The schedule contains summary information extracted from the March 31,
1995, Form 10-Q for NationsBank Corporation and is qualified in its entirety
by reference to such financial statements.
<MULTIPLIER> 1,000,000
<PERIOD-TYPE>                                    3-MOS
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                          MAR-31-1995
<PERIOD-END>                               MAR-31-1995
<CASH>                                           7,975
<INT-BEARING-DEPOSITS>                           2,750
<FED-FUNDS-SOLD>                                13,688
<TRADING-ASSETS>                                16,613
<INVESTMENTS-HELD-FOR-SALE>                      8,962
<INVESTMENTS-CARRYING>                          17,546
<INVESTMENTS-MARKET>                            17,208
<LOANS>                                        106,928
<ALLOWANCE>                                     (2,174)
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                                 183,854
<DEPOSITS>                                     100,743
<SHORT-TERM>                                    56,730
<LIABILITIES-OTHER>                              5,219
<LONG-TERM>                                      9,816
<COMMON>                                         4,684
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                                0
<PREFERRED>                                        110
<OTHER-SE>                                       6,552
<TOTAL-LIABILITIES-AND-EQUITY>                 183,854
<INTEREST-LOAN>                                  2,176
<INTEREST-INVEST>                                  340
<INTEREST-OTHER>                                   554
<INTEREST-TOTAL>                                 3,070
<INTEREST-DEPOSIT>                                 783
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                               1,763
<INTEREST-INCOME-NET>                            1,307
<LOAN-LOSSES>                                       70
<SECURITIES-GAINS>                                   1
<EXPENSE-OTHER>                                  1,290
<INCOME-PRETAX>                                    674
<INCOME-PRE-EXTRAORDINARY>                         674
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                      0
<CHANGES>                                            0
<NET-INCOME>                                       443
<EPS-PRIMARY>                                     1.60
<EPS-DILUTED>                                     1.58
<YIELD-ACTUAL>                                    3.41
<LOANS-NON>                                        854
<LOANS-PAST>                                       129
<LOANS-TROUBLED>                                   159
<LOANS-PROBLEM>                                      0
<ALLOWANCE-OPEN>                                 2,186
<CHARGE-OFFS>                                      134
<RECOVERIES>                                        51
<ALLOWANCE-CLOSE>                                2,174
<ALLOWANCE-DOMESTIC>                                 0<F1>
<ALLOWANCE-FOREIGN>                                  0<F1>
<ALLOWANCE-UNALLOCATED>                              0<F1>
<F1> Allowance-Domestic, Allowance-Foreign, and Allowance-Unallocated are only
disclosed on an annual basis in the Corporation's 10-K and are therefore not
included in this Financial Data Schedule.