EXHIBIT 99.2         

                            ARTICLE I

          Section  1.      Definitions. In these  Bylaws,  unless
otherwise specifically provided:

          (a)  "Certificate   of   Incorporation"    means    the
               Certificate  of Incorporation of the  Corporation,
               as   amended  and  restated  from  time  to  time,
               including  any  certificates of designation  filed
               with the Delaware Secretary of State setting forth
               the terms of preferred stock of the Company.
          (b)  "Common  Stock"  means the  common  stock  of  the
          (c)  "Corporation" means Bank of America Corporation, a
               Delaware corporation, and any successor thereto.
          (d)  "DGCL"  means the General Corporation Law  of  the
               State  of Delaware, as the same now exists or  may
               hereafter be amended.
          (e)  "Shares"  means the Common Stock and  other  units
               into which the equity interests in the Corporation
               are divided.
          (f)  "Stockholder"  means  the  person  in  whose  name
               Shares  are  registered  in  the  records  of  the
          (g)  "Voting  Group" means all Shares of  one  or  more
               classes  or  series that under the Certificate  of
               Incorporation  or  the DGCL are entitled  to  vote
               together collectively on a matter at a meeting  of
               Stockholders.    All  Shares   entitled   by   the
               Certificate of Incorporation or the DGCL  to  vote
               generally on a matter are for that matter a single
               Voting Group.
          Section  2.      Cross-Reference to the DGCL.   If  any
term  used  in these Bylaws and not otherwise defined  herein  is
defined for purposes of the DGCL, such definition shall apply for
purposes  of  these  Bylaws, unless the context  shall  otherwise
clearly require.
                           ARTICLE II
          Section  1.      Principal  Place  of  Business.    The
principal  place of business of the Corporation shall be  located
in  the City of Charlotte, County of Mecklenburg, State of  North
          Section   2.      Registered  Office.   The  registered
office  of  the Corporation required by the DGCL to be maintained
in  the  State of Delaware is The Corporation Trust Center,  1209
Orange  Street, in the City of Wilmington, County of New  Castle.
The name of the corporation's registered agent at such address is
The Corporation Trust Company.
          Section 3.     Other Offices.  The Corporation may have
offices at such other places, either within or without the  State
of  Delaware,  as the Board of Directors may from  time  to  time
determine  or as the affairs of the Corporation may require  from
time to time.
                           ARTICLE III
          Section  1.     Annual Meeting.  The annual meeting  of
the  Stockholders shall be held during the month of April of each
year  at  a date and an hour fixed by the Board of Directors  for
the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such
other business as may come before the meeting.
          Section  2.     Special Meetings.  Special meetings  of
the  Stockholders, for any purpose or purposes, unless  otherwise
prescribed  by  the DGCL, may be called by the  Chairman  of  the
Board,  the  Chief  Executive Officer, the President  or  by  the
Secretary acting under instructions of the Chairman of the  Board
or the Chief Executive Officer, or by the Board of Directors.
          Section   3.      Place  of  Meeting.   The  Board   of
Directors  or  the  Chairman of the Board,  the  Chief  Executive
Officer  or  the President of the Corporation, or  the  Secretary
acting under instructions of the Chairman of the Board, the Chief
Executive  Officer or President may designate any  place,  either
within  or without the State of Delaware, as the place of meeting
for any annual meeting of Stockholders or for any special meeting
of  Stockholders called by the Board of Directors or the Chairman
of  the  Board,  the  Chief  Executive Officer  or  President  or
Secretary.  If no designation is made, or if a special meeting of
Stockholders is otherwise called, the place of meeting  shall  be
the  principal place of business of the Corporation in the  State
of North Carolina.
          Section  4.     Notice of Meeting. Except as  otherwise
provided  herein  or required by law, written or  printed  notice
stating  the  date,  time  and place  of  the  meeting  shall  be
delivered not less than 10 nor more than 60 days before the  date
of the meeting, either personally or by mail, to each Stockholder
entitled  to vote at such meeting.  If mailed, such notice  shall
be  deemed  to  be effective when deposited in the United  States
mail with postage thereon prepaid and correctly addressed to  the
Stockholder  at  such  Stockholder's  address  as  shown  in  the
Corporation's current record of Stockholders.
          In the case of an annual meeting, the notice of meeting
need  not  specifically  state  the  business  to  be  transacted
thereat.  In the case of a special meeting, the notice of meeting
shall  state  the purpose or purposes for which  the  meeting  is
          If  a  meeting is adjourned to a date more than 30 days
after the date fixed for the original meeting, or if a new record
date is fixed for the adjourned meeting, or if the new date, time
or place for an adjourned meeting is not announced at the meeting
before  adjournment,  notice of the adjourned  meeting  shall  be
given  as in the case of an original meeting.  Otherwise,  it  is
not  necessary to give any notice of the adjourned meeting  other
than  by announcement at the meeting at which the adjournment  is
          Section  5.     Fixing of Record Date.  For the purpose
of  determining Stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote  at
any  meeting  of  Stockholders  or any  adjournment  thereof,  or
Stockholders entitled to receive payment of any dividend or other
distribution, or in order to make a determination of Stockholders
for  any other proper purpose, the Board of Directors may fix  in
advance  a date for any such determination of Stockholders,  such
date  in any case to be not more than 60 days and, in case  of  a
meeting of Stockholders, not less than 10 days prior to, the date
of  such meeting or on which such action is to be taken.   If  no
record  date  is  fixed  for  the determination  of  Stockholders
entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of Stockholders, or
for determination of the Stockholders entitled to receive payment
of  a  dividend or other distribution or any other  purpose,  the
close of business on the day before the first notice is delivered
to  Stockholders or the date on which the resolution of the Board
of  Directors  relating thereto is adopted, as the case  may  be,
shall  be  the  record  date  for  such  determination.   When  a
determination of Stockholders entitled to vote at any meeting  of
Stockholders  has  been made as provided in  this  section,  such
determination shall apply to any adjournment thereof  unless  the
Board of Directors fixes a new record date.
