Exhibit 10.0

                            GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION




                              Dated August 8, 2003

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.   The Exchange.............................................................1

     1.1.     Authorization of Notes and GP Warrants..........................1

     1.2.     Terms of the Exchange...........................................1

     1.3.     Closing.........................................................2

     1.4.     Issue of NPDC Warrants..........................................2

II.  Conditions to Obligations of the Purchaser...............................3

     2.1.     Accuracy of Representations; Compliance with Conditions;
                 No Default...................................................3

     2.2.     GP Secretary's Certificate......................................3

     2.3.     GP Incumbency Certificate.......................................3

     2.4.     NPDC Secretary's Certificate....................................4

     2.5.     NPDC Incumbency Certificate.....................................4

     2.6.     MXL Secretary's Certificate.....................................4

     2.7.     MXL Incumbency Certificate......................................4

     2.8.     Opinions of Counsel.............................................4

     2.9.     Transaction Documents...........................................4

     2.10.    Legal Action....................................................4

     2.11.    No Governmental Action..........................................5

     2.12.    NYSE Listing....................................................5

     2.13.    Payment of Fees.................................................5

     2.14.    Bank Consent....................................................5

     2.15.    Title Insurance, Etc............................................5

     2.16.    No Material Adverse Change......................................5

III. Conditions to the Obligations of GP and NPDC.............................6

     3.1.     Accuracy of Representations and Compliance with Conditions......6

     3.2.     Legal Action....................................................6

     3.3.     No Governmental Action..........................................6

     3.4.     NYSE Listing....................................................6

     3.5.     Bank Consent....................................................6

IV.  Representations and Warranties of GP.....................................6

     4.1.     Organization and Qualification..................................6

     4.2.     SEC Reports.....................................................7

     4.3.     Capitalization..................................................7

     4.4.     Litigation and Claims...........................................7

     4.5.     Authority to Sell; Enforceability; Valid Issuance...............7

     4.6.     No Conflicts....................................................8

     4.7.     No Registration Required........................................8

     4.8.     No Event of Default.............................................9

     4.9.     Title to Premises...............................................9

     4.10.    Environmental Matters...........................................9

     4.11.    GP Taxes...................................................... 10

     4.12.    Broker's or Finder's Commissions; Financial Advisory Fees......10

     4.13.    Solvency...................................................... 10

     4.14.    Permits....................................................... 10

     4.15.    Subsidiaries...................................................10

     4.16.    Disclosure.....................................................10

V.   Representations and Warranties of NPDC..................................11

     5.1.     Organization and Qualification.................................11

     5.2.     Capitalization; MXL............................................11

     5.3.     Litigation and Claims..........................................11

     5.4.     Authority to Sell; Enforceability; Valid Issuance..............11

     5.5.     No Conflicts...................................................12

     5.6.     No Registration Required.......................................12

     5.7.     NPDC Taxes.....................................................13

     5.8.     Broker's or Finder's Commissions; Financial Advisory Fees......13

     5.9.     Disclosure.....................................................13

VI.  Representations and Warranties of MXL...................................13

     6.1.     Organization and Qualification.................................13

     6.2.     Authority; Enforceability......................................13

     6.3.     No Conflicts...................................................14

     6.4.     Title to Premises..............................................14

     6.5.     Disclosure.....................................................14

VII. Representations and Warranties of the Purchasers........................15

     7.1.     Authority to Buy...............................................15

     7.2.     Non-Distributive Intent........................................15

     7.3.     Information and Experience.....................................15

     7.4.     Purchaser Status...............................................15

     7.5.     Broker's or Finder's Commissions; Financial Advisory Fees......15

VIII.    Covenants and Agreements............................................15

         8.1.     Advice of Changes..........................................16

         8.2.     Furnish Future Information.................................16

         8.3.     Mortgage...................................................16

         8.4.     No Liability...............................................17

         8.5.     Transfer Restrictions......................................17

         8.6.     Bank Consent...............................................18

         8.7.     Title Insurance............................................18

         8.8.     NYSE Listing...............................................18

         8.9.     Warrant Purchase...........................................18

         8.10.    Spin-Off...................................................18

         8.11.    Subordination Agreement....................................18

IX.      Agent...............................................................18

         9.1.     Appointment and Authority..................................18

         9.2.     Performance of Duties and Obligations......................22

         9.3.     Liquidation................................................23

         9.4.     Successor Agent............................................23

         9.5.     Fees and Expenses of Agent.................................23

         9.6.     Indemnification............................................23

X.       Indemnification.....................................................24

         10.1. General 24

         10.2.    Indemnity Procedures.......................................24

         10.3.    Exclusivity................................................26

XI.      Termination.........................................................26

         11.1.    Termination................................................26

         11.2.    Effect of Termination......................................27

XII.     Miscellaneous.......................................................27

         12.1.    Costs and Expenses.........................................27

         12.2.    Further Actions............................................27

         12.3.    Entire Understanding.......................................27

         12.4.    Amendments and Waivers.....................................27

         12.5. Notices 27

         12.6.    No Waiver; Remedies Cumulative.............................29

         12.7.    Binding Effect.............................................29

         12.8.    No Third Party Beneficiaries...............................30

         12.9.    Separability...............................................30

         12.10. Headings 30

         12.11.   Counterparts; Governing Law................................30

XIII.    Definitions.........................................................30


Exhibit A              -   Form of Note
Exhibit B              -   Form of GP Warrant
Exhibit C              -   Form of NPDC Warrant
Exhibit D              -   Form of Mortgage
Exhibit E              -   Form of GP Registration Rights Agreement
Exhibit F              -   Form of NPDC Registration Rights Agreement
Exhibit G              -   Form of Indemnity Agreement
Exhibit H              -   Form of Opinion of Andrea Kantor, Esq.
Exhibit I              -   Form of Opinion of Duane Morris LLP
Exhibit J              -   Form of Opinion of Counsel to NPDC
Exhibit K              -   Form of Subordination Agreement

Schedule 1.2           -   Purchasers
Schedule 2.15          -   Scheduled Encumbrances
Schedule 4.15          -   GP Subsidiaries
Schedule 4.16          -   Disclosure Documents

                       NOTE AND WARRANT Purchase Agreement

         Agreement, dated August 8, 2003, among GP Strategies Corporation, a
Delaware corporation ("GP"), National Patent Development Corporation, a Delaware
corporation ("NPDC"), MXL Industries, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("MXL"), the
purchasers set forth on the signature pages hereto (the "Purchasers"), and
Gabelli Funds, LLC, as agent ("Agent").

         The Purchasers desire to acquire the Notes, the GP Warrants, and, upon
the completion of the Spin-Off of NPDC by GP, the NPDC Warrants (each as defined
below), in exchange for cash as hereinafter provided, and GP and NPDC desire to
effect such exchange.

         Certain capitalized terms used in this Agreement are defined in Article
XIII; references to a "Schedule" or an "Exhibit" are, unless otherwise
specified, to a Schedule or an Exhibit attached to this Agreement.

I.       The Exchange

1.1.     Authorization of Notes and GP Warrants.

(a)      GP has authorized the issue and sale of $7,500,000 aggregate principal
         amount of its 6% Conditional Subordinated Notes due 2008. Such 6%
         Conditional Subordinated Notes due 2008 shall be substantially in the
         form set forth in Exhibit A and are herein referred to individually as
         a "Note" and collectively as the "Notes," which terms shall also
         include any notes delivered in exchange or replacement therefor.

(b)      GP has also authorized the issue and sale of 937,500 warrants, each
         entitling the holder thereof to purchase (subject to adjustment as
         provided therein) one share ("GP Warrant Shares") of GP Common Stock.
         Such warrants shall be evidenced by warrant certificates substantially
         in the form set forth in Exhibit B ("GP Warrant Certificates," which
         term shall also include any warrant certificates delivered in exchange
         or replacement therefor) and are herein referred to individually as a
         "GP Warrant" and collectively as the "GP Warrants."

(c)      NPDC has authorized the issue of up to the NPDC Warrant Amount of
         warrants, each entitling the holder thereof to purchase (subject to
         adjustment as provided therein) one share ("NPDC Warrant Shares") of
         NPDC Common Stock. Such warrants shall be evidenced by warrant
         certificates in the form set forth in Exhibit C ("NPDC Warrant
         Certificates," which term shall also include any warrant certificates
         delivered in exchange or replacement therefor) and are herein referred
         to individually as an "NPDC Warrant" and collectively as the "NPDC

1.2.     Terms of the Exchange. On the basis of the representations, warranties,
         covenants, and agreements contained in this Agreement and subject to
         the terms and conditions of this Agreement, at the Closing (as defined
         below), GP shall issue and sell to each of the Purchasers, and each of
         the Purchasers will purchase from GP, (a) a Note in the principal
         amount specified opposite such Purchaser's name in Schedule 1.2 and (b)
         a number of GP Warrants specified opposite such Purchaser's name in

         Schedule 1.2, at a purchase price for such Note and GP Warrants
         collectively equal to 100% of the principal amount of such Note. The
         obligations of each Purchaser hereunder are several and not joint
         obligations and no Purchaser shall have any obligation or liability to
         any person for the performance or non-performance by any other
         Purchaser hereunder.

1.3.     Closing.

(a)      The closing of the transactions contemplated by Section 1.2 (the
         "Closing") shall take place at the offices of Duane Morris LLP, 380
         Lexington Avenue, New York, New York, at 10:00 a.m. local time on the
         second Business Day after the condition in Section 2.14 has been
         satisfied (the "Closing Date"). The Closing may occur at such different
         place, different time, or different date as GP, NPDC, the Purchasers,
         and the Agent agree in writing.

(b)      At the Closing, GP shall deliver to each Purchaser, against delivery by
         such Purchaser to GP or its order, by wire transfer of immediately
         available funds, of payment of the full purchase price for the Note and
         GP Warrants to be purchased by such Purchaser:

(i)      a Note in the principal amount to be purchased by such Purchaser, dated
         the Closing Date, and registered in the name of such Purchaser; and

(ii)     a GP Warrant Certificate representing the GP Warrants to be purchased
         by such Purchaser, dated the Closing Date, and registered in the name
         of such Purchaser.

(c)      At the Closing, GP, NPDC, the Purchasers, and the Agent, as applicable,
         shall deliver the following:

(i)      A Mortgage, Security Agreement and Assignment of Leases (the
         "Mortgage"), substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit D;

(ii)     A GP Registration Rights Agreement (the "GP Registration Rights
         Agreement"), substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit E;

(iii)    An NPDC Registration Rights Agreement (the "NPDC Registration Rights
         Agreement"), substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit F;

(iv)     An Indemnity Agreement (the "Indemnity Agreement"), substantially in
         the form set forth in Exhibit G; and

(v)      Each certificate or other document required to be delivered by such
         party pursuant to Article II or III.

     1.4.  Issue  of  NPDC  Warrants.  On  the  basis  of  the  representations,
warranties, covenants, and agreements contained in this Agreement and subject to
the  terms  and  conditions  of  this  Agreement,  and in  consideration  of the
contemplated  contribution  of  assets  by GP to NPDC  in  connection  with  the
Spin-Off, NPDC,

effective as of the  Spin-Off  Date,  will issue,  to each holder (a "GP Warrant
Holder") of record of GP Warrants outstanding on the NPDC Warrant Record Date, a
number of NPDC  Warrants  equal to the greatest  whole  number of NPDC  Warrants
equal to or less than the NPDC  Warrant  Amount  multiplied  by a fraction,  the
numerator of which is the number of GP Warrants  held by such GP Warrant  Holder
on the NPDC Warrant Record Date and the  denominator of which is 937,500.  On or
as soon as  practicable  after the Spin-Off  Date but in no event later than the
fifth Business Day after such date, NPDC shall deliver to each GP Warrant Holder
an NPDC  Warrant  Certificate  representing  the NPDC  Warrants to which such GP
Warrant Holder is entitled pursuant to this Section 1.4.

