PREFERRED PROVIDER AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT entered into as of the 3rd day  of  June, 1998


                  MCI SYSTEMHOUSE CORP., a corporation organized pursuant to the
                  laws  of  Delaware,  together  with  SHL  SYSTEMHOUSE  CO.,  a
                  corporation continued pursuant to the laws of Nova Scotia, SHL
                  COMPUTER INNOVATIONS INC., a corporation continued pursuant to
                  the  laws  of  New  Brunswick  and  SHL  TECHNOLOGY  SOLUTIONS
                  LIMITED, a United Kingdom corporation.

                  (collectively referred to hereinafter as  "SYSTEMHOUSE")


                  GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION,  a corporation incorporated under
                  the laws of Delaware.

                  (hereinafter referred to as "General Physics ")

      WHEREAS the parties SYSTEMHOUSE and General Physics (collectively referred
to as the "Parties" and  individually  referred to as "Party") have entered into
an Asset Purchase Agreement of even date hereof which contemplates the provision
of training services by General Physics to SYSTEMHOUSE's Customers;

      WHEREAS as the Parties  have  complementary  capabilities,  products,  and
services,  and it is to their mutual  benefit to cooperate and work together for
the  purposes  of  General  Physics  providing  Services  as  defined  herein to

      WHEREAS  the  Parties  intend to submit  Proposals  to  Customers  in an
effort to secure Contracts with Customers;

      WHEREAS SYSTEMHOUSE and General Physics each desire to define their mutual
rights and  obligations  in connection  with any joint  marketing  efforts,  the
preparation  and submission of Proposals and in connection  with certain matters
which may arise if the Customer enters into a Contract;

      NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual premises  contained herein
and for other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:


1.1   In this  Agreement the  following  expressions  shall,  unless the subject
      matter or context is inconsistent therewith, have the respective following

      "Act of Insolvency" means that:

      (i)   a Party  institutes  proceedings for its winding-up,  liquidation,
            or  dissolution  or  consents to the filing of any  petition  with
            respect  thereto  or  files  a  petition  seeking  reorganization,
            readjustment,  arrangement,  composition  or similar  relief under
            applicable  law, or consents to the filing of any such petition or
            to the appointment of a receiver,  liquidator,  trustee or similar
            officer  of  itself  or any  part  of its  property  or  makes  an
            assignment for the benefit of creditors; or

      (ii)  a court  having  jurisdiction  enters  a  decree  or  order  for a
            Party's  winding up,  liquidation or dissolution or adjudges it to
            be insolvent  or enters a decree or order which  remains in force,
            undischarged  or  unstayed,  for a period of 20  Business  Days or
            more   approving,   as   properly   filed,   a  petition   seeking
            reorganization,  readjustment, arrangement, composition or similar
            relief  for  any  such  Party   under   applicable   law,  or  the
            appointment  of  any  receiver,  liquidator,  trustee  or  similar
            officer of any such party or all or any part of its property; or

      (iii) an  application  is made with respect to a Party under  chapter 7 or
            chapter 11 of Title 11 of the U. S. Code or  similar or  replacement
            legislation or if a proceeding is instituted for its winding up or a
            petition in bankruptcy is presented against it under a bankruptcy or
            similar  act and such  application,  proceeding  or  petition is not
            dismissed,  stayed or withdrawn  within 20 Business  Days after such
            Party has notice or knowledge of the institution thereof.

      "Affiliate"  means,  with  respect to any Person,  any other  Person which
      controls,  is controlled  by, or is under common  control with the subject
      entity;  a Person which  controls an Affiliate  under the foregoing  shall
      also be deemed to be an Affiliate of such entity. For purposes hereof, the
      term "control" means the possession,  directly or indirectly, of the power
      to direct or cause the  direction  of the  management  and policies of any
      such  entity  whether  through  the  ownership  of voting  securities,  by
      contract, or otherwise.

      "Agreement" means this agreement,  any Schedule or Exhibit hereto, and all
      amendments or modifications hereto and thereto.

      "Asset Purchase  Agreement" means that certain Asset Purchase  Agreement
      dated as of
       the  date  hereof  by  and  among  SHL  Systemhouse   Co.,  SHL  Computer
      Innovations Inc., MCI Systemhouse Corp., SHL Technology Solutions
      Limited and  General Physics Corporation.

      "Business"  has  the  meaning  ascribed  to it  in  the  Asset  Purchase

      "Business Day" means a day other than Saturday, Sunday or any day on which
      banks located in Toronto,  Ontario or New York, New York or London, UK are
      not open for business.

      "Commission  Amounts" means those commission amounts to be paid by General
      Physics to SYSTEMHOUSE as set out in Schedule "D".

      "Confidential  Information" means confidential or proprietary  information
      disclosed  by a  Party  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  as  defined  in the
      Non-Disclosure  Agreement  between the Parties attached hereto as Schedule

      "Contract"  means a contract entered into by either or both Parties with a

      "Customer"  means  an  existing  or  potential  customer  or  end-user  of
      SYSTEMHOUSE, for whom Services may be performed.

