WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 8-K
                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                               September 30, 1998
                Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)

                            GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION
               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

         Delaware                   1-7234                      13-1926739
(State or Other Juris-            (Commission               (I.R.S. Employer
diction of Incorporation)          File Number)              Identification No.)

9 West 57th Street, New York, New York                               10019
(Address of principal executive offices)                          (Zip Code)

                                 (212) 230-9500
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Item 2.           Acquisition or, Disposition of Assets

         On September 30, 1998, JL Distributors, Inc., formerly Five Star Group,
Inc., a Delaware corporation (JL) and a wholly-owned subsidiary of GP Strategies
Corporation  (the  "Company")  completed  the sale of  substantially  all of its
operating  assets to the Five Star Group,  Inc. (Five Star),  formerly Five Star
Acquisition  Corp.,  a newly formed  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of American  Drug
Company (ADC) for approximately  $16,500,000 in cash and a $5,000,000  unsecured
senior note. The Company used the cash proceeds of the transaction to repay JL's
existing short-term borrowings.  The unsecured senior note bears interest at the
rate of 8%, payable quarterly,  with the principal due on September 30, 2003. In
connection with the above transaction, the Company sold approximately 16% of its
interest in ADC to the management and employees of Five Star,  thereby  reducing
its  ownership  in ADC to  approximately  37.5%.  As a result  of the  Company's
ownership in ADC falling below 50% during the quarter ended  September  30,1998,
the  Company  will no  longer  consolidate  the  balance  sheet and  results  of
operations  of ADC and its  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Five  Star,  and will now
account for its ownership in ADC on the equity basis.

     Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits

     (a) N/A

     (b) Pro forma financial information

     (1) Pro forma  consolidated  statement  of  operations  for the year  ended
December  31,  1997  and the  six  months  ended  June  30,1998,  as well as the
consolidated pro forma balance sheet for the six months ended June 30, 1998.

         The pro  forma  balance  sheet  as of June  30,1998  and the pro  forma
statements of operations  for the year then ended  December  31,1997 and the six
months ended June 30, 1998 give effect to: (1) the sale of substantially all the
operating  assets of JL Distributors,  Inc. (JL),  formerly the Five Star Group,
Inc., to the Five Star Group,  Inc. (Five Star),  formerly Five Star Acquisition
Corp.,  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  American  Drug  Company  (ADC)  and the
assumption of certain liabilities pursuant to the Asset Purchase Agreement dated
as of August 31,  1998;  (2) the sale of  approximately  16.5% of the  Company's
interest in ADC to the  management and employees of Five Star, and the resulting
consolidation  of the results of operations and the balance sheet of ADC; (3)the
acquisition of substantially all the operations,  assets, properties, rights and
business of The Deltapoint Corporation (Deltapoint) and in connection therewith,
assumption of certain liabilities of Deltapoint,  pursuant to the Asset Purchase
Agreement  ,  dated  as of July  13,1998  between  General  Physics  Corporation
(General Physics), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and Deltapoint.

         The Company sold  substantially  all the operating  assets of JL to ADC
for  approximately  $16,500,000 in cash and a $5,000,000  unsecured senior note.
The  Company  used the cash  proceeds  of the  transaction  to repay Five Star's
existing  short-term  borrowings  . General  Physics  purchased  Deltapoint  for
$6,280,000  in cash and a future  earnout , as described  in the Asset  Purchase

         The pro forma  results of operations  for the periods  presented is not
necessarily  indicative  of the results  that might have been  attained had this
acquisition taken place as of January 1,1997 and January 1, 1998.

         (c)  Exhibits

     Exhibit No.           Exhibit

        10          Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of August 31, 1998
                    between American Drug Company and Five Star Group,
                    Inc.  Incorporated herein by reference to American Drug
                    Company's Form 8-K filed on September 15, 1998.

        99          Press Release, dated October 1, 1998.

GP Strategies Corporation and Subsidiaries
Pro forma Consolidated Balance Sheet
June 30,1998
(unaudited, in thousands)

                                                                  Pro forma       Pro forma             Pro forma
                                                                  adjustments      adjustments          adjustments
                                                    Actual           JL              ADC                Deltapoint      Pro forma

Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents                           $9,724            $279(4)     (126) (8)                               $9,877
Marketable securities                                1,556                                                                 1,556
Accounts and other receivables                      57,812        (14,435)(1)      (95) (8)             2189 (a)          45,471
Inventories                                         24,255        (22,753)(1)      (83) (8)                                1,419
Costs and estimated earnings in excess                                                                                         -
      of billings on uncompleted contracts           9,935                                                                 9,935
Prepaid expenses and other current assets            6,458         (1,415)(1)       (1) (8)               88 (a)           5,130

Total current assets                              109,740                                                                 73,388
                                                  --------                                                                -------

