
                      LETTER OF CREDIT AND
                     REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT
                   dated as of October 1, 1995
                      NEVADA POWER COMPANY,
                     THE BANKS NAMED HEREIN
        as Administrative Agent and Letter of Credit Bank


                       TABLE  OF  CONTENTS
                     ARTICLE I  DEFINITIONS
SECTION 1.01.  Certain Defined Terms...................... 1
SECTION 1.02. Computation of Time Periods.................10
SECTION 1.03.  Accounting Terms...........................10
SECTION 1.04.  Interpretation.............................10
SECTION 2.01.  The Letters of Credit......................11
SECTION 2.02.  Issuing the Letters of Credit..............11
SECTION 2.03.  Commissions and Fees.......................11
SECTION 2.04.  Reimbursement On Demand....................11
SECTION 2.05.  Advances and Interest......................12
SECTION 2.06.  Prepayments................................13
SECTION 2.07.  Increased Costs............................13
SECTION 2.08.  Increased Capital..........................14
SECTION 2.09.  Payments and Computations..................15
SECTION 2.10.  Non-Business Days..........................15
SECTION 2.11.  Extension of the Stated Termination Date...15
SECTION 2.12.  Evidence of Debt...........................15
SECTION 2.13.  Obligations Absolute.......................16
SECTION 2.14.  Taxes......................................16
SECTION 2.15. Additional Interest.........................17
SECTION 2.16. Funding Indemnity...........................18
SECTION 2.17. Illegality, etc.............................18
SECTION 2.18. Reinstatement of Letter of Credit...........19
SECTION 3.01.  Condition Precedent to Issuance of the
               Letters of Credit..........................19
SECTION 3.02.  Additional Conditions Precedent to
               Issuance of the Letters of Credit..........21
SECTION 3.03.  Conditions Precedent to Each Advance.......21
SECTION 4.01.  Representations and Warranties of the
SECTION 5.01.  Affirmative Covenants......................26

                      TABLE OF CONTENTS
SECTION 5.02.  Negative Covenants.........................30
SECTION 6.01.  Events of Default..........................31
SECTION 6.02.  Upon an Event of Default...................33
SECTION 7.01.  Amendments, Etc............................34
SECTION 7.02.  Notices, Etc...............................35
SECTION 7.03.  No Waiver: Remedies........................35
SECTION 7.04.  Right of Set-off...........................35
SECTION 7.05.  Indemnification............................36
SECTION 7.06.  Banks Not Liable...........................36
SECTION 7.07.  Costs, Expenses and Taxes..................37
SECTION 7.08.  Binding Effect.............................38
SECTION 7.09.  Severability...............................38
SECTION 7.10.  Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction;
               Etc. ......................................38
SECTION 7.11.  Headings...................................39
SECTION 7.12.  Counterparts...............................39
SECTION 7.13.  Waiver of Jury Trial.......................39
SECTION 7.14.  Participation and Assignment...............39

ARTICLE VIII SYNDICATION..................................40

SECTION 8.01.  Syndication................................40
SECTION 8.02.  Sharing of Payments........................41


SECTION 9.01.  Authorization and Action...................41
SECTION 9.02. Administrative Agent's Reliance, Etc........42
SECTION 9.03.  Bank Credit Decision.......................42
SECTION 9.04.  Indemnification............................42
SECTION 9.05.  Barclays and Affiliates....................43
SECTION 9.06.  Successor Administrative Agent.............43
EXHIBIT A   Form of Irrevocable Letter of Credit with
            Exhibits 1 through 5 thereto
EXHIBIT B   Form of Custodian Agreement

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
EXHIBIT C   Form of Opinion of General Counsel of the Company
EXHIBIT D   Form of Opinion of Special Counsel to the Company


1, 1995, among  NEVADA POWER COMPANY, a Nevada  corporation (the "Company"),
BARCLAYS BANK PLC, NEW YORK  BRANCH, as Administrative  Agent and  Letter of
Credit Bank, and the Banks (as defined herein).
          PRELIMINARY  STATEMENTS.  (1) Clark County, Nevada  (the "Issuer")
has issued various refunding bonds for the purpose of refunding certain tax-
exempt bonds issued for the benefit of the Company and has issued the Series
A Bonds  (as  defined  herein) for the  purpose  of  financing  the  cost of
facilities for the local furnishing of electric energy.
          (2)  The Company  has  requested  that  the Letter  of Credit Bank
issue  two irrevocable, transferable letters of credit in substantially  the
form of Exhibit A hereto (such letters of credit, as  they may from  time to
time be extended pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, being collectively
the "Letters of Credit" and each  individually a "Letter of Credit"), in the
aggregate  amount  of  $123,211,316  (the "Total Commitment"), of  which (i)
$120,750,000 shall support  the payment  of principal  of the Series A Bonds
and the Series C Bonds (as defined herein) or the  portion of  the  purchase
price of such Bonds corresponding to  principal (the "Principal Component"),
and (ii) $2,461,316 shall support the payment of up  to 62 days' interest on
the principal  amount of the  Series A Bonds  and the  Series C Bonds or the
portion of the purchase price of  such Bonds  corresponding to interest (the
"Interest Component"), computed at an  assumed rate  of 12% per annum on the
basis of a year of 365 days (the Letter of Credit Bank's obligation to issue
the Letters of Credit as hereinafter  provided being hereinafter referred to
as the Commitment (the "Commitment").
          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the  premises and in  order to
induce the Letter of Credit Bank to issue the Letters of Credit, the parties
hereto agree as follows:
                            ARTICLE I
          SECTION 1.01.  Certain Defined Terms.  As used in this  Agreement,
the following  terms shall have the following meanings  (such meanings to be
equally  applicable  to  both  the  singular  and  plural forms of the terms
          "Advance" has the meaning provided in Section 2.05 (a).

          "Administrative Agent" means Barclays,  acting in its  capacity as
Administrative   Agent  for  the   Banks   hereunder,   and  any   successor
Administrative Agent.
          "Affiliate"  means   any   trade   or  business  (whether  or  not
incorporated) which is a member of a group of which the Company  is a member
and which is under  common  control  within  the  meaning of the regulations
under Section 414 of the Code.
          "Applicable Eurodollar Margin" means the Applicable L/C Rate  then
in effect.

          "Applicable L/C Rate" shall mean the  following  percentages:  (i)
 .26% for any day  that Level I Status  exists;  (ii) .295% for any  day that
Level II Status exists; (iii) .35% for any day that Level III Status exists;
(iv) .40% for any day that Level IV Status exists; and (v) .625% for any day
that Level V Status exists.
          "Authorized  Representative"  means  (i)  for  the   Company,  the
Chairman of the Board,  the President,  any Vice  President,  the  Director,
Treasury and the Secretary and  (ii)  for any  other  Person, an  authorized
officer of such Person.
          "Bank"  means  each  of  the  LC  Bank  and  each  of  the parties
identified as a "Bank" on the  signature  pages  hereto, and  each Bank that
becomes a party hereto in accordance with Section 7.14(b); provided that the
rights of  the LC Bank  under  this Agreement  shall  not  be diminished  or
impaired by reason of the LC Bank also being a Bank hereunder.
          "Barclays" means Barclays Bank PLC, New York Branch.
          "Base Rate" means a fluctuating interest  rate per annum  equal at
all times to the  higher of  (i) the Prime  Rate or (ii)  1/2 of one percent
above  the  Federal Funds Rate  in effect from  time to time.  The Base Rate
shall change concurrently  with each  change in the  Prime  Rate or  Federal
Funds Rate, as the case may be.
          "Base Rate Advance" means an Advance bearing interest  at the Base
          "Bond  Purchase  Agreement"  means  the  Bond  Purchase  Agreement
executed with respect to each Series of Bonds.
          "Bonds" means, collectively, the Series A Bonds  and the  Series C
          "Business Day" means  a day of  the year on  which  banks  are not
required or authorized by law to close  in New York City  or in Los Angeles,
California, and if the applicable Business Day  relates to a Eurodollar Rate
Advance, on which dealings are  carried  on the  London interbank eurodollar
          "Cancellation Date" has the meaning assigned to that  term in each
Letter of Credit.
          "Code" means  the Internal Revenue Code  of 1986, as  amended from
time  to  time  after  the  date  hereof,  and  the  rules  and  regulations
promulgated thereunder.
          "Commitment" has the meaning assigned to that  term in  the second
Preliminary Statement hereto.
          "Commitment Termination Date" has  the meaning  assigned  to  that
term in Section 2.01.
          "Common Equity"  means  the common  stockholders'  equity  of  the
Company, less the book value of all intangible assets of the Company.

          "Common Stock"  means  the  $1.00 par value  common  stock  of the
          "Custodian Agreement"    means   the   Custodian   Agreement    in
substantially the form of Exhibit B hereto.
          "Date of Issuance" has  the  meaning  assigned  to  that  term  in
Section 2.02.
          "Debt" or "Indebtedness" means (i) indebtedness for borrowed money
           ----      ------------
or for the deferred purchase price of property or services, (ii) obligations
as lessee under  leases which shall have  been or should  be, in  accordance
with generally accepted accounting  principles,  recorded as capital leases,
(iii)  obligations   (contingent  or  otherwise)  in  respect  of   bankers'
acceptances or letters of credit, (iv) obligations under  direct or indirect
guaranties  in respect  of, and  obligations  (contingent  or  otherwise) to
purchase or otherwise acquire, or  otherwise  to assure  a creditor  against
loss in  respect of,  indebtedness or obligations  of others  of  the  kinds
referred to in clause (i) through (iii) above, (v) liabilities in respect of
unfunded vested benefits under plans covered by Title IV of  ERISA, and (vi)
withdrawal liability incurred  under  ERISA  by  the  Company or any  of its
Affiliates to any Multiemployer Plan.
          "Default Rate" means a  fluctuating  interest  rate  equal  at all
times  to 2%  per annum  above the  Base Rate in  effect from  time to time;
provided that  with respect  to a Eurodollar Rate  Advance the  Default Rate
- --------
shall be the higher of (i) such rate  then in  effect  with respect  to such
Eurodollar Rate Advance plus  2% per annum or (ii) the Base Rate plus 2% per
          "Designated Rating" means, with respect to any Rating  Agency  for
any day, the rating of the senior secured long-term debt  of the  Company (a
"Secured Rating") outstanding and in effect on such  day (including for this
purpose as separate  categories "+" and "-" designations  by S&P or "1", "2"
and "3"  designations  by Moody's).  If a  Rating  Agency does  not  have  a
Secured Rating outstanding and in effect on  any day,  then there  exists no
Designated Rating by such Rating Agency for such day.
          "Environmental Claim" means any allegation,  notice of  violation,
claim, demand, or order by any governmental authority or any  Person for any
damage  or for fines, penalties or  restrictions,  resulting  from or  based
upon (i)  the  existence of  a  Release of, or  exposure  to, any  Hazardous
Material, in, into or onto the  environment at, in,  by,  from or related to
any facility, (ii) the  use, handling, transportation, storage, treatment or
disposal  of Hazardous  Materials  in connection  with the  operation of any
facility, or (iii) the violation of any Environmental Laws.
          "Environmental Laws" means  all  Laws  relating  to  environmental
matters, including,  without  limitation, those  relating  to fines, orders,
injunctions, penalties, damages, contribution,  cost  recovery compensation,
losses  or injuries  resulting  from the  Release  or threatened  Release of
Hazardous  Materials and to the generation, use, storage, transportation, or
disposal of Hazardous Materials, in any manner applicable to  Company or any
of its  Subsidiaries  or any  of  their  respective  properties,  including,
without limitation, the Comprehensive  Environmental Response, Compensation,
and  Liability  Act  (  42  U.S.C.  Subsection 9601 et seq. ), the Hazardous
                                              -- ----
Material  Transportation  Act  (  49  U.S.C . Subsection 1801 et seq. ), the
                                                        -- ----
Resource Conservation

and  Recovery  Act  ( 42 U.S.C. Subsection 6901 et seq. ), the Federal Water
                                                -- ----
Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. Subsection 1251 et seq.), the Clean Air Act
                                                 -- ----
(42  U.S.C.  Subsection  7401 et seq.), the Toxic Substances Control Act (15
                              -- ----
U.S.C.  Subsection 2601 et seq.), the Occupational Safety and Health Act (29
                        -- ----
U.S.C. Subsection  65l  et  seq.)  and  the Emergency Planning and Community
                        -- ----
Right  to  Know Act (42 U.S.C. Subsection 11001 et seq.), each as amended or
                                                -- ----
supplemented,  and  any  analogous future or present applicable local, state
and federal  statutes  and  regulations  promulgated pursuant  thereto, each
as in effect as of the date of determination.
          "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
          "Eurocurrency Liabilities" has the meaning  assigned to  that term
in Regulation D of the Board of Governors of the  Federal Reserve System, as
in effect from time to time.
          "Eurodollar Rate" means, with respect to an Interest  Period for a
Eurodollar Rate Advance, an interest rate  per annum  equal to (a) the  rate
(rounded upward to the nearest whole  multiple  of 1/16 of 1% per  annum, if
such average is not such a multiple)  per  annum at which  deposits  in U.S.
dollars are  offered  by the principal office of the Administrative Agent in
London, England to prime banks in the London interbank  market at 11:00 A.M.
(London time)  two  Business Days prior  to the first day  of such  Interest
Period, in an amount  substantially  equal  to  the  amount of the  relevant
Eurodollar Rate Advance and for a period equal to such Interest Period, plus
(b) the Applicable Eurodollar  Margin, as such rate may be adjusted pursuant
 to Section 2.15.
          "Eurodollar Rate Advance" means an Advance bearing interest at the
Eurodollar Rate.
          "Eurodollar Rate Reserve Percentage" means for any Interest Period
for any  Eurodollar  Rate  Advance means the  reserve  percentage applicable
during such Interest Period (or if more than one such percentage shall be so
applicable, the  daily  average  of such  percentages  for those days during
which any such  percentage shall be  so applicable) under regulations issued
from time to time by the  Board  of Governors of the  Federal Reserve System
(or  any  successor)  for  determining  the  applicable  reserve requirement
(including,  without  limitation,  any  emergency,  supplemental  or   other
marginal reserve requirement) for the Banks  with respect  to liabilities or
assets consisting of or including  Eurocurrency Liabilities  having  a  term
equal to such Interest Period.
          "Event of Default" has  the  meaning  assigned  to  that  term  in
Section 6.01.
          "Federal Funds Rate" means, for any period, a fluctuating interest
rate per annum equal for each day during such period to the weighted average
of the rates on overnight  Federal  funds  transactions with  members of the
Federal Reserve System  arranged by  Federal funds brokers, as published for
such day (or, if  such day  is not a  Business Day, for  the next  preceding
Business Day) by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or, if  such  rate is
not so published for any day which is a Business Day,  the  average  of  the
quotations for such day on such  transactions received by the Administrative
Agent from three  Federal funds  brokers of  recognized standing selected by


          "Fee Letter" means that certain letter agreement dated the Date of
Issuance executed by the Company and addressed to the  Administrative  Agent
and LC Bank.
          "Financing Agreement" means each Financing Agreement,  dated as of
October 1, 1995 between the Issuer and the Company, executed with respect to
a Series of Bonds.
          "First Mortgage Bond Indenture"  means the  Indenture of  Mortgage
and  Deed of Trust  dated  October 1, 1953  between  the  Company and  First
Interstate Bank of Nevada, N.A., as amended to the Date of Issuance.
          "Fiscal  Quarter"  means  the   fiscal   quarter  of  the  Company
consisting of a three month fiscal period ending on each  March 31, June 30,
September 30 and December 31.
          "Fiscal Year" means the fiscal year of the Company consisting of a
twelve month fiscal period ending on each December 31.
          "Governmental  Agency"  means  (a)  any  foreign,  federal, state,
county or municipal government, or  political  subdivision  thereof, (b) any
governmental  or  quasi-governmental  agency,  authority,   board,   bureau,
commission, department, instrumentality  or  public  body, (c)  any court or
administrative tribunal or (d)  with respect  to any Person, any arbitration
tribunal or other non-governmental  authority  to  whose  jurisdiction  that
Person has consented.
          "Hazardous Materials"   means  (i)  any   chemical,  material   or
substance  defined  as  or   included  in  the   definition  of   "hazardous
substances," "hazardous wastes," "hazardous materials," "extremely hazardous
waste," "restricted hazardous  waste,"  or  "toxic substances"  or  words of
similar import under any applicable local, state or federal Law or under the
regulations adopted or publications promulgated pursuant thereto, including,
without  limitation,   Environmental  Laws,  (ii)  any  oil,   petroleum  or
petroleum-derived substance, any drilling fluids,  produced waters and other
wastes associated with the exploration,  development or production  of crude
oil, any flammable substances  or explosives, any radioactive materials, any
hazardous wastes or  substances, any toxic wastes or substances or any other
materials  or pollutants which (A) pose a  hazard  to  any  Property of  the
Company or any of its Subsidiaries or to Persons on or  about such  Property
or (B) cause such Property  to be in  violation  of any  Environmental Laws,
(iii)  asbestos  in  any  form  which  is  or  could  become  friable,  urea
formaldehyde foam insulation, electrical equipment which contains any oil or
dielectric fluid containing  levels of  polychlorinated biphenyl's in excess
of fifty  parts per  million, and  (iv)  any  other  chemical,  material  or
substance,  exposure  to which is  prohibited,  limited or regulated  by any
governmental  authority or  may or could  pose  a hazard  to the  health and
safety of the owners, occupants or any Persons  surrounding any  Property of
the Company.
          "Indenture" means each Indenture of Trust, dated as of  October 1,
1995 between the Issuer and the Trustee, pursuant to which a Series of Bonds
was issued.

          "Initial Stated Amount"  means  $78,314,439  with  respect  to the
Letter of Credit supporting the Series A Bonds and  $44,896,877 with respect
to the Letter of Credit supporting the Series C Bonds.
          "Interest Component" has the meaning assigned to that  term in the
second Preliminary Statement herein.
          "Interest Period"  means,  with  respect  to  a  Eurodollar   Rate
Advance, a period of one day or one month, in each case as  elected  by  the
Company pursuant to Section 2.05(b); provided that  any such Interest Period
that would end on a day that is not a  Business Day shall be extended to the
next succeeding Business  Day  unless such  Business Day  falls  in  another
calendar  month, in  which  case such  Interest Period shall end on the next
preceding  Business Day; and provided, further that no Interest Period shall
                             --------  -------
extend beyond the scheduled repayment date of an Advance.
          "Issuer"  has  the  meaning  assigned  to  that term in the  first
Preliminary Statement hereto.
          "Laws" means, collectively, all foreign, federal state  and  local
statutes, treaties, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes and administrative
or controlling precedents of any Governmental Agency.
          "LC Bank" or "Letter of Credit Bank" means Barclays  Bank PLC, New
           -------      ---------------------
York Branch.
          "Letter of Credit"  and  "Letters of Credit"  have  the   meanings
           ----------------         -----------------
assigned to those terms in the second Preliminary Statement hereto.
          "Level I Status" exists for any day if, on such day,  the  Company
has a Designated Rating of (i) A or higher by S&P or  (ii)  A2 or higher  by
          "Level II Status" exists for any day if, on such day,  (a) Level I
Status does not exist and (b) the Company has a  Designated  Rating  of  (i)
BBB+ or higher by S&P or (ii) Baa1 or higher by Moodys.
          "Level III Status" exists for any day if, on such day, (a) Level I
or II Status does not exist and (b) the Company has a  Designated  Rating of
(i) BBB by S&P or (ii) Baa2 by Moody's.
          "Level IV Status" exists for any day if, on such day, (a) Level I,
II or III Status does not exist and (b) the Company  has a Designated Rating
of (i) BBB- by S&P or (ii) Baa3 by Moody's.
          "Level V Status" exists for any day if, on such day,  (a) Level I,
II, III or IV Status does not exist  and (b) the  Company has  a  Designated
Rating of (i) below BBB- by S&P or is  unrated or (ii) below Baa3 by Moody's
or is unrated.

          "Lien"  means,  with  respect  to  any  asset, any lien,  security
interest or other charge or encumbrance, or any other  type of  preferential
arrangement in respect of such asset.
          "Material Adverse Effect" means any set of circumstances or events
which (a) has or could reasonably be  expected to have any  material adverse
effect whatsoever upon the  validity or enforceability  of this Agreement or
any Related  Document, (b) is or could reasonably be expected to be material
and adverse to the condition (financial or otherwise) or business operations
of the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole,  or to the  prospects
of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries,  taken  as  a whole,  (c) materially
impairs or could reasonably be expected  to materially impair the ability of
the Company  and  its  Subsidiaries,  taken  as  a  whole,  to  perform  its
obligations  hereunder  or under  the Related  Documents or  (d)  materially
impairs or could reasonably be expected to materially impair the  ability of
the Administrative Agent or the Banks to enforce any of their legal remedies
pursuant to this Agreement or the Related Documents.
          "Moody's" means Moody's Investors Service, Inc.  or its  successor
and assigns.
          "Multiemployer Plan"  means  a "multiemployer plan" as  defined in
Section 4001(a)(3)  of  ERISA  with  respect  to  which  the Company  or any
Affiliate  (i)  has an  obligation  to  contribute  to  or  (ii)  could have
          "Participant" has the meaning provided in Section 7.14(a)

          "PBGC"  means  the  Pension  Benefit  Guaranty  Corporation or any
successor thereto.
          "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation  (including
a business trust), joint stock company, trust,  unincorporated  association,
joint venture or other entity, or a Governmental Agency.
          "Plan" means an employee benefit plan (other than a  Multiemployer
Plan) maintained  or contributed  to for  employees of  the  Company  or any
Affiliate  and  covered  by  Title  IV  of  ERISA  or  the  minimum  funding
requirements of Section 412 of the Code.
          "Pledged Bond"  has  the  meaning  assigned  to  that  term in the
Custodian Agreement.
          "Preferred Stock" means each of (a) the Cumulative Preferred Stock
$20.00 par value 5.40%  Series  Preferred  Stock  of  the  Company,  (b) the
Cumulative Preferred Stock $20.00 par value  5.20% Series Preferred Stock of
the Company, (c) the Cumulative  Preferred  Stock  $20.00  par  value  4.70%
Preferred Stock of the  Company,  and  (d)  the  Cumulative  Preferred Stock
$20.00 par value Auction Series A of the Company.
          "Prime Rate" means a fluctuating annual rate of  interest equal to
the rate publicly announced or quoted internally by the Administrative Agent
as its Prime Rate.  For  purposes of this Agreement, any change in the Prime
Rate shall be  effective  on the  date such  change is publicly announced or
quoted internally by the Administrative Agent.

          "Principal Facility" means that certain Loan Agreement dated as of
November 21, 1994 by and among the Company, First Interstate Bank of Nevada,
N.A., as agent, and the financial institutions party thereto.
          "Prior Bonds" means the Series 1985 Bonds as defined in Resolution
No. 10-3-95-1 adopted by Clark County Nevada on October 3, 1995.
          "Property" means any  interest  in any kind  of property or asset,
whether real, personal or mixed, or tangible or intangible.
          "PSC"  means  the  Public  Service  Commission  of Nevada,  or any
successor or other agency or authority of the State of Nevada  from  time to
time having a similar jurisdiction.
          "PSC Order" means, at any time, the order by the PSC in  effect at
such time that authorizes the Company to enter into  this Agreement  and the
Related Documents to which it is, or is to  be, a party,  to request  the LC
Bank to issue the Letters of Credit hereunder and to incur Debt to the Banks
hereunder in an  amount not less  than the Total Commitment.  The PSC Order,
when given by PSC, shall be deemed to include the application for such order
by the Company.
          "Rating Agency" means S&P or Moody's.