          Section  6.      Stockholders List.  After  the  record
date  for  a meeting of Stockholders is fixed or determined,  the
officer or agent having charge of the stock ledger for Shares  of
the  Corporation shall prepare and make an alphabetical  list  of
the names of all Stockholders of the Corporation who are entitled
to  vote  at such Stockholders meeting.  The list will  show  the
address  of and number of Shares registered in the name  of  each
Stockholder. Such Stockholders list will be open for  examination
by any Stockholder for any purpose germane to the meeting, for  a
period  of  at  least  10 days before such meeting,  at  a  place
identified  in the meeting notice in the city where  the  meeting
will  be  held  or, if not so specified, at the place  where  the
meeting is to be held.  Such list shall also be available at  the
meeting  of Stockholders, and any Stockholder present is entitled
to inspect the list.
          Section  7.      Quorum.   A  majority  of  the   votes
entitled  to  be  cast on a particular matter by a  Voting  Group
constitutes  a  quorum of that Voting Group for  action  on  that
matter  unless the DGCL provides otherwise.  Shares  entitled  to
vote as a separate Voting Group may take action on a matter at  a
meeting  of Stockholders only if a quorum of those Shares  exists
with  respect  to that matter, except that, in the absence  of  a
quorum  at  the  opening  of any meeting  of  Stockholders,  such
meeting  may  be adjourned from time to time by  the  vote  of  a
majority  of the Shares voting on the motion to adjourn.  Once  a
share  is represented for any purpose at a meeting, it is  deemed
present for quorum purposes for the remainder of the meeting  and
for  any adjournment of that meeting unless a new record date  is
or must be set for that adjourned meeting.
          Section  8.     Proxies.  Each Stockholder entitled  to
vote  at  a  meeting  of Stockholders or to  express  consent  or
dissent  to  corporate action in writing without  a  meeting  may
authorize  another person or persons to act for such  Stockholder
by proxy, but no such proxy shall be voted or acted upon after  3
years  from  its  date, unless the proxy provides  for  a  longer
          Without limiting the manner in which a Stockholder  may
authorize  another person or persons to act for such  Stockholder
as  proxy pursuant to the previous paragraph, the following shall
constitute  a valid means by which a Stockholder may  grant  such
          (1)   A  Stockholder may execute a writing  authorizing
     another  person  or persons to act for such  Stockholder  as
     proxy.  Execution may be accomplished by the Stockholder  or
     such Stockholder's authorized officer, director, employee or
     agent   signing  such  writing  or  causing  such   person's
     signature  to  be affixed to such writing by any  reasonable
     means including, but not limited to, by facsimile signature.
          (2)   A  Stockholder  may authorize another  person  or
     persons to act for such Stockholder as proxy by transmitting
     or authorizing the transmission of a telegram, cablegram, or
     other  means  of electronic transmission to the  person  who
     will  be  the holder of the proxy or to a proxy solicitation
     firm, proxy support service organization or like agent  duly
     authorized by the person who will be the holder of the proxy
     to   receive  such  transmission,  provided  that  any  such
     telegram,   cablegram   or   other   means   of   electronic
     transmission  must  either set forth or  be  submitted  with
     information  from  which  it  can  be  determined  that  the
     telegram,  cablegram  or other electronic  transmission  was
     authorized  by  the Stockholder.  If it is  determined  that
     such telegrams, cablegrams or other electronic transmissions
     are  valid,  the inspectors or, if there are no  inspectors,
     such  other persons making that determination shall  specify
     the information upon which they relied.
          Any copy, facsimile telecommunication or other reliable
reproduction of the writing or transmission created  pursuant  to
the previous paragraph of this section may be substituted or used
in  lieu of the original writing or transmission for any and  all
purposes for which the original writing or transmission could  be
used,  provided  that  such copy, facsimile telecommunication  or
other reproduction shall be a complete reproduction of the entire
original writing or transmission.
          A duly executed proxy shall be irrevocable if it states
that it is irrevocable and if, and only as long as, it is coupled
with  an  interest  sufficient in law to support  an  irrevocable
power.  A proxy may be made irrevocable regardless of whether the
interest  with which it is coupled is an interest  in  the  stock
itself or an interest in the corporation generally.
          Section  9.     Voting of Shares.  Except as  otherwise
provided  by  the Certificate of Incorporation, each  outstanding
share  of  Common Stock is entitled to one vote  on  each  matter
voted on at a Stockholders meeting.  Other Shares are entitled to
vote only as provided in the Certificate of Incorporation or  the
DGCL.   If  a  quorum  exists, action on  a  matter  (other  than
election  of directors or the Chairman of a meeting) by a  Voting
Group  is  approved  if the votes cast within  the  Voting  Group
favoring  the action exceed the votes cast opposing  the  action,
unless  the  Certificate of Incorporation or the DGCL requires  a
greater number of affirmative votes. Classes or series of  Shares
shall  not be entitled to vote separately by Voting Group  unless
expressly  required  by the Certificate of  Incorporation  or  as
otherwise provided in the DGCL.
          Section 10.    Voting for Directors.  The directors  of
the Corporation shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast
by  the Shares entitled to vote in the election at the meeting at
which  a  quorum  is  present unless otherwise  provided  in  the
Certificate of Incorporation.
          Section  11.     Conduct of Meetings.  The Chairman  of
the   Board  shall  preside  as  chairman  at  each  meeting   of
Stockholders  or, in the Chairman's absence, the Chief  Executive
Officer shall so preside.  At the request of the Chairman of  the
Board  or  the  Chief Executive Officer, in both their  absences,
such  other  officer  as the Board of Directors  shall  designate
shall  so  preside  at any such meeting.  In  the  absence  of  a
presiding  officer  determined in accordance with  the  preceding
sentence,  any  person  may be designated  to  so  preside  at  a
Stockholders   meeting  by  a  plurality  vote  of   the   Shares
represented  and entitled to vote at the meeting.  The  Secretary
or, in the absence or at the request of the Secretary, any person
designated  by  the  person presiding at a  Stockholders  meeting
shall  act  as  secretary of such meeting.  The chairman  of  any
meeting of Stockholders shall determine the order of business and
the  procedure at the meeting, including regulation of the manner
of  voting and the conduct of discussion.  The date and  time  of
the  opening and closing of the polls for each matter upon  which
the  Stockholders will vote at the meeting shall be announced  at
the meeting.