II.      Conditions to Obligations of the Purchaser

         The obligations of each of the Purchasers at the Closing are subject,
at the option of the Purchasers, to the following conditions:

     2.1. Accuracy of Representations;  Compliance with Conditions;  No Default.
All  representations  and  warranties  of GP,  NPDC,  or MXL  contained  in this
Agreement shall be accurate when made and, in addition,  shall be accurate as of
the  Closing as though such  representations  and  warranties  were then made in
exactly the same  language by GP, NPDC,  or MXL and  regardless  of knowledge or
lack thereof on the part of GP, NPDC,  or MXL or changes  beyond its control and
without  giving effect to any supplement or notice given pursuant to Section 8.1
hereof;  as of the Closing,  GP, NPDC, and MXL shall have performed and complied
with all covenants and agreements and satisfied all conditions  required by this
Agreement to be performed  and complied with by either of them at or before such
time;  no condition or event has occurred or is  continuing  or will result from
execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement or the other  Transaction  Documents
which  constitutes  an Event of Default or would  constitute an Event of Default
but for the  requirement  that notice be given or time  elapse or both;  and the
Purchasers  shall have  received  certificates  executed by the chief  executive
officer and the chief financial  officer of each of GP, NPDC, and MXL, dated the
Closing Date, to that effect.

     2.2.  GP  Secretary's  Certificate.  The  Purchasers  and Agent  shall have
received on the Closing  Date a  certificate  of the  Secretary  or an Assistant
Secretary of GP which shall certify that attached  thereto are true and complete
copies of (a) the Certificate of  Incorporation  of GP, as amended to such date,
(b) the By-laws of GP as in effect on such date, and (c) the  resolutions of the
Board of Directors of GP evidencing  approval of this Agreement,  the Notes, the
GP  Warrants,  the GP  Registration  Rights  Agreement,  the  Mortgage,  and the
Indemnity  Agreement and the matters and  transactions  contemplated  hereby and

     2.3.  GP  Incumbency  Certificate.  The  Purchasers  and Agent  shall  have
received on the Closing  Date a  certificate  of the  Secretary  or an Assistant
Secretary of GP which shall  certify the names of the officers of GP  authorized
to sign this Agreement,  the Notes, the GP Warrants,  the GP Registration Rights
Agreement,  and the  Mortgage,  and any other  documents or  certificates  to be
delivered pursuant to this Agreement by GP, together with the true signatures of
such  officers.   The  Purchasers  and  Agent  may  conclusively  rely  on  such
certificate until the Agent shall receive a further certificate of the Secretary
or an Assistant  Secretary of GP canceling or amending the prior certificate and
submitting the signatures of the officers named in such further certificate.

     2.4. NPDC  Secretary's  Certificate.  The  Purchasers  and Agent shall have
received on the Closing  Date a  certificate  of the  Secretary  or an Assistant
Secretary  of NPDC  which  shall  certify  that  attached  thereto  are true and
complete copies of (a) the Certificate of  Incorporation  of NPDC, as amended to
such  date,  (b) the  By-laws  of NPDC as in  effect on such  date,  and (c) the
resolutions  of the  Board of  Directors  of NPDC  evidencing  approval  of this
Agreement,  the NPDC Warrants,  the NPDC Registration Rights Agreement,  and the
Indemnity  Agreement and the matters and  transactions  contemplated  hereby and

     2.5.  NPDC  Incumbency  Certificate.  The  Purchasers  and Agent shall have
received on the Closing  Date a  certificate  of the  Secretary  or an Assistant
Secretary  of NPDC  which  shall  certify  the  names  of the  officers  of NPDC
authorized to sign this Agreement,  the NPDC Warrants, and the NPDC Registration
Rights  Agreement,  and any other  documents  or  certificates  to be  delivered
pursuant to this  Agreement by NPDC,  together with the true  signatures of such
officers.  The Purchasers and Agent may  conclusively  rely on such  certificate
until the Agent  shall  receive a further  certificate  of the  Secretary  or an
Assistant  Secretary of NPDC  canceling or amending  the prior  certificate  and
submitting the signatures of the officers named in such further certificate.

     2.6.  MXL  Secretary's  Certificate.  The  Purchasers  and Agent shall have
received on the Closing  Date a  certificate  of the  Secretary  or an Assistant
Secretary of MXL which shall certify that attached thereto are true and complete
copies of (a) the Certificate of  Incorporation of MXL, as amended to such date,
(b) the By-laws of MXL as in effect on such date, and (c) the resolutions of the
Board of Directors of MXL evidencing  approval of this Agreement and the matters
and transactions contemplated hereby.

     2.7.  MXL  Incumbency  Certificate.  The  Purchasers  and Agent  shall have
received on the Closing  Date a  certificate  of the  Secretary  or an Assistant
Secretary of MXL which shall certify the names of the officers of MXL authorized
to sign this Agreement,  and any other documents or certificates to be delivered
pursuant to this  Agreement by MXL,  together  with the true  signatures of such
officers.  The Purchasers and Agent may  conclusively  rely on such  certificate
until the Agent  shall  receive a further  certificate  of the  Secretary  or an
Assistant  Secretary  of MXL  canceling or amending  the prior  certificate  and
submitting the signatures of the officers named in such further certificate.

     2.8. Opinions of Counsel. The Purchasers shall have received on the Closing
Date the opinions of Andrea Kantor,  Esq., and Duane Morris LLP, each counsel to
GP, NPDC, and MXL, dated as of such date,  substantially  in the forms set forth
in Exhibits H and I, respectively.

     2.9. Transaction  Documents.  The Transaction Documents other than the NPDC
Warrants shall have been duly authorized,  executed,  and delivered by GP, NPDC,
and MXL, as  applicable,  at or prior to the Closing and at the Closing shall be
in full force and effect.

     2.10. Legal Action.  There shall not have been instituted or threatened any
legal proceeding  relating to, or seeking to prohibit or otherwise challenge the
consummation of, the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  or to obtain

substantial  damages  with  respect  thereto  or which,  individually  or in the
aggregate,  has, had, or could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect on GP, NPDC, or MXL.

     2.11. No Governmental  Action.  There shall not have been any action taken,
or any law, rule, regulation, order, or decree proposed,  promulgated,  enacted,
entered, enforced, or deemed applicable to the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement by any federal,  state,  local, or other governmental  authority or by
any court or other  tribunal,  including the entry of a preliminary or permanent
injunction,  which makes any of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement
illegal  or  prohibits,   restricts,  or  delays  consummation  of  any  of  the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement or which,  individually  or in the
aggregate,  has, had, or could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect on GP, NPDC, or MXL.

     2.12.  NYSE Listing.  The New York Stock Exchange shall, at or prior to the
Closing,  have listed or approved the listing on official  notice of issuance of
the GP Warrant Shares.

     2.13. Payment of Fees. GP shall have paid the costs and expenses identified
in Section 12.1 as to which the Purchasers give GP notice prior to the Closing.

     2.14.  Bank Consent.  GP shall have obtained at or prior to the Closing the
consent to the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement of GP's bank lenders
(the "Banks"),  including the release of the Banks' existing lien (the "Existing
Lien") on the Premises (as defined in the Mortgage).

     2.15.  Title  Insurance,  Etc. GP, at its expense,  shall have obtained and
delivered to the  Purchasers  (a) a  preliminary  title report and a mortgagee's
title insurance policy (the "Title Policy") issued by a reputable national title
insurance  company  (the  "Title  Company")  and (b)  Uniform  Commercial  Code,
litigation,  bankruptcy,  and  judgment  searches  showing no liens,  judgments,
financing  statements,  or other  security  interests  of record  affecting  the
Premises  except those  matters  described in Schedule  2.15,  the Existing Lien
(which  shall be subject to the  condition  set forth in  Section  2.14),  liens
securing the Notes,  and such other matters as may be approved in writing by the
Purchasers.   The  Title  Policy  shall  be  in  form  and  content   reasonably
satisfactory to the Purchasers;  shall insure that the Mortgage is a valid first
lien  against  the  Premises,  subject to only the matters set forth in Schedule
2.15 and  such  other  exceptions  as may  have  been  approved  in  writing  by
Purchasers,  and  that GP has  good  and  marketable  fee  simple  title  to the
Premises;  shall  contain such  endorsements  and  affirmative  insurance as the
Purchasers may reasonably  require;  and shall afford the broadest coverage that
is customarily  afforded by the Title Company to mortgagees of similar  property
located in the New York.

     2.16. No Material  Adverse  Change.  Since the date of this  Agreement,  no
event shall have occurred which  individually or in the aggregate,  has, had, or
could  reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse Effect on GP, NPDC, or

III. Conditions to the Obligations of GP and NPDC

         The obligations of GP and NPDC under this Agreement are subject, at the
option of GP and NPDC, to the following conditions:

     3.1.  Accuracy of  Representations  and  Compliance  with  Conditions.  All
representations  and  warranties of the  Purchasers  contained in this Agreement
shall be  accurate  when made and,  in  addition,  shall be  accurate  as of the
Closing as though such  representations and warranties were then made in exactly
the same language by the  Purchasers and regardless of knowledge or lack thereof
on the part of the Purchasers or changes beyond their control; as of the Closing
the  Purchasers  shall  have  performed  and  complied  with all  covenants  and
agreements  and satisfied all  conditions  required to be performed and complied
with by any of them at or before  such time by this  Agreement;  and GP and NPDC
shall have received a certificate or certificates  of the Purchasers,  dated the
Closing Date, to that effect.

     3.2. Legal Action.  There shall not have been  instituted or threatened any
legal proceeding  relating to, or seeking to prohibit or otherwise challenge the
consummation of, the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  or to obtain
substantial  damages with respect thereto.  3.3. No Governmental  Action.  There
shall not have been any action taken,  or any law, rule,  regulation,  order, or
decree proposed,  promulgated,  enacted, entered, enforced, or deemed applicable
to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement by any federal, state, local,
or other governmental authority or by any court or other tribunal, including the
entry  of a  preliminary  or  permanent  injunction,  which  makes  any  of  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement illegal or prohibits,  restricts, or
delays consummation of any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     3.4. NYSE Listing.  The New York Stock Exchange  shall,  at or prior to the
Closing,  have listed or approved the listing on official  notice of issuance of
the GP Warrant Shares.

     3.5.  Bank  Consent.  GP shall have obtained at or prior to the Closing the
consent  to the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  of the  Banks,
including the release of the Existing Lien.

IV. Representations and Warranties of GP

     GP represents and warrants to the Purchasers as follows:

     4.1.  Organization and  Qualification.  GP is a corporation duly organized,
validly existing,  and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware,
with all  requisite  power and  authority to own,  lease,  license,  and use its
properties and assets and to carry on the business in which it is engaged. GP is
duly  qualified  to transact  the business in which it is engaged and is in good
standing as a foreign  corporation in every jurisdiction in which its ownership,
leasing,  licensing, or use of property or assets or the conduct of its business

makes such qualification necessary,  except as would not be reasonably likely to
have a Material Adverse Effect on GP.

     4.2.  SEC Reports.  GP has  delivered  to the  Purchasers  true and correct
copies of its Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December  31, 2002
(the "Form 10-K"), Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31,
2003, all Current Reports on Form 8-K filed with the SEC since the filing of the
Form 10-K, and its Proxy Statement dated June 10, 2002  (collectively,  the "SEC
Reports").  None of the SEC Reports when filed with the SEC  contained an untrue
statement of a material  fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statements  made therein not misleading.
From the date of the last SEC Report to the Closing  Date, no event has occurred
which  individually  or in the  aggregate,  has,  had,  or could  reasonably  be
expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on GP.

     4.3.  Capitalization.  The  authorized  capital  stock  of GP  consists  of
25,000,000  shares of GP Common Stock and 2,800,000  shares of GP Class B Stock,
of which as of the date of this Agreement  16,159,702  shares of GP Common Stock
and  1,200,000  shares  of GP  Class  B  Stock  are  outstanding.  Each  of such
outstanding  shares  of GP  Common  Stock  and  GP  Class  B  Stock  is  validly
authorized,  validly  issued,  fully paid, and  nonassessable,  and has not been
issued  and is not  owned  or held  in  violation  of any  preemptive  right  of
stockholders.  Other  than as  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  and the  other
Transaction  Documents  and  as  disclosed  in  the  SEC  Reports,  there  is no
commitment,  plan, or arrangement to issue, and no outstanding option,  warrant,
or other right  calling for the issuance of, any share of capital stock of GP or
any  security  or  other  instrument   convertible  into,  exercisable  for,  or
exchangeable  for  capital  stock  of GP.  Other  than as  disclosed  in the SEC
Reports,  there is outstanding no security or other instrument  convertible into
or exchangeable for capital stock of GP.

