APR 3, 1998
                                                             Donna R. Hooks
                                                             Secretary of State

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                            NATIONAL FUEL GAS COMPANY

                              DATED: April 2, 1998

         The undersigned corporation,  National Fuel Gas Company, having adopted
amendments to its  certificate  of  incorporation,  as  heretofore  restated and
amended (the "Restated and Amended Certificate"), pursuant to Section 14A:9-4(3)
of the New Jersey Business Corporation Act, hereby certifies as follows:

         1.  Name.  The name of the corporation is NATIONAL FUEL GAS COMPANY
(the "Corporation").

         2.  Amendments.  The Restated and Amended Certificate is further 
amended in the following two respects:  (i) Article FOURTH thereof is amended to
increase the number of authorized  shares of common  stock,  par value $1.00 per
share, from 100,000,000 to 200,000,000 (the "Common Stock Amendment:);  and (ii)
Article FOURTH thereof is further amended by deleting the provisions therein for
the former  3,200,000  shares of preferred  stock,  par value $25 per share, and
substituting  therefor  provisions  establishing a new class of preferred stock,
consisting of 10,000,000  shares of preferred  stock, par value $1.00 per share,
and  correlative  amendments  are made to  Articles  FIFTH and SIXTH  thereof to
reflect  the newly  created  class of  preferred  stock  (the  "Preferred  Stock
Amendment" and, collectively with the Common Stock Amendment, the "Amendments").
The text of the Amendments, in combined form, is annexed hereto as Appendix A.

         3.  Date of  Shareholder  Adoption.  The  date  of  adoption  of  these
Amendments by the shareholders of the Corporation was February 26, 1998.

         4.  Shares  Entitled to Vote.  The number of shares of the  Corporation
entitled to vote on the Amendments was  38,237,435  shares of common stock,  par
value $1.00 per share.

         5.  Vote on Amendments.  (A) the number of shares voted for and against
the Common Stock Amendment were as follows:

                           FOR      -  29,700,741 Common Shares

                           AGAINST  -   2,265,428 Common Shares

                  (B) The number of shares  voted for and against the  Preferred
Stock Amendment and the number of abstentions were as follows:

                           FOR      -  18,323,995 Common Shares

                           AGAINST  -   8,874,937 Common Shares

         6. Effective Date. The Amendments shall become effective on the date of

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  corporation  has  caused  this
Certificate  to be executed on its behalf by its duly  authorized  officer as of
the date first above written.

                                        NATIONAL FUEL GAS COMPANY

                                        By: /s/ P. C. Ackerman

                                            P. C. Ackerman
                                            Senior Vice President

                                                                     Appendix A

                  I. Article Fourth of the Restated Certificate of Incorporation
of  National  Fuel Gas  Company  is hereby  amended in its  entirety  to read as

                  FOURTH: The total authorized capital stock of this corporation
shall consist of Ten Million  (10,000,000)  shares of Preferred Stock having the
par value of One Dollar ($1.00) per share and Two Hundred Million  (200,000,000)
shares of Common Stock having the par value of One Dollar ($1.00) per share.

                  The designations and relative rights, powers,  preferences and
limitations of the different classes of capital stock of this  corporation,  are
as follows:

                  1.  Characteristics of Common Stock and Preferred Stock.

                  The Board of Directors  shall have the authority to amend this
Certificate  of  Incorporation  from  time to time to divide  the  shares of the
Preferred  Stock into one or more series and to determine the  designation,  the
number, and the special and relative rights, powers, preferences and limitations
of the shares of each series so created.  For  illustrative  purposes  only, the
foregoing  power of the  Board of  Directors  shall  include,  but  shall not be
limited to, the determination of the following terms:

                           (a)  the maximum number of shares to constitute each
such series, which may subsequently be increased or decreased (but not below the
number of shares of such series then  outstanding) by resolution of the Board of
Directors,  the distinctive  designation thereof and the stated value thereof if
different from the par value thereof;

                           (b)  whether the shares of each such series shall
have voting  rights and, if such shares are given  voting  rights,  the terms of
such voting rights, subject to the provisions of paragraph 7 hereof;

                           (c)  the dividend rate or rates, if any, on the
shares of each such  series or the manner in which  such rate or rates  shall be
determined, the conditions and dates upon which such dividends shall be payable,
the  preference  or relation  that such  dividends  shall bear to the  dividends
payable  on any other  class or classes  or any other  series of  capital  stock
(including  whether such dividends shall be participating  or  non-participating
with  respect  to any other  class or  classes  or any other  series of  capital
stock),  whether such  dividends  shall be cumulative or  noncumulative,  and if
cumulative, the date or dates from which any such dividends shall be cumulative;

                           (d)  whether the shares of each such series  shall be
subject to redemption,  and, if made subject to  redemption,  the time or times,

price or prices and other terms, limitations, restrictions or conditions of such
redemption,  including  whether such redemption shall be made at the election of
the corporation or the holders of such shares;

