WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                   For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1997


                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                        For the transition period from to

                          Commission File Number 1-7234
                            GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

      Delaware                                            13-1926739
(State of Incorporation)                    (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

9 West 57th Street, New York, NY                               10019
(Address of principal executive offices)                       (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:            (212) 826-8500

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Title of Each Class                   Name of each exchange on which registered:
Common Stock, $.01 Par Value                   New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:    None

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of Registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. / /

As of March 2, 1998, the aggregate market value of the outstanding shares of the
Registrant's  Common  Stock,  par value $.01 per share,  held by  non-affiliates
(assuming  for  this  calculation  only  that all  officers  and  directors  are
affiliates)  was  approximately  $133,419,544  based on the closing price of the
Common Stock on the American Stock Exchange on March 2, 1998.  None of the Class
B Capital Stock, par value $.01 per share, was held by non-affiliates.

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the Registrant's classes of
common stock, as of the most recent practicable date.

Class  Outstanding  at March 2, 1998  Common  Stock,  par  value  $.01 per share
10,671,598 shares Class B Capital Stock, par value $.01 per share 62,500 shares


Portions of the  Registrant's  definitive  Proxy  Statement  for its 1998 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders are incorporated by reference into Part III hereof.

                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

         Item 1.   Business

         (a)        General Development of Business                         1
         (b)        Financial Information About
                        Industry Segments                                   1
         (c)        Narrative Description of Business                       1
         (d)        Financial Information About Foreign
                        and Domestic Operations and Export
                        Sales                                              17

         Item 2.   Properties                                              18

         Item 3.   Legal Proceedings                                       18

         Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of
                    Security Holders                                       18


         Item 5.   Market for the Registrant's Common
                    Equity and Related Stockholder Matters                 19

         Item 6.   Selected Financial Data                                 20

         Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                    Financial Condition and Results of Operations          21

         Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About
                    Market Risk                                            29

         Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data             30

         Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants
                    on Accounting and Financial Disclosure                 74


         Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant      74

         Item 11.  Executive Compensation                                  74

         Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain
                    Beneficial Owners and Management                       74
         Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions          74


         Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules,
                    and Reports on Form 8-K                                75

                                     PART I


(a)  General Development of Business

         GP  Strategies   Corporation   (formerly  National  Patent  Development
Corporation),  incorporated  in Delaware in 1959,  is a New York Stock  Exchange
listed company with established  operating businesses and investments in several
publicly traded companies.  The Company's  operations consist of three operating
business segments:
Physical Science, Distribution and Optical Plastics.

         The Company has taken  significant  steps in the past year to transform
itself from a holding  company into an operating  company  focusing on providing
training,  technical and educational services through its wholly owned operating
subsidiary General Physics Corporation  ("General Physics").  In addition to the
Company's  General  Physics  operating  subsidiary,   the  Company's  two  other
operating subsidiaries consist of Five Star Group, Inc., a wholesale distributor
of home decorating,  hardware and finishing  products and MXL Industries,  Inc.,
which manufactures and distributes coated and molded plastic products.

         The Company's  recent name change on March 5, 1998 is  consistent  with
the Company's strategy of attempting to increase sales and profitability  within
the commercial  training group of General  Physics  through  internal growth and

(b)  Financial Information About Industry Segments

         Certain  financial  information  about  business  segments  (classes of
similar  products or services)  is included in Note 16 of Notes to  Consolidated
Financial Statements.

(c)  Narrative Description of Business



Organization and Operations

         General  Physics,  with  approximately  1500  employees  in 40  offices
primarily  located  in  the  United  States,  provides  performance  improvement
services to Fortune 500 companies in the manufacturing  and process  industries,
electric power utilities, and other commercial and governmental customers.

         General  Physics   believes  it  is  a  global  leader  in  performance
improvement,  with over three  decades of  experience  in  providing  systematic
training to optimize work force  performance.  Since 1966,  General  Physics has
provided  clients  with the  products  and  services  they need to  successfully
integrate their people, processes and technology - the elements most critical to
the successful realization of any organization's goal.

         General  Physics'  services  are  very  broad  and  include  customized
curriculum,   instruction   and  development  in  operating  new  equipment  and
facilities efficiently and safely, properly maintaining existing equipment,  and
instruction  in  engineering,   math,  English,  leadership  training  and  team
building. At manufacturing and process facilities,  multinational  corporations,
power plants, military installations and government research centers in the U.S.
and abroad,  General  Physics  provides  training,  engineering,  and  technical
services designed to assist work forces in meeting operational challenges,  cost
management objectives and performance goals.

         General Physics has three  operating  business units that serve diverse
customers.   These  units  are  Workforce  Development  and  Training,   Applied
Technology,  and Facility and Process  Technology.  These units provide in-depth
industry  knowledge with expertise in training and customized  curriculum design
and development as well as on-site and  interactive  employee  instruction.  The
Workforce Development and Training Group focuses on training for Fortune 500 and
other  commercial  customers in the industrial and  manufacturing  sectors.  The
Applied  Technology Group focuses on the development of new technologies to meet
the  training,   management  and   operational   challenges  to  commercial  and
governmental  clients.  The  Facility  and  Process  Technology  Group  provides
engineering and technical support services to industrial companies,  power plant
owners, including electric utilities, governmental clients as well as clients in
the aerospace industry.

         General  Physics  was   incorporated  in  1966  to  provide   technical
consulting services in the field of nuclear science and engineering  services to
nuclear power companies and government  agencies.  General Physics  expanded its
operations  in the late 1960's to  provide,  among other  things,  training  and
technical  support  services to the commercial  nuclear power industry.  General
Physics expanded its markets even further in the late 1980's to provide training
and technical  support  services to United  States  Government  nuclear  weapons
production  and waste  processing  facilities,  and  environmental  services  to
governmental and commercial clients.

         In 1994, General Physics further expanded it range of capabilities,  as
well as its governmental  clients, by acquiring the design engineering,  seismic
engineering,  systems  engineering,  materials  management  and safety  analysis
businesses  of Cygna  Energy  Services,  and by  acquiring  the  management  and
technical  training and engineering  consulting  businesses of GPS Technologies,

         On January 23,  1997,  stockholders  of each of the Company and General
Physics voted to approve the merger of a wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company
with General  Physics  pursuant to which General  Physics  became a wholly-owned
subsidiary  of the Company (the  "Merger").  The Merger was completed on January
24, 1997.  Under the terms of the Merger  Agreement,  holders of General Physics
Common Stock received .60 shares of the Company's Common Stock for each share of
General  Physics  common  stock.  The Company  issued an  aggregate of 3,028,574
shares of its Common Stock valued at $25,228,000 in the transaction.

         In March  1997,  General  Physics  was  awarded a contract  by the U.S.
Navy's Fleet and Industrial  Supply Center Norfolk,  Detachment  Washington,  to
provide naval aviation  training  development and support services for Naval Air
Systems  Command.  The  anticipated  revenues of the  contract  over its initial
one-year  term and four option  years,  if all option years are  exercised,  are
estimated to be approximately $32,000,000.

         In March 1997,  General  Physics was awarded a contract by Westinghouse
Savannah River Company ("WSRC") to provide environmental restoration services at
the  DOE's  Savannah  River  Site.  The  contract  is one of  three  awarded  to
successful  contractors who will competitively bid for work to be awarded in the
future  under  separate  delivery  orders.   General  Physics  assists  WSRC  in
developing and implementing  environmental  studies,  programs and projects that
address the Resource  Conservation  and  Recovery  Act (RCRA) and  Comprehensive
Environmental  Response,  Compensation  and Liability Act (CERCLA)  needs at the
Savannah  River  Site.  The total  value of all tasks to be awarded to the three
contractors over the five-year term of the contract is approximately $60 million
at the rate of approximately $12 million per year. However,  the actual value of
the  contract  to  General  Physics  will  depend  upon the value of  individual
delivery  orders awarded to General  Physics.  During 1997,  General Physics was
awarded delivery orders totaling approximately $600,000 under the contract.

         In mid-1997, General Physics launched an "enterprise resource planning"
initiative to provide change  management,  documentation,  end-user training and
maintenance   engineering   support   related   to   Enterprise-Wide    Software
Applications,  such as those  sold by the Baan  Company,  SAP and  Oracle  Corp.
General Physics is a Baan Education Alliance Program member.

         In July  1997,  General  Physics  entered  into a  multi-year  training
services agreement with a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Fluor Daniel, Facility and
Plant Services, Inc., under which General Physics will develop and implement the
technical training component of comprehensive  workforce  preparation  solutions
designed by Facility and Plant  Services.  Under the Agreement,  General Physics
will be the exclusive  provider of technical  training solutions to Facility and
Plant Services' customers. The value of tasks awarded to General Physics in 1997
under the Agreement was approximately $6 million.

         During 1997, General Physics formed an alliance with Primedia (formerly
Westcott Communications) to develop and deliver workplace training via satellite
broadcasts to  subscribers.  The Primedia  venture,  called  Workplace  Training
Network ("WTN"), began broadcasts in January 1998.

         Effective January 1, 1998,  General Physics acquired  substantially all
of the assets and operations of United  Training  Services,  Inc.  ("UTS").  UTS
provides training and consulting services to the U.S. automotive industry and to
other commercial customers,  including Ford Motor Company, Chrysler Corporation,
IBM Corporation and MBNA.

         General Physics' performance is significantly affected by the timing of
performance  on  contracts.  Results  of  operations  are  not  seasonal,  since
contracts are performed throughout the year.

         While  General  Physics  continues  to  provide  services  to the  U.S.
Government  and the  commercial  nuclear  power  industry,  it has  focused  its
marketing  resources on expanding  management and technical training services to
manufacturing and process industries,  and specialized  engineering  services to
federal  agencies  and  process  industries.  Since  1995,  General  Physics has
experienced  growth in these areas and  anticipates  future  growth to come from
these areas.


         General Physics currently provides services to more than 525 customers.
Significant customers include major automotive manufacturers, commercial nuclear
utilities,  the  Department of the Navy,  the  Department of the Air Force,  the
Department  of the Army,  major  defense and DOE  contractors,  and other large,
multinational companies. Revenue from the United States Government accounted for
approximately  43% of General  Physics'  revenue for the year ended December 31,
1997.  However,  such  revenue  was derived  from many  separate  contracts  and
subcontracts  with a variety of  Government  agencies and  contractors  that are
regarded by General Physics as separate  customers.  In 1997, except for General
Motors  Corporation,  which accounted for  approximately  14% of General Physics
revenue,  no other  customer  accounted  for more than 10% of  General  Physics'

Workforce Development and Training Group

         The Workforce  Development  and Training  Group focuses on training and
human  performance  improvement  needs  of  Fortune  500  and  other  commercial
companies.  The Workforce  Development  and Training  Group  provides  workforce
training  and  other  related  services  to  customers  in  the  industrial  and
manufacturing market sectors. This Group analyzes the human,  organizational and
technical  issues  confronting its customers and recommends  programs to improve

Fortune 500 and Other Commercial Customers

         Fortune 500 and other  commercial  customers  represent a wide range of
industries with diverse technical and geographic needs. These industries include
automotive,  utility,  forest products,  steel, food and beverage,  oil and gas,
pharmaceutical and others.

         General Physics anticipates that the need for its services with Fortune
500 and other commercial customers will continue to grow. However,  there can be
no assurance  that such need will continue to grow or that such  companies  will
select General Physics over its competitors to provide such services.

Automotive Services

         General Physics is a full-service  training provider for the automotive
industry.  Since 1987,  General Physics has participated in a strategic business
partnership with the General Motors ("GM")  Corporate  Organization and Employee
Development Staff,  which is now a part of General Motors University.  Each year
several  thousand GM employees  attend  courses  conducted  by General  Physics.
Additionally,  training and consulting  services are provided on a project basis
to many  divisions of GM,  including GM Overseas  operations  in China,  Europe,
Southeast Asia, South America and Central America. General Physics also provides
training and consulting services to Chrysler  Corporation and Ford Motor Company
as well as many of the automotive supplier companies.

Industrial Training Services

         General Physics develops and provides  customized  training programs to
the metals, forest products,  food and beverage,  and petrochemical  industries.
These services focus on continuous improvement in the maintenance and operations
aspects of plants and facilities.  General Physics supports several customers by
providing complete process line or facility start-up services. Customers include
Georgia Pacific Corp., Anheuser-Busch,  Inc., Mobil Oil Company, USX Corporation
and Aramco Services Company.

Manufacturing Services

         General Physics offers training and technical services to manufacturing
concerns.  General  Physics  frequently  supports the  introduction  of new work
practices  associated  with lean  manufacturing,  self-directed  work  teams and
engineering. General Physics' combination of technical skills and work practices
training  helps  meet the  needs of a  diverse  customer  base,  including  Ford
Electronics, Inland Steel, USX Corporation and Bell and Howell - Postal Systems,

Energy Services

         General  Physics  furnishes a wide  variety of  training,  engineering,
technical  and  management  support  services to the  commercial  nuclear  power
industry, specializing in services which improve plant operation and maintenance
and  ultimately  increase  plant  availability.  General  Physics  has  provided
services at one time or another to virtually all of the commercial nuclear power
plants in the United States.  Services provided include  development of training
programs  and  materials;  conduct  of  training,  development  and  upgrade  of
operations  and  maintenance  procedures;   development  and  implementation  of
preventative  maintenance  programs;  plant configuration  management;  training
simulator maintenance and modification;  staff augmentation;  and computer based
training (CBT) development and  implementation.  Major customers include General
Electric  Company,  Public Service Electric & Gas Company,  Entergy  Operations,
Inc. and Commonwealth Edison Company.

         General  Physics  also  provides   services  designed  to  improve  the
operations of conventional  utility power plants, gas turbine combined cycle and
cogeneration plants,  waste-to-energy  plants, and industrial facilities.  These
services  include plant  operations  and  maintenance  documentation,  simulator
training programs, computer based training (CBT) development and implementation,
plant startup engineering,  maintenance management systems, and plant operations
and maintenance  training.  Major customers  include Entergy  Operations,  Inc.,
Cogentrix and Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority.

International Operations

         General  Physics  maintains  international  operations in Kuala Lumpur,
Beijing,  Mexico City and London offering substantially the same services as are
offered in the United States. Customers include electric utilities,  independent
power producers,  automobile  manufacturers and parts suppliers,  pulp and paper
companies, steel manufacturers and major petroleum refiners.

Enterprise Solutions

         General Physics' Enterprise Solutions team provides Enterprise Resource
Planning in the form of change management,  documentation, end-user training and
maintenance   engineering   support   related  to   Enterprise   Wide   Software
Applications.  The  Enterprise  Solutions  team  includes  support for  products
developed by the Baan Company,  Oracle Corp. and SAP.  General Physics is a Baan
Education Alliance Program member.

Facility and Process Technology Group

         General  Physics'  Facility  and  Process   Technology  Group  provides
engineering   and   technical   support   services   to  clients  to  help  them
cost-effectively   realize   their  goals,   whether   involving   new  designs,
modification  of existing  facilities  and systems,  regulatory  compliance,  or
improved  operations and maintenance.  The Facility and Process Technology Group
brings  experience,  knowledge,  skill  and  judgment  to the  U.S.  Government,
aerospace  research and test  facilities,  numerous  utilities,  and the process

         The  Facility  and  Process  Technology  Group's  commercial  customers
include  clients on the Fortune 500  directory of  industrial  companies;  power
plants  owners,  including  electric  utilities  (nuclear and fossil fuel);  and
independent power producers.  Governmental clients include NASA, DOE, Department
of  Transportation,  Air Force,  Army and Navy research,  development,  test and
evaluation laboratories and centers.

         Specializing  in  technologies,  processes,  and  equipment  which  are
critical to these markets,  the Facility and Process Technology Group's services
are  designed  to  provide  customers  with  improved  performance  as  well  as
regulatory compliance by increasing efficiency, reliability, and availability of
plants and  facilities.  Service  offerings  range from computer aided design to
construction  management to  environmental  engineering to an online  monitoring
system that continuously checks the efficiency of operations.

         General Physics'  Facility and Process  Technology  Group, with over 20
years of applied  engineering  and  management  experience  in  helping  clients
increase efficiency and reduce risk, is consistently  recognized for exceptional
performance.  General  Physics'  clients  call  upon the  Facility  and  Process
Technology Group to address their global competitive challenge,  especially when
that challenge requires significant capital investment in plants and facilities,
and presents a potential risk to the workforce and the environment.

Process Industry Services

         General Physics has expanded its services to the process industry which
includes  pharmaceutical,  chemical,  and petrochemical  clients.  Contract work
includes  regulatory   compliance,   process  equipment,   and  performance  and
maintenance  engineering.  This work  complements  technical  training and other
related   services   provided  by  General   Physics.   Many   clients   request
confidentiality,  however others include Lyondell-Citgo, PPG, BFGoodrich, Witco,
Pharmacia-Upjohn, and Merck, Inc.

Energy Services

         General  Physics  continues  to support the electric  power  generation
business with systems engineering,  regulatory support, performance engineering,
and plant technical services. Assistance to nuclear utilities with licensing and
related  support was expanded  through General  Physics'  alliance with GE Power
Systems Group.  General Physics'  performance  engineering services have enabled
electric power generation clients to reduce operational costs, important for the
deregulation  ongoing in this  industry.  A major client is Entergy  Operations,
Inc.,  where General Physics has provided  software and engineering  support for
plant efficiency improvement.

Aerospace Facilities

         An outgrowth of General Physics' services to NASA and the Air Force has
been work in  support  of  commercial  aerospace  vehicle  development  and test
facilities.  General  Physics  provides  design,  analysis,  inspection and test
services  for systems  and  equipment  used for rocket  engine  development  and
testing.  Major customers include Rocketdyne,  now a part of Boeing, and Aerojet
Corporation. These and other companies are looking to capture an expected growth
market for space launches.

U.S. Government Services

         General Physics supports major government  research,  development,  and
test  centers  across  the  country  with  facility  design  and   modification,
engineering and inspection,  environmental  services,  and systems  engineering.
Larger contracts include environmental  services for U.S. Army, Aberdeen Proving
Ground;  technical support services,  such as new rocket propulsion facility and
system design, and program support for USAF,  Research  Laboratory;  engineering
and inspection of wind tunnels and pressure  systems at USAF Arnold  Engineering
Development  Center  and  NASA's  Lewis  Research  Center;  engineering  design,
technical  documentation  development,  and environmental  services for the DOE,
Savannah River Site; and systems engineering and computer science for new combat
systems for The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory.

