Contact:    Jerome I. Feldman                   Scott N. Greenberg
            President &                         Executive Vice President &
            Chief Executive Officer             Chief Financial Officer
            (212) 230-9508                      (212) 230-9529

                              FROM AN AFFILIATE OF
                        VERONIS SUHLER & ASSOCIATES INC.
                             AND COMPANY MANAGEMENT


      New York,  New York,  September 1, 1999 . . . .GP  Strategies  Corporation
(NYSE:GPX)   announced   today  that  it  has  received  a  proposal  from  VS&A
Communications  Partners III, L.P. ("VS&A"), a $1 billion equity investment fund
that is  affiliated  with  Veronis  Suhler & Associates  Inc.,  and from Company
management to acquire by merger all of the outstanding  Common Stock and Class B
Capital  Stock of the  Company  for  minimum  prices of $13.00 per share for the
Common  Stock and  $14.625 per share for the Class B Capital  Stock,  payable in
cash upon  consummation  of the merger.  The  proposal is not  conditioned  upon
financing.  Veronis  Suhler  &  Associates  Inc.  is  a  leading  merchant  bank
specializing in the media, communications, and information industries.

      VS&A and Jerome Feldman,  Scott  Greenberg and John McAuliffe,  directors,
officers  and  stockholders  of the Company,  and John Moran and Douglas  Sharp,
stockholders  of the Company and officers of the Company's  subsidiary,  General
Physics  Corporation,  have entered into a Stockholders  Agreement,  pursuant to
which each of such  individuals  has agreed,  among other things,  solely in his
capacity as a stockholder of the Company, (i) not to encourage,  solicit, engage
in, or initiate  discussions or negotiations with any third party concerning any
merger, tender offer, or similar transaction  involving,  or any purchase of 10%
or more of the assets or any  equity  securities  of, the  Company or any of its
subsidiaries, (ii) not to engage in any discussion or negotiation with any third
party with respect to any employment  arrangement related to such an acquisition
proposal  by a third  party,  and  (iii) to use his best  efforts  to cause  the
consummation  of the VS&A  merger,  including by voting all of his shares in the
Company in favor of such merger.  Each of such individuals will also be a member
of the limited  liability  company being formed to effectuate  the proposed VS&A
merger and will enter into an employment  agreement  with the Company  effective
upon consummation of the VS&A merger.

      Neither the Company nor VS&A will have any binding obligation with respect
to the proposed merger until the execution of a definitive merger agreement, and
the proposal is subject to the  satisfactory  completion of due  diligence.  The
VS&A  proposal  provides that it will be considered  withdrawn  without  further
action if a definitive  merger  agreement  has not been  executed and  delivered
prior to 5:00 p.m.  Eastern  Daylight  Savings Time on September 21, 1999. There
can  be  no  assurances  that  the  proposed  VS&A  transaction,  or  any  other
transaction, will be consummated at the prices contained in the VS&A proposal or
at all.

      In light of the interest that  management has in the proposed VS&A merger,
a Special  Negotiating  Committee has been  appointed by the Company's  Board of
Directors  to  evaluate,  negotiate,  and  approve or  disapprove  the terms and
conditions of the VS&A proposal.  The Special Negotiating Committee has retained
counsel and is currently interviewing potential financial advisors.

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