                           (e)  the relative amounts, and the relative rights or
preferences,  if any, of payment in respect of shares of each such series  which
the holders of shares of each such series  shall be entitled to receive upon the
voluntary  or  involuntary   liquidation,   dissolution  or  winding-up  of  the
corporation,  including  whether such rights  shall be limited or  participating
with  respect to shares of any other  class or  classes  or any other  series of
capital  stock upon the voluntary or  involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution  or
winding up of the corporation;

                           (f)  whether or not the shares of each such series 
shall be subject to the  operation of a  retirement  or sinking fund and, if so,
the terms and provisions relative to the operation of such retirement or sinking

                           (g)  whether or not the shares of each such series 
shall be convertible  into, or  exchangeable  for,  shares of any other class or
classes or any other series of capital stock,  or other  securities,  whether or
not issued by the corporation, and if so convertible or exchangeable,  the price
or prices or the rate or rates of conversion or exchange, the method, if any, of
adjusting  any such  price or prices or rate or rates and  whether  such  shares
shall be convertible or  exchangeable  at the election of the corporation or the
holders of such shares;

                           (h)  the limitations and restrictions, if any, to be
effective while any shares of each such series are outstanding, upon the payment
of dividends  or the making of other  distributions  on, and upon the  purchase,
redemption or other  acquisition by the  corporation of, the Common Stock or any
other class or classes or any other series of capital  stock of the  corporation
ranking  junior to the  shares of such  series  either as to  dividends  or upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of the corporation;

                           (i)  the conditions or restrictions, if any, to be 
effective  while any  shares  of each  such  series  are  outstanding,  upon the
creation  of  indebtedness  of the  corporation  or  upon  the  issuance  of any
additional  stock  (including  additional  shares of such series or of any other
class)  ranking  on a parity  with or prior to the  shares of such  series as to
dividends or distribution of assets upon liquidation,  dissolution or winding-up
of the corporation; and

                           (j)  any other preference, relative, participating,
optional  or  other  special  rights,  and the  qualifications,  limitations  or
restrictions thereof, as shall not be inconsistent with law, this Article FOURTH
or any amendment creating such series.

                  Each share of Common  Stock shall be equal in all  respects to
every other share of the Common Stock.  The Common Stock shall be subject to the
express terms of the Preferred Stock and any series thereof.

                  2.  Dividends on Preferred Stock.

                  No holder of outstanding shares of any series of the Preferred
Stock  shall be  entitled  to  receive  any  dividends  thereon  other  than the
dividends provided therefor pursuant to paragraph 1 hereof.

                  3.  Redemption and Repurchase of Preferred Stock

                  If, on or before  the  redemption  date  with  respect  to any
shares of any series of Preferred Stock that are subject to redemption, as fixed
or determined  pursuant to paragraph 1 hereof,  this  corporation  shall deposit
with a bank, trust company or other financial  institution  monies necessary for
the redemption of such shares,  then,  notwithstanding  that any certificate for
such shares so redeemed shall not have been surrendered for  cancellation,  from
and after such redemption  date, all rights and preferences with respect to such
shares so redeemed shall  forthwith on such redemption date cease and terminate,
except  only the right of the holders  thereof to receive,  out of the monies so
deposited,  the amount payable upon redemption of such shares, without interest.
Any such monies so deposited by this corporation and unclaimed at the end of six
(6) years from such redemption date shall be repaid to this corporation upon its
request,  after  which  repayment  the  holders  of the  shares  so  called  for
redemption shall look only to this corporation for the payment thereof.

                  Nothing herein  contained  shall limit any legal right of this
corporation to purchase or otherwise  acquire any shares of the Preferred  Stock
to the extent permitted by law. All or any shares of Preferred Stock at any time
redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired by this corporation may thereafter, in
the discretion of the Board of Directors,  be reissued or otherwise  disposed of
at any  time or from  time to  time,  to the  extent  and in the  manner  now or
hereafter permitted by law.

                  4.  Dividends on Common Stock

                  Subject  to the  rights  and  preferences  of each  series  of
Preferred  Stock, as determined  pursuant to paragraph 1 hereof,  such dividends
(payable  in cash,  stock or  otherwise)  as may be  determined  by the Board of
Directors  may be declared and paid on the Common  Stock,  but only out of funds
legally available for the payment of such dividends.

                  5.  Distributions on Common Stock.

                  In the event of any liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of
this  corporation,  and subject to the rights and  preferences of each series of
Preferred  Stock, as determined  pursuant to paragraph 1 hereof,  all assets and
funds of this corporation remaining after paying or providing for the payment of

all creditors of this corporation shall be divided among and paid to the holders
of the Common Stock according to their respective shares.

