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                                                             Exhibit 10(III)A(a)

                                February 1, 1996

Mr. James S. Balloun
National Service Industries, Inc.
NSI Center
1420 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia   30309-3002

Dear Jim:

This letter will confirm the terms of your employment as Chief Executive Officer
of National Service  Industries,  Inc. ("NSI"),  effective February 1, 1996 (the
"Effective  Date"). We are enthusiastic about your decision to join NSI and look
forward to working with you to enhance the future growth of the company.

The terms of your employment will be as follows:

     1. Duties - You will be the Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Chairman of the
Board of NSI, and will assume the duties and responsibilities  commensurate with
those  positions.  You will devote  substantially  all of your  working time and
attention to the business and affairs of NSI.

     2. Base Salary - Your base salary for each of the three (3) fiscal years of
NSI ending August 31, 1996,  1997, and 1998 will be at least Seven Hundred Fifty
Thousand  Dollars  ($750,000).  Thereafter,  your base salary will be subject to
annual  review for  increases  at such time as NSI conducts  salary  reviews for
executive officers generally.

     3. Annual  Incentive  Compensation  - For the three (3) fiscal years of NSI
ending  August  31,  1996,  1997,  and  1998,  you will  participate  in the NSI
Management  Compensation  and Incentive Plan (the "Annual  Incentive  Plan") and
will be eligible for the following incentive bonuses:

     For fiscal year 1996, an incentive  bonus of Seven  Hundred Fifty  Thousand
     Dollars ($750,000) if NSI's Earnings Per Share equal or exceed $ .* for the
     fiscal year.  NSI's  Earnings Per Share will be determined in the customary
     manner under the Annual Incentive Plan and will be subject to adjustment
     for changes in  capitalization  and for unusual  charges or income items as
     provided in the plan.

*  Confidential  information  has been  omitted  and filed  separately  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

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                                                             Exhibit 10(III)A(a)

     For fiscal years 1997 and 1998,  an incentive  bonus of Seven Hundred Fifty
     Thousand  Dollars   ($750,000)  per  year  if  the  performance   target(s)
     established  for  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  pursuant  to  the  Annual
     Incentive Plan (or a similar plan) is achieved.

For  fiscal  year 1999 and  later  years,  you will  participate  in the  Annual
Incentive  Plan (or a similar plan) and be eligible for an incentive  award at a
level  consistent  with your  position as Chief  Executive  Officer of NSI, with
performance targets consistent with those for other executive officers.

     4. Stock  Options - You have  received,  or you will be eligible  for,  the
following stock option grants pursuant to the NSI Long-Term Incentive Program:

     On January 3, 1996,  you  received a grant of an option (the  "Option")  to
     purchase two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) shares of NSI Common Stock at
     a share price equal to the Common  Stock's  Fair Market Value on that date.
     The Option was granted pursuant to the Long-Term Incentive Plan and has the
     following specific provisions:

          * A ten (10) year term to exercise from date of grant.

          * Vesting as follows,  eighty-five  thousand (85,000) shares will vest
          on the  last day of  NSI's  fiscal  year  1996;  eighty-five  thousand
          (85,000) shares will vest on the last day of fiscal year 1997; and the
          remaining eighty thousand (80,000) shares will vest on the last day of
          fiscal year 1998.

          * Unvested  shares will be forfeited upon your voluntary  termination,
          termination upon death or Disability,  or if you are terminated by NSI
          for Cause (Disability and Cause are defined in Item 7 below).

          * In the event of death, options for vested shares may be exercised by
          your personal representative or estate.

          * If you retire from NSI at age sixty-five  (65) or later,  the Option

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                                                             Exhibit 10(III)A(a)

          will be exercisable for five (5) years or until the end of the term of
          the Option, whichever first occurs.

     You will be eligible  for annual stock  option  grants under the  Long-Term
     Incentive Plan in amounts at the competitive median or higher for a Chief
     Executive  Officer of a company of NSI's revenue size and  characteristics,
     or at such other  competitive  level as may be  established by NSI's Board.
     The option  terms will  generally  be as provided  under the plan for other
     executive officers of NSI.

