Exhibit 10(e)

                          MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING

      WHEREAS, New England Power Company (NEP) provides all
requirements electric service at wholesale to its retail
affiliates, Massachusetts Electric Company, The Narragansett
Electric Company, and Granite State Electric Company (the NEES
Retail Companies) operating in the respective states of
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire;
      WHEREAS, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, the
Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission, and the New Hampshire
Public Utilities Commission regulate the retail rates of the NEES
Retail Companies, which retail rates include wholesale purchased
power costs paid to NEP under wholesale rates regulated by the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;
      WHEREAS, NEP's cost of providing service and wholesale rates
are affected by the new resources that NEP adds to meet the
electricity requirements of retail customers in Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, and New Hampshire;
      WHEREAS, the State Commissions have in place independent
processes through which they review the resource plans and
decisions by NEP prior to the time that those decisions are
reflected in wholesale rates to the NEES Retail Companies; and
      WHEREAS, the State Commissions, the NEES Retail Companies, and
NEP believe that plans and resource decisions can be implemented
most effectively under a coordinated, consensual, and consistent
process of review;
      NOW THEREFORE, NEP and the NEES Retail Companies commit to do
the following:

I.    Definitions.
      As used in this Memorandum:
      (A)   "Regional Integrated Resource Plan" means a fifteen-year,
            system wide resource plan filed by NEP and each NEES
            Retail Company with each respective State Commission that
            includes:  (1) a forecast of demands and kilowatthour
            usage by retail customers; (2) an inventory of existing
            resources; (3) an identification of additional resource
            needs; (4) a projection of the amount of capacity to be
            added through Significant New Supply Side Commitments and
            other supply side resources that are not Significant New
            Supply Side Commitments; (5) a projection of demand side
            resources expected to be developed over the planning
            horizon; (6) plans for compliance with new environmental
            laws, regulations, orders, or consent decrees before
            courts or regulatory agencies at existing units involving
            significant expenditures, including NEP's proposals to
            achieve compliance with the regulatory requirements under
            the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 at its eight units
            at the Salem Harbor and Brayton Point Stations and an
            evaluation of those proposals against other alternatives
            in the market; (7) a two-year implementation plan
            designed to detail how the Regional Integrated Resource
            Plan will be developed and implemented in the first two
            years; and (8) any other information required to be filed

            with the State Commission under state law or State
            Commission regulation.
      (B)   "Significant New Supply Side Commitment" means a
            commitment to either (1) a new contract with a power
            supplier ("Purchased Power Contract") or (2) a new
            generating project proposed by NEP that is incorporated
            in a unit power contract with the NEES Retail Companies
            pursuant to Paragraph III ("NEP Unit Power Contract"),
            which commitment:  (a) is executed or whose construction
            will commence after the Regional Integrated Resource Plan
            is filed; (b) extends for a period of three years or
            longer; (c) involves the purchase of an entitlement in at
            least 30 megawatts of additional capacity or requires the
            construction of a new generating unit having a total
            capacity greater than 30 megawatts; and (d) is intended
            to serve the electricity requirements of the NEES retail
      (C)   "FERC" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
      (D)   "State Commission" means the Massachusetts Department of
            Public Utilities, New Hampshire Public Utilities
            Commission, and Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission
            together with any other agency or agencies that are
            authorized under state law to receive or review utility
            forecasts and plans in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and
            Rhode Island.

      (E)   "All Requirements Tariff" means FERC Electric Tariff,
            Original Volume Number 1 of New England Power Company
            under which NEP makes all-requirements sales to the NEES
            Retail Companies and other wholesale customers.

II.   Coordinated State Review of the Regional Integrated Resource
      Plans for the NEES Companies.

      (A)   NEP and each NEES Retail Company shall jointly and
            concurrently file at least once every two years a
            Regional Integrated Resource Plan with each NEES Retail
            Company's respective State Commission.
      (B)   Each State Commission will review the Regional Integrated
            Resource Plan in accordance with state law.
      (C)   Within 30 days following either (1) the completion of
            reviews or the receipt of rulings by all State
            Commissions on the Regional Integrated Resource Plan
            filing or (2) one year following the filing of the
            Regional Integrated Resource Plan, whichever occurs
            first, NEP and the NEES Retail Companies shall file a
            compliance plan which shall:
                  (a) notify all State Commissions that the rulings
                  on the Regional Integrated Resource Plans are
                  consistent; or
                  (b) notify all State Commissions that the rulings
                  on the Regional Integrated Resource Plan are
                  inconsistent, identify all such inconsistencies,
                  propose a resolution designed to reconcile the 

                  inconsistencies, and request a joint hearing before
                  the State Commissions on the compliance filing.
      (D)   The State Commissions shall have the opportunity to
            supplement or revise their rulings in response to the
            compliance plan under Paragraph II.(C) by acting within
            90 days of the request.