          "Reimbursement Obligations"  means all of the  obligations of  the
Company to reimburse or repay the LC Bank or  the Banks  pursuant to Section
2.04 or 2.05.
          "Related Documents"  has  the  meaning  assigned to  that  term in
Section 2.13.
          "Release"  means  any release,  emission,  disposal,  leaching, or
migration  into  the   environment   (including,  without  limitation,   the
abandonment  or  disposal  of  any  barrels,  containers  or  other   closed
receptacles containing any Hazardous Material), or into or out of any of the
          "Remarketing Agent" has the meaning assigned to that  term in each
          "Required Banks" means, at any time, Banks having  Shares equal to
at least 66 2/3% of the aggregate Shares;  provided that  such term shall in
any event include the LC Bank  unless expressly  provided  otherwise in this
          "Series A Bonds"   means  the  Issuer's   $76,750,000   Industrial
Development Revenue Bonds (Nevada Power Company Project) Series 1995A.
          "Series C Bonds"   means  the  Issuer's   $44,000,000   Industrial
Development Refunding  Revenue Bonds  (Nevada Power Company Project)  Series
          "Series of Bonds" means any of the Series A Bonds or  the Series C

          "Share" means, with  respect  to each  Bank, the percentage of the
rights and obligations hereunder purchased by, or otherwise attributable to,
such Bank, as specified on Schedule 7.02 hereof or in any assignment entered
into pursuant to Section 7.14(b).
          "S&P"  means  Standard & Poor's,  a  division  of  The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc. and its successors and assigns.
          "Stated Amount"  has  the  meaning  assigned  to such term in each
Letter of Credit.
          "Stated Termination Date" means,  with  respect  to each Letter of
Credit, October 12, 1999, as such date may be extended  pursuant  to Section
          "Subsidiary" means, as to any Person, (i) any corporation of which
more than 50% of the outstanding capital  stock having ordinary voting power
to  elect  a  majority  of  the  board  of  directors  of  such  corporation
(irrespective of whether or not at the time capital stock of any other class
or classes of  such corporation  shall or might  have  voting power upon the
occurrence of any contingency)  is at the  time directly or indirectly owned
by such Person or by one or more Subsidiaries of  such  Person  and (ii) any
partnership, association, joint venture or other Person in which such Person
and/or one or more  Subsidiaries of such Person  has more  than a 50% equity
interest at the time.
          "Tender Drawing" has the  meaning  assigned  to that  term in each
Letter of Credit.
          "Termination Event"  means (i) a  Reportable  Event  described  in
Section 4043 of ERISA and the  regulations issued  thereunder  (other than a
Reportable Event not subject to the provision  for 30-day notice to the PBGC
under such regulations), or (ii) the withdrawal of the Company or any of its
Affiliates  from a Plan  during a  plan year  in which it was a "substantial
employer" as defined in Section 4001(a)(2) of ERISA, or (iii) the  filing of
a notice of intent to terminate a Plan or the treatment of a Plan  amendment
as a termination under Section 4041 of ERISA,  or  (iv)  the  institution of
proceedings to terminate a Plan by the  PBGC, or  (v)  any  other  event  or
condition which might constitute grounds under Section 4042 of ERISA for the
termination of, or the appointment of a trustee to administer, any Plan.
          "Total Capitalization" means, as of any date of determination, the
sum of (a) Total Common Shareholders Equity as  of that  date,  plus (b) the
- ---                                                             ----
book value of the Preferred Stock as of  that  date,  plus (c) the principal
amount as of that date of  the  Company's  Indebtedness  for  borrowed money
having an initial  maturity in excess  of  one  year  from  the date  of its
          "Total Common Shareholders Equity"  means,  as  of  any   date  of
determination, the sum of (a) the  book value  of the  Common  Stock  of the
Company as of that date, determined in  accordance  with  generally accepted
accounting principles, plus  (b) the  retained earnings of the Company as of
that  date,  determined  in  accordance  with  generally accepted accounting
principles, plus (c) the premium on the capital stock of the  Company  which
should, in accordance with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  be
reflected on the balance sheet of the Company as of that date, minus (y) the
book value of treasury  stock  which  should,  in accordance with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles,  be  reflected on the  balance sheet of

the Company as of that date, and minus (z) the amount of unamortized capital
stock expense which should, in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles, be  reflected  on the  balance  sheet  of the Company as of that
date; provided that there shall be  excluded from  Total Common Shareholders
Equity  any  amount  attributable  to  Common  Stock  that  is,  directly or
indirectly,  required to be  redeemed  or repurchased  by the  Company  at a
specified date or upon the occurrence of specified events or at the election
of the holder thereof.
          "Total Debt" means, as of any date of determination, the Company's
Indebtedness for borrowed money on that date, minus  the amount  of all cash
and securities deposited in trust as security for such Indebtedness with the
lenders thereof on that date.
          "Trustee" means the Person serving as Trustee under the  Indenture
for each Series of Bonds, initially United States Trust Company of New York.
In the event different Persons are acting as trustee  for separate Series of
Bonds,  the  term  "Trustee"  shall  refer to each  such Trustee  unless the
context requires otherwise.
          SECTION 1.02.  Computation of Time Periods.  In this Agreement, in
the computation  of  a period  of  time  from  a specified  date  to a later
specified date, the word "from" means from and including" and the words "to"
and "until" each means "to but excluding."
          SECTION 1.03.  Accounting Terms.  All    accounting   terms    not
specifically defined herein shall be construed in accordance  with generally
accepted United States accounting principles consistent (except as otherwise
stated herein) with those applied  in the  preparation  of the  December 31,
1994 financial statements referred to in Section 4.01(f).
          SECTION 1.04.  Interpretation.  The following rules shall apply to
the construction of this Agreement unless the  context  requires  otherwise:
(a) the singular includes the plural and the plural the singular; (b)  words
importing any genderinclude the other gender; (c) references to statutes are
to  be  construed  as  including  all  statutory  provisions  consolidating,
amending  or replacing  the statute  to which  reference  is made,  and  all
regulations adopted and publications promulgated pursuant to  such statutes;
(d) references to "writing" include printing, photocopy, typing, lithography
and other means of reproducing  words  in a tangible  visible  form; (e) the
words "including", "includes" and "include"  shall be deemed  to be followed
by the words "without limitation"; (f) except as otherwise provided  herein,
references to agreements and other contractual  instruments shall  be deemed
to include  all  subsequent  amendments  and  other  modifications  to  such
instruments,  but  only  to  the  extent  that  such  amendments  and  other
modifications are permitted  or not limited  by the terms of this Agreement;
(g) references to  Persons include their respective permitted successors and
assigns; and (h) the  words "herein," "hereof" and "hereunder" and  words of
similar import, when used in this Agreement, shall refer  to this  Agreement
as  a  whole  and  not  to  any  provision  of thisAgreement, and "Article,"
"Section," "subsection," "paragraph,"  and respective references are to this
Agreement unless otherwise specified.

                           ARTICLE II
          SECTION 2.01.  The Letters of Credit.  The LC Bank  agrees, on the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, to issue  the  Letters of Credit
to the Trustee on any Business Day during the period from the date hereof to
and including  November 30, 1995 (the "Commitment Termination Date") in  the
Initial Stated Amounts thereof and in an aggregate amount not exceeding  the
Total Commitment.
          SECTION 2.02.  Issuing the Letters of Credit.  The    Letters   of
Credit shall be issued  on at least three Business  Days'  notice  from  the
Company to the LC Bank specifying the  Business Day of issuance thereof.  On
such Business Day specified by the Company  in such  notice  (such date, the
"Date of Issuance")  and  upon  fulfillment  of  the  applicable  conditions
precedent set  forth in  Article III, the LC Bank  will issue the Letters of
Credit to the Trustee.
          SECTION 2.03.  Commissions and Fees.  (a)  The   Company    hereby
agrees to pay  to the  Administrative  Agent  for the benefit of the Banks a
letter of credit fee on the Stated Amount of each  Letter of Credit from the
Date of Issuance through and including the applicable Cancellation Date of a
Letter of Credit, at the Applicable L/C Rate as adjusted  from time to time,
which letter of credit fee shall be payable on the Date of Issuance (for the
period  from  the  date  hereof  to  and  including  December 31, 1995)  and
thereafter  quarterly  in advance  on the  last  Business Day of each March,
June, September and December commencing on  December 31, 1995.  In the event
that following the payment by  the Company  of the letter  of credit fee for
any quarterly  period  (or any part thereof)  a  Letter  of  Credit shall be
canceled or  otherwise  terminate  prior to the end of such quarterly period
(or any part thereof), the Banks agree that they will return to the  Company
(after applying  any  such  amounts  to any unreimbursed  drawings under the
Letters  of  Credit,   unpaid  Advances,  interest   thereon  or  any  fees,
commissions or any other amounts then due  and payable by the Company to the
Banks) the portion of the  letter  of  credit  fee  as shall  be obtained by
multiplying (i) the total amount of letter of credit fee paid by the Company
to  the  Banks  for  such  quarterly  period  (or part thereof)  by (ii) the
quotient  of (A) the  number  of days  left during such quarterly period (or
part thereof) divided  by  (B) the total  number of days  in such  quarterly
period (or part thereof).  Solely for purposes  hereof, the Stated Amount of
a  Letter of Credit shall be deemed  not to be  reduced  with respect to any
amount drawn thereunder that is subject to reinstatement.
          (b)  The Company agrees to pay to the Administrative Agent and the
LC Bank, respectively,  the  fees  and  other amounts  set forth  in the Fee
Letter on the dates set forth therein.
          SECTION 2.04.  Reimbursement On Demand.  Except    as    otherwise
specified in Section 2.05 (and provided the conditions  precedent  specified
therein shall have been fulfilled), each  amount paid by the LC Bank under a
Letter of Credit (including,  without limitation, amounts  in respect of any
reinstatement  of  the  Interest  Component  (as defined  in such  Letter of
Credit) at  the election  of the LC Bank  notwithstanding any failure by the
Company to reimburse the Banks for any previous  drawing to pay  interest on
the Bonds) shall constitute a demand loan made by the  Banks to the  Company
on the date of such payment by the LC Bank under such

Letter of Credit.  The Company agrees  to pay each such  demand loan  on the
date of its making.  Any such  demand  loan (or any portion thereof)  not so
paid on such date shall bear  interest, payable  on demand, from the date of
making of such  demand loan until payment in full, at a fluctuating interest
rate per annum equal to the Default Rate.
          SECTION 2.05.  Advances and Interest.  (a)  If  the LC Bank  shall
make any payment under a Letter of Credit upon a  Tender  Drawing  submitted
thereunder pursuant to Section 4.01 of  the relevant  Indenture  and, on the
date of such payment, the  conditions  precedent  set forth  in Section 3.03
shall have been  fulfilled, the portion  of  such  payment  corresponding to
principal  on the Bonds shall constitute an advance made by the Banks to the
Company on the date and in the amount  of such  payment  (each such  advance
being an "Advance").  The Company shall pay interest on the unpaid principal
amount of each Advance monthly in arrears on  the last  Business Day of each
month (or, if earlier, the last day of an Interest  Period  for an Advance),
and on the date of  repayment  of such  Advance.  Each  Advance  shall  bear
interest from  the date of the incurrence  thereof until the date upon which
such Advance is paid in full at the Base Rate unless the Company has elected
to pay interest  at the  Eurodollar Rate  pursuant  to subsection (b) below.
Notwithstanding any other provision to the  contrary  herein,  each  Advance
shall be due and payable by the  Company to the Banks  on the earlier of (i)
the  Cancellation  Date,  (ii) the date  180 days  from  the making  of such
Advance, (iii) the  date  specified  in Section 2.06(b)  below, and (iv) the
date required by Section 6.02.
          (b)  The  Company  may  from  time to time  elect  to convert  any
Advance to a Eurodollar Rate Advance by notice to the  Administrative Agent,
specifying  the  Advance, the  duration  of  the  Interest  Period  for such
Advance, the amount of such Advance, and  the  date  on which  such  Advance
shall become a Eurodollar Rate   Advance, such notice  to be received by the
Administrative Agent by 11:00 A.M. (New York time) at least  three  Business
Days prior  to the effective date of the requested conversion.  Such Advance
shall continue  to be a Eurodollar  Rate Advance,  with an  Interest  Period
of the duration selected by the Company in accordance  with  the immediately
preceding sentence, determined by the  Administrative  Agent  in  accordance
herewith,  until  the  Company  shall  elect,  by  written  notice  to   the
Administrative  Agent  in  accordance  with the next  following sentence, to
convert such  Advance  to  a Base  Rate  Advance  or to convert the Interest
Period for such Advance to an Interest Period of a different  duration.  Any
such notice  to the  Administrative Agent  requesting  a  conversion from  a
Eurodollar Rate Advance to a Base Rate Advance, or to an Interest Period  of
a different duration, shall be given  to the  Administrative Agent  by 11:00
A.M. (New York time) at  least  three  Business Days prior  to the effective
date of the  requested conversion; provided, however, that conversion of any
                                   --------  -------
Eurodollar Rate Advance shall only be made at the end of the Interest Period
for such Advance.  The Company agrees that,  unless the Company  shall  have
requested that a Eurodollar Rate Advance be converted to a Base Rate Advance
or to an Interest Period of a different duration in accordance herewith, the
Eurodollar Rate  with  respect  to such  Advance  shall be  determined  each
Business Day or each month by the Administrative Agent, as  the case may be,
with respect to such Advance.
          (c)  Notwithstanding  any  provision  to the contrary  herein, the
Company shall pay interest on all past-due amounts of  principal and (to the
fullest extent permitted by law) interest,

costs, fees and expenses hereunder, from the date when such  amounts  became
due until paid  in full, payable  on demand, at the  default Rate  in effect
from time to time.
          SECTION 2.06.  Prepayments.  (a)  The Company  may, upon  at least
two  Business  Days'  notice  to  the   Administrative  Agent,   prepay  the
outstanding amount of any Advance in whole or in part  with accrued interest
to the date of such prepayment on the amount prepaid.
          (b) Prior to or simultaneously with the resale of all of the Bonds
purchased with the proceeds of a Tender Drawing  under  a Letter  of Credit,
the Company shall prepay or cause to be prepaid in full the then outstanding
principal  amount  (pursuant to Section 2.04) or Advance arising pursuant to
such Tender  Drawing, together with all interest thereon to the date of such
prepayment.  If less than  all of such  Bonds are  resold, then  prior to or
simultaneously  with such  resale  the Company  shall  prepay or cause to be
prepaid a portion  (as specified below) of  the then  outstanding  principal
amount (pursuant to Section 2.04) or Advance arising pursuant to such Tender
Drawing, together with  all interest thereon to the date of such prepayment.
The portion  of such principal amount or such Advance to be prepaid shall be
determined  by  multiplying  such  principal  amount  or  such  Advance by a
fraction, the numerator of which shall be the principal  amount of the Bonds
resold and the denominator of which shall be  the principal amount of all of
the Bonds purchased with the proceeds of the relevant Tender Drawing.
          SECTION 2.07.  Increased Costs. (a) If either (i) the introduction
of or any  change  (including,  without  limitation,  any  change  by way of
imposition or increase of reserve requirements)  in or in the interpretation
of any Law or (ii) the compliance by  any Bank with any guideline or request
from any central bank or  other  Governmental Agency  (whether or not having
the force  of law), shall  either  (A) impose, modify or deem applicable any
reserve, special  deposit or similar  requirement against letters  of credit
issued by, or assets  held  by, or deposits  in or for the  account of, such
Bank  or participated  in by any Participant  or (B) impose on any Bank  any
other condition regarding this  Agreement, the Letters of Credit, any amount
outstanding  hereunder or any Advance, and the result  of any event referred
to in clause (A) or (B), above, shall be to increase the cost to any Bank or
any Participant  of issuing  or maintaining  the Letters  of Credit  (or its
participation therein) or agreeing to make or making, funding or maintaining
any Advance, then, upon demand by  the Administrative  Agent  on behalf of a
Bank, the Company  shall  pay to such  Bank  (for its own account or for the
account of such  Participant, as the case  may be, within 10 days of receipt
of  such  notice  and  from  time  to  time  as  specified  by the Bank, all
additional amounts which shall  be sufficient  to compensate  such  Bank for
such  increased  costs.  A certificate  setting  forth  such increased costs
incurred by the Bank as a result of any event  referred  to in clause (i) or
(ii) above, submitted by the  Administrative Agent  to the Company on behalf
of such Bank, shall  constitute  such  demand  and  shall, in the absence of
manifest error, be conclusive and binding for all purposes.
          (b)  In the event that after the date hereof the implementation of
or any change  in any  Law,  or any  guideline or  directive (whether or not
having the force of law) or the interpretation or administration thereof, in
each case by any  administrative  or governmental authority charged with the
administration thereof shall:

               (i)  subject any Bank  or any  Participant  to any tax of any
     kind with respect to this Agreement, the Advances  or the  transactions
     contemplated hereby or shall change the  basis of taxation  of any Bank
     or any  Participant  (other  than  a change  in the  rate of tax on the
     overall net income of such Bank); or
               (ii)  impose, modify or deem applicable any  reserve, special
     deposit, capital adequacy or similar requirement (other than any change
     by way of imposition on  increase  of reserve  requirements included in
     the Eurodollar Rate Reserve Percentage); or
               (iii)  impose on the Banks any other condition;

and as a result  of any of the foregoing,  in the sole  opinion of any Bank,
there shall be any increase in the cost to such Bank of agreeing  to make or
making, funding or maintaining Eurodollar Rate Advances,  then  the  Company
shall from time to time, upon  demand  by such Bank or such Participant, pay
to the Bank or such  Participant additional amounts sufficient to compensate
the Bank or such Participant for such increased  cost.  A certificate  as to
the  amount  of such  increased  cost,  submitted  to  the  Company  by  the
Administrative Agent on behalf of such Bank or such Participant, as the case
may be, shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes.
          SECTION 2.08.  Increased Capital.  If any Bank determines that (1)
the adoption of any applicable Law, after the  date hereof regarding capital
adequacy,  or any  change  therein,  or any change  in the interpretation or
administration thereof by any  court or Governmental Agency charged with the
interpretation or  administration  thereof,  or (2) compliance  by such Bank
with  any  directive  regarding  capital  adequacy  of any such Governmental
Agency, generally affects banks issuing  letters of credit or entering  into
agreements similar to or of the same type as this Agreement and has or would
have the effect of reducing the rate of return  on such  Bank's capital as a
consequence  of  issuing  or  maintaining  the  Letters  of  Credit  (or its
participation  therein)  to a level  below  that  which  the Bank would have
achieved  but  for  such   adoption,  change  or  compliance   (taking  into
consideration  the Bank's  policies with respect to capital adequacy), then,
upon demand by the Administrative Agent on behalf of such Bank, the  Company
shall immediately pay to such  Bank, from  time to time as  specified by the
Bank, additional amounts sufficient to  compensate such Bank in the light of
such circumstances, to the  extent that  the Bank reasonably determined such
capital to be allocable  to this Agreement or the issuance or maintenance of
the Letters of Credit (or its participation  therein).  In determining  such
increased  fee,  the  Banks  may use reasonable  and customary averaging and
attribution  methods.  A certificate  as to such  amounts  submitted  to the
Company by the Administrative Agent on behalf  of such Bank shall constitute
such demand and shall, in the absence of manifest  error, be conclusive  and
binding for all purposes.
          SECTION 2.09.  Payments and Computations.  The Company  shall make
each payment hereunder not later than 3:00 p.m.  (New York time)  on the day
when  due  in  lawful  money  of  the  United  States  of  America   to  the
Administrative Agent on behalf of the Banks  (i)  at its address referred to
in Section 7.02 in same day  funds or (ii)  by federal funds transfer to the
Administrative  Agent's  ABA Account No. 026-002-574 at  the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York for credit to CLAD Control Account, Account No. 050-019014,
referencing Nevada Power

Company Letters of Credit.  Computations  of the  Base  Rate, the Eurodollar
Rate, the Default Rate and the commissions and fees under Section 2.03 shall
be made by the Administrative Agent on the basis  of a year  of 360 days and
the actual  number  of days  (including the first day but excluding the last
day)  elapsed.  To  the  extent  the  Company  has made  any payments to the
Administrative Agent on behalf of the Banks, such payment shall be deemed to
have been made to the Banks by the Company for purposes of this Agreement.
          SECTION 2.10.  Non-Business Days.  Whenever any payment to be made
hereunder  shall  be stated  to be due on a day which is not a Business Day,
such payment  shall  be made on the next  succeeding  Business Day, and such
extension  of  time  shall  in such  case be included  in the computation of
interest, commission or fee, as the case may be.
          SECTION 2.11.  Extension of the Stated Termination Date.  Unless a
Letter of Credit  shall  have  expired  in accordance  with its terms on the
Cancellation  Date,  at  least  75  but  not  more than 120 days before each
anniversary of the Date of Issuance of  such Letter of Credit, commencing on
the  anniversary  thereof  in  1996,  the  Company  may,  by  notice  to the
Administrative Agent,  request the Banks in writing (each such request being
irrevocable)  to extend  for  one  year the Stated Termination Date  of such
Letter of Credit. If the Company shall make such request, the Administrative
Agent  shall,  no  later  than  30  days  following  the  date  on which the
Administrative Agent shall have received such request, notify the Company in
writing (with a copy  of such  notice to the Trustee) whether  or not all of
the Banks  consent  to such request  and, if all of the Banks do so consent,
the  conditions  of such  consent  (including conditions  relating to  legal
documentation). If the Administrative Agent shall not so notify the Company,
the  Banks  shall  be deemed  not  to have  consented  to such  request.  In
connection with such extension,  the Banks may at their option do or require
any of the following: (a) issue an amendment to such Letter of Credit to the
Trustee reflecting the extension of the scheduled expiration date, (b) cause
the Company to cause the Trustee  to return the Letter  of Credit  to the LC
Bank and thereafter (i) the LC Bank shall  return the Letter of Credit after
amendment thereof to reflect  the extension of the scheduled expiration date
or  (ii)  cancel  the  Letter  of  Credit  and  issue  to  the  Trustee,  in
substitution therefor, a substitute irrevocable letter of credit in the form
of  Exhibit  A hereto,  dated  the date  of such surrender,  reflecting  the
extension  of the  scheduled  expiration  date  but otherwise  having  terms
substantially identical to the Letter of Credit being so extended.
          SECTION 2.12.  Evidence of Debt.  Each  Bank  shall  maintain,  in
accordance with its usual  practice,  an account or accounts  evidencing the
indebtedness of the Company resulting  from  each  drawing under a Letter of
Credit  and from  each  Advance  made  from time  to time  hereunder and its
respective  Share  of the  Reimbursement  Obligations  and  the  amounts  of
principal and interest payable and paid from time to time hereunder . In any
dispute,  legal  action  or proceeding  in respect  of this  Agreement,  the
entries  made  in such account or accounts shall, in the absence of manifest
error,  be  conclusive   evidence  of  the  existence  and  amounts  of  the
obligations of the Company therein recorded.
          SECTION 2.13.  Obligations Absolute.  The  payment  obligations of
the Company under this Agreement shall be unconditional and irrevocable, and
shall be paid strictly