Applied Technology Group

         The Applied  Technology Group includes General Physics Federal Systems,
Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Physics. The Applied Technology Group
provides  services in three defined market  sectors:  DOD, Other  Government and
Information  Technology  ("IT").  The DOD market sector represents nearly 80% of
this Group's operating  revenues,  while the Other Government and IT sectors are
approximately equally represented in the remaining 20% of operating revenues.

         General  Physics  provides a wide range of services  to its  government
clients.  These services fall into four "core  competencies":  training material
development and delivery using the Instructional System Development (ISD) model,
configuration  management  and the full range of  Integrated  Logistics  Support
(ILS) disciplines,  Information Technology services, and multimedia development.
Within each of these four areas,  the Group has met rigorous  qualification  and
certification requirements mandated by government agencies.

         Major Naval command  customers  include NAVSEA,  Naval Undersea Warfare
Center,  and Naval Surface  Warfare  Center.  Additionally,  this Group provides
services to other agencies of the Federal  Government,  including the Department
of the Army, Department of Energy,  Defense Finance Accounting Service ("DFAS"),
Department of Treasury, and Department of Justice.

Applied Technology and Undersea Warfare

         General  Physics  provides   engineering   services  to  United  States
Navy-related  activities,  particularly the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, which
is  headquartered  in Newport,  Rhode Island,  with  detachments  throughout the
United States. General Physics has considerable computerized Information Systems
Management expertise and is noted for its Bar Coded Inventory Management,  Local
Area Network and Wide Area Network design and  administration  capabilities  and
the development of Electronic Interactive technical manuals.

Systems Command Services

         General  Physics   specializes  in  providing   program  and  financial
management  services for  Department of Defense  ("DOD")  commands in support of
major weapon systems  acquisitions,  including  providing the United States Navy
with  training/trainer  products and services,  including Submarine  Operational
Readiness Assessment and Training.  General Physics also maintains  full-service
broadcast quality video production and  computer-generated  animation facilities
and has developed more than 500 instructional hours of computer-based  training,
linear videotape and interactive video disc/CDROM productions.

Government Services

         General  Physics  provides  financial,  specialty  software  and office
automation  training  through  contracts  with EDS.  The  training  is  customer
tailored for specific  end-users,  including the Department of Defense-DFAS  and
the  Department  of  Justice-Immigration  and  Naturalization  Service.  General
Physics  provides  specialized  anti-submarine  warfare  technical  services and
training,  including  development of  computer-based  training used at the Naval
Aviation Warfare Operator Training School.

U.S. Army Services

         General  Physics  operates  the training  center in Edgewood,  Maryland
supporting the United States Army's chemical weapons  demilitarization  program.
General  Physics  provides  training for personnel who will operate and maintain
demilitarization  plants at seven locations across the country.  General Physics
has  trained  chemical  demilitarization  specialists  from Russia as part of an
effort  to  introduce  U.S.  technology  and  approaches  for  Russian  chemical
munitions   demilitarization   programs.  In  addition,  General  Physics  is  a
subcontractor  to Westinghouse at the Anniston Army Depot,  with  responsibility
for training and operations engineering in support of Westinghouse's contract to
destroy chemical weapons.

DOE Services

         At the DOE's Savannah River site, General Physics provides professional
services in such areas as training program design, development and accreditation
assistance, technical support and quality assurance and various other operations
support services.  General Physics also has technical services contracts at many
of  the  DOE's  research   laboratories,   including  Princeton  Plasma  Physics
Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory.


         General  Physics  is  currently  performing  under  approximately  1020
contracts,  providing charges on a  time-and-materials,  a fixed-price or a cost
reimbursable  basis.  General  Physics'  subcontracts  with  the  United  States
Government have predominantly  been cost reimbursable  contracts and fixed-price
contracts.  General  Physics is required to comply with the Federal  Acquisition
Regulations  and the  Government  Cost  Accounting  Standards  with  respect  to
services provided to the United States  Government and agencies  thereof.  These
Regulations  and Standards  govern the  procurement of goods and services by the
United  States  Government  and the  nature of costs  that can be  charged  with
respect to such goods and services. All such contracts are subject to audit by a
designated  government audit agency, which in most cases is the Defense Contract
Audit  Agency (the  "DCAA").  The DCAA has audited  General  Physics'  contracts
through 1995 without any material disallowances.

         The  following  table  illustrates  the  percentage of total revenue of
General  Physics  attributable  to each  type of  contract  for the  year  ended
December 31, 1997:

                                  Year ended December 31, 1997

Time and                                              37%
Reimbursable......................                    21
        Total                                       100%

         General Physics'  time-and-materials  contracts  generally  provide for
billing  of  services  based  upon  the  hourly  labor  rates  of the  employees
performing the services and the actual expenses  incurred,  each multiplied by a
specified  mark-up  factor,  up to a certain  aggregate  dollar amount.  General
Physics'  time-and-materials  contracts  include  certain  contracts under which
General  Physics  has  agreed to provide  training,  engineering  and  technical
services  at fixed  hourly  rates  (subject  to  adjustment  for  labor  costs).
Time-and-materials  contracts generally permit the client to control the amount,
type and  timing of the  services  to be  performed  by General  Physics  and to
terminate the contract on written notice.  If a contract is terminated,  General
Physics  typically is paid for the  services  provided by it through the date of
termination.  While General  Physics' clients often modify the nature and timing
of services to be performed,  no significant  terminations  of General  Physics'
time-and-materials contracts have occurred.

         General Physics'  fixed-price  contracts provide for General Physics to
perform  specified  services for a fixed price.  General  Physics bears the risk
that increased or unexpected  costs  required to perform the specified  services
may reduce General  Physics'  profit or cause General Physics to sustain a loss,
but General Physics has the opportunity to derive  increased profit if the costs
required to perform the specified  services are less than expected.  Fixed-price
contracts  generally  permit the client to  terminate  the  contract  on written
notice; in the event of such termination,  General Physics would typically, at a
minimum,  be paid a  proportionate  amount of the fixed  price.  No  significant
terminations of General  Physics'  fixed-price  contracts have occurred over the
last three years.

         General  Physics'  cost  reimbursable  contracts  provide  for  General
Physics to be  reimbursed  for its  actual  costs plus a  specified  fee.  These
contracts also are generally  subject to  termination at the  convenience of the
client.  If a  contract  is  terminated,  General  Physics  typically  would  be
reimbursed for its costs to the date of termination, plus the cost of an orderly
termination,  and  paid a  proportionate  amount  of  the  fee.  No  significant
terminations of General Physics' cost reimbursable contracts have occurred.


         The principal  competitive  factors in General Physics' markets are the
experience and capability of technical  personnel,  performance,  reputation and
price. Services such as those provided by General Physics' Workforce Development
and  Training  Group  and by its  Facility  and  Process  Technology  Group  are
performed by many of the customers  themselves,  architectural  and  engineering
firms that have expanded their range of services beyond design and  construction
activities,  major suppliers of equipment and independent service companies such
as General Physics.  A significant  factor determining the business available to
General Physics and its competitors is the ability of customers to use their own
personnel to perform  services  provided by General Physics and its competitors.
Competition has increased as  architectural  and engineering  firms have devoted
additional  efforts to these areas as their work in other areas has  diminished.
Another factor affecting the competitive  environment is the existence of small,
specialty  companies  located  at or near  particular  customer  facilities  and
dedicated   solely  to  servicing  the  technical  needs  of  those   particular

         Competition in the industries served by the Applied Technology Group is
strong and comes from large defense contractors and other service  corporations,
many of which have significantly greater resources than General Physics, as well
as from small and disadvantaged  businesses,  which receive certain preferential
treatment in the awarding of government contracts.

         Competition in the environmental services industry is intense and comes
from large corporations, such as architect-engineering firms, that have expanded
their businesses to include  environmental  services,  specialized service firms
that work exclusively in the environmental arena and professional  service firms
such as General Physics.


         General Physics' principal resource is its technical personnel. General
Physics'  future success will depend to a significant  degree upon its continued
ability to hire, train,  integrate into its operations and retain professionals.
General Physics competes for new professionals with clients, as well as with its
other competitors. In the United States, competition for qualified personnel has
intensified.  As of March 1, 1998, General Physics employed  approximately 1,500
persons. Many of General Physics' employees perform multiple functions depending
upon changes in the mix of demand for the services provided by General Physics.

         General Physics' personnel have backgrounds in mechanical,  electrical,
chemical,  civil, nuclear and human factors engineering;  in technical education
and training; in power plant design, operation and maintenance; in United States
Navy  weapons  systems  design,  operation  and  maintenance;  in  instructional
technology and computer-based  training;  in  enterprise-wide  resource planning
software  training;  and in  toxicology,  industrial  hygiene,  health  physics,
chemistry, microbiology, ecology and mathematical modeling.

         The United  States Navy,  the United  States Army,  the DOE and various
other United  States  Government  agencies  generally  require  that  contractor
employees have appropriate security clearances.  Thus,  recruiting and retaining
employees having appropriate security clearance to work at government facilities
is important to the continued growth of General Physics.

         None of General  Physics'  employees is  represented  by a labor union.
General Physics  generally has not entered into  employment  agreements with its
employees,  but has entered into employment agreements with certain officers and
other  employees.  General Physics believes its relations with its employees are


         General  Physics  has more than  fifty  employees  dedicated  solely to
marketing  efforts  through  Corporate  Sales  and  Market  Sector   development
programs.  Corporate level marketing is directed at long-term strategic business
development with specific  customers and with  international  business.  General
Physics  markets  its  services  to  existing  customers  primarily  through its
technical personnel, using senior management to aid in the planning of marketing
strategies  and evaluating  current and long-term  marketing  opportunities  and
business directions.  General Physics has 40 offices and 57 sites, located in 30
states and offices in Kuala Lumpur,  Beijing, Mexico City and London, from which
it  markets  its  services.  Courses  and  workshops  given by  General  Physics
personnel to the public from time to time serve an important marketing function.
General  Physics  also  sends a  variety  of sales  literature  to  current  and
prospective clients whose names are maintained in a computerized  database which
is updated periodically.

         The goal of General Physics'  marketing  process is to obtain awards of
new contracts and  expansion of existing  contracts.  By staying in contact with
clients and looking  for  opportunities  to provide  further  services,  General
Physics  sometimes  obtains  contract  awards or  extensions  without  having to
undergo competitive  bidding. In other cases, clients request General Physics to
bid  competitively.  In both cases,  General Physics submits formal proposals to
the client for evaluation.  The period between submission of a proposal to final
award can range from 30 days or less (generally for non-competitive,  short-term
contracts),  to a year or more  (generally  for  large,  competitive  multi-year
contracts with governmental clients).

         General  Physics  maintains  a site on the World  Wide Web  located  at


         The  following  table  sets  forth the  appropriate  amounts of General
Physics'  backlog for services  under signed  contracts and  subcontracts  as of
December 31, 1997, with  information for each of General Physics' three business

                                                 Year ended December 31, 1997
                                                              (in thousands)

Workforce Development and Training Group.........                  $47,736
Facility and Process Technology Group............                   18,747
Applied Technology Group.........................                   16,291

        Total                                                      $82,774

General  Physics  anticipates  that most of its backlog as of December  31, 1997
will be recognized  as revenue  during  fiscal year 1998;  however,  the rate at
which services are performed under certain contracts, and thus the rate at which
backlog  will be  recognized,  is at the  discretion  of the  client,  and  most
contracts  are, as mentioned  above,  subject to  termination by the client upon
written notice.


         By providing services to the commercial  electric power industry and to
the United  States Armed  Forces,  General  Physics is engaged in  industries in
which there are substantial risks of potential liability. As of January 1, 1996,
General  Physics'  insurance  was  combined  with  GP  Strategies  Corporation's
insurance in a  consolidated  insurance  program  (including  general  liability
coverage).   However,  certain  liabilities  associated  with  General  Physics'
business  are not  covered  by  these  insurance  policies.  In  addition,  such
liabilities  may not be covered by Federal  legislation  providing  a  liability
protection system for licensees of the Nuclear Regulatory  Commission (typically
utilities)  for  certain  damages  caused by nuclear  incidents,  since  General
Physics is not such a licensee.  Finally, few of General Physics' contracts with
clients contain a waiver or limitation of liability.  Thus, to the extent a risk
is neither insured nor indemnified  against nor limited by an enforceable waiver
or  limitation  of liability,  General  Physics  could be  materially  adversely
affected by a nuclear  incident.  Certain  other  environmental  risks,  such as
liability  under the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation  and
Liability  Act,  as  amended  (Superfund),  also may not be  covered  by General
Physics' insurance.

Environmental Statutes and Regulations

         General  Physics  provides  environmental  engineering  services to its
clients,   including  the  development  and  management  of  site  environmental
remediation  plans.  Due to the  increasingly  strict  requirements  imposed  by
Federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations (including,  without
limitation,  the Clean Water Act,  the Clean Air Act,  Superfund,  the  Resource
Conservation  and  Recovery  Act and the  Occupational  Safety and Health  Act),
General Physics' opportunities to provide such services may increase.

         General Physics' activities in connection with providing  environmental
engineering  services may also subject  General  Physics itself to such Federal,
state and local  environmental  laws and  regulations.  Although General Physics
subcontracts  most  remediation  construction  activities  and all  removal  and
offsite  disposal and treatment of hazardous  substances,  General Physics could
still be held liable for clean-up or violations of such laws as an "operator" or
otherwise under such Federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations
with  respect  to a site where it has  provided  environmental  engineering  and
support services. General Physics believes, however, that it is in compliance in
all material respects with such environmental laws and regulations.


         General  Physics'  principal  executive  offices  are  located  at 6700
Alexander Bell Drive,  Suite 400,  Columbia,  Maryland 21046,  and its telephone
number is (410)  290-2300.  General Physics leases  approximately  32,470 square
feet of an office  building at that address,  and  approximately  220,000 square
feet of office space at various other  locations  throughout  the United States,
and in China, Great Britain, Mexico and Malaysia.  General Physics believes that
its facilities are adequate to carry on its business as currently conducted.



         The Distribution  Group,  incorporated  under the name Five Star Group,
Inc. ("Five Star"), is engaged in the wholesale distribution of home decorating,
hardware  and  finishing  products.  Five  Star  has two  strategically  located
warehouses and office locations, with approximately 360,000 square feet of space
in New Jersey and  Connecticut,  which  enables  Five Star to service the market
from Maine to Virginia.

         Five Star  believes  it is a leading  distributor  in the U.S. of paint
sundry items, interior and exterior stains, brushes, rollers, caulking compounds
and hardware  products and offers  products from leading  manufacturers  such as
Cabot, Dap, 3-M, Stanley,  Kwikset, Minwax and Rustoleum.  Five Star distributes
its products to retail  dealers  which include  lumber  yards,  "do-it-yourself"
centers,  hardware  stores  and paint  suppliers  principally  in the  northeast
region.  It carries an extensive  inventory of the products it  distributes  and
provides  delivery,  generally,  within 24 to 72 hours from the  placement of an

         The primary  working  capital  investment  for Five Star is  inventory.
Inventory levels will vary throughout the year reflecting the seasonal nature of
the business. Five Star's strongest sales are typically in March through October
because  of strong  seasonal  consumer  demand  for its  products.  As a result,
inventory  levels  tend to peak in the spring and reach their  lowest  levels in
late fall.

         The largest  customer  accounted  for  approximately  9% of Five Star's
sales in 1997 and its 10 largest  customers  accounted for  approximately 17% of
such  sales.  No other  customer  accounted  for in excess of 10% of Five Star's
sales in 1997.  All such customers are  unaffiliated  companies and neither Five
Star nor the Company has a long-term contractual relationship with any of them.

         Competition  within the  industry  is  intense.  There are much  larger
national companies commonly  associated with national franchises such as Ace and
True Serv as well as smaller  regional  distributors,  all of whom offer similar
products and services. Additionally, in some instances manufacturers will bypass
the  distributor  and choose to sell and ship  their  products  directly  to the
retail  outlet.  The  principal  means  of  competition  for  Five  Star are its
strategically placed distribution centers and its extensive inventory of quality
name brand  products.  Five Star will continue to focus its efforts on supplying
its  products  to its  customers  at a  competitive  price and on a timely,  and
consistent basis. In the future, Five Star will attempt to acquire complementary
distributors  and to  expand  the  distribution  of its  line  of  private-label
products sold under the "Five Star" name.



         The Optical Plastics Group  consisting of MXL Industries,  Inc. ("MXL")
is engaged in the  manufacture  of molded and coated optical  products,  such as
shields   and  face  masks  and   non-optical   plastic   products.   MXL  is  a
state-of-the-art injection molder and precision coater of large optical products
such as shields and face masks and non-optical  plastics.  MXL believes that the
principal strengths of its business are its  state-of-the-art  injection molding
equipment,  advanced production technology,  high quality standards, and on time
deliveries.  Through its Woodland Mold and Tool  Division,  MXL also designs and
engineers  state-of-the-art  injection  molding  tools  as well as  providing  a
commodity custom molding shop.

         As the market for  optical  injection  molding,  tooling and coating is
focused,  MXL  believes  that  the  combination  of its  proprietary  "Anti-Fog"
coating,  precise processing of the "Anti-Scratch" coatings, and precise molding
and  proprietary  grinding and polishing  methods for its  injection  tools will
enable  it to  increase  its sales in the  future  and to  expand  into  related

         MXL uses only polycarbonate  resin to manufacture  shields,  face masks
and  lenses  for  over  55  clients  in  the  safety,  recreation  and  military
industries.  For its  manufacturing  work  as a  subcontractor  in the  military
industry,  MXL is required to comply with various federal regulations  including
Military Specifications and Federal Acquisition Regulations for military end use

         MXL is dependent upon one client which accounts for  approximately  35%
of MXL's total sales and MXL's 10 largest customers  accounted for approximately
72% of its total sales.

         MXL's sales and marketing effort  concentrates on industry trade shows.
In addition, the Company employs one marketing and sales executive and one sales
engineer. In the future, MXL will attempt to acquire complementary businesses.


