Exhibit 3(ii)

                              NUI Corporation

                       Incorporated Under the Laws of the
                            State of New Jersey

                       AMENDED AND RESTATED BY-LAWS
                     Adopted as of September 23, 1997

                                 ARTICLE I


          The principal office of the Company shall be located in the State
     of New Jersey. The Board of  Directors may change the location of  the
     principal office of the  Company and may from  time to time  designate
     other offices at such other places, either within or without the State
     of New Jersey, as the business of the Company may require.

                                ARTICLE II


          Section 1. Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of Shareholders for
     the election of Directors and the transaction of any other business as
     may properly come before such meeting  shall be held at such place  as
     shall be designated by the Board  of Directors, on the fourth  Tuesday
     of January of each year at  the hour of 10:30  A.M., or on such  other
     day at such time as shall be designated by the Board of Directors.  If
     said day be a legal  holiday, said meeting shall  be held at the  same
     hour on the next succeeding business day.

          Section  2.     Special   Meetings:  Special   Meetings  of   the
     Shareholders may be called only by the President of the Company or  by
     the Board  of  Directors or  as  otherwise required  by  law.  Special
     Meetings shall be held at  such time and place  as shall from time  to
     time be designated by the Board of Directors and stated in the  notice
     of such meeting. At a Special Meeting no business shall be  transacted
     and no corporate action shall be  taken other than that stated in  the
     notice of the meeting.

          Section 3. Notice of Meetings: Written notice of the place,  date
     and hour of any Shareholders' meeting, whether annual or special, and,
     in the case of  a special meeting, the  purpose or purposes for  which
     the meeting is called shall be  given to each Shareholder entitled  to
     vote thereat, by mailing the same to the Shareholder at the address of
     the Shareholder that appears upon the records of the Company not  less
     than ten (10) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of  such
     meeting. Notice of any adjourned meeting need not be given other  than
     by announcement at the meeting so adjourned, unless otherwise  ordered
     in connection  with such  adjournment. Such  further notice,  if  any,
     shall be given as may be required by law.

          Section 4. Waiver of Notice: A written waiver of notice signed by
     the person entitled to  notice, whether before  or after the  meeting,
     shall be deemed equivalent to notice. Attendance of a Shareholder at a
     meeting shall constitute a  waiver of notice  of such meeting,  except

     when a  Shareholder attends  a meeting  and, prior  to the  conclusion
     thereof, objects to  the transaction of  any business  on the  grounds
     that proper notice of the meeting was not given.

          Section 5. Quorum: Any  number of Shareholders, together  holding
     at least a  majority of the  capital stock of  the Company issued  and
     outstanding and entitled to vote, present in person or represented  by
     proxy at any meeting  duly called, shall constitute  a quorum for  all
     purposes at  a meeting  of Shareholders  except  as may  otherwise  be
     provided by law.

          Section 6. Adjournment of  Meetings: If at the  time for which  a
     meeting of Shareholders has been called less than a quorum is present,
     the meeting may be  adjourned to another time  or place by a  majority
     vote of the Shareholders present in person or by proxy and entitled to
     vote thereat, without notice other than by announcement at the meeting
     except as may otherwise be required  by law. At any adjourned  meeting
     at which a  quorum shall be  present, any business  may be  transacted
     which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called.

          Section 7. Voting: Each Shareholder entitled to vote at a meeting
     of the Shareholders shall  be entitled to one  vote for each share  of
     stock registered  in  such Shareholder's  name  on the  books  of  the
     Company on the date fixed as the record date for the determination  of
     its Shareholders entitled to vote. In  accordance with the New  Jersey
     Business Corporation  Act,  each Shareholder  entitled  to vote  at  a
     meeting of Shareholders may authorize another person or persons to act
     for him by proxy, duly appointed  by instrument in writing  subscribed
     by such  Shareholder. Said  proxy shall  not be  valid for  more  than
     eleven (11) months unless a longer time is expressly provided therein.
     At all meetings of Shareholders all  matters shall be determined by  a
     majority vote of the Shareholders entitled to vote thereat present  in
     person or represented by  proxy except as  otherwise provided by  law,
     the Certificate of Incorporation or these By-Laws.