     4.4. Litigation and Claims.  Except as disclosed in the SEC Reports,  there
is no litigation,  arbitration,  claim, governmental or other proceeding (formal
or informal),  or investigation  pending or, to the knowledge of GP, threatened,
with respect to GP or any GP Subsidiary (as defined below) which has, had, or is
reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on GP.

     4.5.  Authority  to  Sell;  Enforceability;  Valid  Issuance.  GP  has  all
requisite  power and authority to execute,  deliver,  and perform this Agreement
and the other Transaction Documents to be executed,  delivered, and performed by
it. All necessary corporate  proceedings of GP have been duly taken to authorize
the execution,  delivery,  and performance by GP of this Agreement and the other
Transaction  Documents to be executed,  delivered,  and performed by it. Each of
this Agreement and the other  Transaction  Documents to be executed,  delivered,
and performed by GP has been duly  authorized by GP and this Agreement has been,
and at the Closing the other  Transaction  Documents to be executed,  delivered,
and  performed by GP will be, duly  executed  and  delivered by GP. Each of this
Agreement and the other  Transaction  Documents to be executed,  delivered,  and
performed by GP constitutes or will  constitute  the legal,  valid,  and binding
obligation of GP and is or will be enforceable  as to GP in accordance  with its
terms, except (a) as limited by applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent

conveyance,  reorganization,  moratorium,  or other laws of general  application
affecting enforcement of creditors' rights, (b) for general principles of equity
that restrict the availability of equitable remedies, and (c) to the extent that
the enforceability of the  indemnification  provisions of Section 2.10 of the GP
Registration  Rights Agreement may be limited by applicable laws. All GP Warrant
Shares  have been  reserved  for  issuance  and,  when issued and  delivered  on
exercise of the GP  Warrants  and payment  therefor  in  accordance  with the GP
Warrants or in accordance with the Notes,  will be validly  authorized,  validly
issued, fully paid, and nonassessable and will not have been issued in violation
of any  preemptive  right  of  stockholders.  Each  Purchaser  or  other  Person
receiving  GP Warrant  Shares upon  exercise of GP Warrants in  accordance  with
their terms will receive good title to such shares, free and clear of all liens,
security interests,  pledges, charges,  encumbrances,  stockholders' agreements,
and voting trusts, other than (x) those imposed by the Purchaser or other Person
receiving the same, (y)  restrictions  on transfer under  applicable  securities
laws, and (z) as provided in the GP Warrant Certificate or Note, as applicable.

     4.6. No Conflicts.  No consent,  authorization,  approval,  order, license,
certificate,  or permit of or from, or  declaration or filing with, any federal,
state, local, or other governmental  authority or any court or other tribunal is
required  by GP for  the  execution,  delivery,  or  performance  by GP of  this
Agreement or the other  Transaction  Documents to be  executed,  delivered,  and
performed by GP, except for the filing of a Form D under the  Securities Act and
as may be required under state  securities  laws. No consent of any party to any
contract, agreement,  instrument, lease, or license (collectively,  "Contracts")
to  which  GP or any GP  Subsidiary  is a  party,  or to  which it or any of its
businesses,  properties,  or assets are subject,  is required for the execution,
delivery, or performance of this Agreement or the other Transaction Documents to
be executed,  delivered, and performed by GP, other than the consent and release
of the Banks as referred to in Section  3.5;  and, if such  consent is obtained,
the execution,  delivery,  and performance by GP of this Agreement and the other
Transaction  Documents to be executed,  delivered,  and performed by GP will not
violate, result in a breach of, conflict with, or (with or without the giving of
notice or the passage of time or both)  entitle any party to terminate or call a
default under,  entitle any party to rights and  privileges  that such party was
not  receiving  or entitled to receive  immediately  before this  Agreement  was
executed  under, or create any obligation on the part of GP or any GP Subsidiary
that it was not paying or obligated to pay immediately before this Agreement was
executed under, any term of any such Contract,  or result in the creation of any
lien (except as set forth in the Mortgage) on any of GP's or any GP Subsidiary's
properties  or  assets,  or  violate  or  result  in a breach of any term of the
certificate of incorporation (or other charter document) or by-laws of GP or any
GP  Subsidiary,  or violate,  result in a breach of, or  conflict  with any law,
rule, regulation,  order, judgment, or decree binding on GP or any GP Subsidiary
or to which it or any of its businesses,  properties,  or assets are subject, in
each case except as would not be  reasonably  likely to have a Material  Adverse
Effect on GP.

4.7. No Registration Required. Assuming the continuing accuracy of the
representations and warranties of the Purchasers contained in Article VII
hereof, the offer, sale and issuance of (a) the Notes, (b) the GP Warrants, and

(c) upon exercise of the GP Warrants in accordance with their terms, the GP
Warrant Shares will be exempt from the registration requirements of the
Securities Act.

     4.8. No Event of Default.  There exists no event of default under the terms
and  provisions  of any  instrument,  agreement,  or contract  pertaining to any
indebtedness of GP, including Senior  Indebtedness (as defined in the Note), and
to GP's knowledge there exists no event or condition  which,  with due notice or
lapse of time or both, would constitute such an event of default.

     4.9. Title to Premises. GP has on the date hereof, and, if the Contemplated
Conveyance has not taken place, will have at the Closing, an indefeasible estate
in fee simple in the portion of the Premises which constitutes real property and
GP owns on the date hereof,  and, if the  Contemplated  Conveyance has not taken
place, will own at the Closing,  good title to the portion of the Premises which
constitutes personal property, in each case and to GP's knowledge,  subject only
to the  encumbrances  set forth on  Schedule  2.15,  the  Existing  Lien,  liens
securing the Notes,  and such other matters as may be approved in writing by the
Purchasers. No person has asserted a claim against GP or, to GP's knowledge, has
threatened  to assert a claim  against GP or the  Premises  that would,  if such
claim were  upheld,  result in an  encumbrance  to the  Premises  (other than an
encumbrance  set forth on Schedule 2.15,  the Existing Lien,  liens securing the
Notes,  or such other  matters as may be approved in writing by the  Purchasers)
which would  materially  adversely  affect the value,  use or  enjoyment  of the
Premises, and there are no facts known to GP that would allow such a claim to be
successfully asserted. Subject to obtaining the consent and release of the Banks
as  referred  to in Section  3.5,  (a) GP has on the date  hereof,  and,  if the
Contemplated  Conveyance  has not taken place,  will have at the  Closing,  good
right,  full power, and lawful authority to convey and mortgage to the Agent and
grant to the Agent a security  interest in the same,  in the manner and form set
forth in the Mortgage; (b) subject to the Permitted Encumbrances and other Liens
(as such terms are defined in the Mortgage)  permitted pursuant to the Mortgage,
the Mortgage  will,  at the time of its delivery to Agent,  and  thereafter be a
valid and enforceable  and, upon  recordation,  perfected first mortgage lien on
the Premises;  and (c) GP shall and will warrant and forever defend the title to
the Premises unto Agent against the claims of all Persons whomsoever.

     4.10. Environmental Matters. To the knowledge of GP, except as set forth in
the Environmental  Report,  (a) there are no Hazardous  Materials or underground
storage tanks in, on, or under the  Premises,  except those that are both (i) in
compliance with  Environmental Laws and with permits issued pursuant thereto (if
such  permits are  required),  if any, and (ii) in amounts not in excess of that
necessary to operate the Premises; (b) there are no past, present, or threatened
Releases of Hazardous  Materials in violation of any Environmental Law and which
would require remediation by a governmental authority in, on, under, or from the
Premises; (c) there is no threat of any Release of Hazardous Materials migrating
to  the  Premises  ;  (d)  there  is no  past  or  present  non-compliance  with
Environmental  Laws, or with permits issued pursuant thereto, in connection with
the Premises; (e) GP does not know of, and has not received, any written or oral
notice or other  communication  from any Person  (including but not limited to a
governmental  entity) relating to Hazardous Materials in, on, under, or from the
Premises;  and (f) GP has truthfully and fully  provided to the  Purchasers,  in

writing,  any and all information  relating to environmental  conditions in, on,
under,  or from the Premises known to GP or contained in GP's files and records,
including but not limited to any reports relating to Hazardous Materials in, on,
under,  or  migrating  to or  from  the  Premises  and/or  to the  environmental
condition of the Premises.

     4.11. GP Taxes.  GP has filed all federal,  state,  local,  and foreign tax
returns,  informational  returns,  and excise tax returns  which are required to
have been filed by it,  and there  have been paid all taxes  shown to be due and
payable on such returns and all other material taxes and assessments  payable by
it,  unless any such tax or  assessment  is being  diligently  contested in good
faith and GP has adequately reserved against such tax or assessment on its books
and financial  statements in accordance  with GAAP, in each case except as would
not be reasonably  likely to have a Material  Adverse  Effect on GP. No material
tax liens have been filed and no material claims are being asserted with respect
to any such taxes as of the date hereof.  No material tax assessment  against GP
has been proposed and all of its tax liabilities are adequately  provided for on
its books and financial statements in accordance with GAAP.

     4.12.  Broker's  or  Finder's  Commissions;  Financial  Advisory  Fees.  No
broker's or finder's fee or  commission  or  financial  advisory or similar fees
will be payable by GP or any of its affiliates  with respect to the issuance and
sale of the  Notes,  the GP  Warrants,  or the NPDC  Warrants  or  otherwise  in
connection with the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents.

     4.13.  Solvency.  GP is and shall be Solvent  both before and after  giving
effect  to the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  and  the  other
Transaction Documents to be effected on or prior to the Closing Date.

     4.14. Permits. GP has all franchises,  permits,  licenses,  and any similar
authority  necessary  for the conduct of its business as now being  conducted by
it, the lack of which,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  has,  had, or could
reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect on GP.

     4.15. Subsidiaries.  The only subsidiaries of GP which are significant,  as
defined in Regulation S-X promulgated by the SEC, are those subsidiaries  listed
on Schedule 4.15 (the "GP Subsidiaries").

     4.16. Disclosure.  None of the factual information concerning GP and the GP
Subsidiaries  set  forth  in the  SEC  Reports  or  delivered  pursuant  to this
Agreement,  the other Transaction Documents, or the other documents set forth on
Schedule  4.16  contains as of its date,  certification,  or delivery any untrue
statement  of a material  fact,  and all such  factual  information  (taken as a
whole) does not omit to state a material fact  required to be stated  therein or
necessary to make the statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under
which they are made, not misleading.

V. Representations and Warranties of NPDC

     NPDC represents and warrants to the Purchasers as follows:

     5.1. Organization and Qualification. NPDC is, and on the Spin-Off Date will
be, a corporation duly organized,  validly existing,  and in good standing under
the laws of the State of Delaware,  with all  requisite  power and  authority to
own,  lease,  license,  and use its  properties  and  assets and to carry on the
business in which it is engaged. NPDC is, and on the Spin-Off Date will be, duly
qualified  to transact  the business in which it is engaged and is or will be in
good  standing  as a  foreign  corporation  in every  jurisdiction  in which its
ownership,  leasing,  licensing,  or use of property or assets or the conduct of
its  business  makes  such  qualification  necessary,  except  as  would  not be
reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on NPDC

     5.2. Capitalization; MXL. Immediately after the Spin-Off, NPDC Common Stock
will  constitute  the only shares of capital stock of NPDC  outstanding.  On the
Spin-Off  Date,  each of such  outstanding  shares of NPDC Common  Stock will be
validly authorized, validly issued, fully paid, and nonassessable,  and will not
have been issued and will not be owned or held in  violation  of any  preemptive
right of  stockholders.  Other than as  contemplated  by this  Agreement and the
other Transaction Documents, the Spin-Off, and options contemplated to be issued
to employees of NPDC, there is no commitment, plan, or arrangement to issue, and
no outstanding option,  warrant, or other right calling for the issuance of, any
share of capital stock of NPDC or any security or other  instrument  convertible
into,  exercisable  for,  or  exchangeable  for  capital  stock of NPDC.  On the
Spin-Off  Date,  there  will be  outstanding  no  security  or other  instrument
convertible  into or exchangeable  for capital stock of NPDC. At the time of the
Contemplated   Conveyance  (as  defined  below),  MXL  will  be  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary of NPDC.