      "Customer  Opportunity(ies)" means Customer needs for Services rendered by
      the Business as of the Closing Date. For the avoidance of doubt,  the term
      Business shall explicitly  exclude custom training and support provided by
      SYSTEMHOUSE  which is ancillary to the delivery of outsourcing and systems
      integration services provided by SYSTEMHOUSE.

      "Effective  Date"  means the  Closing  Date  under  the  Asset  Purchase

      "Exhibit(s)"  means the  attachments to the Schedules  listed in Section

      "Including"  means  "including  without  limitation"  and  is  not  to  be
      construed to limit any general  statement which it follows to the specific
      or similar items or matters immediately following it.

      "Master Subcontract  Agreement" means the Master Subcontract  Agreement to
      be entered into by the Parties in the form attached as Schedule "E" on the
      Effective Date.

      "Person"  means any  natural  person,  corporation,  general  partnership,
      limited partnership,  proprietorship,  other business organization, trust,
      union, association or governmental or regulatory authority.

       "Proposal"  means a proposal for the  provision  of Services  pursuant to
      this Agreement made by either or both Parties to a Customer.

      "Schedule(s)"  means the attachments to this Agreement listed in Section

      "Services"  means the  training  products and services to be provided by
      General  Physics  through the  cooperation  of the Parties as  described

      "Subcontractor"  means  a  permitted   subcontractor  of  General  Physics
      pursuant to Section 3.4 for the  execution or supply of all or any portion
      of the Services subject to this Agreement.

      "Territory" means Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.

      "Transition  Services  Agreement" means the Transition  Services Agreement
      between the Parties to be entered into on the Effective Date.

       "Work Product" means all original literary, artistic, technical, or other
      material  made,  prepared,  developed  or produced by either  party in the
      performance  of its  obligations  pursuant  to  this  Agreement  including
      documentation,  reports,  manuals,  and flow charts,  but excluding ideas,
      concepts, know-how or techniques.

1.2   Headings.  The division of this  Agreement into Sections and the insertion
      of recitals and headings are for  convenience  of reference only and shall
      not constitute a part hereof.

1.3   Singular,  Plural,  Gender.  Wherever  in this  Agreement  the  context so
      requires,  the singular  number shall  include the plural  number and vice
      versa and any gender  herein used shall be deemed to include the feminine,
      masculine or neuter gender.

1.4   Agreement. The terms "hereof", "hereto", "herein", "hereunder" and similar
      expressions  refer to this Agreement and not to any particular  Section or
      other portion hereof and include any agreement supplemental hereto.

1.5   Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement,  together with the Master  Subcontract
      Agreement,  the  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  and the  Transition  Services
      Agreement contain the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to
      the transactions  contemplated  hereunder and thereunder and supersede all
      prior  arrangements or  understandings  with respect  thereto,  written or
      oral,  other than  documents  referred to herein.  The  Parties  hereto in
      executing  and  delivering,  and in carrying  out the  provisions  of this
      Agreement  are  relying  solely  on the  representations,  warranties  and
      covenants contained in this Agreement or in any writing delivered pursuant
      to  provisions  of  this  Agreement,  and  not  upon  any  representation,
      warranty,  covenant,  or information,  written or oral, made by any person
      other than as specifically set forth herein or therein.

1.6   Amendment or Supplement.  This Agreement shall not be modified except by a
      subsequently  dated  written  amendment  signed on  behalf of the  Parties
      hereto by their duly  authorized  representatives,  and any purchase order
      purporting to supplement the provisions hereof shall be void.

1.7   Schedules. The following are the Schedules attached to and forming part of
      this Agreement:

      Schedule "A"      - Co-Marketing Obligations
      Schedule "B"      - Non-Disclosure Agreement
      Schedule "C"      - List of Customers and Leads
      Schedule "D"      - Commission Amounts
      Schedule "E"      - Master Subcontract Agreement

      The terms and conditions of any Schedule or Exhibit are in addition to the
      terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement,  except where such terms
      and conditions of any Schedule conflict or are inconsistent with the terms
      and conditions of the main body of this Agreement, in which case the terms
      and  conditions  of the main body of this  Agreement  shall prevail in all
      respects,  and those of the  Schedules  shall  prevail  over  those of the

1.8   Severability. If any term or other provision of this Agreement is invalid,
      illegal  or  incapable  of being  enforced  by any rule of law,  or public
      policy,  all other  conditions  and  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall
      nevertheless  remain in full force and effect so long as the  economic  or
      legal substance of the transactions contemplated herein is not affected in
      any manner materially adverse to any party hereto. Upon such determination
      that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal or incapable of being
      enforced,  the Parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith to modify this
      Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the Parties as closely as
      possible in a mutually acceptable manner.

1.9   Governing Law. This Agreement and the legal relations  between the Parties
      hereto shall be governed by and construed in  accordance  with the laws of
      the State of New York,  without  reference to conflict of law  provisions.
      The Parties agree that the United Nations  Convention on Contracts for the
      International  Sale of Goods is specifically  excluded from application to
      this Agreement.

1.10  Date for  Action.  In the  event  that any date on  which  any  action  is
      required  to be taken  hereunder  by any of the  Parties is not a Business
      Day, such action shall be required to be taken on the next  succeeding day
      which is a Business Day unless otherwise provided in this Agreement.

