
                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER



                                 VS&A-GP, L.L.C.

                            VS&A-GP ACQUISITION, INC.


                            GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION

                                   dated as of

                                 October 6, 1999


                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                                 October 6, 1999

           The parties to this agreement are VS&A Communications  Partners III,
L.P., a Delaware limited partnership  ("Parent"),  VS&A-GP,  L.L.C., a Delaware
limited  liability company  wholly  owned  by  Parent  and its  affiliate  VS&A
Communications Parallel  Partners III, L.P. (the "LLC"),  VS&A-GP  ACQUISITION,
INC., a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned  subsidiary of LLC (the "Sub"),
and GP Strategies Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Company").

           The parties  wish to provide for the  acquisition  of the Company by
Parent by means of a merger (the "Merger") of the Sub into the Company pursuant
to Section 251 of the Delaware General Corporation Law (the "DGCL").Pursuant to
an agreement  dated August 31, 1999,  among the Parent and certain stockholders
(the "Stockholders")of the Company (the "Stockholder Agreement"), as amended on
the date hereof, each of the Stockholders has agreed,  with certain exceptions,
to exercise all options held by him to purchase shares of the Company's  Common
Stock, par value $.01 per share ("Common Stock") and Class B Capital Stock, par
value $.01  ("Capital  Stock"), to vote all of his  shares of Common  Stock and
Capital  Stock in favor of the Merger and, immediately  prior to the  Effective
Time (as defined in Section 1.3) of the Merger, to acquire membership interests
in the LLC in  exchange  for his  contribution to the LLC of Shares (as defined
below)owned by him (the "Exchanged Shares"). The shares of Common Stock and the
shares of Capital Stock are referred to collectively as the "Shares."

            It is therefore agreed as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                                       THE MERGER

           Section I.1 The Merger.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this
agreement,the Company and the Sub shall consummate the Merger pursuant to which
(a)the Sub shall be merged with and into the Company and the separate corporate
existence of the Sub shall  thereupon  cease and (b) the  Company  shall be the
successor or surviving corporation in the Merger (sometimes referred to below
as the "Surviving Corporation") and shall continue to be governed by the law of
Delaware. Subject to Section 4.8(a)(i), the certificate of incorporation of the
Company, as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall be amended
as of the Effective  Time  to read  as set  forth  on  Exhibit  1.1(a)  to this
agreement and the bylaws of the Company, as in effect  immediately prior to the
Effective Time,  shall be amended as of the Effective Time to read as set forth
on Exhibit 1.1(b) to this agreement.The Merger shall have the effects specified
in the DGCL.

            Section I.2  Stockholders' Meeting.  Subject to the  provisions  of
Section 4.4, the Company, acting  through its Board of Directors (the "Board of
Directors"), shall, in accordance with applicable law:

                  (i)   duly call,  give notice of, convene and hold a special
      meeting  of its  stockholders  (the  "Special  Meeting") as  promptly  as
      practicable  following the execution of this agreement for the purpose of
      considering and adopting this agreement;

                  (ii)  prepare  and  file  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
      Commission  (the  "SEC") a  preliminary proxy  statement  relating to the
      Merger and this  agreement and use its reasonable  efforts to obtain and
      furnish  the  information required to be included by the SEC in the Proxy
      Statement as hereinafter defined) and, after consultation with Parent, to
      respond promptly  to any  comments  made by the SEC with  respect  to the
      preliminary proxy  statement  and  cause a  definitive  proxy  statement,
      including any amendment or supplement thereto (the "Proxy Statement"), to
      be mailed to its stockholders, provided that no amendment or supplement
      to the Proxy Statement shall be made by the Company without consultation
      with Parent and its counsel; and

                 (iii) (x) include in the Proxy Statement the recommendation of
      the Board of Directors  that  stockholders  of the Company  approve  this
      agreement and the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  (y) use reasonable
      efforts to solicit from stockholders  of the Company  proxies in favor of
      adoption  of  this  agreement, and  take  all  other  actions  reasonably
      necessary or advisable to secure such vote, and (z) cooperate with Parent,
      LLC and Sub with respect to each of the foregoing matters.

             Section I.3  Effective  Time.  On the  Closing  Date (as defined in
Section 1.4),  Parent and the Company shall cause a Certificate  of Merger to be
executed and filed with the  secretary of state of Delaware  (the  "Secretary of
State") as provided in the DGCL.  The Merger shall become  effective on the date
on which the  Certificate of Merger is duly filed with the Secretary of State or
such  time  subsequent  to such  filing  as is agreed  upon by the  parties  and
specified in the  Certificate  of Merger.  The time at which the Merger  becomes
effective is referred to in this agreement as the "Effective Time."

             Section I.4 Closing.  The closing of the  transactions  relating to
the Merger (the  "Closing")  shall take place at the offices of  Proskauer  Rose
LLP,  1585  Broadway,  New York,  New York 10036,  at 10:00 a.m. on a date to be
specified by Parent,  which shall be no later than the second business day after
satisfaction  or waiver of all of the conditions  set forth in Sections  5.1(a),
5.1(c) and  5.2(f),  or on such other date or at such other place as the parties
to this agreement may agree upon in writing. The date of the Closing is referred
to in this agreement as the "Closing Date."

             Section I.5 Directors  and Officers of the  Surviving  Corporation.
The  directors  and officers of the Sub at the  Effective  Time shall,  from and
after the Effective  Time, be the directors and officers,  respectively,  of the
Surviving  Corporation  until their  successors  shall have been duly elected or
appointed or qualified or until their earlier  death,  resignation or removal in
accordance  with  the  certificate  of  incorporation  and  the  by-laws  of the
Surviving Corporation.

             Section  I.6  Conversion  of  Stock  Upon  the  Merger.  As of  the
Effective  Time,  by virtue of the Merger and without any further  action on the
part of the holders of any shares of the Company, LLC or the Sub:

                   (a) The Sub Common Stock.  Each issued and outstanding  share
of the Sub's common stock as of the Effective  Time shall be converted  into and
become 11,000 fully paid  nonassessable  shares of common stock of the Surviving

                   (b)  Cancellation of Treasury Stock and  Parent-Owned  Stock.
All issued and  outstanding  Shares that, as of the Effective Time, are owned by
the  Company as  treasury  stock or owned by Parent,  LLC,  the Sub or any other
wholly owned Subsidiary of Parent or LLC shall be canceled and retired and shall
cease to exist and no consideration shall be delivered in exchange therefor.

                   (c)  Conversion  of the  Company's  Common  Stock and Capital
Stock.  Each issued and  outstanding  Share as of the Effective Time (other than
Shares to be canceled in accordance  with Section 1.6 (b) and any Shares held by
stockholders  exercising  appraisal  rights  pursuant to Section 262 of the DGCL
("Dissenting  Stockholders"))  shall be  converted  into the right to receive an
amount equal to $13.74 per Share (the "Merger  Consideration"),  payable in cash
to the holder,  without  interest,  upon  surrender,  in the manner  provided in
Section  1.7,  of the  Certificate  (as  defined  in  Section  1.7(b))  formerly
representing  that Share.  All such Shares,  when so converted  upon the Merger,
shall no longer be outstanding and shall  automatically  be canceled and retired
and shall cease to exist, and each holder of a Certificate representing any such
Shares shall cease to have any rights with respect  thereto  except the right to
receive the Merger Consideration  therefor upon the surrender of the Certificate
in  accordance  with Section 1.7,  without  interest,  or the right,  if any, to
receive payment from the Surviving Corporation of the "fair value" of the shares
as determined in accordance with Section 262 of the DGCL.

                   (d)  Conversion  of Options.  Options to  purchase  shares of
Common Stock or Capital Stock pursuant to the Option Plan (as defined in Section
1.9) or the Other Option Agreements (as defined in Section 1.9) are collectively
referred to as the "Company Options".  Each Company Option outstanding as of the
Effective Time (whether vested or unvested) shall be converted into the right to
receive an amount equal to the product of (i) the number of Shares issuable upon
exercise of such Company Option and (ii) the greater of (A) the excess,  if any,
of the per Share Merger  Consideration over the per Share exercise price of such
Company Option and (B) $.05,  payable in cash to the holder,  without  interest,
and net of applicable withholding taxes.

             Section I.7 Exchange of Certificates.

                   (a) Prior to the  Effective  Time,  Parent shall  designate a
bank or trust company  reasonably  acceptable to the Company to act as agent for
the holders of the Shares in connection  with the Merger (the "Paying Agent") to
receive in trust the funds to which holders of the Shares shall become  entitled
pursuant  to the  Merger.  Such funds  shall be  delivered  by the Parent to the
Paying  Agent on the Closing Date and prior to the  Effective  Time and shall be
invested by the Paying Agent as directed by Parent or the Surviving Corporation;
provided that such investments shall be short-term  obligations of, or backed by
the full faith and credit of,  the United  States and shall  provide  sufficient
liquidity  to pay the  Merger  Consideration  to the  holders  of the  Shares in
accordance with this agreement.

                   (b) As soon as  reasonably  practicable  after the  Effective
Time,  the Paying Agent shall mail to each holder of record of a certificate  or
certificates,   which  immediately  prior  to  the  Effective  Time  represented
outstanding  Shares (the  "Certificates"),  whose Shares were converted upon the
Merger  into the  right to  receive  the  Merger  Consideration  (i) a letter of
transmittal  (which shall specify that delivery  shall be effected,  and risk of
loss and  title to the  Certificates  shall  pass,  only  upon  delivery  of the
Certificates  to the Paying  Agent and shall be in such form and have such other
provisions  as  Parent  and the  Company  may  reasonably  specify  prior to the
Effective Time) and (ii)  instructions for use in effecting the surrender of the
Certificates in exchange for payment of the Merger Consideration. Upon surrender
of a Certificate for  cancellation to the Paying Agent or to such other agent or
agents as may be appointed prior to the Effective Time by Parent, subject to the
approval  of the  Company,  together  with  such  letter  of  transmittal,  duly
executed,  the holder of such Certificate shall be entitled to receive forthwith
in  exchange   therefor  the  Merger   Consideration  for  each  Share  formerly
represented  by the  Certificate,  and  the  Certificate  so  surrendered  shall
forthwith be canceled. If payment of the Merger Consideration is to be made to a
person  other  than the  person in whose  name the  surrendered  Certificate  is
registered,  it  shall  be a  condition  of  payment  that  the  Certificate  so
surrendered  shall be properly endorsed or shall be otherwise in proper form for
transfer  and that the  person  requesting  such  payment  shall  have  paid any
transfer  and  other  taxes  required  by reason of the  payment  of the  Merger
Consideration  to a person other than the registered  holder of the  Certificate
surrendered  or shall have  established  to the  satisfaction  of the  Surviving
Corporation  that  such tax  either  has been paid or is not  applicable.  Until
surrendered  as  contemplated  by this Section 1.7,  each  Certificate  shall be
deemed  at any time  after the  Effective  Time to  represent  only the right to
receive the Merger Consideration in cash as contemplated by this Section 1.7.

                   (c) At the Effective  Time,  the stock  transfer books of the
Company shall be closed and thereafter there shall be no further registration of
transfers  of the  Shares  on the  records  of the  Company.  From and after the
Effective Time, the holders of Certificates  evidencing  ownership of the Shares
outstanding  immediately  prior to the  Effective  Time shall  cease to have any
rights with respect to those Shares,  except as otherwise provided for herein or
by applicable law. If, after the Effective Time,  Certificates  are presented to
the Surviving  Corporation for any reason,  they shall be canceled and exchanged
for cash as provided in this Article I.

                   (d) At any time following one year after the Effective  Time,
the  Surviving  Corporation  shall be entitled  to require  the Paying  Agent to
deliver to it any funds  (including any interest  received with respect thereto)
which had been  made  available  to the  Paying  Agent  and which  have not been
disbursed to holders of  Certificates,  and  thereafter  such  holders  shall be
entitled to look to the Surviving  Corporation  (subject to abandoned  property,
escheat or other similar laws) only as general creditors thereof with respect to
the Merger  Consideration  payable  upon due  surrender  of their  Certificates,
without  any  interest  thereon.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  neither  the
Surviving  Corporation  nor the Paying  Agent shall be liable to any holder of a
Certificate for Merger Consideration  delivered to a public official pursuant to
any applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar law.

             Section I.8 Dissenters' Rights. If any Dissenting Stockholder shall
demand to be paid the "fair  value" of such  holder's  Shares,  as  provided  in
Section 262 of the DGCL, the Company shall give Parent notice thereof and Parent
shall have the right to participate in all  negotiations  and  proceedings  with
respect to any such demands.  Neither the Company nor the Surviving  Corporation
shall,  except with the prior written  consent of Parent,  voluntarily  make any
payment  with  respect  to, or settle or offer to  settle,  any such  demand for
payment.  If any  Dissenting  Stockholder  shall  fail to  perfect or shall have
effectively  withdrawn  or lost the right to  dissent,  the Shares  held by such
Dissenting Stockholder shall thereupon be treated as though such Shares had been
converted upon the Merger into the Merger Consideration.

             Section I.9 Company Plans.  As of the Effective Time, the Company's
1973  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option Plan (the  "Option  Plan")  shall  terminate.
Options  to  purchase  an  aggregate  of  3,083,207  shares of Common  Stock are
outstanding  under the Option  Plan,  as reflected in Section 1.9 of the Company
Disclosure  Schedule,  and options to purchase an aggregate of 11,560  Shares of
Common Stock and 500,000  shares of Capital  Stock are  outstanding  under other
agreements  to issue  Shares (the  "Other  Option  Agreements").  The number and
holders of options  granted  under each of the Other Option  Agreements  are set
forth in Section  1.9 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule  (as defined  below).
Options  granted  under the GTS  Duratek,  Inc.  Stock Option Plan (as listed on
Section 1.9 of the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule)  shall not be affected by the

                                   ARTICLE II


             The Company represents and warrants to Parent, LLC and the Sub that
all of the  statements  contained  in this Article II are true and correct as of
the date of this  agreement  (or,  if made as of a  specified  date,  as of such
date),  except as set forth in the schedule  attached to this agreement  setting
forth  exceptions  to the Company's  representations  and  warranties  set forth
herein (the "Company Disclosure Schedule").

