This  Consulting  Agreement  (this  "Agreement") is entered into on September 2,
2003  between  New  Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc. a New Jersey corporation (the
"Company"),  and  Sigmund  Freedman  (the  "Consultant").

Whereas,  the Company desires to obtain the benefit of the Consultants knowledge
and experience by retaining the Consultant, and the Consultant desires to accept
such position, for the term and upon the other conditions hereinafter set forth.

Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements contained
herein,  the  adequacy  and  sufficiency  of  which are hereby acknowledged, the
Company  and  the  Consultant  hereby  agree  as  follows:

1.     EFFECTIVE  DATE AND CONSULTING TERM: This Agreement shall be effective on
the  date  first  written  above  (the  "Effective Date").  The Consultant shall
commence  rendering  his  consulting services hereunder on September 2, 2003 and
shall  continue  to  render such services for a one year term expiring on August
31, 2004 (the "Consulting Term"), unless this Agreement is terminated earlier in
accordance  with  Section  5  or  6  below.

2.     POSITION  AND  DUTIES:  During the Consulting Term, the Consultant shall,
at  the  request  of  the Company's President or Chief Executive officer, render
consulting  services  to the Company relating to treasury and financial matters.
During  the Consulting Term, the Consultant shall not be required to devote more
than  40  hours per month to the rendering of his consulting services hereunder.

3.     LOCATION:  The  Consultant's consulting services shall be rendered at the
Company's  principal  executive  offices  or  at  any  other  mutually agreeable
location.  The  Company  will  provide  the  Consultant  with  office  space and
secretarial  or  other  support  services  in  connection  with his rendering of
consulting  services  hereunder.

COMPENSATION:  The Consultant shall be compensated by the Company at the rate of
$3,250  per  month.

4.3     EXPENSES:  During  the  Consulting Term, the Company shall reimburse the
Consultant  for all previously approved business expenses reasonably incurred by
the  Consultant  in  the  performance  of his consulting services hereinunder as
requested  by  the  President  or the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and
upon  submission  to the Company of appropriate documentation in respect of such

4.4  BENEFITS:  During the Consulting Term, the Consultant shall not be entitled
to  any  employee  benefits (e.g. group health, insurance, vacation, sick leave,
severance  or  401(k)  participation)  from  the  Company.

5.  VOLUNTARY  TERMINATION:  The  Consultant  may  voluntarily  terminate  his
consultancy  for  any  reason  upon providing the Company with thirty (30) days'
prior  written  notice.  In  the event the Consultant voluntarily terminates his
consultancy  with  the  Company,  the  Consultant  shall  be  entitled  to  no
compensation  from  the  Company  other  than  in  respect  of  (i)  any  weekly
installment  of consulting fees earned but not yet paid as of the effective date
of his termination and (ii) the reimbursement of his expenses in accordance with
Section  4  (c)  above.

6.  OTHER  TERMINATION:  The  Consultant's  consultancy may be terminated by the
Company  in the event of the Consultant's death or disability (as defined below)
or  for  cause  (as  defined below).  Upon termination under this Section 6, the
Consultant  shall  be entitled to no compensation from the Company other than in
respect of (i) any weekly installment of consulting fees earned but not yet paid
as  of  the  effective date of his termination and (ii) the reimbursement of his
expenses  in  accordance  with  Section  4  (c)  above.  For  purposes  of  this
Agreement, (a) "disability" means the Consultant's inability to perform services
for  any  consecutive  30-day  period  as  a  result of a physical and/or mental
impairment  and  (b)  "for  cause"  means  a  termination  of  the  Consultant's
consultancy  by  the  Company for any of the following reasons:  (i)  any action
taken  by  the  Consultant  which  has  a material and detrimental effect on the
Company, its shareholders, its reputation or its business; (ii) the Consultant's
willful  and continued refusal to perform any duty reasonably assigned to him in
accordance  with  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement; (iii) any breach of this
Agreement by the Consultant, which if curable, is not cured within ten (10) days
following written notice from the Company to the Consultant of such breach; (iv)
the Consultant's conviction (including any plea of guilty or nolo contendre) for
any  criminal  act  which impairs the Consultant's ability to perform his duties
under  this  Agreement;  or  (v)  the  Consultant becoming an officer, director,
employee or agent of, or a consultant to, a corporation, person, firm or entity,
which  in  the reasonable determination of the Company results in, or is, likely
to  result  in,  a  conflict  of  interest  with  the Consultant's position as a
consultant  to  the  Company.

7.     NON-SOLICITATION:  During  the period from the Effective Date through the
end  of  the  Consulting  Term  and  for  a  twelve month period thereafter, the
Consultant  will  not,  directly  or  indirectly,  recruit,  induce or otherwise
attempt  to  persuade  any  person  who  is  new  or who subsequently becomes an
employee  of  the Company to terminate his or her relationship with the Company.