III.  State Commission Review of Significant New Supply Side

      (A)   On or before its next general wholesale rate filing, NEP
            shall file with FERC amendments to its All Requirements
            Tariff requiring:  (1) all Significant New Supply Side
            Commitments, wherever located, to be made initially by
            the NEES Retail Companies, subject to review by their
            respective State Commissions under Paragraph III.(B), and
            conditioned upon a successful completion of that review,
            and (2) all Significant New Supply Side Commitments
            remaining after state review to be assigned by the NEES
            Retail Companies to NEP under Paragraph III.(C).
      (B)   The NEES Retail Companies shall execute all Purchased
            Power Contracts that represent Significant New Supply
            Side Commitments and all such contracts shall include a
            provision requiring an assignment to NEP in accordance
            with the terms of Paragraph III.(C).  In addition, the
            NEES Retail Companies shall sign NEP Unit Power Contracts
            for all projects constructed and owned by NEP that
            represent Significant New Supply Side Commitments under
            which NEP's rate recovery of appropriate project costs 

            will be through its All Requirements Tariff.  The NEES
            Retail Companies shall file each of these Significant New
            Supply Side Commitments with their respective State
            Commissions before the Significant New Supply Side
            Commitment becomes effective.  Each State Commission
            shall have 90 days to review the Significant New Supply
            Side Commitment; provided, however, that any State
            Commission may extend the review period for itself and
            all other State Commissions for up to an additional 30
            days by issuing a notice or order extending the review
            period.  If during the review period, as it may be
            extended, any State Commission, acting pursuant to state
            law and subject to appellate review, objects to the
            Significant New Supply Side Commitment or any of its
            terms, then the Significant New Supply Side Commitment
            shall be rendered null and void, and NEP and all NEES
            Retail Companies shall be precluded from going forward
            with the Significant New Supply Side Commitment.
      (C)   If no State Commission objects to a Significant New
            Supply Side Commitment within the review period, the
            Significant New Supply Side Commitment shall become
            effective in accordance with its terms.  If the
            Significant New Supply Side Commitment is a Purchased
            Power Contract, the NEES Retail Companies shall assign it
            to NEP, and if the Significant New Supply Side Commitment
            is a NEP Unit Power Contract, NEP may proceed with the
            project's development.

      (D)   If after the date this Memorandum is executed:
            (1)   A NEES Retail Company terminates all or any part of
                  its purchases under the All-Requirements Tariff; or
            (2)   A new law, rule, or order promulgated by a
                  legislature, court, regulatory agency or other
                  lawful authority limits the right of any NEES
                  Retail Company to be the exclusive seller of
                  electricity at retail within its current franchise
                  territory; or
            (3)   A new law, rule, or order promulgated by a
                  legislature, court, regulatory body or other lawful
                  authority limits NEP's right to make sales to any
                  NEES Retail Company under the All-Requirements
                  Tariff at prices established using NEP's reasonable
                  and prudent cost of providing service as determined
                  by FERC,
            then the costs that NEP has incurred to serve that NEES
            Retail Company shall be allocated to and paid by that
            NEES Retail Company and not allocated to or paid by any
            other NEES Retail Company.
      (E)   The procedures established in this Section do not
            represent in any way a preapproval process for the rate
            recovery by NEP of the costs associated with the
            Significant New Supply Side Commitment, and no action or
            failure to object by a State Commission shall bind the
            State Commission in any way in any future wholesale rate
            proceeding before the FERC in which NEP seeks rate 

            recovery of the costs associated with the Significant New
            Supply Side Commitment.  Specifically, failure to object
            to a Significant New Supply Side Commitment shall not
            preclude the State Commission from arguing to FERC in a
            later wholesale rate proceeding that NEP's entry into the
            Significant New Supply Side Commitment was unreasonable
            or imprudent.
      (F)   The procedures set forth in this Section shall apply only
            to the development of Significant New Supply Side
            Commitments.  Nothing in this Memorandum shall restrict
            or limit the rights or management discretion of NEP or
            the NEES Retail Companies to operate and manage their
            existing resources and the Significant New Supply Side
            Commitments that become effective or are developed
            following the State Commission reviews under this
            Memorandum, provided, however, that nothing in this
            Memorandum shall affect the existing authority of FERC,
            or the State Commissions with rate jurisdiction over
            reassigned resources, to determine following an
            investigation in which interested persons are permitted
            to intervene whether the costs incurred are appropriately
            recovered in jurisdictional rates.  Significant New
            Supply Side Commitments shall not include investments or
            improvements associated with:  (1) the ongoing operation
            or management of existing units and the Significant New
            Supply Side Commitments that have been developed under
            this Memorandum; or (2) compliance with environmental 

