<PAGE 1>

                                                                     EXHIBIT 1

WHEREAS, the Employees Savings Plan of Commonwealth Energy System and
Subsidiary Companies (the Plan) was originally established effective September
1, 1962, amended from time to time, was restated in its entirety as of
December 1, 1975 as of January 1, 1979, as of May 11, 1981, as of January 1,
1984, as of January 1, 1985, as of January 1, 1989 and as of January 1, 1993;

WHEREAS, Section 14.01 of the Plan gives Commonwealth Energy System (the
System) the right to further amend the Plan;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the covenants
contained herein, the System does hereby covenant and agree that the Plan
shall be amended in accordance with the following provisions.

1.   Effective January 1, 1997, Section 2.29 of the Plan is amended to read as

     "2.29   Highly Compensated Employee.  Effective as of January 1, 1997,
     means, for the current Plan Year, any employee who performed services for
     a Participating Company or any other entity referred to in Section
     2.291(ii) during the Plan Year; and was at any time during the Plan Year
     or during the preceding 12 month period a 5% Owner, as that term is
     defined in Section 416(i)(1)(B) of the Code and the regulations there-
     under; or received Compensation in excess of $80,000 for the preceding 12
     month period (or such amount as indexed in accordance with Section 415(d)
     of the Internal Revenue Code for the applicable Plan Year)."

     2.291   The following will apply in determining Highly Compensated

     (i)     A former Employee who does not perform services for a
     Participating Company or any other entity referred to in Section
     2.291(ii) during the current Plan Year shall be included as a Highly
     Compensated Employee for the current Plan Year if he was a Highly
     Compensated Employee upon his termination of employment or at any time
     after attaining age 55.

     (ii)    The determination as to who is a Highly Compensated Employee
     shall be made after determining within the controlled group (as deferred
     in Sections 414(b) and 414(c) of the Code) and after application of the
     special rules in Section 414(m), (n) and (o) of the Code."

2.   Effective as of the dates set forth in Section 2.42 as revised herein,
     Section 2.42 of the Plan is amended to read as follows:

     "2.42   "Participating Company" means the System and its subsidiaries,
     namely Cambridge Electric Light Company, Commonwealth Gas Company, Canal
     Electric Company, COM/Energy Services Company, Commonwealth Electric
     Company, Advanced Energy Systems, Inc. (effective December 12, 1996),
     COM/Energy Marketing, Inc. (effective May 23, 1997) and COM/Energy
     Technologies, Inc. (effective September 5, 1997) and any other corpora-
     tions or systems of which more than fifty (50%) of the voting stock or
     voting shares is or hereafter may be owned by the System and which, with
     the consent of the Board of Trustees, has become a party to the Plan and
     has adopted the trust agreement, each or any of them, as the case may be.

3.   Effective January 1, 1998, Section 3.02 of the Plan is amended to read as

<PAGE 2>

     "3.02   Other Employees.  Any Employee, except an Employee who is
     classified as a "Temporary Employee", who is not a Member of the Plan as
     of December 31, 1997 shall be eligible to become a Member of the Plan on
     January 1,1998.  Any Employee who is hired after December 31, 1997,
     except an Employee who is classified as a "Temporary Employee", shall be
     eligible to become a Member on the first day of the second month
     following the date he completes his initial Hour of Service.

     Any Employee, who is classified as a "Temporary Employee" shall be
     eligible to become a Member of the Plan as of the first day of the
     calendar month next following his completion of one year of Eligibility

4.   Effective January 1, 1998, Section 4.03 of the Plan is amended to add the
     following paragraph:

     "Effective January 1, 1998, the Savings Plan Board (or its delegate)
     shall maintain a separate Rollover Account for all Members eligible under
     Section 5.17.  All such Members shall be fully vested in their Rollover
     Account at all times."