8.     CONFIDENTIALITY:  The  Consultant  shall not, commencing on the Effective
Date  and at all times thereafter, directly or indirectly communicate or divulge
to,  or  use  for  the  Consultant's own benefit or for the benefit of any other
person,  or  entity,  any  of  the Company's trade secrets, proprietary data and
confidential  information  (including without limitation, non public information
pertaining  to  or derived from (i) meetings at the Company and (ii) discussions
with  any  officer  or  employee  or  former  officer or employee of the Company
communicated to or otherwise learned or acquired by the Consultant in the course
of  his  service  hereunder  or during the period when he was an employee of the

9.     MUTUAL  RELEASE:  The Consultant on behalf of himself and his successors,
assigns and heirs and on behalf of each person or entity claiming through any of
them,  and the Company, on behalf of itself and its affiliates, their respective
successors  and  assigns and each person or entity claiming through them, hereby
forever  relieves,  releases  and  discharges the other (and, as applicable, any
released  party's  successors,  predecessors, assigns, heirs, agents, directors,
officers  and  employees)  from any and all claims, debts, liabilities, demands,
obligations,  actions,  or  causes  of  action,  whether  arising out of acts or
omissions  occurring  before  the  execution of this Agreement, whether known or
unknown,  apparent or concealed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be
deemed  to  release.  (i) the Company or the Consultant in connection with their
respective  rights  and  obligations under this Agreement, (ii) the Consultant's
rights to indemnification or reimbursement under the Company's by-laws, articles
of  incorporation  or  insurance  policies  and (iii) the Consultant's rights to
reimbursement  of  expenses  incurred  in respect of his service to the Company.

10.     DISPUTE RESOLUTION:  In the event of any dispute or claim relating to or
arising out of the Consultant's relationship with the Company, this Agreement or
the  termination  of  the consultancy with the Company for any reason (including
but  not  limited  to, any claims of breach of contract, wrongful termination or
age,  disability  or other discrimination), any dispute or claim shall be fully,
finally  and  exclusively  resolved  by  binding  arbitration  conducted  by the
American  Arbitration  Association  in  Middlesex  County.

11.     OWNERSHIP  OF  COMPANY  DOCUMENTS: All memoranda, notes, lists, records,
reports,  presentation  material, and other documents, as well as all records or
information  stored  and/or  transmitted  in  electronic  media  (and all copies
thereof), made or compiled by the Consultant or made available to the Consultant
concerning  the business of the Company, and all confidential information of the
Company  in  any  form shall be the Company's property and shall be delivered to
the Company promptly upon the termination of this Consulting Agreement or at any
other  earlier  time  requested  by  the  Company.


12.1     REMEDIES:  In  view  of  the  difficulty  of  determining the amount of
damages  which  may  result from a violation by the Consultant of one or more of
his  convenants,  obligations  or  agreements  contained  in  this  Consulting
Agreement, Consultant acknowledges and agrees that the Company shall be entitled
to  such  relief  in  both  law  and  equity as an appropriate court or judicial
tribunal,  awards,  to  the  Company,  including, but not limited to, injunctive
relief  and  specific  performance.

12.2     SEVERABILITY  AND  REFORMATION:  If any part of this Agreement shall be
held  unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall nevertheless remain in
full  force  and  effect.

12.3     SURVIVAL:  Each  relevant  obligation  of  each party shall survive any
termination  of  this  Agreement  or  of  the Consultant's engagement hereunder.

12.4     RELATIONSHIP  BETWEEN  THE PARTIES:  It is expressly agreed between the
parties that the Consultant is retained by the Company only for the purposes and
to  the  extent set forth in this Agreement.  The relationship of the Consultant
to  the  Company  is that of an independent contractor and not as an employee or
agent  of  the  Company.

12.5     ASSIGNMENT:  Neither  this  Agreement  nor  any  of  the  rights  and
obligations  hereunder  may be assigned by either party hereto without the prior
written  consent  of the other party; provided, however, that this Agreement may
be  assigned  by  the Company to any of its affiliates or in connection with any
merger,  consolidation  or  sale  of  all  or  substantially  all of its assets.

12.6     WAIVER:  The  waiver  by  either  party  of  a  breach of any provision
contained  herein  shall  be  in  writing  and shall in no way be construed as a
waiver  of  any  succeeding  breach  of  such  provision or of the waiver of the
provision  itself.

12.7     GOVERNING  LAW:  This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in
accordance  with  the  laws  of  the  State  of New Jersey without regard to its
conflicts  of  law  principles.

12.8     HEADINGS:  The section or paragraph headings used in this Agreement are
included  solely  for  convenience and shall not affect or be used in connection
with  the  interpretation  of  this  Agreement.

12.9     AMENDMENTS:  No  amendments  or  additions  to  this Agreement shall be
binding  unless  the  same  is  in  writing  and  signed  by  both  parties.

12.10     ENTIRE  AGREEMENT:  This  Agreement  constitutes  the entire Agreement
between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all
prior  and  contemporaneous  agreements  with  respect  to  such subject matter.

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Agreement  has been executed the day and year first
above  written.


                         By:  David  Freedman
                         Title:  Chief  Executive  Officer

                         By:  Sigmund  Freedman