             Section II.1Organization.  Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries
is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
laws  of the  jurisdiction  of its  incorporation  or  organization  and has all
requisite corporate power and authority and all necessary governmental approvals
to own,  lease and operate its  properties  and to carry on its  business as now
being conducted. As used in this agreement, the term "Subsidiary" shall mean all
corporations or other entities in which the Company or Parent or the Sub, as the
case may be,  owns 50% or more of the issued and  outstanding  capital  stock or
similar interests.  Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries which are set forth
in Section 2.1 of the Company Disclosure  Schedule is duly qualified or licensed
to do business and in good  standing in each  jurisdiction  set forth in Section
2.1 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule.  Except as set forth in Section 2.1 of
the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  the  Company  does  not  own,  directly  or
indirectly,  any  equity  interest  in any  entity  where the  Company's  equity
interest in such entity exceeds five percent of the  outstanding  equity of such
entity on the date hereof.

             Section II.2Capitalization.

                   (a) The authorized  capital stock of the Company  consists of
25,000,000  shares of  Common  Stock,  2,800,000  shares  of  Capital  Stock and
10,000,000  shares of  Preferred  Stock,  par value  $.01 per share  ("Preferred
Stock"). As of the date hereof, (i) 11,081,043 shares of Common Stock are issued
and outstanding,  (ii) 427,186 shares of Common Stock are issued and held in the
treasury of the Company,  (iii)  450,000  shares of Capital Stock are issued and
outstanding, (iv) no shares of Capital Stock are issued and held in the treasury
of the Company, (v) no shares of Preferred Stock are issued, (vi) 950,000 shares
of Common  Stock are  reserved for issuance  upon  conversion  of Capital  Stock
issued or issuable upon exercise of Company  Options,  (vii) 3,094,767 shares of
Common  Stock are reserved for issuance  upon  exercise of  outstanding  Company
Options,  (viii) 0 shares of Common Stock are  reserved  for  issuance  upon the
exercise of options  authorized  but not  granted  under the Option  Plan,  (ix)
500,000  shares of Capital  Stock are  reserved for  issuance  upon  exercise of
Company  Options,  (x) 63,321  shares of Common  Stock are reserved for issuance
upon  exercise of warrants (the  "Company  Warrants")  and (xi) 10,000 shares of
Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock are reserved for issuance  upon
exercise  of the  rights to  purchase  Preferred  Stock (the  "Company  Rights")
pursuant to the Rights  Agreement  between  the Company  (then known as National
Patent Development  Corporation) and Harris Trust Company of New York, as Rights
Agent, dated as of June 23, 1997 (the "Rights  Agreement").  All the outstanding
shares of the  Company's  capital  stock are, and all shares which may be issued
pursuant to the exercise of outstanding  Company Options will be, when issued in
accordance with the respective terms thereof,  duly authorized,  validly issued,
fully paid and non-assessable.  There are no bonds,  debentures,  notes or other
indebtedness having general voting rights (or convertible into securities having
such rights)  ("Voting Debt") of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  issued
and  outstanding.  Except as set forth  above and  except  for the  transactions
contemplated  by this agreement and the  Stockholder  Agreement,  as of the date
hereof,  (i) there are no shares of  capital  stock of the  Company  authorized,
issued or  outstanding,  (ii)  there are no  existing  options  (other  than the
Company  Options  outstanding  on the date  hereof),  warrants  (other  than the
Company Warrants  outstanding on the date hereof),  calls,  pre-emptive  rights,
subscriptions  or other  rights  (other  than the Company  Rights),  agreements,
arrangements or commitments of any character, relating to the issued or unissued
capital stock of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries,  obligating the Company
or any of its  Subsidiaries  to issue,  transfer  or sell or cause to be issued,
transferred  or sold any  shares of  capital  stock or Voting  Debt of, or other
equity  interest  in,  the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  or  securities
convertible  into or  exchangeable  for such  shares  or  equity  interests,  or
obligating the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to grant, extend or enter into
any  such  option,  warrant,  call,  subscription  or  other  right,  agreement,
arrangement or commitment and (iii) except as set forth in Section 2.2(a) of the
Company Disclosure Schedule, there are no outstanding contractual obligations of
the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  to  repurchase,  redeem or  otherwise
acquire any Shares,  or the capital stock of the Company,  or any  Subsidiary or
affiliate of the Company or to provide funds to make any investment (in the form
of a loan,  capital  contribution  or otherwise) in any  Subsidiary or any other

                   (b) All of the outstanding shares of capital stock of each of
the Subsidiaries  are beneficially  owned by the Company (except as set forth in
Section 2.2 of the Company Disclosure Schedule), directly or indirectly, and all
such shares have been validly  issued and are fully paid and  nonassessable  and
are owned by either the Company or one of its Subsidiaries  (except as set forth
in Section 2.2 of the Company Disclosure  Schedule) free and clear of all liens,
charges, claims or encumbrances ("Encumbrances").

                   (c)  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  2.2  of the  Company
Disclosure  Schedule,  there  are  no  voting  trusts  or  other  agreements  or
understandings  to which the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries is a party with
respect  to the  voting  of the  capital  stock  of  the  Company  or any of the

             Section II.3Authorization;  Validity of Agreement;  Company Action.
The Company has full  corporate  power and authority to execute and deliver this
agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. The execution,
delivery and performance by the Company of this agreement,  and the consummation
by it of the transactions  contemplated hereby, have been duly authorized by its
Board of Directors and, except as  contemplated by Section 1.2 hereof,  no other
corporate  action on the part of the  Company  is  necessary  to  authorize  the
execution and delivery by the Company of this agreement and the  consummation by
it of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  This  agreement  has  been  duly
executed and delivered by the Company and, assuming due and valid authorization,
execution and delivery hereof by Parent,  LLC and the Sub, is a legal, valid and
binding obligation of the Company  enforceable against the Company in accordance
with its terms.

             Section II.4Consents and Approvals;  No Violations.  Except for the
filings,  consents  and  approvals  set  forth  in  Section  2.4 of the  Company
Disclosure  Schedule  and the  filings,  permits,  authorizations,  consents and
approvals as may be required under,  and other  applicable  requirements of, the
Securities   Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"),  the
Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of 1976,  as  amended  (the "HSR
Act"),  state  securities or blue sky laws, and the DGCL, none of the execution,
delivery or performance of this agreement by the Company,  the  consummation  by
the Company of the transactions contemplated hereby or compliance by the Company
with any of the provisions hereof will (i) conflict with or result in any breach
of any provision of the  certificate  of  incorporation,  the by-laws or similar
organizational  documents  of the  Company or of any of its  Subsidiaries,  (ii)
require any filing with,  or  authorization,  consent or approval of, any court,
arbitral tribunal,  administrative agency or commission or other governmental or
other regulatory authority or agency (a "Governmental Entity"),  (iii) result in
a violation or breach of, or constitute  (with or without due notice or lapse of
time or both) a default  (or give rise to any right of  termination,  amendment,
cancellation or acceleration) under, any of the terms,  conditions or provisions
of any Material  Contract (as defined in Section 2.17),  other than as set forth
in Article Thirteenth of the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as
amended,  or (iv) violate in any material respect any order,  writ,  injunction,
decree,  statute,  rule or  regulation  applicable  to the  Company,  any of its
Subsidiaries  or any of their  properties or assets.  Section 2.4 of the Company
Disclosure  Schedule sets forth a list of all third party consents and approvals
required to be obtained in  connection  with this  agreement  under any Material
Contract prior to the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  by this

             Section II.5SEC Reports and Financial  Statements.  The Company has
filed with the SEC all forms, reports, schedules, statements and other documents
required to be filed by it under the Exchange Act or the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended (the "Securities Act") (as such documents have been amended since the
time of their filing,  collectively,  the "Company SEC Documents").  As of their
respective dates or, if amended, as of the date of the last such amendment,  the
Company SEC Documents,  including,  without limitation, any financial statements
or  schedules  included  therein (a) did not contain any untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated  therein or
necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances
under which they were made,  not  misleading  and (b)  complied in all  material
respects with the applicable requirements of the Exchange Act and the Securities
Act, as the case may be, and the  applicable  rules and  regulations  of the SEC
thereunder.  None of the Company's  Subsidiaries  is required to file any forms,
reports or other documents with the SEC. The financial statements of the Company
included in the Company SEC Documents  (the  "Financial  Statements")  have been
prepared from, and are in accordance  with, the books and records of the Company
and  its  consolidated  Subsidiaries,  comply  in  all  material  respects  with
applicable accounting  requirements and with the published rules and regulations
of the SEC with respect thereto, have been prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") applied on a consistent basis during the
periods involved (except as may be indicated in the notes thereto and except for
the absence of  footnotes  with  respect to interim  Financial  Statements)  and
fairly present the consolidated  financial position and the consolidated results
of operations and cash flows of the Company and its consolidated Subsidiaries as
of the times and for the periods referred to therein.

             Section  II.6Absence  of Certain  Changes.  Except as  disclosed in
Section 2.6 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  since  December  31, 1998 the
Company and its Subsidiaries  have conducted their respective  businesses in all
material  respects  only in the  ordinary  and usual  course  and there have not
occurred any events or changes having or reasonably likely to have, individually
or in the aggregate,  a material  adverse effect on the condition  (financial or
otherwise),  business, assets, results of operations or prospects of the Company
and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole or upon the  ability  of the  Company to
perform its obligations under this agreement.

             Section II.7No Undisclosed Liabilities.  Except (a) as disclosed in
the Financial Statements and (b) for liabilities and obligations (x) incurred in
the ordinary course of business and consistent  with past practice,  (y) arising
pursuant  to the terms of this  agreement  or (z) as set forth in Section 2.7 of
the Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  since December 31, 1998, neither the Company
nor any of its  Subsidiaries  has incurred any liabilities or obligations of any
nature, whether or not accrued,  contingent or otherwise, which in the aggregate
are  material  and  which  would  be  required  by  GAAP  to be  reflected  on a
consolidated  balance sheet of the Company and its Subsidiaries (or in the notes

             Section  II.8Litigation.  Except as set forth in Section 2.8 of the
Company Disclosure Schedule,  there are no suits, claims, actions,  proceedings,
including,  without limitation,  arbitration  proceedings or alternative dispute
resolution  proceedings,  or  investigations  pending  or,  to the  best  of the
Company's  knowledge,  threatened against the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
before any  Governmental  Entity where the plaintiff or other  claimant or party
seeks to recover from the Company or any of its Subsidiaries an amount in excess
of $500,000,  excluding  workers  compensation or unemployment  benefits claims.
Except as disclosed in Section 2.8 of the Company Disclosure  Schedule,  neither
the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries  is subject to any  outstanding  order,
writ, injunction or decree.

             Section II.9Employee Benefit Plan; ERISA.

                   (a) Section  2.9(a) of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule sets
forth a true  and  complete  list  (or,  in the  case of an  unwritten  plan,  a
description) of all "employee  benefit plans" within the meaning of Section 3(3)
of the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as amended  ("ERISA"),
and any other bonus, profit sharing, pension, severance,  deferred compensation,
fringe benefit, insurance, welfare, post-retirement, health, life, stock option,
stock  purchase,  restricted  stock,  tuition refund,  scholarship,  relocation,
disability,   accident,  sick,  vacation,  individual  employment,   consulting,
executive compensation,  incentive,  commission,  retention,  change in control,
noncompetition,   and  other  plans,  agreements,   policies,  trust  funds,  or
arrangements (whether written or unwritten, insured or self-insured, domestic or
foreign)  (i)  established,  maintained,  sponsored or  contributed  to (or with
respect to which any  obligation to contribute has been  undertaken)  within the
last six years by the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any trade or business,
whether  or not  incorporated,  which  together  with the  Company or any of its
Subsidiaries  would be deemed a "single  employer" within the meaning of Section
414(b),  414(c) or 414(m) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the "Code"), or the regulations issued under Section 414(o) of the Code
or  Section  4001 of ERISA (an  "ERISA  Affiliate")  on behalf of any  employee,
director  or  shareholder  of the  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  (whether
current, former or retired) or their beneficiaries or (ii) with respect to which
the Company,  any of its  Subsidiaries or any ERISA Affiliate has or has had any
obligation  within the last six years on behalf of any such employee,  director,
shareholder,  or  beneficiary  (each a  "Benefit  Plan" and,  collectively,  the
"Benefit  Plans").  None of the Company,  any of its  Subsidiaries  or any ERISA
Affiliate has any formal plan or commitment,  whether legally binding or not, to
create any additional Benefit Plan or modify or change any existing Benefit Plan
that would affect any employee, director or shareholder (whether current, former
or retired) of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or their beneficiaries.

                   (b) With respect to each Benefit Plan:  (i) each Benefit Plan
intended  to be  tax-qualified  under  Section  401(a)  of the Code (or  similar
provision for tax-registered or tax-favored plans of foreign  jurisdictions) has
received a determination  letter from the United States Internal Revenue Service
to the effect that the Benefit  Plan is so  qualified  and any trust  maintained
pursuant  thereto is exempt from taxation  under Section  501(a) of the Code (or
similar determination letter or approval for tax-registered or tax-favored plans
of foreign  jurisdictions)  and  nothing  has  occurred  or is expected to occur
through  the  Effective  Time  that  caused  or  could  cause  the  loss of such
qualification  or exemption or the  imposition of any penalty or tax  liability;
(ii) such Benefit  Plan  complies in all material  respects  with,  and has been
maintained and  administered in accordance with, its terms  (including,  without
limitation,  the pass-through  voting and tender  provisions of any Benefit Plan
with  respect to any Common  Stock held  thereunder)  and  applicable  statutes,
orders or governmental rules or regulations,  including but not limited to ERISA
and the Code, no notice has been issued by any Governmental  Entity  questioning
or challenging such  compliance,  and no condition exists that would be expected
to affect  such  compliance;  (iii) no  disputes,  claims or other  actions  are
pending or asserted,  or, to the best of the  Company's  knowledge,  threatened,
that would be expected to give rise to any liability on the part of the Company,
any of its Subsidiaries or any ERISA Affiliate (other than non-material, routine
claims for benefits);  (iv) no "prohibited  transaction"  (within the meaning of
Section  4975 of the Code and Section 406 of ERISA) has  occurred or is expected
to  occur;  (v) all  contributions  and  premiums  due as of the date  hereof in
respect of any  Benefit  Plan  (taking  into  account  any  extensions  for such
contributions  and premiums)  have been made in full or accrued on the Company's
balance  sheet;  (vi) with respect to each Benefit Plan that is funded mostly or
partially  through  an  insurance  policy,  none  of  the  Company,  any  of its
Subsidiaries  or  any  ERISA  Affiliate  has  any  liability  in the  nature  of
retroactive  rate  adjustment,  loss  sharing  arrangement  or other  actual  or
contingent  liability  arising wholly or partially out of events occurring on or
before the Effective Time; and (vii) nothing has occurred that could  reasonably
be expected to increase the costs associated with any Benefit Plan.

