,357         801               -        3,157     342     3,499

Natural Gas Liquids
  Gross (1)    328           -              55          383     106       489
  Net (2)      299           -              52          351      96       447

$1000 (3) (4) (5) (6)

                                                 Discounted At
                                       0%        10%     12%     15%      20%
Proved Developed Producing Reserves 962,412  477,418  436,262 387,812 329,861
Proved Developed Non-Producing        5,735    2,271    1,976   1,641   1,267
Proved Undeveloped Reserves         212,063  120,061  109,498  96,339  79,604
Total Proved Reserves             1,180,210  599,749  547,735 485,792 410,732
Probable Additional Reserves
     -Unrisked                      441,136  126,679  107,873  87,341  65,105
Total Proved & Probable Reserves
     -Unrisked                    1,621,346  726,428  655,609 573,133 475,837
Probable Additional Reserves
     -Risked (7)                    220,568   63,340   53,937  43,671  32,553
Total Proved & Probable
     Reserves-Risked (7)          1,400,778  663,089  601,672 529,463 443,285

(1) Gross  reserves  are  defined  as the  aggregate  of the  Company's  working
interest and royalty interest reserves before deductions of royalties payable to
(2) Net reserves are gross reserves less all royalties payable to others.
(3) Financial   matters  such  as  prepayments,  take or pay  payments,  general
obligations, etc. were not included.
(4) Based on  "Constant  Price"  assumptions  supplied  by  Company  (see  Price
(5) The  Alberta  Royalty  Tax Credit  was  calculated  based on the  applicable
regulations  in effect at October  1,  2000.  The ARTC  program  was  assumed to
continue indefinitely.
(6) No allowance was made for the Saskatchewan  Corporation Capital Tax Resource
Surcharge  in the  present  worth  value  estimates.
(7) Includes  a 50 percent  reduction in the  probable  present  worth values to
account for the risk associated with the probable additional reserves.

National Fuel Exploration Corp.                                       Page 3
Constant Price Assumptions                                   October 5, 2000

The Company's share of remaining reserves and present worth values are presented
on a total Company basis in the summary section of this report.  The location of
the  Company's  major  properties  and  a  graphical  summary  of  the  forecast
production,  net income and reserve  distributions  are also  presented  in this
section.  Tables  summarizing  the  reserves,  production  and  revenues for the
various  reserve  classes are  presented in  Appendices 1 to 6. A summary of the
Company's  interests and  encumbrances in each property is presented in Appendix
7.  Discussions  of the  assumptions  and  methodology  employed  to prepare the
reserve  estimates and revenue  forecasts are also contained in the  "Evaluation
Methodology" section.

Detailed reserve  estimates and revenue  forecasts and other supporting data for
each of the  properties  that were  reviewed  in  detail  were  provided  in the
detailed property report. Property discussions and a detailed description of the
economic  factors  employed to derive the cash flow forecasts were also included

The extent and  character  of all  factual  information  supplied by the Company
including ownership, well data, production,  prices, revenues,  operating costs,
contracts,  and other  relevant  data were relied upon by us in  preparing  this
report and has been accepted as represented without independent verification. In
view of the generality of the assignment the opinions expressed are not intended
to provide a stand alone  analysis of any specific  property but to relate to an
overall Update of the reserves of the Company.

This report was  prepared  by McDaniel &  Associates  Consultants  Ltd.  for the
exclusive use of National Fuel  Exploration  Corp.  and is not to be reproduced,
distributed or made  available,  in whole or in part, to any person,  company or
organization  other than National Fuel Exploration  Corp.  without the knowledge
and consent of McDaniel &  Associates  Consultants  Ltd. We reserve the right to
revise any estimates  provided  herein if any relevant  data  existing  prior to
preparation  of this report was not made  available or if any data  provided was
found to be erroneous.


"signed by P. A. Welch"
_____________________________                     PERMIT TO PRACTICE
P. A. Welch, P. Eng.                   McDANIEL & ASSOCIATES CONSULTANTS LTD.

                                       Date Thursday, October 05, 2000
"signed by F. Schorning"
_____________________________                   PERMIT NUMBER: P 3145
F. Schorning, P. Geol.             The Association of Professional Engineers,
                                     Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta

National Fuel Exploration Corp.                                       Page 4
Constant Price Assumptions                                   October 5, 2000


I, Fred Schorning, Petroleum Geologist of 2200, 255 - 5th Avenue, S.W., Calgary,
Alberta, Canada hereby certify:

1. That I am a Vice  President of McDaniel & Associates  Consultants  Ltd. Which
Company did prepare,  at the request of National  Fuel  Exploration  Corp.,  the
report  entitled  "National  Fuel  Exploration  Corp.,  Evaluation  of Oil & Gas
Reserves,  Based on Constant Price  Assumptions,  As of October 1, 2000",  dated
October 5, 2000, and that I was involved in the preparation of this report.

