<ARTICLE>                                            9
The schedule contains summary information extracted from the June 30, 1999 Form
10-Q for Bank of America corporation and is qualified in its entirety by
reference to such financial statements.

<PERIOD-TYPE>                   6-mos
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                              DEC-31-1999
<PERIOD-END>                                   JUN-30-1999
<CASH>                                         24,197
<INT-BEARING-DEPOSITS>                          5,350
<FED-FUNDS-SOLD>                               35,907
<TRADING-ASSETS>                               35,427
<INVESTMENTS-HELD-FOR-SALE>                    75,012
<INVESTMENTS-CARRYING>                          1,499
<INVESTMENTS-MARKET>                            1,311
<LOANS>                                       363,581
<ALLOWANCE>                                    (7,096)
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                                614,102
<DEPOSITS>                                    339,045
<SHORT-TERM>                                  136,360
<LIABILITIES-OTHER>                            38,007
<LONG-TERM>                                    55,059
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                               0
<PREFERRED>                                        80
<COMMON>                                       14,433
<OTHER-SE>                                     31,118
<TOTAL-LIABILITIES-AND-EQUITY>                614,102
<INTEREST-LOAN>                                13,623
<INTEREST-INVEST>                               2,318
<INTEREST-OTHER>                                2,466
<INTEREST-TOTAL>                               18,407
<INTEREST-DEPOSIT>                              4,480
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                              9,195
<INTEREST-INCOME-NET>                           9,212
<LOAN-LOSSES>                                   1,020
<SECURITIES-GAINS>                                182
<EXPENSE-OTHER>                                 8,910
<INCOME-PRETAX>                                 6,009
<INCOME-PRE-EXTRAORDINARY>                      6,009
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                     0
<CHANGES>                                           0
<NET-INCOME>                                    3,829
<EPS-BASIC>                                    2.20
<EPS-DILUTED>                                    2.15
<YIELD-ACTUAL>                                   3.55
<LOANS-NON>                                     2,812
<LOANS-PAST>                                      631
<LOANS-TROUBLED>                                    0
<LOANS-PROBLEM>                                     0
<ALLOWANCE-OPEN>                                7,122
<CHARGE-OFFS>                                   1,338
<RECOVERIES>                                      299
<ALLOWANCE-CLOSE>                               7,096
<ALLOWANCE-DOMESTIC>                                0<F1>
<ALLOWANCE-FOREIGN>                                 0<F1>
<ALLOWANCE-UNALLOCATED>                             0<F1>

<F1>Allowance-Domestic, Allowance-Foreign and Allowance-Unallocated are only disclosed on an annual
    basis in the Corporation's 10-K and are therefore not included in this Financial Data Schedule.