     5.3. Litigation and Claims.  Except as disclosed in the SEC Reports,  there
is no litigation,  arbitration,  claim, governmental or other proceeding (formal
or informal), or investigation pending or, to the knowledge of NPDC, threatened,
with  respect  to NPDC or any  NPDC  Subsidiary,  which  individually  or in the
aggregate,  has, had, or could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect on NPDC.

     5.4.  Authority  to  Sell;  Enforceability;  Valid  Issuance.  NPDC has all
requisite  power and authority to execute,  deliver,  and perform this Agreement
and the other Transaction Documents to be executed,  delivered, and performed by
it.  All  necessary  corporate  proceedings  of NPDC  have  been or prior to the
Spin-Off  Date will have been duly taken to authorize the  execution,  delivery,
and performance by NPDC of this Agreement and the other Transaction Documents to
be executed,  delivered,  and  performed by it. Each of this  Agreement  and the
other Transaction Documents to be executed, delivered, and performed by NPDC has
been or prior to the Spin-Off  Date will have been duly  authorized  by NPDC and
this  Agreement  has been,  and at the  Closing or the  Spin-Off  Date the other
Transaction Documents to then be executed, delivered, and performed by NPDC will
be, duly  executed and delivered by NPDC.  Each of this  Agreement and the other
Transaction  Documents  to  be  executed,   delivered,  and  performed  by  NPDC
constitutes or will constitute the legal,  valid, and binding obligation of NPDC
and is or will be  enforceable as to NPDC in accordance  with its terms,  except

(a) as limited by  applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent  conveyance,
reorganization,  moratorium  or  other  laws of  general  application  affecting
enforcement  of  creditors'  rights,  (b) for general  principles of equity that
restrict the availability of equitable remedies,  and (c) to the extent that the
enforceability  of the  indemnification  provisions  of Section 2.10 of the NPDC
Registration Rights Agreement may be limited by applicable laws. On the Spin-Off
Date,  all NPDC Warrant  Shares will have been  reserved for issuance  and, when
issued and  delivered on exercise of the NPDC  Warrants and payment  therefor in
accordance with the NPDC Warrants,  will be validly authorized,  validly issued,
fully paid, and  nonassessable and will not have been issued in violation of any
preemptive right of stockholders.  Each Purchaser or other Person receiving NPDC
Warrant Shares upon exercise of GP Warrants in accordance  with their terms will
receive  good  title to such  shares,  free and  clear  of all  liens,  security
interests, pledges, charges, encumbrances,  stockholders' agreements, and voting
trusts,  other than (x) those imposed by the Purchaser or other Person receiving
the same, (y) restrictions on transfer under applicable securities laws, and (z)
as provided in the NPDC Warrant Certificate.

     5.5. No Conflicts.  No consent,  authorization,  approval,  order, license,
certificate,  or permit of or from, or  declaration or filing with, any federal,
state, local, or other governmental  authority or any court or other tribunal is
required by NPDC for the  execution,  delivery,  or  performance by NPDC of this
Agreement or the other  Transaction  Documents to be  executed,  delivered,  and
performed by NPDC,  except as may be required under federal or state  securities
laws,  pursuant to the rules of such securities  exchange or market on which the
NPDC Warrant  Shares may be listed or quoted,  and for filings of such amendment
to NPDC's certificate of incorporation as may be necessary to authorize the NPDC
Warrant Shares. No consent of any party to any contract, agreement,  instrument,
lease,  or license  (collectively,  "NPDC  Contracts") to which NPDC or any NPDC
Subsidiary is a party, or to which it or any of its businesses,  properties,  or
assets are subject, is required for the execution,  delivery,  or performance of
this Agreement or the other Transaction Documents to be executed, delivered, and
performed by NPDC; and the execution,  delivery, and performance by NPDC of this
Agreement and the other  Transaction  Documents to be executed,  delivered,  and
performed by NPDC will not violate,  result in a breach of,  conflict  with,  or
(with or without  the giving of notice or the  passage of time or both)  entitle
any party to terminate or call a default under,  entitle any party to rights and
privileges that such party was not receiving or entitled to receive  immediately
before this Agreement was executed  under,  or create any obligation on the part
of NPDC or any  NPDC  Subsidiary  that it was not  paying  or  obligated  to pay
immediately  before this Agreement was executed under, any term of any such NPDC
Contract,  or result in the  creation  of any lien  (except  as set forth in the
Mortgage) on any of NPDC's or any NPDC  Subsidiary's  properties  of assets,  or
violate or result in a breach of any term of the  certificate  of  incorporation
(or other charter  document) or by-laws of NPDC or NPDC Subsidiary,  or violate,
result in a breach  of,  or  conflict  with any law,  rule,  regulation,  order,
judgment, or decree binding on NPDC or any NPDC Subsidiary or to which it or any
of its  businesses,  properties,  or assets are subject,  in each case except as
would not be reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on NPDC.

     5.6. No  Registration  Required.  Assuming the  continuing  accuracy of the
representations  and  warranties  of the  Purchasers  contained  in Article  VII
hereof,  the offer, sale and issuance of the NPDC Warrants and, upon exercise of
the NPDC Warrants in accordance  with their terms,  the NPDC Warrant Shares will
be exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act.

     5.7. NPDC Taxes. NPDC has filed all federal,  state, local, and foreign tax
returns,  informational  returns,  and excise tax returns  which are required to
have been filed by it,  and there  have been paid all taxes  shown to be due and
payable on such returns and all other material taxes and assessments  payable by
it,  unless any such tax or  assessment  is being  diligently  contested in good
faith and NPDC has  adequately  reserved  against such tax or  assessment on its
books and financial  statements in accordance  with GAAP, in each case except as
would not be  reasonably  likely to have a Material  Adverse  Effect on NPDC. No
material  tax liens have been filed and no  material  claims are being  asserted
with respect to any such taxes as of the date hereof. No material tax assessment
against NPDC has been  proposed and all of its tax  liabilities  are  adequately
provided for on its books and financial statements in accordance with GAAP.

     5.8. Broker's or Finder's Commissions; Financial Advisory Fees. No broker's
or finder's  fee or  commission  or  financial  advisory or similar fees will be
payable by NPDC or any of its  affiliates  with respect to the issuance and sale
of the Notes,  the GP Warrants,  or the NPDC Warrants or otherwise in connection
with the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents.

     5.9.  Disclosure.  None of the factual information  concerning NPDC and the
NPDC  Subsidiaries  set forth in the SEC Reports or  delivered  pursuant to this
Agreement,  the other Transaction Documents, or the other documents set forth on
Schedule  4.16  contains as of its date,  certification,  or delivery any untrue
statement  of a material  fact,  and all such  factual  information  (taken as a
whole) does not omit to state a material fact  required to be stated  therein or
necessary to make the statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under
which they are made, not misleading.

VI. Representations and Warranties of MXL

     MXL represents and warrants to the Purchasers as follows:

     6.1.  Organization and Qualification.  MXL is a corporation duly organized,
validly existing,  and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware,
with all  requisite  power and  authority to own,  lease,  license,  and use its
properties  and assets and to carry on the business in which it is engaged.  MXL
is duly qualified to transact the business in which it is engaged and is or will
be in good standing as a foreign  corporation in every jurisdiction in which its
ownership,  leasing,  licensing,  or use of property or assets or the conduct of
its  business  makes  such  qualification  necessary,  except  as  would  not be
reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on MXL.

     6.2. Authority;  Enforceability.  MXL has all requisite power and authority
to execute,  deliver,  and  perform  this  Agreement.  All  necessary  corporate
proceedings of MXL have been or prior to the  Contemplated  Conveyance will have
been duly taken to authorize the execution,  delivery, and performance by MXL of

this Agreement. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed, and delivered
by MXL. This Agreement  constitutes the legal,  valid, and binding obligation of
MXL and is  enforceable  as to MXL in accordance  with its terms,  except (a) as
limited   by   applicable   bankruptcy,   insolvency,   fraudulent   conveyance,
reorganization,  moratorium  or  other  laws of  general  application  affecting
enforcement of creditors'  rights, and (b) for general principles of equity that
restrict the availability of equitable remedies.

     6.3. No Conflicts.  No consent,  authorization,  approval,  order, license,
certificate,  or permit of or from, or  declaration or filing with, any federal,
state, local, or other governmental  authority or any court or other tribunal is
required  by MXL for the  execution,  delivery,  or  performance  by MXL of this
Agreement.  No  consent  of any party to any  contract,  agreement,  instrument,
lease,  or  license  (collectively,  "MXL  Contracts")  to which  MXL or any MXL
Subsidiary is a party, or to which it or any of its businesses,  properties,  or
assets are subject, is required for the execution,  delivery,  or performance of
this  Agreement;  and the execution,  delivery,  and  performance by MXL of this
Agreement  will not violate,  result in a breach of,  conflict with, or (with or
without the giving of notice or the  passage of time or both)  entitle any party
to terminate or call a default under, entitle any party to rights and privileges
that such party was not receiving or entitled to receive immediately before this
Agreement was executed under, or create any obligation on the part of MXL or any
MXL  Subsidiary  that it was not paying or obligated to pay  immediately  before
this Agreement was executed under, any term of any such MXL Contract,  or result
in the  creation  of any lien  (except as set forth in the  Mortgage)  on any of
MXL's or any MXL  Subsidiary's  properties of assets,  or violate or result in a
breach  of any  term of the  certificate  of  incorporation  (or  other  charter
document) or by-laws of MXL or MXL  Subsidiary,  or violate,  result in a breach
of, or conflict  with any law,  rule,  regulation,  order,  judgment,  or decree
binding on MXL or any MXL  Subsidiary  or to which it or any of its  businesses,
properties,  or  assets  are  subject,  in each  case  except  as  would  not be
reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on MXL.

     6.4. Title to Premises. After the Contemplated Conveyance, MXL will have an
indefeasible  estate  in  fee  simple  in the  portion  of  the  Premises  which
constitutes  real  property  and MXL will own good  title to the  portion of the
Premises  which  constitutes  personal  property,  in  each  case  and to  MXL's
knowledge,  subject only to the  encumbrances  set forth on Schedule  2.15,  the
Existing Lien (if the Contemplated Conveyance occurs prior to the release of the
Existing  Lien),  liens  securing  the Notes,  and such other  matters as may be
approved in writing by the Purchasers.

     6.5. Disclosure. None of the factual information concerning MXL and the MXL
Subsidiaries  set  forth  in the  SEC  Reports  or  delivered  pursuant  to this
Agreement,  the other Transaction Documents, or the other documents set forth on
Schedule  4.16  contains as of its date,  certification,  or delivery any untrue
statement  of a material  fact,  and all such  factual  information  (taken as a
whole) does not omit to state a material fact  required to be stated  therein or
necessary to make the statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under
which they are made, not misleading.

VII. Representations and Warranties of the Purchasers

     Each Purchaser,  severally and not jointly,  represents and warrants to the
other parties hereto as follows:

     7.1. Authority to Buy. Such Purchaser has all requisite power and authority
to execute,  deliver, and perform this Agreement.  All necessary  proceedings of
such Purchaser have been duly taken to authorize the  execution,  delivery,  and
performance  of this Agreement by such  Purchaser.  This Agreement has been duly
executed  and  delivered by such  Purchaser,  is the legal,  valid,  and binding
obligation  of  such  Purchaser,  and is  enforceable  as to such  Purchaser  in
accordance with its terms.

     7.2. Non-Distributive Intent. Such Purchaser is acquiring the Securities to
be acquired  by it for its own  account  (and not for the account of others) for
investment and not with a view to the  distribution  thereof in violation of the
Securities  Act.  The  Purchaser  understands  that it may not sell or otherwise
dispose of the  Securities  in the  absence of either a  registration  statement
under the Securities Act or an exemption from the registration provisions of the
Securities Act.