2. That McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd., its officers or employees,  have
no direct or  indirect  interest,  nor do they  expect to receive  any direct or
indirect  interest in any properties or securities of National Fuel  Exploration
Corp., any associate or affiliate thereof.

3. That I attended  McMaster  University  in the years 1960 to 1964,  graduating
with a Bachelor of Arts degree in  Geology;  that I am a member of the  Canadian
Society of Petroleum Geologists;  that I am a registered  Professional Geologist
in the province of Alberta and that I have in excess of thirty years  experience
in oil and gas reservoir studies.

4. That the aforementioned  report was not based on a personal field examination
of the  properties  in question,  however,  such an  examination  was not deemed
necessary in view of the extent and accuracy of the information available on the
properties in question.

5. That the basic data  employed in preparing  the said report was obtained from
the files of National Fuel  Exploration  Corp.,  our own files and the published
information  available from  regulatory  authorities.  No claim of title for the
properties  was  discussed  and  the  description  furnished  by  National  Fuel
Exploration Corp. was taken and accepted as given.

"signed by F. Schorning"
- ----------------------------
F. Schorning, P. Geol.
Calgary, Alberta
Dated: October 5, 2000

National Fuel Exploration Corp.                                       Page 5
Constant Price Assumptions                                   October 5, 2000

                             CERTIFICATE OF QUALIFICATION

I, Philip  Arthur Welch,  Petroleum  Engineer of 2200,  255 - 5th Avenue,  S.W.,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada hereby certify:

1. That I am a Senior Vice President of McDaniel & Associates  Consultants  Ltd.
Which Company did prepare,  at the request of National Fuel  Exploration  Corp.,
the report entitled  "National Fuel Exploration  Corp.,  Evaluation of Oil & Gas
Reserves,  Based on Constant Price  Assumptions,  As of October 1, 2000",  dated
October 5, 2000; and that I was involved in the preparation of this report.

2. That McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd., its officers or employees,  have
no direct or  indirect  interest,  nor do they  expect to receive  any direct or
indirect  interest in any properties or securities of National Fuel  Exploration
Corp., any associate or affiliate thereof.

3. That I attended the University of British  Columbia in the years 1980 to 1987
and that I  graduated  with  Bachelor  of Applied  Science and Master of Applied
Science degrees in Mechanical  Engineering,  that I am a registered Professional
Engineer  in the  province  of  Alberta;  that  I am a  member  of the  Canadian
Institute  of Mining and  Metallurgy  and that I have in excess of eleven  years
experience in oil and gas reservoir studies and evaluations.

4. That the aforementioned  report was not based on a personal field examination
of the  properties  in question,  however,  such an  examination  was not deemed
necessary in view of the extent and accuracy of the information available on the
properties in question.

5. That the basic data  employed in preparing  the said report was obtained from
the files of National Fuel  Exploration  Corp.,  our own files and the published
information  available from  regulatory  authorities.  No claim of title for the
properties  was  discussed  and  the  description  furnished  by  National  Fuel
Exploration Corp. was taken and accepted as given.

"signed by P. A. Welch"
- ----------------------------
P. A. Welch, P. Eng.
Calgary, Alberta
Dated: October 5, 2000

                          NATIONAL FUEL EXPLORATION CORP.

                            Update of Oil & Gas Reserves
                        Based on Constant Price Assumptions
                                As of October 1, 2000

                               Evaluation Methodology

Estimates of the crude oil,  natural gas and natural gas  products  reserves and
the  associated  present worth values before  income taxes  attributable  to the
Canadian  properties  of the Company  have been  presented  in this update as of
October  1,  2000.   Reserve  estimates  were  prepared  for  approximately  280
individual  properties in which the Company was indicated to have an interest in
Western  Canada  based on  detailed  studies of the  reservoir  and  performance
characteristics as well as historical revenues and costs.

The basic  information  employed in the  preparation of this report was obtained
from the Company's  files,  published  sources and from our own files.  Detailed
reserve  estimates and revenue  forecasts and other  supporting data for each of
the  properties  that were  reviewed  in detail were  provided  in the  detailed
property report. Property discussions and a detailed description of the economic
factors employed to derive the cash flow forecasts were also included therein.