1.11  Currency.  All  references  to currency  are deemed to mean United  States
      dollars unless expressed to be in some other currency.

2.0   TERM

2.1   This  Agreement  shall be deemed  effective as of the  Effective  Date and
      shall  continue in full force and effect for an initial  term of three (3)
      years unless  earlier  terminated in accordance  with Section 10.0 herein.
      Upon expiration of the initial  three-year term this Agreement shall renew
      for an additional two (2) year term (the "Renewal  Term"),  under the same
      terms and  conditions  as the  initial  term,  except  for the  Commission
      Amounts defined in Schedule "D",  provided  General  Physics'  performance
      during the initial term is deemed satisfactory. The Parties agree prior to
      the expiration of the initial term to negotiate,  in good faith,  mutually
      agreeable  Commission Amounts defined in Schedule "D" for Services for the
      Renewal Term and failing such agreement the Agreement will terminate.  For
      those  Customer  Opportunities  for which a Proposal has been submitted to
      the Customer  prior to the  termination of this Agreement (for purposes of
      this  sub-Section),  the terms of this Agreement will survive and apply to
      Proposals  accepted  by a Customer  within six (6) months from the date of
      termination of this Agreement unless the Parties otherwise  mutually agree
      to extend such period.


3.1   The Parties hereby agree to collaborate in order to mutually  identify and
      develop,  subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  suitable
      Customer Opportunities. Customer Opportunities will be pursued pursuant to
      the requirements set forth in Schedule "A" hereto.

3.2   The Parties hereto shall be deemed to be independent contractors,  and the
      employees of one shall not be deemed to be employees of the other. Neither
      party shall act as the agent of the other,  and  neither  party shall have
      any  authority to, or shall attempt to, bind or commit the other party for
      any purposes except as expressly  provided  herein.  This Agreement is not
      intended by the Parties,  and shall not be deemed, to constitute or create
      a  joint  venture,  joint  enterprise,  partnership,  or  formal  business
      organization of any kind whatsoever.

3.3   Each Party  expressly  understands  and agrees  that the other  Party may,
      subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, sell its respective
      products  and  services in the  ordinary  course of its  business to third

3.4   General Physics shall not subcontract any of its obligations  hereunder to
      any Person  without the prior  written  approval of  SYSTEMHOUSE  save and
      except,  with prior written notice to  SYSTEMHOUSE,  to an Affiliate.  Any
      such  Subcontractor  must  agree  in  writing  in  advance  to be bound by
      confidentiality  standards  no less  restrictive  than  those set forth in
      Schedule "B" - Non-Disclosure  Agreement.  General Physics shall be liable
      for the acts or omissions of its Subcontractors under this Agreement.

3.5   Nothing in this Agreement  shall be construed as providing for the sharing
      of profits or losses arising out of the efforts of the Parties.

3.6   Neither Party shall make any  warranties,  express or implied,  concerning
      the performance of the products or services of the other Party,  including
      without limitation fitness for a particular purpose.


4.1   In  addition  to the  responsibilities  set forth in this  Agreement,  the
      Parties agree to the additional responsibilities set out in the Schedules.

4.2   General  Physics shall use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to formulate
      Proposals and do all things  appropriate and necessary to secure the award
      of a Contract in accordance with the responsibilities outlined herein.

4.3   General  Physics  will provide to  SYSTEMHOUSE  for  SYSTEMHOUSE's  use to
      assist,  as  necessary,  in  preparing  a  Proposal  or in  responding  to
      subsequent inquiries from the Customer, the following:

      (i)   such business  information  as a Customer,  acting in a commercially
            reasonable manner,  deems necessary for selecting General Physics as
            a supplier;

      (ii) technical data and information related to the Proposal;

      (iii)       drafts of relevant portions of a Proposal, if applicable;

      (iv)  prototypes and working  demonstrations  of its products and services
            where the cost of same is reasonable;

      (v)   reasonable  cost and pricing data for its portion of the Proposal as
            requested by Customer, if applicable; and

      (vi) commercially reasonable access to key General Physics' personnel.

4.4   The  Parties  agree  to work  with  each  other in all  applicable  areas,
      including  but  not  limited  to  Proposal   preparation,   demonstration,
      submission and presentations to Customer, if applicable.

4.5   General  Physics  will  designate  one  or  more  individuals  within  its
      organization as their representative(s)  responsible to direct performance
      of General Physics'  obligations under this Agreement  (respectively,  the
      "Proposal Contacts"). The following Proposal Contacts, who may be replaced
      or changed upon written notice to SYSTEMHOUSE from time to time, are named
      for the purposes herein:

      For  General Physics:   Name:       Roger St. Germain
                              Address:    10025 Governor Warfield Parkway
                                          Suite 400, 1 Mall North
                                          Columbia, Maryland

                              Phone:      410-910-8600
                              Fax:        410-910-8601

            And:              Name:       John  McAuliffe
                              Address:    6700 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 400
                                          Columbia, Maryland 21046

                              Phone:      410-290-2300
                              Fax:        410-290-2646

4.6   Each Party will advise the other  Party in a timely  manner of any changes
      in  a  Customer   Opportunity  which  may  affect  any  Party's  areas  of
      responsibility.  In the event of such changes, the Parties will enter into
      good faith  negotiations  to revise a Proposal to increase or decrease the
      proposed  obligations  to be  performed by each Party  thereunder  and the
      associated impacts on pricing.