          Section 8. Notice Of Shareholder Nominations And Proposed

          (1)  At any annual meeting of the Shareholders, (i) nominations
     for the election of directors and (ii) business to be brought before
     any such Shareholders' meeting may only be made or proposed (a)
     pursuant to the Company's notice of meeting, (b) by or at the
     direction of the Board of Directors or (c) by any Shareholder of the
     Company who is a Shareholder of record at the time of giving of the
     notice provided for in this By-law, who shall be entitled to vote at
     such meeting and who complies with the notice procedures set forth in
     this By-law.

          (2)  Any Shareholder may nominate one or more persons for
     election as directors at a Shareholders' meeting or propose business
     to be brought before a Shareholders' meeting, or both, pursuant to
     clause (c) of paragraph 1 of this By-law, only if the Shareholder has
     given timely notice thereof in proper written form to the Secretary of
     the Company.  To be timely, a Shareholder's notice must be delivered
     to or mailed and received at the principal executive offices of the
     Company not less than 90 days nor more than 120 days prior to the
     Shareholders' meeting; provided, however, that if less than 100 days'
     notice or other prior public disclosure of the date of the meeting is
     given or made to the Shareholders, notice by the Shareholder to be
     timely must be received no later than the close of business on the
     10th day following the earlier of the day on which notice of the date
     of the meeting was mailed or other public disclosure was made.  To be
     in proper written form a Shareholder's notice to the Secretary shall
     set forth as to each matter the Shareholder proposes to bring before
     the meeting:

               (a) a brief description of the business proposed and/or
     persons nominated, as applicable, and the reasons for proposing such
     business or making such nomination;

               (b) the name and address, as they appear on the Company's
     books, of the Shareholder proposing such business or making such
     nomination, and the name and address of the beneficial owner, if any,
     on whose behalf the proposal is made;

               (c) the class or series and number of shares of the Company
     which are owned beneficially and of record by such Shareholder of
     record and by the beneficial owner, if any, on whose behalf the
     proposal is made;

               (d) with respect to any nomination, (i) a description of all
     arrangements and understandings between the Shareholder proposing such
     nomination and each nominee and any other person or persons (naming
     such person or persons) in connection with the nomination or
     nominations are to be made, (ii) the name, age, business address and
     residence address of such nominee, (iii) the class or series and
     number of shares of capital stock of the Company owned beneficially
     and of record by such nominee, (iv) the written consent of the
     proposed nominee to being named in the solicitation material and to
     serving as a director if elected and (v) a representation that such
     Shareholder intends to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to
     nominate the persons named in the notice;

               (e) with respect to any business to be proposed, (i) a
     description of all arrangements or understandings between the
     Shareholder proposing such business and any other person or persons
     (naming such person or persons) in connection with the proposal of
     such business by such Shareholder and any material interest of such
     Shareholder in such business and (ii) a representation that such
     Shareholder intends to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to
     bring such business before the meeting; and

               (f) such other information regarding each nominee or matter
     of business to be proposed as would be required to be included in
     solicitations of proxies, or is otherwise required, in each case
     pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
     as amended.

          (3)  Notwithstanding anything in these By-laws to the contrary,
     no business shall be conducted at any Shareholders' meeting and no
     Shareholder may nominate any person for election at any Shareholders'
     meeting except in accordance with the procedures set forth in this By-
     law.  The Chairman of the meeting shall, if the facts warrant,
     determine and declare to the meeting that any proposed business and/or
     any proposed nomination for election as director was not properly
     brought or made before the meeting or made in accordance with the
     procedures prescribed by these By-laws, and if he should so determine,
     he shall so declare to the meeting and any such proposed business or
     proposed nomination for election as director not properly brought
     before the meeting or made shall not be transacted or considered.

                                ARTICLE III


          Section 1. Qualifications: Directors need not be Shareholders and
     need not be citizens of the United States or residents of New Jersey.

