IN THE ORDER AS APPROVED
                              ON DECEMBER 10, 1998
                                     BY THE

                                  AMENDMENTS TO
                            EXECUTIVE RETIREMENT PLAN

         I, the undersigned,  being duly authorized and empowered by resolutions
adopted by the  National  Fuel Gas Company  Board of Directors on June 18, 1998,
and by resolutions  adopted by the  Compensation  Committee of the National Fuel
Gas  Company  Board of  Directors  on December  10,  1998,  do hereby  amend the
National Fuel Gas Company and Participating  Subsidiaries  Executive  Retirement
Plan ("Plan"), effective December 10, 1998, as follows:

       1.     Section  2.6  shall  be  deleted  in its  entirety  and  shall  be
              intentionally  left blank.  The  remaining  sections in Article II
              shall not be renumbered.

       2.     The first  sentence  of Section  2.12 of the Plan shall be amended
              and restated to read as follows:

             "Final Average Pay shall mean an amount equal to the average of the
             Annual Cash  Compensation  payable by a Company or  Companies  to a
             Member  for  the  60  consecutive   month  period  during  the  120
             consecutive month period immediately  preceding the date the Member
             retires which produces the highest average."

       3.     Section 4.4 shall be deleted in its entirety.

       4.     The last  sentence in Section 8.1 shall be amended by deleting the
              phrase "prior to a Change in Control,".

       5.     In all other respects, the Plan shall remain unchanged.

                                         NATIONAL FUEL GAS COMPANY

Dated: As of December 10, 1998         /s/ B. J. Kennedy
      ------------------------         -----------------------------------
                                       B. J. Kennedy
                                       Chief Executive Officer, President and
                                       Chairman of the Board of Directors

                                  AMENDMENTS TO
                            EXECUTIVE RETIREMENT PLAN

         I, the undersigned,  being duly authorized and empowered by resolutions
adopted by the National  Fuel Gas Company  Board of  Directors on September  17,
1998, and by resolutions  adopted by the Compensation  Committee of the National
Fuel Gas Company  Board of Directors on September  17, 1998, do hereby amend the
National Fuel Gas Company and Participating  Subsidiaries  Executive  Retirement
Plan ("Plan"), effective December 10, 1998, as follows:

       1.     Paragraph  2.12 shall be amended and  restated in its  entirety to
              read as follows:

                  2.12 (a) Final  Average Pay shall mean an amount  equal to the
               average of the Annual Cash  Compensation  payable by a Company or
               Companies to a Member for the 60 consecutive  month period during
               the 120 consecutive month period  immediately  preceding the date
               the Member retires, which produces the highest average.

               (b) The  Member's  Annual  Cash  Compensation  shall  include the

                        (i) The Member's base salary, whether or not the receipt
                        of a portion thereof has been deferred; plus

                        (ii)  The  Member's  compensation  (whether  or not  the
                        receipt of all or a portion  thereof has been  deferred)
                        under  National  Fuel Gas  Company's  short-term  annual
                        incentive   program,   known  as  the   Annual  At  Risk
                        Compensation   Incentive   Program   ("AARCIP")  or  any
                        successor program thereto; plus

                        (iii) The Member's  other  performance-related  lump sum
                        compensation  (i.e. lump sum payments other than expense
                        or    tuition     reimbursements,     moving     expense
                        reimbursements,  lump sum payments  for eligible  unused
                        vacation, worker's compensation payments, award payments
                        for  suggestions,   severance   payments  or  any  other
                        non-performance  related lump sum  payments)  made on or
                        after August 1, 1997.

                        (iv)  Awards of  restricted  stock  made to a Member for
                        service in the  Company's  fiscal  year 1996 or later to
                        supplement  an AARCIP award for that fiscal year,  which
                        was approximately equal to the maximum AARCIP award then
                        permissible  consistent  with the  shareholder  approval
                        applicable to that AARCIP award,  shall also be included
                        in the  Member's  Annual Cash  Compensation  in the year
                        such  award  of   restricted   stock  is  granted.   The
                        restricted  stock  shall be valued at the average of the
                        high and low market value on the grant date.

               (c) The Member's Annual Cash Compensation shall exclude the value
               of  all  other  restricted  stock  that  has  not be  awarded  to
               supplement  an AARCIP  award,  as discussed in  subparagraph  (b)
               above.. In addition,  the Member's Annual Cash Compensation shall
               also  exclude  all  commissions,  stock,  option  or SAR  awards,
               special allowances, supplemental compensation and any other extra
               compensation  or  incentives or bonuses not provided for above or
               under the AARCIP.