5.1   The Parties hereto agree to attempt to settle any dispute,  controversy or
      difference  which may arise between or among them in connection  with this
      Agreement or any Schedule or Exhibit  attached hereto (except as otherwise
      expressly  contemplated by this Agreement or any such Schedule or Exhibit)
      by good faith discussions between or among  representatives  designated by
      the Parties to the dispute.  During the course of the discussions  between
      or among such representatives, the Parties will comply with all reasonable
      requests for access to relevant information.  The specific format for such
      discussions   will   be  left  to  the   discretion   of  the   designated
      representatives  but may include the preparation of agreed upon statements
      of fact or written statements of position furnished to the other Party.

5.2   If resolution  cannot be achieved by the Parties  within five (5) Business
      Days  of  referral  to  such  representatives,  then  arbitration  may  be
      conducted upon written notice to the other Party demanding  arbitration in
      accordance with Section 5.3 below.

5.3   Without  prejudice  to  either  Party's  right  to seek  equitable  relief
      (including,  but not limited  to,  injunction)  from a court,  any dispute

      arising out of or related to this  Agreement,  which cannot be resolved by
      negotiation,  shall be settled by binding  arbitration in accordance  with
      the  J.A.M.S./ENDISPUTE   arbitration  rules  and  procedures  ("Endispute
      Rules") and in  accordance  with the terms of this Article 5. The costs of
      arbitration,  including the fees and expenses of the arbitrator,  shall be
      shared  equally by the  Parties  unless  the  arbitration  award  provides
      otherwise.  Each Party shall bear the cost of preparing and presenting its
      case. The Parties agree that this provision and the Arbitrator's authority
      to grant relief shall be subject to the United States  Arbitration  Act, 9
      U.S.C.  1-16 et  seq.("USAA"),  the provisions of this Agreement,  and the
      ABA-AAA Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes. The Parties
      agree that the arbitrator  shall have no power or authority to make awards
      or  issue  orders  of any  kind  except  as  expressly  permitted  by this
      Agreement, and in no event shall the arbitrator have the authority to make
      any  award  that   provides  for  punitive  or  exemplary   damages.   The
      arbitrator's  decision  shall  follow the plain  meaning  of the  relevant
      documents,  and shall be final and binding. The award may be confirmed and
      enforced  in  any  court  of  competent   jurisdiction.   All   post-award
      proceedings shall be governed by the USAA.

5.4   No action,  claim or proceeding arising out of this Agreement,  regardless
      of the form thereof, may be brought by either Party more than one (1) year
      following the later of (i) the termination of this Agreement,  or (ii) the
      date upon which the cause of action  became known to the Party  initiating
      such action.


6.1   SYSTEMHOUSE represents, warrants and covenants to General Physics that:

      (i)   the  entering  into  and   performance  of  this  Agreement  is  not
            restricted  or limited by, and,  subject to  obtaining  the consents
            specified  in  Schedule   "C",  will  not  result  in  a  breach  by
            SYSTEMHOUSE of, any other material obligations, duties, or agreement
            to or with any Person;

      (ii)  it has the authority,  unencumbered right, and full corporate power,
            to enter into and perform this Agreement; and

      (iii) this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and  delivered  by
            SYSTEMHOUSE and constitutes a valid, binding and legally enforceable
            agreement of SYSTEMHOUSE.

6.2   General Physics represents, warrants and covenants to SYSTEMHOUSE that:

      (i)   the  entering  into  and   performance  of  this  Agreement  is  not
            restricted or limited by, and will not result in a breach by General
            Physics of, any other material obligations,  duties, or agreement to
            or with any Person;

      (ii)  it has the authority,  unencumbered right, and full corporate power,
            to enter into and perform this Agreement;

      (iii) this Agreement has been duly  authorized,  executed and delivered by
            General  Physics  and  constitutes  a  valid,  binding  and  legally
            enforceable agreement of General Physics; and

      (iv)  notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement,  throughout
            the term and any renewals or  extensions  of this  Agreement,  the
            pricing to SYSTEMHOUSE  for a Customer  Opportunity(ies)  shall be
            equal to or less than pricing  otherwise made available by General
            Physics  to  Customers,  and all other  customers,  end-users,  or
            resellers  unless  such  Person  has,  as it  relates  to  similar
            products and services of the  Business,  an annual volume of sales
            of products and  services  materially  greater than  SYSTEMHOUSE's
            projected annual volume of sales unless otherwise  mutually agreed
            upon by both SYSTEMHOUSE and General Physics.