     5. Retirement  Plans - Upon satisfying the  eligibility  requirements,  you
will be eligible to participate in the Company's tax-qualified retirement plans,
NSI Pension Plan C, and the NSI 401(k) Plan for Corporate Office  Employees.  In
addition,  on  the  Effective  Date,  you  will  become  a  participant  in  the
Supplemental  Retirement Plan for Executives of NSI (the "SERP").  Your benefits
under  the SERP will be  determined  in the same  manner as for other  executive
officers of NSI participating in the plan, except that you will be credited with
two (2)  years of  credited  service  under  the SERP  for each  year of  actual
credited  service.  You will become vested in your SERP benefit after completing
five (5) years of employment with NSI.

     S.  Medical,  Life  Insurance,  and Other  Employee  Benefits - You will be
covered by, or eligible to participate in, the medical,  dental, life insurance,
disability,  deferred  compensation,  and other benefit programs  generally made
available by NSI to its executive  officers and their families.  With respect to
life insurance  coverage,  you will be provided no less than $1 million coverage
(subject to coordination with the qualified  retirement plans' death benefits in
the same manner as for other executives).

     7. Severance Payment/Change in Control - Except in the event of termination
in  connection  with a Change in  Control of NSI (as  defined  in the  Severance
Protection Agreement that will cover you), you will be entitled to the following
severance payment:

     If your employment is terminated on or before August 31, 1998, except for
     voluntary  termination,  termination  upon death or Disability  (as defined
     below),  or  termination  by NSI for Cause  (as  defined  below),  you will
     receive  a  lump  sum  severance   payment,   immediately   following  your
     termination, of $4.5 million reduced by the total amount of any base salary
     and annual  incentive  bonus(es) paid to you by NSI for the period from the
     Effective Date to the date of your termination.

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                                                             Exhibit 10(III)A(a)

     If your  employment  is  terminated  after August 31, 1998,  except for the
     reasons stated in the preceding paragraph,  you will receive a $1.5 million
     lump sum severance payment immediately following your termination.

     For purposes of entitlement to a severance payment, "Cause" shall mean any
     act(s) on your part that constitutes fraud, a felony involving  dishonesty,
     a breach of fiduciary  duty, or gross  malfeasance  or habitual  neglect of
     your  duties for NSI,  and  "Disability"  shall  mean a physical  or mental
     infirmity which impairs your ability to  substantially  perform your duties
     as Chief Executive  Officer of NSI for a period of one hundred eighty (180)
     consecutive days. The NSI Board, based upon the information provided to it,
     shall determine whether an act constituting  Cause has occurred and whether
     you have suffered a Disability.  In the case of termination for Cause,  (i)
     you will be given written notice of the actions constituting Cause at least
     fifteen  (15) days prior to any meeting of the Board of Directors of NSI at
     which  your  termination  is to be  considered;  (ii) you will be given the
     opportunity to be heard by the Board;  and (iii) your termination for Cause
     must be evidenced by a resolution adopted by two-thirds of the Board.

     With  respect  to Change in  Control  situations,  you will be covered by a
Severance  Protection  Agreement  with the same  provisions as are applicable to
NSI's other executive  officers.  In the event of your termination in connection
with a Change in Control  that  entitles  you to  benefits  under the  Severance
Protection Agreement,  you will receive the greater of the payments and benefits
provided under the Severance  Protection  Agreement (after  consideration of any
tax penalties) or the severance payments described above.

     The base salary, annual incentive,  option grants,  nonqualified retirement
benefits,  and any  severance  payments  will be  structured  to ensure  the tax
deductibility  to NSI of the payments and  benefits  under the Internal  Revenue
Code  of  1986,  including  Code  Section  162(m).  We  can  provide  additional
information on these issues if you so desire.

     We are preparing a SERP  provision and  Severance  Protection  Agreement to
evidence the arrangements set forth in this letter.  These agreements  should be
completed shortly.

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                                                             Exhibit 10(III)A(a)

     Again,  we are  delighted you are joining NSI and we look forward to a long
and mutually  satisfactory  relationship.  This letter  outlines your employment
relationship with NSI; if you agree with the employment terms as outlined above,
please sign and date both copies of this letter agreement and return one copy to
me at your earliest convenience.

                                Very truly yours,

                                /s/ John G. Medlin, Jr.
                                John G. Medlin, Jr.
                                Chairman, Executive Resource, 
                                Compensation and Nominating Committee 
                                of the Board of Directors


5    DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1996

/s/ James S. Balloun
    James S. Balloun