     7.3. Information and Experience.  Purchaser acknowledges receipt of the SEC
Reports.  Purchaser  has made  such  inquiry  concerning  GP and NPDC and  their
business and personnel as such  Purchaser  deemed  necessary and  appropriate in
connection with its investment in GP and NPDC contemplated  hereby. The officers
of GP and  NPDC  have  made  available  to such  Purchaser  any and all  written
information  which  it has  requested  and  have  answered  to such  Purchaser's
satisfaction all inquiries made by such Purchaser. Such Purchaser has sufficient
knowledge and experience in investing in companies  similar to GP and NPDC so as
to be able to evaluate  the risks and merits of its  investments  in GP and NPDC
and is able financially to bear the risks thereof.

     7.4. Purchaser Status.  Such Purchaser is an accredited investor within the
definition  set forth in Rule 501(a) under the  Securities Act and an investment
company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

     7.5. Broker's or Finder's Commissions; Financial Advisory Fees. No broker's
or finder's  fee or  commission  or  financial  advisory or similar fees will be
payable by any of the  Purchasers  with  respect to the issuance and sale of the
Notes, the GP Warrants, or the NPDC Warrants or otherwise in connection with the
transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents. Each Purchaser agrees to
indemnify  GP and NPDC and hold each of them  harmless  against any loss,  cost,
claim  or  liability  (including   reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and  reasonable
disbursements  for the  investigation  and defense of claims)  arising out of or
relating to any such actual or alleged broker's or finder's fee or commission.

VIII. Covenants and Agreements

     The parties covenant and agree as follows:

     8.1.  Advice of  Changes.  Until the  Closing  or the  termination  of this
Agreement, each of GP, NPDC, and MXL will immediately advise the Purchasers in a
detailed  written  notice of any fact or occurrence or any pending or threatened
occurrence  of which any of them  obtains  knowledge  and which (if existing and
known at the date of the execution of this  Agreement)  would have been required
to be set  forth or  disclosed  in or  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  which  (if
existing  and  known at any  time  prior to or at the  Closing)  would  make the
performance by any party of a covenant contained in this Agreement impossible or
make such performance materially more difficult than in the absence of such fact
or occurrence, or which (if existing and known at the time of the Closing) would
cause a condition  to any party's  obligations  under this  Agreement  not to be
fully  satisfied.  Any such  notice  or  disclosure  shall be given no effect in
satisfying any of the conditions of Section 2.1 hereof.

     8.2. Furnish Future Information. After the Closing, GP shall deliver to the
holders of the Notes and the GP  Warrants,  for so long as such  Persons own any
Notes or GP Warrants,  promptly  upon their  becoming  available,  copies of all
financial statements,  reports,  notices, and proxy statements sent by it to its
stockholders,  all regular and periodic  reports filed by it with any securities
exchange or with the SEC, and all material  press  releases.  After the Spin-Off
Date,  NPDC shall  deliver to the holders of the NPDC  Warrants,  for so long as
such Persons own any NPDC  Warrants,  promptly  upon their  becoming  available,
copies of all financial statements,  reports, notices, and proxy statements sent
by it to its stockholders, all regular and periodic reports filed by it with any
securities exchange or with the SEC, and all material press releases.

     8.3. Mortgage.

     (a) Each Purchaser and other Security Holder  acknowledges and agrees that,
in contemplation of the Spin-Off, GP shall have the right to convey the Premises
to MXL, which at the time of such conveyance  will be a wholly-owned  subsidiary
of  NPDC  (such   conveyance   is  referred  to  herein  as  the   "Contemplated
Conveyance").  GP will give prompt notice to the Agent of the  occurrence of the
Contemplated  Conveyance.  Whether  or not  the  Spin-Off  or  the  Contemplated
Conveyance has occurred,  any extension of, or increase in the principal  amount
of,  interest  rate on, or other  charges on, the Notes or any other  amendment,
extension,  waiver, or modification to the Notes or other Transaction  Documents
which increases the  obligations  secured by the Mortgage must be agreed upon in
writing by each of GP, the Agent, and MXL to be effective.

     (b) In connection with the Contemplated Conveyance,  and subject to Section
39 of the  Mortgage,  MXL  will,  at the  sole  cost of MXL,  (i)  execute  such
documents and take such other actions as may be necessary to assume the Mortgage
and all of the obligations and liabilities of GP arising  thereunder,  provided,
however, that it is expressly understood and agreed that such assumption will be
made subject to the  provisions  of Section 8.4 hereof and (ii) deliver or cause
to be  delivered  an  endorsement  to the Title Policy or a side letter from the
Title  Company (in either case,  provided  that the same is available at nominal
cost),  in form reasonably  acceptable to the Agent,  insuring to the Agent that
(A) MXL is the fee owner of the  Premises  and (B) the  Mortgage,  as assumed by

MXL, is a valid and subsisting  first priority lien against the Premises subject
only to the Permitted Encumbrances.

     (c) Each  Security  Holder which holds any Notes agrees that,  if GP or MXL
shall  tender full  payment of the  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes,
together with all interest and other sums due  thereunder,  as  contemplated  by
Section 17(a) of the Mortgage,  such Security Holder will promptly  surrender to
the  tenderor and endorse  (without  recourse)  all Notes held by such  Security
Holder as contemplated by such Section 17(a).

     8.4. No Liability.  Each Purchaser and other Security  Holder  acknowledges
and agrees  that,  notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  contained in this
Agreement  or in any of the other  Transaction  Documents,  except  as  provided
otherwise in this Section 8.4, (a) neither MXL nor any MXL Related  Party (other
than GP) shall have any  personal  liability  for (i) the  payment of any sum of
money  which is or may be  payable  by GP  hereunder  or  under  any  Note,  the
Mortgage,  the GP Warrants, or the GP Registration Rights Agreement,  including,
but not limited  to, the  repayment  of the Notes,  or (ii) the  performance  or
discharge of any  covenants,  obligations,  or  undertakings  of GP hereunder or
under any Note, the Mortgage,  the GP Warrants,  or the GP  Registration  Rights
Agreement,  and no monetary or deficiency  judgment  shall be sought or enforced
against  MXL or any MXL Related  Party  (other  than GP) with  respect  thereto,
notwithstanding  any  conveyance  or  transfer  of  the  Premises  to MXL or any
assumption of the Mortgage by MXL, and (b) neither MXL nor any MXL Related Party
(other than NPDC) shall have any personal  liability  for (i) the payment of any
sum of money  which is or may be  payable  by NPDC  hereunder  or under the NPDC
Warrants or the NPDC Registration  Rights Agreement,  or (ii) the performance or
discharge of any covenants,  obligations,  or  undertakings of NPDC hereunder or
under  the NPDC  Warrants  or the NPDC  Registration  Rights  Agreement,  and no
monetary or deficiency  judgment shall be sought or enforced  against MXL or any
MXL Related Party (other than NPDC) with respect  thereto,  notwithstanding  any
conveyance or transfer of the Premises to MXL or any  assumption of the Mortgage
by MXL; provided,  however, that a judgment may be sought against MXL or any MXL
Related  Party to  enforce  the  rights  of the Agent in,  to,  or  against  the
Premises,  and the Agent  shall have full  recourse  to and the right to proceed
against the Premises. Nothing contained herein shall impair the validity of GP's
obligations  under  the Notes or in any way  affect  or  impair  the lien of the
Mortgage,  or the right of the Agent to enforce any and all rights and  remedies
under and by virtue  of the  Notes,  this  Agreement,  or any other  Transaction
Document,  including, without limitation, naming MXL as a party defendant in any
foreclosure  action,  or limit the Agent from pursuing or seeking to enforce the
rights  of the  Agent  against  any  third  parties,  including  any  guarantor,
indemnitor,  or surety under any guaranty or indemnity  delivered in  connection
with this Agreement,  the Notes, or any other Transaction  Document or otherwise
in connection with the Notes.

     8.5.  Transfer  Restrictions.  Each  Purchaser  and other  Security  Holder
acknowledges  and agrees  that the  Securities  are subject to  restrictions  on
transfer  as set  forth  in the  Notes,  GP  Warrants,  GP  Registration  Rights
Agreement, NPDC Warrants, and NPDC Registration Rights Agreement.

     8.6.  Bank Consent.  GP shall use its  commercially  reasonable  efforts to
obtain  at or  prior to the  Closing  the  Banks'  consent  to the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, including the release of the Existing Lien.

     8.7. Title Insurance.  GP shall use its commercially  reasonable efforts to
purchase,  at or prior to the  Closing,  the  Title  Policy in  accordance  with
Section 2.15.

     8.8.  NYSE Listing.  GP shall use its  commercially  reasonable  efforts to
cause The New York Stock Exchange, at or prior to the Closing, to have listed or
approved the listing on official notice of issuance of the GP Warrant Shares.

     8.9. Warrant Purchase. If any party shall terminate this Agreement pursuant
to Section  11.1(e) and the  condition  set forth in Section 2.14 shall not have
been satisfied on or prior to the date notice of  termination is given,  each of
the  Purchasers  shall have the right,  by giving notice to GP not more than ten
days after the date notice of  termination  is given,  to elect to purchase  the
number of GP Warrants  specified opposite such Purchaser's name in Schedule 1.2,
at a  purchase  price  for each  such GP  Warrant  equal to  $4.213,  and not to
purchase the Notes.  Any Purchaser  exercising such right shall also be entitled
to receive NPDC Warrants under the  circumstances and in the manner set forth in
Section 1.4. If any Purchaser exercises such right, the parties agree to modify,
as promptly as practical,  this Agreement  (including,  without limitation,  the
corresponding terms and conditions with respect to closing deliveries, payments,
covenants,  and  indemnities),  the  GP  Warrants,  the  NPDC  Warrants,  the GP
Registration Rights Agreement,  the NPDC Registration Rights Agreement,  and the
Indemnity Agreement to the extent necessary to effectuate such transaction.

     8.10.  Spin-Off.  GP shall  not  consummate  the  Spin-Off  unless,  on the
Spin-Off  Date,  the Agent shall have  received  the opinion of counsel to NPDC,
dated as of such date, substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit J.

     8.11.  Subordination  Agreement.  If any  person  holding or  proposing  to
provide Senior  Indebtedness  so requests,  each Security Holder which holds any
Notes shall (and  authorizes the Agent on such Security  Holder's  behalf to) at
GP's expense enter into a subordination agreement (a "Subordination  Agreement")
contemplated  by Section 7(d) of the Notes,  confirming  and  supplementing  the
provisions  of  Section  7 of  the  Notes,  and  containing  such  terms  as are
customarily  included  in such a  subordination  agreement  and  are  reasonably
satisfactory to the Agent,  in such form as may be reasonably  requested by such
person.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,  each Security Holder
which  holds any Notes  shall  (and  authorizes  and  directs  the Agent on such
Security  Holder's  behalf  to) at  GP's  expense  enter  into  a  Subordination
Agreement substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit K.