The  effective  date of this update is October 1, 2000.  The  reserve  estimates
presented  herein were based on advancing our April 1, 2000 report to October 1,
2000 by  subtracting  the estimated  production for the six months from April 1,
2000 to October 1, 2000. A brief review of the methodology  employed in arriving
at the reserves and present worth value estimates contained in our April 1, 2000
report is presented in this section.

Crude Oil

The crude oil reserve  estimates  presented in this report were based on a study
of the volumetric data and performance  characteristics  of the individual wells
and reservoirs in question.  The oil-in-place estimates were based on individual
well pore volume  interpretations,  geological studies of pool configurations as
well as  unitization  studies  and  published  estimates.  In those  cases where
indicative oil production  decline and/or increasing gas-oil and water-oil ratio
trends were evident,  the remaining  reserves were  determined by  extrapolating
these  trends to  economic  limiting  conditions.  Where  definitive  production
information was not yet available,  the reserve  estimates were based on analogy
with similar wells or

National Fuel Exploration Corp.                                       Page 2
Constant Price Assumptions                                   October 5, 2000

reservoirs or on theoretical  studies of recovery  efficiencies.  The cumulative
production  figures  were taken from  published  sources or from  records of the
Company  and  estimated  for  those  recent  periods  where  such  data  was not

Natural Gas and Products
The natural gas reserve  estimates were based on a study of the volumetric  data
and  performance  characteristics  of the  individual  wells and  reservoirs  in
question. Volumetric estimates of the gas-in-place were based on individual well
pore volume  interpretations,  geological  studies of the pools and areas and on
unitization studies and published  estimates.  Material balance estimates of the
gas-in-place  were employed where such  information was available.  The reserves
recoverable from the currently producing  properties were estimated from studies
of performance  characteristics and/or reservoir pressure histories. In cases of
competitive  drainage in multi-well pools the reserves were based on an analysis
of the relevant  factors  relating to the future pool  depletion by existing and
possible future wells.  The recovery  factors for the  non-producing  properties
were estimated from a consideration  of test rates,  reservoir  pressures and by
analogy with similar wells or reservoirs.

The natural gas products  reserve  estimates for the producing  properties  were
predicated on a study of historical and anticipated  future  recoveries of these
products from the natural gas reserves. The natural gas products recoveries from
the  non-producing  natural gas reserves were estimated from gas analyses,  well
test information and from analogy with similar reservoirs.  Natural gas products
reserves were only assigned to non-producing properties in those cases where, in
all likelihood the gas production would be processed through existing facilities
capable of extracting  these products or where such a facility will be available
in the near future.

The crude oil, natural gas and natural gas products reserves of the Company were
classified  into  proved  and  probable   additional   categories.   A  detailed
description  of the proved and probable  reserve  categories is presented in the
"Reserve Definitions" at the end of this section.

The proved reserves have been further  subdivided into proved producing,  proved
non-producing and proved undeveloped categories.  Reserves were considered to be
producing if these reserves are currently being produced or if definitive  steps
are being taken to begin  production of these reserves in the immediate  future.
Reserves  assigned to non-producing  zones in producing wells were classified as
producing if the reserve  quantities  were estimated to be minor relative to the
Company's reserves in the area. Non-producing reserves recoverable from existing
wells that  require  relatively  minor  capital  expenditures  to  produce  were
classified as proved  non-producing.  Reserves expected to be recovered from new
wells on  undrilled  acreage or from  existing  wells where a  relatively  major
capital expenditure is required were classified as proved undeveloped.

National Fuel Exploration Corp.                                   Page 3
Constant Price Assumptions                               October 5, 2000

In all cases the crude oil and natural gas liquids  reserves  were  expressed in
barrels being equal to 34.972  Imperial  gallons.  The natural gas reserves were
presented  in thousands of standard  cubic feet (MCF) and  calculated  at a base
pressure of 14.65 psia and a base temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Company Share of Reserves
The  Company's  net share of reserves was obtained by  employing  the  Company's
indicated  gross  working and royalty  interests  in the various  properties  in
question less all  royalties  owned by others.  In  estimating  net reserves the
applicable Crown royalties were based on the regulations in effect as of October
1, 2000.