          Section  12.     Advance Notice Provision For  Non-Rule
14a-8  Proposals.   Any  Stockholder  proposal  to  be  submitted
outside the processes of Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended, must be received by the Secretary of the
Corporation no later than seventy-five (75) days before the  date
the  Corporation mailed its proxy materials for the prior  year's
annual meeting of Stockholders.
                           ARTICLE IV
                       BOARD OF DIRECTORS
          Section 1.     General Powers. The business and affairs
of  the  Corporation shall be managed under the direction of  its
Board   of  Directors,  except  as  otherwise  provided  in   the
Certificate of Incorporation or permitted under the DGCL.
          Section  2.     Number and Qualifications.  The  number
of directors of the Corporation shall be not less than 5 nor more
than  30, which number may be fixed or changed from time to time,
within  the  minimum  and  maximum, by the  Board  of  Directors.
Directors  need  not  be residents of the State  of  Delaware  or
Stockholders  of the Corporation.  A director of the  Corporation
shall   at   all   times  meet  all  statutory   and   regulatory
qualifications  for a director of a publicly  held  bank  holding
          Section  3.     Terms of Directors.  The terms  of  all
directors  shall  expire at the next annual Stockholders  meeting
following  their election.  A decrease in the number of directors
does  not  shorten an incumbent director's term.  The term  of  a
director  elected  to fill a vacancy shall  expire  at  the  next
Stockholders meeting at which directors are elected.  Despite the
expiration  of  a director's term, however, such  director  shall
continue  to serve until the director's successor is elected  and
          Section 4.     Removal.  Any director may be removed at
any  time  with or without cause by the affirmative vote  of  the
holders of a majority of the Shares then entitled to vote  at  an
election  of directors except that whenever any Voting  Group  is
entitled  to  elect one or more directors by the  Certificate  of
Incorporation,  this provision shall apply,  in  respect  to  the
removal  without cause of a director or directors so elected,  to
the Voting Group and not to the vote of the outstanding Shares as
a  whole.  A director may not be removed by the Stockholders at a
meeting unless the notice of the meeting states that the purpose,
or  one  of  the  purposes,  of the meeting  is  removal  of  the
director.  If any directors are so removed, new directors may  be
elected at the same meeting.
          Section    5.        Vacancies   and   Newly    Created
Directorships.   Except in those instances where the  Certificate
of Incorporation or applicable law provides otherwise, a majority
of  directors then in office, although less than a quorum,  or  a
sole  remaining director, may fill a vacancy or a  newly  created
directorship  on  the Board of Directors.  A  vacancy  that  will
occur  at  a  specific  later date (by reason  of  a  resignation
effective at a later date or otherwise) may be filled before  the
vacancy  occurs  by  a  majority of  directors  then  in  office,
including  those who have so resigned, but the new  director  may
not take office until the vacancy occurs.
          Section  6.      Compensation.  The Board of  Directors
may  provide for the compensation of directors for their services
as  such and may provide for the payment or reimbursement of  any
or all expenses reasonably incurred by them in attending meetings
of  the  Board  or  of  any committee of  the  Board  or  in  the
performance  of their other duties as directors.  Nothing  herein
contained,  however, shall prevent any director from serving  the
corporation  in  any  other  capacity or  receiving  compensation
          Section  7.      Executive  Committee.   The  Board  of
Directors  may  designate  five  or  more  directors  who   shall
constitute  the  Executive Committee  of  the  Corporation.   The
Executive  Committee, between meetings of the Board of  Directors
and  subject  to such limitations as may be required  by  law  or
imposed  by resolution of the Board of Directors, shall have  and
may  exercise  all of the authority of the Board of Directors  in
the management of the Corporation.
          Meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at  any
time on call of its Chairman or any two members of the Committee.
A  majority  of  the members shall constitute  a  quorum  at  all
meetings.   The  Executive Committee shall keep  minutes  of  its
proceedings  and shall report its actions to the next  succeeding
meeting of the Board of Directors.
          Section  8.     Compensation Committee.  The  Board  of
Directors,  by  resolution may designate three or more  directors
who  shall  not be otherwise employed by the Corporation  or  its
subsidiaries  who shall constitute the Compensation Committee  of
the Corporation.
          The   Compensation  Committee  shall  provide   overall
guidance  with  respect  to  the establishment,  maintenance  and
administration  of  the Corporation's compensation  programs  and
employee benefit plans.
          The Compensation Committee shall review and approve the
annual compensation, including salary, incentive compensation and
other  benefits, direct and indirect, for officers who  serve  as
executive   officers  of  the  Corporation.    The   Compensation
Committee shall also approve and adopt proposals related  to  any
employee  benefit plan of the Corporation or its subsidiaries  in
which  any  officer participates who also serves as an  executive
officer of the Corporation, including proposals for the adoption,
amendment, modification or termination of such plans.  As to  the
salary,  incentive  compensation and other benefits,  direct  and
indirect, for the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation  and
of  all  other officers of the Corporation who are also Directors
of  the  Corporation,  the Compensation  Committee  shall  submit
recommendations  to  the  Executive  Committee  for  review   and
concurrence  prior to their submission to the Board of  Directors
for approval.
          The   Committee  shall  administer  all  plans  of  the
Corporation  that provide for awards of the stock options,  stock
appreciation  rights,  restricted stock or other  similar  stock-
based awards unless otherwise provided for in the plans.
          The   Compensation  Committee  shall  have  such  other
purposes and such other powers as the Board of Directors may from
time  to  time determine.  As used throughout these  Bylaws,  the
term  "executive officer" means those officers of the Corporation
who are designated as such from time to time by the Board.