5.   Effective January 1, 1998, Section 5.06 of the Plan is amended as

     "5.06   Transfer Between Investment Funds.  A Member, Inactive Member or
     Former Member may elect to transfer the Asset Balance of his Accounts in
     whole percentage amounts from any or all Investment Funds to any or all
     other Investment Funds; provided that immediately after such transfer,
     the total Asset Balance of the Accounts of the Member, Inactive Member or
     Former Member under Fund A shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the
     total Asset Balance of all the Accounts of the Member, Inactive Member or
     Former Member under all Investment Funds.  Such election to transfer may
     be made at any time, but not more than once a day, by directly notifying
     the Savings Plan Board (or its delegated agent) in the manner determined
     by the Savings Plan Board.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, beginning January 1, 1998, transfer of
     assets may be made from Fund D to any other Investment Fund except for
     Fund A provided the shares subject to the transfer have remained in the
     Plan (or the Tax Reduction Act of 1975 Employees Stock Ownership Plan and
     Trust of Commonwealth Energy System and Subsidiary Companies) for the
     required 84 months from the allocation date as required by Section 409(d)
     of the Code.  No transfer of assets shall be to Fund D from any other
     Investment Fund."

6.   Effective January 1, 1998, Article 5 is amended to add a new Section 5.17
     as follows:

     "5.17    Rollover Contribution.  An Employee may file a written request
     with the Savings Plan Board to accept his rollover contribution.  Any
     such request shall state the amount of the Rollover Contribution and
     include a statement that such contribution constitutes a Rollover

     The Savings Plan Board shall determine in accordance with a uniform and
     nondiscriminatory policy, whether or not such contribution originated
     from a plan qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code, and may require
     such Employee to submit such other evidence and documentation as it deems

     All Rollover Contributions must be in cash and the amount contributed
     under the Plan and any subsequent investment experience on such
     contributions shall be credited to the Employee's Rollover Account.

     For purposes of this Section 5.17, a Rollover Contribution means a
     rollover of an "eligible rollover distribution" as defined in Section
     402(c)(4) of the Code from a qualified plan or a distribution from a
     conduit Individual Retirement Account."

<PAGE 3>

7.   Effective January 1, 1998, Section 6.01 of the Plan is amended to add the
     following paragraph:

     "Notwithstanding the above, with regard to Employees who become eligible
     to become Members on or after January 1, 1998, such Members shall be
     eligible to share in Company Contributions commencing with the first
     payroll period of the calendar month following the month they complete
     one year of Eligibility Service described in Section 3.03 of the Plan."

8.   Effective January 1, 1998, Section 6.02 of the Plan is amended to add the
     following paragraph:

     "Notwithstanding the above, with regard to Employees who become eligible
     to become Members on or after January 1, 1998, such Members shall be
     eligible to share in the allocation of Company Contributions commencing
     with the first payroll period that begins in the calendar month following
     the calendar month in which they complete one year of Eligibility Service
     as described in Section 3.03 of the Plan."

9.   Effective January 1, 1998, Section 6.03 of the Plan is amended to add the
     following paragraph:

     "Effective for Employees who become eligible to become Members on or
     after January 1, 1998, the Company Account of such Members shall be fully
     vested on the first anniversary of the date such Employees first become
     eligible to become Members provided such Employees are employed by the
     Participating Employer or an Affiliated Company on such anniversary

10.  Effective January 1, 1998, Section 8.01 is amended to revise the last
     sentence to read as follows:

     "A Member, Inactive Member or Former Member shall be required to take an
     immediate lump sum payment without such Member's consent if the value of
     such payment is less than or equal to $5,000 (or such other amount as
     permitted by applicable law or regulations)."

11.  Effective January 1, 1998, Section 8.02 is amended to revise the last
     sentence to read as follows:

     "A Former Member shall be required to take an immediate lump sum payment
     without such Former Member"s consent if the value of such payment is less
     than or equals $5,000 (or such other amount as permitted by applicable
     law or regulations)."

