CHARLOTTE NC, April 17, 1995 -- NationsBank Corporation today reported first
quarter 1995 net income of $443 million, a six-percent increase over the $417
million earned in the first quarter of 1994.  Earnings per common share for the
first quarter of 1995 rose five percent to $1.60, compared to $1.52 per share
in the first quarter 1994.  Return on common shareholders' equity was 16.0
percent for the current quarter.

"This quarter represents an excellent start to the year.  Strong loan growth
continued to drive earnings growth, along with increasing fee income," said
Hugh McColl, chairman and chief executive officer.

Average loans and leases of $103.8 billion in the first quarter of 1995 were
more than 13 percent greater than year-earlier levels.  This growth was led by
increases in commercial lending, excluding real estate, and continued strength
in consumer lending, primarily residential mortgage.  Average loans and leases
grew $4.1 billion during the quarter, a 17-percent annualized rate, compared to
the fourth quarter of 1994.

This loan growth more than offset the declining spreads on the discretionary
asset portfolios, leading to an increase in net interest income to $1.34
billion, up $25 million in the first quarter of 1995 compared to the year-ago
quarter.  The net interest yield for the first quarter of 1995 was 3.41
percent, down from a yield of 3.69 percent a year ago.  This decline was a
result of the spread compression between the yield on investment securities and
market-based funding costs.

Average deposits in this year's first quarter were $99.3 billion versus $90.3
billion in the year-ago quarter.  Core customer-based deposits of $83.8 billion
in the most recent quarter made up 84 percent of total deposits.

Noninterest income rose seven percent to $726 million in the first quarter of
1995, compared to the year-ago quarter, driven by growth in deposit fees,
investment banking revenue, and acquisition-related mortgage servicing fees.


Noninterest expense totaled $1.29 billion in the first quarter of 1995,
compared to $1.22 billion in the first quarter of 1994.  Investment in
personnel, particularly in the Capital Markets and Financial Products areas,
and additional spending on marketing programs accounted for most of the

Noninterest income and noninterest expense reflected increases in
brokerage-related amounts due to the total ownership of NationsSecurities.

Total nonperforming assets fell by $561 million, or 34 percent, versus levels
at March 31, 1994.  This decline primarily reflected payments resulting from
the improved financial condition of borrowers and the results of the
Corporation's continuing loan workout activities.  Total nonperforming assets
stood at $1.08 billion on March 31, 1995, or 1.00 percent of net loans, leases
and factored receivables, and other real estate owned.  This compared to
nonperforming assets of $1.64 billion on March 31, 1994, or 1.73 percent of net

Net charge-offs were $83 million, or .32 percent of average net loans, leases
and factored receivables, in the most recent quarter, versus $90 million, or
.39 percent of average levels, in last year's first quarter.  The allowance for
credit losses totaled $2.17 billion at March 31, 1995 and equaled 2.03 percent
of net loans, leases and factored receivables.  The allowance represented 254
percent of nonperforming loans at March 31, 1995, versus 205 percent at March
31, 1994.

Provision expense in the first quarter of 1995 was $70 million, compared to the
first quarter 1994 level of $100 million.  Other real estate owned expense was
$2 million in the first quarter of 1995, versus $5 million in the year-ago

On March 31, 1995, total earning assets were $166 billion, of which net loans
and leases were $106 billion and securities were $27 billion.


Total shareholders' equity rose 12 percent from year-ago levels to $11.3
billion on March 31, 1995.  This represented 6.17 percent of period-end assets. 
Book value per common share increased 11 percent to $41.07 on March 31, 1995,
compared to the year-ago quarter.  Common shares outstanding at March 31, 1995
were 275.4 million compared to 274.5 million one year ago and down one million
shares from 276.5 million shares at December 31, 1994, due to share
repurchases.   Total market capitalization was $14.0 billion at March 31, 1995. 
Quarterly common dividends paid per share increased nine percent in the first
quarter to $.50 from $.46 per share in the first quarter of 1994.

Tier 1 and total risk-based capital ratios of 7.25 percent and 11.06 percent,
respectively, and a leverage ratio of 6.15 percent all compared favorably with
regulatory guidelines at March 31, 1995. 

NationsBank Corporation is a bank holding company that provides financial
products and services nationally and internationally to individuals,
businesses, corporations, institutional investors and government agencies. 
Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., NationsBank has a retail banking franchise in
nine states and the District of Columbia.  As of March 31, 1995, NationsBank
had total assets of $184 billion.