          Meetings  of the Compensation Committee shall  be  held
quarterly  or  at  any  time  on call  of  the  Chairman  of  the
Compensation   Committee.   A  majority  of  the  members   shall
constitute  a quorum at all meetings. The Compensation  Committee
shall  keep  minutes  of its proceedings  and  shall  report  its
actions in writing to the next succeeding meeting of the Board of
          Section 9.     Management Compensation Committee.   The
Board  of Directors, by resolution adopted by a majority  of  the
Directors  may  designate the Chief Executive  Officer  and  such
other  officers as it deems appropriate to constitute the members
of  a  Management  Compensation Committee.  The  Chief  Executive
Officer  shall  be  the  Chairman of the Management  Compensation
          The  Management Compensation Committee shall  have  the
authority to establish the titles and the compensation, including
salaries,  incentive compensation and other benefits, direct  and
indirect,   for  all  employees  of  the  Corporation   and   its
subsidiaries  who are not officers and for all  officers  of  the
Corporation  and its subsidiaries who do not serve  as  executive
officers of the Corporation.  In connection with its duties,  the
Management  Compensation  Committee  shall  approve  all   annual
compensation  budgets, all employee benefits  plans,  the  salary
guidelines for positions and all incentive compensation plans for
such   employees  and  officers  of  the  Corporation   and   its
          The Management Compensation Committee may allocate to a
member of the Management Compensation Committee the authority  to
establish   titles  and  the  compensation,  including  salaries,
incentive  compensation awards pursuant to incentive compensation
plans   previously   approved  by  the  Management   Compensation
Committee,  and  other  benefits for all  personnel  within  such
member's area of functional responsibility except with respect to
promotions  to  the  title of Executive  Vice  President  or  its
equivalent and except with respect to actions related to officers
in Job Band I.  A member of the Management Compensation Committee
may delegate such member's authority with respect to such matters
to  one  or more officers within such member's area of functional
responsibility pursuant to procedures established by such  member
from  time  to  time; provided, however, any  such  action  taken
pursuant to any such delegation of authority shall be subject  to
ratification  by  such  member  of  the  Management  Compensation
          The   Management  Compensation  Committee  shall   make
recommendations  from time to time to the Compensation  Committee
regarding   the   establishment,  amendment,   modification   and
termination  of  any  employee benefit  plans  sponsored  by  the
Corporation  and  its subsidiaries in which any  officer  of  the
Corporation or its subsidiaries participates who also  serves  as
an executive officer of the Corporation.
          The  Management Compensation Committee shall have  such
other  purposes and such other powers as the Board  of  Directors
may from time to time determine.
          Meetings of the Management Compensation Committee shall
be  held quarterly or at any time on call of the Chairman of  the
Management  Compensation Committee.  A majority  of  the  members
shall  constitute  a  quorum  at all  meetings.   The  Management
Compensation Committee shall keep minutes of its proceedings  and
shall report its actions to the Compensation Committee.
          Section 10.    Audit Committee.  The Board of Directors
shall  designate  three  or  more  directors  who  shall  not  be
otherwise  employed  by the Corporation or  its  subsidiaries  to
constitute the Audit Committee of the Board.
          The  Audit Committee shall have such powers and  duties
as  described  from time to time by resolutions of the  Board  of
Directors.   The  Audit  Committee  shall  keep  minutes  of  its
proceedings  and shall report its actions to the next  succeeding
meeting of the Board of Directors.
          Section   11.     Other  Committees.   The   Board   of
Directors  may  create one or more other committees  and  appoint
members  of  the  Board  of Directors to  serve  on  them.   Each
committee  must  have  one  or more members,  who  serve  at  the
pleasure  of the Board of Directors. The provisions of  the  DGCL
and  these  Bylaws that govern meetings, action without meetings,
notice  and  waiver of notice, and quorum and voting requirements
of  the  Board of Directors, shall apply to committees and  their
members  as  well.   To  the extent specified  by  the  Board  of
Directors, each committee may exercise the authority of the Board
of   Directors,  except  as  to  the  matters  which   the   DGCL
specifically  excepts  from  the authority  of  such  committees.
Nothing  contained in this Section shall preclude  the  Board  of
Directors from establishing and appointing any committee, whether
of directors or otherwise, not having or exercising the authority
of the Board of Directors.
                            ARTICLE V
                      MEETINGS OF DIRECTORS
          Section 1.     Regular Meetings.  A regular meeting  of
the  Board  of Directors shall be held without other notice  than
this Bylaw provision immediately after, and at the same place as,
the  annual meeting of the Stockholders.  In addition, the  Board
of  Directors  may  provide, by resolution, the  date,  time  and
place, either within or without the State of North Carolina,  for
the holding of additional regular meetings.
          Section  2.     Special Meetings.  Special meetings  of
the  Board  of Directors may be held at any date, time and  place
upon  the  call of the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive
Officer  or  the  President  or of  the  Secretary  acting  under
instructions  from  the  Chairman  of  the  Board  or  the  Chief
Executive Officer or the President, or upon the call of any three
directors.  Special meetings may be held at any  date,  time  and
place  and  without special notice by unanimous  consent  of  the
          Section 3.     Notice.  The person or persons calling a
special  meeting of the Board of Directors shall,  at  least  two
days  before the meeting, give notice thereof by any usual  means
of  communication.   Such  notice may  be  communicated,  without
limitation, in person; by telephone, telegraph, teletype or other
form   of   wire  or  wireless  communication,  or  by  facsimile
transmission; or by mail or private carrier.  Written notice of a
directors meeting is effective at the earliest of the following:
          (a)  when received;
          (b)  upon  its  deposit in the United States  mail,  as
               evidenced by the postmark, if mailed with  postage
               thereon prepaid and correctly addressed;
          (c)    if  by  facsimile,  by  acknowledgment  of   the
     facsimile; or
          (d)  on  the date shown on the confirmation of delivery
               issued  by  a private carrier, if sent by  private
               carrier to the address of the director last  known
               to the Corporation.
     Oral  notice is effective when actually communicated to  the
director.  Notice of an adjourned meeting of directors  need  not
be  given  if  the time and place are fixed at the meeting  being
adjourned.  The  notice  of any meeting  of  directors  need  not
describe the purpose of the meeting unless otherwise required  by
the DGCL.
          Section 4.     Waiver of Notice.  A director may  waive
any notice required by the DGCL, the Certificate of Incorporation
or  these Bylaws before or after the date and time stated in  the
notice.   The  waiver must be in writing, signed by the  director
entitled  to the notice, and filed with the minutes or  corporate
records,  except that, notwithstanding the foregoing  requirement
of written notice, a director's attendance at or participation in
a  meeting  waives  any required notice to the  director  of  the
meeting  unless  the director at the beginning of  the  expressly
objects  to  holding the meeting or transacting business  at  the
because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened.
