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                                              Exhibit 10(iii)A(t)

               Effective as of September 1, 1994

          National Service Industries, Inc. (the "Corporation") hereby
     adopts the National Service Industries, Inc. Management
     Compensation and Incentive Plan (the "Plan") for its executive
     officers and certain other executives of the Corporation, its
     Divisions and affiliates who are in management positions
     designated as eligible for participation by the Executive Resource
     and Nominating Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of
     Directors of the Corporation or its designee.  The Plan shall be
     effective on September 1, 1994 and shall remain in effect, subject
     to the rights of amendment and termination in Section 13, until
     the Incentive Awards are paid for the Corporation's fiscal year
     ending in 1999.  Payments under the Plan shall only be made to
     Named Executive Officers after the Plan is approved by the
     stockholders of the Corporation.

          The purpose of the Plan is to further the growth and
     financial success of the Corporation by offering performance
     incentives to designated executives who have significant
     responsibility for such success.

     (a)  "Base Annual Salary" means the actual salary paid to a
          Participant during the applicable Plan Year, increased by the
          amount of any pre-tax deferrals or other pre-tax payments
          made by the Participant to the Corporation's deferred
          compensation or welfare plans (whether qualified or non-
     (b)  "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the
     (c)  "Change in Control" means any of the following events:
               (i)  The acquisition (other than from the Corporation)
          by any "Person" [as the term person is used for purposes of
          Sections 13(d) or 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
          1934, as amended (the "1934 Act")] of beneficial ownership
          (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the 1934
          Act) of twenty percent (20%) or more of the combined voting
          power of the Corporation's then outstanding voting
          securities; or
               (ii)  The individuals who, as of September 1, 1994, are
          members of the Board of Directors (the "Incumbent Board"),
          cease for any reason to constitute at least twothirds of the
          Board of Directors; provided, however, that if the election,
          or nomination for election by the Corporation's stockholders,
          of any new director was approved by a vote of at least
          twothirds of the Incumbent Board, such new director shall,
          for purposes of this Plan, be considered as a member of the
          Incumbent Board; or
               (iii)  Approval by stockholders of the Corporation of
          (1) a merger or consolidation involving the Corporation if
          the stockholders of the Corporation, immediately before such
          merger or consolidation do not, as a result of such merger or
          consolidation, own, directly or indirectly, more than seventy
          percent (70%) of the combined voting power of the then
          outstanding voting securities of the corporation resulting
          from such merger or consolidation in substantially the same
          proportion as their ownership of the combined voting power of
          the voting securities of the Corporation outstanding
          immediately before such merger or consolidation or (2) a
          complete liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation or an
          agreement for the sale or other disposition of all or
          substantially all of the assets of the Corporation.
               Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Change in Control shall
          not be deemed to occur pursuant to subsection (i) above,
          solely because twenty percent (20%) or more of the combined
          voting power of the Corporation's then outstanding securities
          is acquired by (i) a trustee or other fiduciary holding
          securities under one or more employee benefit plans
          maintained by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, or
          (ii) any corporation which, immediately prior to such
          acquisition, is owned directly or indirectly by the
          stockholders of the Corporation in the same proportion as
          their ownership of stock in the Corporation immediately prior
          to such acquisition.
     (d)  "Chief Executive Officer" means the chief executive officer
          of the Corporation, unless otherwise specified.

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                                              Exhibit 10(iii)A(t)
     (e)  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
     (f)  "Committee" means the Executive Resource and Nominating
          Committee of the Board of Directors or any other committee
          designated by the Board of Directors which is responsible for
          administering the Plan.
     (g)  "Corporation" means National Service Industries, Inc. and its
     (h)  "Division" means a separate business operating unit of the
          Corporation with respect to which separate performance goals
          are established hereunder.
     (i)  "Incentive Award" or "Award" means the bonus awarded to a
          Participant under the terms of the Plan.
     (j)  "Maximum Award" means the maximum percentage of Base Annual
          Salary which may be paid based upon the Relative Performance
          during the Plan Year.
     (k)  "Named Executive Officer" means a Participant who as of the
          date of payment of an Incentive Award is one of the group of
          "covered employees" under Code Section 162(m) and the
          regulations thereunder.
     (l)  "Participant" means an employee of the Corporation, a
          Division or an affiliate who is designated by the Committee
          to participate in the Plan.
     (m)  "Personal Performance Goals" means the goals established for
          each Participant each year to improve the effectiveness of
          the Participant's area of responsibility as well as the
          Corporation as a whole.
     (n)  "Plan Rules" means the guidelines established annually by the
          Committee pursuant to Section 4, subject to ratification by
          the Board of Directors.
     (o)  "Plan Year" means the twelve month period which is the same
          as the Corporation's fiscal year.  The initial Plan Year
          shall be September 1, 1994 through August 31, 1995.
     (p)  "Relative Performance" means the extent to which the
          Corporation, or designated Division, as applicable, achieves
          the performance measurement criteria set forth in the Plan
     (q)  "Target Award" means the percentage (which may vary among
          Participants and from Plan Year to Plan Year) of Base Annual
          Salary which will be paid to a Participant as an Incentive
          Award if the performance measurement criteria applicable to
          the Participant for the Plan Year is achieved, as reflected
          in the Plan Rules for such Plan Year.
     (r)  "Threshold Award" means the percentage of Base Annual Salary
          which may be paid based on the minimum acceptable Relative
          Performance during the Plan Year.