         Hydro Med  Sciences  ("HMS"),  a  division  of the  Company,  is a drug
delivery  company  focused  on  the  development  of  proprietary,  implantable,
controlled  release drug delivery products based upon its unique group of Hydron
polymer  biomaterials.   HMS's  lead  product  in  development  is  a  patented,
subcutaneous  retrievable hydrogel reservoir drug delivery device (the "Hydrogel
Implant")  designed to allow reliable,  sustained release of a broad spectrum of
therapeutic compounds  continuously,  at a constant,  predetermined rate over at
least a 12-month period.  HMS is presently  compiling data from clinical studies
for this drug  delivery  system for the treatment of prostate  cancer.  The lead
application of the Hydrogel Implant delivers the luteinizing  hormone  releasing
hormone analog,  histrelin,  for the treatment of prostate cancer for a 12-month
period. HMS's sales currently comprise less than 1% of the Company's revenues.


         The Company has  investments  in the stock of certain  publicly  traded
companies described below.

GTS Duratek, Inc.

         GTS  Duratek,  Inc.  ("Duratek")  is an  environmental  technology  and
services  firm that uses its  proprietary  vitrification  processes  to  convert
radioactive and hazardous  waste into glass for long-term  storage and disposal.
As of December 31, 1997, the Company owned  approximately 12% of the outstanding
shares of Common Stock of Duratek.

Interferon Sciences, Inc.

         Interferon  Sciences,  Inc.  ("ISI")  is  a  biopharmaceutical  company
engaged in the  manufacture  and sale of  pharmaceutical  products  based on its
highly purified, natural source multispecies alpha interferon.  ISI's ALFERON(R)
N Injection  (Interferon Alfa-n3) product has been approved by the United States
Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of certain types of genital warts
and is being  studied for potential use in the treatment of HIV and hepatitis C.
As of December 31, 1997, the Company owned  approximately 12% of the outstanding
shares of common stock of ISI.

GSE Systems, Inc.

         GSE Systems, Inc. ("GSE") is a global provider of integrated enterprise
software  and  information  solutions to the energy,  process and  manufacturing
industries. As of December 31, 1997, the Company controlled approximately 22% of
the outstanding shares of common stock of GSE.

American Drug Company

         American  Drug  Company  ("ADC")  was  organized  in 1993  to  initiate
marketing activities for American generic pharmaceutical and medical products in
Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States ("CIS"). In 1997, ADC made the
decision to concentrate on the sale of medical equipment and consulting services
to Western companies doing business in Russia and Eastern Europe from offices in
Prague  and  Moscow.  As of  December  31,  1997 the  Company  owned  54% of the
outstanding shares of ADC.


         At December 31, 1997, the Company and its  subsidiaries  employed 1,863
persons,  including  19 in the  Company's  headquarters,  1,468 in the  Physical
Science Group, 273 in the Distribution Group, (116 of which are union employees)
and 76 in the  Optical  Plastics  Group.  Of these,  5 persons  were  engaged in
research and  development.  The Company  considers its employee  relations to be

Patents and Licenses

         The operating  businesses of the Company are not  materially  dependent
upon patents, or patent and know-how licenses. The know-how and expertise gained
with respect to the manufacture  and sale of its products,  acquired as a result
of its license and ownership of patents, are of greater importance to its future
ability to manufacture and sell such products than are the patents themselves.

         (d) Financial Information about the Foreign and Domestic operations and
Export Sales.

         The Company has no material Foreign Operations or Export Sales.


         The following  information  describes the material physical  properties
owned or leased by the Company and its subsidiaries.

         The Company  leases  approximately  10,000 square feet of space for its
New York City principal executive offices. The Company's Physical Sciences Group
leases  approximately  32,470  square feet of an office  building  in  Columbia,
Maryland and approximately  226,900 square feet of office space at various other
locations  throughout  the United States and China,  Great  Britain,  Mexico and

         The  Distribution  Group leases  250,000  square feet in New Jersey and
110,000 square feet in Connecticut.

         The Optical  Plastics  Group owns 33,000 square feet of office space in
Lancaster, PA and 12,594 square feet of office space in Westmont, IL.

         The  facilities  owned or leased by the  Company are  considered  to be
suitable and  adequate for their  intended  uses and are  considered  to be well
maintained and in good condition.


         The  Company  is not a party to any legal  proceedings  the  outcome of
which are believed by management  to have a reasonable  likelihood of having any
material adverse effect upon the financial condition of the Company.


         No matters  were  submitted  to a vote of security  holders  during the
fourth quarter of the fiscal year covered by this report.

                                     PART II


         The Company's Common Stock,  $.01 par value, was traded on the American
Stock Exchange,  Inc. ("AMEX") and the Pacific Stock Exchange,  Inc. ("Pacific")
until March 27, 1998.  On March 27, 1998 the  Company's  Common Stock  commenced
trading on the New York Stock  Exchange.  The following  tables present its high
and low  market  prices for the last two years.  During  the  periods  presented
below, the Company has not paid any dividends.

                      Quarter                    High                       Low

1997                  First                       9.00                     6.00
                      Second                      8.44                     5.50
                      Third                      13.00                     7.75
                      Fourth                     15.50                    11.75

1996                  First                       9.875                    8.125
                      Second                     11.625                    8.375
                      Third                      10.125                    8.125
                      Fourth                      9.125                    7.063

         The number of shareholders of record of the Common Stock as of March 2,
1998 was 3,354.  On March 2, 1998,  the closing price of the Common Stock on the
American Stock Exchange was $12.875.


Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

Operating Data                                                                 (in thousands, except per share data)
Years ended December 31,                                                   1997       1996       1995         1994          1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                                                  $234,801   $203,800   $185,025     $204,774      $185,846
Gross margin                                                             35,229     30,242     28,322       32,559        26,974
Interest expense                                                          4,075      4,358      5,019        6,458         8,199
Income (loss) before discontinued operation and extraordinary items       3,423     11,380      4,032      (11,397)       (6,849)
Net income (loss)                                                         3,423     11,380      1,012      (13,971)       (5,977)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings (loss) per share before discontinued
 operation and extraordinary items:
Basic                                                                      $.33      $1.55       $.60      $(2.10)       $(1.60)
Diluted                                                                     .31       1.54        .60       (2.10)        (1.60)
Earnings (loss) per share:
Basic                                                                       .33       1.55        .15       (2.57)        (1.40)
Diluted                                                                     .31       1.54        .15       (2.57)        (1.40)
Cash dividends declared per share
Balance Sheet Data
Years ended December 31,                                                   1997       1996       1995         1994          1993
Cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash and marketable securities      $ 13,725    $25,927    $11,657      $10,075       $10,976
Short-term borrowings                                                    23,945     20,281     18,043       31,060        21,390
Working capital                                                          34,797     41,691     32,949       25,823        33,224
Total assets                                                            190,612    176,027    151,720      175,546       166,057
Long-term debt                                                            6,588     20,116     23,932       31,213        40,858
Stockholders' equity                                                    126,583     94,029     70,998       65,165        67,438

Notes: (a) General Physics Corporation's (General Physics) results of operations
were consolidated with the results of the Company from September 1, 1994 through
December 31, 1997. The balance sheets of General Physics have been  consolidated
with the  Company at  December  31,  1997,  1996,  1995 and 1994.  For all other
periods  General  Physics'  financial  data has been accounted for on the equity
(b) Interferon  Sciences,  Inc.'s (ISI) results of operations were  consolidated
with the results of the Company  from January 1, 1993  through  September  1993.
ISI's  financial  data has been  accounted  for on the equity basis from October
1993 through June 1996. From July 1996,  ISI's financial data has been accounted
for   as   a   combination   of   long-term   investments   and   as   long-term
available-for-sale  equity securities. 
c) GTS Duratek, Inc., (Duratek) results of operations were consolidated with the
results of the Company  from January 1, 1993  through  December  31,  1994.  The
balance  sheets of Duratek  were  consolidated  with the Company at December 31,
1994 and 1993.  At December 31, 1995,  for the year then ended and through March
31, 1996,  Duratek's  financial data has been accounted for on the equity basis.
At December 31, 1997 and 1996,  and since April 1996,  the Company has accounted
for  its  investment  as  a  combination  of  marketable  securities,  long-term
investments and as long-term available-for-sale equity securities.

                   See Management's discussion and analysis of
        financial condition and results operations for further details.




During 1997, the Company  completed a major step in its  transformation  into an
operating  company  through the  purchase in January  1997 of the 48% of General
Physics Corporation (General Physics) that it did not previously own (see Note 2
to the  consolidated  financial  statements).  General  Physics,  with over 1500
employees  located in 40 offices  worldwide,  provides  training and performance
improvement  services  to  Fortune  500  companies,  manufacturing  and  process
industries,  electric power  utilities,  and other  commercial and  governmental
customers.  On March 5, 1998, the Company  changed its name from National Patent
Development Corporation to GP Strategies  Corporation.  The name change reflects
the Company's plan to focus its efforts on General Physics and to concentrate on
strategically   growing  General   Physics'   business  both   domestically  and
internationally.  In 1997, General Physics experienced  significant increases in
sales and operating  profit,  fueled  primarily by the continued growth of their
commercial business.

In 1997,  income before income taxes,  discontinued  operation and extraordinary
item was  $2,730,000,  as compared to $11,244,000 in 1996. The reduced income in
1997 is due to certain non  recurring  events in 1996,  partially  mitigated  by
increased  operating  profits  generated  by all three  operating  Groups of the
Company.  In 1996  the  Company  recognized  a  $12,200,000  gain on the sale of
1,000,000 shares of GTS Duratek,  Inc. (Duratek) common stock, a $3,314,000 gain
on the  transfer  of 250,000  shares of  Duratek  common  stock  from  long-term
investments  to trading  securities  and a  $2,168,000  gain  recognized  on the
issuance of stock by affiliates.  These gains in 1996 were partially offset by a
$4,000,000 loss recognized on the Company's  investment in American White Cross,
Inc.  (AWC).  In 1997,  the Company  recognized  a $689,000  net gain on trading
securities related to Duratek. The gain is the result of an $828,000 gain on the
transfer from long-term investments to trading securities, partially offset by a
$139,000 loss on the sale of Duratek common stock.

The Physical  Science  Group,  which is primarily  General  Physics,  achieved a
$3,099,000 increase in operating profits or 48% in 1997 as a result of increased
sales and gross  margin,  and the ability of General  Physics to maintain  their
general  and  administrative  expenses  at the same  level,  even  though  sales
increased by 20%. The  Distribution  Group,  which is the Five Star Group,  Inc.
(Five  Star),  the  Company's  distributor  of  home  decorating,  hardware  and
finishing products,  had a $463,000 increase in operating profits.  The increase
was due to increased  sales and the related gross  margin,  as well as increased
marketing  income earned,  partially  offset by increased  selling,  general and
administrative  expenses.  The Optical Plastics Group,  which is MXL Industries,
Inc.  (MXL),  the Company's  injection  molding and coating  subsidiary,  had an
increase in operating  profits of $379,000 due to increased sales. The increased
operating  profits  achieved by all the Company's  operating  subsidiaries  were
partially  mitigated by reduced  Investment  and other income,  net in 1997. The
reduced  Investment and other income,  net in 1997 was primarily the result of a
$1,880,000  loss  recognized  on the  Company's 22%  controlled  affiliate,  GSE
Systems, Inc.(GSES), compared to income of $924,000 recognized in 1996.

In 1996,  income before income taxes,  discontinued  operation and extraordinary
item was  $11,244,000,  as  compared  to  income  of  $5,819,000  in  1995.  The
improvement in the Company's  results is due to several factors.  In April 1996,
the Company sold 1,000,000 shares of Duratek common stock  recognizing a gain of
$12,200,000.  In addition, the Company recorded gains totaling $3,314,000 on the
transfer of 250,000 shares of Duratek common stock from long-term investments to
trading  securities  and from  subsequent  changes in the market  value of these
shares.  At December 31, 1997, the Company owns  approximately  12.3% of Duratek
and  accounts  for its  investment  in Duratek as a  combination  of  marketable
securities,   long-term   investments   and  as   long-term   available-for-sale
securities.  In 1996,  the Company also  recognized a gain of  $2,168,000 on the
issuance of stock by affiliates,  primarily as a result of the issuance in April
1996 by Interferon  Sciences,  Inc. (ISI) of additional  shares of common stock.
The Company owns approximately 12% of ISI at December 31, 1997, and effective in
the third quarter of 1996 the Company commenced accounting for its investment in
ISI   as   a   combination   of   long-term   investments   and   as   long-term
available-for-sale equity securities. The above gains were partially offset by a
$4,000,000  loss  recognized  on the  Company's  investments  in AWC, due to AWC
filing for protection  under Chapter 11 of the United States  Bankruptcy Code in
July 1996.  In 1996 the Company  generated  increased  operating  profits due to
improvements  within the  Distribution  and Physical  Science Groups,  partially
offset by reduced  operating profits achieved by the Optical Plastics Group (see
Note 16 to the consolidated  financial  statements).  General Physics,  achieved
increased  operating  profits of $1,650,000  as a result of increased  sales and
gross margin.  At December 31, 1996 the Company owned 52% of General Physics and
in January 1997  purchased  the  remaining  48% (see Note 2 to the  consolidated
financial statements).  Five Star increased operating profits by $393,000 due to
increased  sales and the related  gross  margin,  partially  offset by increased
selling,  general and administrative  expenses. MXL had a reduction in operating
profits of $1,176,000 due to both reduced sales and gross margin percentage. The
Company also had Investment and other income (expense),  net totaling $3,756,000
in 1996 as compared to $1,129,000 in 1995.  The increased  Investment  and other
income (expense),  net was primarily the result of foreign currency  transaction
gains in 1996 as opposed to losses in 1995, reduced losses related to ISI, which
since the third quarter of 1996 was accounted for as a combination  of long-term
investments and as long-term available-for-sale equity securities, and increased
investment income due to increased cash and cash  equivalents.  The Company also
reduced its interest expense by $661,000 in 1996 due to the continued  reduction
of long-term  debt at the  Corporate  level in 1995 and in the first  quarter of


Consolidated  sales from  continuing  operations  increased by $18,775,000  from
$185,025,000  in 1995 to  $203,800,000  in 1996 and increased by  $31,001,000 to
$234,801,000  in 1997.  In 1996,  the Company  had  increased  sales  within the
Physical  Science and  Distribution  Groups,  partially  offset by reduced sales
within the Optical  Plastics  Group.  In 1997,  the Company had increased  sales
within the Physical Science, Distribution and Optical Plastics Groups.

The Physical  Science  Group's  sales  increased  from  $107,549,000  in 1995 to
$117,183,000  in 1996  and to  $140,620,000  in  1997.  The  increased  sales of
$9,634,000 in 1996 were the result of increased  sales within  General  Physics'
Workforce Development and Training Group and Applied Technology Group, partially
mitigated by reduced sales within the Facility and Process Technology Group. The
increased  sales of  $23,437,000  in 1997 were primarily the result of increased
sales within General Physics' Workforce  Development and Training Group, as well
as to a lesser  extent,  increased  sales  within both its  Facility and Process
Technology and Applied  Technology Groups. The increased sales within all groups
of General Physics during 1997 is the result of the continuing  focus of General
Physics'  marketing  efforts  to  expand  its range of  performance  improvement
services to Fortune 500 companies, manufacturing and process industries, as well
as electric power utilities and other commercial and governmental customers.

The  Distribution  Group sales increased from $65,098,000 in 1995 to $76,102,000
in 1996 and to $82,300,000  in 1997. The increased  sales of $11,004,000 in 1996
were the result of Five Star  commencing  sales to a major retail chain, as well
as a significant  growth in sales to independent  retail  stores.  The growth in
independent retail store sales was primarily generated by a significant increase
in sales of hardware  products due to an expansion of Five Star's  product line.
The sales increase in 1996 was partially  mitigated by the closing of two retail
chains in the  northeast  which had generated  $5,866,000 of sales in 1995.  The
increased sales of $6,198,000 in 1997 were the result of the continued growth of
Five Star's sales to  independent  retail stores due to the continued  growth of
Five Star's hardware related business,  as well as increased  regional marketing
efforts.  In September  1997, a major retail  chain,  which  generated  sales of
$7,753,000 and  $7,777,000 in 1996 and 1997,  respectively,  ceased  operations.
Five Star plans to replace the  majority of this sales  volume in 1998 with both
new customers, as well as increased sales within its existing customer base. For
the first quarter of 1998, Five Star's sales are expected to be at approximately
the same  level as for the first  quarter  of 1997,  in spite of the loss of the
major  retail  chain  which had sales in excess of  $2,200,000  during the first
three months of 1997.

The  Optical  Plastics  Group  sales  decreased  from  $10,949,000  in  1995  to
$8,781,000 in 1996 and increased to  $10,362,000  in 1997.  The reduced sales of
$2,168,000  in 1996  were the  result  of  reduced  orders  from  MXL's  largest
customer,  due to  changes  in  their  product  line.  The  increased  sales  of
$1,581,000  in 1997  were  primarily  the  result  of sales  generated  from new
customers as well as increased  sales from MXL's  existing  customers.  In 1997,
sales from MXL's largest customer  remained  approximately  the same as in 1996,
therefore reducing MXL's reliance on this customer.

Gross margin

Consolidated gross margin was $28,322,000 or 15% in 1995,  $30,242,000 or 15% in
1996 and  $35,229,000 or 15% of net sales in 1997. The increased gross margin of
$1,920,000 in 1996 was the result of increased  gross margin within the Physical
Science  and  Distribution  Groups,  partially  offset by reduced  gross  margin
achieved by the Optical  Plastics Group.  The increased gross margin achieved in
1997 of  $4,987,000 in 1997 was the result of increased  gross margins  achieved
within all operating Groups of the Company.

The Physical Science Group gross margin increased from $12,368,000 or 12% of net
sales in 1995 to  $14,309,000  or 12% of net sales in 1996 and to $17,945,000 or
13% of net sales in 1997. In 1996, the increased  gross margin of $1,941,000 was
the result of increased sales as well as reduced  overhead costs as a percentage
of sales.  In 1997,  the increased  gross margin of $3,636,000 was the result of
increased sales as well as an increased gross margin  percentage.  The increased
gross margin percentage is the result of increased sales within General Physics'
commercial business, which historically achieves higher gross margin percentages
than the  government.  The increased  gross margin  dollars and  percentage  was
achieved in 1997 despite  investments by General  Physics in the enterprise wide
software  end user  training  market  and  international  markets,  which led to
negative gross margins totaling approximately  $1,200,000.  In addition, in 1997
General Physics made a significant  investment in business  development in their
existing market  sectors,  which had the effect of reducing gross margin dollars
and percentages during the year. The Company believes that these investments are
an integral  part of its  overall  strategy  of  expanding  into new markets and
businesses, and are evaluated on a continuing basis.