          Section 2. Duties and Powers: The business and affairs of the
     Company shall be managed by or under the direction of the Board of
     Directors, and, unless the vote of a greater number is required by
     law, the Certificate of Incorporation or these By-Laws, the vote of
     the majority of the Directors present at a meeting shall be the act of
     the Board of Directors in the transaction of business, provided a
     quorum is present. The Directors may exercise all such powers of the
     Company and do all such lawful acts and things as they may deem proper
     and as are consistent with law, the Certificate of Incorporation and
     these By-Laws.

          Section 3. Election: Directors shall be elected by the
     Shareholders at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to hold office for
     the term elected and until their respective successors are elected and
     qualified or until their earlier resignation or removal. If the
     election of Directors shall not be held on the day designated by or
     pursuant to authority granted in these By-Laws, the Directors shall
     cause the same to be held as soon thereafter as may be convenient.

          (a)  Except as  otherwise fixed  pursuant to  Article VI  of  the
     Certificate of Incorporation relating to the rights of the holders  of
     any class or series  of preferred stock having  a preference over  the
     common stock  as  to  dividends  or  upon  liquidation,  or  to  elect
     additional Directors  under  specified  circumstances,  the  Board  of
     Directors shall  consist of  not less  than eight  (8) nor  more  than
     twenty-five (25)  persons;  provided,  however,  that  the  authorized
     number of Directors may be changed to any number between eight (8) and
     twenty-five (25)  from  time  to time  exclusively  by  the  Board  of
     Directors pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the  total
     number of  authorized  Directors  (whether  or  not  there  exist  any
     vacancies in previously authorized Directorships at the time any  such
     resolution is presented to the Board for adoption).

          (b)  The Directors (other than  those who may  be elected by  the
     holders of any class or series of preferred stock having a  preference
     over common  stock  as to  dividends  or upon  liquidation)  shall  be
     classified, with respect  to the time  for which  they severally  hold
     office, into three classes, as nearly equal in number as possible, one
     class to  hold office  initially for  a term  expiring at  the  annual
     meeting of Shareholders  to be  held in  1992, another  class to  hold
     office initially  for  a  term  expiring  at  the  annual  meeting  of
     Shareholders to be  held in  1993, and  another class  to hold  office
     initially for a term expiring at the annual meeting of Shareholders to
     be held in 1994, with the members  of each class to hold office  until
     their successors are elected and qualified. At each annual meeting  of
     the Shareholders  of  the Company,  the  successors to  the  class  of
     Directors whose term expires at that meeting shall be elected to  hold
     office for a term expiring at the annual meeting of Shareholders  held
     in the third year following the year of their election.  The  election
     of Directors need not be by ballot.

          (c)  Except as  otherwise fixed  pursuant  to the  provisions  of
     Article VI of the Certificate of Incorporation relating to the  rights
     of the holders  of any  class or series  of preferred  stock having  a
     preference over the common stock as  to dividends or upon  liquidation
     to  elect  Directors  under  specified  circumstances,  newly  created
     Directorships resulting from any increase in the authorized number  of
     Directors or any vacancies  in the Board  of Directors resulting  from
     death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal from  office
     or other cause may be filled only by a majority vote of the  Directors
     then in office, though less than  a quorum of the Board of  Directors.
     If any applicable provision of New Jersey law expressly confers  power
     on Shareholders to fill  such a Directorship at  a special meeting  of
     Shareholders, such a Directorship may be filled at such a meeting only
     by the affirmative vote of at least 75 percent of the then-outstanding
     shares of the  voting stock,  voting together  as a  single class  (it
     being  understood  that  for  all  purposes  of  this  Section  3  and
     compliance with Article XI of  the Certificate of Incorporation,  each
     share of the voting stock shall have the number of votes granted to it
     pursuant to  Article VI  of the  Certificate of  Incorporation or  any
     resolution or  resolutions  of  the Board  of  Directors  pursuant  to
     authority expressly granted to and vested  in it by the provisions  of
     Article VI of the Certificate of Incorporation). Any Director  elected
     in accordance with the two preceding  sentences shall hold office  for
     the remainder of the full term of the class of Directors in which  the
     new Directorship was created  or the vacancy  occurred and until  such
     Director's  successor  shall  have  been  elected  and  qualified.  No
     decrease in the number of authorized Directors constituting the entire
     Board of Directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent Director.