             (c) Except as set forth in Section 2.9(c) of the Company Disclosure
Schedule, none of the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any ERISA Affiliate or
any of their respective  predecessors has within the last six years  contributed
to,  contributes  to, has ever been  required  to  contribute  to, or  otherwise
participated in or participates  in or in any way,  directly or indirectly,  has
any  liability  with  respect to any plan  subject  to Section  412 of the Code,
Section 302 of ERISA or Title IV of ERISA,  including,  without limitation,  any
"multiemployer  plan"  (within the meaning of Sections  3(37) or  4001(a)(3)  of
ERISA or  Section  414(f) of the  Code),  or any single  employer  pension  plan
(within  the  meaning  of  Section  4001(a)(15)  of ERISA)  which is  subject to
Sections 4063 and 4064 of ERISA.  With regard to the multiple  employer  defined
benefit  plan  (within the  meaning of Section  413(c) of the Code) set forth in
Section  2.9(c) of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule  (the  "Terminated  Pension
Plan"),  the Company has (i) taken all corporate  actions necessary to terminate
the Terminated Pension Plan; (ii) received a favorable determination letter from
the United States Internal Revenue Service approving the tax-qualified status of
the Terminated Pension Plan upon its termination;  (iii) timely filed PBGC Forms
500 and 501,  including  all schedules  and  attachments;  (iv) timely filed the
final Form 5500 with the United States Internal Revenue  Service;  and (v) taken
all other actions as are necessary or appropriate to effectuate the  termination
of the Terminated  Pension Plan in accordance with its terms and the Code, ERISA
and other  applicable  law. None of the Company,  any of its  Subsidiaries,  any
ERISA Affiliate, or any of their respective predecessors has or could reasonably
be expected to have any liability with respect to the Terminated Pension Plan.

             (d) Except as set forth in Section 2.9(d) of the Company Disclosure
Schedule,  none of the Company,  any of its  Subsidiaries or any ERISA Affiliate
maintains,  contributes to, or in any way provides  welfare benefits of any kind
whatsoever  (other than under  Section  4980B of the Code,  the  Federal  Social
Security  Act,  or a plan  qualified  under  Section  401(a) of the Code) to any
current or future retiree or terminee.

             (e) No  amounts  payable  under  any  Benefit  Plan will fail to be
deductible  for federal income tax purposes by virtue of Sections 280G or 162(m)
of the Code. None of the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any ERISA Affiliate
has any unfunded  liabilities  pursuant to any Benefit Plan that is not intended
to be  qualified  under  Section  401(a) of the Code and that is not an employee
pension benefit plan within the meaning of Section 3(2) of ERISA, a nonqualified
deferred  compensation  plan, an excess benefit plan or a Foreign  Employee Plan
(as defined below).

             (f) Except as disclosed on Section 2.9(f) of the Company Disclosure
Schedule,  neither the execution of this agreement nor the  consummation  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby will (i) entitle any  individual to severance
pay or  accelerate  the time of payment or vesting,  or increase the amount,  of
compensation  or  benefits  due to any  individual  solely  by  reason  of  such
transactions  or  by  reason  of a  termination  of  employment  following  such
transactions,  (ii)  constitute  or result  in a  prohibited  transaction  under
Section  4975 of the Code or Section 406 of ERISA or (iii)  subject the Company,
any of its  Subsidiaries,  any ERISA  Affiliate,  any of the Benefit Plans,  any
related trust, any trustee or administrator of any thereof, or any party dealing
with the  Benefit  Plans or any such  trust to either a civil  penalty  assessed
pursuant to Section 409 or 502(i) of ERISA or a tax imposed  pursuant to Section
4975 of the Code. The Company is primarily  engaged directly or through majority
owned subsidiaries in the production or sale of a product or service, other than
the investment of capital.

             (g) With respect to each Benefit Plan,  the Company has  previously
delivered to Parent or its  representatives  accurate and complete copies of all
plan documents, summary plan descriptions,  summaries of material modifications,
trust agreements and other related  agreements,  including all amendments to the
foregoing;  the most recent annual report; the annual and periodic accounting of
plan  assets in respect of the three most  recent  plan  years;  the most recent
determination  letter received from the United States Internal  Revenue Service;
the actuarial  valuation;  and any material  communication from any Governmental
Entity,  to the extent any of the  foregoing  may be  applicable to a particular
Benefit Plan, in respect of the three most recent plan years.

             (h) With  respect  to each  scheme  or  arrangement  mandated  by a
government  other than the United  States and with  respect to each Benefit Plan
that is not subject to United States law (a "Foreign  Employee Plan"),  the fair
market value of the assets of each funded  Foreign  Employee Plan, the liability
of each insurer for any Foreign  Employee Plan funded  through  insurance or the
book  reserve  established  for any Foreign  Employee  Plan,  together  with any
accrued  contributions,  is  sufficient  to procure or provide  for the  accrued
benefit  obligations  (taking into  account all  projections  for future  salary
increases with respect to all service  before the Closing Date),  as of the date
of this agreement,  with respect to all current and former  participants in such
Foreign Employee Plan according to the actuarial assumptions and valuations most
recently used to determine employer  contributions to such Foreign Employee Plan
and no transaction  contemplated  by this  agreement  shall cause such assets or
insurance obligations to be less than such benefit obligations.

             Section II.10     Tax Matters; Government Benefits.

                   (a)  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  2.10 of the  Company
Disclosure Schedule, the Company and its Subsidiaries have filed all Tax Returns
(as  hereinafter  defined) that are required to be filed and have paid or caused
to be paid all Taxes (as hereinafter  defined) that are either shown on such Tax
Returns as due and payable or  otherwise  due or claimed to be due by any taxing
authority  in writing.  All such Tax  Returns  are  correct and  complete in all
material respects and accurately reflect all liability for Taxes for the periods
covered  thereby.  All  Taxes  owed  and  due by the  Company  and  each  of its
Subsidiaries  with respect to their results of operations  through  December 31,
1998  (whether  or not  shown on any Tax  Return)  have  been  paid or have been
adequately reflected on the Company's  consolidated balance sheet as of December
31, 1998  included in the Financial  Statements  (the  "Balance  Sheet").  Since
December 31, 1998,  the Company has not incurred  liability  for any Taxes other
than in the  ordinary  course of  business.  Neither  the Company nor any of its
Subsidiaries  has received written notice of any claim made by an authority in a
jurisdiction  where  neither the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries  files Tax
Returns  that the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  is or may be subject to
taxation by that jurisdiction.

                   (b)  Neither  the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  has
violated  any  applicable  law of any  jurisdiction  relating to the payment and
withholding of Taxes,  including,  without limitation,  (x) withholding of Taxes
pursuant  to  Sections  1441 and 1442 of the Code or  similar  provisions  under
non-U.S. law and (y) withholding of Taxes in respect of amounts paid or owing to
any employee, creditor, independent contractor or other third party. The Company
and each of its Subsidiaries have, in the manner prescribed by law, withheld and
paid  when due all  Taxes  required  to have been  withheld  and paid  under all
applicable laws.

                   (c)  There are no  Encumbrances  upon the  shares of  capital
stock of any of the Company's Subsidiaries or any of the assets or properties of
the Company or any of its Subsidiaries that arose in connection with any failure
(or alleged failure) to pay any Tax when due.

                   (d)  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  2.10 of the  Company
Disclosure Schedule,  neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has waived
any  statute  of  limitations  in any  jurisdiction  in  respect of Taxes or Tax
Returns or agreed to any  extension of time with respect to a Tax  assessment or

                   (e)  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  2.10 of the  Company
Disclosure Schedule, no federal, state, local or foreign audits, examinations or
other  administrative  proceedings  have been  commenced  or, to the best of the
Company's knowledge,  are pending with regard to any Taxes or Tax Returns of the
Company or of any of its Subsidiaries. No written notification has been received
by the Company or by any of its Subsidiaries that such an audit,  examination or
other  proceeding is pending or threatened with respect to any Taxes due from or
with respect to or attributable to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or any
Tax Return filed by or with  respect to the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries.
To the best of the Company's knowledge,  there is no dispute or claim concerning
any Tax liability of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  either  claimed or
raised by any taxing authority in writing.

                   (f)  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  2.10 of the  Company
Disclosure Schedule, during their most recent five taxable years,  respectively,
neither the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries  has made a material  change in
tax accounting methods, received a ruling from any taxing authority or signed an
agreement with any taxing  authority which has or would be reasonably  likely to
materially  adversely affect the Company or its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole.
Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries is required to include in income
any adjustment  pursuant to Section 481(a) of the Code or any similar  provision
of  foreign,  state or  local  law,  by  reason  of a  voluntary  change  in tax
accounting  method  (nor has any taxing  authority  proposed in writing any such
adjustment or change of accounting method).

                   (g)  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  2.10 of the  Company
Disclosure Schedule,  neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries is a party
to, is bound by or has any  obligation  under  any Tax  sharing  agreement,  Tax
indemnification  agreement  or  similar  contract  or  arrangement  (other  than
contracts or arrangements among the Company and its  Subsidiaries).  Neither the
Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  is aware of any  potential  liability  or
obligation  to any person as a result of, or  pursuant  to, any such  agreement,
contract or arrangement. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has any
liability for Taxes of another person by contract or otherwise.

                   (h)  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  2.10 of the  Company
Disclosure Schedule, no power of attorney with respect to any matter relating to
Taxes or Tax Returns has been  granted by or with  respect to the Company or any
of its Subsidiaries.

                   (i)  Neither the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  is a
party to any  agreement,  plan,  contract  or  arrangement  that  could  result,
separately  or in  the  aggregate,  in the  payment  of  any  "excess  parachute
payments" within the meaning of Section 280G of the Code.

                   (j) During the most recent five taxable  years of the Company
and of each of its Subsidiaries,  no closing agreement  pursuant to Section 7121
of the Code (or any  predecessor  provision,  or any  similar  provision  of any
state,  local or foreign  law) has been  entered  into by or with respect to the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

                   (k) Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has filed
a consent pursuant to Section 341(f) of the Code (or any predecessor  provision)
concerning collapsible corporations,  or agreed to have Section 341(f)(2) of the
Code  apply to any  disposition  of a  "subsection  (f)  asset" (as such term is
defined in Section  341(f)(4)  of the Code)  owned by the  Company or any of its

                   (l) The Company has never been a United  States real property
holding  corporation  within the meaning of Section 897(c)(2) of the Code during
the applicable  period  specified in Section  897(c)(1)(A)(ii)  of the Code. The
Company  has never been a member of an  Affiliated  Group  within the meaning of
Section 1504 of the Code,  other than an Affiliated  Group for which the Company
is or was the  common  parent.  None of the  Subsidiaries  of the  Company  is a
foreign  personal  holding company within the meaning of Section 552 of the Code
or a passive  foreign  investment  company within the meaning of Section 1296 of
the Code.

                   (m)  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  2.10 of the  Company
Disclosure Schedule, no taxing authority is asserting or threatening to assert a
claim in writing against the Company,  or any of its Subsidiaries  under or as a
result of Section 482 of the Code or any similar  provision  of state,  local or
foreign law.

                   (n) Section 2.10 of the Company Disclosure Schedule lists all
federal, state, local and foreign Tax Returns in respect of which an audit is in
progress or is, to the best of the Company's knowledge, pending, which was filed
by,  on behalf of or with  respect  to the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries.  The
Company has delivered to Parent complete and accurate copies of each of: (A) all
audit,  examination  and similar  reports and all letter  rulings and  technical
advice  memoranda  filed or received  by the Company  during the last five years
relating to federal,  state, local and foreign Taxes due from or with respect to
the Company and its Subsidiaries;  (B) all federal,  state and local and foreign
Tax Returns,  Tax examination reports and similar documents filed by the Company
and its Subsidiaries  during the last five years; and (C) all closing agreements
entered into by the Company and its  Subsidiaries  with any taxing authority and
all statements of Tax deficiencies  assessed against or agreed to by the Company
and its Subsidiaries during the last five years.

                   (o) As used in this agreement, the following terms shall have
the following meanings:

                         (i) "Tax" or "Taxes"  shall  mean all  taxes,  charges,
       fees,  duties,  levies,  penalties  or other  assessments  imposed by any
       federal, state, local or foreign governmental authority,  including,  but
       not limited to, income, gross receipts,  excise,  property,  sales, gain,
       use,  license,  custom  duty,  unemployment,   capital  stock,  transfer,
       franchise, payroll, withholding,  social security, minimum, estimated and
       other  taxes,  and  shall  include   interest,   penalties  or  additions
       attributable thereto; and

                         (ii) "Tax Return"  shall mean any return,  declaration,
       report,  claim for refund, or information return or statement relating to
       Taxes,  including any schedule or attachment  thereto,  and including any
       amendment thereof.

             Section  II.11 Title and Condition of  Properties.  Section 2.11 of
the Company  Disclosure  Schedule contains a true,  correct and complete list of
all owned and all  material  leased  real  property  in which the Company or any
Subsidiary has an interest, whether an ownership interest,  interest pursuant to
a lease or  sublease,  water  rights  or  otherwise,  and a  description  of the
interests  owned by the Company and any  Subsidiary  therein  (including a brief
description of the property, the location thereof and the improvements thereon).
Except as set forth in Section  2.11 of the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  the
Company and its  Subsidiaries own good and marketable  title,  free and clear of
all Encumbrances, to all of the real property, and good title, free and clear of
all  Encumbrances  to all of the  personal  property  and  assets,  shown on the
Balance Sheet or acquired after  December 31, 1998,  except for (A) assets which
have been disposed of to nonaffiliated  third parties since December 31, 1998 in
the ordinary course of business, (B) Encumbrances reflected in the Balance Sheet
or in the notes thereto,  (C)  Encumbrances or  imperfections of title which are
not, individually or in the aggregate,  material in character,  amount or extent
and which do not materially detract from the value or materially  interfere with
the  present or  presently  contemplated  use of the assets  subject  thereto or
affected thereby, and (D) Encumbrances for Taxes not yet due and payable. All of
the machinery,  equipment and other tangible  personal property and assets owned
or used by the Company and its  Subsidiaries are in good condition and repair in
all material respects,  except for ordinary wear and tear not caused by neglect,
and are useable in the ordinary  course of business.  The personal  property and
assets  reflected on the Balance Sheet or acquired  after December 31, 1998, the
rights under any note, bond,  mortgage,  indenture,  lease,  license,  contract,
agreement or other  instrument  or obligation to which the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries  is a party or by which any of them or any of their  properties  or
assets may be bound and the  Intellectual  Property (as defined in Section 2.12)
owned or used by the Company  under valid  Licenses (as defined in Section 2.12)
collectively include all assets necessary to provide,  produce, sell and license
the services and products currently provided, produced, sold and licensed by the
Company and its  Subsidiaries and to conduct the business of the Company and its
Subsidiaries  as  presently  conducted  or  as  currently   contemplated  to  be

             Section II.12     Intellectual Property.