                                                     THREE MONTHS   
                                                    ENDED MARCH 31  
                                                   1995       1994  
                                                 ---------  --------
    (In millions except per-share data)
    Net income                                       $443      $417  
      Earnings per common share                      1.60      1.52  
      Fully diluted earnings per common share        1.58      1.51  
    Average common shares issued                   276.415   271.947  
    Average fully diluted common shares issued     279.997   275.725  
    Price per share of common stock
      at period end                               $50 3/4   $45 3/4  
    Common dividends paid                             138       127  
    Common dividends paid per share                  0.50      0.46  
    Preferred dividends paid                            2         3  
    (Taxable-equivalent in millions)
    Net interest income                            $1,335    $1,310  
    Provision for credit losses                       (70)     (100) 
    Gains on sales of securities                        1        14  
    Noninterest income                                726       680  
    Other real estate owned expense                    (2)       (5) 
    Noninterest expense                            (1,288)   (1,219) 
                                                 ---------  --------
    Income before income taxes                        702       680  
    Income taxes - including FTE adjustment*         (259)     (263) 
                                                 ---------  -------- 
    Net income                                       $443      $417  
                                                 =========  ========

    *FTE adjustment                                   $28       $22  
    (In billions)
    Loans and leases, net                        $103.827   $91.608  
    Securities held for investment                 17.648    12.714  
    Securities available for sale                   7.728    14.545  
    Total securities                               25.376    27.259  
    Earning assets                                158.149   143.734  
    Total assets                                  177.515   161.294  
    Noninterest-bearing deposits                   19.984    19.897  
    Interest-bearing deposits                      79.301    70.363  
    Total deposits                                 99.285    90.260  
    Shareholders' equity                           11.192    10.080  
    Common shareholders' equity                    11.158     9.971  

    Net interest yield                               3.41%     3.69% 
    Return on average assets                         1.01      1.05  
    Return on average common
      shareholders' equity                          16.03     16.82  
    Gross charge-offs (in millions)                  $134      $146  
    Net charge-offs (in millions)                      83        90  
      % of average loans, leases and 
        factored accounts receivable, net            0.32%     0.39% 


                                                       MARCH 31     
                                                    1995      1994  
                                                 ---------  --------
    (In billions)
    Loans and leases, net                       $105.704    $92.130  
    Securities held for investment                17.546     14.442  
    Securities available for sale                  8.962     15.927  
    Total securities                              26.508     30.369  
    Earning assets                               165.549    148.506  
    Factored accounts receivable                   1.224      1.637  
    Total intangibles                              2.212      1.389  
    Total assets                                 183.854    165.071  
    Noninterest-bearing deposits                  20.264     20.172  
    Interest-bearing deposits                     80.479     70.584  
    Total deposits                               100.743     90.756  
    Shareholders' equity                          11.346     10.172  
    Common shareholders' equity                   11.312     10.146  
      Per common share (not in billions)           41.07      36.96  
    Risk-based capital 
      Tier 1 capital                              $9.727      $8.819  
      Tier 1 capital ratio                          7.25%      7.50% 
      Total capital                               $14.841    $13.707  
      Total capital ratio                          11.06%     11.66% 
    Leverage ratio                                  6.15%      6.11% 
    Common shares issued (in millions)           275.418    274.537  
    Allowance for credit losses                   $2.174     $2.187  
    Allowance as % of net loans, leases, 
      and factored accounts receivable              2.03%      2.33% 
    Allowance for credit losses 
      as % of nonperforming loans                 254.49     205.04  
    Nonperforming loans                           $0.854     $1.067  
    Nonperforming assets                           1.075      1.636  
    Nonperforming assets as % of:
      Total assets                                  0.58%      0.99% 
      Net loans, leases, factored accounts 
        receivable and other real estate owned      1.00       1.73     

    Full-time equivalent headcount                60,722     58,122  
    Banking centers                                1,902      1,938  

                                               AVERAGE FOR THREE MONTHS  
                                                    ENDED MARCH 31   
                                                   1995        1994
                                                ----------  ----------          
- -----------------------------

      Commercial                                      44%        44% 
      Real estate:
        Commercial                                 7          9     
        Construction                               3          4     
                                                  ---        ---
          Total real estate                           10         13  
      Consumer                                        20         21  
      Residential mortgage                            17         15  
      Credit card                                      4          4  
      Lease financing                                  3          2  
      Foreign                                          2          1  
                                                ----------  ----------
    Total loans and leases                           100%       100% 
                                                ==========  ==========