                  6.  Preemptive Rights.

                  No holder of  shares of any stock of this  corporation  of any
class  now or  hereafter  authorized  shall  have any  right as such  holder  to
purchase,  subscribe  for or  otherwise  acquire  any  shares  of  stock of this
corporation  of  any  class  now or  hereafter  authorized,  or  any  securities
convertible into or exchangeable  for any such shares,  or any warrants or other
instruments evidencing rights or options to subscribe for, purchase or otherwise
acquire any such shares, whether such shares, certificates, securities, warrants
or other  instruments  be  unissued  or issued and  thereafter  acquired by this
corporation  and whether such shares and other  instruments  be issued for cash,
property, services, or by way of dividends or otherwise.

                  7.  Voting Rights.

                  At all meetings of the stockholders of this  corporation,  the
holders of shares of Common  Stock  shall be entitled to one vote for each share
of Common Stock held by them respectively except as otherwise expressly provided
herein. The holders of shares of Preferred Stock shall have no right to vote and
shall  not be  entitled  to  notice  of any  meeting  of  stockholders  of  this
corporation nor to participate in any such meeting except as otherwise expressly
provided  herein or in any  amendment  creating a series of Preferred  Stock and
except for those  purposes,  if any,  for which said rights  cannot be denied or
waived under mandatory  provisions of law that shall be controlling.  If, and to
the extent that, the shares of any series of Preferred Stock are provided voting
rights in accordance with the provisions hereof, including the provision of such
voting  rights in any amendment  creating such series,  each holder of shares of
such  series  of  Preferred  Stock  shall  be  entitled  to one  vote  for  each
outstanding share of such series of Preferred Stock held by such holder.

                  8.  Reclassification, etc.

                  From time to time, and without  limitation of other rights and
powers of this  corporation as provided by law, this  corporation may reclassify
its capital  stock and may create or  authorize  one or more classes or kinds of
stock ranking prior to or on a parity with or subordinate to the Preferred Stock
or may increase the  authorized  amount of the Preferred  Stock or of the Common
Stock or of any other class of stock of this  corporation  or may amend,  alter,
change or repeal any of the rights,  privileges,  terms and conditions of shares
of the Preferred Stock or of any series thereof then outstanding or of shares of
the Common Stock or of any other class of stock of this  corporation,  upon such
vote,  given at a meeting  called for that  purpose,  of its  stockholders  then
entitled to vote thereon as may be provided by law; provided that the consent of
the holders of shares of the Preferred Stock (or of any series thereof) required
by the provisions of any amendment  creating any series of Preferred Stock or by

applicable  law, if any such consent be so required,  shall have been  obtained;
and provided further that the rights, privileges, terms and conditions of shares
of Common Stock shall not be subject to amendment,  alteration, change or repeal
without such vote (given by written consent,  or by vote at a meeting called for
that purpose), of the holders of Common Stock as may be provided by law.

                  9.  Consideration for Shares

                  To the extent  permitted by law, this  corporation may, at any
time,  and from time to time,  issue and  dispose of any of the  authorized  and
unissued shares of the Preferred  Stock and Common Stock for such  consideration
as may be fixed by the Board of Directors, or as may be determined in accordance
with a general  formula  established  by the Board of Directors,  or at not less
than such minimum consideration as the Board of Directors may authorize.

                  II.  Paragraph   4(k)  of  Article   FIFTH  of  the  Restated
Certificate of  Incorporation of the National Fuel Gas Company is hereby amended
in its entirety to read as follows:

                  (k)  "Subsidiary" shall mean any corporation a majority of the
voting  shares of which are at the time  owned by this  corporation  or by other
subsidiaries of this corporation or by this  corporation and other  subsidiaries
of this corporation.

                  III.  The phrase "voting  separately  as a class,  pursuant to
paragraph 10 of Article FOURTH  hereof" in the first  paragraph of Article SIXTH
of the Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of National Fuel Gas Company is
hereby  deleted and  replaced by the words  "voting  separately  from the Common
Stock as provided in any amendment creating any series of Preferred Stock".

                  IV.  The last  paragraph  of  Article  SIXTH  of the  Restated
Certificate of  Incorporation  of National Fuel Gas Company is hereby amended in
its entirety to read as follows:

                  Notwithstanding the foregoing and except as otherwise provided
by law,  whenever the holders of shares of Preferred Stock shall have the right,
voting separately from the Common Stock, to elect directors of this corporation,
the number, election, term of office, filling of vacancies and other features of
such  directorships  shall  be  governed  by the  terms  and  provisions  of any
amendment  creating any series of Preferred Stock; and such directors so elected
shall not be divided into classes  pursuant to this  Article  SIXTH.  During the
prescribed  term of office of any such  directors,  the Board of Directors shall
consist of such  directors in addition to the number of directors  determined as
provided in the first paragraph of this Article SIXTH.