          (d)  Subject to the rights of the holders of any class or  series
     of preferred  stock having  preference over  the  common stock  as  to
     dividends or upon  liquidation or to  elect Directors under  specified
     circumstances, any Director, or the entire Board of Directors, may  be
     removed from office at any  time, but only for  cause and only by  the
     affirmative vote of the holders of at  least 75 percent of all of  the
     then-outstanding shares  of the  voting stock,  voting together  as  a
     single class. The Company must notify  the Director of the grounds  of
     his impending removal and the Director  shall have an opportunity,  at
     the expense of the Company, to present his defense to the Shareholders
     by  a   statement  which   accompanies  or   precedes  the   Company's
     solicitation of proxies to remove him. 

          Section 4. Resignation of Directors:  Any Director may resign  at
     any time upon written  notice to the  Company. Such resignation  shall
     take effect  at  the  time  specified  therein,  and  if  no  time  be
     specified, at the time of its receipt by the Chairman of the Board, if
     any, the  Chief  Executive  Officer, if  any,  the  President  or  the
     Secretary. The acceptance of a resignation  shall not be necessary  to
     make it effective, unless so specified therein.

          Section 5. Meetings: The Board of Directors shall hold an  annual
     meeting for the  purpose of organization  and the  transaction of  any
     business immediately  after the  Annual Meeting  of the  Shareholders,
     provided a quorum is  present. Other regular meetings  may be held  at
     such times as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the
     Board of Directors. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may  be
     called at any time  by the Chairman  of the Board,  if any, the  Chief
     Executive Officer, if any,  by the President or  by a majority of  the
     Directors then in office,  though less than a  quorum of the Board  of

          Section 6. Notice and Place of Meetings: Regular meetings of  the
     Board of Directors  may be held  at such time  and place  as shall  be
     designated by resolution of the Board of Directors. No notice need  be
     given of  any regular  meeting of  the Board.  Notice of  any  special
     meeting specifying the time and place of such meeting and the business
     to be transacted thereat shall be served upon each Director by mail at
     his residence or usual place of business at least two (2) days  before
     the day on which such meeting  is to be held, or  sent to him at  such
     place by telegraph, cable, electronic communication or transmitted  by
     way of a guaranteed overnight courier service, or delivered personally
     or by telephone not later than 24 hours prior to the time at which the
     meeting is  to be  held. No  notice  of the  annual meeting  shall  be
     required  if  held  immediately  after  the  annual  meeting  of   the
     Shareholders and if a quorum is present. Notice of a meeting need  not
     be given to any Director who submits a signed waiver of notice  before
     or after the  meeting, nor  to any  Director who  attends the  meeting
     without protesting,  prior  to the  conclusion  thereof, the  lack  of

          Section 7. Business Transacted at  Meetings: Any business may  be
     transacted and  any  corporate action  may  be taken  at  any  regular
     meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum shall be  present,
     whether such business or  proposed action be stated  in the notice  of
     such meeting  or  not,  unless special  notice  of  such  business  or
     proposed action shall be required by law.

          Section 8. Quorum: A  majority of the  entire Board of  Directors
     then in  office shall  be necessary  to constitute  a quorum  for  the
     transaction of business. If  a quorum is not  present at a meeting  of
     the Board  of  Directors, a  majority  of the  Directors  present  may
     adjourn the  meeting to  such time  and place  as they  may  determine
     without notice other  than announcement  at the  meeting until  enough
     Directors to constitute a quorum shall  attend. When a quorum is  once
     present to  organize  a  meeting,  it  shall  not  be  broken  by  the
     subsequent withdrawal of any Directors.