               (d)  If  an  AARCIP  award  is  granted  following  the  Member's
               retirement   date,  that  award   (including  the  value  of  any
               restricted   stock  made  to  supplement  an  AARCIP  award,   as
               determined  in  subparagraph  (b)(iv)  above)  shall  be  used in
               determining  the Member's  Final Average Pay, if it is payable in
               connection  with  employment  periods  included  in the 60  month
               period referred to above. In this event, the Member's  Retirement
               Benefits  shall be  increased,  once the  effect of such award is
               determined,  and the increase  shall be made  retroactive  to the
               Member's  retirement date, without interest.  Notwithstanding the
               above,  if  such  a  post-retirement  AARCIP  award  is  used  in
               determining  Final Average Pay hereunder,  AARCIP awards relating
               to no more than five of National Fuel Gas Company's  fiscal years
               may be used in determining Final Average Pay.

               (e) An  example of the effect of this  provision  is as  follows.
               Assume  that a Member  retires on  October 1, 1999,  and that his
               salary  and  AARCIP  awards  were as  follows  for the  following
               calendar year:

                                          AARCIP Award (relating to fiscal
                                          year ending that September 30 but
                                                 paid in December)

        1994              $480,000                       $120,000
        1995              $540,000                       $150,000
        1996              $600,000                       $180,000
        1997              $660,000                       $210,000
        1998              $780,000                       $240,000
        1999              $840,000                       $270,000

              This Member's  Final  Average Pay would be $876,000,  computed as

              [9/12  ($840,000) + 12/12  ($780,000)  + 12/12  ($660,000) + 12/12
              ($600,000)  + 12/12  ($540,000)  + 3/12  ($480,000)  +  $270,000 +
              $240,000 + $210,000 + $180,000 + $150,000] / 5.

       2.     In all other respects, the Plan shall remain unchanged.

                                       NATIONAL FUEL GAS COMPANY

Dated: As of December 10, 1998         /s/ B. J. Kennedy
      ------------------------         ----------------------------------
                                       B. J. Kennedy
                                       Chief Executive Officer, President and
                                       Chairman of the Board of Directors

                                  AMENDMENTS TO
                            EXECUTIVE RETIREMENT PLAN

         I, the undersigned,  being duly authorized and empowered by resolutions
adopted by the Compensation  Committee of the National Fuel Gas Company Board of
Directors on December 10, 1998, and by resolutions  adopted by the National Fuel
Gas  Company  Board of  Directors  on December  10,  1998,  do hereby  amend the
National Fuel Gas Company and Participating  Subsidiaries  Executive  Retirement
Plan ("Plan"), effective December 10, 1998, as follows:

       1.     Section 3.2 shall be amended and restated to read as follows:

             "Social  Security  Benefit means the annual amount estimated by the
             Committee to be payable to the Member under the Social Security Act
             of 1935,  as amended,  at his  Retirement  Date,  calculated on the
             assumption  that the Member will not receive any future  wages that
             would be treated as such for  purposes  of that act.  If a Member's
             Retirement  Date  precedes  his  attainment  of age 62,  the amount
             estimated  to be payable to the Member at age 62 (without  assuming
             any cost of living  increases)  shall be  reduced as  follows.  The
             percentage early retirement factor applicable at age 62 (e.g., 80%)
             shall be further reduced by .75% per month for the first 24 months,
             and by .5% per month for the remaining months, if any, by which the
             Member's  Retirement  Date  precedes his  attainment of age 62. The
             Social Security Benefit, once calculated,  will be frozen as of the
             Member's  Retirement  Date.  For  example,  assume  that the Member
             retired  on his  59th  birthday,  and  that  his  estimated  Social
             Security benefit beginning at age 65 (Primary Insurance Amount) was
             $15,912 per annum. Using current Social Security tables, his age 62
             early retirement factor (80%) would be further reduced to 56%. This
             Member's Social Security Benefit would therefore equal $8,910.72."

       2.     The following new Section 8.2 shall be added to the Plan:

             "8.2  Notwithstanding  Section 8.1, the  President of National Fuel
             Gas Company is empowered to amend,  restate or otherwise change the
             Plan (i) as counsel may advise to be  necessary or  appropriate  in
             order to ensure  that the Plan  continues  to  operate as a plan of
             deferred compensation for tax purposes, remains exempt from many of
             the  provisions of the Act and  otherwise  continues to fulfill the
             purposes for which the Plan was adopted and intended; (ii) as he or
             she may deem  necessary in order to make  technical  or  clarifying
             changes not  inconsistent  with or in order to fulfill the purposes
             of the Plan; (iii) as counsel may advise to be necessary to reflect
             the impact of Benefit Limitations,  as they may change from time to
             time; and (iv) in other respects except as will materially increase
             the cost of the Plan to the  Companies  or the benefits of the Plan
             to Members."

       3.     In all other respects, the Plan shall remain unchanged.

                                       NATIONAL FUEL GAS COMPANY

Dated: As of December 10, 1998         /s/ B. J. Kennedy
       -----------------------         -----------------------------------
                                       B. J. Kennedy
                                       Chief Executive Officer, President and
                                       Chairman of the Board of Directors