Exhibit 99

   Contact:Jerome I. Feldman                 Scott N. Greenberg
           President &                       Executive Vice President &
           Chief Executive Officer           Chief Financial Officer
           (212) 230-9508                    (212) 230-9529

                         OF VERONIS, SUHLER & ASSOCIATES

         New York, New York, February 14, 2000 . . . . GP Strategies Corporation
   (NYSE:GPX)  reported today that it has  terminated  its previously  announced
   merger agreement with VS&A  Communications  Partners III, L.P.  ("VS&A"),  an
   affiliate of Veronis,  Suhler & Associates Inc., pursuant to which holders of
   outstanding  shares of the  Company  would  have  received  $13.75  per share
   (including the associated rights), payable in cash.

         VS&A had  informed  the  Company  that it  believes  that  the  Company
   suffered a material adverse change in the fourth quarter of 1999 and that the
   conditions to VS&A's obligation to consummate the merger  contemplated by the
   merger agreement  therefore may not be fulfilled.  VS&A also said that it did
   not intend to waive the conditions to its  obligation.  Since certain members
   of the Company's  management were  participating in the proposed VS&A merger,
   the Special Negotiating Committee of the Board of Directors,  which evaluated
   and  recommended  the  proposed  VS&A merger,  was  empowered to consider the
   Company's options.

         The  Committee and its advisors  attempted to negotiate an  alternative
   transaction  with VS&A,  but were unable to do so on  acceptable  terms.  The
   Committee also  determined that prompt action was necessary to preserve value
   for the  Company's  stockholders  and that it would be  imprudent to continue
   with the proposed  VS&A merger  given that there would be no  assurance  that
   VS&A would have an obligation to close.  Therefore,  the Special  Negotiating
   Committee   unanimously   recommended   that  the  proposed  VS&A  merger  be
   terminated.  The Board of  Directors  agreed that this was the best course of
   action  for  the  Company's  stockholders,   and  believes  that  this  early
   termination will enable senior management and the Board of Directors to focus
   their efforts on improving core  operations,  as well as continuing  sales of
   non-core assets. In addition,  the Company will continue to explore strategic
   initiatives and implement steps to improve  stockholder value and continue to
   reduce its operating expenses.


         To induce  VS&A to agree to the  immediate  termination  of the  merger
   agreement and to give the Company a general  release,  the Company  issued to
   VS&A, as partial  reimbursement of the expenses  incurred by it in connection
   with the merger agreement, 83,333 shares of the Company's Common Stock and an
   18-month warrant to purchase 83,333 shares of the Company's Common Stock at a
   price of $6.00 per share.

         The Company's General Physics subsidiary  suffered a severe downturn in
   the  fourth  quarter  of 1999,  due to  increased  losses in its IT  Training
   operations  as  well as a  slowdown  in the  remainder  of  General  Physics'
   operations.  The Company  believes  that the results  were  primarily  due to
   clients diverting  potential training dollars for possible Y2K issues, a lack
   of new  software  product  introductions  and  product  sales in the IT area,
   delays  in  plant  launches,   and  a  general  weakness  in  the  technology
   enhancement  business because of customer concerns with Y2K. The Company took
   certain  steps in the fourth  quarter to change the focus of its  information
   technology and consulting services, including further streamlining its IT and
   consulting  operations  by  closing  or  consolidating  offices,  terminating
   employees, and reducing related costs. As a result, the Company is evaluating
   certain  additional  write-offs.  Based on  discussions  with its banks,  the
   Company  believes  that its bank  agreement  will be amended to eliminate the
   technical defaults that exist with respect to certain financial  covenants as
   a result of the  restructuring  charges taken by the Company  during 1999 and
   the related losses.

      The Company  believes that the downturn in the fourth quarter of 1999 does
   not diminish the Company's future potential.  The Company believes that it is
   still well positioned and unrivaled in its scope of services, the quality and
   performance  of its  people,  and its ability to service  clients  around the
   world.  After  many  years of  dramatic  growth  in its  commercial  training
   operations, GP Strategies is the largest custom technical training company in
   the world with a very  strong base of Fortune 500 clients and a full scope of
   training and performance  improvement services.  The Company anticipates that
   business  will start  improving  in the second  quarter of 2000.  The Company
   recently  received  several  major awards from Fortune 500  corporations.  In
   addition,  it is  anticipated  that new software  products (such as Microsoft
   2000) will be introduced  shortly which should result in increased demand for
   the  Company's IT training  services.  The Company has reduced its  corporate
   staff and consolidated  certain general and  administrative  functions and is
   exploring  further changes to reduce costs,  including  expenses  relating to
   facility  costs.  The Company  intends to  continue  to evaluate  the sale of
   non-core assets and recently sold  substantially  all of its remaining shares
   in GTS Duratek, Inc.

         The forward-looking  statements contained herein reflect GP Strategies'
   management's  current  views  with  respect to future  events  and  financial
   performance.  These  forward-looking  statements are subject to certain risks
   and  uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ materially from
   those in the  forward-looking  statements,  all of  which  are  difficult  to
   predict and many of which are beyond the control of GP Strategies, including,
   but not  limited  to the risk  that the  Company  will not be able to  obtain
   amendments  to its loan  agreement to eliminate  existing  defaults and those
   risks and  uncertainties  detailed  in GP  Strategies'  periodic  reports and
   registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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