          The Plan will be administered by the Committee, subject to
     its right to delegate responsibility for administration of the
     Plan as it applies to Participants other than Named Executive
     Officers pursuant to Section 8.  The Committee will have authority
     to establish Plan Rules with respect to the following matters,
     subject to the right of the Board of Directors to ratify such Plan
     (a)  the employees who are to become Participants in the Plan;
     (b)  the Target Award, Maximum Award and Threshold Award that can
          be granted to each Participant and the method for determining
          such award, which the Committee may amend from time to time;
     (c)  performance targets and the measurement criteria to be used
          in determining the Corporation's or a Division's Relative
          Performance, which will include one or more of the following,
          as determined by the Committee each year: net income,
          earnings per share, return on equity, return on assets (or
          net assets), profit before taxes, market value of the
          Corporation's stock, and total shareholder return; and
     (d)  the time or times and the conditions subject to which any
          Incentive Award may become payable.
          The Plan Rules will be adopted by the Committee prior to, or
     as soon as practical after, the commencement of each Plan Year.
     Subject to the provisions of the Plan and the Committee's right to
     delegate its responsibilities, the Committee will also have the
     discretionary authority to interpret the Plan, to prescribe, amend
     and rescind rules and regulations relating to it, and to make all
     other determinations deemed necessary or advisable in
     administering the Plan.  The determinations of the Committee on
     the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this
     Section 4 shall be submitted at least annually to the Board of
     Directors for its consideration and ratification.  For
     Participants who are not Named Executive Officers, the Committee
     may in its discretion establish performance measures not listed in
     this Section 4 without obtaining shareholder approval.


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                                              Exhibit 10(iii)A(t)

          Eligibility for participation in the Plan is limited to
     executive officers of the Corporation and certain other executives
     of the Corporation and its Divisions or affiliates who hold key
     management and staff positions.  From among those eligible and
     based upon the recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer and
     other designees, the Committee will designate by name or position
     the Participants each Plan Year.  Any employee who is a
     Participant in one Plan Year may be excluded from participation in
     any other Plan Year.  If, during the Plan Year, a Participant
     other than a Named Executive Officer changes employment positions
     to a new position which corresponds to a different award level,
     the Committee may, in its discretion, adjust the Participant's
     award level for such Plan Year.  The Committee may, in its
     discretion, designate employees who are hired after the beginning
     of the Plan Year as Participants for such Plan Year and as
     eligible to receive full or partial Incentive Awards for such

     6.1  Determination of the Amount of Incentive Awards
          At the end of each Plan Year, the Committee shall certify the
     extent to which the performance targets and measurement criteria
     established pursuant to Section 4 have been achieved for such Plan
     Year based upon information prepared by the Corporation's finance
     department.  Subject to the right to decrease an award as
     described in the next paragraph, the Participant's Incentive Award
     shall be computed by the Committee based upon the achievement of
     the established performance targets, measurement criteria and the
     requirements of the Plan.  The Committee may in determining
     whether performance targets have been met adjust the Corporation's
     financial results to exclude the effect of unusual charges or
     income items, including gains and losses resulting from
     divestitures, currency fluctuations or changes in accounting,
     which are distortive of results year over year (either on a
     segment or consolidated basis); provided, that for purposes of
     determining the Incentive Awards of Named Executive Officers, the
     Committee shall exclude unusual items whose exclusion has the
     effect of increasing Relative Performance if such items constitute
     "extraordinary items" under generally accepted accounting
     principles.  In addition, the Committee will adjust its
     calculations to exclude the unanticipated effect on financial
     results of changes in the Code or other tax laws, or the
     regulations relating thereto.
          The Committee may, in its discretion, decrease the amount of
     a Participant's Incentive Award for a Plan Year based upon such
     factors as it may determine, including the failure of the
     Corporation or a Division to meet certain performance goals or of
     a Participant to meet his Personal Performance Goals.  The factors
     to be used in reducing an Incentive Award may be established at
     the beginning of a Plan Year and may vary among Participants.
          In the event that the Corporation's or a Division's
     performance is below the performance thresholds for the Plan Year
     and the Incentive Awards are reduced or cancelled, the Committee
     may in its discretion grant Incentive Awards to deserving
     Participants, except for Participants who are Named Executive
          The Plan Rules and Incentive Awards under the Plan shall be
     administered in a manner to qualify payments under the Plan to the
     Named Executive Officers for the performance-based exception under
     Code Section 162(m) and the regulations thereunder, except where
     the Board of Directors determines such compliance is not
     necessary.  The maximum Incentive Award that may be paid to an
     individual Participant for a Plan Year shall be the amount which
     when added to the Participant's Base Annual Salary for such Plan
     Year totals an aggregate of $1.5 million.