IX.      Agent

     9.1. Appointment and Authority.

     (a) Each  Purchaser and each Security  Holder hereby  appoints the Agent as
its agent,  to act on its behalf,  with respect to this  Agreement and the other

Transaction  Documents.  Agent hereby accept such  appointment and hereby agrees
that all actions  taken by it in  connection  with this  Agreement and the other
Transaction  Documents  shall be taken on behalf of and for the  benefit  of the
Purchasers  or the Security  Holders,  as  applicable.  Each  Purchaser and each
Security Holder hereby  irrevocably  authorizes the Agent to take such action on
its behalf and to  exercise  such  powers  under  this  Agreement  and the other
Transaction  Documents as are  specifically  delegated to the Agent by the terms
hereof or thereof,  together with such other powers as are reasonably incidental
thereto.  Without  limiting  the  foregoing,  the  Agent  shall  have  full  and
irrevocable  authority on behalf of each  Purchaser  and each  Security  Holder,
without notice or prior consent, to:

(i)      accept  and give  notices  and other  communications  relating  to this
         Agreement or the other Transaction Documents;

(ii)     waive  any  ministerial  provision  of  this  Agreement  or  the  other
         Transaction Documents;

(iii)    modify or amend this Agreement or the other  Transaction  Documents for
         ministerial purposes;

(iv)     administer the debt evidenced by the Notes on a day-to-day basis;

(v)      execute any  instrument  or document  that the Agent may  determine  is
         necessary  or desirable  in the  exercise of his  authority  under this
         Article IX,  including,  but not limited to, any easement,  restrictive
         covenant,  reciprocal  easement  agreement,  or other similar document,
         provided,  however,  that, the Agent shall not,  without the consent of
         holders of a majority of the outstanding principal amount of the Notes,
         execute any such  instrument or document if such  execution will result
         in an adverse affect on the Premises;

(vi)     execute in the name of and on behalf of each and every holder of the
         Notes any and all (A) assignments, releases, substitute instruments,
         and other documents necessary or appropriate to carry out the intent of
         Section 27 of the Mortgage concerning defeasance of the Mortgage and
         (B) supplemental or substitute mortgages, supplemental or substitute
         notes, and other documents necessary or appropriate to carry out the
         intent of Section 38 of the Mortgage concerning splitting of the
         Mortgage and the loan secured thereby; and, if necessary or appropriate
         in connection therewith, the holders shall deliver their respective
         Notes to the Agent for surrender or amendment in connection therewith;

(vii)    execute  in the name of and on behalf  of each and every  holder of the
         Notes  a   Subordination   Agreement  and,  upon  the  execution  of  a
         Subordination  Agreement,  the Agent  shall have all of the  authority,
         rights,  responsibilities,   duties,  and  obligations  hereunder  with
         respect to such  Subordination  Agreement as the Agent has with respect
         to the Notes.

         (b) The Agent shall also have full and irrevocable  authority on behalf
of the Purchasers and the Security Holders:

(i)      prior to the  Closing,  with the prior  consent  of  Purchasers  which,
         pursuant to Schedule  1.2, are to purchase a majority of the  principal
         amount  of the  Notes,  to waive  any  condition  to  closing  or other
         provision  of,  to  modify,  or to amend  this  Agreement,  other  than
         modifications  or  amendments  to the purchase  price to be paid by the
         Purchasers  or to the  principal  amount  of Notes to be  bought by any

(ii)     following  the  Closing,  with the prior  consent  of the  holders of a
         majority of the  outstanding  principal  amount of Notes,  to waive any
         provision of, to modify,  or to amend this Agreement,  or deal with the
         other  parties to this  Agreement,  settle any dispute  relating to the
         terms of this Agreement or act in connection  with all matters  arising
         out of,  based  upon,  or in  connection  with this  Agreement  and the
         transactions contemplated hereby;

(iii)    with the prior consent of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding
         principal amount of Notes, to waive any provision of, to modify,  or to
         amend the Notes, the Mortgage, or, to the extent relating thereto, this
         Agreement,  or deal with the other parties to the Notes,  the Mortgage,
         or, to the extent relating thereto, this Agreement,  settle any dispute
         relating  to the terms of the Notes,  the  Mortgage,  or, to the extent
         relating thereto,  this Agreement or act in connection with all matters
         arising out of, based upon, or in connection  with such  agreements and
         the transactions contemplated thereby, provided,  however, that no such
         amendment or waiver shall,  unless signed by the holder or purchaser of
         any Note  affected  thereby,  (A)  reduce the  principal  of or rate of
         interest on any Note or any fees  thereunder  or (B)  postpone the date
         fixed for any payment of principal of or interest on any Note;

(iv)     with the prior consent of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding
         GP Warrants,  to waive any provision of, to modify,  or to amend the GP
         Warrants or, to the extent relating  thereto,  this Agreement;  or deal
         with the other  parties to the GP Warrants  or, to the extent  relating
         thereto,  this Agreement,  settle any dispute  relating to the terms of
         the GP Warrants or, to the extent relating thereto, this Agreement,  or
         act in  connection  with all matters  arising out of, based upon, or in
         connection  with  such  agreements  and the  transactions  contemplated

(v)      with the prior  consent of the  Majority  Holders (as defined in the GP
         Registration  Rights Agreement),  to waive any provision of, to modify,
         or to amend the GP  Registration  Rights  Agreement  or, to the  extent
         relating thereto, this Agreement; or deal with the other parties to the
         GP Registration  Rights  Agreement or, to the extent relating  thereto,
         this  Agreement,  settle any  dispute  relating  to the terms of the GP
         Registration Rights Agreement or, to the extent relating thereto,  this
         Agreement,  or act in connection with all matters arising out of, based
         upon,  or in  connection  with  such  agreements  and the  transactions
         contemplated thereby;

(vi)     with the prior consent of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding
         NPDC  Warrants,  to waive any provision of, to modify,  or to amend the
         NPDC Warrants or, to the extent relating  thereto,  this Agreement;  or
         deal with the other  parties  to the NPDC  Warrants  or, to the  extent
         relating  thereto,  this Agreement,  settle any dispute relating to the
         terms of the NPDC  Warrants or, to the extent  relating  thereto,  this
         Agreement,  or act in connection with all matters arising out of, based
         upon,  or in  connection  with  such  agreements  and the  transactions
         contemplated thereby; and

(vii)    with the prior consent of the Majority  Holders (as defined in the NPDC
         Registration  Rights Agreement),  to waive any provision of, to modify,
         or to amend the NPDC  Registration  Rights  Agreement or, to the extent
         relating thereto, this Agreement; or deal with the other parties to the
         NPDC Registration  Rights Agreement or, to the extent relating thereto,
         this  Agreement,  settle any dispute  relating to the terms of the NPDC
         Registration Rights Agreement or, to the extent relating thereto,  this
         Agreement,  or act in connection with all matters arising out of, based
         upon,  or in  connection  with  such  agreements  and the  transactions
         contemplated thereby.

         (c) The Agent  agrees  that,  upon  receipt  of  written  notice to act
executed by (i)  Purchasers  which,  pursuant to Schedule 1.2, are to purchase a
majority of the  principal  amount of the Notes (if prior to the Closing) or the
holders  of a  majority  of the  outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes (if
following  the  Closing),  with  respect to this  Agreement;  (ii)  holders of a
majority of the outstanding  principal amount of the Notes,  with respect to the
Notes or the  Mortgage;  (iii)  holders  of a  majority  of the  outstanding  GP
Warrants,  with  respect to the GP  Warrants;  (iv) holders of a majority of the
outstanding  NPDC  Warrants,  with  respect to the NPDC  Warrants;  (v) Majority
Holders (as defined in the GP Registration Rights Agreement) with respect to the
GP Registration  Rights Agreement;  and (vi) Majority Holders (as defined in the
NPDC Registration Rights Agreement) with respect to the NPDC Registration Rights
Agreement, Agent shall take any and all actions as so directed by such Persons.

         (d)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained  herein,  the
Agent  shall not,  without  the prior  consent  of holders of a majority  of the
outstanding principal amount of the Notes:

(i)      send out any notice of default  under the Mortgage to the Mortgagor (as
         defined in the Mortgage);

(ii)     amend,  restate,  or otherwise  modify,  in any material  respect,  the
         Mortgage  or  any  of the  other  Debt  Documents  (as  defined  in the
         Mortgage) to which the Agent is a party;

(iii)    release  the  Premises  from the lien of the  Mortgage  (other  than in
         connection  with  Section  26 of the  Mortgage)  or  release  any other
         collateral securing the Obligations; or

(iv)     release any obligor under the Notes or Debt Documents.

         (e) After the Agent obtains  knowledge of an event of default under and
as defined in the Mortgage,  the Agent shall not exercise any remedies available
to the Agent  under the  Mortgage  or  otherwise  available  at law or in equity
without the prior consent of holders of a majority of the outstanding  principal
amount of the Notes;  provided,  however,  that, immediately following the Agent
obtaining  knowledge  of such an event of default,  the Agent shall  notify such
holders  of such event of  default  and shall  consult  with such  holders  with
respect to the action to be taken and  remedies to be  exercised by the Agent in
connection  with such  event of  default.  If,  within  20 days  after the Agent
obtains  knowledge of the  occurrence of such an event of default,  holders of a
majority of the outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes have not agreed upon
the action to be taken and remedies to be  exercised by the Agent in  connection
with such event of default,  the Agent shall  commence to foreclose the Mortgage
and shall  diligently  prosecute such  foreclosure in accordance  with the terms

         9.2. Performance of Duties and Obligations. In performing its functions
and duties hereunder on behalf of the Security Holders, the Agent shall exercise
the same care and skill as it would exercise in dealing with securities held for
its  own  account.  Neither  the  Agent  nor  any  of its  directors,  officers,
employees, or other agents shall be liable for any action taken or omitted to be
taken by it or them  under or in  connection  with this  Agreement  or the other
Transaction  Documents,  except for its or their own gross negligence or willful
misconduct.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Agent (a) may
consult  with legal  counsel and other  experts  selected by it and shall not be
liable  for any  action  taken or omitted to be taken by it in good faith and in
accordance  with the  advice of such  experts;  (b) makes no  representation  or
warranty  to any  Security  Holder as to,  and shall not be  responsible  to any
Security Holder for, any recital, statement, representation, or warranty made in
or in connection  with this Agreement or the other  Transaction  Documents or in
any written or oral statement  (including a financial or other such  statement),
instrument,  or other document delivered in connection  herewith or therewith or
furnished to any Security  Holder by or on behalf of GP, NPDC, or MXL; (c) shall
have no duty to ascertain or inquire into GP's,  NPDC's, or MXL's performance or
observance of any of the covenants or conditions  contained herein or to inspect
any of the property  (including the books and records) of GP, NPDC, or MXL or to
inquire into the  existence or possible  existence of any Event of Default;  (d)
shall not be responsible to any Security Holder for the due execution, legality,
validity,    enforceability,     effectiveness,     genuineness,    sufficiency,
collectability, or value of this Agreement or the other Transaction Documents or
any instrument or document  executed or issued  pursuant hereto or in connection
herewith,  except  to  the  extent  that  such  may  be  dependent  on  the  due
authorization  and  execution  by the Agent  itself;  (e)  except  as  expressly
provided  herein in respect of  information  and data furnished to the Agent for
distribution  to the  Security  Holder,  shall  have no duty or  responsibility,
either initially or on a continuing basis, to provide to any Security Holder any
information with respect to GP, NPDC, or MXL, whether coming into its possession
before the date hereof or at any time or times  thereafter;  and (f) shall incur
no  liability  under or in respect of this  Agreement  or the other  Transaction
Documents for, and shall be entitled to rely and act upon, any notice,  consent,
certificate or other  instrument or writing  (which may be by e-mail,  facsimile
(telecopier),  telegram,  cable, or other electronic means) believed by it to be
genuine  and  correct  and to have been  signed or sent by the  proper  party or

         9.3.  Liquidation.  After any  acceleration  of any of amounts  due and
owing under the Notes,  all monies or other  assets  received  by the Agent,  as
repayments  of any of the Notes,  proceeds of exercise of the security  interest
provided by the Mortgage, or otherwise,  shall be applied first to the Agent for
any Agent fees and expenses then due and payable under this Agreement until such
fees and  expenses  are paid in full,  and then to the  holders of the Notes for
their percentage shares of all principal,  interest,  and other amounts then due
and payable from GP until such principal,  interest,  and other amounts are paid
in full.

         9.4.  Successor  Agent.  The Agent may  resign at any time by giving 30
days written notice thereof to the Security Holders, GP, NPDC, and MXL. Upon any
such resignation,  the Security Holders,  with prior written notice to GP, NPDC,
and MXL,  shall have the right to appoint a  successor  Agent.  If no  successor
Agent shall have been so appointed,  and shall have  accepted such  appointment,
within 30 days after such notice of  resignation,  then the  retiring  Agent may
(but shall not be required  to) appoint a  successor  Agent,  upon notice to the
Security Holders, GP, NPDC, and MXL. Upon the acceptance by a successor Agent of
its appointment as Agent hereunder, such successor Agent shall thereupon succeed
to and become vested with all the  properties,  rights,  powers,  privileges and
duties of the former Agent in its capacity as such, without further act, deed or
conveyance.  Upon the effective date of resignation  of a retiring  Agent,  such
Agent  shall  be  discharged  from  its  duties  under  this  Agreement  or  the
Transaction  Documents,  but the provisions of this Agreement shall inure to its
benefit as to any  actions  taken or omitted by it while it was Agent under this

         9.5. Fees and Expenses of Agent. GP shall pay to the Agent from time to
time such  reasonable  fee for its  services  as agent as GP and the Agent shall
agree in writing.  GP shall  reimburse  the Agent  promptly upon request for all
reasonable  disbursements,  advances,  and  expenses  incurred  or made by or on
behalf of it in addition to the fee for its services.  Such expenses may include
the reasonable compensation,  disbursements, and expenses of the Agent's agents,
counsel, and other persons not regularly in its employ.