in accordance  with  the terms  of this  Agreement  under all circumstances,
including, without limitation, the following circumstances:
          (i)  any  lack  of  validity  or  enforceability  of  any  of  the
     Letters of Credit, the Bonds, the Indentures, the Financing Agreements,
     the Custodian Agreement, the Fee  Letter or any Bond Purchase Agreement
     (collectively,  the  "Related  Documents")  or any  other  agreement or
     instrument relating thereto;
          (ii)  any amendment  or waiver of or any consent  to or  departure
     from all or any of the Related Documents;
          (iii)  the existence of any claim, set-off, defense or other right
     which the Company may have at any time against the Trustee or any other
     beneficiary, or any transferee,  of a Letter  of Credit  (or any Person
     for whom the Trustee, any  such beneficiary  or any such transferee may
     be acting), the  Banks, or any other Person, whether in connection with
     this Agreement, the transactions contemplated herein or in the  Related
     Documents, or any unrelated transaction;
          (iv)  any  statement  or  any  other  document  presented  under a
     Letter  of  Credit  proving   to  be  forged,  fraudulent,  invalid  or
     insufficient  in any respect  or any statement  therein being untrue or
     inaccurate in any respect;
          (v)  payment  by  the LC Bank  under  a Letter  of Credit  against
     presentation of a draft or certificate which does  not comply  with the
     terms of such Letter of Credit; or
          (vi)  any other  circumstance or happening whatsoever,  whether or
     not similar to any of the foregoing.
          SECTION 2.14.  Taxes.  All payments made by the Company  hereunder
will be made  without  setoff,  counterclaim  or  other  defense.  All  such
payments  will  be  made  free  and  clear  of,  and  without  deduction  or
withholding for, any present or future taxes, levies, imposts, duties, fees,
assessments or other  charges of whatever nature now or hereafter imposed by
any jurisdiction or by any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof
or therein (but excluding, except  as provided below, any tax imposed  on or
measured by the net income of any of the Banks  pursuant  to the laws of the
jurisdiction (or any political  subdivision  or taxing  authority thereof or
therein)  in  which  the  principal  office  or lending  office of a Bank is
located ) and all interest,  penalties  or similar liabilities  with respect
thereto (collectively, "Taxes").  If the Company shall be required by law to
deduct any Taxes from or in respect  of any sum payable  hereunder  or under
the Fee Letter, (i) the sum payable shall be increased  as necessary so that
after making all required  deductions  (including  deductions applicable  to
additional sums  payable  under  this  Section 2.14)  each Bank  receives an
amount equal to the sum it would have received had no such  deductions  been
made, (ii) the Company shall make all such required deductions and shall pay
the full amount deducted to the relevant taxing authority in accordance with
applicable law and (iii) the Company  will  furnish  to the Banks  within 45
days after the date  the payment of any Taxes is due certified copies of tax
receipts evidencing such payment by the Company.  The Company will indemnify
and hold harmless each Bank, and reimburse any Bank upon written

request of the Administrative Agent on behalf of such Bank the amount of any
Taxes so levied or imposed and paid  by any Bank.  Each Bank represents  and
warrants to the Company that either (1) it is entitled to the benefits of an
income  tax treaty  with the United States  which provides  for an exemption
from United States withholding tax on interest and other payments to be made
by the Company to the Banks pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement; or (2)
all interest  and  other  payments  to be made  by the Company  to such Bank
pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement will be effectively  connected with
the conduct  by the Bank of a trade  or business  within  the  United States
(within  the meaning  of Section 882  of the Code).  Prior  to the  Date  of
Issuance and thereafter upon the request of the Company, each Bank agrees to
furnish  to the Company  two copies  of either U.S. Internal Revenue Service
Form 4224  or U.S. Internal  Revenue  Service  Form 1001  (wherein  the Bank
claims entitlement to complete  exemption  from U.S. federal withholding tax
on all interest and other payments hereunder).  In the event a Bank fails to
provide an accurate Form 4224 or Form 1001 as required by this paragraph and
which it is legally entitled to provide,  the Company  shall not be required
to pay any additional amounts  with respect  to U.S. Federal income taxes to
such Bank pursuant  to this paragraph.  Notwithstanding any other provisions
of this Agreement and except in the event of a change in applicable law, the
representations, warranties and obligations of the Bank set  forth  in  this
paragraph in respect of any interest  in this  Agreement  or the  Letters of
Credit  shall  survive   until  the  assignment,   sale,  payment  or  other
disposition of such interest or the Letters of Credit.
          SECTION 2.15.  Additional Interest.  The Company shall  pay to the
Administrative Agent on behalf of any Bank during each Interest Period for a
Eurodollar  Rate  Advance,  so long  as such  Bank  shall  be required under
regulations  of the  Board of Governors  of the Federal  Reserve  System  to
maintain reserves with  respect  to liabilities  or assets  consisting of or
including  Eurocurrency  Liabilities, additional interest on each Eurodollar
Rate Advance, from the first day of such Interest Period until paid  in full
or the last day of such Interest Period, at an interest rate per annum equal
at all times to the difference  obtained  by subtracting  (i) the Eurodollar
Rate  in effect  for such  Interest Period  from  (ii)  the rate obtained by
dividing  such  Eurodollar  Rate  by a percentage  equal  to 100% minus  the
Eurodollar Rate Reserve Percentage for such Interest Period, payable on each
date on which  interest  is payable  on such  Eurodollar Rate Advance.  Such
additional  interest  shall  be determined  by the Bank and notified  to the
Administrative Agent,  which shall  forward  such notice  to the Company and
such determination shall be binding and conclusive, absent manifest error.
          SECTION 2.16.  Funding Indemnity.  The Company agrees to indemnify
and hold harmless each Bank from any loss or expense which it may sustain or
incur as a result of:
                 (i)  the  failure  by the  Company  to borrow  or prepay an
     Advance bearing interest at the Eurodollar Rate  after giving notice of
     its intention to do so pursuant to Section 2.06;
                 (ii)  the failure by the Company to pay the principal of or
     interest  on any Eurodollar  Rate  Advance  when due (whether at stated
     maturity, upon acceleration or otherwise); or

                 (iii)  the  conversion,  prepayment  or  repayment  of  any
     Eurodollar  Rate  Advance on a date that results in breakage or similar
     costs to the Bank;

including but not limited to any such loss or expense arising from interest,
fees or other amounts payable by the Bank to lenders of funds obtained by it
in order to make and maintain the Advances thereunder. A certificate setting
forth such loss or expense submitted by the Bank to the Administrative Agent
and the Company shall be conclusive and binding as to the amount  owed  such
          SECTION 2.17.  Illegality, etc.  If the  adoption  of any  Law, or
any change  therein, or any change  in the interpretation  or administration
thereof  by any Governmental  Agency,  or compliance  by any Bank  with  any
request  or directive  (whether or not having the force of law)  of any such
Governmental  Agency,  shall  make it, in the sole  opinion  of the Required
Banks,  unlawful  for the  Required  Banks  to obtain  funds  in the  London
interbank  Eurodollar  market  to make,  maintain  or fund  Eurodollar  Rate
Advances, or if, as a result  of a contingency  occurring after  the date of
this Agreement which materially and adversely  affects the London  interbank
Eurodollar market it shall become impracticable, in the sole judgment of the
Required  Banks,  for the Required  Banks  to obtain  funds  in  the  London
interbank  Eurodollar  market  to make,  maintain  or fund  Eurodollar  Rate
Advances or otherwise to perform its obligations hereunder with  respect  to
any Eurodollar Rate Advance, the Required Banks shall immediately notify the
Administrative  Agent  and the Administrative  Agent  shall  immediately  so
notify the Company, but the failure of the Administrative Agent to give such
notice shall  not affect  the terms  of this  Section 2.17.  Upon receipt of
such notice, (i) the right  of the Company  to select  for any  Advance  the
Eurodollar Rate shall forthwith  be canceled, such cancellation  to continue
unless and until the Administrative  Agent  shall notify the Company that it
has determined that it is no longer unlawful  or impracticable for the Banks
to make,  maintain or fund Eurodollar Rate Advances  and (ii) outstanding or
requested Eurodollar Rate Advances shall be converted  automatically into or
made  as, Base  Rate  Advances.  The  Company  hereby  agrees  to pay to the
Administrative  Agent  on behalf  of any Bank upon demand  of such Bank, any
additional amounts necessary  to compensate  such Bank for any loss, cost or
expense incurred by the Bank in connection  with any Eurodollar Rate Advance
as a result of any such illegality.  A certificate setting forth such  cost,
loss or expense submitted  by the Bank to the  Administrative  Agent and the
Company shall constitute such demand and shall be conclusive and binding.
          SECTION 2.18.  Reinstatement of Letter of Credit.  The consent  of
the Banks shall not be required with respect to the automatic  reinstatement
of the  Interest Component of a Letter of Credit  resulting  from  a drawing
under  the  Letter  of Credit  to pay  interest  on the Bonds  (an "Interest
Drawing"), except as provided  in this Section 2.18.  If the Company has not
reimbursed the  Banks in full for such Interest Payment by making payment to
the Administrative  Agent  within  five  Business  Days  after  an  Interest
Drawing,  the Administrative  Agent  shall notify  the Banks to such effect.
Unless  an Event  of Default  shall  have been declared  pursuant to Section
6.02, on the fifteenth calendar day after  such Interest Drawing, or if such
day will not be a Business Day, on the immediately  preceding  Business Day,
the LC Bank shall  deliver to the Trustee a written notice  stating that the
Banks  have  not been  reimbursed  for such  drawing  and that  the Interest
Component will not be reinstated, unless either (A) the Administrative Agent

received the necessary reimbursement payment by such fifteenth calendar  day
(or preceding Business Day, as the case may be) or (B) all of the Banks have
in their  respective  sole  discretion  agreed that such notice shall not be
sent  and  that  the  Interest  Component  shall  consequently be allowed to
automatically reinstate.
                           ARTICLE III
                      CONDITIONS PRECEDENT
         SECTION 3.01.  Condition  Precedent  to Issuance of the Letters  of
Credit.  The obligation of the LC Bank  to issue  the Letters  of Credit  is
- ------
subject  to the  conditions  precedent  that  the Administrative  Agent  (in
sufficient  copies  for each Bank) shall  have received  the following on or
before the Date of the Issuance, each dated such date, in form and substance
satisfactory to the Banks:
          (a)  A copy  of the  Custodian  Agreement,  duly  executed  by the
Company and the Trustee.
          (b)  A copy of each Indenture, in each case duly  executed  by the
Issuer and the Trustee.
          (c)  A copy  of  each  Financing  Agreement,  in  each  case  duly
executed by the Issuer and the Company.
          (d)  A copy  of  each  Bond  Purchase  Agreement  and  Remarketing
Agreement, in each case duly executed by all parties thereto.
          (e)  Certified copies of the resolutions of the Board of Directors
of the Company  approving  this  Agreement,  the Letters  of Credit  and the
Custodian Agreement and the transactions  contemplated  hereby  and thereby,
and of all other documents evidencing any other necessary corporate action.
          (f)  An original (or a duplicate copy certified by the Company  in
a manner satisfactory to the Administrative Agent  to be a true copy) of the
application filed by the Company for the PSC Order  and of each governmental
action and regulatory approval (including, without limitation, the PSC Order
and approvals or orders of the Issuer and the PSC) necessary for the Company
to enter  into  this  Agreement,  the Letters of Credit  and  the  Custodian
Agreement and for the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.
          (g)  A certificate of the Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary  of
the Company certifying the names and true signatures  of the officers of the
Company  authorized  to sign  this  Agreement and the other  documents to be
delivered by it hereunder.
          (h)  A letter from Chapman and Cutler, Bond Counsel,  addressed to
the Banks and stating therein  that the Banks may  rely on the  opinions  of
such firm delivered in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.


          (i)  A letter  from Best, Best & Krieger, Special  Counsel  to the
Company, addressed to the Administrative Agent and  to each of the Banks and
stating  therein  that  the  Banks  may  rely  on the opinion  of such  firm
delivered pursuant to Section 6(a)(i) of each Bond Purchase Agreement.
          (j)  A letter from Richard L. Hinckley, Esq., General  Counsel  to
the Company, addressed to the Administrative Agent and  to each of the Banks
and  stating  therein  that  the Banks  may  rely  on his opinion  delivered
pursuant to Section 6(a)(i) of each Bond Purchase Agreement.
          (k)  An opinion of Richard L. Hinckley, Esq., General  Counsel  to
the Company, in substantially  the form of Exhibit C  hereto  and as to such
other matters as the Banks may reasonably request.
          (l)  An opinion  of Best, Best & Krieger, Special  Counsel  to the
Company, in substantially the form of Exhibit D  hereto and as to such other
matters as the Banks may reasonably request.
          (m)  Receipt by the Administrative Agent  from the Company  of (i)
an executed  copy  of the Fee Letter  and the fees  provided  for in the Fee
Letter  which by its terms  are due and payable  on or prior  to the Date of
Issuance, (ii) the letter of credit fee payable for the period from the Date
of Issuance to December 31, 1995 and (iii) receipt by counsel  to the Letter
of Credit Bank of their fees and expenses incurred to date on behalf  of the
Administrative  Agent  and Letter  of Credit  Bank  in connection  with  the
negotiation  and  drafting  of this  Agreement  and  the  Related Documents;
provided  that  the fees  of Hughes Hubbard & Reed, New York counsel  to the
Administrative Agent, will not exceed $17,500, plus disbursements.
          (n)  Receipt by the Administrative Agent of a letter  from Moody's
or S&P assigning the  rating of the LC Bank to the Bonds.
          SECTION 3.02.  Additional Conditions Precedent to  Issuance of the
Letters of Credit.  The obligation of the LC Bank  to issue  the Letters  of
- -----------------
Credit shall be subject to the further conditions precedent that on the Date
of Issuance:
          (a)  The following statements shall be true and the Administrative
Agent   shall  have  received   a  certificate   signed   by  an  Authorized
Representative of the Company, dated the Date of Issuance, stating that:
                 (i)  The  representations  and  warranties   contained   in
          Section 4.01 of this Agreement are true  and correct  on and as of
          the Date of Issuance as though made on and as of such date;
                (ii)  No event  has occurred  and  is continuing,  or  would
          result  from  the  issuance  of  the  Letters  of  Credit,   which
          constitutes  an Event  of Default  or would constitute an Event of
          Default  but for the  requirement  that  notice  be given  or time
          elapse, or both; and


               (iii)  No material adverse change in the financial condition,
          business,  prospects  or operations  of  the  Company  shall  have
          occurred since June 30, 1995;
          (b)  All legal matters incident to this Agreement and  the Related
Documents shall be reasonably satisfactory to counsel for the Administrative
          (c)  There shall have been no introduction  of or change  in or in
the  interpretation  of any  Law  that  would  make  it unlawful  or  unduly
burdensome for the LC Bank to issue the  Letters of Credit,  no outbreak  or
escalation of hostilities or other  calamity or crisis,  no suspension of or
material limitation  on trading  on the New York Stock Exchange or any other
national securities exchange, no declaration of a general banking moratorium
by United States,  New York  or United Kingdom banking  authorities,  and no
establishment of any new restrictions  on transactions  in securities  or on
banks materially affecting the free  market  for securities or the extension
of credit by banks; and
          (d)  The Banks shall have received such other  approvals, opinions
or documents as the Banks may reasonably request.
          SECTION 3.03. Conditions Precedent to Each Advance. The obligation
of the  Banks  to make  each  Advance  shall  be subject  to the  conditions
precedent that, on the date of such Advance,  the following statements shall
be true:
          (a)  The representations and warranties contained  in Section 4.01
of this Agreement are true and correct on and as of the date of such Advance
as though made on and as of such date; and
          (b)  No event has occurred and is continuing, or would result from
such Advance, which constitutes an Event of Default  or would  constitute an
Event  of Default  but for the requirement  that  notice  be given  or  time
elapse, or both.
    Unless  the Company  shall  have  previously  advised the Administrative
Agent in writing that one or more of the statements contained in clauses (a)
and (b) above is not true or will not be true  on the date  of such Advance,
the Company shall  be deemed to have represented and warranted, on and as of
the date of such Advance, that the above statements are true.
                           ARTICLE IV
          SECTION 4.01.  Representations and Warranties of the Company.  The
Company hereby represents and warrants, as follows:
          (a)  The  Company  is a  corporation  duly  incorporated,  validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the State  of Nevada  and is
duly  qualified  to do business  as a foreign  corporation  and  is  in good
standing under the laws of each state in which the ownership

of its Property and the conduct of its  business  makes  such  qualification
necessary.  The Company  has all requisite  power and  authority  to conduct
its business  as presently conducted and to own its Property.
          (b)  The execution,  delivery  and performance  by the Company  of
this Agreement and the Related Documents to which  it is or is to be a party
are within the Company's corporate powers,  have been duly authorized by all
necessary corporate action and do not contravene  (i) the Company's  charter
or by-laws or (ii)  any Law, order, writ,  judgment  or similar  restriction
(including, without limitation, any order, rule or regulation of the PSC) or
any contractual restriction binding on or affecting  the Company, and do not
result  in or require  the creation  of any  Lien  (except as may be created
under the Related Documents) upon or with respect to any of its Property.
          (c)  No  authorization  or approval  or other  action  by,  and no
notice to or filing  with, any Governmental Agency  is required  for the due
execution, delivery and performance by the Company of this  Agreement or any
Related Document to which the Company is or is to be a party, except for the
PSC Order, which,  on the  Date of the Issuance,  has been duly obtained, is
final and in full force and  effect and has not been, is not and will not be
the subject of appeal or reconsideration or other review.
          (d)  This  Agreement  is, and the Related  Documents  to which the
Company is a party are, legal, valid and binding  obligations of the Company
enforceable against the Company in accordance  with their respective  terms.
Each  of the Related  Documents to which  the Company is a party  is in full
force and effect and no party to such agreements has contested or challenged
the validity or enforceability thereof or refused to perform its obligations
          (e)  The Bonds have been duly authorized, authenticated and issued
and delivered,  and are the legal,  valid  and binding  obligations  of  the
Issuer.  All payments of principal and interest on the Prior Bonds have been
made on the due dates thereof and no Prior Bonds are in default.
          (f)  The  balance  sheet  (including  the  notes  thereto)  of the
Company as at December 31, 1994  and the related  statements  of income  and
retained earnings of the Company for the fiscal year  then ended,  certified
by Deloitte & Touche independent public  accountants,  in each  case  as set
forth  in the  annual  report  of the  Company  contained  in the  Company's
December 31, 1994  Report  on  Form 10-K  as filed  with the Securities  and
Exchange Commission, a copy of which has been furnished to each Bank, fairly
present  the financial  condition  of the Company  as at such  date  and the
results of the operations of the Company for the period  ended on such date,
all in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently
applied,  and since  December 31, 1994, there has been  no material  adverse
change  in  the  Company's  financial   condition,  results  of  operations,
business, properties, operations or prospects.
          (g)  Except as disclosed in the Company's December 31, 1994 Report
on Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and  Exchange Commission, there is
no pending or threatened action or proceeding  affecting the Company  or any
of its Subsidiariesbefore any 

court, governmental agency or arbitrator, which is likely to have a Material
Adverse Effect on the financial  condition, results of operations, business,
properties,  operations  or prospects  of the Company  and its Subsidiaries,
taken as a whole, and there has occurred no material adverse developments in
any such action or proceeding so disclosed.
          (h)  No proceeds of any drawing under any Letter of Credit will be
used to acquire any security in any transaction  which is subject to Section
13 or 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
          (i)  The  Company  is not  engaged  in the  business  of extending
credit  for  the  purpose  of buying  or carrying  margin stock  (within the
meaning  of Regulation U issued  by the Board  of  Governors  of the Federal
Reserve System), and no proceeds of any drawing  under any  Letter of Credit
will be used to buy or carry  any margin stock or to extend credit to others
for the purpose of buying or carrying any margin stock.
          (j)  No Termination Event has occurred nor is reasonably  expected
to occur with respect to any Plan.
          (k)  Schedule B (Actuarial Information) to the 1994 annual  report
(Form 5500 Series) of the Company with respect to each Plan, copies of which
have  been  filed  with  the Internal Revenue Service  and furnished  to the
Banks, is complete and accurate  and fairly  presents  the funding status of
such Plan, and since the date  of such Schedule B there has been no material
adverse change in such funding status.
          (l)  Neither  the Company nor any of its Affiliates  has incurred,
or reasonably expects to incur, any withdrawal  liability under ERISA to any
Multiemployer Plan.
          (m)  Neither the Company nor any of its Affiliates has incurred or
reasonably expects to incur material liability  under  Title IV of ERISA  or
pursuant  to  Section  406, 409, 502(i), 502(l) or 515 of  ERISA  or Section
401(a)(29), 4971 or 4975 of the Code.
          (n)  The Company  and each  Subsidiary  have filed all tax returns
(Federal, state and local) required  to be filed  and paid  all taxes  shown
thereon to be due, including interest and penalties,  other than  such taxes
that  the Company  or its Subsidiary  is contesting  in good  faith  and  by
appropriate legal  proceedings and for which adequate reserves have been set
aside  on the books  of the Company  or such  Subsidiary  in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles.
          (o)  Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries is a party to
any indenture, loan or credit agreement or any lease  or other agreement  or
instrument which would have a Material Adverse Effect on the ability  of the
Company  to perform  its obligations  under  this  Agreement  or any  of the
Related Documents to which it is, or is to be, a party.
          (p)  Except for information  describing  the LC Bank  contained in
the Preliminary  Official  Statement,  the Official  Statement  or any other
offering document relating to the Bonds,  as to which  no representation  is
made, such Official Statement, such Preliminary Official

Statement  and such  other  offering  document  was, and any  supplement  or
amendment  thereof  shall  be, accurate  in all  material  respects  for the
purposes for which its use was  or shall  be authorized;  and such  Official
Statement, Preliminary  Official  Statement and such other offering document
as of its date did  not, and any  such supplement  or amendment  shall  not,
contain  any  untrue  statement  of a material  fact  or omit  to state  any
material  fact  necessary  to make the statements  therein,  in light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
          (q)  Environmental Compliance.  Except  as set  forth  in Schedule
4.01(q) hereto:
                  (1)   the operations  of the Company  and  of each  of its
               Subsidiaries (including, without  limitation,  all operations
               and conditions at or in the facilities  currently used by the
               Company and its Subsidiaries) comply in all material respects
               with all Environmental Laws;
                  (2)   neither the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries has
               received (A) any notice or claim  to the effect that it is or
               may be liable  to any person  as a result  of the Release  or
               threatened  Release  of any Hazardous  Material  or  (B)  any
               letter or request  for information  under  Section 104 of the
               Comprehensive   Environmental   Response,   Compensation, and
               Liability Act (42 U.S.C. Subsection 9604) or comparable state
               laws, and to the best of the Company's knowledge, none of the
               operations  of the Company  or any of its Subsidiaries is the
               subject  of any  federal  or state  investigation  evaluating
               whether any remedial action is needed to respond to a Release
               or  threatened  Release  of any  Hazardous  Material  at  any
               facility or at any other location;
                  (3)   the Company and each of its Subsidiaries  and all of
               their respective facilities or  operations are not subject to
               any  outstanding   written   order  or  agreement   with  any
               governmental  authority  or private  party respecting (A) any
               Environmental Law or (B) any Environmental Claim;
                  (4)   neither the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries has
               any contingent obligation in  connection  with any Release of
               any  Hazardous   Material  by  the  Company  or  any  of  its
                  (5)   except in the ordinary course of its business and in
               compliance with all Environmental  Laws, neither  the Company
               nor any  of its  Subsidiaries  nor  any  predecessor  of  the
               Company or any of its Subsidiaries has filed any notice under
               any Environmental Law indicating past or present treatment or
               disposal of any Hazardous Material  at any facility, and none
               of the  Company's  or any  of  its  Subsidiaries'  operations
               involves the  generation, transportation, treatment,  storage
               or disposal of hazardous waste,  as defined  under  40 C.F.R.
               Parts 260-270  or  any  state  equivalent  or  of  any  other
               Hazardous Material;