          Neither  the  business  to be transacted  at,  nor  the
purpose  of,  any regular or special meeting of the Stockholders,
directors  or  members  of  a  committee  of  directors  need  be
specified  in any written waiver of notice unless so required  by
the Certificate of Incorporation.
          Section  5.      Quorum.  A majority of the  number  of
directors in office immediately before the meeting begins, but in
no  case less than 1/3 of the total number of  directors fixed by
the  Board  of  Directors,  shall constitute  a  quorum  for  the
transaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Directors,
but  if  less  than  such majority is present  at  a  meeting,  a
majority  of directors present may adjourn the meeting from  time
to time without further notice.
          Section  6.     Manner of Acting.  Except as  otherwise
provided in the Certificate of Incorporation or herein,  the  act
of the majority of the directors present at a meeting at which  a
quorum  is  present shall be the act of the Board  of  Directors,
except as otherwise provided by the DGCL.
          Section  7.      Conduct of Meetings.  The Chairman  or
the  Chief Executive Officer shall preside at all meetings of the
Board of Directors; provided, however, that in the absence or  at
the  request of the Chairman of the Board, or if there shall  not
be  a person holding such offices, the person selected to preside
at  a  meeting  of  directors by a vote  of  a  majority  of  the
directors  present shall preside at such meeting.  The Secretary,
or  in the absence or at the request of the Secretary, any person
designated by the person presiding at a meeting of the  Board  of
Directors, shall act as secretary of such meeting.
          Section  8.      Action Without a Meeting.  Any  action
required or permitted to be taken at a Board of Directors meeting
may  be  taken  without a meeting if the action is taken  by  all
members  of the Board.  The action must be evidenced  by  one  or
more  written consents describing the action taken, which consent
or  consents shall be included in the minutes or filed  with  the
corporate records.
          Section 9.     Participation Other Than in Person.  The
Board of Directors may permit any or all directors to participate
in  a  regular  or  special meeting by, or  conduct  the  meeting
through  the  use  of, any means of communication  by  which  all
directors participating may simultaneously hear each other during
the meeting.  A director participating in a meeting by this means
is deemed to be present in person at such meeting.
                           ARTICLE VI
          Section  1.      Officers  of  the  Corporation.    The
officers of the Corporation may include a Chairman of the  Board,
a  Chief  Executive  Officer,  a  President,  one  or  more  Vice
Chairmen,  one or more Division Presidents, one or more Executive
Vice  Presidents, one or more Senior Vice Presidents, one or more
Vice  Presidents,  a  Secretary,  a  Treasurer,  and  such  other
officers, assistant officers and agents, as may be appointed from
time  to time by or under the authority of the Board of Directors
including  that authority vested under Section 8 or 9 of  Article
IV hereof.  The same individual may simultaneously hold more than
one  office in the Corporation, but no individual may act in more
than  one  capacity  where  action of two  or  more  officers  is
required.   The  title of any officer may include any  additional
designation descriptive of such officer's duties as the Board  of
Directors may prescribe.
          Section  2.      Appointment and Term. The officers  of
the  Corporation shall be appointed by the Board of Directors  or
by a committee or an officer authorized by the Board of Directors
to  appoint  one  or more officers; provided,  however,  that  no
officer  may be authorized to appoint the Chairman of the  Board,
the Chief Executive Officer or the President.  Each officer shall
hold  office  until  his  or her death, resignation,  retirement,
removal or disqualification or until such officer's successor  is
elected and qualified.
          Section 3.     Compensation.  The compensation  of  all
officers  of  the  Corporation shall be fixed  by  or  under  the
authority  of  the  Board  of Directors  or  in  accordance  with
Sections  8  and  9  of Article IV hereof.  No officer  shall  be
prevented  from receiving such salary by reason of the fact  that
such officer is also a director.
          Section 4.     Resignation and Removal of Officers.  An
officer  may  resign at any time by communicating such  officer's
resignation to the Corporation.  A resignation is effective  when
it  is  communicated  unless  it specifies  in  writing  a  later
effective  date.  If a resignation is made effective at  a  later
date  and the Corporation accepts the future effective date,  the
Board  of  Directors  may  fill the pending  vacancy  before  the
effective  date  if  the  Board of Directors  provides  that  the
successor  does  not take office until the effective  date.   The
Board of Directors, by the affirmative vote of a majority of  its
members,  may  remove  the  Chairman  of  the  Board,  the  Chief
Executive  Officer or the President whenever in its judgment  the
best  interest  of the Corporation would be served  thereby.   In
addition,  the  Board of Directors or a committee or  an  officer
authorized by the Board of Directors may remove any other officer
at  any  time  with or without cause.  A vacancy  in  any  office
because  of  death,  resignation,  removal,  disqualification  or
otherwise,  may be filled by the directors or in accordance  with
Section 8 or 9 of Article IV hereof for the unexpired portion  of
the term.
          Section   5.      Contract  Rights  of  Officers.   The
appointment of an officer does not itself create contract rights.
An  officer's  removal  does  not  itself  affect  the  officer's
contract  rights, if any, with the Corporation, and an  officer's
resignation  does  not  itself affect the Corporation's  contract
rights, if any, with the officer.
          Section  6.     Bonds.  The Board of Directors  may  by
resolution  require  any  officer,  agent  or  employee  of   the
Corporation  to  give  bond to the Corporation,  with  sufficient
sureties,  conditioned on the faithful performance of the  duties
of  the  applicable office or position, and to comply  with  such
other  conditions  as may from time to time be  required  by  the
Board of Directors.  Such bonds may be scheduled or blanket  form
and the premiums shall be paid by the Corporation.
          Section  7.     Chief Executive Officer.  The Board  of
Directors  may  appoint  a Chief Executive  Officer.   The  Chief
Executive Officer shall, subject to the direction and control  of
the  Board  of Directors, supervise and control the business  and
affairs  of  the  Corporation.  In general  the  Chief  Executive
Officer  shall  perform all duties incident to  the  position  of
chief  executive officer or as may be prescribed by the Board  of
Directors or these Bylaws from time to time.
