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                                            Exhibit   10(iii)A(d)-(iii)

                       AMENDMENT NO. 2

           THE AMENDMENT made as of the 16th day of
     September, 1994,  by NATIONAL
     SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC., a Delaware Corporation (the


           WHEREAS, the Employer previously adopted the
     National Service Industries, Inc.
     Senior  Management Benefit Plan ("Plan") for the
     benefit of certain management and
     highly compensated employees of the Employer; and
           WHEREAS, the Employer now desires to amend the
     Plan, as set forth below:

           Paragraph 5.5 of the Plan is hereby amended by
     deleting the first paragraph of the
     present provision and substituting the following in
     lieu thereof:
                    "5.5 Payment of Retirement Benefits.
     Benefits payable to a Participant
              upon such Participant's retirement from full-
     time employment with the
              Employer, pursuant  to the provisions of
     Paragraphs 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3, hereof,
              shall be payable on the  Retirement Benefit
     Commencement Date specified
              by Participant in such Participant's  Benefit
     Payment Election.  A Participant
              may, however, no later than twenty-four (24)
     months prior to such

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                                  Exhibit    10(iii)A(d)-(iii)

              Participant's retirement, and with the
     approval of the Plan Committee,
              change the date on which payment of such
     Participant's Retirement
              Benefits shall commence and the method of
     payment of such Retirement
              Benefits, by executing  a new Benefit Payment
     Election, Schedule A,
              provided, that (i) if a Participant satisfies
     the requirements of Paragraph 5.2
              for Early Retirement but incurs an interest
     earnings rate reduction under
              Paragraph 5.4(b), he may make an election
     change up to six (6) months
              prior to retirement, so long as such election
     is made in the tax year prior to
              retirement, (ii) the 24-month election period
     shall not  apply to election
              changes relating to death benefits, and (iii)
     the Plan Committee  may, in its
              sole discretion, permit a shorter election
     period to allow a Participant to
              accelerate the time and/or manner of payment
     in the event of a Participant's
               unforseen and severe financial hardship (as
     described in Paragrah 7.6 and
              as determined by the Plan Committee).  In the
     event a Participant fails to
              execute a Benefit Payment Election, such
     Participant's Retirement Benefits
              shall by payable pursuant to the method
     determined by the Plan
              Committee, in its sole discretion, commencing
     on the first day of the second
              calendar month following the date of such
     Participant's retirement. Such
              Participant's Retirement Benefit shall be
     payable pursuant to one of the


Page 25

              following methods, as requested by such
     Participant, in such Participant's
              Benefit Payment Election:"


           Paragraph 6.1(a) is hereby amended by deleting
     the second and third sentences of
     the current section and substituting the following in
     lieu thereof:
              "The amount payable for the first year
     hereunder shall be an amount that
              will fully amortize the balance in the
     Participant's Deferred Benefit Account,
              as of the Participant's  Benefit Determination
     Date, over the fifteen (15) year
              period, based on assumed  interest earnings
     using an interest rate equal to
              the Moody's Seasoned Corporate Bond Yield
     Index, as published monthly
              by Moody's Investor's Service, Inc., or
     successor thereto, or if such monthly
              index is no longer published, a substantially
     similar  average as established
              by the Plan Committee (such interest rate
     being hereinafter referred to as
              the "Moody's Interest Rate"), as of such
     Benefit Determination Date.
              Thereafter, annually, on the Anniversary Date,
     the amount payable for the
              following  year shall be adjusted to an amount
     that will fully amortize the
              remaining balance  in the Participant's
     Deferred Benefit Account, on said
              date, over the remaining  years in the
     aforesaid fifteen (15) year installment
              period, based on the Moody's  Interest Rate as
     of said Anniversary Date."

                                                     Page 26


           Paragraph 6.2(a) is hereby amended by adding the
     following at the end of the
     present provision:
              "(with interest determined in accordance with
     Section 5.5(a))".


           Paragraph 7.4 is hereby amended by deleting the
     reference to "Paragraph 6.2" in the
     last line of the present provision and substituting
     "Paragraph 7.3" in lieu thereof.


           Article VII is hereby amended by adding the
     following new Paragraph 7.6 at the end
     of the present provision:
              "7.6 Hardship.  A Participant (whether or not
     actively employed) who is
              suffering  an unforeseen and severe financial
     hardship as a result of (i) an
              illness or accident of the Participant or his
     immediate family, (ii) loss of
              Participant's property  due to casualty, or
     (iii) for such other reasons as the
              Plan Committee may establish, may file a
     written request with the Plan
              Committee for distribution of all or a
     portion of the amount credited to his
              Deferred Benefit Account.  The Plan Committee
     shall have the sole
              discretion to determine whether to grant a
     Participant's hardship request
              and the amount to distribute to the
     Participant.  The Plan Committee shall


Page 27

              have authority in connection with such
     hardship request to accelerate the
              date and method of payment of the
     Participant's Deferred Benefit Account."


           Paragraph 9.1 of the Plan is hereby amended by
     deleting the second and third
     sentences of the present provision and substituting the
     following in lieu thereof:
                    "The Plan Committee shall have the
     exclusive discretionary authority to
              construe and to interpret the Plan, to decide
     all questions of eligibility for
              benefits and to determine the amount of such
     benefits, and its decisions on
              such matters shall be final and conclusive on
     all parties."


           This Amendment No. 2 shall be effective as of the
     date hereof; provided that any
     Participant who is age 55 or older on the date hereof
     who makes an election change by
     August 31, 1994, shall have such election change
     recognized if it is made at  least six
     (6) months prior to his retirement.  Except as hereby
     modified, the Plan  shall remain in
     full force and effect.
           IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Employer has caused this
     Amendment No. 2 to be
     executed as of the date first above written.

                                          NATIONAL SERVICE