                  (6)   no Hazardous Material exists on, under or around any
               facility in a manner that could give rise to an Environmental
               Claim resulting in a material adverse effect on the financial
               condition  or  operations  of  the  Company,  and neither the
               Company nor any of its Subsidiaries has filed any  notice  or
               report of a Release  of any Hazardous  Materials  that  could
               give rise to an Environmental  Claim resulting  in a Material
               Adverse Effect on the financial  condition  or operations  of
               the Company;
                  (7)   neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries (nor
               any  of their  respective  predecessors)  has disposed of any
               Hazardous  Material  in  a manner  that  may  give rise to an
               Environmental Claim resulting in a Material Adverse Effect on
               the financial condition or operations of the Company; and
                  (8)   neither  the  Company  nor  any  of its Subsidiaries
               maintains   any   underground   storage   tanks   or  surface
               impoundments   in  a  manner  that  may   give  rise  to   an
               Environmental Claim resulting in a Material Adverse Effect on
               the financial condition or operations of the Company.
          (r)  The representations and warranties contained in Article IV of
the Principal Facility are true and correct in all material  respects  as if
made on the date hereof.
                          ARTICLE V
                    COVENANTS OF THE COMPANY
          SECTION 5.01.  Affirmative Covenants. So long as(i) the Commitment
Termination Date has not yet occurred, (ii) any drawing is available under a
Letter of Credit, or (iii) the Company  shall have any obligation to pay any
amount to the Banks  hereunder, the Company will,  unless the Required Banks
shall otherwise consent in writing:
          (a)  Compliance with Laws, Etc.  Comply,  and  cause  each  of its
Subsidiaries to comply, in all material respects, with all applicable  Laws,
such  compliance  to include,  without  limitation,  paying  before the same
become delinquent all taxes, assessments  and governmental  charges  imposed
upon  it or upon  its Property,  except  to the extent  that  any  such non-
compliance  would  not, individually  or in the aggregate,  have  a Material
Adverse   Effect  on  the  financial   condition,  results   of  operations,
operations,  business or credit of the Company or its ability to perform its
obligations hereunder or under any Related Document to which it  is or is to
be a party.
          (b)  Visitation Rights.  At any reasonable  time and from time  to
time,  permit  the Administrative  Agent  or the LC Bank  or any  agents  or
representatives thereof to examine and make copies of and abstracts from the
records and books of account of, and visit  the Property of, the Company and
any of its Subsidiaries,  and to discuss the affairs, finances  and accounts
of the

Company and any  of its Subsidiaries, with any of their  respective officers
or directors or with the independent auditors of the Company.
          (c)  [Intentionally Omitted]
          (d)  [Intentionally Omitted]
          (e)  Reporting Requirements. Furnish  to the Administrative  Agent
(with sufficient copies for each Bank) the following:
                 (i)  as soon  as  possible  and in any  event  within  five
          Business Days after  the occurrence  of each Event  of Default and
          each  event  which,  with the giving of notice,  lapse of time, or
          both, would constitute any such Event of Default, the statement of
          an Authorized  Representative of the Company setting forth details
          of such Event of Default or event and the action which the Company
          has taken and proposes to take with respect thereto;
                (ii)  as soon as available  and in any event  within 45 days
          after the close of each of the first three Fiscal Quarters in each
          Fiscal Year of the Company:
                      (A) an unaudited  balance  sheet of the Company  as at
               the end of such quarter and statements of income and retained
               earnings of the  Company for the period commencing at the end
               of the previous Fiscal Year and ending  with the end  of such
               quarter, fairly  presenting  the financial  condition  of the
               Company as at such date and the  results of operations of the
               Company for such  period  and setting  forth  in each case in
               comparative   form   the   corresponding   figures   for  the
               corresponding  period  of the preceding  fiscal  year, all in
               reasonable  detail  and duly  certified  (subject to year-end
               audit  adjustments)  by the  chief financial officer  (or the
               designee  of such  officer)  of  the Company  as having  been
               prepared  in accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting
               principles  consistently  applied  (it being  understood  and
               agreed that the delivery by the Company to the Administrative
               Agent within  such 45-day period  of the Company's  Quarterly
               Report  on Form 10-Q  for such  quarter,  as filed  with  the
               Securities and Exchange Commission,  containing  such balance
               sheet  and  statements   shall  be  deemed   to  satisfy  the
               requirements of this subparagraph (A)); and
                      (B)a certificate  of the chief financial  officer  (or
               the designee of such officer) of the  Company  setting  forth
               the calculation of the ratios contemplated by this Agreement,
               as  of  the  date  of the  most  recent  financial statements
               accompanying   such  certificate,   to  show   the  Company's
               compliance  with  or the  status  of the financial covenants,
               agreements, representations  and warranties contained herein,
               and a certificate  of such officer (or such designee) stating
               whether he or she has any knowledge of

               the  occurrence  at  any  time  prior  to  the  date  of such
               certificate of any Event of Default  not previously  reported
               pursuant   to  the  provisions   of  paragraph  (i)  of  this
               subsection  (e),  or of the occurrence  at any time  prior to
               such date of any event,  except  events  previously  reported
               pursuant   to  the  provisions   of  paragraph  (i)  of  this
               subsection (e)  and remedied,  which, with notice or lapse of
               time, or both, would  constitute an Event of Default  and, if
               so, setting  forth  the details  of such Event of Default  or
               event and the action which the Company has taken and proposes
               to take with respect thereto;
               (iii)  (A)  as soon as available and in any event  within  90
          days after the end of each Fiscal Year of the  Company, a copy  of
          the  annual  report  for  such  year  for the Company,  containing
          financial  statements   for  such  year  certified   in  a  manner
          acceptable  to the Required  Banks  by Deloitte & Touche  or other
          independent public  accountants  acceptable  to the Required Banks
          (it being  understood and agreed that the delivery  by the Company
          to  the  Administrative Agent  within  such  90-day period  of the
          Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for such  year, as filed with
          the Securities and Exchange  Commission, containing such financial
          statements  shall  be deemed  to satisfy  the requirements of this
          subparagraph  (A)),  and  (B) a certificate of the chief financial
          officer (or the designee of such officer) of the  Company  setting
          forth  the  calculation   of  the  ratios   contemplated  by  this
          Agreement, as of the date of the  most recent financial statements
          accompanying such  certificate,  to show the Company's  compliance
          with  or  the  status  of  the  financial  covenants,  agreements,
          representations and warranties contained herein, and a certificate
          of such officer (or such designee) stating  whether  he or she has
          any knowledge of the occurrence  at any time prior  to the date of
          such certificate of any Event of Default  not previously  reported
          pursuant to the provisions  of paragraph  (i)  of this  subsection
          (e), or of the occurrence at any time prior  to such  date  of any
          such event, except  events  previously  reported  pursuant  to the
          provisions  of paragraph (i)  of this subsection (e) and remedied,
          which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would  constitute an
          Event of Default  and, if so, setting  forth  the details  of such
          Event of Default  or event  and the action  which  the Company has
          taken and proposes to take with respect thereto;
               (iv)  promptly  after  the sending or filing  thereof, copies
          of all reports which the Company or any  Subsidiary files with the
          Securities  and Exchange  Commission  or any  national  securities
               (v)  as soon  as possible  and  in  any event  (i)  within 30
          days  after  the Company or any Affiliate  knows  or has reason to
          know that any Termination Event  described  in clause  (i)  of the
          definition  of Termination Event  with  respect  to any  Plan  has
          occurred  and  (ii)  within  ten  days  after  the Company  or any
          Affiliate knows or has reason to know  that any other  Termination
          Event with respect to any Plan has  occurred,  a statement  of the
          chief financial officer  (or the

          designee  of  such  officer)  of  the  Company   describing   such
          Termination Event and  the action,  if any,  which  the Company or
          such Affiliate proposes to take with respect thereto;
               (vi)  promptly  and  in any event  within  two  Business Days
          after  receipt  thereof by the Company or any Affiliate  from  the
          PBGC, copies of each notice  received  by the Company  or any such
          Affiliate  concerning  the PBGC's possible  intention to terminate
          any Plan or to have a trustee appointed to administer any Plan;
               (vii)  promptly  and in any event  within ten  Business  Days
          after the filing thereof with the Internal Revenue Service, copies
          of each  Schedule B  (Actuarial Information)  to the annual report
          (Form 5500 Series)  with respect  to each Plan  which is a pension
          plan (other than a Multiemployer Plan)  maintained  or contributed
          to for employees of the Company or any  Affiliate, which  provides
          payments at, or defers receipt of payment until, retirement and is
          subject to Title IV of ERISA;
               (viii)  promptly  and  in any event  within ten Business Days
          after  receipt  thereof  by the Company  or any Affiliate  from  a
          Multiemployer Plan sponsor, a copy  of each notice received by the
          Company  or  any  Affiliate  concerning  (A)  the  imposition   of
          withdrawal liability  by a Multiemployer Plan  pursuant to Section
          4202 of ERISA, (B) the determination that a Multiemployer Plan is,
          or is expected  to be, in reorganization  within  the  meaning  of
          Title IV of ERISA,  (C)  the termination  of a  Multiemployer Plan
          within  the  meaning  of Title IV of ERISA,  or (D) the amount  of
          liability incurred, or  expected to be incurred, by the Company or
          any Affiliate in connection  with any event  described  in  clause
          (A), (B) or (C), above;
               (ix)  promptly  and  in  any event  within  two Business Days
          after  the Company  or any Affiliate  knows or has reason  to know
          that it has incurred or could  reasonably expect to incur material
          liability under Title IV of ERISA or pursuant to Section 406, 409,
          502(i), 502(1) or 515 of ERISA or Section 401(a)(29), 4971 or 4975
          of the Code; and
                 (x)  such  other  information  respecting  the condition or
          operations, financial or otherwise, of the  Company  or any of its
          Subsidiaries as the  Administrative Agent  or the LC Bank may from
          time to time reasonably request.
          (f)  Maintenance of Insurance.  Maintain,  and cause  each  of its
Subsidiaries to maintain, insurance  (subject to customary  deductibles  and
retentions)   with  responsible   and  reputable   insurance  companies   or
associations in such amounts and covering  such risks as is usually  carried
by companies engaged in similar businesses and owning  similar properties in
the same general areas in which the Company or such Subsidiary operates and,
upon  the written  request  of the Administrative Agent  at the request of a
Bank,  (1)  deliver  to the Administrative Agent  on behalf  of such  Bank a
certificate of an Authorized Representative  of the Company

specifying  the  details  of  such  insurance  in effect  or  (2)  cause its
insurance  agent  to  deliver  to the  Administrative  Agent  a  certificate
specifying the details of such insurance in effect.
          (g)  Preservation of Corporate Existence,  Etc.   Except   to  the
extent not prohibited by Section 5.02(c), preserve and maintain,  and  cause
each of its Subsidiaries to preserve and  maintain, its corporate existence,
rights (charter and statutory),  franchises  and, to the extent  required in
connection with its operations, foreign qualifications.
          (h)  Keeping of Books.  Keep, and cause  each of its  Subsidiaries
to keep,  proper  books of record  and account,  in which  full  and correct
entries  shall  be made  of all financial  transactions  and the assets  and
business  of the Company  and each  of its Subsidiaries  in accordance  with
generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied.
          (i)  Maintenance of Properties, Etc.  Maintain  and preserve,  and
cause each of its Subsidiaries to maintain and preserve, all of its Property
which is used or useful in the conduct of its business in good working order
and condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted.
          (j)  Performance and Compliance with Other Covenants.  Perform and
comply  with each  of the covenants  to be performed  by the Company, as set
forth  in Articles  II, III, IV, V, VI and VII of each Financing  Agreement,
without   giving  effect  to  any  subsequent  amendment,  modification   or
termination   thereof  after   the  date  hereof,  unless  such   amendment,
modification, or termination was consented to by the Required Banks.
          (k)  Accounting Method.  Continue to account for its  Subsidiaries
according to the equity method of accounting.
          SECTION 5.02.  Negative Covenants.  So long as (i) the  Commitment
Termination Date has not yet occurred, (ii) any drawing is available under a
Letter of Credit, or (iii) the  Company shall have any obligation to pay any
amount to the Banks hereunder, the Company will not, and will not permit any
of its Subsidiaries to, without the written consent of the Required Banks:
          (a)  [Intentionally Omitted]
          (b)  Sales, Etc. of Assets.  Sell,  lease,  transfer  or otherwise
dispose  of, directly  or indirectly,  whether  in one  transaction  or in a
series  of transactions,  all or any substantial  part of the assets  of the
Company  or any of its Subsidiaries,  including,  without limitation, all or
substantially  all assets constituting the business of a division, branch or
other unit operation, except in the ordinary course of business as presently
conducted or in a transaction not prohibited by subsection (c) below.
          (c)  Mergers, Etc.  Merge or consolidate with or into,  or acquire
all of the assets of, any other Person, except that  (i) any Subsidiary  may
merge  or consolidate  with  or into,  or acquire  assets  from,  any  other
Subsidiary, (ii) any Subsidiary  may merge  into  the Company  and (iii) the
Company may merge with  or into, and any Subsidiary may merge or consolidate
with or into, any other  Person;  provided,  however,  that  (A) in the case
of any such merger, consolidation

or acquisition, both immediately  before and after giving effect thereto, no
Event of Default or event  which, with the passage  of time or the giving of
notice,  or both, would constitute  an Event of Default  shall have occurred
and be  continuing,  (B)  in the case  of any consolidation  referred  to in
clause (i) or ( iii) above , the corporation  formed  by such  consolidation
shall be a Subsidiary of the Company, and  (C)  in the case of any merger to
which  the  Company  is  a  party,  either  the  Company  is  the  surviving
corporation or  the corporation into which the Company shall be merged shall
(1) assume  the Company's  obligations under this Agreement  and the Related
Documents  to which  it is, or is to be, a party  in a writing  in form  and
substance satisfactory to the Administrative Agent,  (2)  demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Administrative Agent compliance  with the covenants  set
forth in Section 5.02(h) and (i) below, calculated  on a pro forma  basis as
of the last day  of the immediately  preceding  fiscal  quarter  and  giving
effect  to such  merger  as if such  corporation  were  the Company  and the
Company were its Subsidiary and  (3)  enter into written  amendment  to this
Agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Administrative Agent for
the purpose of conforming, as closely as possible, the substance of Articles
III  through  VI  of this  Agreement  to the  corporate  structure  of  such
corporation and its Subsidiaries after giving effect to such merger.
          (d)  Related Documents.  Amend  or modify  any Related Document to
which  the Company  is or is to be a party  or consent  to any amendment  or
modification of any Related Document to which the Company is not party.
          (e)  Compliance with ERISA. (i) Terminate, or permit any Affiliate
to terminate,  any Plan so as to result  in any  material (in the opinion of
the Required Banks) liability of the Company,  or (ii) permit  to exist  any
occurrence of any Reportable Event (as defined in Title IV of ERISA), or any
other event or condition, which  presents a material  (in the opinion of the
Required Banks) risk of a Plan termination by the PBGC.
          (f)  Alternate Credit Facility.  Cause  a  substitute   letter  of
credit  or  other  similar  facility  to  be  delivered  to  the Trustee  in
substitution  of  a Letter  of  Credit  without  paying  to  the  Banks  all
obligations hereunder following the Cancellation Date.
          (g)  Optional Redemption of Bonds.  Cause  an optional  redemption
of any  Bonds  without  providing  for the payment of all amounts  due or to
become due to the Banks hereunder.
          (h)  Common Equity.  Permit Total Common Shareholders  Equity,  as
of the last  day of any Fiscal Quarter,  to be less  than $575,000,000, plus
thirty-three and one third percent (33 1/3%) of the net cash proceeds to the
Company of any permanent equity  capital of the Company issued following the
Date of Issuance.
          (i)  Total Debt to Total Capitalization.  Permit   the  ratio   of
Total  Debt  to Total  Capitalization,  as of the  last  day  of any  Fiscal
Quarter, to be greater than 0.65 to 1.00.
          (j)  Amendments to Certain Agreements.  Amend  the First  Mortgage
Bond Indenture  in a manner which is adverse  to the interests  of the Banks
or, in any event, to change the definition  or means  of application  of the
definition of "Excluded Property" used therein.

                           ARTICLE VI
                        EVENTS OF DEFAULT
          SECTION 6.01.  Events of Default.  The  occurrence  of any  of the
following events shall be an "Event of Default" hereunder:
          (a)  The Company  shall  fail  to pay any amount payable under any
provision of Article II when due; or
          (b)  Any representation or warranty  made, or deemed  made, by the
Company herein or by the Company (or any of its officers) in connection with
this  Agreement  or any of the Related Documents  shall  prove  to have been
incorrect in any material respect when made or deemed made; or
          (c)  The Company  shall  fail  to perform  or observe  any  of its
covenants and agreements contained in Section 5.02 hereof; or
          (d)  The  Company  shall  fail  to perform  or observe  any  other
covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement or the Custodian Agreement
and, in any such  case,  such failure shall  continue  for ten Business Days
after written notice thereof from the Administrative  Agent  to the Company;

          (e)  The Company or any of its Subsidiaries shall fail  to pay any
Debt (excluding Debt under this Agreement) of the Company or such Subsidiary
(as the case may be),  when  due  (whether by scheduled  maturity,  required
prepayment,  acceleration,  demand  or otherwise)  and  such  failure  shall
continue  after  the applicable  grace  period,  if any,  specified  in  the
agreement  or instrument relating to such Debt; or any other  default  under
any agreement or instrument relating to any such  Debt, or any other default
or event shall occur and shall  continue  after the applicable grace period,
if any, specified in such  agreement  or instrument,  if the effect  of such
default  or event  is to accelerate,  or to permit  the acceleration of, the
maturity  of such  Debt;  or any such  Debt shall  be declared to be due and
payable,  or required  to be prepaid  (other than  by a  regularly scheduled
required prepayment), prior to the stated maturity thereof; or
          (f)  A judgment  or order  for the payment  of money  in excess of
$5,000,000 shall be rendered against the Company or any  of its Subsidiaries
and either (i) enforcement  proceedings  shall  have been  commenced  by any
creditor upon such judgment or order or  (ii)  there shall  be any period of
ten consecutive days during  which a stay of enforcement of such judgment or
order, by reason of a pending appeal or otherwise, shall not be in effect;

          (g)  Any  approval  of the  PSC  (including the PSC Order)  or any
governmental body, public board or public body related to this Agreement  or
the Custodian Agreement shall be modified,  rescinded, revoked  or set aside
or otherwise cease to remain in full force and effect or shall otherwise not
authorize  the  entirety  of the  Advances  and  other  amounts  outstanding
hereunder; or

          (h)  Any provision  of this  Agreement or the Custodian  Agreement
shall  at any time  for any reason  cease  to be valid  and binding  on  the
Company,  or shall  be declared  to be null  and void,  or the  validity  or
enforceability  thereof shall be denied  or contested  by the Company,  or a
proceeding shall be commenced by any Governmental Agency having jurisdiction
over the Company  seeking  to establish  the invalidity  or unenforceability
thereof,  or the Company  shall  deny  that it has any further  liability or
obligation thereunder; or
          (i)  Any "Event of Default" under and as defined in any  Financing
Agreement or an Indenture shall have occurred and be continuing; or
          (j)  Any  Termination Event  with  respect  to a Plan  shall  have
occurred,  and, 30 days after  notice  thereof  shall have been given to the
Company  by  the  Administrative  Agent,  (i)  such  Termination  Event  (if
correctable) shall not have been corrected  and (ii) the then  present value
of such Plan's  vested  benefits  exceeds  the then  current value of assets
accumulated in such Plan  by more  than the amount of $10,000,000 (or in the
case  of a Termination  Event  involving  the  withdrawal  of a "substantial
employer" (as defined in Section 4001(a)(2) of ERISA), the Company's  or any
Affiliate's withdrawing employer's proportionate  share of such excess shall
exceed such amount); or
          (k)  The  Company  or any of its Affiliates  as employer  under  a
Multiemployer Plan shall  have made  a complete  or partial  withdrawal from
such  Multiemployer Plan  and the plan  sponsor  of such  Multiemployer Plan
shall  have  notified  such  withdrawing  employer  that  such  employer has
incurred   a  withdrawal  liability   in  an  aggregate   amount   exceeding
$10,000,000; or
          (l)  The Company or any of its Affiliates shall incur liability in
an aggregate  amount  exceeding  $10,000,000 pursuant  to any one or more of
Title IV of ERISA or pursuant  to Section 406, 409, 502(i), 502(1) or 515 of
ERISA or Section 401(a)(29), 4971 or 4975 of the Code; or
          (m)  The Company or any of its Subsidiaries  shall  generally  not
pay its debts  as such  debts  become  due, or shall  admit  in writing  its
inability to pay its debts generally, or shall make a general assignment for
the  benefit  of creditors;  or any  proceeding  shall  be instituted  by or
against  the Company  or any of its Subsidiaries seeking  to adjudicate it a
bankrupt or insolvent,  or seeking liquidation,  winding up, reorganization,
arrangement,  adjustment,  protection,  relief, or composition  of it or its
debts under any Law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization  or
relief  of debtors,  or seeking  the entry  of an order  for relief  or  the
appointment of a receiver, trustee, or other  similar official for it or for
any  substantial  part  of  its  Property;  or the  Company  or any  of  its
Subsidiaries shall take any corporate action to authorize any of the actions
set forth above in this subsection (m); or
          (n)  Any  event   which  materially  and  adversely   affects  the
financial  condition or results of operations of the Company  or the ability
of the Company  to observe  and perform  the terms of this Agreement  or any
Related  Document  to which  the Company  is or is to be a party  shall have
occurred and be continuing.