                   (a)  Section  2.12(a)  of  the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule
contains an accurate  and  complete  listing  setting  forth (x) all  registered
Trademarks,  Patents and registered Copyrights (as each such term is hereinafter
defined) which are owned by the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  and (y) all
material  Licenses to which the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  is a party,
such schedule indicating, as to each such License, whether the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries is the licensee or licensor, whether it is royalty bearing, the
territory,  whether  it is  exclusive  or  non-exclusive,  and the nature of the
licensed property.

                   (b)  Except as set forth in Section  2.12(b)  of the  Company
Disclosure  Schedule,  neither the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries is under
any obligation to pay any royalty or other compensation to any third party or to
obtain any approval or consent for the use of any Intellectual  Property used in
or necessary for its business as currently conducted or as currently proposed to
be conducted.  None of the Intellectual  Property owned by the Company or by any
of its Subsidiaries or, to the best of the Company's knowledge,  licensed to the
Company or to any of its  Subsidiaries is subject to any  outstanding  judgment,
order, decree, stipulation, injunction or charge. Except as set forth in Section
2.12(b)  of  the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  there  is  no  claim,  charge,
complaint,  action, suit, proceeding,  hearing,  investigation or demand pending
or, to the best of the Company's  knowledge,  threatened,  which  challenges the
legality, validity, enforceability, or the Company's or any of its Subsidiaries'
use or ownership of any of the Intellectual Property owned by the Company or any
of its Subsidiaries or, to the best of the Company's knowledge,  licensed to the
Company or to any of its Subsidiaries.

                   (c) No material breach or default (or event which with notice
or lapse of time or both would  result in a material  event of  default)  by the
Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  exists or has occurred under any License or
other agreement  pursuant to which the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  uses
any Intellectual  Property owned by a third party or has granted any third party
the  right  to use  its  Intellectual  Property,  and  the  consummation  of the
transactions contemplated by this agreement will not violate or conflict with or
constitute a material  default (or an event which,  with notice or lapse of time
or both, would constitute a material default),  result in a forfeiture under, or
constitute a basis for termination of any such License or other agreement.

                   (d) The  Company  and  its  Subsidiaries  own all  registered
Trademarks,  Patents, and registered  Copyrights set forth in Section 2.12(a) of
the Company  Disclosure  Schedule as owned by the Company or a Subsidiary of the
Company  and own or have the  right to use all  items of  Intellectual  Property
necessary  to  provide,  produce,  sell and license the  services  and  products
currently  provided,  produced,  sold  and  licensed  by  the  Company  and  its
Subsidiaries  and to conduct the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries as
presently conducted or as currently proposed to be conducted.

                   (e) To the best of the  Company's  knowledge,  except  as set
forth in Section 2.12(e) of the Company Disclosure Schedule,  the conduct of the
Company's and its  Subsidiaries'  business,  the Intellectual  Property owned or
used by the Company and its Subsidiaries, and the products or services produced,
sold or  licensed  by the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  do not  infringe  any
Intellectual  Property  rights of any person.  The Company and its  Subsidiaries
have received no notice of any allegations or threats that the Company's and its
Subsidiaries'  use of any of the Intellectual  Property  infringes upon or is in
conflict with any Intellectual Property of any third party.

                   (f)  All of the  Company's  and  its  Subsidiaries'  Patents,
Trademarks and Copyrights set forth in Section 2.12(a) of the Company Disclosure
Schedule have been duly  registered,  filed or issued,  as the case may be, have
been  properly   maintained  and  renewed  in  accordance  with  all  applicable
provisions  of law  and  administrative  regulations,  and the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries,  as the case may be, are the record owners thereof, except in each
case where the Company has determined in its reasonable  business  judgment that
the use of such  Intellectual  Property is not required for the operation of its
or its  Subsidiaries'  business.  The  Company and its  Subsidiaries  have taken
reasonable  steps in accordance  with normal  industry  practice to maintain the
confidentiality  of  its  trade  secrets  and  other  confidential  Intellectual

                   (g) No employees,  officers, agents, directors or independent
contractors of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  have asserted any claim,
or have any  valid  claim  or valid  right,  which  is  material,  to any of the
Company's or any of its Subsidiaries' Intellectual Property used in or necessary
for the conduct of the Company's or its Subsidiaries'  business as now conducted
or as  currently  proposed  to be  conducted.  To  the  best  of  the  Company's
knowledge, no employee,  officer, agent or director of the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries is a party to or otherwise bound by any agreement with or obligated
to any other person  (including,  any former  employer) which conflicts with any
obligation  or  commitment  of  such  employee  to  the  Company  or  any of its
Subsidiaries under any agreement to which he or she is a party or otherwise.

                   (h) As used in this agreement,  "Intellectual Property" means
all  of  the  following:  (i)  U.S.  and  foreign  registered  and  unregistered
trademarks,   service  marks,  logos,  trade  names,  corporate  names  and  all
registrations  and  applications to register the same (the  "Trademarks");  (ii)
issued  U.S.  and  foreign  patents  and  pending  patent  applications,  patent
disclosures,  and any and all divisions,  continuations,  continuations-in-part,
reissues,  reexaminations,  and extension  thereof,  any  counterparts  claiming
priority  therefrom,   utility  models,  patents  of   importation/confirmation,
certificates of invention and like statutory rights (the "Patents");  (iii) U.S.
and foreign registered and unregistered  copyrights (including,  but not limited
to, those in computer  software  and  databases),  rights of  publicity  and all
registrations and applications to register the same (the "Copyrights"); (iv) all
categories  of trade  secrets  as  defined  in the  Uniform  Trade  Secrets  Act
including,  but not limited to, business  information;  and (v) all licenses and
agreements,  other than  licenses for the internal use and  reproduction  by the
Company  or any  of its  Subsidiaries  of  computer  software  and  other  works
protected by copyrights, pursuant to which the Company has acquired rights in or
to any Trademarks, Patents or Copyrights, or licenses and agreements pursuant to
which  the  Company  has  licensed  or  transferred  the right to use any of the
foregoing ("Licenses").

             Section II.13  Employment  Matters.  Except as set forth in Section
2.13 of the Company Disclosure Schedule, to the best of the Company's knowledge,
(a) no key employee or group of key employees  has any plans to terminate  their
employment  with the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  as a  result  of the
transactions  contemplated hereby or otherwise,  (b) neither the Company nor any
of its  Subsidiaries has experienced any strikes,  collective labor  grievances,
other collective  bargaining disputes or claims of unfair labor practices in the
last five years, (c) there is no  organizational  effort presently being made or
threatened  by or on behalf of any labor union with  respect to employees of the
Company and its Subsidiaries, and (d) except as set forth in Section 2.13 to the
Company Disclosure Schedule, the Company and each Subsidiary is in compliance in
all material respects with all laws relating to the employment or the workplace,
including,  without limitation,  provisions relating to wages, hours, collective
bargaining, safety and health, work authorization, equal employment opportunity,
immigration  and the  withholding  of income taxes,  unemployment  compensation,
worker's  compensation,  employee  privacy and right to know and social security

             Section II.14 Compliance with Laws.  Except as set forth in Section
2.14 to the Company Disclosure Schedule, the Company and its Subsidiaries are in
compliance in all material  respects with, and have not violated in any material
respect, any applicable law, rule or regulation of any federal,  state, local or
foreign  government or agency thereof  (including  but not limited to,  Military
Specifications and Federal  Acquisitions  Regulations),  and no notice,  charge,
claim,  action or  assertion  has been  received  by the  Company  or any of its
Subsidiaries  or to the  best  of  the  Company's  knowledge,  has  been  filed,
commenced or threatened against the Company or any of its Subsidiaries  alleging
any such violation. The Company and its Subsidiaries hold all licenses,  permits
and approvals from all  Governmental  Entities which are material to the conduct
of the  business of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  and  necessary  for the
Company and its  Subsidiaries to own, lease and operate their  properties and to
conduct their  businesses  and all such  licenses,  permits and approvals are in
full force and effect.

             Section II.15     Environmental Compliance.

             (a)   Except  as  set  forth  in  Section  2.15  to  the  Company
                   Disclosure Schedule,

                   (i) all of the current and past  operations  of the  Company,
including the  Company's  current and past  operations  in  connection  with the
Company's  Environmental  Engineering  Services,  comply,  and have at all times
complied,  in all material respects with applicable  Environmental Laws, and all
of the  current  and  past  operations  of the  Company  (x) at or from any real
property presently or formerly owned, leased, managed or operated by the Company
(collectively,  the  "Real  Property"),  and (y) at or from  any  real  property
presently or formerly  leased,  managed or operated by the Company in connection
with the Company's Environmental  Engineering Services,  comply, and have at all
times complied, in all material respects with applicable Environmental Laws.

                   (ii)  neither the Company,  nor to the best  knowledge of the
Company,  any other  person or entity,  has engaged in,  authorized,  allowed or
suffered any  operations  or  activities  upon any of the Real  Property for the
purpose  of or in  any  way  involving  the  handling,  manufacture,  treatment,
processing,  storage, use, generation,  release, discharge,  spilling, emission,
dumping,  transporting,  disposal or arranging  for transport or disposal of any
Hazardous  Substances  at,  on  under  or from  the  Real  Property,  except  in
compliance in all material respects with all applicable Environmental Laws;

                   (iii) the Real  Property  is not listed or to the best of the
Company's  knowledge  proposed for listing on the National  Priorities List (the
"NPL") pursuant to the Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation and
Liability  Act  ("CERCLA"),  42  U.S.C.  ss.  9601 et  seq.,  or on any  similar
inventory of sites  requiring  investigation  or  remediation  maintained by any
state or  locality.  The Company has not  received  any notice,  whether oral or
written, from any Governmental Entity or third party of any actual or threatened
Environmental   Liabilities   with  respect  to  the  Company,   the   Company's
Environmental Engineering Services or the Real Property;

                   (iv)  the  Real  Property  does  not  contain  any  Hazardous
Substances (as defined below) in, on, or under it, in concentrations which would
presently  violate  any  applicable  Environmental  Laws  or to the  best of the
Company's knowledge would result in the imposition of obligations on the present
or former  owner,  manager or operator  of the Real  Property  under  applicable
Environmental  Laws,  for  the  investigation,   clean-up,   corrective  action,
remediation  or  monitoring  of Hazardous  Substances  in, on, or under the Real

                   (v) there are no underground storage tanks owned,  leased, or
operated by the Company or used in the  business of the Company in, on, or under
any Real Property;

                   (vi) there are no conditions existing at any currently owned,
leased,  managed,  or operated real property that require remedial or corrective
action,  removal,  monitoring or closure pursuant to the  Environmental  Laws or
with respect to the business of the Company that would be  reasonably  likely to
result  in the  imposition  of any  material  Environmental  Liabilities  on the
Company  as a  result  of  the  handling,  manufacture,  treatment,  processing,
storage,  use, generation,  release,  discharge,  spilling,  emission,  dumping,
transporting,  disposing or arranging for transport or disposal of any Hazardous
Substances, including in connection with the Company's Environmental Engineering

                   (vii)   the   Company   has   all  the   permits,   licenses,
authorizations  and  approvals  necessary  for  the  conduct  of  its  business,
including  the  Company's  Environmental   Engineering  Services,  and  for  the
operations on, in or at the Real Property,  which are required under  applicable
Environmental Laws (the "Environmental  Permits").  The Company is in compliance
in all material respects with the terms and conditions of all such Environmental
Permits,  and, to the best  knowledge of the Company,  no reason  exists why the
Company would not be capable of continued  operation of its business,  after the
consummation  of the Merger,  in  compliance  in all material  respects with the
Environmental Permits and the applicable Environmental Laws;

                   (viii)the   Company   has   provided   to   Parent   or   its
representatives  all  environmental  reports,   assessments,   audits,  studies,
investigations,   data,   Environmental   Permits  and  other  material  written
environmental  information in its custody,  possession or control concerning the
Company, the Real Property and any Environmental Liabilities associated with the
Company's business,  including the Company's Environmental Engineering Services,
and the Real Property;

                   (ix) the Company has not contractually, or to the best of the
Company's  knowledge,  by operation of law, by the Environmental Laws, by common
law or otherwise  assumed or succeeded to any  Environmental  Liabilities of any
predecessors or any other person or entity; and

                   (x)  None of the  items  set  forth  in  Section  2.15 of the
Company's Disclosure Schedule,  individually or in the aggregate,  is reasonably
likely to result in any material Environmental Liability.

             (b)   As used in this  Section  2.15,  these  terms  shall have the
                   following meanings:

                   (i)  "Environment"  means any surface or subsurface  physical
medium or natural resource,  including air, land, soil,  surface waters,  ground
waters,  stream  and river  sediments,  biota and any  indoor  area,  surface or
physical medium.

                   (ii) "Environmental Engineering Services" means the Company's
environmental  engineering  and  support  services,  described  in Item 1 to the
Company's Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended  December 31, 1998,  including (i)
the  development and management of  environmental  remediation  plans,  (ii) the
contracting and subcontracting of remediation construction activities, (iii) the
arrangement,  transport, removal and offsite disposal and treatment of hazardous
substances,  and (iv) such other related  activities of the Company performed in
connection with such environmental engineering and support services.

                   (iii) "Environmental Laws" means any federal, state, local or
common law, rule, regulation,  ordinance, code, order or judgment (including any
written  judicial  or  administrative  interpretations,  guidances,  directives,
policy  statements  or opinions)  relating to the injury to, or the pollution or
protection of human health and safety or the Environment.