          Section 9. Loans to and Guarantees for Directors: The Corporation
     may lend  money  to, or  guarantee  any obligation  of,  or  otherwise
     assist, any Officer  or other employee  of the Corporation  or of  any
     subsidiary who is also a Director of the Corporation whenever, in  the
     judgment of the Board of Directors, such loan, guarantee or assistance
     may reasonably be expected to benefit  the Corporation and such  loan,
     guarantee or  other assistance  is authorized  by  a majority  of  the
     entire Board of Directors. The Director who is to be loaned money,  or
     whose obligation  is to  be  guaranteed, or  who  is otherwise  to  be
     assisted by  the  Corporation,  shall  abstain  from  voting  on  such

          Section 10.  Action Without  A Meeting:  Any action  required  or
     permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Board of Directors or  any
     committee thereof may be taken without a meeting if all members of the
     Board or such committee, as the case may be, consent in writing to the
     adoption of a resolution authorizing the action. Such resolutions  and
     the written  consents  thereto  by  the members  of  the  Board  or  a
     committee shall be filed  with the minutes of  the proceedings of  the
     Board or such committee as the case may be.

          Section 11. Participation By Telephone:  Any one or more  members
     of the Board or any committee thereof may participate in a meeting  of
     the Board or  such committee  by means  of a  conference telephone  or
     similar  communications  equipment  by  means  of  which  all  persons
     participating in the  meeting can hear  each other at  the same  time.
     Participation by such means shall constitute  presence in person at  a

          Section 12. Compensation: The Board of Directors may establish by
     resolution reasonable compensation  of all Directors  for services  to
     the Company as Directors, including a  fixed fee, if any, incurred  in
     attending each meeting.  Nothing herein contained  shall preclude  any
     Director from  serving  the  Company in  any  other  capacity,  as  an
     officer, agent or otherwise, and receiving compensation therefor.

                                ARTICLE IV


          Section 1.  Executive  Committee:  The  Board  of  Directors,  by
     resolution passed by a  majority of the entire  Board then in  office,
     may designate five (5)  or more Directors  to constitute an  Executive
     Committee to hold office at the pleasure of the Board, which Committee
     shall,  during  the  intervals  between  meetings  of  the  Board   of
     Directors, have  and  exercise all  of  the  powers of  the  Board  of
     Directors in  the  management  of the  business  and  affairs  of  the
     Company, subject only to such restrictions or limitations as the Board
     of Directors may from time to time  specify, or as limited by the  New
     Jersey Business Corporation Act, and shall have power to authorize the
     seal of the Company to be affixed to all instruments which may require
     it. Any member of the Executive Committee may be removed at any  time,
     with or without  cause, by a  resolution of a  majority of the  entire
     Board of Directors then in office. Any person ceasing to be a Director
     shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Executive Committee.  Any
     vacancy in the Executive Committee occurring from any cause whatsoever
     may be filled from among the  Directors by a resolution of a  majority
     of the entire Board of Directors then in office.

          Section 2. Other Committees: Other committees, whose members  are
     to be Directors,  may be appointed  by the Board  of Directors,  which
     members shall  hold office  for such  time and  have such  powers  and
     perform such duties as may  from time to time  be assigned to them  by
     the Board of Directors. Any member of such a committee may be  removed
     at any time,  with or without  cause, by a  majority of  the Board  of
     Directors then in office.  Any vacancy in  a committee occurring  from
     any cause  whatsoever may  be filled  by a  majority of  the Board  of
     Directors then in office.

          Section 3. Resignation: Any member of  a committee may resign  at
     any time. Such  resignation shall be  made in writing  and shall  take
     effect at the time specified therein, or, if no time be specified,  at
     the time of  its receipt by  the Chairman of  the Board,  if any,  the
     Chief Executive Officer, if any, the  President or the Secretary.  The
     acceptance of  a  resignation  shall  not  be  necessary  to  make  it
     effective unless so specified therein.

          Section 4. Quorum: A majority of the members of a committee shall
     constitute a  quorum.   The act  of a  majority of  the members  of  a
     committee present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be
     the act of such committee. The  members of a committee shall act  only
     as a  committee, and  the individual  members  thereof shall  have  no
     powers as such.