Investments and advances                           24,948            5,370(7)       305 (8)                               35,623
                                                   -------           5,000(3)                                           --------
Property, plant and equipment, at cost              48,991         (6,976)(1)                            201 (a)          42,216
Less accumulated depreciation                     (31,606)           5,424(1)                                           (26,182)
                                                   17,385                                                                16,034
                                                   -------                                                              ------

Intangible assets, net                             75,128          (3,953)(2)                           4678 (b)          75,853
                                                   -------                                                         --------------

Deferred tax assets                                   592                                                                    592

Other assets                                        4,382             (56)(1)      (34) (8)                                4,292

                                                 $232,175                                                               $205,782
                                                 ---------                                                              --------

Note: Effective September 30, 1998, the Five Star
Group, Inc. changed its name to JL Distributors,
Inc.(JL). JL ia a wholly-owned subsidiary of the


                                                              Pro forma         Pro forma      Pro forma
                                                             adjustments       adjustments    adjustments
                                                 Actual         JL               ADC           Deltapoint         Pro forma
Current liabilities

Current maturities of long-term debt
       and notes payable                          $862                                           122 (a)             984
Short-term borrowings                           45,573         (19,049)(5)                      6280 (c)          32,804
Accounts payable and accrued expenses           27,365         (10,791)(1)        (34)(8)        344 (a)          16,984
                                                                                                 100 (d)
Billings in excess of costs and estimated                                                                              -
     earnings on uncompleted contracts          9,163                                             24 (a)           9,187

Total current liabilities                      82,963                                                             59,959
                                               -------                                                           ------

Long-term debt, less current maturities        19,456                                            286 (a)          19,742

Minority interests and other                        2                                                                  2

Stockholders' equity

Common stock                                       109                                                               109
Class B capital stock                                1                                                                 1
Capital in excess of par value                 159,953                                                           159,953
Deficit                                       (33,282)          (3,675)(6)                                       (36,957)
Net unrealized gain on available-for-sale
 securities                                     4,709                                                              4,709
Treasury stock, at cost                        (1,736)                                                            (1,736)
Total stockholders' equity                    129,754                                                            126,079
                                              --------                                                        ----------

                                             $232,175                                                           $205,782
                                             --------                                                         ----------

Note: Effective September 30, 1998, the Five Star
Group, Inc. changed its name to JL Distributors,
        JL ia a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

(a) to record the purchase of the assets of The  Deltapoint  Corporation,  as if
the purchase had taken place on June 30, 1998

(b) to record a $60,000 covenant not to compete and goodwill of $4,618,000

(c) to record the  financing of the  purchase  price of  $6,280,000  for certain
assets and liabilities of Deltapoint

(d) to accrue $100,000 for the estimated costs of completing the transaction

JL and ADC
(1) to record the sale of certain  assets and  liabilities of JL to Five Star, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of ADC

(2) to record the  elimination  of the good- will related to JL (see  adjustment

(3) to record the issuance of a $5,000,000  senior  unsecured  note by ADC to JL

(4) to record  the cash  received  by the  Company  on its sale of shares of ADC
common stock to the employees of JL

(5) to record  the cash  payment  by Five Star for the value of the  outstanding
short-term borrowings

(6) to record the estimated loss on the sale of certain net assets of JL to Five

(7) to record 37.5% of the value of the net assets of JL sold to ADC, as well as
the transfer of 37.5% of the goodwill related to JL to Investments and advances

(8) to reflect the Company's interest in ADC falling below 50% (37.5%),  and the
subsequent accounting for ADC on the equity basis

GP Strategies Corporation and Subsidiares
Pro forma Statement of Operations
Year ended December 31, 1997
(unaudited, in thousands)

                                                             less:         less:          plus:         Pro forma
                                              Actual          JL            ADC        Deltapoint      adjustments        Pro forma

Sales                                        $234,801       $82,300        $1,123         $10,959                          $162,337
Cost of goods sold                            99,572        68,578           936                                            130,058
                                              -------       ------- -        ----                                          --------
Gross margin                                  35,229        13,722           187          10,959                             32,279
                                              -------       ------- -        ---- -       -------                          --------

Selling, general & administrative expenses    31,502)      (12,867)       (1,385)         (9,013)           (214)(a)        (26,497)
Interest expense                              (4,075)                        (72)            (37)           1,563(c)         (2,477)

Investment and other income, net               2,364         1,433           924              39           (299)(e)           (253)

Gain (loss) on trading securities                689                                                                           689

Minority interests                                25                         -                                                   25
                                              -------        -------        ----

Income before income taxes                     2,730         2,288         (346)           1,948                             3,766

Income tax benefit (expense)                     693          (120)          -               -              (124)(d)            689
                                               ------        ------        -----          ----                     -       -----

Net income                                    $3,423        $2,168         $(346)         $1,948                             $4,455
                                              ------- -     ------- -      ------ -       -------                       -    ------

Net income per share:
Basic                                          $0.33                                                                          $0.43
                                               ------                                                                   -     -----
Diluted                                        $0.31                                                                          $0.41
                                               ------                                                                   -     -----