                   (iv) "Environmental Liabilities" means any claims, judgments,
damages (including punitive damages),  losses,  penalties,  fines,  liabilities,
encumbrances,  liens,  violations,  costs and expenses (including attorneys' and
consultants' fees) of investigation,  remediation,  monitoring or defense of any
matter  relating to human health,  safety or the Environment of whatever kind of
nature by any party, entity or authority,  (A) which are incurred as a result of
(i) the existence of Hazardous  Substances  in, on, under,  at or emanating from
any real  property  presently  or  formerly  owned,  operated  or managed by the
Company,  (ii) the  offsite  transportation,  treatment,  storage or disposal of
Hazardous  Substances  generated by the Company,  or (iii) the  violation of any
Environmental Laws or (B) which arise under the Environmental Laws.

                   (v) "Hazardous  Substances"  means any  petroleum,  petroleum
products, petroleum-derived substances, radioactive materials, hazardous wastes,
polychlorinated biphenyls, lead-based paint, radon, urea formaldehyde,  asbestos
or any materials containing asbestos, pesticides and any chemicals, materials or
substances  regulated under any Environmental  Law, or defined as or included in
the  definition  of  "hazardous   substances,"  "hazardous  wastes,"  "extremely
hazardous substances,"  "hazardous materials," "hazardous  constituents," "toxic
substances," "pollutants,"  "contaminants," or any similar denomination intended
to classify or regulate  such  chemicals,  materials or  substances by reason of
their  toxicity,  carcinogenicity,  ignitability,  corrosivity  or reactivity or
other characteristics under any Environmental Law.

             (c) All  references  in this  Section  2.15  to the  Company  shall
include any Subsidiary thereto, and all predecessors  thereto, and any person or
entity  the  liabilities  of  which,   pursuant  to  the   Environmental   Laws,
contractually,  by common law, by operation of law or otherwise, the Company may
have succeeded to.

             Section  II.16  Year 2000  Compliance.  (a)  Except as set forth in
Section  2.16 of the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  the  computer  systems and
products of the Company and its Subsidiaries (including all software,  hardware,
workstations and related components, automated devices, embedded chips and other
date  sensitive  equipment  are,  or will by  November  1,  1999 be,  Year  2000
Compliant  in all  material  respects.  "Year  2000  Compliant"  means  that the
computer  systems:  (i)  are  capable  of  recognizing,   processing,  managing,
representing,  interpreting and  manipulating  correctly  date-related  data for
dates earlier and later than January 1, 2000, including calculating,  comparing,
sorting,  storing,  tagging  and  sequencing,  without  resulting  in or causing
logical  or  mathematical   errors  or  inconsistencies  in  any  user-interface
functionalities or otherwise,  including data input and retrieval, data storage,
data fields,  calculations,  reports,  processing  or any other input or output;
(ii) have the ability to provide date  recognition  for any data element without
limitation   (including   date-related   data  represented   without  a  century
designation,  date-related data whose year is represented by only two digits and
date  fields  assigned  special  values);  (iii) have the  ability  to  function
automatically  into and  beyond the year 2000  without  human  intervention  and
without any change in  operations  associated  with the advent of the year 2000;
(iv) have the  ability to  interpret  data,  dates and time  correctly  into and
beyond the year 2000;  (v) have the  ability  not to  produce  noncompliance  in
existing  information,  nor otherwise corrupt such data into and beyond the year
2000;  (vi) have the  ability to process  correctly  after  January 1, 2000 data
containing  dates before that date;  and (vii) have the ability to recognize all
"leap years," including February 29, 2000.

             Section  II.17  Contracts.  Section 2.17 to the Company  Disclosure
Schedule  sets  forth  a  complete  and  correct  list,  as of the  date of this
agreement,  of all  agreements of the following  types to which the Company or a
Subsidiary is a party or may be bound (collectively,  the "Material Contracts"):
(i)  agreements  filed as an  exhibit  to the  Company  SEC  Documents  and each
agreement that would have been required to be filed as an exhibit to the Company
SEC Documents had such  agreement been entered into as of the date of filing any
such Company SEC Documents; (ii) employment, severance, termination,  consulting
and  retirement  agreements  that involve  future  annual  payments in excess of
$100,000; (iii) loan agreements, indentures, letters of credit, mortgages, notes
and other debt instruments evidencing  indebtedness in excess of $500,000;  (iv)
leases, subleases,  licenses,  contracts,  agreements and other instruments that
require aggregate future payments to or by the Company or any Subsidiary of more
than $500,000 (other than purchase orders and other transactions entered into in
the ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past practice with a term not
exceeding  one  year);  (v)  agreements   containing  any  "change  of  control"
provisions  which,  if triggered,  would involve  payments by the Company or any
Subsidiary  in excess of  $150,000 or the  forfeiture,  loss or  restriction  of
material rights of the Company or any Subsidiary,  or a material increase in the
obligations  of  the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary,  thereunder;  (vi)  material
agreements  with any key  employee,  director  or  officer  of the  Company or a
Subsidiary  thereof,  or person  known to the Company to be a direct or indirect
holder  of 5% or more of any  class of stock of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary
thereof;  (vii)  agreements  prohibiting  the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  from
engaging or  competing  in any line of business  or limiting  such  competition;
(viii) any joint venture, partnership and similar agreements involving a sharing
of profits; (ix) acquisition or divestiture  agreements relating to (A) the sale
of assets or stock of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  or (B) the  purchase  of
assets or stock of any other  person,  in each case that  involve or may involve
future  annual  payments  in excess  of  100,000;  (x)  brokerage,  finder's  or
financial advisory agreements;  and (xi) guarantees of indebtedness for borrowed
money of any person (other than a wholly-owned Subsidiary). Each of the Material
Contracts is legally  valid and binding and in full force and effect,  and there
are no material  defaults by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries  thereunder.
The Company has previously made available for inspection by Parent or the Sub or
their representatives all of the Material Contracts.

             Section II.18 Vote Required.  The  affirmative  vote of the holders
representing  a  majority  of the  number  of votes  entitled  to be cast by the
holders of the outstanding shares of Common Stock and Capital Stock, voting as a
single  class,  are the only votes of the  holders of any class or series of the
Company's capital stock necessary to approve this agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby.

             Section II.19 Information in Proxy Statement.  The Proxy Statement,
at the date  mailed to Company  stockholders  and at the time of the  meeting of
Company  stockholders to be held in connection with the Merger, will not contain
any untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to state any  material  fact
required  to be stated  therein  or  necessary  in order to make the  statements
therein,  in  light  of  the  circumstances  under  which  they  are  made,  not
misleading, except that no representation is made by the Company with respect to
statements made therein based solely on information  supplied by Parent,  LLC or
the Sub for inclusion in the Proxy  Statement.  The Proxy Statement shall comply
in all material  respects with the  provisions of the Exchange Act and the rules
and regulations thereunder.

             Section II.20 Company Actions With Respect to the Merger. The Board
of Directors, at a meeting duly called and held, has (i) determined that each of
this  agreement  and the  Merger  are fair to and in the best  interests  of the
stockholders of the Company,  (ii) approved this agreement and the  transactions
contemplated hereby,  including the Merger, and (iii) resolved to recommend that
the stockholders of the Company approve and adopt this agreement and the Merger.
The Board of  Directors,  at a meeting  duly  called and held,  has  unanimously
approved the Stockholders Agreement for purposes of Section 203 of the DGCL. The
actions  set forth in this  Section  2.20 and the other  actions it has taken in
connection  therewith are  sufficient to render the relevant  provisions of such
Section 203 of the DGCL inapplicable to the Merger.

             Section II.21  Brokers.  Except as set forth in Section 2.21 of the
Company Disclosure Schedule,  no broker, finder or investment banker is entitled
to any  brokerage,  finder's or other fee or commission  in connection  with the
transactions  contemplated by this agreement based upon  arrangements made by or
on behalf of the Company.

             Section  II.22  Insurance.  Section 2.22 of the Company  Disclosure
Schedule  contains a complete  and correct  list of all policies of insurance of
any kind or nature covering the Company and its Subsidiaries, including, without
limitation,   policies  of  life,  fire,  theft,  casualty,  product  liability,
workmen's  compensation,  business  interruption,  employee  fidelity  and other
casualty and  liability  insurance,  indicating  the type of  coverage,  name of
insured,  the insurer,  the premium,  the expiration date of each policy and the
amount  of  coverage.  All  such  policies  (i)  are  with  insurance  companies
financially  sound and  reputable  and are in full  force and  effect;  (ii) are
sufficient for  compliance  with all  requirements  of law and of all applicable
Material Contracts;  (iii) are valid,  outstanding and enforceable policies; and
(iv) provide  adequate  insurance  coverage for the assets and operations of the
Company and its  Subsidiaries  for all risks normally insured against by persons
carrying on the same business as the Company and its Subsidiaries.  Complete and
correct  copies of such  policies  have been  furnished  to Parent.  Neither the
Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has been denied any insurance coverage which
it has  requested or made any  material  reduction in the scope or change in the
nature of its insurance coverage.

                                   ARTICLE III

                           OF PARENT, LLC AND THE SUB

             Parent,  LLC and the Sub  represent and warrant to the Company that
the statements contained in this Article III are true and correct as of the date
of this agreement.

             Section III.1  Organization.  Parent is a limited  partnership duly
organized  and validly  existing  under the laws of  Delaware,  LLC is a limited
liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of Delaware
and  the Sub is a  corporation  duly  organized,  validly  existing  and in good
standing  under the laws of  Delaware.  Each of Parent,  LLC and the Sub has all
requisite corporate,  partnership or other power and authority and all necessary
government  approvals to own,  lease and operate its  properties and to carry on
its business as now being conducted.

             Section  III.2  Authorization;  Validity  of  Agreement;  Necessary
Action. Each of Parent, LLC and the Sub has full partnership,  limited liability
company or corporate  power and authority to execute and deliver this  agreement
and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. The execution,  delivery
and  performance  by  Parent,  LLC  and  the  Sub of  this  agreement,  and  the
consummation of the Merger and of the transactions contemplated hereby have been
duly authorized by the general  partner of Parent,  the Board of Managers of LLC
and the Board of Directors of the Sub and by LLC as the sole  stockholder of the
Sub and no other  partnership,  limited liability company or corporate action on
the part of Parent,  LLC or the Sub is necessary to authorize  the execution and
delivery by Parent,  LLC and the Sub of this agreement and the  consummation  of
the transactions  contemplated hereby. This agreement has been duly executed and
delivered by Parent,  LLC and the Sub, as the case may be, and, assuming due and
valid  authorization,  execution and delivery hereof by the Company, is a legal,
valid and binding obligation of each of Parent, LLC and the Sub, as the case may
be, enforceable against each of them in accordance with its respective terms.

             Section III.3 Consents and Approvals; No Violations.  Except as set
forth in Section 3.3 of the schedule  attached to this  agreement  setting forth
exceptions to Parent's,  LLC's and the Sub's  representations and warranties set
forth herein (the "Parent Disclosure Schedule") and except for filings, permits,
authorizations,  consents  and  approvals  as may be required  under,  and other
applicable  requirements  of, the Exchange Act, the HSR Act, state securities or
blue sky laws and the DGCL, the Delaware Limited  Liability  Company Act and the
Delaware  Revised  Uniform  Limited  Partnership  Act,  none  of the  execution,
delivery  or  performance  of this  agreement  by  Parent,  LLC or the Sub,  the
consummation by Parent, LLC or the Sub of the transactions  contemplated  hereby
or compliance by Parent,  LLC or the Sub with any of the provisions  hereof will
(i)  conflict  with or result  in any  breach of any  provision  of the  limited
partnership  agreement or certificate of limited  partnership of the Parent, the
certificate of formation or limited  liability  company  agreement of LLC or the
certificate  of  incorporation  or by-laws of the Sub,  (ii)  require any filing
with, or permit, authorization, consent or approval of, any Governmental Entity,
(iii)  result in a violation  or breach of, or  constitute  (with or without due
notice  or lapse  of time or  both) a  default  (or  give  rise to any  right of
termination,  cancellation or acceleration) under, any of the terms,  conditions
or provisions of any note, bond, mortgage,  indenture, lease, license, contract,
agreement or other instrument or obligation to which Parent, LLC or the Sub is a
party or by which any of them or any of their  respective  properties  or assets
may be bound, or (iv) violate any order, writ, injunction, decree, statute, rule
or regulation applicable to Parent, LLC or the Sub or any of their properties or

             Section  III.4   Information  in  Proxy  Statement.   None  of  the
information  supplied by Parent,  LLC or the Sub  specifically  for inclusion or
incorporation  by reference in the Proxy Statement  shall, at the date mailed to
stockholders  and at the  time  of the  meeting  of  stockholders  to be held in
connection with the Merger,  contain any untrue  statement of a material fact or
omit to state any material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary in
order to make the statements  therein, in light of the circumstances under which
they are made, not misleading.

             Section III.5     Company  Shares.  Neither  Parent,  LLC nor any
of their Subsidiaries owns any Shares.

             Section III.6  Brokers.  Except for Veronis,  Suhler and Associates
Inc.,  no broker,  finder or  investment  banker is entitled  to any  brokerage,
finder's  or  other  fee or  commission  in  connection  with  the  transactions
contemplated by this agreement based upon  arrangements  made by or on behalf of
Parent, LLC or the Sub.

             Section III.7     Merger    Consideration.    Parent    has   the
financial resources to consummate the Merger.