The  Distribution  Group gross margin  increased from  $10,966,000 or 17% of net
sales in 1995 to  $12,313,000  or 16% of net sales in 1996 and to $13,722,000 or
17% of net sales in 1997.  The increased  gross margin of $1,347,000 in 1996 was
the result of  increased  sales.  The reduced  gross margin  percentage  was the
result of an increase in drop-ship sales, as well as lower margins  generated on
sales to a major  retail  chain,  partially  offset  by  continued  efficiencies
achieved in Five Star's  warehouse  operations.  The  increased  gross margin of
$1,409,000 in 1997 was the result of increased  sales as well as increased gross
margin  percentage.  The  increased  gross margin  percentage  was primarily the
result of a favorable product mix and the growth in independent retail business.

The Optical  Plastics Group gross margin decreased from $4,336,000 or 40% of net
sales  in 1995 to  $2,913,000  or 33% of net  sales  in 1996  and  increased  to
$3,449,000 or 33% of net sales in 1997.  The reduced gross margin of $1,423,000,
as well as the reduced gross margin percentage in 1996 was the result of reduced
sales to MXL's major customer,  who  historically  generated higher gross margin
percentages  than  the  remainder  of MXL's  business  on  average.  In 1997 the
increased gross margin was the result of increased sales.

Investment and other income, net

Investment and other income, net was $1,129,000 in 1995,  $3,756,000 in 1996 and
$2,364,000 in 1997. The reduced Investment and other income in 1997 is primarily
due to a $1,880,000  loss  recognized on the Company's 22% investment in GSES in
1997,  as compared  to income of $924,000  recognized  on the  Company's  equity
investment in GSES in 1996. The loss on the Company's equity  investment in GSES
was partially  mitigated by increased  consulting revenue earned by the American
Drug Company  (ADC),  the  Company's  54% owned  subsidiary,  in 1997 due to the
receipt of a success fee related to a consulting project. In addition, Five Star
earned  increased  marketing  income in 1997 due to  increased  sales as well as
implementation of new marketing programs.

The  improvement  in 1996 is  primarily  due to three  factors.  The Company had
increased  investment income in 1996 as a result of an increase in cash and cash
equivalents  during  1996.  In addition,  the Company  incurred  reduced  losses
related to ISI,  in which the  Company  has an  approximately  12%  interest  at
December 31, 1997,  which  effective in the third  quarter of 1996 was accounted
for as a  combination  of long-term  available-for-sale  equity  securities  and
long-term  investments.  In 1996, the Company had a foreign currency transaction
gain of  $340,000  compared  to a loss of  $1,066,000  in 1995,  related  to the
Company's decision not to hedge its Swiss denominated debt, increased investment
income  and  reduced  losses  incurred  on  investments  in  20%  to  50%  owned

Although  the  Company is exposed to foreign  currency  transaction  losses as a
result of its Swiss denominated indebtedness,  the Company considers its risk of
loss to be  acceptable  due in part to the low  level  of such  indebtedness  at
December 31, 1997. Accordingly, the Company has not hedged such risk at December
31, 1997 and will review this policy on a continuing basis.

At  December  31,  1997 and 1996,  the  Company's  Investments  and  advances of
$28,093,000 and $25,108,000  were primarily its investments in Duratek,  ISI and
GSES,  which were  $5,113,000,  $6,360,000,  $9,868,000 in 1996 and  $8,237,000,
$8,125,000 and $7,988,000, in 1997, respectively.

Selling, general, and administrative expenses

Selling,  general and administrative  expenses (SG&A) increased from $30,372,000
in 1995 to  $30,788,000  in 1996 and to  $31,502,000  in 1997.  The  increase of
$714,000 in SG&A in 1997 was  primarily the result of increased  costs  incurred
within  the  Distribution  Group,  partially  offset  by  reduced  costs  at the
corporate level. The increased costs incurred within the Distribution Group were
the result of increased sales commissions incurred by Five Star due to increased
sales, as well as increased reserves taken for uncollectable accounts due to the
bankruptcy and the  subsequent  ceasing of operations of a major retail chain in
the fourth quarter of 1997.  The Physical  Science and Optical  Plastics  Groups
experienced marginal increases in SG&A in 1997, due to General Physics and MXL's
ability to increase sales while  maintaining  the same overhead  structure as in

The  increase  of  $416,000  in SG&A in 1996 was the  result of  increased  SG&A
incurred by the Distribution Group, partially offset by reduced SG&A achieved by
the Physical Science and Optical Plastics Groups and at the Corporate level. The
increased  SG&A  within  the  Distribution  Group was  primarily  the  result of
increased sales  commissions  paid due to increased  sales, as well as increased
costs  incurred  by Five  Star for  equipment  and  computer  rental  due to the
continued upgrading and development of their facility  management  systems.  The
reduced  SG&A  achieved  by General  Physics  was the  result of the  $1,015,000
reserve taken in 1995 related to potentially  uncollectible  revenue recorded in
years  prior to  December  31,  1993,  partially  offset by a  $259,000  reserve
recorded in 1996 for the  settlement of a legal action brought  against  General
Physics by a former employee.  The Optical Plastics Group achieved lower SG&A in
1996 due to efforts to reduce their  operating  costs due to their reduced sales

Interest expense

Interest  expense  aggregated   $5,019,000  in  1995,  $4,358,000  in  1996  and
$4,075,000 in 1997. The reduced  interest expense in 1996, was the result of the
Company's  continuing  successful  effort to reduce its interest  expense at the
corporate level due to reduced  interest on the Company's Swiss Debt obligations
due to the  Exchange  Offers in 1995 and the  repayment  of  various  Swiss Debt
obligations in 1996 (see Note 11 to the consolidated financial statements).  The
continued  reduction  in interest  expense in 1997 was the result the  Company's
continued plan of debt reduction. On September 30, 1997, the Company's repaid in
full its 12% Subordinated  Debentures totaling $6,697,000 (see Note 11(c) to the
consolidated financial statements).

Income taxes

Income  tax  (expense)  benefit  from  operations  for  1995,  1996 and 1997 was
$(1,787,000), $136,000 and $693,000, respectively.

In 1997,  the Company  recorded an income tax benefit of  $693,000.  The current
income tax provision of $1,335,000 represents the estimated taxes payable by the
Company for the year ended December 31, 1997. The deferred income tax benefit of
$2,028,000  results  primarily  from  the  utilization  of  net  operating  loss
carryovers  and  a  reduction  in  the  valuation  allowance.  The  decrease  of
$3,153,000 in the valuation  allowance in 1997 was  attributable  in part to the
utilization  of the  Company's  net  operating  loss  carryforwards,  and to the
Company's  expectation of generating  sufficient  taxable income that will allow
for the realization of a portion of its deferred tax assets.

In 1996,  the Company  recorded an income tax benefit of  $136,000.  The current
income tax provision of  $1,724,000  represents  the estimated  taxes payable by
General  Physics,  the Company's 52% owned  subsidiary.  The deferred income tax
benefit of $1,860,000  results from utilization of net operating loss carryovers
and a reduction in the valuation allowance, among other factors. The decrease in
the valuation  allowance in 1996 was  attributable in part to the utilization of
the Company's net operating loss carryforwards, and to the Company's expectation
of generating sufficient taxable income that will allow for the realization of a
portion of its deferred tax assets.

In 1995, the Company  recorded an income tax expense of $1,787,000.  The current
income tax provision of $258,000  represents the estimated  taxes payable by the
Company for the year ended December 31, 1995. The deferred  income tax provision
of $1,529,000  represents the deferred taxes of General  Physics,  the Company's
then 51% owned subsidiary.

As  of  December  31,  1997,  the  Company  has  approximately   $13,657,000  of
consolidated net operating losses available for Federal income tax purposes.

Accounting developments

In February 1997, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No.  128,  "Earnings  per Share"  which
established standards for computing and presenting earnings per share (EPS). The
Statement  simplifies the standards for computing EPS, replaces the presentation
of primary EPS with a presentation  of basic EPS and requires dual  presentation
of basic and diluted EPS on the face of the income statement. This Statement was
effective for financial  statements issued for periods ending after December 15,
1997 and  required  restatement  of all  prior-period  EPS data  presented.  The
Company  has adopted  this  statement  in the  December  31,  1997  consolidated
financial statements.

The Financial Accounting standards Board issued Accounting Standards (SFAS 130),
"Reporting  Comprehensive  Income",  in June 1997 which  requires a statement of
comprehensive  income to be included in the financial statement for fiscal years
beginning  after  December 15, 1997.  The Company is  presently  designing  such
statement and, accordingly, will include the required information beginning with
the first quarter of 1998.

In  addition,  in June of 1997,  the FASB  issued SFAS 131,  "Disclosures  About
Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information". SFAS 131 requires disclosure
of certain information about operating segments and about products and services,
geographic areas in which a company  operates,  and their major  customers.  The
Company is  presently  in the  process of  evaluating  the effect  that this new
standard will have on disclosures in the Company's financial  statements and the
required  information  will be  reflected  in the  December  31, 1998  financial

The  Company  is aware of the issues  associated  with the  programming  code in
existing  computer systems as the millennium (year 2000)  approaches.  The "year
2000" problem is pervasive  and complex as virtually  every  computer  operation
will be affected in some way by the  rollover of the two digit year value to 00.
The issue is whether  computer  systems will properly  recognize  date sensitive
information  when  the  year  changes  to  2000.  Systems  that do not  properly
recognize such  information  could generate  erroneous data or cause a system to

The Company is  utilizing  both  internal  and  external  resources to identify,
correct  or  reprogram  and  test  systems  for  year  2000  compliance.  It  is
anticipated that the project will be completed by the middle of 1999. Management
has not yet  assessed  the year 2000  compliance  expense and related  potential
effect on the Company's  earnings.  However,  there can be no assurance that the
systems of other  companies  on which the  Company's  systems  rely also will be
timely  converted or that any such failure to convert by another  company  would
not have an adverse effect on the Company's systems.

Liquidity and capital resources

At December 31, 1997,  the Company had cash,  cash  equivalents  and  marketable
securities  totaling  $13,725,000.   SGLG,  Inc.  and  ADC  had  cash  and  cash
equivalents  of $278,000 at December 31, 1997.  The minority  interests of these
companies are owned by the general  public,  and therefore,  the assets of these
subsidiaries  have been dedicated to the  operations of these  companies and may
not be readily available for the general corporate purposes of the parent.

The Company has sufficient  cash, cash  equivalents  and marketable  securities,
marketable long-term  investments and borrowing  availability under existing and
potential lines of credit as well as the ability to obtain additional funds from
its operating subsidiaries in order to fund its working capital requirements. At
December 31, 1997, approximately  $18,767,000 was available to the Company under
its credit agreements (see Note 9 to the consolidated financial statements).  At
December 31, 1997,  the Company had  classified  100,000 shares of Duratek stock
valued at $1,350,000 as marketable  securities due to the Company's intention to
sell these shares promptly in 1998.

For the year ended December 31, 1997, the Company's working capital decreased by
$6,894,000  to  $34,797,000,   reflecting  the  effect  of  reduced  cash,  cash
equivalents  and  marketable  securities  and  increased  short-term  borrowing,
partially offset by reduced current  maturities of long-term debt.  Consolidated
cash and cash  equivalents  decreased by  $10,302,000 to $12,375,000 at December
31, 1997.

The decrease in cash and cash  equivalents  of $10,302,000 in 1997 resulted from
cash used for financing of  $10,932,000,  investing  activities  of  $9,636,000,
partially offset by cash provided by operations of $10,266,000. The cash used by
investing  activities  was  primarily  for  additions  to  property,  plant  and
equipment and intangible assets.
Financing  activities  consisted  primarily  of  repayments  and  reductions  in
short-term borrowings and long-term debt.

The Company is required to meet certain financial covenants pursuant to its loan
agreements,  and is currently in  compliance  with these  covenants,  except for
fixed asset additions  relating to General  Physics.  The Company has received a
waiver for this violation.

The Company's principal manufacturing  facilities were constructed subsequent to
1976 and management  does not anticipate  having to replace major  facilities in
the near term.  As of December  31,  1997,  the  Company  has not  contractually
committed itself for any major capital expenditures.

Forward-Looking   Statements.   This  report  contains  certain  forward-looking
statements  reflecting  management's current views with respect to future events
and  financial  performance.  These  forward-looking  statements  are subject to
certain  risks and  uncertainties  that  could  cause  actual  results to differ
materially  from those in the  forward-looking  statements,  including,  but not
limited to the Company's  dependence on its  subsidiaries and its investments to
fund  its  operations;  and the  Company's  ability  to  comply  with  financial
covenants in connection with various loan agreements.


        The  information  required by Item 7A is not applicable to the Company's




         Independent Auditors' Report                                        31

         Consolidated Balance Sheets - December 31, 1997 and 1996            32

         Consolidated Statements of Operations - Years ended December 31,
          1997, 1996, and 1995                                               34

         Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity - Years
          ended December 31, 1997, 1996, and 1995                            35

         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Years ended December 31,
          1997, 1996, and 1995                                               37

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                          40


         Selected Quarterly Financial Data                                   73

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
GP Strategies Corporation:

We  have  audited  the  consolidated   financial  statements  of  GP  Strategies
Corporation  and  subsidiaries  as  listed  in  the  accompanying  index.  These
consolidated  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's
management.  Our  responsibility is to express an opinion on these  consolidated
financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly,  in all  material  respects,  the  financial  position of GP  Strategies
Corporation  and  subsidiaries at December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the results of
their  operations  and their cash flows for each of the years in the  three-year
period ended December 31, 1997, in conformity with generally accepted accounting

KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

New York, New York
March 17, 1998


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                        (in thousands)
December 31,                                                                        1997              1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents                                                      $  12,375          $ 22,677
Marketable securities                                                              1,350             3,250
Accounts and other receivables (of which
 $10,246 and $13,296 are from government
 contracts) less allowance for doubtful
 accounts of $2,782 and $2,155                                                    42,720            40,633
Inventories                                                                       24,842            23,193
Costs and estimated earnings in excess of billings on
 uncompleted contracts, of which $649 and $481
 relate to government contracts                                                    7,726             9,466
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                          3,565             3,462
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current assets                                                              92,578           102,681
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments and advances                                                          28,093            25,108
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property, plant and equipment, at cost                                            39,759            36,045
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization                                   (30,027)          (26,767)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                   9,732             9,278
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Intangible assets, net of accumulated
 amortization of $32,184 and $29,577
Goodwill                                                                          54,528            33,737
Patents, licenses and deferred charges                                             1,197               739
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                  55,725            34,476
Deferred tax asset                                                                 1,101               843
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other assets                                                                       3,383             3,641
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                $190,612          $176,027
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                     CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (Continued)
              (in thousands, except shares and par value per share)

December 31,                                                                        1997              1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Liabilities and stockholders' equity
Current liabilities
Current maturities of long-term debt                                           $     342          $  9,309
Short-term borrowings                                                             23,945            20,281
Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                             25,515            22,879
Billings in excess of costs and estimated
 earnings on uncompleted contracts                                                 7,979             8,521
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current liabilities                                                         57,781            60,990
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Long-term debt less current maturities                                             6,246            10,807

Minority interests                                                                     2            10,201

Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity
Preferred stock, authorized 10,000,000
 shares, par value $.01 per share, none issued
Common stock, authorized 25,000,000 shares, par
 value $.01 per share, issued 10,810,644 and 7,518,725
 shares (of which 152,667 and 1,497 shares are held in treasury)                     108                75
Class B common stock, authorized 2,800,000 shares, par
 value $.01 per share, issued and outstanding
 62,500 shares                                                                         1                 1
Capital in excess of par value                                                   158,676           131,388
Deficit                                                                          (37,336)          (40,759)
Net unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities                               6,630             3,324
Treasury stock at cost                                                            (1,496)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total stockholders' equity                                                       126,583            94,029
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                $190,612          $176,027
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                      (in thousands, except per share data)

Years ended December 31,                                                    1997             1996              1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                                                   $234,801         $203,800          $185,025
Cost of goods sold                                                       199,572          173,558           156,703
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross margin                                                              35,229           30,242            28,322
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selling, general and administrative                                      (31,502)         (30,788)          (30,372)
Interest expense                                                          (4,075)          (4,358)           (5,019)
Investment and other income,
 net (including interest income of $621,
 $906 and $555)                                                            2,364            3,756             1,129
Loss on investments                                                                        (4,000)
Gain on disposition of stock of
 a subsidiary and an affiliate                                                             12,200             3,768
Gain on issuance of stock by a
 subsidiary and affiliates                                                                  2,168             5,912
Gains on trading securities, net                                             689            3,314             3,183
Minority interests                                                            25           (1,290)           (1,104)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Income before income taxes,
 discontinued operation and
 extraordinary item                                                        2,730           11,244             5,819
Income tax benefit (expense)                                                 693              136            (1,787)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before discontinued
 operation and extraordinary item                                          3,423           11,380             4,032
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Discontinued operation
Loss from operations                                                                                           (331)
Loss on disposal                                                                                             (2,610)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loss from discontinued operation                                                                             (2,941)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before extraordinary item                                           3,423           11,380             1,091
Extraordinary item
- ------------------
Extinguishment of debt, (net of income tax)                                                                     (79)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net income                                                             $   3,423        $  11,380         $   1,012
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income per share
Basic                                                                       $.33            $1.55              $.15
Diluted                                                                      .31             1.54               .15
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity

                     Years ended December 31, 1997, 1996, and 1995
   (in thousands, except shares, par value per share and per share amounts)