          SECTION 6.02.  Upon an Event of Default.  If any Event  of Default
shall  have  occurred  and be continuing,  the Administrative Agent,  at the
request  of the LC Bank  or the Required Banks,  shall (i) if the Letters of
Credit  shall  not have been  issued, by notice  to the Company  declare the
Commitment to be terminated,  whereupon the same shall forthwith  terminate,
(ii) if the Letters of Credit shall have been issued, notify the Trustee  of
such Event of Default and direct that the Trustee  either  (A)  declare  the
mandatory  purchase  of all  Bonds  then  outstanding  pursuant  to  Section
4.02(a)(iv)  of each  Indenture  or  (B)  accelerate  the Bonds  pursuant to
Section 9.02 of each Indenture, which direction to accelerate the Bonds will
state that the Letters of Credit will terminate on the 10th business day (as
defined  in the Indenture)  following the Trustee's receipt  of such notice,
and, in either case, provide a copy of such  notice  to the Company  and the
Issuer, (iii) if the Administrative Agent shall have directed the Trustee to
declare the mandatory  purchase  of all Bonds  under  Section 4.02(a)(iv) of
each Indenture  pursuant to the immediately preceding  clause (ii) (A), in a
subsequent notice to the Trustee, notify the Trustee of the determination to
terminate the Letters of Credit on the 10th business day  (as defined in the
Letters of Credit) following  the Trustee's receipt  of such notice, (iv) if
the Letters of Credit  shall have been issued and a drawing  to pay interest
on the Bonds  shall have been made thereunder (other than such a drawing  in
respect of the payment of interest upon scheduled  or accelerated  maturity,
or redemption, of the Bonds), notify the Trustee prior  to the sixteenth day
following  such drawing  that the Interest Component  in the amount  of such
drawing  will  not be reinstated,  (v)  declare  the Advances  and all other
principal amounts  outstanding hereunder, all interest thereon and all other
amounts  payable hereunder  to be forthwith  due and payable, whereupon  the
Advances  and all other  principal  amounts outstanding  hereunder, all such
interest and all such other amounts  shall become  and be forthwith  due and
payable, without presentment, demand, protest or further notice of any kind,
all of which are hereby expressly  waived by the Company, and  (vi) exercise
in respect  of the Pledged Bonds,  in addition to other rights  and remedies
provided for herein or in the Custodian Agreement or otherwise available  to
it, all the rights  and remedies  of a secured party  on default  under  the
Uniform Commercial Code  in effect  in the State of New York  at that  time;
provided,  however,  that  in the event  of an actual or deemed entry  of an
- --------   -------
order  for relief  with respect  to the Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries
under  the Federal Bankruptcy Code,  (A)  the Commitment  (if the Letters of
Credit have not been issued)  and  the  obligation  of  the  Banks  to  make
Advances  shall  automatically  be terminated,  and (B) the Advances and all
amounts  reimbursable  on demand  pursuant  to  Section 2.04,  all  interest
accrued  and unpaid thereon  and all other amounts payable  hereunder  shall
automatically become due and payable, without  presentment, demand,  protest
or any notice of any kind, all of which  are hereby  expressly waived by the
Company.  Upon the occurrence  of an Event of Default hereunder, all amounts
payable hereunder shall bear interest at the Default Rate.
                           ARTICLE VII
          SECTION 7.01.  Amendments, Etc.  No  amendment  or waiver  of  any
provision  of this Agreement,  or any Letter of Credit,  nor consent  to any
departure by the Company therefrom, shall in any event  be effective  unless
the same shall be in writing and signed by the

Company and the Required Banks and then  such  amendment,  waiver or consent
shall  be effective  only  in the specific  instance  and  for the  specific
purpose  for which given; provided,  however,  that no amendment,  waiver or
consent shall, unless  it is in writing and signed  by all the Banks, do any
of the following:  (a) increase the amount of a Letter of Credit (other than
reinstatements expressly  provided  for in a Letter of Credit and herein) or
otherwise amend a Letter of Credit, extend the Stated Termination Date  then
in effect, or subject  the Banks to any additional  obligations,  (b) reduce
the principal of, or interest  on, the Reimbursement Obligations or any fees
or   other   amounts   payable   hereunder   (except  fees  payable  to  the
Administrative  Agent  or the LC Bank), (c) postpone  any date fixed for any
payment  of principal  of, or interest  on, the Reimbursement Obligations or
any  fees  or other  amounts payable  hereunder  (except fees payable to the
Administrative  Agent  or the LC Bank),  (d)  change  the percentage  of the
Shares or the number of Banks that shall be required for the Banks or any of
them  to take  any action  hereunder,  (e)  release  any collateral  for the
obligations  of the Company under this Agreement  (except as contemplated by
the Custodian  Agreement),  or (f)  amend this Section 7.01 or Section 7.14;
provided,  further  that  no amendment,  waiver  or consent shall, unless in
- --------   -------
writing  and signed  by the LC Bank,  affect the rights and duties of the LC
Bank under this Agreement.
           SECTION 7.02. Notices, Etc.  All notices and other communications
provided   for  hereunder   shall  be  in  writing   (including  telegraphic
communication) and mailed, telecopied, telexed, telegraphed or delivered, if
to the Company,  to it at its address  at 6226 West Sahara Avenue,  P.O. Box
230, Las Vegas, Nevada 89151,  Attention:  Mr. Richard C. Schmalz, Director,
Treasury,  telecopy no. (702) 367-5864;  and if to the LC Bank, to it at its
address  at 75 Wall  Street,  New York,  New York  10265,  Attention:  Trade
Services Group,  telecopy number (212) 412-5111 and if to the Administrative
Agent  to  it  at its  address  at 222 Broadway,  New York, New York  10038,
Attention: Client Services  Unit, telecopy No. (212) 412-2546; and if to the
Banks to the address  of each Bank specified on Schedule 7.02 hereto; or, as
to each  party,  at such  other  address  or telecopy  number  as  shall  be
designated  by such party  in a written notice to the other party.  All such
notices  and communications  shall,  when  mailed,  telecopied,  telexed  or
telegraphed, be effective when deposited in the mails or sent by telecopy or
telex  or delivered  to the telegraph  company,  respectively,  addressed as
aforesaid,  except  that  notices  to  the  Administrative  Agent  and Banks
pursuant  to  the  provisions  of Article II shall  not  be effective  until
received by the Administrative Agent and Banks.
          SECTION 7.03.  No Waiver: Remedies.  No failure on the part of the
Administrative Agent  or the Banks to exercise,  and no delay in exercising,
any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver  thereof; nor shall any single
or partial  exercise  of any right  hereunder preclude  any other or further
exercise  thereof  or the exercise  of any other right.  The remedies herein
provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any remedies provided by law.
          SECTION 7.04.  Right of Set-off.  (a)  Upon  the  occurrence   and
during the continuance of any Event of Default, the Administrative Agent and
each Bank is hereby  authorized  at any time  and from time to time,  to the
fullest extent permitted  by law, to set off and apply  any and all deposits
(general or special, time or demand, provisional  or final) at any time held
and other indebtedness at any time owing by the Administrative Agent or such
Bank to or for the credit or the account of the Company against  any and all
of the obligations of the

Company  now or hereafter  existing  under  this Agreement,  irrespective of
whether  or not the Administrative Agent  or such  Bank shall  have made any
demand  hereunder  and  although  such  obligations  may  be  contingent  or
unmatured.  The rights of the Administrative Agent  and the Banks under this
Section  are in addition  to other  rights  and remedies (including, without
limitation, other rights of set-off) which  the Administrative Agent  or the
Banks may have.
          (b)  The Administrative  Agent  and each  Bank  agrees promptly to
notify  the Company  after any such set-off and application  referred  to in
subsection (a) above; provided  that  the failure  to give such notice shall
not affect the validity of such set-off and application.
          SECTION 7.05.  Indemnification.  The  Company  hereby  indemnifies
and  holds  the  Administrative  Agent  and  each  Bank, and their officers,
directors,  employees and  agents  harmless  from  and against  any  and all
claims, damages,  losses, liabilities,  costs  and expenses  which  they may
incur or which may be claimed against the Administrative Agent or the Banks;
or their respective officers, directors, employees and agents by any Person:
          (a)  by reason of or in connection with the execution, delivery or
performance  of,  or the sale  or  resale  of,  the  Bonds  including  those
resulting from any misstatement in or omission  from any official  statement
or other  offering  document  or supplement  thereto  relating  to the Bonds
(except any misstatement in or omission resulting from information furnished
in writing  by  the  LC  Bank  expressly  for  inclusion  in  such  offering
documents),  the Indentures, or the Financing Agreements, or any transaction
contemplated by the Indentures  or the Financing Agreements,  other  than as
specified in subsection (b) below; or
          (b)  by  reason  of  or  in  connection  with  the  execution  and
delivery, transfer or use of the proceeds of, or payment or failure  to make
payment under, a Letter of Credit; provided, however, that the Company shall
                                   --------  -------
not be required to indemnify the  Administrative Agent or the Banks pursuant
to this Section 7.05(b) for any claims, damages, losses, liabilities,  costs
or expenses to the extent caused by (i) the LC Bank's  willful misconduct or
gross negligence in determining whether  documents  presented under a Letter
of Credit are genuine or comply with the terms of a Letter of Credit or (ii)
the LC Bank's  willful or grossly negligent failure to make  lawful  payment
under  a Letter of Credit after the presentation to it by the Trustee  under
the related Indenture of a draft and certificate strictly complying with the
terms and conditions of such Letter of Credit.
          (c)  The  Company  will  also  indemnify  and  hold  harmless  the
Administrative  Agent  and  the  Banks  from  and  against  all  losses  and
reasonable  costs  or expenses which the Administrative Agent  and the Banks
may incur  by reason  of either (i) any failure  of the related  Remarketing
Agent  to pay  when  due  the  purchase  price  of any Bond  for which  such
Remarketing  Agent  has given  the notice  referred  to in paragraph  (1) of
Exhibit 4  of a Letter of Credit  and/or  (ii)  any failure  by the  Trustee
promptly to turn over to the LC Bank in accordance with the provisions of an
Indenture  the proceeds  from the sale  of any such  Bond  received from the
Remarketing  Agent. The Company  shall pay to the  Administrative Agent  any
such amounts not paid by a Remarketing Agent or the Trustee, as the case may
be, upon demand.

    Nothing  in this  Section  7.05  is  intended  to  limit  the  Company's
obligations contained in Article II.  Without prejudice  to the survival  of
any  other  obligation   of  the  Company  hereunder,  the  indemnities  and
obligations of the Company contained in this  Section 7.05 shall survive the
payment  in  full  of  amounts  payable  pursuant  to  Article  II  and  the
termination of the Letters of Credit.
          SECTION 7.06.  Banks Not Liable.  (a) The  Company   assumes   all
risks of the acts or omissions of the Trustee, any Remarketing Agent and any
beneficiary or transferee of a Letter of Credit  with respect  to its use of
the Letter of Credit. Neither  the Banks, the Administrative Agent,  nor any
of their  officers,  directors,  employees  or agents  shall  be  liable  or
responsible for: (a) the use which may be made of a Letter of Credit  or any
acts or omissions of the Trustee and any other  beneficiary or transferee in
connection  therewith;  (b) the  validity,  sufficiency  or  genuineness  of
documents,  or of any endorsement  thereon,  even  if such  documents should
prove  to be in any or all respects  invalid,  insufficient,  fraudulent  or
forged; (c) payment by the LC Bank against presentation  of documents  which
do not comply  with   terms  of a Letter of Credit, including failure of any
documents  to bear  any reference  or adequate  reference  to the Letter  of
Credit; or (d) any other circumstances  whatsoever  in making or failing  to
make payment under a Letter of Credit, except that the Company  shall have a
claim against the LC Bank,  and the LC Bank shall be liable  to the Company,
to the extent  of any direct, as opposed to consequential, damages  suffered
by the Company  which  the Company proves  were caused  by (i) the LC Bank's
willful  misconduct  or gross  negligence  in determining whether  documents
presented under a Letter of Credit are genuine  or comply  with the terms of
the  Letter of Credit  or (ii) the LC Bank's  willful  or grossly  negligent
failure  to  make  lawful  payment  under  a  Letter  of  Credit  after  the
presentation  to it  by the  Trustee  under  an  Indenture  of  a draft  and
certificate  strictly complying with the terms and conditions of such Letter
of Credit.  In furtherance  and not in limitation  of the foregoing,  the LC
Bank may accept original or facsimile  (including telecopy) sight drafts and
accompanying certificates  presented under a Letter of Credit that appear on
their face to be in order, without responsibility for further investigation,
regardless of any notice or information to the contrary.
          (b)  Neither the Administrative Agent nor the Banks shall have any
liability  to the Company,  and the obligations  of the Company  under  this
Agreement  shall not be affected  by (1) the form, sufficiency, correctness,
validity,  genuineness  and legal  effect  of any drafts,  demands and other
documents, instruments and other papers relating thereto, (2) the good faith
and acts of any Person,  (3) the existence, form, sufficiency  and breach of
contracts of any nature whatsoever, including the Related Documents, (4) the
solvency, standing and responsibility of any Person, (5) any delay in giving
or failure to give any notice,  demand or protest, (6) failure of any Person
to comply  with  the terms  of a Letter of Credit, (7) errors, omissions  or
delays  in or nondelivery  of any message,  however  sent, and (8) any other
error, neglect or omission, except as provided  in the next to last sentence
of paragraph (a) of this Section.
          (c)  Neither the Administrative Agent nor the Banks shall have any
liability to the Company for, and the Company waives any right to object to,
payment  made  under  a  Letter  of  Credit  against  a  demand  varying  in
punctuation,  capitalization,  spelling  or  similar  matters  of form.  The
determination  whether  a demand  has been  made before  the expiration of a
Letter of

Credit and whether a demand is in proper and sufficient  form for compliance
with a Letter of Credit shall be made by the LC Bank in its sole discretion,
which  determination shall be conclusive and binding upon the Company except
as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement.
          SECTION 7.07.  Costs, Expenses and Taxes.  The  Company  agrees to
pay on demand  all costs  and expenses  in connection  with the preparation,
execution,  delivery, filing, recording,  and administration  (including any
amendment or waiver) of this  Agreement and any other documents which may be
delivered in connection with this Agreement, including,  without limitation,
the  reasonable   fees  and  out-of-pocket   expenses  of  counsel  for  the
Administrative Agent  and LC Bank, and local counsel  who may be retained by
said  counsel,  with  respect  thereto  and  with  respect  to advising  the
Administrative Agent and LC Bank as to its rights and responsibilities under
this Agreement and such other documents which may be delivered in connection
with this  Agreement and all costs and expenses  (including counsel fees and
expenses)   in  connection   with  (i)  the  enforcement   (whether  through
negotiations,  legal  proceedings  or otherwise)  of this Agreement and such
other  documents  which  may be delivered in connection  with this Agreement
(and,  upon  the  occurrence  of an Event of Default,  all  such  costs  and
expenses  of the Banks) or (ii) any action or proceeding relating to a court
order,  injunction,  or other process or decree  restraining  or seeking  to
restrain  the Administrative Agent and LC Bank from paying any amount  under
any Letter of Credit.  In addition,  the Company shall pay any and all stamp
and other  taxes and fees payable or determined to be payable  in connection
with the execution, delivery, filing and  recording of this Agreement or the
Letters of Credit  or any of such other  documents,  and agrees  to save the
Banks harmless from  and against any and all liabilities  with respect to or
resulting from any delay in paying or omission to pay such taxes and fees.
          SECTION 7.08.  Binding Effect.  This   Agreement   shall    become
effective when it shall have been executed and delivered by the Company, the
Administrative Agent and the Banks and thereafter  shall be binding upon and
inure to the benefit of the Company, the Administrative Agent and the  Banks
and their  respective successors and assigns, except that the Company  shall
not have  the right  to assign  its rights hereunder  or any interest herein
without the prior written consent of the Administrative Agent and the Banks.
          SECTION 7.09.  Severability.  Any  provision  of  this   Agreement
which  is prohibited,  unenforceable  or not authorized  in any jurisdiction
shall,  as  to such  jurisdiction,  be  ineffective  to the  extent  of such
prohibition, unenforceability or non-authorization  without invalidating the
remaining  provisions  hereof  or affecting the validity, enforceability  or
legality of such provision in any other jurisdiction.
          SECTION 7.10.  Governing Law; Submission  to  Jurisdiction;   Etc.
This Agreement shall be governed  by, and construed  in accordance with, the
internal  laws  of the  State of New York without  regard  to choice  of law
provisions.  Any action  or proceeding  arising  out of or relating  to this
Agreement  or the  Letter of Credit  shall  be heard  and  determined  in an
appropriate  state  or federal  court  in the  State  of New York,  New York
County. The Company irrevocably  waives, to the fullest extent permitted  by
law, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue
of any such suit, action or proceeding brought in such courts  and any claim
that any such suit, action or proceeding has been brought in an inconvenient

forum.  The Company also irrevocably consents to the service of  any and all
process in any such suit, action or proceeding by mailing of copies  of such
process to the Company at its address provided in Section 7.02.  The Company
agrees that a final  judgment  not stayed in any such  action  or proceeding
shall be conclusive  and may be enforced in other  jurisdictions by suit  on
the judgment  or in any other  manner provided  by law.  All mailings  under
this  Section 7.10 shall  be by certified  mail,  return receipt  requested.
Nothing  in this Section 7.10 shall  affect the right  of the Administrative
Agent  or the Banks to serve legal process in any other manner  permitted by
law or affect the right of the Banks to bring any suit, action or proceeding
against the Company or its property in the courts of any other jurisdiction.
          SECTION 7.11.  Headings.  Section  headings in this Agreement  are
included herein for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a
part of this Agreement for any other purpose.
          SECTION 7.12.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed  by
the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when  so executed
and delivered shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together
constitute but one and the same instrument.
          SECTION 7.13.  Waiver of Jury Trial.  EACH PARTY HEREBY WAIVES, TO
          SECTION 7.14.  Participation and Assignment.  (a) Each  Bank  may,
without the consent of the Company, sell participations to one or more banks
or other  financial institutions  (each a "Participant") in all or a portion
of its rights and obligations  under this Agreement;  provided, however, (i)
such Bank's obligations  under this Agreement  shall remain unchanged,  (ii)
such Bank shall remain solely responsible to the Company for the performance
of such obligations,  (iii) except as expressly  set forth herein,  any such
Participant shall be entitled to the benefit  of the cost and fee protection
and indemnification provisions contained in Sections 2.07, 2.08, 2.14, 2.15,
2.16, 7.04, 7.05 and 7.07 to the same extent as if the Participant were such
Bank hereunder,  and (iv) such Bank shall retain  the sole right  to approve
any amendment, modification or waiver of any provisions of this Agreement or
any Related  Document  (other than amendments,  modifications,  releases  or
waivers  with  respect  to any amounts  payable  hereunder  or the amount of
principal of or the rate at which interest is payable hereunder or the dates
fixed  for  payments  of interest  or  fees  or the date  of termination  or
expiration  of any  Letter  of  Credit  or any change  to the  Stated Amount

          (b)  Each  Bank  may assign  all or a portion  of its  rights  and
obligations  under  this  Agreement,  in the  Letters  of  Credit  or in any
security hereunder, including, without  limitation, any instruments securing
the Company's obligations  hereunder; provided that (i) no assignment by any
Bank may be made to any Person, except with the prior written consent of the
LC Bank,  (ii)  any assignment  shall  be of a constant  and  not  a varying
percentage  of all of the assignor's  rights and obligations  hereunder, and
(iii)  the parties  to such  assignment  shall  execute  and deliver  to the
Administrative Agent an instrument  of assignment  (an "Assignment") in form
and substance  satisfactory  to the Administrative  Agent  and the  LC Bank,
together  with a processing  fee of $3,000  for the  Administrative  Agent's
account.  Upon receipt of a completed Assignment and the processing fee, the
Administrative Agent will record in a register  maintained  for such purpose
the name of the assignee and the percentage participation  interest assigned
by  the  assignor  and  assumed  by  the  assignee   for  purposes   of  the
determination  of such assignor's  and assignee's  respective  Shares.  Upon
such  execution,  delivery,  acceptance and recording,  from  and after  the
effective date specified in each Assignment, which effective date  shall  be
at least five Business Days after the execution thereof, the assignee shall,
to the extent of such assignment, become a party hereto  and have all of the
rights and obligations of a Bank hereunder,  including without  limitation a
right to share  in the proceeds  of any amount realized  under  any security
documents with  respect to the interest acquired, and, to the extent of such
assignment,  such assigning  Bank  shall  be released  from  its obligations
hereunder (without relieving such Bank from any liability for damages, costs
and  expenses  suffered  by the Administrative  Agent,  the  LC Bank  or the
Company as a result  of the failure  by such Bank to perform its obligations
          (c)  A  Bank   may  disclose   to  any  Participant   or  proposed
Participant, or any assignee or proposed assignee, any information  that the
Company has delivered  or is required  to deliver  to such Bank pursuant  to
this Agreement or the other Related Documents.
          (d)  Nothing  herein  shall  limit  a Bank's  right  to assign its
interests hereunder to a Federal Reserve Bank.
          (e)  The LC Bank  hereby  acknowledges  and agrees  that  it shall
remain solely liable under the Letters of Credit notwithstanding any sale or
transfer contemplated by this Section 7.14.
                          ARTICLE VIII
          SECTION 8.01.  Syndication.  (a) In the  event  that  the  LC Bank
shall make  any payment under a Letter of Credit and the Company  shall  not
reimburse the LC Bank by 3:00 p.m. (New York City time) on the same Business
Day in full for such payment in accordance with Section 2.04 (the difference
between the amount  of such payment and the amount reimbursed by the Company
being  the "Principal Amount"), the LC Bank will immediately notify each  of
the Banks  of such  Principal Amount and each Bank will  immediately  on the
same Business Day and unconditionally pay to the LC Bank an amount equal  to
its Share of the Principal Amount in

United States dollars  and in same day funds in payment for its Share of the
Reimbursement  Obligations  with  respect  to such  Principal  Amount,  plus
compensation,  payable  on demand,  from  and including  the date  when such
amount  is due to, but not including,  the date  such amount is paid  at the
Federal Funds Rate, in effect from time to time.
          (b)  Upon  payment  in  full  by  a  Bank  of  its  Share  of  the
Reimbursement Obligations pursuant to Section 8.01(a), such Bank  shall have
purchased an assignment of its Share of the right, title and interest of the
LC  Bank  in  and  to  such  Reimbursement  Obligations,  without  recourse,
representation  or warranty,  and shall  to the extent of  such  Share, be a
direct creditor of the Company.
          (c)  If any  Bank  shall  default  in  the payment when due of its
Share  of any Reimbursement  Obligations, in addition to any other  claim or
remedy  the  LC  Bank  may  have  against such Bank, such Bank  shall not be
entitled  to  receive  any payments pursuant to this  Agreement or otherwise
have  any  other  rights hereunder or under  the Related Documents until all
amounts  due  and  payable  by such Bank to the LC Bank hereunder shall have
been paid in full.
          SECTION 8.02.  Sharing of Payments.  If any Bank shall  obtain any
payment (whether voluntary, involuntary, through the  exercise of any  right
of set-off,  or otherwise)  on account  of the Reimbursement Obligations  in
excess  of its ratable  share  of payments  on account  of the Reimbursement
Obligations obtained  by all the Banks, such Bank shall  forthwith  purchase
from the other Banks such participations in the Reimbursement Obligations as
shall  be necessary  to cause  such  purchasing  Bank  to share  such excess
payment  ratably  with each  of them, provided, however, that, if all or any
                                      --------  -------
portion of such excess payment is thereafter  recovered from such purchasing
Bank, such purchase from each Bank  shall be rescinded  and such Bank  shall
repay  to the  purchasing  Bank  the purchase  price  to the extent  of such
recovery  together  with  an amount  equal  to  such  Bank's  ratable  share
(according  to the  proportion  of (i) the amount  of such  Bank's  required
repayment to (ii) the total amount so recovered from the purchasing Bank) of
any interest  or other  amount  paid  or payable  by the purchasing  Bank in
respect of the total amount so recovered.  The Company agrees that  any Bank
so purchasing  a participation  from another Bank pursuant  to this  Section
8.02 may, to the fullest extent permitted by law, exercise all its rights of
payment (including the right of set-off) with respect to such  participation
as fully  as if such  Bank were the direct  creditor  of the Company  in the
amount of such participation.
                           ARTICLE IX
          SECTION 9.01.  Authorization and Action. Each Bank hereby appoints
and authorizes the Administrative Agent to take  such action as agent on its
behalf  and to exercise  such powers  under this  Agreement  and the Related
Documents as are delegated  to the Administrative Agent by the terms  hereof
and thereof, together with such powers as are reasonably incidental thereto.
As to any matters not expressly  provided for by this Agreement  (including,
without  limitation,   enforcement   or  collection   of  the  Reimbursement
Obligations), the Administrative Agent shall not be required to exercise any
discretion  or take any action, but shall

be required  to act or to refrain from acting  (and shall be fully protected
in so acting or refraining  from acting) upon the  instructions of the Banks
or the Required Banks, as applicable, and such instructions shall be binding
upon all Banks; provided,  however, that the Administrative Agent  shall not
                ---------  -------
be required  to take  any action  that exposes  the Administrative Agent  to
personal liability or which is contrary to this Agreement or applicable law.
The Administrative Agent  agrees to give to each Bank prompt  notice of each
written  notice  given  to it by the Company,  the Trustee,  or the  LC Bank
pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or the Indenture.
          SECTION 9.02.  Administrative Agent's Reliance, Etc.  Neither  the
Administrative Agent,  the LC Bank,  nor any of their  directors,  officers,
agents or employees  shall be liable  for any action  taken or omitted to be
taken  by it or them  under  or in connection  with  this  Agreement  or any
Related  Document,  except for its or their own gross negligence  or willful
misconduct.  Without limitation of the  generality of the foregoing, each of
the  Administrative Agent  and the  LC Bank:  (i)  may  consult  with  legal
counsel (including counsel for the Company), independent  public accountants
and other  experts  selected by it and shall  not be liable  for any  action
taken or omitted  to be taken  in good faith  by it in accordance  with  the
advice of such counsel,  accountants or experts; (ii)  makes no warranty  or
representations to any Bank and shall not be responsible to any Bank for any
statements, warranties or representations (whether written or oral) made  in
or in connection  with this Agreement or any Related Documents; (iii)  shall
not have  any  duty  to ascertain  or to inquire  as to the  performance  or
observance of any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement or
any Related Document  on the part of the Company or to inspect  the property
(including  the books  and  records)  of the  Company;  (iv)  shall  not  be
responsible   to  any  Bank  for  the  due  execution,  legality,  validity,
enforceability,  genuineness,  sufficiency or value of this Agreement or any
Related  Document  or any  other  instrument  or document furnished pursuant
hereto or thereto; and  (v)  shall incur no liability under or in respect of
this agreement  or any Related Document by acting  upon any notice, consent,
certificate  or other  instrument  or  writing  (which may be by telecopier,
telegram, cable or telex) believed by it to be genuine and signed or sent by
the proper party or parties.
          SECTION 9.03.  Bank Credit Decision.  Each Bank  acknowledges that
it has, independently and without reliance upon  the Administrative Agent or
any other Bank and based on the financial statements referred  to in Section
4.01(f)  and  such  other   documents  and  information  as  it  has  deemed
appropriate,  made its own credit analysis  and decision  to enter into this
Agreement.  Each Bank  also  acknowledges  that  it will, independently  and
without reliance upon the Administrative Agent  or any other Bank  and based
on such documents and information as it shall deem  appropriate at the time,
continue to make  its own credit decisions  in taking  or not taking  action
under this Agreement.
          SECTION 9.04.  Indemnification.  The Banks agree to indemnify  the
Administrative Agent  and the LC Bank (to the extent  not reimbursed  by the
Company), ratably according to their respective Shares, from and against any
and all  liabilities,  obligations,  losses,  damages,  penalties,  actions,
judgments,  suits,  costs,  expenses or disbursements of any kind  or nature
whatsoever  that  may be imposed  on, incurred by, or asserted  against  the
Administrative Agent or the LC Bank in any way relating to or arising out of
this Agreement or any action taken