            laws, regulations, orders, or consent decrees before
            courts or regulatory agencies.  The Manchester Street
            Repowering Project, the replacement of units at the
            Vernon Hydro Station, and purchased power contracts made
            prior to the effective date of this Agreement are
            committed resources and shall not be included in the
            definition of a Significant New Supply Side Commitment
            and shall not be subject to the procedures set forth in
            this Memorandum, provided, however, that all contracts
            executed as a result of NEP's request for proposals dated
            December 17, 1991 (the Green RFP) shall be treated as
            Significant New Supply Side Commitments and shall be
            subject to the procedures set forth in this Memorandum.
IV.   Conservation and Load Management Programs.
      (A)   In an Offer of Partial Settlement filed with and approved
            by FERC in Docket Nos. ER 88-630-000 et al. (the W-10
            Partial Settlement), NEP agreed to cease wholesale rate
            recovery of Nondispatchable Program Costs associated with
            conservation and load management (C&LM) programs
            "whenever a state commission includes Nondispatchable
            Program Costs of that affiliate in retail rates."  (W-10
            Partial Settlement, II.E.3.).  NEP also reserved its
            right to seek recovery "in wholesale rates for any
            expenditures related to C&LM . . . incurred on or after
            January 1, 1993."  (Id at II.E.5.).  Following the
            approval of the W-10 Partial Settlement, each of the
            State Commissions has included the Nondispatchable 

            Program Costs of its respective NEES Retail Company in
            retail rates and NEP hereby waives its right under
            Section II.E.5 of the W-10 Partial Settlement to seek
            recovery of Nondispatchable Program Costs in wholesale
            rates during the effective period of this Memorandum of
            Understanding.  Nothing in this Memorandum shall affect
            or restrict NEP's ability to seek recovery of Planning
            and Dispatchable Program Costs in wholesale rates or
            prevent the reallocation of these costs back to the NEES
            Retail Companies, provided, however, that if NEP seeks to
            recover these costs, NEP will continue its practice of
            filing all relevant cost recovery information with the
            State Commissions at the same time that it files this
            information with FERC.  For purposes of this Memorandum,
            "Planning and Dispatchable Program Costs" and
            "Nondispatchable Program Costs" shall have the same
            meanings as in the W-10 Partial Settlement (II.D.1. and
      (B)   NEP agrees to make available to each State Commission
            information, data, and analysis necessary to establish
            the cost effectiveness of each NEES Retail Company's C&LM
            program when that program is evaluated from the
            perspective of the integrated NEES System based on NEP's
            marginal costs of providing electricity supplies in the
            context of the integrated, least cost resource plan, as
            well as from the perspective of the NEES Retail Companies
            based on NEP's wholesale rate.

V.    Term of Memorandum.
      The Term of this Memorandum shall commence when each State
Commission has approved this Agreement and FERC has approved NEP's
filing under Paragraph III.(A), and shall continue for the life of
any Significant New Supply Side Commitment that has become
effective under this Memorandum, provided, however, that NEP or any
NEES Retail Company may terminate their obligations to continue the
contracting and filing procedure for future Significant Supply Side
Commitments under Paragraph III, and NEP may rescind the
modifications to its All-Requirements Tariff made pursuant to
Paragraph III(A) by giving two years written notice to each State
Commission.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, NEP or any NEES Retail
Company may immediately terminate such obligations and rescind such
modifications if the following conditions are no longer met:
      (A)   All Significant New Supply Side Commitments, all
            contracts with qualifying facilities wherever they are
            located, and all other purchases from any supply side
            resource having a capacity greater than one megawatt are
            assigned to NEP by the NEES Retail Companies except for
            any qualifying facilities signed by Massachusetts
            Electric Company pursuant to the October 21, 1991 Offer
            of Settlement approved in Docket Nos. E.F.S.C. 91-24 and
            D.P.U. 91-114;
      (B)   An exemption for NEP and Massachusetts Electric Company
            from the Massachusetts Integrated Resource Management
            regulations set forth in 220 C.M.R. 10.00 et seq. is
            granted and remains in effect, and the review of 

            Significant New Supply Side Commitments under this
            Memorandum is the exclusive procedure for the prior
            review of Significant New Supply Side Commitments by
            State Commissions other than any further reviews that may
            be required by environmental and siting laws within the
            state in which the project is to be located or;
      (C)   Nondispatchable Program Costs are recovered in retail
            rates, and the State Commissions recognize as reasonable
            and appropriate all conservation and load management
            commitments made by or to other State Commissions when
            reviewing the Regional Integrated Resource Plans that are
            filed under Section I.B.

Granite State Electric Company             Massachusetts Electric Company

s/Lydia M. Pastuszek                       s/John H. Dickson
By: Lydia M. Pastuszek                     By: John H. Dickson
Title: President                           Title: President

New England Power Company      The Narragansett Electric Company

s/Jeffrey D. Tranen                  s/Robert L. McCabe
By: Jeffrey D. Tranen          By: Robert L. McCabe
Title: President                   Title: President

DATE: July 21, 1993