                                                         Class B   Capital in               gain (loss)  Minimum  Treasury  Total
                                               Common     common    excess              on available-    pension     stock  stock-
                                                stock     stock     of par                   for-sale    liability      at  holders'
                                           ($.01 Par)  ($.01 Par)    value    Deficit      securities    adjustment   cost   equity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1994                     $ 60         $ 1  $120,038   $(53,151)    $(1,783)      $           $      $65,165
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Minimum pension liability adjustment                                                                      (911)                (911)
Net unrealized gain on available-for-sale
  securities                                                                                   343                              343
Net income                                                                       1,012                                        1,012
Issuance of stock in connection with
 Swiss Bonds                                        6                 3,725                                                   3,731
Issuance and sale of common stock                   2                 1,046                                                   1,048
Transfer from common stock issued
 subject to repurchase obligation                                       610                                                     610
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1995                       68           1   125,419    (52,139)     (1,440)       (911)              70,998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity (Continued)
                     Years ended December 31, 1997, 1996, and 1995
   (in thousands, except shares, par value per share and per share amounts)

                                                       Class B   Capital in              gain (loss)    Minimum    Treasury   Total
                                              Common    Common       excess            on available-    pension      stock    stock-
                                               stock     Stock       of par                for-sale    liability        at  holders'
                                           $.01 Par) ($.01 Par)       value    Deficit   securities   adjustment      cost   equity
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1995                    $ 68    $ 1        $125,419   $(52,139)   (1,440)       $ (911)             $70,998
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Minimum pension liability adjustment                                                                       911                  911
Net unrealized gain on
 available-for-sale securities                                                             4,764                              4,764
Net income                                                                      11,380                                       11,380
Issuance and sale of common stock and
 common stock warrants                             7                 5,969                                                    5,976
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1996                      75      1        131,388     (40,759)    3,324                             94,029
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issuance of stock in connection with
 acquisition of General Physics                   30                25,198                                                   25,228
Net unrealized gain on available-for-sale
 securities                                                                                3,306                              3,306
Net income                                                                      3,423                                         3,423
Issuance and sale of common stock                  3                 2,090                                                    2,093
Purchase of treasury stock                                                                                         (1,496)   (1,496)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1997                    $108    $ 1       $158,676   $(37,336)    $6,630         $        $(1,496) $126,583
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      See accompanying  notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                                               GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                                  CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

(in thousands)
Years ended December 31,                                           1997             1996              1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash flows from operations:

Net income                                                    $   3,423        $  11,380          $  1,012
Adjustments to reconcile net income
 to net cash used in operating activities:
Provision for discontinued operation                                                                 2,460
Depreciation and amortization                                     5,867            4,069             4,316
Issuance of stock for profit incentive plan                         777
Loss from extinguishment
 of debt, net of income tax                                                                             79
Gain on disposition of stock of a
 subsidiary and an affiliate                                                     (12,200)           (3,768)
Gain on issuance of stock by
 a subsidiary and affiliates                                                      (2,168)           (5,912)
Gains on trading securities                                        (689)          (3,314)           (3,183)
Loss on investments                                                 700            4,000
Equity loss on investments                                        1,880              540               685
Deferred income taxes                                            (2,028)          (1,860)
Proceeds from sale of trading securities                          2,589            4,425
Changes in other operating items, net of effect of acquisitions and disposals:
Accounts and other receivables                                   (2,087)          (2,167)            1,228
Inventories                                                      (1,649)          (2,749)           (1,687)
Costs and estimated earnings in excess of
 billings on uncompleted contracts                                1,740             (348)            6,119
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                          (103)             178             2,993
Accounts payable and accrued expenses                               388            3,297            (4,768)
Billings in excess of costs and estimated
 earnings on uncompleted contracts                                 (542)             220             2,210
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by operations                                $ 10,266         $  3,303           $ 1,784
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                            CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Continued)

(in thousands)
Years ended December 31,                                           1997             1996              1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash flows from investing activities:

Proceeds from sale of stock of a subsidiary                $                      13,275          $  7,051
Additions to property, plant and
 equipment, net                                                  (3,714)          (2,678)           (2,006)
Additions to intangible assets                                   (1,233)          (2,446)             (388)
Acquisition of General Physics                                   (4,533)
Reduction of (increase to) investments
 and other assets                                                  (156)           1,158              (297)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash (used in) provided by
 investing activities                                            (9,636)           9,309             4,360
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash flows from financing activities:

Repayments of short-term borrowings                              (4,124)                           (11,020)
Proceeds from short-term borrowings                               1,313            2,238             5,634
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                            531            1,400             5,162
Reduction of long-term debt                                      (7,333)          (4,213)           (8,145)
Proceeds from issuance of
 common stock                                                                      2,546               244
Exercise of common stock
 options and warrants                                               177
Repurchase of treasury stock                                     (1,496)
Net cash (used in) provided by
 financing activities                                           (10,932)           1,971            (8,125)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net (decrease) increase in cash and
 cash equivalents                                               (10,302)          14,583            (1,981)
Cash and cash equivalents at
 beginning of year                                               22,677            8,094            10,075
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                       $ 12,375        $  22,677          $  8,094
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



(in thousands)
Years ended December 31,                                           1997             1996              1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Supplemental disclosures of
 cash flow information:

Cash paid during the year for:
 Interest                                                      $  3,961         $  4,200          $  4,577
 Income taxes                                                  $    946         $  1,301          $    655

Supplemental schedule of
 non-cash transactions:

Reduction of debt                                              $    251          $ 1,003           $ 6,250
Additions to investments, intangibles,
 other assets and prepaid expenses                               18,460            5,379               625
Reduction of accrued
 interest payable                                                   295              372
Reduction of minority interest                                   10,074              372
Reduction (increase) in accrued pension liability                                    911              (911)
Net unrealized gain on available-for-sale
 securities, net of tax                                          (3,306)          (3,324)
Issuances of common stock                                       (25,774)          (3,430)           (4,535)
Issuance of long-term debt                                                                          (2,340)
Minimum pension liability adjustment                                                (911)              911
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 See accompanying  notes to consolidated financial statements.



1.       Description of business and summary of significant accounting policies

Description of business.  GP Strategies  Corporation,  formerly  National Patent
Development  Corporation (the "Company") has three operating  business segments:
Physical Science,  Distribution and Optical Plastics.  In addition,  the Company
owns approximately 54% of the outstanding shares of common stock of the American
Drug  Company  (ADC) (See Note 5). The  Company  also has an  approximately  12%
investment in Interferon  Sciences,  Inc. (ISI) (See Note 4), a 12.3% investment
in GTS Duratek,  Inc.  (Duratek) (See Note 3) and controls  approximately 22% of
GSE Systems,  Inc.  (GSES) (See Note 6). The Company's  Physical  Science Group,
through  its  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  General  Physics  Corporation  (General
Physics),  (See Note 2) provides performance improvement services to Fortune 500
companies,  manufacturing and process  industries,  electric power utilities and
other commercial and governmental  customers.  The Company's Distribution Group,
through its wholly-owned  subsidiary,  the Five Star Group, Inc. (Five Star), is
engaged in the wholesale distribution of home decorating, hardware and finishing
products.  The  Company's  Optical  Plastics  Group,  through  its wholly  owned
subsidiary MXL Industries,  Inc. (MXL),  manufactures  molded and coated optical
products, such as shields and face masks and non-optical plastic products.

Principles  of  consolidation  and  investments.   The  consolidated   financial
statements  include  the  operations  of  GP  Strategies   Corporation  and  its
majority-owned  subsidiaries.  Investments  in  20% - 50%  owned  companies  are
accounted for on the equity basis.  All  significant  intercompany  balances and
transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

Statements  of cash flows.  For purposes of the  statements  of cash flows,  the
Company  considers all highly  liquid  instruments  with original  maturities of
three months or less from purchase date to be cash equivalents.

Marketable  securities.  Marketable  securities  at  December  31, 1997 and 1996
consist  of  U.S.  corporate  equity  securities.  The  Company  classifies  its
marketable  equity  securities  as trading,  available-for-sale  and  long-term.
Long-term investments,  in which the Company has less than a 20% interest,  have
not been reclassed to  available-for-sale  securities due to restrictions on the
amount the Company is able to sell  within a one year  period.  These  long-term
investments are carried at cost.




1.       Description of business and summary of significant accounting
         policies (Continued)

The Company's trading securities, which are included in Marketable securities on
the  consolidated  balance  sheet,  are  expected  to be sold  within  one year.
Available-for-sale   securities  and  long-term   investments  are  included  in
Investments and advances on the consolidated  balance sheet. The Company records
trading  and   available-for-sale   securities  at  their  fair  value.  Trading
securities  are held  principally  for the  purpose of selling  them in the near
term.  Unrealized holding gains and losses on trading securities are included in
earnings.  Unrealized holding gains and losses on available-for-sale  securities
are  excluded  from  earnings  and  are  reported  as a  separate  component  of
stockholders' equity, net of tax, until realized.

Inventories.  Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market, principally
using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method.

Foreign  currency  transactions.  The  Company's  Swiss  Bonds (see Note 11) are
subject to currency  fluctuations  and the  Company has hedged  portions of such
debt from time to time,  but not within the three year period ended December 31,
1997.  During the years ended  December  31,  1997,  1996 and 1995,  the Company
realized foreign currency  transaction gains (losses) of $131,000,  $340,000 and
$(1,066,000),  respectively.  These amounts are included in Investment and other
income, net. The Company's 54% owned subsidiary,  the American Drug Company (See
Note 5) conducts its business primarily in U.S. dollars.

Contract  revenue and cost  recognition.  The Company  provides  services  under
time-and-materials,  cost-plus-fixed-fee  and fixed-price contracts.  Revenue is
recognized as costs are incurred and includes  estimated  fees at  predetermined
rates.  Differences  between  recorded  costs and  estimated  earnings and final
billings are recognized in the period in which they become  determinable.  Costs
and  estimated  earnings  in excess of  billings on  uncompleted  contracts  are
recorded as a current asset.  Billings in excess of costs and estimated earnings
on  uncompleted  contracts  are  recorded  as a  current  liability.  Generally,
contracts provide for the billing of costs incurred and estimated  earnings on a
monthly basis.  Retainages,  amounts  subject to future  negotiation and amounts
which are  expected  to be  collected  after one year are not  material  for any

Property,  plant and  equipment.  Property,  plant and  equipment are carried at
cost.  Major additions and improvements  are capitalized  while  maintenance and
repairs which do not extend the lives of the assets are expensed currently. Gain
or loss on the  disposition  of property,  plant and  equipment is recognized in
operations when realized.

1.       Description of business and summary of significant accounting 
         policies (Continued)

Depreciation.  The Company  provides for  depreciation  of  property,  plant and
equipment primarily on a straight-line basis over the following estimated useful

  CLASS OF ASSETS                                     USEFUL LIFE

 Buildings and improvements                          5 to 40 years
 Machinery, equipment and furniture
  and fixtures                                       3 to 7 years
 Leasehold improvements                  Shorter of asset life or term of lease

Intangible  assets.  The  excess  of cost over the fair  value of net  assets of
businesses  acquired is recorded as goodwill and is amortized on a straight-line
basis generally over periods ranging from 5 to 40 years. The Company capitalizes
costs  incurred to obtain and maintain  patents and  licenses.  Patent costs are
amortized over the lesser of 17 years or the remaining lives of the patents, and
license costs over the lives of the licenses. The Company also capitalizes costs
incurred to obtain  long-term  debt  financing.  Such costs are  amortized on an
effective  yield basis over the terms of the related debt and such  amortization
is classified as interest expense in the Consolidated Statements of Operations.

The periods of  amortization  of goodwill  are  evaluated  at least  annually to
determine whether events and  circumstances  warrant revised estimates of useful
lives. This evaluation considers,  among other factors,  expected cash flows and
profits of the businesses to which the goodwill relates. Based upon the periodic
analysis,  goodwill  is written  down or written  off if it appears  that future
profits or cash flows will be insufficient to recover such goodwill.

Treasury  stock.  Treasury  stock is recorded at cost.  Reissuances  of treasury
stock  are  valued at market  value at the date of  reissuance.  The cost of the
treasury  stock is relieved from the treasury  stock account and the  difference
between the cost and market  value is recorded  within the equity  accounts,  as

1.       Description of business and summary of significant accounting 
         policies (Continued)

Stock option plan. Prior to January 1, 1996, the Company accounted for its stock
option plan in accordance  with the  provisions of Accounting  Principles  Board
("APB")  Opinion No. 25,  Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees,  and related
interpretations.  As such, compensation expense would be recorded on the date of
grant only if the current  market  price of the  underlying  stock  exceeded the
exercise price. On January 1, 1996, the Company adopted SFAS No. 123, Accounting
for  Stock-Based  Compensation,  which permits  entities to recognize as expense
over the vesting period the fair value of all stock-based  awards on the date of
grant. Alternatively, SFAS No. 123 also allows entities to continue to apply the
provisions  of APB Opinion No. 25 and provide pro forma net income and pro forma
earnings per share disclosures for employee stock option grants made in 1995 and
future years as if the fair-value-based  method defined in SFAS No. 123 had been
applied.  The Company has  elected to  continue to apply the  provisions  of APB
Opinion No. 25 and provide the pro forma disclosure provisions of SFAS No. 123.

Sales  of  stock  by a  subsidiary.  The  Company  records  in the  Consolidated
Statements  of  Operations  gain or loss  realized  when a subsidiary  sells its
shares at an offering price which differs from the Company's carrying amount per
share of such subsidiary's stock.

Income  taxes.  Income  taxes are  accounted  for under the asset and  liability
method.  Deferred tax assets and  liabilities  are recognized for the future tax
consequences   attributable  to  differences  between  the  financial  statement
carrying  amounts of existing assets and  liabilities  and their  respective tax
bases and operating loss and tax credit  carryforwards.  Deferred tax assets and
liabilities  are measured  using enacted tax rates  expected to apply to taxable
income in the years in which  those  temporary  differences  are  expected to be
recovered  or settled.  The effect on deferred tax assets and  liabilities  of a
change in tax rates is  recognized  in income in the period  that  includes  the
enactment date.

Income  (loss) per share.  Basic  earnings  per share is based upon the weighted
average  number of common  shares  outstanding,  including  Class B common stock
during the period. Diluted earnings per share is based upon the weighted average
number of common shares  outstanding  during the period assuming the issuance of
common stock for all dilutive potential common shares outstanding.

Use of estimates.  The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements  and the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses  during  the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

1.       Description of business and summary of significant accounting 
         policies (Continued)

Concentrations of credit risk.  Financial  instruments that potentially  subject
the Company to significant  concentrations of credit risk consist principally of
cash  investments  and  accounts   receivable.   The  Company  places  its  cash
investments  with high quality  financial  institutions and limits the amount of
credit  exposure to any one  institution.  With respect to accounts  receivable,
approximately  24% are related to United States  government  contracts,  and the
remainder  are  dispersed  among various  industries,  customers and  geographic
regions. In addition,  the Company has investments in various equity securities,
including GTS Duratek,  Inc.,  Interferon Sciences,  Inc. and GSE Systems,  Inc.
(See Notes 3, 4 and 6).

The  Company  adopted  the  provisions  of  SFAS  No.  121,  Accounting  for the
Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of, on
January 1, 1996.  This  Statement  requires that  long-lived  assets and certain
identifiable  intangibles be reviewed for impairment  whenever events or changes
in  circumstances  indicate  that the  carrying  amount  of an asset  may not be
recoverable.  Recoverability  of  assets  to be held and used is  measured  by a
comparison of the carrying  amount of an asset to future net cash flows expected
to be generated by the assets. If such assets are considered to be impaired, the
impairment  to be  recognized  is measured  by the amount by which the  carrying
amount of the assets exceed the fair value of the assets.  Assets to be disposed
of are reported at the lower of the carrying  amount or fair value less costs to
sell. Adoption of this Statement did not have a material impact on the Company's
financial position, results of operations, or liquidity.

2.       General Physics Corporation

On January 24, 1997, the Company acquired the remaining 5,047,623 shares (48% of
the  outstanding  shares) of General  Physics  that it did not  already  own, in
exchange for .60 shares of GP Strategies  common stock for each share of General
Physics.  The  transaction  has been  accounted  for as a purchase of a minority
interest.  The Company  issued an aggregate  of  3,028,574  shares of its common
stock, valued at $25,228,000 in the transaction.  In addition,  the Company paid
$4,533,000 in cash and had accrued $1,515,000 additional liabilities in relation
to the purchase.  As a result of this  transaction,  the Company purchased for a
total of  $31,143,000  the  remaining 48% of the  outstanding  shares of General
Physics and recorded  $21,069,000  of goodwill,  which is being  amortized  over
approximately 30 years.

2.       General Physics Corporation (Continued)

The following  information shows on a pro-forma basis, the results of operations
for  the  Company  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  1996,  as if the  above
transaction had occurred as of January 1, 1996 (in thousands):
Sales                                                      $203,800
Income before discontinued operation
 and extraordinary item                                      13,751
Net income                                                   13,751
Basic earnings per share                                       1.33
Diluted earnings per share                                     1.32

The following selected balance sheet information shows on a pro-forma basis, the
financial  position of the Company as if the above  transaction  had occurred on
December 31, 1996 (in thousands):
Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities           $ 24,334
Working capital                                              36,836
Intangible assets, net                                       54,200
Total assets                                                194,158
Stockholders' equity                                        118,972

The above  pro-forma  information  is not  necessarily  indicative of the actual
financial position or results of operations that would have been achieved if the
transaction had occurred as of or for the period indicated, or of future results
that may be achieved.

General  Physics  provides  performance  improvement  services  to  Fortune  500
companies,  manufacturing and process  industries,  electric power utilities and
other commercial and governmental customers.

3.       GTS Duratek, Inc.

On January 24, 1995,  the Company sold  1,666,667  shares of common stock of GTS
Duratek,  Inc.  (Duratek)  at a price of $3.00  per share to The  Carlyle  Group
(Carlyle) in connection with a $16 million financing by Duratek with Carlyle,  a
Washington,  D.C. based private merchant bank. In addition,  the Company granted
Carlyle an option,  which was  exercised in December  1995, to purchase up to an
additional  500,000  shares of the Company's  Duratek common stock over the next
year at $3.75 per share. The Company  realized a gain of $3,768,000  during 1995
on sales of Duratek common stock, primarily in these two transactions.

3.       GTS Duratek, Inc. (Continued)

In April 1996,  the Company sold  1,000,000  shares of its Duratek common stock,
received proceeds of $17,700,000 and recognized a gain of $12,200,000.