12.  Effective January 1, 1998, Section 8.03 is amended to revise the last
     sentence to read as follows:

     "A Member, Inactive Member or Former Member shall be required to take an
     immediate lump sum payment without such Member's consent if the value of
     such payment is less than or equal to $5,000 (or such other amount as
     permitted by applicable law or regulations)."

13.  Effective January 1, 1998, Article 8 is amended to add new Section 8.13
     as follows:

     "8.13   Special Options for Terminated Information Services Employees. 
     Effective as of the transaction date, Members of the Plan who terminate
     employment as a result of the outsourcing of the information systems
     function to a third party service provider and who are subsequently
     employed by such third party service provider to assist with such
     outsourcing shall be provided with the following options:

     (a)     Members may elect to leave all of their Accounts with the Plan
     until such time they terminate employment with the third party service
     provider, at which time they may elect to receive distribution of all of
     their Accounts;

<PAGE 4>

     (b)     Members may elect to receive a distribution of all of their
     Accounts except their Pay Deferral Account which must be transferred to
     the qualified plan of the third party service provider."

     Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, all such Members who are
     so terminated due to the outsourcing of the information service function
     shall be fully vested upon such termination of employment."

14.  Effective January 1, 1998, Section 9.02 is amended to read as follows:

     "9.02   Regular Withdrawal.  Subject to 9.03 and 9.04, a Member, Inactive
     Member or disabled Former Member may not withdraw (i) any portion of his
     Company Account attributable to contributions not held in such Account
     for at least twenty-four (24) calendar months or (ii) any portion of his
     Pay Deferral Account.  Subject to these conditions, a withdrawal from his
     Accounts may be made from the Investment Funds specified by the Member,
     Inactive Member or disabled Former Member and in the following sequence
     of contributions and earnings:

     (a)     First, one hundred percent (100%) of his Member Account
     consisting of his contributions made to the Plan;

     (b)     Second, one hundred percent (100%) of his Rollover Account as
     described in Section 5.17;

     (c)     Third, one hundred percent (100%) of the earnings on his
     contributions in his Member Account; and

     (d)     Fourth, one hundred percent (100%) of his Company Account
     consisting of Participating Company contributions held in his Company
     Account for twenty-four (24) calendar months or longer and earnings

15.  Effective January 1, 1998, Article 9 is amended to add new Section 9.07
     as follows:

     "9.07   Withdrawals from Rollover Account.  A Member, Inactive Member or
     Former Member may withdraw all or part of the value of his Rollover
     Account as described in Section 5.17 at any time in accordance with the
     provisions of Section 9.02."

<PAGE 5>

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Commonwealth Energy System, Cambridge Electric Light
Company, Canal Electric Company, Commonwealth Gas Company, COM/Energy Services
Company, Commonwealth Electric Company, Advanced Energy Systems, Inc.,
COM/Energy Marketing, Inc. and COM/Energy Technologies, Inc. have caused this
Amendment to be duly executed in their name and on their behalf, this 14th day
of January, 1998.

                                      COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM*
                                      CAMBRIDGE ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY
                                      CANAL ELECTRIC COMPANY
                                      COMMONWEALTH GAS COMPANY
                                      COM/ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY
                                      COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY
                                      ADVANCED ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC.
                                      COM/ENERGY MARKETING, INC.
                                      COM/ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                      By: W. G. POIST                  
                                          W.G. Poist
                                          President of Commonwealth Energy
                                          System and Chairman of its
                                          Subsidiary Companies

                                      By: M. P. SULLIVAN               
                                          M.P. Sullivan
                                          Secretary of Commonwealth Energy
                                          System and Clerk of its Subsidiary

*The name "Commonwealth Energy System" means the trustees for the time being
(as trustees but not individually) under a Declaration of Trust, dated
December 31, 1926, as amended, which is hereby referred to, and a copy of
which has been filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 
Any agreement, obligation or liability made, entered into or incurred by or on
behalf of, said System binds only the trust estate, and no shareholder,
director, trustee, officer or agent assumes, or shall be held to, any
liability by reason therefore.