     6.2  Eligibility for Payment of Incentive Award
          No Participant will have any vested right to receive any
     Incentive Award until such date as the Board of Directors has
     ratified the Committee's determination with respect to the payment
     of individual Incentive Awards, except where the Committee
     determines such ratification is not necessary.  No Incentive Award
     will be paid to any Participant who is not an active employee of
     the Corporation, a division or an affiliate at the end of the Plan
     Year to which the Incentive Award relates; provided, however, at
     the discretion of the Committee or its designee (subject to
     ratification by the Board of Directors, where required), partial
     Incentive Awards may be authorized by the Committee to be paid to
     Participants (or their beneficiaries) who are terminated without
     cause or who retire, die or become permanently and totally
     disabled during the Plan Year.  No Participant entitled to receive
     an Incentive Award shall have any interest in any specific asset
     of the Corporation, and such Participant's rights shall be
     equivalent to that of a general unsecured creditor of the

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                                              Exhibit 10(iii)A(t)

     6.3  Payment of Awards
          Payment of the Incentive Awards will be made as soon as
     practicable after their determination pursuant to Sections 6.1 and
     6.2, subject to a Participant's right to defer payment pursuant to
     applicable deferred compensation plans of the Corporation.
     Payment will generally be made in a lump sum in cash, unless the
     Committee otherwise determines at the beginning of the Plan Year.

          Notwithstanding the responsibilities of the Committee set
     forth herein, the Committee may delegate to the Chief Executive
     Officer or others all or any portion of its responsibility for
     administration of the Plan as it relates to Participants other
     than Named Executive Officers.  Such delegation may include,
     without limitation, the authority to designate employees who can
     participate in the Plan, to establish Plan Rules, to interpret the
     Plan, to determine the extent to which performance criteria have
     been achieved, and to adjust Incentive Awards payable.  In the
     case of each such delegation, the administrative actions of the
     delegate shall be subject to the approval of the person within the
     Corporation to whom the delegate reports (or, in the case of a
     delegation to the Chief Executive Officer, to the approval of the

          Upon the occurrence of a Change in Control, unless the
     Participant otherwise elects in writing, the Participant's
     Incentive Award for the Plan Year, determined at the Target Award
     level (without any reductions under Section 6.1) shall be deemed
     to have been fully earned for the Plan Year, provided that the
     Participant shall only be entitled to a pro rata portion of the
     Incentive Award based upon the number of days within the Plan Year
     that had elapsed as of the effective date of the Change in
     Control.  The Incentive Award amount shall be paid in cash within
     thirty (30) days of the effective date of the Change in Control.

          Each Participant will designate a person or persons to
     receive, in the event of death, any Incentive Award to which the
     Participant would then be entitled under Section 6.2.  Such
     designation will be made in the manner determined by the Committee
     and may be revoked by the Participant in writing.  If a
     Participant fails effectively to designate a beneficiary, then the
     estate of the Participant will be deemed to be the beneficiary.

          The Corporation shall deduct from each Incentive Award the
     amount of any taxes required to be withheld by any governmental

          Nothing in the Plan or in any Incentive Award shall confer
     (or be deemed to confer) upon any Participant the right to
     continue in the employ of the Corporation, a Division or an
     affiliate, or interfere with or restrict in any way the rights of
     the Corporation, a Division or an affiliate to discharge any
     Participant at any time for any reason whatsoever, with or without

          All obligations of the Corporation under the Plan with
     respect to Incentive Awards granted hereunder shall be binding
     upon any successor to the Corporation, whether such successor is
     the result of an acquisition of stock or assets of the
     Corporation, a merger, a consolidation or otherwise.

          The Committee, subject to the ratification rights of the
     Board of Directors, has the right to suspend or terminate the Plan
     at any time, or to amend the Plan in any respect, provided that no
     such action will, without the consent of a Participant, adversely
     affect the Participant's rights under an Incentive Award approved
     under Section 6.2.  The Plan shall be interpreted and construed
     under the laws of the State of Georgia.