As a result of the above transactions,  the Company accounted for its investment
in Duratek on the equity basis from  January 24, 1995 through the first  quarter
of 1996.  The Company's  share of Duratek's  income  included in Investment  and
other  income,  net is $31,000 in 1995.  Commencing  in April 1996,  the Company
accounts  for  its   investment  in  Duratek  as  a  combination  of  marketable
securities,  available-for-sale  securities  and  securities  held for long-term

Duratek  is an  integrated  environmental  services  and  technology  firm  with
proprietary waste processing systems applicable to radioactive, hazardous, mixed
and other wastes.

At December 31, 1997, the Company owned 1,514,250 shares of Duratek, or 12.3% of
the outstanding shares of common stock.

Information  relating to the  Company's  investment in Duratek is as follows (in

                                                               1997        1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Included in Marketable securities:
         Number of shares                                       100         250
         Value                                              $ 1,350     $ 3,250
Included in Investments and advances:
         Number of shares                                       500         225
         Available-for-sale equity securities, at market    $ 6,750     $ 2,925
         Number of shares                                       914       1,345
         Securities held for long-term
          investment, at cost                               $ 1,487     $ 2,188
Total number of shares owned                                  1,514       1,820
Market value of shares                                      $20,442     $23,660
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.       Interferon Sciences, Inc.

Interferon Sciences, Inc. (ISI) is approximately 12% owned by the Company. It is
engaged in the manufacture and sale of ALFERON N Injection,  ISI's first product
commercially  approved by the FDA for the treatment of recurring and  refractory
external  genital  warts,  and the  research  and  development  of  other  alpha
interferon  based  products  for the  treatment of viral  diseases,  cancers and
diseases of the immune system.

In May 1996, the Company realized a $1,938,000 gain on issuance of stock by this
affiliate as a result of the issuance of 2,000,000 shares of common stock by ISI
at $8.00  per  share.  Effective  in the  third  quarter  of 1996,  the  Company
accounted for its  investment in ISI as a combination  of long-term  investments
carried at cost and as long-term available-for-sale equity securities carried at
market value.  In 1996, the share of ISI's loss included in Investment and other
income, net was $1,464,000.

In 1995,  the Company  realized a  $2,775,000  gain on issuance of stock by this
affiliate, primarily as the result of the issuance of 3,000,000 shares of Common
Stock by ISI at $4.80 per share in August and September 1995.

All shares and per share  information  of ISI have been  restated to reflect the
one for four reverse stock split of ISI effective on March 21, 1997.

Information  relating  to the  Company's  investment  in ISI is as  follows  (in

                                                                1997       1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Included in Investments and advances:
         Number of shares                                        608        490
         Available-for-sale equity securities, at market    $  5,284   $  3,251
         Number of shares                                      1,246      1,364
         Securities held for long-term
          investment, at cost                               $  2,841   $  3,109
         Total carrying amount                              $  8,125   $  6,360
Total number of shares owned                                   1,854      1,854
Market value of shares                                       $16,107   $ 12,285
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.       American Drug Company

The Company owns  approximately 54% of the outstanding  common stock of American
Drug Company (ADC), which was organized in 1993 as a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
the Company to initiate marketing activities for American generic pharmaceutical
and medical pharmaceuticals in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States
(the "CIS").  ADC's  subsidiary,  NPD Trading (USA),  Inc.  provides  consulting
services  to  Western  businesses  in  Russia  and  Eastern  Europe.  ADC  sells
American-made  generic  pharmaceutical  and health care  products  under its own
label in Russia and the CIS.

At the end of  1997,  the  Company  made  the  decision  to  concentrate  on the
marketing and sales of medical equipment and related products,  such as hospital
furniture   and   laboratory   supplies   and  to  withdraw   from  the  generic
pharmaceutical and over-the-counter (OTC) healthcare product business because of
significantly  declining sales of generic products.  Sales activity with respect
to generic drugs will be undertaken solely through a Russian company.

In August 1994, pursuant to a Transfer and Distribution  Agreement,  the Company
distributed  46% of its  interest  in ADC  to  the  Company's  shareholders.  In
addition,  ADC issued  warrants to the  Company's  shareholders  to purchase its
stock for a period of two  years,  which were  extended  for an  additional  two
years, subject to cancellation under certain circumstances.

In July 1996, ADC issued convertible notes in the principal amount of $1,000,000
in a private  offering.  In  connection  with these  notes,  the Company  issued
warrants  to  purchase  82,306  shares of its  common  stock  provided  that the
warrants may only be exercised utilizing the Notes (See Note 11(g)).

6.       GSE Systems, Inc.

In March 1994,  General  Physics  and a  subsidiary  of the Company  contributed
assets to a newly formed, multi party joint venture,  GSE Systems,  Inc. (GSES).
GSES  designs,  develops  and  delivers  business  and  technology  solutions by
applying process control, data acquisition,  simulation,  and business software,
systems  and  services  to the  energy,  process  and  manufacturing  industries
worldwide.  On August 1, 1995,  GSES  completed  an initial  public  offering of
1,725,000 shares (including an over-allotment option) of its common stock at $14
per  share.  As a result  of the  offering,  the  Company  recognized  a gain on
issuance of stock by an affiliate of  approximately  $3,137,000  and at December
31,  1997,  controls  approximately  22% of GSES.  The Company  accounts for its
investment in GSES on the equity basis.

Information  relating  to the  Company's  investment  in GSES is as follows  (in

                                                       1997             1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Included in Investments and advances:
         Underlying assets                          $ 3,750         $  5,484
         Goodwill                                     4,238            4,384
         Total carrying amount                        7,988            9,868
Number of shares controlled                           1,125            1,125
Market value of shares                              $ 5,906          $10,406
Equity in income (loss) included in Investment
 and other income (expenses), net                    (1,880)             924
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Condensed  financial  information for GSES is as follows as of December 31, 1997
and 1996 and for the years then ended (in thousands):

                                                       1997             1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Current assets                             $31,714          $37,876
         Non current assets                          16,610           13,130
         Current liabilities                         30,031           23,733
         Non current liabilities                      2,369            2,580
         Stockholders' equity                        15,924           24,693
         Revenue                                     79,711           96,033
         Gross profit                                21,385           32,354
         Net income (loss)                           (8,703)           4,143
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

7.       Inventories

Inventories,  consisting  of material,  labor and  overhead,  are  classified as
follows (in thousands):

December 31,                                           1997             1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Raw materials                                      $    619         $    793
Work in process                                         252              210
Finished goods                                       23,971           22,190
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   $ 24,842         $ 23,193
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

8.       Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment consists of the following (in thousands):

December 31,                                           1997             1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Land                                               $    173        $     173
Buildings and improvements                            1,374            1,374
Machinery and equipment                              12,824           11,656
Furniture and fixtures                               18,120           15,745
Leasehold improvements                                7,268            7,097
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                     39,759           36,045
Accumulated depreciation and  amortization          (30,027)         (26,767)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   $  9,732         $  9,278
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

9.       Short-term borrowings

Short-term borrowings are as follows (in thousands):

December 31,                                          1997             1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Line of Credit Agreement (a)                      $ 16,894          $15,581
Revolving Credit Agreement (b)                       7,051            4,700
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  $ 23,945         $ 20,281
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

9.       Short-term borrowings (Continued)

(a) In April 1993, Five Star Group,  Inc. (Five Star) and MXL  Industries,  Inc.
(MXL) each entered into a revolving  credit and term loan  agreement  (the "Five
Star Loan Agreement" and "MXL Loan Agreement"), which was amended on October 23,
1995 and September  30, 1996.  The  September  30, 1996  amendment  extended the
Agreements to September 30, 1997.  The Five Star Loan  Agreement  provided for a
$20,000,000   revolving   credit  facility  (the  "Five  Star  Revolving  Credit
Facility").  The Five Star Revolving  Credit  Facility was a committed  facility
which  allowed Five Star to borrow  amounts up to 50% of Eligible  Inventory (as
defined) and 80% of Eligible  Receivables (as defined) at an interest rate of 1%
in excess of the prime rate.

On August 18, 1997,  the Company's  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Five Star entered
into a three year Loan  Agreement  with a  syndicate  of three  banks.  The Loan
Agreement  replaces the previous Five Star Loan  Agreement.  The Loan  Agreement
provides for a $22,000,000 revolving credit facility,  which allows Five Star to
borrow  based  upon a  formula  of up to 50% of  eligible  inventory  and 80% of
eligible accounts receivables,  as defined. The Loan Agreement bears interest at
2.25% over LIBOR for up to $11,000,000 of the loan (at the Company's option) and
the prime rate of interest plus .625% for the remaining balance. At December 31,
1997,  there  was  $16,894,000  outstanding  under  the Loan  Agreement,  and an
additional $818,000 was available to be borrowed.

The Five Star Loan  Agreement  is  secured by all of the assets of Five Star and
339,844  shares of common stock of ISI,  which was  contributed  to Five Star in
connection with the forgoing transactions.

The amended MXL Loan Agreement  provided for a $4,500,000  term loan,  which was
adjusted to a balance of  $3,960,000  at November 1, 1995 (the "MXL Term Loan").
The MXL  Revolving  Credit  Facility was  terminated  by the  September 30, 1996
amendment.  As of  December  31,  1996,  the  balance  of the MXL Term  Loan was
$2,722,000 (see Note 11).

9.       Short-term borrowings (Continued)

(b) On April 7, 1995, the Company and General  Physics entered into a three year
$20,000,000   secured   revolving  credit  agreement  with  a  commercial  bank,
terminating a previous credit  agreement.  Borrowings under the credit agreement
bare interest at the prime rate or 1.75% over LIBOR  whichever  rate was elected
by General Physics.
At December 31, 1996, $4,700,000 was borrowed under the credit agreement.

On March 26,  1997,  the  Company  and its  wholly-owned  subsidiaries,  General
Physics  and MXL  Industries,  Inc.  (MXL),  entered  into a three year  secured
$25,000,000  Revolving  Credit  Agreement,  with a syndicate of three banks. The
Agreement replaces the MXL Loan Agreement,  the General Physics Revolving Credit
Agreement and the Company's Term Loan Agreement. The Agreement bears interest at
the prime rate or 1.75% over LIBOR. The borrowing formula is based upon eligible
accounts  receivable  of General  Physics and MXL, as well as various  corporate
assets.  The Agreement  contains certain  covenants  which,  among other things,
limit the amount and nature of certain  expenditures by General Physics and MXL,
and require the maintenance of certain  financial  ratios. At December 31, 1997,
the Company is in violation of its fixed asset additions  covenant.  The Company
has  received  a waiver  for  this  violation.  Under  the  Agreement,  the full
$25,000,000 of the Revolving  Credit Agreement would be available to the Company
and/or General Physics and/or MXL. At December 31,1997,  the amount  outstanding
was approximately  $7,051,000 and an additional  $17,949,000 was available to be

10.      Accounts payable and accrued expenses

Accounts  payable  and accrued  expenses  are  comprised  of the  following  (in

December 31,                                         1997             1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accounts payable                                 $ 15,133         $ 12,893
Payroll and related costs                           5,063            5,012
Interest                                              309              211
Other                                               5,010            4,763
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 $ 25,515         $ 22,879
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

11.      Long-term debt

   Long-term debt is comprised of the following (in thousands):

December 31,                                             1997             1996
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8% Swiss Bonds, due 2000 (a)                         $  2,158         $  2,189
5% Convertible Bonds due 1999 (b)                       1,786            1,755
12% Subordinated Debentures due 1997 (c)                                 6,732
Term loan with banks (Note 9(a))                                         2,722
Senior Subordinated Debentures (d)                        842              811
Notes payable in connection with settlement
 of litigation (e)                                                         273
Term loan with bank (f)                                                  4,000
7% Convertible Notes (g)                                1,000            1,000
Equipment lease obligations (*)                           802              634
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        6,588           20,116
Less current maturities                                   342            9,309
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                     $  6,246         $ 10,807
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(*) Secured by assets held under capital lease obligations.

(a) In June 1995,  the Company  exchanged for various Swiss debt  obligations an
aggregate  of SFr.  3,604,000  of 8% Swiss  Bonds,  due June 28,  2000  (the "8%
Bonds").  The 8% Bonds were  valued at  $2,340,000,  at the then  exchange  rate
(after an original  issue discount of 25%). The principal and interest on the 8%
Bonds are payable either in cash or in shares of common stock of the Company, at
the option of the Company.

(b) As a result  of an  exchange  offer on July 12,  1993,  the  Company  issued
$3,340,080 principal amount of 5% Bonds which are convertible into shares of the
Company's  Common Stock.  The Company recorded an original issue discount on the
5%  Bonds  of 10%.  At  December  31,  1997,  $1,879,000  of the 5%  Bonds  were
outstanding and convertible into 107,989 of the Company's Common Stock.

11.      Long-term debt (Continued)

(c)  During  the third  quarter  of 1987,  the  Company  issued  $12,500,000  of
Subordinated  Debentures  (Debentures)  which  matured in 1997. On September 30,
1997, the Company repaid in full the remaining outstanding Debentures.

(d)  In  August  1994,  General  Physics,  as a  result  of the  acquisition  of
substantially   all  the  assets  of  SGLG  issued  $15  million  of  6%  Senior
Subordinated  Debentures,  which have a carrying value of $12,032,000,  net of a
debt discount of $2,968,000.  The debentures are unsecured and require  payments
of interest only on a quarterly basis through June 30, 1999, quarterly principal
installments of $525,000 plus interest  through June 30, 2004 and the balance of
$4.5 million on June 30, 2004.  The debentures  are  subordinated  to borrowings
under the line of credit agreement.  At December 31, 1997, the carrying value of
the  debentures  held by the Company was  $11,190,000,  which was  eliminated in
consolidation, and the remaining $842,000 of debentures were held by the public.

(e)  Under the terms of an 1987 settlement agreement, the Company agreed to a 
series of payments in either cash or Common Stock of the Company.  The final 
payment was made in January 1997.

(f)  On  March  26,  1997,  the  Company  entered  into a new  Revolving  Credit
Agreement, replacing the Term Loan Agreement (see Note 9(b)).

(g) In July 1996,  ADC issued  convertible  notes (the "Notes") in the principal
amount of $1,000,000 in a private  offering (the  "Offering").  ADC received net
proceeds of $950,000 from the Offering.  The Notes mature on June 30, 2001, bear
interest at the rate of 7% per annum,  and are convertible into shares of common
stock of ADC at a conversion  price of $.25 per share.  In  connection  with the
Offering,  the Company issued warrants to purchase an aggregate of 82,306 shares
of the  Company's  common  stock,  exercisable  at a price of $12.15  per share,
provided  that the warrants may only be exercised  utilizing  the Notes.  In the
event that the  closing  price of the common  stock of ADC is at least $1.00 per
share for at least 20  consecutive  trading days,  the Notes shall be subject to
redemption  at the  election  of  ADC,  at a  redemption  price  of  100% of the
principal amount called for redemption, together with accrued interest.

The Company  and ADC have agreed that (i) if the Notes are used to exercise  the
warrants prior to a default on the Notes,  the Company will receive from ADC, in
exchange  for the Notes  shares of ADC's common stock at a price equal to 60% of
its then current  market  value,  and (ii) if the Notes are used to exercise the
warrants  after a default on the Notes,  the Company  will  receive from ADC, in
exchange  for the Notes  shares of ADC's common stock at a price equal to 25% of
its then current market value.

11.      Long-term debt (Continued)

Aggregate  annual  maturities of long-term debt outstanding at December 31, 1997
for each of the next five years are as follows (in thousands):

                  1998                              $    342
                  1999                                 2,086
                  2000                                 2,426
                  2001                                 1,261
                  2002                                   263

12.      Employee benefit plans

(a) Effective  December 31, 1991, the Plan  participants  would no longer accrue
benefits  under its  Defined  Benefit  Pension  Plan,  but  became  eligible  to
participate in the Company's  Savings Plan.  During 1997, the Company  announced
its intention to terminate the Defined Benefit Pension Plan (the Plan). The Plan
was terminated  effective October 31, 1996, and settled in 1997. The termination
was a  "standard  termination"  as  defined  by  the  Pension  Benefit  Guaranty
Corporation  (the  "PBGC").  In  order  to  terminate  the  Plan  in a  standard
termination,  Plan assets must be sufficient to provide all benefit  obligations
under the Plan.

The Company provided  additional  funding to the Plan such that Plan assets were
sufficient to satisfy all benefit  liabilities  under the Plan,  with respect to
each  participant  and each  beneficiary  of a  deceased  participant.  This was
accomplished by the purchase of irrevocable  annuity  contracts from an insurer,
or by an alternative form of distribution provided for under the Plan.

The Company paid  $1,500,000  to the Plan Sponsor in July 1997 to fully fund the
Plan to satisfy its benefit obligations.

The pension expense  amounted to $278,000,  $400,000 and $26,000 for 1997, 1996,
1995, respectively.

12.      Employee benefit plans (Continued)

The  following  table sets  forth the  funded  status of the plan and the amount
recognized in the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements (in thousands):

December 31,                                                 1996         1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Actuarial present value of benefit plan obligations:
Accumulated benefit obligation (including
 vested benefits of $5,549 and $5,365)                   $ (5,549)     $(5,890)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Projected benefit obligation for service
 rendered to date                                        $ (5,549)     $(5,890)
Plan assets at fair value                                   4,482        4,353
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Projected benefit obligation in excess
 of plan assets                                            (1,067)      (1,537)
Unrecognized net loss from past experience
 different from that assumed                                               911
Minimum pension liability                                                 (911)
Accrued pension cost included in
 accounts payable and accrued expenses
 in the consolidated balance sheets                      $ (1,067)     $(1,537)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The net periodic pension expense is as follows:
Service cost-benefits earned                             $             $
Interest cost on projected benefit obligations                376          420
Actual return on plan assets                                 (320)        (424)
Net amortization and deferral and other                       344           30
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net periodic pension expense                             $    400      $    26
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company's  assumptions  used as of December 31, 1996 and 1995 in determining
the pension cost and pension cost liability shown above were as follows:

                                                      1996             1995

Discount rate                                          7.25             7.25
Long-term rate of return on assets                    10.00            10.00

(b) Effective  March 1, 1992,  the Company  adopted the 1992 401(k) Savings Plan
(the Savings Plan).

12.      Employee benefit plans (Continued)

The Company's Savings Plan is available to employees who have completed one year
of service.