          Section  8.      Chairman of the Board.  The  Board  of
Directors   may  appoint  from  among  its  members  an   officer
designated as the Chairman of the Board, but the appointment of a
Chairman  of  the Board shall not be required.  If a Chairman  of
the  Board  shall be appointed, then the Chairman  of  the  Board
shall  have  such other duties and authority as may be prescribed
by  the  Board  of Directors from time to time.  In  general  the
Chairman  of the Board shall perform all duties incident  to  the
position of chairman of the board or as may be prescribed by  the
Board of Directors or these Bylaws from time to time.
          Section  9.     President.  The Board of Directors  may
appoint a President.  The President shall perform the duties  and
exercise  the  powers  of  that  office  and,  in  addition,  the
President  shall  perform such other duties and shall  have  such
other  authority as the Board of Directors shall  prescribe.   In
general  the President shall perform all duties incident  to  the
position  of  president or as may be prescribed by the  Board  of
Directors  or  these  Bylaws from time to  time.   The  Board  of
Directors  shall, if it deems such action necessary or desirable,
designate  the officer of the Corporation who is to  perform  the
duties of the President in the event of such officer's absence or
inability to act.
          Section  10.    Vice Chairman.  The Board of  Directors
may appoint one or more officers designated as the Vice Chairman,
but  the  appointment of one or more Vice Chairmen shall  not  be
required.  If one or more Vice Chairmen shall be appointed,  then
one or more Vice Chairmen shall have such duties and authority as
may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time.
          Section  11.     Division  Presidents.   The  Board  of
Directors may appoint one or more officers designated as Division
Presidents,   but  the  appointment  of  one  or  more   Division
Presidents  shall  not  be required.  If  one  or  more  Division
Presidents  shall  be  appointed, then the Division  President(s)
shall have such duties and authority as may be prescribed by  the
Board of Directors from time to time.
          Section  12.    Managing Directors and Vice Presidents.
The Board of Directors may appoint one or more Managing Directors
and  one  or more Vice Presidents.  Categories of Vice Presidents
may  include,  but  are  not  limited to,  Group  Executive  Vice
Presidents,  Executive Vice Presidents, Senior  Vice  Presidents,
and Assistant Vice Presidents.  The Board of Directors may create
categories  of  Managing Directors.  Each Managing  Director  and
each Vice President shall have such duties and authorities as may
be  described by the Board of Directors or by the officer to whom
such Managing Director or Vice President reports.
          Section  13.    Secretary.  The Secretary  shall:   (a)
keep the minutes of meetings of the Stockholders and of the Board
of  Directors in one or more books provided for that purpose; (b)
have   the   responsibility  and  authority   to   maintain   and
authenticate  the records of the Corporation; (c)  see  that  all
notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these
Bylaws  or  as required by law; (d) be custodian of the corporate
records and of the seal of the Corporation and see that the  seal
of  the Corporation is affixed to all documents the execution  of
which  on  behalf  of  the Corporation under  its  seal  is  duly
authorized;  (e)  keep a register of the post office  address  of
each  Stockholder  which shall be furnished to the  Secretary  by
such  Stockholder; (f) sign with the Chairman of  the  Board,  or
President  or any Vice President, provided that in  lieu  of  the
Secretary's signature the Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer  or
an  Assistant Secretary may sign, certificates for Shares of  the
Corporation, the issuance of which shall have been authorized  by
resolution of the Board of Directors; (g) have general charge  of
the  stock transfer books of the Corporation; and (h) in  general
perform  all  duties incident to the office of the Secretary  and
such  other  duties as from time to time may be assigned  to  the
Secretary by the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation,  the
Board of Directors or a committee under these Bylaws.
          Section  14.    Treasurer.  The Treasurer  shall:   (a)
have  charge  and  custody of all funds  and  securities  of  the
Corporation; receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable
to  the  Corporation from any source whatsoever, and deposit  all
such  moneys in the name of the Corporation in such banks,  trust
companies  or other depositories; and (b) in general perform  all
of  the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other
duties  as from time to time may be assigned to the Treasurer  by
the  Chief  Executive Officer of the Corporation,  the  Board  of
Directors or a committee under these Bylaws.
          Section  15.     Assistant  Vice Presidents,  Assistant
Secretaries   and  Assistant  Treasurers.   The  Assistant   Vice
Presidents,  Assistant Secretaries and Assistant  Treasurers,  if
any, shall, in the event of the death or inability or refusal  to
act of the Secretary or the Treasurer, respectively, have all the
powers  and perform all of the duties of those offices, and  they
shall,  in  general, perform such duties as shall be assigned  to
them  by the Secretary or the Treasurer, respectively, or by  the
Chief  Executive  Officer  of the Corporation  or  the  Board  of
                           ARTICLE VII
                    SHARES AND THEIR TRANSFER
          Section  1.     Shares.  Shares of the Corporation  may
but need not be represented by certificates.
          When  Shares  are  represented  by  certificates,   the
Corporation shall issue such certificates in such form  as  shall
be  required  by  the  DGCL and as determined  by  the  Board  of
Directors,  to every Stockholder for the fully paid Shares  owned
by  such  Stockholder.  Each certificate shall be signed  by,  or
shall bear the facsimile signature of, the Chairman of the Board,
the  President and the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or the
Treasurer  or an Assistant Treasurer of the Corporation  and  may
bear the corporate seal of the Corporation or its facsimile.  All
certificates  for the Corporation's Shares shall be consecutively
numbered  or otherwise identified.  The name and address  of  the
person  to  whom  the  Shares represented by  a  certificate  are
issued,  with  the number of Shares and date of issue,  shall  be
entered  on  the  stock transfer books of the Corporation.   Such
information may be stored or retained on discs, tapes,  cards  or
any  other  approved storage device relating to  data  processing
equipment;  provided that such device is capable  of  reproducing
all  information contained therein in legible and  understandable
form,  for  inspection by Stockholders or for any other corporate
          When  Shares are not represented by certificates,  then
within  a reasonable time after the issuance or transfer of  such
Shares,  the Corporation shall send the Stockholder to whom  such
Shares have been issued or transferred a written statement of the
information  required  by the DGCL to be  on  certificates  or  a
statement  that  the  Corporation will furnish  such  information
without charge to each Stockholder who so requests.