The present worth values of the crude oil,  natural gas and natural gas products
reserves were obtained by employing future production and revenue analyses.  The
future crude oil  production  was in each  instance  predicated on a forecast of
allowable rates and/or anticipated performance characteristics of the individual
wells and  reservoirs  in  question.  The  future  natural  gas  production  was
predicated on the  provisions of the natural gas purchase  contracts  where such
contracts were available with  consideration  to the historical  producing rates
and the  estimated  deliverability.  In those  areas where  shut-in  natural gas
reserves  exist  commencement  of  production  was based on the  proximity  to a
pipeline connection and the relevant factors relating to the future marketing of
the reserves.  The future  production  of gas-cap  reserves was assumed to occur
near the end of the oil producing life. Solution gas production was based on the
forecast of the oil producing rates and producing  gas-oil  ratios.  The natural
gas products  production  forecasts were based on the anticipated  recoveries of
these products from the produced natural gas.

The  Company's  gross share of future crude oil revenue was derived by employing
the Company's  gross share of production and the indicated  Edmonton light crude
oil price less the historical quality and transportation  price differential for
each respective  field. The indicated  natural gas prices with an adjustment for
the  heating  value of the gas were  employed  to  calculate  the gross share of
future natural gas revenues.  The indicated Edmonton natural gas products prices
with  adjustments  to reflect  historical  price  differentials  realized by the
Company in each  respective  property were employed to calculate the gross share
of natural gas products  revenues.  Royalties  and mineral  taxes payable to the
Crown  were  estimated  based on the  methods  in effect as of  October 1, 2000.
Freehold and overriding  royalties payable to others were estimated based on the
indicated  applicable  rates. In those cases where a proportionate  share of the
natural gas gathering and processing charges were indicated to be payable by the
Crown or  royalties  owned by  others,  these  charges  have  been  deducted  in
determining the net royalties payable.

National Fuel Exploration Corp.                                       Page 4
Constant Price Assumptions                                   October 5, 2000

In all cases,  estimates of the applicable  capital  expenditures  and operating
costs with no allowance for inflation were deducted in arriving at the Company's
share of future net revenues. No allowance for future well abandonment costs was
made for any wells or facilities. The present worth values were then obtained by
employing 10, 12, 15 and 20 percent  nominal annual  discount  rates  compounded

No allowance was made for income tax or the Saskatchewan Corporation Capital Tax
Surcharge however an allowance was made for the Alberta Royalty Tax Credit.  The
Alberta Royalty Tax Credit (ARTC) was included in Table A in the summary section
of this report and in Table 1 of the Appendices,  however, no allowance was made
for the ARTC in any other tables. The ARTC was assumed to continue indefinitely.

The  estimated  present  worth  values of the proved  plus  probable  additional
reserves were obtained by employing future  production and revenue analyses on a
total proved plus probable  reserve  basis.  All  additional  costs  required to
recover the probable additional reserves were included in the revenue forecasts.
It should be pointed out that no allowance was made for any risk associated with
the  probable  reserves  in this report  other than in the  present  worth value
summary in the covering letter.

Summaries of the Company's  share of remaining  reserves  together with forecast
future revenues,  royalties,  taxes,  operating and capital costs, cash flow and
present worth values are presented in detailed tabulations in Appendices 1 to 6.


Crude Oil
A mixture,  consisting  mainly of  pentanes  and heavier  hydrocarbons  that may
contain  sulphur  compounds,  that is liquid at the  conditions  under which its
volume is measured or estimated,  but excluding  such liquids  obtained from the
processing of natural gas.

Synthetic Oil
Oil derived from the upgrading of crude bitumen or by chemical  modification  of
coal or other materials and which is largely  interchangeable  with conventional
crude oil as a refinery feedstock.

Natural Gas
The lighter  hydrocarbons and associated  non-hydrocarbon  substances  occurring
naturally in an underground  reservoir,  which under  atmospheric  conditions is
essentially  a gas,  but which may  contain  liquids.  The  natural  gas reserve
estimates are reported on a marketable basis, that is the gas which is available
to a transmission line after removal of certain hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbon
compounds present in the raw natural gas and which meets  specifications for use
as a domestic, commercial or industrial fuel.

National Fuel Exploration Corp.                                        Page 5
Constant Price Assumptions                                    October 5, 2000

Natural Gas Liquids
Those  hydrocarbon  components  recovered  from raw  natural  gas as  liquids by
processing  through  extraction  plants  or  recovered  from  field  separators,
scrubbers or other gathering  facilities.  These liquids include the hydrocarbon
components ethane, propane, butanes and pentanes plus, or a combination thereof.

Elemental sulphur removed from the produced natural gas by processing through an
extraction plant.