                                   ARTICLE IV


             Section  IV.1 Interim   Operations  of  the  Company. The  Company
covenants  and  agrees  that,  except  (i) as  expressly  contemplated  by  this
agreement,  (ii) as set forth in Section 4.1 of the Company Disclosure Schedule,
or (iii) as agreed in writing by Parent, after the date hereof, and prior to the
consummation of the Merger or the termination of this Agreement:

                   (a) the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries shall be
conducted  only in the ordinary  and usual course and, to the extent  consistent
therewith, each of the Company and its Subsidiaries shall use reasonable efforts
to preserve its business organization intact and maintain its existing relations
with customers, suppliers, employees, creditors and business partners;

                   (b) the Company shall not, directly or indirectly,  (i) sell,
transfer or pledge or agree to sell,  transfer or pledge any  treasury  stock of
the Company or any capital stock of any of its Subsidiaries  beneficially  owned
by it;  (ii)  amend its  certificate  of  incorporation  or  by-laws  or similar
organizational  documents; or (iii) split, combine or reclassify the outstanding
Shares  or any  outstanding  capital  stock  of any of the  Subsidiaries  of the

                   (c) neither the  Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall:
(i)  declare,  set aside or pay any  dividend or other  distribution  payable in
cash, stock or property with respect to its capital stock (except dividends from
a wholly-owned  Subsidiary to the Company); (ii) issue, sell, pledge, dispose of
or  encumber  any  additional  shares  of,  or  securities  convertible  into or
exchangeable for, or options, warrants, calls, commitments or rights of any kind
to  acquire,  any  shares of  capital  stock of any class of the  Company or its
Subsidiaries, other than (x) the issuance of shares reserved for issuance on the
date hereof for the purpose  reserved or (y) the issuance of shares  pursuant to
the General Physics Corporation Profit Investment Plan in the ordinary course of
business  consistent  with past practice but in no event shall the Company issue
in any one month  shares  with an  aggregate  value  (based on the then  current
market  price of the  Shares)  of more than  $125,000;  (iii)  transfer,  lease,
license,  sell,  mortgage,  pledge,  dispose of, or encumber any material assets
other than in the ordinary and usual course of business and consistent with past
practice,  or incur or modify in any respect  materially  adverse to the Company
any material  indebtedness  or other  liability,  other than in the ordinary and
usual  course of business and  consistent  with past  practice;  or (iv) redeem,
purchase or otherwise acquire directly or indirectly any of its capital stock;

                   (d) other than in the  ordinary  and usual course of business
and  consistent  with  past  practice,  neither  the  Company  nor  any  of  its
Subsidiaries  shall:  (i) grant any increase in the  compensation  payable or to
become payable by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to any of its executive
officers or key  employees or  materially  increase the  foregoing for any other
employees;  or (ii)(A)  adopt any new, or (B) amend or  otherwise  increase,  or
accelerate  the payment or vesting of the amounts  payable or to become  payable
under  any  existing,  bonus,  incentive  compensation,  deferred  compensation,
severance,  profit sharing,  stock option, stock purchase,  insurance,  pension,
retirement or other employee benefit plan, agreement or arrangement,  other than
the  Company  Options  as  provided  in  Section  1.9;  or (iii)  enter into any
employment  or  severance  agreement  with or,  except  in  accordance  with the
existing written policies of the Company, grant any severance or termination pay
to any officer, director or employee of the Company or any its Subsidiaries;

                   (e) neither the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall
modify,  amend or terminate any of its Material  Contracts or waive,  release or
assign any material rights or claims,  except in the ordinary course of business
and consistent with past practice;

                   (f) neither the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall
permit  any  material  insurance  policy  naming it as a  beneficiary  or a loss
payable payee to be cancelled or  terminated,  except in the ordinary  course of
business and consistent with past practice;

                   (g)  except   with   Parent's   consent,   which   shall  not
unreasonably  be  withheld  or  delayed,  neither  the  Company  nor  any of its
Subsidiaries  shall:  (i) incur or assume  any debt  other  than short term debt
incurred or assumed in the  ordinary  course of  business in amounts  consistent
with past practices; (ii) assume, guarantee,  endorse or otherwise become liable
or responsible (whether directly, contingently or otherwise) for the obligations
of any other person or entity, or make any loan, advance or capital contribution
to, or  investment  in, any other person or entity,  other than (1) wholly owned
Subsidiaries  of the  Company,  (2) pursuant to existing  commitments  under the
Material Contracts listed on Section 2.17 to the Company Disclosure  Schedule or
under any  existing  contract  that is not a  Material  Contract,  or (3) in the
ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past practice and in an aggregate
amount not to exceed $450,000 at any time outstanding  prior to February 1, 2000
and $250,000 at any time outstanding thereafter; (iii) enter into any commitment
or transaction with a client involving more than $1,000,000 (other than pursuant
to existing commitments under the Material Contracts listed on such Section 2.17
or under any existing  contract that is not a Material  Contract);  or (iv) make
any  capital  expenditure  or purchase  or lease of assets,  securities  or real
estate in excess  of  $250,000  for any one  expenditure,  purchase  or lease or
$1,000,000  in the  aggregate  for all such  expenditures,  purchases  or leases
(other than pursuant to existing commitments under the Material Contracts listed
on such  Section  2.17 or under any  existing  contract  that is not a  Material

                   (h) neither the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall
change any of the accounting methods used by it unless required by GAAP;

                   (i) neither the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall
pay,  discharge or satisfy any claims,  liabilities  or  obligations  (absolute,
accrued,  asserted or unasserted,  contingent or  otherwise),  other than in the
ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice;

                   (j) neither the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall
adopt  a  plan  of  complete  or  partial  liquidation,   dissolution,   merger,
consolidation,  restructuring,  recapitalization or other  reorganization of the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries  (other than the Merger or in accordance with
Section 4.4);

                   (k) neither the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall
take, or agree to commit to take, any action that would or is reasonably  likely
to result in any of the  conditions  to the  Merger  set forth in  Article V not
being satisfied,  or would make any  representation  or warranty of the Company,
contained  herein  inaccurate in any respect at, or as of any time prior to, the
Effective  Time, or that would  materially  adversely  affect the Company or its
Subsidiaries,  materially  impair the ability of the Company to  consummate  the
Merger  in  accordance   with  the  terms  hereof  or   materially   delay  such
consummation; and

                   (l) neither the  Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall
enter into an agreement,  contract,  commitment or  arrangement to do any of the
foregoing,  or to authorize,  recommend,  propose or announce an intention to do
any of the foregoing.

             Section  IV.2Access;  Confidentiality.  Upon reasonable notice, the
Company  shall  (and  shall  cause  each of its  Subsidiaries  to) afford to the
officers, employees, accountants, counsel, environmental consultants,  financing
sources  and other  representatives  of Parent and LLC,  access  (including  for
environmental  due diligence  purposes),  during normal  business hours (at such
times  and in such  manner  so as not to  interfere  with  the  normal  business
operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries),  during the period prior to the
consummation of the Merger, to all its properties, books, contracts, commitments
and records and, during such period,  the Company shall (and shall cause each of
its  Subsidiaries  to) furnish promptly to the Parent (a) a copy of each report,
schedule,  registration  statement  and other  document  filed or received by it
during such period pursuant to the  requirements of federal  securities laws and
(b) all other information  concerning its business,  properties and personnel as
Parent may reasonably  request.  Unless  otherwise  required by law, Parent will
hold any such  information  which is nonpublic in confidence in accordance  with
the provisions of a letter  agreement dated May 17, 1999 between the Company and
Parent (the "Confidentiality  Agreement"). A copy of any sample results obtained
by the  Parent in  connection  with its  environmental  due  diligence  shall be
promptly provided to the Company at its request.

             Section IV.3Consents and Approvals.

                   (a) Each of the Company,  Parent,  LLC and the Sub shall take
all reasonable  actions necessary to comply promptly with all legal requirements
which may be imposed on it with respect to this  agreement and the  transactions
contemplated hereby (which requirements shall include, without limitation, those
identified in Section 2.4 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule or Section 3.3 of
the  Parent  Disclosure  Schedule,  and which  actions  shall  include,  without
limitation,  furnishing  all  information  required  under  the  HSR  Act and in
connection with approvals of or filings with any other Governmental  Entity) and
shall  promptly  cooperate  with  and  furnish  information  to  each  other  in
connection with any such  requirements  imposed upon any of them or any of their
Subsidiaries in connection with this agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby. Each of the Company,  Parent, LLC and the Sub shall, and shall cause its
Subsidiaries  to, take all  reasonable  actions  necessary  to obtain (and shall
cooperate  with each other in obtaining)  any consent,  authorization,  order or
approval of, or any  exemption  by, any  Governmental  Entity or other public or
private third party required to be obtained or made by Parent, LLC, the Sub, the
Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  in connection with the Merger or the taking
of any action contemplated thereby or by this agreement.

                   (b) The Company and Parent shall take all reasonable  actions
necessary  to file as soon as  practicable,  and in no event  later than 15 days
from the date of this agreement,  notifications under the HSR Act and to respond
as promptly as  practicable  to any  inquiries  received  from the Federal Trade
Commission  and  the  Antitrust  Division  of  the  Department  of  Justice  for
additional   information  or  documentation   and  to  respond  as  promptly  as
practicable  to all  inquiries  and requests  received  from any State  Attorney
General or other Governmental Entity in connection with antitrust matters.

             Section IV.4No Solicitation, etc.

                   (a) The  Company  shall not,  and shall not permit any of the
officers, directors,  employees, agents or representatives of the Company or any
of its  Subsidiaries  (including any financial  advisor,  attorney or accountant
retained by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries) to:

                         (i)   directly  or  indirectly   initiate,   solicit,
encourage, participate in or otherwise facilitate any inquiries or the making of
any proposal or offer with respect to a merger, reorganization,  share exchange,
tender offer, consolidation or similar transaction involving, or any purchase of
10% or more of the assets or any equity securities of, the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries  (any such  proposal or offer being  hereinafter  referred to as an
"Acquisition Proposal"); or

                         (ii)  directly   or   indirectly    engage   in   any
negotiations  concerning an Acquisition  Proposal,  or provide any  confidential
information  or data to, any person or entity (other than Parent,  LLC or any of
their affiliates or representatives relating to an Acquisition Proposal (whether
made before or after the date of this  agreement)  or otherwise  facilitate  any
effort or attempt to make or implement an Acquisition Proposal.

                   (b)  The  Company   immediately   shall  cease  any  existing
activities  or  negotiations   with  any  third  parties  with  respect  to  any
Acquisition  Proposal,  and the Company  promptly  shall inform those parties in
writing  of the  Company's  obligations  under  paragraph  (a)  above  and  this
paragraph  (b). In addition,  the Company  promptly  shall inform the  officers,
directors,  employees,  agents and  representatives  of the  Company  and of its
Subsidiaries  (including any financial advisor,  attorney or accountant retained
by the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries) of the Company's  obligations  under
paragraph (a) above and this paragraph (b).

                   (c) Nothing  contained in this  agreement  shall  prevent the
Board  of  Directors  or the  Special  Negotiating  Committee  of the  Board  of
Directors (the "Special Committee") or the Company from (x) complying with Rules
14e-2 and 14d-9 under the Exchange Act with regard to an Acquisition Proposal or
providing information in response to a request therefor by a person who has made
an unsolicited bona fide written Acquisition  Proposal (so long as such proposal
did not result from a breach of the  provisions of paragraph (a) or (b)), if the
Board of Directors or the Special  Committee  or the Company  receives  from the
person so requesting such information an executed confidentiality agreement with
terms substantially the same as those contained in the confidentiality agreement
between Parent and the Company  including a one year restriction on solicitation
of employees, or engaging in any negotiations or discussions with any person who
has made an unsolicited bona fide written Acquisition  Proposal,  if and only to
the extent that in each case (A) the Board of Directors or the Special Committee
determines  in good faith after  consultation  with outside  legal  counsel that
failure to take such action would be reasonably likely to constitute a breach of
its fiduciary  duties under applicable law and (B) the Board of Directors or the
Special Committee determines in good faith after consultation with its financial
advisor that such Acquisition  Proposal is reasonably  likely to be consummated,
taking into account all legal,  financial and regulatory aspects of the proposal
and the person making the proposal  (including the financial  capability of that
person and any conditions contained in the proposal),  and that such Acquisition
Proposal  would,  if  consummated,  be  reasonably  likely  to  result in a more
favorable  transaction than the transaction  contemplated by this agreement (any
such more favorable Acquisition Proposal being referred to herein as a "Superior
Proposal");  provided, however, that the Company may not, except as permitted by
paragraph (d) below,  approve or recommend,  or propose to approve or recommend,
any  Acquisition  Proposal,  or enter  into any  agreement  with  respect to any
Acquisition  Proposal,  or (y) for a period  of 30 days  from  the date  hereof,
providing  reasonable  information in response to a request therefor by a person
who has  expressed an interest in acquiring the Company (so long as such request
was not  solicited by the Company or any of its  representatives  after the date
hereof),  if the Board of Directors or the Special  Committee  receives from the
person so requesting  such  information a  confidentiality  agreement with terms
substantially  the  same as those  contained  in the  confidentiality  agreement
between Parent and the Company  including a one year restriction on solicitation
of employees.

                   (d Neither the Board of  Directors  nor any  committee of the
Board of  Directors  shall  approve  or  recommend,  or  propose  to  approve or
recommend, any Acquisition Proposal by a third party, or enter into a definitive
agreement  regarding any third party Acquisition  Proposal,  unless the Board of
Directors (or any committee  thereof)  shall have (x)  determined in good faith,
after consultation with outside legal counsel,  that failure to take such action
would be reasonably  likely to constitute a breach of its fiduciary duties under
applicable law and (y) determined in good faith, after receiving advice from its
financial advisor,  that the Acquisition  Proposal is superior to the Merger and
that such Acquisition Proposal is a Superior Proposal.

                   (e The Company shall notify Parent promptly (but in any event
within  24  hours)  if  any  inquiries,  proposals  or  offers  relating  to  an
Acquisition  Proposal are received by the Company or any of its  representatives
or any information relating to an Acquisition Proposal is requested from, or any
discussions or negotiations relating to an Acquisition Proposal are sought to be
initiated  or continued  with,  the Company or any of its  representatives.  The
Company shall  identify in its notice the name of the person or entity  involved
and the material  terms and conditions of any proposals or offers and thereafter
shall keep Parent  informed,  on a current basis, of any material changes in the
status and  content of any such  proposals  or offers and the status of any such
negotiations  or  discussions.  If the Board of  Directors  determines  that any
Acquisition  Proposal is a Superior Proposal and the per Share price is not more
than 10% greater than the per Share Merger  Consideration,  then the Board shall
so notify  Parent  and shall  give  Parent up to five  business  days to propose
changes to the terms and  conditions  of the Merger and the Company shall during
that five  business day period  negotiate in good faith with Parent with respect
to such proposed  changes and, if agreement is reached,  amend this agreement so
there is no Superior Proposal.