or omitted by the Administrative Agent or the LC Bank under  this  Agreement
or the Related  Documents; provided  that no Bank  shall  be liable  for any
portion  of  such  liabilities,  obligations,  losses,  damages,  penalties,
actions, judgments,  suits, costs, expenses or disbursements  resulting from
the Administrative  Agent's  or the LC Bank's  gross  negligence  or willful
misconduct.  Without  limitation  of the  foregoing,  each  Bank  agrees  to
reimburse the Administrative Agent and the LC Bank promptly upon  demand for
its ratable  share  of any out-of-pocket  expenses  (including counsel fees)
incurred  by the Administrative Agent or the LC Bank in connection  with the
preparation, execution, delivery, administration, modification, amendment or
enforcement  (whether through negotiations, legal proceedings  or otherwise)
of, or legal  advice  in respect of rights or responsibilities  under,  this
Agreement, to the extent that the Administrative Agent or the LC Bank is not
reimbursed for such expenses by the Company.
          SECTION 9.05.  Barclays and affiliates.  With respect to its Share
and the Reimbursement Obligations held by it, Barclays  shall have  the same
rights and powers  under  this Agreement as any other Bank  and may exercise
the same as though it were not the Administrative Agent; and the term "Bank"
or "Banks" shall, unless otherwise expressly indicated, include  Barclays in
its individual  capacity.  Barclays and its affiliates  may accept  deposits
from,  lend  money  to, act as trustee under  indentures  of, and  generally
engage 0 in any kind  of business with, the Company, any of its subsidiaries
and any Person who may do business with the Company or any  such subsidiary,
all as if Barclays were not the Administrative Agent and without any duty to
account therefor to the Banks.
          SECTION 9.06.  Successor Administrative Agent.  The Administrative
Agent may resign at any time by giving written  notice thereof  to the Banks
and the Company and may be removed at any time for cause by the agreement of
all of the Banks; provided  that  solely  for purposes  hereof  if the  same
entity is the LC Bank and the Administrative Agent then the agreement of the
LC Bank  shall not be required.  Upon any such  resignation or removal,  the
Required Banks  shall  have the right to appoint a successor  Administrative
Agent subject to the approval of the Company. If no successor Administrative
Agent  shall  have been so appointed  by the Required Banks, and shall  have
accepted such appointment,  within 30 days after the retiring Administrative
Agent's giving  of notice  of resignation  or the  removal  of the  retiring
Administrative   Agent,  then  the  retiring   Administrative  Agent   after
consultation  with  the  Company  may,  on behalf  of the  Banks,  appoint a
successor Administrative Agent, which shall be a commercial  bank  organized
or licensed under the laws of the United States of America or of

any State thereof  and having  a combined  capital  and surplus  of at least
$500,000,000. Upon the acceptance of any appointment as Administrative Agent
hereunder by a successor Administrative Agent, such successor Administrative
Agent shall  thereupon  succeed  to and become  vested  with all the rights,
powers, privileges and duties  of the retiring Administrative Agent, and the
retiring  Administrative  Agent  shall  be discharged  from  its duties  and
obligations under this Agreement.  After any retiring Administrative Agent's
resignation or removal hereunder  as Administrative Agent, the provisions of
this  Article IX  shall  inure  to its benefit  as to any actions  taken  or
omitted  to be taken  by it while  it was Administrative  Agent  under  this
Agreement. If at any time there shall be no Person serving as Administrative
Agent  under  this Agreement, then  the LC Bank shall  be the Administrative
Agent hereunder until a successor is appointed in accordance herewith.
          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this  Agreement
to  be duly  executed  and delivered  by their  respective  duly  authorized
representatives as of the date first above written.
                              NEVADA POWER COMPANY
                              By:  R. C. SCHMALZ
                                 Title: Director, Treasury
                              BARCLAYS BANK, PLC, NEW YORK
                                 BRANCH, as Administrative Agent
                                 and LC Bank
                              By:  JOHN P. BURKE
                                 Title:  Associate Director

                                 UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND,
                                  LOS ANGELES BRANCH,
                                  as a Bank

                                 By:       DANIEL H. TO
                                    Title: Daniel H. To
                                    Assistant Vice President

                                 By:       SCOTT SOMMERS
                                    Title: L. Scott Sommers
                                    Vice President

                                 WESTDEUTSCHE LANDESBANK
                                  GIROZENTRALE, NEW YORK BRANCH,
                                  as a Bank

                                 By:       SALVATORE BATTINELLI
                                    Title: VP

                                 By:       KAREN E. HAPLOCK
                                    Title: VP

                                 UNION BANK, as a Bank

                                 By:       JOHN M. EDMONSTON
                                    Title: V.P.

                                 THE FUJI BANK, LIMITED,
                                  LOS ANGELES AGENCY,
                                  as a Bank

                                 By:       NOBUHIRO UMEMURA
                                    Title: NOBUHIRO UMEMURA
                                           JOINT GENERAL MANAGER

                                 ABN AMRO BANK N.V.,
                                  as a Bank

                                 By:       DAVID B. BRYANT
                                    Title: David B. Bryant
                                           Vice President

                                 By:       KEVIN S. MCFOLDEN
                                    Title: Kevin S. McFolden

                        Schedule 4.01(q)
                   [Environmental Disclosure]

                          Schedule 7.02
              [Addresses and information for Banks]
Bank               Share        Address                Wire Information
- ----               -----        -------                ----------------
ABN Amro Bank N.V., 16.2323%    135 S. LaSalle Street  ABN Amro New York
San Francisco                   Suite 711              New York, NY
International                   Chicago, IL  60603     ABA# 026009580
Branch                          Attention: David       For Credit to
                                Bryant                 ABN Amro
                                Tel: (312)904-2799     San Francisco
                                Fax: (312)904-6387     Acct#
                                101 California         Ref: Nevada
                                Street,                Power Co.
                                Suite 4550
                                San Francisco, CA
                                Attention: L.T.
                                Tel: (415) 984-3722
                                Fax: (415) 362-3524

The Fuji Bank,      16.2323%    333 S. Grand Avenue,   First
Limited,                        #2500                  Interstate Bank
Los Angeles                     Los Angeles, CA        of California
Agency                          90071                  Los Angeles
                                Attention: Ching L.    Main Office
                                Lim                    ABA# 122000218
                                Tel: (213) 253-4179    For Credit to:
                                Fax: (213) 253-4198    The Fuji Bank,
                                                       Limited,  Los
                                                       Angeles Agency
                                                       Acct # 220834831
                                                       Ref: Nevada Power

Union Bank          16.2323%    Energy Capital         Union Bank
                                Services               Monterey Park,
                                445 S. Figueroa        Califoria
                                Street, 15th Flr       ABA# 122-000-
                                Los Angeles, CA        496
                                90071                  Acct# 77070-
                                Attention: David       196431
                                Musicant               Attention: 192
                                Tel: (213) 236-5023    Note Center
                                Fax: (213) 236-4096    Ref: Nevada
                                                       Power Company


Westdeutsche        16.2323%    1211 Avenue of the     Chase Manhattan
Landesbank                      Americas               Bank
Girozentrale,                   New York, NY  10036    Chase Manhattan
New York Branch                 Attention: Karen       Plaza
                                Haplock                New York, NY
                                Tel: (212) 852-6087    WestLB New York
                                Fax: (212) 852-6148    Branch
                                633 West Fifth Street  9201060663
                                Suite 6750             Ref: Nevada
                                Los Angeles, CA        Power Co.
                                90071                  ABA 021000021
                                Attention: Nancy       
                                Tafoya                 CHIPS 201
                                Tel: (213) 623-2958    Swift WELAUS3X
                                Fax: (213) 623-4706

Union Bank of       16.2323%    444 South Flower       Union Bank of
Switzerland,                    Street,                Switzerland
Los Angeles                     45th Floor             New York
Branch                          Los Angeles, CA        Fed Routing No.
                                90071                  026008439
                                Attention: Daniel To   Favor of UBS
                                Tel: (213) 489-0646    Los Angeles
                                Fax: (213) 489-0697    Account No. 40064502
                                                       Ref: Nevada Power Co.

                                                        EXHIBIT A
                    FORM OF LETTER OF CREDIT
                                     [Issuance date of the Letter of Credit]

United States Trust Company
 of New York, as Trustee
114 West 47th Street
New York, New York  10036

Attention: Corporate Trust Administration

Dear Sir or Madam:
          We hereby establish, at the request and for the account  of Nevada
Power Company (the "Company"), in your favor, as Trustee under the Indenture
of Trust,  dated  as of October 1, 1995  (the "Indenture"),  by and  between
[                  ]  (the "Issuer")  and you, as Trustee, pursuant to which
[                  ] in aggregate principal amount of [                    ]
 ------------------                                    --------------------
(including any beneficial interests therein, the "Bonds"), are being issued,
our Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.                   in the amount  of the
[Initial Stated Amount] (subject to reduction and  reinstatement as provided
below, the "Stated Amount").
          (l)  Cancellation Date.  This Letter of Credit shall expire on the
earliest to occur of (i) October 12, 1999  (the "Stated  Termination Date"),
(ii) the  date  upon  which  we  honor  a draft  accompanying  a written and
completed certificate signed by you in substantially  the form  of Exhibit 1
or Exhibit 3 attached  hereto, and stating  therein  that such draft  is the
final  draft  to be drawn  under  this Letter of Credit  and that, upon  the
honoring of such draft, this Letter of Credit will expire in accordance with
its terms, (iii) the date upon which we receive a written certificate signed
by you  and  stating  therein  that  no Bonds  are "outstanding"  under  the
Indenture,(iv) on the second business day (as hereinafter defined) following
the effective date of the conversion  of the Bonds to a "Term Rate" pursuant
to  Section 2.03(c) of the Indenture  which provides  that all  of the Bonds
shall  bear interest  at a Term Rate  to maturity, (v) the 10th business day
following  your having  received a notice  from the Administrative Agent (as
defined in paragraph 5, below) that we are terminating this Letter of Credit
pursuant  to  Section 9.01(d)  of  the  Indenture  in  connection  with  the
occurrence  of an Event of Default  under  the  Reimbursement Agreement  (as
defined in paragraph (5) below) and (vi) the date  upon which  we receive  a

certificate  signed  by you and stating  therein  that  an "Alternate Credit
Facility" has been  provided  under the Indenture (such earliest date  being
the "Cancellation Date").
          As used  herein,  "business day" shall mean any day on which banks
are not  required  or authorized  to remain  closed  in New York City or Los
Angeles, California and on which the New York Stock Exchange  is not  closed
and, for  purposes  of clauses  (v) and (vi)  of the  immediately  preceding
paragraph,  the location  of your  office  specified  above or the principal
corporate  trust  office designated  to us in a certificate substantially in
the form set forth in Exhibit 5 by any transferee  who has succeeded  you as
Trustee under the Indenture.
          (2)  Principal and Interest Components. The aggregate amount which
may be drawn under  this Letter of Credit, subject  to reductions  in amount
and reinstatement as provided below, is [              ] ([              ]),
                                         --------------    --------------
of which the aggregate  amounts  set forth below may be drawn  as indicated.
             (i)  An aggregate  amount  not  exceeding  [                  ]
          ([                    ]),  as  such  amount  may  be  reduced  and
          reinstated as provided below,  may be drawn  in respect of payment
          of principal  (whether upon scheduled or accelerated  maturity, or
          upon redemption) of the Bonds or the portion of the purchase price
          of Bonds corresponding to principal (the "Principal Component").
            (ii)  An aggregate amount not exceeding  [                     ]
          ([                         ]),  as such amount  may be reduced and
          reinstated as  provided below, may be drawn  in respect of payment
          of interest on the Bonds  or the portion of the purchase  price of
          Bonds corresponding to interest, but not more than an amount equal
          to  accrued  interest  on the Bonds  for  the  period  of 62  days
          immediately preceding the  date of such  drawing at a maximum rate
          of twelve  percent  (12%)  per annum  calculated on the basis of a
          year of 365 days (the "Interest Component").
          (3)  Drawings.  Funds under this Letter of Credit are available to
you against  (i) your  draft payable  on the date such draft is drawn on us,
stating on its face: "Drawn under Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.         ,
dated  October   , 1995", and  (ii)  the appropriate  certificate  specified
below, duly executed by you and appropriately completed.

                                      Exhibit Setting Forth
        Type of Drawing            Form of Certificate Required
    -----------------------      -------------------------------
Drawing in respect of regularly             Exhibit 1
scheduled interest payment or
payment of principal of and
interest on the Bonds upon
scheduled or accelerated

Tender Drawing (as hereinafter              Exhibit 2

Redemption/Mandatory Purchase               Exhibit 3
(as hereinafter defined)


          Drafts  and  certificates  hereunder  shall  be dated  the date of
presentation  and shall  be presented  to our office at  75 Wall Street, New
York, New York, Attention:  Trade Services Group (or at such other office as
we may designate by written notice to you) or upon prior telephone notice to
us at (212) 412-5121 or 5122, by facsimile  transmission  received  by us at
the following telecopier number: (212) 412-5111 (or at such other numbers as
we may designate by written notice to you),  promptly thereafter,  confirmed
by delivery of the original drafts, prominently marked  to indicate they are
confirmations.  If we receive  your  draft(s)  and  certificate(s)  at  such
office,  all in strict  conformity  with  the terms  and conditions  of this
Letter of Credit, at or before 12:00 noon (New York time), on a business day
on or before the Cancellation Date, we will honor such draft(s) at or before
3:00 p.m.  (New York  time)  on  the  same  business  day  to your  order in
accordance  with  your  payment  instructions;  and  draft(s)   so  received
following 12:00 noon (New York time)  will be so honored  at or before  1:00
p.m. (New York time)  on the next business day  (notwithstanding  that  such
prior business day may have been the Cancellation Date).  If you request, by
written  notice  to us delivered  in a timely  fashion,  payment  under this
Letter of Credit  will  be made  by wire  transfer  of federal funds to your
account with any bank that is a member of the Federal Reserve  System, or by
deposit of immediately available funds into a designated  account  that  you
maintain with us.  All payments made  by us under this Letter of Credit will
be made with  our own funds  and not with any funds  of the Company  or  the
          (4)  Reductions.  The  Principal   Component   and  the   Interest
Component  shall be reduced  immediately following our  honoring  any  draft
drawn hereunder (i) to pay principal of, or interest on, the Bonds or to pay
the purchase price of Bonds that  are subject  to mandatory  purchase by the
Company  pursuant  to Section 4.02(a) of the Indenture  (any such drawing in
respect of the payment  of principal  of and interest,  if any, on the Bonds
upon redemption of the Bonds in whole  or in part or the purchase  price  of
Bonds  that  are so subject  to mandatory  purchase  by the Company  being a
"Redemption/Mandatory Purchase Drawing"), or (ii) to pay the purchase  price
of Bonds that are purchased  pursuant  to an election by the holders thereof
pursuant  to  Section 4.01 of the Indenture  (any such drawing in respect of
the circumstances referred to in this clause (ii) being a "Tender Drawing"),
in each case by an amount equal to the respective component of the amount of
such draft.
          (5)  Reinstatement.  On the sixteenth day following  each  drawing
hereunder to pay interest on the Bonds (other than a drawing  in respect  of
the  interest  component  of  a  Tender Drawing  or  a  Redemption/Mandatory
Purchase Drawing), the amount so drawn  shall be reinstated  to the Interest
Component, unless you shall have theretofore received written notice from us
or the Administrative Agent that we will not reinstate this Letter of Credit
in the amount  of such  drawing  because (i) we (or the Banks  party  to the
Reimbursement Agreement referred to below) have not  been reimbursed in full
by the Company  for the amount  of such drawing,  together with interest, if
any,  owing  thereon  pursuant  to  the  Letter  of Credit and Reimbursement
Agreement,  dated  as  of  October 1, 1995  (the "Reimbursement Agreement"),
among the Company, us, Barclays Bank PLC, New York Branch, as Administrative
Agent  (the  "Administrative Agent"),  and  the  Banks  party  thereto  (the
"Banks"), or (ii) an Event of Default under  the Reimbursement Agreement has
occurred and is then continuing;  provided,  however,  that  we shall not be
                                  --------   -------
entitled  to give  any such  notice  in  the  event  that,  pursuant  to our

you shall be required  to give  notice of mandatory purchase of the Bonds in
accordance with Section 4.02(a)(iv) of the Indenture.
          Immediately upon our notice to you by hand  delivery  or facsimile
transmission in the form set forth in Exhibit 4 hereto that (a) we have been
reimbursed  by or for the account  of the Company  in respect  of any Tender
Drawing  or  Redemption/Mandatory  Purchase  Drawing  pursuant   to  Section
4.02(a)(i) or (ii) of the  Indenture (other than upon a conversion to a Term
Rate  to maturity  pursuant  to Section 2.03(c)  of the Indenture), together
with  interest,  if  any,  owing  thereon   pursuant  to  the  Reimbursement
Agreement,  the amounts  of which  we notify  you we have been reimbursed in
respect  of such  Tender  Drawing  or Redemption/Mandatory Purchase  Drawing
shall be reinstated  to the Principal Component  and the Interest Component,
as specified  in such notice,  or (b) we have received notice  from a person
stating  therein  that  he or she is a representative  of  the  "Remarketing
Agent" referred  to in the Indenture  and that  such Remarketing  Agent  has
wired us amounts in immediately available funds in connection with  a Tender
Drawing pursuant  to Section 4.01  of the Indenture  or in connection with a
Redemption/Mandatory Purchase Drawing pursuant to Section 4.02(a)(i) or (ii)
of the Indenture  (other than upon a conversion  to a Term Rate  to maturity
pursuant to Section 2.03(c) of the Indenture) which amounts were received as
the purchase  price  of remarketed  Bonds  and which amounts,  when added to
amounts,  if any, theretofore reimbursed to us by or for the account  of the
Company in respect of the purchase price of such Bonds paid by us as part of
such Tender  Drawing  or Redemption/Mandatory Purchase Drawing and interest,
if any, owing  thereon pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement, to reimburse
us in full for such purchase price theretofore paid by us and such interest,
if  any,  the  Principal  Component  and  the  Interest  Component  shall be
reinstated  to the extent  of the principal  and interest  components of the
purchase  price of such Bonds as specified  in such  notice.  This Letter of
Credit  will  not be reinstated  following  a Redemption/Mandatory  Purchase
Drawing (i)  pursuant  to Section  4.02 (a)(iv)  of the Indenture  unless we
notify  you by hand  delivery  or facsimile  transmission  that  we  in  our
discretion  have  reinstated  the  Letter of Credit  by the  amount  of such
Redemption/Mandatory   Purchase   Drawing,  or  (ii)  pursuant   to  Section
4.02(a)(ii) of the Indenture  upon a conversion  to a Term Rate  to maturity
pursuant  to  Section 2.03  of  the  Indenture,  or (iii) to pay  Bonds upon
redemption or scheduled maturity of  the Bonds, or  accelerated maturity  of
the Bonds  pursuant  to Section 9.02  of the  Indenture  or (iv) pursuant to
Section 4.02(a)(iii) of the Indenture.
          (6)  Notices. Communications with respect to this Letter of Credit
shall  be in writing  and shall  be addressed  to us at 75 Wall Street,  New
York, New York  10265, Attention:  Trade  Services  Group  (or at such other
office  as we may  designate  by  written  notice  to you)  or by  facsimile
transmission received  by us at the following telecopier number:  (212) 412-
5111  (or at such  other  telephone  number  as we may designate  by written
notice to you)  specifically  referring  to the  number  of this  Letter  of
          (7)  Transfer.  This  Letter  of Credit  is  transferable  in  its
entirety  (but not in part)  to any  transferee  who  has  succeeded  you as
Trustee under the Indenture and may be successively so transferred. Transfer
of this Letter of Credit to such transferee shall be effected


by  the  presentation  to  us  of  this  Letter of Credit  accompanied  by a
certificate substantially in form set forth in Exhibit 5.
          (8)  Governing Laws, Etc.  This Letter of Credit shall be governed
by and construed  in accordance  with  the  laws  of  the State of New York,
including the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of New York.
This  Letter  of Credit  sets  forth  in  full  our  undertaking,  and  such
undertaking shall not in  any way be modified, amended, amplified or limited
by reference  to any document,  instrument  or agreement  referred to herein
(including,   without  limitation,   the  Bonds,   the  Indenture   and  the
Reimbursement  Agreement),  except  only  the  certificates  and the  drafts
referred  to  herein;  and  any  such  reference  shall  not  be  deemed  to
incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument or agreement except
for such certificates and such  drafts.  Whenever  and wherever the terms of
this Letter of Credit  shall refer  to the purpose  of a draft hereunder, or
the provisions of any agreement or document pursuant to which such draft may
be presented  hereunder,  such purpose  or provisions  shall be conclusively
determined  by reference  to the  certificate  accompanying  such  draft; in
furtherance of this sentence, whether  any drawing  is in respect of payment
of regularly scheduled  interest on the Bonds or of principal of or interest
on the Bonds  upon scheduled  or accelerated maturity or is a Tender Drawing
or a Redemption/Mandatory Purchase Drawing shall be conclusively  determined
by reference to the certificate accompanying such drawing.
                              Very truly yours,
                              BARCLAYS BANK PLC, NEW YORK BRANCH


                            EXHIBIT 1
                        TO THE LETTER OF CREDIT
          The undersigned, a duly authorized officer of [             ] (the
"Trustee"),  hereby  certifies  as  follows  to  Barclays Bank PLC, New York
Branch  (the "Bank"),  with  reference  to  Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.
               (the "Letter of Credit")  issued  by the Bank in favor of the
- --------------
Trustee.  Terms  defined  in the Letter of Credit  and used  but not defined
herein shall have the meanings given them in the Letter of Credit.
          (1)  The  Trustee  is  the  Trustee  under  the  Indenture for the
holders of the Bonds.
          (2)  The Trustee is making a drawing under the Letter of Credit in
respect  of  [a regularly  scheduled  interest  payment]1  [the  payment  of
principal  of and interest  on the Bonds  upon the scheduled  or accelerated
maturity of the Bonds]2 in accordance  with  Section 6.05  of the Indenture.
Such Bonds are not registered in the name of the Company and are not held or
required  to be held by the Trustee for the account of the Company  pursuant
to the Indenture.
          (3)  The respective  amounts  of principal  of and interest on the
Bonds which are due and payable (or which have  been declared  to be due and
payable) and with respect to the  payment of which the Trustee does not have
available amounts that, pursuant to Section 6.04 of the Indenture, are to be
applied to such payment prior to moneys drawn under the Letter of Credit are
as follows, and the amount of the draft accompanying  this Certificate  does
not exceed the sum of such amounts:
          Principal: $                  

          Interest:  $                  

          (4)  The  portion  of the amount  of the draft  accompanying  this
Certificate being drawn in respect of payment  of principal of the Bonds, as
indicated in paragraph (3) above, does not exceed the Principal Component of
the  Letter  of  Credit,  and  the  portion  of  the  amount  of  the  draft
accompanying this  Certificate being drawn in respect of payment of interest
on the Bonds,

- ---------------------------
1.   To be used for regularly scheduled interest payments.
2.   To be used upon scheduled or accelerated maturity of the Bonds.


as indicated in paragraph (3) above, does not exceed  the Interest Component
of the Letter of Credit.  The respective portions of the amount of the draft
accompanying  this  Certificate  in respect  of payment of principal  of and
interest on the Bonds  have been computed  in accordance  with the terms and
conditions of the Bonds and the Indenture.
          [(5) The draft accompanying this Certificate being  presented upon
the  [scheduled maturity of the Bonds]  [accelerated  maturity  of the Bonds
pursuant to Section 9.02 of the Indenture]3  is the final  draft to be drawn
under the Letter of Credit in respect  of principal  of and interest  on the
Bonds.  Upon the  honoring of such draft the Letter of Credit will expire in
accordance with its terms.]4
          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the  Trustee  has executed  and delivered this
Certificate as of the      day of
                ,     .
- ----------------  ----        

                              [               ], as Trustee


- -----------------------
3. Insert appropriate bracketed language.
4. To be used upon scheduled or accelerated maturity of the Bonds.