7.1   SYSTEMHOUSE  shall  have the  right  upon  reasonable  notice to audit the
      records of General Physics to ensure that General Physics is in compliance
      with this  Agreement.  Any such audit shall be  conducted  during  regular
      business  hours at General  Physics'  offices,  in such a manner as not to
      interfere with General  Physics' normal business  activities and only by a
      third party independent auditor (chosen by SYSTEMHOUSE) who is a certified
      public  accountant.  Such  independent  auditor shall hold all information
      obtained  from  General   Physics  in  confidence   and  shall  report  to
      SYSTEMHOUSE only to verify that General Physics' pricing to SYSTEMHOUSE is
      in accordance with sub-Section 6.2 (iv) and on the accuracy of any amounts
      due and payable to  SYSTEMHOUSE  hereunder.  In no event  shall  audits be
      conducted more  frequently than  semi-annually.  Within sixty (60) days of
      receipt of a request  from  SYSTEMHOUSE,  the  independent  auditor  shall
      provide SYSTEMHOUSE and General Physics with a report as to the amount, if
      any, payable to SYSTEMHOUSE according to the provisions of this Agreement,
      for the period specified in SYSTEMHOUSE's  request. Any amount shown to be
      payable  which  has not yet  been  paid to  SYSTEMHOUSE  pursuant  to this
      Agreement,  shall be paid forthwith. In making the report, the independent
      auditor shall be deemed for all purposes to be acting as an expert and not
      an arbitrator and the  determination  of the independent  auditor shall be

      final  and shall  not be  disputed  by  either  Party  unless  shown to be
      materially in error within thirty (30) days of such determination.

7.2   If any such audit reveals that any amount is owed to SYSTEMHOUSE,  General
      Physics shall  immediately pay such amount together with any interest due.
      If the  amount  is  within  five  percent  (5%) of the  amount  previously
      reported by General Physics,  SYSTEMHOUSE  shall pay for such audit and if
      the number is greater than five percent (5%),  then General  Physics shall
      pay the reasonable costs of such audit.

7.3   General Physics shall maintain complete,  true and accurate accounting and
      business books and records  regarding its activities  under this Agreement
      in accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  General
      Physics  shall  retain  such books and  records  for not less than two (2)
      years following the date of final payment hereunder.


8.1   Except as  expressly  provided  herein,  ownership  of any Work Product or
      other  intellectual  property  developed or otherwise  arising pursuant to
      this  Agreement  shall be treated as prescribed by the Master  Subcontract

8.2   Subject to Schedule "A" - Co-Marketing  Obligations,  this Agreement shall
      not preclude the Parties from developing  materials or providing  services
      which are competitive to the Work Product irrespective of their similarity
      to  documentation  or other materials or Services which might be delivered
      pursuant to this Agreement,  except to the extent any of same may infringe
      any of the other  party's or its  Subcontractors'  or  suppliers'  patent,
      copyright or other proprietary rights or Confidential Information.


9.1   Except as may be required by law or by the rules,  regulations  or by-laws
      of any stock exchange or securities regulator, neither Party will make any
      news release, public announcement,  advertisement, or publicity concerning
      the  existence or contents of this  Agreement,  a Proposal,  any resulting
      Contract,  or any  subcontract,  without the prior written approval of the
      other Party and Customer as may be required. Any such publicity shall give
      due credit to the contributions of each Party.

9.2   Each Party will:

      (i)   conduct business in a manner that reflects favorably at all times on
            the good name, goodwill and reputation of the other Party;

      (ii)  not  engage or  cooperate  in  deceptive,  misleading  or  unethical
            practices or representations that are or might be detrimental to the
            other Party or reflect  adversely on the other  Party's  products or

      (iii) not  make  any   representations  to  anyone  with  respect  to  the
            specifications,  features  or  capabilities  of  the  other  Party's
            products  or  services  that are  inconsistent  with the  literature
            distributed by the other Party,  including all disclaimers contained
            in such  literature,  this  Agreement  or any  Schedule  or  Exhibit

             not make any warranty or  representation  in respect of the subject
            matter of this Agreement to anyone that would give the recipient any
            claim or right of action against the other Party;

      (v)   not  infringe any patent,  copyright,  trade  secret,  trade mark or
            other proprietary right in connection with any published advertising
            or promotional  materials produced by such Party and provided to the
            other Party pursuant to this Agreement; and

      (vi)  shall  discharge  all  of its  obligations  hereunder  in a  proper,
            efficient  and  business-like  manner using  persons with skills and
            experience appropriate to their function.


10.1  This  Agreement  shall  automatically  expire  and  be  deemed  terminated
      effective  upon the  date of the  occurrence  of any one of the  following
      events, whichever shall first occur:

      (i)   mutual agreement of the Parties to terminate the Agreement;

      (ii)  any Act of Insolvency by or in respect of any Party;

      (iii) material  breach of this  Agreement  by any Party with such  breach
            remaining unremedied within thirty (30) days after written notice to
            the breaching Party specifying the nature of the breach.

10.2  In the event of termination  of this Agreement for any reason  whatsoever,
      General Physics shall  immediately,  at SYSTEMHOUSE's  option and request,
      document  the  status  of the Work  Product  and  Services  that have been
      terminated and either deliver or cause to be delivered to SYSTEMHOUSE  or,
      alternatively,  dispose of in accordance with SYSTEMHOUSE's  instructions,
      all  Work   Product,   documentation   in   progress  in  its  or  in  any
      Subcontractor's  possession.  Except for  termination by reason of General
      Physics' material breach of this Agreement,  SYSTEMHOUSE shall pay General
      Physics  for  the  portion  of  unpaid  Services  performed  prior  to the
      effective date of termination.