Note: Effective September 30, 1998, the Five Star
Group, Inc. changed its name to JL Distributors,
Inc.(JL). JL ia a wholly-owned subsidiary of the

(a) to adjust the amortization  of goodwill as follows:
     Deltapoint; $4,618,000 over a 30 year period                                                                      $(154,000)
     JL; to eliminate goodwill previously recorded at                                                                    (60,000)
     the corporate level

(b) to record the amortization of a $60,000 covenant not to compete,  related to
    Deltapoint, over a three year period

(c) to adjust interest expense as follows:
    Deltapoint; interest at the prime rate     (8.5%)                                                                 $(534,000)
    related to the cash purchase price of $6,280,000
    to reduce interest expense related to the                                                                          1,697,000
    short-term borrowings
    to record interest income on the 8% $5,000,000                                                                       400,000
    senior unsecured note
(d) to record the effective tax rate on Deltapoint of 10%,  related to state and
    local taxes, as well as the Federal alternative minimum tax

(e) to adjust Investment and other income as follows:
      to record 37.5% of the goodwill previously recorded at the corporate level                                         $(23,000)
      JL; to record 37.5% of the goodwill eliminated within Five Star                                                    (173,000)
      JL; to record 37.5% of the interest on the short-term borrowings                                                   (636,000)
        to record the Company's 37.5% share in the income and loss of Five Star and ADC                                   683,000
      JL; to record 37.5% of the interest expense on the unsecured senior note                                           (150,000)

GP Strategies  Corporation and Subsidiares
Pro forma Statement of Operations 
Six months ended June 30,1998
(unaudited, in thousands)

                                                               less:          less:        plus:        Pro forma
                                                 Actual          JL           ADC       Deltapoint    adjustments       Pro forma

Sales                                           $133,769       $42,328         $158       $6,072                         $97,355
Cost of goods sold                              113,641        35,455          142        2,413                          80,457
                                                -------- -     ------- -       ---- -     ------                         ------
Gross margin                                     20,128         6,873           16        3,659                          16,898
                                                 ------- -      ------ -        --- -     ------                         ------

Selling, general & administrative expenses      (15,768)       (6,282)        (430)      (3,951)          $(107)  (a)   (13,124)
                                                                                                            (10)  (b)
Interest expense                                 (1,846)                          -                          678  (c)    (1,168)

Investment and other income, net                     782           622           80                        (151)  (e)       (71)

Gain on trading securities                         1,272             -            -  ______                                1,272
                                               -------------------------------------                                   ----------

Income before income taxes                         4,568         1,213        (334)        (292)                           3,807

Income tax expense                                 (514)          (80)         -            -                 28  (d)      (406)
                                                   ----- -        ---- -       ---- -       ----                           -----

Net income                                       $4,054        $1,133        $(334)       $(292)                         $3,401
                                                 ------- -     ------- -     ------ -     ------                         ------

Net income per share:
Basic                                             $0.38            $0.32
                                                  ------           -----
Diluted                                           $0.33            $0.28
                                                           -      ------      

Note: Effective September 30, 1998, the Five Star Group, 
      Inc. changed its name to JL Distributors, Inc.(JL).
      JL ia a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

(a) to adjust the amortization  of goodwill as follows:
      Deltapoint; $4,618,000 over a 30 year period                                                                         $(77,000)
      JL; to eliminate goodwill previously recorded at the corporate level                                                  (30,000)

(b) to record the amortization of a $60,000 covenant not to compete, related to 
    Deltapoint, over  a three year period

(c) to adjust interest expense as follows:
      Deltapoint; interest at the prime rate (8.5%)related to the cash purchase price of $6,280,000                       $(267,000)
      to reduce interest expense related to the short-term borrowings                                                       745,000
      to record interest income on the 8% $5,000,000 senior unsecured note                                                  200,000

(d) to record the effective tax rate on Deltapoint of 10%, related to state and local taxes, as well as
   the Federal alternative minimum tax

(e) to adjust Investment and other income as follows:
    to record 37.5% of the goodwill previously recorded at the corporate level                                             $(11,000)
    JL; to record 37.5% of the goodwill eliminated within Five Star                                                         (86,000)
    JL; to record 37.5% of the interest on the short-term borrowings                                                       (279,000)
    to record the Company's 37.5% share in the income and loss of JL and ADC                                                300,000
    JL; to record 37.5% of the interest expense onthe unsecured senior note                                                 (75,000)


              Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  exchange Act of
1934,  the  Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                         GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION

Dated:  October 15, 1998                 BY:  Scott N. Greenberg
                                              Executive Vice President
                                              and Chief Financal Officer

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.              Description                                     Page

     10          Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of August 31, 1998
                 between American Drug Company and Five Star Group,
                 Inc.  Incorporated herein by reference to American Drug
                 Company's Form 8-K filed on September 15, 1998.

     99          Press Release, dated October 1, 1998