                            EXHIBIT 2
                        TO THE LETTER OF CREDIT
          The undersigned, a duly authorized officer of [                  ]
(the "Trustee"), hereby certifies as follows  to Barclays Bank PLC, New York
Branch  (the "Bank"),  with  reference  to Irrevocable Letter of Credit  No.
           (the "Letter of Credit")  issued  by  the  Bank  in favor  of the
- ----------
Trustee.  Terms  defined  in the  Letter of Credit  and used but not defined
herein shall have the meanings given them in the Letter of Credit.
          (1)  The  Trustee  is the  Trustee  under  the  Indenture  for the
holders of the Bonds.
          (2)  The Trustee  is making  a Tender Drawing  under the Letter of
Credit with respect to the purchase price of Bonds  delivered pursuant to an
election by Bondholders  pursuant  to Section 4.01  of the Indenture and the
Bonds.  Such Bonds are not registered in the name of the Company and are not
held or required  to be held  by the Trustee  for the account of the Company
pursuant to the Indenture.
          (3)  The respective  amounts  of purchase  price  corresponding to
principal of and accrued interest, if any, on such Bonds and with respect to
the payment  of which  the Trustee  does  not have  available  amounts that,
pursuant to Section 4.05 of the Indenture, are to be applied to such payment
prior to moneys  drawn  under  the Letter of Credit  are as follows, and the
amount of the draft accompanying this Certificate does not exceed the sum of
such amounts:
          Principal:  $                  

          Interest:   $                  

          (4)  The portion  of the amount  of the  draft  accompanying  this
Certificate  being  drawn  in respect  of purchase  price  corresponding  to
principal of the Bonds, as indicated in paragraph (3) above does  not exceed
the Principal  Component  of the Letter of Credit,  and the portion  of  the
amount of the draft  accompanying this Certificate being drawn in respect of
purchase  price  corresponding  to interest  on the Bonds,  as indicated  in
paragraph (3) above, does not exceed the Interest Component of the Letter of
Credit. The respective portions of the amount of the draft accompanying this
Certificate in respect of purchase price  corresponding  to principal of and
interest on such Bonds  have been computed in accordance  with the terms and
conditions of the Bonds and the Indenture.
          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee  has executed  and delivered  this
Certificate as of the      day of                 ,     .
                      ----        ----------------  ----

                              [               ], as Trustee



                            EXHIBIT 3
                        TO THE LETTER OF CREDIT
                      OR MANDATORY PURCHASE
          The undersigned,  a duly  authorized  officer  of[               ]
(the "Trustee"), hereby certifies as follows  to Barclays Bank PLC, New York
Branch (the "Bank"), with reference to Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.     
(the "Letter of Credit")  issued by the Bank in favor of the Trustee.  Terms
defined in the Letter of Credit and used but not defined  herein  shall have
the meanings given them in the Letter of Credit.
          (1)  The  Trustee  is the  Trustee  under  the Indenture  for  the
holders of the Bonds.
          (2)  The Trustee is making a Redemption/Mandatory Purchase Drawing
under the Letter of Credit with respect to  [the payment of principal of and
accrued  interest,  if any, on the Bonds  upon  redemption  of the Bonds  in
accordance with Section 3.01 of the Indenture]1 [the purchase price of Bonds
subject  to mandatory  purchase  by the Company pursuant  to Section 4.02(a)
[(i)], [(ii)], [(iii)], or [(iv)] of the Indenture].2  Such  Bonds  are  not
registered  in the name  of the Company  and are not held or required  to be
held  by the  Trustee  for  the  account  of the  Company  pursuant  to  the
          [(3) The respective amounts  of principal  of and interest  on the
Bonds which are due and payable and with respect to the payment of which the
Trustee  does not have available  amounts  that, pursuant to Section 6.04 of
the Indenture, are to be applied to such payment prior to moneys drawn under
the  Letter  of  Credit  are  as  follows,  and  the  amount  of  the  draft
accompanying this Certificate does not exceed the sum of such amounts:
          Principal: $                

          Interest:  $               ]3

- ---------------------
1. To be used  upon  an optional  or mandatory  redemption  of the Bonds  in
   whole or in part.
2. To be used  upon  a mandatory  purchase  of the Bonds pursuant to Section
   4.02(a) of the Indenture.
3. To be used upon an optional or mandatory redemption of the Bonds in whole
   or in part.


          [(3) The respective amounts of the purchase price corresponding to
principal of and accrued interest, if any, on such Bonds and with respect to
the payment  of which  the Trustee  does  not have  available  amounts that,
pursuant to Section 4.05 of the Indenture, are to be applied to such payment
prior to moneys  drawn  under  the Letter of Credit are as follows,  and the
amount of the draft accompanying this Certificate does not exceed the sum of
such amounts:
          Principal:     $                 

          Interest:      $                 ]4

          [(4) The  portion  of the  amount  of the draft  accompanying this
Certificate being drawn in respect of payment  of principal of the Bonds, as
indicated in paragraph (3) above, does not exceed the Principal Component of
the  Letter  of  Credit,  and  the  portion  of  the  amount  of  the  draft
accompanying this  Certificate being drawn in respect of payment of interest
on the  Bonds,  as indicated  in paragraph  (3) above,  does not exceed  the
Interest Component of the Letter of Credit.  The respective  portions of the
amount of the draft accompanying this Certificate  in respect  of payment of
principal of and interest on the Bonds have been computed in accordance with
the terms and conditions of the Bonds and the Indenture.])5
          [(4) The  portion  of the amount  of the  draft  accompanying this
Certificate  being  drawn  in respect  of purchase  price  corresponding  to
principal  of the Bonds,  as indicated  in paragraph  (3),  above,  does not
exceed the Principal Component  of the Letter of Credit,  and the portion of
the amount of the draft accompanying this Certificate being drawn in respect
of purchase  price corresponding  to interest  on the Bonds, as indicated in
paragraph (3) above, does not exceed the Interest Component of the Letter of
Credit. The respective portions of the amount of the draft accompanying this
Certificate in respect of purchase  price  corresponding to principal of and
interest on such Bonds  have been computed in accordance  with the terms and
conditions of the Bonds and the Indenture.]6
          [(5) The draft accompanying this Certificate is the final draft to
be drawn under the Letter of Credit in respect  of principal of and interest
on the Bonds and, upon the honoring of such draft, the Letter of Credit will
expire in accordance with its terms.]7
          IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Trustee has executed  and delivered  this
Certificate as of the      day of                   ,     .
                      ----        ------------------  ----
- ---------------------------
4. To be used  upon  a mandatory  purchase  of the Bonds pursuant to Section
   4.02(a) of the Indenture.
5. To be used upon an optional or mandatory redemption of the Bonds in whole
   or in part.
6. To be used  upon  a mandatory  purchase of the Bonds pursuant  to Section
   4.02(a) of the Indenture.
7. To be used  in the  case  of all  redemption  of  the  Bonds  other  than
   redemptions in part.


                            [               ], as Trustee



                                                             EXHIBIT 4
                                                     TO THE LETTER OF CREDIT

                     NOTICE OF REINSTATEMENT

          The undersigned,  a duly  authorized officer of Barclays Bank PLC,
New York Branch (the "Bank"), hereby gives the following notice to [      ],
as trustee and as custodian,  with reference to Irrevocable Letter of Credit
No.         (the "Letter of Credit") issued by the Bank in favor of [     ],
    -------                                                          -----
as trustee.  Terms defined in the Letter of Credit  and used but not defined
herein have the meanings giventhem in the Letter of Credit.
          [(1) We  have   received   the  amount   of  $           today  in
reimbursement  of amounts  paid  under the  Letter of Credit with respect to
Tender   Drawings   pursuant   to   Section  4.01   of  the  Indenture    or
Redemption/Mandatory  Purchase  Drawings  pursuant  to Section 4.02(a)(i) or
(ii)  of the Indenture  (other  than  upon  a conversion  to a Term Rate  to
maturity pursuant to Section 2.03(c)  of the Indenture)  relating to certain
Bonds,  together  with  interest  if  any, owing  thereon  pursuant  to  the
Reimbursement Agreement. The respective amounts of principal of and interest
on such Bonds covered by that reimbursement are as follows:

          Principal:     $                 

          Interest:      $                 ]1

          [(1) We have received  notice from the Remarketing Agent  that  it
has wired us amounts in immediately  available  funds  in  connection with a
Tender Drawing pursuant to Section 4.01 of the  Indenture  or in  connection
with a Redemption/Mandatory Purchase  Drawing pursuant to Section 4.02(a)(i)
or (ii) of the Indenture  (other  than  upon a conversion  to a Term Rate to
maturity pursuant  to Section 2.03(c) of the Indenture)  which  amounts were
received  as the purchase  price of remarketed  Bonds.  The  sum  of (i) the
principal amount of such Bonds and the amount of accrued  interest,  if any,
thereon, as communicated to us by the Remarketing Agent and (ii) amounts, if
any, heretofore  reimbursed  to us by or for the account  of the Company  in
respect  of the purchase  price  of such  Bonds  paid by us as parts of such
Tender Drawing pursuant to Section 4.01(a) of the Indenture or in connection
with a Redemption/Mandatory Purchase Drawing pursuant  to Section 4.02(a)(i)
or (ii) of the Indenture  (other  than upon a conversion  to a Term Rate  to
maturity pursuant to Section 2.03(c)  of the Indenture)  on account  of such
principal and interest are as follows:

          Principal:     $            

- ----------------------------
1. To be used in event of actual receipt of reimbursed amounts.


          Interest:       $            ]2

          (2)  In accordance  with  the provisions of the Letter of  Credit,
the Principal Component and the Interest Component have  been  reinstated to
the extent of the respective amounts specified in Paragraph (1) above.3
          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the  Bank  has  executed  and  delivered  this
Notice as of the    day of              ,     .
                 --        -------------  ----

                              [               ]


- --------------------------
2. To be  used  in event of notification  from the Remarketing Agent that it
   has wired  immediately  available  funds  to the Bank to reimburse it for
   drawings  pursuant  to  Section  4.01  or  4.02(a)(i)   and  (ii)  of the

3. After such  reinstatement,  the  Interest Component  must be equal  to an
   amount  calculated by multiplying the Principal Component by 12% and then
   multiplying  the product thereof by the quotient obtained  by dividing 62
   by 365.


                                                            EXHIBIT 5
                                                     TO THE LETTER OF CREDIT
                             INSTRUCTIONS TO TRANSFER

Barclays Bank PLC,
New York Branch
75 Wall Street
New York, New York  10265

Attention:  Trade Services Group

    Re: Irrevocable  Letter of Credit No.          issued  by  Barclays Bank
PLC, New York Branch

          The undersigned, as Trustee under the Indenture of  Trust dated as
of October 1, 1995 by and between Clark County,  Nevada  (the "Issuer")  and
the undersigned, is named as beneficiary in the Letter of Credit referred to
above  (the "Letter of Credit").  The Transferee  named  below has succeeded
the undersigned as Trustee under such Indenture.

                      (Name of Transferee)


          Therefore, for value received, the undersigned hereby  irrevocably
instructs you to transfer to such Transferee all  rights  of the undersigned
to draw under the Letter of Credit.

          By this transfer,  all rights of the undersigned  in the Letter of
Credit,  and  all  obligations   of the  undersigned  under  the   Custodian
Agreement,  dated  as  of  October 1, 1995,  between   the  undersigned,  as
"Custodian",  and  you  (the "Custodian Agreement"), are transferred to such
Transferee,  and such  Transferee  shall hereafter  have  the sole rights as
beneficiary  under  the Letter of Credit and the obligations  as "Custodian"
under the Custodian  Agreement;  provided,  however, that no rights shall be
                                 --------   -------
deemed  to have  been  transferred  to such  Transferee  until such transfer
complies  with  the  requirements  of  the  Letter of Credit  pertaining  to

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed and delivered this
Certificate as of the      day of           ,     .
                      ----        ---------- -----

                              [               ], as Trustee


         The undersigned, [Name of Transferee], hereby accepts the foregoing
transfer  of rights  under  the Letter of Credit  and obligations  under the
Custodian Agreement.
                              [Name of Transferee]
                              Address of Principal
                                 Corporate Trust Office:
                              [insert address]


                                                        EXHIBIT B
          THIS CUSTODIAN AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), dated as of October 1,
1995, is made  by  and  among  NEVADA POWER COMPANY  (the "Company"), UNITED
STATES  TRUST  COMPANY  OF  NEW  YORK,  as  custodian  (such entity  and any
successor custodian hereunder being the  "Custodian") and BARCLAYS BANK PLC,
NEW YORK BRANCH, as Letter of Credit Bank (the "Bank").
          WHEREAS, at the request of the Company, Clark County,  Nevada (the
"Issuer")  issued  and sold  its  Industrial Development Revenue [Refunding]
Bonds, (Nevada Power Company Project) Series A and C (the "Bonds"), pursuant
to respective  Indentures of Trust,  each  dated  as of October 1, 1995  (as
amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, each an "Indenture" and
collectively , the "Indentures"), between the Issuer and United States Trust
Company of New York, as trustee  (such  trustee  and any  successor  trustee
under an Indenture, in such capacity, being  the "Trustee"), for the purpose
stated in the Indentures; and
          WHEREAS, to induce the Bank to issue certain letters of  credit to
support  certain  amounts  payable  on and  in respect  of the Bonds (each a
"Letter of Credit"  and collectively  the "Letters of Credit")  and to enter
into a Letter of Credit and  Reimbursement Agreement, dated as of October 1,
1995, among  Barclays Bank PLC, New York Branch, as Administrative Agent and
Letter of Credit Bank,  the Banks  party  thereto  and the Company  relating
thereto (the "Reimbursement Agreement"), the Company  proposes to pledge the
Collateral (as hereinafter defined) and to enter into this Agreement;
          NOW, THEREFORE,  the Company,  the Custodian  and the Bank  hereby
agree as follows:
                            ARTICLE l
          SECTION 1.1.   Definitions.  For the purposes  of this  Agreement,
terms  defined  in the Reimbursement Agreement  and used  but not  otherwise
defined herein have the meanings  given them in the Reimbursement Agreement,
and the following terms have the meanings indicated:
          "Collateral" means  each Pledged Bond,  all payments  of principal
and interest  payable  on  Pledged Bonds,  all of  the  Company's  rights to
receive Pledged Bonds and amounts payable  thereon  and all of the Company's
right, title and interest in and to Pledged Bonds and such principal  of and
interest thereon, and all proceeds thereof, as they may from time to time be

delivered  to or held,  pending  payment  by the Custodian,  the Remarketing
Agent  or the Trustee,  in money,  securities  or collections  from  or with
respect to any or all of the foregoing.
          "Custodian" means United States Trust Company of New York, or such
other  Person  appointed  from time to time by the Bank  to act as Custodian
hereunder  and  accepting  such  appointment.  Unless  the  Indentures   are
appropriately modified to provide for a Person other than the Trustee to act
as Custodian,  the entity  serving  as Trustee  for the Bonds  shall  be the
Custodian hereunder at all times.
          "Obligations" means (a) all amounts of principal  of and  interest
on each  Advance,  (b)  all other  amounts  due under  or in respect  of the
Reimbursement  Agreement  and  (c)  all amounts  paid  or costs  or expenses
incurred  by the Bank  in the collection  of any of the foregoing or for the
maintenance,  preservation,  protection  or  enforcement  (whether   through
negotiations, legal  proceedings or otherwise)  of, or realization upon, the
Collateral  or in connection  with the enforcement or administration of this
Agreement  or the  Reimbursement  Agreement,  in each  case  irrespective of
whether  the  obligation  to pay  any  such  amount  is direct  or indirect,
absolute  or contingent,  joint  or several,  due or not due,  liquidated or
unliquidated,  arises  by operation  of law or otherwise  or is from time to
time reduced and thereafter reincurred.  To the extent any payment made with
respect to an Obligation  is rescinded  or recovered or is otherwise avoided
or must  be restored  under  or by reason  of any  bankruptcy  or insolvency
proceedings of the Company or any other Person or otherwise,  the amount  of
such  payment  so rescinded,  recovered,  restored  or avoided  shall  again
constitute an Obligation, as if such payment had never been made.
          "Pledged Bond" means  each Bond for which payment  of the purchase
price is made,  in whole  or in part, with the proceeds  of a drawing by the
Trustee under a Letter of Credit.
          "Remarketing Agreement" means each Remarketing Agreement, dated as
of  October 1, 1995,  between  the  Company,   on  the  one  hand,  and  the
Remarketing Agent, on the other hand as the same  shall  have been  amended,
modified or supplemented from time to time.
          SECTION 1.2.   Interpretation.  The headings  of the articles  and
sections hereof are for convenience of reference only and shall not limit or
affect the meaning or construction of any provision hereof.
                            ARTICLE 2
                        SECURITY INTEREST
          SECTION 2.1.   Grant of Security Interest. As security for the due
and punctual payment in full of each of the Obligations,  the Company hereby
grants to the Bank a continuing  first  lien on and security interest in the
          SECTION 2.2.   Interest Continuing and Absolute.  Until payment in
full  of  all  the  Obligations   has  been  indefeasibly   made  after  the
Cancellation Date, the Bank's security


interest  in  the  Collateral  hereunder  shall  continue  in full force and
effect, and it and the Company's obligations hereunder  shall  be  effective
irrespective of any illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of the Bonds,
the  Letters  of  Credit,  the  Reimbursement Agreement or any other Related

          SECTION 2.3.   Perfection.  The Company shall perfect the security
interest of the Bank in the Collateral (a) in the  case of Pledged Bonds, by
delivering  such  Pledged Bonds  to the Custodian,  (b)  in the case of cash
proceeds forming part of the Collateral, by delivering the Collateral to the
Bank, (c) in the case  of uncertificated  securities  forming  part  of  the
Collateral,  by registering  such securities  in the name of the Bank or its
designee,  or  (d)  by any other method permitted  by the Uniform Commercial
Code as in effect in the State of New York  on the date  of such perfection.
All steps necessary for such perfection  shall  be taken  by the Company, in
the case of each Pledged Bond  forming  part  of the Collateral,  on the day
such Bond becomes a Pledged Bond and, in the case of proceeds,  immediately.

                            ARTICLE 3


          SECTION 3.1.   Representations   and   Warranties.   The   Company
represents  and warrants  to the Bank and, so long as any of the Obligations
remains unpaid, shall be deemed continuously to represent and warrant to the
Bank and the Custodian, as follows:

               (a)  At the time of delivery or transfer to the  Bank  or the
     Custodian of any Collateral, the Company will  have good and marketable
     title to and be the sole owner of,  such  Collateral, free and clear of
     all liens  and other  encumbrances,  other  than  the security interest
     created hereby, the Bank' s security interest in such Collateral  shall
     have been perfected and no financing statement or other instrument with
     respect to any of the Collateral shall  have  been  and continue  to be
     recorded, registered or filed and no security agreement with respect to
     any of the  Collateral  shall  have been executed by the Company, other
     than with respect to such security interest in favor of the Bank.

               (b)  The  Bank  has  a valid  and  perfected  first  priority
     security interest in the Collateral.

               (c)  The Collateral may be properly pledged hereunder.

               (d)  No consents or approvals of any Person are  required for
     the assignment and transfer by the Company of  any of the Collateral to
     the  Bank  hereunder,  or  the  subsequent  sale  or  transfer  of  the
     Collateral by the Bank pursuant to the terms hereof.

               (e)  This  Agreement  has been duly executed and delivered by
     the  Company  and  constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of
     the  Company,  enforceable  against  the Company in accordance with its

                            ARTICLE 4


          SECTION 4.1.   Protection  of the  Bank's  Security  Interest. The
Company shall defend its title to, and the Bank's  security interest in, the
Collateral  against  all claims  of all other  Persons,  and shall  keep the
Collateral  free  from  all liens  and  encumbrances  (other than the Bank's
security interest hereunder)  and pay or cause  to be paid promptly when due
all taxes, fees, assessments and other charges now or hereafter  imposed  on
or in respect of any of the Collateral.

          SECTION 4.2.   Sale of Collateral.  The Company shall not, without
the prior written consent of the Bank, sell,  transfer or otherwise  dispose
of, or permit any other Person to sell,  transfer  or otherwise  dispose of,
any of the Collateral or any of the Company's  interests therein,  except in
accordance  with  the  terms  of  this  Agreement,  the  Indentures  and the
Remarketing  Agreement. The receipt  by the Bank  of all or any part  of the
proceeds  of  any  sale,  transfer  or  other  disposition  of  any  of  the
Collateral,  except  in accordance  with the prior  sentence,  shall  not be
deemed or construed to be a consent by the Bank to any  such sale,  transfer
or other disposition.