10.3  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the event of
      a change of control of SHL Systemhouse  Co. or MCI Systemhouse  Corp. to a
      non-affiliated  Person  (excepting  only  SHL  Systemhouse  Co.'s  and MCI
      Systemhouse  Corp.'s  parent  company's  pending  acquisition by WorldCom,
      Inc.),  who owns,  manages or is a  participant  (other than a stockholder
      holding  less than 1% of the total  number  of  outstanding  shares of any
      class of stock) in any business which competes with the Business, as it is
      conducted on the Effective Date, on the date the change in control occurs,
      the terms of this Agreement and the Schedules and Exhibits hereto shall be
      automatically amended, as follows:

      (i)   with  respect  to those  Customers  for  whom  General  Physics  is
            providing  Services  on such date or to whom they have  submitted  a
            Proposal  which remains open or to whom General Physic have provided
            Services  in the six months  prior to the date the change in control
            occurs  General  Physics shall have the right to continue to provide
            Services to all such  Customers  on a right of first  refusal  basis
            pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement.  Such right shall continue
            until  the  expiration  of  this  Agreement,  unless  it is  earlier
            terminated in accordance with Section 10.0 hereof.

      (ii)  with respect to all other  Customers,  SYSTEMHOUSE,  may in its sole
            discretion,  utilize  General  Physics  or any  other  third  party,
            including an Affiliate, to provide Services to such Customers.

      (iii) General Physics will no longer be identified within the Territory as
            SYSTEMHOUSE's "Preferred Provider".

10.4  The Parties'  rights and obligations  under Section 1.0  "Interpretation",
      Section 2.0 "Term",  sub-Section 5.4,  sub-Section  6.2,  sub-Section 6.3,
      "Section  7.0 "Audits and  Reports",  Section 8.0  "Intellectual  Property
      Rights",  sub-Section  9.1,  Section  10.0  "Termination",   Section  11.0
      "Liability", Section 12.0 "Indemnity" and Section 13.0 "General" and those
      provisions of the  Non-Disclosure  Agreement,  Schedule B, that survive in
      accordance with the terms thereof, shall survive termination or expiration
      of this Agreement for any reason.




11.3  The limitations on SYSTEMHOUSE's  and its Affiliates'  liability set forth
      in sub-Section 11.2 shall not apply to claims relating to or arising under
      SYSTEMHOUSE's  obligation  to  protect  the  Confidential  Information  of
      General  Physics or its  Affiliates  arising  under this  Agreement and to
      claims relating to or arising from damage to real or tangible  property or
      personal  injury or death caused by the  intentional  or negligent acts or
      omissions of SYSTEMHOUSE,  its Affiliates or their respective personnel in
      performance of any Services hereunder

11.4  The  limitations  on General  Physics' and its  Affiliates'  liability set
      forth in sub-Section  11.2 above shall not apply to claims  relating to or
      arising under  General  Physics'  obligation  to protect the  Confidential
      Information of SYSTEMHOUSE or its Affiliates  arising under this Agreement
      and to claims  relating  to or  arising  from  damage to real or  tangible
      property  or  personal  injury  or  death  caused  by the  intentional  or
      negligent  acts or omissions of General  Physics,  its Affiliates or their
      respective personnel in performance of any Services hereunder.



12.1  General  Physics'  Indemnity.  General  Physics,  at General  Physics' own
      expense,  shall  defend,  hold  harmless and  indemnify  SYSTEMHOUSE,  its
      Affiliates,  and its and their respective directors,  officers,  employees
      and  agents,  from and against  any and all  claims,  costs,  liabilities,

      damages,  losses or  expenses  (including  without  limitation  reasonable
      attorneys'  fees)  arising  from:  (i) any breach of a  representation  or
      warranty  or  nonfulfillment  of or  failure to perform  any  covenant  or
      agreement on the part of General Physics contained in this Agreement, (ii)
      third  party  claims  of  injury  to or death of any  person or loss of or
      damage  to any real and  tangible  property  to the  extent  caused by the
      intentional  or  negligent  acts or  omissions  of  General  Physics,  its
      Affiliates  or  their  respective  personnel  in  the  performance  of any
      Services hereunder;  or (iii) any General Physics personnel being declared
      to have "employee" status with respect to SYSTEMHOUSE.  SYSTEMHOUSE or the
      applicable  SYSTEMHOUSE  Affiliate  shall:  (i)  promptly  notify  General
      Physics in writing of the claim;  (ii) grant General  Physics sole control
      of the defense and all related settlement negotiations;  and (iii) provide
      General Physics with the assistance,  information and authority  necessary
      to perform General Physics'  obligations under this Section 12.1.  General
      Physics  will  reimburse  SYSTEMHOUSE's  and  its  Affiliates'  reasonable
      out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred in  providing  such  assistance.  To the
      extent any failure by  SYSTEMHOUSE  or its Affiliate to perform any of the
      foregoing  directly has an adverse impact on General Physics' liability to
      the applicable  third party,  General  Physics shall be entitled to reduce
      the amount of its indemnification exposure hereunder by the amount of such
      adverse impact.  SYSTEMHOUSE or its Affiliate may, at its own expense,  be
      represented in such defense.