          Section  2.      Stock Transfer Books and  Transfer  of
Shares.  The Corporation, or its agent, shall keep a book or  set
of  books  to  be  known  as  the stock  transfer  books  of  the
Corporation, containing the name of each Stockholder  of  record,
together with such Stockholder's address and the number and class
or series of Shares held by such Stockholder.  Transfer of Shares
of  the Corporation represented by certificates shall be made  on
the  stock  transfer books of the Corporation only upon surrender
of  the  certificates for the Shares sought to be transferred  by
the  holder of record thereof or by such holder's duly authorized
agent,  transferee  or legal representative,  who  shall  furnish
proper evidence of authority to transfer with the Secretary.  All
certificates  surrendered for transfer shall be  canceled  before
new certificates for the transferred Shares shall be issued.
          Section   3.      Lost  Certificates.   The  Board   of
Directors  or an officer so authorized by the Board may authorize
the  issuance  of  a new certificate in place  of  a  certificate
claimed  to have been lost, destroyed or mutilated, upon  receipt
of  an affidavit of such fact from the persons claiming the  loss
or  destruction and any other documentation satisfactory  to  the
Board  of  Directors or such officer.  At the discretion  of  the
party reviewing such claim, any such claimant may be required  to
give  the  Corporation a bond in such sum as  it  may  direct  to
indemnify  against the loss from any claim with  respect  to  the
certificate claimed to have been lost or destroyed.
          Section  4.     Holder of Record.  Except as  otherwise
required  by  the DGCL, the Corporation may treat the  person  in
whose  name  the  Shares stand of record  on  its  books  as  the
absolute  owner of the Shares and the person exclusively entitled
to  receive  notification  and distributions,  to  vote,  and  to
otherwise exercise the rights, powers and privileges of ownership
of such Shares.
          Section    5.       Transfer   Agent   and   Registrar;
Regulations.  The Corporation may, if and whenever the  Board  of
Directors so determines, maintain in the State of Delaware or any
other state of the United States, one or more transfer offices or
agencies and also one or more registry offices which officers and
agencies  may  establish  rules and regulations  for  the  issue,
transfer  and registration of certificates.  No certificates  for
Shares of stock of the Corporation in respect of which a Transfer
Agent  and  Registrar shall have been designated shall  be  valid
unless  countersigned by such Transfer Agent  and  registered  by
such  Registrar.  Any such countersignature may be  a  facsimile.
The Board may also make such additional rules and regulations  as
it   may  deem  expedient  concerning  the  issue,  transfer  and
registration of certificates.

                          ARTICLE VIII

          Section  1.     Right to Indemnification.  Each  person
who was or is made a party or is threatened to be made a party to
or  is  otherwise  involved in any action,  suit  or  proceeding,
whether   civil,   criminal,  administrative   or   investigative
(hereinafter a "proceeding"), by reason of the fact  that  he  or
she is or was a director, officer, or employee of the Corporation
or  is  or  was  serving at the request of the Corporation  as  a
director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation or of
a   partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or  other   enterprise,
including  service  with  respect to  an  employee  benefit  plan
(hereinafter  an  "indemnitee"),  whether  the  basis   of   such
proceeding  is  alleged  action in  an  official  capacity  as  a
director,  officer,  employee or agent or in any  other  capacity
while serving as a director, officer, or employee or agent, shall
be  indemnified  and  held harmless by  the  Corporation  to  the
fullest extent authorized by the DGCL, as the same exists or  may
hereafter  be  amended (but, in the case of any  such  amendment,
only to the extent that such amendment permits the Corporation to
provide  broader  indemnification  rights  than  permitted  prior
thereto),  against  all expense, liability  and  loss  (including
attorneys'  fees,  judgments,  fines,  ERISA  excise   taxes   or
penalties and amounts paid in settlement) reasonably incurred  or
suffered  by  such  indemnitee in connection therewith  and  such
indemnification shall continue as to an indemnitee who has ceased
to  be a director, officer, employee or agent and shall inure  to
the   benefit   of   the   indemnitee's  heirs,   executors   and
administrators; provided, however, that, except  as  provided  in
Section  3  of  this Article VIII with respect to proceedings  to
enforce   rights   to  indemnification,  the  Corporation   shall
indemnify any such indemnitee in connection with a proceeding (or
part   thereof)  initiated  by  such  indemnitee  only  if   such
proceeding  (or  part thereof) was authorized  by  the  Board  of
Directors of the Corporation.

          Section  2.     Right to Advancement of Expenses.   The
right  to indemnification conferred in this Article shall include
the right to be paid by the Corporation the expenses incurred  in
defending  any proceeding for which such right to indemnification
is applicable in advance of its final disposition (hereinafter an
"advancement of expenses"); provided, however, that, if the  DGCL
requires, an advancement of expenses incurred by an indemnitee in
his  or  her  capacity as a director or officer (and not  in  any
other  capacity  in  which service was or  is  rendered  by  such
indemnitee, including, without limitation, service to an employee
benefit plan) shall be made only upon delivery to the Corporation
of an undertaking (hereinafter an "undertaking"), by or on behalf
of  such indemnitee, to repay all amounts so advanced if it shall
ultimately  be determined by final judicial decision  from  which
there  is  no  further  right  to appeal  (hereinafter  a  "final
adjudication")  that  such  indemnitee  is  not  entitled  to  be
indemnified for such expenses under this Section or otherwise.