             Section  IV.5Additional  Agreements.   Subject  to  the  terms  and
conditions herein provided,  each of the parties hereto shall use all reasonable
efforts  to take,  or cause to be taken,  all  action  and to do, or cause to be
done,  all things  necessary,  proper or  advisable  under  applicable  laws and
regulations,  or to remove any injunctions or other impediments or delays, legal
or otherwise, to achieve the satisfaction of all conditions set forth in Article
V, and to consummate  and make  effective the Merger and the other  transactions
contemplated by this  agreement.  Without  limitation of the foregoing,  Parent,
LLC, the Sub and the Company shall use all reasonable efforts to take such steps
and  provide  and  comply  with  such  undertakings  as may be  required  by any
Governmental  Entity  whose  approval  or  consent,  or with  respect to which a
waiting  period must expire,  to satisfy the  conditions set forth in Article V;
provided that such steps and  undertakings  shall not impose upon the Company or
Parent and the Sub any terms or conditions  which Parent  determines  reasonably
and in good faith to be  unreasonably  burdensome to Parent or the Sub or to the
operations  of the Company on a  going-forward  basis or impose upon the Company
any terms or  conditions  which the Company  determines  reasonably  and in good
faith to be unreasonably burdensome to the Company.  Neither Parent, LLC nor Sub
shall take,  or agree to commit to take,  any action that would or is reasonably
likely to result in any of the  conditions  to the Merger set forth in Article V
not being satisfied, or would make any representation or warranty of Parent, LLC
and Sub contained  herein  inaccurate in any respect at, or as of any time prior
to, the Effective Time, or that would materially adversely affect Parent, LLC or
Sub,  materially  impair the  ability of Parent,  LLC or Sub to  consummate  the
Merger  in  accordance   with  the  terms  hereof  or   materially   delay  such
consummation. In case at any time after the Effective Time any further action is
necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this  agreement,  the proper
officers and directors (or managers, as the case may be) of the Company, Parent,
LLC and the Sub shall use all reasonable efforts to promptly take or cause to be
taken, all such necessary actions.

             Section  IV.6Publicity.  The initial  press release with respect to
the execution of this  agreement  shall be a joint press  release  acceptable to
Parent and the Company and shall be in substantially the form attached hereto as
Exhibit 4.6.  Thereafter,  so long as this  agreement is in effect,  neither the
Company,  Parent nor any of their respective affiliates shall issue or cause the
publication  of any press  release  or other  announcement  with  respect to the
Merger, this agreement or the other transactions contemplated hereby without the
prior  consultation  of the other party,  except as may be required by law or by
any listing agreement with a national securities exchange or trading market.

             Section IV.7Notification of Certain Matters. The Company shall give
prompt notice to Parent, and Parent shall give prompt notice to the Company,  of
(i)  the   occurrence  or   non-occurrence   of  any  event  the  occurrence  or
non-occurrence of which would cause any  representation or warranty contained in
this agreement to be untrue or inaccurate in any material respect at or prior to
the Effective Time and (ii) any material failure of the Company,  Parent, LLC or
the Sub, as the case may be, to comply with or satisfy any  covenant,  condition
or  agreement  to be  complied  with or  satisfied  by it  hereunder;  provided,
however,  that the delivery of any notice pursuant to this Section 4.7 shall not
limit  or  otherwise  affect  the  remedies  available  hereunder  to the  party
receiving such notice.

             Section IV.8Directors'    and    Officers'    Insurance    and

                   (a For six years after the Effective Time,  Parent shall, and
shall  cause  the  Surviving  Corporation  (or any  successor  to the  Surviving
Corporation)  to, (i) retain all  provisions  of the  Company's  certificate  of
incorporation  and  by-laws  as now  in  effect  respecting  the  limitation  of
liabilities of directors and officers and  indemnification,  and (ii) indemnify,
defend and hold  harmless the present and former  officers and  directors of the
Company and its Subsidiaries,  and persons who become any of the foregoing prior
to the Effective Time (each an "Indemnified Party"), against all losses, claims,
damages,  liabilities,  costs, fees and expenses (including  reasonable fees and
disbursements of counsel and judgments,  fines, losses, claims,  liabilities and
amounts paid in settlement  (provided that any such  settlement is effected with
the prior written consent of the Parent or the Surviving  Corporation))  arising
out of actions or omissions  occurring at or prior to the Effective  Time to the
full extent  permitted under Delaware law, subject to the terms of the Company's
certificate  of  incorporation  or  by-laws,  as in effect  at the date  hereof;
provided that, in the event any claim or claims are asserted or made within such
six year period,  all rights to  indemnification in respect of any such claim or
claims shall  continue until  disposition of any and all such claims;  provided,
further,  that any determination  required to be made with respect to whether an
Indemnified Party's conduct complies with the standards set forth under Delaware
law, the certificate of incorporation or the by-laws,  as the case may be, shall
be made by independent counsel mutually acceptable to Parent and the Indemnified
Party;  and provided,  further,  that nothing  herein shall impair any rights or
obligations  of any present or former  directors or officers of the Company.  In
the  event  the  Surviving  Corporation  or  any of its  successors  or  assigns
consolidates with or merges into any other person or entity and shall not be the
continuing or surviving corporation or entity of such consolidation or merger or
transfers or conveys all or  substantially  all of its  properties and assets to
any person or entity,  then, and in each such case,  proper  provision  shall be
made so that the successors and assigns of the Surviving  Corporation assume the
obligations set forth in this Section 4.8.

                   (b Parent or the  Surviving  Corporation  shall  maintain the
Company's   existing   officers'  and  directors'   liability   insurance  ("D&O
Insurance")  for a period of not less than six years after the  Effective  Date;
provided,  that the Parent may  substitute  therefor  policies of  substantially
equivalent  coverage  and amounts  containing  terms no less  favorable  to such
former directors or officers;  provided,  further, if the existing D&O Insurance
expires, is terminated or cancelled during such period,  Parent or the Surviving
Corporation shall use all reasonable efforts to obtain substantially similar D&O
Insurance;  provided,  further,  however,  that in no event shall the Company be
required to pay aggregate premiums for insurance under this Section in excess of
150% of the  aggregate  premiums  paid by the  Company in 1998 on an  annualized
basis for such purpose (the "1998 Premium"); and provided,  further, that if the
Parent or the Surviving  Corporation is unable to obtain the amount of insurance
required  by this  Section  4.8(b)  for such  aggregate  premium,  Parent or the
Surviving  Corporation  shall obtain as much insurance as can be obtained for an
annual premium of 150% of the 1998 Premium.

             Section  IV.9Rights  Agreement.  At the Closing,  the Company shall
take all actions  necessary to redeem the Company Rights in accordance  with the
Rights Agreement.

             Section  IV.10  Audit.  The  Company  shall  cause  KPMG  LLP,  its
independent  accountants,  to audit and deliver  its report with  respect to the
consolidated  balance sheet of the Company and its subsidiaries and with respect
to the  consolidated  balance  sheet  of  General  Physics  Corporation  and its
subsidiaries as of September 30, 1999 and the consolidated results of operations
of the Company and its subsidiaries  and the consolidated  results of operations
of General Physics  Corporation and its  subsidiaries  for the nine months ended
September  30, 1999,  in accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied (the "1999
Audit"),  and shall use its  reasonable  efforts  to  deliver  the 1999 Audit to
Parent no later than December 15, 1999. Parent shall pay any and all expenses of
the 1999 Audit unless this agreement is terminated as a result of the failure to
satisfy the conditions in Section 5.1(h).

                                    ARTICLE V


             Section V.1  Conditions  to Each Party's  Obligation  to Effect the
Merger.  The  respective  obligation of each party to effect the Merger shall be
subject  to the  satisfaction  on or  prior to the  Closing  Date of each of the
following conditions:

                   (a    Stockholder  Approval.   This  agreement  shall  have
been approved and adopted by the  requisite  vote of the holders of the Shares
in order to consummate the Merger;

                   (b Statutes; Consents. There shall not have been any statute,
rule, regulation,  injunction,  writ or order enacted,  promulgated or issued by
any  court  or  by  any  Governmental   Entity  which  declares  this  agreement
unenforceable  in any material  respect or which  prohibits  consummation of the
Merger, and all governmental consents, orders and approvals (including,  without
limitation,  those identified in Section 2.4 of the Company Disclosure Schedule)
required  for  the  consummation  of  the  Merger  and  the  other  transactions
contemplated  hereby  shall  have  been  obtained  and shall be in effect at the
Effective Time; and

                   (c HSR Approval.  The applicable waiting period under the HSR
Act shall have expired or been terminated.

             Section V.2 Conditions to Parent's, LLC's and the Sub's Obligations
to Effect the Merger.  The  obligations  of Parent and the Sub to consummate the
Merger are further subject to the fulfillment of the following  conditions,  any
and all of which may be waived in whole or in part by Parent and the Sub:

                   (a Representations and Warranties. All of the representations
and  warranties of the Company set forth in this agreement that are qualified as
to  materiality  shall  be true  and  correct  in all  respects,  and all of the
representations  and  warranties of the Company set forth in this agreement that
are not  qualified as to  materiality  shall be true and correct in all material
respects,  as of the date of this  agreement  and as of the Closing Date (except
that representations and warranties that address matters as of a particular date
need  be true  only as of that  date),  with  such  exceptions  as do not in the
aggregate  have a  material  adverse  effect  on  the  condition  (financial  or
otherwise),  business, assets, results of operations or prospects of the Company
and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole or upon the  ability  of the  Company to
perform its obligations under this agreement in any material respect;

                   (b  Covenants.  The  Company  shall  have  performed  in  all
material  respects all material  obligations  of the Company and complied in all
material respects with all material agreements or covenants of the Company to be
performed or complied with by it under this agreement;

                   (c Opinion.  Parent shall have  received an opinion of Duane,
Morris & Heckscher  LLP,  counsel to the Company,  substantially  in the form of
Exhibit 5.2(c)(1) and an opinion of Andrea Kantor,  Esq., General Counsel of the
Company, substantially in the form of Exhibit 5.2(c)(2);

                   (d Material Adverse Change. There shall not have occurred any
material adverse change (or any developments  that, insofar as reasonably can be
foreseen,  are reasonably  likely to result in a material adverse change) in the
condition (financial or otherwise),  business, results of operations,  assets or
prospects of the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole;

                   (e Injunctions.  There shall not be any threatened or pending
suit,  action or proceeding by any Governmental  Entity against the Sub, Parent,
the Company or any  Subsidiary  of the Company (A) seeking to prohibit or impose
any material  limitations  on Parent's or the Sub's  ownership or operation  (or
that of any of their respective Subsidiaries or affiliates) of all or a material
portion of their or the Company's  businesses or assets,  or to compel Parent or
the Sub or their  respective  Subsidiaries  and affiliates to dispose of or hold
separate any material portion of the business or assets of the Company or Parent
and their  respective  Subsidiaries,  (B) seeking to  restrain  or prohibit  the
consummation of the Merger or the  performance of any of the other  transactions
contemplated by this agreement or seeking to obtain from the Company,  Parent or
the Sub any  damages  that are  material  in  relation  to the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries  taken  as a whole  and (C)  which  otherwise  would  prohibit  the
consummation  of the  Merger or  materially  adversely  affect or be  reasonably
likely to materially adversely affect the Company or its Subsidiaries taken as a
whole;  and no other  action shall have been taken by any  Governmental  Entity,
other than the application to the Merger of applicable waiting periods under the
HSR Act, that is reasonably likely to result, directly or indirectly,  in any of
the consequences referred to in clauses (A) through (C) above;

                   (f  Consents.  All  consents  under the  Material  Agreements
listed on Section  5.2(f) of the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule  shall have been
obtained,  without any terms or conditions that Parent  determines in good faith
to be unreasonably burdensome to Parent, LLC or the Sub or the operations of the
Company on a going forward basis, and shall be in effect at the Effective Time;

                   (g    Environmental Matters.

                         (i0   For each property owned,  leased or operated by
the Company in the State of New Jersey, Parent or its representatives shall have
received either (A) a Letter of Non-Applicability  under New Jersey's Industrial
Site  Recovery  Act,  N.J.S.A.  13:1K-6  et  seq.  ("ISRA"),  or,  (B)  if it is
determined that the transactions  under this Agreement  trigger ISRA as concerns
certain  of the  properties  owned,  leased or  operated  by the  Company in New
Jersey,  for each of those  properties  a  written  approval  by the New  Jersey
Department of Environmental  Protection (the "NJDEP") of a negative  declaration
affidavit,  which  affidavit  has been  submitted  by the  Company to the NJDEP.
Parent or its representatives shall also have received copies of all submissions
made to the NJDEP  under  ISRA and copies of all  correspondence  to or from the

                         (ii0  For each property owned,  leased or operated by
the Company in the State of  Connecticut,  Parent or its  representatives  shall
have  received  either  (A)  documentation   satisfactory  to  Parent  that  the
transactions  under this  Agreement do not trigger  Connecticut's  Real Property
Transfer Act, C.G.S.A.  22a-134 et seq. (the "Connecticut Real Property Transfer
Act"), or (B) if it is determined that the transactions  under this Agreement do
trigger the Connecticut  Real Property  Transfer Act as concerns  certain of the
properties owned,  leased, or operated by the Company in Connecticut,  Parent or
its  representatives  shall  have  received  from  the  Company  for each of the
properties  that does trigger the  Connecticut  Real  Property  Transfer Act (x)
either (a) a properly  completed  and executed Form I as that term is defined in
the  Connecticut  Real  Property  Transfer  Act,  indicating  that no discharge,
spillage,  uncontrolled  loss,  seepage or  filtration  of  hazardous  waste has
occurred at the subject  Connecticut  property as determined by an investigation
conducted in accordance with prevailing  standards,  or (b) a properly completed
and executed  Form II as that term is defined in the  Connecticut  Real Property
Transfer  Act,  indicating  that any  discharge,  spillage,  uncontrolled  loss,
seepage or  filtration  of  hazardous  waste  which has  occurred at the subject
Connecticut  property has been  remediated  in accordance  with the  remediation
standards and that the  remediation has been  appropriately  approved or that no
remediation is necessary to achieve  compliance with the remediation  standards,
and (y) documentation  satisfactory to Parent that the Form Is and Form IIs have
been submitted to the  Commissioner  of  Environmental  Protection,  as required
under the Connecticut Real Property Transfer Act, and that those respective Form
Is and Form IIs were the appropriate forms for filing under the Connecticut Real
Property Transfer Act;

                   (h Audit Results. The 1999 Audit shall have been delivered to
Parent and shall not indicate that the consolidated  financial statements of the
Company and its  subsidiaries as of June 30, 1999 included in the Company's Form
10-Q  for  the  quarter  ended  June  30,  1999  or the  consolidated  financial
statements of General Physics  Corporation and its subsidiaries as of August 31,
1999  included in Section  5.2(h) of the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule  (i) are
inaccurate  in any  respect  that would have a  material  adverse  effect on the
condition (financial or otherwise),  business,  assets, results of operations or
prospects  of the  Company and its  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole or that would
otherwise  materially  and  adversely  affect the value of the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries  taken as a whole or the value of General  Physics  Corporation and
its  subsidiaries  taken as a whole or (ii) were not prepared in accordance with
generally accepted accounting  principles applied on a basis consistent with the
application of those principles for prior periods;

                   (i    Redemption   of  Rights.   The  Company   shall  have
redeemed the Company Rights in accordance with the Rights Agreement; and

                   (j Aggregate Consideration. The aggregate number of shares of
Common Stock or Capital Stock  outstanding at the Effective Time,  together with
the aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock or Capital  Stock  issuable upon
exercise or conversion of any options,  warrants, calls,  subscriptions or other
rights (other than the Company Rights), agreements,  arrangements or commitments
of any character,  shall not exceed an amount equal to 14,735,508  (after giving
effect to the  cancellation  of 453,623  options  pursuant  to the  Stockholders
Agreement) plus any shares issued  pursuant to the General  Physics  Corporation
Profit  Investment  Plan in accordance  with Section  4.1(c),  and the aggregate
exercise  price of all  Company  Options  shall not be less than the amount (the
"Aggregate  Amount")  indicated in Section 1.9 of the Company Disclosure Letter;
provided,  however,  this condition  shall be deemed  satisfied if the aggregate
additional cost to Parent from either the aggregate  number of Shares  exceeding
14,735,508 or the aggregate  exercise price being less than the Aggregate Amount
is less than $100,000 or if any third party  reimburses  the Parent for any cost
in excess of $100,000.