9.6.     Indemnification.

         (a) The Security Holders and GP, jointly and severally, shall indemnify
the  Agent  from  and  against  any and all  liabilities,  obligations,  losses,
damages,   penalties,   actions,   judgments,   suits,  costs,   expenses,   and
disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever which may be imposed on, incurred
by, or  asserted  against the Agent in such  capacity in any way  relating to or
arising out of this Agreement or the other  Transaction  Documents or any action
taken or omitted to be taken by the Agent in such  capacity  hereunder  or under
the other  Transaction  Documents;  provided,  that  neither any of the Security
Holders nor GP shall be liable for any portion of such liabilities, obligations,
losses,  damages,  penalties,  actions,  judgments,  suits, costs,  expenses, or
disbursements resulting from the Agent's gross negligence or willful misconduct.
Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  each of the Security Holders
and GP agrees to reimburse the Agent,  promptly on demand, for any out-of-pocket
expenses  (including  counsel fees and  disbursements)  incurred by the Agent in
connection with the preparation,  execution,  administration, or enforcement of,
or the preservation of any rights under, this Agreement or the other Transaction

         (b)  Without  limiting  Section  9.6(a),  as among GP and the  Security

(i)      GP shall be solely liable for, and shall reimburse the Security Holders
         for, and  indemnify  and hold the Security  Holders  harmless  from and
         against,  any claim by the Agent for the fees and expenses of the Agent
         for  which GP is  responsible  under  Section  9.5.

(ii)     The Security Holders shall be solely liable for, and shall reimburse GP
         for, and indemnify and hold GP harmless from and against,  any claim by
         the Agent  under  Section  9.6(a)  resulting  from any action  taken or
         omitted to be taken at the direction of the Security Holders, or any of
         them (except for the fees and expenses provided in Section 9.5), or any
         dispute  among the  Security  Holders.  The  liability  of the Security
         Holders  under this Section  9.6(b)(ii)  shall be joint and several and
         shall be allocated among the Security Holders on a pro rata basis based
         upon the outstanding principal amounts of the Notes.

(iii)    In any circumstance not provided for in Section 9.6(b)(i) or (ii), GP,
         on the one hand, and the Security Holders, on the other, shall
         contribute to the liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties,
         actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses, and disbursements for which
         any of them may be liable under Section 9.6(a) based on all relevant
         equitable considerations, including the relative fault of GP and the
         Security Holders in the aggregate in connection with the facts which
         resulted in such liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties,
         actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses, and disbursements.

X.       Indemnification

         10.1.  General.  Each of GP, NPDC, and MXL (the  "indemnifying  party")
shall indemnify and hold harmless each Purchaser and its  affiliates,  officers,
directors, trustees, stockholders, employees, agents, and representatives (each,
an  "indemnified  party")  from and  against  any and all  liabilities,  claims,
demands,  actions,  suits,  losses,  damages,  costs,  and expenses  (including,
without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  and any  and  all  expenses
whatsoever  incurred  in  investigating,  preparing,  or  defending  against any
litigation,  commenced  or  threatened,  or any  claim  whatsoever,  any and all
amounts paid in settlement of any claim or litigation,  and any of the foregoing
arising out of or relating to the enforcement of this Article X)  (collectively,
"Damages"),  based upon or arising out of a breach of any  covenant,  agreement,
representation,  or warranty made by the indemnifying party in this Agreement or
the other Transaction Documents.

10.2.    Indemnity Procedures.

         (a) An indemnified party seeking  indemnification  under this Agreement
in respect of, arising out of, or involving a claim or demand made by any person
or governmental  authority  against the indemnified  party based upon or arising
out of a breach of any covenant, agreement,  representation, or warranty made by
the indemnifying  party in this Agreement or the other Transaction  Documents (a
"Third Party Claim") shall notify the indemnifying party in writing of the Third
Party Claim  within 10 days after  receipt by the  indemnified  party of written

notice of the Third Party Claim;  provided,  however,  that failure to give such
notification shall not affect the indemnification provided under this Agreement,
except to the extent the  indemnifying  party shall have been prejudiced by such
failure.  Thereafter,  the indemnified  party shall deliver to the  indemnifying
party,  promptly after the indemnified  party's receipt  thereof,  copies of all
notices and documents (including court papers) received by the indemnified party
relating to the Third Party Claim.

         (b) The indemnifying  party shall have the right,  within 30 days after
being so notified,  to assume the defense of such Third Party Claim with counsel
reasonably  satisfactory  to the  indemnified  party. In any such proceeding the
defense of which the indemnifying  party shall have so assumed,  the indemnified
party shall have the right to participate  therein and retain its own counsel at
its own expense  unless (i) the  indemnified  party and the  indemnifying  party
shall  have  mutually  agreed  to  the  retention  of  such  counsel,  (ii)  the
indemnified party shall have reasonably  concluded on the basis of an opinion of
its counsel that there may be one or more legal  defenses  available to it which
are different from or additional to those available to the  indemnifying  party,
or (iii) the named  parties  to any such  proceeding  (including  any  impleaded
parties)  include both the  indemnifying  party and the indemnified  party,  and
representation of both parties by the same counsel would be inappropriate in the
opinion of the indemnified  party's counsel due to actual or potential differing
interests  between  them;  in any such case,  one such  separate  counsel may be
retained  by all  indemnified  parties  as a group at the  indemnifying  party's
expense.  To the extent that the  settlement  of such a Third Party  Claim,  the
defense  of which has been  assumed  by the  indemnifying  party,  involves  the
payment  of  money  only,  the  indemnifying  party  shall  have the  right,  in
consultation  with the  indemnified  party, to settle those aspects dealing only
with the payment of money,  provided that the indemnifying party pays such money
and such  settlement  includes a general  release from the other parties to such
Third Party Claim in favor of the indemnified party. In connection with any such
defense or  settlement,  the  indemnifying  party shall not enter into a consent
decree involving  injunctive or non-monetary  relief or consent to an injunction
without the indemnified  party's prior written consent,  which consent shall not
be unreasonably withheld.

         (c) The  indemnified  party at the  indemnifying  party's expense shall
cooperate in all reasonable  respects with the indemnifying  party in connection
with any  Third  Party  Claims  and the  defense  or  compromise  thereof.  Such
cooperation shall include at the indemnifying  party's expense the retention and
(upon the indemnifying  party's request) the provision to the indemnifying party
of records and  information  reasonably  relevant to the Third Party Claim which
are not confidential,  making employees available on a mutually convenient basis
to provide  additional  information,  and  explanation of any material  provided
under this Agreement.  If the indemnifying  party shall have assumed the defense
of a Third Party Claim, the indemnified party shall not admit any liability with
respect to, or settle,  compromise, or discharge, the Third Party Claim, without
the  indemnifying  party's  prior  written  consent,  which consent shall not be
unreasonably  withheld;  provided,  that  admissions  of facts which a party may
reasonably  be  required  to  make  shall  not be  deemed  to be  admissions  of

         10.3. Exclusivity. The indemnification provided by this Article X shall
be the sole remedy (other than termination of this Agreement pursuant to Article
XI or  declaring  an Event of Default)  for any matters  relating to Third Party
Claims; provided, that this Section 10.3 shall not prohibit injunctive relief if
available under applicable law.

XI.      Termination

         11.1.  Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior
to any Closing:

         (a) by mutual  written  consent  executed  by GP,  NPDC,  MXL,  and the

         (b) by GP,  by  notice  given to the  Purchasers  in  writing,  without
liability  to GP, NPDC,  or MXL on account of such  termination  (providing  GP,
NPDC, and MXL are not otherwise in default or in breach of this  Agreement),  if
(i) any of the  conditions  to GP and NPDC's  obligations  under this  Agreement
shall not have been  satisfied  or waived in writing by GP and NPDC prior to the
Closing  or (ii) the  Purchasers  shall have  failed to perform in any  material
respect their covenants or agreements  contained herein required to be performed
prior to the Closing,  or shall have  breached any of their  representations  or
warranties  contained  herein,  in each  instance  in a  material  respect  (and
provided that GP and NPDC shall afford the  Purchasers at least 15 Business Days
notice  of and  opportunity  to  cure  such  breach),  unless  such  failure  is
attributable to the breach by GP or NPDC of any of its obligations to consummate
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  or of  any  of  its  other  obligations

         (c) by the Purchasers, acting jointly, by notice given to GP, NPDC, and
MXL in  writing,  without  liability  to  the  Purchasers  on  account  of  such
termination  (providing the Purchasers are not otherwise in default or in breach
of this Agreement),  if (i) any of the conditions to the Purchasers' obligations
under this  Agreement  shall not have been satisfied or waived in writing by the
Purchasers  prior to the Closing or (ii) GP,  NPDC,  or MXL shall have failed to
perform in any material  respect its  covenants or agreements  contained  herein
required to be performed prior to the Closing, or shall have breached any of its
representations  or warranties  contained herein, in each instance in a material
respect (and  provided  that the  Purchasers  shall afford GP, NPDC,  and MXL at
least 15 Business Days notice of and  opportunity  to cure such breach),  unless
such failure is  attributable  to the breach by the  Purchasers  of any of their
obligations  to consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or of any of
their other obligations hereunder;

         (d) by any of GP, NPDC, or the Purchasers, by notice given to the other
parties in writing,  without liability, if the transactions  contemplated hereby
shall  violate  any  non-appealable  final  order,  decree,  or  judgment of any
governmental  authority  having  competent  jurisdiction  or if there shall be a
statute,  rule, or regulation that makes the  transactions  contemplated  hereby
illegal or otherwise  prohibited  provided  that the party  seeking to terminate
this Agreement under this Section 11.1(d) shall have used reasonable  commercial
efforts to avoid the issuance of any such order, decree, or judgment; or

         (e) by any of GP, NPDC, or the Purchasers, by notice given to the other
parties in writing,  without  liability,  if the  Closing  shall not occur on or
prior to the date which falls 60 days following the date of this Agreement.

         11.2.  Effect of  Termination.  Upon any  termination of this Agreement
pursuant  to Section  11.1 this  Agreement  shall  become  wholly void and of no
further force or effect (except Section 8.9, this Section 11.2, and Article XII)
and none of the parties  shall have any  liability or  obligation  to the others
arising out of this  Agreement  except for any liability  arising from a party's
breach of this Agreement prior to such termination.

XII.     Miscellaneous

         12.1.  Costs and  Expenses.  GP  agrees to pay on demand  all costs and
expenses of the  Purchasers in connection  with the  preparation,  execution and
delivery of this Agreement and the other  Transaction  Documents,  and the other
instruments  and documents to be delivered  hereunder  (including the reasonable
fees and  out-of-pocket  expenses  of Paul,  Hastings,  Janofsky  & Walker  LLP,
counsel for the Purchasers,  with respect  thereto),  in an amount not to exceed

         12.2.  Further  Actions.  At any time and from time to time, each party
agrees,  at its  expense,  to take such  actions and to execute and deliver such
documents  as may be  reasonably  necessary to  effectuate  the purposes of this

         12.3.  Entire  Understanding.  This  Agreement  and  the  Exhibits  and
Schedules hereto set forth the entire  understanding of the parties with respect
to the subject  matter hereof and supersede all existing  agreements  among them
concerning such subject matter.