12.2  SYSTEMHOUSE  Indemnity.  SYSTEMHOUSE,  at SYSTEMHOUSE's own expense, shall
      defend, hold harmless and indemnify General Physics,  its Affiliates,  and
      its and their respective directors,  officers,  employees and agents, from
      and against any and all claims,  costs,  liabilities,  damages,  losses or
      expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees) arising
      from (i) any breach of a representation  or warranty or  nonfulfillment of
      or failure to perform any covenant or agreement on the part of SYSTEMHOUSE
      contained  in this  Agreement,  or (ii) third party claims of injury to or
      death of any person or loss of or damage to any real of tangible  property
      to the extent caused by the  intentional or negligent acts or omissions of
      SYSTEMHOUSE,   its  Affiliates  or  their  respective   personnel  in  the
      performance of any Services  hereunder.  General Physics or the applicable
      General  Physics  Affiliate  shall:  (i) promptly  notify  SYSTEMHOUSE  in
      writing of the claim;  (ii) grant  SYSTEMHOUSE sole control of the defense
      and all related  settlement  negotiations;  and (iii) provide  SYSTEMHOUSE
      with the  assistance,  information  and  authority  necessary  to  perform
      SYSTEMHOUSE'S  obligations  under  this  Section  12.2.  SYSTEMHOUSE  will
      reimburse  General Physics' and its Affiliates'  reasonable  out-of-pocket
      expenses incurred in providing such assistance.  To the extent any failure
      by  General  Physics or its  Affiliate  to  perform  any of the  foregoing
      directly  has  an  adverse  impact  on  SYSTEMHOUSE's   liability  to  the
      applicable third party, SYSTEMHOUSE shall be entitled to reduce the amount
      of its  indemnification  exposure  hereunder by the amount of such adverse
      impact.  General  Physics or its  Affiliate  may, at its own  expense,  be
      represented in such defense.


13.1  Notices. All notices or reports permitted or required under this Agreement
      shall  be  in  writing  and  shall  be  by  personal  delivery,  facsimile
      transmission,   or  by  certified  or  registered  mail,   return  receipt
      requested, and shall be deemed given upon personal delivery, five (5) days
      after deposit in the mail, or upon  acknowledgment of receipt of facsimile
      transmission.  Notices shall be sent to the addresses set forth below,  or
      such other address as either Party may specify in writing.

      For SYSTEMHOUSE:        100 University Avenue
                              11th Floor
                              Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M5J 1V6
                              Telephone: (416) 813-1315
                              Facsimile: (416) 813-1398
                              Attn: Jim Laramie

      with a copy to:         100 University Avenue
                              11th Floor
                              Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M5J 1V6
                              Telephone: (416) 813-1313
                              Facsimile: (416) 813-1399
                              Attn: John LaCalamita

      For General Physics:    General Physics Corporation
                              6700 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 400
                              Columbia, Maryland 21046
                              Telephone: 410-290-2300
                              Facsimile:  410-290-2646
                              Attn:  John McAuliffe

      with a copy to:         Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
                              101 Park Avenue
                              New York, NY 10178
                              Telephone: 212-309-6000
                              Facsimile:   212-309-6273
                              Attn:  David W. Pollak

13.2  Force  Majeure.  Neither Party shall be liable  hereunder by reason of any
      failure or delay in the performance of its obligations  hereunder  (except
      for the  payment  of money) on account of  strikes,  riots,  insurrection,
      fires, flood, storm,  explosions,  acts of God, war,  governmental action,
      labor conditions, earthquakes, material shortages or any other cause which
      is beyond the reasonable control of such Party.

13.3  Assignment.  Neither  this  Agreement  nor any  rights or  obligations  of
      General Physics or SYSTEMHOUSE  hereunder may be assigned by such Party in
      whole or in part  without  the prior  written  approval of the other Party
      provided  each of the  Parties  shall have the right to transfer or assign
      any of its rights and obligations under this Agreement, either in whole or
      in part, to an Affiliate  without the prior  written  consent of the other
      Party but with prior written  notice,  provided that no such assignment or
      transfer shall relieve a Party of any  obligation or liability  under this
      Agreement.  Any  assignment in violation of this Section shall be void and
      of no effect.

13.4  Waiver.  The failure of either Party to require  performance  by the other
      Party of any  provision  hereof shall not affect the full right to require
      such  performance at any time  thereafter;  nor shall the waiver by either
      Party of a breach of any provision  hereof be taken or held to be a waiver
      of the  provision  itself.  No failure on the part of any Party  hereto to
      exercise and no delay in exercising any right,  power or remedy  hereunder
      shall  operate  as a waiver  thereof,  nor  shall any  single  or  partial
      exercise of any right,  power or remedy by any Party preclude any other or
      further  exercise  thereof or the  exercise of any other  right,  power or
      remedy.  No express waiver or consent by any Party hereto to any breach of
      or default in any term or condition of this Agreement  shall  constitute a
      waiver or an assent to any succeeding  breach of or default in the same or
      any other term or condition hereof.