          Section 5. Record  of Proceedings:  Each committee  shall keep  a
     record of its acts  and proceedings and shall  report the same to  the
     Board of  Directors  at  its next  meeting  following  such  Committee

          Section 6. Organization, Meetings. Notices: A committee may  hold
     its meetings at the principal office  of the Company, or at any  other
     place upon which a  majority of the committee  may at any time  agree.
     Each committee may make  such rules as it  may deem expedient for  the
     regulation and carrying on of its meetings and proceedings. Notice  of
     a special meeting of such Committee  may be given by the Secretary  or
     by the chairman of  the Committee and shall  be sufficiently given  if
     mailed to each member at his  residence or usual place of business  at
     least five (5) days before the day on which the meeting is to be held,
     or if  sent to  him  at such  place  by telegraph,  cable,  electronic
     communication or delivered personally or  by telephone not later  than
     24 hours prior to the time at which the meeting is to be held.

          Section 7. Compensation:  The members of  any committee shall  be
     entitled to such compensation as may be allowed them by resolution  of
     the Board of Directors.

                                 ARTICLE V


          Section 1.  Number:  The  Officers of  the  Company  shall  be  a
     President, a Secretary and a Treasurer and such other officers as  may
     be appointed in accordance  with the provisions of  Section 3 of  this
     Article V. The Board of Directors, in its discretion, may also elect a
     Chairman of the  Board of Directors  or a Chief  Executive Officer  or

          Section 2.  Election.  Term  of Office  and  Qualifications:  The
     Officers, except as provided in Section 3 of this Article V, shall  be
     elected annually  by  the Board  of  Directors immediately  after  the
     Annual Meeting of  Shareholders. Each  such Officer  shall, except  as
     herein  otherwise  provided,  hold  office  until  the  election   and
     qualification of his  successor or  until his  earlier resignation  or
     removal. Any  two or  more offices  may be  held by  the same  person,
     except the offices of the President and Secretary.

          Section 3.  Other Officers:  Other Officers,  including, but  not
     limited to, one or more Vice-Chairmen, divisional Officers,  Executive
     Vice Presidents, Senior  Vice Presidents,  Vice Presidents,  Assistant
     Vice Presidents, Assistant Secretaries  and Assistant Treasurers,  may
     from time to time be appointed by the Board of Directors, which  other
     officers shall have  such powers  and perform  such duties  as may  be
     assigned to them  by the President  unless otherwise  directed by  the
     Board. All such Officers  shall be corporate  Officers of the  Company
     with the power to bind the Company  by acts within the scope of  their

          Section 4. Removal of Officers: Any Officer of the Company may be
     removed from office, with or without cause, by a vote of a majority of
     the Board of Directors then in office. The removal of an Officer shall
     be without  prejudice to  his contract  rights,  if any.  Election  or
     appointment of an Officer shall not of itself create contract rights.

          Section 5. Resignation: Any Officer of the Company may resign  at
     any time. Such resignation shall be  in writing and shall take  effect
     at the time  specified therein, and  if no time  be specified, at  the
     time of its receipt by the Secretary. The acceptance of a  resignation
     shall not  be necessary  in  order to  make  it effective,  unless  so
     specified therein.

          Section 6. Filling of Vacancies: A vacancy in any office shall be
     filled by the Board of Directors.

          Section 7. Compensation: The  compensation of the Officers  shall
     be fixed by  the Board of  Directors, or by  any committee or  Officer
     upon whom  power in  that regard  may  be conferred  by the  Board  of

          Section 8. Chairman of  the Board of  Directors: The Chairman  of
     the Board of  Directors, if one  is elected, shall  be a Director  and
     shall preside at  all meetings of  the Board of  Directors and of  the
     Shareholders at which the Chairman shall be present. In the absence of
     the Chairman of the Board, the  Director or Officer designated by  the
     Chairman shall perform and carry out the functions of the Chairman  of
     the Board.

          Section 9. President:  The President shall,  subject only to  the
     direction and  control of  the Board  of  Directors or  the  Executive
     Committee, have  responsibility  for  the general  management  of  the
     business affairs  and property  of the  Company,  and of  its  several
     Officers, and shall, subject only as aforesaid, have and exercise  all
     such powers and discharge such duties as usually pertain to the office
     of President.  The  President shall  perform  such duties  as  may  be
     assigned from time to time by the Board of Directors. 