          SECTION 4.3.   Further Assurances.  The Company shall  execute and
deliver to the Bank or the Custodian  such assignments  and other  documents
and instruments, and shall take all other  action relating to the Collateral
and the  preservation,  protection  or perfection  of  the  Bank's  security
interest therein, as the Bank may request, and the Company shall not file or
permit  to be filed  any financing  statement  (or amendment or continuation
statement)  or execute  any  security agreement  with respect  to any of the
Collateral unless it names the Bank as the only secured party. To the extent
permitted by law, the Company hereby  appoints  the Bank as its attorney-in-
fact (without requiring the  Bank to act as such)  to perform  all acts that
the Bank deems  appropriate  to preserve, protect and perfect its continuing
security  interest  in  the  Collateral  or  to  preserve  or  protect   the

                            ARTICLE 5


          SECTION 5.1.   Default Remedies.  If an Event of Default under the
Reimbursement Agreement  shall  occur  and be continuing,  the Bank shall be
entitled  to exercise  any one or more  (at the Bank's discretion, at one or
more times) of the following remedies:

               (a)  The Bank shall have the right to receive the Collateral,
     if any, then held by the Custodian, the  Remarketing Agent, the Trustee
     or any other Person, endorse,  assign or deliver in its own name or the
     name of the Company  any and all checks,  drafts  and other instruments
     for the  payment  of money  relating  to or constituting  part  of  the
     Collateral,  and cause  the Collateral to be registered in the  name of
     the Bank or its designee, and the Company  hereby  waives  presentment,
     protest and notice of


     nonpayment  of any  instrument  so  endorsed.  In  furtherance  of  the
     foregoing, the  Company  hereby irrevocably appoints  the Bank,  or any
     of its  officers  or designees,  the Company's  lawful attorney-in-fact
     (without requiring the Bank so to act), with power of  substitution, in
     the name of the Company or in the name of  the Bank  (i) to endorse the
     name of the Company upon any of the Collateral, including proceeds, and
     to cause any of the Collateral to be registered in the name of the Bank
     or its designee; (ii) to demand, collect, receive  payment of,  receipt
     for and give discharges  and releases  of any of the  Collateral; (iii)
     to commence and prosecute any and all  actions or proceedings at law or
     in equity in any cour t to collect  or otherwise  realize on any of the
     Collateral to  enforce any rights in respect thereof; (iv) to initiate,
     settle, compromise, compound, adjust or defend  any actions,  suits  or
     proceedings relating or pertaining to any of the  Collateral;  and  (v)
     to sell, transfer, assign, discount, negotiate or otherwise deal in all
     or any portion of the  Collateral or the proceeds thereof and generally
     to perform  all other  acts necessary  or desirable  to realize on, and
     obtain the benefits of, the Collateral and otherwise to  carry  out the
     intention  of this Agreement,  as fully  and effectively  as though the
     Bank were the absolute owner  thereof, and the Company hereby  ratifies
     and confirms all  that the Bank shall do by virtue of this appointment.
     The Bank shall not, under any circumstances, have any liability for any
     error  or omission  made  in the settlement t collection  or payment or
     other disposition of any or all of  the Collateral or of any instrument
     received in payment therefor.
               (b)  The Bank may sell  or cause  to be sold, in one  or more
     sales, at such price as the Bank may deem adequate,  and for cash or on
     credit or for future delivery, with or without assumption of any credit
     risk , all or any portion of the Collateral, at public or private sale,
     without demand of performance or notice of intention to sell or of time
     or place of sale (except such notice as may be required  by  applicable
     statute and cannot be waived), and the Bank may be the purchaser of all
     or any portion of the Collateral so  sold; provided,  however, that the
                                                --------   -------
     Bank shall first give  notice  to the Trustee that  an Event of Default
     has occurred and is continuing. The purchaser(s) at any such sale shall
     thereafter hold the Collateral so sold absolutely, free from  any claim
     or right  whatsoever,  including  any  equity  of  redemption,  of  the
     Company.  Any such demand,  notice,  claim,  right or equity  is hereby
     expressly  waived  and released  by the Company.  Without  limiting the
     foregoing,  if any  such  notice of the time  or place  of sale  is  so
     required, the  Company agrees that the Bank need not give more than ten
     days' notice of the time and place  of any public  sale  or of the time
     after  which  a private sale or other intended  disposition  is to take
     place and that such notice is reasonable notification of such matters .
     The Bank shall  not, under  any circumstances, incur any liability as a
     result of the sale of the Collateral or any part  thereof  at any  sale
     conducted  in accordance  with the provisions  of this  Agreement.  The
     Company hereby waives any claims against the  Bank arising by reason of
     the fact that the price at which  the Collateral  may have been sold at
     any private sale was less than the price which might have been obtained
     at a public sale or was less than the aggregate principal amount of the
     Pledged Bonds or the then total unpaid Obligations.


               (c)  The Company  recognizes  that  the Bank  may not deem it
     desirable to effect a public sale of any or all of the Pledged Bonds or
     otherwise  but may deem  it desirable to resort  to one or more private
     sales thereof to a restricted  group  of purchasers who will be obliged
     to agree, among  other things, to acquire such securities for their own
     account  for investment  and not with  a view  to the  distribution  or
     resale thereof. The Bank shall be under no  obligation  to delay a sale
     of any of the Pledged Bonds for  the period of time necessary to permit
     the Issuer to register them for public sale under the Securities Act of
     1933, as amended  (the "Act"),  or under  applicable  state  securities
     laws, even should the Issuer agree to do so.
               (d)  The Company shall do or cause to be done all  such other
     acts and things as may be deemed necessary or  desirable by the Bank to
     make such sale  or sales  of any  portion  or all of the  Pledged Bonds
     valid  and  binding  and  in  compliance  with  all  applicable   laws,
     regulations, orders,  writs,  injunctions, decrees or awards of any and
     all courts,  arbitrators or governmental instrumentalities, domestic or
     foreign, having  jurisdiction  over any such sale  or sales,  including
     registering such Bonds under the Act, or any state  securities laws (to
     the extent necessary), all at the Company's expense.
               (e)  The  Company  acknowledges  that a breach  of any of the
     covenants contained in this Article 5 will cause  irreparable injury to
     the Bank and that the Bank has no  adequate remedy at law in respect of
     any such breach  and, as a consequence,  agrees  that  each  and  every
     covenant contained  in this Article 5 shall be specifically enforceable
     against  the Company,  and the Company hereby  waives and agrees not to
     assert any defenses against an action for specific  performance of such
     covenants except for a defense that no Event of Default has occurred.
          SECTION 5.2.   Remedies Not Exclusive.  (a) The  remedies provided
for herein are cumulative and are not exclusive of any other rights, powers,
privileges or remedies provided by law or under the Reimbursement Agreement,
including, without  limitation,  all rights and remedies  of a secured party
under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the  State of
New York on the date of the exercise of any such remedy. The exercise by the
Bank  of any  one or more  remedies  under  Section 5.1,  above,  shall  not
constitute a waiver, or otherwise  prohibit,  the  exercise  by the Bank  of
other remedies provided herein or by law at the same or other times.
               (b)   The  Bank   shall  not  be  required  to  exercise  any
particular  rights,  powers, remedies or benefits  hereunder  or  under  the
Reimbursement  Agreement  or  any  Related  Document.  Without limiting  the
generality  of  the  foregoing,  the  Bank  (i) shall be entitled to seek to
realize upon or enforce the Collateral in such order  as it may from time to
time determine  and without regard to whether or not any other collateral or
security  for  any  of the Obligations shall have been resorted to, and (ii)
shall not be required to  exhaust  or enforce  any particular portion of the
Collateral  before  seeking  to  realize  or  enforce upon any other portion

                            ARTICLE 6

          SECTION 6.1.   Collections  on Pledged  Bonds  by the Company. (a)
If, while  any of the  Obligations  are  outstanding,  the  Company  becomes
entitled to receive or receives any payment  in respect of any Pledged Bond,
the Company shall accept such  payment as the Bank's agent, hold it in trust
on behalf of the Bank and deliver  it forthwith  to the Bank for application
to satisfaction of the Obligations then due and payable. All sums  of  money
so paid in respect of any payment of interest on, or any portion of purchase
price equal to the amount of accrued interest on, any Pledged Bond which are
received by the Company  and paid  to the Bank shall be credited against the
obligation of the Company to pay interest to the Banks set forth in Sections
2.04 and 2.05 of the Reimbursement Agreement. All sums of money  so paid  in
respect  of any payment  of principal  of, or any portion  of purchase price
equal to the principal amount of, any Pledged Bond which are received by the
Company and paid to the Bank shall be credited against the obligation of the
Company to pay principal to the Banks set forth in Sections 2.04 and 2.05 of
the Reimbursement Agreement.
          SECTION 6.2.   Application of Proceeds. All proceeds received from
the sale or other disposition of, or realization on or with respect  to, all
or any part of the Collateral shall be applied by the Bank, in such order as
the Bank, in its sole  discretion, may determine to the payment of the costs
and expenses of such sale, disposition  or realization,  including,  without
limitation,  reasonable  fees and expenses  of counsel  for the Bank and all
expenses, liabilities and advances of the Banks in connection therewith, and
to the payment of the remaining Obligations.

                            ARTICLE 7

                     RELEASE OF COLLATERAL;
          SECTION 7.1.   Release of Collateral.  If (a) the Company  prepays
or causes  to  be  prepaid  any  Advance  pursuant  to  Section 2.06  of the
Reimbursement Agreement, (b) the Remarketing  Agent  causes Pledged Bonds at
the time held  hereunder  to be sold, or (c) the  Obligations  are otherwise
satisfied, upon receipt of such  prepayment  or of the proceeds of such sale
or other  satisfaction  of the Obligations,  Pledged  Bonds  in an aggregate
principal amount equal to the prepayment so made, or the principal amount of
Pledged  Bonds  so  sold,  or  the  Obligations   so  satisfied,   shall  be
automatically released from the lien of this  Agreement and  the Company  or
its designee shall be entitled to have  the released  Bonds delivered to the
Remarketing Agent,  the Company  or such other  Person as designated  by the
Company in accordance  with the terms  of the relevant  Indenture; provided,
however, that before any delivery of such  released Bonds, the  Trustee  and
- -------
the  Custodian  shall  have  received  notice  from the Bank, in the form of
Exhibit 4  to the relevant  Letter of Credit,  of the reinstatement  of  the
amounts so


prepaid, sold or satisfied as available under such Letter of Credit and such
notice  shall  constitute  notice  to release the Pledged Bonds pursuant  to
Section 406(b) of the Indenture.
          SECTION 7.2.   Company's  Liability  for Deficiency.  The  Company
shall in any event remain liable for any deficiency  remaining  unpaid after
the application of the proceeds of the Collateral to the satisfaction of the
                            ARTICLE 8
          SECTION 8.1.   Expenses.  The  Company  shall  pay to the Bank all
expenses (including reasonable fees and expenses of counsel) of, or incident
to, any actual or attempted sale or other  disposition  of, or any exchange,
enforcement (whether  through negotiations, legal proceedings or otherwise),
collection,  compromise or settlement  of or with respect  to, all or any of
the Collateral, by litigation or otherwise.  The Company shall reimburse the
Bank on demand for all reasonable  costs and expenses incurred in connection
with the negotiation,  preparation,  execution  and administration  of  this
Agreement,  including, without  limitation, any fees or expenses  (including
reasonable fees and expenses of counsel to the Custodian) paid by  the  Bank
to the Custodian for its services in connection with this Agreement.
          SECTION 8.2.   Notices.  All  notices   and  other  communications
provided   for  hereunder   shall  be  in  writing   (including  telegraphic
communication) and mailed, telecopied,  telexed, telegraphed or delivered to
the parties to the telex or telecopier  number  or address  (as the case may
be) specified for the intended recipient on the signature page hereof, or to
such other  number or address as such recipient may have last  specified  by
notice to the other party.  All such notices and communications  shall, when
mailed, telecopied, telexed or telegraphed,  be effective  when deposited in
the  mails  or  sent  by telecopy  or telex  or delivered  to the  telegraph
company, respectively, addressed as aforesaid.
          SECTION 8.3.   Remedies and Waivers.  No failure  or delay  on the
part of the Bank in exercising any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver
of, or impair, any such right.  No single  or partial  exercise  of any such
right shall preclude any  other or further exercise thereof  or the exercise
of any other  right.  No waiver of any such right shall  be effective unless
given in writing.  No waiver of any such right shall be deemed  a waiver  of
any other right hereunder.  The remedies herein  provided are cumulative and
not exclusive of any remedies provided by law.
          SECTION 8.4.   Amendment.  No amendment or waiver of any provision
of this Agreement,  nor consent to any departure  by the Company  therefrom,
shall in any event  be effective  unless  the same  shall  be in writing and
signed by the Custodian and the  Bank, and then such waiver or consent shall
be effective only in  the specific instance and for the specific purpose for
which given.
          SECTION 8.5.   Assignment.  (a) This  Agreement  shall  be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the Custodian, the Bank and the Company and
their respective successors


and assigns;  provided, however, that the Company  may not assign any of its
              --------  -------
rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent
of the Bank.
               (b)  If  the  Bank  or the  Custodian  assigns  or  otherwise
     transfers any of its rights and obligations  hereunder, each  reference
     in this Agreement to the Bank or the Custodian,  as the  case  may  be,
     shall be deemed to be a  reference to the Bank or the Custodian, as the
     case  may  be, and  the Person  or Persons  to which  such  rights  and
     obligations  were  assigned  and transferred  to the  extent  of  their
     respective interests.
          SECTION 8.6.   Governing Law.  This  Agreement  shall  be governed
by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with,  the laws of the State
of New York.
          SECTION 8.7.   Custodian Appointed Agent. The Bank hereby appoints
the Custodian as its agent to receive and hold  Pledged  Bonds  constituting
Collateral   granted  hereunder   for  the  Bank's   account.   The  Company
acknowledges  such appointment  and agrees  with the Bank and the Custodian,
which by its execution of this Agreement accepts such appointment, that, for
so long  as this Agreement  shall  remain  in full  force  and  effect,  all
certificates  or instruments  representing  or evidencing  the Pledged Bonds
shall be delivered to and held by the Custodian, as agent for the Bank.
          SECTION 8.8.   Reasonable Care.  The Custodian shall be  deemed to
have  exercised  reasonable  care  in the custody  and preservation  of  the
Collateral  in its  possession  if  the  Collateral  is  accorded  treatment
substantially equal to that which the Custodian accords its own property.
          SECTION 8.9.   Integration of Terms.  This Agreement  contains the
entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject  matter  hereof
and supersedes all oral statements and prior writings with respect thereto.
          SECTION 8.10.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed  in
counterparts,  and  such  counterparts  taken  together  shall  be deemed to
constitute one and the same agreement.
          SECTION 8.11.  Severability.  Any  provision   of  this  Agreement
which is prohibited or unenforceable in any  jurisdiction shall,  as to such
jurisdiction,   be  ineffective  to  the  extent  of  such  prohibition   or
unenforceability  without  invalidating  the remaining  provisions hereof or
affecting  the validity  or enforceability  of such  provision  in any other


          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this  Agreement
to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written.
                              NEVADA POWER COMPANY
                              6226 West Sahara Avenue
                              P.O. Box 230
                              Las Vegas, Nevada  89151
                              Telecopy: (702) 367-8803
                              Attention: Treasurer
                              THE UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF
                              NEW YORK, as Custodian
                              BARCLAYS BANK PLC, NEW YORK BRANCH


                                                        EXHIBIT C
                                           [Date of Issuance of
                                            Letter of Credit]
    To Barclays Bank PLC, New York Branch,
    as Administrative Agent and the Banks party
    to the Reimbursement Agreement referred to below
                      Nevada Power Company

          This opinion  is furnished  to you pursuant  to Section 3.01(k) of
the Letter  of Credit  and Reimbursement  Agreement,  dated as of October 1,
1995  (the "Reimbursement  Agreement"),  among  Nevada  Power  Company  (the
"Company"), Barclays  Bank PLC New York Branch, as Letter of Credit Bank and
Administrative  Agent,  and the Banks  party  thereto.  Terms defined in the
Reimbursement Agreement are used herein as therein defined.
          I am General  Counsel  of the Company  and, as such, have acted as
counsel  for the Company in connection  with the preparation,  execution and
delivery  of,  and  the  closing  on  this  date  under,  the  Reimbursement
          In that connection, I have examined:
          (1)  The Reimbursement Agreement .
          (2)  The Related Documents.
          (3)  The other  documents  furnished  by the Company  pursuant  to
     Article III of the Reimbursement Agreement, including the PUC Order.
          (4)  The  Articles  of  Incorporation   of  the  Company  and  all
     amendments thereto (the "Charter").
          (5)  The by-laws of the Company  and all amendments  thereto  (the


          (6)  A certificate  of  the  Secretary  of  State of the  State of
     Nevada, dated [                ], attesting to the  continued corporate
     existence and good standing of the Company in that State.
          I have  also  examined  the originals,  or copies certified  to my
satisfaction, of all of the indentures, loan or credit  agreements,  leases,
guarantees,   mortgages,   security  agreements,   bonds,  notes  and  other
agreements or instruments, and all of the  orders, writs, judgments, awards,
injunctions and decrees  (each, a "Restrictive Document"),  which affect  or
purport  to affect  the Company's  right  to borrow  money  or the Company's
obligations  under the Reimbursement Agreement  or the Related Documents  to
which it is a party.  In addition, I have examined the originals, or  copies
certified  to my  satisfaction,  of such  other  corporate  records  of  the
Company, certificates of public officials  and of officers  of the  Company,
and agreements, instruments and other  documents, as I have deemed necessary
as a basis  for  the  opinions  expressed  below.  As to  questions  of fact
material  to  such   opinions,  I  have,  when  relevant   facts  were   not
independently  established by me, relied upon certificates of the Company or
its officers or of public officials.  I have assumed the due  execution  and
delivery, pursuant to due authorization, of the  Reimbursement Agreement and
the Related Documents by the parties thereto other than the Company.
          I am qualified to practice law in the State of Nevada and I do not
express any opinion on any laws other  than the laws  of the State of Nevada
and the Federal laws of the United States.
          Based  upon  the foregoing  and upon such investigation  as I have
deemed necessary, I am of the following opinion:
          1.   The Company is a corporation duly organized, validly existing
     and in good standing under the laws of the State of Nevada.
          2.   The execution, delivery and performance by the Company of the
     Reimbursement  Agreement  and  the  Related  Documents to which it is a
     party  are  within  the  Company's corporate  powers,  have  been  duly
     authorized by all necessary corporate action, and do not contravene (i)
     the  Charter  or the By-laws  or  (ii)  any  law,  rule  or  regulation
     applicable  to the Company (including, without limitation, Regulation X
     of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) or  (iii)  any
     contractual  or legal restriction contained in any Restrictive Document
     or, to the  best  of  my  knowledge,  contained  in  any  other similar
     document.  The  Reimbursement  Agreement  and the Related  Documents to
     which  it is a party have been duly executed and delivered on behalf of
     the Company.

          3.   No authorization, approval or other action by, and  no notice
     to or filing with, any governmental  authority  or regulatory  body  is
     required for the due execution, delivery and performance by the Company
     of the Reimbursement Agreement and the Related Documents to which it is
     a party,  except  for the PSC Order,  which has been duly obtained,  is
     final  and is in full  force  and  effect.  The  PSC  Order  is not the
     subject of appeal or reconsideration or other review, and no subsequent
     appeal or reconsideration or

     other review  of the PSC Order  will have any adverse  effect  upon the
     legality, validity or enforceability of the Company's obligations under
     the  Reimbursement  Agreement  or the Related  Documents  to which  the
     Company is a party.
          4.   There are no pending or, to the best of my knowledge, overtly
     threatened  actions  or proceedings  against  the Company or any of its
     Subsidiaries before any court,  governmental  agency  or arbitrator (i)
     which purport  to affect  the legality,  validity,  binding  effect  or
     enforceability of the Reimbursement Agreement  or any Related  Document
     to which  the Company  is a party  or  (ii)  except as disclosed in the
     Company's  December 31, 1994]  Report  on Form  10-K as filed  with the
     Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  which  are  likely  to  have  a
     materially adverse effect upon  the financial  condition  or operations
     of the Company or any  of its Subsidiaries;  and there  has occurred no
     material  adverse  developments  in any such  action  or proceeding  so
                              Very truly yours,


                                           EXHIBIT D
                                           [Dates of Issuance of
                                            Letter of Credit]
    To Barclays Bank PLC, New York Branch,
    as Administrative Agent and the Banks party
    to the Reimbursement Agreement referred to below
                      Nevada Power Company

          This opinion  is furnished  to you pursuant  to Section 3.01(l) of
the  Letter of Credit  and Reimbursement Agreement,  dated  as of October 1,
1995  (the  "Reimbursement  Agreement"),  among  Nevada  Power  Company (the
"Company"), Barclays Bank PLC, New York Branch,  as Administrative Agent and
Letter of Credit Bank,  and the Banks  party  thereto.  Terms defined in the
Reimbursement Agreement are used herein as therein defined.
          We have acted as Special Counsel to the Company in connection with
the preparation,  execution  and delivery  of, and the closing  on this date
under, the Reimbursement Agreement.
          In that connection, we have examined:
          (1)  The Reimbursement Agreement.
          (2)  The Related Documents.
          (3)  The other  documents  furnished  by the  Company  pursuant to
               Article III of the Reimbursement Agreement, including the PUC
               Order .
          In addition, we have examined the originals,  or copies  certified
to our  satisfaction,  of such  other  corporate  records  of  the  Company,
certificates  of public  officials  and  of officers  of  the  Company,  and
agreements, instruments and other documents, as  we have deemed necessary as
a basis for the opinions expressed  below.  As to questions of fact material
to such  opinions,  we  have,  when  relevant  facts  were not independently
established by  us, relied  upon certificates of the Company or its officers
or of public  officials.  We have assumed  the due  execution  and


delivery, pursuant  to due  authorization,  of the  Reimbursement  Agreement
and the Related Documents by the parties thereto other than the Company.
          We are qualified  to practice  law in the  State of California and
are familiar with the laws of the State of Nevada to the extent necessary to
permit  us to express  the  opinions  hereinafter  set forth in paragraph 3.
Accordingly, our opinions  herein  are limited  to the laws  of the State of
California, the State of Nevada and the Federal laws of the United States.
          For purposes of the opinions expressed below, we have  relied with
your permission  on the opinion  of Richard L. Hinckley, General Counsel  of
the Company, being delivered to you on this date pursuant to Section 3.01(m)
of the Reimbursement Agreement.
          Based  upon  the foregoing  and upon such investigation as we have
deemed necessary, we are of the opinion that
          1.   Each of the Reimbursement Agreement, the Custodian  Agreement
     and the other Related Documents to which the  Company is a party is the
     legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company, enforceable against
     the Company in accordance with its terms.
          2.   The  Custodian  Agreement  is effective to create a valid and
     perfected  security  interest  in any right,  title and interest in the
     Bonds from time to time  pledged  thereunder  superior  in right to any
     liens, existing or  future, which the Company, the Issuer, the Trustee,
     the Remarketing Agent or any other Person may have against  such  Bonds
     or any interest therein.
          3.   In any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to the
     Reimbursement Agreement or the Custodian  Agreement in any court of the
     State of Nevada or in any Federal court sitting in the State of Nevada,
     such court would recognize and give effect to the provisions of Section
     7.10 of the Reimbursement Agreement  and  Section 8.6  of the Custodian
     Agreement  wherein  the parties  thereto  agree  that the Reimbursement
     Agreement  and the Custodian  Agreement,  as the case  may be, shall be
     governed by, and  construed  in accordance  with, the laws of the State
     of New York.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a court
     of the  State of Nevada  or a  Federal court  sitting  in the  State of
     Nevada would  apply  the usury  law of the State of New York, and would
     not apply the usury law of the State  of Nevada,  to the  Reimbursement
     Agreement.  In this connection, we call your attention to the fact that
     the Supreme Court  of Nevada  has indicated  in certain of its opinions
     that it may decline  to enforce  laws  of other  jurisdictions which it
     believes to be contrary  to the public  policy of Nevada.  Although the
     Supreme Court of Nevada has  sustained a decision enforcing the laws of
     another state, including usury provisions, we cannot give any assurance
     that, under any specific circumstances, the courts might not decline to
     enforce  New York  usury  or other  laws  on public policy  grounds not
     previously  indicated  (although no facts or circumstances have come to
     our attention in the context of the present transaction that lead us to
     believe that the present transaction would be contrary to public policy

     considerations  articulated  by the  Supreme Court of Nevada  to date).
     However, if a court were to hold that the  Reimbursement Agreement  and
     the  Custodian  Agreement  are  governed  by, and  to be  construed  in
     accordance  with,  the laws  of the State of Nevada,  the Reimbursement
     Agreement and  the Custodian Agreement  would be, under the laws of the
     State of Nevada, legal, valid and binding  obligations  of the  Company
     enforceable  against  the Company  in accordance  with their respective
          4.   The  offer,  sale  and  delivery  of  the  Bonds  under   the
     circumstances  contemplated  by the  Related Documents  do not  require
     registration of the Bonds under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
     and do not require compliance with  the  qualification  requirements of
     the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended.
          5.   No authorization, approval or other action by, and  no notice
     to or filing  with,  any governmental  authority  or regulatory body is
     required for the due execution, delivery and performance by the Company
     of the Reimbursement  Agreement  and the  Related Documents  to it is a
     party, expect for the PSC Order, which has been duly obtained, is final
     and is in full force and effect.  The PSC Order is not  the  subject of
     appeal or reconsideration or other review, and no  subsequent appeal or
     reconsideration or other review of the  PSC Order will have any adverse
     effect upon the legality,  validity or enforceability  of the Company's
     obligations  under the Reimbursement Agreement or the Related Documents
     to which the Company is a party.
          Our opinions  set forth  in paragraphs 1 and 3, above, are subject
to the effect  of any  applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,
moratorium or similar law affecting  creditors'  rights  generally  and  the
effect of general principles  of equity (regardless of whether considered in
a proceeding in equity or at law).
                              Very truly yours,
