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                                                                Company contact:
May 24, 2000                                         Chester J. Popkowski (Chet)
                                                       Vice President, Treasurer
                                                                  (404) 853-1405
                                               Web site:



         Atlanta,  GA -- National Service Industries (NYSE: NSI) today announced
that it expects  diluted  earnings per share (EPS) for the third quarter  ending
May 31, 2000 to be lower than  anticipated.  Diluted EPS is expected to be 50 to
55 cents in the third  quarter  compared  to 75 cents for the same  period  last
year. This revised forecast is primarily due to lower-than-anticipated operating
profits in the company's  lighting  equipment  segment.  The envelope segment is
also  contributing to this shortfall.  The company plans to report third quarter
results on June 27.

         Net of any  unusual  items in both 1999 and 2000,  this  year's  fourth
quarter diluted EPS is expected to exceed last year's fourth quarter diluted EPS
of 87 cents.  For the total year,  excluding  any net unusual items in both time
periods,  2000 diluted EPS is expected to be 5 percent to 10 percent  lower than
the 1999 total year  diluted EPS of $2.72.  Last year,  the company  reported an
unadjusted total year diluted EPS of $3.03.

         James S. Balloun,  NSI's chairman and chief executive officer,  stated,
"Our markets  remain  strong.  We expect to deliver  double-digit  third quarter
revenue growth over last year's third quarter. However, we are disappointed that
our  diluted  earnings  per share for the third  quarter is expected to be lower
than both our plan numbers and last year's results.  While the third quarter has
not  closed  and the  results  are  not  final,  a key  factor  contributing  to
lower-than-anticipated  diluted EPS for the third  quarter and the year is lower
operating profits in our lighting segment."

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         During the third quarter, Lithonia Lighting doubled production capacity
at its  Monterrey,  Mexico  facilities  from 200,000 to 400,000  square feet and
added staff  accordingly.  This  expansion  was in response to  projected  heavy
demand for its new SP8 and GT8 fluorescent  lighting  fixtures.  These products,
which occupy up to 20 percent less space than conventional lensed troffers,  are
the  first  fixtures  specifically  designed  to  take  full  advantage  of  the
performance  characteristics of the highly efficient T8 lamp. The T8 fluorescent
lamp, one inch in diameter and one-third smaller than the conventional T12 lamp,
produces  the same  amount of light  with an energy  savings  of 20  percent  or
greater when using an electronic ballast.

         Several  problems caused the operating profit shortfall in the lighting
segment.  First, order rates lagged behind expectations during the early part of
the  quarter.  In addition,  problems  encountered  during the  expansion at the
Monterrey  facilities   restrained  production  rates  and  in  turn  caused  an
under-absorption  of costs. In order to meet customer  expectations,  production
levels were  expanded  at the  Cochran,  Georgia  plant.  At the same time,  the
Cochran plant was absorbing  production from a California  plant that was closed
during the first quarter.  The combination of these factors slowed shipments and
led to the  under-absorption  of costs in  Monterrey  and to  inefficiencies  in

         Management has largely resolved these production  issues and expects to
be back on track in the fourth quarter.  Lighting segment order rates are now at
an  all-time  high and are  expected  to remain  strong in May due to  continued
strength in the market. An announced price increase effective May 27 is expected
to improve margins in the fourth quarter.

         Balloun stated,  "Our issues at Lithonia are largely behind us. The new
SP8 and GT8 fixtures are being  enthusiastically  received in the market. We are
pleased to have the expansion in capacity to fulfill this demand."

         Jim H.  McClung,  president  of  Lithonia  Lighting,  added,  "With the
introduction of these innovative  products,  we have once again delivered on our
promise  to give  our  customers  the  best  value  in  lighting.  I am proud of
Lithonia's  ability to double  capacity  in Mexico for the  production  of these
troffers and to achieve acceptance from engineers,  specifiers, and distributors
in a very short period of time."

         The  envelope  segment  experienced  lower  volumes in its direct  mail
market. In addition,  the segment's  operating margin was adversely  impacted by
production  delays  associated  with  both the  start-up  inefficiencies  of new
equipment and the  relocation of two plants and by increased  paper prices.  The
relocations have been completed.  During the fourth quarter,  profit margins are
expected to improve on forecasted increased volumes.

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         Balloun concluded, "Despite our anticipated disappointing third quarter
results, we remain confident that our strategy and the aggressive actions we are
taking will result in stronger, more consistent revenue and earnings growth next
year.  The expansion of factories to  accommodate  production of new products as
well as the shift from older operating  facilities to newer, more cost-efficient
ones  are  important,  albeit  temporarily  painful,  steps  toward  our  growth

                                      * * *

         National Service Industries,  Inc., with fiscal year 1999 sales of $2.2
billion,  has four business segments -- lighting equipment,  chemicals,  textile
rental,  and envelopes.  Dividends have been increased for 38 consecutive  years
and paid for the past 64 years without a decrease.

                                      * * *

         Certain  information   contained  in  this  press  release  constitutes
forward-looking   statements  within  the  meaning  of  the  Private  Securities
Litigation  Reform Act of 1995. Such  forward-looking  statements are inherently
uncertain and involve risks. Consequently,  actual results may differ materially
from those indicated by the forward-looking  statements.  Statements made herein
that may be considered  forward looking include statements  concerning:  (a) the
company's future revenue and earnings;  (b) projected demand for new fluorescent
lighting  products;  (c)  expectations  regarding  the  resolution of production
issues in the lighting equipment  segment;  (d) expectations of continued strong
market  conditions and order rates in the lighting  equipment  segment;  (e) the
impact of price  increases on future  profit  margins in the lighting  equipment
segment; and (f) forecasted margin and volume increases in the envelope segment.
The following  factors,  in addition to those discussed in the Company's  Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended August 31, 1999,  could cause  results to
differ materially from the results suggested by the forward-looking  statements:
(a) the uncertainty of general business and economic  conditions,  including the
potential for a slowdown in non-residential  construction awards,  interest rate
changes,  and fluctuations in commodity and raw material prices;  (b) the degree
of success of  strategic  initiatives  related to  increased  productivity,  new
product  development,  technological  advances,  and  cost  synergies;  (c)  the
successful  completion  of  changes  to  manufacturing  operations;  and (d) the
market's acceptance of a price increase.