    Contract No.010012

                           FT SERVICE AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT  entered into this 1st  day of November,  1997,
    by and between Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company, a  corporation of
    the  State of  Delaware (herein  called "Seller"),  and Elkton  Gas
    Division of NUI Corporation (herein called "Buyer").


         WHEREAS, Buyer desires  to obtain Firm Transportation  Service
    from Seller  and Seller is willing  to provide Firm  Transportation
    Service for Buyer; and

         WHEREAS, such service will be provided by Seller for  Buyer in
    accordance with the terms hereof.

         NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the premises  and of  the
    mutual covenants  and agreements herein contained, the  sufficiency
    of which is hereby  acknowledged, Seller and Buyer do covenant  and
    agree as follows:

                                 ARTICLE I


         In  addition to  the definitions  incorporated herein  through
    Seller's  Rate Schedule FT,  the following terms  when used  herein
    shall have the meanings set forth below:

         1.1 The term  "FERC" shall mean the Federal Energy  Regulatory
    Commission  or any successor  regulatory agency or  body which  has
    authority to regulate the rates and/or services of Seller.

         1.2  The term  "Rate Schedule  FT"  shall mean  Seller's  Rate
    Schedule FT and the  General Terms and Conditions of Seller's  FERC
    Gas  Tariff, as filed  with the  FERC and as  changed and  adjusted
    from time to time  by Seller in accordance with Section 4.2  hereof
    or  in compliance with  any final  FERC order  affecting such  Rate
    Schedule and/or General Terms and Conditions.

                                ARTICLE II


         2.1 The  Maximum Daily Transportation Quantity  ("MDTQ") shall
    be set  forth on Exhibit "B"  attached hereto. The applicable  MDTQ
    shall  be   the  largest  daily  quantity  of  gas,   expressed  in
    dekatherms ("dt"),  that Seller is obligated to transport  and make
    available for delivery for the account of  Buyer under this Service
    Agreement on any one Gas Day.

         2.2 Buyer may tender natural gas  for transportation to Seller
    on any Gas Day up to the MDTQ, plus the  Fuel Retention Quantity as
    defined  in Section  31  of the  General  Terms and  Conditions  of
    Seller's FERC  Gas Tariff. Seller agrees  to receive the  aggregate
    of  the   quantities  of  natural  gas   that  Buyer  tenders   for
    transportation, plus  the Fuel Retention Quantity, at  the Point(s)
    of  Receipt, up to  the Maximum  Daily Receipt Obligation  ("MDRO")
    specified for  each Point of  Receipt as set  forth on Exhibit  "A"
    attached hereto,  and to transport and make available  for delivery
    for  the account  of  Buyer at  each  Delivery Point  Area  ("DPA")
    specified  on Exhibit "B"  attached hereto,  quantities of  natural
    gas up to the  amount scheduled by Seller, less the  Fuel Retention
    Quantity, and  Buyer agrees to accept  or cause acceptance of  such
    delivery by Seller.

                                ARTICLE III

                     Payment and Rights of Termination

         3.1 Upon  the commencement of  service hereunder, Buyer  shall
    pay  Seller,   for  all  service  rendered  hereunder,   the  rates
    established under Buyer's  Rate Schedule FT as filed with  the FERC
    and  as said  Rate Schedule  may hereafter  be  legally amended  or

         3.2 In the event  Buyer fails to pay for the  service provided
    under this Agreement or otherwise fails  to meet Seller's standards
    for  creditworthiness, Seller  shall have  the  right to  terminate
    this Agreement pursuant to the conditions set  forth in Section 11,
    Section 18  and Section 19 of  the General Terms and  Conditions of
    Seller's FERC Gas Tariff.

         3.3  In  the  event  Buyer and  Seller  mutually  agree  to  a
    negotiated   rate(s)  and/or   terms  of   service  hereunder   (if
    authorized   by   the  Commission),   provisions   governing   such
    negotiated  rate  (including surcharges)  and  terms shall  be  set
    forth on Exhibit C to this Agreement.

                                ARTICLE IV

         Rights to Amend Rates and Terms and Conditions of Service

         4.1  This  Agreement  in all  respects  shall  be  and  remain
    subject  to  the  provisions  of said  Rate  Schedule  FT  and  the
    provisions  of the General  Terms and Conditions  of Seller's  FERC
    Gas  Tariff  (as the  same  may  hereafter be  legally  amended  or
    superseded),  all  of  which  are  made  a  part  hereof   by  this

         4.2  Seller shall have the unilateral  right to file with  the
    appropriate regulatory authority  and seek to make changes in:  (a)
    the rates and charges applicable to its Rate Schedule FT;  (b) Rate
    Schedule  FT  including  the Form  of  Service  Agreement  and  the
    existing  Service  Agreement pursuant  to  which  this  service  is
    rendered;  and/or  (c) any  provisions  of the  General  Terms  and

    Conditions of Seller's FERC Gas Tariff applicable to  Rate Schedule
    FT, provided however, Seller shall not have the right,  without the
    consent of Buyer, unless  required to do so pursuant to  applicable
    laws or  regulations, to make any filing  pursuant to Section 4  of
    the  Natural Gas  Act  to reduce  the firm  nature of  the  service
    provided  under said Rate  Schedule or the  provisions of  Exhibits
    "A", "B" and "C".  Seller agrees that Buyer may protest or  contest
    the  aforementioned  filings,  or  seek  authorization   from  duly
    constituted regulatory authorities for such adjustment  of Seller's
    existing  FERC Gas Tariff  as may  be found necessary  in order  to
    assure that the provisions  in (a), (b), or (c) above are just  and

                                 ARTICLE V

               Term of Agreement and Commencement of Service

         5.1 The primary term of this Agreement shall commence on
    November 1, 1997 and shall continue in effect until October 31,
    2006. Termination or renewal of this Agreement shall occur in
    accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of the General Terms
    and Conditions of Seller's FERC Gas Tariff.