The  Savings  Plan  permits  pre-tax   contributions  to  the  Savings  Plan  by
participants pursuant to Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 2% to 6%
of base  compensation.  The Company  matches 40% of the  participants'  eligible
contributions based on a formula set forth in the Savings Plan. Participants are
fully vested in their  contributions and may withdraw such contributions at time
of employment termination, or at age 59 1/2 or earlier in the event of financial
hardship.  Amounts  otherwise are paid at retirement or in the event of death or
disability. Employer contributions vest at a rate of 20% per year.

The  Savings  Plan is  administered  by a  trustee  appointed  by the  Board  of
Directors  of the  Company  and all  contributions  are held by the  trustee and
invested at the  participants'  direction in various mutual funds. The Company's
expense associated with the Savings Plan was $201,000,  $246,000 and $223,000 in
1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

(c) General Physics  maintains a Profit Investment Plan (the Plan) for employees
who have completed ninety days of service with General Physics. The Plan permits
pre-tax  contributions to the Plan by participants pursuant to Section 401(k) of
the Internal  Revenue Code of 1% to 14% of base  compensation.  General  Physics
matches participants'  contributions up to a specific percentage of the first 7%
of base  compensation  contributed  for employees who have completed one year of
service with General Physics and may make additional matching contributions.  On
April 20, 1995,  the Company and General  Physics  agreed to exchange  shares of
General Physics' common stock or other  consideration,  for shares of the common
stock of the  Company  upon terms which would  permit  General  Physics to match
participants' contributions in shares of the Company's common stock up to 57% of
monthly employee salary deferral contributions.  Previously, General Physics had
made  contributions  of its own common stock to the Plan equal to  approximately
50% of monthly employee salary deferral contributions. During 1996 and 1995, the
exchange included 245,126 and 176,171 shares, respectively,  of General Physics'
common stock and 116,591 and 98,251 shares,  respectively of the common stock of
the Company.  On January 24, 1997,  the Company  acquired the  remaining  48% of
General  Physics,  and contributed  122,290 shares of the Company's common stock
directly to the Plan during 1997.  All  contributions  are held by a trustee and
invested at the  participant's  direction in various mutual funds.  Participants
are fully vested in their own contributions and may withdraw such  contributions
at age 59 1/2 or  earlier  in the  event of  financial  hardship.  Amounts  will
otherwise be paid at retirement or in the event of death or disability. Employer
contributions  vest  at a rate  of 20%  per  year.  The  Company  made  matching
contributions  to the  Plan  for  employees  of  the  Company  of  approximately
$1,121,000,  $1,065,000  and  $1,097,000  for the years ended December 31, 1997,
1996 and 1995, respectively.

13. Income taxes

For U.S.  Federal  income  tax  purposes,  a parent  corporation  with an 80% or
greater equity  interest in its  subsidiary may file a consolidated  tax return.
Accordingly, the Company and its greater than 80% owned subsidiaries will file a
consolidated Federal income tax return for the year ended December 31, 1997. The
subsidiaries in which the Company has an equity  ownership  between 50% and 80%,
are  consolidated  for  financial  reporting  purposes,  but file  separate U.S.
Federal income tax returns for the year ended December 31, 1997.

The components of pretax income (loss) are as follows (in thousands):

Years ended December 31,                1997             1996              1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Continuing operations               $  2,730        $  11,244          $  5,819
Discontinued operation                                                   (2,941)

The Company does not have any material foreign operations.

The components of income tax expense (benefit) from continuing operations are as
follows (in thousands):

Years ended December 31,                1997             1996              1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 State and local                    $  1,200           $  315           $   221
 Federal tax expense                     135            1,409                37
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       1,335            1,724               258
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 State and local                          11               39               206
 Federal tax expense (benefit)        (2,039)          (1,899)            1,323
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      (2,028)          (1,860)            1,529
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     $  (693)           $(136)          $ 1,787
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The deferred provision excludes activity in the net deferred tax assets relating
to tax on  appreciation in securities  available-for-sale,  which is recorded to
stockholders' equity in the approximate amounts of $1,400,000 and $1,300,000 for
the years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

13.      Income taxes (Continued)

The difference  between the provision for income taxes computed at the statutory
rate  and the  reported  amount  of tax  expense  attributable  to  consolidated
earnings from continuing operations is as follows:

December 31,                                      1997        1996       1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal income tax rate                           35.0%       35.0%      35.0%
State and local taxes net of Federal benefit      28.8         2.0        4.8
Items not deductible - primarily
 amortization of goodwill                         25.4         4.8       14.0
Net operating loss utilization                   (82.6)      (25.0)
Valuation allowance adjustment                   (32.9)      (19.0)     (22.6)
General Physics acquisition of SGLG                                      33.0
Other                                               .9         1.0        (.5)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effective tax rate                               (25.4)%      (1.2%)     30.7%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In 1995, the Company  recorded an income tax expense of $1,787,000.  The current
income tax provision of $258,000 reflected above, represents the estimated taxes
payable by the Company for the year ended December 31, 1995. The deferred income
tax provision of $1,529,000  represents the deferred  taxes of General  Physics,
the Company's then 51% owned subsidiary.

In 1996,  the Company  recorded an income tax benefit of  $136,000.  The current
income tax provision of $1,724,000  reflected  above,  represents  the estimated
taxes payable by General Physics,  the Company's then 52% owned subsidiary.  The
deferred  income tax  benefit of  $1,860,000  results  from  utilization  of net
operating  loss  carryovers  and a reduction in the valuation  allowance,  among
other factors. The decrease of $2,673,000 in the valuation allowance in 1996 was
attributable  in part to the  utilization  of the Company's  net operating  loss
carryforwards, and to the Company's expectation of generating sufficient taxable
income  that will allow for the  realization  of a portion of its  deferred  tax

In 1997,  the Company  recorded an income tax benefit of  $693,000.  The current
income tax provision of $1,335,000  reflected  above,  represents  the estimated
taxes payable by the Company for the year ended  December 31, 1997. The deferred
income tax benefit of $2,028,000  results  primarily from the utilization of net
operating  loss  carryovers  and a reduction  in the  valuation  allowance.  The
decrease of $3,153,000 in the valuation  allowance in 1997 was  attributable  in
part to the utilization of the Company's net operating loss  carryforwards,  and
to the Company's  expectation of generating  sufficient taxable income that will
allow for the realization of a portion of its deferred tax assets.

13.      Income taxes (Continued)

As of  December  31,  1997,  the Company has  approximately  $13,657,000  of net
operating loss carryovers consisting of $9,644,000 with respect to net operating
losses  generated  from the  Company's  consolidated  tax return and  $4,013,000
generated by ADC as a separate tax filer for Federal income tax return purposes.
These carryovers expire in the years 2005 through 2012. In addition, the Company
has   approximately   $3,800,000  of  available   credit   carryovers  of  which
approximately   $2,800,000   expire  in  the  years  1998  through   2003,   and
approximately  $1,100,000  of which may be carried  over  indefinitely.  The tax
effects of temporary  differences  between the financial reporting and tax bases
of assets and  liabilities  that are included in the net deferred tax assets are
summarized as follows:

December 31,                                            1997             1996
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax assets:
Accounts receivable, principally due
 to allowance for doubtful accounts                  $   827          $   663
Inventory                                                127              165
Lawsuit settlements                                                       117
Accrued expenses                                         505              495
Net operating loss carryforwards                       5,259            7,037
Tax credit carryforwards                               3,808            3,627
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax assets                                   10,526           12,104
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax liabilities:
Property and equipment, principally due to
 differences in depreciation                           1,361            1,088
Unrealized exchange gain                               1,323            1,272
Prepaid expenses                                          22              157
Unrealized marketable security gain                      484            2,404
Investment in partially owned companies                3,813            1,109
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred tax liabilities                               7,003            6,030
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net deferred tax assets                                3,523            6,074
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less valuation allowance                              (2,422)          (5,575)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net deferred tax asset                              $  1,101         $    499
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Included in the balance sheets as:
Current liabilities  *                              $                $   (344)
Deferred tax asset                                     1,101              843
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    $  1,101         $    499
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Relates to General  Physics,  a 52% owned subsidiary at December 31, 1996, not
included in the Company's consolidated Federal income tax return in 1996.

13.      Income taxes (Continued)

In assessing  the  realizability  of deferred tax assets,  management  considers
whether it is more likely than not that some  portion or all of the deferred tax
assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of the deferred tax assets
is dependent  upon the generation of future taxable income during the periods in
which temporary  differences are deductible.  Management considers the scheduled
reversal of deferred tax liabilities,  projected future taxable income,  and tax
planning  strategies  in  making  this  assessment.  Based  upon  the  Company's
projection of future  taxable  income,  attributable  in part to the merger with
General  Physics (see Note 2) which will allow General Physics to be included in
the  consolidated  tax return of the  Company,  and to  unrealized  gains on the
Company's investments expected to be realized in the future, management believes
it is more  likely  than not that the  Company  will  realize  the  benefits  of
deferred tax assets of  $1,101,000,  and has recorded this amount as an asset as
of December 31, 1997.

14.      Discontinued operation

In  December  1994,  the  Company  decided  to  sell  its  Eastern   Electronics
Manufacturing  Corporation (Eastern)  subsidiary,  which was the only company in
the  Electronics  segment.  As a result of the  decision  to sell  Eastern,  the
Company  reflected  Eastern  as a  discontinued  operation.  The total  loss for
discontinued  operation recognized in 1994 was $2,574,000,  of which $1,789,000,
which included an $800,000  write-down of  inventories,  was from operations and
$785,000  was a loss  on  disposal,  which  was  comprised  of:  (a) a  $200,000
write-down  of property  and  equipment;  (b) a $485,000  write-off  of goodwill
relating  to Eastern;  (c)  $100,000  for  expected  losses  through the date of
disposal. In 1995, the Company recognized a loss from discontinued  operation of
$2,941,000,  of which a total of $2,610,000  was a loss on disposal  incurred on
the sale of inventory ($1,550,000), write-offs of accounts receivable ($360,000)
and sales of fixed assets ($700,000).  At the time the Company adopted a plan of
disposal in December 1994, the Company was in negotiations to sell a substantial
portion of its specific use inventory. These negotiations subsequently broke off
and the Company therefore fully reserved this inventory in 1995.

The December 31, 1994 estimated net realizable  value of Eastern's  fixed assets
was based upon a prior  appraisal,  but the actual sale in 1995 resulted in less
proceeds than prior  estimates.  Receivable  write-offs in 1995 were caused when
the Company liquidated its assets rather than selling its inventory as part of a
continuing  business,   therefore  making  it  more  difficult  to  collect  the
outstanding  receivables.  In  addition,  $331,000 in  operating  expenses  were
incurred during 1995. The Company sold or otherwise liquidated substantially all
of Eastern's assets during 1995 and 1996.

15.      Common Stock, stock options, warrants and other shares reserved

(a) Under the Company's  non-qualified stock option plan,  employees and certain
other parties may be granted  options to purchase  shares of common  stock.  The
options may be granted at a price not less than 85% of the fair market  value of
the  common  stock on the date of grant and are  exercisable  over  periods  not
exceeding  ten  years  from the date of grant.  Shares of common  stock are also
reserved for issuance pursuant to other agreements,  as described below. Changes
in options and warrants  outstanding  during 1995,  1996, and 1997,  options and
warrants  exercisable  and shares  reserved  for  issuance at December 31, 1995,
1996, and 1997 are as follows:

                                                    Common Stock
Options and warrants                Price Range     Number      Weighted-Average
outstanding                         per share       of share    Exercise Price
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1994               $9.00  -    24.00    1,077,055
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Granted                          8.375-      8.50      451,239     $  8.41
Terminated                       9.00  -    20.50     (651,182)      12.16
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1995                8.375-     24.00      877,072        9.03
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Granted                          7.69  -    10.00      551,657        9.31
Exercised                        8.375-      9.00         (800)       8.51
Terminated                       8.375-     22.50     (232,536)       9.55
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1996                7.69  -    24.00    1,195,393        9.05
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Granted                          4.68  -    11.15    1,578,715        7.85
Exercised                        4.68  -     9.00      (21,573)       8.17
Terminated                       7.75  -    12.00     (144,026)       8.87
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1997                4.68  -    24.00    2,608,509        8.35
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Options and warrants
 exercisable December 31, 1995   8.37  -    24.00      770,685        9.07
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1996                8.375-     24.00    1,023,158        8.85
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1997                4.68  -    24.00    1,234,984        8.72
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares reserved for issuance
December 31, 1995                                    2,106,665
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1996                                    3,523,960
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1997                                    2,756,853
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15.  Common Stock, stock options, warrants and other shares reserved (Continued)

                                             Class B Common Stock
Options and warrants        Price Range      Number             Weighted-Average
outstanding                 per share        of shares          Exercise Price
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1994               $9.00               387,500
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Granted                          8.50               125,000               $8.50
- ----------
December 31, 1995                8.50 -9.00         512,500                8.88
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Granted                          8.69               375,000                8.69
- ----------
December 31, 1996                8.50 -9.00         887,500                8.80
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------
December 31, 1997                8.50 -9.00         887,500                8.80
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Options and warrants
 exercisable December 31, 1995   8.50 -9.00         512,500                8.91
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1996                8.50 -9.00         595,625                8.87
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1997                8.50 -9.00         762,250                8.82
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares reserved for
 issuance December 31, 1995                         512,500
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1996                                   950,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1997                                   950,000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At December 31, 1997, the weighted  average  remaining  contractual  life of all
outstanding options was 6 years.

15. Common Stock, stock options, warrants and other shares reserved (Continued)

At December 31, 1997,  1996, and 1995,  options  outstanding  included  829,334,
629,334 and 629,334  shares for two officers who are principal  shareholders  of
the Company.

Class B Common stock aggregating 887,500, 887,500 and 512,500 shares at December
31, 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively,  were reserved for issuance to these same
two  officers  in 1995 and for three  officers of the  Company,  two of whom are
principal shareholders of the Company, at December 31, 1997 and 1996.

The holders of common  stock are  entitled to one vote per share and the holders
of Class B Common  stock are  entitled  to ten  votes  per share on all  matters
without distinction between classes,  except when approval of a majority of each
class is required by statute.  The Class B Common  stock is  convertible  at any
time, at the option of the holders of such stock, into shares of common stock on
a  share-for-share  basis.  Common shares  reserved for issuance at December 31,
1997, 1996, and 1995 include 950,000,  950,000 and 512,500 shares,  respectively
in connection with Class B shares.  At December 31, 1997, 1996, and 1995, shares
reserved for issuance  were  primarily  related to shares  reserved for options,
warrants and the conversion of long-term debt.

(b) Prior to January 1, 1996, the Company accounted for its stock option plan in
accordance  with the provisions of Accounting  Principles  Board ("APB") Opinion
No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees,  and related  interpretations.
As such, compensation expense would be recorded on the date of grant only if the
current market price of the underlying  stock  exceeded the exercise  price.  On
January 1, 1996, the Company  adopted SFAS No. 123,  Accounting for  Stock-Based
Compensation,  which  permits  entities to recognize as expense over the vesting
period  the  fair  value  of all  stock-based  awards  on  the  date  of  grant.
Alternatively,  SFAS No.  123 also  allows  entities  to  continue  to apply the
provisions  of APB Opinion No. 25 and provide pro forma net income and pro forma
earnings per share disclosures for employee stock option grants made in 1995 and
future years as if the fair-value-based  method defined in SFAS No. 123 had been
applied.  The Company has  elected to  continue to apply the  provisions  of APB
Opinion No. 25 in accounting for its Plan and, accordingly, no compensation cost
has been recognized for its stock options in the financial statements.

15. Common Stock, stock options, warrants and other shares reserved (Continued)

Had the  Company  determined  compensation  cost  based on the fair value at the
grant date for its stock  options  under SFAS No. 123, the  Company's net income
would have been reduced to the pro forma amounts  indicated below (in thousands,
except per share amount):

                                                 1997          1996        1995
                                                 ----          ----        ----

Net income                   As reported      $ 3,423       $11,380      $1,012
                             Pro forma          1,344         9,927        (416)

Basic earnings (loss)
 per share
                             As reported          .33          1.55        .15
                             Pro forma            .13          1.35       (.06)

Diluted earnings (loss)
 per share
                             As reported          .31          1.54        .15
                             Pro forma            .12          1.34       (.06)

Pro forma net income  reflects only options granted since 1995.  Therefore,  the
full impact of  calculating  compensation  cost for stock options under SFAS No.
123 is not reflected in the pro forma net income amounts presented above because
compensation cost is reflected over the options' vesting period and compensation
cost for options granted prior to January 1, 1995 is not considered.

At December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995, the per share  weighted-average  fair value
of stock options granted was $4.32, $3.64 and $3.94, respectively on the date of
grant using the modified Black Scholes  option-pricing  model with the following
weighted-average  assumptions:  1997 -  expected  dividend  yield 0%,  risk-free
interest  rate of 6.37%,  expected  volatility of 43.1 % and an expected life of
7.7 years;  1996 - expected  dividend yield 0%,  risk-free  interest rate of 6%,
expected volatility of 39.1%, and an expected life of 4.5 years; 1995 - expected
dividend  yield 0%,  risk-free  interest  rate of 5.9%,  expected  volatility of
44.9%, and an expected life of 4.5 years.

(c) In the  fourth  quarter of 1997,  the  Company  adopted  the  provisions  of
Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 128, "Earning per Share". (SFAS
128), as required,  and restated the previously  reported  earnings per share in
conforming  with  SFAS  128.  The  new  standard   specifies  the   computation,
presentation and disclosure requirements for earnings per share.

15. Common Stock, stock options, warrants and other shares reserved (Continued)

Earnings per share (EPS) for the years ended  December  31, 1997,  1996 and 1995
are as follows (in thousands, except per share amounts):

                                                  1997          1996       1995
                                                  ----          ----       ----
Basic EPS
         Net income                          $   3,423      $ 11,380   $  1,012
         Weighted average shares
          outstanding                           10,457         7,339      6,638
         Basic earnings per share            $     .33      $   1.55   $    .15

Diluted EPS
         Net income                          $   3,423      $ 11,380   $  1,012

         Weighted average shares
          outstanding                           10,457         7,339      6,638
         Dilutive effect of stock options
          and warrants                             430            69
                                            ----------     ---------   --------
         Weighted average shares
          outstanding, diluted                  10,887         7,408      6,638

         Diluted earnings per share          $     .31      $   1.54   $    .15

Basic  earnings per share are based upon the weighted  average  number of common
shares outstanding,  including Class B common shares, during the period. Class B
common  stockholders  have the same  rights to share in  profits  and losses and
liquidation values as common stock holders. Diluted earnings per share are based
upon the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period,
assuming the issuance of common shares for all dilutive  potential common shares

For the year ended December 31, 1995, the Company had basic and diluted loss per
share from  discontinued  operation  of $(.44) and basic and  diluted  loss from
extraordinary item of $(.01).