         12.4.  Amendments and Waivers.  Any provisions of this Agreement may be
modified,  amended,  or waived if, but only if, such modification,  amendment or
waiver is in writing and is signed by GP, NPDC,  MXL, and each of the Purchasers
or, subject to Section 9.1, the Agent; provided that the Agent shall be required
to consent to any modification,  amendment, or waiver of the rights or duties of
the Agent; and provided,  further,  that, after the Spin-Off Date, the signature
of GP, NPDC,  or MXL on such  modification,  amendment,  or waiver shall only be
required if such modification,  amendment, or waiver adversely affects GP, NPDC,
or MXL, respectively;  and provided, further, that the signature of GP, NPDC, or
MXL on the  modification,  amendment,  or waiver  of  Article  IX shall  only be
required if such modification,  amendment, or waiver adversely affects GP, NPDC,
or MXL, respectively.

         12.5. Notices. Any notice or other communication  required or permitted
to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given by Federal Express,
Express Mail, or similar overnight delivery or courier service, or delivered (in
person or by telecopy, telex, or similar  telecommunications  equipment) against
receipt to the party to whom it is to be given,

(a)      if to GP:

                           GP Strategies Corporation
                           777 Westchester Avenue
                           White Plains, NY 10604
                           Attn:  General Counsel
                           Facsimile No. (914) 249-9745

                  .........with a copy to

                           Robert J. Hasday, Esquire
                           Duane Morris LLP
                           380 Lexington Avenue
                           New York, NY 10168
                           Facsimile No. (212) 692-1020

(b) if to NPDC:

                           c/o GP Strategies Corporation
                           777 Westchester Avenue
                           White Plains, NY 10604
                           Attn:  General Counsel
                           Facsimile No. (914) 249-9745

                  .........with a copy to

                           Robert J. Hasday, Esquire
                           Duane Morris LLP
                           380 Lexington Avenue
                           New York, NY 10168
                           Facsimile No. (212) 692-1020

(c) if to MXL:

                           c/o GP Strategies Corporation
                           777 Westchester Avenue
                           White Plains, NY 10604
                           Attn:  General Counsel
                           Facsimile No. (914) 249-9745

                  .........with a copy to

                           Robert J. Hasday, Esquire
                           Duane Morris LLP
                           380 Lexington Avenue
                           New York, NY 10168
                           Facsimile No. (212) 692-1020

(d) if to any Purchaser:

                           to the address set forth for such Purchaser on the
                           signature pages hereto, with a copy to the Agent
                           (except to the extent such notice may be given by
                           notice to the Agent).

(e) if to the Agent:

                           Gabelli Funds, LLC
                           One Corporate Center
                           Rye, New York 10580
                           Attn: Bruce N. Alpert
                           Facsimile No. (914) 921-5118

                  .........with a copy to

                           Gabelli Funds, LLC
                           One Corporate Center
                           Rye, New York 10580
                           Attn: James E. McKee
                           Facsimile No. (914) 921-5384

or to such other address as the party shall have furnished in writing in
accordance with the provisions of this Section 12.5. Any notice shall be deemed
given at the time of receipt thereof.

         12.6.  No  Waiver;  Remedies  Cumulative.  Any waiver by any party of a
breach of any term of this Agreement  shall not operate as or be construed to be
a waiver of any other  breach of that term or of any breach of any other term of
this  Agreement.  The  failure  of a party or the  Agent to insist  upon  strict
adherence  to any term of this  Agreement on one or more  occasions  will not be
considered a waiver or deprive  that party or the Agent of the right  thereafter
to  insist  upon  strict  adherence  to  that  term  or any  other  term of this
Agreement.  The rights,  powers,  and remedies of the Agent or any  Purchaser or
Security Holder provided in this Agreement and the other  Transaction  Documents
are cumulative and not exclusive of any right,  power, or remedy provided by law
or equity.

         12.7. Binding Effect. No party may sell, assign, transfer, or otherwise
convey any of its rights or  delegate  any of its duties  under this  Agreement,
except as hereinafter  provided,  and this  Agreement  shall be binding upon and
inure  to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and  the  respective  permitted
successors,  assigns, and personal representatives of the parties. Any attempted
sale,  assignment,  transfer,  conveyance,  or  delegation  in violation of this
Section 12.7 shall be void. The provisions of this Agreement  shall inure to the

benefit of each  indemnified  party and its  successors  and  assigns  (if not a
natural  person) and his  assigns,  heirs,  and personal  representatives  (if a
natural person).

         12.8. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement does not create, and
shall not be construed as creating,  any rights  enforceable by any person not a
party to this Agreement (except as provided in Article IX, Section 12.7, and the
other Transaction Documents).

         12.9.  Separability.  If any  provision  of this  Agreement is invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable, the balance of this Agreement shall remain in effect,
and if any provision is  inapplicable  to any person or  circumstance,  it shall
nevertheless remain applicable to all other persons and circumstances.

         12.10.  Headings.  The  headings  in  this  Agreement  are  solely  for
convenience  of reference  and shall be given no effect in the  construction  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

         12.11.  Counterparts;  Governing Law. This Agreement may be executed in
any number of counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all
of which together  shall  constitute  one and the same  instrument.  It shall be
governed by and construed in accordance  with the laws of the State of New York,
without giving effect to conflict of laws.

XIII. Definitions

         "Business  Day" means any day which is not a Saturday  or Sunday and is
not a day on which banking institutions are generally authorized or obligated to
close in the City of New York, New York.

         "Environmental  Law" means any present federal,  state, and local laws,
statutes,  ordinances,  rules,  regulations,   standards,  policies,  and  other
government directives or requirements,  as well as common law, including but not
limited to the Comprehensive Environmental Response,  Compensation and Liability
Act and the  Resource  Conservation  and Recovery  Act,  that apply to GP or the
Premises and relate to Hazardous Materials.

         "Event of Default" shall have the meaning set forth in the Notes.

         "Environmental  Report" means the written report of VERTEX  Engineering
Services,  Inc.,  dated July 30, 2001,  resulting  from the  environmental  site
assessments of the Premises  delivered to Purchasers,  together with the related
reliance letter dated July 24, 2003.

         "Exchange Act" means the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles as in effect from
time to time in the United States of America, applied on a consistent basis both
as to classification of items and amounts.

         "GP Class B Stock" means the Class B Capital Stock,  par value $.01 per
share, of GP.

         "GP Common Stock" means the Common Stock,  par value $.01 per share, of

         "Hazardous  Materials" shall mean petroleum and petroleum  products and
compounds containing them, including gasoline, diesel fuel, and oil; explosives,
flammable materials;  radioactive materials;  polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs")
and  compounds   containing  them;  lead  and  lead-based  paint;   asbestos  or
asbestos-containing  materials  in any  form  that is or could  become  friable;
underground  or  above-ground  storage  tanks,  whether empty or containing  any
substance;  any substance the presence of which on the Premises is prohibited by
any federal,  state,  or local  authority;  any substance that requires  special
handling;  and any other material or substance now or in the future defined as a
"hazardous   substance,"   "hazardous   material,"   "hazardous  waste,"  "toxic
substance," "toxic pollutant,"  "contaminant," or "pollutant" within the meaning
of any Environmental Law.

         "Material Adverse Effect" means

                  (a) with respect to GP, any change or changes or effect or
         effects that individually or in the aggregate are materially adverse to
         (i) the assets, business, operations, income, prospects, or condition
         (financial or otherwise) of GP and the GP Subsidiaries, taken as a
         whole, or (ii) the ability of GP to fulfill its obligations under this
         Agreement or any of the other Transaction Documents;

                  (b) with respect to NPDC in relation to the period prior to
         the Spin-Off Date, any change or changes or effect or effects that
         individually or in the aggregate are materially adverse to (i) the
         assets, business, operations, income, prospects, or condition
         (financial or otherwise) of GP and the GP Subsidiaries, taken as a
         whole, or (ii) the ability of NPDC to fulfill its obligations under
         this Agreement or any of the other Transaction Documents;

                  (c) with respect to NPDC in relation to the period after the
         Spin-Off Date, any change or changes or effect or effects that
         individually or in the aggregate are materially adverse to (i) the
         assets, business, operations, income, prospects, or condition
         (financial or otherwise) of NPDC and the NPDC Subsidiaries, taken as a
         whole, or (ii) the ability of NPDC to fulfill its obligations under
         this Agreement or any of the other Transaction Documents;

                  (d) with respect to MXL in relation to the period prior to the
         Spin-Off Date, any change or changes or effect or effects that
         individually or in the aggregate are materially adverse to (i) the
         assets, business, operations, income, prospects, or condition
         (financial or otherwise) of GP and the GP Subsidiaries, taken as a
         whole, or (ii) the ability of MXL to fulfill its obligations under this
         Agreement; and

                  (e) with respect to MXL in relation to the period after the
         Spin-Off Date means any change or changes or effect or effects that
         individually or in the aggregate are materially adverse to (i) the
         assets, business, operations, income, prospects, or condition

         (financial or otherwise) of MXL and the MXL Subsidiaries, taken as a
         whole, or (ii) the ability of MXL to fulfill its obligations under this

         "MXL Related Party" mean any direct or indirect shareholder, employee,
officer, director, agent, or representative of MXL.

         "MXL Subsidiaries" means the GP Subsidiaries contemplated to be
transferred to MXL in connection with the Spin-Off.

         "NPDC Common Stock" means the Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per
share, of NPDC.

         "NPDC Subsidiaries" means MXL and the other GP Subsidiaries
contemplated to be transferred to NPDC in connection with the Spin-Off.

         "NPDC Warrant Amount" means a number equal to 8% of the number of
shares of NPDC Common Stock outstanding upon completion of the Spin-Off.

         "NPDC Warrant Record Date" shall mean the date selected by GP for
determining the holders of record of GP Warrants entitled to receive NPDC
Warrants in accordance with Section 1.4, which date shall not be more than five
Business Days prior to the Spin-Off Date.

         "Original Issue Date" of any Note shall have the meaning set forth in
such Note.

         "Person" means any individual, partnership, limited liability company,
corporation, joint venture, trust, association, or other entity, domestic or
foreign, and his, her, or its respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal
representatives, successors, and assigns where the context of this Agreement so

         "Related Agreements" means the Mortgage, the GP Registration Rights
Agreement, the NPDC Registration Rights Agreement, and the Indemnity Agreement.

         "Release" of any Hazardous Materials includes but is not limited to any
release, deposit, discharge, emission, leaking, spilling, seeping, migrating,
injecting, pumping, pouring, emptying, escaping, dumping, disposing or other
movement of Hazardous Materials.

         "SEC" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

         "Securities" means the Notes, the GP Warrants, the NPDC Warrants, and,
on exercise of the GP Warrants or NPDC Warrants in accordance with their terms,
the GP Warrant Shares or NPDC Warrant Shares, respectively.

         "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         "Security Holder" means a holder of any Securities.

         "Solvent" means,  with respect to any Person on a particular date, that
on such date (a) the fair value of the  property of such Person is greater  than
the total  amount of  liabilities  (including  contingent  liabilities)  of such
Person,  (b) the present fair salable  value of the assets of such Person is not
less than the amount that will be required to pay the  probable  liabilities  of
such Person on its debts as they  become  absolute  and mature,  (c) such Person
does  not  intend  to,  and  does  not  believe  that it  will,  incur  debts or
liabilities  beyond such Person's  ability to pay as such debts and  liabilities
mature, and (d) such Person is not engaged in business or a transaction,  and is
not about to engage in business or a transaction, for which such Person's assets
would constitute  unreasonably small capital. For such purposes,  any contingent
liability (including guaranties,  pending litigation,  pension plan liabilities,
and claims for federal,  state,  local,  and foreign taxes, if any) is valued at
the amount that,  in light of all the facts and  circumstances  existing at such
time,  represents the amount that can reasonably be expected to become an actual
or matured liability.

         "Spin-Off" means the contemplated  spin-off of NPDC by GP, as generally
described in GP's press release dated July 11, 2002.

         "Spin-Off Date" means the date on which the  distribution of the shares
of NPDC to the stockholders of GP pursuant to the Spin-Off is effective.

         "Transaction  Documents" means this Agreement,  the Related Agreements,
the Notes, the GP Warrants, and the NPDC Warrants.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of
the date first written above.

                          GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION




                          MXL INDUSTRIES, INC.



                          THE GABELLI SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND




                          THE GABELLI EQUITY INCOME FUND


                          THE GABELLI ABC FUND



                            GABELLI FUNDS, LLC