         5.2 Any portion of this Agreement necessary to correct or
    "cash out" imbalances under this Agreement, pursuant to the
    General Terms and Conditions of Seller's FERC Gas Tariff, shall
    survive the other parts of this Agreement until such time as such
    balancing has been accomplished.

                                ARTICLE VI

       Point(s) of Receipt and Delivery and Maximum Daily Quantities

         6.1  The  Primary  Point(s)  of  Receipt and  MDRO  for  each
    Primary Point of Receipt, for all gas delivered for the account of
    Buyer into Seller's pipeline system under this Agreement, shall be
    at  the Point(s)  of Receipt  on Seller's  pipeline system  as set
    forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto.

         6.2  The Primary Delivery  Point Area(s) ("DPA")  and Maximum
    Daily Delivery  Obligation ("MDDO") for each DPA for  all gas made
    available for  delivery by Seller to Buyer, or  for the account of
    Buyer, under  this Agreement shall be as set  forth on Exhibit "B"
    attached  hereto. Exhibit  "B"  also includes  the  Maximum Hourly
    Quantity  ("MHQ") for each  DPA as  defined in  Section 20  of the
    General Terms and Conditions of Seller's FERC Gas Tariff.

                                ARTICLE VII

                           Notices and Payments

         7.1  All  notices and  communications  with  respect to  this
    Agreement  shall be  in writing  and shall  be considered  as duly

    conveyed when  sent to the addresses stated below  or at any other
    such address as either  Seller or 8uyer may hereafter designate in
    writing in accordance with  the applicable provisions of Section 8
    of the General Terms and Conditions of Seller's FERC Gas Tariff.

    Seller:             Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company
                        Post Office Box 1769
                        Dover, Delaware 19903-1769
                        Attention: Director of Customer Services

    Buyer:              Elkton Gas Division of NUI Corporation
                        550 Route 202-206
                        P.O. Box 760
                        Bedminster, New Jersey 07921-0760
                        Attention: Laura DiBenedetto

         7.2  All payments for  service provided under  this Agreement
    shall be  by wire transfer of  funds and shall be  directed to the
    address stated below:

                             Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company
                             PNC Bank - Wilmington, DE
                             Account No. 5684278110
                             ABA No. 031100089

                               ARTICLE VIII


         8.1  To   the  extent  that  construction  of  facilities   is
    necessary  to provide service  under this  Service Agreement,  such
    construction, including payment for the facilities, shall occur  in
    accordance with Section 12  of the General Terms and Conditions  of
    Seller's FERC Gas Tariff.

                                ARTICLE IX

                  Regulatory Authorizations and Approvals

         9.1  Seller's obligation  to  provide service  is  conditioned
    upon   receipt  and   acceptance   of  any   necessary   regulatory
    authorization to  provide Firm Transportation Service for Buyer  in
    accordance  with  the  terms of  Rate  Schedule  FT,  this  Service
    Agreement  and the General  Terms and Conditions  of Seller's  FERC
    Gas  Tariff. Buyer  agrees to  reimburse Seller  for all  reporting
    and/or filing  fees incurred by Seller  in providing service  under
    this Service Agreement.

                                 ARTICLE X


         10.1  The  quantities  of  gas  delivered  or  caused  to   be
    delivered  by Buyer  to Seller  hereunder shall  be delivered  into
    Seller's  pipeline  system  at  a  pressure  sufficient  to   enter
    Seller's system, but in  no event shall such gas be delivered at  a
    pressure  exceeding the  maximum authorized  operating pressure  or
    such other pressure as Seller permits at the Point(s) of Receipt.

                                ARTICLE XI


         11.1 This Agreement shall bind and benefit the successors and
    assigns  of  the  respective  parties  hereto;  provided  however,
    neither party shall assign  this Agreement or any of its rights or
    obligations hereunder  without first obtaining the written consent
    of the other party.

         11.2 No waiver by either party of any one or more defaults by
    the other  in the performance of any  provisions of this Agreement
    shall operate  or be construed as a waiver  of any future defaults
    of a like or different character.

         11.3 This Agreement includes Exhibits "A", "B" and "C", which
    are incorporated fully herein and made a part hereof.

         11.4  Modifications   to  this  Agreement  shall  not  become
    effective except by execution of an amendment thereto.

         11.5 This  Agreement shall be governed  by and interpreted in
    accordance  with  the  laws  of  the  State  of Delaware,  without
    recourse  to  the law  governing  conflicts of  laws,  and  to all
    present and future valid  laws with respect to the subject matter,
    including present and future orders, rules and regulations of duly
    constituted governmental authorities.

                                ARTICLE XII

                   Superseding Prior Service Agreements

         12.1 This Agreement, on its effective date, supersedes and
    cancels the following Service Agreement(s) between Seller and
    Buyer: None

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
    Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers or
    representatives effective as of the date first written above.

    SELLER                                  BUYER

                                            NUI CORPORATION

    By: /S/ STEPHEN C. THOMPSON             By: /S/ THOMAS E. SMITH

    Title: President                        Title:  Vice President

                                                     Supply & Planning

                (To be attested by the Corporate Secretary
                if not signed by an officer of the company)

    Attested By:                            Attested By:

    Title:                                  Title:

    Date:                                   Date: