July 28, 2000

Investors:        Susan Carr        (704) 386-8059
                  Kevin Stitt       (704) 386-5667
Media:            Bob Stickler      (704) 386-8465

        Bank of America Announces Investment, Productivity Initiatives

CHARLOTTE,  July  28,  2000  -- Bank of  America  today  outlined  a  series  of
productivity and investment  initiatives  designed to strengthen revenue growth,
support  earnings  momentum  and  improve the  experience  that  customers  have
whenever and wherever they touch the company.

As part of these  initiatives,  the company  will  eliminate  between  9,000 and
10,000  positions  mostly  during  the next 12  months,  in order to  reallocate
resources.  The principal focus of these reductions will be in middle and senior
management and positions eliminated as a result of process  improvements.  These
reductions  will take place  across the  company's  franchise.  The  company now
employs about 150,000 people.

"We have been  saying  for some  time  that our days of  growth  by  merger  and
acquisition  are behind us," said Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer Hugh L.
McColl, Jr. "For the most part, our merger transition work also is behind us. We
have successfully built a company with unlimited potential. To date, despite our
many successes in individual businesses, we have not made the degree of progress
we would like toward realizing that potential.  We've assembled the right parts,
but after years of additions,  our resulting  structure is neither as efficient,
nor as  effective  as it  needs  to be.  We're  going to fix it in order to take
advantage of our revenue opportunities."


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"Our challenge now is to shape this organization, taking full advantage of what
we've created in order to deliver superior value for our customers and
shareholders," said President and Chief Operating Officer Kenneth D. Lewis.
"That means investing capital wisely. It means working smarter, organizing
around customers and tailoring our products to meet their needs." To that end,
Lewis said the company plans a number of investment  initiatives to support its
best growth opportunities. Examples include:

o Directing an additional $70 million for e-commerce initiatives during the next
six months.

o Accelerating  the introduction of Internet  technologies  into banking offices
and call centers.

o Investing in asset management, including opening 10 private banking offices in
  high-potential markets such as California.

o Accelerating investments in the card and payment businesses.

o Investing $25 million more this year than planned for brand development.

o Speeding  up  development  of the  investment  banking  platform in the United
  States, Europe and Asia.

Lewis also announced  steps to boost  productivity.  First, he said, the company
intends to  eliminate  management  layers,  giving top  executives  more  direct
responsibility  for customer  service.  Second,  it will overhaul  processes and
organizational  structures  to simplify and expedite  banking  transactions  for
customers and deliver financial solutions that lead to profitable relationships.
These changes,  which are still being  designed,  could affect  everything  from
credit  underwriting  procedures  to call  center  technology  and  are  heavily
weighted toward enhancing revenue growth.

"Today's initiatives are a good start," Lewis said.  "Each year, we plan to
improve productivity and reallocate the savings for customer service initiatives
and revenue growth opportunities.  Improving performance, investing in new
technologies and finding better ways of serving the customer are never-ending


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Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer James H. Hance, Jr. said the company
plans to take a charge of $300-350 million after-tax in the third quarter,
primarily to cover severance costs related to the initiatives announced today.
Productivity gains are expected to pay for severance and other related costs in
approximately one year.

Hance added that a  substantial  portion of these  savings will be earmarked for
reinvestment.  He  reiterated  the  company's  expectation  of 12 to 15  percent
operating  earnings per share growth in 2000 and 2001,  assuming no  significant
economic slowdown.

Bank of America is the  largest  bank in the United  States.  With  full-service
operations  in 21 states and the  District of  Columbia,  it provides  financial
products and services to 30 million households and two million  businesses.  The
bank also supports business transactions in 190 countries.  The company's common
stock  (ticker:  BAC) is  listed  on the New  York,  Pacific  and  London  stock
exchanges. Certain shares also are listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


Forward Looking Statements
This press  release  contains  forward-looking  statements  with  respect to the
operations  of  Bank  of  America,  including,  without  limitation,  statements
relating  to  the  earnings  outlook  of  the  company.   These  forward-looking
statements  involve  certain  risks and  uncertainties.  Factors  that may cause
actual  results  to  differ   materially   from  those   contemplated   by  such
forward-looking  statements include, among others, the following  possibilities:
(1) projected business increases  following process changes and productivity and
other  investments  are lower than expected or do not pay for severance or other
related  costs  as  quickly  as  anticipated;  (2)  competitive  pressure  among
financial services companies increases significantly;  (3) costs or difficulties
related to the  integration  of  acquisitions  are greater  than  expected;  (4)
general  economic  conditions,  internationally,  nationally or in the states in
which the company does business,  are less favorable than expected,  (5) changes
in the interest rate  environment  reduce  interest  margins and affect  funding
sources;  (6) changes in market rates and prices may adversely  affect the value
of financial products; and (7) legislation or regulatory requirements or changes
adversely affect the businesses in which the company is engaged.