Remaining Reserves
Remaining  reserves are those  quantities of crude oil, natural gas, natural gas
liquids and sulphur  remaining after deducting those  quantities  produced up to
the reference date of the study.

Gross Reserves
The total of the Company's  working  interests and/or royalty interests share of
reserves before deducting royalties owned by others.

Net Reserves
The total of the Company's  working  interests and/or royalty interests share of
reserves  after  deducting the amounts  attributable  to the royalties  owned by

The term royalties,  as used in this report, refers to royalties paid to others.
The  royalties  deducted  from the reserves are based on the royalty  percentage
calculated by applying the  applicable  royalty rate or formula.  In the case of
Crown  sliding  scale  royalties  which are dependent on selling price the price
forecasts for the individual properties in question has been employed.

Proved Reserves
Proved oil and gas reserves are the estimated  quantities of crude oil,  natural
gas, and natural gas liquids which  geological and engineering  data demonstrate
with  reasonable  certainty  to  be  recoverable  in  future  years  from  known
reservoirs under existing  economic and operating  conditions,  i.e., prices and
costs as of the date the  estimate  is made.  Prices  include  consideration  of
changes in existing prices provided only by contractual arrangements, but not on
escalations based upon future conditions.

Reservoirs  are  considered  proved if economic  producibility  is  supported by
either actual  production or conclusive  formation test. The area of a reservoir
considered  proved includes (A) that portion  delineated by drilling and defined
by gas-oil and/or oil-water contacts, if any; and (B) the immediately adjoining
portions not yet drilled,  but which can be  reasonably  judged as  economically
productive on the basis of available  geological  and  engineering  data. In the
absence of information on fluid contacts, the lowest known structural occurrence
of hydrocarbons controls the lower proved limit of the reservoir.

Reserves  which can be produced  economically  through  application  of improved
recovery  techniques  (such as fluid  injection)  are  included in the  "proved"
classification when successful testing by a pilot

National Fuel Exploration Corp.                                     Page 6
Constant Price Assumptions                                 October 5, 2000

project,  or the operation of an installed  program in the  reservoir,  provides
support for the engineering analysis on which the project or program was based.

Estimates  of proved  reserves do not include  the  following:  (A) oil that may
become  available  from  known  reservoirs  but  is  classified   separately  as
"Indicated  additional  reserves";  (B) crude oil, natural  gas, and natural gas
liquids,  the  recovery  of which is  subject  to  reasonable  doubt  because of
uncertainty as to geology, reservoir characteristics,  or economic factors; (C)
crude oil,  natural gas,  and natural gas  liquids,  that may occur in undrilled
prospects;  and (D) crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids, that may be
recovered from oil shales, coal, gilsonite and other such sources.

Proved Producing Reserves
Those proved reserves that are actually on production, or if not producing, that
could be recovered  from existing  wells or facilities and where the reasons for
the current  non-producing status is the choice of the owner. An illustration of
such a situation  is where a well or zone is capable but is shut-in  because its
deliverability is not required to meet contract  commitments.  Reserves assigned
to  non-producing  zones in producing  wells were classified as producing if the
reserve quantities were estimated to be minor relative to the Company's reserves
in the area.

Proved Non-Producing Reserves
Those non-producing proved reserves recoverable from existing wells that require
relatively minor capital expenditures to produce.

Proved Undeveloped Reserves
Those reserves  expected to be recovered from new wells on undrilled  acreage or
from  existing  wells  where a  relatively  major  capital  expenditure  will be

Probable Additional Reserves
Those  reserves  which  analysis  of  drilling,   geological,   geophysical  and
engineering data does not demonstrate to be proved under current  technology and
existing economic conditions, but where such analysis suggests the likelihood of
their existence and future recovery. Probable additional reserves to be obtained
by the application of enhanced recovery processes will be the increased recovery
over and above that estimated in the proved category which can be  realistically
estimated for the pool on the basis of enhanced recovery  processes which can be
reasonably expected to be instituted in the future.

1. The  probable  additional  natural gas  reserves  are based on the  potential
productive  areas of the natural gas  reservoirs in question  which could not be
deemed proved at this time as well as those  solution gas reserves  commercially
recoverable from the probable additional crude oil reserves.

2. The  probable  additional  reserves of natural  gas liquids and sulphur  were
considered to be those reserves recoverable from the probable additional natural
gas reserves.

3.  Portions of the zones which have  questionable  potential  based on well log
interpretations (or core analyses) and which have not been indicated  productive
by conclusive tests are considered to be probable additional.