16.      Business segments

The operations of the Company consist of the following business segments:

Physical  Science  Group -  performance  improvement  services  to  Fortune  500
companies,  manufacturing and process  industries,  electric power utilities and
other  commercial and  governmental  customers;  Distribution  Group - wholesale
distribution  of home  decorating,  hardware  and  finishing  products;  Optical
Plastics Group - the manufacture  and  distribution of coated and molded plastic

The following tables set forth the sales and operating  results  attributable to
each line of business  and  include a  reconciliation  of the  groups'  sales to
consolidated sales and operating results to consolidated  income from operations
before  income taxes,  discontinued  operation  and  extraordinary  item for the
periods presented (in thousands):

Years ended December 31,                      1997          1996         1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Physical Science                          $140,620      $117,183     $107,549
Distribution                                82,300        76,102       65,098
Optical Plastics                            10,362         8,781       10,949
Other (principally ADC)                      1,519         1,734        1,429
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          $234,801      $203,800     $185,025
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating results
Physical Science                          $  9,603      $  6,504     $  4,854
Distribution                                 2,230         1,767        1,374
Optical Plastics                             1,864         1,485        2,661
Other (principally ADC)                       (691)       (1,287)      (1,575)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total operating profit                      13,006         8,469        7,314
Interest expense                            (4,075)       (4,358)      (5,019)
Corporate general and administrative
 expenses and Investment and other
 income, net                                (6,201)        7,133        3,524
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from operations before
 income taxes, discontinued operation
 and extraordinary item                   $  2,730    $   11,244    $   5,819
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

16.      Business segments (Continued)

Operating profits represent gross revenues less operating expenses. In computing
operating  profits,  none of the  following  items have been added or  deducted;
general  corporate  expenses  at the holding  company  level,  foreign  currency
transaction gains and losses,  investment  income and interest expense.  General
corporate expenses at the holding company level,  which are primarily  salaries,
occupancy  costs,  professional  fees and costs associated with being a publicly
traded company, totaled approximately $5,246,000,  $6,170,000 and $6,173,000 for
the years ended  December 31, 1997,  1996 and 1995  respectively.  For the years
ended December 31, 1997,  1996 and 1995,  sales to the United States  government
and its agencies represented  approximately 26%, 27% and 31%,  respectively,  of

Additional information relating to the Company's business segments is as follows
(in thousands):

December 31,                                      1997        1996        1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Identifiable assets
Physical Science                              $100,548    $ 83,414   $  82,022
Distribution                                    41,530      47,243      44,400
Optical Plastics                                10,197      12,453      12,267
Corporate and other                             38,337      32,917      12,681
Assets relating to discontinued operation                                  350
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              $190,612    $176,027    $151,720
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Years ended December 31,                          1997        1996        1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Additions to property,
 plant, and equipment, net
Physical Science                              $  2,307    $  1,976    $  1,555
Distribution                                       275         522         352
Optical Plastics                                   939         201
Corporate and other                                193         (21)         39
Discontinued operation, net                                               (505)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              $  3,714    $  2,678    $  2,006
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Years ended December 31,                          1997        1996        1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Depreciation and amortization
Physical Science                              $  3,121    $  2,404    $  1,785
Distribution                                     1,195       1,125       1,069
Optical Plastics                                   488          66         788
Corporate and other                              1,063         474         674
Discontinued operation
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               $ 5,867     $ 4,069   $   4,316
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17.      Fair value of financial instruments

Identifiable  assets by industry  segment are those  assets that are used in the
Company's operations in each segment. Corporate and other assets are principally
cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities and unallocated intangibles.

The  carrying  value  of  financial   instruments   including  cash,  short-term
investments,  accounts  receivable,  accounts payable and short-term  borrowings
approximate  estimated  market values  because of short  maturities and interest
rates that approximate current rates.

The carrying values of investments, other than those accounted for on the equity
basis,  approximate fair values based upon quoted market prices. The investments
for which there is no quoted market price are not significant.

The estimated fair value for the Company's  major  long-term debt components are
as follows (in thousands):

                                   December 31, 1997       December 31, 1996
                                Carrying    Estimated   Carrying     Estimated
                                  amount   fair value     amount    fair value

8% Swiss Bonds due 2000          $ 2,158      $ 1,942     $ 2,189      $ 1,883
5% Convertible Bonds               1,786        1,661       1,755        1,632
12% Subordinated Debentures                                 6,732        5,386
7% Convertible Note                1,000        1,000       1,000        1,000
Other long-term debt               1,644        1,644       8,440        8,440

Limitations. Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time, based on
relevant  market  information and  information  about the financial  instrument.
These estimates are subjective in nature and involve  uncertainties  and matters
of  significant  judgment and  therefore  cannot be determined  with  precision.
Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the estimates.

18.      Accounting for certain investments in debt and equity securities

A decline in the market value of any available-for-sale security below cost that
is  deemed  other  than  temporary  is  charged  to  earnings  resulting  in the
establishment  of a new  cost  basis  for the  security.  In 1995,  the  Company
recognized a permanent impairment in one of its available-for-sale securities as
a result of receipt of a tender  offer at a price below the  Company's  carrying
cost,  and  recorded a loss of  $785,000  to adjust the  carrying  amount to the
tender  offer  price,  which loss is included  in  Investment  and other  income
(expense),  net. In July 1996, the Company  recognized a $4,000,000  loss on the
Company's  investments in American White Cross, Inc. (AWC) due to AWC filing for
protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.

Realized gains and losses for securities  classified as  available-for-sale  are
included  in  earnings  and are  derived  using  the  average  cost  method  for
determining the cost of securities sold.

In April 1996,  the  Company  sold  1,000,000  shares of Duratek  common  stock,
including 250,000 shares that were included in marketable securities at December
31,  1995.  As a result,  the  Company  received  proceeds  of  $17,700,000  and
recognized a gain of $12,200,000.  In 1995, the Company  recognized a $3,183,000
gain on the transfer of the 250,000 shares of Duratek common stock to marketable
securities, representing the excess of the quoted market value of such shares on
the date of transfer  over the Company's  cost. In the second half of 1996,  the
Company  transferred an additional  250,000  shares from  long-term  investments
available- for- sale, to trading  securities,  resulting in the recognition of a
$3,314,000 gain,  representing the net excess of the quoted market price of such
shares at December 31, 1996, over the Company's cost at the time of transfer and
subsequent  changes in market value of these shares.  At December 31, 1996,  the
Company was permitted to sell  approximately  475,000  shares of Common Stock of
Duratek  pursuant to various  agreements.  At December 31, 1996, the Company had
determined to sell promptly  250,000  shares of its Duratek Common Stock in 1997
pursuant to various agreements, and therefore, classified such securities in the
trading category.

In 1997, the Company recognized a net $689,000 gain. The gain is the result of a
$828,000 gain on the transfer from long-term  investments to trading  securities
partially  offset by a  $139,000  realized  loss on the sale of  Duratek  common
stock.  In 1997, the Company sold 305,750  shares of Duratek  common stock,  and
received net  proceeds of  $2,756,000.  At December  31,  1997,  the Company had
determined to sell promptly  100,000 shares of Duratek common stock in 1998, and
therefore,  classified  such  securities  in the  trading  category.  Under  the
Company's  current bank  agreement,  it is  permitted to sell 600,000  shares of
Duratek common stock in 1998.

18. Accounting for certain investments in debt and equity securities (Continued)

The   gross   unrealized   holding   gains   (losses)   and   fair   value   for
available-for-sale securities were as follows (in thousands):
                                             unrealized holding
                            Cost        gains        (losses)       Fair Value
  equity securities:

December 31, 1997         $2,200         $9,834     $                  $12,034
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1996         $1,601          4,722     $     (91)         $ 6,232
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1995         $2,210                    $  (1,440)         $   770
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Differences  between cost and market of $6,630,000 and $3,324,000,  net of taxes
at  December  31,  1997 and 1996,  respectively,  were  credited  to a  separate
component   of   shareholders'    equity   called   Net   unrealized   gain   on
available-for-sale securities.

Gross  realized  (losses)  gains  included  in  income  in 1997  and  1996  were
$(139,000) and $9,150,000,  respectively.  In 1997 and 1996, the Company did not
have gross realized gains and losses, respectively.

The Company did not realize any gains or losses on available-for-sale securities
for the year ended December 31, 1995.

19.      Commitments and contingencies

(a) The Company has several  noncancellable  leases  which cover real  property,
machinery and equipment and certain manufacturing facilities. Such leases expire
at various dates with, in some cases, options to extend their terms.

Minimum rentals under long-term operating leases are as follows(in thousands):
                          Real               Machinery &
                       property                equipment              Total
1998                    $ 4,661                  $ 1,627             $ 6,288
1999                      3,351                    1,418               4,769
2000                      3,144                      895               4,039
2001                      2,310                      546               2,856
2002                      2,232                      408               2,640
After 2002                4,003                      147               4,150
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                   $19,701                   $5,041             $24,742
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

19.      Commitments and contingencies (Continued)

Several of the leases contain  provisions for rent escalation based primarily on
increases in real estate taxes and operating costs incurred by the lessor.  Rent
expense for real and personal property was approximately $7,603,000,  $6,745,000
and $5,598,000 for 1997, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

(b) In February 1986,  Duratek  completed its initial public  offering of common
stock.  In connection  with  Duratek's  public  offering,  the Company issued to
certain  officers of Duratek and the Company 358,609 options for the purchase of
Duratek common stock owned by the Company at a price equal to the greater of (a)
$1.75 per share or (b) the net book value per share of Duratek's common stock as
of the end of the most  recently  completed  fiscal  quarter which ends not less
than 60 days before the date of exercise of such option.  In 1991, an additional
270,000 options for the purchase of Duratek common stock owned by the Company at
a price of $1.90 per share were issued to certain  employees and officers of the
Company.  In 1994, an additional 20,000 options were granted at a price of $3.50
per share.  Through  December  31,  1997,  322,086  options  under the plan were
exercised,  43,723 were canceled,  and at December 31, 1997, 278,800 options are
currently exercisable and 282,800 options are currently outstanding. At December
31, 1997, the Company owned 12.3% of Duratek (See Note 3).

(c) The  Company  is party to several  lawsuits  and  claims  incidental  to its
business,  including claims regarding  environmental matters, one of which is in
the early  stages of  investigation.  It is not  possible at the present time to
estimate the ultimate legal and financial  liability,  if any, of the Company in
respect to such  litigation and claims;  however,  management  believes that the
ultimate  liability,  if any,  will not have a  material  adverse  effect on the
Company's consolidated financial statements.

GP Strategies                                   Supplementary Data
and Subsidiaries


(unaudited)                                                                     (in thousands, except per share data)
                                                                                                 three months ended

                    March 31,    June 30,    Sept. 30,     Dec. 31,   March 31,         June 30,         Sept. 30,        Dec. 31,
                      1997        1997         1997           1997       1996             1996              1996               1996
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales               $54,760     $60,590      $62,711      $56,740     $48,156          $51,048           $53,332          $51,264
Gross margin          8,216       9,193        9,387        8,433       7,092            7,744             8,077            7,329
Net income (loss)      (986)      1,633        1,954          822          83           10,803               752             (258)

Net income (loss)
 per share:

Basic                 (.10)         .15          .18          .08         .01              1.46              .10             (.03)
Diluted               (.10)         .15          .18          .07         .01              1.43              .10             (.03)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                    PART III


         Information   with   respect  to  the   directors  of  the  Company  is
incorporated  herein by reference to the Company's  definitive  proxy  statement
pursuant to Regulation  14A, which proxy  statement will be filed not later than
120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Report.


         Information with respect Executive  Compensation is incorporated herein
by reference to the Company's  definitive proxy statement pursuant to Regulation
14A,  which proxy  statement will be filed not later than 120 days after the end
of the fiscal year covered by this Report.


         Information  with respect to Security  Ownership of Certain  Beneficial
Owners is  incorporated  herein by reference to the Company's  definitive  proxy
statement  pursuant to Regulation  14A, which proxy  statement will be filed not
later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Report.


         Information   with  respect  to  Certain   Relationships   and  Related
Transactions  is  incorporated  herein by reference to the Company's  definitive
proxy statement  pursuant to Regulation 14A, which proxy statement will be filed
not later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year covered by this Report.


   (a)(1)The following financial statements are included in Part II, Item 8.
         Financial Statements and Supplementary Data:

                  AND SUBSIDIARIES:
Independent Auditors' Report                                               31

Financial Statements:

Consolidated Balance Sheets -
December 31, 1997 and 1996                                                 32

Consolidated Statements of Operations -
Years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995                               34

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity -
Years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995                               35

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
Years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995                               37

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                 40

(a)(2) Financial Statement Schedules

           Schedules have been omitted and if required will be filed in an
            amendment to the Form 10-K

(a)(3) Exhibits

          Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, Independent Auditors

(b) There were no Reports  on Form 8-K filed by the  Registrant  during the last
quarter of the period covered by this report


                  Pursuant  to the  requirements  of  Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  the Registrant has duly caused this report to
be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                        GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION

                                        Jerome I. Feldman
                                        President and Chief
                                        Executive Officer

Dated: March 31, 1998

                  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  this report has been signed below by the  following  persons on behalf of
the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Signatures                                  Title

Jerome I. Feldman                           President, Chief Executive
                                            Officer and Director
                                            (Principal Executive Officer)

Martin M. Pollak                            Executive Vice President
                                            and Treasurer and Director

Scott N. Greenberg                          Vice President and Chief
                                            Financial Officer and Director

Ogden R. Reid                               Director

John C. McAuliffe                           Director

Herbert R. Silverman                        Director

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

              The  following  is a list of all  exhibits  filed  as part of this

EXHIBIT NO.                DOCUMENT                                  PAGE NO.

3.1                     Amendment to the Registrant's Restated
                        Certificate of Incorporation filed on March
                        5, 1998.*

3.2                     Amended By-Laws of the Registrant.
                        Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3 of
                        the Registrants Form 10-Q for the third
                        quarter ended September 30, 1997.

10.1                    1973 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan of the
                        Registrant, as amended on March 1, 1998.*

10.2                    Registrant's 401(k) Savings Plan, dated
                        January 29, 1992, effective March 1, 1992.
                        Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit
                        10.12 of the Registrant's Annual Report on
                        Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,

10.3                    Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated
                        August 18, 1997 by and among Five Star
                        Group, Inc., Summit Bank, The Dime Savings
                        Bank of New York and Fleet Bank, National
                        Association as Administrative and Collateral
                        Agent for such banks.  Incorporated herein
                        by reference to Exhibit 2 of the
                        Registrant's Form 10-Q for the third quarter
                        ended September 30, 1997.

10.4                    $25,000,000 Credit Agreement dated March 26,
                        1997 by and among GP Strategies Corporation,
                        General Physics Corporation, GP
                        Environmental Services, Inc., General
                        Physics Federal Systems, Inc. and MXL
                        Industries, Inc. the banks signatory thereto
                        and Fleet Bank, National Association as
                        Administrative Agent and Collateral Agent
                        for such banks.  Incorporated herein by
                        reference to Exhibit 10.13 to the
                        Registrant's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
                        the year ended December 31, 1996.

10.5                    Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of January
                        24, 1995 among Carlyle Partners II, L.P.,
                        Carlyle International Partners III, L.P.,
                        C/S International Partners, Carlyle-GTSD
                        Partners, L.P., Carlyle-GTSD Partners II,
                        L.P. and GTS Duratek, Inc. and the
                        Registrant.  Incorporated herein by
                        reference to
                        Exhibit 4.1 to the Registrants Form 8-K
                        dated January 24, 1995.

10.6                    Stockholders Agreement dated as of January
                        24, 1995 by and among GTS Duratek, Inc.,
                        Carlyle Partners II, L.P., Carlyle
                        International Partners III, L.P., C/S
                        International Partners, Carlyle-GTS
                        Partners, L.P., and the Registrant.
                        Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit
                        4.2 to the Registrants Form 8-K dated
                        January 24, 1995.

10.7                    Registration Rights Agreement dated as of
                        January 24, 1995 by and among GTS Duratek,
                        Inc., Carlyle Partners II, L.P., Carlyle
                        International Partners III, L.P., C/S
                        International Partners, Carlyle-GTS
                        Partners, L.P., and the Registrant.
                        herein by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to the
                        Registrants Form 8-K dated January 24, 1995.

10.8                    Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of
                        November 19, 1996, among the Registrant,
                        General Physics Corporation ("GPC") and GPX
                        Acquisition, Inc. ("GPX").  Incorporated
                        herein by reference to Exhibit 99.1 to the
                        Registrant's Form S-4 filed on November 26,

10.9                    Amendment No. 1, dated as of December 18,
                        1996, to the Agreement and Plan of Merger
                        dated November 19, 1996 among the
                        Registrant, GPC and GPX.  Incorporated
                        herein by reference to Exhibit 2.2 to the
                        Registrant's Form S-4 filed on December 19,

10.10                   Rights Agreement, dated as of June 23, 1997,
                        between National Patent Development
                        Corporation and Harris Trust Company of New
                        York, as Rights Agent, which includes, as
                        Exhibit A thereto, the Resolution of the
                        Board of Directors with respect to Series A
                        Junior Participating Preferred Stock, as
                        Exhibit B thereto, the form of Rights
                        Certificate and as Exhibit C thereto the
                        form of Summary of Rights.  Incorporated
                        herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 of the
                        Registrant's Form 8-K filed on July 17, 1997.

13                      Not Applicable

18                      Not Applicable

19                      Not Applicable

21                      Subsidiaries of the Registrant*

22                      Not Applicable

23                      Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP,
                        Independent Auditors*

27                      Not Applicable

28                      Not Applicable

* Filed herewith.