          Section 10. Chief Executive Officer: The Chief Executive Officer,
     if one is  elected, shall have  such duties  and responsibilities  and
     shall report to such persons as the Board of Directors shall determine
     from time to time.

          Section 11. Secretary: The Secretary shall attend all meetings of
     the Board of Directors  and of the Shareholders  and record all  votes
     and the minutes  of all  proceedings in  a book  to be  kept for  that
     purpose, and shall perform like duties for any committee appointed  by
     the Board. The Secretary shall give or cause to be given notice of all
     meetings  of  Shareholders  and  special  meetings  of  the  Board  of
     Directors and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed  by
     the President or the Board of  Directors. The Secretary shall keep  in
     safe custody the seal  of the Company and  affix it to any  instrument
     when so authorized  by the  Board of Directors.  In the  absence of  a
     Secretary, an Assistant Secretary may act in the Secretary's place.

          Section 12. Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall  have the custody  of
     the corporate funds and  securities and shall  keep full and  accurate
     accounts of  receipts  and disbursements  in  books belonging  to  the
     Company and shall deposit all monies and other valuable effects in the
     name and to the credit of the  Company in such depositories as may  be
     designated by the Board  of Directors.   The Treasurer shall  disburse
     the funds of the Company as may be ordered by the Board, taking proper
     vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the President and
     Directors at the regular meetings of  the Board, or whenever they  may
     require it, an account of all his transactions as Treasurer and of the
     financial condition of the Company. The  Treasurer may be required  to
     give bond for the faithful discharge of his duties. In the absence  of
     a Treasurer,  an  Assistant  Treasurer  may  act  in  his  place.  The
     Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by  the
     President or the Board of Directors.

                                ARTICLE VI

                               CAPITAL STOCK

          Section 1.   Issue  of Certificates  of Stock:   Certificates  of
     capital stock shall be in such form as shall be approved by the  Board
     of Directors. The Board of Directors may also provide that some or all
     of the  shares  of  any  class  or  series  shall  be  represented  by
     uncertificated shares.  Certificated shares  shall be numbered in  the
     order of  their issue,  and shall  be signed,  either manually  or  by
     facsimile signature,  by  either the  Chairman  of the  Board  or  the
     President or the Secretary and the seal of the Company or a  facsimile
     thereof shall be impressed, affixed or reproduced thereon. In case any
     Officer or  Officers who  shall have  signed any  such certificate  or
     certificates shall  cease  to  be such  Officer  or  Officers  of  the
     Company, whether because  of death, resignation  or otherwise,  before
     such certificate  or certificates  shall have  been delivered  by  the
     Company, such certificate or certificates may nevertheless be  adopted
     by the Company  and be issued  and delivered as  though the person  or
     persons who signed such certificate or certificates have not ceased to
     be such Officer or Officers of the Company.

          Section 2.  Registration and Transfer of Shares: The name of each
     person owning a  share of the  capital stock of  the Company shall  be
     entered on the books of the Company together with the number of shares
     held by such  person, the numbers  of the  certificates covering  such
     shares and the  dates of  issue of  such certificates.  The shares  of
     stock of the Company shall be transferable on the books of the Company
     by the  holders  thereof  in  person,  or  by  their  duly  authorized
     attorneys or legal representatives,  on surrender and cancellation  of
     certificates for a like number of shares, accompanied by an assignment
     of power  of  transfer  endorsed thereon  or  attached  thereto,  duly
     executed, and with such proof of the authenticity of the signature  as
     the Company or its  Agents may reasonably require.  A record shall  be
     made of each transfer.

          The Board  of Directors  may make  other  and further  rules  and
     regulations concerning the transfer  and registration of  certificates
     of stock.

          Section 3.    Lost,  Destroyed and  Mutilated  Certificates:  The
     holder of  any  stock of  the  Company shall  immediately  notify  the
     Company  of  any  loss,  theft,  destruction  or  mutilation  of   the
     certificates thereof. The Company may issue a new certificate of stock
     in the place of  any certificate theretofore issued  by it alleged  to
     have been lost, stolen or destroyed, and the Board of Directors or its
     agent may, in its discretion, require the owner of the lost, stolen or
     destroyed certificate,  or  his  legal representatives,  to  give  the
     Company a bond,  in such  sum not exceeding  double the  value of  the
     stock and  with  such surety  or  sureties  as they  may  require,  to
     indemnify it  against  any  claim  that may  be  made  against  it  in
     connection with the issue of such new certificate.