          Section 3.     Right of Indemnitee to Bring Suit.   The
rights  to  indemnification and to the  advancement  of  expenses
conferred  in  Sections  1 and 2 of this Article  VIII  shall  be
contract  rights.  If a claim under Sections 1  and   2  of  this
Article VIII  is not paid in full by the Corporation within sixty
days  after a written claim has been received by the Corporation,
except in the case of a claim for an advancement of expenses,  in
which  case  the  applicable period shall  be  twenty  days,  the
indemnitee  may  at any time thereafter bring  suit  against  the
Corporation  to  recover  the unpaid amount  of  the  claim.   If
successful  in whole or in part in any such suit, or  in  a  suit
brought  by the Corporation to recover an advancement of expenses
pursuant to the terms of an undertaking, the indemnitee shall  be
entitled  to be paid also the expense of prosecuting or defending
such  suit.  In (i) any suit brought by the indemnitee to enforce
a  right  to indemnification hereunder (but not in a suit brought
by  the  indemnitee  to  enforce a right  to  an  advancement  of
expenses) it shall be a defense that, and (ii) in any suit by the
Corporation to recover an advancement of expenses pursuant to the
terms  of  an  undertaking the Corporation shall be  entitled  to
recover  such  expenses  upon  a  final  adjudication  that,  the
indemnitee   has   not   met   any   applicable   standard    for
indemnification set forth in the DGCL.  Neither  the  failure  of
the  Corporation  (including its Board of Directors,  independent
legal counsel, or its Stockholders)  to have made a determination
prior  to  the commencement of such suit that indemnification  of
the  indemnitee  is  proper  in  the  circumstances  because  the
indemnitee has met the applicable standard of conduct  set  forth
in  the  DGCL,  nor  an actual determination by  the  Corporation
(including its Board of Directors, independent legal counsel,  or
its Stockholders) that the indemnitee has not met such applicable
standard  of  conduct,  shall  create  a  presumption  that   the
indemnitee has not met the applicable standard of conduct or,  in
the  case of such a suit brought by the indemnitee, be a  defense
to such suit.  In any suit brought by the indemnitee to enforce a
right  to  indemnification  or  to  an  advancement  of  expenses
hereunder,  or by  the  Corporation to recover an advancement  of
expenses  pursuant to the terms of an undertaking, the burden  of
proving that the indemnitee is not entitled to be indemnified, or
to  such advancement of expenses, under this Article or otherwise
shall be on the Corporation.

          Section  4.     Non-Exclusivity of Rights.  The  rights
to  indemnification and to the advancement of expenses  conferred
in  this Article shall not be exclusive of any other right  which
any  person may have or hereafter acquire under any statute,  the
Corporation's  certificate  of incorporation,  bylaw,  agreement,
vote of Stockholders or disinterested directors or otherwise.

          Section 5.     Insurance.  The Corporation may maintain
insurance,  at  its expense, to protect itself and any  director,
officer,  employee  or  agent  of  the  Corporation  or   another
corporation,   partnership,  joint  venture,   trust   or   other
enterprise against any expense, liability or loss, whether or not
the  Corporation  would have the power to indemnify  such  person
against such expense, liability or loss under the DGCL.

          Section  6.      Indemnification  of  Agents   of   the
Corporation.  The Corporation may, to the extent authorized  from
time  to  time  by  the  Board  of  Directors,  grant  rights  to
indemnification, and to the advancement of expenses to any  agent
of  the  Corporation to the fullest extent of the  provisions  of
this  Article with respect to the indemnification and advancement
of expenses of directors and officers of the Corporation.

                           ARTICLE IX
                       GENERAL PROVISIONS
          Section   1.       Execution   of   Instruments.    All
agreements, indentures, mortgages, deeds, conveyances, transfers,
contracts,  checks,  notes, drafts, loan  documents,  letters  of
credit,   master   agreements,   swap   agreements,   guarantees,
certificates,   declarations,  receipts,  discharges,   releases,
satisfactions,   settlements,  petitions,  schedules,   accounts,
affidavits,  bonds, undertakings, powers of attorney,  and  other
instruments  or documents may be signed, executed,  acknowledged,
verified,  attested,  delivered or  accepted  on  behalf  of  the
Corporation  by  the Chairman of the Board, the  Chief  Executive
Officer,   the   President,  any  Vice  Chairman,  any   Division
President,  any  Managing  Director,  any  Vice  President,   any
Assistant Vice President, or any individual who is listed on  the
Corporation's Officer's payroll file in a position equal  to  any
of  the aforementioned officer positions, or such other officers,
employees  or  agents as the Board of Directors or  any  of  such
designated officers or individuals may direct.  The provisions of
this  Section 1 are supplementary to any other provision of these
Bylaws  and  shall  not  be construed to authorize  execution  of
instruments otherwise dictated by law.
          Section 2.     Voting of Shares.  The Chairman  of  the
Board,  the  Chief  Executive Officer  the  President,  any  Vice
Chairman,  any Division President, any Executive Vice  President,
any  Managing  Director, the Secretary, the  Treasurer,  or  such
other officers, employees or agents as the Board of Directors  or
such  designated  officers may direct  are  authorized  to  vote,
represent  and exercise on behalf of the Corporation  all  rights
incident  to  any  and  all Shares of any other  corporations  or
associations  standing  in  the name  of  the  Corporation.   The
authority  herein granted to said individual to vote or represent
on  behalf  of  the Corporation any and all Shares  held  by  the
Corporation  in  any  other corporations or associations  may  be
exercised  either  by the individual in person  or  by  any  duly
executed proxy or power of attorney.
          Section  3.     Distributions.  The Board of  Directors
may  from time to time authorize, and the Corporation may pay  or
distribute,  dividends or other distributions on its  outstanding
Shares  in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as  are
permitted by the Certificate of Incorporation and the DGCL.
          Section  4.      Seal.   The Board of  Directors  shall
provide  a  corporate seal which shall be circular  in  form  and
shall have inscribed thereon the name of the Corporation and  the
words  "corporate  seal."   In the execution  on  behalf  of  the
Corporation  of  any  instrument, document,  writing,  notice  or
paper,  it shall not be necessary to affix the corporate seal  of
the  Corporation  thereon,  and any  such  instrument,  document,
writing, notice or paper when executed without said seal  affixed
thereon  shall be of the same force and effect and as binding  on
the  Corporation  as  if  said corporate seal  had  been  affixed
thereon in each instance.
          Section 5.     Amendments.  The Board of Directors  may
amend  or  repeal these Bylaws and may adopt new  Bylaws  at  any
regular  or  special  meeting of the  Board  of  Directors.   The
Stockholders  of the Corporation may also amend or  repeal  these
Bylaws and may adopt new Bylaws.