13.5  Warranty.  Each  Party  acknowledges  that  it has  read  this  Agreement,
      understands it and agrees to be bound by it.

13.6  Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more
      counterparts,  each of which will be  considered  an original,  but all of
      which together will constitute one and the same instrument.

13.7  No Third Party Beneficiary. The terms and provisions of this Agreement are
      intended solely for the benefit of each Party hereto and their  respective
      successors  or  permitted  assigns,  and it is not  the  intention  of the
      parties to confer  third-party  beneficiary  rights upon any other  Person
      other than any Person entitled to indemnity under Article 12.

13.8  Further Assurances. Each Party agrees that upon the written request of the
      other  Party,  it shall do all such  acts  and  execute  all such  further
      documents,  conveyances,  deeds, assignments,  transfers and the like, and
      shall  cause the doing of all such acts and shall cause the  execution  of
      such  further  documents  as are  within its powers to cause the doing and
      execution  of, as the other Party hereto may from time to time  reasonably
      request be done and/or  executed as may be  necessary or desirable to give
      effect to this Agreement.

13.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement.

13.10 Governmental  Alteration or Modification.  If, at any time during the term
      of this Agreement,  any government or agency of any  jurisdictions  of the
      Territory  should,  directly  or  indirectly,  alter or modify any term or
      condition of this Agreement by legislation or by-law, in a manner which is

      material or  materially  adverse to any Party  hereto,  or if any Party is
      unable to receive  any  payments  contemplated  by this  Agreement  as the
      result of any such governmental  action,  then such Party may, in its sole
      discretion,  terminate this Agreement  forthwith in its entirety by giving
      written  notice to that effect to the other Party hereto.  It is expressly
      understood  and  agreed by the  Parties  hereto  that in the event of such
      termination  the Party electing to terminate  this  Agreement  pursuant to
      this  sub-Section  shall incur no liability  whatsoever to the other Party
      hereto  for any  alleged  default  or  breach in the  performance  of this
      Agreement  arising  from the  exercise  of the right  herein  provided  to
      terminate this Agreement.

13.11 Compliance  with Laws.  Each Party shall  comply  with,  and abide by, all
      consents,  licenses,  and permits that may exist concerning its activities
      and/or performance obligations under this Agreement,  and each Party shall
      perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement and otherwise  conduct its
      affairs  and  business in any  connection  with this  Agreement  in strict
      compliance  with all laws,  by-laws,  regulations,  orders,  judgments and
      governmental rulings and decrees. Without limiting the foregoing,  neither
      Party shall attempt, or otherwise  undertake,  to influence the award of a
      Contract  through  any  unethical,  illegal,  fraudulent,   deceptive  nor
      misrepresentative means whatsoever. Each Party hereby represents, warrants
      and  covenants  that it is not an agent or  employee  of any  customer  or
      client of the other Party, and that it shall not receive, be paid, or have
      any entitlement to any commission,  reward, payment, advantage, benefit or
      consideration  of any kind from any Person  other than the other  Party in
      any connection with the performance of this Agreement or any Contract.

13.12 Due  Diligence.  Each  Party  hereto  acknowledges  (i) the  risks  of its
      undertakings   hereunder;   (ii)  the  uncertainty  of  the  benefits  and
      obligations  hereunder;  and  (iii)  its  assumption  of  such  risks  and

13.13 The  Parties  agree  and  confirm  that the  restrictions  set out in this
      Agreement,  including the preferred status conferred herein:  (i) are fair
      and reasonable in the commercial  circumstances  of this  Agreement;  (ii)
      reasonably protect the legitimate business interests of the Parties and do
      not constitute any undue restraint of trade; (iii) are fair and reasonably
      in the interests of the Parties because (a) the consideration  provided to
      each Party under this  Agreement  adequately and fairly  compensates  such
      Party in connection  with such  restrictions,  and (b) neither Party would
      have entered into this Agreement but for the other Party's  agreement with
      such  restrictions and that such  restrictions  have been an inducement to
      enter into this Agreement.

13.14 Merger.  The Parties agree and  acknowledge  that none of the  warranties,
      representations and covenants contained in this Agreement shall merge upon
      either the  execution and delivery of this  Agreement by both Parties,  or
      upon the full payment (or any partial payments) of any monies that are due
      and payable hereunder and that all such warranties,  representations,  and
      covenants shall continue in full force and effect throughout the term.

13.15 Compliance  with UK Restrictive  Trade Practices Act 1976. If there is any
      provision of this  Agreement or of any agreement or  arrangement  of which
      this  Agreement  forms part which causes or would cause this  Agreement or
      that agreement or arrangement to be subject to  registration  under the UK
      Restrictive  Trade  Practices Act 1976, then that provision shall not take
      effect until the day after particulars of this Agreement or that agreement
      or arrangement (as the case may be) have been furnished to the UK Director
      General of Affair Trading pursuant to Section 24 of the Restrictive  Trade
      Practices Act 1976.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties  hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their respective duly authorized representatives.


By:   _________________________

Name: _________________________

Title:      _________________________

Date: _________________________

















By:   _________________________

Name: _________________________

Title:      _________________________

Date: _________________________