                                ARTICLE VII

                         MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

          Section 1.   Fiscal Year: The  fiscal year of  the Company  shall
     commence on  the first  day of  October and  end on  the last  day  of

          Section 2.  Corporate Seal: The  corporate seal shall be in  such
     form as approved by the Board of  Directors and may be altered at  its
     pleasure. The corporate seal may be used by causing it or a  facsimile
     thereof to be impressed, affixed or otherwise reproduced.

          Section 3.  Notices: Except as otherwise expressly provided,  any
     notice required by these  By-Laws to be given  shall be sufficient  if
     given by depositing  the same  in a  post office  or letter  box in  a
     sealed wrapper with first-class postage prepaid thereon and  addressed
     to the person  entitled thereto at  his address, as  the same  appears
     upon the books of the Company, or by electronically communicating  the
     notice to such person at such  address or by transmitting the same  by
     way of a guaranteed overnight courier  service; and such notice  shall
     be deemed  to  be given  at  the  time it  is  mailed,  electronically
     communicated or so transmitted.

          Section 4.   Contracts, Checks, Drafts:  The Board of  Directors,
     except as may otherwise be required by law, may authorize any  Officer
     or Officers, Agent  or Agents, in  the name of  and on  behalf of  the
     Company  to  enter  into  any  contract  or  execute  or  deliver  any
     instrument. All  checks, drafts  or other  orders for  the payment  of
     money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name  of
     the Company, shall  be signed by  such Officer or  Officers, Agent  or
     Agents of the Company, and in such manner as shall be designated  from
     time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.

          Section 5.  Deposits: All funds of the Company shall be deposited
     from time to time to the credit of the Company in such bank or  banks,
     trust companies or other  depositories as the  Board of Directors  may
     select, and, for the purpose of such deposit, checks, drafts, warrants
     and other orders  for the payment  of money which  are payable to  the
     order of  the  Company, may  be  endorsed for  deposit,  assigned  and
     delivered by any  Officer of  the Company, or  by such  Agents of  the
     Company as the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board, if  any,
     the Chief Executive Officer,  if any, or  the President may  authorize
     for that purpose.

          Section 6.  Voting Stock of Other Companies: Except as  otherwise
     ordered by  the Board  of Directors  or the  Executive Committee,  the
     Chairman of the Board, if any, the Chief Executive Officer, if any, or
     the President shall  have full power  and authority on  behalf of  the
     Company to  attend and  to act  and  to vote  at  any meeting  of  the
     Shareholders of any corporation of which the Company is a  shareholder
     and to execute a proxy to any other person to represent the Company at
     any such meeting, and at any  such meeting the Chairman of the  Board,
     if any, the Chief Executive Officer,  if any, or the President or  the
     holder of any such proxy,  as the case may  be, shall possess and  may
     exercise any and all rights and  powers incident to ownership of  such
     stock and which, as  owner thereof, the  Company might have  possessed
     and exercised  if present.  The Board  of Directors  or the  Executive
     Committee may from  time to  time confer  like powers  upon any  other
     person or persons.

                               ARTICLE VIII


          Except as set forth in the  final sentence of this ARTICLE  VIII,
     these By-Laws may be altered, amended  or repealed by the  affirmative
     vote of a majority  of the entire Board  of Directors then in  office.
     These By-Laws  may  also  be  altered,  amended  or  repealed  by  the
     Shareholders, but only  by an affirmative  vote of the  holders of  at
     least 75  percent of  all the  then-outstanding shares  of the  voting
     stock, voting together as a single class. Any By-Law may provide  that
     it may only be altered, amended or repealed by the affirmative vote of
     the holders of at least 75 percent of all the then-outstanding  shares
     of the voting stock, voting together as a single class, in which event
     such By-Law may only be altered, amended or repealed by such vote.