             Section  V.3  Conditions  to  Company's  Obligations  to Effect the
Merger.  The  obligations  of the Company to  consummate  the Merger are further
subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions,  any or all of which may
be waived in whole or in part by the Company:

                   (a Representations. All of the representations and warranties
of the Parent, LLC and the Sub set forth in this agreement that are qualified as
to  materiality  shall  be  true  and  correct  in all  respects  and  any  such
representations  and  warranties  that  are not so  qualified  shall be true and
correct in all material respects, in each case (i) as of the date referred to in
any  representation or warranty which addresses matters as of a particular date,
or (ii) as to all other  representations and warranties,  as of the date of this
agreement and as of the Closing Date;

                   (b Covenants. Parent, LLC and the Sub shall have performed in
all respects its obligations  under Section 1.7(a) and in all material  respects
all other material  obligations  and complied in all material  respects with all
other  material  agreements  or covenants  of the Parent,  LLC and the Sub to be
performed or complied with by them under this agreement; and

                   (c  Opinion.  The Company  shall have  received an opinion of
Proskauer Rose LLP,  counsel to Parent,  LLC and the Sub,  substantially  in the
form of Exhibit 5.3(c).

                                   ARTICLE VI


             Section  VI.1Termination.  This agreement may be terminated and the
transactions  contemplated  herein  may be  abandoned  at any time  prior to the
Effective Time, whether before or after stockholder approval thereof:

                   (a    By the  mutual  written  consent  of  Parent  and the

                   (b    By either the Company or Parent:

                         (i0 if any  Governmental  Entity  shall have  issued an
       order,  decree or ruling or taken any other action (which order,  decree,
       ruling or other action the parties hereto shall use reasonable efforts to
       lift), which permanently  restrains,  enjoins or otherwise  prohibits the
       acceptance for payment of, or payment for,  Shares pursuant to the Merger
       and such order,  decree,  ruling or other  action shall have become final
       and non-appealable;

                         (ii0  if  the  Merger   shall  fail  to  receive  the
       requisite  vote for approval and  adoption by the  stockholders  of the
       Company; or

                         (iii0 if the  Merger  shall not have  been  consummated
       before June 30, 2000; provided,  however,  this Section 6.1(b)(iii) shall
       not be  available  to any party whose  failure to fulfill any  obligation
       under this  agreement  has been the cause of, or resulted in, the failure
       to consummate the Merger before that date.

                   (c    By the Company:

                         (i0 in  connection  with  entering  into  a  definitive
       agreement in accordance with Sections  4.4(c),  (d) and (e),  provided it
       has complied with all provisions thereof, including the notice provisions
       therein; or

                         (ii0 if Parent,  LLC or the Sub shall have  breached in
       any material respect any of their respective representations, warranties,
       covenants or other agreements  contained in this agreement,  which breach
       cannot  be or has not been  cured  within  30 days  after  the  giving of
       written notice by the Company to Parent, LLC or the Sub, as applicable.

                   (d By  Parent,  if the  Company  shall have  breached  in any
       material  respect any of its  representations,  warranties,  covenants or
       other agreements  contained in this agreement,  which breach cannot be or
       has not been cured  within 30 days after the giving of written  notice by
       Parent to the Company (an "Uncured  Breach"),  provided that such Uncured
       Breach, together with all other then existing Uncured Breaches, cause the
       condition in Section 5.2(a) or (b) not to be satisfied.

             Section VI.2Effect of Termination.  In the event of the termination
of this agreement pursuant to its terms,  written notice thereof shall forthwith
be given to the other party or parties  specifying the provision hereof pursuant
to which such  termination is made, and this agreement  shall  forthwith  become
null and void,  and there shall be no liability on the part of the Parent,  LLC,
the Sub or the Company  except (a) for fraud,  (b) as set forth in Section  7.1,
(c) for  any  willful  breach  prior  to such  termination  of any  covenant  or
agreement in this  agreement,  or (d) for any  intentional  breach prior to such
termination of any representation or warranty in this agreement.

                                   ARTICLE VII


             Section VII.1     Fees and Expenses.

                   (a  Except  as  contemplated  by  this  agreement,  including
Sections 4.10 and 7.1(b) hereof,  all costs and expenses  incurred in connection
with this agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
shall be paid by the party incurring such expenses.

                   (b If (x) the Company  shall  accept a Superior  Proposal and
shall  terminate  this  agreement  pursuant  to  Section  6.1(c)(i)  and (A) the
transaction  contemplated  by the Superior  Proposal is consummated  within nine
months after that  termination  or (B) within six months  thereafter the Company
enters into an agreement for a transaction  pursuant to a different  Acquisition
Proposal (whether received before or after  termination) at a price and on terms
at least as favorable to the stockholders of the Company as the Merger,  and the
transaction contemplated by that Acquisition Proposal is consummated within nine
months  after  that  termination,  or (y) the Merger  shall fail to receive  the
requisite vote for approval and adoption by the stockholders of the Company, the
Company or Parent shall terminate this agreement pursuant to Section 6.1(b)(ii),
prior to that  failure to receive such vote the Company  shall have  received an
Acquisition  Proposal  at a price  and on terms at  least  as  favorable  to the
stockholders  of the Company as the Merger and the  transaction  contemplated by
that  Acquisition   Proposal  is  consummated  within  nine  months  after  that
termination,  then, upon consummation of the transaction,  the Company shall pay
to Parent a cash fee (the "Termination  Fee") in an amount equal to 2.75% of the
aggregate  Merger  Consideration  (assuming  for  purposes  of  calculating  the
Termination  Fee that the Exchanged  Shares had not been exchanged for interests
in the LLC and were  instead  converted  into the right to  receive  the  Merger
Consideration  applicable  to such shares) plus an amount to be  established  by
submission by Parent to the Company of reasonably satisfactory  documentation up
to $625,000 to reimburse Parent for its costs, fees and expenses (including, but
not  limited  to,  investment  banking,  legal and  accounting  costs,  fees and
expenses)  in  connection  with the  Merger  and this  agreement  (the  "Expense
Reimbursement"),   provided,   however,  that  no  Termination  Fee  or  Expense
Reimbursement  shall be payable if the Sub, LLC or Parent was in material breach
of  its  representations,   warranties,  covenants  or  obligations  under  this
agreement at the time of its termination.

                   (c  Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  in  Section
7.1(b),  if the  Company  shall  terminate  this  agreement  pursuant to Section
6.1(c)(i)  and the Company  does not  consummate  within nine months  after that
termination,  a transaction  pursuant to the Superior  Proposal or pursuant to a
different  Acquisition Proposal at a price and on terms at least as favorable to
the  stockholders of the Company as the Merger,  the Termination Fee shall be 2%
and the  Termination  Fee and Expense  Reimbursement  shall be payable within 30
days  after  the  expiration  of that nine  month  period  by  delivery,  at the
Company's  election,  of (i) the  Company's  negotiable  promissory  note in the
aggregate  amount of the  Termination  Fee and the  Expense  Reimbursement  (the
"Note") or (ii)  shares of Common  Stock (the  "Payment  Shares")  having a fair
market  value  (based on the closing  price of the Common  Stock on the New York
Stock  Exchange on the tenth  trading day after  termination  of this  agreement
equal  to  the  aggregate   amount  of  the  Termination  Fee  and  the  Expense
Reimbursement. The Note shall mature on the third anniversary of issuance, shall
be payable in equal  quarterly  installments  on the first day of each  calendar
quarter  after  delivery  of the Note and shall bear  interest  from the date of
termination  of this  agreement  at a rate  equal  to the  prime  rate of  Chase
Manhattan  Bank,  N.A. in effect from time to time.  Any Payment Shares shall be
taken by Parent for investment and not with a view to  distribution  thereof and
Parent hereby agrees not to sell or otherwise dispose of one-half of any Payment
Shares for a period of one year after  receipt.  Any  Payment  Shares may bear a
restrictive legend with respect to the foregoing restrictions.

                   (d Payment of the Termination  Fee and Expense  Reimbursement
upon any  termination  referred to in Section 7.1(b) or 7.1(c) shall be the sole
and  exclusive  remedy  for  Parent,  LLC  and  the  Sub  as a  result  of  such

             Section  VII.2  Amendment and  Modification.  Subject to applicable
law, this  agreement may be amended,  modified and  supplemented  in any and all
respects,  whether before or after any vote of the  stockholders  of the Company
contemplated  hereby,  by written  agreement of the parties hereto,  at any time
prior to the Closing  Date with  respect to any of the terms  contained  herein;
provided, however, that after the approval of this agreement by the stockholders
of the Company,  no such amendment,  modification or supplement shall reduce the
amount or change the form of the Merger Consideration or effect any other change
requiring stockholder approval under applicable law.

             Section VII.3 Nonsurvival of Representations  and Warranties.  None
of the  representations  and  warranties  in this  agreement or in any schedule,
instrument or other document  delivered pursuant to this agreement shall survive
the Effective Time.

             Section  VII.4  Notices.   All  notices  and  other  communications
hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if delivered personally,
telecopied (which is confirmed) or sent by an overnight courier service, such as
Federal  Express,  to the parties at the  following  addresses (or at such other
address for a party as shall be specified by like notice);

                   (a    if to Parent, LLC or the Sub, to:

                         VS&A Communications Partners III, L.P.
                         350 Park Avenue
                         New York, New York  10022
                         Attn:  Jeffrey T. Stevenson
                         President and
                         Jonathan D. Drucker, Esq.
                         General Counsel

                         with a copy to:

                         Proskauer Rose LLP
                         1585 Broadway
                            New York, New York 10036
                          Attn: Bertram A. Abrams, Esq.

                   (b    if to the Company, to:

                            GP Strategies Corporation
                         9 West 57th Street
                            New York, New York 10019
                         Attn:  Jerome I. Feldman, President

                         with a copy to:

                          Duane, Morris & Heckscher LLP
                         380 Lexington Avenue
                            New York, New York 10168
                          Attn: Robert J. Hasday, Esq.

             Section VII.5  Counterparts.  This agreement may be executed in one
or more  counterparts,  each of  which  shall  be  considered  one and the  same
agreement and shall become  effective  when two or more  counterparts  have been
signed by each of the parties and delivered to the other parties.

             Section VII.6 Entire Agreement; No Third Party Beneficiaries.  This
agreement and the  Confidentiality  Agreement  (including  the documents and the
instruments referred to herein and therein): (a) constitute the entire agreement
and supersede all prior  agreements and  understandings,  both written and oral,
among the parties with respect to the subject matter  hereof,  and (b) except as
provided  in Section 4.8 are not  intended to confer upon any person  other than
the  parties  hereto  any  rights  or  remedies   hereunder,   except  that  the
stockholders  of the  Company  shall have the right to enforce  their  rights to
receive the Merger Consideration pursuant to Sections 1.6(c) and 1.7.

             Section VII.7 Severability. Any term or provision of this agreement
that is held by a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  or other  authority  to be
invalid,  void or unenforceable  in any situation in any jurisdiction  shall not
affect the validity or  enforceability  of the  remaining  terms and  provisions
hereof or the validity or  enforceability  of the offending term or provision in
any other  situation or in any other  jurisdiction.  If the final  judgment of a
court of competent  jurisdiction  or other  authority  declares that any term or
provision hereof is invalid,  void or unenforceable,  the parties agree that the
court  making  such  determination  shall  have the power to reduce  the  scope,
duration,  area or  applicability  of the term or provision,  to delete specific
words or  phrases,  or to replace any  invalid,  void or  unenforceable  term or
provision with a term or provision that is valid and  enforceable and that comes
closest to  expressing  the  intention of the invalid or  unenforceable  term or

             Section VII.8  Governing Law. This  agreement  shall be governed by
and  construed  in  accordance  with the laws of the State of  Delaware  without
giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law thereof.

             Section  VII.9  Assignment.  Neither this  agreement nor any of the
rights,  interests  or  obligations  hereunder  shall be  assigned by any of the
parties  hereto  (whether by  operation of law or  otherwise)  without the prior
written  consent of the other  parties,  except that the Sub may assign,  in its
sole discretion,  any or all of its rights,  interests and obligations hereunder
to Parent, LLC or to any direct or indirect wholly owned Subsidiary of Parent or
LLC.  Subject to the preceding  sentence,  this  agreement will be binding upon,
inure to the benefit of and be enforceable  by the parties and their  respective
successors and assigns.

                               VS&A COMMUNICATIONS PARTNERS III, L.P.

                               By: VS&A Equities III, LLC, its general

                                     Jeffrey T. Stevenson, President and
                                     Senior Managing Member

                                 VS&A-GP, L.L.C.

                               By: VS&A Communications Partners III, L.P.

                               By: VS&A Equities III, LLC, its general

                                     Jeffrey T. Stevenson, President and
                                     Senior Managing Partner

                               VS&A-GP ACQUISITION, INC.

                                     Jeffrey T. Stevenson

                               GP STRATEGIES CORPORATION

                                     Jerome I. Feldman

                           Company Disclosure Schedule
                                 (See Attached)

                           Parent Disclosure Schedule
                                 (See Attached)